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File 133946075172.png - (78.63KB , 1112x286 , I now have a Gun Permit by ~VERGANZA-DE-SASUKE on .png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
38696 No. 38696
The stonecutters have some good news to bring to /cwc/. ADF with the anonymous help of our philly branch, can now legally conceal carry a firearm in the state of pennsylvania . This will allow her to defend herself against transphobic violent fucks like Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles and Pam.
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>> No. 38697
Well, here's to ADF getting 20 to life in the next few months.

Alternatively, here's to ADF raging about cisgender fascist Philly courts taking his gun after he waves it around like a jackass
>> No. 38698
Wait, what?

Doesn't the "chairwomyn" have an arrest record?

Carrying in Philly should be next to impossible; Fuck, people get turned down for having parking tickets.

If true, I look forward to the inevitable murder trial that will soon follow after he shoots someone that tells him he's in the wrong bathroom
>> No. 38699
Oh god no, someone is really going to die, I only hope he forgets to empty the chamber next time they have a Wolverines LARP and its a tranny who dies
>> No. 38701
File 133946175926.jpg - (106.58KB , 500x773 , Hitler chilling.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Philadelphia is too small for two trannies who are lolcows. Like really big ones. Interested in a small bet, just to make things more interesting? 20 euros on ADF winning. Well, ADF is obviously armed, but ADF could also crush Robb with his weight alone if he is disarmed by Robb's amazing spastic-tranny-flailing-fu.

Place your bets, /cwc/.
>> No. 38702

He's been arrested, and has a record, that means he should be legally unable to carry a weapon.
>> No. 38703

No thanks.
>> No. 38705


>> No. 38706
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, INTROMAN?!! Do you know what is going to fucking happen?! Are you trying to make it so I can't leave my house anymore because thats what it looks like you're doing. You were never a victim so where on earth did your victim complex come from?

>This will allow her to defend herself against transphobic violent fucks like Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles and Pam.

I'm am not Transphobic. I have been gender dysphoric since birth and never had the same mentality or intentions as my fellow males. My gender identity has been extrememly important to me and caused me years of confusion and hatred when I was picked on. God also has NO love for a person such as me and therefore, this seems to be the only reason you conservatives condemn me in their shitty rules and legisaltions.

>ADF with the anonymous help of our philly branch, can now legally conceal carry a firearm in the state of pennsylvania

You probably illegally provided him with the gun yourself. Stop turning ADF into your makeshift mercenary army. I ain't bargaining so it's a good thing I still have Delaware Valley on speed dial for when you politely suggest to Phil that that scheming whore R I K A needs a brain slushie.
>> No. 38707
Folks, please refer to >>226218
>> No. 38708

Yeah, please refer to this fucking fat /cwc/ peon of Ween.
>> No. 38709
Ahahahahahaaaaaaa augh yeah niggas!
>> No. 38711
You're too easy. I was waiting for you to appear and sure enough you always, ALWAYS, deliver.

Thank you Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 38712
>> No. 38713
>>226203 some negro will probably take it from him and pistol whip him.
Is adf still living at Morris House for trans* people?
>> No. 38714
Ahahahaha. Delaware Valley isn't going to do shit. You really do lurk this board all the time, don't you? You are obsessed, Rob.

>God also has NO love for a person such as me
Fucking lol. Cry moar, pussy.
>> No. 38715
lol I don't know how any of you guys can believe that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles actually posts on this board after some of this stuff

"brain slushie" jesus christ
>> No. 38716
Do you think we can get ADF to gain about a hundred pounds and then stand outside of Rob's apartment? That would be great.
>> No. 38717
Are you saying he is not TRUE and HONEST? That is his trip.
>> No. 38718

I hope you realize murder is VERY different from trolling and trolls have provided a VERY unstable person with a firearm.

Even a lowbrow lolcow like you can predict the inevitable.
>> No. 38719
Troll didn't provide him with shit. He got the gun and the license to conceal on his own, dumbass. People just nudged him the right direction.
>> No. 38720
Only like 35% of handgun shots are fatal, you'll be fine
>> No. 38721
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, isn't ADF your friend? What do you have to worry about? Not to mention that didn't you yourself say the Wolverines have done worse shit than this?

Plus, for the "illegal to own a firearm" thing. Isn't that only if you're convicted of a felony?
>> No. 38722
You know if ADF got a hold of that gun legally they cant hold any of us accountable for anything right?
>> No. 38723
>> No. 38724
Because he has done horrible things to ADF that makes him a lying hypocrite douchebag, and he knows it. ADF is going to be out for blood now.

You are fucked, Robert.
>> No. 38726
Ok, I am not arguing this anymore. If ADF shows up, I'm calling the cops. Simple as that. Good night.
>> No. 38727
No, you are incorrect. He only loses the right to own or carry a firearm if he is a convicted felony. None of his crimes have been felonies.
>> No. 38728
I was only pointing out how predictable your appearance in this thread was. Because if there's one thing you are it's predictable and watching you act hysterical and melodramatic with simple prodding from introMAN? Is wonderful.

You're too easy.

Than again you are a fucking moron.
>> No. 38729
>implying you won't be up for the next several hours furiously hitting F5 in this thread.
>> No. 38730
Sounds good.

See you next time Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Thanks for the laughs as always.
>> No. 38731
File 133946552890.jpg - (74.01KB , 665x519 , spacenegros.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

yousa gonna die
>> No. 38732

One last thing: I have the law on my side with this firearm shit. I actually hope ADF comes because than the police can trace the gun. THE END.
>> No. 38733
The same "law" that gave ADF a gun to murder you with?
>> No. 38734
You dumb ass. He has a legally purchased firearm and has a license to carry it. Do you really think he is going to murder you.

Oh wait, he is..
>> No. 38735
inb4 ten more posts
>> No. 38736
Bwahaha! Hope ADF didn't take that "turd sandwich" comment too personally, Robb.
>> No. 38737

>my fellow males

The only true thing Robert has ever said.
>> No. 38738
Trace the firearm to what? The gun dealer who legally sold it to him? What are they going to do, charge him with jack shit?
>> No. 38739
>> No. 38740
You are so fucking dead...
>> No. 38741
So has ADF ever fired a gun? Or is he just carrying this thing around? Because if he hasn't fired one before, I could see him shooting it at the range, getting scared of it, dropping it, and never wanting to touch it again; Followed by 20 facebook posts about how evil they are
>> No. 38742
  Robbay here comes the sniper, time to pay the piper
>> No. 38743
He'll probably end up doing something retarded like shooting himself in the face while examining the barrel of the gun.
>> No. 38745
See Brosis, don’t say I wasn’t trying to help you when I said you should cut a deal with the stonecutters.
Since you thought it was better to argue with them, they went and cut a deal with Ahuvia and now you’re their new lolcow. You’re in deep, now that someone violent like Ahuvia has a gun, knows where you live and is being manipulated by stonecutters, there’s only a short walk separating you from his criminal insanity.

It might be too late to use the wolverines to do something.
>> No. 38746
Enter Jordman.
>> No. 38747
>> No. 38748
File 133946908122.png - (266.72KB , 500x650 , 1308060198954.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Samefag thinks lolcows trolling him
I feel bad about letting you down and all, but remember. Delaware Valley already proved that I live in Chicago.

Sorry about the disappointment an all, hope you can find something else to do your next vid on.
>> No. 38749
Well, that's all you need to do, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. You don't need to whine to us about it, like a bitch.
>> No. 38751

>> No. 38752
>God also has NO love for a person such as me

Mr. Stiles is learning.
>> No. 38753
Sup, Jordman?
>> No. 38754
I'm pretty sure in Philly, the law is that with the proper permits, you can open carry but I've heard in order to get a conceal carry permit, the process is very thorough and someone like Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles wouldn't be able to get past the background check.
>> No. 38755
Er, ADF, not Robert. Whoops.
>> No. 38756
>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles shows up
>> No. 38757
Hey Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles if you post nudes I'll talk to ADF and tell him to leave you alone
>> No. 38758
File 133947821893.gif - (1.00MB , 350x191 , 1326094552059.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 38759
>trolls have provided a VERY unstable person with a firearm

>implying trolls have any responsibility for actually SELLING/GIVING the gun to ADF

Eat shit, Robert.
On the "plus" side, at least your paranoia is somewhat justified now. Your kung fu won't save you now!
>> No. 38760
This is the chairwomyn Ahuvia Harel, I'm coming for you R I K A.
>> No. 38761

Haha you're going to die.
>> No. 38762
I'll accept your bet and raise you 40 Reichsmarks.
>> No. 38763
Mother of all, that fucking wannabe tranny has a gun. Run away!!!
He's a tranny the way Buffalo bill was. Just some guy desperate to be anyone but himself. That is not someone you hand a firearm to unless you happen to be dropping him in a village of brown people you need taking care of.
>> No. 38764
I'm a little behind, why do ADF, Jordman and Rika Ricardo hate eachother now? I thought they saw /cwc/ as a common enemy or whatever.
>> No. 38765
They all double-crossed each other to trollshield and Robbay got the brunt end of it all by being the funniest to troll.
>> No. 38766
File 133950236558.png - (88.29KB , 1600x1200 , pissonyourballs.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Just some guy desperate to be anyone but himself.
>implying that isn't true of all trannies
>> No. 38767
>Delaware Valley
That locates people to Turkey yup sounds like 300$ well spent, why not do it again?
>> No. 38768

Because they're all unstable as fuck.
>> No. 38769
Transgender fuck with mental issues.
>> No. 38770
A right to conceal license isn't that hard to get in a state where it is legal.
>> No. 38771
Only a felony with a maximum sentence of over a year does that, and certain felonies such as obscenity and inside trading are exempt. Also one can later have his or her record expunged and then get an exemption from the federal government allowing them to own a firearm, though under this administration the justice department hasn't issued a single one of those. Obama is a hard ass on this issue. >>226200
>> No. 38772
100 says nothing worse than a slap fight ever occurs between the two of them and that Rob would slap the shot out of him. Most people who legally carry never resort to using it, even when it would be 100 percent justified. Women who own guns have been beaten half to death by spouses while the gun was litterally within arms reach. On the other hand you get people like that ex fireman who shot up his neighbors while on the phone with 911 over a noise complaint...
>> No. 38773
>> No. 38774
No no, ur trying too hard Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
Delaware Valley already said Chicago, just trust your directives this time.
>> No. 38775
>proxies do not exist no sir I am True and Honest
>> No. 38777
>> No. 38778
I didn't say it because I figured someone else would, but then Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles came in and got Adam's Apple all over this thread.

But guns are expensive. Not extravagantly so, but ADF probably ain't getting one for under 200 bucks. And ADF, as far as I know, is living in a hobo camp (spelled o-c-c-u-p-y-c-a-m-p) and can only spend his money on food and hormone supplements
>> No. 38779
>I am True and Honest
The truest of the true.
That's why when Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles sent in pollice and detectives they found out about Chicago.
>> No. 38780
File 133952013487.jpg - (65.66KB , 634x446 , tumorwoman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You can get a Nagant Revolver for 160 bucks, and
most Jenning's (more like JAMMINGS, amirite?) in .380 or smaller can be had for less than $80; I got mine for 40 from a reputable gunshop.
Hell, even a Tokarev (which I imagine ADF lusting over because LOL COMMUNISIM) can be had for 200 at most

>Food and stuff

Hahaha, ADF spending his money on essentials and not his whims. You are such a card, Mr. Stiles
>> No. 38781
http://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/index.php i guess if he's not picky...
>> No. 38782
>implying any of Delaware Valleys information was accurate
>imply you couldn't be using a proxy anyway
>implying you aren't Jordman
>> No. 38783
Yeah, he probably borrowed the money from someone he has duped into being his friend again like he did with that middle aged woman he was with for awhile to buy a cheap gun.
>> No. 38784

Why are you so mad at ADF for exercising her constitutional right to carry? She has a lot of enemies with deadly weapons. Didn't you recently say that your body is a deadly weapon? Harel just made it equal.

The reason she wants to carry is not because of some vendetta against you. Her boyfriend is coming to Philly this summer. By the way Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, we didn't supply the gun.
>> No. 38786
Oh yeah, I forgot Robert had said that.

How else do you expect ADF to defend herself against you? You are a trained martial artist whose body can be used as a deadly weapon, Robert. The chairwomyn can't compete with that, her life may depend on that gun when someone like you inevitably tries to attack and kill her!
>> No. 38787
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is just like Hitler , betrays her friends , is a hypocrite, and wants to send "inferior trannies" to their deaths. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles you should be ashamed of yourself, and now that you have bullies others for so long as the Wraith, you, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you will KNOW fear.
>> No. 38788
Robert is not a she like ADF, who is a true and honest womyn. Robert is a disgusting manbaby in drag.
>> No. 38789
Who did hitler betray? Yeah, he was a pretty bad person. His actions were comparable to those of an african warlord, but I don't recall him being an unfaithful friend.
>> No. 38790
As much as I enjoy making fun of bullshito students, that is getting a bit old. Robert says something new and patently absurd every day, let's focus on the new. He says that we are trying to have him killed by our own Manchurian candidate. A man we have trolled into thr perfect disposable weapon. Like we would waste that on him just because it would be sorta funny for a day.
>> No. 38791
I did. I need 200 bucks due to my bath salt- spice addiction and really had no need for that old pea shooter. Plus it will be pretty funny when Robertã here inevitably gets shot. Hell I even helped him with the paperwork for an extra couple of bucks. Ah pump it powder, you are my only friend.
>> No. 38792
We have nothing to do with it, but ADF is going to kill Robert. Robert is a killing machine himself, ADF is just going to defend herself from his onslaught when he finally strikes.
>> No. 38793
>who did Hitler betray

Just some commie pinko fag named Stalin (who wasn't much of a TRUE and HONEST friend anyways).
>> No. 38794
Did no one tell you about our plan to make ADF a wolverine version of Jason Bourne?
>> No. 38795
File 133954029448.jpg - (79.55KB , 1024x556 , 1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It has been determined that this is the gun that ADF will be carrying, a Smith & Wesson Model 29 .44 Magnum, obtained through donations from a friend who understands the kind of danger Ahuviya may be in from people like Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 38796
Hope Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is feeling lucky...
>> No. 38797
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is practically a trained killer, with his extensive training in karate and other martial arts. He is dangerous, and the only person who may be able to stop him is ADF and the big iron on her hip.
>> No. 38798
>Smith & Weston six-shot revolver.
Totally cool looking and incredibly powerful, but completely impractical.

Sounds like ADF alright.
>> No. 38799

oh you bastard, don't summon /k/
>> No. 38800
Ha! He ought to have fun with that. When using a proper grip and stance, a .44 can be controlled fairly easily. Since this is ADF we're talking about, though, it's more or less guaranteed that hilarity will ensue.
>> No. 38801
I imagine Mr. Stiles is going to be either spending more time looking out his window for ADF or doing some serious kowtow for the chair woman.
>> No. 38802
Hey Robb, why don't you start stockpiling your "Monotov" cocktails? They would finally be used as they were originally intended to used.

Even better, take a picture of your arsenal, I'm sure we can somehow forward it to ADF, it might scare him off or something.
>> No. 38803
Oh yes. I am certain that ADF will shit his pants once he sees the collection of "monotov" cocktails that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has prepared. Will Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles shove one in his mouth, light it, and watch it explode so ADF can "eat a Molotov"?
>> No. 38804
O./k/ you are allowed your opinion here, but it is a very stable weapon. Easy to clean, reliable, doesn't jam, doesn't leave shells around to trace it back to you, leaves an enormous exit wound.
>> No. 38805
Anyone else feel like going to his apartment witha book of matches?
>> No. 38806

It's not my appartment. So, that's not wise.
>> No. 38807
I want to have sex with your butt.
>> No. 38808

It's spelt "apartment".
>> No. 38809
Sure it isn't.
>> No. 38810
File 133961611116.png - (105.96KB , 175x264 , 175px-Bane_breaks_Batman.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
We will release all of your enemies onto the streets of Philly , we will supply them with guns and weaponry, ADF , Jordman , FBI Agents, and Stargate forum members. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles will have no choice but to use his body as a weapon and fight them all , and then when he is exhausted. We break the , and Philadelphia will be ours.
>> No. 38811
Then I guess you wouldn't mind if he decided to do it anyway.
>> No. 38812
Honest, I don't live at that address and go ahead and stalk and contact any of my friends regarding it if you don't believe me. Truth is, you have NOTHING. I don't give a shit anymore because nothing has come of the ED article and nothing ever will.

Hey bitches, FUCK YOU.
>> No. 38813
>People are stalking me IRL!

>Nobody is looking at the article anyway.


>The article isn't doing anything.

Make up your fucking mind you gay, hairy balled, gangly, man faced, ugly spast.
>> No. 38814
>> No. 38815
Can I have a threesome with you and Omega?
>> No. 38816
How's that leaving forever going?

Put a shoe on your head. For every day you don't, I'm going to get fatter. I don't want to lose a foot to diabetes. You can end this Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 38817
Not in like a gay way or anything. Just me putting my dick into your asshole.
>> No. 38818
Then why do you still lurk here
>> No. 38819
I mean, my cum will be in your asshole, but it's not like that makes me a spic homosexual deviant. Well, I guess I'll still be a spic.

inb4 Hi Krapple
>> No. 38820
>I don't give a shit anymore

Oh, but you obviously do, Robb. Otherwise you wouldn't keep crawling back here for more attention.
>> No. 38821

The article has brought the t community of philly together. Harel has finally got her arsenal up. Jordan is looking and doing pretty well. Jen is looking more like the princess she is everyday. While your ass is looking more manly and haggard as the days go forward. In 2 months, Mikael is coming over to phila.

I met up with trey and we went to comic con and the trans health conference.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles our lives are fucking great and we have to thank you.

THANK YOU Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles!
>> No. 38822
Who wants to start taking bets on the number of post before Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles shows up again
>> No. 38823
I'll wager 100 on he'll come back until the day he dies
>> No. 38824

You're delusional and the only reason Harel likes you is because you either suggested and helped him get licensed or you provided him with the firearms yourself.

You're making yourself into an enemy of law, just a fair warning. Wait until you see what kinds of lolcows are in jail, I bet they won't be laughing at your pranks.

You're only lying to yourself how much you hate yourself and need to stir shit up just to feel satisfied.
>> No. 38825
File 133962120146.jpg - (54.42KB , 468x352 , hitler heiling.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>You're making yourself into an enemy of law, just a fair warning
Better trust Robb on this on, he's an expert. Note to self: Do not threaten Federal Agents. Thanks Robb, I bet this will be most useful advice! I totally had no idea that's a bad thing to do before.

>You're only lying to yourself how much you hate yourself and need to stir shit up just to feel satisfied.
To quote you Robb:
>But sometimes I do feel like Chris chan and his sonichu abomination, Nobody will ever take him seriously
You've got some serious self-esteem issues. It's cool though, if I was you, I'd totally have self-esteem issues as well.
>> No. 38826
Damn, I think you're really starting to get scared Robby.
>> No. 38827
I'd still hit that.
>> No. 38828
He probably loves the danger, it makes his dick hard.
>> No. 38829

>I don't give a shit anymore because nothing has come of the ED article and nothing ever will.

You've said something along these lines multiple times, still doesn't stop you from coming back here and freaking out over nothing, also doesn't stop you from trying to raise armies from /mlp/ and that dear non-cis tumblr. YOU'RE SO TOTALLY NOT BOTHERED, RIGHT?


>or you provided him with the firearms yourself.

Nobody (seriously) said he has a gun, just that he has a licence, which is perfectly legal. Why the fuck do you think anyone here has access to illegal firearms? And why are you still so obsessed with the idea that people here want you dead? Seriously Robb, I want actual answers to these questions, don't just ignore this shit.

>You're only lying to yourself how much you hate yourself and need to stir shit up just to feel satisfied.

Nice projection, introman isn't the one who has had to invent an entirely new personality and gender for himself just to feel comfortable in his own skin, and it's stirring up shit that got you involved in all this in the first place.
>> No. 38831

>why do you think someones going to murder you?

I'm not telling some random asshole punk on the internet about my diagnosis so fuck off.

I practically lived at bars now ever since the article went up but nothing happened, NOTHING AT ALL and I've relised that. Zyklon, Introman, Moniker, Zeroz55, Brandon Hailey, ChristianKyle7 alike, nobody whose ever threatened me on the internet has never PHYSICALLY hurt me. I don't give a shit and I thank /cwc/ for that for teaching me what lowly pussy trash lurks on the internet.
>> No. 38832
Oh no brah! Please don't bring the wraith back!
>> No. 38833
What do you mean you've lived at bars?
>> No. 38834
And this makes you look less pathetic how?
>> No. 38835
File 133962652145.jpg - (10.50KB , 222x281 , Hitler empathetic smile.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I'm not telling some random asshole punk on the internet about my diagnosis so fuck off.
Except that you already told me you're Bipolar and you said you suffer from gender dysphoria like twenty times in /cwc/.

>I practically lived at bars now ever since the article went up but nothing happened
Even though the DOX was ttly shit and wrong? Aww, why would you do that?

>NOTHING AT ALL and I've relised that
Yes, and I told that several threads ago. I find it funny how assume if someone writes an article about you, just to provide entertainment to people, they want to murder you. It's so very...silly.

>I don't give a shit
Was it the seventh or eight thread (this being tenth) in which you said ED ttly doesn't bother you and you are invincible? Getting some serious deja vu vibes here.

>and I thank /cwc/ for that for teaching me what lowly pussy trash lurks on the internet.
>> No. 38836
Honestly, I don't blame Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles for being scared. He deliberately, with full knowledge of his actions, had every intention to, and attempted to, push ADF to suicide. It was deliberate. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles knew that a suicide due to trolling causes a media shitstorm, so he tried to get ADF to kill himself so he could use that to get us in "trouble."

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles you are a horrible person and you deserve whatever's coming to you.
>> No. 38837
File 133962687967.jpg - (18.17KB , 464x266 , lol what the fuck.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>don't give a shit
>live in bars
Whatever you say Robb.
>> No. 38838
Um, when did anyone ever threaten to actually hurt you? Stop making shit up Robb.
>> No. 38839

Took you long enough to figure that out, especially considering it's what everybody here has been telling you right from the very start.
>> No. 38840
Robert , I think you should take a law class.

1.Saying someones full legal on the internet is not illegal
2.Making an article about someone, with information you provided , is not illegal
3. Saying you hate trannies is not illegal
4.Owning a gun when you have a license is not illegal.
>> No. 38841
im not robert
>> No. 38842
That sounds pretty ween bro.

What we need to is go to Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's apartment with some good Christian brothers. Men filled with the spirit of the lord so that they may give Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles salvation from his wicked ways and let him feel the love of Jesus that he so desperately needs. Then Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles can be free of the sin laden path that he walks towards hell.
>> No. 38843
>>brain slushie
Inferior lolcows shouldn't quote from their superior brethren. Fact is, if you weren't a sexual deviant and it wasn't summer, nobody'd give a fuck about you.

You're just like that other homosexual deviant lolcow wannabe from Canada, Mikey or something like that. Why don't you go murder someone and post it on youtube, ya lame attention whore?

Your drama is about as original and compelling as dressing up like a girl because your parents didn't love you.

>> No. 38844
Now that I think about it if Robert never stopped being a Christian a couple of his worse problems may have never happened like harassing that women based on her beliefs that butt hurt anti religion blog and his delusions of needing to be a woman.
>> No. 38845
It's like some kind of Chick Tract come to life.

>Convert to atheism
>Life goes to shit
>> No. 38846
Maybe he wouldn't be such a golden lolcow as well
So Jack Chick was right. Can't you mail those tracts to people? Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles likes comics right?
>> No. 38847
We all know this is bullshit, Robert. If you didn't live there, you wouldn't be warning "da trolls" not to mess with the house, you would want them to so you could see them get in trouble for no reason. (not that anyone actually plans to come to your house, anyway)

Plus you know, that screencap of your post you deleted in the initial dox thread when you went apeshit and begged to be banned.
>> No. 38848
if this was true then why did I see you coming out of the building the other day Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 38849
I like how trannys think it's a mortal sin to not call other trannys by their preferred gender. That is, until they don't like that particular tranny, then it's back to calling them what they actually are.
>> No. 38850
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, most hand gun shots aren't even fatal, I'm sure you'll be fine.
>> No. 38851
I don't know why Robert is sweating it about this handgun ordeal didn't he say he elite group of Wolverines did all kinds of extreme stuff I'm sure he'd been under fire before.
>> No. 38852
Indeed. Not only is Roberts body a lethal weapon due to his extensive martial arts training, but he also informed us that the Wolverines had committed ruthless and heinous crimes and are quite skilled in the art of combat themselves.
>> No. 38853
Robbay is just jealous that his friend was allowed to legally purchase one.
If only he was allowed he could finish stalking that porn star and follow up with that government man.
>> No. 38854
Hey grammer nazi. Stfu.
>> No. 38855
I do. He invited us all over, remember? It would be rude of us to not drop by at this point.
>> No. 38856
Should we go over and sing hymnals?
>> No. 38857
Oh yeah, I forgot all about that. We should definetly visit him since he invited us. We can bring ADF and her giant revolver too.
>> No. 38858
Yes, in Latin. I'm not even Christian and this sounds good to me. We must save his soul, the power of Christ compels us too. Hold him down
>> No. 38859
File 133970088044.png - (149.59KB , 1405x622 , Okay so - What do I carry on me (Weapons-wise) by .png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Since you trolls don't know the hell rell as well as I do. Harel went with a portable kel tec 9mm luger.
>> No. 38860


Oh jeez, way to go for the cheap shit.

If you don't clean this fucker good and often, you can expect a pretty high failure rate. Should saved up and bought a KAHR to ensure the best performance against ROBBAY.
>> No. 38861
>Kel-Tec CNC, Inc. is firmly committed to the development and production of original, unique, high-performance firearms. We are equally committed to the legal and responsible sale of our products.

If only they knew....
>> No. 38862
I'm surprised; Would have expected him to go for a Tokarev or Nagant revolver.

Either way, are we gonna start an over/under pool to see how long it takes for him to get killed/arrested/stripped of his weapon?
>> No. 38863
I actually think he'll hang onto it for awhile. I don't think he'll get arrested for anything that could get it taken away, which would have to be a felony. If anything, I see it getting stolen from him.
>> No. 38864
File 133970706924.jpg - (72.49KB , 210x230 , 133669125619.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Hi ROBBAY, how's your illiteracy treating you?
>> No. 38865
You can lose your gun for brandishing, which I can see ADF doing at the drop of hat


Also, I don't see him knowing how to properly carry concealed, unless he puts it in his purse or some shit
>> No. 38866
Pretty sure threatening someone by brandishing it IS a felony.
>> No. 38867
Going in to gunsperg cliprage.

Don't know why I would have expected adf to use the proper terminology, though.
>> No. 38868
Should have gotten a jericho, to have jewgun. PLUS ITS IN DA ANIMUS
>> No. 38869
Thr Jericho 41ae is a very reliable and well made gun, but you're forgetting that he doesn't like Israel or our government and that's a gun designed by Israel and made in the united states. This is because we give them money on the condition that they spend it on American made military goods. Also it's basically an adapted 1911.
>> No. 38870
What, ADF stopped being an Israeliboo jew? What have I missed?
>> No. 38871

I've seen it mentioned a few times in the thread already, but I'm in the "ADF will accidentally shoot himself" camp, too. Probably not lethal, something like shooting himself through the foot, hand, or maybe his ass or crotch while trying to Mexican carry.
>> No. 38872
You're implying there's something wrong with being an adapted 1911.

>> No. 38873
Is adf still homeless or not?
>> No. 38874
>2 knives
>2 cans of mace
>1 gun

Is this motherfucker ambidextrous or something?
And ADF ain't exactly fit, so how much damage does he think he's going to do with this stabbity weapons?
>> No. 38875
Very stupid to tell people that you carry. A new question needs to be added to the application "are you a philly lolcow"?
>> No. 38876
inb4 ADF is shot dead while brandishing the gun at an sodomize rally and is martyred for socialist tranny justice and America becomes a new haven for transgendered communists and ADF is our Kim Il Sung
>> No. 38877
File 133985553730.jpg - (17.33KB , 358x457 , Pig Brother.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 38878
Were ADF and Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles former butt buddies or somethng? Who was the top in the relationship?
>> No. 38879
Yes, they were friends. Do you not follow this much?

I guess Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles would be considered the more dominant one of their friendship, since it was his place he was allowing ADF to live in. Rob kicked him out because he is known to have very poor personal hygiene and supposedly stole from Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles or some of his friends.
>> No. 38880
I know they were friends, I'm just asking if they were literally butt buddies. Its the only explanation for Robert's hissy fit.
>> No. 38881

>> No. 38882
File 133988130796.jpg - (39.97KB , 900x368 , there__s_probably_no_god____by_verganza_de_sasuke-.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Man, it hasn't been a week and ADF's already threatening to kill his own father.
>> No. 38883
File 133988202041.png - (159.83KB , 1030x450 , the account.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's amazing what Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles would do to OBLIVERATE the introMAN. Here is his spy facebook. http://www.facebook.com/sechs.robert?ref=ts&sk=wall

How fucking stupid do you think I am? The troll facebook account has the same birthday as Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles Stiles.
>> No. 38884
Sounds like a normal roman catholic household. What the fuck is he bitching about. ADF you are such a wimp.
>> No. 38885

>And as of August 25, 2011, you have a fabulously queer transman husband that's never ever gonna let you get hurt this way ever again. I love you so much, Ahuviya. It hurts me physically to be so far away from you.

>The same girl who looks for BDSM shit on reddit
>> No. 38887
Hey, Robb. If you true and honestly believe that ADF is going to pull a Luka Magnotta (http://encyclopediadramatica.se/Magnotta) on you, you can always file a restraining order on him.

If you say you had a domestic partnership with him and he inflicted violence on you for any reason, his guns would get taken away for a while.

I'm sure I don't have to remind you of all the times ADF had whooped your ass while he was staying in your apartment.
>> No. 38888
>I'm in the "ADF will accidentally shoot himself" camp, too. Probably not lethal, something like shooting himself through...ass or crotch...
Economical, unplanned gender re-assignment surgery.
>> No. 38889
inb4 ADF sees murdering his father the final step in "Becoming" adn he turns into the Red Dragon.
>> No. 38890
File 133997000380.jpg - (32.65KB , 960x410 , ADF mad.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 38891
All this over being spanked. What a spoiled little shit.
>> No. 38892
File 133997645277.jpg - (169.94KB , 298x563 , 132993189577.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 38893

He didn't even get an ancient meme right.
>> No. 38894
Are trannies allowed to refer to themselves as transsexual? I thought it was a faux-pas to do that.
>> No. 38895
http://verganza-de-sasuke.deviantart.com/journal/To-the-Rapist-that-is-my-Biological-Father-308647736 God bless ADF's father.
>> No. 38896
>Since August 25, 2010, I have toppled Capitalism in order to prevent a future oppressive regime from taking power.

>Since June 5, 2012, I have successfully uprooted Organized Religion. No Gods, No Bastards.

>> No. 38897
He's been a very busy boy.
>> No. 38898

See everyone, now THIS is the reason why you should have have attempted to give Phillip the power that he craves. He's fucking batshit and we'll always remain a power hungry, unhinged, FANATIC until his final days. Like fucking Hitler, it was you who put him in the position where he can hurt people.

But seriously, you took your solace and broke it in two and now I have to mop up your mess.

Well, it just so happens I have a deal for you, /cwc/. You take down all my shit and I will personally go to the police about these homicidal threats he's making towards his biological father.

Now, THINK what will happen if you don't. Phil shoots his old man dead and when the cops finally do a backround search on him, his trolling and instigation to commit homicide will bleed obvious.

But look, if you want an international search on 789chan for the true culprits for this upcoming case, go ahead.

You put life and death in an unstable, sociopath with murderous intention's hands. Do the right thing, /cwc/, I know you can.

final chance.
>> No. 38899
But the police would find more ties relating you to him than anyone else here.
>> No. 38900
File 133998463464.jpg - (75.57KB , 750x390 , laughing nazis.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It was us who put Hitler in the position to hurt people? Why, I can't recall such a thing, and I'm quite sure I'd recall if I did.

>Well, it just so happens I have a deal for you, /cwc/. You take down all my shit and I will personally go to the police about these homicidal threats he's making towards his biological father.
You've tried this three times before and you know what we want. Shoe on your cock or no deal. You still aren't in a really good position to make demands.

>Now, THINK what will happen if you don't. Phil shoots his old man dead and when the cops finally do a backround search on him, his trolling and instigation to commit homicide will bleed obvious.
Rather think: You'd let an old man die just because some nazi in the internet didn't remove a picture of you in a drag.

>But look, if you want an international search on 789chan for the true culprits for this upcoming case, go ahead.
I think it was in the first thread, I said something along the lines of...come at me bro. Nothing's happened. What's taking so long?

Oh, and I can really see how little you care.
>> No. 38901
You know any one of us could give the police a call. So no, no deal.

And they wouldn't take you seriously anyway, so no point.
>> No. 38902

Introman is the author of the ADFki and his ED article and politely nudged him to cave to his barbaric nature and purchase a gun for psycho purposes. He also heavily promoted trolling him on here and formed a hate group coalition to go after him and other;s with GID.

I'll openly admit I was pissed at Jordman (for legit reasons as he frequently broke the law, trashed my appartment, mocked his fellow transexuals when he had no place to, and contributed to the ADFki) and contributed
to Jordman (NOT ADF's ARTICLE! Except for things I deleted on his to goodamn help him.)

Sorry but I'm not Introman and am no way tied to this.
>> No. 38903
You really dont get that we have done nothing illegal do you.
>> No. 38904
File 133998485045.jpg - (75.88KB , 500x373 , tumblr_m51un0wGR51rxt7jlo1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 38905
File 133998513026.jpg - (8.28KB , 244x238 , hitler is dis nigga serious.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Introman is the author of the ADFki and his ED article and politely nudged him to cave to his barbaric nature and purchase a gun for psycho purposes.
Just try to prove that to the police: All they see is an ugly tranny with criminal history mad at some random people in the internet. The moment they read about you sending death threats to a federal agent they lose all their microscopic sympathy for you. Good luck!

>He also heavily promoted trolling him on here and formed a hate group coalition to go after him and other;s with GID.
Let me help you with that: http://www.adl.org/contact_us.asp
>> No. 38906
Hi Robert, how come none of your idiotic threats have come to anything yet?
>> No. 38907
Ahahahahahah, Robert tries to bargain again.

Your shit is never coming down, dumbshit. You don't seem to grasp that no one here could in any way be held accountable for ADF killing someone, even you. God, you are so fucking stupid.

I also love how you act like you don't care, yet clearly lurk here everyday.
>> No. 38908
Funny fact: Robb's ED article has 28.000 views. For comparison, ADF, who is comparatively well known lolcow, his article that has been up for...a year, at least, has 17.000 views.

Thank you Robb, we couldn't have done it without you!
>> No. 38909

Look neville. You had many times you could of stopped harel. You almost put her ass in a mental institution . You could of filed the police report when he beat you and maria's asses. Don't blame me because one of your LGBT allies decided to give harel a keltec.

I'm glad I took down the wraith because it always makes the same mistakes. You didn't take precaution(threatening a FBI agent) back then and now(not putting harel in a mental institution/ not filing a police report for when he beat up maria/you).
>> No. 38910
You're a sad little man, Robb. You keep crawling back here making the same empty threats. Likewise, we keep taking them as seriously as your ability to pass as a chick.

And please answer me a simple question: Why is it that you still don't own up to the fact that it was you who kicked ADF to the curb? You keep pointing fingers at /cwc/, when it was you who pretended to be ADF's friend IRL. Why is it so hard to admit that you're the one who set all this drama into motion?

That's why your threats will always go unheeded. You've proven yourself to be nothing more than an attention whore who is all talk and no action. So if you could, Robb, answer my question. Why did you kick ADF out onto the street?
>> No. 38911
>> No. 38913
>See everyone, now THIS is the reason why you should have have attempted to give Phillip the power that he craves.

What does he even mean by this?
>> No. 38914
If you get ADF's "CWC Stand up" video for us, we will take down your ED article.
>> No. 38915
Didn't you meet ADF's father when you and ADF went on a little troll hunt? If you really fear for ADF's dad's life, you're possibly in the best position to prevent ADF shooting him; You know where ADF's dad lives and his father possibly has seen you before.
>> No. 38916
Oh god, that's to rich, top drawer Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles top drawer

implying we have anything to do with this at all in a pathetic attempt to save your ass again. Priceless.
>> No. 38917
Robert you can just warn the police about ADF when you are handing over all the evidence your private detective got against /cwc/
>> No. 38918
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles,like Chris, you don't seem to understand how bargaining works. In order to get what you want you have to offer us something that we want in return. So until you give us what we want you are fucked.

by the way how man guys have been after you in the clubs lately? Did you take any home? Are you still "asexual" I would love to hear more about this and any other delusions you might have
>> No. 38919

This is not about me. This is about Angelo Delici, who is an innocent man about to be harmed by his extremely, fucked up son.

How about you speak the truth, Introman, the ADFwiki is here for what purpose other than to instigate harassment towards Phil and to increase his already abundent paranoia. That is plain as day. You hate Harel or otherwise, you wouldn't have started this whole fucking hate campeign on the internet.

The moral here is you're poking a violent fuck for your own amusement and don't care of the ensuing carnage. How many times can I repeat I TRIED TO HELP HIM BUT HE'S A FUCKING DEGENERATE!

You on the other hand, just led him down this path of destruction and now there's a man making terroristic threats everyday in Philly.
>> No. 38920
Ahahahaha, nothing shows how much you don't care about /cwc/ than the fact you lurk here every single fucking day.

And nobody fucking cares. I hope ADF shoots you in the fucking face, shitstain.
>> No. 38921
Why'd you do it, Robb? Why'd you pretend to be his friend then throw him out? C'mon, it's not a difficult question to answer.
>> No. 38922
YOU caused this, and you fucking know it. Stop trying to deflect the blame off on to anybody else except yourself. Is this how you have always lived your life? Unable to take responsiblity for your own actions? I guess the threats to the FBI agent were someone elses fault, too huh?

If ADF murders his father, it will be no ones fault but your own. If the Philly police knock on anyones door, it will be yours. You are the one who pretended to be ADFs friend then kicked him to the curb when you decided he was a nuisance. You started him on the path to mental instability that he is currently on. All of this has happened because OF YOU, ROBERT.
>> No. 38923
Oh, and it is about you. You're the one who stirred shit IRL. We just commented on it online. Just something to think about, Robb.
>> No. 38924

I'm only replying to the true instigators now. So fuck off. They play these corrupt little games of theirs in their little club house
and now I can't even reply?


I wanted a friend and tried to help him. I had no idea he was so unstable and millitant. I thought he suffered from the same thing as myself and was empathetic. Ok, will you kindly shut up now.
>> No. 38925
Then you threw him out and insulted him. With friends like you...
>> No. 38926
>Robert actually believes Introman and Zyklon are the only people who troll him.

Oh wow. Ever occur to you that some people don't namefag?
>> No. 38927
This may be the first time Robert's USI didn't get the better of him.
>> No. 38928
Goddamnit Introman, the furry con in Philly has to be over by now. Drop the cocks already.
>> No. 38929
File 134005992085.jpg - (20.15KB , 288x290 , hitler smiling 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>How about you speak the truth, Introman, the ADFwiki is here for what purpose other than to instigate harassment towards Phil and to increase his already abundent paranoia.
It is here for our amusement. Just like your ED page. I almost thought you understood this when you said that "you didn't care" about it anymore. Looks like I overestimated you.

>You hate Harel or otherwise, you wouldn't have started this whole fucking hate campeign on the internet.
Only spergs like you hate lolcows. Us neurotypicals think they're simply hilarious.

>You on the other hand, just led him down this path of destruction and now there's a man making terroristic threats everyday in Philly.
You see, Robb, it is obvious internet is pretty big thing to you. It was the only thing that you had left, the only place where you could be something. You begged people to remove everything because of your "internet reputation", and raged that your internet terrorist cult will get us all.

But ADF is slightly more normal in this matter. I personally stopped trolling him and begun trolling you, simply because he understood that it isn't wise to respond to every single provocative message unlike you. He doesn't go to sleep in bars because of his ED page.

Say, how does it feel to know ADF is more rational than you are? ADF has always been mad at his father, and has so far managed to keep himself from killing him, and I trust he manages to restrain himself in the future. You should trust your friends more, y'know?
>> No. 38930
You don't even know the pain I've went through in life. Even if I kill myself or ADF's father is shot, you wouldn't blame yourselves. That's how absolutely awful you are.
>> No. 38932
File 134006063931.jpg - (73.89KB , 602x601 , Hitler serious.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robb, you're not in Tumblr right now. You can't "win" by declaring yourself as the Most Oppressed and Suffering Person on the Site.

It's obvious everything is not alright between your ears, but you've had those mental problems long before we stepped in, so we cannot be blamed for that, can we?

Note to the Stonecutter Science Department: OBLIVERATE the documents about the time travel Project Epsilon
>> No. 38933
Nope, we wouldn't blame ourselves, because we haven't done anything wrong. I'd probably laugh if you shot yourself, actually. You should probably do that.

I would think it was a shame if an innocent man like ADFs father was shot and killed, but I wouldn't feel guilt or remorse, because it is the fault of no one here.

You are so heartless that you wouldn't feel remorse or guilt if his father got shot, though. And that shows just how much of a sociopath you really are, since it would be directly your fault.
>> No. 38934

That's because we're not. They're YOUR problems, so you've now got to fix them. You have the option of seeking a good counselor or calling the suicide hotline.
>> No. 38935
I wouldn't give a shit if you offed yourself. You're responsible for yourself and you're the only one to blame. Grow up Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 38936
File 134006237475.gif - (1.65MB , 350x253 , 13330642578.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If YOU kill YOURSELF we are most certainly not to blame, you gender confused fuck
>> No. 38937
>This is not about me. This is about Angelo Delici, who is an innocent man about to be harmed by his extremely, fucked up son.

>But I won't go to the police unless you stop saying mean things about me.
>> No. 38938
File 134006368772.png - (1.40MB , 1366x768 , Untitled.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The adfki is to document Harel. Why are you always shifting blame on to other people? You were the stonecutters number one informant. You got preferential treatment from the stonecutters and used them for your feud with Jordan. I'm happy that I started this operation against the snake known as Robert Wayne Stiles . Stop being delusional and eat a mcpubbit with honey.

I wasn't the deviant who made that anthrocon thread. Here's photo evidence on why I think it's jordan.
>> No. 38939
>he understood that it isn't wise to respond to every single provocative message unlike you
Oh god don't underestimate his wraithly powers, he's deeply engaged in a psy-ops mindfuck - instead of starving us for cocks he's posting more and more ridiculous shit to the point where I question if we're dealing with the legit Robb anymore. It's brilliant in it's insanity.
>> No. 38940
Seems legit.
>> No. 38941
Anyone want to, you know, tip ADF off that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is contemplating preemptive murder?
>> No. 38942
>if you don't feel bad for something that isn't your fault you are awful

I am horrible for not feeling guilty about all the crimes the Spanish Conquistadors commited
>> No. 38943
Honestly, ADF won't do shit. He's an idiot, but he's an idiot that knows committing patricide would get him thrown in prison, which, martyr or not, hampers the whole commie goal or whatever.

Now Robbay on the other hand. No, no. Robbay won't do shit either. Even if he is considering preemptive murder.
>> No. 38944
Didn't someone post a chat they had with his father?

Maybe they could let him know what's going on and he might even get a restraining order against him!
>> No. 38945
I wonder what his reaction to Robby thinking about murdering ADF would be.
>> No. 38946
File 13400688738.gif - (473.21KB , 167x138 , hitler tea time 3.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>where I question if we're dealing with the legit Robb anymore. It's brilliant in it's insanity.
I actually doubted during some of the earlier threads if even Robb could be this retarded, but seeing him trying to rally anti troll crusade on other sites, posting stuff only Robb knows/cares about, trying You Have Been Trolled...yeah, it's Robb, as unbelievable as it may be, people this retarded do really exist.

Yes, that was us. ADF cut all contact with his father shortly after that, and one bargain bin pistol isn't going to chance that.

I am not entirely sure if Robb genuinely believes ADF wants to murder his father or if this is just another clever plan to get his shit removed. Since the previous ones failed. Robb, for a person who describes himself as a manipulative person, you sure suck at this. I believe it's 50%, 50%. Robb really does believe ADF COULD murder his father, and tries to use it against his trolls. One problem: Every ED mod, 789chan user and Philly tranny troll is too sane to believe that.

Whoah man, you're forgotten Robb's body is a freaking weapon!
>> No. 38947
His attempts just become more and more pathetic , I love it
>> No. 38948
Zyklon, you're a bro, just wanted to say thanks for everything.
>> No. 38949
I second this.
Keep on fighting the good fight.
>> No. 38950
File isäkeskustelu.txt - (9.99KB ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
I somehow thought the father chat was already posted, but looks like I was wrong. My bad. Here you go.
>> No. 38951
Zyklon: A true /cwc/ patriot and champion of the lulz.
>> No. 38952
File 134011510345.png - (839.24KB , 900x650 , haters_made_us_famous_by_verganza_de_sasuke-d5451o.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 38953

>I practically lived at bars now ever since the article went up but nothing happened, NOTHING AT ALL and I've relised that.
>I don't give a shit and I thank /cwc/ for that


>Well, it just so happens I have a deal for you, /cwc/. You take down all my shit and I will personally go to the police about these homicidal threats he's making towards his biological father.
>Do the right thing, /cwc/, I know you can.
>final chance.

Hi Robb, I see you're still totally not bothered by all of this.
>> No. 38954
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, no one here has ever threatened to kill you, you fucking imbecile.

How in the fuck are people "lowlife pussy trash" for not following through on threats they never made?

How many times does this have to be hammered into your head? You have no power. You can't make any threats. You have nothing to offer. No one has ever suggested attacking or killing you. We're just laughing at you repeatedly make a total tard of yourself.

You're the type of psychopath that keeps trying to provoke people into attacking you so you can then play the victim when you get your ass kicked. You know, like ADF.
>> No. 38955
Inb4 they kill each other on video and someone turns it into a Skstwr Ray music video.
"Now Rosie's got a new piece. She cocks and shoots bang between three and four. Oh, she aims it at the Robeeey. Shoots him dead there on the floor"
>> No. 38956
Those glasses of ADF's look like a thin-wired version of Chris' own.
>> No. 38957

Okay, so it's completely in your power to stop a man being murdered, but you're not going to do it unless some people you have never met take down some mean things they said about you on the internet. You fucking selfish prick, what the hell is wrong with you? WE should do the right thing? Fuck you.
>> No. 38958
Where did Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles run off to now? Is she peering through her blinds in a cold sweat?
>> No. 38959
>> No. 38960
I'm thinking we should give in to her demands, I mean we've had our fun guys right?
>> No. 38961
File 134023815423.png - (24.01KB , 1031x374 , ADFs girlfriend.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF's girlfriend is cruising for sex.
>> No. 38962
File 134024073840.jpg - (8.36KB , 211x193 , 1327021494159.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 38963
Sup, Sagechu?

Sup, Rob?
>> No. 38964
File 134042704578.jpg - (31.81KB , 425x282 , rika mouse.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 38965
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has crushed Jordan's spirit to blog.

"Note that it took me one month to copy this from facebook to this site, so you can see what I am up against.


Yes, that's right, I'm quitting blogging forever. I wish that I could say that I would be able to continue my blog, but so much has happened and so much has been realized that to even keep going on would be searching for fool's gold. Basically, I am 27 years old and have flunked at so much in life that I don't even deserve a blog. Let's look at a few reasons why.

1 - I have Google Analytics on my blog, and I do know that there is so little readership, and most of my readership have ulterior motives, that continuing on would be foolhardy and would only serve the purpose of my enemies making fun of me.

2 - I have become a rotten, jaded person. Yes, maybe that's a good thing, but it will get me in trouble.

3 - I am a mess, my life is in shambles, and people don't want to hear from those whose lives are in shambles.

4 - My writing isn't getting me anywhere. Yes, I am glad that I was able to get a 20 post paid engagement with Amplify (later extended to 27), but I haven't found anything else since. I knew that it was temporary work, but I was hoping that it would lead to better things OUTSIDE of Advocates For Youth. Try as I might, I haven't found any other freelance opportunities, and it looks like I never will.

5 - My depression is taking a toll on my life and I have been missing a lot of news stories

6 - My transition has been sucking, I was accosted by a doctor at the Mazzoni Centre for not "moving" feminine enough, and this facial hair has become an impediment to success. And when I took a bath this morning, I realized that I have a bear butt rather than a bare butt (I'm more grossed out than you the reader are right now). I feel like less people listen to me because I am not passable. I will NEVER, EVER go back, but its so hard to go forward, and I want to move forward.

7 - I'm starting to lose my ability to write.

So, that's it, I can't do it anymore, the world has worn me down so much and shamed me that I cannot continue on with my blog. I will be keeping my past blog posts up as a monument to my own insanity, or if there is anything that you want to research go for it. I MAY HOWEVER, reverse my decision if I get 100 people to tell me not to stop blogging (or if enough people contribute to my chipin for laser hair removal, http://jordanshairremoval.chipin.com/laser-hair-removal), but I put that high bar there so I can quit forever.

I'm done with trying to use social media to do something, and I think I may withdraw from other things as well, and due to my waning ability to write

-Jordan Gwendolyn Davis"
>> No. 38966
Wow, he wants donations so he can have laser hair removal on his hairy ass huh?

Congratulations Rob, looks like you have totally crushed the spirits of another of your Philly trans bretheren.
>> No. 38967

>Stops blogging due to hairy ass

Why should anyone care?
>> No. 38968
Raised:0$ out of 1500$.
>> No. 38969
Goddamnit Shlomo, get the fuck off /cwc/ you Zionist scum.
>> No. 38970
Autfag detected
>> No. 38971
File 134056171664.jpg - (25.29KB , 670x546 , 112313.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 38972
Cool image macro, Aryeh.
>> No. 38973

who/what is an aryeh
>> No. 38974
>> No. 38975

no really what is that
>> No. 38976
Some Jewish kid's name.
>> No. 38977
File 134057997041.jpg - (10.84KB , 128x128 , PlanetApes.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"You did it, didn't you...You maniac-! You blew it up! Damn you! God damn you --- to hell!"
>> No. 38978
Who thinks that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles will try to use this as a bargaining chip to get his stuff removed? ("I did your dirty work! Now get rid of my name!")

Who thinks that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles will instead try to use this as a threat to get his stuff removed? ("You saw what I did to him. I'll do it to you too!")

Place your bets, everyone.
>> No. 38979
File 134078934674.jpg - (84.59KB , 960x720 , 283676_408340279201914_1599901221_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ahuviya posing with her gat. Even an esteemed 43 year old member of the wolverines approves this picture. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's nakama is receding faster away than his hairline.
>> No. 38980

Gun pointed to the head of a live person? Check.
Finger on the trigger? Check.
Safety off? Don't know that model, but based on what I have fired, appears to be off. Check.
Loaded? Who can say. Given all of the above, and that nobody buys a handgun for protection without any bullets, it's possible.

My jimmies are approaching rustled.
>> No. 38981

I doubt it's loaded, but he really shouldn't be doing that whether it's loaded or not.
>> No. 38982
Loaded guns kill enemies, unloaded guns kill friends.
>> No. 38983
Also I'm sure this has been asked a billion times but why does AFK support hardcore-authoritarian Maoist communism, including the iconography of him in uniform putting a gun to the head of a random guy, when such a regime would take one look at him and go:

- Autistic? BANG!
- Fatty? BANG!
- Tranny? BANG!
>> No. 38984
Gun looks fake as hell.
>> No. 38985
Agreed. If it IS real, though, and ADF is already pointing it to his friend's heads like a jackass, it's really only a matter of time before someone is accidentally shot.
>> No. 38986
All I can say is if it's real it's a model I don't recognise. The grip is hella fucked up though (way too small) which is usually a feature of fake guns. But there are some entirely retarded firearms out there so I'm not going to say either way.
>> No. 38987
Doubtful that it's the gun he was talking about if he did really get one, he's probably had many toy guns for years before getting the real thing.
>> No. 38988

thats not a pf9 at all. probably fake gun. still, totally not taking firearms seriously.
>> No. 38989
That's a mold injected plastic toy.
>> No. 38990
You ever held a gun? You won't mistake a toy plastic gun for the real thing. Real guns actually have parts that weigh something.
>> No. 38991
What the fuck you keep your fucking finger off the trigger less you're bout to kill someone. This won't end well.
>> No. 38992
There's probably an orange tip behind that homosexual deviants baseball cap.

For reals, those guys give all of the normal communists a bad name!!
>> No. 38993
File 134082788450.jpg - (8.56KB , 180x180 , d.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He's starting to look kinda like Chris these days.
>> No. 38994
Stop calling him a her. You're rustling my jimmies.
>> No. 38995
We have stated this before: The Chairwomyn is a She while Robbie is nothing but a disgusting manbaby.
>> No. 38996
File 134084908140.jpg - (409.30KB , 751x800 , 132759578979.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Phil is a man just like Robbay and Jordman.
>> No. 39000
File 134085460212.jpg - (149.55KB , 650x978 , Jordanfatman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I do know that there is so little readership, and most of my readership have ulterior motives
>my life is in shambles, and people don't want to hear from those whose lives are in shambles.
>My writing isn't getting me anywhere.
Well you've got to hand it to Jordan: he's totally got the best grasp of reality in all of Philly.
>> No. 39001
He lost a bunch of weight, why is his face still so bloated jesus christ.
>> No. 39002
At least Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is entertaining. jordman's just annoying.
>> No. 39003
  Harel was on a radioshow. He's showing off the new fire power.

"If I hear one male pronoun, somebody is getting shot"
>> No. 39004
File 134096376054.jpg - (16.87KB , 183x226 , armchairkommandoisexcited.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>No trigger discipline

this picture is perfect /k/ rage material
>> No. 39005
Four dumbasses breaking every single rule against violent speech in video form. They went full retard.

A few highlights:

>They encouraged people to hijack and OBLIVERATE US military drones that cost over a million dollars

>They advocated the murder of Alex Jones, Mayor Nutter, Snooki, businessmen, etc.

>ADF and them play around with his gun as if it was a toy.

>ADF thinks its transphobia when he dresses like a Hetalia character in public and garners attention

>"MARIJUANA is not a drug, man! Neither is medicine"

>ADF is running as a candidate for president for the Communist Transgender party.

>"911 was an inside job"

>ADF claims to be a top and was asked if he wanted to jizz in Melissa's face

>"Money is bad, but we might hold a fundraiser to bring Melissa to Philly. Don't you people believe in troo love?"
>> No. 39006
>They advocated the murder of Alex Jones

ADF confirmed for CIA disinformation agent.
>> No. 39007
>Communist Transgender party
Is this a real thing? It can't be.

>ADF claims to be a top and was asked if he wanted to jizz in Melissa's face

>"Money is bad, but we might hold a fundraiser to bring Melissa to Philly. Don't you people believe in troo love?"

Melissa who now?
>> No. 39008
>still implying you aren't Jordman
>> No. 39009
This is actually a screenshot from a new Daniel Day Lewis movie that Ahuviya managed to get a part in. "There Will Be Communism"
>> No. 39010
It's a shame mr. Lewis is doing so poorly.
>> No. 39011
so apprently there is some super rally july 4 where all the sodomize fags are going to converge on phillie. maybe adf will choose then to strike
>> No. 39012

His internet long-distance ftm girlfriend, who is also a satanist.
>> No. 39013
You know, I have to admit, she does look pretty manly.
>> No. 39014

I doubt she's taking any drugs to do so, though.
>> No. 39016
File 134120434712.gif - (1.57KB , 75x96 , ashgrinnin.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Implying that DePaul University-Chicago and Turkish Nazis aren't trolling Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>Implying that Delaware Valley investigations aren't the truest of the true.
>Implying the lolcows are conspiring to troll you.
Hi Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles,
As adorable as helpless flailing around and straw grasping is, it just doesn't help you get back against the people who made you mad. conspiracy theories won't bring you any closer to getting to the trolls.

Just go with what Delaware Valley proved and stop straining your delicate mind.
Well I've got to get back to my Catholic uni, so I'll see you latter.
>> No. 39017
Does anyone else think liquidMr. Robert Wayne Stiles is more annoying than the real one? The real one is at least amusing.
>> No. 39018
File 134121168574.jpg - (45.22KB , 387x577 , Hitler serious 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I don't know if you're aware, but shouting at random Anonymous contributes nothing to the thread. Also being sensitive and taking every random comment personally makes you look rustled and like you're trying to cover it up by acting smug, and this makes you look like a tranny. And thus, a vicious cycle of Anonymous/LiquidRobb butthurt is born.

Now you have been made aware. You're welcome. You don't owe me a reply.
>> No. 39019
When I'm smug it means I've trolled you DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND
>> No. 39020
Sorry BBY, it was an honest mistake.
Anon seemed so much like Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles that I just assumed...
>> No. 39021
Rïka was right about you all along. You guys just won't stop, you keep pushing and pushing and ruining a poor woman and now you idiots gave ADF a gun. Someone is getting hurt and you people are assholes who deserve the authorities brought upon them.
>> No. 39022
That's not a real gun is it? Look at the way he's fucking waving it around! I wouldn't be within a mile of him.
>> No. 39023
He's like a wind-up toy: turn the key by saying anything at all negative about trannies, and then you get the usual run of "why are you guys so obsessed with trannies, a few angry replies that indicate he didn't read or understand the posts he is replying to, deletion of some of those posts, and then a post referring to our hate of 'dang dirty academics.'" I enjoy his presence on the board, honestly.
>> No. 39024
>dat trigger discipline
Perfect /k/ ragematerial.
>> No. 39025
adf and jordman were formed from the same turd. If you say anything outside of their hugbox they freak. Its because the system coddled them for years during adolescence then set them free when they were legally adults
>> No. 39026
File 13412824413.jpg - (41.93KB , 450x293 , laughing nazis2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Soon, ADF will get married. And as a political and religious weather vane, apparently his atheism, just like his christianity and judaism was just a phase and he's about to accept Satan as his lord and savior.

Well, so much about NO GODS, NO BASTARDS!.
>> No. 39027
>Rïka was right about you all along
>Implying that there was anything to ruin
>Implying anyone gave anything other than a nudge
No no, you’ve got to give credit where it’s due. All the hard work was done by Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, some people are plenty able to ruin their life on their own.
>Identifies with ADF and Jordan’s struggles
Well aren’t you taking it all a bit too personal here?
If being a manchild who can’t hack it is something that grinds your gears then rest easy brah. You don’t need hugboxes if you’re a good successful, productive member of society. So no need to fret when talking to me: I’ve totally lived out a good virtuous life, just ask De Paul.
>> No. 39028
ADF will seriously jump on the minority bandwagon no matter what it is, won't he?
>> No. 39030
Yes, he will. Soon "oppressed religious minority" will be added to his already rather respectable label list.
>> No. 39031
File 134128726019.jpg - (46.82KB , 330x380 , 1340310323358.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh, it gets better, ladies and gentlemen. Guess who Melissa wants to be the priest for the wedding?

Any guesses? Well, she wants none other than Marilyn Manson to be the priest for the wedding. As you can already see, Melissa already has unrealistic expectations about a future wedding that would, more than likely, take place in someone's basement.
>> No. 39032
Would be a real freak gathering then, huh?
>> No. 39033
That's assuming they even get actually married, technically legal since legally there's a male and female. I'm guessing they're gonna exchange rings made out of twine, embroidery thread and the broken dreams of an etsy seller.
>> No. 39034
They'll do the same thing that they've been doing to get Melissa into Philly, beg for the money
>> No. 39035
>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles was right
>poor woman

>> No. 39036
Sup Robbay
>> No. 39037
>> No. 39038
Hold on for a sec here, Satanism is a legitimated religion in the U.S, with churches and clergies and everything? I've always thought it was some stupid thing try-hards and Christian nutjobs throw around.
>> No. 39039
Not sure about legally.

Also, Satanism as a religion has been around since the medieval era.
>> No. 39040
>Also, Satanism as a religion has been around since the medieval era.
Sure, but in 2012 99(.999~)% of them are Tumblr goth whales wanting to look edgy.
>> No. 39041
Absolutely not. Paganism, maybe. Satanism is a very modern thing.
>> No. 39042
  Hey everyone, might I shed some light on this particular topic?
>> No. 39043
Yes, in that it's no older than the middle ages. Yes
>> No. 39044
Legally the government can't deny it status as a religion
>> No. 39045
Actually, they have to accept it, legally.

Like with Kopiimism (the pirate religion from Sweden). If it's ever accepted, then there will be an argument for piracy, because it views sharing information and data as a sacrament.
>> No. 39046
Satanism is a recognized religion in the Anton Levay sense. Modern Satanism is a humanist religion and doesn't have a diety..."Satan" is essentially id, and the Church of Satan is worship thereof.

Of course most mallgoths think that it's "Worship the Devil to make mommy an daddy mad".
>> No. 39047
By they have to accept, I mean there's a process for it and the government can choose to accept it or not before its a legal religion. Not that they're forced to accept all religions.
>> No. 39048
Then why not just be a secular humanist?
>> No. 39049

>> No. 39050
Not enough psuedo-Randian philosophy
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