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File 133988567576.jpg - (110.94KB , 576x565 , Untitled.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
39051 No. 39051
Has anyone seen Spoony's freakout last night on twitter? It's pretty great. I'm not sure how relevant that is here, but he SURE IS TOUCHY RIGHT NOW

What I can gather is that his girlfriend "Linkara" dumped him like a year ago, and he's still shitting himself about it.

I even found two videos where he rages at his fans over various Joss Whedon movies. I'm not sure how commonplace this is, however. It made me laugh.

I'm seeing mentions of him making jokes about some girl Hope getting "Chained up and raped in a basement"
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>> No. 39052
sorry heres a link to the video I had mentioned and goddamn that greasy hair.
>> No. 39053
I heard he has a heart condition, and his doctor warned him he'll die young if he doesn't change his habits, but all he's done to change is drink diet soda.
>> No. 39054
Check his fucking dog's twitter.

See if he's going even more batshit crazy there.
>> No. 39055
He's threatening to leave the country to rid himself of his problems on the internet.

>> No. 39056
I don't have a twitter, but if anyone really wants to make him go berserk:

@thespoonyone When you finished fucking Oreo, did you make a "creme filling" joke or did you realize it would be as low-brow as the rest of your ventures?
>> No. 39057
>Has anyone seen Spoony's freakout last night on twitter?

Is there any more? TGWTG bashing is ween as fuck, but none of this seems particularly funny.

Spoony has the rep for being the biggest douche on the site not named Amazing Atheist, so it'd be pretty hilarious to see Doug Walker Present; Asspie Civil War.
>> No. 39058
He tries to pick up girls through his dog's account. That's all.
>> No. 39059
The Amazing Atheist left some time ago, then made a video claiming that the site was UNFAIR AND UNBALANCED because he wasn't one of the top providers.
>> No. 39060


It's p ween.
>> No. 39061
What is his dogs account? I can't find it anywhere.
>> No. 39062
Spoony always seems like the one acted the most like he does in his "shows" in real life. I can imagine Doug and pals all being quite obnoxiois irl, but I can't imagine they're anywhere near as bad as Antwiler.
>> No. 39063
>> No. 39064
He stopped using it right before the shitstorm.

>> No. 39065
I wasn't aware TAA had even been a contributor before but that sounds awful. I never cared for TGWTG so I found him freaking out over this little breakup to be pretty funny.
>> No. 39066
wasn't there some redhead bitch he was having an online relationship or something and she basically fucked him up instead of fucking him?
>> No. 39067
Spoony is finally falling, good...good
>> No. 39068
He's losing it

Damn site is such an unsustainable business venture, why would anybody still work there?
>> No. 39069
>Damn site is such an unsustainable business venture

The initial idea was solid; Spergs got money, spergs easily give up money, pander to spergs and rake it in.

The problem with TGWTG is that their guys did the opposite of what James Rolfe did and actually tried to interact with their hordes of mouthbreathers routinely. Them being so casually open with what retarded freaks they were killed them faster than their terrible output.
>> No. 39070
I am waiting for the day when they have to all get real jobs again, just the thought of them trying to find work with their work history amuses me
>> No. 39071
File 133988931449.jpg - (40.50KB , 488x227 , Untitled.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
the "Rape joke"
>> No. 39072

Let's hope this serves as a lesson to all future online entrepreneurs.

Nerds are usually cool people who are a bit shy, but if you happen to attract the wrong kind somehow for Allah's sake do not ever try and pander or acknowledge them.
>> No. 39073
I think Spoony legit has a narcissiam complex, he treats everyone like shit and nothing is ever his fault
>> No. 39074
I think it's more about him having been on the internet for a little too long

And i agree... unlimited fan interaction murdered that site and preety much helped raise the cancer that's killing the internet
>> No. 39075
I always hated Spoony (and everyone else from TGWTG) so this is pretty funny to me.
>> No. 39076
TGWTG and friends is the cosmic example on how "aspergia" wouldn't work; all the worst baby-men spergs, fedora-wearing neck beards, the Fanfic Critic etc. all in control of a legion of their own kind, all whining like a bunch of babbys.
>> No. 39077
Thanks for this OP.

As a rule, shit like this about any of the spergs and neckbeards over at TGWTG is very /cwc/-friendly material. We seem to have an overwhelming consensus of disdain for the site and it's contributers, particularly Linkara and Nostaliga Critic.
>> No. 39078
>What I can gather is that his girlfriend "Linkara" dumped him like a year ago

Huh? I thought his girlfriend that broke up with him a while back was some fat bitch with red hair.

As a side note, I actually enjoyed the new series Spoony did a few months ago called Counter Monkey, where he just told interesting stories about his D&D days. No stupid cross overs or unfunny characters, just him as himself talking to the camera.

I was hoping he was turning over a new leaf and maybe would regain some of the appeal he had way back in the old days, though I admit I never really enjoyed his stuff all that much, even then. Guess he is still as much of a fag as he as ever been.
>> No. 39079
File 133989984414.png - (134.20KB , 757x344 , Spoonys_true_colours.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
My favorite Spoony tweet. Seems he has a habit of putting his foot in his mouth on there.
>> No. 39080
This is the ex and her response: https://twitter.com/Scarlettopia/status/214079581529964545
>> No. 39081
Ah yeah.. Scarlett Topia. I knew it was something like that. I wonder why OP called her Linkara.
>> No. 39082
I'm sorry I must have misread somewhere. Linkara is some other contributor, "Scarlett" is apparently his girlfriend, as has already been pointed out.
>> No. 39083
A couple weeks earlier:


>> No. 39084
File 133990710631.jpg - (9.51KB , 240x240 , Linkara.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>What I can gather is that his girlfriend "Linkara" dumped him like a year ago.

Hohohoho, OP, you sly dog.
>> No. 39085
Oh Spoony, he hates Black people and Gays, and Women! What a charmer he is.
>> No. 39086
Holy shit.

This needs to haunt him.
>> No. 39087
Man, i remember back when i still liked TGWTG, Spoony was probably the best reviewer on the site.

Then he got a girlfriend, his reviews got worse, and after the breakup he was completely beyond the point of any return. Now he's finally snapped.

How long were they dating anyway, six months? Who gets this screwed up for an entire year over a chick he dated for six months?
>> No. 39088
Most guys would. Six months is more likely to screw you up than two years. At six months the relationship basically peaks, anything beyond that is basically all about convenience.
>> No. 39089
File 133990852044.jpg - (329.34KB , 1916x1368 , ASGHAR-1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It was more like a year but still, dude has no maturity
>> No. 39090
Pretty sure that was a(n intentional) joke on his part.
>> No. 39091
I always find it amusing how he constantly flips his shit when fans make immature jokes. Yet his videos are nothing but immature jokes and cosplay.

Hopefully this recent freak out will cause him to finally break ties with TGWTG. Without the constant circle-jerking from it, his ego (in time) may return to human levels. I really don't wish anything bad on him, but it may be best for him to just retire from the net. It really doesn't even seem like he enjoys what he does anymore. And he takes every little thing way too seriously. At the very least he needs to remove himself from twitter.
>> No. 39092
It's from the RedLetterMedia starwars review. It's a stolen joke, like all of his fucking jokes. It's either stolen material from them or MST3K.
>> No. 39093
Which one? I'm watching Revenge of the Sith right now.
>> No. 39094
File 133991364768.png - (49.35KB , 512x383 , mypainohno.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Can't remember, it's in one of them though. One of the Nadine stating scenes.

Also on his twitter he also is thinking of moving to another state to escape the TGWTG painful barbed words of mockery or something.
>> No. 39095
I think he means the webzone part. which they say at the end of every Plinkett review "Upload comments to my webzone and I'll send you pizza rolls."

I don't know if I'd go so far as to say it's a stolen joke with one word though. I thought someone was trying to argue the "chain her up in my basement" thing was a stolen RLM joke.
>> No. 39096
No, it's stolen. Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the clones video part 1. 9:58-ish Nadine scene.
>> No. 39097
Wow, that was both hilarious and awkward.

Who is this guy? I've never seen so much mad, I swear.


Pretty hilarious with his high pitched voice also.
>> No. 39098
That's like stealing from an ed wood movie
>> No. 39099
File 133992414535.jpg - (29.54KB , 679x463 , 14090560_ori.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
In fairness while watching this, I agree with his points on Cabin in the Woods. I don't get why anyone's getting pissed about him trashing the movie (but I guess I hate Whedon in general.) He is right that other films have done the same thing, and arguably much better.

I went into that movie with high hopes, and for me the problem was that I was expecting it to go farther than it did. I thought they were going to get more creative with explaining how the common tropes of horror movies could translate into an elaborate sacrifice ritual to appease ancient gods. I really liked that concept. I think that's a really clever idea that a clever writer could have taken really far.

What we ended up with felt really half-assed though. It felt like the title should have ended with the word Movie. I mean it wasn't flat out comedy like a Scary Movie, but most of the time it felt like simple parody and stating of tropes. Like the big epic scene at the end where all the monsters got loose. If they'd gotten the rights to all the monsters that could have been great, but watching it I just found myself thinking "Oh, Pinhead knock-off. Pennywise knock-off. Evil Dead knock-off. Okay."

It didn't really play with the tropes like it could have. How the pothead survived is never really explained. How gas could make them think splitting up was a good idea, or make a girl pretend she was a virgin wasn't explained. The deaths were fairly dissatisfying.

I guess the argument could be made that we were supposed to walk out disappointed because the audience are the elder gods they're trying to entertain and the ritual does fail -and the time until sundown matches the time until the theater lights turn on- but that's stupid and a complete copout.

The redhead was really cute in the movie though.
>> No. 39100

I haven't seen the movie and you're probably right. But would you scream at someone in a high-pitched prepubescent voice for 20 minutes because they enjoyed it? I think that's the real issue here, all his mad.
>> No. 39101
>You all seriously better finish your goddamn basements or I will personally hatefuck you with your own children.
Woah, it's getting really intense.
I wonder if this is the result of twitter + alcohol and depression, and if it happens often. I need to search that site more.
It's sad, opinion wise I really liked him, as he is a nerd with a lot of roleplaying and RPG experience, and I agreed with him most of the time in his serious reviews. But since a year or two he's been a wreck.
>> No. 39102
tl; dr.

I liked it.
>> No. 39103
>Woah, it's getting really intense.
I assume the rage at basements is fake rage to make a joke out of his real rage the night before.
>> No. 39104
Oh, also, here's another comment from his ex:

>> No. 39105
It doesn't come up as a reply, but she was also replying to someone who said, "I can see now why you broke up with him" with that comment. And he said back, "yeah, I never questioned why you did it bc it was none of my niz, but it's so obvious now" (paraphrasing).
>> No. 39106


Would never guess the bitch is a ginger. Remind me to never sign up for twitter.
>> No. 39107
File 133993125613.jpg - (24.66KB , 290x218 , 290px-Jesupic.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So if I'm understanding this correctly, he said he was going to chain up this girl and rape her in his basement, and it may or may not have been a joke, and now a bunch of people are calling him a monster and saying they'll never watch his videos again or subscribe to him or whatever?

Where did he say this? I can't find it in this thread, though I've only glanced over it. Was it in the video linked at the top of the thread? That was like 45 minutes long, at what point did he say it? I missed it if it was in there.

Seems like a little bit of an overreaction if it really was a joke. That she's well-liked and people didn't like threats being made towards her.

If there's a chance it was said out of rage and wasn't an obvious joke, then Spoony is a lot more socially retarded than I thought.
>> No. 39108
1. Nostalgia critic is awesome

2. I was fucked in the head for 2 years after a break up. You bunch of autistics have obviously never experienced love
>> No. 39109
The rape tweets:


A couple more bonus tweets about Scarlett:

>> No. 39110
File 133993364985.jpg - (17.24KB , 333x250 , Nick Cave.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 39111
File 133993374913.jpg - (64.26KB , 353x326 , TheFaggotExperiment.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He's gone absolutely mad! I declare the Spoony Experiment a resounding success.
>> No. 39113

If we have any draw fags hanging around, a good piece of a chained JesuOtaku beaten and raped in Spoony's basement could probably be posted around to further some lulz.
(I swear I'm not just requesting that for my private collection!)
>> No. 39114
I'm gonna go with overdramatic, socially retarded, and also totally harmless.

Was he really dating that obscura whatever girl? If so, then I could see her being pissed about him "flirting" with this girl.
>> No. 39115
No, he wasn't dating Lupa, he vwas dating Scarlett. But who the FUCK knows? TGWTG is like some weird circlejerk where everyone fucks eachother and Doug is the harem leader of this monstrosity.
I personally find this quite tragic, I liked Spoony a whole lot and even met him at a con once, seemed pretty chill, but if you let a fat ginger fuck with your head that much then you've got some issues bro.
>> No. 39116
File 133993905592.png - (388.28KB , 976x1185 , Spoony.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 39117
It was a stupid joke that got an overreaction. Go figure a autistic female who does video "reviews" would be shocked at a rape joke. People should be more angry at spoony for all his melodramatic bullshit over the breakup of ginger pig.
>> No. 39118
I stopped giving a shit about Spoony a long time ago, it only took watching a handful of videos to see what a douche he really is , and not to mention he only makes Vlogs or post other peoples videos on his site anyway
>> No. 39119
Synopsis of Spoony's next video:

>Video open like a v-log with spoony sitting on the couch staring angrily with bleary eyes at the camera. Half empty liquor bottles and soda cans are strewn on the coffee table.
>At this point miles walks in after a long day of shooting beaners in the face
>Spoony throws a liquor bottle off camera
>at this point spoony is sobbing uncontrollably and wailing like a bitch
>Miles attempts to comfort spoony as he screams incoherently
>Final shot is of miles moving to turn the camera off, as oreo jumps up on the table to lap up what is presumably some spilt liquor.
>> No. 39120

Lol almost every single post is him calling someone a motherfucker shithead

I think spoony would make a good lolcow, we just need a ginger FA to get with him
>> No. 39121
File 13399417262.jpg - (51.70KB , 640x427 , Hambeast.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>we just need a ginger FA to get with him
>> No. 39122
Does FA stand for field agent or fatass? Or both?
>> No. 39123

I didn't make the request, but I love you mang
>> No. 39124
A sperg makes a (admittedly weak, only vaguely offensive) joke, other retards rage incredibly hard, the first sperg doesn't do what he should have done (which was nothing) and proceeds to display he's actually an even bigger hairtrigger, raging homosexual deviant than the people initially raging for no reason.


That said, anybody looking at the fans responding to their tweets? TGWTG fans are an ugly lot.
>> No. 39125
This being the case if you're a sperg who can't control your emotions and can't realize why freaking out over a relationship of that short a length is silly.

Given we're all human and sometimes emotions can get out of hand, his reaction is more something I expect from some high schooler that just got dumped. He however, is 31 years old.
>> No. 39126
>@SpoonyOne what's your average BAC been this week?
>fuck you

oh spoony, you alcoholic
>> No. 39127
its almost sad. he keeps pissing people off, and then a bunch of his twtg try desperetly to talk him out of it. http://spoonyexperiment.com/2011/11/19/vlog-11-19-11-breaking-dawn/
this is the one that always strikes me as how far down hill he has gone.
>> No. 39128

SomethingAwful does a care.
>> No. 39129
Oh my god, I loled just from the screen cap of the video

Why does he think his life is so fucking hard, because a fat ginger got sick of his shit? Like doesn't he just mope around his brothers house all day long while he talks about D&D ?
>> No. 39130
I'm reading now he has severe clinical depression? If this is the case and he has that severe a mental disorder, this freakout makes sense, and I'm feeling a bit of trolls remorse now.
>> No. 39131
>fat bitch leaves you
>severe clinical depression

Yeah, I'm sure he walks around his house and has PTSD flashbacks to her being mildly upset at him.
>> No. 39132

>> No. 39133
Linkara is the comic book "reviewer" on TGWTG and is quite well known around here as a massive sperg who dated a woman who any sane person would think was a man on sight. He even spent like 800 dollars once on a green Power Rangers costume he can barely fit in, and has his own hilariously bad web comic like Chris.

Also, I remember a year or two ago, some people theorizing that Troll Hunter could have been Linkara. He does sort of have the same facial stucture, and they do some a bit alike, even both sounding like they might have a very slight lisp or something. I seriously doubt he was TH though. The only "trolling" I have ever seen Linkara do is his Irate Gamer parody episode. I know he is familiar with Sonichu and Chris, but that is it.
>> No. 39134
Well did he start claiming he had problems with depression before or after this little breakup?
>> No. 39135
File 133994680478.jpg - (34.23KB , 592x341 , Phelous1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Figure you would like that homosexual deviant, since you are such a homosexual deviant yourself.

I do agree with you on the second thing, though. I was with a girl for 6 years, from 18 to 24. I just really got completely over it about 6 months ago, so it took about a year and a half total. The fact that she started coming around for sex again may have had something to do with it though, I guess.

Also, believe it or not, one of the spergiest/annoy/creepy members of TGWTG is dating Obscura Lupa, who is pretty decent looking. Pic related.
>> No. 39136
That, or we've experienced it enough to know theres more fish in the sea. You only have trouble moving on if you don't make the effort. Spoony isn't making the effort.
>> No. 39137
File 133994718680.jpg - (8.11KB , 225x225 , images.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Nostalgia Critic is Awesome
>Spent 2 years getting over a relationship
>> No. 39138

1. Nostalgia Critic is a horribly unfunny, and untalented hack.

2. If you were fucked in the head by someone for OVER 2 YEARS. You are clearly the one with emotional problems and need help.
>> No. 39139
>2. I was fucked in the head for 2 years after a break up. You bunch of autistics have obviously never experienced love

Couldn't get your head around the concept of a break up for two years. Spergs do have a hard time with emotions don't they?
>> No. 39140
There was a really uncomfortable period a few months ago where he kept hitting on other tgwtg girls in that "I am hitting on you but like its a joke but I am really hitting on you." It was amazingly uncomfortable.
>> No. 39141
You have never been dumped
>> No. 39142
It sucks to get dumped and can take a while to get adjusted to being single again.

The fact that it has now been four times the length of the relationship and he still hasn't got over it shows that he already had deep seated mental problems. The man's in his 30s, he should grow up and stop blaming everything on this relationship when it clearly isn't why he's so fucked up in the first place.

The break up is simply a pathetic excuse.
>> No. 39143
Don't dare namefag now, Mr E-lawyer?
>> No. 39144
That can be especially true when you live together. Spending every day with one another for years and then suddenly being single again can be pretty hard to adjust to at first.
>> No. 39145

You're going to "Fall in love" multiple times throughout life. The quicker you hypersensitive spergs realize this, the quicker you can fucking move on with your lives and find someone else. Spending years reeling over someone is absolutely stupid. Missing them is okay, but acting like what spoony is doing is a normal reaction to a breakup just goes to show that you people don't know how to actually handle a relationship. I can only imagine why all of you are whining about being dumped.
>> No. 39146
I was

I am probably quite a bit older than you. I lived with and was married to the same woman for 6 years. I don't think it makes me a "hypersensitive sperg" to take a little time to get adjusted to being single again.
>> No. 39147
three fags piss on each other in a circle - welcome to 789chan
>> No. 39148
I was more directing this toward the people who act like Spoony's reaction to the breakup is normal. Being hurt is normal. Needing time to get over it is normal. Publicly freaking out about it and blaming all of your life's problems on it is childish and stupid.
>> No. 39149
I would absolutely agree. I wasn't trying to justifiy anything he is doing, I mostly just made the comment in response to the tangent the thread seemed to get off to. What he is doing is never appropriate, it is no one elses business or problem but your own.
>> No. 39150
Mmmkay since you're all a bunch of autistics on a lovequest I'll explain this for you. When find a woman and you think she's the most amazing, beautiful, and badass girl ever you tend to envision Yourself spending your life with that person. When you eventually break up with that person it hurts deeply. Especially when the said person calls you at 3 am saying the love you.

So yeah, don't judge the spoon.

>> No. 39151
Hi Spooney.
>> No. 39152
Sorry, but who thinks a fat annoying ginger is the be-all end-all of women? Actually curious.
>> No. 39153
I picture you as a fatter, less-succesful, Gary Gray that just hammers away at his keyboard thinking he's "trolling" anyone above the age of fifteen.

It makes your shitposts a lot more understandable.

>> No. 39154
>Also, believe it or not, one of the spergiest/annoy/creepy members of TGWTG is dating Obscura Lupa
I don't think you understand what Phelous is about. His personality is all an act which he lets on to at least once every couple episodes. Unlike Linkara and some of the others, he doesn't actually believe the delusion he creates. So good job calling one of the most normal people on TGWTG a sperg.
>> No. 39155
I'm wondering when spoony is going to do another livestream where he chats with people.
>> No. 39156
Hi Phelous
I hope he is in one of his drunken stupors when he does
>> No. 39157
Dude is a total fag. I don't think you understand. Good job dickriding TGWTG though.
>> No. 39158

The part I don't get is, at the time of his breakup, he was swimming in mediocre poon (that were still hotter than the ginger pig.) He had so many fangirls getting wet over him it was mind-boggling. Busy Street counted at least 9 girls lined up and willing to tongue polish his knob.
He had his own fetish fuel page on TVTropes too if I'm not mistaken.
>> No. 39159
Yeah, but that is what you do when you have an audience. Isn't it? That's why reality television exists.
>> No. 39160
Even people who are bummed about their breakup don't go around making public posts about their ex two years after the fact. There is shit you make public and shit you don't. But please, share with us more tragic sperg stories of woe about how you lost the only girl you could only make a semi-normal connection with half a decade ago. You're right on the verge of convincing me Spoony is normal and right.

So, basically, "I'm not retarded; I'm just pretending to be retarded! LOL I troll u!". ...for however many years he's been making videos?
>> No. 39162
Well he actually trolls you because he makes you bitch and cry about what he does while he is not being serious about it like the rest of the spergs at the site
>> No. 39163
Goddamn this dude has a serious fucking hard-on for Phallus.

They are all fucking retarded spergs. Your boyfriend included.
>> No. 39164
See what i mean? you're crying again! The sperg is making you cry your eyes out in a temper tantrum xD
>> No. 39165
Yeah, you've got me there... I can't count the amount of times that TGWTG guy has brought me to tears and rage.... Wait, what? Are you retarded? I don't even watch these idiots, much less invest actual care into the shit they do.
>> No. 39166


You and your kind are not wanted here.
>> No. 39167
I'm honestly surprised Mr. Antwiener didn't make a video and have a contest where the winner gets the honor of going on a date with "THE SPOONY ONE"

You pay, of course. Blip TV revenue doesn't go as far as it used to
>> No. 39168
spoony has always been a cunt. but atleast then he was funny. now he does nothing but squeal at people about the fact the he doesnt get blown while all his "friends" at tgwtg skitter around him makeing excuses. its amusing
>> No. 39169
Or what? :3
>> No. 39170
File 13399961755.jpg - (122.82KB , 500x500 , scheming-scarlett.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Goddamn. I mean, I have pretty low standards but still. Fuck, look at that.
>> No. 39171
What are you trying to point out?
I see a ginger cow, still.
I can imagine what you think you see, but then, there are people in this thread arguing that Spoony's reaction is totally normal and should be expected.
>> No. 39172
Gah! Her face looks like a photoshop project gone horribly wrong.
>> No. 39173
She doesn't seem so fat.
I mean, since he's AMERICAN, and when you look for example at the whale TGWTG married, this one barely looks chubby.
>> No. 39174
Statistically american adult females are not more obese than Scottish or Irish ones. The rest of Europe is slowly catching up as well.
>> No. 39175
File 133999706377.jpg - (54.45KB , 600x450 , JulsandScarlett.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
She's about the same size. She's just riding the angle shots to look skinny. I can't tell which girl in this picture is worse, honestly.
>> No. 39176
File 133999722476.jpg - (280.68KB , 1024x768 , Shrek the Third - Fiona - 01.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You know who she reminds me of?
Pic related.
>> No. 39177

Goddamn, what a hideous whale!
>> No. 39178
Sorry, I was trying in my own autismal way to express that she's a hideous whale.

Oh God.
>> No. 39179
Sorry, after seeing arguments spark over whether or not PixyTeri is "Okay", I have no real faith in 789chan's taste in women.
>> No. 39180
I understand reviewers drawing their title card selves slightly more flattering, but shit's out of control:
>> No. 39181
Her head looks , odd, I dont know, maybe its the egg shape, it looks out of place on her body lol
>> No. 39182
File 133999946412.jpg - (137.61KB , 1037x771 , spoony_and_dr__insano_portrait_by_jeredulevenin-d3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Is Spoony Tim Buckley?
>> No. 39183
Faye seems to be the only female lolcow where her actual craziness is discussed and not whether people would bang her or not. Even discussion about Fanfic Critic has devolved into little more than "I'd hit it/ooh no way!". This shit is exactly why women lolcows are no where near as lulzy as their male counterparts.
>> No. 39184
Ah Spoony,I will admit I find his older videos to be head and shoulders above the absolute trash that is TGWTG (aside from the cinema snob who I think is genuinely hilarious and seems like the only one from that site who Id actually want to befriend)

But,by god,Spoony has been nothing but shit for the past 2 years.Their was always an arrogant mean steak to him,but I figured it was just him playing a character,dudes fucked up and I dont see him living off the advertisements from his site for much longer.

I feel sorry for his brother most of all,having to put up with a mopey manchild every fucking day...
>> No. 39185
On the bright side Miles is a cop, they are good at covering up murders
>> No. 39186
File 134003856838.jpg - (14.79KB , 480x360 , stan mcner.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I just realized who Spoony reminds me of.
>> No. 39188

Speaking of the Cinema Snob, look at how well he's handled all the shit that happened to him this year. His friends got divorced, he had to fire his friend Jerrid from the site, and he and his wife separated. You don't see him attacking people on twitter.
>> No. 39189
He seems to be one of the more normal ones.

Also, it really pains me that Roo from Clan of the Grey Wolf has become associated with TGWTG. He is so much better than anyone there, and not only that, the dude is a majored in physics, has a really well paying job, and a pretty hot wife.
>> No. 39190
Probably because he's "planning something".
>> No. 39192
I enjoyed the spergish reactions he got for his "Prometheus Re-Review" a few days ago when the point of the video was poking fun at people sperging out in the first place. He played it well.
>> No. 39193
He probably handles things better and seems more normal than everyone else at TGWTG because he actually lived a large part of his life as a normal adult before becoming an internet reviewer, as opposed to the spergs on there who have tried to make doing this their career for most of their adult lives.
>> No. 39194
Seconded. I enjoy Roo because he talks about things he likes and does his homework. There are so many "HURR DURR THIS SUCKS!" retards everywhere now who think they'll achieve some kind of celebrity through "reviewing." It's beyond being a stale concept.
>> No. 39195
He's also different in the subject matter he reviews and doesn't go down the "over the top anger" road. I'm not sure if there's anyone else reviewing similar stuff (is there?) but he stands out to me amongst all the shit.
>> No. 39196
File 134004317555.jpg - (64.36KB , 309x352 , 1340042909_41474_2717268_5747_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Agreed, also why I enjoy Derek Alexander, the Happy Video Game Nerd.

Apparently, Roo designed some kind of new kind of encapsulant for solar cells. This link mentions him.

Also, pic related. Him and his wife. Pretty hot for a guy who is almost the total archetypical sterotype of a nerd.
>> No. 39197
I know he fires Jerrid, but I dont know why

And when did the Snob get a divorce?!
>> No. 39198
I think they are just seperated.
>> No. 39199

He also makes it clear that the Snob is just a character and not how he is in real life. It also helps that he genuinely enjoys the movies he reviews.
>> No. 39200

All that, and I hear he's actually a pretty nice dude, too.
>> No. 39201
So why snob still works with tgwtg?
>> No. 39203
he barely does. most of his stuff is just on his own site. he used to do crossovers, but he stopped after people complained.
>> No. 39204
One of the things great about him is he isn't too close to his fans. I think he maintains the perfect amount of distance.
>> No. 39205
That was sad to watch. Not sad for Spoony's sake but his brother, Miles has to sit and watch his brother argue with people on the internet about a movie and apparently, this is how Spoony makes his living.

God, he makes his opinions sound so important and he has to preface it with some ''poor me, I have the beer shits'' to make people back off from calling him out on his bullshit.
>> No. 39206
So all tards from TGWTG live on their review tugboat?
>> No. 39207

In this tweet he personfies his ex as a villainous, supernatural creature for causing him emotional discomfort. That's right, his cognitive process is turning into a Sonichu episode.
>> No. 39208
Because he'll still never out-douche the site's namesake.
>> No. 39209
Spoony is peeling away the already-sad excuse for what passes as "professionalism" over at ThatGuy. I'm pretty sure this is only the beginning of a giant, back-stabbing argument between everybody on the whole site, which would honestly be the most entertaining thing to happen there in a long, long time.

Back when it was worth killing an hour to look around, Spoony was funny, Nostalgia Critic reviewed shit people actually got nostalgic about, and Linkara was off in the corner where no one ever saw him or heard his lisp.

Now Linkara gets top attention and makes roughly 500 videos a week and cameos in everybody's shit. Nostalgia Critic wastes a third of every other video making condescending and sarcastic "apologies" for any and every minor thing somebody criticizes in his cocks. Spoony just bores people to tears talking about DnD campaigns from when he was in 9th grade. Meanwhile, any asshole with a camera phone and a blip account is making embarrassing videos and being allowed to publish them. At least Spoony going all Margot Kidder on everybody is kind of interesting.
>> No. 39210
File 134009548772.jpg - (41.00KB , 531x215 , 1340094193991.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wow, check his dog's twitter. This shit dips into JustinRPG territory.
>> No. 39211
He's been banned from TGWTG for four weeks for "misconduct."

At this point, he should really just close the fucking twitter account. It's only getting him into trouble.
>> No. 39212
Ha, I was just coming to post the same thing.
Here's the tweet:
>> No. 39213
Oh man, I never bothered to look at his dog's account... I just assumed it would be cutesy bs. Didn't think there'd be more lulzy come ons to tgwtg girls.
>> No. 39214
Gee, sure is Cinema Snob cocksucking all up in this thread. Don't get me wrong, he's by far the best reviewer on the site (not that that's saying much), but it seems awful hypocritical after all the Phelous bashing that went on beforehand.
>> No. 39215
>suspended for four weeks
Doesn't really matter, he hasn't made any real videos in a while.
>> No. 39216
I guess when you put it in perspective, this'll probably be a minor drop in his revenue, but it gives him an excuse to take a break and not do anything for a month.
>> No. 39217
Maybe spoony is still a virgin with rage?
>> No. 39218
Yeah, a month between Spoony vids on tgwtg is business as usual, isn't it?
>> No. 39219
>Implying /cwc/ isn't full of hypocrites.
As soon as there's nerd bashing, this'll happens, see also >>229030 .
I agree with them though, the cinema snob is cool. And it's sad, I liked spoony, his taste in WRPG is pretty similar to mine, he's the one that pushed me to play Planescape torment.
But yeah, he's been slacking off for years now and barely do anything.
>> No. 39220
So, I'm banned because I actually make posts that aren't "HI A-LOG", "FUCK U coney", or "U SUCK OP". I don't think I was really banned for "shit posting" I think I was banned because some autistic moderator was jealous that I've actually had a girlfriend


>> No. 39221
Are you using a proxy, or did your ban expire?
>> No. 39222
Oh that'll teach him ! Especially since he spends 6-8 weeks minimum between videos anyway
>> No. 39223
I hope your new ban text reads "FUCK U coney".
>> No. 39224
Still whining about Phelous? Deal with it.
>> No. 39225
Spoony used to be one of the top reviewers on the site who everyone loved, now he is never even on their main page and almost everyone has forgotten that he even exist because he simply never makes real videos anymore

But in Spoony's deluded mind he still must consider himself one of the top reviewers and that is why he acts like such a shit to everyone , hopefully they B& him from TGWTG then we can see tweets like " I had a friend called TGWTG, AND THEY STABBED ME IN THE BACK AND ITS THEIR FAULT I'M AN ALCOHOLIC LOSER WITH A HEART CONDITION"
>> No. 39226
Whens the last time spoony even had a review and not just a 40 minute vlog of him talking about wrestling. At least the Cinema Snob's blogs are entertaining as background noise. Spoony's are just awful and boring.
>> No. 39227
That's because Cinema Snob is actually somewhat entertaining, instead of a spergy, unfunny, retarded fag like Phallus.
>> No. 39228
Well, he did won the Mashup Web Awards for best Comedian a couple of years ago as he and TGWTG were on the peak of their success.

What are the Mashup Web Awards, you ask? Worthless shit.
>> No. 39229
Instead of a text of "FUCK U coney", it should be this.
>> No. 39230
Wow, telegraphed punch. Looked like something out of pro wrestling. Why was he an action star?
>> No. 39231
I'm pretty sure most of us actually do or at least get laid semi annually. A few spergs who aren't moderators may be perma virgins, but they usually wind up being out personal lulcows
>> No. 39232

>I agree with the decision

No you don't you idiot. I hate when people say that. It just comes off as "Please let me come back, I'll be good, I promise!"
>> No. 39233
Has Sean Fucksz done anything lately, except for collect welfare checks and e-beg for games over Twitter?
>> No. 39234

Stop being so butthurt that you got banned, it's not that big a deal.
>> No. 39235
From shit-tier namefag to shit-tier troll: the Robert Ford story.
>> No. 39236
Says he agrees with the bar, apologizes to no one he insulted.
>> No. 39237
>> No. 39238

...well fuck
>> No. 39239
>> No. 39240
It's understandable why people hate Spoony nowadays. He's such an arrogant shithead to anyone who might disagree with him, hell I'm surprised more people don't spam his Twitter with insults just to see him flip out over his damaged ego.
>> No. 39241
The Assassination of Robert Ford's Heart by the Coward Robert Ford's Girlfriend.
>> No. 39242

I don't really follow TWGTG drama, but wasn't there something where someone won a charity auction thing to talk to Spoony, and he was a dick and wouldn't talk to the guy?
>> No. 39243

>> No. 39244
Look what you did to this man, /cwc/. I hope you're proud of yourselves.
>> No. 39245
Yes, the guy asked about some final fantasy gane so Spoony spased out and told him to fuck himself despite donating several hundred dollars

I also heard Doug uses some of the donation money to fund their shit movies
>> No. 39246
Video related.

Guy asked why he wouldn't review FF9. When he gives some bullshit vague answers and the guy calls him out for it, he tells them to cut him off. Linkara tries to cover for him.
>> No. 39247
Posted already.

Not exactly. He didn't directly insult the guy as far as I could tell. The guy asked what Spoony didn't like about FF9, Spoony said something along the lines of the male characters being overtly homosexual, the guy disagreed, and Spoony may have signaled to cut the guy off.
>> No. 39248
God I fucking hate the faces that Angry Joe chode makes.
>> No. 39249
Spoony's the one who got kicked out? It seems like they were all in on it.
>> No. 39250
Yeah, he is so awesome and totally normal, yet he gets so nervous speaking in front of a few fans at a con that he looks like he is going to piss himself.

Skip to 3:15.
>> No. 39251
Nah, Spoony was uncomfortable and signaled for them to cut the guy off. That is when everyone else acted like it wasn't just him and covered for him even though he was being a total baby.
>> No. 39252
I think his Final Fantasy reviews show his rise and fall. His Final Fantasy VIII review was great, slowly got worse over time but still was enjoyable. The Final Fantasy X and X-2 reviews are just him pandering to the fanbase, and he doesn't sound like he's trying.
>> No. 39253
>main characters being overtly homosexual
Is that the best he could think of?
>> No. 39254
Well, you can see his other arguements in the video
>> No. 39255
So Phelous is a sperg because he gets stage fright?
>> No. 39256
Man, you really love riding his dick, don't you?
>> No. 39257
Among many other things.
>> No. 39258
You sure do love that phrase, don't you?
>> No. 39259
ebin brah
>> No. 39260
So, what's happening on his website's forum atm? Is there a huge drama fallout over his twitter ranting?
>> No. 39261
I doubt it. Any hint of a dissenting opinion or insult towards Spoony or anyone else from TGWTG is swiftly deleted and the poster banned. He justifies this by saying that those kinds of things are not constructive critism and he will not stand for it. It is most likely not even allowed to be discussed, supporting Spoony or otherwise.
>> No. 39262
I remember a thread on 4chan describing Spoony as "the human incarnation of /v/". Truer words could never be spoken.
>> No. 39263
But they weren't spoken.
>> No. 39264
>> No. 39265
Not that, either.
>> No. 39266
Not really. Spoony has had a girlfriend and sex on multiple occasions. I'd say ChrisChan would be more representative, but he's had sex too. Hmmmm...
>> No. 39267
>> No. 39268
Spoony's gotten into the liquor cabinet again, it would seem.

>> No. 39269
File 134025116889.png - (67.70KB , 574x361 , Untitled1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
old post
>> No. 39270
File 134025137832.jpg - (69.02KB , 539x559 , Capture2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He just deleted these tweets. but TOO LATE
>> No. 39271
He really should not drink and tweet
>> No. 39272
He deleted a bunch the other day too.
>> No. 39273
File 134025572799.png - (112.39KB , 574x559 , Untitled13.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
For preservation sake
>> No. 39274
File 134025576973.jpg - (63.30KB , 551x461 , Capture4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 39275
He's off his fucking rocker
>> No. 39276
File 134025678983.png - (95.09KB , 610x358 , Noah Antwiler (thespoonyone) on Twitter_1340256218.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 39277
File 134025685829.png - (26.13KB , 516x265 , Noah Antwiler (thespoonyone) on Twitter_1340256745.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 39278
>> No. 39279
File 134025916583.jpg - (65.74KB , 535x520 , Capture5.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Started hitting on another review cow. Thought he was getting somewhere, got cocky, and got shot down. lol'd
>> No. 39280
Nice saving!
>> No. 39281
I see another AA/ThatAussieGuy happening.
>> No. 39282
LOL Best post about Scarlett yet?
>> No. 39283
So if I'm reading this right, Spoony's saying she only sucked dick?
>> No. 39284
I just realized that Spoony is basically doing the same thing Charlie Sheen did, only without the money or celebrity.

And he is probably going to end up in the shame situation, completely and utterly irrelevant, only without the money.
>> No. 39285
Charlie Sheen is capitalizing off of his madness in a surprising number of commercials glamorizing his behavior, and he's got a new show based on Anger Management coming out.
>> No. 39286

>shame situation

I barely caught that one, good one anon

And are we sure he is now completely out of it? I mean he isn't exactly low on fans I don't think
>> No. 39287
Obscurus Lupa seems to have written an essay on the issue if anyone is interested.

>> No. 39288
I bet if Spoony would just rape her already, everybody would forget about his stupid joke.
>> No. 39289
I hate it how when you even use the word "rape" in the wrong context, people act like you actually committed it.
>> No. 39290
Bbbut RAPE CULTURE, you better watch out nobody writes a social justice article about you Homor!!!
>> No. 39291
Are any of the loveshy guys on twitter? It would be great to pull them into the discussion. One could explain how Obscura's constant objections are really a cry to get raped out of repressed feminine sluttiness, and a bunch more can start hash tagging #TeamSpoony. Then Spoony can join them and start making posts about how women from third world countries make better brides and turn Oreo into an MRA mascot.
Eventually Spoony will be the first tgwtg contributor on the sex offender registry.
>> No. 39292
Well, here are a bunch of MRAs, which are basically the same thing.

>> No. 39293
lets start sweetheart saga for spooney
julay julay
>> No. 39294
So Spoony's still posting stupid, antagonistic shit on twitter as I write this, but none of it's too lulzy. A couple other tgwtg guys have started calling him out (including that Phelous guy the one anon has a creepy hard-on for), but none of that's too lulzy either.

The only interesting thing is watching Spoony's followers drop. Go to his twitter, leave it open, refresh it a little while later, and the number's like 10 people lower every time.
>> No. 39295
File 134033237556.png - (75.53KB , 353x556 , kimmo.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

None of it's lulzy, true, but the cumulative effect is great. It reminds me of how Anontalk ended,with Kimmo's bulletins getting increasingly paranoid and angry and delusional (even by Kimmo's standards).

I wonder how the Tropers will react.
>> No. 39296
He just got fired from TGWTG

Wonder if this will make him go any crazier?
>> No. 39297
not that I don't believe it, but source?
>> No. 39298

>> No. 39299
>> No. 39300
>I'm the motherfucking Spoony One, you amorphous toilet squirt. This is my world, and you just live in it.

He has lost it.
>> No. 39301
File 13403351508.png - (57.35KB , 519x391 , spoonymad.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
somebody beg lordcat to release the recorded stream from last night, this shit is golden
>> No. 39302

tonight, I'm sorry
>> No. 39304
By Hope, I'm guessing he means Jesu Otaku (Hope Chapman).
>> No. 39305
>Stream last night

Quick summary?
>> No. 39306
I can put up with Kanye West being a dick as long as his music's good; I can put up with a comedian being a dick as long as he's funny.
>> No. 39307

Lordcat told us how spoony ruined his credibility, lupa came in and called spoony an asshole, and TGWTG has NO prestige amongst the game industry due to the BETRAYAL!!!! thing.

It was all on lordcat's stream tonite, I think it is still going on
>> No. 39308
Holy fuck I am kicking myself in the back for having not seen that.
>> No. 39309
Spoony's loss is SadPanda's gain. tgwtg has already removed Spoony from their front page, and to fill the space, SadPanda has been added.
>> No. 39310
  Looks like the good ship spoony is sinking. Look at his twitter followers
>> No. 39311

Under his podcast archive, 6/21/12 Part 2 around the 35 minute mark, I believe is what you're looking for.
>> No. 39312
>TGWTG has NO prestige amongst the game industry due to the BETRAYAL!!!

As if TGWTG had any credibility in the industry to begin with. Although they did gave us hardcore kid and ThatFatLoserintheTowel aka cartoon hero
>> No. 39313
And nothing of value was lost.
>> No. 39314
A website about vidya spergs for vidya spergs falls apart in an epic sperg meltdown? Who saw that coming.
>> No. 39315

The video is only Lordkat talking about Spoony, it doesn't have Lupa calling in... hopefully someone recorded it.
>> No. 39316
This is something i'm actually genuinely sad to see.

This guy used to be one of the only funny guys on the site, then his videos declined terribly and the release schedule became abysmal, and now he's an absolute wreck who got fired.

This must be what it felt like to watch Orson Welles do frozen pea commercials.
>> No. 39317
File 134034002653.jpg - (263.67KB , 1600x1379 , GeorgeRRMartinthepimp.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

That was tonight sahib, it'll be up tomorrow probably


And to think, he was destined for a great career before the ginger got to him
>> No. 39318
I can't help but wonder if the ginger bitch fucked with his head somehow. She certainly brought the quality of his reviews to a screeching halt.
>> No. 39319
Spoony is losing it.

... well, that's implying he had "it" to begin with.
>> No. 39320
Still ranting, if you're all curious.

Now he's essentially telling all his followers "COME AT ME, BRO."
>> No. 39321
Now that he has no job I hope his brother kicks him out for being a bum, I only imagine he treats his brother this same way too
>> No. 39322
Maybe he'll finally get to live out his fantasy of being Snake.

By sheltering himself in a cardboard box.
>> No. 39323
This is fucking priceless, Lordkat is just as lulzy doing this, its like the father call " I AM A MAN WHO WAS IN, THE , TRENCHES!!!"
>> No. 39324
lordcat is just as big of a loser as spoony. the self righteousness he exhibited on his livestream is embarrassing
>> No. 39325
Boo hoo.
>> No. 39326
Despite how much he hates to admit it, he is basically the poor man's Amazing Atheist.
>> No. 39327
Agreed. He was really self-righteous himself. He's lucky Spoony is really a a pretty big asshole or he might not have gotten away with it.
>> No. 39328
When does Lupa make an appearance?
>> No. 39329

that was todays stream, not yesterdays
>> No. 39330
File 134036099185.jpg - (28.25KB , 400x570 , leila khaled.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>june 21st part 2


Praise allah. he said everything
>> No. 39331
Holy shit. The way Lordkat talks about Spoony you'd think he shot his dog or something.

I loved that crack at the AmazingAtheist, by the way. That guy really deserves to get knocked down a couple hundred thousand pegs.
>> No. 39332

He did ruin his rep. poor guy

And damn is that TGWTG fan on the phone spaghetti incarnate?
>> No. 39333
And this is the LordKat stream with Obscurus Lupa calling in to talk about Spoony.
>> No. 39334
I wonder if Mike Michaud ever stops and thinks maybe it wasn't such a hot idea to stop and grab every sperg he can find to try and get money flowing through his faggy site.

Then again I'd have to wonder how long Michaud actually thought this site would be lucrative for.
>> No. 39335
File 134036985321.png - (415.45KB , 900x513 , yuna_is_hot_by_gothganon-d4qhhr2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
40 minutes in, Lordkat notices that Spoony is acting hostile like how a lot of transexuals act towards women, and conjectures that Spoony may get a sex change.
>> No. 39336
  Speaking of Lord Kat, more Spoony fail. Spoony comes in to a online D&D session he is running to tell the others to stop laughing about some bees as enemies or some shit and that they are being assholes. They eventually get fed up with his bullshit and Spoony is promptly told to fuck off.
>> No. 39337
When exactly does that happen?
>> No. 39338
Also curious, I don't want to listen to all of this shit.
>> No. 39339
I'm listening to it now, I think Lupa just kinda talks with Lordkat about Spoony in general, because I haven't run into her outright calling him an asshole yet.

I seriously doubt that Skype call goes on literally for 10 hours.
>> No. 39340
Actually this seems to be to his credit a bit. Aparently, they were having a D&D campaign and the players were busting the DM's balls about how bee enemies are fucking stupid. Spoony was apparently trying to defend him, and seemingly rather jokingly, what with the bee death statistics.
>> No. 39341
Yeah, until he pisses someone off and they start yelling at him.

The DM obviously didn't mind it, he had no reason to come in and try to white knight for him. They were just having fun.
>> No. 39342
LOL what the fuck is he talking about

Although I hope Spoony does, then we have another tranny lolcow
>> No. 39343
Ah I see. Sorry, hadn't watched that far.
>> No. 39344
Do you think that he got so pissed at Lupa because she is a redhead? Maybe she gave him Scarlett PTSD flashbacks lol
>> No. 39345
It's only like 3 minutes long, dude.
>> No. 39346
  Spoony is invited to hang with Asa and Razorfist in their alcoholic woman haters club.
>> No. 39347
Who da fuck is dat
>> No. 39348

Why do you type like a 14 year old boy?
>> No. 39349
The whole stream is 10 hours,though. When does Lupa actually call in? Because I'm not listening to some fags play TF2 for hours.
>> No. 39350

It always comes back to gender issues doesn't it
>> No. 39351
he's a wetback,what did you expect?
>> No. 39352

Asalieri is a real douche though. Always starting shit at dead horse interchange and beating JFreedan for like 6 months over one simple mistake
>> No. 39353
The first hour and and half is him and Lupa talking.
>> No. 39354
>> No. 39355
File 134038949382.png - (40.91KB , 351x300 , meltdown.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He's lost it.
>> No. 39356
at 35 min
>> No. 39357
Pretty funny whose reaching out to Spoony now. https://twitter.com/amazingatheist/status/216228648162836480

The biggest tards on TGWTG coming together could be hysterical.
>> No. 39358
File 134039441217.png - (13.28KB , 516x95 , no.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 39359
No one said Asalieri isn't a smug douche.

JFreedan is a retard though who can barely even pronounce normal words. Ever heard him say origins? He says "OR-ENGINES". Watch is Dragon Age review. And that is just one of the many words he can't pronounce.

And his one simple little mistake wasn't really all that little or simple. He called Roo from Clan of the Grey Wolf, who is an incredibly nice and intelligent guy, an ignorant, bigoted racist because he made a video saying there was nothing wrong with the term "JRPG", and even if it was directed at JFreedans original video about how JRPG was a racist term, which Roo admitted it partially was, he didn't mention JFreedans username or his real name, Carey Martell, nor was the video deragotory in any way. JFreedan used both Roo's nickname and his real name, Joey DeSena, in his attack video.

He never admitted he was wrong either. He only made a later video saying he shouldn't have said it in such a harsh way, and deleted the original.

Also, he started a kickstarter thinking he would raise enough money to film his dream project, a sentai movie called G Kaiser. I think he raised like 300 dollars. Dude acts like he is a intellectual genius who is smarter than everyone else, but anyone who watches any of his videos for five minutes can see he's just an arrogant child pretending to be smart.
>> No. 39360
So have they fired Spoony yet?
>> No. 39361
there's nothing more heartwarming then two rapist getting together
>> No. 39362
>> No. 39363
Really? When? Last screencap I had seen he was just talking about how he might get fired.
>> No. 39364
My fucking drama boner is rock fucking hard now.
>> No. 39365
>Dragon Age Or-ijinz
>> No. 39366

this guy seems to have made a compilation video of the funniest moments of his show, which seems kinda conceited to me.

and none of this shit is funny at all. his acting makes me want to cringe.
>> No. 39367

>> No. 39368
So was he fired or did he quit. Its not really specific in the announcement.
>> No. 39369
File 134039630483.png - (92.57KB , 320x298 , nelson.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Haha. I wonder what the chances are that they will eventually take him back. I could easily see that happening once all this blows over.
>> No. 39370
I gurantee you people are being banned left and right on his forums for even talking about this shit.
>> No. 39371
Its a nice polite way to say his ass got the boot
>> No. 39372
They told him he was going to have to leave.
>> No. 39373
He got the sack.
>> No. 39374
Fat Man is the fucking shit, fokes.
>> No. 39375

I don't know whats worse: The shit Spoony is spewing or these self-righteous cunts talking about him.
>> No. 39376
This is the most entertaining TGWTG has ever been, so much drama

Apparently spoonys fanboys are OBLIVERATEing Lupas twitter and comments o her videos
>> No. 39377
It's fun to see Spoony crash and burn and I love the ongoing drama but the people criticizing him aren't really better than him.

It's kind of aggravating to hear LordKat's self-righteous rant about how much he's better than Spoony and how he ruined his chance to interview Notch. He's just as whiny and egotistical as the SpoonyOne.

Then there's Lupa blowing a shitty rape joke out of proportion, getting all offended even though, the target of the joke, JesuOtaku, didn't give two shits about it.

How come this social justice mentality is becoming so damn popular amongst spergs lately?
I mean even Doug who made rude jokes in his past videos is now suddenly busy pointing out racial stereotypes in his "reviews", the Nostalgia Chick was always into this crap but she used to tone it down, now when she's not making jokes about her abortion (those jokes are totally ok somehow) all she does is talk about how much she wants to suck Will Smith's cock. And now we have pseudo-feminist manbabies like Linkara in the spotlight.
>> No. 39378
Certainly. I don't think anyone in this thread thinks that any of the neckbeards, spergs, and fags and TGWTG have any room to talk when critizing Spoony. But it is fun to watch him crash and burn and see these USI fucks trying to act like they are any better.
>> No. 39379
I wish I had spycams in Mile's house so I can see Spoony get drunk and sob in front of his computer as he watches his followers fade away then flipping the fuck out almost breaking the keyboard as he types insults.
>> No. 39380
I wasn't planning to watch their anniversary crap but now I kind of want to check it out to see if this somehow affected it.
>> No. 39381
How long until Miles and Oreo abandon him as well
>> No. 39382
>How come this social justice mentality is becoming so damn popular amongst spergs lately?

It's the new edgy. 2000s internet was marked by racist jokes, vulgar humor, and 4chan-esque 'hate,' so now the new cool internet counter-culture is to be all SJ-y even though you are a white youth on the internet (who of course is expected to be racist and crude).
>> No. 39383
I love how Lupa and LordKat talk shit about Spoony for hours but they point out every other 10 minutes how they totally shouldn't do this cause it's "unprofessional" and it could ruin their "careers".
They seriously believe TGWTG is a professional establishment and they consider making unfunny videos a career.
>> No. 39384
I love how Spoonys response to everyone is a variation of "fuck you" he cant even make a original insult

He has devolved into a greasy haired ball of hate and booze
>> No. 39385
I've never watched a single one of these man/woman-children's videos before nor was I familiar with the whole TGWTG phenomenon. Just not my thing. I didn't read most of the previous threads, but I gotta say you guys had your finger on the pulse of a good meltdown-in-waiting. Thank you guys cause I have thoroughly enjoyed this drama.
>> No. 39386
Lord Kat devolves into an ridiculous ranter of impotent rage for 15 minutes and then runs away from the internet. Good for a lul:

>> No. 39387
Oh, also Spoony's ex, Scarlet, started a blog to talk about this shit, but it's not really good for a lul (yet, anyway):

>> No. 39388
I love it when these fucks act so offended.he's talking about spoony stealing jokes,yet gives no examples and acts like spoony killed someone. he told a shitty rape joke,that's it.

As for that fat whore scarlet, she should be enjoying this shit,she's accomplished nothing,and was only known as spoonys girlfriend.she should be glad he fifteen minutes of E fame just got extended.
>> No. 39389
As chans often do, /vg/ has turned into full indignant nice guy misogyny mode.

Why must all good things run bad?
>> No. 39390
File 134042348645.jpg - (26.44KB , 234x293 , fonzie-239x300.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Let's not forget that Lordkat also accused the "big three" at the time (Angry Joe, Spoony, and Doug) of skimming off the top during the charity drive; Then he backed off when everyone found out he was full of shit. ALMOST makes me sad that Jordan deep-sixed busy street.


Here's some of the leftover fallout and Lordkat being all "OMG I IZ SO SORRYS I WAS WRONG!!!!"
>> No. 39391
No, because his forums are down because they were hosted on tgwtg's servers. lol
>> No. 39392
LordKat has pulled all his Spoony-related videos from the last couple days.
He says that he lost his job by way of explanation for his going off.
>> No. 39393
Lupa and Spoony Fans drama
>> No. 39394
Inb4 lordkat reverts to saying "WELL AT LEAST I DIDN'T MAKE A RAPE JOKE"

But, Lordkat. It's not about the rape joke. You and Obscurus Lupa repeated that to eachother hundreds of times.
>> No. 39395
>> No. 39396
Anything new with Spoony?
>> No. 39397
Angry Joe has entered the ring to support Spoony
>> No. 39399
The madness kinda shifted over to Lord Kat. He started ranting about him for hours and days on end on his livestream, first talking about the controversy, but quickly devolving into him bitching about how Spoony had found success as a stand-up because he had legions of fans, while LK apparently put in tons of effort to become a stand-up through traditional channels and failed. He also blamed Spoony for ruining his chances at being a video game journalist, said Spoony needed to get a sex change(?), made a really hateful speech about how he should get his brother's gun and shoot himself, and eventually he told all his fans that they couldn't be HIS fans if they liked Spoony, and started attacking his own followers in his chat room.

He wound up deleting his stream archives of all that stuff and posted a blog apologizing to his fans, but then started a new rant against Angry Joe, which spurned AJ's twitter comments (LK also blames AJ for ruining his career as a video game journalist, even though, just from listening to only his own version of events, it's clearly his own fault). But AJ deleted all his interesting comments from twitter, I guess afraid that tgwtg would fire him, too.

Anyway, Spoony seems moderately composed again (if unapologetic and douchey) and gaining lots of new twitter followers. And LK seems to be having the bigger meltdown, losing fans while insisting Spoony is not a human being and all kinds of crazy, pathetic shit.
>> No. 39400

LordKat is the most vindictive, petty autistic in the whole TGWTG circle-jerk. As I said earlier in the thread, he accused Doug and Co of stealing from the Ronald McDonald charity drive a year or so ago, but then backed off when he couldn't prove it. I'm surprised they still put up with his bullshit.
>> No. 39401
Man, what's with all the sudden drama surrounding the TGWTG crap? You people make reviews on the internet, there shouldn't be that much drama involved.

You take a shitty B-Movie from a decade ago, edit in a few shots of yourself talking to the camera, make some dumb jokes and have a skit at the end where you fight some terrible CGI monster.

What is it about this process that attracts so much drama?
>> No. 39402
Exactly for the reasons you said. It is a collection of mostly unskilled people have found a way to become popular and internet famous with minimal effort. The end product of their work is ego boosting (because really, who could be proud of a lazy let's fake rage at a kid's movie from the 90s video?), and with ego boosting comes drama.
>> No. 39403
>> No. 39404
Here's LordKat's apology blog, by the way:

As one commenter put it, "In other words LordKat: I lost my viewers, community, >>>REVENUE<<< and I need y'all back."
>> No. 39405
This is what happens when you treat people like respected celebrities for yelling at old children's movies!
>> No. 39406
Well, it's not much more pathetic than what actual modern celebrities do.
>> No. 39407
I don't even know what this thread is about and I've been reading it for more than a week now.

Who are these people and why do any of you care about any of them or what they have to say?
>> No. 39408
Yes, yes it is. Despite what you may believe most actual celebrities actually put in long hours to do their job and typically act somewhat proffesional.
>> No. 39409
It was a joke, don't take it so literally.
>> No. 39410

Oh look! Some other guy has something to say about the matter.
>> No. 39411
Not my fault that you are not funny.
>> No. 39412
Probably the most well known internet reviewer site outside of AVGN. Made up entirely of spergs and neckbeards and beloved by the masses of spergs and neckbeards.
>> No. 39413
I don't think anyone "cares", per se.
>> No. 39414
The forums on his personal website were hosted by them? Wow.
>> No. 39415
Because we are amused by lulcows. If you're not, why are you here?
>> No. 39416
Yup, and the rest of the site, too.
>> No. 39417
The core difference between Cinemassacre and TGWTG is that Cinemassacre was started because James has a passion for film and videogames, whereas TGWTG was founded because Doug saw a chance to make easy internet money. James has been doing his thing for years with no compensation and would probably continue to make movies even if his site dried up, whereas, as best I can tell, Doug (and probably the other people of his site) does it simply for the money and fame.
>> No. 39418
Oh, I agree. I didn't mean to compare them, just that they are probably the most popular internet reviewers besides him. I know James has a passion for what he does that runs back to childhood.

In fact, the whole AVGN vs Nostalgia Critic thing came about because Doug basically begged James and kept pushing the issue until he agreed. If I recall correctly, Doug made a comment in some video that he heard the AVGN was talking shit. James then made a comment that he actually really liked Nostalgia Critics video and those he was funny. Doug then made another video where he "deciphered" the hidden message in what James said and it was an insult to him, and then Doug finally contacted James saying he wanted to do a video together where they could fight. If it wasn't for Doug pushing the idea in the first place to get more well known, it would have never happened.
>> No. 39419
AVGN has.been getting plenty compensation... ScrewAttack pays him.
Plus YT partnership, merch he sells, his huge Kickstarter drive, plus other ads he sells. Dude is raking it in,
>> No. 39420
Yeah, but he was making films for years with no compensation. He has finally made it and gets the money he deserves.

But he doesn't, nor has he ever, has a partnership on YouTube.
>> No. 39421
Sorry, should say never "HAD" a partnership on YouTube. According to him and Mike, they have never offered them one. In fact, his account has even been briefly suspended before. YouTube really doesn't seem to like him.
>> No. 39422

When even YouTube dislikes you, You have problems.
>> No. 39423
Well, he's done pretty well without one. There has been theories that when the angry review craze started really getting popular, that YouTube wanted to cash in with a partnership, but didn't want someone quite as vulgar as James, which is why they gave a partnership to Irate Gamer instead of him. Only theories of course, but it makes you wonder.
>> No. 39424

Did anyone screencap AngryJoe's argument with LordKat?
>> No. 39425
What exactly did he do that ruined his chances at being a video game journalist?
>> No. 39426
Apparently, running around E3's convention floor screaming a developer betrayed them. Also, Joe was apparently asking interviewees if he could pretend choke them.

This caused tgwtg to get black listed.

According to Lordkat at least.
>> No. 39427

oh yeah i remember that

angry joseph decide he had a vendetta against game publishers and acted like a total cunt to people who both were uninvolved with his petty problem and had no clue what he was saying.

the funny part was he went back to his fans and went SEE SEE I'M A RENEGADE VIDYA JOURNALIST THAT THE INDUSTRY CANT HANDLE
>> No. 39428
Don't know if this is related, but this was Joe's attempt at sticking it to the man at the VGAs. This is pretty long, but worth it to see him about to cry while trying to justify making an ass out of himself. He clearly thought he was going to steam roll over Geoff Keighley and instead got fucking owned.
>> No. 39429
Oh yeah, if you just want to see the interview in question, skip to 3:00
>> No. 39430

Oh man, is there video of that?
I can see it now.
"Eeeey, mang, lemmie preetend too choke yoo, esse!"
>> No. 39431

>"Final Fantasy came out this year!!!! YES IT DID YES IT DID"
>Geoff: A final fantasy MMO? This year?
>Joe: ...not this year. Not this year....

I like how even when he clearly and without question fucked up, it obviously *still* wasn't his fault.
>> No. 39432
lol what a fag
>> No. 39433
Right. It was clear he was so incredibly butthurt from this he felt the need to put together this fucking half hour documentary about the incident to explain his massive fail as a so called video game journalist. He honestly looks on the verge of tears in some of it where he stops the playback and cuts to himself looking hurt and just shaking his head.
>> No. 39434

He has bipolar ii guys... Wait, what?
>> No. 39435
That's weird, my girlfriend has bipolar disorder and I don't ever remember her having a massive public meltdown, alienating hundreds of people, and OBLIVERATEing her career in a bitchfit over an ex.
>> No. 39436
well the homosexual deviantry seems to be setling down at this point. i am curious to see who will pick up spoony after this
>> No. 39437
My guess? GottGame, the same people that Irate Gamer is partnered with.
>> No. 39438
>> No. 39439
Does he have a real job? You know, other than "internet video game/b-movie commentator". Maybe he could just do that instead.
>> No. 39440
Who would hire him in a real job?
>> No. 39441
No, he quit (or was let go, not sure) about the time he got together with Scarlet.
>> No. 39442
no he got fired right before he got hired by that guy. so he aint got shit
>> No. 39443
Yeah, either Got Game or Machinima. Machinima recently hired The RPG Fanatic Carey Martell, also known as Jfreedan. Clearly they have pretty low standards.
>> No. 39444
But bite me is awesome.
>> No. 39445
Eh, Machinima has some okay stuff. But a lot of shit too.
>> No. 39446
Some of it is better than just o.k. they make some awesome original series. The other departments should disapear, but they don't hire people who don't know their stuff. Sure a couple spazoids get through, but they aren't idiots.
Lets see you get a job with them.
>> No. 39447
Jeez sperglord, didn't mean to hurt your feelings. What, does your mom work there or something?

Anyway, anyone who would hire RPG Fanatic obviously needs a new human resources manager.
>> No. 39449
I have a very heavy bias on Machinima partners. I've worked with a couple and they both ended up being massive assholes who run out on their bills for services.

And then they do shit like this.

But they do give money to people like Raocow, so really I'm not sure.
>> No. 39450
Yeah, I mean don't get me wrong, stuff like 'All your history are belong to us' is great. But I've just seen alot of their partners that made me scratch my head and wonder why the fuck they would give these people money.
>> No. 39451
You are bashing a perfectly good production company. With all the video blogs and things like loose change on youtube you are really picking on the wrong company. Imagine if they and blamo folded. What free cocks other than Chris would you have?
>> No. 39452
File 134076095510.jpg - (42.24KB , 388x384 , 1309140674157.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 39453
>> No. 39454
Really? With shit like "Gamer Poops" and shit that literally just follows fads like a dog follows a clumsy hot dog vendor, they end up with a quadrillion subscribers and people like SSHOPKC that get a 10% return on their investment. And, if the slimeballs like the ones I know are to be believed, they don't get paid half the time.

Fuck machinima, go back to Youtube comments.
>> No. 39455
File 13407625639.jpg - (118.72KB , 1280x1024 , Bedazzled face.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>shit that literally just follows fads like a dog follows a clumsy hot dog vendor

>> No. 39456

>Imagine if they and blamo folded

No one would give a fuck.
>> No. 39457
I don't even know what blamo is.
>> No. 39458

I meant to day bammo
>> No. 39459

still not ringing any bells champ

i think life would move on
>> No. 39460
Who the fuck is bammo and why should i care
>> No. 39461

A youtube publication company of sorts and you should care because television sucks these days. It's free entertainment that doesn't consist of nothing but procedural drama, medical peocedural shows, sitcoms, recycled scifi plots, and "family friendly" shows that ammount to nothing but product placements. In a world of my little pony and csi spinnoffs we need independent online cocks.
If you don't believe me try flipping through the channels right now. Nothing but sitcoms, spinoffs, vampire dramas and poorly scripted scifi movies which are only unintentionally funny untill you run out of weed.

Man I could go for a joint right now
>> No. 39462
Destructoid seems to be picking up any sperg who halfway knows about videogames.
>> No. 39463
So his whole act is pretending to have tism? I like it!
>> No. 39464

Just because television sucks it doesn't mean this doesn't suck.
Just because it's free it doesn't make it worth watching.
>> No. 39465
Out of interest why are all the spergs flocking to this show?

I mean like that new MLP show they were hyping it up before even the first episode came out.
>> No. 39466
having watched the show i find it pretty entertaining, but i think a large portion of the more objectionable side of the fanbase are just in it for the incest porn of the twins
>> No. 39467
File 134079229883.gif - (377.58KB , 500x280 , grass.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I don't really see spergs flocking to this show, at least not in the way they did with My Little Pony or Invader Zim.

It's pretty much just a reasonable following, by internet standards anyway.
>> No. 39468
They have only been on episode so far though, MLP Friendship is magic took about a season before it got into the full coney thing.
>> No. 39469
File 134079308874.png - (708.39KB , 1280x718 , Gold chains for old men magazine.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I don't think we're gonna see a new coney movement out of this show, considering it's about normal human beings and not a harem of cartoon horse girls.
>> No. 39470
File 134079595099.jpg - (1.39MB , 1583x1600 , Sunspear.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Game of thrones, Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Girls, The Newsroom, The entirety of the National Geographic channel, TCM, and House would like to have a word with you
>> No. 39471
To be fair, that's only less than 1% of TV.

On the other hand, the fact that the great majority of TV is shit doesn't mean that these TGWTG people aren't shit. It's perfectly possible for them to both be shit.
>> No. 39472
he is the whites sounding black man ever.
>> No. 39473
So what is this show? I had no idea what you guys are talking about.
>> No. 39474
File 134080533947.gif - (704.58KB , 534x300 , gnome punch.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Gravity Falls.

It's from the guys who made Regular Show. Two twins are sent to live in a small tourist town in Oregon with their great uncle for the summer. But all sorts of weird shit keeps happening there (gnomes, ghosts, bigfoots) and they have to find out what the heck's going on while going on adventures.

It's got Jason Ritter and Kristen Schaal playing the two main characters.
>> No. 39475
Wow, how annoyingly lame.
>> No. 39476

>> No. 39477
Amazing how a group of "critics" can make such a terrible movie.
>> No. 39478


So much ego.
>> No. 39479
Just look up their other Anniversary movies, Kickassia and Suburban Knights. Pretty sad shit. I think their first anniversary special was just the AVGN vs Nostalgia critic fight video.
>> No. 39480
couldn't help but notice Spoony isn't in that trailer for To Boldy Flee. According to his Twitter, they already filmed it and he was in it. I wonder if they will really remove him from all the scenes.
>> No. 39481
Ah, okay. Well, Regular Show is pretty much the only cartoon I like, so I might check it out.
>> No. 39482
Well the folks at Red Letter Media don't exactly make great movies either sadly.
>> No. 39483
File 134081585438.jpg - (47.23KB , 586x330 , Plinkett.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I don't know if that's true or not, but i will say that Plinkett is probably my favorite internet reviewer of all time.
>> No. 39484
Well, let me help you get a kickstart on that.

Episode One - Tourist Trapped

Episode Two - The Legend of Gobblewonker
>> No. 39485
Thanks, I'll watch them when I get off work.
>> No. 39486

so wait, was jg quintel involved in this?
>> No. 39487
Something Awful has some kind words for Spoony:

"I hope Noah goes into Miles room, unlocks the gun, puts the barrel in his mouth, pulls the trigger and blows his brains across the fucking wall and the next day the local paper reads 'Failed actor kills himself"
>> No. 39488
I did see him in the trailer
>> No. 39489
Wasn't it LordKat who said that?
>> No. 39490
Where? At what time in the video?
>> No. 39491
No, but a couple of the storyboard artists are.
>> No. 39492
oh.. Nevermind then.
>> No. 39493
Oh, yeah you're right. He's in there at 14 seconds. I guess they will leave him in after all.
>> No. 39494
Nigga don't be like that.
>> No. 39495

>go to wikipedia
>producer: rob renzetti

wait a minute...

>currently story editor on the animated television series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

gah i just played six degrees of spergragtion with myself
>> No. 39496
RLM makes great movies. They are just for a very niche audience though.
>> No. 39497
File 134083057897.png - (21.13KB , 697x196 , tumblr_m6ak1gnM381qcrpm2o1_1280.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So Spoony wasn't fired after all
>> No. 39498
>he'd rather be set free than follow our policy.

You heard it here, folks. The creative freedom to make rape jokes is more important than exploiting one's only opportunity to use the one thing that can almost be considered a skill they possess for money.
>> No. 39499
So he wasn't fired, he left. I suspect he pretty much didn't have a choice though, based on the way they all reacted to his Twitter comments.
>> No. 39500
Spoony referred to himself as fired, though, so not everyone seemed to see it that way.

That's a quote from one of LordKat's now removed streams.
>> No. 39501
Maybe it was kind of a way to save face. The guys who run things there might have felt bad enough for his situation, all mooching off his brother or whatever it is, to give him as graceful a way out as possible.

This is generally reserved for people with important jobs like executives who fuck up, though. These internet reviewers sure think a lot of themselves.
>> No. 39502
>These internet reviewers sure think a lot of themselves

That's an understatement. Judging by his Twitter comments and those of his fans that still like him, it sounds like he just thinks of this as finally freeing him to become the comedic legend that he is destined to be. He acts like he is gods gift to comedy.
>> No. 39503
I'd love to see what is going on on his forum right now, but damned if I'm registering there to see.
>> No. 39504
Well we know for sure tgwtg staff do tell spin-doctoring lies... when Spoony was suspended, they said it wasn't about twittter. I also don't believe them when they say they didn't factor Lupa's vocal offense as part of their decision.
>> No. 39505
Talking about what happened has been forbidden by the mods, supposedly until Noah himself addresses the issue.
>> No. 39506
Mike's brand of deadpan humor can only be appreciated by a few.

But Feeding Frenzy is really the only film you need to see by them.
>> No. 39508
Not a surprise, I've always heard he runs his forums like a tyrant, any and all dissenting opinions about anyone from TGWTG or Spoony is swiftly deleted and the poster banned. I heard Scarlett was particularly harsh in this regard when she was a mod.
>> No. 39509
File 134084805563.png - (50.31KB , 520x257 , Screen shot 2012-06-27 at 6_47_06 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
She's seventeen.
>> No. 39510
Wow, he's a fucking creepy perv who hits on underage girls, no surprise there.
>> No. 39511
Can someone explain to me how this unfunny homosexual deviant manages to survive on his uncreative and unfunny shit?
>> No. 39512
Legions of blind fanboys that remember "teh olde times" kinda like the Sonic fans.
>> No. 39513

With a potential audience of 4,000,000 spergs, the question is really how can he fail?
>> No. 39514
One thing i find hilarious and i love about this...

Spoony didn't really take that much of a hit in the end, at this point is common knowdledge that the guy is an asshole with a huge ego that will scream at his fans over twitter or his forums

And yet... After all this debacle, the one who ended up taking the biggest hit was LordKat himself... I mean this guy made a name for himself for being a community guy and for making a big speech about how community is important...

And to this guy it took only 14 minutes to throw it all away, he thinks his career had failures because of a shitty sketch at E3? That's nothing compared to the fact he came off as a huge fraud

Even more delicious... According to a forum post, LordKat has been on the internet for over 20 years, and yet he still thinks writing "mean things" on the INTERNET is abuse... Trolling still affects him... Seriously, i don't blame any actual gaming company for not wanting business with a sperg like that
>> No. 39515
Amen. I wish someone recorded his broadcast so I could hear him rage like a teenager.

He really never recovered from leaving TGwtG. That place brought traffic to his community. Like Spoony, he raged instead of thinking about his own preservation.
>> No. 39516
He's paying minimal rent to live at his brother's place.
>> No. 39517
They only want you when you're seventeen
When you're twenty-one, you're no fun
>> No. 39518
He parts some of Mile's bills so he can sleep on the couch and drink his rum.
>> No. 39519
More tweets to the 17 year-old:

@whoathisisheavy Your profile pic is hawt.

So what? You think I won't slap a bitch? Because I will. I'm not sexist. I'll slap anyone.

@whoathisisheavy Here? In AZ? Hey, y'know, we could always *THIS UNWANTED SEXUAL ADVANCE DELETED BY THE NET POLICE*

@whoathisisheavy unless you're fugly. I don't do uggos.
>> No. 39520
Nigga better watch out. AOC in Arizona is eighteen.
>> No. 39521
That girl was all giddy when spoony started talking to her, she seems to be obsessed with tgwtg people. He better watch out indeed.
>> No. 39522
Rule #1 on TGWTG: do not, under any circumstance, practice what you preach

how else could you explain Doug's affinity for making poorly-scripted comedy/improv, Linkara's complete eschewing of webcomic rules when making Lightmaker or whatever his thing's called, Spoony not doing anything to make himself known in the mainstream (a fucking heart defect can't stop you from acting), and the Chick making horribly sexist jokes despite being a feminazi? If they're well aware of the problems of movies, obscure comic books nobody cares about, the blockbuster culture, and the depiction of anybody but white men in the mass media, then how come they exploit these problems in the anniversary specials and whatnot?

True, but even in their low-budget stuff, they practice (to a degree) what they preach. It's like the Snob and his friends and how they make movies. Yes, these aren't good movies in any sense of the word, but it shows that Arm and co. know the inner workings of whatever they're trying to replicate (exploitation, black comedy, View Askewniverse) and they're trying their best to give the best quality product with whatever they have to work with.

Doug has been profiled in a magazine devoted almost entirely to successful entrepreneurs (people who earn more than $50,000 a year) and it's heavily implied that he has a massive amount of film knowledge (especially the ultra-cheap indies like "Clerks," "El Mariachi," "Monty Python and the Holy Grail," and EVERYTHING John Cassavetes has done), so he should have no excuse to stick to cheap set-ups and poor actors when he can simply go to a local film production company and rent one of their professional-grade cameras for a good price. The only reason why his anniversary specials look cheap as hell is because of instead of spending it on quality cameras and actors, Doug uses his money to fly EVERYBODY on the site, regardless of any on-screen charisma, over to some gimmicky location (like Chicago or that micro-country outside of Reno) so they can scream out their injokes for the fanboys to squeal.

I've heard people argue that these specials are meant to be cheap and dumb because it's Doug's way of giving back to his fans. I doubt that he's giving them back anything positive - it looks like he's flicking them off and they, being too autistic to realize that they've been gypped. And hell, I've seen dumb-as-hell comedies (i.e. Tommy Boy; Up in Smoke) that were well-written and entertaining and, in a sly sense, quite intelligent. Doug's specials are dumb, dumb, dumb, and too cheap to give a fuck.

Hope I've explained why TGWTG comes across as immensely hypocritical.
>> No. 39523
>> No. 39524
Speaking of the Chick, how's her abortion documentary going?
>> No. 39525
Come and gone years ago, I believe.
>> No. 39526
>@whoathisisheavy Here? In AZ? Hey, y'know, we could always *THIS UNWANTED SEXUAL ADVANCE DELETED BY THE NET POLICE*

There's a phrase I've forgotten that describes what he's doing here. Like kidding about doing something, when it's obvious that you really aren't kidding.

Stay classy, Spoony.
>> No. 39527
LordKat really did come across as spergy as fuck in those streams.

He drones on and on about how unprofessional Spoony is, while the fucker belches loudly every five minutes and keeps telling every new person he talks to about how he was jacking off during a stream.

In one of them he said he told the story of him jacking off during a stream as his speech at a convention, and no one there wanted to talk to him afterwards.

You think maybe that sort of behavior has more to do with why he's not taken seriously than some unrelated person screeching "BETRAYAL!" at E3?

His other reasons for hating him were even more childish. "He ruined my Dungeons & Dragons campaign!" If one guy defending the DM's choice in monsters is enough to derail the campaign, it was doomed to begin with, and it's fucking D&D. That's akin to someone saying you ruined their game of Monopoly by defending their decision to put hotels on Baltic Avenue.
>> No. 39528

>put hotels on Baltic Avenue

Are you insane? Why would anyone do that? You sick fuck!
>> No. 39529
I'm beginning to think we should notify this (underage) girl's parents:
@whoathisisheavy I've got a pool, you know. Whaddaya say?
>> No. 39530

Miles is a cop

Spoony has a huge ego

Age of consent is 18

While I don't think anything involving the legal system would actually come into play, I do see it causing a massive meltdown.
>> No. 39531
File 134094235117.jpg - (18.96KB , 244x354 , FUCK YOU -Layton-.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>putting hotels on Baltic Avenue.
>> No. 39532
Did Spoony just hit another low?
I think he did.
>> No. 39533
How old is Spoony?
>> No. 39534

Yes, he is officially a dirty old man
>> No. 39535
I think even slightly older than that... according to his imdb page, he was born in 1980.
>> No. 39536
OVER 30?? How the hell is that old fart still alive? Somebody put him in a fucking nursing home.
>> No. 39537
I think it's more about the appropriateness of him being at that age when trying to lure a seventeen year-old girl to his house. You don't think it's a bit sleazier at 32 than 22?
>> No. 39538
I don't think it's that, it's that like other people said, he's trying to fuck a 17 year old. Hell, I'm 26 and I wouldn't be caught doing that shit. And Jenga is like 41.
>> No. 39539
Imagine if they had a kid. Think about the kind of oversized jew nose it would have...
>> No. 39540
Of course he's trying to fuck a 17 year old. They're the only age group of women that would even talk to him. If he tried to go on a date with a girl his age she'd be all "oh, you make 19k a year by complaining about video games on the internet, and you live in your younger brothers house, who ostensibly makes more money and is supporting your lifestyle? ...I have to use the restroom real quick (oh god get me out of here please)"
>> No. 39541
So, any new cocks from Spoony? Has he made a vlog that addresses this drama?
>> No. 39542
Any 26 year old who wouldn't fuck a 17 year old is a virgin denialmachine who thinks that publicly saying that will somehow attract a woman.
>> No. 39543
>> No. 39544
32, not 26.
>> No. 39545

Hey, Spoony. You're a talentless douche. Please get a real job.
>> No. 39546
Ha! Did someone from here actually contact 17 year-old girl's parents? Her twitter went private the other day, then deleted completely. And her tumblr (literally 950+ pages of tgwtg gifs) is deleted, too.
>> No. 39547
Hahahahaha, that's awesome! I bet spoony is pissed
>> No. 39548
The best part is that his productivity has plummeted in the past one or two years since he got a stick up his ass or whatever it was that happened. I can't imagine he'd even be making 19k a year coasting on previous views. Probably more like 10k or less. Just enough money to pay rent and buy food and booze.

I'm not a two bit internet video game reviewer, though, so what do I know?

oh Lord.
>> No. 39549
There really isn't much different in maturity between those ages, I mean just look at Chris.
>> No. 39550
>That feel when your 17 year old daughter is flirting with some 30 year old manchild on the internet.
>> No. 39551
Oh god I hope so.
That would be hilarious if it turned out to be true.
>> No. 39552

He was talking about this idiot: >>234546

You Americans and your approach to sex is cute btw.
>> No. 39553
>alleged american isn't a pedophile
>> No. 39554
Hi, Roman Polanski!
>> No. 39555
It is possible for older guys to date 17-18 year olds for reasons that aren't sexual but usually it is.

Plus sorry if I am generalizing but I think in America there is a paranoia about jailbait (A term I only hear on the internet so I don't know if this is something people over there talk about in the real world) and are quick to call someone a paedophile even though a paedophile is attracted to someone who is prepubescent.
>> No. 39556
A real adult (meaning not just like 20-21, but substantially older) isn't going to have a healthy, emotional relationship with someone who's still a teenager. Really, hanging out with teenagers is not an appealing notion after college. There are still huge maturity gaps, and life goals and ideas are very different. You're just not peers.

Now, for some people, that gap is exactly the appeal... they're attracted to youngsters who are naive and don't have fully developed senses of selves or defined boundaries. They see someone with no experience living on their own or being responsible for themselves, and think that's the best part! We call those people creepers.

Seriously, there's nothing wrong with a 22 year-old dating a 19 year-old. But if you're in your thirties, and you're trying to pick up girls who are still in high school, there's something wrong there. It could be emotional under-development, i.e. being a manchild (case in point: Spoony) or in more extreme cases, a full-blown pedophile... Or it could be a predator thing, where you're looking for girls you can really take advantage of (case in point: Spoony again?).

We have these laws in place in the USA for a reason, and it's really not about "OMG, we're too prudish about teens having sex!" Teens should be dating and screwing other teens, not dirty old men. I mean, 17 year-old girl is Bahleeted now, but if you saw her tweets and tumblr, she was obviously naive too emotionally ditzy and unprepared to handle for Spoony's line-crossing advances. And as an adult, the idea of being in a serious, adult relationship with the author of that tumblr should make you think of shooting your brains out - even her fellow high school students must roll their eyes when she comes around.
>> No. 39557
>There are still huge maturity gaps, and life goals and ideas are very different. You're just not peers.
I'd say it depends, take Chris for example he probably has mentally more in common with an 18 year old than he does a 30 year old.

>or in more extreme cases, a full-blown pedophile
Again a paedophile is someone who is attracted to prepubescent children.
>> No. 39558
It's rather acceptable in most cultures today for a 20 year old to date a 30 year old.When do you suddenly become "mature" and when do you stop "maturing" mentally?
A younger person can definitely benefit from an older lover. The older person in the relationship can teach them to be mature and help keep them grounded. For instance I'm 31 and have been dating a girl who's 10 years younger than me for over two years now. In that time I have gotten her to stop cutting herself when upset and she is now far less socially awkward , provided I don't leave her side for too long... a bit clingy still.
She is the oldest women I have ever dated.
>> No. 39559
It's rather acceptable in most cultures today for a 20 year old to date a 30 year old.When do you suddenly become "mature" and when do you stop "maturing" mentally?
A younger person can definitely benefit from an older lover. The older person in the relationship can teach them to be mature and help keep them grounded. For instance I'm 31 and have been dating a girl who's 10 years younger than me for over two years now. In that time I have gotten her to stop cutting herself when upset and she is now far less socially awkward , provided I don't leave her side for too long... a bit clingy still.
She is the oldest women I have ever dated.
>> No. 39560
But in my state 17 IS the legal age of consent and Iive five minutes from where it's 16 if you marry them first.
>> No. 39561
A thousand dollars says you're not exactly the most well-adjusted person
>> No. 39562
Rather hard to define concept. Who is well adjusted?
>> No. 39564
Just because something flies just under the wire of legality doesn't mean it can't be an indicator of a loathsome, maladjusted person.

>I'd say it depends, take Chris for example he probably has mentally more in common with an 18 year old than he does a 30 year old.

Exactly the point. And would you say CWC is an example of a normal, well-adjusted person that a woman would benefit from dating and entering a relationship with?

...Anyway, fuck this debate. Let's get to posting more lolcow updates:

It turns out 17 year-old girl didn't delete her tumblr, she just changed her name to go into hiding because we trolls are gossiping about the underage thing. See this post made by her friend right before her "break from tumblr:"


>Any of you anons out there, stalking around Nicole's tumblr because Spoony hit on her on Twitter - back the fuck up and reevaluate your life. Why are you here, worrying about people you don't know, and don't like? This lady is trying to enjoy the internet, and the only "creeper" around is you. D:<
>> No. 39565
>Any of you anons out there, stalking around Nicole's tumblr because Spoony hit on her on Twitter - back the fuck up and reevaluate your life. Why are you here, worrying about people you don't know, and don't like? This lady is trying to enjoy the internet, and the only "creeper" around is you. D:<

Not to miss the irony of me even posting this but... she's kind of right.
>> No. 39566
does this mean she lurks cwc? nicole, will you give us a q&a?
>> No. 39567
So if society says it's wrong, it's a horrible thing. Even if they decide to not make it illegal? So being gay is horrible?
What makes a 19 year old more mature than a 17 year old who graduated from highschool the same year? Is there some magical fucking number?
In most countries 16 is legal look at Europe. So 17 isn't just below the moral radar anymore than 18 years old is, unless you believe that European and Canadian women mature faster...

Why is it abhorrent for a sexually mature women to be with an older man? Do you think someone her own age is going to treat her better? Who's more likely to cheat or just fuck up the entire relationship?
>> No. 39569
>What makes a 19 year old more mature than a 17 year old who graduated from highschool the same year? Is there some magical fucking number?
>Seriously, there's nothing wrong with a 22 year-old dating a 19 year-old...

>Why is it abhorrent for a sexually mature women to be with an older man?

Seventeen year-olds aren't sexually or otherwise mature and adults over 25 know this.

Video related: #TeamSpoony!
>> No. 39570
>Seventeen year-olds aren't sexually or otherwise mature and adults over 25 know this.

Have you met many seventeen year olds lately?

Again I think it is a very individualistic thing and people mature at different rates, there are probably some 17 year olds or younger that post here without you knowing.

I'm not sure many people would benefit from dating Chris regardless of their age.
>> No. 39571
Most 17 year olds have gone through puberty and developed a sense of personhood. They may not be as sexually experienced as some 21 year olds, but then what does that have to do with anything. I've known 21 year old virgins and 19 year olds who are married with 4 year old kids. Some are even married to the babies genetic father.
Most of us got out start with older men or women. That would actually appear to be the natural order.
>> No. 39572
I think this whole discussion is retarded, but I'm gonna toss in my two cents anyway.

18 is just accepted as the universal standard because that's when most people have finished school, and are expected to leave home to go to college or get a job.

It's the year you can join the military, vote, and legally smoke.

A standard age is required, because pedophiles would try to argue that it was okay for them to molest that 8 year old they lured into their apartment by saying she was "really mature for her age."
>> No. 39573

A standard age is required, because pedophiles would try to argue that it was okay for them to molest that 8 year old they lured into their apartment by saying she was "really mature for her age.

You had me until this nugget of retard reasoning.
>> No. 39574
I am starting to think this is a troll or A-Log.
>> No. 39575
You see that exact reasoning from pedophiles all the time. They constantly claim the children they target seduced them. There was a case that made the news the while back because the pedophile claimed the infant he'd molested had seduced him.

They'll make that same argument whether the child is 5 or 17. Without a standard age, you'd have cases that would rest on how mature or immature the child was. Their grades in school, any criminal record, how many other sexual partners they'd had, employment history, all kinds of crap like that would be brought in.
>> No. 39576
An age of consent is fine (usually between 16 and 18?) but I think you are confused about the term pedophile since you are saying 17 year olds aren't sexually mature and that someone in their 30s dating a 19 year old could be a "full-blown pedophile".
>> No. 39577
I never said anything about 19 year olds.

I am kind of uncomfortable with the ephebophile distinction though. Some pedos try to use it to justify their attraction to 13 year olds, and assert that there's nothing wrong with them masturbating to the majority of the casts of live-action shows on Nickelodeon and Disney Channel.
>> No. 39578
>Have you met many seventeen year olds lately?


>>I'm not sure many people would benefit from dating Chris regardless of their age.

Exactly. Guys that age who are still after teenagers are creepy fucks. Nobody would benefit from dating them until, possibly, they got help.

First of all, the anon you're replying to isn't the anon (me) who referred to "full-blown pedophile." Secondly, when I did use, I was absolutely not referring to 30 year-olds dating teenagers. You might want to go back and reread that part.

See, I was saying that some men (or women) go after younger/teen women because of their lack of experience, sense of self etc etc, as written above. Those are the Spoony types. And some people follow that impulse to the extreme, and use the same reasoning to try to pick up children. Those are the "full blown pedophiles." Get it? The pedophiles are further down the line on the same logical scale. Two different groups with differing degrees of the essentially the same problem.

>For instance I'm 31 and have been dating a girl who's 10 years younger than me for over two years now. In that time I have gotten her to stop cutting herself when upset

Plenty of adults work with adolescents to help them in this way... Social workers, teachers, parents... sometimes just a nice neighbor or friend. But they don't use that as justification to fuck them.
>> No. 39579
...I'm a 27 year old who is dating two 18 year old girls, one of whom I started dating when she was 16, the other at 17 (literally a week before her 18th birthday) but I mean, I didn't plan it or even know initially, and the girl I was dating before them was actually a year older than me.

Am I a monster? A deviant? I didn't have sex with them in person until they were both 18, but we did you know, do stuff on webcam before then. They both have/had extreme issues which I've helped them with, and I don't know, is there a name for a complex where you feel you just have to go out of your way to protect people? In both cases it started with noble intentions, and before long we were fooling around. The first girl I talked out of running away from home (and yeah, she meant with me) to avoid life-saving surgery she needed, and dropping out of school. The second I got to stop depending on an abusive ex, and I've been trying to make her feel less worthless (she's a rape victim) and convince her to report it when she's comfortable.

I acknowledge regardless of all that I'm still just an old pervert easily aroused by short, busty, pale chubby girls with dark or unnaturally colored hair.
>> No. 39580
>I acknowledge regardless of all that I'm still just an old pervert easily aroused by short, busty, pale chubby girls with dark or unnaturally colored hair.
Thank you for sharing this information vital for our online community.
>> No. 39581
>Exactly. Guys that age who are still after teenagers are creepy fucks. Nobody would benefit from dating them until, possibly, they got help.
Chris isn't dating teenagers though nor does he specifically want to.

>See, I was saying that some men (or women) go after younger/teen women because of their lack of experience, sense of self etc etc, as written above.
If that was why people went out with them then Chris should be a total babe magnet.

Plus you seem to think people go into relationships just for sex.

Out of interest are male or female?
>> No. 39582
>Plus you seem to think people go into relationships just for sex.

Not at all... I even wrote out specific points about how the non-sexual parts are where they're the most mismatched.
>> No. 39583
Why are you putting so much effort into defending someone who wants to fuck a minor

Sick homosexual deviant
>> No. 39584
Because he wants to fuck a minor. They're like furries; they stick together and tell convince each other they're not completely awful.
>> No. 39585
You are gross as hell and, when you were 26, did sexual things with a 16-year-old girl.
>> No. 39586
Not going to deny it. You're incredibly gross.

And your gf is probably a little slut who can't find anyone her own age to date.
>> No. 39587

Not going to deny it. You are stupid, prudish, sexually repressed americans.
>> No. 39588
Not going to sugarcoat it, online dating is for beta homosexual deviants.
>> No. 39589
>> No. 39590
Yeah,I hear the old,"I'm helping them with there emotional issues while I fuck them" excuse all the time from fuckers like you,it seems nice right up to the point point you realize that the only reason these girls are dating you is because of their emotional issues and that they are looking for someone older to validate them like a father figure would and you're just creeper who wants to take advantage of that.cocksucker
>> No. 39591
File 134124283471.gif - (40.52KB , 244x274 , Nipple.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Look out Americans, it's your arch-nemesis, the EXPOSED FEMALE NIPPLE!!!!


Cover your eyes before you get emotionally scarred for life!
>> No. 39592
You are either a troll, or a ripe lolcow
>> No. 39593
I've see nipples all the time,just ask your mother,on second thought don't,my black ass can't pay that much back child support.
>> No. 39594

>I've see nipples all the time

Oh, I see, maybe the sight of these monsters scarred you for life and that's why you have such a bad humor.
>> No. 39595
>a bad humor
>> No. 39596
Please stop all of these pointless bickering about the morality of fucking 17 year olds. There's no denying that Spoony was acting like a creeper. Let's just get back to the subject of this thread.
>> No. 39597


>> No. 39598
Do not talk that way to your father,it's disrespectful.
if he did not pay that one dollar to fuck your mother and risk getting herpes you would not be here.

Fucking kids today have no respect.
>> No. 39599
>> No. 39600
He has gone back to being boring shithead now anyway
>> No. 39601

Yeah, I expected bigger drama or at least one angry vlog. What a let down.
>> No. 39602
Actually they were both virgins before we started dating. With the second girl I guess it depends whether or not you count rape.

I didn't ask how old they were when we started talking, and as I said we didn't have any actual sex before they were 18. It's a 9 year age difference, not 10. Not that that's much better, but still you got the numbers wrong.

They're far and away nothing resembling sluts. The second girl had never even masturbated prior to meeting me.

Call me scum if you like, but they've done absolutely nothing slutty. They're just sheltered girls who had shitty lives.

I don't know why I'm justifying this to you. Or why you got so angry about it.
>> No. 39603
God damn I remember when I actually used to like TGWTG.

Dark times, never again.
>> No. 39604
You know that saying all this makes you look like a worse person, not a better one, right?
>> No. 39605
Yeah, this whole tire-fire just kinda burned out on its own.
>> No. 39606
Knowing Spoony drama will happen again. Possibly issues with his brother. Just looking at the vlogs with Miles he seems more disgruntled in each one.

Imagine Spoony getting arrested for talking to underage girls, and his brother is the one bringing him to the station. While he drags him out of the house, Spoony is screaming "BETRAYAL!".
>> No. 39607
Oh hi Greg, still engaged to that 17 year old and still talking smack about you exes?
>> No. 39608
File 134130039297.jpg - (745.64KB , 3504x2336 , 1339045739636.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
But she was legal the whole time. 19 is completely legal and it's not as if I was her boss or teacher.
So she benefits from the relationship in several ways and it really can't be said that I'm "taking advantage of her".
The human brain is fully developed in women of that age. It's not like seducing a child with promises of cotton candy and video games in return for head.
What happened to you when you were in college that made you so cynical of age gap relationships? Who used you?
>> No. 39609
>> No. 39610
Actually a quick google suggests the brain not be entirely mature until the 30's or 40's. But hey, why let medical science get in the way of your pedophilic tendencies, right?

I'm with an older guy- so you'd think I'd be on your side. But, no, having been there, I can say that ESPECIALLY if the chick is emotionally distraught and unstable... you're using her. period. When she figures it out she'll be pissed and she'll hate you.
>> No. 39611
Tell you what. Post her nudes and all will be forgiven.
>> No. 39612
Every good thread has to be ruined somehow.
>> No. 39613
Well, this thread has run it's course. Mods, please move this to the library.
>> No. 39614
Yeah, we're about at the autosage limit now, I'd say this thread is ripe for /L/.
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