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File 133745763343.png - (153.49KB , 1250x1243 , 1332343506316140.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
34444 No. 34444
Guys, this isn't fun anymore.
I'm serious.

I used to think trolling was all in good fun and ribbing just like when you make jokes at your friends expense. But it's not. Yesterday my eyes were opened, and they were opened very wide.

Yesterday, I got trolled. Hard. By a master. Now I realize, I've crossed the line and it's too late to turn back now. I've wasted my life tormenting others for amusement; blissfully thinking they couldn't possibly harm me. Oh, how wrong I was.

He took me completely off guard. I suppose it's my own fault for letting my excitement blind me to what should have been obvious. I like to think I have a good knack for spotting trolls before they've managed to rustle my jimmies, but let me tell you: in the heat of the moment, it can happen to even the best of us.

I saw him there, boots shaking, vulnerable. It was too good to resist; I went for the gold.
...And he pulled the stage right out from under me.

I fell flat on my face, with the sound of his whiny voice piercing laughter in my ears. I've never been so low. I don't know if I can ever truly recover from such humiliation.

This could be the end for me. So be it. I can accept that burden, but only if I may take something else out with me. I only ask that you hear my story and don't make the mistakes I've made. Let me take your hatred from you. Learn to appreciate the different abilities of the colorful characters we've discussed here.

And please. Please, go easy on the transmen and women. They only wish to live their lives as they see in their minds eye. They mean no harm to anyone.

I'm so sorry for the trouble I've caused for you, RikAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAGOFUCKASHITUPYOURASS!
Expand all images
>> No. 34445
File 133745804269.gif - (186.38KB , 250x219 , clapping.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Such a touching story, OP.
>> No. 34446

Cool story bro.
>> No. 34447
Whoreos, I said i was sorry, okay?!

The cool kids were watching and i had to keep my reputation intact. We can still hang out, jsut not around school, okay?
>> No. 34448
Please, tell me more.
>> No. 34449
>jokes at your friends expense.
if i had friends, do you think i'd spend half as much time here as I do?
>> No. 34450

I never trolled my friends. We would usually band together and troll people on facebook, girls that we knew etc.

I use trolling as an encompassing term here. Basically we used to wind people up in our own roguish way.

Also XxX~~gudnite sweate OP :( :( :(~~XxX
>> No. 34451
Cool story, not talking about the same thing as anyone else bro
>> No. 34452
File 133745988531.gif - (163.56KB , 425x417 , 3fe.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
10/10 would read again
>> No. 34453
>> No. 34454
Oh Whoreos, you silly goose.
>> No. 34455
Cool, what are you, 14?
>> No. 34456
I guess I'm missing a joke or something....
>> No. 34457
File 133746580581.jpg - (67.90KB , 714x960 , Advice_inuboy2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
hi inuboy
>> No. 34458
I'll protect you from Negi & Matt those nasty trolls
>> No. 34459
You are not alone my friend. We were all fooled. It was possibly the most cunning act of trolling in the history of mankind. 5/18 will live in infamy as the day America got trolled. Also Turkey and Finland. Russia too.
>> No. 34460

This should be archived.
>> No. 34461
File 133748132585.jpg - (48.79KB , 460x345 , 133493635443.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A fresh and... riveting tale. 10/10
>> No. 34462

It's okay Whoreos. We are here for you.
>> No. 34463
welp when did they let all these namehomos become mods and admins you guys
>> No. 34464
Such a touching story. Reminds me of that one time some guys on the Internet told me I was a fag. I just kept crying for days.
>> No. 34465
File 133749727930.jpg - (39.44KB , 460x567 , manually.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
saging a sticky
>> No. 34466
Well...that was retarded.
Epic ween admin?
>> No. 34467
Hi Robbay!
>> No. 34468
File 133755050787.jpg - (9.38KB , 226x170 , _48241077_002243977-1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Interesting story. Have you considered eating the end of a fucking gun?
>> No. 34469
I sense much mad from this one.
>> No. 34470
Good thing you use a trip so I know to ignore you from now on.
>> No. 34471
A long time ago, summerfag.
>> No. 34472
It has always been that way here, dummy.
>> No. 34473
This thing's still here?
>> No. 34474
File 133755163819.jpg - (14.08KB , 167x200 , scaled.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I get that a lot.
>> No. 34476
Don't tell anyone, but this is my super secret plan to ttly pwn Robbie for that YHBT episode a few days ago. If he doesn't show up by Wednesday night, I guess I'll take off the sticky.

Yes, this was 100% EBIG WEEN homosexual deviantry. But I think you guys are smart enough to know that I'm not being serious when I say "I'm serious."
>> No. 34477
Bracing for b&s when people put this super serious scheme on Rob's ED page and everything is ruined.
>> No. 34478
Not even Rika's own kind thinks she is a good.
>> No. 34479
File 133757229297.jpg - (35.98KB , 274x287 , exhibit 4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 34480
If you see somebody refer to Rika as she, the poster is either a tranny, Rika, or a SJ type.
>> No. 34481
File 133757658589.jpg - (31.83KB , 552x600 , prettygirl.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mfw this thread

get a life guys
>> No. 34482
You need to work on your shaving.
>> No. 34483
>> No. 34484
Or a troll knowing that referring to her as she would rustle jimmies.
Is there a problem here, anonymous?
>> No. 34485
Is that Ed O'Neill?
>> No. 34486
>Or a troll knowing that referring to her as she would rustle jimmies.

I assume even most trolls have some degree of dignity.
>> No. 34487

Having phone sex with an autistic man twice your age isn't very dignified.
>> No. 34488
File 133764210949.jpg - (22.61KB , 505x333 , 789chan.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
My friend sent me this today and guess what, I knew there was someone fucking impersonating me. I know this type of bullshit could only come from here.

I trolled you so no need to get mad, you pitiful fucks. Identity fraud is a MUCH more serious crime than cyber stalking. I'm just going to sit back and let Facebook catch this asshole after I reported him, quick and easy.

You guys are really starting to slip up with your trolling methinks. I knew you'd fuck up someday.

Oh, and I'm NOT responding to any of your asshole posts so don't get your fucking hopes up.
>> No. 34489

Oh yeah Rika...You sperg like a good bad girl!
>> No. 34492
>Rika is back again

never ever learns
>> No. 34493
>I trolled you so no need to get mad, you pitiful fucks.

0/10 I ain't even mad.
>> No. 34494
> identity fraud

lol, making a fake Facebook profile isn't identity fraud, idiot.
>> No. 34495
File 133764269570.jpg - (29.38KB , 346x636 , 2zp1b2r.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

We already pointed out that nobody here even knew about the facebook, but okay, have fun imagining the facebook police arresting your trolls. Also, convincing us you were throwing a paranoid hissy fit over a fat guy in your apartment block you were convinced was going to kill you isn't really trolling. Pic related.
>> No. 34497
ROBBAYYYYYYYYY, why are you such an attention whore?
>> No. 34498
>identity fraud.

It is no more identity fraud than me saying I am Robert Wayne Stiles right now.

And when the fuck did you troll us? When you said there was a guy outside your place and we played along? Epin troling bro. Definetely on the same tier as writing an ED article on you and getting it as the top result on goggle and archiving six fucking threads of your fail for everyone to see forever.

You know, whoever said inb4 Robb starts claiming he trolled US was right on the money.

Not a damn thing will happen on FB except maybe it getting closed. And if so, they can just pen a new one. You are such a tard, no one cares what we do to you, homosexual deviant.
>> No. 34499
File 133764348357.jpg - (29.28KB , 500x283 , minogarin-500x283.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Your detective work is spot on.
I'm serious.

How could you possibly have known the /cwc/ was behind this facebook profile? It almost like you have detectives digging through IPs or something...
>> No. 34500
File 133764841784.jpg - (17.46KB , 300x295 , meddlingkids1[1].jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

and I would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn't been for you meddling trannies.
>> No. 34501
0/10, trash.

welcome back.
>> No. 34502
>I trolled you
>Identity theft
>> No. 34503
Goddamn Rika, I can't believe you work at that store. I mean I could easily picture you sucking cocks in the bathroom there but not working there. And your manager is a really nice guy, he even helped me out and confirmed it was really you. I would post the address of the place, nut that would just lead to dozens of people calling up screaming ROBAAAAAAAAAAY and I wouldn't want to subject a nice guy like him to that.
>> No. 34504
I take it that there is some behind the scene trolling going on, I eagerly await delicious cocks.
>> No. 34505
Or perhaps trolls just like making people mad no matter what side of the fence they lean on.
>> No. 34506
File 133765456534.jpg - (8.62KB , 250x193 , patrickconfused.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So like... what the hell's going on in this thread?
>> No. 34507
Never change Rob, never change.
>> No. 34509
Shut your fucking trap, Robert.
>> No. 34511

>trolls constantly bothering her every second of the day.

>Robert being the one to start all this shit by making threads and shitposting them, all archived in /L/

Hi Robert
>> No. 34512
I'm studying to become an engineer, here let me design the structure of your house.
>> No. 34514
10 years from now:
Robb tries to start an interweb war on the World of Warcraft 2 forums, declaring that the wraith berliner has returned to rain vengance down on anyone who would dare mock his erotic fanfic.

Someone with the elite computer skills to use google finds this library along with his ed page and links them there.

Robb rages about this inexcusable invasions of his privacy, stating that "those 789chan homosexual deviants" are totally still looking to hunt him down and kill him for the time he epically trolled them by convincing them there was a fat guy outside his apartment.

Meanwhile, no one from this thread is this wiser as they have all moved on with careers, families, and other more interesting stuff on the internet.

Robb shits his pants.
>> No. 34516

>Implying it will take 10 years for Blizzard to release WoW 2: Electric Boogaloo

>> No. 34517

This is the second fucking time you've defended MLP.
I can tell by how badly you mangle that word every time you do.

Get out, horsefucker. Just Go.
>> No. 34518
>they make the cheese cronies look normal

Nobody in the history of the world can make ponyfuckers look "normal".
>> No. 34519
10 years from now? Unlikely. Even those people obsessed with "lolcows" will have moved on to greener pastures and newer subjects in that amount of time. Robert however will cling to this forever, like he has with stargate forums and starwars. Do you think any of the neckbeards that posted there remember him beyond a vague recollection? Nah, they're too busy complaining about the ending to mass effect.
>> No. 34520
Funny thought occurred to me: not sure if this is true any more, but at one point philly had the highest obesity rate of any major us city.

Statistically speaking there WAS a fat guy outside of his apartment that day.

Mind = blown.
>> No. 34522
But that just means that statistically speaking, on any day, there will be at least one fatty outside Robert's apartment.

Hell, the fat field agent last week (WHO WAS TOTALLY AN ASSASSIN YOU GUYS OH WAIT NO HE WASN'T I TOTALLY FOOLED YOU) probably lives in the general vicinity of Robert, and will eventually be captured on film and presented as "evidence" to the police/FBI/CIA/Stonecutters that someone is out to get Robert.

tl;dr ROBBAYYYYY is a dumbfuck.
>> No. 34524
File 133766077162.png - (191.38KB , 412x426 , 1334541598464.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>this coney getting defensive and mad
>> No. 34525
If anyone else had posted this thread, they would have been banned for homosexual deviantry.
>> No. 34526
File 133766086454.jpg - (30.67KB , 488x326 , Annie-Clark-St-Vincent-2011.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>And then he deletes his post
>> No. 34528
Is that even a crime in your state? Also unless you got hacked all you have is cyber harrasment and not cyber tresspass, so unless a cyber bullying law where you live, I just don't see a serious crime here. Also do you really want the cops snooping around your life...
>> No. 34529
File 133766168745.png - (44.56KB , 762x138 , coneyvirgin.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wow. Conies sure are sharp. And witty, too.
>> No. 34530
It smells of a LiquidRika post, honestly.
>> No. 34531
I am going to point something out here for everyone.

You see, Rob, there's an interesting little bit about U.S. fraud laws concerning names. That being, in order to protect users like you from having mock facebooks made which can cause slander/libel or can disenfranchise you, everything you sign up for must have your LEGAL NAME. If you sign up for something with a name that is not your LEGAL NAME, you are comitting fraud under U.S. law.

Contemplate that, "Rika."
>> No. 34532
That sure was a "10/10 you totally got me mad rectally devastated JULAYYYYY" post.
Why'd the poster delete that?
>> No. 34533
Spend more on dental care and less on hormones please
>> No. 34534
You just keep posting and nothing ever happens.

Have fun having nightmares about the ED page. You're still featured on the front page under "Good New Articles" and "Current Threat", just that you know.
>> No. 34535
File 133767906741.jpg - (5.79KB , 320x213 , Robb apartment.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You returned just in time, because it's time for some more hoarded cocks. And I have a feeling you're particulary interested in this one image.

Now, we all know Robb lives in Philadelphia, 1512 Spruce Street. But in which apartment?

Now you know.

Enjoy your Anonmuss assassins Robb.
>> No. 34536
File 133768195095.jpg - (18.46KB , 500x217 , König.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He's already dead, M'lord.
>> No. 34537
for some reason i can just imagine rika smelling like an armpit, hairspray, and broken dreams.
>> No. 34538
File 133770009583.png - (50.46KB , 797x319 , nimetön.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
...but Robert, what are you doing?
>> No. 34539
File 133770072330.jpg - (72.11KB , 378x363 , 1337695385855.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 34540
Put this in the e.d. article. That way an epic ween guy will do something spurdo.
>> No. 34541
According to some ads, it's about 1700$ per month.

What do your parents do for a living, Robbay?
>> No. 34542
I'd rent a place like that for that much, provided it was rika free.
>> No. 34543
Apartment 7A, huh Rika?

Yeah, we'll be seeing you REAL soon.
>> No. 34544
Lets rent the apartment right next to his and turn it into a troll cave.
>> No. 34545
Bring condoms and beer
>> No. 34546
Hoo boy Robb. Better stay away from mama mia's pizza accross the street. I have a feeling they're gonna get 20 calls for pizza delivery to your place by the end of the week.

Good job showing the internet who's boss.
>> No. 34547
You do know he doesn't have to pay for those and this usually results in free pizza for him. After the third time they probably won't even deliver there without a credit card number. So is the plan to give the tranny collective free food and hope the party that insues provides lulz?
Do you want my address too, so you could prank my next card game with a bunch of pizza?
>> No. 34548
Alright everyone, walk into your local porn store, and go to the magazine section. Tear out every single subscription card in all the magazines and fill out with Rika's address. Remember to check the box "bill me later" and mail them all at your post office.
>> No. 34550
You're back again? Shocking. Fuck off.
>> No. 34551

Yeah, post your address.
>> No. 34552

You posting told us so dipshit.
>> No. 34554
Why'd you delete your post Robert?
>> No. 34555
Because for someone that will never have one robbay is a total pussy.
>> No. 34556
Well I'm totally convinced it's not his apartment now after that deletion.
>> No. 34557
File 133773219414.png - (6.96KB , 660x81 , deleted_post.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh dear Robert you deleted your post. Let me put it back up for you.
>> No. 34558
Good save bro.
>> No. 34560
Ouch. You're trolling us all again and it feels terrible.
>> No. 34561
So how are the drake apartments Rob? lol@ hotflahes. Do you really need someone to slap your hand back like a child? Just stop coming you spergy fuck.
>> No. 34562


Guess we know its legit now. Enjoy all the shit that gets sent to you.

This homosexual deviant lurks here 24/7, I knew all we had to do is start talking about sending shit an he would post. Oh, bu you sure trolled us, huh? You won, huh? It will never be deleted.

PS even if the mods did ban you, you can still read the board, you just can't post.
>> No. 34564


>Hot flashes are the most frequent symptoms of menopause and perimenopause. Hot flashes occur in more than two-thirds of North American women during perimenopause and almost all women with induced menopause or premature menopause.

So, Robert, you're claiming that you are a menopausal woman.

Spoilers: You're not.
>> No. 34565
I'm sorry OP that you had to happen something like that to you.

"no thinking atheist would consider themselves fully atheistic, as atheism arises from a lack of evidence and evidence can always change a thinking person's mind"

>░░█▒░▄▀░▒▒▒▒▒░▀▄▀░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█░░░░░ PONIT ON PASKAA
>░█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒██▀▒▒▒▒▒▒██▀▄▒█░░░░ :D
>▄▀▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▀▀▀▒▒▒▒▒▒▀▀▀▒▒▒█░░ JA ANIME
>> No. 34566
You don't have to hurt yourself, Rika. This can all be deleted for good. You know what you must do.

Nudes. Full body, cock and anus. And this will all be over.

Or you could just kill yourself I guess. Nudes seems a small price to pay.
>> No. 34567
What in the ever loving fuck is this shit?
>> No. 34569
What? You mean my signature? Isn't it awesome?
"no thinking atheist would consider themselves fully atheistic, as atheism arises from a lack of evidence and evidence can always change a thinking person's mind"

>░░█▒░▄▀░▒▒▒▒▒░▀▄▀░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█░░░░░ PONIT ON PASKAA
>░█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒██▀▒▒▒▒▒▒██▀▄▒█░░░░ :D
>▄▀▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▀▀▀▒▒▒▒▒▒▀▀▀▒▒▒█░░ JA ANIME
>> No. 34570
no one is going to kill you

just steal all your shit.
>> No. 34571
Really? I could have sworn the best choice would be threatening the FBI into helping him this time. That's the endgame scenario I'm actually concerned about here.
>> No. 34572

hello summertime, how i missed you
>> No. 34573
You said it wasn't your apartment?

Oh, you were trolling us again weren't you? Damn you got us again!

Go fuck yourself.
>> No. 34574
We're here and were queer get used to it.

"no thinking atheist would consider themselves fully atheistic, as atheism arises from a lack of evidence and evidence can always change a thinking person's mind"

>░░█▒░▄▀░▒▒▒▒▒░▀▄▀░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█░░░░░ PONIT ON PASKAA
>░█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒██▀▒▒▒▒▒▒██▀▄▒█░░░░ :D
>▄▀▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▀▀▀▒▒▒▒▒▒▀▀▀▒▒▒█░░ JA ANIME
>> No. 34575
lmao, You just don't get do you? Just stop posting. Don''t act like you are that fucking helpless. You know what? If you can't stop yourself from making acting like an ass on the internet without adult supervision you deserve to stay. Maybe it'll teach you some self-awareness and heaven forbid you'll just GROW THE FUCK UP.
>> No. 34576
>terrorist threats
I lol'd. You would be the expert on that, huh?

Phillyfag here, btw. I have a friend who lives near you, Robert. Expect feces smeared on your doorknob very soon.
>> No. 34578
You're pathethic. This all confirms it is your apartment you sorry sack of shit.
>> No. 34579
Chris Chan evil

Why all lulcows think this. No one else thinks he's evil. He's just funny. You on the other hand are an evil stalker who likes to send threats out to everyone, including the fbi. You dumb nigger
>> No. 34580
Look bro, I feel for you I really do, but this shit is on the internet forever. Begging the mods to ban you because you don't have self-restraint isn't going to help.
>> No. 34581

>chris chan

>> No. 34582
So putting up warnings about you being a stalker and having been convicted of threatening the fbi all over thr building is now terrorism?
Logic fail.
Also am going to put your e.d. pages http: all over the pamphlets we hand out to your neighbors.
>> No. 34583
Hey Robert, I'm going to buy a box of these and funnel them through your mail slot.

>> No. 34584
You work at a retail store, your job is the one that any one can get. The fact that you can hold THAT as important is just proving how pathetic you are.
>> No. 34585
We don't give a shit. And that is you apt. number, stop lying, pussy.

And you do know retail and fast food are among the few jobs people with fucking down syndrome can get? It is nothing to be proud of.
>> No. 34586
Do snakes eat crickets? Maybe he will go out and get a spider. You are going to feed his pets.
>> No. 34587
...and what is it you do for a living again?
>> No. 34588
What, you work retail? I used to, no need to get rustled. I am just busting Robbies balls.

I will have my LPN license in July, so I will start working at one of the local hospitals then. Not that it matters.
>> No. 34589
There is no demand for your skill, it's just a bunch of communist muslims who have artificially induced it through the subsidization of healthcare which is in itself a socialist conspiracy, you are a Jewish Zionist enabler of parasitic lifeless ostrogeneric dregs validating the existence of this wanton clandestine plot, and should fuck off.
>> No. 34590
>> No. 34591
>you all turned on me
You realize that you were the one who started shit here, and on top of that failed to post anonymously and doxed yourself right? Plus you're taking on these boards and "anonymous" as if they're actually real people and organizations. Would an anology help? Let's try that.

One night you're feeling extra badass and cocky from yelling at people from your balcony. You waltz into your local bar and screan "listen up fuckers! I'm robert wayne stiles and I live at 1512 spruce street. Form a line so I can kick all of your asses!" most people laugh and a the crazy turkish guy in the corner comes over and beats you senseless. HOW ELSE DID YOU SEE THIS ENDING YOU FUCKWIT!?

And to make things worse you come back the next week swearing revenge and doing the same goddamn thing, despite the fact it's a fucking bar and most of the people there aren't even the same as last week. YOU THEN REPEAT THIS 5 GODAMN RETARDED ASS TIMES.

I guess what I'm saying is, enjoy that pizza, and we'll see you next week.
>> No. 34592
File 133773680617.gif - (1.72MB , 297x196 , nigger-eating-boogers.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This guy knows what he's talking about.
>> No. 34593
Robb, let me ask you this. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Specifically 1) domicile 2) lifestyle 3) career 4) social. Surprise me.
>> No. 34595
he is too busy shitting his panties to reply.
>> No. 34596
1. Public housing crack shack,
2. Still self-victimizing it up in the ol' trannay hugbox
3. Prostitute
4. Psychosis will have set in, no friends due to no tie to reality
>> No. 34597
My prediction
1) Under pass
2) Has abonded being a fake tranny, now wears only whitesnake t-shirts. And I mean ONLY the t-shirt.
3) King of the possums
4) King of the possums
>> No. 34598
File 133774247574.png - (255.33KB , 355x362 , laughter.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rob, how many times do we have to explain this?
The more you post here, the worse it gets, the less you post here, the better it gets. If you don't post at all we will completely forget about you and lose contact with you. You'll be nothing but a funny memory to us. Yet you persist to whack the hornet's nest hoping it'll drive us away. It won't. We've said this countless times and we will continue to say it. The more you post here, the worse it will get. It doesn't matter what you say to us. And trust me, I'm an armchair psychologist. There are only two things you can say to make us stop, neither of which will even cross your mind.

Also still waiting on that curse. Here, I'll give you more motivation. I just performed a spell in which I prayed to Suhgurim to kill you. Go check out the Necronomicon Spellbook and counter it, and curse us as well.
>> No. 34599
Do not listen to this man. He is a stonecutter grandmaster attempting to trick you.
>> No. 34600
Aw man
>> No. 34602
The book of the dead? Isn't that the egyption guide to the afterlife? How is that supposed to help?
Here I'll just use some hoodoo and summon death to tourment him with that aweful comedy routine. You'll see
>> No. 34603
Yes. I will probably go for RN later down the road. But yeah, she would be higher up than me. Most of my co-workers will be female, there were only three other guys with me in the program I just finished.
>> No. 34604
File 133774364651.png - (364.98KB , 640x352 , 1316503444435.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Aww snap shit just got real.
>> No. 34605
Actually I was going to restate that. I think she got a cna and an rna. Now shes looking at pt something I dont know.
So she would be your boss at 21...dude. Female bosses suck
>> No. 34606
Whoa I read your first post wrong

CNA - certified nursing assistant
RNA - Registered nurse assistant

So no, I would be above here. I will be a licensed practioner nurse, she would assist the lpns and rns.
>> No. 34607
Go look up reviews of the Necronomicon Spellbook! it's on Amazon. Everyone says they work. Since we won't listen, maybe the Old Ones will? You've already tried everything.
>> No. 34608
Robert, I am gonna pay a bum to take a big runny beer shit in front of your door.
>> No. 34609
I'll do it for free
>> No. 34610
So how many Rika threads are there now, like 8?
>> No. 34611
Over 9000
>> No. 34612
>Not recognizing Dimmothy
That there is a yli Gold user.
>> No. 34613
ecks dee so fahnny
>> No. 34615
File 133775154897.gif - (4.99MB , 400x220 , Hitler laughing.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Oh, and I'm NOT responding to any of your asshole posts so don't get your fucking hopes up.
I wake up, check email and decide to go to 789chan. And oh look, more Robb posts!

Robert, you just never learn, do you?
>> No. 34616
>If anyone here makes any terroristic threats at my fucking appartment I'm going to contact the FBI about this So fucking what if I threatened an agent was younger, I had no idea that he was legit.

>The FBI cannot deny terroristic threats. You know this, I know this, can you just ban me so you can just forget about me. I was addicted and heavily supported this forum and the cwcki but you've all turned on me and ruined my goddamn fucking life.

Just quoting this nonsense because odds are pretty good that ROBBAAAAAAY will delete his posts for unspecified reasons, claiming victory LOLITROLU style.

Also, that's really fucking pathetic, Rob.
>> No. 34617
>But this could impact my personal life and you don't even understand.
>I have a respectable life that I have worked for personally
>respectable life
>unconvincing tranny seriously thinking /cwc/ is some evil mastermind HQ

You're a fuckwit, Rob.
>> No. 34618
File 133775401116.png - (17.10KB , 838x93 , ROOOBBAAAAYYY.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Gais, Robb totally trolled us.
>> No. 34619
File 133775457416.png - (493.73KB , 640x487 , moreshamefurdispray.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
How hard can it be just not to write "789chan.org/cwc/"?

Robert must have the willpower of a fucking flea.
>> No. 34620
>Don't try to ban me or anyone else because we all have numerous proxies, many of which we've installed ourselves.
>> No. 34621
File 13377561852.jpg - (280.71KB , 905x960 , Beautiful Women.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 34622
Still missing Jennfer, Jordman and Nick Bate.
>> No. 34623
If Chris was thinner, he and Robb would look remarkably similar.
>> No. 34624
If OP wasn't an admin, this sort of post totally would have been banned. (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)
>> No. 34625

Deal with it homosexual deviant.
>> No. 34626
>hot flashes
All those hormones must be sashaying girlishly into his autistic mind.
>> No. 34627
File 133777356548.gif - (671.66KB , 314x175 , goy fell for it.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>A jew from a tranny center calls ADF a man
>ADF tries to kill himself
Suicide saga part 2: Transtastic Boogaloo

Inb4 Robb tries to exploit his friend's depression to get the trolls to stop trolling him by blaming them. Again.
>> No. 34628
Days like this are making me proud.
>> No. 34629
File 133777494096.jpg - (29.63KB , 400x300 , tumblr_lz9so4xovH1r77foa[1].jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No. 34630
Philly tranny drama would make a great movie
>> No. 34631
Cult status guaranteed.
>> No. 34632
Kinda like rocky horror
>> No. 34633

With songs like Sweet Transexuals in Pennsylvania
>> No. 34634
With a dash of Deliverance and Pink Flamingos.

It would legit be a good setting for a bizarre comedy film: Three hideous mentally unstable trannies, The Commie, The Whale and The Stinky fight an underground army of cartoonish troll villains, The Gay Guy (sort of like Adrian Veidt from the Watchmen), The Vile Mistress as Robb put it and Intro, the Fetish Model (stereotypical dominant female villains) and a mixrace Nazi.

In their long adventure against those evil forces, there's that scenario when the good guys break up and later make up and become even better friends. Except that this happens like fifty times because Robb's bipolar.
>> No. 34635
I hope this shit is being archived, its way more interesting than any chrischan cocks lately.
>> No. 34636

Two words: Make me. If you're so concerned about Phillip's life you save him from all my transwomen evils. Im not his mother and I'm not responsible for his personal beliefs and actions.

Stop shifting the blame as you caused his paranoia with the ADFki, you scumbag. Your little gang looks like a coalition for hating a minority group. What makes you any different from Skinheads or the KKK?

You're driving all the people with GID to do these grave things but if you think we're all going to commit seppuku your fucking retarded. Until you kill me I'll always be alive and continue to administer justice to this cruel planet. Just like the jews, people with Gender identity disorder will continue to permute this planet and you'll never be able to wipe us all out.

I'm invincible and the ED article can't hurt me at all. Tell me what you can accomplish when I think like this fuckers?!
>> No. 34637

oh fuck nigga

did you really just compare people who put on dresses to jews in terms of persecution

did you really just compare people making fun of you online to the kkk
>> No. 34638
File 133778907794.jpg - (64.43KB , 675x675 , living the dream.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Im not his mother and I'm not responsible for his personal beliefs and actions.
"I tried to help Phillip :CC AND DONT YOU TELL I DIDNT!"

>Stop shifting the blame as you caused his paranoia with the ADFki, you scumbag
But we're only in the internet, Robbie. It's obvious you're obsessed with games and the net, but not everyone else is. I think you attacking ADF in real life and even in here was and is much more serious than what we could possibly do.

>Your little gang looks like a coalition for hating a minority group.
Just because you like to wear your mommy's underwear? Call ADL, they might care.

>What makes you any different from Skinheads or the KKK?
Skinheads and KKK generally dig whites, but I hate most whites as well, slavs are just disgusting.

Also, we're doing this for fun.

>You're driving all the people with GID to do these grave things but if you think we're all going to commit seppuku your fucking retarded.
Nnnno, I think you're the only one who thinks that. But we already know you're a retard.

>Until you kill me I'll always be alive and continue to administer justice to this cruel planet. Just like the jews, people with Gender identity disorder will continue to permute this planet and you'll never be able to wipe us all out.
Great, that's exactly what we want. Please, do continue posting!

>Tell me what you can accomplish when I think like this fuckers?!
Too bad you don't. It's pretty obvious you're now trying every trick to stop the trolling, telling you trolled us, trying guilt tripping, telling you're powerful and feares, when we both know the only way how the trolling will stop.
>> No. 34639
File 133779000785.png - (57.63KB , 219x281 , impressed.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>This page has been accessed 20,256 times.
>> No. 34640
>What makes you different from the KKK?

Well for one they have sweet robes and two we don't hate trannies. In fact we love you Rob. This is how we show our love. Never leave us Rob. We can design the official /cwc/ robe together.
>> No. 34641
Yeah, lucky guess there. There's no way you could have know some of my associates were gay black Klansmen.

Gimmie your real IP so I can ban you then.
I'm serious.
>> No. 34642
No one* here hate trannies / gays. You are just an idiot that make us laugh. the fact that you like cocks isn't funny on its own.
>> No. 34643
I think it would work. The proceeds could go to autistic and retard groups
>> No. 34644
File 133779080381.jpg - (38.92KB , 500x352 , tumblr_l2bvm98tDY1qzxaojo1_500[1].jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

We won because we made you think like that. It's amazing that orchestrating you becoming a lulcow worked so well.

Hello, Mr Dunn!
>> No. 34645
Philly Tranny Saga 36: The battle for royalties.
>> No. 34646

So, we're thinking Steve Buscemi for Rika. Thoughts?
>> No. 34647
>>Two words: Make me. If you're so concerned about Phillip's life you save him from all my transwomen evils. Im not his mother and I'm not responsible for his personal beliefs and actions.
Why would we do that when you're spasm is so hilarious? Seriously keep pretending you're on the higher road, just makes you look as delusional as you are.

>>Stop shifting the blame as you caused his paranoia with the ADFki, you scumbag. Your little gang looks like a coalition for hating a minority group. What makes you any different from Skinheads or the KKK?
1. Don't hate minorities, I'm a genderqueer homosexual deviant fuck myself, I just hate dumb fucks who won't learn from the their mistakes. Also the KKK and skinheads actually have killed people as opposed to laughing at them on the net. But it's cool that you really think you are as persecuted as people who have literally been murdered. Once again, what ever makes you feel better with that victim complex.

>>You're driving all the people with GID to do these grave things but if you think we're all going to commit seppuku your fucking retarded. Until you kill me I'll always be alive and continue to administer justice to this cruel planet. Just like the jews, people with Gender identity disorder will continue to permute this planet and you'll never be able to wipe us all out.
Once again, as a homosexual deviant ass fuck, I've yet to be driven to my grave by troll. No one gives a shit about your gender (aside from the fact you throw such a hilarious fit when you get called a he) and no one even classes you as a tranny cause you're acting like a fucking 10 year old playing dress up and not the woman you claim to be.

>>I'm invincible and the ED article can't hurt me at all. Tell me what you can accomplish when I think like this fuckers?!
If you're so invincible than why the hell come back and beg for it to be taken down? I thought your precious retail job was at stake. You know, the one you cared about. Guess not, so I might as well update that article for you.
>> No. 34648
ADF is played by Adam Sandler and Jordman by Steven Seagal.
>> No. 34649
Has anyone even been fucking with ADF since Rob showed up? Face it Rob it's all on you you sick fuck.
Just slap a wig on the crytpkeeper and even Robs own mother wouldn't be able tell the difference. t least until she notices it doesn't smell ass and failure.
>> No. 34650
>> No. 34651
File 133779506917.jpg - (21.32KB , 539x548 , I wonder what those guys in black are up to.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Just like the jews, people with Gender identity disorder will continue to permute this planet and you'll never be able to wipe us all out.
Oy vey.
>> No. 34652
So Rika thinks anything is a felony

Like if you say his name its a hate crime and that using his name is identity theft

So why doesn't he think that his shitty wolverines club could be charged with high treason?
>> No. 34653
Because he hasn't found a way to twist facts, reality, and common sense to a point where he claim it wasn't his fault yet. Give Rob some time he'll think of a way.
>> No. 34654
> OMG you people want me dead! You'll have to kill me fuckers!

Hmm, reminds me of somebody... oh yeah, ADF. The similarities are astonishing, right down to how much they suck at pretending to be women.
>> No. 34655
I can take the high road and you know why? Because I only stop allowing Phil to crash in my appartment when he started getting dangerously proactive and saying crap that could get him and me hurt or killed. He was becoming a parallel to JordMAN in so many ways.

People like Introman, however, just sperg out about him constantly and thought he'd be a good replacement for CWC.You people just want to be praised for your constant abuse and harassment of us.
>> No. 34656

so autism for reals
>> No. 34657
You should try and fix your relationship with ADF, why don't you bond with him by making a suicide pact you tranny piece of shit
>> No. 34658
File 133779773573.jpg - (8.22KB , 150x214 , Hitler smiling 5.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>saying crap that could get him and me hurt or killed. He was becoming a parallel to JordMAN in so many ways.
And exactly how are you behaving any different?

You made a page of Jordman, so naturally you should have expected that when you do mean things to people, they want you to pay. So he dropped your DOX. That's only fair. Assuming you are hunted by assassins, how were your actions not potentially dangerous to you?

Also I like how in your last post you blamed us for making ADF depressed and in the next one you insult him.

So about that high road.

>You people just want to be praised for your constant abuse and harassment of us.
Yes, and thank you for helping us so much.
>> No. 34659
>Leave your suicidal friend alone on the streets when he's being extra suicidal and more prone to actually carrying out his threats.


Are you going to wear a dress or a suit to ADF's funeral?
>> No. 34661
File 133779802916.jpg - (262.22KB , 1600x1200 , lifeaquatic_1600.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
We really enjoy your mad here. i find it extremely refreshing. Have you thought about making some videos? I mean why keep your mad isolated to just here.
>> No. 34662
>I'm invincible and the ED article can't hurt me at all.

So why the fuck are you so concerned with deleting it?
Why the fuck are you (obviously bullshittingly falsely) getting the FBI involved with "terroristic threats"?
>> No. 34663
>I can take the high road and you know why?

>take the high road
>continue to bitch and moan on /cwc/

Pick one.
>> No. 34664
Rika, you know what.
If Ahuvia is being used to spy on you, then letting him try to kill himself, or getting him arrested means that the stone cutters lose their main informant on you.

If you want to get away from the trolls, then you've first got to get past Ahuvia.
>> No. 34665
You can't seem to just not come here and yet still consider this harassment. People are withing their legal rights to call you what ever they bloody well feel like to your face or not. Get the fuck over it, most people did when they were about 14.

Oh wait, getting over it would mean you'd be behaving like an adult instead a snot-nosed momma's boy with a victim complex.
>> No. 34666

Jesus fuck Rob, you are literally human garbage.
>> No. 34667

oh u.
>> No. 34668
Sorry, out of the loop: I've heard a lot of people talking about something that's happened to ADF, and how Robbay didn't "help" him... what exactly happened to ADF?
>> No. 34669
Oh nothing new. Rob just attempted to drive ADF to kill himself again out of a desperate and twisted need for attention.
>> No. 34670
>> No. 34671
ADF is trying to constantly kill himself and instead of getting him help or put on a suicide watch, Rob leaves him alone, kicks him out, and pretty much just hands him the rope
>> No. 34672

You know. Compared to a certified troll Rika, you are looking real bad. Why was I the one who helped get ADF on foodstamps/cash assistance while you were being a special ed wolverine? Even while you were in the same room and I was across the border. Why was I the one who talked down harel's first suicide attempt back in January?

I am a troll. You're just a terrible excuse for a human being. It's amazing that ADF lasted as long near you as she could. You have a nasty odor and act very condescending. Especially in real life from what I've seen from my own eyes.
>> No. 34673

Yup, you are just an angel in devil's clothing.
>> No. 34674
I'm trying to think of a good description for him. I thought garbage was a good one, but garbage hasn't done a thing to deserve such an insult. What is Rob?
>> No. 34675
File 133780138633.jpg - (49.69KB , 336x480 , Happy-Nazi-Child.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A regular tranny
>> No. 34676
File 133780162831.jpg - (14.90KB , 484x509 , facepalm 3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>outed by a troll
>can't think of an argument
>uses ad hominem
>> No. 34677
And you're a devil in whatever the fuck that is.
>> No. 34678
The biggest insult to Rob is to call him a "Robert Wayne Stiles".
Oh, and call him a man/dude/guy because we're CIS SCUM OPPRESSORS.
>> No. 34680
See brosis, the reason the stonecutters have for keeping Ahuvia around is so they can use him to troll you. He's now their main informant.

You've got to do something about him or you'll never get away from the trolls. Sick the wolverines on him or something.
>> No. 34681
You're so WEEN Jordman. Just keep on repeating the same post and maybe your arch-nemesis will notice you.
>> No. 34685
File 133780346224.jpg - (36.41KB , 305x406 , Sup.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Keep repeating the same post, maybe I'll get noticed
>Lolcows are trolling you
Didn't know you still come here and all. How's your conspiracy theories treating you.
>> No. 34686
Gentlemen gentlemen , now is no time for cannibalism , let us remember who the true target is , the unconvincing tranny Robert
>> No. 34687
>Oh, and I'm NOT responding to any of your asshole posts so don't get your fucking hopes up.

>Oh, and I'm NOT responding to any of your asshole posts so don't get your fucking hopes up.

>Oh, and I'm NOT responding to any of your asshole posts so don't get your fucking hopes up.

>Oh, and I'm NOT responding to any of your asshole posts so don't get your fucking hopes up.

>Oh, and I'm NOT responding to any of your asshole posts so don't get your fucking hopes up.
>> No. 34688
Introman really did help ADF, you know. Which is more than I can say for you. The sad part is that you were in contact with him every single day, while Intro contact him every 3 days or something like that.
>> No. 34689
What happened to leaving and never coming back?

I baked a cake and everything.

PS-still waiting for my shoe on head pic
>> No. 34690
>> No. 34691
File 133780541510.jpg - (9.99KB , 200x150 , 200px-Rika_49.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
True, true. He's very...austere.
>> No. 34692
File 13378054518.jpg - (18.54KB , 320x240 , barney.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Let that sink in.

>Internet reputation
>Internet reputation
>Internet reputation
>Internet reputation
>> No. 34693
Feels burdo bordo man.
>> No. 34694
File 133780591927.gif - (1.91MB , 320x240 , haha no3.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>implying an insane tranny's reputation could somehow be ruined
And then I realized he probably still tries to protect his awesome mighty trollsona. Don't worry Robb, reading your old posts, it's pretty obvious even before /cwc/ discovered you people though you were autistic.

You asked how you are like Chris-chan. Delusions of grandeur? Check. And even Chris grew out of it, eventually.
>> No. 34695
Time to visit Rika's old hacking forums and see if they remember the "great and powerful epin troll Wraith." Oh, I think I'll also send them Robb's ED page as a gift.
>> No. 34696
> I'm invincible
Yeeeesssssss. Smug Rika is the best Rika, much like smug Chris.
>> No. 34697
Serious question gais: In a no-holds-barred fight between ADF and Rika, who would shit their pants first?
>> No. 34698
Lol. I get the impression people who use that are 12 years old kids who google "internet hacking".

So a perfect place for Robb.
>> No. 34699
File 133781019566.jpg - (41.32KB , 545x345 , Hitler and his animal friends.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
There's a thread in which people remember the great times of Wraith and Furyan...

SAY, time to post a link to his ED pages and enlighten them what homosexual deviant they have been associating with?

Bye bye, "internet reputation"
>> No. 34700
ADF has his girth and Robert his great karate skills. So if we take into account that Adf has shat his pants before and Robert has the strength of an emaciated african child I'd think of a draw.

Maybe you'll need this, Zyklon brah.
>> No. 34701
Bring in the insurgance team. We're shutting this place down STAT.

Mortals, my flesh is your blood, it is mine.
>> No. 34702
>> No. 34703
ADF. Rika looks like the kind of kid who shit bricks.
>> No. 34704
Why people wants him to leave?
Seriously, at least it made this thread interesting.
People were saying the same to JustinRPG and now people miss him too.
>> No. 34705
They don't want him to leave my estonian friend.
They are just commenting that he threatens to ex communicate the entire internet every other day.
>> No. 34706
File 133781445348.jpg - (73.89KB , 602x601 , Hitler serious.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I have a respectable life that I have worked for personally with only occasional funding from my parents but only when I REALLY needed it. (That's what you people don't get)
>A custom user group is $3500. The initial $1000 has to be secured form of payment such as Western Union, Liberty Reserve, or Money Order. Once initial deposit is made the group can be setup. This normally take up to 48 hours. The remaining balance must be paid within 60 days but can be paid in various methods such as PP or AP.
>For every group sold a price increase of $500 will be enacted. We do this in order to maintain the rarity of custom user groups.

No wonder Robb was "Leader of the Wraith", he was the only one enough stupid to pay to have a custom icon.

And by "pay", I mean throwing a tantrum until his dad gave in and paid for him.
>> No. 34707
$3500? Jesus H Christ. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
>> No. 34708
>Paying 3.5k for a fucking forum group

Your parents must be fucking loaded, Robbie.
>> No. 34709
The internet must be his life if he'll happily spend that much on a shitty forum.
>> No. 34710
I remember someone said Robbies job is photography, does anyone have anything to prove this ? I can find nothing using the google , and if you aren't advertising online you aren't worth much

However I did find out some guy called Robert Stiles was int he Civil war, he was probably way cooler
>> No. 34711
To put this in perspective the median us household income is $49.5k and the average income of the middle quintile of us households (a better metric of the "average" family's yearly income) is $34.7k.

Robert, for what you paid for that, you could have taken care of a middle class family's expenses (food, clothing, gas, shelter) for an entire month, and still had over $600 to burn.
>> No. 34712

jaysus. this site's something else. everyone, it's worth signing up to take a look. skiddies, skiddies everywhere
>> No. 34713
Seventh link down
>> No. 34714
Thanks, I was stupid and used Robert instead of Rika

>> No. 34715
Robb, what's it like being someone who has followed Chris Chan fervently for many years (and let's be honest you DID call his phone and scream JULAY) constanstly laughing at him and mocking him, only to wake up one day and find that you had BECOME the next Chris Chan.

Was it Kafkaesque?
>> No. 34716
Don't confuse him, he can't pronounce "Kafkaesque", lest have known about Kafka's works enough to understand the word.
>> No. 34717
"One morning, as Robert Wayne Stiles was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered that in bed he had been changed into a monstrous verminous tomgirl. (...)
‘What's happened to me,’ he thought. It was no dream. His room, an improper room for a human being, only somewhat too big, lay quietly between the four well-known walls. Above the table, on which an unpacked collection of sample cloth goods was spread out (Robert was a retail salesman) hung the picture which he had print a little while ago and set in a pretty gilt frame. It was a picture of a transwoman with the manliest of jawbones. She stood there, hugging a scrawny tranny into which her entire forearm disappeared. (...)"
>> No. 34718
File 133782068953.png - (21.13KB , 798x222 , MH bondage posts.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I can't help but feel kind of bad for ADF in this situation. While he's thinking about offing himself, the two people he thought he could rely on proven themselves to be fairweather friends.

Robb still will not open his door for ADF or do anything to help him - yet AGAIN!

ADF's "adoring husband" is on reddit crusing for sex and linking bondage pornos to worry about her "wife."
>> No. 34719
Who's ADF?
>> No. 34720
ADF = A Dick Fiend
>> No. 34721
And now I see why Kafka had requested all his unfinished works burned. If only his friend had listened. A
>> No. 34722
If you have to advertise then you may be worth less...a
>> No. 34723

One morning, when Rika Stiles woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible lolcow. He lay on his bird-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his pale belly, slightly caved in and divided by hair into treasure trails. The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His bony legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the his USI, waved about helplessly as he looked.
>> No. 34724
Is metamorphosis thr only story of his you know? I think the Hunger artist is a better story for rika and for Chris The Trial.
>> No. 34725
I lol'd.
>> No. 34726
I know more of Kafka's works but The Metamorphosis just works better with both parody and Kafka referencing.
>> No. 34727
Now I'm picturing Rika in a glass cage without food or air-conditioning a-la David Blaine. Just this baking tranny corpse with a little empty donations box in front of it.
>> No. 34728
So, are we done with this thread?
Did ADF kill himself or something?
>> No. 34729
File 133785543961.png - (6.58KB , 323x62 , untitled.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Now he's apparently NOT going to kill himself. Or something. Robb and ADF were a perfect couple, both bipolar as shit.
>> No. 34730

>I was too afraid to do it plus I only wanted some attention
>> No. 34731
>If I kill myself I'll get arrested so I better stay alive so I won't get arrested when I'm dead

>> No. 34732
If you're a brain-damaged, hormone addled communist failure of a tranny from Philly.
>> No. 34733
Did anyone actually take the suicide threat seriously? Hasn't he done this exact same thing like 10 times? I don't think ADF's sever narcissism will let him kill himself
>> No. 34734
>introMANCWC 14 hours ago
Whatever keeps you safe from your own demons. A certain young man needs you a lot. Even if the devil is trying to cast a genjutsu on you. Got to remind yourself to activate that sharingan to see the truth and break free.

Also what the fuck does this even mean
>> No. 34735
File 133786619970.jpg - (69.47KB , 434x600 , christianityrevolt.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More Robbie drawings.

He seems awfully butthurt about Christianity. Was he molested by a priest or something?
>> No. 34736
Probably just his way of being an edgy cool rebel.

Does Jesus' dick have a mouth?
>> No. 34737
Haven't you read the Bible?

"and Jesus did fuck the unconvincing tranny in his anus while the Son of God's penis ate at Robert's prostate with fierce fangs" Book of Julay 119:11
>> No. 34738
The /cwc/ Testament doesn't count, it was written by the Protocol of the Stonecutter Elders.
>> No. 34739
Implying anyone is going to follow him home to kill you because he's all pro stalin. It's Philadelphia, not saint Louis. No one fucking cares what he says.
You are a shitty friend.
>> No. 34740
Love the use of Jew there.
>> No. 34741

What's with his obsession of faces on dicks?

He did this with the Obama picture as well.
>> No. 34742
File 13378905871.jpg - (96.17KB , 650x775 , duck.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>What's with his obsession of faces on dicks?
Sorry I couldn't resist
>> No. 34743
>>Child killing

Granted I've been an atheist for like 12 years, but I don't remember Jesus killing anybody in the bits I've read. Where the hell is he getting child killer from?
>> No. 34744

>if a christian person kills a child, JESUS kills a child. SUCK IT, RELIGION
>> No. 34745

That FAPPINGTON is on his balls, not his dick.

Close, but not quite.
>> No. 34746
I assume he's referring to old testament stuff such as the culling of the egyptian firstborns, or that time god sent bears to kill 42 children. Not strictly Jesus mind you, but I suppose if you literally believed in the whole trinity thing, then yeah.
>> No. 34747
It's Robb's fetish.
>> No. 34748
There's the whole firstborn sons of Egypt plague thing, and then that one old guy that god told to sacrifice his son to prove he was hardxcore4jesus and then made him stop at the last second because he realized the guy was a psychopath and actually going to do it.
>> No. 34749
Jesus hadn't been born yet. Anything in the old testament has nothing to do with him.

God was very wraith and vengeance, constantly wrecking shit whenever anyone defied him. Jesus was the complete opposite of his dead, preaching kindness and forgiveness. He didn't curse people, he healed them. He didn't kill people, he allowed himself to be killed so they wouldn't. They're entirely different characters. A lot of his stories were added hundreds of years later. That whole "Let he ho is without sin cast the first stone" story? Wasn't in the original texts at all, added way after the fact by monks.

I mean, yeah it's all myths, but this is akin to someone accusing Spider-Man of eating brains, and then when asked when that happened, saying "Venom did it a few times, and the symbiote was worn by Spider-Man first, so you could say they're the same person.

There's plenty of fucked up shit in the Bible, but the majority of it is in the Old Testament.
>> No. 34750
yeah, God calmed down a lot after he fucked a virgin and had a kid. I guess you could say he was a Virgin with ra-WAITAGODDAMNMOTHERFUCKINGSECOND
>> No. 34751
If God is a perfect being than why would he need to change? Oh right because christianity is for slow in da minds
>> No. 34752
Stop being a depth and get back to Robbay
>> No. 34753
Back on topic: $3500 for a custom group on a forum!? Robb, please explain this.
>> No. 34754
>God was very wraith and vengeance
Oh you cheeky fucker.
>> No. 34755
Its Robb. What more explanation could you need?
>> No. 34756
Yeah, but did Venom actually ever eat anyoones brains? I just remember him talking about it alot. Granted, I haven't followed comics closely since the mid to late 90s. I mostly just read tpbs now.
>> No. 34757
Symbiotes have to eat brains or chocolate to get enough of a chemical. So I think he did actually eat brains.
>> No. 34758
The fuck? I assume that is a development from the last few years. I don't remember Peter or Brock doing that back in the day. Though I do know they did all that wonky shit with Scorpion becoming Venom and the Antivenom and all that sillynes.
>> No. 34759

Aww shit you did not just call white carnage silly. Mac Venom was very silly though
>> No. 34760
I didn't read it, I just thought he looked silly. I loved Maximum Carnage back in the day though. Being about 10 in 95 when all that was going on, all the hype, the game, the Fleer Ultra 95 Spider-man cards and shit. That was an awesome time to be a kid into comics. I know todwy Maximum Carnage is looked down upon as a shit xtreme90s story arc, but I still love it.
>> No. 34762
All i know about Spider-Man is he shoots webs and punches people.

I like to pretend to i read comics, but i don't actually do it that much. I saw Avengers in the theater though.
>> No. 34763
File 133792682928.png - (541.15KB , 455x545 , Professor X getting a Blumkin from Jean Grey.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not
>> No. 34764
What issue is that picture of spider from?
>> No. 34765
He presumably did while he was a villain, though it's never explained why Peter didn't have to. It's from the 90's.

There's a panel where Venom eats a shitload of chocolate bars, and explains he has to either eat chocolate or brains and chocolate is more socially acceptable.
>> No. 34766
Hey, Robb. How well did you monitor ADF's activities when he used your internet? ADF mentioned that he seen pictures of Melissa putting on her chest binder which may include pictures of her being topless.
>> No. 34767
They can also get the phenylalkylide from the brain of their host. And he first ate brains in the Hunger.

Should we talk about comics until Rob comes back to make a fool of himself? Because the new 52 Swamp Thing is pretty fantastic.
>> No. 34768
I'm a purist. I know people will say I'm missing out on good books, but I can't stand the New 52. I'm tired of reboots, remakes, reimaginings, retcons, etc.

I mean, I hear Animal Man is great. Fair enough. I can't enjoy it though knowing that he exists in the same universe with all the other bad decisions DC has made. Eventually sales will drop enough that DC uses the out they built in, and everything is reset AGAIN and the stuff people liked will stay, and the stuff they don't will get changed back.

In the meantime, the primary changes are certain characters getting shittier costumes and shittier personalities, certain characters becoming complete sluts, and certain characters having their race, gender or sexual orientation re-assigned. Fuck that noise.
>> No. 34769
I kinda agree. I mean most of these retcons and new universes are to get new readers and then everything is retconned to the status quo.

There are some good things that come out of these attempts that you're missing out on though. Like Ultimate Reed Richards who's basically a stretchy Doom now
>> No. 34771
File 133796047439.jpg - (20.37KB , 300x230 , buddy_christ-300x230.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I wonder if anyone here has read The Salvation War. It has one of the most depressing yet hilarious explanations I've ever seen for the uh, sheer personality differences between Jesus and God the Father.
>> No. 34772
File 133796083873.jpg - (57.45KB , 423x336 , god_rests.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I also forgot to mention that the story's characterization of God would be disturbingly ironic and recognizable to everyone who has ever remotely browsed this board.
>> No. 34773
I googled, and... the only thing I can find is some collaborative fan fiction story that TVTropes really likes. That can't be it, can it?

I assumed it was more of a humorous historical book sort of thing.
>> No. 34774
I just did a search on DuckDuckGo and came up with these results:


Here's one that gives a synopsis

Basically God reveals himself to the world, says everyone is condemned to hell. Mankind doesn't take it lying down and when the forces of hell come to collect, the human race goes to war against them.
>> No. 34775
Can't remember. Made it a bunch of them in a make reactions from your favorite comic thread a while back
>> No. 34776
Read the synopsis and it's a sort of interesting premise, though if it really is just about modern armies easily destroying the forces of hell, I would agree with the criticism that it's not very interesting for anything longer than a satirical short story, let alone a trilogy of novels. It's like the author was playing Hellgate London and said "fuck this noise, we've got tanks, carriers and nukes. We'd destroy demons".

Doesn't make much literary sense because if it's going to be a long epic story (and I mean epic in the traditional sense) you've got to feel like a lot is at stake, and that the protagonists have actually accomplished something in overcoming a huge adversity.

Also doesn't make logical sense because, what are god and the devil stupid? It seems the demon's goal is just to destroy humanity. Why? Also, why not just kill everyone with nukes or a plague? Even if somehow they aren't intelligent enough to have come up with nukes on their own, can't they copy our technology or even just steal it? Also, didn't they realize they were heavily outgunned? Why allow this to happen now and not 100 years ago? Again, why even bother if you know you'll just get blown up? More questions than answers there.

On the other hand it could all be redeemed if at the end god was like "ha, this was all just a joke" or it was a test or something, or maybe he did it the whole thing in the present time because he wanted to mess with the demons, and realized we were at a point where they would still think it was a good idea to invade, but where we could easily defeat them.

I just realized I put waaayyy too much thought into that.
>> No. 34777
File 133797895398.jpg - (16.25KB , 500x348 , hitler reading.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Now /cwc/ if I may interrupt your autism. I heard some of you were interested in hearing what was the deal with ADF and the jewish conspiracy behind his suicide. Here you go:

>Wednesday on WPEB West-Philadelphia, I spoke about what happened at Equality Forum
>> No. 34778
Starts around 32:30.
>> No. 34779
>About Matthew Graber
>I am a feminist community organizer with a variety of interests - writing, photography, philosophy, and radio broadcast. I am an organizer with the Philadelphia Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Coalition and a co-host of Radio Against Apartheid on West Philadelphia's community radio station, WPEB 88.1.

I want to say that you can't get more emasculated than this fucking loser but by tomorrow /cwc/ will prove me wrong
>> No. 34780
>"Finally, we speak with Chairwomyn Ahuviya Harel ahead of next"
>Chairwomyn Ahuviya Harel
Yes, he used ADF's made up title. Not forgetting the "y" in "woman".
>> No. 34781
File 133798760056.jpg - (15.71KB , 400x400 , hemorrhoid-cream.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Looks like Robb is going to need this item for his next adventure against the evil 789chan and the ADF stonecutters.
>> No. 34782
Sorry to be late. The author's premise was that he was largely riffing on when the bible was written (many, many centuries ago of course) and the context it was all written in. Heaven and Hell were horribly stagnated societies led by absolute monarchs with technology not really better than the bronze age, they were used to humanity being just as primitive than themselves for thousands of years, and basically didn't bother changing because there was no serious need to do so.

Their immortality and arrogant worldviews (remember, it's supposed to be God himself, along with his servants) also made them barely move in doing anything to notice humanity changing and when they finally did notice something was up (God got so pissed off precisely because he started to notice both increasing secularization on earth and less worship of him, and faithful dead humans used to increasing living standards on earth complaining about how heaven wasn't how they imagined it), God decided to basically just stop accepting humans and allowed Satan to send his legions out to kill everyone and let them wind up in hell as punishment.

The main problem for them is that human military technology rose so rapidly in the past couple of centuries alone that heaven and hell's primitive armies, even allowing individual demons and angels to be much stronger and faster than humans, still fell with huge casualty numbers. (One character notes hell's armies are literal phalanx formations still.) It's ironic you mention plagues because some angels actually start notice God does send biblical-style punishments and in such a modern high-tech world, it doesn't hurt as much as it would have millenia ago.

BTW, the reason I thought this board would like it is because God is basically CWC with godlike powers but is still essentially worthless: he sits on his ass all day, sends out messages that people end up laughing at, expects worship just for who he is, and notice he's being mocked only when people start to directly insult and mock him. At least Chris was whom I promptly thought of the more I read the story.
>> No. 34783
Chris-Chan Armageddon: The Trilogy. I like it!
>> No. 34784
Again, potentially interesting satirical short story, but without having read it, I feel that the premise would wear thin over a trilogy of novels.

To put it in context "A Modest Proposal" works as a short piece, but if you made it into trilogy about eating babies it just becomes silly.
>> No. 34785
Let me just point out how funny it is that Robb stopped posting here for 48 hours and the thread got almost immediately sidetracked and fell to page 4.

Now despite the fact that from day 1 people told him that this would all go away if he stopped posting like a dbag, I'm sure that he feels like some kind of evil genius because of this.
>> No. 34786
He's just lurking until someone posts something about his real life again. Like posting the name of apartment building or something. He flies off the fucking handle when his bullshit has real world consequences.
>> No. 34787
Moving to /L/ for archiving.
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