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File 134141753182.jpg - (31.83KB , 552x600 , rikay.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
40781 No. 40781
Would you hit it?
Expand all images
>> No. 40782
With a hammer.
>> No. 40783
hit it and quit it, then blackmail for further easy tranny blow.
>> No. 40784
looks like Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 40785
with a 2x4
>> No. 40786
Would you?
>> No. 40787
Maybe if I was desperate enough. But i'm not cuz i'm not a pussy ass nerd $$$
>> No. 40788
>> No. 40789
With a semi-trailer
>> No. 40790
Would not. Looks like he tried to put on his make up with a shot gun. Also cliche Oil of Olay hand poses don't make Rob feminine or appealing, just more dumb.
>> No. 40791
Is there still a cock on Good ol' Robbie? If Robbie had the weinerectomy, I might hit him if I was EXTREMELY DRUNK, but otherwise no. I'm bisexual and STILL wouldn't hit that, at least not with my penis, because the sight of him makes me flaccid.
>> No. 40792
File 134142918626.jpg - (45.32KB , 450x672 , adamdahl.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I prefer female to male transsexuals.
>> No. 40793
I almost don't consider trannies to be of one gender or the other, just their own separate group that's conflicting natural gender and typically strange outward appearance leaves them unattractive.
>> No. 40794
Spoiler confirmed for DANG HOMO
>> No. 40795
File 134143047991.png - (12.64KB , 128x128 , puke.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Looking at thumbnail
Hey a picture of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles that doesn't look half bad!
>Enlarge thumbnail
>My face
>> No. 40796
Dat chin stubble
>> No. 40797
Guess enjoying vagina would at least make me bisexual.
>> No. 40798
That's some nice acne, men love tranny drag queens who look like they have zits on their chests.
>> No. 40799
He looks like a pretty good guy. But why is he wearing make up? I'm open minded, but all this mess on his face makes him queer.
>> No. 40801
Those exist? I thought they were a myth...
>> No. 40802
OH NO! Are you gonna call the cyber police and the state police? PLEASE DON'T HURT MY FAMILY!
>> No. 40803

Just be aware that extraditing someone is completely legal and I certainly have the funds to do so.

Thanks to the ED article my family is backing me 100%.
>> No. 40804
Wow, you showed them it?

You truly are a fool.
>> No. 40805

Holy shit, you're -still- here?
>> No. 40806
>You think you can provoke me

Looks like we just did.
>> No. 40807
Eww it smells like shit in here did somebody fart?
Oh wait it's just Robert talking again.
>> No. 40808

Introman 2: Tranny Boogaloo
>> No. 40809
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, as an advocate for equality, you should already know that hating on fat people just because they are fat is oppressive. Seriously, stop being a hypocrite.
>> No. 40810
>I'll give you a little benefit when we're in front of a jury,
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles unlike what happens in the Sonichu comics you can't be the judge in your own (Imaginary) court cases.
>> No. 40811
I'd hit it deal with it
>> No. 40812
hi rob
>> No. 40813
Cool story Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 40814
not rob but dig it, I don't care gotta go!
>> No. 40815
What funds? You don't have a fucking job. Also you dont pay the federal goverment a fee to extradite a criminal you stupid fuck.
>> No. 40816
He thinks mommy and daddy will pay for his imaginary lawsuit. That's why he mentioned them.
>> No. 40817
I wonder what he'll do when his parents kick the bucket and he has nobody left to sponge from.
>> No. 40818
what all trannies do, prostitution.
>> No. 40819
Now he's going to assume we're making death threats towards them,
>> No. 40820
>> No. 40822
strong jaw/10
strong clavicles/10

Dunno about hit, but I'd take this fine lady to the gym or the footy.
>> No. 40823
I think R1ka is sexy anyone got noodz?
>> No. 40824
Why should they? You're full of shit. None of your retarded threats have ever amounted to anything.
>> No. 40825
How is ADF btw? I was worried for awhile there, it seemed like she might take her own life.
>> No. 40826
One of the top corporations = McDonald's
>> No. 40827
One of the top corporations = standing beneath a street lamp in Spruce Street.
>> No. 40828
File 134144495935.jpg - (32.35KB , 248x440 , rika snake.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mention Jengatype
>not me
you sir, may kindly go fuck yourself with a shovel.

you'll regret asking that...
>> No. 40829
>>You think you can provoke me now just by talking shit about my personal apperance

You've just proven we can.

>>Yeah, I just happen to have Zyklon's dox on hand and now he's finally going to learn about the good ol' American Justice system.

Have you ever read The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf?
>> No. 40830
>google "Laajakaista"
>it appears to be Finnish for "broadband"
>> No. 40831
File 134144726187.png - (13.99KB , 162x194 , wrap.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I would like to take this moment to point out that out of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's 5 or 6 attempts now to "dox" various people, he has had an accuracy rate of around 0%. "Laajakaista" isn't a surname, it's Finnish for broadband internet. Never change, Robb.
>> No. 40832
Do you mind us referring to you as Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?

Is there a name you'd prefer us to use?
>> No. 40833
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is back? Thank God.

>> No. 40834
Their daughter? Either your family is just parents or you're quite the inbred fuck. The latter makes more sense to me
>> No. 40835
>2. My family have acknowledged the victimization of their daughterfor things out of their control and will not stand for it.

Will not stand for what? Going out of your own way to go to the same image board by your own choice, waiting and lurking for any mention of yourself, demanding attention, and trying to prove something by forcing your same delusional threats?

Here's an answer to your painful suffering: stop coming here and provoking all this attention for yourself you spin as "bullying". How long has it been with you? I never thought I'd say this on /cwc/ but get a life and move on you ugly man-looking wannabe. You're also a convicted criminal, the gubment ain't gonna pour resources into your terrible plight regardless of how much you annoy your parents with your exaggerated tales of suffering.
>> No. 40836
File 134144844389.jpg - (36.34KB , 300x300 , 1452_caveman_club.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I would.
>> No. 40837
>unironic reference to literal gay bashing
stay classy, spergs
>> No. 40838
File 134144962143.jpg - (7.41KB , 275x183 , ha.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 40839
>assuming that is about gay bashing, not beating an ugly fuck with an ugly stick.
Stay classy social justice fag.
>> No. 40840
>ugly stick
that's a stretch, man
>> No. 40841
File 134145000538.jpg - (21.88KB , 130x150 , bat.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 40842
File 13414500435.jpg - (10.74KB , 275x183 , ha.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 40843
>roleplaying summerfag
>> No. 40845
File 13414503107.jpg - (3.50KB , 91x101 , gay.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Pretty much.
>> No. 40846
What did Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles say about me? I'm curious!

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, head into Tinychat some time, we'd love to have you!
>> No. 40847
No one likes you, Jenga.
>> No. 40848
I like you.
>> No. 40850
File 134145921581.jpg - (214.72KB , 716x900 , going_postal_by_torture_device-d4zd8jn.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Can we get the deleted Robb posts revived? I'm wondering what was said.
>> No. 40851
File 134145927229.jpg - (4.23KB , 185x158 , No You.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 40852
He claimed to have found Zyklon's dox, but I think the reason he deleted the posts was because it was pointed out the word he thought was Zyklon's last name was actually Finnish for Broadband Internet.

He claimed we were all making fun of him based on his appearance, and it wouldn't work and he wouldn't get angry, but he came to reply to it anyway.

The rest was about his parents supporting him because of the ED article.
>> No. 40853
He was demanding introman and someone elses dox claiming he would go easy on those who he does have information about (Including a Finnish name which translated as "Mr Broadband")
>> No. 40854
I'd pump her ass full of cum then piss in her face.
>> No. 40855
File 134146025011.jpg - (2.27KB , 125x125 , 1340311647547.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Looks like whenever Robb is made a fool of, he deletes his posts.
>> No. 40857
File 134146449442.jpg - (130.06KB , 592x736 , 13246715779.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Hey, Robb. Did you tell your parents that every time you come here, your ED gets bigger?
>> No. 40858
So, if Rob did get everyone's Dox, what could he do with them exactly? Does he seriously think he can sue the internet for laughing at him or for reposting things he initially posted to the internet?

Or does he just understand trolling in much the same way as Chris and believe if we're presented a picture of whoever is trolling him we'll leap to attack them simply because we know who they are?
>> No. 40859
Robb doesn't understand how the law works at all. When Seanie or someone else told him how to properly send a cease and desist letter, Robb called him "autistic."
>> No. 40860
>> No. 40861
welcome back robbbbaaaaaaaayyyyyy
>> No. 40862
if it had a girls face, girls hair and a girls body, yes.
>> No. 40863
  OP sucks pingas.
>> No. 40864
He called you fat, along with seanie and someone else, maybe Homor.
>> No. 40865
File 134147973744.jpg - (75.42KB , 500x333 , pillsbury-dough-boy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I love seanie's chubbiness. He's like the Pillsbury Dough Boy (tm).
>> No. 40866
What the fuck?

Fuck you Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, i'm fit as a fiddle. I'm not fat at all. At least i'm not as skinny as you, you little twiggy prick.
>> No. 40867
File 134148688684.jpg - (43.22KB , 800x365 , nazi bros.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Meanwhile I was out having a nice night with a bro the tranny came back and apparently I was DOX'd. Again.

Alright. Carry on then.
>> No. 40868
I love how Robert fails to realize that by gym standards he isn't fit, just skinny fat.
>> No. 40869
File 134148830778.png - (497.10KB , 1007x6004 , 789chan 2012-7-5.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's part of the thread with Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's posts still included. Didn't get the fat one, though :(
>> No. 40870
Or if you're too lazy to read that...

Post 1:

>I love how it's all about the looks game with lonely people who stare at Chris Chan's fuckin face all day. You think you can provoke me now just by talking shit about my personal apperance since you can't be EPIC trolls anymore. Well, I'd hate to see what people like Mr. Laajakaista from Finland looks like considering this site is run by fat manchildren like Brackeen, Jengatype and Homor.

>Yeah, I just happen to have Zyklon's dox on hand and now he's finally going to learn about the good ol' American Justice system. Maybe if you sequeal about Introman and Moniker I'll give you a little benefit when we're in front of a jury, whelp. Maybe Seanie can rectually please you when you're cell mates.

Post 2:


>Just be aware that extraditing someone is completely legal and I certainly have the funds to do so.

>Thanks to the ED article my family is backing me 100%.

Post 3:


>1. I am employed in one of the top corporations in the US.

>2. My family have acknowledged the victimization of their daughterfor things out of their control and will not stand for it.

>Seriously, Zyklon or Mr. Laajakaista, why don't you sell out your friends-like ADF and Jordman prior- to cover your own ass.
>> No. 40871
Bless you Moniker, the lulz are preserved.
>> No. 40872
File 134148951674.png - (490.09KB , 449x401 , laughing whores.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 40873
I like that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles thinks it's an insult to call me fat.

I got fat because I ate a lot. You're in a half-man limbo because you abused hormones and dress like a woman.

Guess which one of these are reversible?
>> No. 40874
>implying you're ever going to actually reverse it
>> No. 40875
I also get the feeling that you are more secure with your fatness than Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is with his trannyness.
>> No. 40876
>"I am employed in one of the top corporations in the US"
>cashier at walmart
>> No. 40877
I didn't say I would, I said I could. But (surprise, surprise), I hate exercising.

I live in a nation with a 35.7% obesity rate. Calling an American "fat" is like calling a Kenyan "nigger" or a Greek guy "fa­ggot"

>> No. 40880

Why would your family take your side when you've been very disparaging to those affected with autism and gender dysphoria?

Isn't your uncle an autistic man on the lower end of the spectrum? Do your parents know about your harassment and hatred of those with autism and gender dysphoria( Ahuviya Rotem Harel and Jordan Gwendolyn Davis)?

If you want to talk and end this obsession of hatred you have. You know where to contact me . Also if you weren't banned from mazzoni, I would recommend going to see the therapist there.
>> No. 40881
this is self loathing if I ever heard it.
>> No. 40883
File 134150478222.jpg - (41.01KB , 450x293 , nauravat natsit.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So even thought you have totally DOX'd us all THIS TIME, you still need my help? Alright then.

Introman is really a Kosovar Albanian wanted for war crimes in Serbia, nowadays he runs a child prostitution ring in Albania.

And Moniker is a Bolivian Drug Lord and Aribert Heim's daughter and an éminence grise of Los Zetas.

And Trey is really a son of a Transnistrian oligarch who funds our trolling efforts and is responsible for hiring new Field Agents.

And you already know who I am, Finno-Russo-Turkish Neo-Nazi Broadband. Just leave my family alone, k :'(

Btw, does visiting /cwc/ still give you hot flashes?
>> No. 40884
I miss chris :(
>> No. 40885
I like Robb because he is like early Chris: Full of delusions and no complex trolling plots are needed to make him create cocks. This must be like 11th thread in which he himself comes to entertain us with minimal to no prodding needed.
>> No. 40886
File 134150817559.png - (54.44KB , 154x253 , ad2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

And this one is the weirdest, why does rob care about how the trolls view his physical appearance? And why the fuck does he think anybody on earth would ever find attractive?
>> No. 40887
Why did he think his 6th Doxing attempt would work?

Rob is delusional, stupid and clearly in denial about how god damn ugly he is.
>> No. 40888
But seriously. Robert and Chris are both equally good negotiators, both think people on the other side of the world are afraid of their threats, police actually care about their non-existing legal troubles, they're both mad at slanderous trolls, both had a "trolling" career (Jenkinsjinkies/Wraith), delusions of grandeur, both now think they're women, both are were virgins with rage (guess which one isn't anymore), both thought they had chances with celebrities (Crissy Moran/Vanessa Hudgens), both every time think they're caught their trolls (Russian Neo-Nazi/Some random guido)...

Hi Robb. I know you're reading this post. I hope you realize how very silly you are.
>> No. 40889
I'm starting to get the feeling that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles isn't the brightest tranny we know.
>> No. 40890
ADF is more intelligent in the sense that at one point he understood the only way to get rid of trolls is to stop providing cocks, something that helpful Anons in /cwc/ have told to Robb since the thread one. But he is way too retarded to understand his own good.

Instead he get first class entertainment, such as DOX'ing his trolls as Turks, Starbucks and Mr. Broadband. I guess he paid another 300$ to his private detectives, because they were so successful the last time.

Great going Robert!
>> No. 40891
Robert, what's the secret to such a prominent man jaw? I feel like you're emasculating me.
>> No. 40893
OMG your FINAL post?

Your TRUE and HONEST final final post?

Really really!?
>> No. 40894
>I want "her" to see how much she's wounded my fucking dignity
Says the guy who almost drove him to suicide.
>> No. 40895
File 134151594994.jpg - (127.04KB , 500x343 , hitler laughing.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Final Post
Yay, another Final Post™.

>Instead, I want you, Trey and anyone else in Philly to meet me outside of the
Hmm. Even though your "Troll Agents" had told the trolls live in Philly, I wouldn't be so trusting. Because they don't, I can help you out this much. And if you think people will drive hundreds of kilometres just for you, well, tough luck.

...yeah, and no one is really taking your threats seriously. Not the first time, not the 27th time.

>appartment on 1512 Spruce Street (Which, incidently, is as True and Honestly my address as Zyklon's various misnomers are valid)
Yeah, it's not as if you fooled anyone with "DON'T BELIEVE THAT DANG DIRTY NAZI, NOT TRUE AND HONEST!".

>Let's do this face to face so we're at an even playing ground here.
Didn't we already try this when you told the trolls to come to Philly so you could bribe them into stopping trolling, and then to fight your manchild hiking club "Wolverines"?

>Why don't we end the war, the ADFki and everyone's ED articles once and for all? After all, don't you want peace?
There is no war. We are simply laughing at you. If "peace" means, "not laughing at you anymore" then no, you're the only one who wants "peace". Know why? Because you are pretty funny.

Oh yeah. And when you drag Mr. Broadband to United States, give him my regards.
>> No. 40896

No fucking bullshit. I don't believe that your Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles stiles. Post a video of your face with a personal message handwritten on paper to verify your identity. After that is done, we can talk about a meetup. I'm done assuming this is the true and honest Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles stiles. Prove it to me and we can start talking.
>> No. 40897
  Oh shit, there's literally hundreds of videos of Zyklon Laajakaista's Finno-Russo-Turkish Neo-Nazi propaganda all over YouTube. Zyklon, you gotta cover your tracks and delete this shit, this one's obviously about lolcows. And hate.
Sorry to participate in doxing you, bro, nothing personal.
Has Robbie considered employment with Wikileaks? They could use his razor-sharp google-fu and detective connects.
>> No. 40898
I have just DOX'd Introman. His name is "AT&T".
>> No. 40899

You just fucking lied, suck my tits.
>> No. 40900
File 134151765634.jpg - (75.57KB , 750x390 , laughing nazis.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Okay. Then by all means do continue your amazingly accurate DOXing since you know better.

And you lied as well. You don't have tits, only hairy nipples. I'll pass, thank you.
>> No. 40901
Sorry I'm not into men.
>> No. 40902
File 134151804524.jpg - (72.49KB , 210x230 , smug 3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Those posts just keep on disappearing!
>> No. 40903
Rob deleted post number 236568, so here you go guys.

>Final Post: Introman, I'm not having any more "troll chats" online as you have a highly warped sense of morality. Instead, I want you, Trey and anyone else in Philly to meet me outside of the appartment on 1512 Spruce Street (Which, incidently, is as True and Honestly my address as Zyklon's various misnomers are valid)

>You pick the time and don't worry, I promise to come alone. Even bring the "Chairwomyn" if you want, I want "her" to see how much she's wounded my fucking dignity.

>Why don't we end the war, the ADFki and everyone's ED articles once and for all? After all, don't you want peace?
>> No. 40904
Poor Robert, pretending he ever had dignity.
>> No. 40905
What's he planning on doing? A double murder-suicide?
>> No. 40906
File 134152128771.png - (187.91KB , 1153x1015 , deleted1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 40907
File 134152130224.png - (167.17KB , 1153x1015 , deleted2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
postan more
>> No. 40908
File 134152131995.png - (184.77KB , 1153x1015 , deleted3.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
oh man moar
>> No. 40910
I love today.
>> No. 40911
File 134152198841.jpg - (21.03KB , 500x333 , hhhehehe.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What a great day.
>> No. 40912
File 134152258841.png - (344.01KB , 958x765 , bannay.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
new banner?
>> No. 40913
>billions and billions served
New board title.
>> No. 40914
can a shooplord change "McDonald's" to 789chan? might be too much though, I don't know.
>> No. 40915

I like how Sean even had his full name on those screenshots. It's not like a secret, but it shows that even when people aren't trying to hide from his $300 detectives, Robbay can't find shit in a septic tank.
>> No. 40916
Maybe, but I'll need a good hi-res source photo or else a digital logo.
>> No. 40917
File 134152351948.jpg - (225.63KB , 900x1200 , respect_my_authority__by_verganza_de_sasuke-d5686r.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

ADF is planning to file a civil suit on his father.
>> No. 40918
File 134152405056.jpg - (25.48KB , 300x170 , fourth_of_july__1997_by_verganza_de_sasuke-d561wzz.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It gets better, ladies and gentlemen. http://verganza-de-sasuke.deviantart.com/#/d561wzz

While we wait for Robbaayyyy to come back, feel free to list the inconsistencies of his story

"In Capitalist America, your father can get away with rape"

>I remember that day,

>The Fourth of July Nineteen-Ninety-Seven.

>I was defiled by the man,

>I was supposed to call 'Father' .

>Under those Stars and Stripes

>Red, White, and Blue.

>It would be the perfect day no one will believe,

>Sexual Assault would happened to you.

>I guess the word "America" means "freedom" - as in,

>"free to rape your fucking eleven-year-old kid" .

>I was but a piece of meat,

>For him to pound and rip and play.

>He radiated sweaty heat

>As he bent me over, and was forced to obey.

>Like White European Settlers,

>He colonized and violated my body,

>As if it were land,

>a dead thing you can claim.

>Maybe I displayed effeminate behavior,

>and therefore he decided to have his way with me.

>I remember that day,

>The Fourth of July Nineteen-Ninety-Seven.

>I was defiled by the man,

>I was supposed to call 'Father' .

>He touched my gentials and my torso

>and viced my wrists,

>as fireworks exploded along the Delaware,

>in Philadelphia that night.

>Right on the waterfront,

>At Penn's Landing to be exact.

>I found the courage to report it to the police,

>it went to court in Woodbury, New Jersey.

>On August Twelveth, Nineteen-Ninety-Seven , My twelveth birthday.

>The Fucking Judge Tomasello, let the bastard walk free.

>The court said "My mother and I made this up"

>I was blamed for telling the truth

>The State protects that patriarchal bastard-of-a-prepetrator,

>who lied his way out of jail.

>I guess that crack in that Liberty Bell,

>shows how fucked up the American Injustice System really is.

>I was shamed and ridiculed,

>And ostracized from my community.

>I cut myself on my shoulder, cut out my first birthmark with scissors,

>and attempted suicide several times during my teenage years.

>I hated my Male Body,

>I didn't want to be a boy anymore, more so after the rape.

>So I did something about it years later,

>but that's a whole other story I'll get into later.

>So this and every Fourth of July: past, present, and future.

>Please don't fly those Stars and Stripes for me,

>and tell me it represents freedom, its fucking bullshit.
>> No. 40919

>True and Honestly
>superfluous caps

Our friend Robert Wayne Stiles is edging closer and closer to our friend Christian Weston Chandler.
>> No. 40920
This is hilarious. Even if the rape wasn't almost certainly an invention, he's condemning the entire country and all it stands for because of it? The level of self-absorption even if you don't question what he says is astounding.
>> No. 40921
His dad is a better man than me.

If some little shit stain was lying about me like that I'd sue him for libel.
>> No. 40922
File 134152563837.png - (253.25KB , 466x590 , 1308279494207.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>As if it were land,

>a dead thing you can claim.

Is he fucking referencing Pocahontas here? Lawd, that just makes it even more hilarious. I mean, this is supposed to be some fucking emotional, serious stuff, while would you throw something from a cartoon in?
>> No. 40923
File 134152568977.jpg - (84.62KB , 1022x768 , brilliant.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I didn't want to be a boy anymore, more so after the rape.
So he didn't like being kicked in the balls as a kid and then he imagined a spanking was a huge throbbing dick in his ass and so that means he must be a woman.

If I'm gonna break this down though, I'll need to do so on a larger canvas than these threads would give me.
>> No. 40924

I love how less than a year ago, by ADF's own admission the "abuse" perpetuated by his father was limited to making him dress up as a boy and piss standing up (and even that was probably an exaggeration). Then it became spanking somehow and now it's rape? What next, he's going to decide his father cut his limbs off in a Satanic ritual or something?
>> No. 40925
Do you think Robbies penis is as skinny as the rest of him? I could imagine it being very unsatisfying.
>> No. 40926
You know, when a man is ready to chop off his own dick, it can't be very impressive.
>> No. 40927
The good news is one sex change procedure involves forming a vaginal cavity with the skin of the penis. Being as there probably isn't much of it his mutilated man meat would end up being tight as a drum

I can imagine it being very shallow though, you wouldn't fit much in there.
>> No. 40928
>I can imagine it being very shallow though, you wouldn't fit much in there.
Finding out about Robb's vagoo is definitely one of those "Would you do X for a billion dollars?" scenarios.

Would separate aforementioned mutilated hole from the rest of the body with a hacksaw, and live the rest of my life surrounded by real female whores in European ex-communist shitholes. A good chunk would have to be sacrificed to weekly therapy sessions though.
>> No. 40929
If there isn't much skin they sometimes take some of the colon.

He might end up taking it up the ass after all, like a proper gay man!
>> No. 40930
I'd probably just end up killing myself...
>> No. 40931
>If there isn't much skin they sometimes take some of the colon.
What if they're already scraping Robb's butt for some skin? Would explain why his colon is so sore.
>> No. 40932
File 134153023267.jpg - (21.22KB , 260x260 , 1341210130573.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
WTF is this shit.
>> No. 40933
This was a great way to waste an hour.
>> No. 40934
File 134153202058.jpg - (16.42KB , 350x312 , you gonna get denazified.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Does Djilas, who is himself a writer, not know what human suffering and the human heart are? Can't he understand it if a soldier who has crossed thousands of kilometers through blood and fire and death has fun rape with a woman or takes some trifle?
- Joseph Stalin, ADF's idol
>> No. 40935

So basically, here he's admitting trannyism is a byproduct of emotional distress at a young age? As I suspected. Mental disorder.
>> No. 40936
Reads best with this playing in the background.
>> No. 40937

>petty sure it's you
Typo, bro. Not trying to be a dick or anything.
>> No. 40938
lol, I checked the page twice and still missed that. thanks.
>> No. 40939
File 134153474421.jpg - (37.29KB , 600x400 , l.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

New-old cocks.
>> No. 40940
File 134153475219.jpg - (28.96KB , 600x486 , 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 40941
File 13415347595.jpg - (24.71KB , 600x485 , 3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 40942
File 134153476613.jpg - (13.06KB , 269x599 , 4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 40943
File 134153477398.jpg - (24.92KB , 600x400 , 5.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 40944
File 134153478037.jpg - (23.02KB , 600x450 , 6.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 40945
Just heads up for Mr. Stiles, your article has been viewed over thirty-one thousand times and you're still on the front page.
>> No. 40946
I wouldn't touch it with a six inch foxdick. Io w
>> No. 40947
File 13415369456.jpg - (82.12KB , 757x960 , 393973_278585032211614_100001803571670_662500_3474.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Who's Nessa? Another tranny alter ego?
>> No. 40948
Could you never post that picture again. Thanks.
>> No. 40949
Would make sense. He used "Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles Star Jade" name in Twitter.
>> No. 40950
Oh god those wrinkles.
>> No. 40951
Oh god that vacant retarded stare.
>> No. 40952
>not being banned for being negi
>> No. 40953
wrong tripcode, yo
>> No. 40954

>> No. 40955
>> No. 40956
File 134154019832.jpg - (26.22KB , 300x230 , women-laughing.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Every time I see Robert's makeup attempts I can't help but laugh. Jesus christ, it's like a 14 year old girl put on that eye shadow and of course being Rob, couldn't even be pissed with eyeliner or mascara, just smudge that green shit under his eyes and in the inner corners and never blended it. Also, what's an eyebrow pencil Rob?
>> No. 40957
You've all just proven how Pathetic you all are, jesus christ. Rikа hasn't deserved anything like this yet you keep it going on and on and don't even have the guts to face her.

>> No. 40958
Exactly! These guys make the argument "gender dysphoria," they're women who just happened to be born with penises; but they're like the least feminine people on Earth. Make-up like a drunken trucker rubbed it on in a Denny's mens room, dressing like soldiers from a terrible low-budget anime, they have voices like members of NWA and giant oversized bodies, and they shave and shower less than any regular straight guy.
They have less in common with women on the inside than they do between their legs, but they're so insanely insistent; it's a riot!
>> No. 40959
Actually I think that might be the "new" tripcode he uses when people start impersonating him left and right.

banning negi is counter-productive because he still doesn't learn and just comes to IRC to bother us about getting unbanned. He's literally the only person I know of that doesn't even try to circumvent a ban.

Wait, he regressed? Dam lol. He looks spacey in this photo, but if he did his hair better and grew his nails, I might have actually been fooled by that one if I'd never seen him before.
>> No. 40960
hi Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 40961
Anthos is more convincing as an Autobot than that guy is as a chick.

Have you read his archived threads in L? He deserves.
>> No. 40962
writing style oddly like Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's. Funny, huh guise?
>> No. 40963

Dead give-away: only that fucking freak refers to himself as a woman.
>> No. 40964
File 134154638347.jpg - (95.61KB , 354x428 , -Shirley-Manson-shirley-manson-20508590-354-428.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He looks like a retarded, FAS babby version of Shirley Manson.
>> No. 40965
Actually, disregard that. I'm a huge attention whore and nothing I post is actually noteworthy.
>> No. 40966
>> No. 40967

>Maybe I displayed effeminate behavior,
>and therefore he decided to have his way with me.
>I didn't want to be a boy anymore, more so after the rape.

>> No. 40968
File 134155151959.jpg - (7.63KB , 120x120 , Pikachu.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
u haet. y u haet?
>> No. 40969
Welcome to the internet, newfag.
>> No. 40970
File 134155167410.jpg - (43.71KB , 446x400 , ngbbs4eed70c0732b8.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Spoiler calling someone a newfag
>> No. 40971
File 134155228124.jpg - (447.17KB , 1280x1423 , tumblr_m4j30aG4pS1qelnfpo1_1280.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Giving a tripcode user attention
Salutations newfag!
>> No. 40972
Fuck off, trash.
>> No. 40973
File 134155460316.jpg - (151.42KB , 553x768 , 54_WILLIAM_CHIN_CHONG_WEE.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You sound very mad.
>> No. 40974

spoiler subsists off attention, semen, and his own tears. he needs to be fed every few hours or he gets grumpy.
>> No. 40976
I am honored by how you not only think about me that way but write about me as a man. Oh, I am blushing.
>> No. 40977
Robby is kind of sexy in a "hot mess" sort of way. Any noodz?
>> No. 40978
And here is Robert, showing us the pose he strikes as his tricks enter the room.
>> No. 40979
Why do you keep asking?
>> No. 40980
Can't you just ban him from IRC too?
>> No. 40981
We do seem to have an a tendency for getting nudes of lolcows for inexplicable reasons.
>> No. 40982
File 134157012162.jpg - (42.42KB , 600x534 , Robert_Wayne_Stiles_(7).jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I have to admit, Robb's nudes would be great for Encyclopedia Dramatica's Offended shock page.
>> No. 40983
I wonder if somebody good at photoshop could make Robbie look like a REAL women, or at least passable.
>> No. 40984
It's pretty safe to assume Robb's already tried that and he's even more freaky in real life.
>> No. 40985
File 134158278126.jpg - (24.38KB , 336x600 , 336px-Rika_67.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robb's attempt at photoshop
>> No. 40986
File 134158286293.jpg - (32.88KB , 600x450 , Robb 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 40987
File 134158293114.jpg - (27.60KB , 600x400 , Robb 10.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nothing more badass than posing with a fake gun and an overfilled trashcan
>> No. 40988
He is such a slob, that house must stink of garbage and fail.
>> No. 40989
File 134158375758.png - (196.44KB , 670x689 , RWS and music.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More of Robb's favorite music
>> No. 40990

Stay classy Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles!
>> No. 40991
Interestingly he has his "Age 40+ friends" private, I guess that must be his parents or something.
>> No. 40992
sexual orientation: lesbian
>> No. 40993
"Male lesbians" are hilarious.

Also if Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles thinks HETERONORMATIVES are bad just wait till he finds out how much most gay people hate trannies.
>> No. 40994
File 134158522047.png - (100.09KB , 380x370 , Wait a sec.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>no ICP
>> No. 40995
For 789chan summerfriends yet unfamiliar with Robb: http://encyclopediadramatica.se/Robert_Wayne_Stiles
>> No. 40996
Rob's got that Noviophobia.
>> No. 40997
>Papa Roach

This is too good to be true.
>> No. 40998
>Boys like Girls
i julay'd
>> No. 40999
I don't know how one persons musical interests can be so mainstream and generic.
>> No. 41000
That's more common than you think. If my girlfriend puts one more emo album on I'm going cut myself
>> No. 41001
Hi Jorden
>> No. 41002
>He touched my gentials and my torso and viced my wrists,
>and viced my wrists,

As in vice grips? Mounted to a workbench? We're meant to believe his father had a set-up of two vice grips at just the right space apart for each of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's wrists? Plausibility much?

If this is really any more than a whiney plea-for-stmpathy narrative internet post (which I doubt), and he really did go to court with this story, no wonder he was thrown out.
>> No. 41003
I thought he was trying to use the word "vice" as in "devious or shameful action," just autistically misused as a verb.

tl;dr "MY DAD MOLESTED MY WRISTS ps he raped me too"
>> No. 41004
I think he's trying to say that his dad had a vise-like grip.
Still pisses me off that he's still trying to pass off getting spanked as being raped.
He's a spoiled little shit who never grew up.
>> No. 41005
File 134159421011.png - (1.42MB , 1600x1067 , phillystreet.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Artwork of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles by an adoring fan. Creative liberty was taken on guessing what his occupation is.
>> No. 41006
Isn't verganza-de-sasuke ADF not Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 41007
They're both insane Philly trannies and lolcow colleagues, but actually separate people. Yes, as unpleasant and depressing as the thought of two such people existing is, it is true.
>> No. 41008
the thing is I would assume someone out there has nudes of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, but after thinking about it I doubt it. He is do undesirable that no one would enter into any sort of relationship with him where they would be able to obtain nudes.

even pixytery had someone that wanted pics from her at one point.
>> No. 41009

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has photographed the penis and posted the pictures on the internet.
>> No. 41010
The thing is, you'd maybe do Pixyteri after a sixpack if you're a desperate /cgl/ virgin. With Robb, you'd need two bottles of 190 vol Everclear. At least.
>> No. 41011
Please say it ain't so, I'm in no mood to vomit today.
>> No. 41012
You jack off to bent duck all the time
>> No. 41013
You jack off to bent duck all the time
>> No. 41014
My detectives have discovered that SeanieB's true name is "Internet Explorer". Take this site down now, Mr. Explorer, or prepare for a doxing the likes of which you could never imagine!
>> No. 41015

Forgot to write that this was in the past. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles probably won't do it now for our beautiful website. Since we're gynophobic wimmin nazis according to the wraith.
>> No. 41016
I'd do her if I were wearing a noseplug. And sound-cancelling headphones.

Assuming I'd have some sort of reward afterward, of course, like money or something.
>> No. 41017
You typo'd.
>> No. 41018
No, I'm talking about Pixyteri. And that's only because I like fat chicks. I'd rather kill myself than fuck Robbie.
>> No. 41021
My bad, fellow Robert. I would off myself too.
>> No. 41022
His penis is no longer there, and his vagina is larger than previously photographed
>> No. 41023
File 13416169576.jpg - (643.49KB , 868x1474 , 133745168960.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robb is as much of an artist as ADF
>> No. 41024
What the fuck is that?
>> No. 41025
File 134161883156.jpg - (14.80KB , 350x414 , barack-hussein-obama.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm no lolcow art expert but I think thats supposed to be the president.
>> No. 41026
File 134162300181.png - (26.00KB , 514x131 , Robb trollshielding.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robb feeling falsely superior to Chris Chan
>> No. 41027
Harem maps
>> No. 41028
According to Robb's IP address, he's using a Verzion phone from Newark, New Jersey
>> No. 41029
Funny. He used to always post using a proxy service, despite the fact he was using a trip code at the same time, and had already doxed himself, because.... Leet skillz.

Not sure if he realized it was pointless to continue with the proxy or if he just forgot about it. Considering this is a person who spent hundreds of dollars to join a hacker forum I'm guessing it was the latter. Better get back on that to secret "hide my ass" IP Robbo.
>> No. 41030
>I support Ahuviya in whooping your ass

Hah, we got you now, Robert Wayne Verzion!
>> No. 41031

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles was probably using mobile internet at the Newark airport. Since Wayne(Father) lives in South Carolina according to my field agents.
>> No. 41032
Must be on his way to beg for more handouts.
>> No. 41033
Most likely. Newark does have internet hot spots.

Also, for future reference, we just call it Newark airport, Intro, no "the".
>> No. 41034
>Considering this is a person who spent hundreds of dollars to join a hacker forum I'm guessing it was the latter.
No, he spent thousands on that one. He spent hundreds on "Troll Detectives". His parents money, of course.

I have a respectable life that I have worked for personally with only occasional funding from my parents but only when I REALLY needed it. (That's what you people don't get)
>> No. 41035
Whats this about him paying money to join a hacker forum?
>> No. 41036
He dropped 5k to have a private board on hackforums or something
>> No. 41037
I didn't think he paid anything, I though he was just trying to charg ridiculous amounts for people to become part of THE WRAITH™.
>> No. 41038
Didnt he pay 200$ to use sparkly font or something?
>> No. 41039

He actually paid this. He really did.
>> No. 41040
File 134169271614.png - (63.79KB , 986x924 , Robb's Milla Obsession.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Remember Robb's creepy Milla obsession? Well, it just got creepier!
>> No. 41041
File 134169276235.png - (111.37KB , 982x1099 , Robb's Milla Obsession 0.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41042
Was Robbay on the honor roll? He has redicuously good spelling.
>> No. 41043
Forgive me for not knowing this why did Robbie go from being a master hacker troll/world of warcraft nerd to a tranny? Whatever the reason, I'm sure it will paint an interesting picture of a psychological breakdown.
>> No. 41044
He got trolled back. Couldn't handle it.
>> No. 41045
He had to start wearing dresses because a Stargate forum were sending deadly assassins after him!
>> No. 41046

Those pimply faced Amanda Tapping worshipers would have put a serious beating on Robbie.
>> No. 41047
Also don't forget Christian murderer terrorist assassins.
>> No. 41048
So what the fuck is the story with the Stargate fags he is so afraid will find his dox online

Also has anyone linked them the ED page yet?
>> No. 41049

That was from years back, they aren't even around any more and have most likely forgotten about him, and it wasn't even them he was worried about, it was some apparently ANONYMOOSE LEEJUN who were hunting him down to murder him because he said he supported Al Qaeda or some dumb shit.
>> No. 41050
Christ he's such a homosexual deviant. Pretends to be a big bad troll/hacker only to end up running for the hills at the slightest sign of retaliation.
>> No. 41051
I just want to see some nudes. Really, without nudes, you can't classify a person as a lolcow
>> No. 41052
you just want to fap to tranny nudes you lying sack of shit
>> No. 41053
A-Log - no nudes

ADF - no nudes

Timbox - no nudes

Not every lolcow needs to have nudes of them
>> No. 41054
File 134173126874.jpg - (293.27KB , 468x490 , 2000YardStare.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Anthos' nudes.
>> No. 41055
>without nudes, you can't classify a person as a lolcow

>not sure if complete retard, or just disgusting homosexual deviant hungry for tranny cock
>> No. 41056
it's weird, she doesn't look that bad but she has a really manly face
>> No. 41057
File 134173342382.png - (546.89KB , 600x594 , ROBBBIE.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41058
explain it to me, I do not comprehend this, I just can't. Did he pay 5 thousand fucking american dollars (USD) for having a private section at a hacker forum? A section that could very well be empty just like any 'hacking forum' anyone can make for free? And no one was obliged to do anything for him for those 5000$, save for giving him some fucking section? And he did all this shit because he was afraid people from 4chan or other shithole are going to hurt him?

Please tell me I missed something.
>> No. 41059
Yes to the above, except he didn't do it because he was scared of anybody at that time, he just did it because he's retarded.
>> No. 41060
Timbox isn't an lolcow as much as he's a superautist.
>> No. 41061

He has nudes, however.
>> No. 41062
That's because he is a man.
>> No. 41063

hahaha i remember that from the original Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles thread. i'd rather fuck marilyn manson than bob.
>> No. 41064
File 13417669052.jpg - (93.51KB , 552x720 , 60558_436890217015_7844093_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Does anybody know the Stargate website that apparently wants to skin robbay alive?

It's kind of important, it seems the only reason he is a tranny is just because he thought a group of basement dwellers were going to kill him.
>> No. 41065
Are people implying he became a tranny as part of a disguise?
>> No. 41066
File 134177206051.gif - (2.90MB , 400x169 , the death of john mcgarrigle.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

He even admitted he did, his tranny persona is only because he thought that a band of Stargate nerds and Christians were planning on assassinating him because of petty internet tryhardness.
>> No. 41067
Rob explains it himself in a text file in thread number 4.
>> No. 41068
Couldn't link to it, just click the link to thread 4 from his ED page.
>> No. 41069

I can't believe that. It sounds like just some way of him weaseling out of having to take any flack for his life choice or criticism about his attractiveness.
>> No. 41070
And that's exactly why he is a lolcow.

>ok, you read the wraith articles right? i've gotten death threats over the internet from hackers and anonymous who doxed me. And i had to change who I was just in order to get my life back on track
From the ED article. And after that he raged at the trolls that they had ruined his new trannysona and he changed himself for nothing in some chat.

But then in the threads he bawwwws he has some gender fuck up mental disorder and y'all playing kick the tranny. But the threads are public and he's probably just trying to get sympathy and stop the trolling for the umpteenth time.

But one thing is for sure: Bob's three fries short of a Happy Meal.
>> No. 41071
Theres some Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles level shit going on in 789chan /b/ right now. Don't think this is Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles but still funny and most likely false:

>> No. 41072
That's an obvious joke thread and people are making fun of Robb.
>> No. 41073
why does he have Papa Roach on there? I'll give that most people will immediately think of "Last Resort" when Papa Roach is mentioned, and they're considered a mainstream band, but there's honestly no musical comparison there between them and all the others.

I do believe you are quite mistaken.
>> No. 41075
You sound a little suspicious.
>> No. 41076
File 13418143955.png - (242.50KB , 512x339 , 1319520371192.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hi Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles

Keep fanning the flames.
>> No. 41077
It's funny how with every thread the Robb article grows, and Robb still cannot comprehend the connection.
>> No. 41078
File 134181856362.jpg - (40.14KB , 600x559 , daddies-lil-cum-whore.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hai guize can I be a homosexual deviant too?
>> No. 41079
File 134181914748.jpg - (14.50KB , 400x300 , 1341365952750.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No one would put their cock there voluntarily.
>> No. 41080
Robert never looked better.
>> No. 41081

Post has gone, what did it say?
>> No. 41082
File 134184551552.jpg - (43.93KB , 500x343 , 1314080099973.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It claimed that he wasn't posting anymore and that we were therefore beating a dead horse. He bypassedthe wordbutter oon his name, as usual. Derp.
>> No. 41083

>> No. 41085
The post for those who didn't see it.

"Wow, this threads is still alive? You guys really need to get a Life honestly. Rіka is long gone by now while you all sit their chained to your Laptops waiting for her to post.

TOO funny!"
>> No. 41086
File 13418475022.jpg - (8.78KB , 191x264 , images.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41087
Y'all are GLUED to your computers! Y'all are becoming autistic-like!
>> No. 41088
File 134184772741.jpg - (59.14KB , 500x344 , mad aryan pussy with mah accordion skills.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Rіka is long gone by now
Robb's stayed here for months. He begged to get banned because he couldn't stay away with his self-restrain of a five years old. He's like a heroin addict, he'll always need his 789chan fix and will come back for some more.

It's quite telling that his last "Final Post" (really this time gais) was like his eighth. Lolcows, lolcows never learn.
>> No. 41089
If he'd just post with his real IP, I could ban him and make this whole thing go away. ...Provided he doesn't just come back to post via proxies.

I'm serious Rob.
>> No. 41090
In the beginning he promised he'd go away if we DELETED. EVERYTHING. And took down ED and ADFki NOW NOW NOW. As if we wanted him to go away or were afraid of the lolcow.

Good times. Delusional Robb is best Robb.
>> No. 41091
File 134185423253.jpg - (20.72KB , 444x447 , Robbay has.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41093

Whoreos, if you really can not ban Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles I'd be immensely grateful. This hate campeign against him has increased what little enjoyment I had in this life and I'm falling back into happier times.
>> No. 41094
File 134186103868.jpg - (28.19KB , 500x333 , 1318612138135.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I call bullshi... is that my i.p? Oh come on.
>> No. 41095

>> No. 41096
Poor Robb. Looks like we've ruined his life....again.
>> No. 41098

>This hate campeign against me

It was never a hate campaign, you just kept coming here, making an idiot of yourself and giving us reasons to laugh at you.

>has OBLIVERATEed what little enjoyment I had in this life and I'm falling back into a depression.

What effect on your real life has it even had though? Can you name one thing off the internet that has changed or gone badly for you because you couldn't keep yourself away from this website?

Even after you're banned you won't be able to stop yourself, you'll still come here and read what we're saying about you and you'll just strap on another proxy to respond to us. You've fucked yourself robbay.
>> No. 41099
File 134186178160.jpg - (53.62KB , 495x500 , u mad coz im stylin on you.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>This hate campeign against me has OBLIVERATEed what little enjoyment I had in this life and I'm falling back into a depression.
You know, this would be a good time to once again point out if you hadn't kept making those thread, no one here would know who you are and the ED page certainly wouldn't exist. You really know how to solve problems like a pro.

And you keep coming back here for more trolling, so who can you blame?. The stove is hot, why can't you learn it?

And for some additional hilarity, I'll quote you Robb:
>Don’t try to ban me or anyone else because we all have numerous proxies, many of which we’ve installed ourselves. All these threads here will be removed like the cancer groves they are.
>> No. 41100
File 134186191728.jpg - (333.99KB , 441x2992 , 1315460212976.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Please don't ban him, until he agrees to show cock and shove something up his ass on cam. I want future employers to have something to look at.
>> No. 41101
File 134186193267.jpg - (8.28KB , 244x238 , hitler is dis nigga serious.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh, and "Hidemyass.com" isn't really what comes to mind when you say "custom proxies".
>> No. 41102
789chan has OBLIVERATEed the wraith. Give a pat to the back because we managed to do something. That the FBI and Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's parents couldn't.
>> No. 41103
File 134186261887.jpg - (27.92KB , 468x307 , 1310548429604.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
We should contact the aids ridden whore he was stalking and tell her it's safe to cough in the sunlight again.
>> No. 41105
lol begging to be bann'd like Paul David "Eyebrows" Smith b/c ur too 'tarded to not go on a website that upsets you
>> No. 41106
Keep telling yourself that Robb. We believe it about as much as the same damn threats you just made yet again.
>> No. 41107

>Introman, you are my sworn enemy and I will not rest until I have righted all the wrongs you've done to my life.

I really hope you were doing the cwc claw of doom while typing this one handed.

>Now, if you will kindly BAN me please. I no longer have any need for this site. I Have a life to get on with.

If this were true then we wouldn't need to ban you, you would just leave.
>> No. 41108
>Introman, you are my sworn enemy and I will not rest until I have righted all the wrongs you've done to my life.

Sounds like we've got some good action in store! (Ok... not really)
>> No. 41111
File 134186896559.gif - (469.14KB , 181x295 , Hitler augh yeah fokes.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I Have a life to get on with.
If being made fun of in the internet has ruined your life and you keep hunting for internet meanies, you don't have much life to speak of.

And for your sake I hope your future DOXing is more accurate than what it has been so far.

Best wishes, your friend Finno-Russo-Turkish Neo-Nazi Mr. Zyklon Broadband.

PS: I hope you can forgive me if I don't hold my breath as the DOXing circus begun months ago and no notable progress has been made.
>> No. 41112
File 134186931617.png - (127.00KB , 320x240 , cozy homer.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And he deleted his posts again. Robb, we already know you can't stay out of the site. There's no use in deleting your posts, as mods can get them back.
>> No. 41113
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles deleted his posts. Again. For someone who is SO LIKE, TOTALLY LIKE, NOT AFFECTED, he sure is paranoid.
>> No. 41114
The Wraith super-hacker hard at work.
>> No. 41115
File 134186962546.jpg - (31.04KB , 1024x272 , robbay.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's the first, I'm sure a mod can dig out the other one.

Robb, why do you keep deleting your posts when we have multiple ways of just putting them back up? We do it every time.
>> No. 41116
>> No. 41117
I'm surprised that he was too stupid to delete the threads he made in the beginning before they were archived.
>> No. 41118
>being capable of learning
I don't know if any of you guys has read "Zombie Survival Guide", but there's this one part that perfectly describes Robert: It has been proven, time and again, that our greatest advantage over the undead lolcow is our ability to think.
The mental capacity of the average zombie Robert Wayne Stiles ranks somewhere beneath that of an insect. On no occasion
have they shown any ability to reason or employ logic. Attempting to accomplish a task, failing, then by
trial and error discovering a new solution, is a skill shared by many members of the animal kingdom but
lost on the walking dead transsexual lolcow. Zombies have Robert has repeatedly failed laboratory intelligence tests set at the level of
rodents. One field case showed a human standing at one end of a collapsed bridge with several dozen
zombies Philly trannies on the other side. One by one, the walking dead trannies tumbled over the edge in a futile attempt to
reach him. At no time did any of them realize what was happening and change their tactics in any way.

>> No. 41119
Robb seems to love that particular non-word. He used it in a previous post, and it was pointed out to him that it's not a real word. He shows his inability to learn anything yet again.
>> No. 41120
File 134187074533.png - (32.20KB , 940x191 , Screen Shot 2012-07-09 at 2_49_57 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Thread caps
>> No. 41121
File 134187077021.png - (38.59KB , 938x188 , Screen Shot 2012-07-09 at 2_50_58 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41122
File 13418708298.png - (32.62KB , 937x195 , Screen Shot 2012-07-09 at 2_51_54 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41123
File 134187104871.png - (17.77KB , 1151x200 , nimetön.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41124

I don't understand this shit reasoning. Why does he need someone to ban him in order to stay way from this site. It makes no fucking sense, even by Robert's standards. Does he really lack any sense of self control?
>> No. 41125
>Does he really lack any sense of self control?
Just in the case you forgot, this is the eleventh Robert thread.
>> No. 41126
I wish Rob would start making rage videos.
>> No. 41127
Note how feminine Robert sounds. Easy to see why so many men just drool over him.
>> No. 41128
>his voice

>> No. 41129
I like how he doesn't only looks and act like a lolcow, but sounds like one as well.
>> No. 41131
Dat capitalization
>> No. 41132
From now on I will read all his posts in that fucking voice.
>> No. 41133

>baww the city apartment mommy and daddy pay for for me is too noisy
>baww mommy and daddy's air conditioner is broken
>it's almost as if i'm in a city or something baww
>> No. 41134
File 134187872057.png - (93.46KB , 1265x1456 , robban.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Sorry guys, but it was the right thing to do.
>> No. 41135
I would like a new rage video.
>> No. 41136
lol is that a 0 second ban or a ban forever? i am too tarded to tell
>> No. 41137
0 second ban is a permaban.

He can appeal it in 5 days, though.

If there's a shoe on your head, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, I'll accept it!
>> No. 41138
File 134187956523.png - (7.19KB , 984x94 , that was quick.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41139
File 134187995663.jpg - (273.07KB , 800x533 , anonmuss leguan.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robb will drag you to the another side of the world before Singaporean high court for that!
>> No. 41141
File 134188088132.png - (138.58KB , 460x362 , Don't forget.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wait, was Robb permabanned or was he whitelisted to where he could never be banned? In case it was the latter
>> No. 41142
cam't wait for that new robbie video.
>> No. 41143
File 134188123140.jpg - (15.44KB , 279x346 , crying indian.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41146
But, the delicious rage
>> No. 41153
hahahaaha this is too damn good
>> No. 41155
Ebin Ween Brah
>> No. 41157
File 134188385346.jpg - (63.89KB , 564x474 , 1319282967733.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Don't ban the lulzbull. He's not dry yet.
>> No. 41158
you'll never be banned, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. we want you to keep posting forever and ever
>> No. 41160
File 134188400129.jpg - (69.93KB , 496x386 , ohlord.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41161
I'm riding moltres all night long, i ride moltres all night long. I am riding Moltres
>> No. 41162
Don't even respond, homosexual deviants. It's funnier when they sperg out and run out of steam, realizing no ones validating their autistic war cries.
>> No. 41163
Sweet! Total Robert Meltdown!
>> No. 41164
I guess this explains why he wanted to make /mlp/ his personal army.
>> No. 41166

hi bob
>> No. 41167
You look like crack addict Gollum in a dress and smell of sweaty ballsacks.
>> No. 41168
Please don't change mind on whitelist. Unless he posts cp and then call the cops. Epic weeen
>> No. 41169
File 134188443539.png - (245.80KB , 510x313 , bobmcbob.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41170
Yeah, that looks about right. Zitty chest, pasty skin, greasy hair, blank autistic eyes.
>> No. 41172
File 134188463218.png - (246.04KB , 509x310 , bobmcbob2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41173
Dear God, thank you for making today such a wonderful day.

>> No. 41175
how does it feel to have accomplished nothing
>> No. 41176
Going back to discussing Roberts penis how cheese encrusted do you think it is.
Since he hates the fact he is male so much he's probably loathe to touch it so I doubt it gets a proper wash.
>> No. 41178
>> No. 41180
>> No. 41181
Robbay, what are you feeling at this moment?

are you crying?
>> No. 41182
Looks like it is time for your dad to finish filling out the 302 form.
>> No. 41184
No he's fapping. Stroking his tiny man meat to his pony porn collection.
>> No. 41185
Since no one else will touch it I'm guessing he gives it a good spit shine every night. Plus he's American so we know it's been cut. Plus don't most Americans shower at least once a day? Not the most environmentally friendly lot
>> No. 41186
you should try posting 24 hours straight, that would really show us
>> No. 41188
Thank god, I thought we might of broken you for a second.

Carry on good sir.
>> No. 41189
Imagine how great this will all look on your ED page!
>> No. 41190

What did he say?
>> No. 41191
Looks like we'll have a new thread up soon at this rate.

Poor Robert, thinking this makes anybody but himself look bad. He's the one with all the images, lol.
>> No. 41192
That he is perfectly fine and going to be posting all night.

We are keeping you to your word Rob
>> No. 41193
File 134188558749.jpg - (29.72KB , 364x242 , 1321545119629.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Archive this and start another while I contact his parents about how far gone he is and ask if he may need involuntary counciling. He has threatened to kill himself.
>> No. 41194
Wow, did you really think acting like even more of an idiot than usual was going to make us ban you? Just stop posting you fucking idiot, that's all you need to do to get what you want. How retarded are you?
>> No. 41195
he's deleting his posts now. what a brave man
>> No. 41196
is the pony fucker the same trip as Robbie or is in a damn imposter?
>> No. 41197
Did someone get some screen captures?
>> No. 41198
Post some harem maps dude
>> No. 41199
Same one. 'Tis the real Robbay.
>> No. 41200
Can we get a screencap of Robb's desperate attempt to get banned without the horsefucker pictures?
>> No. 41201
Perhaps a mod would be good enough to dig up the deleted posts later but censor the horseshit.
>> No. 41202
Mods can repost en masse when the little guy has worn himself out.
>> No. 41203
I have to look at this shit to post it. :(
>> No. 41204
I think Robb is drunk. He needs to drink more often.
>> No. 41205
File 134188714163.png - (119.46KB , 640x371 , Screen Shot 2012-07-09 at 7_25_08 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You all owe me one for this.
>> No. 41206
Thank you, Seanie! You are a God!
>> No. 41207

...What does it mean?
>> No. 41208
File 134188780020.png - (253.66KB , 1180x1018 , Screen Shot 2012-07-09 at 7_20_50 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It begins. I know Photoshop can de-blur these but it was easiest to use. Why would you do that, anyway?
>> No. 41209
File 134188782515.png - (333.69KB , 1180x1018 , Screen Shot 2012-07-09 at 7_21_03 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41210
File 134188784674.png - (287.39KB , 1180x1018 , Screen Shot 2012-07-09 at 7_21_11 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41211
File 134188787632.png - (294.28KB , 1180x1018 , Screen Shot 2012-07-09 at 7_21_21 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This one's probably the weirdest one. I think the image was sfw.
>> No. 41212
File 13418879022.png - (261.53KB , 1180x1018 , Screen Shot 2012-07-09 at 7_21_26 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Some anon starts posting Bob McBob
>> No. 41213

>Unbelievable amounts of mad

Thank you for saving this from deletion.
>> No. 41214
File 134188794214.png - (235.03KB , 1180x1018 , Screen Shot 2012-07-09 at 7_21_31 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Only one more to go
>> No. 41215
File 134188797150.png - (199.35KB , 1180x1018 , Screen Shot 2012-07-09 at 7_21_36 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The end, for now. Probably the most pornographic one of the set.
>> No. 41217
File 134188860593.png - (38.71KB , 287x124 , Screen Shot 2012-07-09 at 7_48_42 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Now that that's over, I bet Robbay's heart level is shattered all the way to 10%, and I hope I don't have to do that again for a while.
>> No. 41218
File 134188915161.jpg - (43.38KB , 224x207 , homer_eating_popcorn.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Oh, my sides! Robb, you horsefucker, you!
>> No. 41219
File 134189119314.gif - (567.71KB , 200x136 , 129815779068.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>This whole thread.
>> No. 41221
so why did robay delete his pony posts. I get deleting the other ones ,but why the ponies.

also why delete anyways when seanieb always just post screen caps anyways

I love you Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 41222
>so why did robay delete his pony posts. I get deleting the other ones ,but why the ponies.

Because instead of getting him banned like he wanted, we just laughed at his stupidity.

>also why delete anyways when seanieb always just post screen caps anyways

This is Robb we're talking about. Not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer...
>> No. 41223
Did we finally break Rob? Or was this the fearsome wraith in action?
>> No. 41224
I think he's bipolar
>> No. 41225
I'm beginning to think Robb's too stupid to break. He has crawled back for 11 threads, after all.
>> No. 41226
He's bipolar. So he will come back all arrogant.
>> No. 41227
I go out to see a movie and dine with some friends while this is going on. I'm sorry I missed out /cwc/. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles for the master troll and dectective you're. You should know by now that I have the writing capabilities of a 14 year old. I also have the tech capabilities of a 13 year old as well and can't even work any database systems. The only reason your mad is I'm the only person who has stood up to you and fought back. Since bullying is a favorite past time of yours.
>> No. 41228
Oh Robb, you tool!

Here's the song that he copied and pasted (thank godbear for google)
>> No. 41229
Bipolar alone cannot explain this. I know bipolar people and they can control themselves, even though they have emotional problems. Robb is simply...well, completely fucking retarded.
>> No. 41230

Hey Robb, thank you for your new contributions to your article. We couldn't have done it without you!
>> No. 41231

Guy Fox fails again.
>> No. 41232
hey Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles how does feel to know that on one of the biggest days for Chris this year your thread thread is continually above any cwc thread. You are truly our favorite lolcow
>> No. 41233
The torch has been passed...
>> No. 41234
Change the board to /ROB/
>> No. 41235
File 134194601412.jpg - (82.29KB , 561x713 , cigar man.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You've got a bright future ahead of you Robert my boy. Just know that we'll always be here for you showing our support.
>> No. 41236
Ri-ka could do with some makeup tips. She should use a bit less blush, too much make up and you look like a clown. Gotta be subtle and put a lot of effort into it. Maybe spend some time looking at articles about it since you have a computer.
>> No. 41237
Lol no.
>> No. 41238
Chris has a great video for him
>> No. 41239
Encyclopedia Dramatica puts it well:
>his mental growth was arrested at the age of 12 and he thinks that a cartoon villain is exactly how a manipulative adult acts
I love how Robb keeps using terms like "oblitverate", "OBLIVERATE", "sworn enemy", "cold blooded killer" and "soul devouring hellpit" when he's talking about people being mean to him in the internet. Internet seems to be serious fucking business.
>> No. 41240

Or the fact that he thinks that the internet is populated by the los Zetas ad they are going to kill him for trolling some gay forums

I almost want him to get mugged just so he goes over the rainbow into paranoid self delusion.
>> No. 41241
>just so he goes over the rainbow into paranoid self delusion

Isn't ROBBAY already a paranoid self-delusional homosexual deviant?
>> No. 41242
Textbook definition of.
>> No. 41243
Can we arcive this before this thread rides off into the sunset?
>> No. 41244
It doesn't need to be asked.
>> No. 41245
Robert Stiles is a typically unattractive loner and geek who discovered he can latch onto a whole seemingly flattering identity as a transgender, referring to himself first (and often third)-person as "she" and "her", and makes up for it by inventing persecution complexes and uses words like "cyber-bullying" and "hate campaign" to feed the lonesomeness that is his life. I don't think this guy has actual friends who like him, his old various posts on forums always cry for attention and notoriety to the point of desperate pathological lying, and he scrapes the bottom of the barrel by coming here to stir shit upon his own obsessive volition to the point of pretending he wants to be banned (as if that would end it).

I don't know, I feel sorry for him a bit, but then I realize he's a spoiled, astoundingly immature little shit, likely still receiving constant "help" from mommy and daddy by making up all these invented farces as excuses to why he refuses to grow up and support himself like any adult. I don't believe this whole transgendered identity he's on is anything more than a glorified phase, but that seems to be the least of his problems. He's too used to having things handed to him without any ambition, and he's been able to stretch it so long because his parents are enablers who are probably too ashamed to really deal with him and find it easier to just transfer money into his account until he asks for more. This board is probably the most attention he gets within his whole nothing life and he needs it.
>> No. 41246
>This board is probably the most attention he gets within his whole nothing life and he needs it.

And all the men drooling over him at that bar, right? Right? ...sigh...
>> No. 41247
>> No. 41248
Well, being ADF's friend enemy friend enemy certainly tells something, I think he admitted he only friended with him because he was so forever alone. But I can't feel to bad for him, Robb has the worst personality in the internet I've seen, and it's probably even worse in real life.
>> No. 41249
>This thread.

Zoop bop zoobity bop boo dah bap.Shoobity.Whoop bop boo dah bap bap whoop.Zoob zop.Zig zug zoo wazza frazza shazam Wolverayyyyynes.
>> No. 41250
>> No. 41252
File 134204333026.jpg - (5.44KB , 251x226 , 1341809846789.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Good for you Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles!
>> No. 41253
Fuck off, Robert.
>> No. 41254

>Implying you haven't been a man this entire time.
>> No. 41255
>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles still continues to post

Oh lawd.
>> No. 41256
Good luck! Your friends here at /cwc/ are pulling for you!
>> No. 41258

Yep, that's why you have to tell us so, to make sure that we know and stop posting about you.
>> No. 41259
File 134204504357.jpg - (19.18KB , 248x248 , 4470115_f248.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Remember, if the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.

I'm assuming someone cracked his tripcode. Surely Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles wouldn't try to pull a LOLITROLLU! twice, right?


Ah, fucking Christ... of course he would.
>> No. 41260

Glad to see your final post wasn't so final.

For the 8th time.
>> No. 41261
Then why delete all your post? <3
>> No. 41262

Considering he's deleting his posts again? Nope, it's him. Would you mind reposting >>238870 for us please?
>> No. 41263
File 134204534147.png - (22.04KB , 631x228 , don't bother deleting it.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41264
I think he's trying to delete his posts as a troll tactic. Not realizing that when a mod comes along, they can just screencap it.
>> No. 41265
Hah, you thought you broke me?
>> No. 41266
File 134204567131.jpg - (146.94KB , 698x768 , milla-jovovich-0602-020.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41267
File 134204574429.jpg - (5.94KB , 251x201 , imagesCAC2XOI8.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
only you can stop this hack.
>> No. 41268
Ur hakkin us so hard bro
>> No. 41269
I can? thank god!
>> No. 41270
File 134204585975.png - (9.37KB , 1110x61 , nimetön.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41271
>> No. 41272
File 134204587924.png - (39.21KB , 1037x316 , moe.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
so this is a LOLITROLLU? I knew we couldn't have broken your proud tranny spirit so easily.
>> No. 41273
File 134204594223.jpg - (22.63KB , 400x300 , Kacey.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41274
What was the trannies password for the trip?

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 41275

What hack? You posting pics of ponies and the celeb you are currently stalking is hacking? Wow, you are more retarded than I thought.

What do you hope to accomplish by spamming bullshit that mods can easily delete? That they will take down your ED page and your threads in /L/? Because that will never happen.
>> No. 41276
Oh no, Robert posted the fake pic of Kacey that he thought was actually real, in addition to thinking the father call was actually her dad. And he said cock! Cock! What will we do!
>> No. 41277
Your vulgar comment to me aside I'm still cheering for you like the rest of /cwc/! Good luck becoming a man again!
>> No. 41278
>> No. 41279
Too bad Robert, you're going to be here forever and ever.
>> No. 41280
I think you won't be banned because it's funnier to watch you desperately try to get yourself banned. We know it bothers you not being banned, so why would the mods ban you?
>> No. 41281
>> No. 41282
File 134204631083.png - (35.88KB , 797x319 , horsefucker.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles confirmed for long time lurker. That was posted in a Kacey thread last year.
>> No. 41283
Is that Tali from Mass Effect fucking a horse? That's almost as bad as the Deus Ex horses someone posted, although I'm sure this is just scratching the surface of pics like this.

I don't want to know.
>> No. 41284
File 134204641928.jpg - (52.93KB , 320x320 , Genital-Warts-on-penis.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41285
You just love thinking you are some down-trodden persecuted martyr, being kept down by a society that is too ignorant to understand your genius, even though you have exhibited how truly stupid and clueless to the way the world works here time and time again.

But it's never your fault, right? It's those dang dirty christians and trolls, huh?
>> No. 41286
>> No. 41287
Oh cool Robert posted a picture of his own penis. No wonder he wanted to cut it off.
>> No. 41288
anyone for cocks, 789???
>> No. 41289
>> No. 41290
>> No. 41291
File 134204663518.jpg - (251.95KB , 1024x768 , Milla-Jovovich-milla-jovovich-148769_1024_768.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You hate me but that just makes me more powerful.
>> No. 41292
You're just joking and doing this for fun at this point, right? You don't really think anybody is feeling angry, do you?
>> No. 41293
My God the hacking is reaching critical mass!
>> No. 41294
Oh does this bother you?
>> No. 41295

People hate you? I just thought they merely laughed at you.
>> No. 41296
You sure showed us, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles! How will we ever stop you and your amazing hacker skills?!
>> No. 41297
File 134204678391.jpg - (402.42KB , 847x567 , Yawning.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What do you even hope to accomplish with this? Really? Whoreos will just delete your images.

Pic related, what your attempts and being offensive and edgy is causing everyone in the thread to do.
>> No. 41298
Please stop! We surrender!
>> No. 41299
How could we hate a person who brings so much laughter to our lives? You never have a clue.

Just like when you kept trying to bargaining with us saying that this could come to an end, never realizing that we really don't want it to.
>> No. 41301
THE WRAITH-MAN COMMETH. Could you be anymore over dramatic? You sound like ADF.

Nope, but the fact you think it somehow hurts us is pretty fucking funny. You can smell your desperation at this point.
>> No. 41302

No one wants you to be banned. Ever.
>> No. 41303
We love you Robert. We're your only real friends! We'll all be together forever!
>> No. 41305
Look, if you want I can get Jordman cocks. Just give me a few days. I'll prove he's an even bigger lolcow and you can feast on that. Deal?
>> No. 41306
File 134204701618.png - (2.64KB , 274x242 , chillin'.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
But you did get banned >>238018 banned from ever being banned
>> No. 41307
This tactic has already failed quite spectacularly once.




If we hated you then you would be banned because we wouldn't want you here. We don't hate you, we think you're hilarious.
>> No. 41308
File 134204695521.gif - (1.38MB , 220x180 , 1338988039112.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41309

And I swear on my family name I won't come back until I get them. That is the final deal.
>> No. 41310

>> No. 41311

Finally, you've taken what Zyklon and Intro said on board, it's about time. Let's see what you can get us.
>> No. 41312
inb4 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles deletes all of his posts again
>> No. 41313
First, shoe on head.
>> No. 41315
First you deliver the Jordman cocks, then we'll talk. We know you well enough not to trust a word you say without proof. Cash on delivery.
>> No. 41316

Fine. I can't beg so you'll just see how far I'll have to go. But I know some homosexual deviant is going to warn him anyway so don't expect anything if you all can't stay quiet.
>> No. 41317
No one has power, you idiot. You really think this is some troll organization with a hierarchy? Only mods can delete or ban people, otherwise Zyklon or anyone else doesn't have power, they just have access to information about you others don't. Anyone could have made the article on ED about you, and once it was made, it was out of their hands. Only an ED sysop could delete it. And the only person who could delete threads in /L/ about you would be Sean.

Just deliver what you can get, it can't hurt your case. I think you're bluffing though.
>> No. 41318
No one here is going to warn him, Rob. We would like to really see if you can deliver something. If you deliver something good enough, you might even get banned if that is what you want, or have some of the cocks about you removed. It is going to have to be good though.

So we want to see the proof that you can really deliver.
>> No. 41319
Fine expect a Jordman ED in these following days, but please just delete some of the threads in /L/ with my name in return. That's all I ask of you, mods.
>> No. 41320
I see someone thinks he's not getting enough attention. Robb, you're fucking pathetic. How does it feel to know that in 24 years on this rock, your crowning achievement seems to be getting trolled to hell and back by a board originally set up to troll someone else.
>> No. 41321
Don't get ahead of yourself. You need to deliver first. If your prove yourself well enough, Sean might take down some of the threads.
>> No. 41322
File 134204759017.jpg - (168.61KB , 500x542 , brows.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Contact this man for help Mr. Stiles. He works for less than private detectives.
>> No. 41323
Hey fellas, since everyone is in here, what's the deal with the banner image? Who is Drew Curlee? My internet was fucked for the last like two weeks, I had to get a new broadband modem and shit from my ISP, so I haven't been around. I didn't want to make a thread asking though. But the url in his message 404s and I couldn't find it in /L/ either.
>> No. 41324

>I can't beg


>but please just delete some of the threads in /L/ with my name in return. That's all I ask of you, mods.

Just bring us the cocks, there's a good monkey.
>> No. 41325
It's Apacheman2x
>> No. 41326
Hmmm.. Not really familiar with him. Only result that come up on google is some forum thread called "Everything I need to know, I learned from watching Samurai Pizza Cats". But thanks for the info.
>> No. 41327
this thread is the best one we've had in a while.
>> No. 41328
0/10 would not bang.
>> No. 41329
The fact that he has clearly broke and gone off the deep end definetly rates it up there among the best of the Robbie threads, I would have to agree there.

It remains to be seen what, if anything, he will deliver, but I look forward to seeing what you can accomplish, Robert.
>> No. 41330
I need a fuckin drink.
>> No. 41331
I just wonder how long it'll be before he ends up in a padded room, muttering to himself how "those damn trolls obliverated The Wraith".
>> No. 41332
File 134205172611.jpg - (190.41KB , 960x720 , Obliverate.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Just for you Robert.
>> No. 41333
File 134205367951.jpg - (123.55KB , 352x500 , 13375783186.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41334
This Thread is pathetic, you guys started trolling people who deserved it but you've ended up doing what? Stalking and harassing Transsexual people for your own twisted amusement? Explain what exactly did Rіka do to deserve ANY OF THIS? What did ADF do to be driven to the brink by you over and over again?

This place needs to get back to its roots because there are the people you should be trying to ruin. Good People don't deserve this. People who already have a hard life don't need this shit, I'm telling you. And it WILL come back to bite you one day because Karma is a bitch like that and what your doing is 100% illegal.
>> No. 41335
Suck a dick, tranny scum
>> No. 41336
HI Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 41337
File 134206117336.jpg - (90.01KB , 494x414 , 133836698271.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I thought you were going to work on that Jordman ED article. Are your genital warts flaring up again?
>> No. 41338

>Explain what exactly did Rіka do to deserve ANY OF THIS?

He came here, he made an idiot of himself, we laughed at him. Rinse, repeat. All he had to do was just leave after the first thread when he found out we wouldn't do what he wanted and it would've died.

>Stalking and harassing Transsexual people for your own twisted amusement?

If you want us to stop laughing at transexuals then you and your friends need to stop acting like lolcows, not make even more noise and make obviously pointless demands. If you don't want to be lolcows then stop being lolcows, it's entirely up to you.

>there are the people you should be trying to ruin

We're not trying to ruin anyone, we're pointing at idiots on the internet and laughing, something you and your friend Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles seem to be having real trouble comprehending, but I suppose a victim complex is just pretty prevalent amongst transsexuals, I dunno.
>> No. 41339
Either you really suck at trolling, or you're a complete fucking idiot. Either way, this isn't the best place for you. Best be getting back to tumblr now. Maybe there you'll find someone who gives a shit.
>> No. 41340
It isn't Robb, it's his one Wolverine™ that he managed to convince to come here and help fight against da evil trolls, Robb actually manages to keep some control over his random autistic capitalisations.
>> No. 41341

>Explain what exactly did Rіka do to deserve ANY OF THIS? What did ADF do to be driven to the brink by you over and over again?

The only reason we even know about any of these people is because they came here to cause drama by posting information on each other and trying to make each other into lolcows, the whole philly tranny group did this shit to themselves, so you're going to have to ask them this.
>> No. 41342

They did to themselves just about every piece of information we have on either of them came from either one of them. I suppose the internet must weigh heavy on some people.
>> No. 41343

They did to themselves just about every piece of information we have on either of them came from either one of them. I suppose the internet must weigh heavy on some people.
>> No. 41344
robbie > chris chan.
yes, even in his prime.
>> No. 41345
Or not summerfag.
>> No. 41346
I wouldn't say Chris in his prime. He comes pretty damn close though.

Also, can we archive this thing already?
>> No. 41347
  Everytime I heard Robbie girly voice it remain me Mary Harness.

>Replace Heatcliff by Chris Chan, and Kathy by Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 41349
File 134209184622.jpg - (25.66KB , 478x395 , u-wanna-fuk-me.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You wake up still drowsy, the filthy bed littered with empty cans and cigarette butts. The smell of stale semen lingers in the air. You blink, and exhale, trying to stop yourself from vomiting again.

"Quite a night we had, eh lover?"

Rіka stands at the bathroom door, wearing only a t-shirt and naked from the waist down. Memories of last night begin flooding back. You take a deep breath, and promptly puke all over the bed again.

"You look hungry baby, want me to make you some breakfast lover?" says Rіka, prowling towards you with the walk of a striptease. "Or maybe you can just eat me up instead?" she says, trailing a bony finger down your chest to your stomach.

"Oh baby, lets have some fun". With one swift motion Rіka mounts you, rubbing her ass over your crotch, grinding away like a cat on heat. "Hmmm, can you feel that?" she purrs, her slowly engorging cock pressing against your belly.

>Shall I continue?
>> No. 41350
>> No. 41351
>> No. 41352
Who's the "she" in the story, with you and Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 41355
File 134210469574.jpg - (437.59KB , 935x1323 , attic romp.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I'll prove he's an even bigger lolcow and you can feast on that. Deal?
That's not possible anymore. You've made yourself a bigger lolcow than ADF or Jordman. And while you write those messages, you just keep growing as a lolcow.

Jordman was never so funny to begin with. He was just ugly. But you, Robb, my friend, are more hilarious than any other Philly tranny can ever be. See, even those you yourself consider trash, useless and stupid were wiser than you, not posting here.

Haven't you learned anything? stupid questionDon't you remember how this all started? By you making a trollshielding wiki article.
>> No. 41356
Why, Boner?
>> No. 41357
Damnit, he deleted the fucking post again. Can someone post it?
>> No. 41358
Something along the lines of "Just give me a few days and I'll get Jordman cocks, I promise. There you can see how big a lolcow he is and leave me alone."
>> No. 41359
Also he suggested we'd delete his /L/ threads to show him gratitude.
>> No. 41361
So basically the same thing he has been saying.

Rob, if you want anyone to take your deal seriously, you need to stop deleting your fucking posts.

And we already told you, you need to deliver us amazing Jordman cocks first before anyone discusses any kind of deal. Sean is the only one who can make the decision to delete some of your threads from /L/, so if I were you, I'd be trying to wow him and the entire userbase with some incredibly funny Jordman stuff.

I remain skeptical that you can deliver. In the meantime work on getting it instead of posting about it.
>> No. 41362
What's wrong, Robb? Paranoia getting the better of you? You know your stupid tactics aren't doing you any good. Anything you say that's ED worthy will just get screencap-ed and reposted. You really should just admit that you were the one who started this whole shitstorm with your pathetic trollshielding attempts.
>> No. 41363
What, you Eurofags don't shower every day? Dirty fuckers.
>> No. 41364
This is an amazing week. New Robb and A-Log cocks.
>> No. 41365
Yeah, it's not bad, not bad at all.

Rob has clearly been pushed to the breaking point now. I really want to see what he will deliver in an attempt to get some of his information removed... I just hope you know, Rob, that whatever you have to offer is going to have to be fucking incredible Jordman cocks to get Sean to even consider making a deal with you.
>> No. 41366
Because Robb believes people are trolled because they're evil, I guess he's trying to convince us Jordman's worse than Hitler, Stalin and Mao combined and spams us with stuff like "He's a terrbul racist and paleocon and..."
>> No. 41367
Wow, Robbay has trolled you all so hard and you don't even know it.

10/10 Rob, you did well.
>> No. 41368
how do i hold all this ween
>> No. 41369

>> No. 41370

Fuck I typed that too fast.

I think WOLVERINES should be Rob's Julaayyy
>> No. 41371
File 134212151419.jpg - (120.31KB , 790x1229 , retard.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's funny because Robb actually tried that three times. Needless to say it didn't work.

Robb, Robb never learns.
>> No. 41372
its the magic hour when Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles usually starts posting
>> No. 41373
Indeed it is and I'm hoping Robert graces us. Maybe this is the time when he gets home from that top corporation he works at?
>> No. 41374

Whereas you get 0/10. Pretty weak attempt at this point
>> No. 41375

He will not come. He is on an epic journey to find a lolcow bigger than himself.
>> No. 41376
I agree. I bet he'll stop posting just as he said. 34th time's the charm, I just know it.
>> No. 41377
can we archive this now? I want thia thread to last forever.
>> No. 41378
We're gonna have to raise the bump limit to 1000 if Rob keeps posting in these.
>> No. 41380
Sticky would be even better.

Also, soon this will be the 11th Robb thread to be linked to ED. How does that make you feel Robb?
>> No. 41381
File 134215168853.jpg - (275.84KB , 701x911 , Untitled.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robb's "please I'm just a helpless poor tranny getting undeserved h8 :CCC" posts always make me think of this.
>> No. 41382
File 134215329562.jpg - (85.99KB , 375x500 , road-cow.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And like that, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles went on an epic journey to find a bigger lolcow, someone who might serve to appease the mighty Seanieb's wrath. A cackling wrath known to bring pain to the people it targets.
It will be a difficult journey through the streets of Philadelphia, alone without his Wolverines to back him up but he knows that somewhere there's someone more retarded than him.
He will pass through grueling trials, brutal fights, days without using the Internet, men lusting after him. Who knows what the dreaded city awaits for the powerful wraith.

"Someone must be more of a drooling retard than I am. At least I know that. I'm sure of that." Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles thought to himself; now motivated by a righteous will that called to his heart

'You are not the biggest imbecile this side of Philly, Robert'.

That's how Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's journey for the most EBIN LOLCOW :DDD begins...
>> No. 41384
>Final chance guys. :)
Robert, exactly three months ago, in the very first thread.
>> No. 41385
Honstly i'm afraid he will commit sucide...
>> No. 41386
his ego's too big for that
>> No. 41387
I agree this may have went too far, I fear for his safety and mental health at this late stage.
>> No. 41389
read >>239712
>> No. 41390
>> No. 41391
>you guys started trolling
/cwc/ did something? when did this happen?

>people who deserved it

>there are the people you should be trying to ruin
/cwc/ is not your personal "wolverines"
>> No. 41392
What time does the Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles-the-retard show start tonight.
>> No. 41393
Please archive this thread
>> No. 41394
So where are those Jordman cocks, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 41395
I'm fapping, please continue.
>> No. 41396
Can we get this colossal thread of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles archived yet?
>> No. 41397
Could someone please archive this thread?
>> No. 41398
Why is this not arcived?
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