No. 38965
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has crushed Jordan's spirit to blog.
"Note that it took me one month to copy this from facebook to this site, so you can see what I am up against.
Yes, that's right, I'm quitting blogging forever. I wish that I could say that I would be able to continue my blog, but so much has happened and so much has been realized that to even keep going on would be searching for fool's gold. Basically, I am 27 years old and have flunked at so much in life that I don't even deserve a blog. Let's look at a few reasons why.
1 - I have Google Analytics on my blog, and I do know that there is so little readership, and most of my readership have ulterior motives, that continuing on would be foolhardy and would only serve the purpose of my enemies making fun of me.
2 - I have become a rotten, jaded person. Yes, maybe that's a good thing, but it will get me in trouble.
3 - I am a mess, my life is in shambles, and people don't want to hear from those whose lives are in shambles.
4 - My writing isn't getting me anywhere. Yes, I am glad that I was able to get a 20 post paid engagement with Amplify (later extended to 27), but I haven't found anything else since. I knew that it was temporary work, but I was hoping that it would lead to better things OUTSIDE of Advocates For Youth. Try as I might, I haven't found any other freelance opportunities, and it looks like I never will.
5 - My depression is taking a toll on my life and I have been missing a lot of news stories
6 - My transition has been sucking, I was accosted by a doctor at the Mazzoni Centre for not "moving" feminine enough, and this facial hair has become an impediment to success. And when I took a bath this morning, I realized that I have a bear butt rather than a bare butt (I'm more grossed out than you the reader are right now). I feel like less people listen to me because I am not passable. I will NEVER, EVER go back, but its so hard to go forward, and I want to move forward.
7 - I'm starting to lose my ability to write.
So, that's it, I can't do it anymore, the world has worn me down so much and shamed me that I cannot continue on with my blog. I will be keeping my past blog posts up as a monument to my own insanity, or if there is anything that you want to research go for it. I MAY HOWEVER, reverse my decision if I get 100 people to tell me not to stop blogging (or if enough people contribute to my chipin for laser hair removal, http://jordanshairremoval.chipin.com/laser-hair-removal), but I put that high bar there so I can quit forever.
I'm done with trying to use social media to do something, and I think I may withdraw from other things as well, and due to my waning ability to write
-Jordan Gwendolyn Davis"