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No. 37810
  So, in the last A-Log thread, we encountered a bunch of weeners called "The Troll Posse". Now that we've found out about a group of people who are out A-Logging A-Log, how about we dig for more dirt on these fine gents. Vid related as it's some stupid rant about frat boys.

Expand all images
>> No. 37811
So is this just one guy or are there a whole bunch of spergs?
>> No. 37812
Well, found more vids involving the Trollposse not deleted yet.

>> No. 37813
I checked the Webs.com site and it said to e-mail the creator at [email protected] So, I'm guessing it's a hivemind of autism.
>> No. 37814

These guys are really fucking gay. So how should we go about this, I feel the need to copy and mirror these vids in case they get removed.
>> No. 37815

Then do it, stickbundle.
>> No. 37816

It's a group of sperging.

So far, there's






Probably some others.

Those found via them doing group commentaries about shit.

Oh, there's this too.

>> No. 37817
Do we have any of their dox? I'd really like to hurt their various families.
>> No. 37818
Pretty sure if we let them know how A-log like they are, that would result in the most damage.
>> No. 37819

There was this in last thread:

Jean Jacob Comtois
>> No. 37820

GTFO Tacowiz.
>> No. 37821

Oh, from

Windsor Ontario Canada
>> No. 37822
Any phone numbers yet?
>> No. 37823
homosexual deviant
>> No. 37824
I remember The Friendly Baron. He made a commentary sperging about A-Log, didn't he?
>> No. 37825
File 134062229026.png - (51.24KB , 240x240 , Anti-UTF Logo.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Listen here homosexual deviants, Everyone at the troll posse isn't involved with fucking a-log or whatever only baron so stop getting us involved because we didn't do shit, thank you. P.S Dox me plz.
>> No. 37826
File 134062273294.jpg - (101.06KB , 355x355 , Jimmyraped.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It's too late for that, we're gonna dig up the body of your deceased dog, roll you up in a carpet and throw it off a bridge.
>> No. 37827
>Dox me plz

Well, you heard what he said.
>> No. 37828
Troll posse sounds so autistic everyone involved with it has to be a homosexual deviant.
>> No. 37830
Oh fuck. Please follow this up. Please. I need something as bad as Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 37831
OP of A-Log wiki thread. Wow, I'm so glad I posted that up now. I mean, the prospects of an A-Log wiki are great, and I knew we would attract trollshielders, but I never knew it would be this quick.

Now, why does 'thefriendlybaron' sound so familiar to me? I could have sworn his YouTube or something had been posted here and ridiculed before.
>> No. 37832
PLEASE let this be the real ChickenNoodlesauce

If you are, you are a massive homosexual deviant "hey ma, look at me, i'm trollin!" trollshiedling wanker. Weren't you in that lame ass St. Patrick's Day Massacre YouTube "troll" group that known pedo and butthurt commentator extrordinare Archfiend put together? Who is that guy in your little symbol, Undertaker something?

You would do well not to challenge people here.
>> No. 37833
I knew there was something familiar about these homosexual deviants.
>> No. 37834
It was. He made a commentary video entitled 'The Epic Rant' about A-Log.

It was posted up here, either by Friendly Baron himself or by someone who'd found his video. There was some discussion over whether or not he was a Captain Crazy-esque troll, based on how bad the production qualities of the video were, with some people thinking that perhaps he was intentionally trying to be bad and autistic. But, no, it turns out that he was being deadly serious.

One of the funniest things about him was that he used a logo in his video that'd obviously been made after over 9000 hours of painstaking work in MS Paint, in which he misspelled his own trolling moniker as 'The Friedly Baron'.

The video was taken down and removed shortly after the thread was made, however.
>> No. 37835

He was once a part of TheArchfiend's pathetic troll gang, but now he instead trollshields by attacking YT ranters like TheArchfiend, Undertakerfreak1127, and Cammehyabams. He also wrote an ED page for UTF that just screams "HEY GUISE I AM EPIC WEEN TROLL PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!!" http://encyclopediadramatica.se/Undertakerfreak1127
>> No. 37836
Ah yes, I remember now. I didn't know that he was connected to these other YouTube wannabe epic ween trolls though.
>> No. 37837
Yeah, I read that page once. Fucking awful, it was quite obvious it was written by ChickenNoodleFag
>> No. 37838
File 13406502972.jpg - (184.14KB , 640x484 , TheTrollPosse.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 37839
File 134065256521.jpg - (32.76KB , 600x399 , Fags.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 37840
So I guess it's safe to assume that the guy demanding privileges on the A-Log wiki in the last thread was Friendly Baron or another member of their crew?
>> No. 37841
>> No. 37842
Oops, didn't mean to trip in this thread, in case anyone was confused, I'm not OP of this one.
>> No. 37843
So, thefriendlybaron's A-Log commentary was posted on here and everyone laughed and called him an autistic loser. So, he removed the video. But then he approaches /cwc/ to join his trollposse and when everyone laughs at that and instead targets his trollposse, ChickenDoodleSauce bursts in and tells us to back off and leave his trollposse alone and even challenges us to dox him. Goddamn, the stupidity and autism is mind blowing! These homosexual deviants are even worse than Ari and Bird.
>> No. 37844
File 134066096985.png - (117.93KB , 980x400 , cds 2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
While i'm here could you guys give me some money so I can buy a fleshlight? Thanks kids!
>> No. 37845
Please do not dox me big burly men. I don't want internet tryhards to try and ruin my families!! Can't wait for more insults like homosexual deviants coming from these big burly men.
>> No. 37846
>internet tryhards

You made a commentary on A-Log and you're part of a fucking trollposse and we're the tryhards in this?
>> No. 37847
gets mad a site name
declares war and wants dox of homosexual deviants
internet tryhard
>> No. 37848

The autism levels are off the charts!
>> No. 37849
insert autism joke, become awesome! don't overuse my joke by the way homosexual deviant lol try hard to get them dox
>> No. 37850
Troll Posse, admit it, ya fucked up.
>> No. 37851

They'll never admit it. In their minds, they're amazing troll Gods and we're just "internet tryhards".
>> No. 37852
maybe if we all gathered around, started up a forum topic and discussed how to get dox while failing to do so, sounds good to me. lol please don't ruin my families!
>> No. 37853
Thing is, if they want to be awesome trollan gods, why don't they share the information they've got about A-Log, since they've apparently been in contact with him for so long.

I mean, they must have something, right?
>> No. 37854
If this group of homosexual deviants could go ahead and do something that would be great. maybe baron will actually show up in this forum
>> No. 37855
wtf is an alog homosexual deviant
>> No. 37856
If this group of homosexual deviants could go ahead and do something that would be great. maybe baron will actually show up in this forum
The fuck are you wittering on about, Friendly Baron?
>> No. 37857
Yeah, we totally fucked up by doing nothing... cum your logic all over my face please, thank you
>> No. 37858
>> No. 37859
You fucked up by coming to the A-Log wiki screeching for privileges, then trying to recruit for your epic ween plans to troll A-Log which totally, definitely woul've worked u guise 4 cereal.
>> No. 37860
You can maybe attempt to redeem yourself if you provide solid A-Log cocks. Or, you can retire from trolling forever.
>> No. 37861
Whatever alog is, we got it so you fags won't get it back til we get some dox
>> No. 37862
"Or, you can retire from trolling forever."
>> No. 37863
You children are playing with fire, just a fair warning. Just ask Ari.
>> No. 37864
Get what back? No one here trolls A-Log, retard.
>> No. 37865
"you children are playing with fire"

dox me homosexual deviant
>> No. 37866
If you don't get my dox then you guys can retire from trolling thank you.
>> No. 37867
look we dont want a war with you guys. just leave us alone and we wont be forced to dox each and every one of you. especially the fag who calls himself zyklon.
>> No. 37868
OK, does Friendly Baron legit have a learning disability or something? I can't understand anything he's trying to say. Can one of his less developmentally delayed epic ween trollan colleagues translate?
>> No. 37869
you homosexual deviants couldnt troll you way out of a paper bag. we run shit. we run youtube. zyklon is a wannabe troll homosexual deviant who couldnt dox shit. so is introman.
>> No. 37871
This. Show us all the awesome A-Log conntent you've got, Troll Posse. Maybe then we'll forget what monumental homosexual deviants you all are.
>> No. 37872
zyklon is my bitch fyi
>> No. 37873
You guys look I'll suck your dicks I dont want trouble please! I'll give you my dox if you leave me alone!
>> No. 37874
Yeah. If you guys really want to prove how awesome you are, why don't you get what no one else here has been able to for years. The original A-Log CWC stand up video.
>> No. 37875
I don't know how to tell you this other then dox me homosexual deviants
>> No. 37876
How awesome can a group of teenagers who call themselves Troll Posse and St. Patricks Day Massacre and used to pal around with the massive fag Archfiend really be?

Not at all.
>> No. 37877
>ChickenDoucheFag and TheFaggyBaron beg to be doxed

Famous last words.
>> No. 37878
Connent or GTFO
>> No. 37879

Man someone is RAGING haha but i'm still waiting for the grand reveal of my doxing
>> No. 37880
I bet This guy isn't baron
>> No. 37881
"Connent or GTFO"
>> No. 37882
You homosexual deviants don't scare me. Traitor homosexual deviants, I'll troll you all into submission.
>> No. 37883
Hey guys, If you want to dox me I gave you a head start, this is my real name... now...DOX ME FUCKERS!
>> No. 37884
Why don't you guys drop all the awesome con.tent that you have from trolling A-Log? Until then, you're just some tryhard epic weeners.

And who said anything about doxing you?
>> No. 37885
That's Archfiends name. We aren't retarded.
>> No. 37887
Ok, retards, this isn't difficult. Do you have conntent or not? If you do, give it up. If you don't, GTFO.
>> No. 37888
He's been here before, he is the one who originally posted his video here awhile back. Not to mention, he had to be lurking here to have contacted Zyklon on Skype in the first place, he posted his username in the A-Log wiki thread. Not hard to believe it's him and his gay little friend posting here.
>> No. 37889
oh aren't you?
detective over here
>> No. 37891
You cunts cant dox me here's my real name: Jeremy ___
>> No. 37892
>> No. 37893
It's so typical.

The Troll Pussies COULD totally redeem themselves here. They've mentioned that they've been in trusted contact with A-Log for a long, long time. Presumably, they must have tonnes of khantent, the thing /cwc/ loves most in all the world.

They could easily drop the khantent they have and everything'd be cool. Simple.

But they won't, because they'd rather spend their time arguing with /cwc/ to show how cool and hardcore they are.
>> No. 37894
Uh huh. You seem to assume that anyone here would give a shit about you and your posse of underage fags enough to put in even a mild effort to dox you.
>> No. 37895
I guarentee you they don't have shit. These kids obviously have no idea how trolling works. They haven't thought to get any con.tent, they just made friends with him so they could inevitably yell "WE TROLLED U SO HARD xDDD JULLLLAAAAAAAY JULLLLLLAAAAAAY".
>> No. 37896
Why are you homosexual deviants still mention alog as if somebody cares? Seriously get to the doxing
>> No. 37897
No, they don't have shit. Did you hear how they have MONITORED him and planned to make him make kahtent.

In other words: Terrible amount of effort, no cocks. Hi Anthos Stonecutters.
>> No. 37898
So the veiled threats pertain to...?
u gonna beat me up?
>> No. 37899
Because that is the only reason you were even notable enough to be posted here in the first place. No one would give half a fuck about you if you hadn't made nice and probably had cyber sex with A-Log.
>> No. 37900
What veiled threats? This is an anonymous image board, no one speaks for the whole board.
>> No. 37901
I have autism, fuck you
>> No. 37902
I'm sick and tired of trolls trying to hack my fucking computer! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!
>> No. 37903
Man you homosexual deviants sure do love alog's cock, please dox somebody cuz this is getting boring
>> No. 37904
K you troll homosexual deviants win ill leave you alone. I already have dox on spdm. delete your skype moron
>> No. 37905
These fags are below even the Anthos PVCC crew. They call themselves TROLL POSSE for fucks sake. If that doesn't scream epin, I don't know what would.
>> No. 37906
Yeah guys, why are we still talking about a really popular, high profile lolcow who just had a wiki made about him? Who cares?

Epin troll high school faggits, that's what we really wanna know more about.
>> No. 37907
Who said anything about doxing you?
>> No. 37908
All of these threats and even more backpedalling
>> No. 37909
A FUCKING WIKI? shit this changes everything!
>> No. 37910
Why are you comparing me to Chris Chan? I'M NOT FUCKING CHRIS CHAN! CHRIS CHAN WAS WAY WORSE THAN ME!!! JUST FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!
>> No. 37911
Vote Obama 2012!
>> No. 37912
"Do we have any of their dox? I'd really like to hurt their various families"

>> No. 37913
Who made threats? I never threatened you.
>> No. 37914
Between this thread and the sheridan one, I'd say it's safe to say that summer has arrived.
>> No. 37915
>> No. 37916
File 134066681939.png - (164.79KB , 720x404 , 1295376489950.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is my favorite thread on /cwc/ right now.
>> No. 37917
File 134066682015.jpg - (273.07KB , 800x533 , anonmuss leguan.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No. 37918
Yeah, as I said, this is an anonymous image board. That person might not even be on right now. Not to mention, talking about hurting your family is an inside joke here on /cwc/, in reference to a kid named Tacowiz.
>> No. 37919
implying anyone is part of that group lol
man this site is full of homosexual deviants
>> No. 37920
How could you tell? You gonna ban these homosexual deviants any time soon?
>> No. 37921
"Yeah, as I said, this is an anonymous image board. That person might not even be on right now. Not to mention, talking about hurting your family is an inside joke here on /cwc/, in reference to a kid named Tacowiz."

aww inside jokes that all 7 of you know
>> No. 37922
please don't!!! I want to see the doxing and this stupid troll site getting doxed! haha
>> No. 37923
OP here, are you cocksuckers going to give out khantent or not?
>> No. 37924
inb4 introman comes in, drops dox, then leaves again
>> No. 37925
can we get to the attacking of the website and shit instead of worrying about some alog fag
>> No. 37926
File 134066708794.jpg - (18.11KB , 480x360 , l.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey guys! Look at my pic! Don't I look sexy? ; )
>> No. 37927

You guys are the biggest fags I've ever seen. Who agrees with me?
>> No. 37928
inb4 some fag leaves info that was linked all over some other homosexual deviants youtube channel
>> No. 37929
Awwwwwww the widdle Troll Posse fags sound butthurt that we are laughing at how tryhard wannabe troll epic weeners they are.

Cry moar, pussies.
>> No. 37930
Does anybody else get the feeling that the Troll Posse have started to think that if they can't have their e-fame as master trolls, e-fame as lolcows is just as good?
>> No. 37931
Jesus Christ, the homosexual deviantry ITT is off the charts.
>> No. 37932
Attacking what website?
>> No. 37933
File 134066720619.jpg - (20.96KB , 480x360 , efs.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's another sexy pic of me ; ) Do you like me?
>> No. 37934
This board has a userbase of around 60 people, more in the summer.
>> No. 37935
can someone insert the alog fag into my ass and provide cocks please
>> No. 37936
>introman can't dox for shit

Haha oh wow
>inb4 Hi introman
>> No. 37937
File 134066733370.jpg - (4.03KB , 150x113 , rw.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Are you liking my pix? Don't I look drop dead beautiful?
>> No. 37938
These newfags don't even know how to trip or quote a post. Epic ween guys, you sure trolled us hard.
>> No. 37939
Take it down homosexual deviant
>> No. 37940
i'm crying deep inside :(
>> No. 37941
File 134066744014.jpg - (23.58KB , 600x450 , 2321.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
We're getting sexy now aren't we?
>> No. 37942
File 134066744666.jpg - (99.67KB , 575x356 , jolly nazis.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hi guys, what's going on in this thread?

[25.6.2012 5:42:45] thefriendlybaron: hello
[25.6.2012 5:42:45] thefriendlybaron: yes
[25.6.2012 5:42:47] Kombat-Unit: someone in /cwc/ irc mentioned "Jean Jacob Comtois", familiar with him?
[25.6.2012 5:42:51] thefriendlybaron: :O
[25.6.2012 5:43:02] thefriendlybaron: who is that
[25.6.2012 5:43:33] Kombat-Unit: I dunno, A-Log's friend?
[25.6.2012 5:43:53] thefriendlybaron: what bord?
[25.6.2012 5:44:05] Kombat-Unit: what?
[25.6.2012 5:44:16] Georgie Boy: Hey Baron, they posted your website on /cwc/
[25.6.2012 5:44:17] thefriendlybaron: where is this post at
[25.6.2012 5:44:23] thefriendlybaron: what website
[25.6.2012 5:44:29] Georgie Boy: your troll thing
[25.6.2012 5:44:40] thefriendlybaron: ?
[25.6.2012 5:44:45] Georgie Boy: troll posse?
[25.6.2012 5:44:47] thefriendlybaron: i am alog's friend
[25.6.2012 5:44:49] thefriendlybaron: and that guy
[25.6.2012 5:44:52] thefriendlybaron: how are they getting this info

[25.6.2012 4:55:44] thefriendlybaron: THEY KNOW
[25.6.2012 4:55:49] Georgie Boy: a call of yours was posted on /cwc/
[25.6.2012 4:56:10] thefriendlybaron: take it down
[25.6.2012 4:56:11] Kombat-Unit: yes, I was requested to inform /cwc/
[25.6.2012 4:56:14] Kombat-Unit: good night fokes
[25.6.2012 4:56:14] thefriendlybaron: take it down
[25.6.2012 4:56:22] thefriendlybaron: take it down
[25.6.2012 4:56:33] thefriendlybaron: it will fuck everything up

thefriendlybaron: tell him for me
thefriendlybaron: too
thefriendlybaron: please god
thefriendlybaron: we can't let this get out
thefriendlybaron: we can't let anthony know

Skype name: TheTwiDragon
Born: April 30 1995
Powerword: Matt
Lives in Virginia (World sure is a small place)
>> No. 37943
Dear god remove everything about me!
>> No. 37944
>worrying about some alog fag
Oh, you mean the guy you were hoping to make a big name for yourself by trolling? The guy you befriended and chatted to on Skype, night after night, for months BECAUSE YOU HAET HIM SOOOOOO MUCH?
>> No. 37945
I'll have this site shut down, dead ass
>> No. 37946

>> No. 37947
>> No. 37948
You won't have shit shut down, fag. You know how many times we have heard that?
>> No. 37949
PLEASE i'll do whatever you want just remove those pictures!
>> No. 37950
>> No. 37951
Look MOTHERFUCKERS, you've taken this way further than you need to like a bunch of fucking assholes, and now you fucked up. I can have all your shit by tomorrow you cunts... sweet dreams motherfuckers
>> No. 37952
File 134066770491.jpg - (38.15KB , 600x800 , ME.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey guys, This is sketch... do you like this pic of me?
>> No. 37953
I have some alog stuff i can provide you some information about his family members?!
>> No. 37954

Yeah, we'll be sitting here waiting. You don't and never will have shit. You shouldn't have come here with your faggy friend talking shit and making threats.
>> No. 37955
who made threats big burly man?!?
>> No. 37956
>> No. 37957
Nope. Fucking with you guys is funnier than fucking with A-Log.

Go ahead and drop it though. Couldn't hurt.
>> No. 37958
You heard me bitch.
Pull the fuck back
>> No. 37959
Oh, NOW they decide to drop cocks.

Guess what, faggits? We ain't interested no more. Just a passing fancy, nothing more.
>> No. 37960
You did. Anyway, what do you guys have to say for yourselves now?
>> No. 37961
Dear god I have a job that I have to deal with I can't deal with these trolls in here too! What will it take to get on your good side!?
>> No. 37962
Nope. Not gonna happen. We aren't scared of epic ween tryhard homosexual deviants, sorry. We have been threatened with trolling, the police, physical violence, you name it. We've never removed anything before and we won't start with you.
>> No. 37963
Dox us. Come at us, bro.
>> No. 37964
File 134066798982.jpg - (25.59KB , 360x360 , trollcapreached.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 37965
you dox us first big burly man!
>> No. 37966
I have the resources to OBLIVERATE you
>> No. 37967
File 134066801318.jpg - (25.69KB , 422x500 , jolly sturmman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>take it down NOW NOW NOW NOW
It's almost as if Robb never left.

Implying he did. Hi Robb.
>> No. 37968
Then do it. Use your resources to obliverate us, pussy. Please.
>> No. 37969

It's OBLITERATE, you dumbass. Learn to English.
>> No. 37970
>> No. 37972
You don't have shit. Come on, take this site and have it shut down and OBLIVERATEed like you said. I want to see it.
>> No. 37973
File 134066818154.jpg - (150.74KB , 1212x751 , athensgeorgiashithole.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
sick house bro
>> No. 37974
I'll fucking OBLIVERATE you son
>> No. 37975
Keep talking. I'll bring the fucking hell the next time you try to post my pictures.

You dont know who i am, but i know who you all are
and let my tell you you are in some serious shit
>> No. 37976
Wow, what a shitty house. That car sure is pimp. What is that, an 84?
>> No. 37977
Who are we then? We'll post your pictures all you want.

>serious shit

Please, do shit. By all means. Put your money where you mouth is.
>> No. 37978
>post random google image
>claim it's real and doxing
>doesn't understand we are making fun of you

I want a real doxing homosexual deviant
>> No. 37979
>You dont know who i am, but i know who you all are
You know, I am just being helpful here. After Robert Wayne Stiles and Sagechu, when you try to DOX someone, please give us some names before you tell you can, actually, DOX anyone. Or else no one will believe you.
>> No. 37980
Im sorry I ever got us into this im sorry guys forgive me im done trolling forever i quit troll posse
>> No. 37981

Your threats are completely impotent here, if you can do something to stop us then you actually need to just go ahead and do it.
>> No. 37982
File 134066842151.jpg - (26.86KB , 397x299 , noob.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The photo speaks for itself:
>> No. 37983
This is accurate
>> No. 37984
Well, he's got our number.
>> No. 37985
The process will start soon, kids
>> No. 37986
I told you guys you were playing with fire.
>> No. 37987
Hi Sagechu! Hi Robb!
>> No. 37988
>> No. 37989
you got me brah
gonna cry myself to sleep now
>> No. 37990
Hopefully we're talking about minutes. Just enough time to get some popcorn and enjoy as nothing happens. As expected.
>> No. 37991

So just get on with it.
>> No. 37992
I'm still waiting on someone to explain all these pics for me
>> No. 37993
Uh huh. Prove it, fag. Until then, nothing of you comes down, and anything else we get goes up. After this thread hits 500 posts, it will be moved to /L/ and archived forever.

You will probably earn an ED article out of this too, complete with your pics and addresses, of course.
>> No. 37994
better get started spamming then *sigh*

>> No. 37995
File 134066882440.jpg - (34.17KB , 432x425 , Doctor_20wearing_20mask_2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 37996
sweet jesus you aren't gonna stop are you!!!! you devilish mad boys, naughty naughty naughty
>> No. 37997
So ChickenDouche is what, 16? 17? Figures.
>> No. 37998
File 134066904814.jpg - (463.62KB , 2048x1536 , jew.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
this is the first dox.
things will get worse.
you know who you are
>> No. 37999
Spamming? That's your big plan. Wow.
>> No. 38000
LOOK AT THAT JEWFRO, HOLY FUCK. That kid is ugly as fuck.
>> No. 38001
To hell with this I'm out of here. I'm going to go watch two dudes fuck each other.
>> No. 38002
>implying that is anyone here
>> No. 38003
Fred Savage?
>> No. 38004
Who is it, then? Come on, drop some dox.
>> No. 38005

Do you know what dox actually means? Also, no, nobody is going to start worrying about you dropping pics of random people on here.
>> No. 38006

/cwc/ -3
>> No. 38007
File 134066923226.jpg - (20.20KB , 600x450 , 1293067262015.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
trying a bit hard, are we
>> No. 38008
Alright, look, you got me. Let's call this off before my family gets hurt ok?
>> No. 38009
File 134066936399.jpg - (15.53KB , 300x400 , 162730_1399366004717_1849315375_724597_4754837_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
How's that label going,
Mike DelaFlora
>> No. 38010
File 134066944792.png - (265.11KB , 550x310 , breivik is this nigga serious.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You know, if you want to DOX people, include their tripfag name, or something. No one knows who the fuck Steven is.
>> No. 38011
>> No. 38012
Who the fuck are these kids he is posting?
>> No. 38013
Don't ban us we want to see more of this lulzfest
>> No. 38014
So is everyone getting doxed individually?

This is going to take awhile.
>> No. 38015
You can still see the board if you get banned, you just can't post.
>> No. 38016
His class mates is my guess. I think he's trying to make us believe he's DOXing Roberts here.
>> No. 38017
>posting random pics of kids who may or may not have ever posted here

Wow, this shit is too funny. Are we sure this guy isn't just taking the piss?
>> No. 38018
File 134066964612.jpg - (20.45KB , 350x375 , 667.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Never in the field of trolling conflict has so much ween been shown to so many by so few.
>> No. 38019
NO I'M LEGIT homosexual deviant
>> No. 38020
you're unfunny, stop posting
>> No. 38021
File 134066974026.jpg - (18.43KB , 420x315 , PLEASEDONTHURTME.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Alright Baron I surrender here is my pic

Don't hurt my dog!
>> No. 38022
I like to give people the benefit of doubt. But after it was proven Robert was genuine, I'm inclined to believe these people are serious.
>> No. 38023


At least rename the file if you're going to save random pics off chans that you want to pass off as people on here. Hold on, why the fuck did you save that pic in the first place?
>> No. 38024
>no one uses a trip
>> No. 38025
File 134066997179.jpg - (61.12KB , 504x360 , You may not be as gay as this but dammit you'.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, coming from the people who define porn as "two guys fucking", is it a surprise if it turns out they're all flaming f­aggots fapping to pictures stolen from /fit/?
>> No. 38026
Steven is a really common name. He's just throwing that name out there to rustle the jimmies of any Stevens who might be reading. Or, you know, just an attempt to rustle jimmies in general. Because OH HOLY SHIT! STEVEN! THAT'S A NAME! A REAL IRL NAME THAT SOMEBODY MIGHT HAVE! ON AN IMAGEBOARD!
>> No. 38027
http://www.trollposse.webs.com PLZ GO THAR K THX BAI!
>> No. 38028
>The Epic Chatroom

>> No. 38029
>see IPs of everyone who visits
:3 Even then it would be pretty pointless because...well, it's just a bunch of IPs. And "I know one of these fifty IPs belongs to you!" isn't real DOXing.
>> No. 38030
File 134067016849.jpg - (84.83KB , 550x734 , lolepicweentrollmasterlolol.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That's right. I've pics of ALL of you homosexual deviants! Are you scared yet, JOHN SMITH?!?!
>> No. 38031
>posting random images of some wankers who have never posted here

Try harder, TheFaggyBaron.
>> No. 38032
What the fuck are they going to do with anyones IP? These epic weeners couldn't packet shit.
>> No. 38033
File 134067027839.jpg - (33.04KB , 307x409 , tumblr_lylbi8gthA1qb6zqw.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>mfw when I'm John Smith.
>> No. 38034
Ebin Woon
>> No. 38035

>Good luck, I'm behind 7 proxies
>> No. 38036
> ping 9000
>> No. 38037
Ahahaha haha weeeeeeeeeeeeeen
>> No. 38038
Thefriendlybaron, ChickenDoodleSauce, you two are the biggest WEEN homosexual deviants that I've ever met. With you two around it's like Rob never stopped posting.
>> No. 38039

so much epin ween
>> No. 38040
How fucking DARE you threaten to remove me from the troll posse! I AM the troll posse! Without me you are all a bunch of fucking posers. You just try and remove me, you homosexual deviant. Go on, I fucking DARE you.
>> No. 38041
Those are some really nice screen caps. I zoomed in and they ALL read Loud and Clear in good quality.
>> No. 38042
>After having a whopping total of two people mention we were on some cwc page, I decided to check it out to find out the obvious: assburgers. Literally assburgers everywhere. This thread has some spergs trying to find dox on us and other things, which should have been easy to find some of it since my fucking name is in my skype username (protrolls getting work done). These spergs have the amazing ability of referring to baron and doodle as gay people which is pretty manly since we call them the same thing everyday just about. I'm still surprised at how much people get offended at the name of the site. At first I had the same reaction as the spergs in this thread, but after seeing all the tryhard trolls get so pissed at it, I can't complain. The only thing it seems these tryhards are trying to get is baron since he went after some guy named alog but if the tryhards would like to go to baron's site they can just click the button for the wordpress site on the homepage. Remember not to kill yourself when they call you a homo :(


>Here is the link to the forum. Also baron, if you ever refer to yourself as part of this website again I will remove you from everything homosexual deviant. Please go on more forums and proclaim you are part of a homosexual deviant group and then proceed to kill yourself while you are at it. Screencaps in case of assburgers.
>> No. 38043

so much a-log
>> No. 38044
Oh, the delicious Inner Drama.
>> No. 38045
4 dislikes on my videos?
>alog did it
>> No. 38046
>Your name sounds like it was invented by a middle schooler, trying way too hard
Dat autism.
>> No. 38047
>These spergs have the amazing ability of referring to baron and doodle as gay people which is pretty manly since we call them the same thing everyday just about
So it's pretty much confirmed.
>> No. 38048
>> No. 38049
Bravo. Aside from the high school homosexual deviants this made me laugh.
>> No. 38050

The funniest thing about that little rant is that we could easily take what they said, change it just a bit and it would perfectly describe them. They act like we're nothing more than tryhards yet they're the ones that act like they're such amazing trolls when they haven't done anything. Also, because a couple of people joked about doxing them they're constantly calling us tryhards. Meanwhile, they're throwing around random names and pics hoping that it will scare us. These epic ween kiddies are the fucking definition of tryhard.
>> No. 38051
This thread gave me a tryhard boner. I love it so mychie
>> No. 38052
>> No. 38053

Hey Baron, when's your next commentary?
>> No. 38054
it will be next week about the evil 789 trolls
>> No. 38055
>> No. 38056
you aren't funny bro, you can stop now.

This thread was great, seeing Baron piss his pants while that other autistic kid ChickenDouche wrote in a barely readable misspelled gibberish was good times, guys. But looks like it has run out of steam. I'm going back to Skyrim.
>> No. 38057

Sup, J...I mean Thorg.
>> No. 38058
good pussy out and play gay games, i'll just gather all your docs into a spreadsheat
>> No. 38059
Do you know how to use a trip?
>> No. 38060
File 134067523645.png - (51.39KB , 278x207 , trollposse logo.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Bad ass.
>> No. 38061

It's like nakama the next generation. I haven't even saved any of their videos. It's not even worth it.
>> No. 38062
Nah, not Thorg. But he does have good taste.

That's not the real GayBaron, it's some retard who thinks he's funny.
>> No. 38063
rage some moar plz my penis is evolving
>> No. 38064
inb4 Sagechu, Robb, Ari, Aryeh, and Jacob meet IRL and roll around in toxic waste in an attempt to gain super powers so they can attack Sean's servers.
>> No. 38065
>implying anyone is raging

Seems legit. Go ahead and keep sperging though, I'm off.
>> No. 38066
>> No. 38067
Haha, oh wow. Thefriendbaron has closed his YT account. What's wrong, Jacob? I thought you weren't afraid of us "internet tryhards".
>> No. 38068
  Oh great, MrFrankCalzone is also a part of Baron's epic ween nakama.
>> No. 38069
  Holy shit, someone please download and re-upload this video. It looks like Frank Calzone is a pedo. He compared wanting to fuck little girls to an ass fetish.
>> No. 38070

Do it yourself.
>> No. 38071
lol mspaint
>> No. 38072
Over 9000 hours
>> No. 38073
>/cwc/ utterly OBLIVERATES another epic ween tryhard

Love you guys.
>> No. 38074

>You offer some very good points, but I think some of them are kind of extreme. Pedophilia is terrible, and should not be compared to an ass fetish, because, let's face it. There's nothing immoral about that. There is something wrong with getting a boner from a little girl who is evidently too young for sex.
>ShadyRepublican 10 months ago

>Look at an ass fetish and a young girl fetish a little closer. Both of them work the exact same way. They are both sexual urges and feelings brought on by the inner workings of a persons brain. Everybody has a different brain and they all work differently. Sure, one might be a bit more unacceptable than the other, based on the standards of most people, but, scientifically speaking, they are both very similar if not identical because of the way that the certain brain works.
>MrFrankCalzone in reply to ShadyRepublican 10 months ago
>> No. 38075
Here's another of their dangerous nakama I believe.
Also TheWeenBaron has deleted his Twitter as well.
So, I can't really comprehend the full ween here, so is this guy, like, the leader of their nakama?
We should maybe put their call to Zyklon up on YouTube for their mortal YT enemies to laugh at. Also, I wonder if A-Log himself would be happy to give us any info.
Join our nakama, A-Log!
>> No. 38076
So is the Archfiend involved in anyway with the ween A-Log trolling plan? I thought he was too busy raging at AVGN's internet success to do much of anything.
>> No. 38077
As far as I know, these guys are or were in a YouTube "troll" gang called St. Patrick's Day Massacre, which was started by Jamie "Archfiend" Birkett. Whether they are still friends with him, I couldn't say, but they were apparently part of the crowd that hang out on his chat room all day with him on his website, which is always populated by many 13 year old boys and, much to Archfiends pleasure, girls. He is known to send these fanboy retards out to do his bidding on YouTube, hence him starting the "troll gang" for them, despite the fact I don't think he actually ever did shit for it.
>> No. 38078
Nah, he isn't really someone who aspires to be the kind of troll these guys imagine themselves to be, he more just used kids like these to do his bidding by "trolling" his enemies on YouTube.
>> No. 38079
Isn't the Archfiend in his mid-to-late 20's? Kinda sad to be using what are apparently teenagers to do your bidding.
>> No. 38080
I'd like to know more about the background history. This is fascinating
>> No. 38081
Nope, the epic ween nakama aren't friends with TheArchfiend. In fact, they hate him. SPDM, ChickenDoodleSauce, MrFrankCalzone, and other members of the epic ween nakama used to be fans of TheArchfiend but they had a falling out with him. Now they despise TheArchfiend. ChickenDoodleSauce has made many videos bitching about TheArchfiend.
>> No. 38082
Yes, he is, and yes, it is very sad. He's also a known pedophile, as he has been known to cyber and try to hook up IRL with the underage girls in his chat room.

That's all I really know about it though, you guys can find any relevant information on Archfiends YouTube page.
>> No. 38083
Yeah, that's why I said I wasn't sure if they still were in my previous post. I thought they may have had a falling out, but I wasn't sure.
>> No. 38084
Er... That should read "Relevant background information of Archfiends ED page". Not Youtube.
>> No. 38085
  There's quite a trail of hilarity left by these fine young weens across the internet. Clearly they inspire fear wherever they tread.
>> No. 38086

what the actual fuck is going on in this thread

its like the flash is doing an autistic jigsaw puzzle, my eyes cant keep up with all this sperging
>> No. 38087

Let me explain. These epic weeners called the Troll Posse said they had A-Log con.tent. We find out that these guys are out A-Logging A-Log. We make this thread to laugh at them and perhaps get some A-Log con.tent. The main people behind the TP come on and try to pull a Kansas City Shuffle on us. It backfires hilariously. We find dox and Zyklon and his boys will probably be making an ED article shortly.
>> No. 38088
File 134068937589.jpg - (102.21KB , 590x350 , deusex2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

but what really happened to introman?
>> No. 38089

Firefox was acting buggy on my side, so I let zyklon drop the info I found on cheese dude. I forgot to tell zyklon that he lives in richmond VA.

Also working on getting more info on the devious trio of a guy, a chick and a harry potter looking tranny. Love and Hip Hop Atlanta/ Hell's Kitchen keeps me busy on monday.
>> No. 38090
Here's a few other accounts and screen names for Baron.
>I love newgrounds it is the best site ever beter than youtube!!!
With a picture for "Jacob's Works 2008," which is here http://www.youtube.com/user/Jacobsworks2008/
There's also a pic for "Jacob's Work" under this old Myspace for Baronjac, which along with Baronjac2 is another screenname used.
More of the same MS Paint sperggotry here at Jean Jacob Comtois's myspace http://www.myspace.com/jacobcomtois
A facebook for the name Jean Jacob Comtois has been deleted or changed though his likes on shit like advice memes are still visible through google.
And the Troll Posse's facebook group, not sure if it got posted yet. I don't think it'll be pertinent but I saved the other profiles liking/commenting on it in case they delete everything.
>> No. 38091
Doing god's work, son.
>> No. 38092
>Also working on getting more info on the devious trio of a guy, a chick and a harry potter looking tranny. Love and Hip Hop Atlanta/ Hell's Kitchen keeps me busy on monday.

lol sheridan saga
>> No. 38093
  Meanwhile, back at Troll Posse HQ.
>> No. 38094

Thanks for the info. Have you dug up anything on ChickenDoodleSauce yet?
>> No. 38095
So, did these homosexual deviants actually have any A-Log cocks at all?
>> No. 38096
No. They didn't understand that the point of trolling is to get cocks and instead just made friends with A-Log for no point other than to eventually say "LOL UR FAT U GOT TROLLED xD"
>> No. 38097

Nope, they became friends with A-Log but never got any cocks out of him. I'm guessing their epic ween plan was to become friends with A-Log and then one day say to him "LOL UR FAT! WE NEVER LIKED U! U GOT TROLLED! xD"
>> No. 38098
File 134072719520.jpg - (59.44KB , 500x344 , mad aryan pussy with mah accordion skills.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>We should maybe put their call to Zyklon up on YouTube for their mortal YT enemies to laugh at. Also, I wonder if A-Log himself would be happy to give us any info.
The original call lasts over an hour and I only recorded part of it. It had such EPIN moments as the troll's mom interrupting the call, him calling his friends laughing "LIKE MADMAN RISING! IM A GENIUS" (seriously) and epin trolling plans such as luring A-Log to Empire State Building...and leaving him there! j0000lay! He also legit believed ADF was Jack Thaddeus, considered himself "a fan of PVCC" and believed all that Stonecutters illuminati shit and wanted to make A-Log call out PVCC trolls including Surfshark Tito so that they would join his trolling coalition and form some sort of super-stonecutters.

Expect extended version "Captain JULAY 2: The Ween Rides Again" sometime soon.
>> No. 38099
But, the $1,000,000 question is this: Are these guys going to get a proper mention in ED.
>> No. 38100
Even if they weren't worthy of their own page, they'd make a great addition to this section: http://encyclopediadramatica.se/Epic_Ween#Epic_Ween
>> No. 38101
Sounds good, looking forward to it. Thanks for being so awesome, Zyklon.
>> No. 38102
i feel bad for thefriendlybaron's sister
>> No. 38103
Look guys, I think this has gone too far. I will stop making fun of you guys if you leave me alone please.
>> No. 38104

>> No. 38105
Nigga, u gay.

Someone come get me when he is in tears, Dawnguard DLC got released today for Skyrim, so I'mma be busy.
>> No. 38106
Hello gentlemen. I challenge you to get my dox. If you succeed, I will give you ChickenDoodleSauce's real dox. If you fail, I am closing down this site. My first name is Alexander and I live in Canada.
Good Luck!
>> No. 38107
1. Who are you?

2. Why should we give a fuck?

3. I'd like to see you shut anything down.
>> No. 38108
>implying anyone gives a shit about your gay nakama
>> No. 38109

>I am closing down this site.

Did you even read this thread? Your threats are meaningless, nobody cares about them.

>Alexander and I live in Canada.

And what the fuck is anybody supposed to do with that?
>> No. 38110
Oh good, more homosexual deviantry. popcorn.gif
>> No. 38111
The clock is ticking. You have time until Friday 9:30 p.m. EST.
>> No. 38112


>> No. 38113

>Your threats are meaningless, nobody cares about them.
>> No. 38114
I couldn't help but notice you dropped the "Dr" before the Robert Wayne Stiles.
So did they actually revoke your license or are you just trying to hide something?
>> No. 38115
File 134073964454.jpg - (31.63KB , 500x340 , herofucker.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 38116
What the hell are you talking about?

The only person here with "Dr." is Robert Ford, who is a tripfag who likes to pretend he is a black lawyer.

This is an anonymous image board, the default name for all posters is "Robert Wayne Stiles.

Way to go, you managed to be a bigger newfag than your friends.
>> No. 38117

>> No. 38118
Who said I'm their friend? Seriously, stop making up such idiotic nonsense.
I don't know but to me it kind of looks like you are afraid I'm going to spill your dox.
Additionally, I'd like to state again that I am not their friend. I am dropping CDS' dox, after all.
>> No. 38119
>Way to go, you managed to be a bigger newfag than your friends.

From their site:
>Tough guy alert: Robert's gonna hurt our families by infecting them with assburgers.

So nope.
>> No. 38120
None of them could achieve doctor statues like I could, therefor they have hid here and tried to convince everyone that people should care about them being alive. Sad state of affairs unfortunately.
>> No. 38121
Alright, drop some dox then, pussy. Let's hear it.

You know, since you obviously think all 1382 unique user posts currently on /cwc/ is one guy named Robert Wayne Stiles talking to himself, it shouldn't be that hard, right? So spill it.
>> No. 38122

Yes, we're afraid you're going to uncover the truth about Dr Robert Wayne Stiles revoked medical license.
>> No. 38123
These guys actually believe anyone here is named Robert Wayne Stiles? Ahahahah.

Protip: We have Robert Wayne Stiles dox, you can have them if you want.
>> No. 38124
Way to ignore my challenge. Once a Stiles, always a Stiles.
>> No. 38125
What challenge? The one about doxing you even though we have no idea who the fuck you are and you have given no reason why we should bother? Oh yeah, that.
>> No. 38126
File 134074019066.jpg - (12.79KB , 404x297 , laughingArtist[3].jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>stop making up such idiotic nonsense.

>I am closing down this site.
>> No. 38127
seems that these children are playing with fire and are tucking their penises in now and running scared. smart move
>> No. 38128
Our Tinychat is here:

Should be alot of people on tonight, you guys should stop by.
>> No. 38129
do it homosexual deviant
>> No. 38130
Yeah, uh huh. I have yet to see any of you epic ween fags produce anything on anybody on this site.

We are waiting. If you guys are so bad ass, dox us. Shut down the site.
>> No. 38131

>My first name is Alexander and I live in Canada.

Not enough for anyone to go on, that isn't how doxing works, dummy.
>> No. 38132
I'm waiting for some dox that didn't come from someone's twitter responses LOL
great detective work guys, don't hurt our families
>> No. 38133
Not to mention he's some nobody that no one gives a shit about. He doesn't seem to understand that.
>> No. 38134
Alright then, well we'll be waiting whenever you have used your epin resources to OBLIVERATE /cwc/.
>> No. 38135
The incentive: CDS' real dox
The challenge: getting my dox
Time's up: Friday 9:30 p.m. EST
The consequences for failing: I will close down this site permanently. No joke.
The hints: Alexander from Canada.
Also, my IP, but you guys are way too improfessional to get anything right anyway, as I was able to observe through the CDS dox debacle.
>> No. 38136
This thread is the sole evidence of obliveration. I win
>> No. 38137
>insults /cwc/s intelligence
>saying "improfessional"


Anyway, we don't give a fuck about ChickenDouche or you. Consider your offer refused. Shut down the site.
>> No. 38138
>don't give a fuck about chickendouchsauce
>tries to post his dox anyway and misses terribly

I'll buy it
>> No. 38139
File 134074060069.jpg - (71.55KB , 500x357 , item26168dc_jpg.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 38140
I didn't post shit, brah.
>> No. 38141
Way to make fun of my migration background. Maybe that's the only thing you can do right.
To be honest, I'm a little bit disappointed.
>> No. 38142

Look, what's it matter? We would rather see you guys shut down the site. Your inevitable failure there will be so much more entertaining than posting some 16 year old kid who no one knows here adress.
>> No. 38143
Oh, so you're a dirty imigrant, too huh?

Yeah, shut down the site, pussy. We're waiting.
>> No. 38144

Look, it's not going to happen so just speed up the process, shut down the site now, do it.
>> No. 38145
File 134074080035.jpg - (28.88KB , 400x405 , lolhax.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 38146
You know how many people have threatened to shut down Sean's site? You are the last in a very long line. It's never happened. We've been DDoSed and spam flooded to hell and back. The site never goes anywhere.
>> No. 38147
Still being defensive about the Dr thing?
You haven't changed after all. Don't worry, let me clear up the air so you can stop pretending.
>> No. 38149

>The hints: Alexander from Canada.

As I've already pointed out, that isn't how doxing works, it doesn't matter how epic internet badass you are, a generic name and a country obviously isn't enough for anyone to get doxed, this shit works through following paper trails people leave behind them around the internet.
>> No. 38150
File 134074100062.jpg - (47.14KB , 450x373 , 234.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>still talking about Robert Ford's trip
>> No. 38151
what the fuck are you even talking about?
>> No. 38152
yeah, this guy already knows about the doctor, fuck. maybe we should just beg him to leave.
>> No. 38153
Alright, these epin kids are boring now. Come back when you shut down /cwc/, nigger.
>> No. 38154
Maybe the troll posse and Robert Wayne Stiles will team up to take down /cwc/ with their epic ween trolling skills and Robbay's team of investigators.
>> No. 38155
I still want to see this kewl meme pictures though!! :)
>> No. 38156
Seriously now, you guys have big mouthes. I can't blame you, but if you knew you were talking to one of the founding fathers of ARPANET, I'm sure there wouldn't be a problem.
>> No. 38157
>> No. 38158
Holy shit just do it if you're gonna do it. The finnish were less gay than you fags.
>> No. 38159
Ok guys I am terribly sorry here are my dox now please leave me alone

Sean P. Allen
4475 Ocello Street
San Diego, CA 92111
>> No. 38160
i'll need a link to the lulzy ed page sometime soon please. If anyone else wants to step up, don't forget i'll threaten you with doxing and making fun of you!
>> No. 38161
>if you knew you were talking to one of the founding fathers of ARPANET


This nigga. This nigga.

Shut up down already. No one is going to take you seriously here if you can't even grasp the basic way *chan boards work.

Yeah, sure.
>> No. 38162
Dr, please don't ridicule yourself.
>> No. 38163
We apparently have a founding father of ARPANET in here, guys! And he is going to destory /cwc/ forever! Come point and laugh.
>> No. 38164

Seriously, you must be fucking retarded. Robert Ford, get in here and explain to these children how tripcodes work.
>> No. 38165
Dawnguards done downloading, I'm out. Have fun shutting down /cwc/, kids.
>> No. 38166

>> No. 38167
FYI, the email field is optional. You don't have to enter one. Hope this helps!
>> No. 38168
what is de story?
>> No. 38169
Troll Posse, give up. People are laughing at you. Hell, I bet even A-Log's laughing at you.
>> No. 38170
...I am Alog...







>> No. 38171
789chanposse, give up. Everyone is laughing at how easy your ass is flamed
>> No. 38172

>> No. 38173
I have arrived
>> No. 38174
File 134074287548.jpg - (81.28KB , 401x1200 , cook.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Seeing how you guys yet have to make the first step, I am giving you another hint.
You are a clueless one, aren't you?

P.S.: I can't believe none of you have figured out that you have to apply a Vigenère cipher. Geez.
>> No. 38175
File 134074298761.jpg - (22.01KB , 340x330 , women_laughing.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>founding fathers of ARPANET
>> No. 38176
I still have connections to the military.
I'm just saying.
>> No. 38177
How long is it going to take you to realise? Nobody is intimidated by you. Nobody's done anything yet because nobody cares. There's no threat here. No incentive.
>> No. 38178
Please don't fuck us over Doctor
>> No. 38179
Umm, you do realize that Robert Wayne Stiles isn't one person posting, right?
>> No. 38180
Bunch of imposters, you won't fool me with talks of default shit
>> No. 38181
Stop pretending, it just makes you look even more ridiculous.

Goddamn, how stupid do you guys think I am?
>> No. 38182
You know the answer to that question.
Deep down in your soul.
And you agree you're a fucking moron.
>> No. 38183
File 134074393131.png - (2.36KB , 244x226 , jokeq.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Okay, so you've figured that out now, never mind then.
>> No. 38184
Whose medical license was revoked?
I only know it wasn't mine. Tough luck for you, I guess.
>> No. 38185
I will not take this insult from a commoner like you Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 38186
Yes, that's why those Undertaker and Archfiend guys you're all obsessed with are languishing in Guantanamo as we type. I recognize that red cross-out circle you use on Undertaker is military grade, I've seen it on /k/.
>> No. 38187
this thread is the most autistic thing i've ever seen
>> No. 38188
paranoid into thinking everyone is doodle.
>> No. 38189
It's like I'm actually reading YouTube comments.
>> No. 38190
this is youtube homosexual deviant
>> No. 38191
I see you are finally coming to your senses.
You still haven't deciphered my message, though.

Site closing down: Friday 9:30 p.m. EST
>> No. 38192
Yeah, we know. No one wants to decipher your retarded messages. We want you to shut the site down. Why make it Friday, when everyone here wants you to do it now? Oh wait, because you can't.
>> No. 38193
File 134074472091.gif - (2.14KB , 160x137 , 26c546d8692c4d1540e925c8.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
i love baron's icon

it even says 2010, in case you thought this was a 1999-era ms paint scribble
>> No. 38194

I am quite sure no one shat in my breakfast. I made it myself.
>> No. 38195

>threatening to close the site

>> No. 38196
Everyone is laughing their asses off at you in IRC right now, just so you know.
>> No. 38197
no one cares about your retarded threats, fuck off
>> No. 38198
oh shit! they are laughing at us in irc!
better pack up and leave boys
>> No. 38199
And by everybody, you mean yourself, yourself, yourself, yourself, and last but not least, yourself?
>> No. 38200
File 134074508596.jpg - (128.27KB , 935x460 , HAHA oh jesus.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
did you dudes honestly believe "Robert Wayne Stiles" is one person?
>> No. 38201
I'm done
I can't believe they are laughing at me
My reputation
now I'm getting my medical license revoked
and will be one of them
of them
of them
of them
of them
>> No. 38202
Am i supposed to answer for this random screenshot?
if so then yes
>> No. 38203
inb4 HeroFucker posts the Gorilla Warfare copypasta.
>> No. 38204
Damn, what did he screen cap that in MS paint? Shit is barely readable.
>> No. 38205
This is getting boring now. If you're going to take the site down then just do it.
>> No. 38206
also, stop calling a chan a "forum", mr. elite trolls

>After having a whopping total of two people mention we were on some cwc page, I decided to check it out to find out the obvious: assburgers. Literally assburgers everywhere. This thread has some spergs trying to find dox on us and other things, which should have been easy to find some of it since my fucking name is in my skype username (protrolls getting work done). These spergs have the amazing ability of referring to baron and doodle as gay people which is pretty manly since we call them the same thing everyday just about. I'm still surprised at how much people get offended at the name of the site. At first I had the same reaction as the spergs in this thread, but after seeing all the tryhard trolls get so pissed at it, I can't complain. The only thing it seems these tryhards are trying to get is baron since he went after some guy named alog but if the tryhards would like to go to baron's site they can just click the button for the wordpress site on the homepage. Remember not to kill yourself when they call you a homo :(

and why did you get so rustled if baron and doodle aren't part of your circle jerk?
>> No. 38207


on your website, mang
>> No. 38208
Yeah, so are you going to take down /cwc/ or not? Because this shit is getting boring.
>> No. 38209
inb4 you try being funny
>> No. 38210
How about if we agree you take this site down right now? I'm bored of waiting for nothing to happen, so let's get over with it so we can laugh at you some more.
>> No. 38211
well fuck me i sure do own that piece of website.
that's where i achieved my license at
>> No. 38212
File 134074539231.jpg - (24.00KB , 445x304 , do it.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
789chanposse is a /cwc/fag trying to be ween

also take down /cwc/
>> No. 38213
>> No. 38214
These guys make inuboy look like Clyde Cash.
>> No. 38215
A Guido ranting about something. Golly gee how interesting.
>> No. 38216
  Uh oh guys they made a video about the Dr.
>> No. 38217
>long story, we pissed off some kids in a forum that were mad at baron for something so we pretended were we baron on the forums and talked shit about them telling them to get our dox and that's all they came up with besides the few things baron had posted on his twitter. They are raging talking about making an ed page about baron now who deleted all his channels and shit because he was scared of this 789chan troll posse
>StPatrickDayMassacre in reply to EditProTV (Show the comment) 2 hours ago

Thank you for all these unexpected cocks.
>> No. 38218
ahahahahahahahAHAHHAHAHHAHA. This shit is great.
>> No. 38219
I'm still waiting for them to take down the site.
>> No. 38221
How the hell did we become the Troll Posse when it's their name in the first place?
>> No. 38222

also lol someone wikipedia'd the internet and decided to throw some acronyms around
>> No. 38223
Why do dumbshit spergs always say everyone else is mad when they're in deep shit?
>> No. 38224
Can we post some more alog stuff while I get to the doxing
>> No. 38225
Congratulations, you guys inspired a new board name.
>> No. 38226
What doxing?
>> No. 38227
Ok I give up, I can't really shut the site down. Can you just not bug any of us anymore. I'm tired of your antics Dr. Robert. We have lots of A-log cocks and this is how you treat us?
>> No. 38228
Don't you dare say this to one of the sponsors of Nupedia.
>> No. 38230
What I find funny is they act like it is beneath them to get someones information from a Twitter page, when that's exactly how doxing works. You get peoples information from the trail they leave online, be it on Twitter, social networking accounts, forums, whatever. They seem to think the way you dox someone is by being an epin hax0r or something.

Also, have you Troll Posse homosexual deviants ever doxed anyone? Ever?
>> No. 38231
I'd like to look up more videos and talk mad shit about them on da forums guys
>> No. 38232
We haven't bothered any of you. You guys are the ones coming here and sperging the fuck out.
>> No. 38233
File 134074772629.jpg - (28.54KB , 349x642 , nowwhoisretarded.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This whole thread reeks of pic related

"We totes fooled 789chan into thinking we're retarded; they're SOOOOOOOOO MAAAADDDD" XD XD XD
>> No. 38234
I'm just here to see someone's family get ruined
>> No. 38235
>> No. 38236

Yeah, sure is epic ween in here.
>> No. 38237
>> No. 38238
No one's family is going to get ruined, that is an inside 789chan joke. The fact you guys took it seriously and put it on your website is pretty funny, though.
>> No. 38239
What the fuck is that, Sean?
>> No. 38240
A lot has been accomplished today, spergs out.
>> No. 38241
we have actually doxed 5 people in 2012
just sayin'
>> No. 38242
I know, our inside jokes are pretty clever!
>> No. 38243
Yep, you'd know if you weren't 16 year old fags.
>> No. 38244
I'm hurt by your insults Robert. Why can't the 789chanposse just get along?
>> No. 38245
What the fuck is the 789chanposse?
>> No. 38246

>> No. 38247
>> No. 38248
Don't play games Robert
>> No. 38250
>> No. 38251
If there's any compsci fokes in the audience and you don't know what that is, kill yourselves. :)
>> No. 38252
yeah i admit it i like alogs in my ass
>> No. 38253
Sperg Alert!
Laugh in IRC now folks!
>> No. 38254
Surely HeroFucker should know what it is then, since you know, he founded ARPANET.
>> No. 38255

Fat Man does not approve.
>> No. 38256
I am not a homosexual.
I'm not saying being homosexual is bad, even though I fucking hate homosexual deviants,
but those are just my religious beliefs and everyone is allowed to have an opinion.
>> No. 38257
>> No. 38258
That other guy is fake.
>> No. 38259
File 134074832939.jpg - (52.00KB , 349x642 , nowwhoisretarded.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This thread, in comic form, for latecomers
>> No. 38260
Better call it a day,
I'm exhausted by all the stuff that has been accomplished!
>> No. 38261
wat a purtay picture you have there fella
>> No. 38262
we get it, this picture has come up 4 times in this thread, don't post it again.
>> No. 38263
I am the real HeroFucker, and I definitely love dicks in my asshole. The blacker, the better.
>> No. 38264
File 134074873437.gif - (451.14KB , 300x227 , 1339685482303.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I do believe this thread is ready for the archives.
>> No. 38265
Sorry Robert, nice try impersoning me, but I hate fags like you. God is going to send you to hell along with the dirty Jews.
>> No. 38266
I like ponies to fuck...me....i'm gay or something
>> No. 38267
After they're done I like to lick the shit off their cocks.
>> No. 38268
What have I done....?
>> No. 38269
what haven't you done?
>> No. 38270

Just spreading some truth on the IGNorance.
>> No. 38271

Just spreading some truth on the IGNorance.
>> No. 38272
You guys think you're so funny impersonating me. So what if I like to suck cock? You think that makes you better than me.
>> No. 38273
You sure are edgy. I are offended.
>> No. 38274
>> No. 38275
File 134075077764.jpg - (52.12KB , 300x1068 , 789altdel.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Just spreading some truth on the IGNorance.
>> No. 38276
Cool, a Ctrl Alt Delete exploitable comic. I've never seen those before.
>> No. 38277

But I have.
>> No. 38278
maybe we can do a collab comic
>> No. 38279

You mean like... crossing our pencils?
>> No. 38280
You fags should know by now to stop believing those other retards. I am the real HeroFucker and I am 100% flaming. Why do you think I'm called HeroFucker?

Hint: It's because I take it in the ass.
>> No. 38281
woah now, we don't like to throw around gay insults,
as that tends to hurt people's feelings
>> No. 38282
But I, HeroFucker, am completely gay so it is ok for me to say that.
>> No. 38283
Well, I think this comment made me kill myself.
>> No. 38284
do this
>> No. 38285
>trollposse leave with their tail between their legs

you big pussies
>> No. 38286
i'm sorry that you are so upset
>> No. 38287
Well, it's clear at this point that their idea of trolling is "flaming" people. So I guess in their minds, they accomplished whatever they came here to do.
>> No. 38288

i wanted to get owned by these master trolls

but thy couldnt get their e-peckers to stand up :(
>> No. 38289

I think its comical that they can't do anything themselves and now they are trying to some piggybacking shit thinking that will make them cooler. trollposse789chan? Really? What a bunch of fucking dipshits.
>> No. 38290
lololololol u mad bro? problem? lolololol we r da master trolls lolololol leejun! lololololololololol!!!!
>> No. 38291
How dare they sully our good site
>> No. 38292
can we please archive this already? this thread has produced much ween
>> No. 38293
You think they'll put this thread on their website under "lulz?" Do they have enough self awareness to know they fucked this all up?
>> No. 38294
This is the most pathetic "trolling" I've ever seen. Their idea of trolling is acting like retards and then when everyone says they're retarded they respond with "LOL I TROLLED U SO HARD!!!!!! U R SO MAD!!!!!! xD"
>> No. 38295
File 134075693067.jpg - (19.55KB , 480x360 , hqdefault.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>this whole thread
>> No. 38296
they already have http://trollposse.webs.com/lulz
>> No. 38297
File 13407584234.jpg - (146.20KB , 935x480 , 6.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What is this supposed to mean? That we're Troll Posse because someone posted as one of them making fun of them, even though their site is called Troll Posse? Or that we are all named Robert?
>> No. 38298
This chanposse has the power
>> No. 38299
the latter. the guy is an idiot and took the anonymous default name way too literally.
>> No. 38300
Don't worry fellas, I'm gonna let it hit 500 before I archive it. Remember, the bump limit where it locks out is 550.
>> No. 38301
Thank god, I can't wait to show my children how the 789chanposse defeated their arch nemesis by calling them gay.
>> No. 38302
Cool, well you'll be able to find it, along with all the other threads we archived, over on /L/.
>> No. 38303
>in a youtube troll club called Troll Posse
>calls us 789chanposse


>arch nemesis

You wish.
>> No. 38304
do you aspies call all of your dissenters part of some club you are insulting?
also, OBLIVERATE someone's family already
>> No. 38305
Why would you have a website called Troll Posse if that wasn't what you go by? Or is it St. Patricks Day Massacre?

>still doesn't understand "PLEASE DON'T HURT MY FAMILY" and all derivatives are a joke about Tacowiz

How retarded are you? Seanie doxed Tacowiz and he sent him an email asking him to please not hurt his family. How hard is that to understand?
>> No. 38306
inside jokes aren't funny lol you aspies are too easy
>> No. 38307
>> No. 38308
What the fuck is this website still doing here? I thought some leet uberhacker troll masters were going to take this shit down!
>> No. 38309
i'm still waiting for some families to be OBLIVERATEed and doxed
>> No. 38310
Now you've got to know how ridiculous that sounds. I know TP is supposedly cool with that Undertakerfreak guy now, but isn't that his phrase he over-uses, according to the ED article you guys worked on?

>their beloved angry, "dissenter" hippie master
>we now know Johnny Danzy isn't as dissentful and smarter than the average Youtuber
>he still wants to keep that generic, "dissentful" hippy rage video
>He Is A "Dissentful" Atheist

I don't think I've come across a group so obviously jealous of their supposed trolling targets.
>> No. 38311
lol i'm a stupid nigger
>> No. 38312
What the fuck is tp? what's an undertakerfreak? and why aint families getting OBLIVERATEed?
>> No. 38313
I'm quite jealous though!
>> No. 38314
hahaha disregard that, i suck cocks
>> No. 38315
also why am i such a major sperg?
>> No. 38316
We're not going to try to explain it to you again.

Keep trying to convince us you aren't ChickenNoodleDouchebag or whatever.

Also, epin trolling bra.
>> No. 38317
look, i'll suck every single persons cock here. seriously.
>> No. 38318
yeah, i've had sex with tons of niggers. so what? u guys are just jealous.
>> No. 38319
I thought I was baron?
>> No. 38320
i'm a homosexual deviant
>> No. 38321
i'm waiting for someone to shove their cock in my mouth. whos gonna be first?
>> No. 38322
500 posts, time to write that ed article homosexual deviants,
hurry up
>> No. 38323
Who said that? We already know Baron shit himself and closed all his accounts. You are Matt aka ChickenDoodleDickhead, a 16 year old homosexual deviant who thinks he's an epic troll on YouTube, spamming the board with lame bullshit all day since you're on summer vacation.
>> No. 38324
man, i could go for some hot nigger dick right about now.
>> No. 38325
>implying anyone gives enough of a fuck about you to write an ED article
>> No. 38326
Yes, all of this is correct. write the article now
>> No. 38327
that other real jesus is fake, I'm the real mccoy.

So whose going to cum in my ass first?
>> No. 38328
>> No. 38329
start caring homosexual deviant
>> No. 38330
Stop pretending to be me. i only allow nigger cum in my saintly asshole.
>> No. 38331
Guys? What if... what if The Troll Posse was made into a movie starring Stephen Spielberg as Friendly Barron and George Lucas as Chicken Sauce? What if accompaniment was provided by ethnic and exotic music to the show tunes from Dexter's Laboratory: Ego Trip, the most important and best animated cartoon film ever made? Would anyone watch the movie, or not burn all the copies? Well, would you?
>> No. 38332
  Check it out guys, now you can learn how to pwn n00bs and be an EPIN WEEN TROLL

>> No. 38333
How does it feel to be as aspie as alog? Does it hurt inside, knowing you are on his level?
>> No. 38334
>embed video here


>> No. 38335
Embedding your video so we can all laugh at you means we're pwned huh? Seems legit.

Anyway, I figured I let you in on who Robert Wayne Stiles actually is, since you guys seem convinced that is every persons here real name.


We also had this as the feature article on ED, and it's been on the good new articles list since it went up. We also had our own threat advisory for a few weeks based on it. Somehow I don't think any of that happened for your shitty UTF article.
>> No. 38336
I'm crying myself to sleep tonight
>> No. 38337

the sad part is that's not even sarcasm
>> No. 38338
>> No. 38339
Did you win an Oscar too for your astounding ed article?
>> No. 38340
>> No. 38341
>> No. 38342
It is however a decent punchline
>> No. 38343
You guys are so fucking stupid. i bet you don't even like dicks in your asses.
>> No. 38344
While autism may not be a joke, autistics are.
>> No. 38345
I hate autistic people they need to be sent to labor camps with their own kind.

Then they can have all the retarded babies they want without damaging society.
>> No. 38346
lockout for archival
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