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File 133819966866.jpg - (40.74KB , 539x960 , so_____i_tried_on_a_dress__by_verganza_de_sasuke-d.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
35368 No. 35368
All of them now in a single thread, before they off themselves or each other.
Expand all images
>> No. 35369
I'd hit it.
>> No. 35370

I'd store my penis inside of that
>> No. 35371
What do you say about this plan:

We buy a turkish carpet and flag of the USSR, kick in the door of 1512 SPRUCE STREET 7A, force Robbie to tell where ADF is, then roll Robbie up in the turkish carpet and wrap ADF in the flag, then start chanting "WWWWOOOOLLLLVVVEEEERRIIIINNNNNEEEAAAAYYYYYYY", dose them with gas, set them on fire and throw them off a bridge!
>> No. 35372
File 13382008381.jpg - (281.12KB , 621x414 , caglayan13.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Only if it's Turkish Nazi carpet.
>> No. 35373
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is pretty okay compared to the rest of them. ADF never deserved her friendship in my honest opinion.
>> No. 35374
>> No. 35375
Can someone please upload the ADF nudes again?
>> No. 35376
Were there ever any (complete) nudes?

ADF's death-threat ban on DA just ended, so the first thing he did was to uploaded some vague and more usual death threats against the local niggo population and possibly also the trolls (I don't know if he still believes we're about to murder him, during his ban only the trolluminati were following him, and even they got distracted by Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's antics here, so much that ADF had to threaten a suicide again for attention):

I also heard some rumors that he spent some time in a mental institution due to a severe derpession or something, could anyone brief me on that if it's true?
>> No. 35377
According to a troll from Phily, he made a suicide attempt(not sure how, probably ate a bunch of otc sleeping meds because he is retarded) and was put in a hospital psych ward for a 72 hour watch as per standard protocol for such incidents.
>> No. 35378
I would fucking PAY a niggo to start shit with ADF if someone recorded him trying to use nunchucks against him, he is more likely to hurt himself than anyone he wants to fight
>> No. 35379
hi robbbaaaaaaaayyyyyy
>> No. 35380
>> No. 35381
>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is pretty okay compared to the rest of them.

Not fooling anyone there, Rob.
>> No. 35382
The best way to troll ADF is to just completely ignore him like he doesn't exist. He feeds off the attention and WANTS to be persecuted so badly.

What a fag.
>> No. 35383
Thay video is strangely awesome.
>> No. 35384
Welcome to the world of Ho cinema!
>> No. 35385
File 133823864375.jpg - (25.51KB , 360x540 , XoQyq[1].jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
789chan . We finally did it . Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's reign of terror has ended. He's just whimpering to any ally he can get. Going to the autistics, and cheese conies for help. Time to tell people in Philadelphia proper about the manchild. My sources say that a big trans convention is happening this Friday(june 1st). Me and Trey will be their. Let's see if any of you /cwc/ers want to help us make and hand out fliers?
>> No. 35386
File 133823923472.png - (312.68KB , 472x352 , JIMAAAAAY.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You have my Neckbeard
>> No. 35387
Dem knobby ass knees. He is so gangly and gross.
>> No. 35388
his legs look like driftwood. what the fuck?

did he try to wash his hair or did the cops at sodomize philly use a firehose on him?
>> No. 35389
File 13382397511.jpg - (133.26KB , 626x470 , jimprofit.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
you have my squeezed nipples
>> No. 35390
File 133823991892.jpg - (22.27KB , 270x363 , 1281922113_114032528_1-Pictures-of--Space-Thunder-.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I prefer Joseph Lai myself.
>> No. 35391
What are the most angry jimprofit videos?
>> No. 35392
the ones where he bytches about swear words was pretty angry. that and his whining about bans, but that's literally every other video of tl;dr verbal autism

when his neckbeard is in full bloom they're kind of amusing. i dont give jimmaaayyy too much attention
>> No. 35393
any video that's about moderators.
>> No. 35394
Ho and Lai were the AFD business partners and bros.
>> No. 35395
File 133826583775.jpg - (43.37KB , 800x522 , sex.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 35396
we women now
>> No. 35397
I'll be honest I never thought I'd see him wear a dress he always seemed so half hearted about the tranny thing although this just looks like he's stolen his mothers clothes or something.
>> No. 35398
I am quite embarrassed how close these drama whores live to Camden.
>> No. 35399
sooner or later, adf will be a true and honest tranny.
>> No. 35400
Yeah as soon as he doesn't find himself homeless and without any income.
>> No. 35401
File 133827623828.jpg - (149.27KB , 600x456 , ninja_the_protector_poster_011.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I meant, the IFD. Not AFD. Fucking ADF.
>> No. 35402
We have to destroy the ADF empire!
>> No. 35403
"Well, his reflection in the mirror isn't looking half bad." And then I saw his scary legs. What the fuck.

So is Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles the digital photographer just not aware of the crop tool, or does he really believe himself to be a beautiful woman?
>> No. 35404
File 133827818458.jpg - (141.32KB , 900x600 , Mayday Mayday.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Actually he's now having public doubts, ponders screwing being a tranny and going home, to his mom.


He hates the other trannies and they hate him, anyway (well, they all hate each other).

As of his other most recent phases, he has already ceased all pretense of being a Jew, right?

The pic is from May 1, his face will always look fat and shapeless no matter how skinny he gets.
>> No. 35405
He honestly believes that he's a 10/10 tranny who puts the other trannies in Philly to shame. He actually bragged that guys at a club "drooled" all over him or some shit.

Read: Robb has amazing Unwarranted self importance regarding every aspect of his life.
>> No. 35406
File 133829339821.jpg - (19.35KB , 430x645 , Mac.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
How come trannies are allowed to get married in Philadelphia? That's a gay marriage which is (or should be) illegal.

It says so in the bible. I'm going to have to put a stop to this all.
>> No. 35407
Don't worry, they mutilated their bodies so they won't have any children anyway.
>> No. 35408
File 13382960741.jpg - (63.19KB , 600x450 , Camden_NJ.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Because Camden is such a nice place.
>> No. 35409
But what about the few who banked their own sperm?
>> No. 35410
Would you let one impregnate you?

I know. We could build a big fence...
>> No. 35411
I can't get pregnant so why is it any of my worry?
And don't build a fence. That's just cruel.
>> No. 35412
File 13383063621.jpg - (753.10KB , 1000x665 , sodomize victory march.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 35413
File 133830641835.jpg - (582.01KB , 1000x665 , sodomize victory march 0.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 35414

How long is this sodomize thing going to go on anyways?
>> No. 35415
To think sodomize ended in most of the rest of the world by about December '11/Jan '12
>> No. 35416
At least there's buildings... Come to Detroit, side streets look like an old man's mouth, with missing or burnt down houses every other house or just rows of them, just busted down, burnt up, it's beautiful that we could let an area get as decrepit as Detroit. The city is nothing but old people, drug addicts, drug suppliers and people who just can't afford to leave.

Speaking of trannies, on 6 and Woodward at night there are loads of trannies, like 20-30 of them that gather by a burnt out motel and a burnt down laundry mat. Some stand by the burnt down porn shop or the other porn shop between the gun store and the strip club.
>> No. 35417
I'm embarrassed because these stupid fuckers would not survive in Camden.
>> No. 35418
These are great because it looks like ordinary protesters (oras ordinary as they can get)...and then you see ADF and Jordman walking around in the background.

The sodomize protests still go on, but they've died out in the major cities. In Raleigh, they're still there, but now it's more of a hobo jungle than any kind of political movement. From what I understand, that's all that's left of most of the movements outside of Boston and maybe Philly. They'll be back in November though.
>> No. 35419
Since the economy will be shit for years to come, do you think we will see the return of the hobo, I mean the real hobo?
>> No. 35420
>implying America isn't filled with them

Lack of a proper social housing mechanism, not as generous a welfare state as all of the paranoid contards perceive, that tent-estates are rising in the American forests by the droves, shows that the real hobo is pretty much a reality and you need only dwell out of your middle-class hugbox once in a while to see real poverty.
>> No. 35421
They don't really stick out to me. I mean, I recognize them, but compared to other ridiculous shit they've worn a camo jacket's not that over the top. At least he left his uniform and flag in his tent.

Some of the others look kind of ridiculous too. What kind of retard takes a toddler to an sodomize protest? The number of rapes occurring there alone should tell any sane parent that's a bad idea.
>> No. 35422
You need to read up on what hobos are, brah.
>> No. 35423
I have no idea but I think it's a trend that people think it's fun to take their small children to protests.
>> No. 35424
This just reminded me - What happened to the guy who was trashing that old Casino that middle class 'homeless' kids used as a club?
Did he post about his planned second raid?
>> No. 35425
What is this?
>> No. 35426
  Jesus christ
>> No. 35427
I have no idea what this has to do with anything. Is this the internet injecting autism into autism?
>> No. 35428

It's just a person who didn't feel like they belonged in the body they were born with, so they cut off a few parts so that their body would match how they felt inside.

Not really related to the thread at all.
>> No. 35429
ITT: Homosexual deviants
>> No. 35430
I think it was in some thread about gutter punks and how they're all lolcows.

I don't remember the situation exactly, but essentially there was an abandoned casino. A bunch of upper middle decided that they were now socialists and occupied said casino.

No one did anything (iirc it was because the families were respected by the community and no one wanted to stir up shit), so our brave friend took it upon himself to trash the living fuck out of the place when the psuedo-commies were out begging or whatever it was they did.

Essentially some guy trashes a rich-kid playhouse and posted pics. He said he was going on another raid but for all I know he got gangraped by liberal college kids.
>> No. 35431
there was a law on the books that prevented the owners from kicking the kids out because it had been vacant for over 10 years, or something along those lines. he also made off with truckloads of fancy equipment the kids brought in. I really do hope that guy comes back and tells us what else happened.
>> No. 35432
Man this place reminds me of my town. :3

Do people burn their businesses to the ground to collect insurance there too?
>> No. 35433

wtf lol

(also he didn't even comment on it)
>> No. 35434
Has ADF got a big cock?
>> No. 35435
File 133838117917.png - (84.24KB , 522x579 , Maria_Pupo_bashing.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

According to Maria/Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. ADF is embarrassingly small like toddler size. So around 4 inches erect.

Also, going to double post. Here's a screencap.
>> No. 35436
File manface.ogg - (13.19MB ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
>> No. 35438
How IS Tel Aviv anyway?
>> No. 35439
What's that?

Also, did they ever talk about about how accepted are the trannies by the "cis" in the West Bank and Gaza?

Certainly no stuff like http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/fisk/robert-fisk-the-crimewave-that-shames-the-world-2072201.html that, or something, at all?

Stupid trannies.

Speaking of retards, remember Brian? Sanity'sCraps wannabe boyfriend who would dress in pantyhose and rap abut Palestinians. Well, he became a Bolshevik and is currently organizing a revolution and the overthrow of the US government.

>> No. 35440
File 133838396136.jpg - (150.25KB , 733x960 , ADF covered in shit.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Well, he became a Bolshevik and is currently organizing a revolution and the overthrow of the US government.
Well that's not familiar at all.
>> No. 35441
I remember he was in catalonia. Leave it to eurofags to be the ultimate marxist hipster douchebags. Does anyone know where that thread went?
>> No. 35443
We need to send a fat guy to spruce street to check on Robby. The fact that no one has heard from him in a week leads me to believe he may be dead or injured.
>> No. 35444
Actually he tried to get a personal army to destroy 789chan (being as successful as ever) two days ago or so.
>> No. 35445
>Sanity'sCraps wannabe boyfriend

I though he was truly her boyfriend. Did she friendzone him or something?
>> No. 35446

He's still lurking, he tried to get /mlp/ to do his dirty work for him a few days ago when we had another thread about SeanieB's epic ween mlp website.
>> No. 35448
i dunno why rÑ–ka gets so much hate, shes a good person with a bright future
>> No. 35449
"the only one I’ve ever had was an energy drain because he didn’t get that my Asperger’s made me averse to all the cuddling and sloppy makeouts and sex and socializing that he wanted. Do try to date other people on the spectrum, at least, haha. That’s my recommendation in that department."
>> No. 35450
>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>Bright future

Haha, no.
>> No. 35451
File 133846719366.jpg - (69.91KB , 720x540 , 246904_213521275336849_100000369330906_723029_5417.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I didn't think someone would still remember that. I was that catalonian guy from that thread, and I've got some news on the subject, if you people would like to know.

I'll tell the news if someone is interested, otherwise I wouldn't like to derail a thread.
>> No. 35452
File 133846750665.png - (64.69KB , 372x180 , come at me commie.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Why don't you post it to the IRL lolcows thread? I liked the previous thread and would like to hear Da Update.
>> No. 35453

Ok, gonna do it. I'll link my post here.
>> No. 35454

Here it is:

>> No. 35455
  Remember how ADF said he wanted to visit Oklahoma? He may want to reconsider.
>> No. 35456

Pretty boring stupid shit, but "Cishomo" made me lol.

>*Disclaimer: 'Stay Queer' means the rejection of the gay conservative assimilation and pinkwashing agenda of Gay Marriage and Gays serving in the imperialist US Military at the expense of protecting LGBT workers and Trans* Rights/Gender Self-Determination - It is by no means derogatory to Cishetero people unless they cry foul over the social and economic privilege they already have over working class Queer/Trans* peoples.
>> No. 35457
Anyone here that can decode this? I think he just pulled a "this isn't meant to be offensive. -except to those people who offend me, in which case it's meant to be unbelievably offensive." but I can't be sure...
>> No. 35458
>gay conservative assimiliation

>> No. 35459
I think he's saying that homos aren't allowed to be normal people...which ironically sounds rather like an anti-gay stance, though of course he means they're special and superior.

Reminds me of Israel-obsessed Jews who are conforming to old stereotypes of Jews lacking loyalty to the countries they live in.
>> No. 35460
Basically, ADF thinks howmoes are too mainstream. Only trannies are truly oppressed.
>> No. 35461


...is there a transhetero? If not, then there is no need for the prefix cis- (which they made up anyways).
>> No. 35462

>> No. 35463
Cis is there way of saying mundanes. Pretty funny shit.
Problem is every culture does this. For example Jews call outsiders goyim. Everyone wants go feel special. That's why I hate all of you fucking sheep.
>> No. 35464
That's actually a minority position. The two largest sects in America are pushing for a two state solution and contrary to your belief are flaming antiwar liberals. It's the christian Zionist you have to watch out for. Those guys are hardcore. The majority of Jews who are all obsessed with Israel move there. It's like a big loony bin. Imagine if Japan had an open door policy granting all weeblos citizenship. That's what it's like.
Trannies on the other hand seem to always think they are fucking beautiful snowflakes and that this makes them superior. Now if only we could convince them to take a homeland. I'd gladly pay 10 dollars extra per year in taxes if it kept trannies in a militant middle eastern state. Keep them away from me and piss of the right wing countries of the entire fucking world.
>> No. 35465
File 133852939364.jpg - (12.02KB , 180x201 , 157256_100001843116981_8319181_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Maybe he could black up so he can be a super oppressed black jewish transsexual.
>> No. 35466
I think he's asserting that homosexuals wanting to get married and live "normal" lives are s... sexuality(?) traitors, and they should instead be opting to tear down "straight" Christian institutions rather than trying to prove they're just as normal as everyone else.

The way he puts it is retarded, but I've actually heard similar sentiments put forward before. Rupert Everett said in numerous interviews that he was against gay marriage because to quote "I like being illegal." He sees it as a special status that it's something different, and thinks categorizing it as the same strips them of some of their culture or whatever.
>> No. 35467
Well, a lot of Israelis are not even "loyal" to Israel.

>> No. 35468
This sounds far more like the basic idea of survival and not being where a dity bomb is about to hit.
>> No. 35469
>In fact, Gur told me, Jews are much safer in Israel than anywhere in the world.
>Ones who said they'd leave had American citizenship
>and enough money to flee to another country
>Rich Jews
>Not as safe in America as in Israel
>> No. 35470
File 133853458167.jpg - (25.12KB , 234x300 , mKjjHpQ.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>you seem like a pretty cool guy from your description and your blog looks awesome, though before I follow I must ask: why is Lenin in your background? he was a mass murderer.

>Uhh… I think you have some serious misconceptions about Lenin… lol

Brian, the great leader of the ACP(B)… lol

I wish the Master Trolls would trick this cishomo into doing something really stupid, get v& by the FBI, and raped in the jail by niggos.
>> No. 35471
File 133853564319.jpg - (130.55KB , 960x641 , tumblr_m2doinA2oI1r7xas6o1_1280.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also what a fucking retard. This is like this ADF chart.

Between false figures, blaming everything on the "US Army" even in the conflicts with no American military involvement whatsoever, and the misspelled nationalities, Brian actually believes that the Nazis killed only 6 million people in WWII (which killed about 55-80 million people, and only the Germans themselves lost like 8-9 million or so dead). With a brainpower like that, Brian will truly be a great leader of the new Bolshevist America.
>> No. 35472
But the Israeli defense model depends on the mobilisation of almost all of the able-bodied citizens (of both genders), not them fleeing en masse to the fucking Germany.

That's practically a desertion. I think this is not what happened in 1948 or 1967 or 1973. Kids today.
>> No. 35473

Is that sum transableism?
>> No. 35474
So, here's some relevant news from Argentina.

>> No. 35475
I was at Philly THC yesterday and today and I hope adf and Jordman were there. They would have seen real examples of the trans community and what a real trans person does to progress in their transition.
>> No. 35476
File 133867396975.png - (277.58KB , 1349x2692 , The Transsexuals' View - Philadelphia Trans-H.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Oh snap, assWipe. Me and trey were in philly this weekend. Since it was comic con, I invited trey from bumblefuck to hang out. We decided to hang out at the trans health conference Thursday and Friday. Besides spotting Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles walking in Center City. Also we might of spotted Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles at a trans-gender sex workers seminar.

1. Might rework the wiki to focus exclusively on Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Seeing how ADF and Jordan aren't funny anymore and deserve all of our respect.
2. ED article is going to stay permantly. Got the sysops promise. That article is never going down.
3. Trying to get people who have talked to Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles personally to write about their experiences. If any of you met the wraith queen. Write that shit down in this thread.
4. Going to release some chatlogs.

Good ass day.
>> No. 35477
File 133867506354.jpg - (41.34KB , 457x473 , mkb011312a.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>real trans person
>> No. 35478
>Seeing how ADF and Jordan... deserve all of our respect.
What the fuck!?
>> No. 35479
Can people be qualified for any sort of disability supports if they did this to themselves?
>> No. 35480
I'm guessing wordbutter.
>> No. 35481

AH YEAH, more Robert cocks!
>> No. 35482
my point was that there were a lot of good kids at the conference and transition is not just a social revolution to them.
>> No. 35483

Yeah well while that may be true, they are not interesting like Robert, and if Robert did go he is so delusional he would never take home a single lesson they would try to teach him.
>> No. 35484
You would think so just because of the mental problems, I'm not sure why he hasn't been sectioned since he is clearly a danger to himself.
>> No. 35485
>Seeing how ADF and Jordan... deserve all of our respect.
Yo dude are you suckin adf dick or something ?
>> No. 35486
  Here's an idea:

Why not nominate Robb and ADF for What Not to Wear? Though if they were to get nominated and get onto the show, ADF would have to watch in horror as his "military" uniforms and cosplay would be dumped into a trashcan where it belongs and the same would go for Robb when Stacy and Clinton throw away his trashy clothes that look like they came from a hooker's trashcan. It would be humorous to see ADF and Robb trying not to tardrage and call Stacy and Clinton "cisgender Nazis" on national television.
>> No. 35487

I'm leaning towards sarcasm.
>> No. 35488
File 133878172858.png - (478.97KB , 1007x2437 , Melissa ungrateful.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The latest from ADF's "husband."

It's amazing what people would do when faced with a group of people that they regard as an "enemy." Even if said enemy from the shelter cloth and house the individual. It's almost as if the individual hates to be proven wrong about a certain group. Meet Melissa, the teenage "Satanist" who wants to go against the Christian shelter workers whom welcomed her in.

Though I suppose it's hard for someone to be a grateful, open-minded human being when they have to listen to their own lover whose brain has turned into mush from hormones.
>> No. 35489
>getting sarcasm
>> No. 35490
Wait wait wait.
So ADF is a dude who pretends to be a girl (sometimes), and is "married" to a girl who is pretending to be the man in the relationship?
>> No. 35491
Yes. Trannies mang.
>> No. 35492
File 133884684793.jpg - (75.88KB , 500x373 , irony.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
so hey look who I ran into
>> No. 35493
File 133884836544.jpg - (172.44KB , 900x900 , queers_bash_back___philadelphia_by_verganza_de_sas.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Yeah that and the whole communist thing then you all set.
>> No. 35494
>> No. 35495

People like that give normal tranny autistics a bad name!!!
>> No. 35496

This gets better. Being the attention whore that he is bragging about that stupid stunt.

Adf dosen't show up until 32:19.

>> No. 35497
Anyone have that picture of ADF holding a sign saying how he's a gay socialist?
>> No. 35498
File 133887042044.jpg - (505.81KB , 1188x1515 , Commielesbanenarutard.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You mean this one?
>> No. 35499
The fuck is pinkwashing?
>> No. 35500
I think it's something like sucking as many dicks as you can in front of Jewish people.
>> No. 35501
My favourite thing about that sign is that he snuck in a plug for his fucking devianTart page at the bottom. Yeah, that'll get people to take you seriously.
>> No. 35502
File 133890260798.jpg - (155.00KB , 640x480 , 6c37c1ff3690b8bae1435928c604f209.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I wanna pump rikkaayyy full of my cum up her ass
>> No. 35503
Hi Robb.

Just wanted to let you know your Encyclopedia Dramatica page has been viewed some twenty five thousand times and you are still the second featured article under "Good New Articles".
>> No. 35505
I have something to reveal to this domain of shit fuckers and sperg lords. I saw Introman and Trey at the convention last friday and using intuition I got a friend to follow close behind me and snap them with a disposable. I know its possible we got the wrong culprits but those two homosexual deviants were on my trail like fox hunters.

Now you ask what my friends gonna do with these pics, well you can guess what she and I are gonna do.

Let's just say the cops are gonna turn this city upside down until justice prevails. And once we've found the goddamn rabbit hole all those little rabbits will be fucking smoked.

This will never be over until this lady wins.

>> No. 35506
File 133892464233.jpg - (10.57KB , 285x214 , Hitler smiling 6.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>This will never be over until this lady wins.
Oh yes, we were concerned that you would stop providing us delicious cocks. Should've known, you never learn.

>Now you ask what my friends gonna do with these pics, well you can guess what she and I are gonna do.
Okay. Well, you know, you've already told you know where we live and our real names, so it's kind of pointless to threaten us with anything since it's painfully obvious to everyone you are, once again, full of shit.

So, how about those DOXes? Do I still live in Turkey? Or Russia again?
>> No. 35507
You came back! You've made me so happy!
>> No. 35508

>Robb's youtube
>Omg, Pull up your fucking pants, we don't need to see your sagging junk if they fall down. We dont need to see your MAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNN parts.
Oh Robb, as if you don't look like a crack addicted gollum who won't pass in a million years.
>> No. 35509

Here at /cwc/ lolcows milk themselves, you see.
>> No. 35510
File 133892539644.png - (265.11KB , 550x310 , breivik is this nigga serious.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey, it's Robert Wayne Stiles time again!

Robert Wayne Stiles aka "Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles Stiles"

1512 Spruce Street
Apartment 7A

List of nicknames:
Wraith Beliskner
Mr. Robert Wayne StilesStarjade
Reverend Casper
Wraith Commander

>this lady
You're a man, Robb.
>> No. 35511
>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles Stiles
I love this new wordbutter.
>> No. 35512
So you're going to go to the cops with a picture of someone you think might be two guys you know only from the internet, but aren't sure, and you expect them to tear up the city looking for these guys who said such mean things about you on a site that really isn't that well known.
>> No. 35513
>I used to fap to bondage porn while listening to this
Too much info, Robb.
>> No. 35514

And this is why I can pursue legal action. Once a person legally removes something from the internet it is his or her personal property and obtaining it to exploit and harass someone is fucking illegal.

YOU breached my personal security, violated and distributed it against my will. Just as Clementi had his ultra personal info tossed into the wildfire you are doing the same to me.
>> No. 35516
>Once a person legally removes something from the internet
No such thing. The internet is (more or less) forever.

You have a big problem with wishful thinking, Robert.
>> No. 35517

>> No. 35518

Nice t-shirt you're wearing, brah. It doesn't look new.
>> No. 35519
File 133892770565.jpg - (25.69KB , 422x500 , jolly sturmman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Here, Robb, I think this would be useful for you.

>Keeping your personal information safe
>Your personal information is very important. It can tell a lot about you. Special information includes things like your full name, address, phone number, the name of your school, even your photo. Learn how to keep that special information safe with Hector.
>> No. 35520
>Robbay now:SPERGS! FAGS!

Ohhhh my...
>> No. 35521

Yes Robb, I'm sure they'll have the entire department out on a manhunt looking for some people who said nasty things about you that might be the guys in the photo.


Oh, just fucking do it you homosexual deviant, time and time again you come back to give us threats that we aren't the slightest bit worried about, how the hell have you still not learned? Don't tell us about it, just DO IT.
>> No. 35522
Gais, I think Robb took some "figurative" photos again.
>> No. 35523
File 133892861045.jpg - (36.93KB , 325x396 , Spock_Zachary_Quinto[1].jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

A quote from a smart man.
" Holy shit, you're fucking sick! How fucking dare you compare something like that to you being a moron and getting your shit posted, That kid got spied on having sex in a fucked up voyeuristic practical joke gone too far, it went "viral" and he killed himself from embarassment and bullying. As far as I know he seemed pretty innocent and it's hard as fuck to discover your sexuality for straight people, let alone a kid like him. You're a dumbass on the internet. Any compassion I had for you is null-and-void. I hope you like these threads all being permanent members of /L/."

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles you sure like to claim you're oppressed. Which figure, popular in the media are you going to claim next? Will it be Anne frank or yoshihiro hattori next? Your hyperbole is bordering on fraud, Stiles. Stop harrassing Harel, Davis, myself and Trey. If you do that, your life will be so much better.
>> No. 35524

>This will never be over until this lady wins.

Guess it will never be over then, you'll have to actually be a lady first, which is never going to happen.
>> No. 35525
You're a fucking retard Rob. That isn't correct and the police can't and won't do shit to anyone because no one has committed any crimes. Going to ask /mlp/ for a personal army again would probably get you more support than the PPD. Both will laugh in your face and call you a fag, though.

PROTIP: You aren't the first person to try to take down ED. No one ever has.
>> No. 35526
File 13389294409.jpg - (67.12KB , 502x410 , Anne.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>You're driving all the people with GID to do these grave things but if you think we're all going to commit seppuku your fucking retarded. Until you kill me I'll always be alive and continue to administer justice to this cruel planet. Just like the jews, people with Gender identity disorder will continue to permute this planet and you'll never be able to wipe us all out.
You're late Intro. Robb trolling is the new Holocaust.
>> No. 35527

Wow I never thought that you actually keep showing up Fuck your a sperg.
>> No. 35528
>Once a person legally removes something from the internet it is his or her personal property

Please point us towards this law!
>> No. 35529
So, who the fuck cares if you post a pic of introman ? That may or may not even be him? Its not like we will troll him when we have you, and introman doesnt seem to be a insecure sperg unlike you who freaks out if someone insults how you look.
>> No. 35530
I can do whatever the fuck I want because my privacy has been invaded, breached, destroyed, FUCKING OBLIVERATED you spergs can't do anything to prevent me and hell, maybe I'll end up better than I currently am.

Introman, keep making threats, keep attack me personally, keep trying to ally my former friends to destroy me. You're the one whose taking a macrocosm from the mole hill.
>> No. 35531
File 133893317153.jpg - (89.86KB , 540x720 , 133478437887.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Everybody quick, post pictures of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 35532

>maybe I'll end up better than I currently am.

You could smear dog shit on your face and rape a chicken and you'd be better than you currently are. We don't want to stop you doing anything Robb, everything you do is hilarious, by all means carry on. Please take the photo to the police and let us know what they say.
>> No. 35533
How the fuck many times do we have to go over this with you? All the pictures are pictures you posted publicly to the internet. Do you think the Numa Numa guy could sue people for looking at his youtube video you idiot?

You have done nothing. You can shit his pants and do nothing. You have no power or legal standing. You're here to dance for us and make us laugh.

Also, I find it funny that you react to this on much the same level as Chris. Remember when he thought he had pictures of his trolls (and Synder) and believed simply having and posting them would do the work for him and get his trolls trolled?
>> No. 35534
File 133893340366.jpg - (54.42KB , 468x352 , hitler heiling.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I can do whatever the fuck I want because my privacy has been invaded, breached, destroyed, FUCKING OBLIVERATED you spergs can't do anything to prevent me and hell, maybe I'll end up better than I currently am.
No one is stopping you. Infact, we just love to follow you trying to destroy us. Please, do go on! Go to /mlp/ and try to recruit them again, write an ED page. We aren't going to stop you.
>> No. 35535
Oh you sad, sad little man. You honestly believe you have legal standing against people reposting what you have posted on the internet and posting freely public information such as your address.
>> No. 35536
>> No. 35537
File 133893415746.jpg - (92.45KB , 431x500 , monoloso.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

oh hes oblivious all right
>> No. 35538
>taking a macrocosm out of the mole hill
>> No. 35539
File 133893675288.jpg - (69.30KB , 800x600 , Rika_07.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Closeted men always seem to have an irrational hatred towards women and fellow gay men. So it seems.

Go ahead and show that picture. We'll all waiting to see it. It's a free internet, after all.
>> No. 35540
Can one of you fine gents post a link to Melissa aka Mikhail Harels reddit?
>> No. 35541
File 133893855083.jpg - (197.60KB , 800x645 , hitler tea time2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

In the case it's too long for you to read, I can give you TL;DR what's happened since it was last brought up.


Melissa got angry at his shelter because they are religious and wanted to troll them because he's satanist and everything. Redditers shouted EPIN JUUULLLAAAYYY and then he went back to DA.

Perhaps our AmazingAtheist Robb could help him here, hmmm?
>> No. 35542
Thank you, my Turkish-Russian-Finnish Nazi Brother.
>> No. 35543
Keep making empty threats , we dont care , its funny

Do something for once, prove to use you got the e-detectives on us
>> No. 35544

Robert, you're a fool if you actually think the cops in Philly are going to even bother with you and your nonsense.
>> No. 35545
Question; why did Mr. Robert Wayne StilesAAYY change his name to this vixefuryan homosexual deviance?
>> No. 35546
God dat wordbutter
>> No. 35547
It's probably the name of his furry persona or some shit like that.
>> No. 35548
I'm going to the cops tomorrow with my friend and we're going to sort this out. Introman, you're free to try and stop us but we're going to point out how you wrote the ADFki infringed on my privacy and co-conspirated the article that ruined my life.

And guess what, you did post threats against me on here (screencapped for evidence) and manipulated mentally unstable people to attack my personal life. You're a Grade-A scumbag, you ugly fuck, how do you live with yourself?!
>> No. 35549

>I'm going to the cops tomorrow with my friend and we're going to sort this out.

Didn't you threaten to go to the cops once already?
>> No. 35550
I also like how he alternates between "I ain't even mad" and "FUCK YOU! YOU RUINED MY LIFE!"
>> No. 35551

I wish I could see the look on the cops' faces when they see the article and hear his complaints.
>> No. 35552
File 133894829858.jpg - (75.57KB , 750x390 , laughing nazis.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I'm going to the cops tomorrow with my friend and we're going to sort this out. Introman, you're free to try and stop us but we're going to point out how you wrote the ADFki infringed on my privacy and
Again, no one is stopping you.

Hmmm, all this talk about cops, reminds me of that skype chat months ago. Didn't you tell even back then the trannies took the screen caps of those mean posts to the cops? How's FBI doing with that thing?

>Jordman and Daniel have been spamming up the board posing as me, not only to get the ADF stonecutters to hate me but also to soil my reputation on the internet. All of the photos of me were dropped by either Dan or Jordman, the whole phony-legal-action-threatening this-site-for-hate-crimes thing was their's too.
From the very first thread. Hmmm!

>co-conspirated the article that ruined my life.
I would be interested to see this as well as I wrote it alone because I had nothing better to do. Also, thank you for all your praise. I love it when my articles have an impact.
>> No. 35553
Please never leave. Stay here forever and bring me joy Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 35554

If you were just normal you wouldn't have this problem. Thank god you people can't reproduce!
>> No. 35555
Make sure you film your trip to the station and upload it to YT.
>> No. 35556
File 133894856842.jpg - (209.09KB , 1365x2048 , one ugly motherfucker who is also a guy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>you ugly fuck, how do you live with yourself?!
>> No. 35557
Never noticed how greasy his hair looks in that picture before. And is that stubble I can see through those tights?
>> No. 35558

You should probably live stream that you know so we take you seriously.
>> No. 35559
Mate, I'm gonna spell it out for you; the police won't give a shit. Even if they had enough to go on, they wouldn't do anything. You sent death threats to the FBI, if anything, they'll just tell you "WE'RE WORKIN' ON IT." Once they find out about the death threats, they will lose all sympathy and half ass the investigation before closing it under the (reasonable) belief that you're getting everything you deserve.

You want progress? You're gonna have to sue the cops too. Have fun with that.
>> No. 35560
File 133894892694.png - (6.17KB , 400x400 , lmao2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I just want to say that in all the clubs I go to, guys drool over me every night and you know what, I have to crush their hearts.
~Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 35561
Paul David Smith actually could've helped Robert in one way.
>> No. 35562

You may want to tell them that your online history may contain child porn from ADF being on it.
>> No. 35563
I find it hilarious even Conies and Paul David "Eyebrows" Smith know how to deal with trolling better than Robb.
>> No. 35564
This coming from somebody who has threatened federal agents. Don't ever change, Robby! You're so funny when you're at your most delusional.
>> No. 35565
Also, wasn't it Jordman who dropped your DOX. Y'know after you stabbed him in the back. You're an awesome friend, Robb.
>> No. 35566
Keep trying with those empty threats Rob. Maybe the next one will work.
>> No. 35567
File 133894955771.jpg - (12.91KB , 150x225 , 150px-Rika_25.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I'm going to the cops tomorrow with my friend and we're going to sort this out.

What makes you think, that police will do anything to help. Because you and I know that give a fuck about you.
>> No. 35568
Dear Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.

Thank you for providing us more cocks. Your Encyclopedia Dramatica page has been updated accordingly.

This message was brought to you by the Stonecutters.
>> No. 35569

I'm living quite well, actually. In fact my life has improved dramatically since then. I am happy to expose you for what you're . You're a thug in a cocktail dress. I'm happy that the police will get to see your stalkerish attitude and aggression in person.
>> No. 35570
File 133894979384.png - (208.21KB , 320x356 , 133692949975.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>dat pic
>> No. 35571
The most that'll happen is you'll be patronized and of course be too autistic to realize it. The same can probably be said for your friend. But go ahead. I'm sure my fine comrades in Philadelphia could use a laugh.

For bonus points make a scene at the precinct now that I've given you a hint about their true thoughts on your dilemma.
>> No. 35572
ED page has the unresized version.

I sure can see why all those guys drool over you Robb.
>> No. 35573
File 13389509741.jpg - (36.29KB , 410x424 , Time to fap.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wasn't Intro supposed to be a fetish model according to you, Robb? Release those photos, I want to fap to dat sweet Intro ass.
>> No. 35574
  I found the perfect boyfriend for Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 35575

Pretty historic place mommy and daddy set you up in, Robb. Too bad a place on the National Registry has to be occupied by an anally destroyed wannabe tranny.
>> No. 35576
You're killing me Rob, I hope you're happy.

I laughed so hard my sides fell off and now I am dying slowly, laughing all the way to the afterlife.
>> No. 35577
What I would not give to have video documentation of you going into the police station with a photo of someone from behind who you think might be someone from the internet and TEAR THIS CITY APART AND OBLIVERATE THEM YOU LACTONIC POLICE FUCKERS. Seriously, please do this.

Be sure to tell the police about the fat guy outside of your apartment too.
>> No. 35578
Sounds like someone needs more fiber in their diet.
>> No. 35579
I wish I worked in Philly. Just to be there.
>> No. 35580
Is this guy for realz?

Moo. Moooo.
>> No. 35581
  Your legal theories never cease to bring a smile to my face dude. It's always Roobbbbaaaayyyy in Philadelphia.
>> No. 35582
You are the mentally unstable one. Just thought that neexed pointing out. You want to cut your balls off.
>> No. 35583
This is what he actually believes. His e-lawyer degree must be awesome.
>> No. 35584
uh oh guys he has screencaps

those are even closer to a smoking gun than chatlogs
>> No. 35585
>This will never be over until this lady wins.

>This will never be over
The only true part of this statement
>> No. 35586
>Going to the cops
pics or it didn't happen

>you ugly fuck
you really should google the word "irony"
>> No. 35587
Robert, you live in one of the most expensive areas in Philadelphia. Don't you feel guilty that you're wasting mommy and daddy's money on an apartment that's extremely overpriced?
>> No. 35588
Found this on a youtube video about sodomize.

As of 2008, Iran carries out more sex change operations than any other nation in the world except for Thailand. The government provides up to half the cost for those needing financial assistance, and a sex change is recognised on the birth certificate. An attack on Iran is an attack on LGBT people around the world. We CAN and MUST fight bigotry and oppression around the world AND oppose US imperialism and militarism.

>> No. 35589
Robayyyyy how did your visit to the police station go
>> No. 35590
Hahahaha, the reason Iran has the most sex-change operations is because they force gay men to get sex changes or be executed.

A real pillar of LGBT rights.
>> No. 35591
What did I ever do anyone here? It's you who have intruded on my life. What I wouldn't give to have my life rewinded. I altered my entire being and for what?! Naught! Fucking naught!

Introman, Trey, anyone who hates me, I formally invite you to my appartment. Come, I FUCKING DARE YOU.
>> No. 35592
File 133901411944.jpg - (41.32KB , 545x345 , Hitler and his animal friends.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>What did I ever do anyone here?
Well, you're a egoistic megalomaniac tranny, but nobody cares about that shit. You're just funny. Nobody wants to come to your house to assassinate you. You're not some oppressed poor martyr, or an intimidating warlord or atheist crusader hunted by assassins. You are about as scary and powerful as a toddler throwing a tantrum in a playpen.

You're just an internet clown and we love to laugh at you. I don't hate you, you're hilarious. I don't think you even comprehend how funny it is to follow you going around sending empty threats.

Robert, I wish to formally thank you for all the entertainment you've brought us. You are one of my favourite lolcows and I'd like you to know that.
>> No. 35593
Thank you for coming back! Everyday about this time you bring a smile to my face when I check /cwc/!

Your mad is priceless Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles!
>> No. 35594
If you could rewind your life what would you do differently?
>> No. 35595

You and everyone else manipulated people to ruin my life and now EVERYONE pisses in my goddamn face and expects they'll be safe behind they're computers. For all I know you could be ten hundred times more hideous than me and this is your self impotent plot to boost your self esteem, Zyklon.

Introman, I know you read this shithole thread so let's end this once and forever.
>> No. 35596
I suppose all your life you've just been the sweetest of angels on the internet! Lol no, this is karma man.

>Introman, I know you read this shithole thread so let's end this once and forever.

What would the rest of us gain by this ending? It's hilarious I hope it goes on forever.
>> No. 35597
File 133901548447.jpg - (64.43KB , 675x675 , living the dream.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>You and everyone else manipulated people to ruin my life and now EVERYONE pisses in my goddamn face and expects they'll be safe behind they're computers. For all I know you could be ten hundred times more hideous than me and this is your self impotent plot to boost your self esteem, Zyklon.
Actually, the only one who helped us was Jordman, and he dropped your DOX only because you wrote the ADFki page about him. No manipulation required here.

And Robbie, Robbie...you used to call yourself a troll. Then why is it so hard for you to understand people troll for the sole fact that trolling is fun and lolcows are amusing? The explanation you offered, that trolling is done to boost weak self-esteem caused by ugliness would neatly explain why you (attempted to) troll, because...well, let's face it: I have never in real life met a person nearly as ugly as you. But don't worry Robb, if you spent less money on troll hunting, and got a surgery or few, you could look like a normal human being. Eventually. Maybe.

And even if I was your Finno-Russian-Turkish doppelganger, it wouldn't make you any less lolcow than you are.

>Introman, I know you read this shithole thread so let's end this once and forever.
You're free to leave anytime you want, no one is forcing you to stay. Of course we'd prefer you to stay, and we are happy you have chosen to continue to provide us entertainment.
>> No. 35598
so I'm guessing your visit to the cops didn't go to plan
>> No. 35599
Just like everything else in his life.
>> No. 35600

We talk on skype first . I want to make sure this is the true and honest Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. I remember Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles being slightly smarter than this creature known as vixenfuryan.
>> No. 35601
Your threats are empty. You have no power. No one has any reason to do anything you say or entertain any of your requests. No one fears your anger, no one gives a shit about your wrath. No one here has any motivation whatsoever to end this.

Why is this so hard for you to understand? The only way you could possibly make this die down is to convince ADF or Jordman to make as big a fool of themselves on here as you are, and at the same time quietly slink off away from this website, and hope they continue to distract us for however long it takes to forget about you. And considering the number of threats, demands and declarations you've made, that would take a very, very long time.
>> No. 35602
Guess what, I lied. That wasn't Jordman who posted my "address" it was me. Oh and that was a faux address the whole time to show that even though I've got no position to bargain I still trolled you to pieces.

Good luck finding me, cunts!
>> No. 35603
Oh Robbay, you are the tranny everyone loves to hate
>> No. 35604

0/10 try harder
>> No. 35605
File 133901718048.png - (78.32KB , 253x235 , nazi oh you.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh fuck, you sure got us. I'm raging so fucking hard right now fuu fuu.

No wait. Remember that time I dropped the picture of your door and you came back raging and telling you've got hot flashes and your life is ruined?


You did that even though it ttly wasn't your address and you just wanted to entertain us? How kind of you Robb.
>> No. 35606
You're the gift that keeps on giving!
>> No. 35607
Well, nazi dumbshit, that happens to be my appartment number but the actual address is as legit as your fetish.
>> No. 35608
That makes perfect sense. Damn, you are devious and a master troll just as you warned us you were.
>> No. 35609
File 133901760329.jpg - (24.91KB , 668x489 , Rikaaaay.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 35610

We don't need to find you, you keep coming back here.
>> No. 35611
Hmm maybe I should test the theory by mailing a box of dogshit to the address.
>> No. 35612

>I altered my entire being

>put on some lipstick and a dress
>> No. 35613
Mate, I told you. I told you they weren't going to listen. You threatened an FBI agent. Your best bet is to sue the cops if you want them to do something, I'm not even joking. A lawlsuit will, if nothing else, at least get them to look into it. I mean, I know you won't follow any of this, but I thought I'd tell you.
>> No. 35614
Oh no the allpowerful Wraith as foiled us again!!! Curses, next time Robbay ,next time.
>> No. 35615
File 133901785853.jpg - (25.65KB , 544x476 , Nazi costanza.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You still seem awfully buttrustled, and for no reason!

And Robert, my man, as one of the worst trannies in the States, perhaps in the world, as someone who looks like you belong to a bad comedy, you shouldn't be so quick to question the legitimacy of other people's fetishes. Shouldn't you support different ways of expressing love? So what if I like to wear a totenkopf cap, staple a cardboard David's star to my partner's chest and whip her while calling her Anne? Don't be so phobic maaan, feel the love.
>> No. 35616

What exactly about your life has been ruined? What's changed since all this has happened, give specific examples.
>> No. 35617

It's the tripcode he's been using while he's been here.


Yeah, whatever you say Robb.
>> No. 35618

>> No. 35619
What makes you think that we want to find you. It could be this just your spergy mind playing tricks on you.
>> No. 35620
>What makes you think that we want to find you
It's Robb. He wants to believe he is important and wanted.
>> No. 35621

>I was trolling you THIS ENTIRE TIME!

robby, someone pointed out that you'd play this card. Like four or five threads ago.
>> No. 35622

The third thread. This is the ninth. Yeah. He never learns, does he?
>> No. 35623
9 already? Lolcalves grow up so fast
>> No. 35624
I do have to give Robb some credit. I don't know any other lolcow who would have made himself from a totally obscure nobody trolled only by a small inside troll club for their own amusement to a full blown epic lolcow in the matter of days.

But without any doubt, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles threads are the most hilarious thing I have ever read in 789chan. First he begs, then goes full tard rage, tries to negotiate, full tard rage, tries to DOX his trolls by paying some fucking agency, full tard raging, negotiating, full tard rage some more, tries to get cheese conies to raid 789chan for him, more tardrage.

And that whole "I AM A WARLORD MY NAME HAS POWER MY VICTIMS KNEW MY OMNIPOTANCE {sic}!" thing is the cherry on top. Even Chris only wanted to be the mayor of his own town inside of his head.
>> No. 35625
File 133902393173.png - (562.12KB , 484x599 , 132965754167.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You are a MAN.

Enjoy never finding Your True and Honest Sweetheart, you NAIVE RETARD.

Peace and have good ROBBAYYYY
>> No. 35626

Well then since you were kind enough to formally invite us and all, why don't we just send someone to check in person? Anyone here fat, have a trenchcoat, and a strong stomach? The stench of ass and failure should give it away.
>> No. 35627
Did the fat guy outside of you apartment ever make off with your harem maps or were you able to fend him off?
>> No. 35628
I mean...why doesn't he even TRY what everyone says; shut your damn mouth and it'll go away?
>> No. 35629
Robayyyyy if you keep this up you are going to replace Chris as my all time favorite lolcow
>> No. 35630
Wrong dude. Herpes is forever.
>> No. 35631
He is already my favourite. Robert is funnier than Chris has been in years.
>> No. 35632
>ROBBAAAAAAAY isn't your favorite already

Come on man, it's been years since Chris has been anywhere close to being this good.

Also how long until ROBBAAAAAAY tries to curse us?

>> No. 35633
There is so much to like about this guy, the childish threats, his attempts at lolitrolu, the constant mood swings, his Chrislike grasp on language.

Robb, please contact the police, please record it, and please just stay with us forever. We want you here, nobody else wants you, but we do, you will always have a place here as our laughing stock.
>> No. 35634
There is nothing to investigate to begin with. What Robert doesn't seem to understand is no crimes have ever been committed here.
>> No. 35635
What the hell would he sue cops for?

And that is Mr. Robert Wayne Stiless 100% TRUE and HONEST address. He isn't fooling anyone.
>> No. 35636

I'd guess that a common theme in Rob's life has been that he's always tried to convince himself and other's that he's in control of his life. He's never been able to let go and accept that some things are out of his hands and until he can do so he will never have any real semblance of control.
>> No. 35637
Robb, ever sice you betrayed our trust by trolling us with the story of the fat guy who didn't exist, we just can't believe anything you say. Post these pics you're bringing (brought?) to the authorities or it didn't happen.
>> No. 35638
File 133902967659.png - (17.10KB , 838x93 , Robb_getting_desperate.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robb has the self-restrain of a five years old.
>> No. 35639
You said his full legal name on the INTERNET that is against the law!
>> No. 35641

>And that whole "I AM A WARLORD MY NAME HAS POWER MY VICTIMS KNEW MY OMNIPOTANCE {sic}!" thing is the cherry on top.

Yeah, this. The delusion of power that Robert here thoroughly convinced himself of because he was a mild annoyance on some video game forums and servers. I think that even CWC and ADF managed to retain a little bit of self-awareness even when they got their stupidest, but not Rob here. He really believed his own bullshit completely and 9 threads later, is still in denial over the whole thing.
>> No. 35642
You do realize that you can't legally shoot them for coming when invited. Castle doctrine doesn't say that.

I'll be thr one bringing bbq and wine. Is there a certain day you would like us to all drop by, or is one at a time more convenient for you?
>> No. 35643
File 133903132164.png - (127.00KB , 320x240 , cozy homer.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>You realize that my manager will never take your word over mine? Go ahead, Introman, sodomize my internet reputation but don't be suprised when they haul you in for identity fraud and whatever the hell you plan to use my INNOCENT name for.
>internet reputation
>internet reputation
>internet reputation
It is pretty obvious that Robb is obsessed with the internet. With video games, sure, but there was one thing Robb craved even more. Acceptance and respect. As one of the countless insults targeted towards the trolls, he called them bullies, just like the ones that had bullied him in school. I sure wonder why he was bullied. And as is obvious from all the tranny drama and Robb driving all his friends away with spastic raging, Robb has never gotten real acceptance in real life because of his severely lacking social skills. He even went as far as saying he won't mind becoming 30 years old virgin. That is probably his most self-aware moment so far.

So Robb thought that maybe in the internet, he could finally be accepted. Through trolling and being epic in his MMO, he could finally be an internet version of that alpha kid in school, that everyone respected. Imagine that 14 years old boy who finds /b/, living in the illusion of being part of a powerful secret society, yet to be disillusioned with Anonymous. Except that this boy wants to be The Man, who controls the fearsome internet force. Add a decade to that, and you have Robb.

What we do, is basically discuss Robb behind all this trollsona bullshit. This is exactly why Robb is so mad. He failed in real life, and can't stand being reminded about it, and by exposing his homosexual deviantry, we are destroying the only thing he had left; his "internet reputation".

Well, Robb, if it makes you feel better, scriptkiddies are and have always been homosexual deviants, so there wasn't much reputation to destroy in the first place.
>> No. 35644
File 133903203371.jpg - (25.98KB , 300x365 , 1330668296217.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 35645
File 133903439711.gif - (54.67KB , 297x293 , Wreath.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 35646
Rob is my current favorite, but soon he will replace cwc asmy all time favorite

I think all will take is for Robayyyyy to post some nudes of himself
>> No. 35647
File 133903806460.jpg - (717.70KB , 1365x2048 , Mr_ Robert Wayne Stiles the MAN himself.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
But imagine all those horrible photos he took of himself. With Chris, you had to tell him to do that, push him and most of the time you got "I'M WORKIN ON IT". Meanwhile, Robbie takes pictures like that with a smile and happily shares them with the world wide web.

Easy to see why all those guys drool over him huh?
>> No. 35648
For a photographer, his photos really suck, not just the ugly manwoman but , everything about them is unappealing.
>> No. 35649
/Robb's Life
>> No. 35650
Make a youtube video, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. The longer you wait to make a video, the longer all of this will go on. If you make a youtube video all of /cwc/ will be able to see how hot you really are.

Make a youtube video. Make a youtube video. Make a youtube video. Make a youtube video.
>> No. 35651
This is so true, the composition, lighting and balance are all so amateur it's pretty hilarious.
>> No. 35652
  Robb has also filmed one shitty rap music vid.

2:13 so much spaghetti. Can't even tell where the nigger ends and where the hoodie begins. Good job there, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 35653
Robbay , learn how to use a fucking tripod its alot better than shaking the fucking camera around you spast
>> No. 35654
Rob please tell us how your trip to the police station went. I'm dying to know if I need to pack a suitcase and go on the run
>> No. 35655
That was a bluff. You know he never actually went.
>> No. 35656
That's the joke.
>> No. 35657
Better get yourself checked for autism
>> No. 35658
So where is Vixen Furyan? I need my Robbay fix.
>> No. 35659
This is the magic hour.
>> No. 35660

While we're waiting, how about snapping into a Slim Jim.
>> No. 35661
Love that song. Thanks anon.
>> No. 35662

No problem, I thought it fit.
>> No. 35663
He's busy cutting his cock and balls off with a paper cutter as part of his grand scheme to troll us all, you idiot.
>> No. 35664
Lets put cyanide in a Robbays hormone treatment

>> No. 35665
File 133911926712.jpg - (21.38KB , 313x300 , jfk.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
All trannies, wherever they may live, are citizens of Philadelphia, and, therefore, as a lolcow, I take pride in the words "Ich bin ein Beliskner!"
>> No. 35666
Well played, friend. Well played.
>> No. 35667
Dear Robb, did that lumekia you had years ago ever clear up? I hear that can be pretty serious.
>> No. 35668
dont troll him, mr. Robert is a good man. he is a good "dick and harry" to have around, he has got the balls to take on any challenge, and is "more than a man than meets the eye"
>> No. 35669
Holy fuck, he looks like an even uglier Marilyn Manson
>> No. 35670
I have to admit, he is pretty "spunk"y.
>> No. 35671

cum on guys, that's not funny.
>> No. 35672
>>225209 >>225164
Take your pun homosexual deviantry back to reddit.
>> No. 35673
File 133921351249.jpg - (83.52KB , 640x426 , 2908576819_0ed240e4e6_z.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey guys, what's new itt?

Oh my shit, he came back.

This calls for a commemorative coffee filter.
>> No. 35674
File 133926813683.png - (13.65KB , 310x361 , Chairwomyn Ahuviya Harel_1339268071234.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Russia bans gay pride parades.


How do you think the chairdude would take this?

Harel updated his facebook!
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