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File 133895278350.jpg - (13.29KB , 234x215 , alog.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
36243 No. 36243
I have some new cocks1 But first, to see it, you have to come to tinychat and prove you're not a loser by our strict standards of coolness.

If we give you a pass, you can come to IRC, and we'll let you join our totally awesome forum of bros. Then, if nobody picks on me or makes fun of me in any way, I will post the first hint of the cocks. At that point, at least 50 of you must give me "props" or I will not post any more of the FULL cocks.

You must also swear by all that is good and holy not to use the use or cross-post the cocks in any way other than the strict rules I lay forth for it. I'm serious about this. If you do not do exactly what I say how I say it, you will have RUINED IT FOR EVERYBODY! And we will immediately expel you from our super cool kids trolling club.

Just kidding. Here is the cocks:


It's a 30 minute video of A-Log and four new commentary aspies (traitors, you are replaced!) talking shit about other Youtubers who are better and more popular than them. It's the most irony I've ever seen packed into one, completely oblivious video.
Amusingly, even the losers at TGWTG recognize this as fail.
And supposedly there is a part 2 coming.
Expand all images
>> No. 36244
I'm glad you were kidding bro. I was going to offer to suck your dick for this delicious helping of cocks.
>> No. 36245
Thanks so much, you've made my day.
>> No. 36246
Bluespike and A-Log in the same video? What the fuck is going on?
>> No. 36247
wait, what
>> No. 36248
File 133895381484.jpg - (49.80KB , 500x333 , hahaha0.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Then, if nobody picks on me or makes fun of me in any way,
>> No. 36249
God damn hardcorekid... I fucking hate that guy.
I think he's connected to fan fic critic somehow but I'm not sure.
>> No. 36250
File 133895397555.png - (18.72KB , 400x400 , what_the_fuck_am_I_reading.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I've taken on the best Youtube commentators
>> No. 36251
The "Hardcore Kid" kind of looks like ADF to me. IDK why. Thanks for the cocks.
>> No. 36252
AND he's connected to the FFC? This is more than a lolcow trifecta.
>> No. 36253
>> No. 36254
Peter Gristch. Anthony Logatto. Same video.
>> No. 36255
YouTube failures commenting on YouTube failures. My God...
>> No. 36256
I'm almost positive they were on the same website some point but it was a while ago.
>> No. 36257
BlueSpike? Where?
>> No. 36258
Never heard of him before but now I'm interested. You're probably right about them being on the same website though since they both reek of wanting to get onto TGWTG but can't even meet that goal.

Also, this video is both terrible and awesome at the same time.
>> No. 36259

I don't know why either. They don't even remotely look like each other.
>> No. 36260
Depends on who you ask. Some people think Peter Gritsch (who is in the video) is Bluespike and some people don't. I can't remember who the other person is that people think is Bluespike but I'm not that familiar with the whole matter in the first place honestly. Someone else here can answer better I'm sure.
>> No. 36261
You know... there are a lot of people to look up in this video. That fat guy in the cape has to have something funny about him.
>> No. 36262
>with great nostalgia comes great responsibility
Definitely the guy in the cape. Hardcore Kid doesn't sound like good enough material, though he is a prick.
>> No. 36263
I was thinking the same thing bro and didn't say it before. The fat, Irish ginger comes in a close second to the guy in the cape though. What I find great about this video is that it reeks of people who are jealous of other people who get more views or have more subs or make ad revenue off their YT videos. And that's pretty much it outside of the typical sperging.
>> No. 36264
>> No. 36265
It's beautiful. Simply... beautiful.
>> No. 36266

You guys appear to be correct:

>> No. 36267

strap yourselves in... "The Cartoon Hero" has been busy.
>> No. 36268
Cool. Thanks for that link.

I like the point in the video where these "adults" bitch about some little kid's YT videos. Commentating on YT is SERIOUS BUSINESS. They actually get mad because he has "preteen girl" fans or something defending him. I mean, really? Christ these people are pathetic.
>> No. 36269
>Oh hey! A-Log and other fuckups!

>...oh wait, they're co-commentating with this fuck
>> No. 36270
Right here bro. Are you Pinch BTW?

>> No. 36271

Spoilers: He loves ponies too
>> No. 36272
>> No. 36273
Formerly, yes. I've hung out in tinychat before.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2U0kp47S6o&list=UUDUzI4EeHWWYe91PZFA41nA&index=8&feature=plcp OBLIGATORY PONY REVIEW
>> No. 36274
ahaha beat me to it
>> No. 36275
>...If guptill accepted his mistakes, that he's made in the past, admitted he was wrong, and maybe moved on, we wouldn't keep bringing him up.
>> No. 36276

Yeah, but you posted season 1.

I did season 2.

Double the patheticness, double the fun.
>> No. 36277
Cool. Just asking. I'm familiar with you and I saw you in tinychat once or twice awhile back but I don't think that's where I remember you from. Not important. These cocks are wonderful.

And there's a part 2. Can't wait. Thanks to the random Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles for sharing.
>> No. 36278
Oh good, I'm glad we could cover ALL the pony bullshit.

Also Ozzie Arcane dresses like top-hat mode alog
>> No. 36279
The was the fat ginger right? "Criticism" seems to be his pet peeve and all he says about anyone.
>> No. 36280
>He's admitted to having sexual fantasies of fictional cartoon characters

best. line. ever.
>> No. 36281

When was this in the vid?
>> No. 36282
For the bro's over at the a log archival center. Here's the times A log appears in the vidya.

1:59 - 2:16
8:03 - 8:14
10:28 - 10:35
11:12 - 11-24
13:02 - 13:09
13:48- 14:15
17:37 - 17:57
18:17 - 18:19
21:09 - 21:17
21:58- 22:18
>> No. 36283
Jesus fucking Christ I thought TGWTG fags couldn't get more annoying, I WAS WRONG

Literally 2 seconds in I wanted to blow my brains out
>> No. 36284
File 133895706649.png - (88.11KB , 133x234 , 1337541401523.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I went to community college with the guy in OP's video. He's in the theater program there and is an enormous source of entertainment. I took a piss easy throw-away "movement" class with him and he had a straight up panic attack taking the final exam. Mind you it was beyond easy and the teacher curved that shit through the roof. Anyway he ran away and hid in the library watching lolcat videos on the computers.

I finished the test and passed him exiting the library, gave him some encouragement to go finish that sucker and from what I've heard he did. He did however end up skipping the final class. Guess he didn't want to know his grade on the final :(
>> No. 36285

>I went to community college with the guy in OP's video.

Which one?

There's five or so of them.
>> No. 36286

Hardcore Kid: Brandon Nichols
>> No. 36287
somewhere towards the end
>> No. 36288
Went through Hardcore Kid's videos and found this http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/blogs/latest/entry/hardcore-kids-movies-boku-no-pico

Looks like him and Alog have something in common.
>> No. 36289
File 133896354743.jpg - (125.39KB , 314x342 , Anthos at 80.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Did somebozo say fembois <w<
>> No. 36290
>I really hope my sexuality will still be intact by the time this is over.

Why does he keep giving us these gems?
>> No. 36291
If that's really Bluespike then he became an even bigger homosexual deviant than when he was listening to a grown man jack off.

As of this post I have gotten to the part where they talk about Joshua8428. So far this is nothing but partners and people that commentaryfags have tried to turn into "lolcows". I laughed at the part where the guy with the picture of Jesus on his wall tried to make Cammehyabams sound like a martyr while mentioning that he tried to troll goddamn kids.
>> No. 36292
They're also on this site together:
Apparently being a failure on fifty dead sites is the next best thing to being a success on one active site.
>> No. 36293
>>224102 here
Oh wow they made fun of his speech impediment. I want to say I'm surprised they went for a lowblow but I'm not.

Had to stop for a few minutes at the part where they talk about alexownsyourface, what with the siezure inducing clip being played just as my girlfriend and her sensitive eyes walked through the room. It was fun making sure that my girlfriend's eyes still work. Not like Hardcore Kid didn't have to use that clip for a guy whose main crime seems to be having twelve year fangirls because how dare those twelve year old girls like something that I don't.

supermariofan seems to have a really bad mental condition. While seeing mxc82 get pissed at me for asking him about the weather was fun, I'm now going to stop doing that.

The title card has Duane, ADF, iJustine, RJ Bandsma, Fred, the annoying orange, and some people I don't recognize. I can hardly wait for part two of this shit.
>> No. 36294
It's like failure layered on top of failure on top of failure.

The bottom rung of internet review bottomfeeders commenting on other rungs of internet review failures, on the king of all internet review failure sites. And it keeps going for half a damned hour?

It's like the turducken of fail.
>> No. 36295
> smegged up

chances of not knowing the meaning of the word and purely copying red dwarf, moderate to high.
>> No. 36296
This is SO bizarre.
>> No. 36297
File 133897853218.png - (1.28MB , 1022x659 , Hardcore Kid.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I love that this guy's name is Hardcore Kid, because I don't think I've ever seen anybody LESS hardcore than this chubby little milquetoast who obviously still lives with his mother.
>> No. 36298
My favorite is the fat ginger Irish guy who, if he doesn't have Downs syndrome, looks as close to having Downs syndrome as a non-Downie can be.
>> No. 36299
File 133898042665.jpg - (63.07KB , 401x407 , jaack.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I liked when they were talking about That's So Jack and the guy essentially said something like, "And this guy's a YouTube partner? Why? What do people see in him? Sure, he's got a high quality camera, he's young and attractive and talks about stuff the mainstream of people might want to hear about and be interested in, but still..."

They then cut to a clip of a supposedly 'good' commentator, VesperTheSnake, a pudgy looking black kid who's obviously making his video in a fucking public library.

>> No. 36300
Hell, I'd like to see them archive the whole thing. There's some wonderful unaware quotes in there from the other retards as well.
>> No. 36301
Hardcore Kid vs. A-log 2010 death match 20xx BEGIN THE BATTLE OF AUTISM
>> No. 36302
At least two of the commentators have ED pages, lol.
>> No. 36303
"TheAmazingAtheist is trying too hard"
>> No. 36304
While your at it, why don't we mirror all of hardcore kid's blip videos. Then we'll get to watch him sperg over how we ruined his chances of making any money off of blip.

Bonus points if your mirroring them on an A-log mirror channel. I'd love to see HC kid blame A-log for having all his videos 'stolen' and people slandering his good name.
>> No. 36305
Yeah, someone really ought to mirror this video. I don't want to give any money to these losers.
>> No. 36306
Hardcore Kid seems like the sort who'd rage about copyright infringement and shit like that, too.
>> No. 36307
Peter "waymuu" Gristch was indeed Bluespike.
>> No. 36308
You know, I actually used to like some of DLAbalaques Can't Believe it's not AVGN videos. He should have just left it at that and never appeared on camera. He is even more of a sperg than I thought he'd be, and he sounds just like Chris.
>> No. 36309
Peter Gritsch looks like Quentin Tarantino's ugly bastard child.
>> No. 36310
Someone ought to list everything these homosexual deviants accuse others of doing that they themselves are guilty of. A-Log alone ignores constructive criticism, faps over Sonic characters and gives out his address and personal information online.
>> No. 36311
I like that that was their main gripe with the Amazing Atheist. Not that he's a pedo and a rape apologist, no, the worst thing about the Amazing Atheist is that he tries too hard.

What a bunch of tits.
>> No. 36312
Love how Alog tries to hide that he still lives with his mother by having his background pitch dark.
>> No. 36313
Was it just me, or did A-Log look even worse in this video than he usually does?

He looked fatter and greasier than I've ever seen him, he hadn't shaved properly, he was in near total darkness and the sound quality of his video was the worst of the lot.

He obviously took that trolling really badly.
>> No. 36314
>> No. 36315
This is like The Expendables with Lolcows.
>> No. 36316
The Aspergerbles.
>> No. 36317
That's a great name.
>> No. 36318

Ten years ago, a crack commentator unit was harassed by trolls for epic ween they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from lolcowdom to the hidden depths of the internet. Today, still wanted by trolls, they survive as soldiers for lulz. If you have a sperg, who no one else will troll-shield with, and if you can find them, maybe you can watch...the Autism-Team.
>> No. 36319
File 133900818932.jpg - (6.91KB , 180x230 , petergritsch.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Look at Peter Gritsch go... trolling by age 10, having phone sex with an autistic manchild by age 11, and becoming a TGWTG commenter by age 14. I foresee a bright future for this kid.
>> No. 36320
I'm curious as to how A-Log would feel about BlueSpike. I imagine he'd probably hero worship him for trolling an evil monster like Chris.
>> No. 36321
File 133900851656.jpg - (5.33KB , 170x127 , petergritschfacebook.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I wonder if any of the people involved with this video know of his past involvement with Chris-chan.
>> No. 36322
Why do people think this Peter guy is BlueSpike?
>> No. 36323
Do we have any actual evidence to suggest Waymuu is BlueSpike?
>> No. 36324
I doubt they or A-Log specifically know.

I made a post last night about there being someone else but I don't remember who. I'm not familiar with the whole thing really but I'm sure there's someone else who is. There was a YT video about Waymuu somewhere but I can't look it up right now.
>> No. 36325
Well, bluespike said he started trolling Chris when he was 15.

As far as Waymuu being him, it could make sense. Waymuu made Chris videos around and before the time of Julay, and I think I remember the voices being similar. I also think Waymuu looks and sounds younger than he really is.
>> No. 36326
In that video he says he was born in 1997, making him 15 now. When did the BlueSpike shit happen? 2009, somewhere round there? He'd have been 12, unless he's lying about his age (but why would he?).
>> No. 36327

He was born in the September of 97, making him 14 now. The Bluespike/Julie stuff began in late 08/early 09, thus making Peter Gritsch 11 during the Julie saga.
>> No. 36328
http://www.youtube.com/user/petersblogs (BlueSpike voice)
>> No. 36329
Why would he lie about his age? Because LOLSORANDUM XD
>> No. 36330
BlueSpike was apparently 13. Chris refers to him as a 13 year old brat.
>> No. 36331
File 133901922712.jpg - (34.79KB , 552x464 , My+nigga+_a91e822ad401f1fda29b2a146817d68d.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
From the comments section:

>Hellofromtheunderground Wednesday, 06 June 2012

Hellofromtheunderground, if you're reading this, I salute you.
>> No. 36332
File 133902613215.jpg - (38.64KB , 538x424 , shaft.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I'm here to talk to you about the Aspergers Initiative.
>> No. 36333
File 133902755396.jpg - (66.84KB , 450x338 , autobot1_thumb.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Cannot socialize!
>> No. 36334
That'd work better for Anthos, really.
>> No. 36335
  This joke, first heard in the A-Log Skype Chats.
>> No. 36336

On his petersblogs channel, he made videos about him in late 2009, where is the pre-julay stuff?
>> No. 36337
>reference to homestuck
Autism confirmed.
>> No. 36338
Maybe my memory was wrong, then. Sorry.
>> No. 36339
Sure is summer. It has been common knowledge around here for years that waymuu was Bluespike.
>> No. 36340
Next you'll hear people asking who Liquid Chris is.
>> No. 36341
Am I the only one who found him to be funnier than the shit with Kacey? The things on his end were at least mildly entertaining because they prodded Chris's ego. Kacey was just "YOU ARE A HORRIBLE PERSON" etc., which wasn't funny at all. And liquid certainly suffered when following Kacey's lead.
>> No. 36342
Seeing Chris's delusions shattered was always satisfied. It wasn't entertaining with Kacey because she didn't do it in an entertaining way, she just outright told him.

I mean, there were a lot of problems with the Jackie saga, but one thing Jackie did right was shatter his delusions in amusing ways. Getting him to try to do pull ups resulted in him failing spectacularly at a children's playground. Or when she countered his claim that God had told him he was right by saying she asked God, and God told her he'd never spoken to Chris.

The thing is with Kacey Chris barely responded. It was the same deal with Lars. Chris didn't give a shit about either of them. The bottom line is, Chris has to give a shit. He either has to be really excited or really angry, but he has to care.

And as has gone over ad nauseum numerous times, Chris cares most when he's angry. When he feels someone is taking something that's his, he's being restricted from something he wants, or he loses a contest. He's been built up practically for the past two years to no effect.
>> No. 36343
I absolutely agree. I found liquid funny because he one-upped Chris a lot. Not to mention effectively "stealing" his name away. Chris only got smug when there was the whole "kidnapping" stunt or whatever, and the only reason he gave a damn about Kacey was that liquid was taking away his shot at China. I mean, remember the singstar shit? He desperately clung to the rules when it came to liquid's parts because he wanted that china so fucking badly.

Chris is the kid who throws a tantrum when you take his toys away. If somebody's going to make him funny again, they're gonna have to take something of his, or threaten to.
>> No. 36344
>I mean, remember the singstar shit? He desperately clung to the rules when it came to liquid's parts because he wanted that china so fucking badly.
Oh, god, watching him almost cry as he sung the song about dicks.

It was amazing.
>> No. 36345
I just want him to wear the Classic, the pedofork glasses, and the medallion for one last video.

I just want to hear "Captain's Log, Stardate..." one last fucking time.
>> No. 36346
How can someone be so fucking oblivious?

Also, nothing says "Hardcore" like a folded-up home gym in the corner of your room.
>> No. 36347
You're not alone friend.

Don't question. Just enjoy.
>> No. 36348
That Chris is dead. Gone. Never to return. We'll see a sex video starring him and Barb before we see optimistic, billions-of-fans Chris again.
>> No. 36349
What the fuck did I just watch?
>> No. 36350
Pure, distilled autism.
>> No. 36351
Whoever linked Chris to backpage effectively insured there will never be another sweetheart saga. Chris always opts for the easiest path. He will never make a fool of himself on camera for a girl ever again now that he's had sex, has seen it isn't that big of a deal, and if he really wants it again he can go pay for it again.

Of course, from some perspectives that's a good thing.
>> No. 36352
Saying Chris had sex upsets some people.
>> No. 36353
>effectively insured there will never be another sweetheart saga

Or any good saga at all, really. What else is left to motivate him? He seems to have already given up on fame, he seems to get more than enough games with his tugboat and inheritance, he knows that posting opinion videos will just get him trolled more and more, and you already pointed out his discovery of hookers. Really, when you look back on it, his desire to lose his virginity directly or indirectly drove a number of his other pursuits. The most we can hope for is more "Take THAT, trolls!," but I imagine he will eventually give up on that as well (and it certainly won't spawn any videos before he does).

I think Chris eating a shitty microwave pizza will be the last real, public video we ever see of him.
>> No. 36354
I highly doubt Chris actually had sex and just think he lied to look cooler.

Anyway, it's pretty much insured there will not be any sagas fueled by trolls for a while (or possibly ever), since it's been harder and harder for trolls to get in contact with Chris. Jackie was a miraculous happening when her saga happened, since Chris had shut down his doors for a while. Some more trolls managed to contact Chris, but by 2011 the only remaining threads between Chris and the trolls was Thorg, Jackie, and Kim. Chris began to ignore Thorg more and more before breaking contact at the end of 2011, and recently Jackie's been getting ignored too. Kim's possibly the only contact, and she can't start a saga yet without getting suspicion.
>> No. 36355
>> No. 36356
Chris fucked a hooker at a community college while watching The Big Bang Theory with his old pal Master Troll Thorg before visiting the CWCki forums.
>> No. 36357
0/10. just awful.
>> No. 36358
Ha, and I posted about A-Log fitting with the spergs on TGWTG a week ago, Yet was ignored.

Showed you fuckers didn't I?
>> No. 36359
Haven't watched this video yet but from what I'm hearing I should be expecting unsuccessful, autistic attention whores airing their butthurt over more popular, less trolled attention whores? I must admit that it sounds riveting.
>> No. 36360
I could be wrong, but I don't think this guy's an official "TGWTG" person. I think this is just a user blog, and they allow their users to link to whatever uploads they like so they can pretend they're part of the magic or whatever.

Or maybe I'm giving the site too much credit.
>> No. 36361
File 133906224564.png - (24.79KB , 325x306 , image.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A-Log's friend, V-Dogg, who he's namedropped in a couple of his fapfics, commented on that video.

I went to his channel and found this:

>VDogg187 posted:
>Twenty-nine years old today. This is the final year in my 20s, which is the prime for any person's life. I am just sitting here in disbelief knowing how lightning fast these years have gone by. One year from now, I will enter a new decade in my life. I don't plan on celebrating it at home, though. For now, however, 365 more days in my 20s!

>> No. 36362
File 133906297357.png - (560.49KB , 579x453 , If You're Looking To Get Involved In The Comm.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I really like that Hardcore Kid acts in such a smug, pretentious way, regarding 'the commentary community' - as if it's some sort of highly exclusive, prestigious club that people are genuinely clamoring to join, of which he is a high profile and respected member whose influence is known and authority unquestioned.

As opposed to it being a hugbox of fat, Aspergic, virgin nerds who still live with their parents, making videos about shit that grown adults don't care about (Sonic, professional wrestling, My Little Pony, intellectual properties aimed at children) to compensate for the fact that are all intellectual dwarves who haven't moved on since childhood and cannot be taken seriously in the company of or conversations with adults.
>> No. 36363

Holy fuck, Tom Leykis has a son.
>> No. 36364
File 133907846922.png - (91.44KB , 957x407 , a-log anime festival.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So I guess this is the new A-Log thread then?

I've found this old journal entry of his which details exactly what our little man did at the New York Anime Festival when he wasn't being filmed for Wolfdork.com.
>> No. 36365
Why does he even go by Hardcore Kid? Is it in reference to hardcore punk? Because he doesn't come off as a punk to me. Or is he just supposed to be ULTRA COOL HARDCORE KID?
>> No. 36366
He's going to suicide on cam
>> No. 36367
File 133907973715.jpg - (22.54KB , 162x200 , Brandon.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I told u I was hardcore.

>> No. 36368
File 133908054485.png - (152.71KB , 425x288 , behind.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Called him, yelled julay. Heard him crying and babbling about "not being like him". We all can move on with our lives now.
>> No. 36369
File 133908243654.jpg - (49.73KB , 1600x874 , vh1logo_hi-res.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
These people exist because of all those early 2000's review shows like "X-Play" or whatever the fuck was on on VH1 when nothing else was on. You know those shows effected their autistic minds, and that they think they can be the next famous "z-list celebrity commentator" by making review vidoes of their own autistic obsessions.
>> No. 36370
nice pic.
>> No. 36371
He did hentai??? I don't know too much about A-log, but if he did... *vomits*
>> No. 36372
If I remember correctly, he has done some fandubs of anime and hentai. I haven't heard either but I'm sure they are as horrible as you would imagine, especially since A-Log is a 27 year old virgin furry with a mother fetish. I'm sure his interpretation of what someone would say during sex is quite hilarious.
>> No. 36373
>I was finally chosen at the Hentai Dubbing Extravaganza and dubbed a role from the hentai, "Nurse Me!" Despite the fact that I was handed the wrong script and the girl beside me (under the name Keiko) was trying to be funny, I did a good enough job attempting to go into a straight reading with at least one improvised innuendo.

>>I was finally chosen at the Hentai Dubbing Extravaganza and dubbed a role from the hentai, "Nurse Me!"
>>I was finally chosen at the Hentai Dubbing Extravaganza
>I was finally chosen
>finally chosen

This implies that A-Log has attended this event on multiple occasions, desperately attempting to take part.
>> No. 36374
Of course. It's the closest thing he'll ever experience to actual sex with a girl. He'll be fapping to the memories of it until the day he dies.
>> No. 36375
>at least one improvised innuendo

Oh god, this'll be a good laugh. I'm not sure whether I want the fandub because A-log's in it, or not want it because it's weeaboo hentai.
>> No. 36376
File 13390913591.png - (95.57KB , 347x349 , Wut.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This reminds me of something I've been wondering since A-Log came back to Youtube.

A-Log mentioned in his return video that he'd 'been in a couple of acting roles onstage and voice acting'.

He specifically used this picture to illustrate the concept of 'voice acting'. Why? What does it mean? What's this from?
>> No. 36377
I guess I should mention that after the fifth Skype call between me and A-Log recording ended, Hardcore Kid joined the call and he asked me to participate in the video. I told him that I was too busy. Thank god I said no. I barely knew half the people they were talking about.
>> No. 36378
You really do lurk here all the time, don't you?

How do you think A-Log would react to the video here: >>217975 at 3:40?

Someone needs to get him to watch it.
>> No. 36379
Go out, and trollshield to the extreme.
>> No. 36380
So, do you know Hardcore Kid and A-log's relationship? Like, are they friends?

If he's willing to offer info about A-log, I don't mind if he's troll-shielding.
>> No. 36381
JOHNAAAAAY!! Welcome back, you magnificent trollshieldin' bastard, you.

Tell us moar of your time with A-Log!
>> No. 36382
File 133909290734.jpg - (68.37KB , 504x333 , 1338674582930.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Hardcore Kid

It's like he's asking for it with a name like that.
>> No. 36383
File 133909312331.jpg - (50.70KB , 500x513 , jorge-wants-to-be-hardcore-but-his-mom-wont-let-hi.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Reminds me of this. He even kinda looks like the guy.
>> No. 36384
Yeah, seriously. Would you mind enlightening me about what aspect of this kid makes him hardcore? I assume it has nothing to do with hardcore music. He's a future hardcore trollshielder, maybe?
>> No. 36385
John, do you know anything about this A-Log's recent voice acting, specifically this >>224724?
>> No. 36386
The only difference is that Tom Leykis actually gets laid once in a while.
>> No. 36387
holy christ
dat DLAbaoqu sounds like someone doing a really spot-on CWC impression

dat irony
>> No. 36388
I know, right? He should never have appeared on camera.

This entire video is a circlejerk of autism, fail, AIDS and virginity of mythic proportions.
>> No. 36389
Where's the link to tinychat?
"no thinking atheist would consider themselves fully atheistic, as atheism arises from a lack of evidence and evidence can always change a thinking person's mind"

>░░█▒░▄▀░▒▒▒▒▒░▀▄▀░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█░░░░░ PONYS ARE SHIT
>░█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒██▀▒▒▒▒▒▒██▀▄▒█░░░░ :D
>▄▀▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▀▀▀▒▒▒▒▒▒▀▀▀▒▒▒█░░ AND ANIME

>> No. 36390

Anime IS shit.
>> No. 36391

With a name like that you know your're are tryhard
>> No. 36392
>With a name like that you know your're are tryhard
>a name
>not the ridiculous signature it pastes *every* time it makes a post so that eventually someone might look and it and "get all that mad XD"
>> No. 36394
So, this Top 15 countdown, then. When can we expect part 2? And what are the odds that Chris will inevitably be at number 1 in the countdown?
>> No. 36395

Because the signature is WELL subtle that it needed mention.
>> No. 36396

And the name isn't?
>> No. 36397
So, here's some of A-Log's My Life As A Teenage Robot fapfiction. The lulz really start flowing in the second chapter.


Robo-rape, anyone?
>> No. 36398
>Vex-20: (meekly) Please say that you're done now.

>Touga: We're not. We just want to introduce you to a little friend of mine.

>Vex-20: What do you mean?

>(on cue, a covering opens up on Touga's crotch area, releasing a smooth, metallic penis that is shaped like a rod, and stands at 6". Vex-20 is shocked at this sight.)

Anthony "6-inch Robot Dick" Logatto

For some reason he seems to have it in his mind that 6 inches is huge or something instead of average.
>> No. 36399
He probably measured his dick to be six inches, and after reading penis average stuff he saw that 6" is slightly above average, making him think he must be some sort of epitome of masculinity. He probably references that as a way to remind himself and convince others that a 6" pecker is something to be amazed at, and perhaps also because I imagine most of the male characters are him in self-insert form (the 6" is his trademark).
>> No. 36400
Yeah, 6 inches does seem to represent the ultimate penis size to A-Log.
>> No. 36401
Yeah, the self insert thing is probably what it is.
>> No. 36402
I enjoy this disclaimer at the beginning of the first chapter.

>This fic is rated NC-17/XXX, and should not be read by anyone under the ages of 17 or 21. This fic features graphic sexual situations and scenes that cannot be put into the slightest piece of context. None of this is actually happening; it's cartoons. No identifiable minors were used in any of the graphic scenes depicted herein. Also, please perform sex responsibly, as not to harm yourself or your partner. To put it another way, please don't try or read any of this at home. Enjoy.

Not to be read at home, fokes.
>> No. 36403
Should only be read under the guidance of a trained professional.
>> No. 36404
It's like A-Log is subconsciously admitting that his writing shouldn't be read by anyone.
>> No. 36405

>Her breasts have a foam outing, yet the machinary and wiring inside are like that of a human's breasts.

>Machinary and wiring
>human's breasts
>> No. 36406


>> No. 36407
>when it goes all the way in, oil starts to pour out, as this broke her robotic hymen.

okay fuck this shit
>> No. 36408
File 133918948470.jpg - (19.65KB , 310x350 , Forrest Gump.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A-Log confirmed for Forrest Gump?
>> No. 36409
Moar liek Forrest CHUMP, amirite?
>> No. 36410

"life is like a box of foxdicks"
>> No. 36411
"Chris-chan is as Chris-chan does. Basically."
>> No. 36412
"But you ain't got no 6-inch fox dick, Lieutenant Dan"
>> No. 36413
File 133918981920.jpg - (43.89KB , 331x500 , 1717.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 36414

requesting a foxdick edit

then make it a banner
>> No. 36415
From Chapter 4, in which Vex-20 tells someone she has literally just met about her violent and highly traumatic gangrape.

>Trinako: But still, what is the problem that your creator fell upon you?

>Vex-20: (struggles not to cry) Well, my creator had created me for an experiment on robot copulation and birth with three other male robots.

>Trinako: And I suppose those robots treated you well, yes?

>Vex-20: They have... until the night of the experiment.

>(Trinako continues to listen to Vex-20's ordeal)

>Trinako: What happened?

>Vex-20: Well, it started out like a date and everything was going fine. That is, until one of the robots asked me for a kiss. I originally thought against it, but I figured it wouldn't hurt. And... and... and that's when it began. That's when they began to rape me.

>Trinako: Raped you?

>Vex-20: (tears are now showing) Yes. (holds herself in self-comfort) They violated me in the most horrible ways imaginable! All the oil coming from my hymen breaking, to the lubricant they sprayed me with, it was the most embarrassing event I've ever been in! And worst of all... I became pregnant because of those ruffians and that scum that was my creator!

>Trinako: (surprised) I'm surprised that he wanted you to be pregnant after all this.

>Vex-20: (wipes away some tears) Well, that was his whole plan. Why was I so gullible to trust a human like him?! Why?!
>> No. 36416
File 133919042425.jpg - (73.20KB , 374x360 , I like it.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>/cwc/ - Life Is Like A Box Of Foxdicks
>> No. 36417
My fucking god. I had never actually read any of his fapfics. How can this homosexual deviant actually have the nerve to make commentaries about someone like Chris when he writes this kind of shit?

I used to think he was just as bad as Chris, but now it's official for me, he's worse.
>> No. 36418
This whole premise really, really bothers me.

I assume he is attempting to write a backstory for a villain from a children's cartoon show that he enjoys. As part of their character, this villain happens to hate all humans.

So, in A-Log's mind, the entirely logical reason behind this hatred is obviously the fact that a human engineered the gangrape of the villain.
>> No. 36419
This was supposed to be erotic, right?
>> No. 36420
>A-Log sums up this story.
>> No. 36421
Are you trying to suggest that it isn't?
>> No. 36422
One would assume.

So, has anyone ever approached A-Log about doing a Q&A here? Virtually his entire (former) nakama has done it, I know he is aware of the board. He is like King (6-in)Dick of youtube trollshielding sperglords.
>> No. 36423
A-Log would never do that. He's a massive fat pussy who's possibly even more paranoid about the trolls than Chris is.
>> No. 36424
Yeah, that is really too bad. Especially when you take into account his cavalier "da fayltrolls" attitude in his recent video.

I wonder what he reaction has been to everything that happened with the Q&As, and just our general A-Log threads. I know he lurks the board to see what we are saying about him.
>> No. 36425
It was amusing to hear him reading the threads on /cwc/ aloud in those taped Skype calls Spacescreamin John did.
>> No. 36426
Oh, does he actually read some threads in those? I can't usually stand any of his videos more than a few minutes and I just listened to the beginning of that where they were lamenting Ms Umlauts or whatevers defection, and then I shut it off.
>> No. 36427
Yeah, in a couple of them he reads posts from the previous A-Log threads aloud. He even puts on a voice that sounds like what he imagines his trolls to sound like.

He also gets very confused by /cwc/'s wordbutters and the fact that Anonymous was changed to Krapple for a while, which rather than try to figure out who Krapple was, he assumed was another trolling group who'd arrived at /cwc/ and taken it over.

It's funny stuff.
>> No. 36428
Cool, guess I'll suffer through them then. I just randomly clicked on call 5 since he starts talking about 789chan at the beginning.

Also, lol at "Yep, my mom let me use her credit card!"
>> No. 36429
All things considered, the Skype calls are pretty good cocks. The only one that's a bit dull is the 4th one, because A-Log rambles on and on about wrestling in that one for ages.

But still, John did good. There's some wonderful, unaware gems in those calls - A-Log says some really, really dumb shit.
>> No. 36430
File 133919374616.jpg - (13.97KB , 419x285 , pris.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>All the oil coming from my hymen breaking, to the lubricant they sprayed me with, it was the most embarrassing event I've ever been in

Why would a sexbot have a hymen? Then again, why did the sexbot creator make three males and one female? Why am I asking these questions, the author clearly has a roborape fetish.
>> No. 36431
Presumably for the same reason she has this particular feature...
>(Vex-20 whimpers as she gets on all fours. She feels Touga go up behind her, and press a button near her crotch, thus opening her vagina.)

A button near her crotch to open her vagina.
>> No. 36432
Ahahahahahahha, oh god. He has no fucking understanding of anatomy or sex.
>> No. 36433
To be fair, I guess since the character is a robot that doesn't wear clothes, her synthetic vagina would be covered so not to be exposed all the time.
>> No. 36434
Yeah, but he didn't say "it opened up, revealing her vagina" he said her robotic vagina itself opened up.
>> No. 36435
The wait for fail is over!
Part 2!
>> No. 36436
Oh boy! I cannot wait to see this!
I'm still calling it, Chris-chan will be at number 1.
>> No. 36437
Surprisingly or unsurprisingly not. I just flipped through each section to see.

They probably know they're under scrutiny. Still, it's hilarious to see them try to be more "badass" than the people they review. And they fail miserably.
>> No. 36438
Still watching it, but I'm not surprised they put Asalieri and JFreedan on there. I've been talking about how much of a fat smugfag Asalieri is on here for awhile, and JFreedan is just a retard who thinks he's smart yet can't even pronounce simple words correctly.
>> No. 36439
  >mfw they added Duane
>mfw they sperg about "Haha, he has toys! XD"
>mfw they prove their point by demonstrating they too have baby toys readily available.

Also lel at whatever homosexual deviant was wearing that "trollface" shirt while trying to prove how much of a mouthbreather he wasn't.
>> No. 36440
That was Bluespike in the troll shirt
>> No. 36441
Are ALL these guys commentating from what can be assumed their parents' houses? And did Fatcore Kid condescend weeaboos? And... and... my head is going to explode.
>> No. 36442
Wow, not only was Chris not number one, he didn't even show up at all. I am actually surprised. LIAT and his retarded girlfriend MeganSpeaks certainly are homosexual deviants, I will give them that.
>> No. 36443
I have a question. Why is this on Blip.tv and not TGWTG as Part 1 was? Did the crew at TGWTG look at the first part and go, "Uh huh, yeah, nigger, we don't want this shit on our site."
>> No. 36444
I really like the fact that Fatcore Kid keeps going on about people not having screen presence, as if he's fucking Orson Welles himself.
>> No. 36445
Maybe, although I don't know why they would. This crap fits perfectly with the other garbage they produce.
>> No. 36446
File 133925560588.png - (486.16KB , 851x771 , A-log and Kirby.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Anyone else notice, during the bit on Sailormoonred1, just how filthy that Kirby plushie has become since its first appearance in the Anime Festival video.

What in God's name has A-Log been doing to it?
>> No. 36447
He himself looks dirty as fuck too.
>> No. 36448
File 133925596740.jpg - (49.85KB , 525x361 , mr-creosote.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's been eight months since he showed his face, and he's showing it again in darkness. I can't help but imagine he looks like this if you were to turn on the lights.
>> No. 36449
There's a lovely bit of loveshy misogyny that rears its ugly head whenever these losers talk about female commentators.
>> No. 36450
I genuinely can't believe these videos exist. It's just... I'm actually almost angry about it. How fucking dare these spergs try and make out like they're superior to anyone.
>> No. 36451
Is it just me or does A-Log wear that green shirt and NY cap in almost every commentary he makes? It's like his version of the Ernie shirts and Sonichu medallion.
>> No. 36452
If I might direct your attention to this page:
>> No. 36453
Hi Double A-log
>> No. 36454
>I can sum it up in the most subjective and impartial way possible.
>> No. 36455
>First off, IMDb is basically the Wikipedia of movies; If something is even rumoured, it gets a page.

>> No. 36456
File 133926211032.jpg - (43.89KB , 492x484 , i see what you did there and i like it.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 36457
File 13392681958.jpg - (25.65KB , 332x318 , Power.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>"This air that 'I'm better than you are, and I know it'."

>Said by a sperg with a towel around his neck, making fun of "lesser" spergs with maximum glee.
>About 10 minutes later, everyone making fun of an Autisic man with an IQ of about 80

Holy shit, I love this video so much. The asspain and hypocrisy is concentrated enough to power /cwc/ for a thousand years, if harnessed right.
>> No. 36458
I know that this is kind of small potatoes in the grand scheme of things, but is anybody else really irritated by Hardcore Kid's insistent use of the words 'smeg', 'smegged up' and 'smeghead', copied off of Red Dwarf, that unfunny sitcom that is beloved by nerds solely because 'lol sci fi'?
>> No. 36459
File 133926878022.jpg - (22.46KB , 422x390 , Mean_Girls.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He's trying to make 'fetch' happen.
>> No. 36460
this is hands down the funniest thing on /cwc/. so many big-name spergs. its the "elvis meets the beatles" of autism
>> No. 36461
Who the fuck is Megan Payette and why is she kissing so much ass?
>> No. 36462
  I've just found some Hardcore Kid videos on YouTube. Here's his review of Wes Craven's A New Nightmare.

I never thought I'd say this, but as untalented as the Nostalgia Critic is, nothing makes you appreciate his talents, however meagre, than watching someone trying to imitate him and failing miserably.
>> No. 36463
There's no real context for him to be talking about furries in this video at all, and yet he's still making jokes about them. Why's he doing that? Why's he mentioning furries at all if nobody but him brought them up?

Methinks Hardcore Kid doth protest too much.
>> No. 36464

Why hasn't anyone made an ED page about the hardcore kid?
>> No. 36465
Meh, he's just another commentary sperg, and run-of-the-mill compared to certain others who already have pages.
>> No. 36466
Well, the first one was a Blip-hosted video embedded onto TGWTG, so they're both Blip. But as to why he didn't post part 2 to TGWTG? My guess is because every comment he received for part 1 was negative.
That or he'll be posting it there any minute now.
>> No. 36467
There weren't many comments, I don't think that's the reason.
>> No. 36468
File 133930761060.png - (59.36KB , 653x217 , deltabordsperg.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Here's a guy that's along the same vein as these guys. He dislikes anyone who is more popular on Youtube than him (meaning just about anyone with over 80 total views).

He's also a "militant atheist" and doesn't know how to use the block and delete comments function.


Pic related. It's his sperg reply to my comment on the video above.
>> No. 36469
File 133931599238.jpg - (12.46KB , 674x400 , mxcgang.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
bitch got nothing on mxc82
>> No. 36470
So much autism... so... much... autism....
>> No. 36471
File 133932039954.jpg - (27.36KB , 673x400 , mxc8.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 36472
mxc82 was great because it got to a point where every comment he was making was an aggressive, sweary, childish threat, even if you were being completely reasonable
>> No. 36473
You know what the best thing about A-Log, and to a lesser extent, all of these spergs is?

They don't understand why people would criticize them because they don't think that they've done anything wrong. That's why A-Log's jimmies are so rustled when people point out just how similar he is to the people he makes fun of and looks down on. It's so obvious to everybody else but it's like A-Log himself is totally blind to it.

In A-Log's mind, he is always completely in the right about everything and everything he does is beyond reproach.
>> No. 36474
the fuck am I reading?
>> No. 36475
Is it just me, or is it funny that Fatcore Kid makes fun of a lot of things that A-Log -IS- (furry, autistic, etc)? And there's A-Log in a video with him.
>> No. 36476
File 133932932522.png - (489.25KB , 864x354 , Fanboy.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I can't have been the only one who noticed this.
>> No. 36477
I'm actually surprised that CWC wasn't the number 1.
>> No. 36478
File 13393294449.jpg - (16.88KB , 350x258 , Asalieri Wades Into Battle Against Hardcore Kid.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Asalieri has actually popped up in the comments section of the video on Blip.tv now, bitching about being included in the commentary.
>> No. 36479
File 133933108774.png - (18.42KB , 483x92 , A-log voice actors.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A recent comment by A-Log on Youtube.

I just want to remind everybody that A-Log wanted to have voice actors playing the parts of the female Sonic characters for his planned Guptil89 commentary, but had to scrap it because he didn't have any female friends.
>> No. 36480
Wow; he mad.
>> No. 36481
Asalieri is old enough to know better.
>> No. 36482


i remember watching one of his videos and being surprised that hes got a wife and a kid. at some point you have to hang up the webcam and internet sword.
>> No. 36483
Wow, A-log is a dick.
>> No. 36484
File 133935359972.jpg - (130.58KB , 720x540 , McFatty and the Buttfurious Five.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Now, we all know A-Log has about as much self-awareness as he has had real women so this won't be a big surprise for anyone, but if you check his Facebook page you notice the only one who likes his status updates is...

*drum roll*

His mom. No, seriously.

And on the left you can see a true miracle of nature: Spergius Basementdwellius has crawled from its cave to meet fellow members of its species in a "special" school reunion. You can notice it smiling, glad that its through with its massive task of leaving its cozy basement and no longer has any obligation to leave it until its mother dies.
>> No. 36485
All dem retards.
>> No. 36486
Well damn, all it took is to constantly suggest that he jerks off to animal torture and he's gone.

Sorry, guys.
>> No. 36487
Someone should've saved that video he made where he killed stuff in Minecrap. He even blew up a church at the end of that video, OMG SO EDGY.
>> No. 36488
  Ready for another unfunny countdown by HardcoreKid?

Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ve_hO7VuY9U&feature=plcp
>> No. 36489
  Hardcore on Chris Chan and Youtube's Fred
>> No. 36490
Damn, it feels just like an A-log commentary. We need to make him an ED page sometime.
>> No. 36491
Skip to the 4:30 mark, he confirms he has Assburgers Syndrome.
>> No. 36492
He really does deserve a page.
>> No. 36493
File 133936801052.png - (33.72KB , 430x123 , Typical hardcorekid watchers.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 36494
  >Can't think of a good word to call female targets; Call them a bitch
>> No. 36495
i prefer the term 'cunt'
>> No. 36496
You honestly couldn't pick an easier target if you shot at a barrel full of the broad sides of barns.
>> No. 36497
Ha ha! That top comment is by GamerX0, the guy behind this unintentionally hilarious video. That's a sign of quality if ever there was.
>> No. 36498
I still don't understand why he calls himself Hardcore Kid. He is clearly a Ramones fan, since he uses one of their songs as his theme song and always wears a Ramones shirt, but the Ramones aren't hardcore.

And half the shit he says in that top 10 video aren't even accurate. He compares his own made up "Headbanger Productions" with James Rolfe's Cinemassace, saying they are both just made up companies for fun and don't make money. Except that Rolfe and Matei make a shitload of money off Cinemassace, and he he just a retard.
>> No. 36499
Oh... the nostalgia.

He sounds pretty reasonable, and if he actually has/had a girlfriend, then it sounds like he's just claiming to be a sperg for whatever reason. He just talks like a homosexual deviant.
>> No. 36500
Isn't this the fat kid who actually had a somewhat attractive girlfriend also on YouTube named Topaz-something, and was friends with some other game reviewer kid who was black?

I seem to remember him getting posted here a couple of years back as someone who was like Chris, if it is the same guy I am thinking of.
>> No. 36501
He was very, very easy to troll. All you had to do is say he was like Chris-chan and he'd flip shit.
>> No. 36502
Let's be honest, when was the last time you saw a person in a Ramones T-shirt that actually knew shit about music? Ramones T-shirts are just something clueless people wear to seem cool.
>> No. 36503
  Hardcore on Spax3
>> No. 36504
I can't watch these. I can see why he's like A-Log, but there's no humorous hypocrisy here like in a good A-Log video. Hardcore Kid's videos just annoy me. They're an ordeal.
>> No. 36505
  Another Chris commentary
>> No. 36506
File 133937144093.jpg - (50.37KB , 358x446 , mosesten.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And lo, Chris-chan begat A-Log and A-Log begat Hardcore Kid...
>> No. 36507
That's true.

So this guy and Bluespike are buttbuddies, I take it? He seems to appear in multiple videos with him.

He also doesn't seem to understand Jaako is a troll.
>> No. 36508
  When Hardcore is not doing trollshielding commentaries, he does movie commentaries - mostly on cartoon movies
>> No. 36509
Looks like he got trolled hard by EricDouglas and LIAT.

Also, he thinks it's a federal offense to hack someones youtube and dox them.
>> No. 36510
I'm up to part in this video where he's attacking Jaakko the Angry Video Game. His main gripe seems to be "What the fuck, there are people on the internet who aren't from America!"
>> No. 36511
>What happened to books?

Hardcore kid... you've mentioned in another video that you sat through the ben 10 movie. You dont read books.
>> No. 36512
John needs to get his troll shieldin' ass back to this thread.
>> No. 36513
I want to hear more stories from the guy who went to school with Hardcore Kid.
>> No. 36514
oh lord..

He's STILL butthurt at Asalieri. I remember when "HARDKORE KID" got doxed on Busy street and then made a crying blog on TGWTG, claiming that Jordan and Co. threatened to kill him. It turned out it was someone totally unrelated just taking advantage in order to troll him.

I'd link to it, but I'm not sorting through over 1000 posts for some minor e-drama. This isn't cwciki forums, after all
>> No. 36515
Asalieri is a pretty big homosexual deviant in his own right too, though.
>> No. 36516
File 133938347131.jpg - (12.24KB , 274x184 , funzone.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Oh no doubt Asa is pathetic as fuck too. It's just funny to see these people carry on internet grudges from two years ago.

Slightly related, Fat cape towel-cape guy's youtube and DeviantFart



Also, coney fan-fiction
>> No. 36517
As if that needed confirming.
>> No. 36518
File 133938588388.png - (204.66KB , 900x695 , frame_crusader_by_ninjaheart-d3hkkxa.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand pony oc
>> No. 36519
File 13394236459.jpg - (24.90KB , 392x396 , 2lvxso3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is too hilarious to fall off the front page
>> No. 36520
File 133942577951.jpg - (44.80KB , 800x507 , Silverflash.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh how cute. Now Silverflash can have a friend!
>> No. 36521
More Faggory Daggory Doo

>> No. 36522
File 133943547615.gif - (1.16MB , 450x249 , p9OqI.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Greeat. A-Log's fapfiction, burned into my brain enough already. Then... this...
>> No. 36523
You can find a lot of these people through A-Log's Facebook account.

A-Log is friends with Hardcore Kid (Brandon Nichols), who in turn is friends with Peter Gritsch.
>> No. 36524
So Bluespike is connected to A-Log then.
>> No. 36525
A veritable web of autism.
>> No. 36526
File 133944018535.png - (141.53KB , 280x216 , Skeptical Hippo Is Not Amused.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>"Argh! It's a hippopopotamus!"
>a hippopopotamus!
>> No. 36527
File 133944793683.jpg - (32.97KB , 400x400 , Reggie is shocked by your faggotry.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hardcore Kid actually thinks that Reggie Fils-Aime, the president of Nintendo of America, was really in contact with Chris-chan, as opposed it to being a troll pretending to be Reggie Fils-Aime.

He's just as spergy as Chris.
>> No. 36528
Those of you still seeking confirmation that Waymuu is BlueSpike, this video should confirm it. It's never more obvious than when you hear his voice complete with distortion from microphone feedback. They sound exactly the same.
>> No. 36529
  Well, Asalieri has made a video response to that video.
>> No. 36530
File 133946051265.gif - (39.65KB , 640x416 , Personking.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Non-stop Autism Carnival
>> No. 36531
File 133946530960.jpg - (25.88KB , 277x364 , boosy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 36532
Why hasn't someone mirrored Hardcore Kid's videos yet? I thought we all agreed that'd rustle the fuck out of him.
>> No. 36533
You mean take them and upload them on another channel? I'd do that, but where's his main channel/site to upload videos?
>> No. 36534

>asa is coney

augh yeah what a shock
>> No. 36535

Make sure to tell him that he'll never make any money off of blip, so long as we've "stolen" his videos. Then send him a link to this thread and watch the sperg rage.
>> No. 36536
If he asks, who do I claim to be? Should I say I'm the real Hardcore Kid, one of his fans, or somebody else?
>> No. 36537
Say you are a representative for the Fraternal Order of Trolls.
>> No. 36538
I'll begin downloading his videos, which I should be able to do by tomorrow night. Then I'll spend the next day or so uploading this stuff and linking you guys to the account.
>> No. 36539
You could be a dangerous internet anti-autistic activist who doesn't want him make any money on blip or become famous. Or you could be liquid hc kid. Your choice.
>> No. 36540
Thank you for the jimmies we are about to receive.
>> No. 36541
I'll focus on downloading his shit first before I decide what identity I'll go by.
>> No. 36542
One more thing I need to decide: what should the channel where his mirrored videos are uploaded be named?
>> No. 36543
harcourkidisahomosexual deviant
>> No. 36544
Name it "autism is evil".
>> No. 36545
Nah, too direct. Need something with more subtlety.
>> No. 36546

Claim to be part of busy street.

IF he's holding a grudge against Asa after 2 YEARS, claiming to be Jordan and the gang should rustle the fuck outta him.

>> No. 36547
I'll be using a tripcode in this thread to keep you guys updated.

And I've already downloaded a couple of his videos, we need a name for the channel.
>> No. 36548
I dunno who this Asalieri guy is, but I liked how he presented himself in this video. He explained himself well and made some very good points.

Plus it's always nice to see A-Log having the piss taken out of him, especially by someone who's kind of a big deal apparently.
>> No. 36549
I don't think you need to claim to be anybody. Trollsonas are gay and retarded. It's not about who you're pretending to be and how cool you are, it's about the results you get.

Don't be TV's Arm Pitt.
>> No. 36550
File 13394697582.jpg - (49.83KB , 500x333 , hahaha0.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
troll him as tom FAPPINGTON, breh.
>> No. 36551
While some of his videos are downloading (I already have a few of them) I'm trying to get a Youtube account and it's glitching out, so until then I'll have to wait on uploading.
>> No. 36552
I thought you already had an account? The whole point in asking someone else to do this was being able to upload 20 min+ videos. Almost all his blip stuff is over 20 minutes. Any of us could upload his 10 minutes reviews. So unless you're willing to split all of his videos into 15 minute parts, I'm not sure why your doing this.
>> No. 36553
Yes, I'm splitting them in halves. And I tried my backup Youtube account, it's glitching too. My main account is working fine, but obviously I can't just upload videos to that.
>> No. 36554
Good luck then.
>> No. 36555
Why can't you? Is it a faggy coney channel or something?
>> No. 36556
No, because I regularly upload gaming videos on my channel. It'll stand out if I suddenly upload Hardcore Kid's videos on it.
>> No. 36557
Let's plays?
>> No. 36558
No, don't have any mics. Mostly online matches and "check out this thing" videos.
>> No. 36559
Well, that's less autistic.
>> No. 36560

This video is almost too gay.
>> No. 36561
I downloaded his first nine reviews and I'm editing them. If we don't get any results, I'd rather not waste my time downloading all his videos. If we do get a reaction, then I'll be sure to continue.

I'm also thinking of putting these finished mirrors on Mediafire, so you guys can upload them to your channels for maximum jimmies. Thoughts?
>> No. 36562
Good job.
>> No. 36563
What the fuck, all I do with my channel is watch barely-legal chicks shake it in boyshorts, I'll upload some of those videos as well
>> No. 36564
That guy with the glasses is shit but this I just..words can't describe the fail and autism in this video.
>> No. 36565
File 133950814940.png - (64.81KB , 1282x308 , a-log mythologique.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Meanwhile, A-Log's back on WWOEC, fapping over cartoons.

>> No. 36566
File 133950818660.png - (29.25KB , 1283x321 , a-log incest manga.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And, of course, incest manga.
>> No. 36567
Asa is a pseudo-intellectual smug fag just like the rest of them. Just more well spoken.
>> No. 36568
Yeah. How is it coming along?
>> No. 36571
Guru Larry, the guy that interviewed Chris, left two comments on hc kid's latest video, and a few more on his other videos. Why would such a high level sperg associate himself with someone who makes videos with A-log?
>> No. 36572
I think the thought is anything for the chance of getting attention.
>> No. 36573
Well, as Asalieri is saying in the comments, guys like Hardcore Kid are associated with Irate Gamer Sucks blog, which Guru Larry is a very good friend of. He did a feature article there not too long ago, and you can see him in the comments of virtually every post made there.

He isn't really that famous though, he was featured with faggy gaming site Screwattack for awhile, and has/had a semi-successful youtube show. That's about it.
>> No. 36574
Beat me to it.
>> No. 36575
Why do spergs think the need to buy the official english releases, even incest manga? Does he feel guilty reading it for free? Does he want to support official shotacon incest releases?
>> No. 36576
>Does he want to support official shotacon incest releases?

I would say most definetly he does.
>> No. 36578
File 133953317486.jpg - (3.98KB , 200x150 , 200x150_game_network.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Guru Larry's biggest problem is that he came to the British games journalism scene too late.

If he'd have been around fifteen, maybe at a push, ten years ago, he'd have had his own video games show on television on some third rung satellite channel like Bravo or some shit. Because back in the day, those shows were infested with people like Guru Larry - sort of jowly, fat, sub-Garry Bushells all doing the same sort of 'cheeky chappie' demeanor as they enthuse about the new Tomb Raider.

However, that era of games journalism is long past and looks very outdated now. I can't watch his videos because it feels like I've gone back in time. I half expect some European guy to interrupt the broadcast and tell me in broken English "Hyoo are watchink Game Nedwork..."
>> No. 36579
Did you ever see those videos of him on the British TV show as a kid, where two kids played video games against each other for prizes?
>> No. 36580
File 133953450524.png - (23.35KB , 537x161 , You Must Construct Additional Hugboxes.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Looks like those of you claiming that A-Log had replaced his traitorous former nakama were correct.
>> No. 36581
Well that was pretty obvious, wasn't it?
>> No. 36582
I'm just amazed that he'd do exactly the same thing as he was doing before. Boy really hasn't learned a thing from being trolled.

That seems to be the main trait of a lolcow: someone who doesn't learn.
>> No. 36583
Does this count as a new saga? Does A-log even have sagas?
>> No. 36584
No. Go back to CWCki Forums.
>> No. 36585
Are you one of those people with autism who can't detect sarcasm I've heard about?

Are you done yet?
>> No. 36586
>I was only pretending to be retarded!
>> No. 36587
I was wondering if this whole development should be added to A-Log's ED article.
>> No. 36588
Maybe a little blurb at the end about him being seen recently associating with a new group of Sperglords and that this may be the start of A-Log Nakama 2.0
>> No. 36589
The comment A-Log left on his channel was priceless.
>> No. 36590
I must've missed that. What was it?
>> No. 36591
What comment?
>> No. 36592
Please elaborate.

Give it a few months.
>> No. 36593
>make retarded comment
>claim you were being sarcastic

Is it that hard for you to understand?
>> No. 36594


A-Log's very proud.
>> No. 36595
>Glad to be in the same video with you, man! Salud!

Oh wow, sucking up to this fat retard. He is definetly trying to form a new nakama.
>> No. 36596
When was the last time someone said jullaay and was serious? The same goes for sagafying random spergs, unless you're Krapple or Atlus. No one uses the word saga, unless they're talking about Chris, and even then, no one but the cwcki forums takes the word saga seriously. Are you mad at the cwcki forums or something? Do you miss it there?
>> No. 36597
Uh huh. Keep trying to convince everyone you aren't retarded.
>> No. 36598
Epin XDD--D
>> No. 36599
Done a bit of work on the A-Log and Friends of A-Log pages.
>> No. 36600
>When was the last time someone said jullaay and was serious?

Why can I imagine someone getting into a heated argument and suddenly screaming JULAAAAAAY at them?
>> No. 36601
>> No. 36602
Cool rebuttal bro.
>> No. 36603
Shouldn't you be "trolling" /v/?
>> No. 36604
>implying I post on 4chan
>> No. 36605
You must be new here.
>> No. 36607
>ADF is in the picture
>ADF is not in the video itself
Spergers gonna sperg
>> No. 36608
Nope. Been around since Medic.
>> No. 36609
Well that's your problem.
>> No. 36610
How many of A-log's new nakama know about his fapfics?
>> No. 36611
Think we ought to enlighten them?
>> No. 36612
We could easily link them to the ED page archiving A-Log's fapfiction.

One of the best things about A-Log's ED page is that so much of it is just stuff that he's said and done and written and whatnot, so he can't argue that it paints him in a bad light because it's been in no way altered or edited. It's all his own work.
>> No. 36613
Audio a_log_content.mp3 - (620.82KB - 192 kbps - 44.1 kHz ) Length: 0:26 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
A log was on howard stern. Howard was not that impressed by Mr. Log
>> No. 36614
Is this real?
>> No. 36615
To be fair to A-Log, that's not a bad impression. I mean, it's FAR from good and you'll note that he had to tell his audience who it was he was impersonating (twice!), but compared to his Bill Cosby or his George Carlin impression (which was basically just A-Log talking in his normal voice but trying to sound a bit gruffer) it's not bad.
>> No. 36616
Better than his other impressions, but still needs a lot of work. Especially with the first part you can tell it's A-Log
>> No. 36617
File 133962773689.jpg - (18.80KB , 400x300 , thumbnail_21920.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Spaghetti and meatballs!
>> No. 36618
  Just so we can all refresh our memories...
>> No. 36619
TGWTG's blog section really is a breeding ground for aspies trying to mimic Nostalgia Critic (as if that hasn't already been proven). One case in point being


Rowdy C Moore.

The reviews themselves are nothing really too remarkable, but good luck trying to make it through a single video with that voice of his.
>> No. 36620
Dem production values.
>> No. 36621
File 133963080618.png - (314.68KB , 576x427 , Rowdyc.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>"Forget it! Furry jokes are right up there with gay jokes for me!"
>> No. 36622
File 133963276916.png - (77.30KB , 505x325 , A-Log porn debate.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A-Log wades into a debate about the harm porn does to its performers. Surely, he'll have something to say about this controversial and difficult subject...
>> No. 36623
Did this just air today? What else did Howard say about A-log?
>> No. 36624
File 133963496396.gif - (1.63MB , 290x181 , breakit.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So I assume the topic was porn exploits and does harm to those who star in it but the rebuttal A-Log supported was pointing out that he wasn't personally affected?
>> No. 36625
Here's the video in question.
>> No. 36626
oh for fucks sake, is he gonna do all the the presidents?! I fucking stopped after Nixon.
>> No. 36627
LBJ proved too difficult.
>> No. 36628
At 15, he goes JULAAAAAAY-et
>> No. 36629
That's because he killed R. Kennedy.
>> No. 36630
So they singled him out just to criticize how lame he is? Nice.
>> No. 36631
And nothing of value was lost.
>> No. 36632
Hence giving him free publicity. No call for that when you can simply ignore him till he's popular on his own and then swat him down with comments he made about Chris Chan. If he never gets popular then you wil always have talentless hacks such as Dane Cook to make fun of. Remember when Bill Hicks was making fun of Rick Astley?
>> No. 36633
Stop talking about comedy. 90% of people who talk about stand up have yet to even set foot inside a club.
>> No. 36634
>Implying a 30 second blurb on Howard Stern will give A-log any good publicity

Fapfics are the fourth google result for his true name; A delightful Urban Dictionary entry is the third.
>> No. 36635
Not terribly related, but I was on a 4chan thread where we would make a movie trailer by adding random phrases to hopefully make something coherent. I threw in a couple of references for you guys...

>> No. 36636
  A-Log uploaded this to his channel.
>> No. 36637
>So far, the only criticism I got was that doing a Bill Clinton was too easy.
So far.

>And here's the irony: my dad hates Howard.
There's nothing in that statement that even approaches irony. That, in itself, might be ironic, were we not dealing with somebody that fails at everything like A-Log.
>> No. 36638
>There's nothing in that statement that even approaches irony.

Like rain on your wedding day.
>> No. 36639

Being mentioned on Stern doesn't come with the same notoriety as it did before they went to Sirius, I would be surprised if 100,000 people still listen to stern with regularity...

Highly likely the submission pool wasn't that large...
>> No. 36640
>Listening to a radio show, a form of media that's been old hat since the advent of television and has been slowly dying on its arse ever since the rise of the internet.
>> No. 36641
Man, you are so cool.
>> No. 36642
>Reading a book, a form of media that's been old hat since the advent of radio and has been slowly dying on its arse ever since the rise of talkies.

That being said, NPR isn't so bad and podcasts provide endless hours of entertainment and knowledge, the internet didn't kill radio it reinvented it.
>> No. 36643
File 133969299174.jpg - (12.23KB , 299x299 , nigga-please-look.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That's so stupid and it sums up A-Log completely, really.

Here's a thing we know causes harm to the people who produce it, but since you're not in the target audience for said thing, you can't say anything about it.

>> No. 36644
It's basically just A-Log and other spergs like him going "NOOOOOO!! YOU CAN'T TAKE MY PORN AWAY FROM ME! THAT'S THE CLOSEST I'LL EVER GET TO A NAKED WOMAN!!"
>> No. 36645
File 133969376580.jpg - (26.13KB , 255x204 , original.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Jesus Christ.

What's wrong with your... EVERYTHING.
>> No. 36646
Holy shit. This is fucking god awful.

He sounds alot like Chris too.
>> No. 36647
>> No. 36648
But not all porn stars are harmed by it and true freedom means letting others make bad choices. Also obscenity prosecution is bad for freedom of speech because it never just stops at mass produced porn. They go after books, statues,art movies, comic books, music, video games, animated movies, pretty much anything thst offends their "values" is targeted. So we have to error on the side of caution and let thst 18 year old be be anay penetrated with bananas while a clown fists her. It's the only way to guarantee freedom
>> No. 36649
Has this guy had a stroke or something? He makes some very awkward poses with his neck cocked to one side.
>> No. 36650
Nah, he is just gay.
>> No. 36651

He looks like A-Log and Doug Walker had a 3-way with Atlus, had a baby, and then dropped it on it's face.

>sodomize movement
>Serious issue
>> No. 36652

Hows it going, Sagechu?
>> No. 36653

That'd be the 'tism in full swing
>> No. 36654
You don't drive much so you? Satellite radio is a godsend when you are driving long distances. Otherwise you're constantly listening to static. So annoying.
>> No. 36655
Books on tape, mah nigger.
>> No. 36656
>> No. 36657
I'm watching this right now. At 5:08, Hardcore Kid literally and unironically uses the phrase 'Random Access Humor'.
>> No. 36658
He confirmed he has autism.
>> No. 36659
If you've watched parts 1 and 2 of the Top 15 'Smegged Up' YouTubers countdown and, like me, are wondering what exactly qualifies as a good YouTube channel to a connossieur of the genre like Hardcore Kid, here's an example taken from his Top 10 Good YouTubers countdown of the sort of thing that Hardcore Kid considers top quality entertainment.
>> No. 36661
>It features randum humor, much of it plagiarized
>Waymuu and Hardcore Kid are both incredibly unfunny
>It features Thomas the train
>Waymuu and (probably) Hardcore Kid are both Thomasfags

And you're surprised by this why?
>> No. 36662
File 133985343264.png - (34.80KB , 673x736 , A-Log's deviantArt.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Looks like A-Log's getting trolled on deviantArt again...
>> No. 36663
That is truly terrifying.
Where did Universe Twisters or what's-his-name go? Maybe he could give us the inside scoop. I remember on the unintentionally hilarious RJ wiki they were mad at a troll for betraying them and befriending RJ, could that have been our greasy-haired voice-mailer?
>> No. 36664
Could be. The guy's name was Oliver and this guy goes by the name Missoliverandblossom.
>> No. 36665
File 133988729524.jpg - (236.19KB , 700x445 , maverick_jenny_vs_megaman_zero_by_xj_0-d52oauv.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Found this awhile ago in A-Log's favorites. Who's going to tell him that Zero's a dude?
>> No. 36666

Did he flag it yet.
>> No. 36667
I'm curious as to what all those hidden comments said. I'm betting variations on the phrase 'JUUUULAAAAY' and 'SICK INCH FOXDICK'.
>> No. 36668
I wonder, do people outside of /cwc/ers troll A-Log?
>> No. 36669
Does A-log even have any actual trolls or Stonecutters?
>> No. 36670
A-log himself is his greatest troll with how much incriminating stuff his produces and his inability to see how much of a loser and a hypocrite he is.
>> No. 36671
I love how he contradicts himself with his own actions.
>> No. 36672
Hard to say.

His ED page, however, is the second most viewed page of any lolcow - more than Sonmanic, more than Spax3, more than ADF, more than Robert Wayne Stiles.

Only Chris-chan himself has more pageviews.
>> No. 36673
I think that's a very poetic place for A-Log to have arrived at, personally. Right next to Chris.
>> No. 36674

Hate to break your weenbubble, friend, but although .se views carried over from .ch, .ch didn't from .com.

Since A-Log didn't get a page until after the fact, his coutner never reset, while the older as fuck Spax3 and other "classic" lolcows had far, far more views than six inch foxdick.

Just figured I'd pipe up before you guys got too proud.
>> No. 36675
Hey A Log, what's your take on the TGWTG twitter drama?
>> No. 36676
Even if that is the case, it still means that people are taking an interest in A-Log, and why wouldn't they? He's an active lolcow, as opposed to a dormant one.
>> No. 36677
>"Guys guys, we finally did it! We made an alternate, active, and sooper popular new-Chris, EPIC WEEEEEEEN! XD"

>"Lol no you didn't."

>".... HI A-LOG! >:c"

>Even if that is the case

I mean, do you assume it's a lie? like someone is trying to trick you into believe A-Log isn't *really* a known fag? Chris himself has only like 300,000 hits on his, and he's been an ED mainstay since 07. You seriously don't think that number is a bit odd?

Anthony is by far the most successful of the /cwc/ originals, no question, but second of *all time*? You'd have to be full blown retarded to legitimately believe that.
>> No. 36678
Like it or not A-log is possibly gonna be the new Chris. He has everything that people look for in a lolcow he needs attention and can't help but to inject himself into spergy activities and then later on criticizes others for doing something similar without the slightest sense of self awareness or hypocrisy.
On top of that there are loads of embarrassing things he has said and produced that he could never run away from due to his need to slap his name on everything just like Chris did.
>> No. 36679
Yeah, I wouldn't say A-Log is the second most popular lolcow of all time. No way. Very successful considering we started it here a couple of years ago, and he was an unknown before then. But there are alot of classic lolcows who are more well known than he is, though most are no longer active. I don't really think many people outside of the /cwc/ and Chris-Chan community know of A-Log.
>> No. 36680
He is paranoid of da trolls enough to hinder him from ever being another Chris.
>> No. 36681
File 133995366626.png - (54.08KB , 276x284 , rape street.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Like it or not A-log is possibly gonna be the new Chris.

Who is saying they don't like it? Of course he's a funny failure and, given enough time, maybe he will get a ridiculous amount of e-fame for it. People are just saying he has that *now*, and he seriously doesn't. Like, at all.
>> No. 36682
Doesn't matter how paranoid he is he'll continue to present himself for everyone to laugh at because he has an ego to feed. From what I've seen of him A-log can't ever quit any of this stupid crap because it's all he knows to do.
>> No. 36683
In that case, when should we make our move?
>> No. 36684
The point is, he will never do any of the things that made Chris great, because he will never allow things like fake sweethearts, etc to happen. He will continue to make retarded videos, yes. But I don't see it ever progressing past that.

>implying anyone on here actually does shit
>> No. 36685

I especially like the time head said something along the lines of

>Send Autists to Mainstream Education = Columbine Massacre
>> No. 36686
Who cares about fake sweethearts when it comes to someone who isn't Chris. Using a fake sweetheart for A-log would be like using duck bait to trap a raccoon for different things you use different methods. The only things we really have from Chris that we don't from A-log is a sex tape and I don't think many people are rushing to watch one.
>> No. 36687

i know more about his 6in foxdick than i ever wanted to know, thanks
>> No. 36688
>Implying that EVERY lolcow has to be exactly the same as Chris.

See that. That shit right there. Cut that shit out. What you're proposing is what those RJ Bandsma homosexual deviants were trying to do - you're saying that, in order to be the next Chris-chan and be as funny as Chris-chan, you have to do exactly the same things Chris' trolls did to him and put him through sweetheart sagas and shit like that.

Lolcows are not recolors of eachother. Every lolcow is different and funny in a different way. Sweetheart sagas wouldn't work with A-Log because that isn't how A-Log thinks and isn't how A-Log is motivated.

For all his perversion, what drives A-Log isn't a desire to lose his virginity. I'd expect being an adult virgin bothers and embarrasses him, but he doesn't have the retarded 'lovequest' schtick that Chris had going on. It seems to me that what motivates A-Log is a desire for fame and recognition, not love or sex - sweetheart sagas wouldn't work. However, that's not to say that other forms of trolling wouldn't.
>> No. 36689
I believe the biggest point is with Alog everyone needs to fight their autistic fear of change and actually update and think outside the box. Yes Chris trolling was funny and memorable in a way but just trying to apply what ever worked on Chris on some other lolcow makes you look like an epic ween stonecutters wannabe.
>> No. 36690
Chris-chan is babby's first lolcow. People are assuming that every lolcow thinks the same way and it's only funny if they behave the same way and react to the same thing.
>> No. 36691
To be fair, have you ever actually tried to read the Chris-Chan article? It's a fucking incomprehensible, unreadable mess because there's so much going on on it.
>> No. 36692
Okay then epin bros, what is your five star epic troll plans for A-Log?
>> No. 36693
Well, about a minute in, in part 3 of A-Log's Chris-chan commentary 'We've Been Comic Conned', A-Log mentions that his childhood dog, Lady died.

Gentlemen, I propose that we...

>> No. 36694
I was thinking we wait for the next anime convention he goes to we find him and beat him up.
>> No. 36695
Commentary from Texas voice actors. They're all racist and homophobic, after all, and yet they still got to dub anime or voice for Sonic cartoons. Those jobs should've been for NEW YORKERS!
>> No. 36696
For cwckifags, it's also babby's only lolcow.

I think we just need to establish contact with A-log before we begin trolling.

That's not trolling, you epin weener.

Not a very political person, but I tend to get annoyed at how A-log is openly liberal, yet doesn't seem to understand much beyond what other people tell him. "Chris-chan will make Americans racist again! People who voted for Obama get the picture, but he clearly doesn't!"
>> No. 36697
I still like the beat him up idea its almost as good as digging up a dog.
>> No. 36698
I didn't mean to imply you had to do thinks just like Chris, or even a sweetheart thing in and of itself, I was just saying I don't see any angle you could take to provide a comparable pay off like those methods did with Chris.
>> No. 36699
The fact that A-Log lurks this board would probably mean this wouldn't be the best place to discuss it either.
>> No. 36700
That's because A-log has never been pushed by trolls like Chris had been.

Where do you suggest we discuss this, then?
>> No. 36701
>> No. 36702
Well, if you guys were ever really serious about getting some kind of operation together, I would go make a channel called #A-Log on Seanies IRC network, Lost Signal.
>> No. 36703
You honestly couldn't tell I was being sarcastic?
>> No. 36704
>Not a very political person, but I tend to get annoyed at how A-log is openly liberal, yet doesn't seem to understand much beyond what other people tell him. "Chris-chan will make Americans racist again! People who voted for Obama get the picture, but he clearly doesn't!"

Thing is, A-Log is only a liberal because it's in HIS interests to be liberal - he's a liberal because liberals are OK with things like anime porn and straight shota.

He's actually very bigoted and conservative about a lot of things, as well as making thoughtlessly homophobic and racist statements regularly.
>> No. 36705
Autistics are known to have trouble grasping concepts such as sarcasm.
>> No. 36706
I remember a comment he made on his "Hentai Report" video:

>What is behind me [hentai] might be some that will piss off your moms... except for mine, who is a liberal.
>> No. 36707
All those of you looking to sort out some sort of epin trolling plot regarding A-Log should see about recruiting SpaceScreaminJohn for help. He knows A-Log better than anybody and has been shown to be very helpful in regard to trolling A-Log in the past.
>> No. 36708
It's been discussed before, but I'd like to see an A-Log wiki.
>> No. 36709
Why wouldn't Alog be liberal look where he lives, his interests, his mother, and the general attitude some liberals have when they say "Well at least I/we don't (insert something here) like the republicans."
>> No. 36710
I would agree wld be a very good place to start.
Infiltrating his new nakama that is currently forming could also pay off well, it could easily go the way the last one did, with less pathetic members being clued into how much of a freak he is.

But that is still in it's proto-stages and who knows if it even will. It occured to me though, the whole fake girlfriend thing might actually work with him, but it would take alot of time and dedication and an actual female willing to make videos and such. It could be just like MsUmlaut or whatever in his last crew. I am sure he had a crush on her.

I think a good bet though would be to try to be a member in this new group of friends he is inevitably going to try to draw around him.
>> No. 36711
>It could be just like MsUmlaut or whatever in his last crew. I am sure he had a crush on her.

Him being so adamant and going to such trouble to state that he did NOT have a crush on her in the first Skype call with John leads me to think he DEFINITELY did.
>> No. 36712
File 133996417282.png - (165.28KB , 316x325 , MrDiablolord.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If you're looking to recruit a dang dirty mole, there look to be quite a few weak links in A-Log's new gang.

Mr. Diablolord, here, for example. He spent most of the 'Smegged Up' countdown actually disagreeing with a lot of the other commentators with a framed oil painting of Jesus looking over his shoulder.

Also, everything about Hardcore Kid tells me that it wouldn't take long for him to crack under pressure from trolls and sell out A-Log.
>> No. 36713

Though I could never imagine any woman would ever want to do such a thing, if one started reviewing dumb anime shit, started commenting and liking his videos, PMing, eventually maybe asking to do a collab review, I could see them being put in the same position she was in, and then simply take it to the next level. Maybe even get nudes of him.

But, like I said, that is a completely unrealistic expectation of anyone to do. And he is certainly too paranoid to believe in a "galpal, y'all" like Chris did based on text/phone/still images.
>> No. 36714
Remember, however, that just because A-Log is paranoid, doesn't make him safe. A-Log's ridiculous paranoia about what trolls are capable of can and has been used against him in the past because it makes him careless and can actually make him more of a target.
>> No. 36715
Well, as far as I know, this is the only person he has actually make an effort to befriend outside that video as a possible new member of a new nakama, right? I think he also may already have a friendship with Hardcore Kid. I'm not so sure he has any connection to the rest of the people in the smegged up list video though, such as Bluespike.

But yeah, I did notice too that that guy seemed to sanest of the video, which isn't saying much, but he mostly didn't even agree with what everyone else said, or went off another tangent completely, while not really insulting anyone.

As for Hardcore Kid, I would rather see that fag get trolled himself. And I think it would be infinitely easier to get him into some "compromising" positions than A-Log, especially based on him already sounding like he is an antisocial sperg IRL based on what the guy who went to school with him said here.
>> No. 36716
We should think about doing that sometime. Of course, though, we'll need some spergs ourselves to work on the pages. The only pages we absolutely need are for videos and A-log himself, but the more articles, the more A-log will be mad.
>> No. 36717
A galpal would never work unless we could get Alog's mother to be the sweetheart.
>> No. 36718
I've got to be honest, I think giving A-Log a sweetheart saga is a retarded idea that would require far too much work and time invested in it for whatever meagre cocks could be gleaned.

I just can't see A-Log ever taking the bait. He's just too beta. I think on some subconscious level A-Log is very aware that he is not at all attractive to women. Even in his fapfics, he mentions that he's not very handsome but 'gets women with his kindness'.
>> No. 36719
I think a sweetheart saga would only work once, and we would need to do it before A-log catches on that there are trolls after him.
>> No. 36720
A-Log and Hardcore Kid (real name: Brandon Nichols) are friends on Facebook.
>> No. 36721
>gets women with his kindness
Okay, so the sweetheart saga would be about some girl who starts PMing A-log in a platonic way, then starts complimenting A-log on his kindness and breaks through the friend zone.
>> No. 36722
It could work. The ADF wiki started out with less than what we have on A-Log. I was only really involved with the beginning of ADF getting trolled, mostly just helping out in IRC with some of his dox and shit when we first started the channel. But I know there is if nothing else way more videos than we ever had of ADF.

That said, it is alot of work, and it took quite awhile for his to get off the ground. It was kicked around for a few months in IRC even back when I was still around without anyone taking any real action. It was a while after I left that I found out they finally did it.
>> No. 36723
According to information given by SpaceScreaminJohn, they are also Skype contacts and have been since before their collaboration in this countdown.

A-Log and Hardcore Kid go way back.
>> No. 36724
Then somebody should edit ED's page on A-log's friends and add him.
>> No. 36725
Good points all around. It would probably only work once, and the amount of work, particularly for some very unlucky lady who we probably wouldn't be able to get to do it anyway, would be ridiculous.

Also a good point. I hadn't considered it before, but fuck, she might have to be in her fucking 30s or 40s for him to even seriously try something. But the fact I am pretty sure he had the hots for Umlaut is reassuring that it wouldn't be impossible with someone younger.
>> No. 36726
I'll try to make a ".wikia.com" wiki for him right now, is that all right?
>> No. 36727
A-Log is also very trusting and naive, taking everything at face value and believing everything he's told.

A long time ago, before he even had an ED page, he was contacted by two trolls from /cwc/ who were claiming to be Clyde Cash and Bluespike. He shat himself, believing them utterly on little more than their word that that was, indeed, who they were.

The result of that meeting was this video.
>> No. 36728
If you need spergs to work for you all you need to do is just drop the info on this amazing new lolcow who all the cool kids are laughing at now on some where like 4chan. You can even show them there is a wiki already for them to work on.
>> No. 36729

Unfortunately for A-Log, the one thing he does have over other potential lolcows is cocks. Lots of cocks. Before he started getting trolled in an organized fashion and before his ED page, he was very productive on Youtube and there are many, many mirrors of his videos on there now.

If you guys are serious about putting together an A-Logipedia or whatever, there is a wealth of material out there with which to build a wiki and the numerous bizarre statements he's made in his videos wouldn't make it hard to construct articles akin to the CWCki's 'Chris and...' series - 'A-Log on education', 'A-Log on race', 'A-Log on politics', 'A-Log on sexuality' etc.
>> No. 36730
Why go to 4chan when you could go to CWCki Forums? A significant amount of forum members there are already aware of A-Log.
>> No. 36732
That is the same way ADFki is set up as well.
>> No. 36733
File 133996578037.png - (155.62KB , 477x429 , A-Log Is Scared.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 36734
I like that it's green, like A-Log's shirt and New York cap. Green seems to be A-Log's favorite color.
>> No. 36736
Thanks, I noticed he wore green a lot, so it made sense to choose that theme.
>> No. 36737
You know.. I think this could actually move along much quicker than with ADF. There is certainly alot more people who find A-Log funny than ADF. (there were people even in the beginning who never found him funny). Of course you are going to have to be dedicated to moderating it, because if it going to be an open project of the board instead of a small operation on IRC like with ADF, there is probably going to be a certain amount of shit and crap article that gets written.
>> No. 36738
You will definitely need a page about Chris, maybe with links to the Chris-chan ED page and the CWCki, since A-Log bases his entire personality on his irrational, disproportionate hatred of him.
>> No. 36739
Hows about an entire article about things Alog does a pretty cool guy?
>> No. 36740
lol coffee filter. I meant things that Alog does that Chris does better.
>> No. 36741
Hmmm.. I don't think I've actually noticed that coffee filter before, what did you write?
>> No. 36742
Just wait until A-Log hears about this. His jimmies will never be unrustled.
>> No. 36743

I wrote "Worse" "Than" "Chris".
>> No. 36744
Mods put that wordbutter in place because people kept saying stuff like 'i think A-Log is w0rse than Chris' or 'I think Nick Bate is w0rse than Chris'.
>> No. 36745
Indeed. I think once a basic framework is up, just a couple of core pages written or whatever, that someone lets him know via DA or YouTube PM.

I wouldn't be surprised if we even got a new video, of him informing his "fans" that "Da failtwrolls have set up an Anthony 'A-Log' Logatto Wiki... Wow, as if I am like Chris-Chan!"
>> No. 36746
I'm still waiting with bated breath for A-Log's defense video.
>> No. 36747
We should get some of his fapfics on there.
>> No. 36748
This definitely has to happen. The more places those things can be archived in connection with A-Log, the better.
>> No. 36749
Alog is going to have to try really hard to hide his Six Inch Fox Dick now.
>> No. 36751
If we can set up the A-log wiki, I think he'll release his defense video faster.
>> No. 36752
>"Da failtwrolls have set up an Anthony 'A-Log' Logatto Wiki... Wow, as if I am like Chris-Chan!"
I'm really amused by A-Log's dubbing those mocking him as 'failtrolls', because in his earlier videos he was such a big fan of trolling. He would regularly say things like: "My fellow trolls and I..."
>> No. 36753

They're failtrolls because A-log himself is clearly such a weentroll, and you can't troll a troll, ecsdee.
>> No. 36754
I'm just going to add, I would really prefer if we move to an off-site wikia sometime.
>> No. 36755
Hang on, I think I might be able to secure an off-site wiki soon instead. I was a bit hasty with creating this, then I remembered something. In the meantime, I'll write some articles on my computer so when it goes up, we'll be able to show A-log immediately.
>> No. 36756
I think it was an attempt at being an Internet tough guy, crossed with troll shielding in its purest form. He was trying to plant the idea in the heads of the people that watched his videos that he was partially responsible for trolling Chris-chan and was on close personal terms with big name people like Clyde Cash and the rest of the stonecutters.

This would serve two purposes in that it not only made him look like a super kewl guy who trolls that eeebil Chris-chan who maeks all da autistics look bad, but it would also make people reluctant to want to attack him, thinking he was backed up by some hardcore trolling badasses.
>> No. 36757
One way we could really get to him is to cause a schism between Alog and his sister or her boyfriend because it seems like he depends on them for real social events like some socially inept leech.
>> No. 36758
It might also have been an attempt to legitimise his exploitation of Chris-chan trolling in his stand-up comedy routine if he could pretend that he was actually a part of it.
>> No. 36759
We don't really know much about them, so it would be hard figuring out how to cause a schism.

Anyway, create the new wiki soon. If you don't make it, then I or somebody else will.
>> No. 36760
Whatever happened to that guy who said he was going to mirror Hardcore Kid's videos from Blip so he couldn't make any ad revenue off of them? Did that ever come to anything?
>> No. 36761
If we're to really get some kind of quick cocks and some nice secrets we need to get some field agents and some moles.
>> No. 36762
I think we need a sweetheart saga as one of the first sagas. We can get A-log to open up about himself.
>> No. 36763
I was thinking about seeing if there were anyone here going to the college does his radio show from?
>> No. 36764
File 133996942922.jpg - (47.90KB , 280x347 , frustrated-face.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Do you people remember what people were saying earlier in this thread? About how not all lolcows work the same way and not all lolcows have to be the same?
>> No. 36765
Yeah, A-log doesn't work that way. That doesn't mean we can't cross out anything that's been done before.
>> No. 36766
We're over 500 posts, we need to archive this thread and start a new one.
>> No. 36767
Sweethearts will now work that well. If anything we need to feed into Alog's desire to be famous to be a voice actor or a renowned critic. So instead of sweet hearts think something like a famous anime producers want Alog to be a voice actor for them.
>> No. 36768
The only positive side I can see to a sweetheart saga (if it would even work, which I doubt very strongly) is that it would be a beautiful and perfect irony that would totally underscore exactly how alike A-Log and Chris-chan are, something that A-Log takes great pains to convince people is not the case.

Other than that, what you're proposing is the trolling equivalent of a Sonic recolor.
>> No. 36769

A-log will be asked to record lines at homes through his microphone on a low-quality anime fandub with ties to the industry. His co-star, an attractive female, is also his character's love interest and the two begin by discussing the show and their character relationships, turn out to be more alike, and slowly fall in love.

Great combination of the old and the new.
>> No. 36770
Archival, please.
>> No. 36771
File 133996976958.jpg - (30.12KB , 600x448 , FoxPenisBone.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think we should contact a taxidermist in the Staten Island area and have them send A-Log a real six inch foxdick in the mail.
>> No. 36772
Interesting idea, but what would the director's role be?
>> No. 36773
File 133997019144.png - (489.62KB , 628x470 , NudePickle87.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hay guise, I got a idea!
Let's plan out all our top secret trolling plans on an open forum that our target is aware of and checks on a regular basis! Epic ween!

And then I'll get my cock out and post pictures! For teh lulz!!
>> No. 36774
At this point, we're only brainstorming, none of this ideas will probably not be used. Besides, do you know where to discuss this shit?
>> No. 36775
I just had a stroke of brilliance what if someone posing as a big Chris troll came to Alog asking for his help in a big trolling plan for fame and internet glory it'd be a bit like trolling train.
>> No. 36776
Y'all remember before Bob died and Chris and Barb got arrested, when the inner circe were doing the calling out saga, giving Chris pictures of other lolcows and saying they were the true faces of his trolls?

If only they'd given him A-Log. Imagine the chaos that would have ensued.
>> No. 36777
Guys, why are we discussing this here if A-log is reading this? We're probably going to have to wait to do any of this trolling plans.
>> No. 36778
I imagine that Thorg might actually have given Chris some A-log "dox", but he never got around to it.
>> No. 36779
File 133997092215.png - (68.83KB , 267x248 , Not A-Log.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hello, my name is Mr. Ottagol and I come from... Uh... Someplace far away, basically.

Basically, I think that we ought to leave A-Log alone because he's nothing like Chris-Chan and he never will be.
>> No. 36780
Yes, A-log is even worse then Chris-chan. He's nothing like Chris because Chris doesn't even approach A-log's level of fail. Let's leave him alone since he is the master troll of trolling himself.
>> No. 36781
Basically, I agree with this statement. If I had to choose one person who is not in any way like that idiot Chris-chan, it would be A-Log. At least A-Log isn't some pedophile, either.
>> No. 36782
>> No. 36783
If only we could actually get Chris involved in the Alog trolling imagine the shame and tears when Alog discovers Chris was the person outsmarting him and tormenting him.
>> No. 36784
Gotta be honest, I that it's far funnier this way.

Not a day goes by in A-Log's life where he doesn't seethe over Chris-chan's very existence and how much he hates that fucker and how he gives autistics a bad name. A-Log hates Chris-chan so much and wastes so much of his energy on his hatred of him.

Chris-chan, by contrast, doesn't even know A-Log exists.
>> No. 36785
That is what makes Alog so funny he is some obsessed with some Chris yet Chris has never even heard of Alog and possibly if he ever seen what Alog has done Chris quite possibly wouldn't give a damn.
>> No. 36786
Especially when you consider that desite A-Log's hatred of Chris, the two of them ultimately have so much in common that they could probably be great friends if they had met eachother under different circumstances.
>> No. 36787
Somewhere out there in an alternate universe, a cheerful and carefree autistic man named Christian Weston Chandler is happily coloring in a page from the latest issue of his comic, Sonichu, while chuckling heartily at a joke that his best friend, Anthony LoGatto, has just shared with him.
>> No. 36788
Until Chris sees Alog's shota and calls him a pedofork.
>> No. 36789
What an awful universe that must be.
>> No. 36790
You know what the most tragic and ironic thing about this universe would be?

A-Log makes Chris laugh.

What A-Log wants, more than anything else, is for somebody to laugh at his jokes and tell him how funny he is. And the only person that would find A-Log's jokes funny would be his hated arch-nemesis, Chris-Chan.
>> No. 36791
File 133997301937.jpg - (39.75KB , 500x382 , tumblr_ltbtgjU70B1qztjn5o1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A world without trolls.
>> No. 36792
Somewhat endearing mental image. And then they'd whisper to each other about what sort of women they like, and A-Log would write fapfiction and Chris would draw the art for it. They'd make great friends, really.
>> No. 36793
File 133997318445.jpg - (319.32KB , 1024x842 , A_game_of_pretend.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh God, I hope it wouldn't end in a game of pretend between A-Log and Tomgirl Chris.
>> No. 36794
It'd be OK, because Chris could stare at his Sailor Moon poster afterwards to STAY STRAIGHT and A-Log could use the laptop to watch some porn and wash his mind out.
>> No. 36795
Then their two other best joy boys Nick Bate and Robert Wayne Stiles will come over for some guitar hero.
>> No. 36796
We really should archive this thread.
>> No. 36797
And then his other friends, ADF and Anthos, would come over and drink some of Chris' best Fanta.
>> No. 36798
The party hasn't started yet until the Hardcore Kid shows up!
>> No. 36799
Then afterwards they meet up with Gail as they are all on top of her husband list.
>> No. 36800
File 133997617762.jpg - (34.59KB , 400x276 , friends-tv-show.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Oh man, I smell a sitcom! Quick, someone, start work on a script!

>> No. 36801
Somebody HAS to make a banner for this.
>> No. 36802
Like I said earlier, if any of you have any serious plans to move forward with a idea to troll A-Log, take it to IRC and make a channel called #A-Log or the like, the same thing we did when we first started collecting info on ADF.

As for the wiki itself, discussing it here won't be a problem, he will know about it soon enough anyway and it really isn't a secret. I do think we should start a new thread though as an official A-Log Wiki thread.

FAs were never really any significant part of trolling Chris. Saying "we need FAs" for a pay off sounds like CWCki Forums shit. As for moles, yeah, it was already discussed at length that we need someone to befriend him through YouTube, or use someone in his new nakama against him eventually.
>> No. 36804
Wait a few days for the A-log Wiki, okay? Right now we can discuss what to put on it, but for now, like I said, I'm trying to snag a website we can use for a non-wikia wiki. If anybody else can make one sooner, that would be appreciated.
>> No. 36805
>I do think we should start a new thread though as an official A-Log Wiki thread.

Go ahead and make one.

>As for moles, yeah, it was already discussed at length that we need someone to befriend him through YouTube, or use someone in his new nakama against him eventually.

While we're on the subject of moles, I have suspected for a while that there is already a mole among A-Log's friends on Facebook. Reason being, A-Log made his Facebook private a month or so ago and yet, somehow, /cwc/ is still getting screencaps of his Facebook updates and such.

I've suspected this for a while, but haven't said anything until now because I didn't want to compromise anything by voicing it aloud if I was correct in my assumption.
>> No. 36806
I think WinRar should make the new thread, since he is the guy running the wiki and all. Would you mind starting a new one, bro?

I reported this thread with a request for archival, so hopefully we will have one soon. The rest of you can report it and request an archival too if you think it will help it get done quicker.
>> No. 36807
Yep, we're autosaging, time to move on.
>> No. 36808
Okay. I really don't like wikia, and I realized A-log could complain to the people running wikia, so I figured using it would be a problem. Anyway, I would wait a few days for it to go up.
>> No. 36809
A few days for the new thread or for the new wiki? Because I figure we could use a new thread right now just to continue brainstorming.
>> No. 36810
Those homosexual deviants from the RJ Bandsma trolling crew used Wikia for their Bandsmapedia and it got taken down for cyberbullying.

I don't think Wikia's the best choice for this sort of thing.
>> No. 36811
WinRar, start a new A-Log thread now.

Everybody else, request thread archival of this one. This has been a good thread.
>> No. 36812
Yeah, we definetly don't want to use wikia, A-Log will have it down in a heartbeat. In the meantime while we wait for Winrar to find another host, we can still continue throwing around ideas.
>> No. 36813
New wiki, hopefully. I have some spare money I can use to get a domain and wiki, just waiting until my pay day to some more.

Of course, right after my pay day is my week-long vacation, so I wouldn't be able to administrate. I'd probably give admin privileges to a few others.
>> No. 36814
I'd love to see a banner of this as well.
>> No. 36815
New thread's up, everybody leave.
>> No. 36817
Everybody abandon this thread and wait for archival.

New thread:
>> No. 36818
Moving this to /L/.
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