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File 134370993195.jpg - (46.20KB , 275x645 , 4f6964529c2f4[1].jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
41946 No. 41946
Sup 789chan remember this

Well I was helping a friend look for models in Santa Clara county for his photography class. I found this profile. http://www.modelmayhem.com/2591628

Atlus's hoe is doing the whole model route. Knowing the reputation that models on Model Mayhem has. Mr. "YOUR JEALOUS, YOU SHOULD BE" girlfriend is looking for some of that photographer side dick. Hope our favorite ex-mod can save and exit his pokemon black game to do something about it.
Expand all images
>> No. 41947
How does she find panties to fit that clit?
>> No. 41948
>> No. 41949
  >Well I was helping a friend look for models in Santa Clara county for his photography class.

Introman; amateur porn connoisseur

Anyway, I don't think she's all that nasty, barring the huge clit. Had I not known about that and her have taken a bunch of Atlus wang inside her I'd have thought she wasn't half bad.
>> No. 41950
doing god's work
>> No. 41951
Oh look, someone is still upset about n0chan.org.
>> No. 41952
File 134371134575.jpg - (135.49KB , 800x619 , 4f69635f1d1f9.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hold up, guys. A new rule was just stickied in this forum. And looking at these pictures, I think this person might fall under the category of protected people.
>> No. 41954
No Adams apple.
>> No. 41955
File 13437121295.jpg - (27.90KB , 600x486 , rikaaaayy!.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41956

God fucking damn.
>> No. 41957
File 134371320249.jpg - (117.83KB , 960x720 , 378946_10150910982575705_773965704_21275968_101116.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The photographer is the bigger girl hugging the big girl. I guess not all models have a peak physique.
>> No. 41958
Are you sure? What's that black lump on the right?
>> No. 41959
File 134371473269.png - (442.83KB , 720x360 , Atlus family picture.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Made a photoshop for you guys. Hope you appreciate it.
>> No. 41960
Atlus' pride. She swallowed that like he swallows the creamy loads which stream from that thick juicy man meat tucked inside her clitoral hood.
>> No. 41961
Does he have and STD or did he dye his pubes pink ?
>> No. 41962
Both could be true, but definitely the dye is.
>> No. 41963
>> No. 41964
She's such a butterface
>> No. 41965
I can't tell what's bigger, her nose or her clitorus.
>> No. 41966
Dear lord, what happened to that man's foot?
But, as always, great find Intro!
>> No. 41967
And who's the guy she mentions as her modelling partner?
Does that mean Atlus isn't doing it anymore?
>> No. 41968
File 134373541625.jpg - (16.01KB , 480x360 , justin.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41969
Atlus painted his pubes pink for that. LOL.
>> No. 41970
Atlus had better watch out, those two will be spending a lot of time together, and he's better looking than Atlus in every way.
>> No. 41971

still think nothing interesting has gone on this summer?
>> No. 41972
>Implying that this guy will be desperate enough to fuck her.
>> No. 41973
Some guys will hop on anything provided it's willing and not deformed.
>> No. 41974
Have you seen that clit?
>> No. 41975
>Ron Jeremy-sized clit
>Mr. Ed-sized nose
>Sumo-sized cankles
She looks like white trash wrapped in a ribbon to boot. Yeah, that's prized fuck meat right there...

2/10 wouldn't bang
>> No. 41976
someone post her nudes

or her sextape, whatever it was
>> No. 41977
File 134375326110.jpg - (6.51KB , 221x228 , 1335743790369.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>over-sized clits

post them nudes.
>> No. 41978
They are in the /L/ link in the OP.
Good luck with that.
>> No. 41979
Ol' Negi's dick rears her... "head" again.

I like when plain looking women think they're hot. They use men who are desperate enough to sleep with validate their own highten opinion of themselves by bragging about how many desperate men they've banged.

Atlus sure can pick 'em!
>> No. 41980
I am certain a 3some has happened. Also certain Atlus was penetrated. Also certain Atlus had the smallest cock in the room.
>> No. 41981
oh lol
>> No. 41982
File 134376403046.jpg - (61.39KB , 495x720 , 543495_10150709111297188_924513111_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Sup Justin/Samantha/Andrew(atlus)
>> No. 41983
File 134376406881.jpg - (36.53KB , 480x720 , 544956_10150709250387188_345998205_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 41984
Fuck. Atlus knows that she is already cheating on him with that guy and will formally leave Atlus for him in maybe 2 months tops, right? If not... I would actually feel kinda sorry for him.
>> No. 41985
Ha! She likes her men with big old chins doesn't she?!
>> No. 41986
>Atlus makes EPIN WEEN thread about how he and "cookie" trolled Krappleguy hard and how pathetic he was

>Atlus will shortly be Krappleguy
I heard if you say his name threes times, he'll appear in a puff of smoke accompanied by the smell of microwave burritos
>> No. 41987
File 134376528246.jpg - (18.33KB , 224x180 , slowpoke.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>not sure if thinks Atlus is still a mod
>> No. 41988
He lurks here. If you bring up the "good ole' days" he will be quick to post up a nice long rant about how him in the boys were the baddest asses to ever troll the Chris-chan or give some where are they now on which BK each one is sweeping up at 3am.

BTW, she's got a pixiteri face if pixiteri slimmed down.
>> No. 41989
>which BK each one is sweeping up at 3am.

More like working 4 hours a week stocking shelves (at night) and failing a Photoshop class
>> No. 41990
Maybe it would be good to have a little WATN on Icky, IHM, Krapple, etc. They would make a great reality show. It'd be like It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia only it'd take place in the Down Syndrome ward of a mental institution.
>> No. 41991
I'd fuck her. I christen her queen of the lolcows
>> No. 41992
She's no PeacockFeather...
>> No. 41993
File 134377560926.jpg - (97.12KB , 500x668 , 13312539459.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm with >>247515 PeacockFeather shall always be queen of the lolcows.
>> No. 41994
I don't want, I need!
>> No. 41995
I don't know, Pixi is the most lolcow-like female to me.
>> No. 41996
File 134378258829.jpg - (3.07MB , 3072x2304 , 134126947721.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Damn, I forgot to post the pic up I got from a temporary email in this thread. Is atlus's hoe looking for an upgrade in troll boyfriend?

She even got my first name correct.
>> No. 41997
File 134378285733.jpg - (88.59KB , 500x668 , 133125388420.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
and she needs you for sustenance.
>> No. 41998
I maximized that pic and was instantly smacked by the smell of sweaty fish ass.
>> No. 41999
She looks like a corpse in this pic. I always think it's someone posting necro porn when I see that one.

Also this guy's alpha as fuck. Atlus, if you're reading this, get out now. You can't compete with Alphus, your alpha male twin. She's already cheated on you, get out now.

Also someone post her fap video.
>> No. 42000
I think things have lasted much longer than any of us could have expected... She's definitely bored with him by now, he has nothing to offer, can't provide for her, what's in it for her? Atlus would be wise to just pack up and head back north and not even end it, just block it out like a bad memory. Starin that floppy clit down everynight... At least he didn't have to worry about putting the toilet seat down.
>> No. 42001
>jenga's true colors show through
>> No. 42002
there's a 100 percent chance sh's cheated on him.
>> No. 42003
thinking peacock feather looks like a corpse is his true colors?
>> No. 42004
No, they're talking about Ominous
>> No. 42005
saying she cheated on him is showing his true colors?
>> No. 42006
You know what, if you can't get the stupid joke in >>247572 about >>247568 I dunno what to say. I'll givey ou a hint <Ominous fap video = Jenga wants dick>. It wasn't funny when >>247572 posted it, but it was simple to understand.
>> No. 42007
How do you even know they're still together?
>> No. 42008
Krapple didn't post 300 threads about them breaking up yet.
>> No. 42009
inb4 atlus starts samefagging and starts accusing everybody of being krapple
>> No. 42010
you give me too much credit, anon
>> No. 42011
File 134380326655.jpg - (125.38KB , 480x720 , 96uVK.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Image dumping time.
>> No. 42012
File 134380329274.jpg - (723.53KB , 2074x2765 , HpRv4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 42013
File 134380331733.jpg - (64.46KB , 640x480 , IMG00135-20101128-2311.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 42014
File 134380334913.jpg - (81.55KB , 339x323 , introman artwork by Sam Z.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 42015
File 134380341216.png - (485.35KB , 630x480 , Snails.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
True and Honest artwork from the plus sized model. Atlus and Ominous snail artwork.
>> No. 42016
>> No. 42017
Atlus has some wicked sweet abs. You guys should be jealous that he gets mad bitches (who have SEX with him) and is so handsome looking!
>> No. 42018
>> No. 42019
Having a girlfriend is overated. Get yourself some one night stands or a married women. With the married ones you don't even have to worry about pregnancy scares.
>> No. 42020
>> No. 42021
lol you all are terrible permavirgins. she doesnt even look that bad.

idk about the clit tho, havent seen noodz, sounds like it might look awful.

but otherwise i wouldnt be afraid to be seen in public with her.
>> No. 42022
Hi Ominous!
>> No. 42023
You fools! She's BEAUTIFUL!! She's on Model Mayhem!

(I guess there's no barrier for entry there?)
>> No. 42024

nice try autist, im in no way associated with anyone that might be mentioned in this thread, i live thousands of kilometers away from the unite states of amerifail
>> No. 42025
Hi MylarBalloonFan!
>> No. 42026
He loves the US though.
>> No. 42027
That's a stretch.

>nice try autist, im in no way associated with anyone that might be mentioned in this thread, i live thousands of kilometers away from the unite states of amerifail

Go to your kitchen and drink everything under the sink.
>> No. 42028

>Go to your kitchen and drink everything under the sink.

Autist permvirgin humour? explains why i dont get it.
>> No. 42029

Generally, that's where people keep bleach, cleaners, etc. He's telling you to drink poisonous chemicals. You should have easily guessed that.

I mean, he looks like a schmuck for saying it, but c'mon.
>> No. 42030

no, i know what i keep under my sink. what i dont get is why not just say "eat shit and die"?

using unnecessarily long words is how nerds and losers try and look cool when getting their point accross
>> No. 42031
File 134383781445.jpg - (12.05KB , 249x294 , big dog.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>nerds and losers
I also hate nerds and losers!

I miss the good old days when chanboards were exclusively populated by alpha bros like us.
>> No. 42032
Does she like black men?
>> No. 42034
Ford is of the negroid persuasion. Don't you pay attention to anything?
>> No. 42036
Cool story race traitor.
>> No. 42038
You ally with niggers you're a race traitor.

Good day.
>> No. 42039
File 134384082747.jpg - (607.12KB , 1168x1598 , 1318967206196.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Elaborate trollsona falls apart here
>> No. 42041

Why are you still going on about this here?
>> No. 42042
Tell the NAACP about your troubles.
>> No. 42043
File 134384301383.jpg - (166.88KB , 456x600 , 1331165185747.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Go say that to /pol/ and see what they think.
>> No. 42046

So how exactly are you going about OBLIVERATEing the jesuits and blacks then? I don't think endlessly talking about it on messageboards is going to do anything.
>> No. 42047
Didn't say you were. I said you were a nigger loving race traitor.

Which you are.

Sorry you're upset and your thesaurus can't help you while you try to come up with something to say. I truly, truly am.
>> No. 42048
Tell us more of your fear of the black man. This "muscle" you speak of.
>> No. 42051
File 134384401627.jpg - (64.63KB , 380x545 , Poor_little_white_guy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 42052
Yes, yes. That's what you meant. Right. Got it.
>> No. 42053
You shouldn't let words hurt your feelings.
>> No. 42054
I don't know what any of you are talking about. Robert Ford just sees a snowbunny who has a thing for troll dick.
>> No. 42055
Autpheg, I believe you know who I am, and possibly one of the only few individuals who has complimented my appearance on the internet. Can you please do me a favor and post what backround information you have on this site's moderator, Omega? I promise that any one who contributes to my case get a portion of the legal money to come through this.

You're help will be greatly apprecaited!

>> No. 42056
This thread is redeemed of it's homosexual deviantry.

Our savior has arrived!
>> No. 42058
Literally laughing out loud here, guys.
>> No. 42059

Well well, look who's back. So what happened to you having this site blocked then Robb? Couldn't stand the thought of life without us?
>> No. 42060
$50 says he bought a whole new computer to get around the Net Nanny.
>> No. 42061

>You're help

>You are help

God dammit, you get dumber every time you post here.
>> No. 42062
I like how you think the race traitor is some awesome hacker/internet detective.

He wasn't the one who called Omega by thier first name last weekend just so you know. I like how you also consider a first name DOX. Since that's all it was.

Give me some cash and I'll tell you the name from the deleted post.
>> No. 42063
I believe I have now seen it all. A lolcow drag queen asking a Nazi for help. Maybe the world really is ending in December...
>> No. 42065

FUCK OFF. The Wraith isn't returning, I'm gathering information from those knowlegable to bring this site down. Don't think I've forgotten. We are currently narrowing down the search for Miss Vladislava Andriyovych Sinebrychoff and with the help of a Social Justice vigilante we also are digging up a profile on Introman through his various presences left vulnerable all over the net, even on an old forum website I used to browse.

I know it seems a bit insane I'm going this far but I'm a bitch who when you lock horns with me, I'll drag you through the floor and fucking OBLIVERATE you.
>> No. 42066


So as you say. FUCK OFF. Retard.
>> No. 42067
Robb, you are just as hilarious as always. Don't ever change, man.
>> No. 42068

Well, then. No need to set up a paypal for you or anyone else if it was only HIS first name. BUT if you do happen to have more, I'll be waiting cash in hand.
>> No. 42070
So how much did Daddy float you for this little venture, Robb?
>> No. 42071

>We are currently narrowing down the search for Miss Vladislava Andriyovych Sinebrychoff

Here's a hint, whoever that is, I'm guessing they aren't in the US. So you're not getting anywhere with that.

>Social Justice vigilante

Oh shit, you're bringing out the big guns. Guess we're fucked now.
>> No. 42072
I was talking to Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.

Sorry you're too dumb to see that. Probably your mental illness.
>> No. 42073
>We are currently narrowing down the search for Miss Vladislava Andriyovych Sinebrychoff and with the help of a Social Justice vigilante

Chris thinks he lives in a cartoon, and apparently you think you live in a cheesy 90s action thriller. What do you and this tumblr fag think you will do to her? Kill her? Get her sent to jail? Do you even know anybody in her country (she's in Russia, right?)? I think Russian law enforcement has more to worry about than you getting very mildly trolled on the internet, especially considering how poorly they seem to handle their rampant internet CP problem. Do you really think that she will be extradited to the US?
>> No. 42074

We aren't talking about you any more, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is here.
>> No. 42075
Too bad. I'm sure if you hang around Tinychat you can catch some more info.
>> No. 42076


Why are you so fucking transphobic?
>> No. 42079
Silly Rob, he is actually a she called Ophelia.
>> No. 42080
>I'm gathering information from those knowlegable to bring this site down.

Just like you did all those times before? You do realize this marks the 13th time you've come back here, right?
>> No. 42081
>Miss Vladislava Andriyovych Sinebrychoff

Do you even comprehend how retarded this is, you do not have a fucking James Bond russian villian after you

So happy to see you crawling back, 13th time!
>> No. 42082

Did you catch Mr Broadband?
>> No. 42083

Nobody is locking horns with you Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, we're just fluttering a red cape in front of you and you keep running straight through, every time convinced that it'll be the time when you'll actually hit us.
>> No. 42084

>Miss Vladislava Andriyovych Sinebrychoff

Oh dear. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you must have SOME skepticism when you "uncover" these "clues." I refuse to believe that you take them at face value.


This. Omega is a regular in Tinychat, which I know you've tried to access before. The link is http://tinychat.com/interrobang987


Wait, you're willing to pay Autfag?

>> No. 42085
I like how even sperghomo refused to help Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 42086
Why's Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles banned?
>> No. 42088
I hope you really gave him a ban. He will be back anyway, and it might give him a false sense of accomplishment, thinking that he's really close to a victory over 789chan so you fear-banned him.
>> No. 42089

hint hint
>> No. 42090
We know he'll evade since he thinks he might be getting some info to take down a mod. Forcing him to evade now, after all those times he's begged to be banned seemed like a good way to twist the knife.
>> No. 42092
>> No. 42093
File 134384897456.jpg - (157.80KB , 435x529 , ROBAYY.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
also it's only 3 days. In the meantime, I found a heretofore unseen photo of Ri­ka.
>> No. 42094
Damn, that's quite an improvement.
>> No. 42095
Looking good Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles!
>> No. 42096
Looks like he's getting a bit better at applying makeup. Still a bit much, but definitely better.
>> No. 42097
So does Autphag filter to sperghomo now?
>> No. 42098
It should.
>> No. 42099

^^^^AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH He just had his "jullay" moment.
>> No. 42100
Shut up Ford.
>> No. 42101
So, Autphag is most likely a mod and all of the drama threads were fake? It was all just an elaborate plan to draw Robbaaay back in and give him fake dox? That's actually a pretty good plan.
>> No. 42102
Goddammit why am I always gone when Robb shows up?

Oh well, he didn't delete his posts. Screencapping now just in case he changes his mind.
>> No. 42103
A mod would just post the screencaps anyway.
>> No. 42104
He ususally stops serving fries about this time and pops up. Maybe he was off today and came by early.
>> No. 42105
Isn't she a little short to be a model?
>> No. 42106
Didn't you get the memo? This a is a Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles thread now.
>> No. 42107
actually this is the great outdoors singalong thread now
>> No. 42108
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you're willing to buddy up with anybody. Even a self proclaimed neo nazi. You're the epitome of scorned trollsheilder.
Here's another clue. I was part of the wraith . Have fun with that Furyan. I remember all the members laughing at you when you tried to lead raids and be epin ween.
The only skill you have is extracting money from loving parents. The only reason that I can see them giving you money at 24 is because of being special education. Please prove me wrong.
>> No. 42109
So sperghomo is gay?

Also did Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles finally manage to get himself banned?
>> No. 42110
LOL Ominous thread has become a Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles thread : perfect commentary on her modeling. I guess Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles can say he does look as hot as a girl after all!
>> No. 42111
Why does it feel like I missed something epic?
>> No. 42112
Isn't what you are doing internet bullying and cyber stalking?
You are a stalker by nature. Don't think that won't come up in court
>> No. 42113
File 134385892594.jpg - (63.64KB , 400x278 , lol (2).jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This thread is so delicious, I'm laughing my ass off.
>> No. 42114
>I'm gathering information from those knowlegable to bring this site down
>Miss Vladislava Andriyovych Sinebrychoff
>Social Justice vigilante

My sides!
>> No. 42115
File 134385985585.jpg - (64.43KB , 675x675 , living the dream.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh look, it's back. Not as if there was any doubt it'd be back.

What exactly do you even plan to do? Even if you exactly where I live, why on Earth do you think the Russian Federation would care? Or hold on, I'm a fair guy, I'll narrow it down for you, Russia is a big place after all. I live in the Udmurt Republic.

But yeah. We don't have your laws, they're worthless and powerless outside of your borders. Why should Russian government waste money helping some hideous cross dressing American degenerate? Unless you've managed to capture Doku Umarov, you've got nothing to offer, no reason for them to help you.

So, as always: Bring it.
>> No. 42116
I have a feeling this was a 1 second ban :P
>> No. 42117
Lol, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles lost his "hidemyass" thanks to my blocks, he has to use some noname proxy site which sends no headers hosted by some chinese guy
>> No. 42118
Hi Robert, just thought I'd point out your ED article has almost 40.000 views.
>> No. 42119
File 134386401924.png - (836.55KB , 1529x3358 , screencapofprofile.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The model mayham page was made private. Here's a screencap.

We can know focus on the Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles .
>> No. 42120
File 134386431489.jpg - (31.09KB , 384x400 , bored-baby.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>mfw Robert Ford is about 2 months late on the joke
>> No. 42121
All you have to do is register a random account with the site to view or comment her page, though. it's not private-private.
>> No. 42123
>chinese guy
someone send word to the CIH guy that we've got a job for him
>> No. 42124
Welcome to good proxy, home of the good proxy, may I take your order?

How many proxies has Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles used now?
>> No. 42125

How many does hidemyass.com have?
>> No. 42126
Shouldn't you have blocked all hidemyass a long time ago.
Imagine if a pædo had beaten Robert to using it.
>> No. 42127

It uses a lot of different proxies, and not every ban is permanent.
>> No. 42128
He was so desperate to post here he looked up new proxies?
What a fucking loser.
>> No. 42129
That's our Robb!
>> No. 42130
Blocking proxies like that blocks a lot of people's phones, so I didn't block them
>> No. 42131
How does 4chan do it then? I can go on there with my phone between clients lessons and they must be blocking proxies to obliterate the pedos.
>> No. 42132
And I just realised where I have seen her before.
This guy I know who used to live in California was schtupping a girl who looks just like that. Real funny looking guy who used to pick up girls everywhere he went in addition to off craigslist. He once cheated on a girl with a women who was supposed to be getting married. Then when she finds out and dumps him he starts going out with the chick he cheated with. Needless to say he cheated on her and got dumped.
God I hope he wore a rubber with this one.
>> No. 42133
wasn't this man was it?
>> No. 42134
Robb, you said you'll be HOT and we won't even recognize you when you return. Well, that was fast. So do you have some pics so we could, uh, not-recognize you?
>> No. 42135
4chan just plays defense like any other chan. The difference is, they play at lightspeed, and they've had about 8 years of ban evaders to weed out the proxies that aren't phones.
>> No. 42136
4chan should share some of it's banned list with other chans. That would put the real scum of ordinary image boards
>> No. 42137
Think of a jesuitish ellow funnier llooking than atlus but with a hell of a personality and a way of intellectually manipulating people. He likes to fuck with true believers, be they nazi or simply Christian. He gets in their heads and it's hilarious. I imagine this is also how he's picking up women. Gets into their heads. Not the kind of guy who would make a youtube vlog.
>> No. 42138
File 134390254339.jpg - (42.81KB , 640x480 , 13292898424.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Sorry you asked now?
>> No. 42139

What, I don't see what's so- Oh. Oh my God. It-..It's staring at me..
>> No. 42140
File 134391357686.jpg - (29.56KB , 576x432 , chyna-clit1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pfft, I've seen worse.
>> No. 42141
>> No. 42142
>possibly one of the only few individuals who has complimented my appearance on the internet.

Did this even happen, or is it just Robb being his delusional self? Somehow I just can't picture a schizophrenic white nationalist saying anything positive about a non-passable drag queen.
>> No. 42143
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles probably misunderstood some garbled comment that was meant to be insulting.
>> No. 42144
Ah, ok. That makes sense, considering Robb's command of the English language is even less impressive than his appearance.
>> No. 42145
I lol'd
>> No. 42147
The amount of shared users between /cwc/ and /wooo/ weird me out for some reason
>> No. 42148
I bet Atlus his hoe have sword fights when they pee. That thing is fucking huge and disgusting.
>> No. 42149
I just did a search on the internet of big clits and I came across this:


I was reading through this and someone called OP "depressed cookie" I thought not much of it but clicked on OPs profile.


Saw that OP made 2 posts. The one they OP and a second one requesting profile deletion. I clicked on the profile deletion one for no real reason, and the site admin explained that if someone wants their profile deleted, that they won't delete, only change the username.


When she was posting here in the epic Atlus thread, wasn't she "cookie". All just a big coincidence, I'm sure...
>> No. 42150

>I just did a search on the internet of big clits

We don't need to know about your porn browsing habits bro.
>> No. 42151
Yes, I think her name was like neondeathcookie or some such lolsorandum nonsense.

>I haven't been sexually active because of this

Nope, not her. I would wager that our little ween ho lost her virginity in middle school.
>> No. 42152
>a flame war
>over clits
well, now I've seen it all.
>> No. 42153
I just thought it might be her, I am 65-35 on it now in favor of it being her. Age, username, massive clit, it all lines up. And before Atlus, didn't she have like a long-term thing she had just got out of and that's why Mark thought he would have a chance with her, being on the rebound and all? I remember her saying something to that effect that one of the reasons she "trolled" him was because he was trying to use her after she had just got out of a long relationship.
>> No. 42154
I was referring to the thread in your first link. The two respondents with anonymous male avatars, both claim to be women, and have an e-catfight to prove it.
>> No. 42155
Oh, sorry... Autism,s been flaring up today. I think it's the weather.
>> No. 42156
File 134405010499.png - (1.37MB , 1082x6691 , ominousgetstrolledpart5.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 42157

Normally I'm pretty fond of your work, but that reeks of tryhard. Ironically enough, like Atlus levels of tryhard.

The Dean Venture thing made me laugh though.
>> No. 42158

I didn't do that. I just screencapped it. Atlus and his ugly inbred hoe are probably going to tack this on to me anyway.
>> No. 42159
I give you the benefit of the doubt.
>> No. 42160
What's an Atlus to do?
>> No. 42162
maybe would bang with paper bag on head
>> No. 42163
A paper bag on her head won't protect you from this:
>> No. 42164

i always mistake her clit for a finger in that pic
>> No. 42165
I think it would be in order to archive this thread, since Robb posted here and it alone makes this thread worth preserving.
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