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File 134517290854.png - (224.82KB , 500x540 , tumblr_lffieb55To1qgxu8vo1_500.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
42846 No. 42846
What's it like sucking another man's cock, Sean?
Expand all images
>> No. 42847
What's it like knowing you'll never win, Robb?
>> No. 42848
Why is that important?

Also, you're totally not mad. It shows.
>> No. 42849
File 134517306533.jpg - (61.72KB , 510x347 , call the cops.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
who are you and why are you insulting our beloved seanieb.
>> No. 42850
You should take a lesson from Chris and realize that coming back on the internet to act out is bad. I mean, go play in the woods or something.
>> No. 42851
Just another failed troll who's butthurt cause he lost again.
>> No. 42852
Nice to have you back Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesy! stay for a while! make yourself at home.
>> No. 42853
What's it like knowing that you'll become a wizard in a few years, Robb?
>> No. 42854
Rob is mad cause he can't get a man or a woman. How does it feel to know that you are unfuckable to everyone on the planet not just half of them
>> No. 42855
Seanie once said one thing I didn't like this one time... Seanie's good people.

It's funny you saved that image from that thread though. Way to use it effectively Wraith.
>> No. 42856
face book.com/timmothy.cruzetor

this is now a timmothy cruzetor thread :DD
>> No. 42857
File 134517337814.jpg - (41.48KB , 609x480 , mmm hmmm.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
fucking saved
seanieb, you are so much cuter than Atlus and Krapple.

But the necessary captcha ensaddens me.
>> No. 42858
oh shit captcha enabled, /cwc/ patriots best prepare to ward off a one tranny raiding party
>> No. 42859
File 134517348998.jpg - (34.70KB , 487x375 , shitpost.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 42860
I'm here brother.
>> No. 42861
I dunno, I'd like to try some day. At least I'm happy where I am, Robert.
>> No. 42862
File 134517359386.gif - (349.03KB , 400x334 , kimuchi.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
hey everyone add me on facebook please :DDD
>> No. 42863
CRUZE is here too to join in the fun!
>> No. 42864
>> No. 42865
File 134517375615.jpg - (44.20KB , 248x249 , 131598985395.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
hey buddy how are you lately? :DD

also, check them dubz ;---DD xDD xDDDD
>> No. 42866

Second this . Hey timmothy, sent you a friend request. The initials are J.W . See you on facebook my spurde.
>> No. 42867
File 134517379619.jpg - (24.37KB , 419x392 , 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
the shitposting has commenced.
>> No. 42868
File 134517392199.jpg - (75.67KB , 499x509 , friend.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
added you brah ;DDD

is that account TRUE and HONEST? or a trolling account? ;---D xDDD
>> No. 42869
it's almost like I'm really on 4 chan
>> No. 42870
I'm good brah, I'm good. Been a long time since I talked to you on here. I'd join up with you on FB but I keep my online activities separate even though I don't use FB much.

>> No. 42871
File 134517404025.jpg - (343.86KB , 1600x1200 , timmothaaaay!.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Of course, timmothy is here. It is quite a step up from Robert's shitposting so I can not complain but instead welcome it with open arms.
>> No. 42876
File 134517434570.jpg - (36.13KB , 310x310 , dubzz.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 42877
You're bumming my mellow :(
>> No. 42878
File 134517441313.jpg - (69.35KB , 510x449 , cool autism brah.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
i made this image just for you, brah.
>> No. 42879
Whats it like to be treated like a leper in social environments?
>> No. 42880
File 134517453328.jpg - (142.97KB , 955x765 , fake chris.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
still no dubz breh :(
>> No. 42881
check dem banners
>> No. 42882
File 134517464762.jpg - (33.50KB , 509x331 , 134517306533.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That is quite humorous.
>> No. 42883
Oh, I am. I'm staying up just for the show.
>> No. 42884
File 134517471420.jpg - (77.35KB , 595x394 , hahaha.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 42886
File 134517501633.jpg - (26.35KB , 250x166 , Mello Yello-1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 42887
File 134517519568.jpg - (25.67KB , 419x392 , brah.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
there's a ton of duplicates in your archive brah
>> No. 42888
File 134517548535.jpg - (260.05KB , 567x546 , 1344746249106271.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
yeah i did that on some of the ones i post often :D

if anyone else wants the tom fappington archive, here it is. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?d96s3q3j80s9sc9
>> No. 42890
This any different than the one from a few months back?
>> No. 42891
File 134517907274.jpg - (27.46KB , 500x333 , 1344569671555.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

sick trips brah
>> No. 42892
Sean sounds gay unless it is followed by Connery
>> No. 42893
My mom always said my dad named me after him.
>> No. 42894
Does anyone actually give a fuck that Seanie is gay, though? I don't.
>> No. 42895
No. Just Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.

Whatever issues you have with your father that's not too bad bro.
>> No. 42896
I don't think so.
>> No. 42897
That's cool. Sean Connery is the man.
>> No. 42898
Me neither... We have a gay guy and a tranny as admins here, yet Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is flipping out saying he is being oppressed for his trannyism. THIS ALONE SHOULD BE ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles NEEDS THAT NO ONE HATES HIM FOR HIS GAYNESS, PEOPLE HATE HIM FOR HIS HOMOSEXUAL DEVIANTRY.
>> No. 42899
Seanie's dad is Sean Connery?
>> No. 42900
lol ..... is seaniebaby an irl homohumpual faggarelli who love's wee-wee's?
>> No. 42901
Yeah. Lucky bastard.
>> No. 42902
the fuck does that even mean?
>> No. 42903
>> No. 42904

Hey helios can you stop bothering ebeeto on skype?
>> No. 42905

Is Robert trolling this thoroughly or does Seanie have a tumblr account?
>> No. 42906
I don't like tumblr. You can try to find one, and not find one. :P
>> No. 42907
Seanie, in light of the epic doxxan, you should give /cwc/ a gay and/or tranny acceptance theme for a little while. I'm sure Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles would love that.
>> No. 42908
Change Skittle to Proud and Independent Transexual Citizen
>> No. 42909
Confirmed for hoe-mow
>> No. 42910
A crossdressing homosexual deviant calling out someone elses sexuality? Oh do tell
>> No. 42911
  >implying /cwc/ isn't overflowing with ass-pirates and rug-munchers.
Because if there's one thing queer/ GLBT/ whatever-the-fuck-you-wanna-call-it culture hates, it's gossiping about drama queens and trainwrecks, right Robbay?
Or maybe picking an identity doesn't mean you get a hugbox.

Never change, Robbay!
>> No. 42912
Does Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's "rainbow family" know he tries to use other peoples' homosexuality to humiliate and shame them?
>> No. 42913
He'd try to justify it away as being the only way he could get the average /cwc/ users (who are clearly all fag-bashing homophobes) to turn on Seanie the great and terrible.
>> No. 42914
I don't think the family really exists anymore. Robb and ADF managed to drive them all away, then they too turned on each other.
>> No. 42915
I am really wanting to make sense of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's logic:

Does he think that once some tidbit of personal info about a person gets posted on the internet they immediately become a prime target for trolling (as it has been speculated that Chris believes)? Does he think we will actually turn on seanie? If we were to do so, where would we troll or gather trolls from, considering the fact that seanie can obviously delete whatever he wants - including the entire board? If seanie did delete the board, does Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles think that he will be instantly forgotten and his ED page will vanish?

What is his real end game as far as 789chan and the staff are concerned, beyond making continued hollow threats about some sort of legal action?
>> No. 42916
I like how /cwc/, the supposedly evil nazi hate headquarters of the entire western world, actually consists of all kinds of minorities that Robbay used to associate with before everyone realized what a total asshat he was.
The irony is quite delicious.
>> No. 42917
File 134518869178.jpg - (153.81KB , 660x520 , 450_ap_bulldozer2_080702.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Considering the fact that he is going to jail next year, maybe he really doesn't have an endgame. Maybe he just wants to watch the world Julay.
>> No. 42918
Who is Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles to judge when he's a gangly abomination stuck between genders with a personality as rotten as his looks?
>> No. 42919
Kill yourself Robert, no one likes you.
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