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File 134227334710.jpg - (78.64KB , 398x599 , 398px-Jordan.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
41399 No. 41399
So where are those epic Jordman cocks, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles? I thought you were going to deliver earth shattering new proof that Jordman was a way bigger lolcow than you that would make us forget all about you and in turn get some of your threads on /L/ deleted?

So where's the beef?
Expand all images
>> No. 41400
  Where's the beef, Robb?

You promised us cocks
>> No. 41401
File 134227445929.png - (266.36KB , 499x366 , bmc.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Where are our big beefy cocks?
>> No. 41402
Robbay is too busy serving Big Macs at one of America's top corporations to deliver cocks.
>> No. 41403

>> No. 41404
As a person well acquainted with Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. She won't deliver at all. She promised Harel that the wiki would go down and all the trolls arrested. The way shit has gone: Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles won't be able to bring it to court at all. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has ruined the chance for this to be an investigation and has no more sympathy from the trans community of Phila.
>> No. 41405

Wait has something happened behing the scenes? Do you have any other information? Did Rob have some sort of big plan to take us all out at once?
>> No. 41406
File 134233542668.jpg - (74.62KB , 600x899 , l.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So his plan was to dox "us" and have everyone charged with cyber bullying? Oh weaksauce.

Get the carpet ready, I've never been to Philly but I hear it has a nice bridge
>> No. 41407

Nothing's happened beyong the scenes. I was just saying that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles doesn't deliver on what she promises ever. She promised ADF that the trolls would be locked up and the wiki OBLIVERATEed. That didn't happen. She promised that 789chan would be OBLIVERATEed by the wraith. This post stands contrary to that. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is just a terrible human being who uses bullying to get what he wants.
>> No. 41408
Big plan? This is Robert Wayne Stiles we're talking about. Just reading his posts convinces me that he's incapable of any kind of plan. Introman called it. Just Robert being his usual idiotic self.
>> No. 41409
>> No. 41410
Who is the "she" you reference in this post?
>> No. 41411
>> No. 41412
File 134237714849.jpg - (27.86KB , 604x453 , jordan1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Jordman's current profile pic
>> No. 41413
File 134237719795.png - (50.27KB , 518x683 , jordan14.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Jordman bawwwing about surrendering his driver's license
>> No. 41414
Is Jordman actually LiquidMr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 41415
File 134237772658.jpg - (45.35KB , 343x453 , jordan2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Swingset, swingset, up and go the willy winds
>> No. 41416
File 13423777896.jpg - (60.08KB , 336x595 , jordan3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
From this year's dyke march
>> No. 41417
File 134237784061.jpg - (118.95KB , 960x720 , jordan4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Another dyke march pic WTF?
>> No. 41418
File 134237789069.jpg - (134.98KB , 625x901 , jordan5.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
They let this moving violation on the stage
>> No. 41419
File 134237793334.jpg - (22.02KB , 505x686 , jordan6.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Attention whore
>> No. 41420
File 134237799685.jpg - (58.30KB , 720x960 , jordan7.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What, he has friends?
>> No. 41421
File 134237805976.jpg - (33.14KB , 540x960 , jordan8.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A "beautiful womyn"?
>> No. 41422
File 134237810564.jpg - (18.10KB , 345x448 , jordan9.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I can't believe Jordman is next to a niggo
>> No. 41423
File 134237813927.jpg - (88.47KB , 960x540 , jordan10.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41424
File 134237818273.jpg - (12.02KB , 320x240 , jordan11.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This just in, Jordman is an alcoholic. Also, isn't that the fat transpanther
>> No. 41425
File 134237821076.jpg - (44.07KB , 540x960 , jordan12.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What is this, cosplay?
>> No. 41426
File 134237824188.jpg - (38.28KB , 720x405 , jordan13.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Morris Home?
>> No. 41427
These are really crappy cocks, Mr. Stiles. You're still far more hilarious than Jordman could ever try to be, although you both are pathetically ugly
>> No. 41428
A tranny making fun of a tranny for being a tranny? oh wow
>> No. 41429
I am not impressed :(

A disappointment Robert, but not a surprise.
>> No. 41430
The funniest part is this pig boy looks more convincing as a woman than Bob.
>> No. 41431
Obviously not Stiles posting any of this.
>> No. 41432
Could you please go read Jordman's piece about surrendering his driver's license. He thinks its going to threaten his tugboat and he's super paranoid about it.
>> No. 41433

But it is me!!!
>> No. 41434

I am woman hear me roar!!
>> No. 41435
File 134238606667.jpg - (328.46KB , 2048x829 , Uglytrannies.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here they are side by side.
>> No. 41436
File 134238638698.gif - (1.26MB , 482x362 , introman.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I hope you remember what we talked about, Robert. It would be such a shame if you decided to pretend this never happened.

I'm waiting Robert.
>> No. 41437
>> No. 41439
File 134239283549.png - (17.06KB , 116x148 , 116px-DePaul_U_Seal_svg.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Implying that a Catholic school like DePaul wasn't trolling you
>Implying that lolcows and schizophrenic fatmen are ganging up to troll you
Sup Robby,
What happened to the dossiers Delaware Valley gave you? Didn't your true and honest detectives prove that DePaul University-Chicago was trolling you?
>> No. 41440
File 13423943465.jpg - (77.21KB , 411x700 , liquidrika.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm going to just leave this here everyone. A /cwc/ troll contacted me a few days claiming that this horrifying creature is Liquid Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Now, I know this is unfounded but I can narrow a few things down.

Since Jordman "claims" he posted anonymously on here and since the people of Transway no longer post on here, I can only assume the trolls dox are correct.

The troll claimed he knows Liquid in real life but will not verify otherwise. Anyways, enjoy the cock of what this hideous, stalking transvestite freak really looks like. Even I pass better than him.
>> No. 41441
Oh and if anyone else here is fed up with the asshole staff, any of the ADF stonecutters or just assholes on /cwc/ in general feel free to dox the hell out of them. Together we can get rid of them real easily.
>> No. 41442

>I can only assume the trolls dox are correct.

Wow, you really never learn, do you?


So now you're asking us to dox people here for you? Why the fuck would we do that?
>> No. 41443
So really, you were hoping to use some (pretty lame, if they're even genuine) cocks to try and unite us under your banner or some stupid shit?



You really thought that would work?

>> No. 41444
NYPA, dumbass. NYPA.
>> No. 41445

>Even I pass better than him.

You really don't though.
>> No. 41446

Realize I NEVER said they were correct. Even if they're not, they're fucking hilarious anyway. Especially for someone who thinks they are me.

As for why, you don't realize how much butthurt and hatred festers in 789chan's underbelly. There are others who want this site gone, they just need to crawl out of the woodwork. I'm giving them an oppurtunity and all expense paid lawyer and now an empathetic police chief to make this work.
>> No. 41447
Wow, so this is your master plan Introman spoke of?

I'm surprised, I actually thought it would be bett-- no, no I didn't. I in all good conscience cannot lie about that.
>> No. 41449

>There are others who want this site gone

Is this mere speculation on your part, or have you had first-hand communication with such people?

More importantly, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, why do you believe that posting some Facebook pictures attached to mocking captions will suddenly allow your plan to harm 789chan to succeed, after all of your past attempts at causing the same effect have failed?
>> No. 41450

Many despise LiquidRìka for being an uptight prick so I just gave you an oppurtunity to use shit against him. He can't dispute this cock as much as I can prove it, and the dox I were given seem very legit.

And yes, LiquidRìka has been confirmed for Buttmad Tranny, even on here.
>> No. 41451
We already knew LiquidMr. Robert Wayne Stiles was a tranny.

This is not news.
>> No. 41452
>Many despise LiquidRìka for being an uptight prick

Well yeah, but Liquid's just obnoxious. You, on the other hand, are fucking hilarious. Even this "master plan" has succeeded in making us laugh. So don't ever stop being you, Robb.
>> No. 41453

>so I just gave you an oppurtunity to use shit against him

A random picture you got from somebody here on /cwc/? You're an idiot. Give us these legit seeming dox then.
>> No. 41454

Persuade me to do that instead of yelling, ok?
>> No. 41455
Ahahaha. This.

Robert, you egotistical fuck, you're delusional.
>> No. 41456
File 134239752778.jpg - (225.72KB , 629x354 , irabu_2_newslong.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Troll gives you secret dox
>hideous, stalking transvestite freak
>Make 789 personal army
>Coup against management
>Get your dox taken down

>>What did I just read?
Uh bro, just remember it's not my fault your life sucks. I just helped you get a bit of visibility.

Still, if you're that hilariously mad at me and doxing me and my adorable cat makes you feel better, then by all means, you're welcome to your revenge.
>> No. 41457

Persuade you to what, do something that you think is going to help your situation? Do you want somebody to go after liquid or not? Please yell too.
>> No. 41458

Realize you're being trolled again you dumb shit. But please, do keep talking to this underground /cwc/ resistance movement, it should turn out pretty funny.
>> No. 41459
I will join this underground resistance movement if you post nudes.
>> No. 41460
Well to be fair, those are true and honest pictures.

I'm just not sure he can use them to get the coup and revenge in his manifesto. Maybe if he just keeps posting dox...
>> No. 41461

I wholly support this.
>> No. 41462
What managment is he talking about? 789chans? No one here wants to ursup seanie's throne.

However killing Homor I can get behind.
>> No. 41463
File 134239904540.jpg - (31.93KB , 425x648 , liquid1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More Liquid. Pre-hormones
>> No. 41464
File 134239909871.jpg - (35.13KB , 448x631 , ;iquid2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Post hormones. He looks even worse than Jordman's attempts at passing.
>> No. 41465
Does Robbie really expect people to think he's anything other than a man with a manly jaw?
>> No. 41466
>implying those pics are real
>implying those aren't two separate pics of real girls
>> No. 41467
lol @ Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's tryhard fail personal army requests
>> No. 41469
File 134239955317.gif - (22.49KB , 85x250 , Ashkofxii.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Post hormones. He looks even worse than Jordman's attempts at passing.
Done posting pics of my cat and me already? If you can't up your game and throw out more dox, you aren't going to get your revenge.

Do you at least have my name and address? Without them you'll never be able to sue me or anything.
>> No. 41470
Lindsay Hoffman?
>> No. 41471
You really are the worst tripfag here, you know. Fucking avatarfag dipshit. You're ugly as fuck too, almost as bad as Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 41472
Throw dagon in on that as well.
>> No. 41474
Everyone here hates him, but what the fuck do you want us to do? Just drop his dox.
>> No. 41475
See this.

>> No. 41476
stop fucking around already and get to the point, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. ffs.
>> No. 41478
If you drop the dox, people on a board of about 40 people will stop calling you a man. You win at the internet, I guess. 40 people will stop calling you a man. Then all you'll have to deal with is about 4 billion who think you're a man.
>> No. 41479
We're not going to stop calling him a man. His ultimate goal seems to get Sean to take down threads on /L/, and getting users here to dox the mods, neither of which will ever happen.

I still kind of think LiquidMr. Robert Wayne Stiles is Jordman. He sure would get bent the fuck out of shape every time someone called him that, and tried to imply they were all Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, when half the board was calling him that. If he is, he's just going along with these pics because they aren't him.
>> No. 41481
File 134240164992.png - (1.03MB , 1280x5980 , stupidrobb.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Look Robb, I know learning isn't your strong suit, so I'll just post a picture of what happened the last time YOU tried to get an imageboard to be your PA. Now note the responses you got. Not positive, are they? And those are from people who just met you online for the first time. Keep in mind, we know your idiocy here. Now just keep reading the picture over and over again. See, you can learn!
>> No. 41482
Sweet like the meat that I beat, thanks for posting this. I forgot to save it during the original thread.
>> No. 41484
I can only note that Jordman is especially fond of that particular King of Fighters and asked on TWO occasions if I had it for PS3. I don't even know who sent me the photos so you might possibly be right that Megabrow is the one impersonating me.

And that was definitely Jordman's work on /MLP/ as I always use a trip code. He also gets fucking butthurt whenever things don't go his way. If anything that cow in drag is trying to frame me.
>> No. 41485
My fucking sides! Robb, I think you should seriously consider seeing a neurologist. Your brain is deteriorating at a pretty rapid rate for 24 years old.
>> No. 41486
stop being a blowhard and post the dox you lollygagging homosexual deviant
>> No. 41487
File 134240235895.jpg - (20.57KB , 640x480 , JohanLiebert62.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I'll throw in his dox too.
>NO cleavage
Just because I don't need tits to rock doesn't mean a hairy, unhygienic, Woody Allen look alike like you has the high ground to talk about looks. I'm not going to get bent out of shape by you posting a few old pics when nothing bad will come out of them.

Only way you could hurt me is if you doxed me and did something to harm my job, property or cat. And know what? If you haven't dropped my dox so I'm starting to think you're all talk.

If you don't want this to be another one of you pathetic failures, then you'd better find more stuff to throw.
>> No. 41488
So what ever happened to the epic Jordman cocks you were going to get us? That was supposed to be the deal for getting Sean to consider removing threads on /L/, not some bullshit pics that probably aren't even Liquidhomosexual deviant, an epic ween wannabe troll avatarfag that most people here don't give two shits about.
>> No. 41489
>> No. 41490
Actually, it would be pretty entertaining if Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles turned the tables on Liquid Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. After all, ADF turning the tables on Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is how we got here in the first place, and look how much fun that turned out to be.
>> No. 41491
Well, it would be somewhat lulzy, considered how much of a maligned fag LiquidNigger is here, but Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is stalling so much with the dox that we are going to stop caring pretty soon, if most of us ever did at all. You better deliver or just forget it all together, he isn't important enough for us to do your bidding for his dox, but if you post them you might make things easier for yourself here and at least redeem yourself a slight modicum in the userbase's eyes.

But even then, we don't know if what he has is legit. Ho-hum, this is getting boring, Rob. Put up or shut up.
>> No. 41492

>> No. 41494
File 13424034067.png - (147.22KB , 1600x1200 , law for kids 001.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles and LiquidMr. Robert Wayne Stiles, see attached image. The True and Honest Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, being I, has spoken.

Leave before I double-dox the pair of you.

Stay trans-sharp,
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 41495
>Lolcows plot to make you get naked
>Dox selves to trap you
>convoluted plot
You're going the wrong way about your conspiracy theories.
The stonecutters probably gave you my pics. You could probably get the rest of my dox and get your revenge if you weren't a coward.

You'll never take up their offer, you'll miss out on the dox and you'll have just made a fool of yourself.
>> No. 41496
Definetly Jordman.
>> No. 41497
all right i officially dont care anymore. thanks anyway, guise.
>> No. 41498
I just want some dox. I don't care whose they are.

Is your body too gross to post nudes of? Maybe one of us should get you drunk and gangbang you with a few of our friends like with PT.
>> No. 41499
Look Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, Sean and everyone else have said, all you have to do is post nudes here, and they will delete every thread on you from the site. What's the big deal anyway? We just want one or two shots of you, full body, with cock visible. It's not a huge request. We're all bored with LiquidNigface's potential dox now, you fucked around too long. But you could kill two birds with one stone, you could get all your threads removed, and get your nemesis LiquidFagfuck's dox for all to see by just posting a couple of nudes for us. You seem to be pretty confident in your beauty and your body, so what's the big deal? No employeers are ever going to google you, so it really wouldn't matter one bit. Maybe someone in Philly will even see them and decide they want to hook up with you, be it a man or a woman, which ever you are into right now.
>> No. 41500
Fuck, I hope Jordman is LiquidMr. Robert Wayne Stiles because I want to see a tranny fight.
>> No. 41501
>Even I pass better than him.

>> No. 41502
File 134241110823.jpg - (78.38KB , 752x522 , 1319519181211.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Stay down nigga. Fuck sake, you keep getting up to taunt us we are going to have to keep knocking you down. It's getting boring. First you sell out your friends, then you try to e-bully the trolls (hilarious) and now you just can't seem to stop coming around.
>> No. 41503
>Even I pass better than him.

Uh, no. This person looks like a tomboy. Even if it's a little mannish-looking it's still doing a better job than you, ADF, and Jordman put together.
>> No. 41504
I'm amazed that Robert hasn't take the nudes offer.
I guess even he retains some common sense. Too bad is only on something that you can recover from if you aren't a skeleton on a dress with terrible health habits AND a manchild.

Also, wow Liquid. I knew you were a homosexual deviant but this >>240760. Just wow, you can't possibly look faggier than this.
>> No. 41505
Looks like a less gay Tom FAPPINGTON.
>> No. 41506
Back on topic; you posting jordman cocks or what? All I've seen is you pulling a stunt like cwc in "Aussie Dossie".
>> No. 41507
If that really is liquid than she passes very well. I don't get Robs logic about calling out other trans as not passing when in some of the more distant photos with better clothes Jordman passes better than Rob.

But yeah if that's liquid than props for an actual transformation and not just a sexist mockery of femininity that Rob seems to think is normal.
>> No. 41508
>> No. 41509
So, I posted this to get an estimate of how many butthurt trannies frequent the board. Like, not just trannies, but the humorless angry ones that have ruined so many threads.

It's gotten two new dislikes since then, so maybe just two.
>> No. 41510
Why do we even have to pick sides here?

ADF doesn't pass.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles doesn't pass.
Jordman doesn't pass (and looks fucking ridiculous in all of those pictures.
Liquid might pass, but still looks quite ugly.

Why try to make one feel worse by building up the others? They're all terrible. Absolutely terrible.
>> No. 41511

Why you hating, Robb? While you are on here whining about your sad life. One of the stonecutters, Trey Pepe, is making money off of music videos. Like Chris Chan, whom you and ADF claimed to be so much better than, you both got trolled by a 13 year old boy.
>> No. 41512
So what's your relation to Lindsay Hoffmann/Liquid Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 41513
Is.this a joke? Rob you are on parole. Stop stirring shit up and keep your fucking head tucked like that tiny dick of yours. Yes, we all know it's tiny. Adf talks...
>> No. 41514

Last time I talked to lindsay hoffman was 4 months ago. The stonecutters didn't give Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles those pictures or any pictures for the matter of fact. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles probably used the Robert Sechs facebook to do some snooping. The slimy fuck known as the wraith is addicted to revenge and wants to get it anyway possible. Even if it makes him look like an ass. I talked to Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles on facebook for six months and I had to deal with this shit on a constant basis. At least on 789chan Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles takes a bow every once in a while.
>> No. 41515
Liquid looked rather good as a man and isn't an ugly women. He's not hot, but he isn't ugly

Hi Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. We aren't "picking sides" just stating the obvious
>> No. 41516
How can he be Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles if he said Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles didnt pass for a woman? Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's ego is way too huge for that.
>> No. 41517
He has admitted on several occasions that he doesn't pass and that his voice sucks. His entire ego is invested in being epic ween, which is ironic as hell
>> No. 41518
Oh yeah, ADF did mention that his pinky finger and Robb's dick could be twins
>> No. 41519
Pinky toe actually.
>> No. 41520
  Looks like Robb and Negi share something in common.
>> No. 41521
She seems nice, unlike that racist robbie...
>> No. 41522
This isn't what you promised us Robbay. These cocks are limp and unsatisfying. You told up you'd have fresh, clean Jordman cocks and all you've provided us with is a few sad pictures and nothing else. This isn't what we wanted.

Robbay, you'll be here forever, you'll never leave the 789chan. You're ours forever. We love you Robbay. ROBBAAAAAYY!!
>> No. 41523
Does the girl in the pic have cats in an acuarium?
>> No. 41524
God, you're a dumb fuck. those are pics of an good looking guy and an avarge looking girl.
>> No. 41525
That looks like a turtle.
>> No. 41526
It's a turtle and a rock.

Not a healthy set up for a turtle though. If they're in water at all times they'll get shell rot. If that is liquid he/she is a terrible pet owner if nothing else.
>> No. 41527
>and they will delete every thread on you from the site.
and start new ones, with extra photos
>> No. 41528
Some snapping turtles require enough room to swim around. She could take it out and let it dry off a bit. She could have two tanks. We dont know
>> No. 41531
File 134243344174.jpg - (50.79KB , 720x540 , Robb statue BJ.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
According to Robb, both ADF and Jordman made googly eyes at him and flirted with him when he was friends with them. He claimed that Jordman did that more than ADF did. I don't know if this actually happened or if Robb was full of shit as usual. Regardless, it still is funny to mention.
>> No. 41532
I'm sure that someone asked this already but do mtf trannies get fat on purpose to have tits?
>> No. 41533
Other way around. Many of them start on hormones because they think it'll make them prettier. If they're satisfied with the results their confidence improves, and as a result their health and eating habits, and they lose weight.

The vast majority end up with the equivalent of a giant face tattoo they can never remove, angrily swearing behind their decision, and calling anyone who finds their appearance comical a bigot.
>> No. 41534
>they can never remove
You mean the effect won't be reversed even if they stop taking hormones?
>> No. 41535
That depends on how long hormones were used but the little boobies tend to stay which is kinda cool.
>> No. 41536
He's actually just on probation, parole would be if he did time in a state CC and was released, which hasn't happened.
>> No. 41538
File 134245325432.png - (158.39KB , 458x262 , thetruthaboutrobbay.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41539
Robby jerks it to that image.
>> No. 41540
I'm really really late, but the person in this pic passes as female and I consider him/her cute.

For real.
>> No. 41541
File 134246298573.jpg - (56.15KB , 476x342 , Hitler happy 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>As for why, you don't realize how much butthurt and hatred festers in 789chan's underbelly. There are others who want this site gone, they just need to crawl out of the woodwork. I'm giving them an oppurtunity and all expense paid lawyer and now an empathetic police chief to make this work.
Just dropping by to say that if no one wants you/your site taken down NOW NOW NOW then you have failed as a troll.

So it seems we've done well, great. Keep on trollshielding, Robbie-boy.

For those wondering; Yes, Robbie does have an actual lawyer. How could anyone be as insane as to work with Robbie, the biggest lolcow of 2012? He's got da 'tism. Seriously. Not as in "Haha, what a tard, bet he's a sperg as well" but as in "He has legitimate Asperger's Syndrome".

Posting pictures of an ugly tranny doesn't make you any less what you are: another ugly tranny. Yeah. And a quick reminder. It's only five months since you said you'd take this site down the first time. So chop chop, old fella.
>> No. 41542
My God.

We really will need Robert Ford Esq. afterall. Pro bono of course.
>> No. 41543
File 134247549324.jpg - (309.53KB , 960x1280 , these are the shoes I will use in the court.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Image related; It's Robb's lawyer.
>> No. 41544
he Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles can you post the your lawyers commercial. I'm sure he has one cause no legitimate lawyer would waste his time or your money with this shit.

think about there is some ambulance chaser get payed to read this right now. I bet he got dollar signs in his eyes ,like in cartoons, when robay walked through the door. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is such a lolcow he is paying people to troll him
>> No. 41545
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles was told numerous times to stop comming here and sperging out. So when we laugh at him for doing so he calls a lawyer. Only in america.
>> No. 41546
Accountability? WTF is that?
>> No. 41548
  >Lawyer: Mrs. Robert, when I grow up, I want to be a lolcow just like you.
>Robert: Good for you son. If there's one thing Philadelphia needs, it's trannies. Can you imagine a world without trannies?
>> No. 41549
>> No. 41550
I would be ready to bet Robert tried to call Saul.
>> No. 41551
File 134249630687.jpg - (94.63KB , 640x410 , vc007266.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Empathetic police chief?
>> No. 41552
Would it really be that hard to find out who his lawyer is? I mean I doubt that there are very many autistic lawyers around and probably only on in the Filly area.
>> No. 41553
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has asperger syndrome? Geez I'm feeling regret for trolling now.
>> No. 41554
File 134250053543.jpg - (744.74KB , 3000x1885 , Untitled.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
-Realize I NEVER said they were correct. Even if they're not, they're fucking hilarious anyway. Especially for someone who thinks they are me.

-As for why, you don't realize how much butthurt and hatred festers in 789chan's underbelly. There are others who want this site gone, they just need to crawl out of the woodwork. I'm giving them an oppurtunity and all expense paid lawyer and now an empathetic police chief to make this work.
Replying to this post.


These racist shitheads here are really afraid of us doxing them and for a reason, because our team is so efficient it will crush racism & fascism immediately where it decides to rear its ugly head.

First racist nazi bonehead doxed. If you Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles want to help, give us all info you have:

>> No. 41555
"Invisibly disabled"?... I used to not give two shits about transgendered people, but now I have prejudice against their kind when there was none before. It probably isn't fair but now that I think about it, for every legitimate person who probably is "transgendered", I have to believe there are god knows how many more that are in nothing more than glorified phases to desperately convince themselves they're special.

Now that I pay more attention, these people celebrate new words, labels, terms, and other bullshit, and it's all predicated on inventing new ways to convince the world around them that they're helpless, they need coddling and extra-special treatment, and most of all: sympathy. That's it. That's what this transgendered shit is all about and I bet most of them apply for state and federal disability benefits too. When it's not that, it's picking fights with people over terms like "cis this" or "cis that" and inventing confrontations to convince themselves they're super-special underdogs who should be treated differently because they are different, disabled, depressed, but amazing on the inside.

These are nothing more than the losers from high school that other losers picked on and never got over it.
>> No. 41556
>These are nothing more than the losers from high school that other losers picked on and never got over it.
It's funny because Robb compared the trolls to his highschool bullies.
>> No. 41557
Totally true. The reason why dismorphia needs to be diagnosed is to determine if it's real or if it's linked to personality disorders like hystrionic pd or narcissistic pd. It's just to the point where if a doctor recommends treatment for the underlying disorder instead of hormones they get accused of being cis scum. It's now easier to just give them hormones and let the trans community deal with the crazies instead of having that same community jump on them for not handing out hormones to everyone who comes in saying they are the wrong gender.
>> No. 41558
File 134250327278.png - (2.45MB , 1009x11200 , 133575236534.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You have my thanks, you humble vigilante. If you want to talk money, contact me outside of here and I'll gladly fund you in this pursuit.

All I have is a group of IP addresses from when me and a friend cracked 789chan but sadly, the addresses have proven less than accurate. I still firmly believe that all the racist offenders like Moniker and endorsers of these trollish clowns like SeanieB are within the general vicinity of their IPs.
>> No. 41560
Lol rob calling others racist.
>> No. 41561
So you want the threads taken down and thus provide us with a screen cap of what you want pulled. Way to think things out there Robert.
>> No. 41562
How to contact?
>> No. 41563

Give me your email and I'll contact you via that. No way in hell can I post my email on here. I've had every webspace I own completely violated otherwise.
>> No. 41564
What the fuck is all this shit? Has someone seriously doxed Zyklon? This smells like someone just fucking with Robbay even more to me. Maybe it is legit, if so, that's pretty crazy. I have no idea why anyone would ever want to help out a horrible human being like Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.

>me and a friend cracked 789chan

Ahahaha. Yeah fucking right. You didn't crack shit.
>> No. 41565
With an admin's blessing, for Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles:

>> No. 41566
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles I can be contacted at: [email protected]

No money needed, I bash the fash 4 free
>> No. 41567
hard to say really but looks consistent and somewhat legit - theres a lot of white knights and lurkers on this board maybe one of whom just broke out of his autistic shell after doing the detective work that Robbay failed to do
>> No. 41568
Well, that YouTube account has a Sonichu drawing, for whatever that is worth.
>> No. 41569
If you did indeed succeed in doxing Zyklon, I can tell you that you probably just opened a can of worms that isn't going to close so easily.. I wouldn't expect him and the other people he associates with would take this without some retaliation, and many of them are quite adept at doxing people. Hell, most of our userbase is, we know how to do the kind of detective work that most people like Robbay are to dense to figure out.
>> No. 41570
And, also, if it really is his dox, there isn't a whole lot you can do with what appears to be a rarely used YT account, a banned DA, and a name, especially when he is in a country that probably houses nearly zero SJ idiots or people wanting revenge against trolls.
>> No. 41571
Yeah, I mean, even with what he has, not a goddamn thing is ever going to be done with it. It's not even enough to really do anything with anyway. Rob still doesn't understand he can't fucking extradite anyone for trolling his dumb ass. Only the federal government can extradite citizens of other countries to face charges in the US, and that is only done for very serious, federal offenses. It will never happen for people reposting information that is freely available to the public.

So I really don't know what you SJ retarded Nigger Coalition or whatever you call yourself think you have accomplished with all this, but it isn't going to amount to jack shit.
>> No. 41573
Robert is just jealous because Zyklon is a True and Honest hot chick and not some neckbearded fatty in the basement as he said. Know what, Robb? Not all troll to boost their ego. Some do it because it is fun.
>> No. 41574
get in the chat robbie
>> No. 41575
Sure. And forgive my lack of tech-savvy, but why is he so hung up on getting IPs? What could he actually do with them?
>> No. 41576
I'm confused, is this Robbie pretending one of the other trolling targets has leapt to his cause, or are these tumblr idiots as stupid as Robbie?
>> No. 41577
File 134250551214.jpg - (45.03KB , 800x588 , Hitler thinking.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh shit, I'm so fucked.

Better follow Robb's example and make a DMCA thread followed by an ED article and 11 another threads.

Wait a minute. That's not right...

Oh, now I recall: Come at me bro
>> No. 41578

Still, now I know you're just a piss ass ugly tranny who has NO right to be calling out anyone for not passing. That alone makes me feel fucking wonderful.
>> No. 41579
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles http://tinychat.com/interrobang987
>> No. 41581
File 13425061925.jpg - (99.15KB , 1280x1024 , errpr.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41582
> I feel better cause I'm sooooo prettty like a unique butterfly.
Never change Robert
>> No. 41584

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, I made you a mod in the TC room. Keep that in mind if you ever manage to load it.
>> No. 41586
File 134250669422.jpg - (12.59KB , 190x190 , Houro.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So brah, whatever happened to all the dox dropping and revenge? I can sit here and egg you on all day because I know you're too much of a looser to do what you need to get my dox.

Make this another one of your fiascos and people might start to think the wraith is all talk. You wouldn't want to loose the last bit of netcred you've got now would you?
>> No. 41587
I'unno, 7.5. Solid seven. Weak eight. Would fuck.

2/10. Seriously. I know you are incapable of introspection but jesus christ. Would not fuck.
>> No. 41588
Oh irony.
You are way to ugly to be throwing that insult around.
>> No. 41589
Zyklon actually looks pretty good. You, on the other hand, look like Gollum on a bad day.
>> No. 41590
My god Robbie you are so pathetic. Please leave the internets forever.
>> No. 41591
Robert is jealous cuz Zyklon totes manages to pull off that "badass warrior woman" Robert wants to be.
>> No. 41592
File 134250869429.jpg - (43.60KB , 532x368 , lolcow and the troll.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Still, now I know you're just a piss ass ugly tranny who has NO right to be calling out anyone for not passing. That alone makes me feel fucking wonderful.
It's time for /cwc/'s very own "HOT OR NOT".
>> No. 41593
isn't that picture supposed to be torture device?
>> No. 41594
Eh, Zyklon looks like a SIF with bad skin. Robbie might look better from the back.
>> No. 41595
File 134250937830.jpg - (717.70KB , 1365x2048 , Rika_25.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Robbie might look better from the back.
Nah, Robbie lacks curves. It must be pretty obvious he's a terrible tranny, no matter where you look from.
>> No. 41596
Why does this picture of robbaaayy remind me of a carrion vulture
>> No. 41597
I was thinking exactly the same thing. It must be that creepy face he's making, trying to look sexy. But it comes off as "Hmm...there's a corpse nearby...dinner time..oh, wait, that's me."
>> No. 41598
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Buffalo Bill is just trying desperately to posture himself.
>> No. 41599

>> No. 41600
Is it bad that I find it so funny that Robb's expecting us to all troll Zyklon, and yet we don't give a shit?
>> No. 41601
So now there is a fat, ugly tranny war or something? And that perpetually butthurt racism school tumblr chick somehow got involved?

So lost.
>> No. 41602
I think it went something like this:
>Robb begs help to DOX his trolls
>Tumblr SJ fag gets mad because Zyklon is a nazi
>Robert expect his trolls to be ugly nerds and /cwc/ turning against them immediately
>Turns out Zyklon is an attractive woman and Robert is still a lolcow
Something like that.
>> No. 41603
Seems about right to me
>> No. 41604
>I love how it's all about the looks game with lonely people who stare at Chris Chan's fuckin face all day. You think you can provoke me now just by talking shit about my personal apperance since you can't be EPIC trolls anymore. Well, I'd hate to see what people like Mr. Laajakaista from Finland looks like considering this site is run by fat manchildren like Brackeen, Jengatype and Homor.
Good, actually! You could ask Zyklon for a few tips!

But that's alright Robb even if you're the ugliest user in /cwc/ personality still matter.

Oh wait, I forgot you're paranoid bipolar backstabbing pile of shit. Sucks to be you Robb.
>> No. 41605
But she's only pretending to be a nazi. It's like getting mad at a Character played by Sacha Cohen.
Real nazi are lulzcows who usually end up trolling thrmselves. Also they tend to be poor white trash, prone to tism.
>> No. 41606
>Real nazi are lulzcows who usually end up trolling thrmselves. Also they tend to be poor white trash, prone to tism.
And vice versa, people really mad at them are just as bad. Remember, you're dealing with a tumblr SJ fag. To them, ever uttering the word "nigger" is about as bad as personally murdering six trillion jewish babies with a rusty meat hook.

Digging nazis? About as bad as six million holocausts all at once.
>> No. 41607
And Robert compared his suffering to holocaust and claimed Zyklon denies the holocaust. I don't know, guess Robert believes everything that makes the trolls worse than him in his own imaginary world.
>> No. 41608
So... Zyklon's a chick? Because that looks like a chick, not a tranny.
>> No. 41609
Robbert you Idiot. That name doesn't work unless you acknowledge that jews were gassed. That would be like calling yourself guillotine to mock the french free thinkers and not acknowledging the mass executions that followed.
>> No. 41613
File 134251854262.jpg - (32.54KB , 732x575 , Rika_66.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Glass houses, Robb...
>> No. 41615
It's funny because he doesn't realize that his looks aren't the most humorous thing about him, nor that we are really outraged by him being a tranny. Nobody is jealous, nobody has transphobia, nobody really cares that he barely resembles a female. We only keep bringing it up because it seems to make him go into a rage every single time.
>> No. 41616
The very definition of lolcow. Robb should be proud.
>> No. 41617
It's weird how Robb manages to be incredibly insecure and have a colossal ego at the same time.
>> No. 41618
And that's what makes this latest development so amusing. The SJ twats are so hung up on looking for hatred to root out that they don't realize why we're bagging on Robbie in the first place. Shows how knee-jerk these tumblr types are, too. But if you have to invent issues to further your cause, I guess misdirection only comes natural.
>> No. 41619

God damn! If you're going to go trannie at least look good! Or, AT LEAST WASH YOUR FUCKING GREASY HAIR YOU TARD!
>> No. 41620
Rob replying to your posts is like getting to talk to Chris himself. Quality shit. I love it.
>> No. 41621
I DO NOT KNOW WHY I would expect ANY woman to be Attracted to drool over me, IN PUBLIC except for the fact that I am HandsomeBeautiful.
>> No. 41622
I love this, the trannies are trolling one another for us.
>> No. 41624
That's how Robb was discovered and Robb trolling begun: By him making a trollshielding attack page against another tranny. Has he learned anything? Hah, not in a million years.

It is the circle of tranny butthurt. As it was in the beginning, both now, and always, and to the ages of ages.
>> No. 41625
File 134254885948.gif - (1.83MB , 200x200 , 1339983328624.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wait, wait, Zyklon is a tranny?

My whole perception of things is being shattered. Next you're gonna tell me introMAN was born a woman.
>> No. 41626
>Wait, wait, Zyklon is a tranny?
>> No. 41627
This post.
>> No. 41628
I know, but I can't see the tranny part. Zyklon looks pretty True and Honest girl to me. That death metal idontknow looks more masculine, but corpse paint, photoshop and a coat covering up the curves does that, I guess.
>> No. 41629

I don't get it, are deathwisher and kombat unit supposed to be the same person?
>> No. 41630
According to that one forum Zyklon's gender is/was male.
>> No. 41631

If that's kombat unit on the right then that's definitely zyklon, he's used that name before, but how does deathwisher fit into it?
>> No. 41632
File 134255148648.jpg - (63.86KB , 344x344 , PicsArt_1339705673228.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Zyklon plis, are you a dick or a cunt? Let us know, close the debate. I prefer have fun over robbie stupidity than guessing your gender.
>> No. 41633
File 134255150539.jpg - (38.34KB , 536x501 , MYLARPCOSTUME.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Yes Zyklon, why don't you tell us about your motivations for your racism and discrimination? Why have you tormented me endlessly other than for reasons of fascist hate and possibly jealously and dislike of cis people when they sneer at you. Too take your hatred on those who struggle from the same illness as you is utterly dispicable.

Thank you Mr./Ms. SJ vigilante for making this an equal playing field between an army of anonymous hate mongers. Also as an added bonus let me show you that Vladislav is an active participant in denying the holocaust and I'm sure, now that we have his name we can find him responsible for other anti semetic activities.


(Don't even try to DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING, Zyklon because it's already been screen cap'd)
>> No. 41634
You're pathetic Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.

More please.

You too SJ Nazi.
>> No. 41635
Oh Robb. Your lack of reading comprehension never ceases to amuse the hell out of us. As I've said before: don't ever stop being you!
>> No. 41636
Because, you know, there is just one person on the internet who chosed Zyklon as nickname.
>> No. 41637
File 134255215031.jpg - (73.33KB , 454x600 , laughing ss.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Deathwisher is an old nick I used. And yes, I am a True and Honest woman with Breasts, Vaginas, Uterus, Ovaries and the God-Given Eggs within them. I'm used to using "male" as gender on forums. If you scroll up and read "would fuck" debate, you probably understand why. It's very sweet of you /cwc/, but slightly distractive.

>Yes Zyklon, why don't you tell us about your motivations for your racism and discrimination
I have answered this a trillion times, but let's answer again, just for you: It's funny. Funny as fuck.

>Why have you tormented me endlessly other than for reasons of fascist hate and possibly jealously and dislike of cis people when they sneer at you.
But I'm cis sneering at trannies :3

>Too take your hatred on those who struggle from the same illness as you is utterly dispicable.
Ok. Too bad the only ones who struggle with it here are you and Liquid.

>Thank you Mr./Ms. SJ vigilante for making this an equal playing field between an army of anonymous hate mongers. Also as an added bonus let me show you that Vladislav is an active participant in denying the holocaust and I'm sure, now that we have his name we can find him responsible for other anti semetic activities.
I don't know if you're aware but Holocaust denial isn't illegal in Russia. I don't know about the states. Here police aren't exactly interested if you say bad things about da holoca$h and da joos :(. Too bad. Maybe after that whole extraditing operation?

Also I can help you with the DOX that the name is mistransliterated and should be "Vladislava". You're welcome.

>(Don't even try to DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING, Zyklon because it's already been screen cap'd)
And why would I delete that? Robb, you're the one begging for shit to get deleted.
>> No. 41638
>I don't know about the states
Nah, legal here too. Falls under the First Amendment of our constitution.
>> No. 41639
File 134255256320.png - (412.93KB , 720x726 , Thinkpol.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not in Robb's imaginary States where trolling is a hate crime.
>> No. 41640
Are you allowed to use Female pronouns when referring to you or do you wanna be gender neutral?
>> No. 41641
That's it, Robb! I've figured out the answer to all your problems. You should move to CWCville.
>> No. 41642
He wouldn't be welcome there.
>> No. 41643
File 134255305124.jpg - (114.84KB , 800x600 , 134186073839.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah Rob, you should be Chris Sweetheart!
>> No. 41644
File 134255326739.jpg - (16.25KB , 500x348 , hitler reading.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Are you allowed to use Female pronouns when referring to you or do you wanna be gender neutral?
I'm not an SJ fag so I don't really care.
>> No. 41645
Just making sure, you can't be too careful. Just gonna be odd because whenever I saw you post I imagined you as a tall, handsome Ubermensch.
>> No. 41646
File 134255362438.jpg - (24.95KB , 443x605 , Zyklonirl.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Then I'm figuring you're a woman who thinks that all gender identity is, is purely biological. That is NOT true. You can't even imagine the turmoil transgenders go through as everyone else in the LGBT community has gotten more respect than us. Homosexuality and lesbianism are embraced and welcomed here in Philly but Gender Queers have numerous opponents even in State legislation.

Vladislava, you are not only an awful person who derives laughter from the misery of others but you combine that with your worship of the holocaust and definite anti semitic motives. You're probably part of some fucking neo nazi organisation back home.
>> No. 41647
File 134255373281.jpg - (37.06KB , 640x480 , 1339652916702.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Gender Queers
>> No. 41648
I think Robbie is trollinv all of us. No one an be so much stupid.
>> No. 41649
>you are not only an awful person who derives laughter from the misery of others

Isn't that what trolling is about, Wraithlord?

Or rather, about laughing at the self-inflicted, easily-avoidable misery of others.
>> No. 41650
It would seem your attempts to rile Zyklon up are causing the opposite of the intended effect. IOW: Keep it up!
>> No. 41651
Like you give a shit about Jewish people or their history.

>> No. 41652
Do not underestimate the stupidity of The Wraith.
>> No. 41653
File 13425543267.jpg - (99.67KB , 575x356 , jolly nazis.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Then I'm figuring you're a woman who thinks that all gender identity is, is purely biological. That is NOT true.
Ever considered the possibility that you're mentally ill?

>You can't even imagine the turmoil transgenders go through as everyone else in the LGBT community has gotten more respect than us.
And I sure wonder why. boohoo, dem internet raciss roonin' muh life

>Homosexuality and lesbianism are embraced and welcomed here in Philly but Gender Queers have numerous opponents even in State legislation.
You should be glad, they aren't welcomed here. Gay Pride was just banned for a hundred years.

>Vladislava, you are not only an awful person who derives laughter from the misery of others but you combine that with your worship of the holocaust and definite anti semitic motives. You're probably part of some fucking neo nazi organisation back home.
That's...what trolling is pretty much about, laughing at people. I don't know how antisemitism has motivated this, but if you're a crypto-kike, then that's two birds with one stone. And well yeah if you didn't notice the fucking swastika then google "Slavic Union".
>> No. 41654
Why don't you just admit that the only reason you became a tranny was to try and escape from those Stargate forum members? You've said it yourself before, in case your memory needs refreshed.
>> No. 41655
i shall continue to call you bro. godspeed you turkish-russian-finnish nazi named Mr.Broadband who is actually a chick, godspeed.
>> No. 41656
Robert is just high on victory right now. Clouds the memory.

Rob tell us more about your sensitivity regarding Judaism? Do you hold the same respect for Christians or do you still hate them? How do you pick and choose when to care when you're not a mentally ill, self obsessed douche?
>> No. 41657
File 134255488921.jpg - (95.78KB , 800x365 , nazi beard bros for life.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And you will always be a bro to me.
>> No. 41658
Zyklon you're god tier. Even when you've been dox'd you don't panic, and you continue shitting all over Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 41659
Am I the only one who thinks that if this dox is correct that she's trying too hard? And this is coming from a Jew d dated a neo nazi stripper for a week just to fuck with her head. I told her I was Italian. Was funny as hell. Plus she even paid for my gas.
I'd say more, but I'm not doxing myself.
>> No. 41660

Damn Zyklon, you're pretty cute. I think you've just given Robbay something to be jealous of, you should've given him your picture months ago.
>> No. 41661
This. Why Robb will always be a failed troll. How many people here have gotten death threats online before? How many besides Robb panicked and decided to change genders because of it? Hell, no one here has even outright threatened him, and he still insists we've ruined his life. Just makes me glad the dumb bastard never learns.
>> No. 41662

Damn Zyklon, if thats you, you look pretty damn cool, unlike Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, who could chew an apple through a chain link fence
>> No. 41663

What dox is there though, all they've got is a picture of her. That isn't dox.
>> No. 41664
File 134255537326.gif - (57.07KB , 351x336 , lmao.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Plus she even paid for my gas.
>> No. 41665
In more ways than one. Country cooking doesn't agree.with me. So if anyone got gassed, it was her.
>> No. 41666
Zyklon is a cisnazi white blonde russian finnish woman troll.
She is the exact opposite of Sj faggets. She is cute and a bro.
I will probably never cross your way but god I love you.
>> No. 41667
Yes. By his logic, any person who has appeared in a YouTube video that includes his or her real name has been doxed and is therefore a subject for life ruin. And if somebody else knows your IP, then you are pretty much completely fucked.
>> No. 41668
Hey Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, since we are talking social justice and all, why are you, A MAN, picking on a WOMAN on the internet. Just smacks of bullying, sexism and an outdated concept of gender relations.
Stop trolling you sexist pig.
>> No. 41670
File 134255692817.jpg - (53.66KB , 469x316 , antifa.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
R­ika I have uncovered more info that exposes introMAN!!IuLzIzMGV1 as a misogynist and a transphobe send me an e-mail


[22:37:01] introMAN: I can make Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles in six months a lulcow funnier than adf who will produce shit.
[22:37:10] introMAN: i can make him a new cwc, but i need to set up some shit.

[22:57:42] introMAN: wear some high heels when i get to your stations , ok?
>> No. 41671
Dox me next homosexual deviant! I want a turn!
>> No. 41672
I'm a punk kid pretty big into anarcho zhit, and I just want to point out that you're a complete and utter idiot.
Instead of doing something that matters you whine about people on the internet, and even those sad fucks that do food not bombs are better then you.
an hero pls
>> No. 41673

That chat is from like eight months ago. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's warriors are grasping at straws. Does it make me a sexist that I like women who dress sexy?
>> No. 41674
Wow, I would have never known you were a chick, Zyklon. A true /cwc/ patriot through and through, AND you're hot. You're always be a bro, but damn... shit's crazy.

To these SJ retards. I don't really know what you think you're going to accomplish with this shit. And just so you know, turn about is fair play, and I guarentee you the wheels are in motions already.
>> No. 41675
So in light of Zyklon being a sexy lady, a couple of other things I have always wondered..

Is IntroMAN, Trey Pepe, or any of the other Philly stonecutters trans?
>> No. 41676
intro is a black dude.
>> No. 41677
Another I've been wondering about is Whoreos. I've known him through the board for years, but I kept seeing Robbay saying he was trans. I know Omega is trans, but is Whoreos as well?
>> No. 41678
File 134255841632.jpg - (17.89KB , 334x455 , RuPaul.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
never stopped ru paul
>> No. 41679
/cwc/ - Trannies
>> No. 41680
File 134255872952.jpg - (20.63KB , 220x300 , 220px-Marcel_Pagnol_1931.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Is Seanie a trans too?
>> No. 41681
File 13425588971.png - (224.82KB , 500x540 , tumblr_lffieb55To1qgxu8vo1_500.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I thought this was common knowledge.
>> No. 41682
Funny. This time Robb's DOXing was more accurate, but somehow it still manages to be even less effective than the last ones.
>> No. 41683
Yeah, he's not trans, but he is gay. I thought everyone here knew that.
>> No. 41684
Omega is one of the most passable real trans people I have seen.
>> No. 41685
File 134255928187.jpg - (209.09KB , 1365x2048 , IRL_rika.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>you're just a piss ass ugly tranny who has NO right to be calling out anyone for not passing
>> No. 41686
Wow, you could fry chips with the amount of grease in his hair.
>> No. 41687
Seanie is relatively sure he's gay, thought everyone knew this?
>> No. 41688
No doubt. Motherfucker won't even wash his fucking hair, and he thinks he looks good. Zyklon, even though no matter what she looked like would be better than your ugly ass, especially since she's an actual woman instead of a man playing dress up, is way better looking than you could ever be Robbay.

This picture of him partaking in his favorite past time, blowing niggers, really shows how he apparently never washes his fucking hair. That is so fucking gross and greasy looking Rob. You go out in public looking like that, and you want to pass as a woman? Jesus, man. Are you serious with this shit?
>> No. 41689
Apparently not. Lot of new people to the board in the last few months, especially from CWCki Forums.
>> No. 41690
Is Moniker an actual chick? Or trans? Or just a dude?
>> No. 41691

He's obviously not trans. I just wanted to post that picture.
>> No. 41692
Straight man
>Trey Pepe
Gay man
Straight woman

As far as I know.
>> No. 41693
Ah, thank you. Only one I'm still curious about is Whoreos, and that is only because Robbay was so adamant about him being trans and I never really heard Whoreos confirm or deny that.

Really doesn't matter to me if it's true or not, dude's always been cool as a fan, and I have no problem with trans people. Except of coures, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, who is a horrible human being and a hideous drag queen. I'm just curious, really.
>> No. 41694
Why you gotta make it about race? He just likes blowing hobos with big cocks. The black ones are simply more affordable
>> No. 41695
Why you gotta make it about race? He just likes blowing hobos with big cocks. The black ones are simply more affordable
>> No. 41696
Whoreos is my nigga.

He should be your nigga too.
>> No. 41697
I didn't know Seanie was gay.

How did that even come up anyways? Did he do something like /cwc/ - I'm gay IRL
>> No. 41698

wat? why would that be on tumblr
>> No. 41699


One of the first Google results for "seanieb64."
>> No. 41700
Please tell me you haven't fallen off the STRAIGHT PATH, seanie.
>> No. 41701
Dam the only people in here too ugly to have sex with are the three primary philly lowcows.
>> No. 41702
Oh, that guy has his own problems... I'm not really gonna get into it but looking at his page should give you enough insight.


I dont talk about it a lot. Whoever that was probably learned from tc or something.
>> No. 41703
>>241668I could use another black friend. Haven't had one to troll around with since leaving the company. Can he give as good as he gets? I don't want to just hear "Jew" and "cracker" I want some originality out of those fat lips of his.
>> No. 41704
Seanie who are you making these Sonic videos for?
>> No. 41705
If I recall correctly, he helps run a site dedicated to all the technical aspects of the old school Sonic games, which provides all the specs and details of the way the games are coded through reverse engingeering and such, for people who want to make original Sonic games based on the old school cartridges roms code or just a simple Sonic level hack.
>> No. 41706
Thread on another website, but there's been some funny comments on it lately
>> No. 41707
The way I remember first hearing about it was a couple of years ago in some sticky or something, when someone made a comment about it and you posted something to the effect of "No shit, I'm fucking gay, big fucking surprise"
>> No. 41708
So the trolls of this site are more multi ethnic and multi cultural than the s.j. crowd? Oh fuck me. That's mess
>> No. 41709
I love how Robb accuses us of being transphobes and homophobes. Then it turns out our admin is gay. And he's still a pretty cool guy. We were also fine with Zyklon being a tranny when it was still up in the air. It's like whenever Robb has a brief instance of something going slightly his way, the universe itself just comes together to make it backfire.
>> No. 41710
Black,White,Gay,Trans - it doesnt matter on /cwc/

As long as you are not one of those DANG DIRTY CONEYS
>> No. 41711
Like I said, I'm not one of those people that likes to flaunt sexuality. I'm not mad and I'm not a special snowflake and I just don't talk about it online very often.
>> No. 41712
seanie is the exact opposite of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles; he doesn't use his sexuality/gender as an excuse, and people like him.
>> No. 41713
He's probably cleaner than Robert too, heck I think most people are cleaner than Robert.
>> No. 41714
The thought of that makes me feel slightly sick
>> No. 41715
File 134256369473.jpg - (24.43KB , 600x450 , seanaaay.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
As >>241646, I didn't intend for Seanie's sexual orientation to be revealed. Posting such a thing on what I assume is 4chan doesn't prove anything about one's real life. However, the mellow reaction to it really is a testament to the thoughts and feelings of the 789chan community.

It also illustrates just how many howmows there are here. I mean, I can think of 5 just off the top of my head.
>> No. 41716
It requires some dedication to have as dirty hair as Robb has. No wonder Philly trannies knew him as "Stinky". I wouldn't be surprised if moths flied from his hair during the next annual combing.
>> No. 41717
File 134256387263.png - (2.72KB , 192x213 , happy.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>However, the mellow reaction to it really is a testament to the thoughts and feelings of the 789chan community.
/cwc/ - diversity & understanding unless you're a lolcow
>> No. 41718
That would be nothing compared to the flies and other vermin that probably buzz around his fetid unwashed dick. Drawn helplessly by the smell of shit and decay.
>> No. 41719
Yeah, there are a lot of da homos among our regular userbase here. As far as Sean goes, yeah, no one has ever given a fuck what his orientation is, like I said, I thought most of us already knew.
>> No. 41720
So Robb, how exactly do you figure that the userbase and admin of this website are trolling you purely out of LGBT hate when a good proportion of us are, in fact, LGBT ourselves? And even those who aren't have made it pretty clear right here that we have no problems with any of them that are? Do you think it might possibly be because people treat you like shit for reasons about you personally that have nothing to do with you being trans? Like maybe it's just because you're complete fucking tool?
>> No. 41722
File 134256555330.jpg - (30.41KB , 480x365 , haha.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles this pic is for you.
>> No. 41723
Also it appears the only real nazi here got himself permabanned for homosexual deviantry autfag is gone. Shame, I saw some real cow potential
>> No. 41810
What the fuck is going on in this thread now, I leave for a few hours and instead of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles making lulzy threats it is now some new namefags causing shit. someone explain how this fuckery happened
>> No. 41811
some anon called out a nazifag and, like saying beetlejuice three times, he appeared and talked about how jews are bad and then some jew came in and tried to defend his honor.
>> No. 41813
Autfag came back so I took a name to fuck with him and see how much I could get him to sperg abou the Jew Because I was bored and waiting for my sauna to heat up.
>> No. 41817
Can you all fuck off with this Jew shit. No one cares except for you two assholes

Lets all go back to laughing at Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles Can
>> No. 41822

A thousand times, this. Just fuck off, the both of you. You guys ruined this thread.
>> No. 41824
Can a mod purge these two and all of there shit posts... this was a great thread
>> No. 41825
File 134258969457.png - (23.54KB , 507x279 , Jordan hit on rika lol and tranny goth nightclub.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
To save this thread from any further useless spamming, remember when Robb told us that he's been hiding in bars? Besides gay and tranny bars, he also goes to goth clubs. He tried to take ADF to one once, but ADF didn't fit in with the crowd.

So which goth club do you go to, Robb? Do you go to Revelations, Flux, Nocturne, or Shadowland? Or do you make a special trip to Pittsburgh to attend the goth clubs out there?
>> No. 41826


>> No. 41827
Wait... Goths still exist? Wtf

Isn't that like finding a disco in the 90's?
>> No. 41829
Yep: http://www.vamp.org/Gothic/Club/1651.html
>> No. 41830
Nocturne is one of the few big Goth club things left. I went there once, it was a... mistake.
>> No. 41831

Where is that dox droping Tumblr fag when you need him.
>> No. 41832
File 134259529383.jpg - (93.62KB , 717x960 , terminator harel.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Damn, if i was Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. I would be trying to negotiate peace with the chairwoman. Since the streets of Phila from what I heard are rough. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles needs every ally it can get.
>> No. 41833
>>it instead of he
>>Implying -even jokingly- that ADF is intimidating in his Halloween costume with his handcuffs and tiny handgun.

>> No. 41834
File 134260143321.jpg - (34.88KB , 460x276 , taxidriver.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Dat expres .
>> No. 41835
File 134260271175.jpg - (28.75KB , 300x300 , de-niro-drag.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is Harrel in 10 years.
>> No. 41836

>> No. 41839
>Too take your hatred on those who struggle from the same illness as you is utterly dispicable.
>hates ADF and Jordman
Stay classy Robert.
>> No. 41840
File 134261939745.png - (8.61KB , 648x94 , sour grapes.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"My Parents always had to keep after me on School work, keeping my room clean, Keeping MYSELF(sadly) clean. "
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles , March 19th 2008

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles confirmed for autistic. His lulcow cousin Chris Chan also has hygiene issues as well. Guess showers and autism doesn't mix. :(

Full article. https://images.encyclopediadramatica.se/4/4a/Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles_sour_grapes.png
>> No. 41841
Hi, you must be new here.
>> No. 41842
Damnit ED. Not only does that link 404, but they have one of those damn ponies informing me of it.
>> No. 41844
That link 404s and EDs 404 page is now a fucking pony.

God fucking damnit. I guess it's true, the new ED is infested with broney scum.

But yeah, I'd read that before. Seems he hasn't changed at all. His hair is still greasy and unwashed looking as fuck in his pics, and the pics we have of the inside of his apartment show a garbage dump.
>> No. 41845
File 134262075895.png - (579.78KB , 741x5538 , Rika_sour_grapes.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here you go.
>> No. 41846
So did Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesy get scares off by shitpostvor is he screencapping it all to dox namefags or something
>> No. 41847
He's busy working at a top corporation right now.
>> No. 41848
It's nice to see in the last 4 years Rob hasn't grown as an individual at all. Makes me hopeful we'll have him to amuse for a long while.
>> No. 41849
You mean serving big macs
>> No. 41850
Yeah, like I said, top corporation.
>> No. 41851
Bump. Come on Robbay, tell us how you and the /cwc/ underground resistance movement are making progress in OBLIVERATEing the trolls. Also, answer this question here >>241706
>> No. 41852
Something tells me that Rob will be back in a day or two with that Tumblr guy with some BIG DOX(old irc/tinychat shit that no one cares about), which will reduce /cwc/ to a pile of smoldering rubble.
>> No. 41853
I've got an idea, maybe we should be the ones to offer the olive branch here. What if we sent some flowers to her home with a note 'always watching over you.' To comfort her.
>> No. 41854
HI Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 41855

Maybe you should back to trying to troll radical islam.
>> No. 41856
Does that tumbler fag know about Mr. Robert Wayne Stiless past of harassment of woman and Christians. Also what about all the shit he has said and done to the others in the philly trans community.

And if he does how does he justify helping Robayyyyy
>> No. 41857


i find it hard to believe that a non-tranny could be this retarded.
>> No. 41858
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles does your tumbler buddy know about your harem maps which basically forced girls to have cyber sex with you
>> No. 41859

This is my favorite part, as soon as some sj fag shows up to take on Robbay's cause he's waving mommy and daddy's money around.

My guess is Rob is aware it won't take long for his new friend to realize he's basically done all of this to himself and needs some sort of monetary anchor.
>> No. 41860
I believe Robert is secretly mad at himself, not 789chan. Zyklon, even though she was doxed, is secure and not ashamed of herself, and didn't blow things out of proportions. She handled the situation like a pro. But Robert is clearly ashamed of his way of life and who he is, as is obvious from his terrible reaction to his life being exposed. The fact that this is the 12th thread and this has continued for over three months just proves the fact.
>> No. 41861
File chat.txt - (6.65KB ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.

R I K A this proves what sexists and transphobes the trolls are

Fuck racist & fascist & nazis
>> No. 41862

This reads like most every thread we had on all the philly tranny circle before Robb came along and became the sole focus of all this. I don't really get what you think you've achieved by posting this.
>> No. 41863
File 13426964318.gif - (593.68KB , 239x270 , hitler tea time.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So Robert, gonna write that Zyklon Encyclopedia Dramatica page anytime soon? You promised.
>> No. 41864
Please leave this place forever you deviant.
>> No. 41865
I don't understand, is this all a joke or is Rikа really this dumb a bitch?
>> No. 41866
Robert, it appears, is extraordinarily idiotic. Only a few such extreme cases appear in a century. It is quite telling that cheese conies and ADF have handled trolling better than him.
>> No. 41867
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is an amazing mix of stupid,ugly, and crazy. Perfect lolcow
>> No. 41868

So, all a long they thought I'd be the new Chris Chan? Fuck them. The cock train stops here PERMANANTLY. From now on, shit will rock from under the boat as I'm getting a friend this morning to block this site for me.
This was all just a goddamn plot that is FUCKING SICK. NO MORE. Next time if ever, you see me, you won't not even recognize me. All you'll know is I'll be fucking HOT.

Suck your own goddamn dick, /cwc/.
>> No. 41869
See you in about 2 months Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles!
>> No. 41870
You said cocks will stop in the very first thread.

>All you'll know is I'll be fucking HOT.
You'll never be as hot as Zyklon. You'll look like a mutilated freak and will still have shit personality.

Sure sucks to be Robert.
>> No. 41871
Ok see you later tonight then Robb?

>I'll be fucking HOT

Lol'd irl, thanks for that Robbay
>> No. 41872
>The cock train stops here PERMANANTLY
lol yeah right
>> No. 41873
>From now on, shit will rock from under the boat as I'm getting a friend this morning to block this site for me.
You have the self-restrain of a five years old. Why don't you ask your parents for a pair of diapers while you're on it?
>> No. 41874
>Next time if ever, you see me, you won't not even recognize me

So we will recognize you? Nice double negative there.

>All you'll know is I'll be fucking HOT.

Ah, yes. Same old delusional Robb. And don't try to kid yourself. You know you thrive on the attention you get from this place. Otherwise you wouldn't have crawled back 11 TIMES.
>> No. 41875

lol good luck with all that then.
>> No. 41876
> 11 TIMES.
>> No. 41877
File 134271622339.jpg - (51.04KB , 800x600 , 800px-Rika_41.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So fucking hot.
>> No. 41878

Please tell me you're getting some sort of plastic surgery. I'd love to see the mess that will result in.
>> No. 41879

You are the new Chris Chan, you're like he was years ago when anything and everything would get a massive response from him, it's fucking brilliant. See you soon.
>> No. 41880
I've said this at least twenty times.

See you again soon.

>> No. 41881
See you in a week!
>> No. 41882
You need someone else to block this site for you?

You're sad.

And friendless.

So we'll be here waiting on your return.
>> No. 41883
There's that learning again. What the SJ twat summed up should have been evident to you months ago, Robb. This is also why you'll keep coming back. You don't learn shit.
>> No. 41884
You know that you can get by the block your friend is putting up with a proxy, right?
>> No. 41885
When it comes to making a complete lolcow of himself, The Wraith will find a way.
>> No. 41886
The mental image of an insane ugly tranny begging a fat nerd to take his computer to save him from himself is hilarious and sad.
>> No. 41887
Robbay your friend is a troll who is installing a keylogger tommorow, true and honest
>> No. 41888
File 134271703258.jpg - (119.54KB , 500x491 , Avatar.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>fucking HOT

>> No. 41889
File 134271704682.png - (247.21KB , 771x882 , RIKAYYYY TEXT.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No Rob! Don't go! I made this just for you!
>> No. 41890
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is going to pay someone to install NetNanny on his pc. THAT IS NOT WHAT A FRIEND IS Mr. Robert Wayne StilesAAAY
>> No. 41891
File 13427177951.jpg - (34.70KB , 280x280 , net_nanny_boxshot.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41892
Its start pretty ok, but go batshit crazy very fast
>> No. 41893

>Next time if ever, you see me, you won't not even recognize me. All you'll know is I'll be fucking HOT.


Lol no! But I would at least settle for you learning how to wash so you don't stink anymore.
>> No. 41894
No matter what you do, you'll stay an insane lolcow.

What you don't get is that we don't troll people because of how they look. We troll them because they lack self-awareness and respond funnily. We didn't troll Zyklon as you planned because she's hot. We didn't troll her because she's a lolcow.

In some bizarre parallel universe where you don't look like a hybrid of Gollum and a horse, you'd still get trolled. Because you're a lolcow. Even without your trolls, you'd still be a lolcow.
>> No. 41895
See you tomorrow Rob. PS bring pics.
>> No. 41897
The joke: Even if Robert's computer is blown up, he'd still be friendless depressed ugly motherfucker and he'd troll himself day after day.
>> No. 41898
The best part is that if Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles really does leave and never returns that means we won. His threads will stay up forever and your ed page with haunt you for the rest of your life. You lost Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. You lost to a bunch of neckbreads that you said you were better than ,and swore revenge on.

Also unless someone pays for a lot of plastic surgery you will never be hot. Even than you will still look strange due to the unnatural look of a lot of plastic surgery.
>> No. 41900
File 134272418145.jpg - (148.44KB , 544x390 , nazi bros.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>So, all a long they thought I'd be the new Chris Chan? Fuck them.
What did you expect? That we trolled you by "accident"? Granted, not much planning was needed and by dropping a message now and then has kept you providing us cocks for over three months. You're the easiest lolcow to provoke I've ever seen. Thank you for all the entertainment you've provided us.

It's a win-win situation for us. Either you come back and provide us even MORE cocks, like you've done 12 times or you simply let us win, sigh with da stress and deal with the fact that you're a lolcow and there's nothing you can do about it. And no, chopping off your dick doesn't make you hot, woman, better person or remove your lolcow status.

Auf wiedersehen, Robert. See you soon!
>> No. 41901
I think it's about time to archive this thread, guise.
>> No. 41902
Seconded. It seems that archiving his last thread is a surefire way of making sure Robb comes back. Since he's totally unaffected by this place.
>> No. 41903
Cleaned the thread out. Guys, don't let this kinda shit happen again. I didn't ban anyone this time but that was seriously a pain in the ass.

You guys should still have a few more posts to go now.

Next person to say "jew" in this thread gets a 3 day vacation
>> No. 41904
Your the best seanieb
>> No. 41906
Don't forget to unban Autphag if he shows you a timestamped picture of his dick and balls. I sure would like a couple of dick pics from the autist himself.
>> No. 41907
File 134273048297.jpg - (3.96KB , 229x251 , 1339399595116.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I can't imagine the feels this thread has given you. The unmasking of Zyklon backfired completely. She's everything you want to be Robbykins: respected, a girl, and competent. Meanwhile you're a burger-flipping banshee who can't do anything on his own, besides running to mommy and daddy for more money.

And don't count on your little buttbuddy from Tumblr to help you, all he's done is make things worse for you so far. You lost in the game of life, Rob. You lost it before you even came to /cwc/.
>> No. 41908
>She's everything you want to be Robbykins: respected, a girl, and competent
>a girl

Everyone know's what's about to go down, but I'm not gonna ask it...
>> No. 41910
Wait. So Zyklon is actually kombat-unit? Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is retarded for linking to a banned DA account either way.
>> No. 41911
I hope he does, I work in the medical field in Philly and have written what a non complain patient he is into his health records. I also know most of the surgeons who work on tran people in the area and have reminded them that there is a waver Rob has to sign that relieves them of any damage they do to him so they should have some fun if he comes in. The cash incentive to the one who gets him first helped too.

Hope you have fun "becoming hot" Rob.
>> No. 41912
File 134273351543.jpg - (167.32KB , 800x1200 , Mustache Robbay.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rob after he cuts his hair, stops wearing dresses, and grows a cool mustache.
>> No. 41913
I think I've said this before but he looks like an even uglier Marylin Manson.
>> No. 41914

Just looking at this photo, I can tell that he smells very, very bad.
>> No. 41915
So just for the record, does Jordman have autism too?

Something about the awkward way he's clenching his left fist makes me think he's a little slow-in-da-mind.
>> No. 41916
File 134274141354.jpg - (643.49KB , 868x1474 , Rika_shitting_Obama_art.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And much, much better artist.
>> No. 41917
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's new facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.stiles

Apparently he works at Camden Community college but his exact occupation is unclear. Janitorial duties? Creepy hair net wearing cafeteria tranny?

Speaking, does anyone know if he even finished college?
>> No. 41918

Link doesn't actually work due to word butter but there's not much to see. Only thing is Camden is in NJ so he might have actually skipped town to start a new life.
>> No. 41919
Why wordbutter, why?
>> No. 41920
That's not True and Honest, it was created to bait Robbie a few threads back because he can't help raging about Dang Dirty Impostors.
>> No. 41921

Actually, it's possibly his. I had a part in the fake Robbie facebook and either Jordman, Shawn Jones (Another fat tranny wolverine) or Robb himself reported it for impersonating him and Robb even posted screencaps that Shawn had given him of it.
>> No. 41922
Actually it's not. He's created a new FB profile with a different name, but he's too stressed and paranoid to use it so not much cocks on it.
>> No. 41923

She admitted to being a girl earlier in the thread, don't see why she'd lie about it, especially since we wouldn't give a shit either way.

Unless you're referring to Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's desires then I don't know.
>> No. 41924

Ты хуй
ты хуууууууй!!!!!!
>> No. 41925
File 134277356891.jpg - (79.01KB , 900x600 , shooting_capitalists_by_verganza_de_sasuke-d45iudv.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesy is fucked and as good as dead.

Pic related.
>> No. 41926
She lies because tits or gtfo, would fuck, etc...
>> No. 41927
Not Nazis Zyklon, it's WWI or just after it. Look at their caps and the Stahlhelm.
>> No. 41928
It's a fucking toy.
inb4 Adf shotting himself in the leg.
>> No. 41929
Totally bros tho'.
>> No. 41930
>I'll be fucking HOT.

Brilliant! /cwc/ has topped itself.
>> No. 41931
Adf posted on fb yesterday that he was going to kill his dad but deleted the post before I could get to my computer and screen cap it.
>> No. 41932

>> No. 41933
Someone posted
>Have you tried it out yet? Like, against your temple?
That is so funny.
>> No. 41934
Any Rikа noodz yet?
>> No. 41935
When his noodz drop, you won't even recognize him. All you'll know is he's fucking HOT.
>> No. 41936
File 134281333085.jpg - (150.76KB , 992x720 , 867_1000.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Even Jordman is doing better than Rob.
>> No. 41937
File 134283257166.jpg - (186.18KB , 1200x803 , femjoy_113179_065.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles and this woman were to touch themselves they would both be touching a pussy.
>> No. 41939

The whole queer counter culture is more than anything a kind of exploitation and promulgation of psychotic attitudes for the unabashedly cynical purpose of reaping electoral yields and enforcing restrictions on intellectual debate and critique (that falls outside of their own politicized use of such).

I see the active LGBT community as largely
a gaggle of Trotkyite, predominantly Hebraic trolls out to exploit psychologically vulnerable people and prevent them from exercising truly effective measures to further their collective cause.

The image of the gay in popular culture in particular is one of not so subtle chauvinism, and insulting portrayal of the pathetic and powerless bully victim incapable of taking his destiny into his own hands.

The leaders of the LGBT community and their those forces for whom they are deferential are similar to drug peddlers and must be treated as such by LGBTs and the community as a whole before their demoralizing poison of self hatred and materialistic indulgence contaminate and pollute the ambient noosphere like AIDS itself..
>> No. 41940
Exactly. The homosexual culture is a hegemonic cultural anomaly fluxating between the Eisenburg extreme and the Johanson minimus. It is without question that the Zionist agenda intends to over-torque our cultural johnson-rod. Verily. homosexual deviant.
>> No. 41941
>> No. 41942
You realize rephrasing your usual paranoid drivel in academic jargon does not equate to a cogent argument, right?
>> No. 41943
Don't question the homosexual deviant.
>> No. 41944

More old new cocks. Robert bragging with his shitty attempt at trolling "his girlfriend".

>why r u mean to ppl that's evil :( I will sue you
>> No. 41945
Archive plz
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