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File 133692847067.png - (402.91KB , 648x463 , Capture.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
36819 No. 36819
I present to you the FanFic Critic. Never before have I seen so much concentrated aspergers in a female.

Q) What's worse than people who read or write fanfiction?

A) People who review fanfictions in the form of obsessive, hour long videos on Youtube.

Skip to 8:45 when she throws a Chris-like tantrum

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>> No. 36820
I've seen this chick before (doing a Sonichu review, fittingly enough).
>> No. 36821
This is probably what she was more famous for, ironically out-sperging Chris in the process.
>> No. 36822
Fanfic Critic is a well known /cwc/ punching bag. Although she still doesn't have a proper ED article, which I think would work. She's almost a girl A-log, she has her own minor group of wannabe troll/vlogers and writes her own horrible fanfic (I'm not sure it's it's porn or not, though).

She at one point had written up and filled out her own TvTropes page, like she was well known enough on YouTube to warrant one. I have no idea if it's still up or not.
>> No. 36823
She sorta looks like Emiry/Applemilk1988
>> No. 36824
Goddamn, she has done 9 "seasons" of this shit.

I'd hit it.
>> No. 36825
I'd fuck her. Not like I'd fuck PeacockFeather. PF gets it rough and nasty, FFC gets it with a tad less malice.
>> No. 36826
File 133692898033.jpg - (48.07KB , 640x480 , apple2008_1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I don't see a resemblance
>> No. 36827
She;s 5.5, maybe 6/10 at best.

I'd do it from behind
>> No. 36828
Emiry without her makeup/this chick from certain angles has some resemblance.
>> No. 36829
Still there.


Also her group is that Pikachu guy A-Log knows, and Slaphappygamer, a weird A-Log like "pwnage" vlogger with a weird feet tickling fetish featuring Rayman characters if I remember right.

She also hate hate HAETS being called a Nostalgia Critic ripoff. Despite the fact that she, from everything to the way she dresses and facial expressions, is a carbon copy Doug Walker ripoff. A case could be made that she's just an asspie that doesn't understand 'the joke' and is just copying what she thinks produces humor without deliberately intending to be a NC ripoff, but the fact that it's just that blatant and it upsets her that much is a sight to be sure.
>> No. 36830
Is that group what this "Reviewers Unknown" thing from in the intro is?
>> No. 36831
>mfw both Slaphappy and Fan Fic Critic have the top rated comments

I gotta love people like amphramos95. They all seem to think that making an ED page about someone they hate will genuinely piss the person they hate off. Like you said, ED really has no relevance anymore. Everyone knows its run by a bunch of talentless, obsessive trolls. So, being "featured" on there is really nothing unless you allow it to upset you.
FanFicCritic 1 month ago 16

I say we test this theory.
>> No. 36832
Yeah, I remember not even getting through a quarter of the video before having to close it. Going over Sonichu with a fine-toothed comb would be enough to wreck the sanity of even the most well-adjusted members of society.
>> No. 36833
>I say we test this theory

Here, here! This bitch is crying out of an article.
>> No. 36834
This connected?

>> No. 36835
She recently ran afoul of the BLACKbusterCritic and he proved her hypocrisy rather beautifully.

>> No. 36836
  Why do these people feel the need to sperg about crappy fan fiction for over an hour?

This appears to be another one with the same show name.
>> No. 36837
She has done 448 of these videos so far, all of which approach an hour in length, and very few of which have gotten more than a thousand views.

As far as I can tell, this isn't a character. She isn't a performance access, and she isn't reviewing these fan fictions ironically. This girl seem to be taking herself seriously.

I knew two girls just like this one, one of whom I dated for about a year. The moment the second girl mentioned fan fiction, I ended the date and put her in the friend zone. The latter, Elizabeth, could probably be considered a lolcow, and I have many stories about her sperging out on campus.
>> No. 36838

>As far as I can tell, this isn't a character. She isn't a performance access, and she isn't reviewing these fan fictions ironically. This girl seem to be taking herself seriously.

Clearly. Most of these "character ranters" usually do take themselves incredibly serious, "It's a character!" is usually a copout when they get called out for being retarded, like they assume it's a Get Out of Trolled card or some shit.
>> No. 36839
Anyone knowledgeable enough about this chick to start working on an article? Should we start gathering whatever info we can?
>> No. 36840
Girl aspies are quite rare, but very easy to spot when encountered.

1) Loud talking? Check
2) Random, "angry" humor? Check
3) Spastic facial expressions to emphasize a point? Check
4) Poor execution of sarcasm? Check
>> No. 36841
TGWTG here she comes
>> No. 36842
i am not to worry....about her she haven't got to me yet.... i am not as knowen to all of critc on you tube yet...
>> No. 36843
I don't understand what this post is trying to say.

oh, shes coming for you, jenffer. And shes gonna sperg about your who titted characters for hours.
>> No. 36844
  Why can't all aspie girls look like this?
>> No. 36845
She isn't terrible ugly, but the way she contorts her face in an exaggerated attempt to display emotions clearly shows that she doesn't know how to express emotions naturally.

Classic asperger monster.
>> No. 36846
File 13369344997.png - (99.26KB , 648x474 , Capture.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
She even has a "dramatic putting on the glasses" shot in her intro.
>> No. 36847
She's been posted here before.

What's more, she's been linked here before. She's in on the joke (although she was shockingly oblivious until someone messaged and explained it to her.)
>> No. 36848
>I don't understand what this post is trying to say.

I think he's trying to say that she's a prime candidate for a member of That Guy With the Glasses.

I respect Doug Walker and his videos, but he's really managed to create a whole community of potential lolcows.
>> No. 36849

She has a whole website of people devoted to hating her. That's how annoying she is.
>> No. 36850

The only respectable thing about Doug Walker is that he's outdone The Amazing Atheist in terms of "I wonder what's the least amount of effort I can put into something and still get paid for".
>> No. 36851
That shitty nigger sonicfag that used to advertise on here? Fuck that asshole.
>> No. 36852
The way I look at it, FanFicCritic's greatest flaw is her refusal to accept any form of criticism, however minor. If you say something that's not kissing her ass or agreeing with her 100%, well, you better prepare yourself to get blocked.

I wonder why it is that so many of these so called 'critics' (with the possible exception of Blackbuster Critic, who actually seems to thrive on it) can't take criticism...
>> No. 36853
File 133693918861.jpg - (280.19KB , 400x602 , lol sonny.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>blacksonicfagcritic can take criticism
So you're one of his dumb fans, huh?
>> No. 36854

Building on >>213947

I'd estimate most of them are already thin skinned little shits to begin with, and come to the conclusion if they're a "critic" themselves, that takes away the opportunity for them to be the target of criticism. When people proceed to call them out anyway, they take it way more personally, since they, as the critics, are not "supposed to be" criticized.
>> No. 36855
File 133693942039.jpg - (26.01KB , 640x480 , 133076873052.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hi Sonicfag
>> No. 36856
  BlackBusterCritic is on her ass atm
>> No. 36857
File 133693960244.jpg - (86.87KB , 409x600 , helping-the-retarded235.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
For what it's worth, BBC is probably the most reasonable of this whole critic/ranter/vlogger/whatever the fuck phenomenon this thing refers to itself as. That doesn't mean he's not an obsessively weird little weirdo that probably got picked on mercilessly every day in school and is using "internet fame" to finally feel like a big man.

Just that out of all of them, he can compose himself the best. Not by a lot, though.
>> No. 36858
Blackbuster Critic loves to be criticised. He's stated this several times. The reason being, he knows how to argue intelligently. If you're criticising him and you make a point but don't back it up, he'll point it out and call you out on it.

A lot of the people who critise him throw out baseless statements he can either easily disprove or resort to childish namecalling, which he doesn't care about.
>> No. 36859
>weird little weirdo

well damn
>> No. 36860
Honestly, I don't understand why people would have a problem with BBC unless they themselves are part of the groups he makes fun of in his videos - Sonicfags, Capcomfags, or console war spasts.
>> No. 36861
>>For what it's worth, BBC is probably the most reasonable of this whole critic/ranter/vlogger/whatever the fuck phenomenon this thing refers to itself as.

So, after reading the suggestion that the two were bumping uglies, I read BBC by the meaning it would have on porn streaming sites. Big Black Cock.

I wonder if he chose his name because he was aware of this acronym.
>> No. 36862
>A black man
>Calling himself 'BBC'
>Isn't aware of the Big Black Cock acronym

>> No. 36863
I think it says a lot about what a hugbox the Youtube commentary community is that these individuals with so many obvious personal failings - the Fanfic Critics, the A-Logs, the NeuGristle87s, the Paul David "Eyebrows" Smiths - not only find an audience for their hypocritical, troll shielding rants tearing down those they view as inferior, but are able to thrive.
>> No. 36864
>>Assumes you have to have asperger's if you assume someone might not be aware of a niche porn acronym.
>>No anon, you are the spergs!
>> No. 36865
please see

He's clearly King of the Retarded Hill, but he's still an obsessive, nerdy little shit. That he's the most refined of the mouthbreathers doesn't mean having years long vendettas against video games and video game companies isn't dorky as fuck.
>> No. 36866
What porn do you watch?
>> No. 36867
His fake evil laugh is so pathetic.
>> No. 36868
I go to sites like nudevista (which searches all the other sites, but doesn't always show everything) and in the uploads if you're looking for a specific act or something, you'll often find videos which tend to be uploaded by the same small group of people, and tend to have titles like "STUPID WHITE MILF ENJOYS TWO BBC" "WIMP HUSBAND WATCHES WHITE WIFE SUCK BBC" "JAYZELLE WAS NOT PREPARED FOR HER FIRST BBC EXPERIENCE"

The whole cuckold/racism thing is a pretty specific fetish, and I try to avoid it.
>> No. 36869
You ought to see the video he's responding to. It's retard vs. retard

>I am better than you because the Pokemon I choose as my avatar has a hotter trainer than the Pokemon you use as an avatar.
>> No. 36870
File 133694321793.jpg - (7.79KB , 200x161 , doctor_who_rose_eccleston2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 36871
To be fair, the interracial/cuckold scene is a HUGE deal. I think it's the most popular niche in America.
>> No. 36872
niggo duck porno-graphy is way worse than coneyfucking porno-graphy in mah opinion :)
>> No. 36873
She does resemble Emiry circa 2004 even beyond the looks.
>> No. 36874
TGWTG is horrible. Doug Walker is one of the most annoying human beings on Earth. Also doing shit like making jokes, along with Nostalgia Chick herself, about her abortion is in pretty bad taste. I'm actually prochoice, but shit like that just shows they have no class.

Linkara is a self hating male with completely convoluted feminist beliefs (you should see some of his ass kissing posts on a feminazi forum he posts on) who fucked a man, because I refuse to believe "Iron Liz" is female, then couldn't understand why people trolled her videos and called her ugly. He is also a fucking Chris level autistic, right down to having a hilariously badWatchmen ripoff webcomic called "Lightbringer" and some shitty novel with his self insert fucking cat girls that no one bought. I will admit the Irate Gamer parody episode he did was pretty funny, though. Other than that, he is painfully unfunny.

The rest of the people on the site are just huge spergs, especially Film Brain and Phallus or whatever. Also that pale sickly game reviewer who does his videos in still photos fiance is a furry.
>> No. 36875
File 133695293186.jpg - (40.56KB , 600x450 , fat man eating a burger.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Based on the intro to each video, where she walks through her house and prepares for the review, you can tell she's obviously lives with her parents.
>> No. 36876
She works at Wendy's . It seems Wendy's hires the autistics. CWC, Anthos and Critic have all claimed employment from the ginger restaurant.
>> No. 36877
Anyone know how old she is? My guess would be mid 20s, which makes it even more pathetic that she works at Wendy's and lives with her parents.
>> No. 36878
  Autism Level: TARD RAGE
>> No. 36879
If she had a really good camera I would believe she was a TGWTG contributor, she is like a female nostalgia critic
>> No. 36880
File 133695484765.jpg - (46.68KB , 400x593 , tumblr_lfr5guuJ231qegasto1_400.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Does anybody have a link to her awful Sweeney Todd fanfiction - a.k.a Megan Wessels Blatantly Wishes She Was Mrs Lovett?
>> No. 36881
Thing is, Wendys is fucking delicious. Maybe they put a touch of sperg dedication in every burger!
>> No. 36882
They already have the Nostalgia Chick, that girl who made a documentary about her abortion. Also a black version called That Chick with the Goggles.
>> No. 36883
That lady scares the shit out of me as much as PF does.
>> No. 36884
>> No. 36885
It's still makes me laugh that she came up with the idea and wrote her lines for Spooning with Spoony.

The girl who made and sold a documentary on her abortion wrote a scene in which she wakes up in bed with a man she didn't remember having sex with, and tearfully exclaims "I have no self respect!"
>> No. 36886
She does have a, say, rather interesting pair of tits.
>> No. 36887
She's autistic. There's a genetic bypass in her DNA preventing her from ever doing anything ironic.
>> No. 36888
>> No. 36889
Anyone have any dox on her?
>> No. 36890
I did a bit of Internet detective work and was able to find out her address, but sadly, I don't have it to hand.

Off hand, I can tell you she lives in Worcester, Massachusetts.
>> No. 36891
  Spergs out again at 5m4s. I guess she has a secondary character that's just her with a really bad English accent.

>> No. 36892
Megan went to a vocational school? I guess real high school caused too much STRESS in her life. http://www.telegram.com/article/20070603/MONTY/706030334
>> No. 36893
  She thinks this is funny.
>> No. 36894
>struggles reading the word 'titular', has to sound it out phonetically like a 1st grader

just lol
>> No. 36895
File 133697007771.png - (503.65KB , 553x492 , untitled.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>MLP Fanfiction
>MLP Fanfiction review
>MLP Fanfiction review that lasts 34 minutes
>> No. 36896
I can never get over how awkward she looks in her own clothes. She always looks like a geeky teenager wearing a borrowed suit to a high school orientation meet.
>> No. 36897
God dammit, she made this fanfiction a whole lot more boring. This is how you make it that exciting.

>> No. 36898
Speaking of TGWTG, I'd get all up in Marz Gurls chunky ass.
>> No. 36899
Spoony became a perfect example of all that is wrong with that site, with all the stupid characters and spergtastic crossovers.

Although his recent "Counter Monkey" series has actually made him a little more bearable. No gay storylines or crossovers, just Noah in front of camera telling interesting/funny stories from his pen & paper session experiences. They are all pretty long, but some are actually pretty funny. I thought his one about Shadowrun in partuicular was pretty good.
>> No. 36900
Wessles doesn't fucking review anything. Calling anything she does a review is a common misconception. In reality she reads entire fanfics and scrunches up her hag face when she believes she has found a grammar error.

Thats it.
>> No. 36901
File 133697639747.jpg - (34.66KB , 500x500 , Mesgc.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
She's pretty cute.
>> No. 36902
Eww. Wtf sperg
>> No. 36903
>> No. 36904
File 133699337031.png - (66.31KB , 494x274 , cantjudgeme.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Meg reaally doesn't appreciate criticism. This is the highest ranked comment on her bitch video against the Nostalgia Critic.

>I have to say, after watching a couple videos... I found your show boring, even a chore to finish one.

The comment goes on to point out exactly what makes her videos boring, e.g. requiring her "fans" to do all of the work for her while at the same time picking on them.

Her reaction?

>Watch a more recent episode and state your opinion again, please. Really, this video was made over a year ago. You can't really judge me on it if I have more recent material, buddy.

Really? "You can't really judge me," because the viewer hasn't gone through the trouble of watching all 400+ of her reviews before developing an opinion.

>> No. 36905
File 133699436792.jpg - (43.12KB , 400x600 , 400px-An_Autobot_Unmasked.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pretty sure the average /cwc/ user would be lucky if they got an average looking weeb as a GF.

Pic related, it's the average /cwc/ user
>> No. 36906

True, but anyone who's ever had a weeaboo or a sperg as a girlfriend knows to run fast and run far. I dated a fanfiction author/devotee between 2007 and 2009. I dated a major anime and manga fangirl for most of 2011.

If there's anything I've learned from this experience, it's that you want to date up. If you're a nerd, try to find a normal female. If someone has a vagina and tits, it should be easy for her to fit in post-puberty. These fanfic weeaboos are so far out there that even a normal guy with a hard cock is too weirded out to put it in.
>> No. 36907
She really needs an ED page. Surely we have enough on her to make a really good one, by now.
>> No. 36908

Hell, I'd start writing it myself, but all I have for internet access is this tablet atm, and I'll be damned if I write it on a touchscreen keyboard.
>> No. 36909
I'd write one if I had more information about her. All I know are girls who behave just like her, and it's sickening.
>> No. 36910
File 133702132647.gif - (495.90KB , 400x302 , 132108760162.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It makes one wonder how she ever made it through a college level English course. Peer reviewing papers? She'd probably start a fist fight in class and scream "TROLL" if a class mate pointed out a flaw in some shitty fanfic she submitted for a term paper.
>> No. 36911
I remember there was a really hot girl with aspergers when I went to high school. She had wierd OCD quirks, mumbled alot, and would go on these long spergy ramblings over nothing in the middle of conversation. She got invited to all the parties and dated popular guys because she was hot, but she was so unbearably autistic and awkward that nobody could stand to be alone with her.

I remember she sperged out because she didn't have a date for Senior Prom and started walking up to virtually every guy she knew and pretty much demanded they take her. They all turned her down.

I guess my point is, spergs being pretty doesn't make them more tolerable.
>> No. 36912
Dated a hot weeb here, she was crazier than the average looking ones. Currently dating a kid who is a tea partier and whines and complains whenever she is within 50 feet of another guy, claims he's "really a sweet guy when it's just us". (I used that line about her to try and get my friends off my back about how much of an annoyance she was..)
>> No. 36913

So whats you're saying is, you scrape the bottom of da barrel to get yo pussy?
>> No. 36914

I wonder how these spergs act like during sex.
I bet they make the whole thing really awkward.
>> No. 36915
I'd imagine someone with autism would be more selfish and have a very high opinion of how they were doing, and feel they were doing you a favor by letting you pleasure them.

I'd imagine they'd be the kind of girl to call you a fag if you turned them down for sex, but then scream rape if you tried to talk them into it when they weren't in the mood.
>> No. 36916
Not all people with autism are the same.
>> No. 36917
Was that post giving you a bad name?
>> No. 36918
Nope just stating facts. Some aspie girls can be quite nice :)
>> No. 36919
I'll give Linkara credit, he got me more into comic books and comic culture in general, but I have to say this, his opinions are absolute shit. Half the time, he knows fuck all about anything and he spouts off topics like feminism to kiss ass and make himself seem smart when he's digging the bottom of the barrel for reviews and he knows it. I won't insult his GF or his personal life, but professionally speaking Lewis is an idiot. Nobody will fucking read Bikini Super Fox Babes #1 or whatever the hell that review was, its some obscure book from the 80's that you'd need to consciously look for or have it sent to you. Its an easy target and its easy to bash something when no one's ever heard of it. Doug, Spoony, and all of them have been doing this lately.
>> No. 36920
Well see, thats another thing. His videos are anything but "reviews". He literally reads the entire fucking comic and makes shitty jokes along the way. His videos should be called "Lets Read" instead of reviews.
>> No. 36921

Yeah, a lot are worse.
>> No. 36922

Linkara and Iron Liz aren't together anymore.



You forgot the Spoony One.
>> No. 36923
>Linkara and Iron Liz aren't together anymore.

He couldn't even hold onto that ungodly man-faced hambeast? What a loser.
>> No. 36924
I actually posted about him here
>> No. 36925
I bet he had some weird fucking fetish he wanted her to do when they did it , like dress up as a pink power ranger or a furry

he does worship feminist, maybe he wanted her to be like a amazon warrior in the bedroom
>> No. 36926
File 133703301154.jpg - (5.72KB , 276x183 , IronLizinaBikini.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Can you really blame him?
I mean, just look at her or him or whatever.
It's a miracle he managed to endure the sight of this thing for so long, not to mention he had to stick his penis in it time to time.
>> No. 36927

Are you sure that is not a guy with implants?
>> No. 36928

All I know that's Iron Liz, ask Linkara for such details.
>> No. 36929
If you watch her videos, she even has a tranny voice. I seriously believe she was born with halfway formed male genitals or something.
>> No. 36930
Having sex with this creature would surely turn any sane man gay.
>> No. 36931

More like completely impotent.
>> No. 36932
He doesn't read all of it though. Some of the comics I did read that he reiviewed (mostly 90's shit, which wasn't as bad as he says) he skips panels and a lot of the time, he'll ignore the context for the whole plot in favor of inserting his opinions into everything.

Spoony was more forthcoming about his breakup. You really expect someone like Lewis who's exceptionally prudish to even whisper about it. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy to have some fucked up fetish, he's too boring and lame for that.
>> No. 36933
I really don't get Linkara. He's so confusing. He's a christian, republican, feminist nerd.
>> No. 36934

Rather rare for a nerd to be Conservative this day and age isn't it?
>> No. 36935
double post aspie fag here again!

Fun Fact: One of Linkara's asskissers is actually more lulzy than he is. He's some British asshole named Mountain King who will ALWAYS be the first to comment on any of Linkara's videos. I checked out his page and he's your typical British aspie. Pretentious as shit and having this air of intellectual superiority whilst being into childish shit like Transformers and Power Rangers.

Speaking of which, a while ago, he wrote this long-ass crossover fan-fic with Buffy and Power Rangers. He even did a fake Q&A session about it where he interviewed HIMSELF.

that's his page if anyone wants to take a look, beware, he's even more TL:DR than me
>> No. 36936
Well yeah, I did exaggerate a bit. But you're right, his whole hardon for ragging on the 90s gets old fast. I've been a comic book fan most of my life, there was alot of shit in the 90s, no doubt, but it wasn't as bad as he makes it out to be. At least we both agree that Maximum Carnage was good, which is a pretty unpopular opinion to have.

And I'm 26. I grew up in the 90s. I don't remember everyone saying dude and bro every other word like his retarded 90s version Linkara character seems to suggest.

Also, ever seen him in his green Power Ranger outfit? Shit barely fits his chubby ass and he payed like 800 dollars for it. He also made a tutorial video on how to make the green ranger flute dagger thing out of pvc pipe and cardboard and shit that looks so fucking awful it appears to be made by a five year old with down syndrome.
>> No. 36937

He also made a very shoddy Cybermat.

>> No. 36938
The whole Rob Liefeld hate boner is just Lewis jumping on the bandwagon with everyone else nowadays. Same with the massive hard-on for DC (and I'm a DC fanboy mind you). He honestly paid 800 dollars to look like a fucking Power Ranger? With $800, I could buy a Glock, I could buy a shit-load of comics, trades and everything, I could spend it on a craigs list fix-up car, I honestly queston the rationale for trying to look like a chubby and unhealthy version of a character from children's show.
>> No. 36939
File 133703604358.jpg - (6.60KB , 296x170 , Linkaragreenranger.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>He honestly paid 800 dollars to look like a fucking Power Ranger?

Totally worth it.
>> No. 36940
>the 90s. I don't remember everyone saying dude and bro every other word like his retarded 90s version Linkara character seems to suggest

It was just the youth-marketed TV crap that really did that. Telling of him, because one picks up strongly on one's predominant form of interaction.

>a weird feet tickling fetish featuring Rayman characters
Oh God what
>> No. 36941
I don't remember seeing t-shirts of What You See Is What You Get. Then again, I was too young to remember a lot of shit from the 90's.
I also wonder where he gets the impression that everyone talked like a surfer. That seems out of place even in something like Bill and Ted.
>> No. 36942
File 133703743241.png - (593.22KB , 900x810 , start_talking_kelly__by_del_the_devil-d4oztkv.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Oh God what


I don't think it's Rayman, though. I think she's just genuinely awful at drawing. Drawing anything.

She also does that whole "Add commentary on screencaps via a cartoon avatar" thing on there that I always found obnoxious.
>> No. 36943
Yep, he tweeted when he won the ebay auction for it that he paid a little over 800.
>> No. 36944

To be fair, though, it's not like these people aren't handed money by their mouthbreather fanbase whenever they ask for it. I'd imagine he didn't think twice about spending such a retarded amount of money at all, knowing he can always go back to the well.

Spergs seem to be quite a lucrative market when you position yourself at the top of Mount Mongoloid.
>> No. 36945


>> No. 36946
Is it an actual costume from the show or just a really expensive mockup? Either way, it does not look good on him.

I have to apologize for derailing the thread to make fun of Linkara.
It's pretty funny how this girl gets pissed off about being called an NC ripoff when she's identical, right down to the mannerisms. I refuse to actually watch her shit though for the same reason I won't bother with Doug Walker. If she's like him then she'll have the same annoying high-pitched shrieks in place of actual humor.
>> No. 36947
Indeed. Though it is still a ridiculous way to spend that much money.

>Mount Mongoloid
I lol'd.
>> No. 36948
That's the thing that turned you off of her videos? Not the fact they are 90 minute rants about grammar mistakes in a story about Sponge bob fucking Goku with his nose or some shit?
>> No. 36949
Pretty sure it is just a so called high qualirty replica.

Also, don't apologize. Laughing at Linkara and the other TGWTG spergs is alot more entertaining than this bitch. And I'd say its still on topic since she clearly styles herself after them.
>> No. 36950
That too, you've actually further convinced me. 90 minutes of analyzing shitty fanfics WITH a fake Doug Walker voice, that's time I will never get back...

Whatever happened to the guy on here who said he went to HS with Lewis? I thought he had some good stories.
But yeah, in all honesty, I used to be a fan of Linkara and Spoony. Linkara turned into this petty piece of manboy shit around the time of the DC reboot and those goddamn ''story arcs'' got very old after a while. I can't believe he made fun of the Irate Gamer when he does the exact same bullshit that Chris Bores does in almost every video.
>> No. 36951

Linkara is frigging annoying but I still find spoony okay.

He's good in the same way most Massalla movies are. He's entertaining if you look past all the bullshit.
>> No. 36952
Spoony had his moments a while ago. His Phantasmagoria 2 series was hilarious and it still is. But his Final Fantasy stuff is just him trying to grab whatever initial popularity he had. I haven't seen any of his work since, but when he did this panel at a convention, he told stories about his gaming group that I found really funny.
>> No. 36953
Spoonys new Counter Monkey series is really good, especially the one about the Shadowrun Squrt Gun Wars and the one about his D&D bard that he took his Spoony name from.
>> No. 36954
File 133704362768.jpg - (16.46KB , 300x421 , so spoony.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I always assumed that Spoony was a retarded Final Fantasy reference because he seemed to be a fan of the series.
>> No. 36955
Didn't you just get banned?

Anyway, it is. He named his Bard character after the spoony line from FF, and because the actual definition of the word spoony matched the kind of character he wanted to make, so he named him "Tandem the Spoony". Later when he started to make videos, he decided to use the name. The Counter Monkey episode about him is various funny stories about the characters adventures from his D&D days.
>> No. 36956
One thing I will agree with Spoony on is that most anime is shit.
>> No. 36957
Was I banned? I have not received a message telling me about it.
But posting stories about DnD online is more than a little spergy.
>> No. 36958
I don't know, you tell me. Unless there is some joke about you getting a bath tub dropped on you that I don't get.
>> No. 36959
File 133704812291.jpg - (358.14KB , 1280x720 , falling.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I will not worry about it. It was quite the humorous message.
>> No. 36960
You seem to be under the assumption that they understand what sex is and how it works. I mean just look at Ulililia. And even if they are willing have sex they're going to be as weird about it as any other social interaction. Just think about what chris's first time was probably like with that hooker. It probably wasn't anything like what normal people would constitute as sex.
>> No. 36961
File 133705266317.jpg - (13.41KB , 276x200 , 3468521+_437350a7c34d6ae8ebc4218df218b5a7.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Aspergers or not, she's pretty cute...
>> No. 36962
I don't like you.
>> No. 36963
>She's in on the joke

what joke? the joke where she's retarded and painfully unfunny while embarrassing herself online? THAT'S AN AWESOME JOKE, OH GOD MY SIDES
>> No. 36964
Oh don't get me wrong, she's terrible. But in the earlier threads the joke was that she was duped into thinking /cwc/ were Chris's true and honest fans, and that she was being mocked because she'd upset people who love Sonichu.

Then she popped up in a thread here and said she knew.
>> No. 36965
She is terrifying.
>> No. 36966
What irritates me most about Linkara is his constant mentioning of his fauxminism at the slightest glimmer of an opportunity to turn the subject matter of a video into a fem-rant, blissfully unaware of the irony of using feminism to kiss ass for pussy.
>> No. 36967
Yeah, he'll also sound super-sanctimonous when he does mention it. He seems to believe that because fictional female characters have slutty costumes or have sex, then apparently the industry is filled with misogynistic wankers. Again, go on Comic Vine and talk about feminism in comics and you'll hear the same thing. Lewis jumps on the bandwagon, always has, always will.
>> No. 36968
>sperging out about the capitalization of I

Gatdam. This is really cringeworthy.

I can just picture her with a yellow filter on her videos wearing a Sonichu medallion and repeatedly pointing her finger while making vague threats.
>> No. 36969

And all he got is Iron Liz.
>> No. 36970
There's a lot to get irritated by there, but what really rustles my jimmies is that his show's logo is a flaming brick wall... wearing a fedora.
>> No. 36971

Holy shit you are right.
I thought being a feminist comic nerd was Linkara's shtick but it seems a large portion of comic fans are, as >>214759 put it, fauxminists.
Even some professional critics are like that.

>> No. 36972

What I also don't understand is how can anyone keep up with the clusterfuck that is the comic industry?

They keep rebooting everything. They kill off characters then resurrect them or just wipe them out of existence and completely change the backstories of well known ones.
There are many different book series featuring the same heroes but they rarely correlate with each other because every writer interprets the characters in their own way.

For me it just seems like a big incoherent mess full of retcons and professional writers whom are allowed to write, release and cash in on stories which are nothing but self-gratifying fan fictions.
>> No. 36973
Eh, its mostly always been that way. It is just something you deal with as a comic fan. You'd be surprised by the ability of hardcore comic fans to decipher and follow it all.
>> No. 36974
This. I mostly only read one-shots or specific arcs collected into trade paperbacks for this reason.
>> No. 36975
About Linkara, I did find it amusing what he had to say regarding Sonichu.
>> No. 36976
  Here it is.
>> No. 36977
She's probably hand flapping all over the place right now because of the sudden spike in views.
>> No. 36978
File 133709874072.jpg - (172.45KB , 720x404 , SeanFausz.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
with all the That Guy discussion, I'm surprised nobody's mentioned this monstrosity yet. A heart attack at age 20 and ridiculous amounts of e-begging. The lulziest part of it all is, his show is called "Epic Fail". It would seem that irony is lost on old Sean.
>> No. 36979
>his size

Goddamn, he's big.
>> No. 36980
What is funny is that he has no room to talk. He has his own horrible web comic with a self insert, which is arguably as bad as Sonichu.

Behold the horror here

Fun fact: He originally planned to print this shit in TPB form and sell it, until the readers promptly told him no one would pay for this garbage.

He also wrote a shitty novel with a self insert that he sells (of which he has probably sold less than 10 copies, and those being people who take pity on him, and sperg fans like Mountain King)

Something Awful made fun of this shit, and Lewis got very butthurt.
>> No. 36981
File 133709908124.png - (55.32KB , 459x262 , thankyou.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This girl is really desperate for attention. She thanked me for subscribing less than two minutes after I clicked the subscribe button.

Let's see how long it takes to get blocked.
>> No. 36982
Oh yeah, if you skip to the latest pages of Lightbringer after you check out Lewis' amazing MSpaint skills at the beginning, youwill notice the art has improved.

Yeah, he currently pays some guy to do the art on a shit webcomic no one reads. And this is like the second or third artist he has paid to work on it.
>> No. 36983
I've read the ED article also. Got anything new?
>> No. 36984
Nah, sorry. Just posted here for people who didn't know about it.
>> No. 36985
>> No. 36986

2 minutes? Seriously? Damn.
She must watch her channel like a hawk 24/7.
I see no semblance of life in this person.
>> No. 36987
File 133710155378.png - (55.37KB , 456x180 , Screen Shot 2012-05-15 at 1_04_15 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
She's doing a damn fine job of differentiating herself from the Nostalgia Critic. This looks like it could be a sore spot for her.
>> No. 36988

>Yeah, he currently pays some guy to do the art on a shit webcomic no one reads.

And where the hell is all the money coming from?
How can he fund a dead end webcomic for years?
It's like these people have some kind of magical sperg pocket filled with infinite money.
>> No. 36989
I like how to her aspergers-riddled brain, being comparable to someone = actually impersonating them or stealing their material.
>> No. 36990
What the fuck is she talking about , its like she studied him for years and copied every single mannerism and voice variation he uses
>> No. 36991
So, are you fuckers writing that ED page for her or what?
>> No. 36992
Do we have enough material or personal information to start a good article? Some info I'd like to see:

Education: Is she a college student or just some layabout who lives with her parents?
Work experience: Is she still working at Wendy's or does she actually have a real job (i.e. one that doesn't require a nametag)?
Enemies: We know there are a few people in the community who hate her.
Inspirations: She blatently rips off the Nostalgia Critic, the AVGN, and A-Log. Who else can we compare her to?
Relationships: She does a few videos with a visibly awkward betamale. The comments show that they dated for a while. Did they ever fuck? Is she a got dang asexual woman?
>> No. 36993
According to her own testimony, she apparently works in middle management at Wendy's and makes a good wage.

However, she may have lied.
>> No. 36994
Her old Sweeney Todd fanfiction has to be included on the page somewhere, because it's very amusing to me to see her living vicariously through the character of Mrs Lovett.

That's what inspired this whole Fanfic Critic shit in the first place. Her first episode is her critiquing and getting visibly upset over a Sweeney Todd fanfic where Mrs Lovett is sexually degraded before being violently murdered. It's obvious, watching the video, that she felt PERSONALLY upset and violated by it.
>> No. 36995
File 133710381555.jpg - (104.41KB , 416x512 , Robin Poage.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

They should be a couple. Too bad Doug is already with a hambeast.
>> No. 36997

>They keep rebooting everything. They kill off characters then resurrect them or just wipe them out of existence and completely change the backstories of well known ones.
>There are many different book series featuring the same heroes but they rarely correlate with each other because every writer interprets the characters in their own way.

Sounds like a soap opera. Should have been obvious now that I think about it.

>I honestly don't like being compared to him because I purposely make sure that I don't mimic him or use his jokes.
>thinks she's that distinct because she says she is

The 'tism is stronger with this one that I thought.
>> No. 36998
> "Don't you mean LIED?!?" [sperg face]

No, they mean 'lay'. Nothing funnier than seeing an autistic grammar Nazi correct a mistake to something even more wrong.
>> No. 36999

It's such a relief to know all these "famous" internet reviewers can only score with disgusting hambeasts.
>> No. 37000
It'd be a relief if one day these "internet celebrities" all had to get real jobs because there was no more revenue coming from so-called "reviews" and other dumb shit they churn out simply for money. But that'll never happen.
>> No. 37001

You are right unfortunately.
Doug quit his job in a really assholeish way, it would be so funny to see him going back to work.
>> No. 37002
>MFW he thought he was really cool for doing it
>MFW he looked like a giant douche instead
>> No. 37003
I have heard they a few are losing money from the videos

I wonder does Ad-Block cause them to love revenue at all by not having the adds playing? I don't know why everyone on the internet doesn't have fucking Ad-Block
>> No. 37004
it was cringe inducing to watch really. He walks in to a break room where people are trying to eat and shit, slams down a boombox playing dramatic music, stands on a fcking chair, and rips open his shit with the words "I quit" painted on his chest, as his uninterested coworkers look on.

And you're right, he thought he was a total hard ass for doing it. Vid related.
>> No. 37005
That will look good on his resume
>> No. 37006
Believe me, I wish I wasn't. But if >>214959 is correct that's a good sign. It makes me feel petty saying it but people like Doug Walker and the rest of his merry band of mongoloids are just getting the equivalent of a tugboat. Their collective USI isn't endearing either. All of their bitching about SOPA awhile back just struck me as a bunch of lazy neckbeards being afraid they'd lose all that "hard earned" internet money along with "internet celebrity" status. God forbid they'd have to put some effort into something afterall.

But that Ad Block idea is interesting. Does it make them lose revenue?
>> No. 37007
That video of Doug Walker being a prime example of why I wish their revenue dries up someday.
>> No. 37008

>I don't know why everyone on the internet doesn't have fucking Ad-Block

Most people are too stupid to use it.
Even worse, fans of these idiots turn off their adblocks when they visit tgwtg.com to support them.


Even if they lose money on the videos they will just literally beg for money and their minions will be more than happy to oblige.

One would think they will lose their novelty at some point but NO.
Just look at the AVGN. He just cashed in hundreds of thousands of dollars so he can make a shitty AVGN movie. Disregard what he and his fans say, he pocketed most of the money.

They will never run out of fans because there's an unlimited influx of newfags. Teens, spergs and manchildren who like forced memes and think "rage comics" are comedy gold, these people will keep Doug, Angry Joe and James afloat forever and ever.
>> No. 37009

And to be honest I can't really blame them. They live off of the stupidity of their fans, they are the ones who enable them, they are the ones who allow egotistical douchebags like Doug to thrive.
>> No. 37010
  Average TGWTG fan.
>> No. 37011

The movie itself is godawful. I see no reason why anyone would pay for this.
>> No. 37012
See Above
>> No. 37013
I actually tried watching Kickassia back when it came out a couple of years ago.

I couldn't get past the fourth part. It was just so boring.
>> No. 37014
Somebody should send the FanFic Critic a link to this thread so she can do a Q&A.
>> No. 37015

How can someone slobber over crap like this.
When he sniffs the dvd case is fucking creepy as hell, and the worst part is, he knows it's creepy but he doesn't give a shit.
>> No. 37016
File 133712522692.jpg - (52.67KB , 350x429 , Mr Old Fart_350.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I don't know why everyone on the internet doesn't have fucking Ad-Block

I think a huge number of website revenue models (ad hits) depend entirely on Ad-Block remaining 'obscure.'

Besides, it's easy to underestimate the number of people too stupid/ignorant to know adblockers exist or how to use them or are too lazy/stubborn/paranoid to use any such thing unless he pays for a copy at WalMart (lol).

Think tweens and their dottering parents all on Facebook all the time who still think Internet Explorer is the only browser that exists.
>> No. 37017

Even people here don't use adblock or similar extensions, or at least they don't know how to utilize them properly.
Case in point: people bitched about the Levander Town music and flashing background because they didn't know how to block them.
>> No. 37018

>Case in point: people bitched about the Levander Town music and flashing background because they didn't know how to block them.

people complained because that was autistic
>> No. 37019
Do you have a version of this guy's video WITHOUT those two spergs talking all over it?
>> No. 37020



They could have just block and ignore them.
>> No. 37021
  Hey, /cwc/, y'know how Nostalgia Critic loves to cram those poorly acted, obnoxious cameo appearances from other Internet reviewers in his reviews?

If you've ever wondered what that would be like if the reviewers had even LESS charisma and screen presence, then skip to 1:56 in this video...
>> No. 37023
>getting visibly upset over a Sweeney Todd fanfic where Mrs Lovett is sexually degraded before being violently murdered.

Haha. Why on Earth is she into Sweeney Todd in the first place?
>> No. 37024
Oh... she mad.

>> No. 37025
I saw the West End production of the musical last week, and ironically FanFic Critic is much more like their loopy old grandma interpretation of Mrs Lovett than she's like Helena Bonham-Carter.

I don't think she'd be best pleased to hear that.
>> No. 37026
Its a combination of many female comic fans being into that alternative/feminst scene already and just being the only girls in a niche male dominated hobby. I can agree with some of what the feminsts talk about but half the time they get wrapped up in really inconsequential bullshit and forget that their hobby is niche, so fighting for womyn's rights is kind of pointless in the big picture. This isn't about fair wages or stuff that matters, but what fictional characters wear and how they're written.

The nerdy males enable this shit too and in an effort to win brownie points for sex will allow these girls to say whatever stupid shit they want with no fear of rebuttal. A lot of them forget that fangirls can be just as dumb as fanboys.
Comic Vine is actually the tamer version of this, if you want more of this fauxmenist comic shit, than look at ScansDaily or Comics Alliance.

On a side not, I'm glad somebody looked at Mountain King's site, there's some funny shit on there.
>> No. 37027
When she said that she deserved getting called out by the BBC, I was reminded of that brief self-loathing phase Chris went through just to prove that he was "normal" to ED.
>> No. 37028
Yeah, but Linkara doesn't just think of himself as a comic book feminist. The forum he used to post on is a straight up feminazi forum unrelated to comic books.
>> No. 37029
I expect to see FanFic Critic herself appear in this thread sooner or later, screaming, "YOU KNOW WHAT? I HATE ME TOO!!"
>> No. 37030
>Although I am not going to back down from my opinion of the BBC and his fanbase, I will admit that I handled things poorly and I shouldn’t have written an article on him in the first place.

So, let me get this straight...

She says she's standing by her opinion, which she's already admitted has no basis in fact.

Grade A sperg.
>> No. 37031
Someone who is subscribed to her should totally link her to the thread and ask her to come do a Q&A.
>> No. 37032

They're have been, like, 2 worthwhile Q&As in /cwc/ history. I don't see why people consistently think they're an awesome idea.
>> No. 37033
We could always get her to show her boobs like NeuGristle did.
>> No. 37034
He started getting on that site's ass after the whole fallout from his webcomic days. He wanted to do a scene involving rape or something in the story and the feminists didn't take too kindly to that. I guess he was afraid of getting raided by SA and a bunch of feminists at the same time.
>> No. 37035
Well, you are right about that. I didn't mean to actually do one, just tell her that to get her here and see her inevitably try to defend her shitty show.
>> No. 37036
File 133713765886.jpg - (43.70KB , 450x533 , 1334943410285.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What abortion girl?!
>> No. 37037
He still does his webcomic, as far as I know. And it was my understanding that after going on the forum about the rape scene (I think he wanted to write a female villain whose origin is her getting raped on stage during a play while hundreds look on a shit his pants and do nothing as they think its part of the show), and spending time there, he "saw the light" and became a staunch feminist himself.
>> No. 37038
That plot sounds really familiar.

Maybe I've heard about him before. But really, I guessed it out before I finished reading it.

I've definitely heard it somewhere before.
>> No. 37039
The Nostalgia Chick got an abortion and made a documentary about it. I believe it is called "The Choice". Just google it along with her real name. (Lindsay Ellis, I think?)
>> No. 37040
>a play while hundreds look on a shit his pants and shit his pants and do nothing

>> No. 37041
That's not necessarily a bad plot twist, but considering his writing I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out bad. I wonder what those feminists thought of his conservatism.
>> No. 37042
People on the Internet don't care for his gung-ho support of Ann Coulter. Hey, maybe this Internet thing has some redeeming value after all.

or maybe not

btw, documentary's called "The A Word." Doug gave it a rave review.
>> No. 37043
Ah, yes, you're right. Don't know why I thought it was the Choice.

Yeah, then Doug and Lindsay herself made a joke about her abortion in his Christmas special. Gotta love that high brow humor.
>> No. 37044
>>Feminists were angry with him for supporting a woman who doesn't share their political views.

Credibility -1 feminists.
>> No. 37045
Unprofessional as fuck. Given, I have had some shitty jobs and would have loved to give a piece of my mind before quitting, but come on! Have some manners.
>> No. 37046
Feminism doesn't mean that all women have to agree with all other women. It doesn't mean that at all. It's not even close.
>> No. 37047
Did Lindsay ever say who the father was?

I guess I'm not that into this TGWTG gossip but I was under the assumption that Nostalgia Chick was knocking boots with Doug (I'm guessing that's how she got the job)
>> No. 37048

No, no and no.

The Nostalgia Critic has a fiance/wife whose name is Robin Poage and can bee seen on >>214913 picture.
>> No. 37049
File 133716085481.jpg - (80.29KB , 720x540 , ham.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

They are married.
>> No. 37050
He's like a real life David Brent. Good grief.
>> No. 37051
Wow, uh... congratulations Nostalgia Critic...that's uh...quite a catch. In the 1700s a fat wife was a sign of prosperity.
>> No. 37052
How the fuck does he support her diet on his shitty inconsistent income?
>> No. 37053
What the fuck

we need dox , like a fucking name at least, he is keeping her a secret since I cant find fucking anything on her when I look
>> No. 37054
The name is here >>215335.
>> No. 37055

Her name is Robin Poage, she works with disabled kids. Another picture of her can been seen here: >>214913
She has an IMDB page because she voiced a GPS in one of Dougs unfunny videos.

>> No. 37056
File 13371809807.png - (154.59KB , 437x355 , 6CtVb.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Getting things back on track,

There's already an ED article on Media Slayer Productions, the defunct TGWT rip-off that hosted her shit. There's a broken pipe in that article to a non existent Fanfic Critic article. This is a good starting point.
>> No. 37057
BBC looks like a cool guy, but he really mad about consoles.
>> No. 37058
File 133718278529.png - (130.93KB , 246x242 , Koala.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>That BDSM Girl

No... No... That wasn't a real show. Nobody could've possibly have thought that... No...
>> No. 37059
To people saying that this chick's problem is that she picks a medium that no one cares about;

imo it's actually the opposite issue. Fan fiction shit has been done to /death/. Stuff like this: http://www.whygodwhy.org/f2-golden-oldies
It's been done and done and done and done by people both more boring and autistic than her and more interesting and funny. You always come up against the same problem though I guess: this stuff isn't -meant- to be professional. So at the end of the day you sort of end up just going through digusting fetish stories, which makes sense on a forum where everyone at least goes ew how gross but not so much when it's just a video of a dirty-looking nerd girl with spasm telling you that it's gross.

I apologise for that retarded runon sentence, but yeah. Spergs.
>> No. 37060

Oh, also a warning for that link: autism, autism everywhere
>> No. 37061
File 133718577434.jpg - (145.02KB , 484x443 , 1268841770565.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Would it be meta or just fucking unacceptable to do a video review of her video reviews?
>> No. 37062

Both. But she'd almost definitely react to it, and we here at /cwc/ give an unreasonable amount of leeway in terms of being a fruity, roleplaying homosexual deviant if at the end of the day it provides up that sweet, sweet kahntent.

Have at it.
>> No. 37063

>> No. 37064


Did you actually read what I posted or did the urge to be epin take hold of your fingers too early for that?

It's a link to some more fanfiction spergs the fanfic critic actually manages to be worse than (although it wouldn't surprise me if she at least lurked there). I was saying that it's not a new medium by any means, she just manages to make even this homosexual deviantry worse.

Also I think you got some dorito under your shift key, it seems to be stuck
>> No. 37065
File 133718675833.png - (79.07KB , 260x313 , alog.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah, sorry, that was a bit kneejerk.

Pic related, it's me.
>> No. 37066
File 13371874419.jpg - (95.91KB , 832x756 , 1275318399452.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It's funny because you know she's lurking on /cwc/. She's obsessed with her image and her "fans," and it's probably directly linked to her self-worth.

Thank about it; she lives with her parents, works as an assistant to the assistant manager at a Wendy's, and there's no evidence that she's attending any institution of higher learning. In short, she's fucked. There's no way for her to better her life and be like the rest of us, so becoming an INTERNET SUPERSTAR is her only hope of not living with mommy and daddy. Her only problem is that she lacks any skills or expertise, other than reviewing slash fiction (picture related) and analyzing it to death. And she can't even do that very well.

That's why she lurks these boards and responds to every bit of criticism with responses like "NO U!" Go ahead and leaving a comment on one of her YouTubes with the slightest bit of constructive criticism, and she'll immediately block you and respond with a reason why she's already perfect. If you're a twitterfag, send her an @ reply with something completely civil but somewhat critical, and she'll call you a troll or a CWC-fan.
>> No. 37067

'Sok bro. I just think it's particularly funny that the horribly banal and uninteresting topic she chooses to sperg over on video isn't even an original one.

And also that it's like she sees people reading some horrible porn story and laughing about how fucked up it is and goes THAT'S FUNNY! IF I TALK ABOUT THIS BY MYSELF IT WILL BE FUNNY! while completely missing the point that reading disgusting fetish porn by yourself is the opposite of funny. It's like a kid constantly quoting a movie no one else has seen because he doesn't realise what in-jokes are.
>> No. 37068
File 133718837332.jpg - (34.23KB , 362x412 , 1335590569505.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>There's no way for her to better her life and be like the rest of us

>be like the rest of us
>> No. 37069
File 133718897284.gif - (1.75MB , 628x340 , irN0URnH2pRF4.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>It's like a kid constantly quoting a movie no one else has seen because he doesn't realise what in-jokes are.

Think of that little kid and/or autistic adult who hears something mildly funny in a TV show and thinks it's appropriate to blurt out half a line, completely out of context, in a completely unrelated situation.

"What the hell are you talking about?"
"It was on Family Guy last night!"
"Do you even understand that the joke referenced?"
"Not really, but I think it was supposed to be funny."
"I'm going back to my cubicle now."
>> No. 37070
>> No. 37071
>> No. 37072
File 133719170865.jpg - (63.92KB , 640x960 , mdx3g.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Megan attended Monty Tech from 2006 to 2008.


After that, she attended Mount Wachusett Community College:


It isn't clear yet what her problem was at either of these schools. Regardless, I wouldn't consider either to be "higher" learning. Monty Tech is a vocational school, meaning that she spent her last two years of high school doing work training, which usually indicates that a student a) can't handle real high school level classes and b) has given up on any aspirations for college. The latter feels quite likely, considering that her alma mater MWCC is a community college rather than a *cough cough* college.

I'm too busy at the moment to do any deeper digging. Does anyone have an idea of what she studied at MWCC?
>> No. 37073
Purely speculation, but wouldn't English fit her? I mean, someone who styles themselves as a fanfiction critic should have some knowledge of literature.
>> No. 37074
File 133719213720.jpg - (95.17KB , 675x900 , 1150849624991.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That may be the case, or she may have at least hoped to transfer into a university to study English. As useless as a BA in English would be, it would at least give her some ability to critique literature in more creative ways than pointing out typos and grammatical errors.

Here's the MWCC list of degree and cert programs. Any of these look like a fit?

>> No. 37075
That's a very slutty picture of the Fanfic Critic you've got there, bro.

Where did you get it? Are there more?
>> No. 37076
File 133719239529.png - (204.13KB , 571x584 , Screen Shot 2012-05-16 at 2_18_00 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>ed note: Megan Wessels is a Royalston resident and attends MWCC, where she studies graphic design and is frequently pub- lished in the college newspaper.
>> No. 37077
File 133719250139.jpg - (5.99KB , 218x251 , 122058790737.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More cocks:


>Mount Wachusett Community college recently awarded Associate Degrees to Sherri L. Landry, Jody Lee C. Nolette, Megan M. Wessels and Certificates to Theresa M. Demboske, Barbara A. Stowell, Megan M. Wessels and Renee L. Javier. Kudos. Says Megan Wessels, the RCN cartoonist, “I graduated from the Mount on May, 20th. The ceremony was very nice. I got an Associate De- gree in Computer Graphic Design Print and a Computer Graphic Design Certificate. The weather was very beautiful.”

How's that CADD certificate working out for you, FanFic Critic?
>> No. 37078
>graphics design

Didn't ADF and Chris study something similar? Why do all spasts undertake this track, is it purely a path of least resistance thing? Is graphics design really that effortless?
>> No. 37079
Well, at least she had a better gradu(ati)on ceremony than Chris. Her response was not tears and flight.
>> No. 37080
To my knowledge, graphic design's kind of a fuck around class. Or, at least, it was at my school. You had to get in quick if you wanted to do it. Shit filled up fast, because it was so easy.
>> No. 37081
1. Aspergers
2. No sense of humor
3. Obsession with fanfiction
4. Lives with parents
5. Job w/ nametag
6. Picks Internet fights with her social betters
7. Wants to be internet famous
8. Community college

Do we have a lolcow on our hands or just a certified loser?
>> No. 37082
cool url tags bro. Time for you to go back to the CWCki forums now.
>> No. 37083
9. Makes ignorant, misinformed statements without learning all the facts, making herself look foolish when called out.
10. Cannot handle criticism of any kind at all.

Yeah, I'd say she's pretty lolcow-like.
>> No. 37084

does anyone actually get the joke in her comic?
>> No. 37085
File 13371945232.jpg - (77.04KB , 565x464 , tumblr_m3m7meZ2OU1qem6fjo1_1280.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I liked this little bit from her Fanfiction.net account's 'About me' section.

>For music, I like Michael Jackson, Bon Jovi, Evanescence, Daughtry, David Cook, The Beadles, Pink, and The Fray.
>> No. 37086

>You for got to capitalize the I in I. You FORGOT TO FUCKING CAPITALIZE THE I IN I.

>The Beadles
>> No. 37087

Care to cast your own critical eye over FanFic Critic's fanfiction, /cwc/?
>> No. 37088
>Author has written 15 stories for Sweeney Todd
Closed the tab right there
>> No. 37089
Hey guise, what if... The FanFic Critic got sucked into the world of Sweeney Todd! Wacky shenanigans are sure to ensue, right?


Chapter 1 of 10....
>> No. 37090
File 133719998688.jpg - (18.62KB , 338x278 , 4cf23412.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Well okay let's just have a look at this stor-

>It wos a simple day fer me, it wos.

>> No. 37091

This fanfic is so fucking terrible...Chapter 1 was unbearable, much less trying to get through the rest.
>> No. 37092

I love the way she writes her idea of Cockney as some sort of hideous, warped and vaguely racist pidjin english.

I also love the way the "cockney" characters THINK IN "COCKNEY", because if your accent means you rarely pronounce a letter, you'd spell and think without that letter too, right? I mean, not pronouncing every T means you literally don't know what a T is, right?

I'm a Londoner and I'm actually vaguely offended. I mean, what is this. Sorry, I should've typed "wot 's t'is"
>> No. 37093
Oh would you loosen the fuck up, you Anglos have been writing in Scots characters as inbreed, uneducated, oddly-accented hicks for years. What's so different about that? Am I meant to be 'vaguely offended' just because humans naturally resort to cultural stereotypy to simplify the literary and character development process? Sperg-girl's fanfiction is pretty standard for sperg writing, words words words with no substance of plotline, character or any other distinguishing features.
>> No. 37094

Yeah but to be fair, Scots *are* inbred, uneducated, oddly-accented hicks.

Also, you seem upset.
>> No. 37095
>Oh would you loosen the fuck up, you Anglos have been writing in Scots characters as inbreed, uneducated, oddly-accented hicks for years.
They're only making it true to life.
>> No. 37096
Irishmen and Scots are the niggers of Europe.
>> No. 37097

the only author i can think of who writes in impenetrable faux-scottish brogue is irvine welsh

who's scottish
>> No. 37098
I'd like the people who do the This Troper videos to do a dramatic reading of FanFicCritic's Sweeney Todd fanfics, complete with phonetically pronounced accents.
>> No. 37099

I'd like to hear this phrase

>happy t' see tha' 'e's happy

>> No. 37100
Technically, this wrong even if you attempting to write an accent phonetically.

One of the quirks of the Cockney accent is the dropping of Hs from the beginning of words, so the word should be 'appy, not happy.
>> No. 37101
What sort of thing happens in her fan fics? Are they "erotic" stories?
>> No. 37102
I would be more surprised if they weren't erotic.
>> No. 37103
There's not much sex in her fanfics, although she does love her Sweeney/Lovett romance - something completely at odds with the actual plot of the film, where Lovett's affection was completely ignored by Sweeney.

Personally, I think she uses the character of Lovett as her author stand-in. She can pretend to have this sweeping romance with a brooding dangerous gothic bad boy, but it's completely safe.
>> No. 37104


>Rated: M
>Sweenet [Portmanteau of Sweeney and Lovett, a common thing when talking about relationships in fanfics]

Notice how practically all of her stories have this.
>> No. 37105
There are two sex scenes that I've discovered in her stories, both of which are accompanied by an author's note informing the reader that she's not very comfortable writing sex scenes. Nothing much happens, what does happen is vaguely worded and nothing is really made explicit.

I suspect the reason for this is that she's probably a virgin and rather than go full A-Log and embarrass herself by accidentally letting her ignorance slip, she decides to fade to black.

I've no doubt if she felt more confident in her abilities at writing smut, her fanfiction would be little more than wall-to-wall 'Sweeney thrust his pale member into Mrs Lovett's quivering velvety folds prompting a squeak from her'
>> No. 37106
>hi, im the fan fiction critic, and this is what you do with a BA in english!

Because you sure as hell can't get a job with that crappy degree.
>> No. 37107
Yes, that was the shitty joke she was making. Well spotted, sperg.
>> No. 37108

and im making fun of the joke. come on man, try harder because im not even mad
>> No. 37109
cool story bro
>> No. 37110

>I was only pretending to be retarded!
>> No. 37111
damn i hate homosexual deviants like you
>> No. 37112
damn cool story, bro
>> No. 37113
You can be a teacher or a book editor. Then again, judging by Megan's behavior, she's mentally unfit for not-so-tough work.
>> No. 37114

who are you qouting?
>> No. 37115
Fuck you. Don't you fucking dare bring that here.
>> No. 37116
>The two of them laughed. When they settled their laughter, they began to kiss intimately with Sweeney untying Mrs. Lovett's corset and with Mrs. Lovett unbuttoning his white shirt. It didn't take long for them both to be completely naked. Sweeney picked Mrs. Lovett up, bridal style, and laid her down on his bed. After blowing out the only light in the room, Sweeney got on top and started to kiss her again.

>The barber made his way down her body, massaging and kissing her breasts and abdomen. When he got to his destination, his hands got to work.

>"Oh…! Bloody hell…" Mrs. Lovett sighed; Sweeney chuckled as he found another pleasure spot between her legs. He tickled her there, causing her to moan loudly with satisfaction.

>"Enjoying yourself, my love?" He asked, never breaking his concentration.

>"Y-yes," She sighed, barely audible. He smiled and came back up to her level, positioning himself.

>"Just to warn you, it hurts at first," he cautioned. When she nodded the go-ahead, he began to move in. God, it did hurt at first. However, when Sweeney started to go faster and harder, Mrs. Lovett could care less about the pain.

>"Oh, Mr. Todd…!" She moaned as he kissed her neck. She clung to him tightly as she thrusted back, going in rhythm.

>"Good…you're learning very well," He managed to say between thrusts and kisses. They were going really fast now, nearing their peaks. Mrs. Lovett's hands were tangled in Sweeney's already wild hair. She was kissing his neck harshly as he did the same. After a couple of minutes, it was over. Sweeney collapsed on top of Mrs. Lovett, both of them were breathing heavily.

>"That…was amazin', Mr. Todd," Mrs. Lovett whisper in his ear as they cuddled.

>"That was the point, my love…" He whispered, kissing her nose. Not long after, the two fell asleep in each other's arms. They were both in a state of serenity.
>> No. 37117
>That…was amazin'.

Read that in the voice of Wild Sonichu from Sonichu: The Animated Series.
>> No. 37118
File 133725212441.jpg - (127.92KB , 1200x900 , 03-CWC_Cheroki-Chan1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That's the most uncomfortable lovemaking scene I've ever read.

Virginity level: FANFICTION
>> No. 37119
So then why doesn't some enterprising anon in her area slap on a Tim Burton wig, cake on some clown make up and sweep her off her feet "bridal style" so she'll want to take another crack at depicting sex?

The worse you perform, the better.
>> No. 37120
File 133725664098.png - (35.20KB , 303x230 , piss.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Just look at this chapter list.

Curiosity didn't KILLED the Lovett?
>> No. 37121
How do I structured sentence?
>> No. 37122
>"I'm getting' by…but, I miss 'im, Sweeney. I'm worried about him. I jus' don't know why he left," She answered sadly. Sweeney stroked her hand, feeling tremendous guilt because he knew the real reason why Toby had "vanished".

>"I don't know, either, Eleanor but I have a feeling that he's somewhere safe. He's a tough lad, you know," Sweeney said reassuringly. Smiling slightly, Mrs. Lovett cuddled up closer to him.

>"I 'ope you're right," She whispered. Sweeney didn't reply to this, for he was afraid that he would confess everything if he did. The two stayed on that couch until the fire in the fireplace finally burned out. They got up slowly, hand and hand.

>"Well, I guess it's off t' bed with us," Mrs. Lovett sighed as she started to stretch. She squeaked with surprise when Sweeney suddenly scooped her up bridal style. He smiled at her mischiefly as he began to make his way to the stairs.

>"I guess you're right, my love," He said as he carried her up the stairs. She hung onto him, laughing when he stumbled slightly on one of the stairs.

>"Are ye tryin' t' kill us, you big oaf?"

>"I haven't done this before, woman!" He snapped as they made it up the stairs. Mrs. Lovett laughed a bit more. Sweeney graciously kicked Mrs. Lovett's bedroom door open and walked inside with Mrs. Lovett still in his arms. He flung her onto the bed and then pounced on top of her, kissing her madly. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him back. Sweeney grabbed her by the shoulders and hoisted her to sit up. As he got to work on the laces of her dress and corset, she began to unbutton his shirt. When Mrs. Lovett ripped Sweeney's shirt off, she shoved him back so he was lying down. Sweeney chuckled when she unfastened his belt.

>"Well, you're awfully impatient, Eleanor." She answered his statement with a kiss as she fumbled with the buttons of his pants. With a growl, Sweeney shoved her back and quickly sat up.

>"Now, now, Mrs. Lovett, don't you think I'm going to let you have all of the fun," He muttered with a grin as he pulled her up so they were both standing. She smiled seductively at him as he forced her dress down the length of her body. He then picked her up, stepping on the dress to get it off her completely as he flung her back onto the bed. He looked slightly stressed when he started to work on her undergarments.

>"Bloody hell, Eleanor, why must you women wear such complicated clothing?" He asked as he managed to get on layer off. Mrs. Lovett chucked at his frustration.

>"Look, if I ran th' world, it would be th' men who would wear dresses and corsets," She answered, cracking up laughing after a minute when she pictured a very pissed off Sweeney Todd wearing one of her dresses. Giving her a look, Sweeney finally ripped her complicated clothing from her body.

>"I bet that would make your day, wouldn't it?" He grumbled as Mrs. Lovett sat up.

>"Yeah, it would, dearie," She answered as she forced his pants off. She stared at the bulge under his boxers for a moment before giving him a look.

>"What?" He asked her, annoyed.

>"An' you're sayin' I'm impatient!"

>"Well, it's not my fault that you're so slow at undressing," He growled as he took his boxers off. Before Mrs. Lovett could say her come-back, Sweeney lifted her up and sent them both flying into bed. They kissed each other hungrily as they began to rock back and forth. When they weren't kissing, they'd let out moans or say each other's names as they got more intense. Mrs. Lovett gasped when Sweeney plunged himself deeper into her, causing him to give her a nibble on her neck.

>"I guess I still got it, huh?" He managed to say between moans. Mrs. Lovett thrusted her hips forward, catching him by surprise. When he looked at her beneath him, she smiled playfully at him before pulling him in for a kiss. At this point, they were both nearing their climax, which resulted with the bed rocking slightly. Finally, Sweeney collapsed on top of Mrs. Lovett and they were both breathing heavily. After a few minutes, they were cuddling together in the devastated bed.

>"I 'aven't done tha' in years," Mrs. Lovett said with a sigh. Sweeney kissed her cheek as he stroked her curves.

>"Good," He growled.
>> No. 37123
File 133725880052.jpg - (224.61KB , 900x900 , fanfic_critic_episode_174_title_by_ryoko368-d4x2uj.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
For anyone who doesn't already hate her, she has a DeviantArt account. Its sole purpose is to promote her YouTube channel by posting shitty drawings of herself.


Graphics Design degree in full force here.
>> No. 37124
I know this is a really silly thing to nitpick on, but her insistence that Sweeney Todd wears boxers is a massive anachronism, given that boxers didn't exist as a form of underwear until the 1940s.

In the Victorian era, the time that her story is set, men would've worn longjohns or possibly briefs and may even have gone commando in the earlier years of the time, since underwear is a Victorian invention. Women didn't even wear panties until the 1800s.
>> No. 37125
File 133725929274.jpg - (47.55KB , 406x322 , the_comicsnix_challenge_by_ryoko368-d3ahdc0.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Hey now, you can't point out any of the flaws in her writing. Innocent criticism is always trolling, remember?
>> No. 37126
10/10, would lol again

really, why is it always the people with the worst art skills that use that retarded dA stamp? I don't think ever I've seen any decent art with that on it.
>> No. 37128

original cocks do not steel
>> No. 37129
File 133725961125.jpg - (95.53KB , 803x994 , captain_susan_by_ryoko368-d3bfixa.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
WTF? She's delusional.
>> No. 37130
File 133725969819.jpg - (100.76KB , 786x1017 , shadow_the_hedgehog_by_ryoko368-d3epz5o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I was browsing her gallery and discovered this. I'd like to say I was surprised.

I'd like to.
>> No. 37131
>bridal style
Got a bit of a thing about that, hasn't she?
>> No. 37132
File 13372599174.jpg - (172.31KB , 461x750 , when_we__re_not_looking____by_ryoko368-d3bl6lo.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Another photoshopped college project. The Statue of Liberty has a personality, too, you know.
>college project

I wonder what grade she received for this. See, for us, college projects involved research, testing, and peer review, This is something a 13 year old does when he or she first discovers a pirated copy of Photoshop.
>> No. 37133

College? I thought we established that MWCC is a high school with ash trays.
>> No. 37134

Chris' CADD projects come to mind.
>> No. 37135

lol wow
>> No. 37136
Guys. Guuuys.

>> No. 37137
File 133726444324.jpg - (458.83KB , 900x1371 , solved_issue_01_page_04_by_ryoko368-d3dvbij.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

There's a section in her gallery called 'Fanfic Critic Fan Art'.

It is empty.

I'd also like to point out that her 'far superior' comic book she brought out during the Sonichu review is uploaded here. Not surprisingly, it's a giant mess of shit dialogue and even shittier drawings. Also, dem panels.
>> No. 37138

We know.

Only slightly related, but Anthos is definitely /cwc/s worst "lolcow". Even ADF was better.
>> No. 37139

She even made herself a character in her own comic? The drawings are almost as bad as the Sonichu faux-anime style Chris incorporated during the Megan Saga.

PS: I'm surprised nobody has posted this yet.
>> No. 37140

>I started this when I was seventeen-years-old. Also, this was all HAND DRAWN.

so much better than chris
>> No. 37141
File 13372667266.jpg - (40.90KB , 626x400 , BarackObamaAwHellNawMacro.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 37142
Up until now I didn't watch any of her videos.
Today I watched one. She basically just read a shitty fan fiction and pointed out grammatical errors while making grotesque faces.
That's it.
She didn't even try to take jab at shitty writing or the terrible story or do anything remotely funny.
>> No. 37143
Imagine how boring fucking her would be.
>> No. 37144
She'd be fun to fuck. She'd probably be really loud and make all kinds of weird faces.
>> No. 37145

Don't you start. How much you talk about sex on an imageboard online is directly inverse to how much sex you have.

It gets worse when you notice she has almost 200 videos

Each over 10 minutes long
>> No. 37146
  Alright, so we've established that Megan Wessels a lolcow. I think it's time we take action. She already has the inflated ego and a warped view of reality (i.e. Asperger's). Remember when Chris thought he had fans? This was exploited in order to boost his ego high enough that the crash was catastrophic. This girl needs a bit of the same, a good old pump-and-dump.



Deviant Art:
>> No. 37147

>She didn't even try to take jab at shitty writing or the terrible story

If you took a peek at her writing, you would see that she has no clue about what makes a story good.
>> No. 37148
Hey guys...

I heard that Fan Fic Critic...

Has a smelly butt
>> No. 37149
idgaf I'll still lick it and stick it.
>> No. 37150
Hi Nick Bate
>> No. 37151


Nice strawman there.
>> No. 37152
File 13372967239.jpg - (372.98KB , 1936x1296 , StartFinish.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>we did harder shit in high school
>> No. 37153
She kinda looks like a pornstar I like.
>> No. 37154
So you masturbate to ugly people? Is that your fetish?
>> No. 37155
>> No. 37156
>> No. 37157
File 133731272361.jpg - (18.21KB , 508x252 , b.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wow, just, wow.
>> No. 37158
Just another day in FFC's world.
>> No. 37159
she just took the joke very seriously

oh wow

she is ruining my expectation of asperg's
>> No. 37160
File 133731884562.gif - (7.29KB , 819x561 , airplane-coloring-pages-1.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
wrench needz tos read Robo Rambo to gez owedpunched for fialing in lufe
>> No. 37161
Stop shitposting, no one wants to read your shitty Chris Chan fanfic, homosexual deviant.
>> No. 37162
What is it about fanfic authors and sex? Why would we want to read that shit?

I find it hilarious that this bitch will criticize fanfic sex and then write into her own work.
>> No. 37163
This should help!
>> No. 37164

Anon delivers cocks! So there already was an ED page that was lost during the great transition. Let's copy this over to the .se site.
>> No. 37165
File 133735873047.jpg - (47.25KB , 600x375 , l.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Awww shit, she has a MySpace...

>> No. 37166
Well, it is definetly a start. We can build on this.
>> No. 37167
I have a sneaking suspicion that she actually started her own ED article. Think about it; she's enough of an attention whore to reach out to the community for YouTube views. She also wrote her own TV Tropes article for fucks sake.

The article itself isn't even that negative, at least by ED standards. Aside from a few sentences mentioning "fail" and "aspergers," the article reads almost exactly like her own synopsis of the show.
>> No. 37168
>Username has the word 'Lovett' in it.
Why am I not surprised?
>> No. 37169
Going to Encyclopedia Dramatica and writing an article about herself... To get views for her unfunny Youtube show?

She was playing with fire, wasn't she?
>> No. 37170
Must we copy that over? It's a fucking horribly written article with no lulz whatsoever. It's not cruel enough or funny enough and I don't even think we'd be able to use it as a base for a new article.

Looking at what >>216686 is saying about her perhaps having written it herself for attention might well be correct.
>> No. 37171
File 13373643161.jpg - (98.14KB , 960x720 , sLJO9.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Let's try to make sure the article is encyclopedic. It doesn't have to be the CWCki, but I think we have enough dox in this thread to source everything.
>> No. 37172
So.. is anyone going to actually write the article, or are you guys just going to tell each other what needs to be done?
>> No. 37173
...He says while not writing an ED article.
>> No. 37174
I'm on a tablet bro, so you're right, there is no way I'm writing it on a touchscreen keyboard. If I had acces to a PC I wouldn't mind writing it. I asked because this is like third time people have talked about making it in this thread, with everyone assuming the other guy will write it.
>> No. 37175
File 13373673061.jpg - (403.58KB , 850x1164 , Gaius_Caesar_Caligula.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'll start on something tonight after work.
>> No. 37176

>> No. 37177

Little Boots pretty much sums up Megan's ego.
>> No. 37178
I lol'd. Also sums up her crazy.
>> No. 37179
writing an ED page about yourself just to get views is pretty pathetic, so is reviewing fan fics. Gotta say she seems to have gotten the shit end of the reviewing stick.
>> No. 37180
For sure. At least with most videogame and movie reviews, you are reviewing what is supposed to be a professional product deemed ready for mass consumption by a group of people (typically). That's part of the humor and makes them even more deserving of ridicule.

On the other hand, most fapfics are written by neckbeards and teenage girls, often with one hand on the genitals and the other on the keyboard. Bad regular fanfics are typically written by young teens or mentally stunted autistic types. It's almost the equivalent of doing serious reviews of a kindergartner's art, pointing out shit like flawed perspective and bad anatomy.
>> No. 37181
what the hell is there to review? You'd have to be a bigger fanboy for the source material than the person who wrote it in order to actually criticize it. Most normal people think fanfics in general are shit and just ignore them especially the fapfics.
>> No. 37182
File 133739278918.png - (24.98KB , 617x148 , fanfic.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
She has an admirer
>> No. 37184
Kelsey Grammer.
>> No. 37185
Can't wait for the ED page, this outta be good
>> No. 37186
  I'm still having a tough time figuring out why the nostalgia critic attracts so many autists. It's easy to understand why they like Sonic, Ponies, Homestuck and the like but I never really figured out why they love him and why so many end up making their own ripoff persona.
>> No. 37187

The film furry is fake and it's done by one of the PVCC fags.
>> No. 37188
It's really pretty simple. His humor is extremely low brow and easy to understand. He also frequently screams and makes over the top facial expressions, making his emotions easy to understand for today's on the go autists.

His entire show is built on referencing things they remember fondly, or hate with a passion, things they already obsess about.

Or to summarize, they enjoy watching an easy to understand, highly animated imbecile sperg for around an hour about things they remember and also sperg about. And he gets paid to do it.

That's probably a big component to, obviously with FanFic Critic, Anthos, and some others. How much would they love to get paid, loved and adored for sperging about their obsessions?
>> No. 37189
This is almost as painful as Chris's pull ups video.

>> No. 37190

>it's done by one of the PVCC fags

That explains why there is so much homosexual deviancy.
>> No. 37191
Why do the PVCC like to get retarded people to take off their clothes?
>> No. 37192
Makes them feel better about being virgins with rage themselves.
>> No. 37193
Have they ever run these games on someone who is a professional person in their 30's or has it always been just manchildren?
>> No. 37194
Only manchildren of course. They specialize in them, being that most are manchildren themselves.
>> No. 37195
File 133747949671.jpg - (13.52KB , 400x276 , gdm hallucination 4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Production values just as good as most made men on TGWTG.

Not sure if I disagree with that statement, to be honest...
>> No. 37196
Well, I think we can all be sure that while you may agree, it is on a basis which was not originally intended.
>> No. 37197
Sperg here, confirmed. On more than one occasion, I have talked to myself loudly while having sex.
>> No. 37198
>> No. 37199
Actually I've put up with a lot worse for sex with a pretty girl. Aspergers isn't as bad as a bipolar hypersexual headcase who dumps you and then throws silverware at you at lunch three days later beuse you have moved on to the mildly autistic girl... ok that was a weird summer at camp. Poiny is you put up with some serious shit for pussy. My guess is she wasn't putting out and wasn't serious about a single guy. Imagine a sperg cheating on you and then demanding you take her to prom.
Well either that or she gave terrible head. I mean like eating to much icecream and puking on you half way through giving you a frozen blow and then insisting you pleasure her before cleaing up terrible. I mean nibbling on the spot where thr head attaches and thinking she's being sexy bad.

Sex ed needs to teach kids some things just to avoid the trauma
>> No. 37200
I-I can't understand this paragraph ;_;
>> No. 37201

tl;dr: Sometimes people listen to their dick rather than their brain, and go for spergy retards.
>> No. 37202
Actually due to a misunderstanding I was placed in a summer program for the mentally ... well disabled would be the wrong word since most of us had average to above average intellegence. Let's just call it the socially inept. The program was advertised as a jewish learning program for teenagers with learning disabilities and I have dyscalculia which includes the symptom of dyslexia and some dysgraphia. My point was that when what is easily availible to you is spergy, you quickly learn to overlook the imparement. The better looking the pussy is the easier it becomes to overlook.
>> No. 37203
Wow, you sure are funny. You should do stand-up.
>> No. 37204
>a mentally retarded Jew tells stories about all the mad pussy he gets

Yeah, this is totally believeable.
>> No. 37205
It's not very funny when it's happening to you. That's thr biggest hurdle in a sperg relationship, socially awkward can translate to sexually awkward and all that overcompensation you see in their social interactions also occurs in intimate ones. Still infatuation overrides sensibility and infatuation is caused by a genetic drive so given a lack of alternatives one does indeed fall more easily for the defective. So if the guy couldn't score with a normal hot chick he might go for and in fact love the autistic hottie, but when she rejects him physically he may lose said drive and move on. You love the girl who puts out more. Base instinct. That's why we are all here.
>> No. 37206
I'm not retarded and this was a long time ago.
retarded vs unable to render math through the usual neural pathways and unable to read without seeing the words as a whole. I cant sound it out, but I can read faster than you. Also I was hooking up with the mentally impaired. That's not really something to brag about.
My point was that baser drives usually win out. Youbwill put up with the worst shit to bust a nut. For example marriage.
>> No. 37207
Anybody get this bitch naked yet? I want to jack off to those autistic titties.
>> No. 37208
>I want to jack off to those autistic titties.

I don't think anyone's ever said that.
>> No. 37209
oh fuck off
>> No. 37210
>unable to detect sarcasm

Yeah, I didn't mean you were actually funny.
>> No. 37211
No, nor will we. No one is planning to troll her in this thread, just laughing at her and writing an ED page.
>jokes on them, I was just pretending to be retarded!
>> No. 37212
What? No trolling? Why not?
>> No. 37213
I meant no one is suggesting PVCC epic ween trolling like fake sweethearts and nudes getting dropped like the comment suggested. People have been attempting to troll her comments section on youtube and are writing an ED article.
>> No. 37214
Is she a lesbian?
>> No. 37215
She does have a character in her videos named "Lesbian Jesus."
>> No. 37217
She kinda looks like a tranny.
>> No. 37218
She does talk about a boyfriend of hers every now and then. I assumed that picture in that frame in her crappy video intro was of them both.
>> No. 37219
These peoople are not the NC and should stop trying to be.

... or at least get better lights, cameras, sound equipment, and fucking wash themselves before getting on camera.
>> No. 37220
>These peoople are not the NC and should stop trying to be.
you make it sound like there's actually some amount of talent or skill or creativity that separates these youtube critic losers from anyone on TGWTG
>> No. 37221

They're still easier on the eyes than this bitch.
>> No. 37222
File 133757656990.jpg - (155.21KB , 689x1024 , Lookatthisfuckingbullshit.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>They're still easier on the eyes than this bitch.

>> No. 37223
Did people really look at that and think ''Wow, that looks amazing! I should totally buy the DVD!''?

What has happened to the world?
>> No. 37224
Just a reminder that this is real and really happened.
>> No. 37225
I really like how Nostalgia Chick looks in nothing like how she looks in real life in that box art. She looks more like Sarah Palin there.
>> No. 37226

"As a fan of TGWTG, I found Ota-Kun to be a rather offensive portrayal of the fanbase..."

The fanbase is generally offensive. I don't see what the problem is.
>> No. 37227
>Skip to 8:45 when she throws a Chris-like

I skipped to that part, and i saw that face she made.

I closed it pretty quickly.
>> No. 37228
File 133761840192.jpg - (51.55KB , 640x352 , nostalgia chick dressed as someone slightly more i.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

To be slightly fair, she is supposed to look like Sarah Palin in the movie.
>> No. 37229
>someone write an erotic fanfic about The Fanfic Critic
>We all request that she review it
>sperging ensues
>> No. 37230
She would probably just read it and make goofy faces like always. She seems to have learned to take all the mocking she gets alot better since the Sonichu shenanigans.

Shes pretty boring. I don't really see the appeal here.
>> No. 37231
Hi Fanfic Critic.
>> No. 37232
So normal people know to avoid them?
>> No. 37233
Nah, I just find this bitch kind of boring. People like this are a dime a dozen. There are even multiple shows with exact same title on youtube. Hopefully she doesn't lurk here, or whatever they want to do with her in tinychat will be pointless.

I would be interested to see a new ED article and her reaction to it. I just don't think you will get anything worthwhile out of this spergy cunt.
>> No. 37234

>I just find this bitch kind of boring. People like this are a dime a dozen

Off topic, but I wish there was a minor lolcow thread for some I don't believe deserve me shitting up the board with...
>> No. 37235
Hi FanFic Critic!
>> No. 37236
The FanFic Critic is funny not only because of her strange appearance and what she does, but because of her immense hypocrisy on a level not seen since A-Log.

She writes bad fanfiction, then builds a Youtube career out of making fun of other people's bad fanfiction. He styles herself as a 'critic', yet can't take any form of criticism whatsoever. She claims not to me mimicking Nostalgia Critic while simultaneously aping his whole act completely and utterly note for note.

That's where the humor lies for me, anyway.
>> No. 37237

>"Youtube career"

Didn't know mumbling boring bullshit nobody cares about into a webcam counted as gainful employment these days.
>> No. 37238
You just decided the majority of YouTube reviewers. None of that shit is funny. Do you write fanfics or something?
>> No. 37239
erm, *described
>> No. 37240
She could actually be a little pretty if she stopped making funny faces.
>> No. 37241

She told me that she will try to make it to the official 789chan tinychats (do not steal) based on her schedule.

This got me thinking, what the fuck is she doing? Or is sperging out over the fact that fanfic is (SURPRISE SURPRISE) bad a full time career?
>> No. 37242
Shes an assisstant manager at Wendys. People in those kinds of jobs usually work alot of hours per week and dont usually have a regular set schedule.
>> No. 37243

Ah I see.

What is it with spergs and Wendy's?
>> No. 37244
I've noticed Wendy's seems to hire a lot of the type of people that you normally wouldn't see working outside of a tattoo shop or hot topic. And they often have conversations with customers/drop-by friends who seem severely dumber than Chris, while nobody is taking your order. They also mess up my order more than any other fast food restaurant.

What is it about Wendy's indeed...
>> No. 37245
It feels weird to make this statement, but McDonalds and Burger King and the likes might just have better standards.

Wendy's probably focuses more on manpower than anything.
>> No. 37246
Plus, they serve baked potatoes.

A baked potato!? What is this, Russia!????
>> No. 37247
Baked potatoes are pretty good with some garlic sauce.
>> No. 37248
>garlic sauce
>> No. 37249
If you can't see how TheFanFicCritic is funnier/spergier/goofier/more retarded/sadder than the other two fan fic critic chicks on Youtube (not that they're exactly super cool themselves), I can't help ya.
>> No. 37250
What's all this about her doing a Tinychat? Did I miss something?
>> No. 37251

There was a Tinychat I was in where it was just me, her and Jenffer. More people arrived but she left a few minutes afterwards. She said she would try to make it to future ones based on her schedule.

If you want proof it was her check the tinychat thread. Apparently she has someone supplying her the URLs, so probably a lurker here.
>> No. 37252
of course the obese schizoid tranny is the only other one there during all this.
>> No. 37253
File 133774966799.png - (355.88KB , 564x491 , spiderman lost his eyes.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>talking shit about Jen
>> No. 37254

Oh give it a rest. You niggas have gone insane during this dry spell.
>> No. 37255
So, how's that ED page going?
>> No. 37256
File 133777473160.jpg - (45.25KB , 355x401 , I rustle jimmies.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Choose a random story and PM it to her. You probably don't want to read, so throw dice or pic the funniest sounding story.

Waiting for her response.
>> No. 37257

I dunno, when Jen started coming to the Tinychats we thought "great a lolcow" but she just sits there passing sage comment every now and then.

I can see FFC being different though, she may have come bearing ^_^ and being friendly, but I can see her jimmies being rustled very VERY easily.

Or I'll ask her to review A-Log's fapfic.
>> No. 37258
>Reviewing one of A-Log's fapfics.
>> No. 37259
FFC will come, and she will be my queen.

>> No. 37260
Okay... I have been one of the naysayers in this thread.. but you guys are onto something here.

I can think of nothing better than to get her to read an A-Log fapfic. I leave it to you guys with much stronger stomachs to find the right one.
>> No. 37261

Step 1: find an a-log fapfic about someone in a full-body costume, like a fursuit

Step 2: Add in a short sentence at the end saying it was the fanfic critic all along

Step 3: Have the fanfic critic review it in a livestream
>> No. 37262
Unnecessary. Just having her read one of A-Logs fapfics in normal episode would be enough without any lame twists.
>> No. 37263
so you saying end it along the lines of 'NO FFC YOU ARE THE FURFAG' A-Log said

and then fanficcritic was the furfag

to be continj00d?
>> No. 37265

Theres more than one fapfic? I just remember the one which introman read which involved 6 inch foxdicks and a black tranny hooker.

If no one more versed in A-Log can provide a better fapfic for our purposes, then I'll just ask her to do that one.

Also, I'm sure I read in this thread, or somewhere, that she knows a guy who knows A-Log. I can only hope to see A-Log's reaction to a brutally honest, well written critique I'm here all week guys! of his work.
>> No. 37266
>> No. 37267
>Theres more than one fapfic?
There're 29, actually.

>> No. 37268

There's also his 9/11 story, and some robot fanfic/fapfic on his deviantart account.

>> No. 37269
Felt this thread needed a bump, after the NC's most recent video:
Yep, a tranny there too, I don't even want to check his work to see how bad it is.
>> No. 37270
The review completely missed the point of Heavy Metal. And it wasn't much of a decent critique. It was like, "Oh, why do these short films end early?

I'm like, "Because it's an anthology film devoted to retelling stories from the original comics and keeping you, the viewer, on edge by showing the disastrous effects of human greed and lust. Yes, it's hypocritical, but it's creative hypocrisy. My favorite hypocrisy."

Also, I can't find anything about RL Diamanda Hagan. The only bit of information I got (she's openly gay) was from TV Tropes. I feel ashamed.
>> No. 37271

Has the Nostalgia Critic run out of shit to review? He just went after a film that I doubt was highly requested by fans and the only criticism he had, besides his usual whiny nitpicking, was "why do these short films end early?" He completely missed the point of the movie.
>> No. 37272

if the FFC reads A-Log's 9/11 fanfic i will mail her a cake
>> No. 37273
No. He still has some of the more terrible Coppola '90s films, Yahoo Serious' work, and probably Bibleman (that was pretty big in the '90s).

I think he just wants to hold off a lot of that stuff until later. I think he spends more time on something he truly despises than something that comes across more cheesy.
>> No. 37274

>No. He still has some of the more terrible Coppola '90s films, Yahoo Serious' work, and probably Bibleman (that was pretty big in the '90s).

>I think he just wants to hold off a lot of that stuff until later. I think he spends more time on something he truly despises than something that comes across more cheesy.

You sound like a fan of his.
>> No. 37275
We need more dox on this bytch. It's time to take action.
>> No. 37276
>> No. 37277

There is no such thing as a harmless sperg. We can't let these deviant assholes use the Internet (or YouTube specifically) as a giant hugbox and allow them to feel mainstream. They have to know they're unwanted fucking monsters.

We have to make an example out of this loser cunt. She lives with her parents at age 22 for fucks sake,
>> No. 37278
HI FANFIC CRI... Ah, fuck it, I'm not even gonna bother. 0/10.
>> No. 37279
we r anonnymus we do nawt fergive we do nawt fergit
>> No. 37280
Yeah, basically. I feel like this is a case that will define what our cause is. We have to draw the line somewhere. From reading all of these "IRL lolcow" threads, it makes me realize that these people are everywhere, and we can't make an exception for FanFicCritic just because she isn't as bad as Chris. We'll never have another Chris.

She is, however, another A-Log. FanFicCritic may not be quite as ugly as A-Log, but she's the same type of autistic hypocrite who needs to learn a lesson.
>> No. 37281
A-Log, FanFic Critic... There's some wonderful, reasonable rates for glass houses on YouTube, isn't there?
>> No. 37282

Epic ween.
>> No. 37283
Wow, A-log much? Did a sperg steal your pokemon cards or something? Because I don't really see why you'd want to teach FFC a lesson like you think she deserves it or something. You're going about this as if you think its some sort of fucked up "justice." I mean, this is some full on inuboy shit. You don't troll people because you've got some sort of freaky vendetta; you do it because its funny.
Why is this so personal to you?

>> No. 37284
I suspect that since May is almost over, summer is now in full on effect.
>> No. 37285
  Exactly. This isn't about dishing out "justice" against some girl on the internet for being autistic. This is about laughing at retards and making them rage because it's funny.
>> No. 37286
I still say the only entertaining angle for this would be getting her to read one of A-Logs furry fapfics on her show. Moreso for his reaction than hers. Otherwise, this girl is just a boring dime a dozen youtube critic.

Also, lol at summerfags wanting to get "justice" on some bytch who reviews shitty fanfics on youtube.
>> No. 37287

I support this idea.
>> No. 37288

I'm with this guy, getting her to read something fucked up is the only potential I see here and even then its going to be 40 or some odd minutes of fucking boring to sift through to find anything funny.
>> No. 37289
Her and linkara are like the perfect couple.
>> No. 37290
It is sad for the Fanfic Critic that Linkara prefers men.
>> No. 37291
File 133832383119.jpg - (6.15KB , 225x225 , Iron_Liz.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Neanderthal manbeasts to be exact.
>> No. 37292
File 133832590090.png - (68.09KB , 280x312 , Sweeney Is Saddened.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So, I guess that that Fanfic Critic ED page isn't ever going to see the light of day, then.
>> No. 37293
Is there a person stopping you from writing it up yourself?
>> No. 37294

This is like the third time I've seen spergs talk about writing an ED page for FanFic Critic. If you lazy fucks haven't been done now, it never will.
>> No. 37295

/cwc/ has like 3 regular ED editors, and 60 people telling people what "should go" on said ED.
>> No. 37296
>at least 60 people posting on /cwc/
That made my day.
>> No. 37297
Fuck that, make her read this http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5648476/1/Batman_In_the_Bowels_of_Hell
>> No. 37298
I've always wondered how many regular posters we have. I remember the board being at some decent spot on a chan list that was posted here, but I always figured there was a very steep drop off after 4chan in terms of regular posters.
>> No. 37300
  What the fuck? She's reading another fanfic about herself.
>> No. 37301
Bullshit, I have been around since the legi0n days, and I don't go in tinychat. And I know I'm not the only one.

Nothing against it, I just don't wanna hang out with you fags and watch youtube. I went once and I could only stand it for about 30 minutes. I just hide your tinychat threads.
>> No. 37302

>Will this fanfic be about my webshow character or will she make it real personal (and break the rules regarding real people in fanfiction) and throw my real name in there?

>> No. 37303
Somewhere, the Fanfic Critic is breathing a huge sigh of relief right about now.
>> No. 37304

Ditto. I've posted very regularly for an embarrassingly long time now, and I've never touched the tinychats. Tbh I think the only people that actually go on there are tripfags and attentionwhores who wish they were tripfags.
>> No. 37305
On a dark and stormy night, the Alog when sitting in his room commentating a really shitty lolcow "and the why this lolcow is butt munching piles of ass balls fuck" the Alog threw the lolcow down at the floor. alright said the Alog as he pooped and drank beer at the samm time what should i commentate next? suddenly the ADF knoked on Alogs door and the Alog went up to answer it and it was his enemy the ADF hello he smild you dont know me but i am the ADF what the fuckin ass ballshit do you want nigger said the Alog angerly what i want? what i want is for u to commentate ME! as he ripped off his shirt to revel his muesly abs
oh **** no! cried aolg as he tried to get awy but the ADF grabed him and stated rapping him he kept rapping him really hard but then he stopped rapping him and stated raping him. shit piss **** balls! scramed the Alog but no-one heard him nick bate unknown autobot u guys take the front i got this bitch comanded the ADF and unknown autobot and nick bate were rapped before so they started raing him as well but there was no hole 4 nick bate so he got a nife and then used to to slice Alog's balls off, it only got a quarter the way but it managed to cut many arteries was blood sprayin everwhere nick bate kept cutting and fapping at the same time his fingers plunging into each and evry cut he eventully gav up and made a single verticl slice dwn da mddle nd Alog now had two peniss nd i thnk he screemed wit joy but blood went eerywere but the Alog was tird of beng rapped so he went to sleep and then woke up when Chris came in oh my god chris is that you yes it is Alog wow your so sexy chris can i feel your coke yes yu can Alog but not you adf your a fag the ADF then cried and then went to go fap
as chris chan got out his cokc it was reveld to be about as big as a football field now get ready for it "oh fuk! said teh adf as he held his dik an squitled it inta niggers n shit yes yes yes nd thn pixiteri cam long an sed o ho hoe, u've ben very noty adf and ADF screamed an tried to avoid rapping but he got rapd a pixiteri was liek wat r u gay u fag ill kill you now and then he got out a samurai sword and slowly shoved it into his colon it slowly whent in as poop came ot lol ADF scremed and cam at teh sem tam and then Alog and sexy chris cam
in all his 5 urethras Alog needed 2 4 his split dik


>> No. 37306

Lol, what the fuck?
>> No. 37307
It's nearing 500 posts and probably won't surpass this amount of posts since this is a relatively old thread. If a mod would be so kind as to archive it the gesture would go appreciated.
>> No. 37308
The truth is that I desperately want to be a fan of his. I think that from the good stuff I've seen, Doug has potential to make it on a sketch comedy show. Not as a comedy writer (he's not that talented), but as a performer.

By the way his output's going, I don't feel like he'd do an adequate job anymore on anything. I rewatched the fan favorites and they were full of shitty jokes like TIMING, Big Lipped Alligator Moment (again - the original example completely missed the point of the King Gator musical sequence in All Dogs Go to Heaven), Chuck Norris (who became unfunny when we realized he was a big fucking bigot), and elephant (never funny to begin with).
>> No. 37309
>Doug has potential to make it on a sketch comedy show. Not as a comedy writer (he's not that talented), but as a performer.

I wanna see some kind of backing for this opinion. Even way before his brutally unfunny memepuking gimmick, nothing about Doug came across as particularly notable. He can make for a convincing nerd, yeah, but even with a competent script, a loud sperg is only going to be amusing for so long.
>> No. 37310
>The truth is that I desperately want to be a fan of his.
>I think that from the good stuff I've seen, Doug has potential to make it on a sketch comedy show.

I really don't get how you could possibly see potential in Doug. At his best, Doug is a little better than your average YT reviewer. That's it. The man severely lacks talent and originality. He's now just a meme spewing homosexual deviant that will never make a real career out of his awful reviews. If Doug is lucky, he might be able to milk this shit for another few years. After that, he'll probably have to get a real job and will fade away into obscurity.
>> No. 37311
So, has FanFic Critic posted any interesting new shit?
>> No. 37312
I'm actually working on an ED page for her at the moment, since I figure no one else is going to.

I'm actually quite surprised by how much there is to say about her. She's done a lot of stupid shit.
>> No. 37313
Good, thanks for taking care of that. Post the link here when you're done.
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