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File 134198390822.gif - (8.19KB , 70x71 , drudge-siren2.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
40447 No. 40447
This just in 2 sonichu.com!:

10 July - Chris and Barb are arraigned on felony charges. Both are found guilty of their charges, Barbra was sentenced with community service and two years of probation, and Chris was sentenced with community service, one year of probation, and must comply with all psychiatric treatment and evaluation.
Expand all images
>> No. 40448
how many hours?
>> No. 40449

OP is full of shit.
>> No. 40450
Yeah, this is about what I figured. I would love to see some transcripts. Are those made public?
>> No. 40451
What about the tugboat money? Did people in probation still get taxpayer cash??
>> No. 40452
After years of being told that he was special and not damaged goods his whole alife, Chris has now been legally declared Officially CooCoo and ordered by the Court to get mental help.

No jail time to please the A-Logs, but this is still going to be a MAJOR defeat for Chris and his gargantuan ego.

Hopefully the shrink won't put up with Chris' jibberings about electric hedgehog Pokemans or that all of his woes are because of a Joo that runs a troll-breeding farm out the back of his game store.
>> No. 40453

Yes, Chris will still get his tugboat money, but if the judge imposed a fine or court costs, then Chris & Barb will have to pay up (tugboat $$ isn't exempt from gub'mint penalties). I dunno if they automatically garnish it every month from his check or if Chris will have to send a payment in, but he'd damn well better make sure it's paid up or he'll wish he only had mere county charges to worry about.
>> No. 40454
Can't find any confirmation of this.
>> No. 40455

# Date Time Type Room Plea Duration Jury Result
1 04/16/2012 9:30AM Grand Jury True Bill -- Case Has Been Set
2 07/10/2012 2:00PM Arraignment

OP confirmed for FAKE and GAY
>> No. 40456
One question remains: Does the State of Virginia get to decide what sort of Community Service has to be performed, or does Chris get to choose?
>> No. 40458
File 134198562229.png - (714.83KB , 787x442 , Court-screenshot.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Acording to the cwiki forums 2 people actually went to the trial and took pictures and shit

pic related
>> No. 40459
Enjoy the fresh from the oven cocks!

>> No. 40460
Well, I never expected him to go to jail because of his autism and neither Barb because she's too old and sick.
But Chris being legally declared as mentally crippled was a good thing. Hopefully they will revoke for life his car license, because honetly, that's like giving matches to a kid who lives in a barrel of gasoline.

Nevermind about the court, tugboat, criminal records or whatever the folks talk about Chris, but the driving license? Ys, thake that crap away from his grasp for the rest of his life and Chris will become infinitely less dangerous for everyone and himself.

Plus, one of two: either he becomes a complete shut-in because walking causes him too much STREES or either he is forced to walk to get the goods and treats he loves so much and that way he loses a little weight and gains a little of health as well.
>> No. 40461
>cwiki forums

Yeah, no.
>> No. 40462

Sucks to be you then.
>> No. 40463
No, I think he's still on top.
>> No. 40464
Any screenshots?
>> No. 40465
Imma be nice and give you guys a darker colour for this wall of text.
Sorry for taking so long. Youtube was being Autistic and couldn't get a minute-long video uploaded very quickly...

First I'd like to prove we were there. The video isn't that exciting, just a newspaper with the date, the courthouse, and a little greeting for you guys. We are keeping ourselves anonymous. I know some of you somehow came under the impression that the video might be of Chris or the Trial. Sorry. Between being called a troll and an attention whore, I really just don't feel like getting arrested for you guys. =T
Anyways, our little drive-by video. (No, the driver isn't holding the camera. We aren't Chris.)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jja-xjhL ... e=youtu.be
Better detail of the newspaper. My camera's shitty and it made the date fuzzy. Luckily it's still easily recognizable as the same newspaper.
http://i1147.photobucket.com/albums/o55 ... 0_1210.jpg
And a screenshot of passing the courthouse, so you can clearly see where we are. Should be at 15-16 sec
http://i1147.photobucket.com/albums/o55 ... enshot.png

The Trial.
It was quite unlike what the majority speculated. There were some humorous moments, Chris got to speak, and both he and Barbra pleaded guilty.
Barbra was the first to go. When the Judge began asking the usual questions, (such as "do you fully understand the charges you face?") Barbra asked if she could have Bell answer for her. The judge wasn't very patient with her, and Barbra seemingly attempted to protest. The Judge sharply told her, "These questions are between you and me, you have to answer the questions yourself."
Barbra simply answered "Yes" to all of his standard questions, plead guilty, and sat back down. On an unrelated note, she seems to have lost some weight. She isn't a very large woman.
The prosecution got to have a speech before it was Christians turn to take the stand. I can't remember everything they said, but the important parts were that Snyder didn't want Chris and Barb to be stuck with a felony charge, there was another witness that called the police, (the manager of the nearby Staples), and that he hoped that the plea bargain would be accepted by the judge.
Bell took a turn to speak, and wanted to formally introduce Chris to the Judge. He surprisingly introduced Chris as "High-functionally Autistic" which is an outdated term and not part of the Autism spectrum. He also briefly told the Judge about Chris and Barbra's lives, and tried to explain the situation with the game place from the Chandlers' perspective. At one point he called Chris an "Adult-autistic-child", which Chris scowled at. He also made note that if the plea bargain was accepted, Chris would be assimilated into the world, taught how to contribute to society, and would get psychiatric evaluations and treatment. Chris mumbled something and seemed really distressed by all of this.
When Chris was brought to the stand, he stress-sighed first thing. He then repeated his mother's earlier question, in hopes to get Bell to speak for him. The judge shot him down the same way he did his mother, and proceeded to ask the questions.
This is where things got amusing.
"Is your full name Christian Weston Chandler?"
"Yes, but my birthname is Christopher Weston Chandler. Now it's Christian."
"So your full name is Christopher Weston Chandler?"
"N-no. My name is Christian. My birth name was Christopher, but we changed it years ago."
>> No. 40466
"Do you understand that you are to be charged the court fees, should you accept the plea bargain?"
"Yes. My mother will be taking care of that."

"Do you understand that you are to pay Michael John Snyder for his medical expenses?"
"Yes, but I don't think that THIEVING LIAR deserves a red cent!"
The Judge dismissed this.

And finally, when asked if he willingly pleaded guilty and was his own conscious choice, Chris hesitated for a good five seconds.

There was more discussion from both Bell and the prosecution, mostly trying to convince the Judge to accept the guilty plea. The Judge did, and Barbra Chandler and Christian Chandler were both found guilty of fail to stop at the scene of an accident, and Barbra was charged with assault on an officer. Barbra was sentenced with community service and two years of probation, and Chris was sentenced with community service, one year of probation, and must comply with all psychiatric treatment and evaluation. If he fails to do so, he faces jail time.

There's more details jotted down, and Indigo remembers more than I do, so you can expect a more detailed post from her. Probably on page six. I'll update with some detail of the October 28 incident (assuming the CWCki doesn't have it) tomorrow when I find my notes.

A few answers to other questions:
-If I paid the bill that comes with phones that access the internet every month, I probably would never have left-over money, and couldn't afford this trip. Also, like hell I'm taking my laptop to VA to leave it unattended in my car while I sat in a courthouse. (My car is also not equipped with internet access, I don't know of many cars that are.)
-I couldn't get photos of Chris or his car. The Charlottesville area around the courthouse is actually quite busy, and there aren't any parking lots adjacent to the courthouse itself. Chris and Barbra could have parked anywhere. Besides, getting photos or video of him or his car could have put us at risk of being charged for stalking. The court members KNOW of his internet infamy.
-The Charlottesville Circuit Court doesn't keep real-time transcripts, and the ones they make upon request cost money. If somebody else wants to contact them and get the transcripts, I'm sure they'll eventually have them available.

EDIT!: I totally forgot that most of you guys don't know this. Snyder did get hit with the Chandler vehicle. Not once, but twice. Once by Chris, and then again by Barb when they switched places. That's why they both have the fail-stop felony charge.
Edit II: Indigo's post is on this page! this-is-how-the-trial-went-t2268424-250.html
>> No. 40467
As Cyan writes the master post, I will type this out: my account of what occurred. We felt that both of us should describe it, as we both noticed different details just as we noticed the same ones. When put together, both of our stories should give you a fairly clear image of the trial.

Initial Observations
Our dear CWC looked absolutely miserable to be there, his face set in an almost cartoonish pout. He was only sporting some of his now-signature Tomgirl look: the hair and make-up (restricted to light lipstick and eyeshadow) were present, but the clothes he sported were slacks and an unremarkable flannel shirt. I would probably be right in guessing that his subdued physical appearance was at the insistence of his lawyer.

Barbara looked as though she had lost significant weight, and another older woman was with them. We're certain that it was Anna.

The Pleas
This may surprise you, but Barbara and Chris did the smart thing for once and pleaded guilty . . . ah, but that's not quite all. Their lawyer explained that while they were choosing this course of action, they maintain that their version of events (their TRUE and HONEST account of what occurred between themselves and Mr. Snyder) is the accurate story. In other words: "we're guilty but not really lol."

The judge has the option of denying this type of plea-bargaining based on what occurs next. Keep this in mind.

Barbara's Turn
This portion was mostly unworthy of note, aside from Barbara nearly getting uppity at the start. She calmed down pretty quickly, though, and conducted herself rather politely through the judge's questions.

Meanwhile, Chris was busy completely disassociating himself from the situation. He fiddled around with his sunglasses (making a few noises when they collided with the table every now and then), played with his ring, and didn't seem like he was paying much attention to dialogue he probably ought to be listening to.

Chris's Turn
Before Chris had his turn to speak, their lawyer stepped in to provide context to Chris's situation. It's all stuff we've heard before, though there were a couple of quotes worth noting:
> He used "high-functioning autistic" to describe Chris, most likely at Chris's request. This is no longer used as any sort of technical term, so it sounded rather silly coming from a professional lawyer.
> Not long afterward, he goes on to describe Chris as an "adult autistic child." This drew a notable reaction out of Chris. He went so far as to change his facial expression from severe pouting to as close to outrage as he dared show; he nearly interrupted his lawyer, but must have though better of it and quieted whatever he was going to say into an intelligible mumble.

Finally, it was Chris's turn to answer the routine questions given by the clerk and the judge. Chris, due to not paying attention earlier, asked if his lawyer could answer on his behalf. He was met with a reminder that no, in fact, you have to answer these questions all by yourself. Perish the thought.

After the clerk finished her segment, Chris had the gall to interrupt the judge just as he was getting started with his round of questioning. Despite the rough start, Chris got the hint and kept his responses to "yes" and "no" and did fairly well answering them quickly . . . that is, until he was asked if he had pled guilty completely of his own free will. There was a LONG pause before he finally remembered that the "correct" answer was yes. Looks like he needed more rehearsal time to me.

Oh, and that's not all! Things got interesting when Mr. Snyder was brought up . . .
>> No. 40468
Chris was asked something along the lines of, "do you understand that, by pleading guilty, you MUST pay the agreed amount to Mr. Snyder in damages?" Chris confirmed that he understood . . . and then went on to say that, in HIS opinion, "that thieving liar doesn't deserve a red cent!" Oh, yes, folks, I kid you not: our beloved Mayor of CWCville committed public slander in a COURT OF LAW.

I expected a harsh reprimand for such egregiously bad behavior (or, perhaps, even for his plea bargain to be denied) but alas, the judge pretty much let it go and continued on. Welp, another free pass for Chris, brought to you by The Autism Card!

The Aftermath
The rest is pretty straight forward: the prosecutor, defense lawyer, and judge discuss the conditions that Barbara and Chris must comply with, whilst Chris gives an exaggerated, disapproving shake of his head whenever Mr. Snyder is brought up.

At one point, the lawyer suggests that Chris could start giving back to the community in an effort to reintegrate himself into society. The look on Chris's face is priceless.

((That's pretty much it. We couldn't obtain transcripts, as they don't provide them on the day of a trial if the trial in question is not a major trial or an appeal. If you want to obtain your own copies, you'll have to send in a request to the Circuit Court of Charlottesville and pay a fee.))
>> No. 40469
That depends. I have no idea what Rocky looks like. There was an older woman that looked sort of like the average grandmother, who spoke with Chris and Barb while awaiting the trial.
We believe the young woman was Anna. She came in with Chris and Barb, and I think I overheard Barbra thanking her for a ride. I might have misheard though.

"Anna" also gave me a suspicious glare at one point. Whether that's actually Anna or not, I don't know, but she seemed suspicious.

It's 2 AM and I've been up since before 6, and driving all day. I'm gonna forget things.

YES! That's her! Rocky was there!
>> No. 40470
can someone screen cap this for those that want nothing to do with the cwcki forums
>> No. 40471
>Thanks to Cyan and Indigo for their reports! One question I have: what did Bell talk about when explaining the Chandlers' life situation to the court? Did he mention e-fame or harassment or any of that internet stuff?

Nope, that wasn't brought up at all. It wasn't relevant to what Barb and Chris did to Snyder. The only mention of anything Internet-related was the fact that Chris uploaded pictures of Snyder without his permission.


Yes they did. It was when Bell was talking about Chris's Autism and how he couldn't fit in with the world or something.
>> No. 40472
File 134198670847.png - (45.06KB , 180x260 , 180px-Fangs.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"Do you understand that you are to pay Michael John Snyder for his medical expenses?"
"Yes, but I don't think that THIEVING LIAR deserves a red cent!"

Yes, Chris. Show dem FANGS!
>> No. 40473
The transcript was already posted here
>> No. 40474

Boo hoo!
>> No. 40475
Why would you want nothing to do with the CWCki Forums?
Just because it has usernames doesn't make it Reddit.
>> No. 40476
Can you stop being such a twat? I'm sure there is only like 2 people who think there's a war between CWCki forums and /cwc/. The userbase of both sites are basically the same people
>> No. 40477
And here are the links from the first post, if you want them:

>> No. 40478
File 134198689091.jpg - (277.67KB , 1680x1050 , trial.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here you go.
>> No. 40479
Sure is cwcki forums in here.
>> No. 40480
Can't wait to see what kind of shit Chris throws in facebook for this.
>> No. 40481
Such timid FAs.

Oh, well, still some genuinely good cocks to suck:
>At one point he called Chris an "Adult-autistic-child", which Chris scowled at. He also made note that if the plea bargain was accepted, Chris would be assimilated into the world, taught how to contribute to society, and would get psychiatric evaluations and treatment. Chris mumbled something and seemed really distressed by all of this.
>> No. 40482
You're being nonsummer.
>> No. 40483
Why is date of post July 6?
>> No. 40484
HA HA! Chris has to directly pay money to Snyder out of his tugboat money! Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.

Chris thinks his tugboat money is not only well-deserved, but also divinely ordained by GodBear himself. He's sure find this court-mandated declaration to be both an outrage and a blasphemy.
>> No. 40485
they made the post 2 days earlier is what i've gathered and just edited the OP.
>> No. 40486
>Snyder did get hit with the Chandler vehicle. Not once, but twice. Once by Chris, and then again by Barb when they switched places.
Jesus, how'd they manage that?

>they maintain that their version of events (their TRUE and HONEST account of what occurred between themselves and Mr. Snyder) is the accurate story.
What IS their account of what happened? They can't have brought Chris' insane "deliberate leg-scars" story up, can they?

>If you want to obtain your own copies, you'll have to send in a request to the Circuit Court of Charlottesville and pay a fee.
Can't someone manage to do this and put it up on the cwcki?
>> No. 40487
File 134198812466.jpg - (44.38KB , 1580x525 , trial2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pic related
>> No. 40488
I was considering doing it. I happen to be in the States at the moment, so this is a good time if ever there were one.
The only thing I don't have with me is a phone because it got pickpocketed on the flight over.
>> No. 40489
This is serious business.
>> No. 40490
It's certain that Chris will find complying with the court's demands to be stressful...will anything come of it or will he just be a bitch about it?

Has he learned his lesson about leaving Snyder alone?
>> No. 40491

Stressful? He's gonna treat it as if it was like the scourging & crucifixion of Christ!

He's gotta have to pay out his precious tugboat money to Snyder (not his Mom paying it, because she's got her own hefty court costs bill to pay for. This is gonna be Chris to pay off and Chris to pay off alone).

Imagine your most hated enemy, and then being ordered by a court of law that you HAVE to fork over money to that person.

I'm curious to know how Chris will deliver the money (seeing the protection order and all). Is it sent to a third party or will Chris come up with some idea in his burnt dogturd of a brain that he can go deliver a check to Snyder at The Game Place personally and it'll be legal cuz he was only giving money to The Joo?
>> No. 40492
She probably edited the post.

I'm pretty sure you can't garnish tugboat money, though.
>> No. 40493
You deliver money through legal counsel or the court.
>> No. 40494
As felons I believe they lose the right to vote.

Will Chris not give a shit or be indignant despite never having a genuine political stance?
>> No. 40495
hi fuckingstupid
>> No. 40496
Chris will ignore all of this shit, calling it now.
>> No. 40497

If he does ignore it, then things will REALLY get hilarious!
>> No. 40498
He does have a history of ignoring authority if it isn't right in front of him (much like a child). He will go to jail if he doesn't play along, though, so you'd think Barb and Rocky and anyone else who can be bothered to give a fuck would ride him pretty hard about completing it.

This is the second time Chris has been ordered to undergo psychiatric evaluation, isn't it?
>> No. 40499
Does anyone know the price for a transcript, and how to order one?
>> No. 40500
Wow, everything in your post was wrong.

They made a plea bargain. Snyder didn't want them to be charged with a felony. Turned out he wasn't even the one that called the police. He had their charged reduced if they'd plead guilty. That's why they're not serving minimum jail sentences.

And Chris not only has outlined his political beliefs numerous times (there's a video that's just him explaining his political beliefs) he voted in the last election, for Obama. Having that right taken away from him would likely enrage him as much as having anything considered "adult" taken away from him.
>> No. 40501
They do where I live. If you get a brain injury and still have student loans they will garnish the shit out of your tug to cover them.
>> No. 40502
First time anything beyond the first meeting was mandatory, though.
>> No. 40503
When Chris undergoes evaluation, you know he's going to tell them about the trolls. He's trained himself to tell everyone not to google him though, so he may be vague about it.

What do you suppose will happen to him if the psychologist he sees is linked to sonichu.com, and discovers every aspect of his life for the last several years has been documented down to the shirts he wears and his mannerisms?
>> No. 40504
>> No. 40505
What did they plead guilty to if not the failure to stop and assaulting a police officer felonies?

Snyder didn't get to decide what they were charged with.

And Chris doesn't have any GENUINE political beliefs because he's too stupid to have any. Like everything else in his head, it's just a mush of television and fantasies.
>> No. 40506
He is going to tell them the trolls are headquartered at the gameplace and Snyder is their leader. And that they're all gay. And maybe that the school board of his old elementary is behind it all.

This is hilarious. I'd so love to see what the shrink thinks of all this.
>> No. 40507
File 134199075229.jpg - (89.50KB , 245x258 , MFW.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Christian Weston Chandler, after three decades of being a swaggering asspain towards Humanity, is now finally declared a felon and forced to pay money to Snyder AND forced to go see a shrink AND be forced to integrate into society at last.

Chris hates being told what to do.
Chris hates being told that he's damaged goods. Chris hates having to surrender to Snyder.
Chris hates having to go see a shrink, like as if he was just some defective slow-in-dah-mind.
Now, he HAS to do all these things, by order of the Court.

It is the worst possible outcome to happen to Chris. Even jail wouldn't obliterate him as much as this. He keeps his freedom, but his gargantuan ego is finally shattered beyond repair.

Call me an A-Log if you want, but this makes me feel so god-damned happy!
>> No. 40508
File 13419907957.png - (90.28KB , 1186x748 , 1341989242231.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
They were charged with the same crimes, but they were reduced from felonies. They had to convince the judge to accept the plea bargain. It's all in the post if you'd actually read it.

And trying to claim he's "too stupid to have political beliefs" because it makes you uncomfortable basically all of his beliefs mirror yours is incredibly childish. He has stated specific beliefs. You don't get to just pretend they don't count because he's dumb, you could then argue he didn't really like Family Guy or Sonic or Transformers or anything he's into on the same basis.
>> No. 40509
There's nothing in the post about the charges being "reduced from felonies". Is that something that can even happen? A crime is classified a certain way. In some plea bargains, the defendant pleads guilty to a LESSER charge instead of facing trial for a great one, but that's not what happened here because they plead guilt to the fail-stop and assault. Wasn't the plea bargain just about them avoiding jail time?

>He has stated specific beliefs. You don't get to just pretend they don't count because he's dumb
Yes, just like his rock-solid beliefs that alcohol is evil, sex and violence in fiction is terrible, and he will only ever love one woman.
>> No. 40510
That post was made 5 days ago you dumb bitch...
>> No. 40511
Can some of you fags get over your obsessive rage against the fact he gets disability checks? It's not going to get taken away, it's not "your tax money", and being the useless, fat sack of bumbling autism he is, he's entitled to it since there's little chance he has any capacity to support himself on his own. It's a fact of life and good or bad, people like Chris can spend that shit on whatever he wants.

What's more annoying than Chris spending his tugboat on bullshit are the endless sea of losers making threads and posts since 2009 scheming on how they can take it away and reap orgasm-inducing gratification on the thought he won't have it.
>> No. 40512
>hurr what is post editing
>> No. 40513
hurr what is more naive than Chris?
>> No. 40514
I dunno about you guys, but 1. I think all this info should be saved for future references and 2. We all see this coming when it comes to probation and stuff. Anyone wanna take a guess of how long Chris will follow this?
>> No. 40515
>>There's nothing in the post about the charges being "reduced from felonies".

I'll just quote the specific text:
>>can't remember everything they said, but the important parts were that Snyder didn't want Chris and Barb to be stuck with a felony charge, there was another witness that called the police, (the manager of the nearby Staples), and that he hoped that the plea bargain would be accepted by the judge.

>>Snyder didn't want Chris and Barb to be stuck with a felony charge

>>Yes, just like his rock-solid beliefs that alcohol is evil, sex and violence in fiction is terrible, and he will only ever love one woman.

He never said he would only love one woman, he only previously stated he wanted a sweetheart, but if you look at some of his older drawings or the type of porn he watches, it's pretty clear Chris has always wanted a harem.

The only belief that changed was his aversion to alcohol.

As for his stated political beliefs, thus far none of them have budged. Just because someone's opinion is stupid, ill-informed or ignorant doesn't mean they don't have it.
>> No. 40516
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say they created the thread before the trial and edited the first post once they'd actually gone.
>> No. 40517
>>Snyder didn't want Chris and Barb to be stuck with a felony charge
What's that got to do with anything? He didn't bring the charges, the state did. Failure to stop and assaulting a police officer are felonies and they plead guilty to them.
>> No. 40518
>The prosecution got to have a speech before it was Christians turn to take the stand. I can't remember everything they said, but the important parts were that Snyder didn't want Chris and Barb to be stuck with a felony charge,

The prosecution (the state) was saying this. The prosecution were asking the judge to not stick them with a felony charge, as even the victim (Snyder) wished, and accept the plea.
>> No. 40519
Wait, so was this fake? It was made before the arraignment.
>> No. 40520
Huh, seems to me it just means that Snyder is a nice guy who doesn't wish to see a widow and a man-child stuck with a felony charged.

It doesn't mean the court will take his opinion into account.
>> No. 40521

Forum posts can be edited you know. Read the fucking thread.
>> No. 40522
Looks like she took her original post "What to wear at the trial" and updated it.
>> No. 40523
I would appreciate it if all the homosexual deviants from the cwcki forums would leave.

Nobody cares if you think Chris should get the death penalty because he ruined sonic and Autism for you.
>> No. 40524
All the homosexual deviantry in this thread is 100% pure /cwc/. If it were the CWCki forum brand of homosexual deviantry there would be horsefuckery involved.
>> No. 40525
Again, read carefully:

>>The prosecution got to have a speech before it was Christians turn to take the stand. I can't remember everything they said, but the important parts were that Snyder didn't want Chris and Barb to be stuck with a felony charge,

>>the prosecution
>>the state
>>plea bargain

They do this all the time. In exchange for a guilty plea, they offered to reduce the charges from felonies. Both the prosecution and Rob Bell agreed to this. They still needed the judge's approval. He gave it.
>> No. 40526
There's a segment on there that couldn't cut it here, got banned for doing something stupid, and packed up their butthurt and took it there.

>> No. 40527
There really isn't much to actually doubt about this though. It's not their fault /cwc/ is terrified of being trolled by fake cocks.
>> No. 40528
In this thread, A-Logs spergin'.
>> No. 40529
File 134200557752.jpg - (31.11KB , 537x478 , 133066488033.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 40530
Post dates don't just fucking change when you edit the post. I've never heard of a forum software that did that. Ever. An edit date is appended to the bottom of the post, in every fucking case.

Fake and gay.
>> No. 40531
this is dumb and boring everything about Chris is stupid and everyone here is stupid sos shut up and talk about diablo3 or ILL TROLL YOU LOLOLOLOL
>> No. 40532
How long before we can request transcripts from the court? I'm not a poorfag, so I can afford it.
>> No. 40533
What the fuck are you talking about.
Seriously /cwc/ you are looking so spergy in this thread.
>> No. 40534
I fucking told you guys they were going to get probation.
>> No. 40535
I just edited my post on another forum I frequent, and it didn't change the post time OR add an "edited at" time.

IDK if the Cwcki forums are that way as I don't have an account there, but it's entirely plausible.
>> No. 40536
Everyone knew that.
>> No. 40537
No one said there was a war, some people don't want to have to register to lurk on a board exclusively used by fags, epic weeners, and lolcows in denial of A-Log proportions.
>> No. 40538
Yeah, that's why people were constantly asking about how much time Chris was going to do, and how he was going to get committed to a home for mentally retarded people, right?
>> No. 40539
My apologies,

Everyone who isn't retarded knew that*

>> No. 40540
Thank you.
>> No. 40541

You're a retard, nobody is saying the post dates were edited, they posted that thread on the 6th of july ahead of them going to the trial, then changed the original post to give the story of what happened.

>An edit date is appended to the bottom of the post, in every fucking case.

>Last edited by Cyan on Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:44 am, edited 3 times in total.
>> No. 40542
File 134201190516.gif - (497.07KB , 231x139 , cannonshit.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
O LAWDY this is all so WONDERFUL.

The trolls DID know btw its completely legal to just film in a court room, right?
>> No. 40543
I sortof understand, I don't have an account there too, but:
>a board exclusively used by fags, epic weeners, and lolcows in denial of A-Log proportions.
And /cwc/ is different becauuuse?
>> No. 40544
Stfu you sperg
>> No. 40545
Yeah, we totally don't care about Chris any more.
>> No. 40546
Why are we still talking about Chris? Nobody cares anymore.
>> No. 40547
Community service and having to try and get mental help

I feel bad for the person who has to help Chris, I am sure they will give up and just hand him some pills

Also they hit Synder twice?! Jesus Christ
>> No. 40548
We care about our founding ..... father or something .... I don't know just look at the name of this board.
>> No. 40549
Sorry he doesn't live up to the standards of Timbox, Nick Bate, or whatever other non-lolcow person you follow.
>> No. 40550
>The only thing I don't have with me is a phone because it got pickpocketed on the flight over.

Who the fuck gets pick pocketed anymore?
>> No. 40551
Interesting. I hadn't been here for a long while for the lack of Chris cocks (he's really the only lolcow I'm interested in).

Still, while having to do community service *and* having to get professional help will get Chris positively fuming, I doubt there'll be anything much to see in the future other than a Facebook update here and there.
>> No. 40552
Karmageddon is here.

It's all downhill from now on.
>> No. 40553
File 134201686324.jpg - (772.61KB , 4961x3508 , cwcjulaytrolling.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Unless he is going to complain about the work he has to do and the boss, which he undoubtedly will.
I'd be fairly careful if I were Chris, I've done community work and trust me they do NOT put up with any shenanigans. And i'd fix my biological clock real fast if I were him.
And PO's, you do NOT want to mess about with your PO, trust me on this. They do not take kindly to you not showing up or whatever, they'll haul your ass to prison to serve your sentence there if you do.
>> No. 40554
I just wish there was some way to find out Chris's dealing with the psychologist and how they will answer the question of how to get Chris a social life/integrate him into the community.
>> No. 40555

Me again, I'll give you one example:
There were two junkies fucking about where I had to do my community work, they didn't like each other. (Because of something in the past)
One day they ended up fighting on the lunch break, the boss there ended up taking them apart, punched one of them in the face because he wanted to beat up the boss as well.
Long story short: Both where hauled away, literally, by police and they had to serve their sentence in prison.
Community work and having to report to a PO is a nicety, they don't HAVE to give you that, I hope Chris realizes this. (But he probably doesn't.) Me personally: I'd rather clear up leaves and crap by the side of the freeway and outside than to have to sit in a cell.
You get to go home each night and watch TV, do whatever.
>> No. 40556
File 13420179679.jpg - (21.57KB , 500x315 , obamabeforehaircut.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Who is Chris by the way? He seems creepy.
>> No. 40557
An autistic man being persecuted by jews and da man.
>> No. 40558
I plan on buying a transcript of the trial.

I will share if I actually get it.
>> No. 40559

Alternatively, hoard the transcript until it no longer relevant, but remind people that you have it every now and then under the guise of some wacky troll personality. Also, avoid tinychats where people can take a screenshot of your face.
>> No. 40560
Oh, and don't forget to tell everyone how bored you are with Chris and how you never discuss anything about him anymore.
>> No. 40561
This is the best possible outcome and psychiatric treatment was icing on the cake.
The fact that he basically rage pooped his pants over admitting to being a slow in da mind autistic, was hilarious as well.
Forced (even menial) labor or being told what to do is the ultimate punishment for Chris, this WAS the defeat we were waiting for and because he isn't in prison we might get to hear him whine/complain at full blast.
Smug Chris...DEAD.
>> No. 40562
But at the same time let information come out that makes it fairly obvious that you spend at least half of your waking day obsessing about trolling plans and what Chris will do next.
>> No. 40563
I so wish I could have seen his face when he was called "An adult autistc child"
>> No. 40564

"Ugh ugh, that DAMN DIRTY chris chan! I hate him so much! I feel the need to jerk off to his sufferi SHUT UP MOM I'LL BE DOWN IN A MINUTE"
>> No. 40565
Hi Tacowiz.
>> No. 40566
File 134202330875.png - (198.27KB , 871x354 , tv's brad pittpart2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Actually he was talking about tv'sstupidgit
>> No. 40567
Do you hate Chris with the passion of a thousand sun or what? What has Chris done that requires great justice?
>> No. 40568
Oh and Michael Snyder isn't a fucking martyr, either. He deliberately jumped in front of the car as it was moving.
>> No. 40569
No mention at all of Chris losing his license?

Also on the Chandlers would take turns hitting someone with their car
>> No. 40570
And you were there and saw it right?
>> No. 40571
they will volunteer at their church and rocky will let Chris get away with doing nothing
>> No. 40572
No, but Snyder has a history of being an asshole to Chris. Snyder admitted to looking for any reason he could to ban Chris from the store, even if it was for a really ridiculous reason "Waah he used the tv when he wasn't supposed to waaah"
>> No. 40573
>> No. 40574
How dare he not want a destructive man child in the store. But how did he get hit twice, once by Barb and once by Chris, if he jumped in front of the car?
>> No. 40575
2/10 just cause you got an autistic to respond
>> No. 40576
>> No. 40577
My god you're a loser.

Anyway, so apparently Chris is getting psych help...so..I guess this really might be the end of Chris chan's saga, really. I mean it might change him into a completely different person if it all goes well afterall. Though I wonder, if Chris tells the doctor about the Cwciki and /cwc/ the psych will probably check it out personally. I don't think it would be a stretch for doctor to write some sort of article or even novel about the whole "fandom" that one of his patients has. After all, a lot of people who follow Chris have turned out to be massive spergs.
>> No. 40578
As said "trolled autist" ok? Seriously you guys fap to pixy tery and that's more retarded than thinking he jumped in front of a car.
>> No. 40579
You do realize Chris was facing jail time, and the only reason he's not is because the prosecution was kind enough to reduce the charges if he plead guilty, right?
>> No. 40580
I doubt a shrink will go that far, but he or she would definitely check out the CWCki. It's documented every online step of Chris for the last five years, it'd be a big help in explaining Chris's situation.
>> No. 40581
Can't wait to see the movie
>> No. 40582
File 134202723355.jpg - (122.38KB , 500x500 , o really.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

the doctor is going to go "what the fuck is this" when he finds the cwckipedia.....i wish i could see the look on his face.
>> No. 40583
Not according to the account we've been given. He didn't even call the police, it was a witness from another store.

He didn't jump at the car, he stood in front of it to try to prevent them from pulling out, and they tried to push him back.

Also, fucking finally, there were so many people who completely failed basic reading comprehension, and couldn't understand the chain of events laid out in Chris's version of what happened. For months every retard who can't read has either claimed "Chris was driving, Barb took the wheel to try and take the fall when the cops got them!" or "Chris was never driving at all! Barb took the wheel before they ever started the car!"

This proves you fuckwads can't fucking read. They were both driving. They both hit him. If you had even the most rudimentary reading comprehension, you'd have known that you god damned imbeciles.
>> No. 40584

This summer

Tom Hanks as Christian Weston Chandler
>> No. 40585
File 134202740978.gif - (202.33KB , 500x282 , ruinedchildhood_tumblr.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 40586
make sure someone saves all his videos, all his crazy pics, because one day a movie will be made,and we will show the people the horror.....and the people will scream out SAVE US!!!......and we will whisper.....no.
>> No. 40587
>destructive manchild

He was kicked out of the store for acting autistic, not because he was an evil sociopath. And also, Chris had every right to be upset when his picture was posted on 4chan, as it was an invasion of his privacy, but Snyder defended the perp for really no good reason.
>> No. 40588
What the fuck are you even talking about

References have to make sense to work you autistic
>> No. 40589

sorry i was making a watchmen reference *shrug*
>> No. 40590
File 134202888691.gif - (497.75KB , 250x168 , receipts.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
what exactly is the patient-client right to privacy when it's court ordered?

doubtful that your idea would come to fruition. maybe you should take up that cause.
>> No. 40591

also i was just saying you never no whats going to happen with the situation. a movie of chris maybe made 5 or 10 years from the now and the cwcki might just go down because people will lose interest, and if that happens i would just want the videos and pictures saved so that in the event of a movie being made and people feeling sorry for him or what not, the real data and information on chris-chan could be revealed.
>> No. 40592
>the psych will probably check it out personally

Probably not. Psychiatrists who see court-ordered patients might see upward of 6 or 7 patients a day. There's no way they're going to use their free time to research the bullshit all of the retards who come into their office might talk about.
>> No. 40593

if chris was smart all he would have to do is bring in his cell phone and play his inbox for the good doctor.
>> No. 40594
>and the people will scream out JULAAY
>> No. 40595
File 134203150087.jpg - (88.58KB , 441x387 , trollingisaart.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Tell me your story, Chris.
>> No. 40596
File 134203159357.jpg - (112.39KB , 446x446 , trollingisaart2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Trolling you say?

*puff puff*
>> No. 40597

i don't know why ,but this makes me laugh
>> No. 40598
File 134203175339.jpg - (83.90KB , 446x383 , trollingisaart3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You tell a riveting tale about this Julie and Pandahalo, a tale of betrayal loneliness and despair.
>> No. 40599
File 134203179157.jpg - (75.62KB , 439x331 , trollingisaart4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
We will need to schedule more appointments Chris.

I hope you don't mind I'm recording all of our sessions.
>> No. 40600
No shit, he was given a plea bargin, which is exactly what I said was going to happen. Most any crime involves possible jail time as an optional penalty.
>> No. 40601
This board used to have a significantly lower number of those types of posters before CWCki Forums users started posting here. Even the old Offshore wasn't as bad as it is. It seems to attract all the worst types of users of the site.
>> No. 40602
>>if chris was smart

If Chris was smart nothing of this would be happening.

If Chris was smart he would have accepted to get help and social training so he could correctly function in society.

If Chris was smart he would take better care of himself, aka eating moderately healthy, doing some moderate physical exercise, wear clean clothes, shower daily and clean around to not live on an unsanitary house half crumpled because of all that rotting junk and insect plague.

If Chris was smart he would have stopped doing dumb things since the day his teacher tore down his attraction sign.

But if Chris was smart he would not be Chris at all.
>> No. 40603
Well, you seem to forget that one of the most egregious examples of ween used to moderate /cwc/, or that we used to have boards specifically for fanworks, a very CWCki forums-y pursuit.
>> No. 40604
Go back to your precious CWCki forums.
>> No. 40605
>were smart
>> No. 40606
All the users here always thought Atlus and Medic were homosexual deviants. No one really took them seriously, and you can't blame the userbase for who becomes a moderator. As for /cxc/, it never really got used that much anyway.
>> No. 40607
The ultimate cosmic irony would be if Chris's shrink would be named "Clyde", "Michael", "Julie" or such.
Extra irony points if the guy or woman assigned to Chris likes to snack on pickles now and then and kindly offers one to Chris without having any idea of the effect they produce on him.

>> No. 40608
Is this some mad?

Are you all mad that the CWCki forums, instead of whining about how nobody ever gives them cocks and screaming FAKE AND GAY when they actually got some, actually went out and got some cocks? This is why /cwc/ can't have nice things.

Yuku does, apparently. I'm pretty sure that if we could ask a CWCkifag about it, they could attest that they saw the original pre-edit post.
>> No. 40609
No one is mad that some kids went to a public court hearing and posted the results to said public hearing on CWCki Forums. No one even implied that, they were simply responding to be people talking about there being a "war" or whatever when in reality some people just don't want to post there because it's incredibly lame.

Go back to CWCki Forums.
>> No. 40610
There's a lot of adult autistic children in this thread.

Not even new cocks can suppress the homosexual deviantry around here any more.
>> No. 40611
you got it my man
>> No. 40612
File 134203765223.png - (233.20KB , 872x646 , cyan.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Chris apparently has dox on cyan and indigo.
>> No. 40613
Chris DOES realize they did nothing illegal at all right? No, of course he doesnt.
>> No. 40614
>>Extra irony points if the guy or woman assigned to Chris likes to snack on pickles now and then and kindly offers one to Chris without having any idea of the effect they produce on him.

That's not irony. Also, you think that many people just carry around and snack on pickles? Or eat on the job to begin with?

As to your scenario, it would play out like this:

>>Hey Chris, would you like a pickle?
>>No thank you, I don't like pickles.
>> No. 40615
>>A small victory!!

Okay, Chris trying to gloat about this stuff doesn't bother me, it's usually amusing, but Anna encouraging his delusions is irritating the shit out of me.
>> No. 40616

Let she talk. Encouraging Chris will make him all smug and overconfident and we all know what happens when Chris feels like he is holding the moral ground.

If anything, the dumbass just confirmed that what was posted in the CWCwiki was real, if he had kept his maw closed the entire issue could have passed as fanmade bullshit.
>> No. 40617
i hope chris meets a nice older woman with a mom complex during community service and he finally gets a happy ending.
>> No. 40618
>Let she talk

>> No. 40619

Not everywun can proper grammar write.
>> No. 40620
me non english
>> No. 40621
Alright, you Cwckians, you need to leave now or suffer da consequences!
>> No. 40623
Well, as most people expected.


I think this makes everyone happy, except maybe the 'spergs who WANT CHRIS DEAD AND RAPED LOLZ. Fair that they should pay Snyder's bills, fair that they got community service, fair that they're on probation and damn high time someone told (forced) Chris to do something about the Sonichus in his belfry.

So, what now? The Community Service saga?
>> No. 40624

You did me proud, guys.
>> No. 40625
He updated his FB, saying the trolls in the courtroom will be brought in. (sounds like someone else we know). The stupid redheaded cunt called it a "small victory".
>> No. 40626
Yep, I knew that was gonna happen. But at least we know all of this real. But as for the two field agents, they haven't done anything illegal besides sharing their stories about what happened in there in their pov.
>> No. 40627
Right, though I didn't really doubt those two were there, even though I have never posted on CWCki forums and have no idea how those two are perceived there as posters. Them attending a public court hearing isn't a big deal. Nor is it illegal, but we all know how Chris claims to run in anyone who talks about it by now.
>> No. 40628
Its that obvious that the judge made the right desicion to get him some mental help since he is extremely paranoid for the past few years.
>> No. 40629
Yeah, I'd agree with that.
>> No. 40630
If they hadn't made the thread ahead of time, Chris wouldn't have mentioned them to his attorney.

Not that they broke any laws anyway.
>> No. 40631
Whoever thinks the shrink that is assigned to Chris is going to take time to look at the cwcki to further evaluate CWC is kidding themselves.

It's a court appointed meeting, which means its completely bare bones and they'll be lucky to know each others names by the end
>> No. 40632
It would be interesting if the psychologist never looked into his claims of mass trolling and tried to convince him that it's all in his head.
>> No. 40633
It's more than a one time meeting.
>> No. 40634
Yeah, but they aren't going to look into CWCki or anything else about trolls on the internet. They are just going to discuss how he is doing and other standard questions.
>> No. 40635
This isn't going to be one evaluation, he's going to ongoing visits. I think whether or not he continues to go will depend on whether the psychologist is male or female.

If he's claiming there's a massive effort to harass him, it would be kind of strange of the psychologist to not simply look the website up to either prove or disprove his claims.
>> No. 40636
>Chris walks into the psychiatrists office to see a large armchair facing the window
>The doors close behind him and lock automatically
>A voice from behind the chair says "HELLOOOO CHRIIIISSSSSSS..."
>The chair slowly turns, revealing a man sitting in it dressed in sunglasses and a pickle suit.
>The man says "We're going to have LOTS of fun together!" as Chris lets out a stress sigh so powerful he loads his dirty, crapped briefs.
>> No. 40637
It's not being paranoid if there really are homosexual deviants out to record and scream Julay at your every move
>> No. 40638

Any question about how Chris is doing is basically going to be about the trolls because that goes on in his life.
>> No. 40639
How is Rob Bell supposed to have recognized them?

Calling him "Rob" seems kind of friendly considering this was the man who called him an "adult autistic child".
>> No. 40640
I already see where this is going. The same people who kept saying Chris was going to prison and/or getting committed to a state mental institution are now going to be posting that his state appointed psych doctor is going to study the CWCki and track down Clyde.

Not going to happen, the guy will see tons of people appointed by the state a month, he isn't going to care beyond giving the very basic psych evaluations.
>> No. 40641
It's not up to him to go or not go. It's mandatory.
>> No. 40642

>Implying Chris will definitely do what he's told to do
>> No. 40643

>going to study the CWCki and track down Clyde.

I don't think anybody's saying that, but he's obviously going to bring up the trolls with the psych. Doesn't mean the psych will or can do shit about it other than just tell Chris to stay off the internet.
>> No. 40644
He can get violated or even revoked for not attending meetings with a court appointed psych doctor. They are just as mandatory and there are just as much consequence as him skipping meeting with his PO or not doing his community service.
>> No. 40645

>Still implying that Chris will definitely do what he's told
>> No. 40646
>>He can get violated

In prison you mean.

And yeah, that's what everyone meant with whether or not he'd follow through. Yes, Chris is required to go, but when has he ever been known to be responsible or stick to a schedule?
>> No. 40647
Cyan and Indigo have removed their youtube video fokes.

>> No. 40648
If you don't think he's responsible enough or scared enough of the consequences of not going to those meetings, then I guess it is safe to assume you think he will rack up probation violations, end up getting revoked, and resentenced then?
>> No. 40649
I take that back, I see where the prison people are. They are just going to say he will get sent by violating his probation now.

Barb isn't going to let it happen. She and his PO are going to be on his ass and are going to make sure he does what he is supposed to do. They know he is autistic and in his lawyers words, an adult child, so they will be doing what is necessary to make sure he does what he has to do.
>> No. 40650
I don't know what would happen exactly, but I know Chris is going to stress sigh, and if he doesn't like the work or the therapist he's going to say "No!" "I don't wanna!" and have to be dragged to it.
>> No. 40651
I recall A-Log mentioning in one of his videos since he came back to YouTube that he heard his "nemesis Christian Weston Chandler will be going to jail soon".

I wonder how he is taking this.
>> No. 40652
Maybe. I don't think he's going to want to, but he is going to find out that he doesn't have a choice, and he isn't going to like the alternatives to not doing what the court has ordered him to do, be it psych sessions or community service.
>> No. 40653

I can see him coming up with bullshit excuses for why he shouldn't have to do it and getting in more trouble, look what's happened in the past when authority figures have told him he's done something wrong.
>> No. 40654
So apparently Rob Bell did talk to these field agents, but they just gave him fake names.
>> No. 40655
There are very real consequences now. He might very well try to make bullshit excuses to his PO about not wanting to do it, but he will see that he isn't going to get far with that.
>> No. 40656

Chris has a very limited understanding of consequences though, that's how he got in this situation in the first place.
>> No. 40657

Excuse me but did they do anything illegal? How can they be brought in?

They went to a public trial.
>> No. 40658

But he's sending in detectives, he's sending in police, he's sending everything in his power.
>> No. 40659
Just typical old Chris bullshit. Don't try to figure out his logic, it will only cause you to spiral into madness.
>> No. 40660
That's why his mother and his PO is going to stay on his ass about this stuff.
>> No. 40661

I'm sure they'll have nothing but success then.
>> No. 40662
Not saying he isn't going to fight them about doing what he has to, but they are going to keep on his till he does what he has to. I really don't think he will get violated or revoked because he won't do what he has been ordered to do without Barb and his PO putting the screws to him as much as necessary to get him to do it.
>> No. 40663
The biggest homosexual deviants in this thread.
>> No. 40664
There's an aspect you're overlooking here. A lot of Chris's bad behavior comes directly from Barb. She's as divorced from reality as he is. Sometimes I wonder if she hasn't become just as much a slow-in-da-mind as him.

Before Chris asked if Bell could speak for her, Barb asked the same thing for herself. From the description it sounds like she even yelled at the judge.

Bob was the closest thing to a sane person in that house. Everything kind of imploded once he died.

After Chris was originally banned from Game Place, Barb actually went there and demanded they unban her. when they refused, she sat down on the floor in the store, and refused to move until they unbanned him. They had to call the cops on her then.

Barb's going to want to avoid this stuff just as much as Chris, everyone else would have to pic up the slack for both of them. Rob Bell, Rocky and the parole officer. Maybe Anna even.
>> No. 40665
>Implying they are not all just Alog.
>> No. 40666

He will send his own trolls and Patti's ghost against them as well.
In other words, he will do jack and will get shit.
>> No. 40667
I bet that at least a few of those fine gentleman frequent the cwcki forums.
>> No. 40669

I doubt it. There's not much they can do at a church. They won't do actual work, they won't fold newsletters, and you can't have Chris acting as a greeter at the door without scaring away your parishioners.

They're fucked.
>> No. 40670
Actually you are you lefty nigger loving cunt.
>> No. 40671
We need to find who is evaluating Chris, and send them his videos , specifically the sex tape, Wal-mart lap dance, and dildo breaking videos
>> No. 40672
Whole thing seems legit and sounds like it went in a pretty typical manner. However

1) I'm a bit surprised to hear that purportedly they avoided jail time because Snyder asked for leniency.

2) I wonder if one or either of them will end up violating the terms of their probation. I can totally see Chris ditching his eval or community service to play vidya games

Guess we'll see in the following months
>> No. 40673

As well as CakeFarts.
>> No. 40674
>1) I'm a bit surprised to hear that purportedly they avoided jail time because Snyder asked for leniency.
I think they just decided that jailing a retard and an old woman with colon problems wasn't worth the state's effort.
>> No. 40675
Well I guess this is the moment of truth for Chris. The big question now, will he actually live up to expectations and do what he's told? No doubt his visit to the therapist/psychologist will be an eye opening experience.

The thought of Chris having to do community service is pretty funny, like picking up garbage off the road. But a year of probation, that's too good. Having to begrudgingly report to a probation officer for an entire year. I think justice was done. The punishment will stick in Chris' craw for a long time, and he hates every second of it. Life is Chris' greatest Troll.
>> No. 40676
File 134208095075.jpg - (81.75KB , 498x500 , 1333948741568.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Since this is a court order psychiatric consultation will the results be a matter of public record at all (doubt it but possible?)

Also is it possible the psychiatrist will declare Chris mentally unfit? If so what would the ramifications be?
>> No. 40677
Since it relates to health i'd put money on it being private and Chris won't be found incompetent because he has a basic understanding of his surrounding and is not a threat to himself or others through direct violent means.
>> No. 40678
He was sent to specialist in the times of Mary Lee Walsh, it did nothing.
>> No. 40680
It's times like this it would be nice if Chris was still making Sonichu. Imagine how he'd portray the whole process. Picture a mean, evil corrections officer ordering Chris to pick up the world's heaviest trash bag, and don the most uncomfortable gloves, and having to use the world's heaviest stick to pick up the filthiest empty cans and wrappers on Earth, one of them even had ants on it!

Having to work in those inhuman conditions in the blistering sun all day, while in another panel Snyder and the judge are laughing and smiling about it, as Snyder hands the judge a bag labeled "BRIBE MONEY AND YUGIOH CARDS"
>> No. 40681
Things changed since then, there was not many trolls after all, I'm surprised he for example that he never was bullied in high school so much that he actually picture the figure of authority as evil, I think the single fact that he's a tranny (and a bad one) will ring some bells.
Maybe (here's hoping) the shrink will advise him to keep doing his comic to enhance his creativity, skills and such? Assuming of course that he never sees the actual comics.
>> No. 40682
I wonder if Chris and Barb can afford it. Between court fees, medical bill, psych bills, supervision charges (probation costs money yo), they might end up slapped in jail just for that.
>> No. 40683
The comics. I don't think so. If anything the comics are very bad because they are an outlet for reinforcing his bad behavior and justifying his selfish actions. Lulzy as they may be, the comics are in interesting window into his twisted mind and how he bends reality to suit him in the outcome. If anything, he needs psychological counseling to curb his self-world view, and not drawing comics I think would be the best thing. Because he isn't solving any problems by drawing, and as I said, it only helps him become more selfish and reinforces his behavior.

Adult Autistic Child indeed.
>> No. 40684
That's actually a good point. Because we don't know the monetary amount they have to pay Michael for his medical bills. Plus all the stuff you mentioned can get into the hundreds, and when it's all said and done for a 1-2 year probation period, it will probably cost them a couple thousand.

But that's the two-fold question. Can they afford to keep out of jail, and can Barb&Chris afford to not be themselves. Either way, jail time is an even more realistic possibility now. We shall see wont we.
>> No. 40685
I know, which is why I said here's hoping and him not seeing them.
I was mostly picturing something like "also, ah-ah made a cahmic called sonichu. It had quite a fanbase, even though it also bringed DOSE DANG TROLLS! Ah worked years on it:!" and the shrink going "Ooh, that's nice."
... and then he asks about sonichu's stories and Chris goes into how he bombed a building because they trolled him...
>> No. 40686

>> No. 40687
In fact, I'm not even sure he is a convicted felon now. Usually when they give plea bargins like this, they reduce the charge. Since his sentence was some light, I would say they probably reduced them to misdemeanors and/or were given a deal that if they both finished their probation without incident, the charges will be removed from their record. He was given a suspended imposition of sentence, so he's not a convicted felon until he violates and gets revoked, if he ever did.
>> No. 40688
>Chris's twisted mind

Do you hate Chris for making autistics such as yourself look bad?
>> No. 40689
I hope next time he is arrested the cops beat him Rodney King style, a field agent records it. And it starts a autistic tranny riot that will have every lolcow in it
>> No. 40690
I love how this is the standard white knight response on this board to any criticism of Chris. It's not because he blackmailed his own brother or is a complete sociopath, or steals from his mother, it has to be because we're autists.
>> No. 40691
>> No. 40692
Hi champ
>> No. 40693
Maybe you should head on back to CWCki Forums where they accept your kind with open arms.
>> No. 40694
I like to browse both nigger
>> No. 40695
>> No. 40696
>Thinking Chris is evil and deserves punishment.

Chris is an amusing autistic adult child. He isn't the second Hitler. He isn't the Antichrist. I know you are trying hard to fit in with the rest of the board but you are trying way too hard.
>> No. 40697
I never said he was evil, he's just a cunt.
>> No. 40698
Clearly. Most of the shit posters here such as yourself are people who frequent the CWCki forums.
>> No. 40699

Chris isn't evil, he's just very stupid.
He deserves the punishment though~ in the same way as a little kid receives a belting for playing with fire or stealing money from mommy's purse: to teach him that what he did was wrong and never should do it again.
>> No. 40700
He didn't blackmail his goddamn brother. His brother told him to get the cocks for him if he wanted a vote for the Parappa contest, and Chris told him what he thought he knew, and Cole threw a shitfit because it was the wrong cocks. Go back to Cwcki forums.
>> No. 40701
He wasn't driving, that's why she got more time. Derp
>> No. 40702
From my experience court ordered psychologist tend to be lazy and make strange assumptions. Mine asked me if I was gay. Which was pretty fucking irrelevant and hilarious. I have absolutely nothing against gays, and would even give it a try IF it held any appeal for me, but I like fat girls.
>> No. 40703

Nope, there was two seperate incidents of the car hitting Snyder, once with Chris behind the wheel, then once with Barb. Barb got a heavier sentence for the whole assaulting a law enforcement officer deal.
>> No. 40704
I hope Chris comes back to youtube.
>> No. 40705
I don't like fat girls, but they're the only ones who will give me sex anymore. And I loooove sex
>> No. 40706
Fat girls aren't bad, really. They usually put in more effort and some are tighter, either because they don't get laid as much or because of the fat, never been sure which.
>> No. 40707
As a fat girl, I endorse this message.
Keep pounding those puffy pussies, /cwc/!
>> No. 40708
Will do.
>> No. 40709
>> No. 40710
>> No. 40711
You're gay
>> No. 40712
File 134212732749.jpg - (76.32KB , 790x477 , 134197751287.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
bear isn't chunky.
>> No. 40713
When I saw her on the tinychat she looked a little plus-sized to me... I'd hit it, no problem, she ain't obese, just a couple extra pounds. She probably has a little bit of a gut protrusion...
>> No. 40714
I didn't write that, but continue with the fat chick conversation that somehow dismantled the original post topic.
>> No. 40715
post nudes and we'll decide if you're fat.
>> No. 40716
I would, I just need to find a fat girl who likes fat guys.
>> No. 40717
Good lord, it's already been cleared up in this thread. Chris WAS driving, then Barb took over. They both hit Snyder. It's right there in the thread.
>> No. 40718
The problem with popular threads is that people run out of things to say and start repeating themselves. Just imagine how shitty /cwc/ would become if Chris ever came back.
>> No. 40719
Find a thin girl without the fat complex... That's the real key. I'm pushing 300 and can't get anything from the big girls, there are plenty of average-cute skinny ass chicks who, if you present yourself right, will definitely be interested. Fat ass girls don't like fat guys for the same reason Chris doesn't like other autistics... They see themselves in them, and since societal pressures basically make the fat girl self-loathe, they have no respect for a fat guy. Fat guys on the other hand perceive the fat girl to be desperate for cock, as they are desperate for pussy, and think that they should be easy pickin's. They would be if you were what they want, but you're not. Go out and find an awkward skinny bitch. Put a little time in, she will give it up if you're good to her... That's all they want, really. And at the end of the day, that's all you want. Fairness, trust, loyalty, respect.
>> No. 40720
Unfortunately I don't find skinny girls to be physically attractive.
>> No. 40721
Get a rail and fatten her up. When she tries to leave, hold a mirror to her face and ask her who would want a fat slob like her.
>> No. 40722
It would be full of autistics who look bad because of that dang dirty Chris
>> No. 40723
File 134213584897.jpg - (160.46KB , 1280x1024 , 1341657772742.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
How'd this become a thread about fat girls?

I have no preference for chubbies, but since I'm pretty much a complete recluse, all the girls I end up meeting are off the net, and I have been fooled time and again, over and over again by angle shots like this.

I don't care though, because I'll usually be seeing them from that flattering angle anyway, and I'm a breast man and after that am most attracted to pretty faces. Chubby girls tend to hit on all my fetishes, at least the ones who can pull off angle shots. Stuff like pale skin, full lips, glasses, unnaturally colored hair, pretty eyes and large natural breasts.

They're also much better dinner dates. I fucking love taking a chubby girl out to eat, because once they're comfortable with me and realize I both don't give a shit about their weight and will not judge them for their choices, we can pig out like little kids on the menu.

The downside is they've always either been very isolated and have no relationship experience at all, or they had one ex who was a complete asshole with them and spent their entire relationship trying to tear down their self esteem, so I tend to spend the first half of the relationship trying to build up their self esteem, and they're also usually looking for a replacement father figure.

I don't particularly care for ultra-skinny girls, but after dating nothing but chubbies for going on a decade, I'd kind of like to get together with one, just to break the pattern you know?
>> No. 40724
Same fat girl from earlier.
I'm with a fat guy. But I agree I usually see fat girls with skinny guys and I dated them for a few years. Get a girl who's been disappointed a few times she'll treat you better for fear of losing you. Plus used goods have already gone through most of their first time emotional crashes and are easier to handle.
>> No. 40725
Has fat clogged up your brain veins or do you just happen to think /cwc/ thread is the right place to sperg about overweight?
>> No. 40726
>since Immediately pretty much a recluse

There aren't enough laughing sluts in the world for this post.
>> No. 40727
Brilliant deduction Sherlock, did Watson help you with that one and all of Scottland Yard?
>> No. 40728
dat dere spergenheimer done made a dang ol' "no shit, sherlock" joke in the year TWO THOUSAND AND TWELVE. 6/10
>> No. 40729
File 134214722731.jpg - (13.44KB , 259x194 , conspiracy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I can't believe that lame FB post is the only thing we're getting from Chris after being actually sentenced. Actually I kinda cannot believe he was sentenced so quickly.

I've always believed that his FB & Anna's FB were real, but at this point I have to wonder. And really, not even a tiny little video? Come on, Chris...
>> No. 40730
Oh Chris, does he not know that it is perfectly legal to attend somebody else's trial and write about the events that occur? Hell, I even had to attend and write a bit about a random trial as a school assignment.
>> No. 40731
>> No. 40732
>>I can't believe that lame FB post is the only thing we're getting from Chris after being actually sentenced.

Probably his mom and his lawyer told him to keep his piehole closed about the sentence's details and the FB thing was Chris running his mouth behind their backs?

I mean, given how Chris tends to talk too much about things he should keep as a secret (his unsanitary house, for example) it would make sense if his lawyer had told him to keep mum for a while.
>> No. 40733
File 134216536681.jpg - (105.79KB , 500x382 , Prjg9.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
imagine, if the judge's idea of reintegrating chris back into society worked...(lol yeah right i know)...he'd have to put down these indiscretions on a job application.

10/10 judge ultimate troll
>> No. 40734
File 134216570634.png - (93.12KB , 449x209 , IDied.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The judge, probation officer and psychiatrist could very well decide to work together to 'encourage' Chris to be a more productive member of society.

I could see the doc working with Chris to write out a series of goals ie looking for a job, writing resumes and have Chris actively working on said goals be a condition of his probation that he be actively working on said goals.

Who knows, maybe if Chris is given the choice of jail or work he will start to change from lolcow to mere aspie?
>> No. 40735
One of Virginia's requirements for probation is to obtain and maintain regular employment. This should be fun.
>> No. 40736
I wonder if Cutco's in town.
>> No. 40737
Eh, maybe some homosexual deviant will try to go around recording Chris doing community service or something.
>> No. 40738
File 134217312819.jpg - (457.21KB , 869x1127 , applehomosexuals.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Now it is the perfect time, the golden lulz.
>> No. 40739
That doesn't apply to people who can't work due to disability bro.
>> No. 40740
Yep, this is correct. The only work he is going to have to do is the community service, and as I posted in another thread, there are tons of places you can get hours marked off. I did alot at the local library, shit was super easy and I got to be inside in the air conditioning and shit. He probably won't be doing anything where he has to actually do physical work outside.
>> No. 40741

Probably Chris will get some super-easy community service job on account of his obesity and mental condition, but with Chris being Chris, he would probably complain and try to weasel his way out of doing it no matter how easy the work assigned to him could be.

THEN is when he gets reassigned to a much pleaseant job such as picking trash on the roadside or raking leaves on a park.
>> No. 40742
You don't really get assigned to specific places though. Your PO can set you up with some places if you don't know where to go, or give you a list of approved places in your town, but otherwise they just give you sheet with a bunch of blank spaces that the manager or who ever is in charge at the place you go to signs off on. You choose where you want to go do it at.
>> No. 40743
If he has to clean up by the side of the road film and litter a lot, that will sure piss him off.

Make his life a little bit more hellish. Also ask him why he is not wearing his Sonichu medaillion.
>> No. 40744

I love manual labor, goddamn. I have the mental aptitude for white collar work, but as I am still student age all of my jobs have been blue collar. The few times I've actually got to do white collar work I've always been restless.

What jobs can you do that keep you active but still test you mentally? I'd be all over them.
>> No. 40745

That all depends on how smart you are (don't mean that in an offensive way) but if you're a smart cookie you can for example do nature studies, be a biologist, stuff like that. Water is always important, like a marine biologist does really important work making sure we all stay healthy and fish stay healthy in nature.
>> No. 40746
I'd hit that 'till the cows come home, cept they already did.
>> No. 40747
>>I love manual labor, goddamn.

Masturbation doesn't counts as manual labor, chum.
>> No. 40748

>> No. 40749
He could work in a soup hotel aka a homeless shelter.
>> No. 40750
Yeah, he could do alot of shit. You go where you want and if the place is approved to mark off the hours then you can do it there. There are alot of easier places than a soup kitchen to do it at.
>> No. 40751
I am willing to bet money that he will be doing his community service at the church
>> No. 40752
I'd say that is a pretty good bet, actually. They will certainly be able to mark off hours for him, and they will probably find him very easy shit to do. Since they have gone to the church for so long as well, whoever marks off the hours for him there will probably give him extra ones as well.
>> No. 40753
It's far less likely that Chris will get himself into trouble at the church. Even if he start complaining, they'll probably show more tolerance.

That means essentially no more cocks from this whole situation. How boring.

There's still Snyder's civil suit, but I don't know how interesting that could be.
>> No. 40754
I haven't expected any interesting cocks from Chris in a long time.
>> No. 40755

Not even the hobos would want to eat food touched by Chris.
Either that or Chris would try to steal food to eat it all by himself, OR he would try convincing the guys in charge to turn the place into a Soup Hotel and bore them to death with his habitual diarrhea of the mouth.
>> No. 40756
I was thinking this, too... This is Rocky's "big opportunity" to put that comm. college psych degree to good use and fuck Chris up even more with her half-assed therapy while the professional he will be mandated to see will be working on real problems. The problem with the professionalis that Chris' mental problems are so deep and complex with so many variables intertwined, it will take a good year to understand what exactly is going on up there. By that time he will be free and clear and Rocky's horseshit will just work against anything the real psych could possibly have suggested. All in all Chris will just have to clean Rocky's office for 5 minutes and talk to her for 5 hours. She's just a stupid old lady with a need to feel important. I feel bad because Chris' fucked psyche is yet again going to be the victim. This is the one time when I think trolls could actually save his ass...
>> No. 40757
This thread really needs to be locked. It's infested with A-Logs and Cwcki forums members.
>> No. 40758
File 134224746042.png - (5.20KB , 618x131 , Sliding scale o' fail.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 40759
File 13422492465.jpg - (37.17KB , 500x492 , lol.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It is funny because it is true. I remember back in the good old days when you were supposed to insult Chris otherwise you were a 'moralfag'.
>> No. 40760
File 134225611860.jpg - (89.37KB , 800x519 , xp1010274456+.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It's a pretty sure bet the psych doc will find out all about Rocky. If Chris become uncooperative because of her influence I wonder if the doc could go back to the judge and complain about it...
>> No. 40761
Are Pokemon cards even a thing, anymore? I mean, are they still made? Is it still relatively common for tournaments to be held at local stores or whatever?

Because last time Chris was in court he claimed helping with the Pokemon matches counted as community service. Even though the way he helped was part of why he ended up banned from the store to begin with.
>> No. 40762
Yeah, they are still being made and tournaments still go on.

In fact, the tournament this year had one of the had one of the top teams disqualified for literally throwing shit.
>> No. 40763
I poopoo in your mouth
>> No. 40764

>There's still Snyder's civil suit, but I don't know how interesting that could be.

That ended a while back.
>> No. 40765
>the good old days
You know, the CWCki forums seems to have the same mindset as you, why don't you head on over there.
>> No. 40766
I would be shocked if he wasn't a regular there already.
>> No. 40767
>> No. 40768


The guy here defends him.

>The purpose of this tournament isn't to test a player's ability to function in society. To catch them is his real test. And he isn't out to set an example for kids or to be family friendly. To train them is his cause.

>If you're the best in the world, it doesn't matter how much of your own fecal matter you throw in a hotel — you're still the best in the world.
>> No. 40769
File 134228843211.jpg - (29.34KB , 525x600 , david-schwimmer.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Dave Schwimmer
>> No. 40770
I remember the good old days when Chris used to post all the cocks anyone could handle before epic ween bros chased him off the internet with their relentless negative reinforcement
>> No. 40771
You do know that you've just linked to a humor site for children, right?
>> No. 40772
Eh, he actually posted the most when he was actively being trolled. Naturally he'd eventually crash into slumber after losing a singing competition or learning that his sweetheart he shoved things up his ass for was really a guy, but after a brief hiatus he'd always be back for a new "season".

As you may recall he was just getting gearednup for the calling out saga when his dad died and he shortly thereafter got into legal trouble. It was these 2 things, not the "epic ween" kids that really shut him down.

And really can you blame him? Keep in mind the legal stuff only started 9 months ago and just now got some degree of closure.
>> No. 40773
I endorse pooping anywhere. Pokemon is for spergs anyway.
>> No. 40774
I want to see that original thread
>> No. 40775
Can we archive this since it is completley derailed
>> No. 40776

Fine, here's this one.




Original thread
>> No. 40777
>It seems that at some point after they had turned up and when we went to Wether Spoons the Spniards had decided to have a 'Poo' fight in the corridor and this had upset the staff and several guests (naturally) at the hotel enough to call the Police and have them leave

>> No. 40779
Just checked the Virginia courts site for Barb and Chris. What does "term" mean on June 17, 2013?
>> No. 40780
Either the amount of time they have to complete their community service, they usually give you a year. Otherwise, it would be the date for them to go back in front of the judge for him to evaluate their progress on supervision.
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