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File 134022821482.jpg - (61.96KB , 720x540 , 37917_124065910985070_333628_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
37314 No. 37314
As per request, an entire Sheridan thread is going up. I will start by recapping the whole story so anyone can join in.

My girlfriend, who we'll call Bird, attended our local university's "Queer Prom" recently. I didn't end up going, since the theme was "underworld," drinks are usually spiked, and I don't much like the dick.
When she and a few other friends returned, they began talking to me about a man they had encountered there who they called The Poet. Apparently, he had been practically latched on to Bird all night (apparently they had a mutual friend, and he recognized her,) and was very proud of his deep spiritual abilities.
Apparently, towards the end, he had put his hands on Bird's face, and gone, almost word for word:
(I know this because he did it to me as well in part 2 of this story.)
"Close your eyes. You are in the dark, and there is a light above you. You hear the voice of someone you loved, and maybe lost, and they tell you everything you want to hear."

Moderately confused, my friends (Zoey, Less, and Bird,) had shaken him off and left the dance as he attempted to follow.

They recounted this tale to me, and Bird received an email from him:
"hey bird hope you had a good time a gay prom cus i did
idk what it was i saw in your eyes but whatever it was it really shocked me and it was amazing no lie about it
please dont judge me by my typing yes i do know it really sucks
wanna hangout more just let me know."
Amusing at best, especially since he couldn't write, for a "poet."
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>> No. 37315
Part II.

So, BIrd continued receiving emails from The Poet over the course of the ensuing week. We learned that his name was Sheridan, but liked to go by Sim because those were his initials, and he most likely realized that Sheridan was a horrible name.

In one of the emails, he asked to hang out with her.
"idk what happend that night but i was amazed
one last question if you dont mind is that when do you get out maybe i walk with you at night home that way you know where i live and you can come find me when ever"

She says she's busy in response. Upon careful analysis, we realized he was offering to walk her home, but in fact he meant his own home. She fends him off in a few more emails, he keeps saying he's bored and wants to hang out, and she simply says "that's too bad." His response:
"lol easy for you to say....
hey do you think we can las long enough in a relationship or what??? cus i think we can....
im willing to test it to"

The highlight of this being "im willing to test it to," insinuating that it was her idea. She politely shuts him down, telling him that he needs to get to know her better. He politely asks when he can get around to doing that. When Bird says she has a busy week, he abruptly stops emailing.

I asked Bird for his email, but she refused, since she was planning to fuck around with him (as was I) and was worried that I would mess it up.

Eventually, we compromised. We would go on a double-date with him. I would go with Zoey, and she would be his date, and over the course of it we would find ways to subtly shit on/ make a fool of him.
Now, I know this guy doesn't seem very lulzy yet. The date is where it heats up. A couple things to note, before I get into the date.

My friend Zoey is a male-to-female transvestite who is very convincing. The hope was that, if I stole Sheridan's date, he might make a pass at my date, who he assumed to be a female, and be unpleasantly surprised.

Me and Bird assumed personas for the date. Bird wore a tank-top and shorts, and acted as ditzy as she possibly could. She instructed me, your humble narrator, to look like as big of a douchebag as possible. One pink plaid button-up and a can of AXE BODY SPRAY later, I was ready to be a massive cunt.

Other orders of business: I was going to be spending the weekend on the coast with Bird, we planned to incorporate this into the trolling.

Lastly, we went to see titanic 3D.
>> No. 37316
Part three of Sheridan/the Poet story.
So, last thursday (not a WACKY MEME, literally last thursday) Bird, Zoey and I went on a memorable date double-date with Sheridan/The Poet.
I agreed to meet Bird and The Poet at the mall with my date bright and early. I helped Zoey get gussied up and convincingly female, and we arrived around 11 AM. We strolled into the mall, alerted our counterparts that we had arrived, and went hunting for them.
We found Bird and Sheridan sitting at a table in the food court.

This was the first good look I got at him. He had buzz-cut blond hair, which was incredibly greasy looking. He was about 5'11'', with a noticeable and fairly unpleasant gut hanging over his belt. He was wearing a pair of glasses that did not quite fit his nose, and had an unpleasant, half-formed moustache.

He reached into his jean-jacket, exposing a large pocket on the inside which contained a two-liter bottle of mountain dew. He pulled it out and took a hefty swig of it. Me and Zoey gripped hands tightly and approached the table.
I introduced myself to him, and firmly shook one of his very sweaty hands. He glanced at Zoey oddly, very nearly realizing that she was in fact a he, but it turns out he had missed it entirely. At this point, we established our roles: Zoey was my completely silent girlfriend, I was an old friend of Bird's, and Bird was Sheridan's ditzy piece of arm-candy.

My first conversation with Sheridan went a bit like this. "So, what is it you do, Sheridan?"
"Whatever I want, whenever," he said. "I do things randomly and spontaneously."
"Wow, that sounds pretty wacky," I responded, deadpan.
"It is!" he said. "I'm as free as a bird!"
At this point, it was completely clear that he was entirely unemployed, and he seemed to have a taste for the word random.
I told him I was a bit of an amateur psychologist. He perked up a little at this, and told me that he was good at getting people to "shut off their minds and open their hearts." He then took hold of my face, told me to concentrate, and said the whole fucking thing over again:

"Close your eyes. You are in the dark, and there is a light above you. You hear the voice of someone you loved, and maybe lost, and they tell you everything you want to hear."

I played it up, big time. Whilst biting my tongue and trying not to chuckle at the ridiculousness of it all, I managed to make anguished expressions, possibly even choke out a single tear. He told me he had felt my pain, and it was deep and dark, and that I needn't tell him any of it.
He was very obviously full of shit at this point.
We navigated the mall for a little while. He was constantly finding ways to put his hands on his date. She would glance at us from time to time when he was distracted, and we would all wince communally.

Me and Zoey had an agenda for figuring out how deep the sperginess went. We took him to Gamestop, where he pulled Bird over to the fps section and attempted to tell his date all about nazi zombies, and how much he loved call of duty, and how he was going to pre-order the next one etc etc. We ended up getting him out of there pretty fast because it was fairly painful.

Part one of the scripted stuff started right about now. I mentioned that I was going to be spending the weekend at the beach. Bird, in the most airheaded voice she could muster, shrieked "I LOVE THE BEECH!" This more or less set the backdrop for what we would do later.
Shortly afterwards, we figured we should grab our tickets for the movie and find a good seat. Since it was titanic 3D, however, the theatre was deserted.
We grabbed a seat and loudly made fun of commercials and engaged each other in conversation while we waited.
Bird made a remark about an outfit in one of the trailers, saying it would be a hassle to change into. Sheridan responded by saying "IF I SAW YOU CHANGE INTO THAT OUTFIT IT WOULD BE LIKE, UH, NOSEBLEED ANIME STYLE."

I asked him if he was into anime, at all. I have been known to dabble, but it's not the best.
His response, in a horrid attempt at a japanese accent: "TWO WORDS: NARUTO UZUMAKI."
I started to say "oh, naruto!" (total piece of shit anime but everyone knows that) when he cut me off.
"WAIT WAIT, LET ME FINISH. BLEACH, WITCHBLADE, GUNSLINGING GIRL, (some other shit i dont remember.)"

Zoey whispers in my ear to ask him about Gurren Lagann. He hadn't heard of it. We decided to push it a bit farther. I asked if he had seen any Studio Ghibli films (spirited away, ponyo, etc). He hadn't heard of those, either. I feel like a bit of a hipster for being displeased about this, but.... I found it a tad disgusting.

That was when the trailer for Madagascar 3 came on. The animals are lost somewhere, they're going to join the circus, and oh look, the zebra has a rainbow afro. I'm not going into it. I'm going to assume everyone has come into contact with the comedic black hole that is the "afro circus" ad campaign.

Sheridan starts laughing. Starts out as a giggle, when he sees the zebra donning the afro wig, but as it progresses into that abysmal song, he starts heartily chuckling. It fills the theatre. I grit my teeth and squeeze Zoey's hand.

He then tells us, out of the blue, about how good he is at analyzing poetry. Sheridan turns to me and says, "hey, i totally read between the lines in macbeth's should i or should i not speech."
I go, "do you mean Hamlet's To Be or Not To Be speech?"
"Yeah that one!" He says, "I totally read between the lines of that poem! And then I wrote a piece about what he was really trying to say! The teacher almost gave me a C on it!"
He beamed with pride. Now, I don't care a whole lot for Shakespeare, but if you're a poet, that's not really a quote you fuck up.

Titanic starts. Sheridan blurts out during the opening sequence with the submarine: "wow it looks OLD," didn't it sink during the 60's?
Bird, acting puzzled, remarks that it was "maybe earlier." He revises his guess to the 40s.

Then one of the characters presents a document they found in the wreck, dated 1912 or so.
"NOh WHAAAAAAAY" grumbles Sheridan loudly.

Part two of the scripted shit kicked in right about here. Leonardo diCaprio makes eye contact with our lovely female lead. Sheridan goes to slip his arm around Bird, but realizes with a start that mine has been quietly and strategically placed there before him. He then opts to take one of her hands in both hands, and rest it between his legs, bending her arm at a strange angle and pulling it uncomfortably across a fixed armrest.
She succeeded in freeing her hand a number of times throughout the movie, but every time he would find a way to pull it back, and at an odder angle. Towards the end, she began sitting in positions where the hand was not as available.

The movie continues quietly. Me and Zoey quietly crack shitty jokes about it, seeing as it's a chick-flick. Sheridan seems incredibly into it, and Bird is relatively unaffected by the whole ordeal.
Then we get to the scene where our handsome male lead Jack must draw a nude picture of his new girlfriend. She removes her garb, revealing her breasts in EYEPOPPING 3D. Sheridan loudly whispers down our whole row "IM TRYING NOT TA GET HORNY HERE, ITS A LEGITIMATE PROBLEM FOR ME."
At which point he takes another swig from his mountain dew, and we all chuckle quietly to ourselves.

Then we get to the deaths. The ship sinks. Shit gets real. Everyone seems unaffected, minus Sheridan. When the first deaths occur, he loudly announces "HERE COMES THE SAD PART. I REALLY HATE THE SAD PART. I HOPE I DONT CRY I DONT LIKE TO CRY." He forced the nice-guy persona very hard.
>> No. 37317

I was under the impression trans people didn't like being called that.

You should have beat his ass.
>> No. 37320
Is your girlfriends name Robin?

What is this guys last name?
>> No. 37322
The Bird's last name is not Robin,

Sheridan's last name may or may not be provided later.
>> No. 37323
Did your girlfriend give him her e-mail, or did he creepily look her up afterwards?

Hilarious read
>> No. 37324
Nah, I meant is her first name Robin

Why the fuck wouldn't you tell us who he is?
>> No. 37325
Because then we could verify he's full of it.
>> No. 37327
For folks from the old thread, Bird will now be lurking and answering questions for anyone interested. We are still working on procuring some of his poetry.
>> No. 37328
Hey Bird, is your name Robin?
>> No. 37329
Post pictures of the actual e-mails?
>> No. 37330
Who the fuck cares.
>> No. 37331
Also, OP, I hope you get a whole bunch of epic ween trolling sagas out of this! You can be his Clyde Cash, for sure! Start putting together the wiki ASAP.
>> No. 37332
Hey now, it's not like that. This was in the IRL lolcows thread, but since it's ongoing, it was recommended we make a thread of our own.
>> No. 37333
hello hello, here to answer questions.
no, my name is not robin.
i gave him my email.
>> No. 37334
is it Sparrow?
>> No. 37335
Transvestites aren't transexuals/transgendered/whatever they call themselves on tumblr these days.

There are straight dudes who dress up as women just because it's their fetish. Although there are lots of men who dress as women because they actually are women (ie; trans* people), not all crossdressers GID.
>> No. 37336
>> No. 37337
if you all must know
my name is Maddi
different questions, please!
>> No. 37338
lovely narrator, giving them a fake name will do no good.
posting as me will only get you beat up.
>> No. 37339

Posts made in the old thread. Link is here:

Just if anybody wants to take a peek. It was a decent thread.
>> No. 37340
Fake Bird.
Real Bird.
Let's try not to derail this, okay?
>> No. 37341
No one cares.

You and your girlfriend can fuck off.
>> No. 37342
shh, only shutting up now
>> No. 37343
i will be back later to answer inquires. also, feel free to give advice.
>> No. 37344
Going to leave this thread alone for a couple of hours until I get some serious replies/suggestions. Sorry for all the posts
>> No. 37345
You guys are doing great, but I'm worried it's not ween enough.

Have you tried having sex in front of him?
>> No. 37346
I don't even know what this is supposed to mean.

Maybe you could coach your girlfriend on the typing better than the retarded guy from your story first.
>> No. 37347
Not me, but I'm going to do just that, I think.
>> No. 37348
She's Japanese, so of course she doesn't have perfect english.

I actually think I'm going to go ahead and bail if I'm only going to get negative responses from this.
>> No. 37349
Fake narrator again. I'm going to be posting with a trip from now on, and I'll set Bird up with one too. I can deliver Sheridan's now-defunct facebook if anyone needs proof.
>> No. 37350
Yeah, you should probably do that.
>> No. 37351
Why can't she type coherently?
>> No. 37352
I like where this is going.
>> No. 37353
"Because she's japanese."

Meh, fucked if I know.
>> No. 37354
Why don't you tell her to not type like a retarded person if she wants us to take her seriously.
>> No. 37355
Great, now we have two new namefags.
>> No. 37356
This story wasn't interesting at all.

You're just an attention whore. New Clyde Warren.
>> No. 37357
sorry, I'll try to be better :3
>> No. 37358
Because she's out right now?

I really should let this sit for a few hours, though.
Adios, folks, and ignore birds/narrators w/out the same tripcode.
>> No. 37359
bird will have the same trip as me. Bye, guys.
>> No. 37360
Ah, Narrator. A word of advice. It might be best to keep Sheridan's defunct facebook in the abyss.

Literally, the moment we get a trail on this guy, we're going to ruin the whole thing for you and spam him with JULAAAAAAAAY.

This isn't me being an ass, it's just me stating a fact. Obama is running for reelection and we will ruin this whole thing for you the first chance we get.
>> No. 37361
I think they are done with the guy already.

I don't believe you OP till you post Facebook.
>> No. 37362
I can't be bothered reading all of that shit, please sum the story up in 50 words or less. Thanks.
>> No. 37363
All I could gather is that he's trying to weentroll some random sperg with the help of his gf and a tranny.
>> No. 37364
(and the personal army known as /cwc/)
>> No. 37365
Guy can't satisfy his girlfriend sexually.
Girlfriend goes to "queerprom" to remedy this.
Only attention she gets is from a sperg who claims to have spiritual powers.
Rather than just telling him no, they decide to enlist the help of a tranny to seduce the tard they met at queerprom.
>> No. 37366
Aw, no.. It's not like that. I would've given you contact info if that was what I was looking for. The people in the last thread said it warranted a new thread/discussion, so here I am.
>> No. 37367
Welcome back.
>> No. 37368
he looks like a nerd OP you should beat him up
>> No. 37369
Trick him into thinking Bird is his cousin or something else closely related , like photoshoop a page from one of those ancestry websites , and make him freak out over wanting to fuck someone related to him
>> No. 37370
It was exactly 50

Can I get a picture of your transvestite confidant for research purposes?
>> No. 37371
Or better yet OP, get your tranny friend to fuck him up the ass while shouting JOOOOOOLAAAAAAAAAAAY as she digs up the corpses of his beloved childhood pets.
>> No. 37372
op you sound like a sheltered homosexual deviant who took too many overused stereotypes, put them in a really long and boring story, and somehow thought it was believable.
you are the sperg op, you are the sperg
>> No. 37373
OP can you explain to me what the fuck a Queer Prom is and why the fuck a straight girl would be going to one?
>> No. 37375
A little convenient that you happened to show up here without our friend telling us.

OP is clearly trying to seem hardcore/get off to a weird sexual fantasy.
>> No. 37378
File 134023883898.jpg - (93.89KB , 500x482 , A valid description of this thread.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This story sounds completely real and awesome and OP is a pretty cool guy
>> No. 37379
I doubt Sheridan is real, and I doubt you're real.

Also why refuse to show your picture? Either you don't exist or you look like Robbie over here.
>> No. 37380
File 134023892464.jpg - (33.44KB , 720x540 , Rika_20.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is Robbie BTW :3
>> No. 37381
Damn, Zoey, sounds like you got the short end of the stick. Your friend sounds like a grade-A douche
>> No. 37383
You could post a vocaroo of yourself talking, since trannies always have a vein of masculinity in their voice.
>> No. 37384
Why is it impossible to convince OP no one cares?

OP, no one cares.
>> No. 37385

>You say no one cares. Mfw you say that and in four hours there is 70 posts in a thread completely unrelated to CWC.

>> No. 37386
Fuck off.
>> No. 37387
Hey guys, I'm back. Zoey is confirmed for Zoey, by the way.

Novel Concept: if you don't have anything to contribute, don't post. Even if you dislike the thread, posting will keep it towards the top.

Anyway, I was requested to make this thread by members of the previous thread, and this kind of response is to be expected from a post that begins with a wall of text.

tl/dr I'm back, ask questions/give suggestions at your leisure.
>> No. 37388
And yes, OP is confirmed for grade-A douche
>> No. 37389
File 134024331034.png - (589.79KB , 495x605 , AlfcSiECAAAbvsh.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 37390
OP was cool at the start but is now a homosexual deviant.
>> No. 37391
Actually, you're right.
I'll shut up for a bit.
>> No. 37392
Can't imagine how OPs girlfriend puts up with him.

Go for Sheridan, bird. He's a real man.
>> No. 37393
>My girlfriend, who we'll call Bird, attended our local university's "Queer Prom" recently

sounds like a pair of lolcows to me
>> No. 37396
>Even if you dislike the thread, posting will keep it towards the top

Not if we sage, dumbass. Vid related. Every one of your posts ever.
>> No. 37397

Well OP mentioned that Zoey "was my completely silent girlfriend" and there might have been a reason for that
>> No. 37398
Sure, Zoey. Just post a pic then.
>> No. 37399
>It's true Zoey was not doing terribly well that day, and since she's reading this, she has my apologies, but I will maintain that she is not my girlfriend.

Note to OP: this is when you started to look like a homosexual deviant
>> No. 37400
So... ITT: teenage drama?
>> No. 37401
Have you dyed your pubes pink yet, OP?
>> No. 37402
It would be really win if OP let sherisperg fuck his girlfriend and then posted pictures.

Also wtf was he doing at queerprom if he wasn't gay?
>> No. 37403
>> No. 37404
So OP are you planning to go anywhere with this? Because this seems like this will backfire on you as soon as you post any dox at all.
>> No. 37405
On a related note, get him with zoey
>> No. 37407
This thread is full of nothing.
>> No. 37408
sorry op
>> No. 37409
And this is where you failed OP. Most convincing transsexuals like pickles, not China. The ones who like China are ADF tier manly, not really tranny trannies.
>> No. 37410
I'm glad that /cwc/ has seen this story for the shit it really is. I remember being in the original thread when it was posted and seeing the resoundingly warm reaction it got and feeling a bit disappointed.
>> No. 37411
I thought it was funny.

I'm looking forward to more.

I don't know why everyone's freaking out.
>> No. 37412
This whole thing is one big circle jerk.

You've turned one humorous anecdote into an entire tl;dr thread about your ebin trolling.

How's about I summarize this whole thread for everyone?

>Sheridan is weird
>Has crush on OP's "girlfriend"
>says weird things


Meanwhile, he has no online presence so no one knows anyhting outside of the fact that he looks like TV's Frank.

PROTIP: Sheridan is not the next Chris and never will be.
>> No. 37413
File 134028427421.jpg - (22.05KB , 480x360 , fagrob.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Because it's embellished as fuck.

Even if it were 100% true, OP is about as ween as the whole bandsma crew.

"Hey guise, sheridan is weird and likes animu and me and my girlfriend (that i have sexxors with, btw) and a tranny we know totally tricked him SO EPIN! We're like souper l33t trollz XD"

Holy fuck, I'm agreeing with Jenga.
>> No. 37414
It was funny as a story... at least at first, but the one prevailing standard pretty much everyone agrees on about lolcows is that they have to make fools of themselves in public.

Does Sheridan have a youtube account? A tumblr? A deviantart account? Anything at all to verify he does this stuff?

He could be a complete tard, his behavior could be quite hilarious, but until he chooses to broadcast it to the world, he's just a lonely tard who tried to flirt with some girl who's leading him on 80's teen movie still with added tranny drama.

I'm interested to hear updates, but so far it just sounds like he's a socially retarded, likely mentally impaired guy who went to a dance and flirted with a girl who decided to play a prank on him.

He's dumb, and probably somewhat full of himself, but right now it kind of just sounds like they're bullying him, which in itself isn't funny.
>> No. 37415
On this note, maybe you should try to urge Sheridan to make a vlog? That'd be pretty interesting, maybe.
>> No. 37416
This. The date story was pretty hilarious, but it should've ended there. Now you guys are just playing kick the autistic.
>> No. 37417

Oh okay. Yeah you have a point.

Honestly I still think it all had it's funny parts and don't see how it's much different than Chris trolling over the years just because it's irl. Don't lie, we'd all love our own personal lolcow to mess with.

But yeah it probably should have stayed in it's original thread.
>> No. 37418
>Pulling a prank

Pretty sure Zoey has actually developed feelings for Sheridan. Trying to deny these feelings.

Leave it to a transgender to fuck anything, though.
>> No. 37419
OP is Ari Leiman.
Bird is Bird Kiya Galasdian.
Zoey is suspected to be steven L Gungel.

Have fun master trolls! Hope I get to unintentionally see sheridan's down syndrome dick next!
>> No. 37420
Pretty sure OP said his girlfriends name was Robin. But, whatever.
>> No. 37421
What the fuck kind of names are thoses? Jews?

No, other people said that. He said it wasn't.
>> No. 37422
File 13402904677.jpg - (28.79KB , 312x322 , jew smiling.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Ari Leiman
>> No. 37423
Introman is pretty reputable around here, I said it's legit.
>> No. 37425
>it's a dance party catering toward lgbt college kids
LGBT is a reactionary paleocon nazi term. The new PC term is LGBTQIA, you fascist fuck.
>> No. 37426
File 134029090080.png - (125.70KB , 853x429 , Ari.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Proud of wearing a fedora

>> No. 37427
File 134029128112.gif - (12.45KB , 501x585 , le jew face.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
introMAN you Goyim!
>> No. 37428
  >OP comes and tells epic WEEN story about his girlfriend and some drag queen trolling a retarded guy
>/cwc/ call him a fag
>OP and his companions get doxed and revealed to be heebs.

I love you guys.

Video related, it's OP.
>> No. 37429
File 134029202716.jpg - (56.15KB , 476x342 , Hitler happy 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Guys, I told you.
>> No. 37430
File 134029299981.png - (301.04KB , 625x465 , epinween.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 37431
>> No. 37432
>> No. 37433
File 134029505434.jpg - (115.48KB , 1024x795 , Rockwell.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Meanwhile at Stonecutters HQ.
>> No. 37434
File 134029523655.jpg - (199.80KB , 604x627 , Birdie the Scarecrow.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What a catch you got, OP! Are you sure your girlfriend isn't a tranny?
>> No. 37435
Oh wow, he didn't even disguise her name.

Who this fuck names their child Bird?
>> No. 37436
>> No. 37437
File 134029559053.png - (24.36KB , 894x419 , ZOEY.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 37438
>What the fuck kind of names are thoses? Jews?
The nose knows.
>> No. 37439
Hey /cwc/ we found this legit auistic and refuse to doxx hum but here is a lulsy story that may or may not be true!
Me and my gay lover(looks like a total babe) met him at a queerprom with my gay bro(totaly not fuckin) and we trolled him into a date lulz

so tehn we decide it'd be epin win to be clydecash irl so we take a potential psycopath on a date and act like highschool seniors(totally pulled it off even though i am a sophomore and bird is 8thgrader)
anyway i got his number in case i wanted to buttfuck him later. He keeps texting thinking he haz a frien it's so dunny trolllin the mentally handicapped.

so now he invited himself to our beach orgy
>> No. 37441
File 134029632777.jpg - (76.71KB , 720x477 , 250981_1733712787930_7994298_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This you Ari?

Only guy she's hugging in any of her pictures who doesn't have their name labeled, and also the only one with a fondness for fedoras.

Also there's some black dude she's pretty cuddly with. The ex I presume?
>> No. 37442
Queer Prom King and Queen, everyone.
>> No. 37443
Oh my fucking god. This guy is uglier than fucking Sheridan. You look fucking ridiculous, OP.
>> No. 37444
Is that girl on the right Zoey the hot tranny? Because if so, oh lawd, dem big man hands. Like hamhocks on the end of her wrists.
>> No. 37445
File 134029654380.png - (294.01KB , 417x370 , yablewit.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This thread had potential and I was looking forward to the rest of this story.

Way to go OP.
>> No. 37446
OP callin' himself shit like 'Your Humble Narrator' and 'Fedora-Wearing Storyteller'. Sure is 'This Troper' in here. What a douche.
>> No. 37447
Looks wildly similar to Sheridan.

Kindof suspect OP is Sheridan

OP just told us about how he met his first girlfriend.
>> No. 37448
Yeah I think the one on the left is Bird and the one on the right is Zoey.
>> No. 37449

Yegads, it's like a tubbier Ahuviya. And dressed worse, somehow.
>> No. 37450
Nah, that is Bird. Compare the Facebook screenshot.
>> No. 37451
Jewish trolling conspiracy confirmed. Autfag was right all along!
>> No. 37452

>> No. 37453
Wearing a soot suit hides his man teats
>> No. 37454
File 134029728536.jpg - (61.95KB , 500x375 , op loves homestuck.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

That's not OP or the tranny. That's the biological girlfriend. THIS IS OP. He's a homestuck troll.
>> No. 37455
File 134029737451.jpg - (210.60KB , 384x392 , Kill them all.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 37456
Oh fuck, just as ugly and even more ween.

What a fag.
>> No. 37457
File 134029757168.jpg - (19.39KB , 203x249 , areyou.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

How the fuck...
>> No. 37458
>Google "Ari Leiman"+Bird
>Find pastebin document
>The homosexual deviantry is off the charts.

>> No. 37459
File 134029770798.jpg - (29.35KB , 509x286 , 389601_2129149073590_1235556113_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
OP's GF looks like a 12 year old boy.
>> No. 37460
>Bird bites people when she is upset

What the fuck is wrong with you? What are you, a fucking animal?

Also, OP confirmed for pussy.
>> No. 37461
3 hours agoAri Leiman
no, not offensive
but, bird isnt exactly you know, often disturbed by remarks of such
and she rarely bites without a really good reason.

3 hours agoJulian Rist
I honestly do not see the point of this entire conversation?

3 hours agoAri Leiman
although, i tend to give her pretty good reasons.

3 hours agoJulian Rist
Can you say what you want?

3 hours agoAri Leiman
wink wink nudge nudge
point being, yeah, i'd like you to stop hitting on bird.
if you could
and im sure you could.
>> No. 37462
Goddamn this bitch is ugly. Dat bulbous nose.
>> No. 37463

I'm fucking dying. How omega can you get?
>> No. 37464
Big surprise. Ari was projecting this whole time.
>> No. 37465
>hehe yeah, please stop hitting on my girlfriend. You know, if that is okay with you. I mean, if it's not that's okay, I would just you know, life it you maybe didn;t. If that's cool of course.

What a fucking pussy.
>> No. 37466
Also, there are references to Portland, Oregon in the document, and then someone mentions that Ari's on a campus in Forestgrove.

Presumably Forestgrove, Oregon, which means he goes to Pacific University.
>> No. 37467
>yeah, that's all i had to say. i was sort of upset by that, is all.

>I clearly don't type like that, but the first step to being a salesman is emulating your target.

Ari is Sheridan
>> No. 37468
File 134029826164.jpg - (72.13KB , 538x720 , 185473_1887257146443_306041_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yup, they're in Oregan. The high school Bird went to is there.

So who's this Kheldaeran Houston dude Bird? Did he put it in?

And who was the blonde dude in the fedora? He could be Sheridan's brother.
>> No. 37469
Bird confirmed for race traitor.
>> No. 37470
My god, I can't believe how you can talk about how fucked up this autist is, meanwhile your girlfriend is biting people like a rabid hound.
>> No. 37471
How did that big greasy nigger dick feel in you?
>> No. 37472

How were those sloppy seconds OP?
>> No. 37473
So much homosexual deviantry, ween, and passive aggressive betashit in one man.

Did anyone find Sheridan's number yet?
>> No. 37474
I love this thread.
>> No. 37475
mfw she totally doxed herself on tumblr

Full name: Bird Rose
Gender: female
Age: 18
Birth date: November
Place of birth: VA
Current place of residence: OR
Heritage: white people
Siblings: one dead half brother and two half siblings somewhere in Arizona.
Parents: my mom is a badass, my dad lived in AZ and we dont talk
Religious/Spiritual affiliation: quiet
Pets: 7 cats, 10 chickens and marks fat pug.
Marital status: got a boyfriend
Sexual orientation: bi-affectionate. i just want to give everyone kisses and cuddles.
Tattoos/piercings: pierced ears.
Glasses: i had some reading glasses, but i lost them
PC or Mac: pc. mac features make me cranky.
Mobile phone: crappy
Do you believe in ghosts? yep
Do you believe in UFOs? if there is life on other planets, why the hell would it want to come here?
Abortion: Pro-Choice
Death penalty: good question
Gay marriage: why the hell not?
Where have you traveled? ive been at least through nearly every state in the continental america, and i lived on the north island of new zealand for a month.
Where else can you be found on the internet? facebook (bird rose), deviantart (galasdian), gaiaonline (taka9tori), skype (taka9tori) and pesterchum (eternalAuspice)
>> No. 37476
File 13402987757.jpg - (77.31KB , 500x400 , tumblr_m3xjrwEgxJ1r1rp5xo1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also, we need to send the attached image to Sheridan. It will make his day.

(It's bird, of course).
>> No. 37477
This thread is a miracle of the universe
>> No. 37478
>Place of birth: VA

Can we just go ahead and chalk up Virginia as lolcow central, yet?
>> No. 37479
>>Sexual orientation: bi-affectionate. i just want to give everyone kisses and cuddles.

Bird confirmed whore deviant
>> No. 37480
Remember this?
>> No. 37481
File 134029910819.png - (66.11KB , 970x521 , dres.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And commencing mini-dump oflulz on bird's tumblr.
>> No. 37482
Don't know, but I'm in the process of trying to find addresses and numbers for OP and his girlfriend ATM.
>> No. 37483
File 134029923888.png - (70.22KB , 630x583 , holyshitthisisautistic.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
She also has a post reading "one of the best parts about cosplaying boys is not having to find girl shirts that fit me."

>> No. 37484
...so many things are such lolcow in that one post that I can't figure out which to laugh at
>> No. 37485
Bird kind of reminds me of Nick Bate's Anna now.
>> No. 37486
I always imagine epinween people to be like this.
>> No. 37487
File 134029942750.png - (34.74KB , 375x601 , littleboyssection.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"the cloths [sic] i seem to fit best in actually come from the little boy section at target."

Ari Leiman, living the dream.
>> No. 37488
Oh la la, OP. Let's see those saggy titties.
>> No. 37489
This thread is fucking amazing. God I fucking love you guys

I bet you didn't imagine it would end up like this, huh OP? What do you guys have to say for yourselves?
>> No. 37490
File 134029955811.png - (548.49KB , 857x551 , doh.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No words, only laughing.
>> No. 37491
I'm shocked that someone who went to a "queer prom" turned out to be a lolcow.
>> No. 37492
I'm pretty sure they are desperately trying to delete fucking everything, or will once they find out.
>> No. 37493
Ugh... ugly man looking bitch who bites people like a rabid dog. You sure got a catch, OP.
>> No. 37494
Great catch, OP.
>> No. 37495
This thread's starting to look up!
>> No. 37496
>Siblings: one dead half brother

DrSerbias gonna have a ball...
>> No. 37497
File 134029982453.jpg - (197.70KB , 1600x1218 , Hindenburg_burning.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This thread, it's like watching the Hindenburg go down in flames. So terrible but I can't tear my eyes away.
>> No. 37498
I am amazed, Sheldon actually has really low standards. He might have more common sense than OP
>> No. 37499
File 134029999554.jpg - (28.65KB , 509x286 , 377849_2116968129074_1150645883_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nice teeth, Bird!
>> No. 37500
Can someone PLEASE GET SHERIDAN IN ON THIS YET. Imagine his reaction to all this.
>> No. 37501
>> No. 37502
Hard to see a dentist when you don't trust doctors ya know.
>> No. 37503
File 134030020687.jpg - (14.53KB , 477x353 , 1322107928525.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
She's including the stillborn child she described earlier as a sibling?

That's kinda distasteful.
>> No. 37504
File 134030023169.jpg - (141.23KB , 960x647 , roflbot (1).jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 37505
Any of you found any pics of da tranny yet?
>> No. 37506
Why would anyone dye their hair red? Why?
>> No. 37507
Imagine those teeth biting into you.
Imagine the infections
>> No. 37508
>"hey guize chek out dis epin ween lolcow letz trol him 4 da lulz xDDDDDD"
>No OP, you are the lolcows!
Then OP was a lolcow.
>> No. 37509
Hey OP, this thread was a bad idea.
>> No. 37510
>> No. 37511
File 13403013032.jpg - (61.74KB , 514x289 , tumblr_m25nms9Tcn1rnw4vbo1_1280.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
OP's tumblr: http://threefoldpapilla.tumblr.com/

Pic related
>> No. 37512
I can see him deleting the thread.

Good thing we saved everything. You are going to be our next new lolcow, OP.
>> No. 37513
Ugly as fuck
>> No. 37514
File 134030141096.png - (51.88KB , 298x392 , Capture.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
who wants some Ari tumblr?

I've already capped most of the good stuff; preparing dump.
>> No. 37515
File 134030145671.png - (10.37KB , 555x216 , sheridan thats u.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Presumably, this is Sheridan he's referring to.
>> No. 37516
File 134030150553.jpg - (31.18KB , 577x324 , 169079_1580835606096_1640172_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Anyone have a guess what kinda pills these are? For insomnia maybe?
>> No. 37517
File 13403015305.jpg - (26.66KB , 481x270 , 198319_1630717533113_2362514_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Awesome yearbook photo.
>> No. 37518
File 134030153099.png - (634.01KB , 475x609 , me being a cunt.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 37519
For looking edgy.
>> No. 37520
So, I assume he is under 18, or maybe 18? Going to make finding an address and phone number a bit more difficult without his parents names.
>> No. 37521
File 13403015658.jpg - (70.69KB , 540x720 , 59404_1391154264181_7748727_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You're pretty cozy with a lot of dudes Bird.
>> No. 37522
File 134030158321.jpg - (75.06KB , 540x720 , 59404_1391154304182_7798710_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 37523
File 134030159275.jpg - (73.05KB , 540x720 , 59404_1391154224180_1931968_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 37524
File 134030159470.png - (416.86KB , 525x590 , land.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Seriously, we need to send Sheridan a Bird Care Package of these pictures.
>> No. 37525
File 134030160313.jpg - (23.73KB , 481x270 , 216030_1686065756784_4722570_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 37526
File 13403016092.jpg - (48.88KB , 720x576 , 58989_1391739998824_2487215_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 37527
File 134030162330.jpg - (56.60KB , 720x540 , 218009_1657900052659_5659705_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 37528
Not sure, all I take is pain killers, and they aren't that. I also take meds for insomnia, and have went through various ones, none of those looks like anything I have taken. They look like antipsychotics.
>> No. 37529
File 13403016411.jpg - (26.93KB , 481x270 , 295300_1922730113245_7495494_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 37530
File 134030171445.png - (117.96KB , 828x602 , sex time.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 37531
She looks like a 12 year old child. OP must be have a fetish for children. She also seems to be a slut.

Looks like a wicked camel toe is working it way up.
>> No. 37532
So fucking edgy.

So she's a whore, has horrible teeth, bites people when upset, seems to be retarded, looks like a man, and is a race traitor.

Wow, OP.
>> No. 37533
File 134030186045.jpg - (56.06KB , 540x720 , 207235_1657902012708_320467_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 37534
File 134030186730.png - (6.33KB , 430x144 , junk shaving.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 37535
Wait, so he is a virgin, Bird just sucks his dick?
>> No. 37536
I could see pedophiles loving this girl
>> No. 37537
File 134030192047.png - (10.42KB , 415x210 , troljob.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ari, show us pictures of the trolljobs.
>> No. 37538
File 134030203489.png - (34.97KB , 490x554 , he was warned.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"ridiculously dangerous by male standards."
Does that translate into "Looks like prepubescent boy and acts like a tramp?"
>> No. 37539
File 134030204772.jpg - (159.54KB , 998x1078 , jidf3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>must be done
Ari confirmed for our new lolcow
>> No. 37540
So either she shoved a plasic troll doll up his ass while giving him head?
>> No. 37541
OP is going to cry his eyes out when this ugly skank fucks around on him, if she hasn't already.
>> No. 37542
File 134030220941.jpg - (31.48KB , 509x286 , 387088_2149747708543_1725179665_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>got me some manlove.
>> No. 37543
Hey OP what developmental disorder does your gf have?
>> No. 37544
File 134030223974.png - (10.66KB , 436x212 , joking or not.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I know nothing of this homestuck homosexual deviantry, but it seems plausible that this actually happened.

>Epic ween wannabe troll
>Masturbates with men on line
>Underaged b&
Welcome back, Bluespike.
>> No. 37545
File 134030229232.png - (151.97KB , 830x844 , I caused that feel.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
introMAN's face right now.
>> No. 37546
File 134030239443.png - (24.49KB , 443x488 , confirmed forfuture cuckold.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah, I agree.
>> No. 37547
Oral sex is sex. Is sex ed really that shitty in Oregon?
>> No. 37548
Op I bet bird fucked sheridan. She seems like a whore.
>> No. 37549
No, it's not. I guess you say that so you can say you aren't a virgin since you got a blowjob?
>> No. 37550
File 134030261390.png - (34.52KB , 479x507 , passiveagresionvirgin.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
MFW virgins lecture other virgins.
>> No. 37551
File 134030273049.jpg - (47.27KB , 459x530 , morons.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah, me and the dictionary.

And you know, doctors, sex therapists, legal statutes, etc.
>> No. 37552
You're a virgin till you've had vaginal intercourse. Deal with it.
>> No. 37553
Or anal if you are gay.
>> No. 37554
>> No. 37555
stop arguing about oral sex, spergs
>> No. 37556
Okay, so the facts disagree with you and you're just going to pretend your worthless, idiotic, completely ignorant and uneducated opinion is more important?

No twit, you lost it before you wanted to. You don't get to suck dick and call yourself pure. You deal with it nigga, you deal with it.
>> No. 37557
>>My opinion is more important than what the dictionary says!
>> No. 37558
>lost it before you wanted to

What the hell are you talking about? I lost my virginity 10 years ago.

You are clearly a 14 year old boy.
>> No. 37559
File 134030296017.png - (28.50KB , 671x250 , hahahasheridan.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
from her formspring.

The implications are staggering.
>> No. 37560
File 134030301618.png - (21.98KB , 631x225 , tesaer.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What a tease/slut.
>> No. 37561
intoman thank you for helping me

>> No. 37562
>i got a blowjob once, i'm totally not a virgin guys
>> No. 37563
I wish this was the real Sheridan.
>> No. 37564
File 134030319993.png - (20.64KB , 617x218 , motherplease.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This might explain some of it. She does mention her mom a lot in her tumblrs.
>> No. 37565
File 134030322421.jpg - (83.04KB , 500x400 , tumblr_m1kyr6pqOA1r1rp5xo1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 37566
Get off it. I've had vaginal intercourse. You're avoiding the issue.

The only person who tries to act like they can suck dick and call themselves a virgin is a skank who wants to pretend she's a pure, innocent girl while swilling cum. You can get STDs from oral. It has sex in the name for a reason. The dictionary defines it as a form of sexual intercourse. You don't have a leg to stand on, and no amount of "durr hurr you got your dick sucked!" will make you come off as less retarded.

>> No. 37567
I wonder if her mom knows she sucks dick and puts things in boys butts.
>> No. 37568
I owe IntroMAN and all of you fine anons a beer for making my week.
>> No. 37569
Who the fuck let you out of /r9k/?
>> No. 37570
It's very rare when a thread like this backfires so hard, but when it does it is epin
>> No. 37571
he mad
>> No. 37572
I think that most of the time people come in with their new trolling target, they usually turn out to be homosexual deviants. I hope OP comes back into this thread soon, but I think he turned tail and ran.
>> No. 37573
File 134030355192.jpg - (48.97KB , 400x296 , nerd-kid.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 37574
File 134030356818.jpg - (32.27KB , 1199x257 , blue.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No warnings here, eh mods?

>> No. 37575
Well, they are almost always lolcows when they decide to troll IRL. I called it way earlier when I told him it would backfire, especially if we found his target we could get the dox from him easily as well.
>> No. 37576
File 134030362527.jpg - (56.00KB , 400x373 , haha.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 37577
File 134030364355.jpg - (66.94KB , 720x540 , 169022_1561223915816_3793656_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 37578
Is that the tranny?
>> No. 37579
File 134030370838.jpg - (77.78KB , 500x400 , tumblr_lxo4riLMOq1r1rp5xo1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 37580
Goddamn, look at the ugly kid behind her. He looks deformed.
>> No. 37581
File 134030374695.png - (45.19KB , 978x366 , biter.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'll just leave this here
>> No. 37582
The tranny on the far right looks drugged up.
>> No. 37583
File 134030376463.jpg - (83.60KB , 449x642 , enhanced-buzz-10177-1334090195-104.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You're still wrong. You still responded entirely with personal attacks instead of a counterargument. You still lost utterly. That's all that really need be said, but I mean if you want to continue the discussion I guess we could go to /id/ or something.
>> No. 37585
Which one? The girl in the dress? That's not a guy. She is way prettier than OPs girlfriend.
>> No. 37586
Bird's going to bite OP's dick off when she sees this.
>> No. 37587
Uh huh, sure thing. I guess you can go debate with yourself on /id/ because I could honestly give a fuck. Whatever helps you sleep at night, kiddo.
>> No. 37588
That's Bird, lol
>> No. 37589
Zoey claimed to be andogynous, and there's some manly qualities to that face.
>> No. 37590
The one on the far right is Bird.
>> No. 37591
>> No. 37592
File 134030402471.jpg - (62.10KB , 1199x257 , 134030356818.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Point 1: You were "banned" for one second.

Point 2: If you refresh the screen, it'll clear it.

Well, not anymore.
>> No. 37593
I know, I was talking about the other one.
>> No. 37594
File 134030416929.png - (25.10KB , 565x484 , beotch.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It begins.
>> No. 37595
Can't you dear jenga delete these shitposts from our beautiful thread?
>> No. 37596
The other girl is tagged as "liz", FWIW.
>> No. 37597
That's not a guy. She doesn't look manly at all to me. Plus frame is too small, no adams apple, shoulders are too slender, etc.
>> No. 37598
File 134030440544.jpg - (107.27KB , 500x400 , tumblr_m1onn0t0PP1r1rp5xo1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>a dave just made me their boyfriend for the night….then disconnected.
>> No. 37599
Have you found any pics of "Zoey" yet?
>> No. 37600
You're a virgin until you feel like you're not. The entire concept is subjective. Now shut the fuck up and talk about how spergy OP is instead of sperging yourselves.
>> No. 37601
hips flare out too, instead of being straight like a male.
>> No. 37602
>you're a virgin till you say you aren't

Anyway, one is talking about it anymore.
>> No. 37603
File 134030462859.jpg - (67.16KB , 500x400 , tumblr_m2eg205zZZ1r1rp5xo1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Bird performs her own haircut.
>> No. 37604
File 134030465619.jpg - (51.73KB , 500x400 , tumblr_m2ehqagqES1r1rp5xo1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The result of said haircut.
>> No. 37605
That explains alot.
>> No. 37606
Hey. I was right. Check her tumblr.
>> No. 37607
This is so much like what happened to Atlus it's not even funny.

...No wait, it's totally funny.
>> No. 37608
File 134030498970.png - (14.10KB , 513x277 , i dont schlick.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"My stuff is broken."
>> No. 37609
Reminds me of Anna, or with the disgusting teeth, Nick Bate's womanly counterpart.
>> No. 37610
Apparently someone found Ari's dad, but the dumbass posted it as a thread instead of in this one.

If it is his dad, which I am pretty sure it is. Here is dox:

Alan J Leiman

(541) 345-2376

576 Olive St

Eugene, OR 97401-2642
>> No. 37611
>> No. 37612
File 13403052055.png - (32.82KB , 848x337 , dox.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
here are the screenshots.
>> No. 37613
File 134030530599.png - (50.83KB , 464x644 , 134030478374.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
His dad
>> No. 37614
Is it safe to declare this backfiring of alogs level yet?
>> No. 37616
My mistake. This post is actually the address to his law office.

Here is Ari's home address and number

Alan J Leiman

(541) 844-1593

780 E 38th Ave

Eugene, OR 97405-4528
>> No. 37617
Prediction: OP is gonna shit brix
>> No. 37618
File 134030555137.png - (3.73KB , 223x113 , school.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So I guess he's 16,based on this tidbit, which is from a 2010 contest.
>> No. 37619
File 134030556636.jpg - (16.13KB , 231x333 , 1339780720314.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>this thread
Well after Tacowiz and now this, hopefully people have learned not to draw attention to themselves on here.
>> No. 37620
Sounds about right to me. Also, his dad is a lawyer. Big surprise there.
>> No. 37621
Tacowiz is just probably relieved we aren't talking about him anymore.
>> No. 37622

Not yet; so far this is more Paul David "Eyebrows" Smith level stuff.
>> No. 37623
File 134030579173.jpg - (172.07KB , 595x692 , backfired.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 37624
cocks, cocks everywhere!
>> No. 37625

It never fails to amaze me how many lolcows began their careers thinking they were owning easy targets: ALog, Anthos, ADF, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, Paul David "Eyebrows" Smith, and these homosexes.
>> No. 37626
Holy shit did ALL of this cocks literally come straight from bird?

Do people not have a goddamn filter at all?
>> No. 37627
You people better be backing all this shit up, OP will just delete the thread whenever he gets back.
>> No. 37628
>OP posts a ween as fuck story of how he "trolled" some retard
>gets doxed, has his fathers name and picture posted, his address, his phone number, his photo, his girlfriends photo, and photo of his friends

Wow OP, you are dumb.
>> No. 37629

Can one of our glorious, beautiful, omnipotent mods not disable it? Maybe a sticky perhaps...
>> No. 37630
Don't worry, it's all saved. We'll just start a new thread if he deletes it. (assuming he even knows how)
>> No. 37631
File 134030644023.jpg - (25.69KB , 422x500 , jolly sturmman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Screencapped. Come at me jews.
>> No. 37632
Not single picture of the tranny? Come on /cwc/, I thought you guys where masters at trolling trannies?
>> No. 37633
It appears his tranny friend is the only one of the whole bunch with any brains that doesn't post their photos and information everywhere for the world to see.
>> No. 37634
And I'm grateful. One less bad tranny in the internet.
>> No. 37636
>Zoey troll shields hard
>> No. 37637
Dude we have pictures of Bird, it's practically the same thing as a tranny.
>> No. 37638
turning off the anon for a bit because ari was a dumpass.

someone remind me to fix that eventually
Posted 1 minute ago

I think she just shat a brack
>> No. 37639
File 134030738634.png - (62.35KB , 869x478 , waytogoari.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also, here's hoping that "dumpass" is a Freudian slip.
>> No. 37640
I guess so.

>> No. 37641



>> No. 37642
lol. I julay'd the shit out of her tumblr
>> No. 37643
dumpass is a Homestuck reference. Or, to be more specific, a Sweet Bro & Hella Jeff reference.
>> No. 37644
Bird is the dumpass who had dox literally posted everywhere. It was no trouble at all finding Bird. But leave it to a tranny to not be able to put that one together.

How does OP put up with his girlfriend?
How does OP's girlfriend put up with him?
>> No. 37645
BIRD, do dentists also qualify as "Medical professionals you don't trust?"
>> No. 37646
Is your name Robin?
>> No. 37647
Is it Sparrow?
>> No. 37648
Is your name Wren?
>> No. 37649
Her legal name is Bird.
>> No. 37650
Haha no it's not. That's stupid.
>> No. 37651
File 134030785354.png - (67.59KB , 867x532 , Bird's job.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, at least she can hold down a job.
>> No. 37652
You're just as much to blame you stupid whore but go ahead and throw your boyfriend to the lions to save yourself.
>> No. 37653
Yeah, it's stupid, but it's Bird Kiya Galasdian.
>> No. 37654
>Robin troll shielding
>> No. 37655
Jews man.
>> No. 37656
I am fucked and struggling will make it worse. Bye, guys.
>> No. 37657
Sam? Like Sam's Club?
>> No. 37658
How am I troll shielding? Look at her Facebook, tard. Google her name, she's on all kinds of causes and petitions pages and shit.
>> No. 37659
Ahahahahahhah, yes you are.
>> No. 37660

He told us he was hardcore.
>> No. 37661
>> No. 37662

>> No. 37663
introman already gave us her name.
>> No. 37664
We already knew her name. Way to be late to the party, though.
>> No. 37665
Ah-ha! I KNEW I was right.
>> No. 37666
No shit, I was replying to the guy who asked if her name was Robin when we already knew her name ages ago, I was here when Introman posted it.
>> No. 37667
File 134030824260.jpg - (112.20KB , 550x733 , OP is a faggot4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Sheridan Bandsma crew
>all jews
Why this new trend of kosher lolcows?
>> No. 37668
Right about what? Introman already told us what her name was, what the fuck are you talking about dude?
>> No. 37669
Yeah, it was Robin. Way to keep sperging it up, though.
>> No. 37670
Yeah, it was Robin. Way to keep sperging it up, though.
>> No. 37671
Where did he say it was Robin? Point out the post I will shut up about it. All I have seen is people asking if it is Robin since OP posted the thread yesterday.
>> No. 37672
>> No. 37673
Also, I get absolutely no hits anywhere for Robin Kiya Galasdian.
>> No. 37674
File 134030842199.jpg - (64.27KB , 600x428 , weinberg.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Oy vey Moishe! All those schlutz's making us TRUE and HONEST Jews look bad!
>> No. 37675
Her say her name is not Robin means it is.

lol, okay, Way to be a retard, bro.
>> No. 37676
File 13403085348.png - (12.54KB , 300x300 , 133613038275.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You're the one who thinks someone would name their kid bird. God damn. Pic related, its what you look like right now
>> No. 37677
Yeah, hippies. You are stupid as fuck, dude.
>> No. 37678
File 134030867910.jpg - (3.58KB , 125x127 , cloneslaughing.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>implying hippies aren't on drugs which makes them more creative

Haha god damn you dont even know lol they would name their daughter something cool like Ringo
You fucking sperg.

Pic related, its probably some other chicks you think are named "bird" for some reason
>> No. 37679
Introman posted what her name was hours ago.

He said nothing about having any reason to believe Bird was a nickname or alias.

Quit fucking sperging.
>> No. 37680
File 134030871416.png - (35.06KB , 648x363 , jew mob.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 37681
File 134030876826.jpg - (49.36KB , 450x307 , sumfattieslaughin.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
no idea where you guys are getting the name bird from but LOL its obviously Robin, at least you'd know that if you READ THE THREAD.

Fucking spergs.
>> No. 37682
>> No. 37684
File 134030885224.png - (277.45KB , 419x563 , jew mob 2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
lol jews
>> No. 37685
Archive this shit now, or will op break his promise and return like all good lolcows?
>> No. 37686
Where does it say her name is Robin? Anywhere but people asking?

Introman posted the full name, also we have her Facebook which lists her name as Bird Kiya Galasdian. This name gets numerous hits on Google, Robin Kiya Galasdian gets none.

I am begining to think this is OP or Bird herself.
>> No. 37687
just broke with ari.
here to answer some questions
Just leave my tumblr alone
>> No. 37688
Nice try, Bird.
>> No. 37689
>> No. 37690
>implying that is not you
>> No. 37691
It's not me, it's Robin, like I told you guys
>> No. 37692

Oh shit
>> No. 37693
>> No. 37694
Yeah, uh huh.
>> No. 37695
If you are robin, then post on your tumblr as proof Robert
>> No. 37696
You look pretty retarded right now.
>> No. 37697
Won't happen, because that is not her and her name isn't Robin.
>> No. 37698

Just deleted it though because it got too many likes.
>> No. 37699
>> No. 37700
File 134030925669.jpg - (34.42KB , 394x321 , shiteater.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Does your dad work for Nintendo too?
>> No. 37701
leave it up Ari, otherwise you are just some Robert Wayne Stiles being epin
>> No. 37702
hi ari
>> No. 37703
Bird sounds really retarded.
>> No. 37704
Bird is retarded, "nuero-typical" do not bite.
>> No. 37705
File 134030961746.png - (59.92KB , 426x342 , Sean and Robb.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Give us all embarrassing details about him and you may be saved. You can also mail them at [email protected] if you want to keep it a secret.
>> No. 37706
But she bites.
>> No. 37707
File 13403097642.png - (9.79KB , 545x233 , julay.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
jimmies status: rustled

also, lol at her acting like she had nothing to do with it
>> No. 37708
And that's why she must be a retard. You know, like those with slavedrivers that keep them on leash so they don't, you know, bite people and shit around.
>> No. 37709
File 134030982932.jpg - (50.61KB , 570x404 , Capture.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>my equal in intelligence
Why does every lolcow think like this? She also still doesn't seem to understand that she was part in bringing it on herself. She probably won't defend herself against that, though, seeing as she thinks she can do no wrong.

I can only imagine how Ari is taking all of her shit she's inevitably giving him right now because he's a pansy who can't stand up for himself, even when some other guy hits on his girlfriend.
>> No. 37710
haha Yep.

Pretty much confirms that "Robin" isn't her, since she has said nothing about breaking up with him or posting here.

My guess is it's Ari.
>> No. 37711
>About Bird Kiya Galasdian

>Chicken Toucher

That's a new name for it.
>> No. 37712
>the second last line
Trying so hard.
>> No. 37713
Protip: Always make fake accounts for shit. Never use similar names, multiple passwords, etc etc.
>> No. 37715
Requesting bird nudes
>> No. 37716
Apparently Ari is too retarded to figure out how to delete a thread. Not that it would matter.

We know you are still here, Ari. Just talk to us, bro.
>> No. 37717
Gross. Closest you are going to get.

She's underage.
>> No. 37718
Too bad he namefagged. "Robert Wayne Stiles" would have been so fitting.
>> No. 37719
Haha, indeed, Robert, indeed.
>> No. 37720
>She's underage.
Your point being?
>> No. 37721
Go back to fucking /b/ if you want child pornography, homosexual deviant.
>> No. 37722
She's 18 actually.
>> No. 37723
Where do you see that? Ari is 16.
>> No. 37724

>> No. 37725
>Go back to fucking /b/ if you want child pornography, homosexual deviant.
Hi jew, great epic ween you got there. Rustled? Get some soothing cream.
>> No. 37726
File 134031056322.png - (12.43KB , 494x237 , faybo.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Proof broski.
>> No. 37727
Oh yeah, forgot about that. My mistake, unless he's lying on that. Are you supposed to be 18 to register a Tumbler or where ever that is from?

Anyway, no idea why anyone would want to see this ugly snaggletooth bitch nude.
>> No. 37728
Okay, go ahead and post some nudes of 16 year old girls here. See how long they last before you are banned. I mean, surely I am the only person that would object to that kind of cocks being on /cwc/, right?
>> No. 37729
What the fuck, she celebrated being 6 months past 18?
>> No. 37730

Sure is Robert Ford
>> No. 37731
Curiousity I guess, it's a freak show thing.
>> No. 37732
>> No. 37733
Yeah, only Robert Ford would not want to jump at the chance to see nude girls under 18.
>> No. 37734
http://threefoldpapilla.tumblr.com/ ari's tumblr
>> No. 37735
Post them.
>> No. 37736
>> No. 37737
Been posted several time, bud.
>> No. 37738
old news
>> No. 37739

No, but only he would be such a raging moralfag about it.
>> No. 37740
Telling you to go back to /b/ if you want pictures of nude underage girls makes me a moralfag huh? New to me.
>> No. 37741
File 134031113217.png - (56.52KB , 685x364 , newbanner.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A fitting epitaph to the whole sad story.
>> No. 37742
File 134031114195.jpg - (49.52KB , 500x320 , fainting-couch-george-du-maurier.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>dizzy spells
Really, what the fuck. Spergs and their faux-Victorian shit. I have a pretty high tolerance for bullshit but trying to read those logs on Pastebin was utterly unbearable, hearing Sheridan and OP and Bird out-spast each other about who was "playing a game," who's an "equal," I don't even fucking know.

So how do we get Sheridan into the Ari/Bird stonecutters?
>> No. 37743
Calm down, Bird. We'll see them eventually. A whore of your proportions couldn't possibly keep nudes off the net.
>> No. 37744
godamn, stop sperging fucking pedos. stop derailing the goddamn thread
>> No. 37745
Cool sage.
>> No. 37746
We need his email or something, I would love for him to see this thread.
>> No. 37747
Sounds like abunch of liberal pedo lovers in this thread LOL
>> No. 37748

>So how do we get Sheridan into the Ari/Bird stonecutters?

He already is, this whole story was an epic doubletrolling by Sheridan right from the start. How do you think Introman got their details?
>> No. 37749
>> No. 37750


moving...on their own!
>> No. 37751

confirmed for iconoclast
>> No. 37752
Nu uh
>> No. 37753
I really am curious how Introman got this one. Granted, the genius used real names, and unique names at that...but was it that easy?
>> No. 37754
Been wondering that myself. I guess his Google fu is stong as fuck. At first I thought these surely had to be people from Philly he recognized, but they are all the way on the other side of the country.
>> No. 37755
File 134031167377.jpg - (6.52KB , 187x269 , images.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, Ari, you've told your stories, now to fulfill your name-sake I'd like to make a request to see some examples of your famous fedora fashion.
>> No. 37756
zoey here.
Ari and Bird are probably going to have to break up now because of you

not like you're getting it, now.

friends sometimes come up with stupid excuses to hang out for fun. You would know that if you had friends.
>> No. 37757
Yeah, Ari. Come back and show a pic of you with a fedora, and a shoe on top of the fedora, and we will delete the thread.

You have already been OBLIVERATEed, you might as well come and talk to us about it.
>> No. 37758
Nice try Robert Wayne Stiles, the real zoey had a trip.
>> No. 37759

>> No. 37760
File 134031179529.jpg - (26.26KB , 309x344 , 28450-08.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Fedora or GTFO
>> No. 37761

>Ari and Bird are probably going to have to break up now because of you

>implying they didn't bring this shit to us

It's not our fault they're both functionally retarded.
>> No. 37762
If true good for him, she's an ugly psycho shit stain.
>> No. 37763
>Ari and Bird are probably going to have to break up now because of you

Man, if relationships built around tricking retards won't last, no wonder the divorce rate has skyrocketed.
>> No. 37764
I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt for a moment. I would prefer you posted with your trip, but I think you are probably unfamiliar with chans and Ari showed you how, so that is why I am going to be open to the possibility for a moment.

This is not our faults. Your friend came to us. You invitied this upon yourselves. If you didn't want this to happen, you shouldn't have posted a story like this here in the first place.
>> No. 37765
So it's cool your crew are into trolling, you guys won't mind it if I print some of this out and leave them around Eugene? You guys hang out at the Wandering Goat on Madison?
>> No. 37766
What made you think this was a good idea?
>> No. 37767
Ahhhhh shit. You guys are fucked now. We got a Robert Wayne Stiles in Eugene.
>> No. 37768
Nice trip bro
>> No. 37769
  lol pokemon tattoo
>> No. 37770

Is that her Youtube?
>> No. 37771
Ah shit finding utoobs now
>> No. 37772
>> No. 37773
mmmm inbread chicken eggs
>> No. 37774
it's her mom's account
>> No. 37775
I still think the kid's parents should know that he's tarred the family name by conspiring to mock a retard.
>> No. 37776
Her moms Youtube channel where the videos are


Be sure to say hi and where you're from!
>> No. 37777
Yeah and forcing his girlfriend to cocktease him.
>> No. 37778
  Mmmmmmmmmm look at that sexy pasty clevage
>> No. 37779
  Ppushu Ppushu!

videos on channel also seem to confirm her name really is Bird.
>> No. 37780
Bird, are you really gonna break up with Ari?

Because that would be hilarous.
>> No. 37781
Man all her videos are full of USI
>> No. 37782
God fucking bless whoever told this guy to make his own thread in the IRL lolcows thread.

Bless you sir.
>> No. 37783
her mom's dox

Jody L Rose
(541) 515-6983
1557 Sequoia Ave
Springfield, OR 97477-7670
>> No. 37784
File 134031332213.jpg - (26.13KB , 510x383 , shit-storm-meme-generator-thar-be-a-shitstorm-a-br.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The shitstorm is only gaining power!
>> No. 37785
Excellent. That is most likely her dox as well because I would bet anything she lives with her mother.

So to recap:

Ari's dox

Phone: (541) 844-1593
780 E 38th Ave
Eugene, OR 97405-4528

His fathers law office:
Alan J. Leiman

(541) 345-2376

576 Olive St
Eugene, OR 97401-2642

Bird's dox:

Mother: Jody L Rose
(541) 515-6983
1557 Sequoia Ave
Springfield, OR 97477-7670
>> No. 37786
Well there is kind of age proof that she is 18+, you have to be 18+ to get a tattoo in the United States...
>> No. 37787
Did we ever figure out OP's girlfriends name?
>> No. 37788
You can get them younger if you are accompanied by a parent and have their permission.

But yeah, I'm sure she is 18.
>> No. 37789
Oh my god... have you not read the thread.

It's Bird Kiya Galasdian. Everyone has been doxed but Zoey.
>> No. 37790
Don't forget Sheridan.

and Robin.
>> No. 37791
Some homosexual deviants will have been too lazy to read this but so far we have Zoey's facebook.

>> No. 37792
I kind of imagine at this point anyone dox'd here gets a call from the real Robert Wayne Stiles asking to join his Wraith army.
Hope Ari and Bird's parents are cool with harem maps.
>> No. 37793
Perhaps Bird and Ari can give us more, Trannies are usually fun so if they throw us a bone we could ease off them.
>> No. 37794
I wouldn't consider that even very weird. Robb tried to recruit entire My Little Board board from 4chan and some tranny trolling tumblr blog (lolwut). He also said he'd ask A-Log to join if he could reach him. Feared Warlord Wraith's pretty desperate, you see.
>> No. 37795
This is the worst backfire I've ever seen from /cwc/.
>> No. 37796
Say, do you know why you are called "Robert Wayne Stiles"?

That's the worst backfire in /cwc/. Robert jumped from total obscurity into a colossal lolcow featured on ED in the matter of days. But this is pretty bad too.
>> No. 37797
I wonder if he saw this coming. If he did, I owe him 5 blowjobs.
>> No. 37798
ED page for Bird and Ari?
>> No. 37799
I am getting:

The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page.
>> No. 37800
I think you have to log into facebook
>> No. 37801
can we please not forget about Sheridan
>> No. 37802
It's working for me, leads to a page about a Mr. Steven Gudgel.
>> No. 37803
Oh, yep. Steven Gudgel. Too bad he doesn't have any pics of himself.
>> No. 37804
I can't believe this kid didn't even change the names. Used his gfs real name and his friends real Tranny name. And he was shy about giving info on Sheridan. This is too funny.
>> No. 37805
It's the least attention whoring Tranny I've ever heard of.
>> No. 37806
Never change, /cwc/. This is great.
>> No. 37807
best thread in ages. cheers ari
>> No. 37808
The channel views on Bird's mother's youtube have jumped up a notch.
>> No. 37809
Just wait till she finds out why
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