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File 12952402256.jpg - (160.04KB , 400x400 , loveshy400.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
433 No. 433
A whole forum of Chris-Chans! And this time with more fail!

Check out the ED links of "Love-shy" for some great doxing from love-shy0.catch.

That site seriously needs to be updated.
Expand all images
>> No. 434
File 129524041359.jpg - (16.85KB , 397x348 , lee_hotti_09.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Love-Shy's are way more annoying than Chris. Will be moving this to /L/ within the next hour or so.
>> No. 435
There were threads about that on this board months ago already.
>> No. 458
I have uploaded some pictures to the ED site
>> No. 478
File 129570888757.jpg - (52.96KB , 720x540 , Ollie1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
These are the pics of ei_2 (David Scott Hatfield) and Oliver Mushtare (socially inept)
>> No. 479
File 12957089942.jpg - (69.50KB , 720x540 , Ollie2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Socially inept, aka Oliver Mushtare from Waterville, NY
>> No. 482
File 129570929494.jpg - (58.31KB , 453x604 , n580789440_573118_1118.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
sorry, I accidentally opened a new thread instead of replying

ei_2, David Scott
>> No. 483
File 129570934935.jpg - (36.63KB , 604x453 , n580789440_544582_2456.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ei_2, david scott, hilariously and accidentally with a girl
>> No. 484
File 12957094587.jpg - (80.01KB , 604x453 , n580789440_573235_8979.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ei_2, david scott hatfield, one on the left
>> No. 485
File 129570954484.jpg - (39.33KB , 604x453 , Ollie5.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Socially inept
>> No. 487
I was a member of their forums before and during its invasion by crazy fucktards, up until that shit with Sodini hit the fan any many of them started praising him.

I believe that the concept of love-shyness is not entirely fictional but many confused young guys who could get better with women are being sucked into their sick toxic ideology, which is why I applaud anybody trying to expose these fuckers.
>> No. 489
Insider, who are you?

How do you know that's e_i-2?
>> No. 491

Actually, nevermind, you can't really tell me who you are as who knows who's reading this.

But, seriously, how did you reason out that e_i-2 is actually David?

Btw, Insider, are you Informer from fstdt? http://www.fstdt.com/QuoteComment.aspx?QID=74451&Page=6#1207244
>> No. 493

I feel sorry for Love-shy.com. It is only a support forum in name, it's only 'love-shy' in name, in actuality, it's a community of members. Love-shy.com is only what it's members make it. Support comes in many forms and in some way, by relating to other posts then you gain support. Yes, there is freedom of speech but when that extends to the point where people can become obnoxious and offensive without reason then it should be stopped or at least effectively quelled. I can understand people might need that outlet, but so do many other people, and it can become VERY hostile to those who can't fight back from the very beginning.

When I first came to the forum, I honestly thought it was a great place. I thought I could relate to others and many people would relate back to me. At first, this happened with a few select posters, but then, after a while, things took a turn for the worse. Rather than diplomacy, there was divisiveness. It came to the point where if you couldn't aggressively defend your own beliefs (of romance, of intimacy, of affection, or, of equality, etc.) then you were ridiculed, harassed, and labelled by those already more out-spoken and well-established posters. Ultimately, I kinda felt betrayed by my own forum and if I knew what it was actually like I probably wouldn't have joined in the first place. I felt sad and angry. I felt bullied.

Unfortunately, I never really retaliated. I should have from the start, it probably would have been for the better. I kept my discontent quiet and thus it began to grow till I was resentful of what the original forum had become. A few months on the forum anyone would realize that there are, in a sense, 2 distinctions between neutral and extreme posters, and 2 distinctions between Aggressive and Melancholic posters. 4 quadrants always passive aggressively ridiculing each other in a ongoing battle of attrition. It's been that way for months and whenever a new member comes in with the minority or opposing views the bias and the hostility is all too apparent. Not to mention, if you 'fit' a certain category then you are unofficially exempt from criticism or feedback? Not to mention protected or even encouraged?!

It's funny, you can even bait certain members by acting out of character. For example, just add in a few misogynistic words and you'll be praised for 'being a tough guy', no, seriously, actually praised. Also, you get such extreme stances where any outsider would think it a parody. And the situation is that the extreme posters are the most outspoken posters and there is little done to effectively counter them, or, any counter is responded with childish negativity. Thus, there is little unity or if there is then it is only a facade. And therefore, there is a divide and this divide only becomes stronger. Yes, I know this sounds like some legend of an epic battle, but really, after a while the opposing views become more and more fanatical and eventually members take sides and join the circle-jerk. Ultimately, people are not really supported or different views appreciated, but people are unified and labelled and brought to a certain mentality.
>> No. 499
File 129575056950.gif - (490.46KB , 200x167 , 99problems.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
From the forum, discussing if they hate women:

>Most of them (I'd quite happily watch them all burn) but not all
>the ones left are the ones I desire but they are few are far between
>Modern women tend to be soulless
>(see sex in the city\friends)

I admit I'm raging a little. If this comment was about men it'd be "I hate men and want them to die, but only the ugly men that I don't want to fuck. All men are violent because they're always rapists and murderers on Law & Order."

Are they all really this retarded?
>> No. 644
>Are they all really this retarded?

To reuse their quote:
>Most of them (I'd quite happily watch them all burn) but not all
>> No. 910
He's right you know. But then, it's not just women, but people in general.
>> No. 1144
I love how they say they're nice honest guys who are poorly mistreated but then a few posts later they just spout misogyny and stupidity.

Not sure whether to laugh at them or to pity them.
>> No. 1145

>> No. 1153
Pity has to be earned.
Laughter is a gift.

Do the math, bro.
>> No. 1158
These asspies sound like they're stuck in a high school world view of women and relationships. Seriously, what is it with people and not looking at themselves when things don't work out? Do they not think that

a) maybe they're going after the wrong thing
- e.g. "hawt" bitches in clubs tend to be shallow and looking for sex with guidos when they really want something "deep" and "meaningful" that's not so incredibly shallow, or thinking that chatting-up strangers is a good way to meet potential mates (the "if a million apes with a million typewriters took a million years randomly typing shit theory they can rewrite the collected works of Shakespeare theory)

b) They are not at a place in their lives where they are mentally, or emotionally ready for a relationship, and/or are not happy with themselves as they are without anyone else

c) Their entitlement and victim complex is a load of bullshit - that they do not "deserve" women and they are not "owed"

d) that being misogynistic and a douchebag, unless you're a guido with an alpha complex and the looks and body, only looked for NSA sex, is not a turn-on, and that people can sense that kind of negativity?

tl;dr: they seem to have the same problems and misconceptions as Chris
>> No. 1170
so, what you're implying is, this forum has come up with an effective method of creating clones of chris?
>> No. 1171
File 129894274355.jpg - (37.99KB , 976x250 , Ceno.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I discovered this site after it was posted here a few months back. As a 21 year old kissless/handholdless virgin, I actually LIKE venting about bitches and whores there. It's like /r9k/ xtreme. But some of the posters there are VERY angry, and it's hilarious.

Seriously, I love this forum. Cenobite and Alexius are the most entertaining members.

I love how Cenobite constantly threatens people...when he's a fat, diabetic 45 year old virgin who is scared to death of women! And he threatens to pay for a hooker every goddamn day, but never does! You don't stand a chance against him, unless you're Bruce Lee.
>> No. 1174
I know he's fucking insane and hilariously funny. Every time he posts is pure entertainment. The guy is so funny he basically needs his own ED page.

btw, Cenobite is Michael James Nicholls
>> No. 1176
>As a 21 year old kissless/handholdless virgin
Dude, I've got some bro advice for you. If you want to change that, don't go to that board and surround yourself in that misogynistic and self-pity shit.
>> No. 1177
File 129896711986.jpg - (21.00KB , 289x602 , mikeysfriend.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
(from the ED link) This is Mikey's friend who he keeps lamenting about. I want to provoke him and see what threats he comes up with.

Anyone good with photoshop? Could someone make this gay themed and link it to him dying of aids?
>> No. 1178
File 129898001741.jpg - (37.00KB , 600x450 , LSmikey2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Fuck you, WANKAAAAAAAS! Let's see you NOT be BITTER when you're 45 fucking years old and haven't has sex with a woman! Those women COULD have had a kind, caring, funny man like me, but nope! All the cunts decided to go for the alphas instead!
>> No. 1180

Contrary to popular belief, it's actually completely normal to be 21 years old and "kissless/handholdless".
>> No. 1181
cry some more
>> No. 1182
so, if I read this right, this "loveshy" forum is basically a bunch of overweight /v/irgins who weren't content with just hoarding porn and hentai, so they went and made up a psychological diagnosis for their shortcomings so they can justify their social ineptitude?

fuck you, internet. fuck you.
>> No. 1187
It's even worse!
See, some psychologists a while back said something to the effect of
>Some men, despite the ability to make social connections, have trouble making romantic ones.
These guys then realized that they weren't fat sacks of shit utterly repulsive to women everywhere, they had a genuine disorder!
>> No. 1188
File 129905456813.gif - (37.87KB , 450x338 , ChrisChanLS.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

David H put it perfectly, "Shit nobody cares about and TL;DR and Victim Complex. This is typical love-shy.com behavior."
>> No. 1208
>I love how Cenobite constantly threatens people...when he's a fat, diabetic 45 year old virgin who is scared to death of women!
>And he threatens to pay for a hooker every goddamn day, but never does!

>scared to death of women
>pay for a hooker

Wait, so Cenobite is a homosexual love-shy?
Holy shit, that's the perfect solution for ALL those "sufferers"!
>> No. 1218
Something like that?
>> No. 1220
File 129920120299.jpg - (2.29KB , 50x50 , 187372_100002111185078_5408657_q.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
DavidH aka fuggles is an Aspie member of the LS com who tried to delete his shit from the article and is now trying to prove he was never a member by investing a ridiculous amount of time and energy in editing the article
>> No. 1241
File 129928985169.jpg - (36.77KB , 495x551 , jej1997face.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A.N, Jonathan Jones, jej1997, [email protected]

He posted this picture Love-shy.com a long time ago.

He is concerned about legal implications,
>> No. 1242
>He posted this picture (on) Love-shy.com a long time ago.
>> No. 1244
Hi, Marjan. Any luck getting the Croatian government to help you get a girlfriend?

Anyway, for those who don't know the story yet:

A while ago, Alexius/Marjan Šiklic started a thread on love-shy.com where he said he was going to kill this girl he was obsessed with and then kill himself. This was reported to the authorities and Marjan went to jail for a month.

He thinks he can simply deny that this ever happened since the thread has been moved to where it can't be viewed on love-shy.com, but there is still plenty of evidence left.

For example, you can see him talking about the incident here.

The owner of the love-shy forum, Rammspieler/Eduard Limonov was very much encouraging the murder-suicide. I was able to use this to get the forum shut down for a TOS violation, forcing them to find new hosting.

Ever since then, Marjan/Alexius has been obsessed with getting "revenge".

His latest attempt involved impersonating me on ED and vandalizing the love-shy article.
This was actually successful in getting me added to the page.

He completely gave himself away when he posted with the impersonation sock when he was supposed to be insider (yes that is also him here trying to convince people that I am e_i-2).


Nobody bought that, so now he is trying to convince people that I am fuggles, who does not even live on the continent that I do.
>> No. 1257
Audio Godsmack - Get The Fuck Out! - (79.88KB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz ) Length: 0:02 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
This is a thread for discussing these losers, not a new forum for them to tardrage at each other.
Maybe we need to to start banning people who claim to be a member?
>> No. 1258
People actually put their pics up on that site? Well now any woman can know to look people up there to see if some creepy guy she may have seen is a potential rapist or murderer.

I'm inclined to agree with you, but I'd like to keep the door open for people who join in order to troll them. But they definitely shouldn't be coming here to have their little bitch fights, this isn't their personal battleground.
>> No. 1275
You have no idea. The love-shy.com members had a picture thread a year ago but once they started getting trolled then the moved it away. It's interesting, they got upset when people took their pictures but they had posted them in a public forum to being with.

As for the bitchfights, again, true. However, the love-shys LOVE annoying everyone with their existence. Not to mention they hate it when anyone confronts their behavior. You can tell this by the history of the edits on the ED page.

It's funny. They don't even realize that their retaliation and their upset makes trolling even more inciting.
>> No. 1276
I was never a member. I'm the one that got love-shy.com TOSsed around the time it was featured on SA.

Hopefully Alexius will continue to post here. He desperately wants to hide the fact that he went to jail over his thread on love-shy.com and his reaction to it being brought up is always hilarious.
>> No. 1279
anyone familiar with mea in real life? apparently it means "middle eastern appearance" or something like that.

''inspector montelbano'', seems to have changed his name from seb, and coby use it a lot. i've seen coby's pic on ed. i wonder what inspector looks like
>> No. 1285
File 129944903518.jpg - (10.65KB , 431x333 , davidscott4july.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
11777 Royal Tee Ct Cape Coral FL
>> No. 1295
obviously signing up to troll is fine, but stuff like >>1171 is frankly bordering on faggotry.
that anyone even thinks of this as a measure of anything is pathetic. holding hands means you know the person somewhat and you don't have leprosy. a small amount of it is loosely tied to relationship status, but you focus on it like it's second base. it isn't even batting on deck.
>I actually LIKE venting about bitches and whores there.
you'll get no pity from me. ever. you sound like chris chan ffs, and it seems you found loveshy from a link on /cwc/? have you learned nothing from watching chris?

I really hope I've just been trolled...
>> No. 1299
>holding hands means you know the person somewhat and you don't have leprosy
Exactly. I know couples that don't hold hands because they aren't into PDA. I also know and have seen that, among Korean girls and young women, it's extremely common for good friends to hold hands. A Korean guy might also hold hands with his sister.

In that same vein, you can hug and kiss relatives and friends and have it mean nothing other than you are close friends or family.
>> No. 1307
The themes of that forum are very limited.

Most of them include
-love-shys being nice and loving
-society being mean and uncaring
-men being victims and mistreated
-women being bitches and picky
-men being unable to get sex and love
-women having endless options of attention and affection
See a pattern?
>> No. 1312
Do you mean to tell me that there's a whole forum of Chris-chans?
>> No. 1314
>a whole forum of Chris-chans?

Did anyone tell a loveshy their internet gathering is pretty much this? Provided that its only the ones that know who Chrischan is.

Also, how the hell do self aggrandizing, pitiful fucktards form a group like this? Wouldn't they despise each other?
>> No. 1315
File 129960659423.jpg - (69.27KB , 971x413 , MikeyMad.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He mad!
>> No. 1316
File 129961009811.jpg - (28.73KB , 434x326 , 2hpm2h5.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1317
>I am sick of this shit.
Then do something with your life. You're 45 yet you act like a baby.

>Sick of never having a GF.
You don't want a GF. You'd mistreat her. You'd act like she was your private prostitute or mom.

>Sick of being so poor.
People can pull themselves out of poverty. And besides, you're a fat fuck who probably spends all his money on food. Not to mention you fuck yourself over in the second last paragraph. Consoles, movies, novels, etc. Why not find a job or do something productive than waste your time? As for all this camera gear you have, think about it, you either choose photography (which you already have) or pay for sex (which you seem to want yet never seem to do)


This is beyond sad. 45 years old and it's all this fault. As for his childhood, the bullies probably picked on him because he was the most entertaining. I'm sure he through a hissy-fit just like Chris-Chan. In fact, he was probably a bully himself who picked on people. How else could one be so full of hate and be so easy to pile on the threats?
>> No. 1318
Now this is just priceless. Alexius makes a thread about how he called the police on his parents for not helping him get a girlfriend and it only gets more demented from there:

"How far are you willing to go? Once again, knowing that LS will kill me.

I honestly have no idea about what you're gonna say but imagine if my mother, my own mother had the power to make my LS go away by sucking my dick or me penetrating her if that's what it took. Wouldn't it only be reasonable for her to do it? It might be extremely awkward, I might want to move out and have severe trauma but guess what? I would be alive at 25 and would be fucking other women."
>> No. 1319
someone give me a pic of a really crazy person to make a seal of approval for this
>> No. 1321
File Alexius.rar - (1.21MB ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Well, Alexius's picture is on ED. But here are some more he's posted up throughout the ages.
>> No. 1322

If you're going to use quotes, at least printscreen a quote so we all can see. Can't see it because you have to log in.
>> No. 1323
File 129962995081.png - (319.21KB , 450x338 , Crazyperson.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Will this do?

He has also made plenty more of these kinds of posts.

Here is his response to the question of why he is able to approach and beg female police officers for sex when he is too shy to approach women otherwise:

"Because it is the duty of government to protect its citizens. I asked the male police officers when I was protesting during a government session to help me approach just like I asked the female officers to help me out multiple times, even when randomly seeing one in the town. IT IS THEIR DUTY TO PROTECT ME FROM SUICIDE. ALSO, YOU MOTHERFUCKER, I WOULD PAAAAAAAAY THEM.

It's not a romantic approach, it's like a business deal. Get it, fuckwit?

Oh, David, let me tell you something. You know very well that if they do not help me there is probable chance that multiple people will die one day if I don't find a gf. It's just human. I think it would be better if I killed that girl, but I didn't have the gun so I just tried to warn them. THEY DIDN'T DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SHIT. WHERE IS MY GIRLFRIEND ???!!! I shouted at police "FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIND ME A GIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILRFRIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEND, GET IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT ??????????????!!!!!!!" when I was protesting too.


Those who don't do that deserve to have their cocks or ovaries removed without anesthesia and flammable liquid poured in those bloody holes. Their children deserve nothing more than to be hanged in front of theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem.

I WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANT TO FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK (but I can't go to a prostitute. I am too afraid)"

Of course this just raises the question of why he can approach a police officer for sex, but not a prostitute when it is also "like a business deal".
>> No. 1324
>Oh, David, let me tell you something. You know very well that if they do not help me there is probable chance that multiple people will die one day if I don't find a gf. It's just human. I think it would be better if I killed that girl, but I didn't have the gun so I just tried to warn them. THEY DIDN'T DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SHIT. WHERE IS MY GIRLFRIEND ???!!! I shouted at police "FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIND ME A GIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILRFRIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEND, GET IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT ??????????????!!!!!!!" when I was protesting too.

Is this the window to hell Chris was talking about?
>> No. 1328
Why doesn't he just move out of the fucking Midlands if he hates it so much so he can walk or take transit instead of bitching about how his benefits cheque isn't enough?

Heh, and if he thinks the banks in the UK are bad, he should see the ones in the US. I'd say that The City is a pillar of ethical integrity compared to Wall Street.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Nigger doesn't seem to understand what the police are for. They sure as hell aren't there to be the guy with the coat that makes you hug yourself for everyone out there.

This guy has the same logic and sense of entitlement as a teabagger.

>Is this the window to hell Chris was talking about?
It may be. What's his excuse though? Is he a non-HFA autistic?
>> No. 1330

No no, it's got to be crazier than that. This guy goes WAY beyond conspiracy theorists.
>> No. 1333
I thinking mopre along the lines of someone who really flipped the loony bin and did something crazy and made international news with it.
>> No. 1334
File MichaelJamesNicholls.rar - (928.07KB ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Well there is Cho, Sodini, Columbine duo, Unabomber?

btw, here are some pics of Michael James Nicholls before he made his facebook private.
>> No. 1335
There are certainly many things on love-shy.com that would get the Sodini seal of approval.

"Do you have any RELEVANT prove that all women arent part of an evil hive mind? They are out to get men because they know men need sex, and they go out tease guys and withhold sex. They reject them in cruel ways, and are very
egocentric and sociopathic if you look at the way modern bitches act. It doesnt matter if women in general dont fit those descriptors; all that matters is the individuals experiences; have enough bad ones, and they represent REALITY....

Oh and FYI killing women, and making a political statemnt can be very effective, its something called terrorism, and it has brought major nations to their knees. Kill enough women, make it clear why, and then maybe then society will take you seriously. Im not saying i would do that; i have no desire to go to prison, but i would enthusiastically root for a person or group that would. Sometimes when one is hopeless, HATE is the only thing left going for a person; thats the way it is for me; ive replaced my desire to get a woman, which i know will never happen, with hatred...its not a bad substitute let me tell you that."

>> No. 1343
Behold the most insane virgins evar!

>> No. 1345
Alexius is an obvious troll. From what I have been able to gather, he was banned multiple times from the site but somehow always manages to come back.

That aside, if you chickenshits feel so strongly that the LS guys are fucking crybabies who bring this all on themselves, why don't you get some nuts and get accounts on their forum and tell them so to their faces instead of hiding behind Anonymous user names here? Oh, that's right, because you are afraid you would fit in too well there!

Considering you guys have the time to spend reading armpits of the Internets like FSTDT, the chans and ED, I'd guess 99% of you are adult virgins who live in your parents' basement playing D&D every night when you aren't whacking off to Hentai. That is the irony of the whole thing... you talk shit about Mikey when a good number of you are going to end up just like him.

>> No. 1346
File 129973570393.png - (113.88KB , 365x272 , PFFFFT.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1348
So...the pot's calling the kettle black for calling the pot black?

No, seriously, what?
>> No. 1350
Lebeck's version of no u.
>> No. 1352
Audio Eagles - Get Over It - (2.82MB - 112 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 01-Get Over It.mp3 ) Length: 3:31 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
>hiding behind Anonymous
oh wait, you don't even have the balls to admit you're a virgin of your own account.
You're trolling yourself if you think you have anything to hold over my head.
>> No. 1358
File 129982013464.jpg - (21.50KB , 589x231 , jej1997fb.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Just to add
>> No. 1360
File 129985565171.jpg - (68.27KB , 401x586 , 1298138772559.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1362
I have been trolling these losers for a little bit now and I have to say I have not had this much fun in a very long time.

If you want to troll these guys you have to be really subtle because they are really paranoid but if you know just the right way to press their buttons you can make them go hysterical.
>> No. 1363
File 129986370435.jpg - (51.55KB , 800x600 , p1010023w.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nice try Alexius. We all knew you were giving misinformation. Now we all know what the real SociallyInept looks like.

As for Advanced, what exactly is this?
>> No. 1364
Was that just a typo and you meant ei_2 instead of advanced?

If not, I'm not sure what you were asking about.
>> No. 1365
Never mind. I wasn't paying attention to that photo and I'm not entirely sure I want to know the story behind that.
>> No. 1366
Is that really advanced in that pic? I remember he said he was over 6 foot but he could be just lying.
>> No. 1367
I know. Seeing his appearance just makes all of his internet tough guy crap even more laughable than it was to begin with.
>> No. 1368
Sorry about that. Should have been more clear. Previous picture VERY related.

But anyways, anything Insider is obviously false. The false linking between ei_2 and David, sociallyinept and whoever that is?

That pic I uploaded is of Advanced / Just Jack. (It's from the photo collection) He has very long fingernails.
>> No. 1369
Is advanced really that short or is he sitting down in that picture?
>> No. 1370
He says he's 6'2" or something and maybe he is? I think he's kneeling in that pic. Some sort of puppydog begging pose?

I can assure you that he is Advanced. He pics from ED are legit (one of the pics is from is his facial feminization and his location link is a picture from his okcupid) Not to mention these pictures were harvested before any major trolling attacks when the forum had is 'Picture Thread'.

His face is posted all over the internet. You could just search his aliases or this contact information and you'll find pics of him on various forums.
>> No. 1371
As far as I understand it that is Advanced, he's the one with body dysmorphic disorder who wants to look like an anime character/Michael Jackson. Also if there is a lulzy story behind that pic I, for one, would like to hear it.
>> No. 1373
Is that his ex-girlfriend in the pic?
>> No. 1374
File 129986599695.jpg - (26.56KB , 323x441 , n1048284548_30223430_1972.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is what Mikey does in order to feel good about himself. He plays with guns as he thinks about suicide or pulling a Sodini all day. Tough guy.

(More pictures from the rar in the post referenced)
>> No. 1375
No. He hasn't done ANYTHING.

No girlfriend. No sex. No kiss. No holding hands. Nothing.

Seriously, read the ED page. It's more fact than fiction. This is a guy who paid a girl $350 to cuddle for FOUR HOURS!

>> No. 1376
So who is the girl in the pic? The girl he paid to cuddle with?
>> No. 1377
He may have just been having his picture taken with some girl at an anime convention or something.
>> No. 1378
Has anyone noticed that Advanced has a huge obsession with Asia? He even keeps posting about how he thinks Asians are superior race. Now his name is in Japanese.

A month ago I found a youtube video of him with a bunch of asian guys playing some game and he was conversing with them is whatever azn language they speak. Unfortunately whoever was hosting the video was banned from youtube so it is no longer up.
>> No. 1379
His obsession with Asians even came up when he talked about paying that girl to cuddle.

"The girl was pretty cute too. She was not asian but she was still my type.The terms we both agreed on were we would cuddle in bed for a full 4 hours and she would tell me "i love you" at random intervals and make eye contact."

>> No. 1380
One odd thing is that even after paying $350 to cuddle with that girl, he had this advice to give to someone considering going to a strip club:

"DON'T go to the strip club!

Its a fucking waste of money. What the fuck is the point of going to the strip club?

All these fucking cunts do is take hard earned money from men and use it to buy
expensive shoes and expensive jewelry while laughing at the guys who
gave that money to her.

What the fuck do these cunts do for you?
They get naked....but you can't touch them. What good does that do
you? I have this wonderful, magical thing that lets you see as many
naked women as you could dare dream for free. Its called the internet.

Yeah you can pay for a lapdance too...OH WOW!!...I can pay 50 bucks to get
blue balls!!!"

>> No. 1381
File 129988163551.jpg - (152.22KB , 640x480 , girlslaughing.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I have no idea what the going rate for prostitues in his area are, but $350 for cuddling?
>> No. 1383

Well I would have a go at you, but you are also Anonymous so whatchagonna do. I don't claim to be a Don Juan, but nope haven't been a virgin in quite awhile. If I was I would certainly admit it because I'm not in middle school any more and could give a shit about what Beavis and Butthead think about my scoring rate. I'm just sayin, some of you guys would be better off joining the forum for real and admitting to your problems so you could get the help you need, instead of childishly making fun of people in the same boat you are for cheap lulz as if it makes you look any better. It doesn't.

LOL @banning me by the way. Can't handle the truth?

>> No. 1384
Audio The Eagles - One Of These Nights - (3.34MB - 96 kbps - 44.1 kHz , One Of These Nights.mp3 ) Length: 4:52 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.

OTOH, I do have to complement your taste in music, WhoreosNMilf! But I think this Eagles tune suits you better.
>> No. 1385
File 129989677070.jpg - (43.71KB , 446x400 , laughing girls.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The funniest thing about love-shys is they think posting on some little forum about how they hate women actually helps their problems instead of perpetuating it. Oh you~
>> No. 1386
> many of the trolls themselves are dateless; they just refuse to get help and instead try to look cool over the internet
>> No. 1387
I'm dateless, yeah.

But at least I'm not a raging, desperate misogynist.
>> No. 1388
> many of the trolls themselves are dateless; they just refuse to get help and instead try to look cool over the internet

translated: NO U
>> No. 1393
I can assure you, I am by no means in denial of my virginity here. The truth is, I'm in my 3rd year of college and haven't the slightest clue what I want to do for a living. Forgive me if copulation for copulation's sake isn't my top priority. I come from a family where one is measured by their accomplishments, rather than one's conquests.
>> No. 1394
File 129991079438.jpg - (31.04KB , 544x517 , 6871192.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>many of the trolls themselves are dateless; they just refuse to get help and instead try to look cool over the internet

So 'dateless' is the loveshy equivalent of Chris's 'naive'?
The "Ultimate Insult"?

Really now?
>> No. 1396
>get the help you need
Help in what? Becoming a foaming at the mouth tinfoil hat wearing misogynist?

Oh but come now, if they looked at relationships the way you did, that might have gotten them somewhere, now wouldn't it have? God forbid someone should look at relationships as, well, a relationship, and not just a fuck quest, as well as look as women as people and not holes to penetrate.

No no no, you've got it all wrong. I think that "dateless" is their equivalent to "girlfriend-free". It is yet another childish euphemism, with unnecessary syllables,
for "single".
>> No. 1400
>No no no, you've got it all wrong. I think that "dateless" is their equivalent to "girlfriend-free". It is yet another childish euphemism, with unnecessary syllables, for "single".

Heh, I thought dateless != single because you can have a few dates and still not in a relationship yet?
>> No. 1401

Clueless much? Do you even bother to read the threads you troll? Sex and getting laid isn't what LS is about. It's about the inability to form a romantic emotional bond with a member of the opposite sex. Sure that involves sex for most people, but is not the end all be all. Advanced didn't pay for a girl to fuck him, he paid for a girl to cuddle with.

But whatever. You fucktards show your true lack of character by your treatment of Mikey's best friend who passed away. Jesus Christ what is wrong with you people?

Hell, tens of thousands died this morning in Japan after the tsunami. Whole towns wiped off the map. Bring on the fucking gay-sha girl jokes!

>> No. 1404
You're a "gay-sha" take off faggot.

And to think I actually went on the LS board just to read stuff a couple months ago, you'll know it's true because it was right about the time that chick who had a blog about how she was going to get married or something was "exposed" as a "troll."

Anyway, I read the plight of your younger members especially, and well it almost brought me to tears, oh the pathos I saw!
I said to myself that I knew I wouldn't be doing any trolling here.

I almost registered to implore the younger LSers to stop this shit and meet someone right away while they are in school and it's easy. I wanted to tell them that true love is real and how I met my partner at 18 and we've been together ever since (so many years I don't want to date myself) but I realized you would call me a troll, I understand that, I'm not made of stone (though that is a pretty solid reference to the Hobbit, trolls etc).

I felt bad and wanted to help you guys but didn't think you'd accept me so I stayed silent.

Coming from a guy that felt sorry for you: stop this faggotry now, the trolls will be all over you guys and your behavior is doing a lot to burn up any sympathy or good will people like myself have towards you.
>> No. 1405
>Bring on the fucking gay-sha girl jokes!
What the hell? Did you think that was funny? Sorry to break it to you, but that's extremely misogynistic.
>> No. 1408

Misogyny?! WTH are you guys smoking? I want some! Seriously!! Racist? Sure. In poor taste considering what Japan is goingthrough? Absolutely! But if the only comeback you have for that is that you thought that was misogynistic, I can see why you feel threatened by the LS forum. You should seek help on the Incel Support forum. http://incel.myonlineplace.org/forum/ They are the misandrist counterpoint to LS's misogyny. You'd fit right in.

To answer your question, >>1405, I didn't think the gay-sha joke was funny at all. I thought it was in extremely poor taste considering all the Japanese that died yesterday and considering the scope of the tragedy that is still going. I thought YOU degenerates would find it funny, however. Since all of you together demonstrate the combined maturity of an 8-year-old.

OTOH, considering how poorly you understand sarcasm, some of you might be better served on the Ass Burger Support Forum as well. http://www.wrongplanet.net/

>> No. 1409

Why don't you go make a video on Youtube about how much you hate DANG DIRTY TROLLS and how they misunderstand the context of your brilliant analytical prose?
>> No. 1410
File 129996921948.jpg - (39.46KB , 299x450 , MichaelJamesNicholls.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
In regards to this post

I suggest you look at this post

And then it accumulates in the biggest tough guy virgin who would make even Chris-Chan embarrassed. Not only does he state he doesn't hang around people, meet people, nor get to know people BUT then he gets all mad when he's all alone. Not to mention he creates this tough guy image and then gets upset when people don't want to meet him or like him!?

Look at this tough guy. You can even see how his obesity is affecting is facial features. It just hangs there all soft and squishy. I wonder if he can even see his penis underneath the overhang of his manboobs or his gut? Even if he got ahold of a prostitute he'd probably couldn't even fuck her, he'd die of a heart attack.
>> No. 1412
Mikey just got some inheritance. I wonder if he'll actually get a hooker, now that he doesn't have the excuse of "I can't afford it"?
>> No. 1413
Nah, he'll probably spend it all on photography or cameras or food or something.

He's been poor for decades and probably doesn't know anything about money. Either way he'll blow it all on some one-time thing; if not a prostitute then on something else. It would be funny, say if he does get sex then what would happen if he wants more?
>> No. 1414
You're sorry ass is banned anyway but I think you may be the one that doesn't understand, I was making fun of your retarded spelling. But yeah all the other stuff in my post is true, and I'm sure I don't have to tell you that I get sex whenever I want it, and I bet Whoreos does too.

Regardless I hope you learn to cut the bullshit and stop poisoning the minds of those kids on your forum, and frankly you should stop letting your mind be poisoned too. If you're an undergraduate or grad student for the love of god sieze the day and just try and meet some people and don't be afraid to just try going out with someone! Stop being angry and turn your energy towards that, you'll be happier and you won't have to worry about trolls anymore!
>> No. 1417

Stereotype much? Fine, I'll admit that I am a virgin in one sense. My ass has never had a dick in it. So congrats on your tons of sex any time you want! You got me there, Hoss!

What you all seem to fail to grasp is that Loveshyness is a phobia! True loveshies can no more just ask out a girl than someone with a phobia of spiders can stick their hand in a spider cage.

Incels on the other hand are not loveshy, but fail to get dates because women always reject them (due to looks, nerdiness, whatever). Basic LS.com 101.

If you are going to troll a forum, at least know WTF you are talking about.

>> No. 1418
You haven't been reading what I've written, I found LS too depressing to troll, I wanted to see some members get help instead of continuing on with the maladaptive bs people on the site were encouraging.

Oh gee a phobia? Well I bet the mental health field wouldn't know what the fuck to do if someone walked in with something that hardcore /sarcasm.

Seriously though why not get some cognitive behavioral therapy? It's helped a lot of people with all sorts of different phobias including social ones. You could see a psychiatrist about medication too, but if you are against psych meds, as some are, you could still get CBT. I understand that LS is supposed to be some kind of support group and I actually think support groups can be very powerful. I've seen people who suffer from severe depression, people with head injuries and strokes who have said that being in support groups really helped them get through a lot of difficult times. But these groups were connected with hospitals and various mental health practitioners that made sure that the environment didn't turn toxic and promote inappropriate coping strategies and behaviors. Instead of LS you guys should all take time off from the site and join a social phobia support group and get hooked up with some psychiatrists and therapists through the local groups. Then come back after you've had some treatment and feel better, then make LS a useful place where people can vent but don't end up drowning in anger and essentially giving up on many experiences, and encouraging impressionable people in pain to do the same.
>> No. 1419
File 129998388537.jpg - (231.90KB , 902x949 , TvoyD.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If you have Loveshy docs, can you please start posting them. These fags are starting to get really annoying.
>> No. 1420
Oh ya, remind me, which part of the DSM takes you pathetic retards seriously. The condition is actually called "You are a huge pussy, and thats why women dont like you. Quit being a fag about it."
>> No. 1421
Naturally the DSM doesn't, but these guys are kidding themselves when they think their issues are somehow unique and wouldn't respond to treatment for social anxiety and related issues/conditions.
>> No. 1422

>> No. 1423
You could check out the ED page. Even this Lebeck guy left his email in his original post! >>1345
[email protected]

Or, you could try and find out some dox yourself? I, myself, was very easily able to find Alone Naturally. Seriously, we know his name and his email from jej1997, not to mention we know his location and address from him posting it on love-shy.com.

This guys are seriously stupid. It's like they don't want anonymity.
>> No. 1424
Short for involuntarily celibate, means you can't get someone to fuck you for free or without some kind of coercion.
>> No. 1425
It's explained on their main page (not the forum's)
"Incel" = involuntarily celibate = in_voluntarily cel_ibate.

It's the epitome of victim complex. YOU are celibate because ALL women wouldn't voluntarily have sex with you. Its is not YOUR fault you are celibate, it is SOCIETY'S.
>> No. 1426
Isn't there a large chance that the dude who is coming on here acting all antagonistic isn't this Jeff guy but just another faggot from LS. I'm pretty sure someone has been trying to get us to go after Jeff. Frankly it's not worth going after any of these sad sacks, I'd like to see them get some fucking help.
>> No. 1427
I know that Jeff is probably some sockpuppet, it must be. They're no way that someone could be so stupid. Usually it's always Alexius.
>> No. 1428
That's who I'm thinking too, we should drop his dox just for good measure, does anyone have them on hand?
>> No. 1429
File 129998729747.jpg - (104.84KB , 400x446 , tumblr_lhikst3dmW1qb5gkjo1_400.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1430
Not likely. You cannot reason with them because their reasoning is all fucked up to begin with.

They will say how virginity and lack of women fucks with their mind, but NO, it's the other way around. It's because they are fucked up, that's because they are virgins and women don't want to be with them.

It's as simple as that.

As for getting them help. The best way of getting them help is by trolling their forum or getting rid of it. It's basically as vicious circle jerk anyways. It would do them good to just leave.
>> No. 1432
>It's because they are fucked up, that's "why" they are virgins and women don't want to be with them.

>> No. 1433

First, fuck you "Jeff" for bringing the Incel Support forum into this!

>You should seek help on the Incel Support forum. http://incel.myonlineplace.org/forum/ They are the misandrist counterpoint to LS's misogyny.

Second, fuck you for comparing our therapeutic environment to the hate-spew you call a forum. It isn't misandrist to suggest treating women like human beings.

>Incels on the other hand are not loveshy, but fail to get dates because women always reject them (due to looks, nerdiness, whatever).

Third, fuck you for you sexist assertion that only men can be incel! I will have you know that women compose over one third of our forum, and I assure you that are equally challenged by the dating game. Men can be just as shallow and unforgiving of physical flaws and emotional scars as women can, if not more so.

Lolcows, troll the loveshy misogynists all you want, but leave us out of it!

>> No. 1435
File 130000523446.gif - (567.71KB , 200x136 , michael-jackson-eating-popcorn.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1437
There's a reason why Love-shy.com gets trolled and you aren't. For your own good just stop posting or if you do so, don't link it back or reference your forum.

Btw, incel support, you could help us out by providing dox or some insight into the love-shy posters. I hear some of the love-shys signed up there?
>> No. 1438
File 130000792442.jpg - (29.45KB , 533x400 , Up.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No idea what the fuck happened, but hey, looks like more entertainment is on the way!
>> No. 1439
How about people stop acting like Chris by stopping their use of dumbass invented euphemisms and acronyms?
>> No. 1441

What kind of dox do you want? Most is from ED, but don't worry, it's actually legit.

His name is Marjan Šiklić (who has now 'changed' his name to "Adnan Čaušević"). His facebook number is 100001620198438. He is from Zagreb, Croatia.
>> No. 1442
File 130000879210.jpg - (41.52KB , 411x450 , Virgin with Rage.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Just seriously cannot get enough of this Michael James Nicholls >>1334
>> No. 1496
Mr "WRITE YOUR GOVERNMENTS!!!!!" might be going to jail.


If it's true, I can't say he didn't have it coming.
>> No. 1497
Why? I can't read that page. At least provide screencaps or quotes.
>> No. 1500
File 130013846171.jpg - (28.24KB , 390x310 , FFFFFF.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>see STEALTH MODE OFF button
>click it
>mfw I saw the changes to the page
>> No. 1501
File 13001385594.jpg - (65.79KB , 840x491 , Clipboard01.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1505
Okay, thanks.

Btw guys, you do know that love-shy.com removes their stuff (by deleting, editing, or moving)? If you see something good then you have to record it.

They will censor things just to keep their reputation.
>> No. 1507
File 130014068893.png - (75.47KB , 315x324 , jejlogo.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Jonathan Jones

Alone Naturally

jej1997, jj234, [email protected]

2124 Christoff Loop, Austin, TX 78748
>> No. 1509

Isn't their reputation pretty much what people have been saying on this board?
>> No. 1513
>my mother was nagging me
Such fail almost rivals Chris's.

>> No. 1515
That's way too good to be true, someone has to have hijacked his account or something. Does anybody have the story on this? I'd love it if he did go to jail, that fucker is part of the problem no matter how you conceive it. Frankly I'm surprised the LS dudes even put up with him, I mean didn't he dox and generally dish dirt on the other members for essentially no reason?
>> No. 1518
The information he gave on other members was not correct. He was doing it to gain credibility on ED and the information he gave for one member was actually the information of someone he is trying to get back at.

Anyway, this wouldn't be the first time he went to jail over this nonsense. He already went to jail for three months when he made a thread saying he was going to murder this girl he was obsessed with and it was reported.
>> No. 1520
File 130016623319.jpg - (12.65KB , 200x160 , 1997-chloe-moretz.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hmm, I might have found something much more interesting.

A pedo love-shy who has said he liked a little girl? This really doesn't look too good for Michael James Nicholls.
>> No. 1521
Oh, and btw love-shy.com don't try and hide the evidence. No worries though, it has all been saved.
>> No. 1522
Ok man, those are quite the accusations you got going there so make with the screen caps plox. It's not like I put it past any of these guys but at the same time they're so confused in general that I'd need something pretty solid to conclude one of them was a real pedo rather than just some desperate sadsack.
>> No. 1523
File 130016771787.jpg - (121.38KB , 931x707 , MichaelJamesNichollspedo1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Part 1/2

Firstly, it seems that e_i-2 had an outlash on mikey.

He said:
>Remember that thread about where you said you liked that little girl (Chole Grace Moretz)

Attached is the original e_i-2 quote.
>> No. 1524
File 130016790765.jpg - (233.64KB , 931x1364 , MichaelJamesNichollspedo2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Part 2/2

Secondly, mikey responds with absolute rage.

In regards to what e_i-2 said, mikey said:
>"Yes. I was completely and well and truly out of order." and "You're right. Sutff like that has no place on this forum"

I don't know but it seems that mikey never denied that he said he liked her? or that he said such things? It's seriously messed up.

Attached is the original mikey responce.
>> No. 1525
I wish I could provide more but love-shy.com is in the habit of removing information. No doubt once love-shy.com reads this they will start removing and editing out stuff.

But this at least hints at something really messed up about this forum. And think about it, he's responding to a mod and it's about a fairly serious topic. I doubt he's making it up, why would he? Also, in an act unlike mikey, he actually says YES to the fact he should have been banned for that. And this is considering all the stuff he's said about suicide, Sodini, and misogyny.
>> No. 1526
I don't know what to say about this Mikey idiot but that response suggests to me that e_i-2 is a reasonable guy and could totally be salvaged with some therapy, if the pictures I've seen are really him he's decent looking too. Dude e_i-2 if you're reading this leave LS for a while and get help.
>> No. 1527
Hey thank you for the timely responses, I owe you 10 internets kindly anon.
>> No. 1528
Just to get into the mind of the mods and admins of love-shy.com, here's another thing to think over:

That post references a thread in which Mikey said something about that girl. Would a mod make up an accusation like that without some sort of proof? Did mikey deny that thread? Did mikey deny saying such a thing? No, so that proves that this thread did exist and that such a post (or posts) existed.

But where is that thread? Why can't people find it anymore? Why isn't that talked about? Do people know about it? It's because love-shy.com mods and admins hide their most controversial stuff. I'm telling you guys, what you're seeing is bad enough but what's unseen is worse.
>> No. 1529

If someone posted something like that on the Incel Suppory forum, they would be permabanned and the thread would be deleted. At least they deleted the thread. Hooray for the love-shies getting something half right for once!
>> No. 1534
I've not been following this thread but... the Midlands? Who is this guy, and where in the midlands does he live?! I was just assuming all of these guys were in America or just generally Far Away, but some of these fuckers live locally?

Give me dox and I will use it.
>> No. 1535
>> No. 1538
File 130020608665.jpg - (70.93KB , 1161x316 , Fuggles.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Just to give an example, this post shows that Alexius knows perfectly well that the information he put on ED for fuggles is incorrect.
>> No. 1545
West Midlands is accurate but to be more precise I think he lives around Dudley or Sandwell.
>> No. 1547
Please post any delicious drama you create anon!
>> No. 1550
I was able to get what I think might be the phone number of a member but I am not sure it is them or even if I want to post it.

If I do post it someone should call them really quick for lulz before they see it posted on this thread.
>> No. 1555
Just post a certain section of the number then? Say, the last 3 or 4 digits. That's not giving too much away.

As for the members, they live all over the world. Most live in the United States or England. Some in Canada.
>> No. 1556
Do we know if any of them are even paying attention to this thread besides that faggot jailbird Alexius?
>> No. 1557
What good would posting the last 4 digits in a phone number do?
>> No. 1560
Probably nothing.

Maybe say which location this poster lives in? or just state which poster? That way others might be able to confirm?


No, they know. We even have incel support keeps tabs on us so no doubt love shy is doing so as well. Also, we have had love-shy.com here in the past a few months ago. There were a thread about it and I'm sure there are threads about us in some hidden members section.
>> No. 1561
If that's true then let me say that I'm pretty sure most people here are totally fine with incel support, I haven't seen anyone say anything against them on here.

Secondly if people from LS are watching this some of us want to see you guys get better and lead better lives, we just happen to think that LS is crippling you and encouraging people not to seek help for their issues.

(e_i 2 I'm looking at you man, you seem smart and I'm pretty sure you're on the younger side so the rest of your life doesn't need to be like this, kudos for calling out Mikey by the way).
>> No. 1562
If I post the number and which member I think it is will somebody be a bad enough dude to call it?
>> No. 1569
Please stand up? Please stand up? Please stand up?

I apologize for being antagonistic earlier. I'm not your enemy. Like some of you, I am honestly trying to help these guys. Your methods only make things worse though. You just reinforce the pathos that society is a shitty place that is out to get them.

>>1526, e_i-2 hasn't posted on the forum since January. He edited all his shit replacing all his posts with one word entries, just like the ED article says. Right after that his username went from green to black, meaning he was no longer listed as a moderator. He also hasn't posted a single time since then that I can tell.

I think that your suggestion is exactly what he did. He cut all ties with the forum, and decided to seek help outside of it.
>> No. 1571
Holy shit, if that is true I'm really glad to hear it, if e_i 2 ever reads this good luck dude!

Also I'm not even sure to what degree people here are really messing with anyone I feel like most of us are here to discuss the situation.

Also what's the story with your user names, why do you want to bring a bunch of attention to the name Jeff Lebeck? I don't get your angle if you're someone that would like to see these guys do better, is Jeff a troll you've doxed? Is he a sock? Come on what's the story?
>> No. 1573
No, I just went ahead and saved you the trouble by doxing myself. Remember, my first post >>1345
was about calling out everyone hiding behind "Anonymous".

You wanted dox, I gave you mine. I have nothing to hide. What that I am a sympathetic guy who felt sorry for some losers on the Internet and wanted to help them? Hang me for that!

Really the reason for the first post is that it irritated me that the discussion made it look like Alexius was a fair representative of the forum, instead of an extreme very trollish poster.

I could say the same about Mikey, but he seems to have mellowed out a lot in recent months. Until people here and on ED started talking about desecrating pictures of his dead best friend. Come on, WTF guys?
>> No. 1574
Ok dude just knock the persecution act off, has anyone fucked with you? I sincerely doubt it and that ought to tell you something, no one wants to hang you for wanting to help these guys.

As you can see by looking up-thread I think you just confused a lot of people, some people think you are Alexius. But if you're against him, I for one, am with you I think the guy's a jerk and a loose cannon who probably belongs behind bars.
>> No. 1578
“Mark Zuckerberg has kind of equated anonymity with a lack of authenticity, almost a cowardice. I would say that’s totally wrong. I think anonymity is authenticity. It allows you to share in a completely unvarnished, unfiltered, raw way. I think that’s something that’s extremely valuable. In the case of content creation, it just allows you to play in ways that you may not have otherwise.” -moot (4chan founder Christopher Poole), March 15, 2011.

Doxing spits in the face of this philosophy. Be careful of what kind of world you create, young fellows.
>> No. 1580
>> No. 1581
>> No. 1586
Is that even your real name? Where are the pics? Your facebook account? What you say isn't verifiable so there is no credibility anyways. You're pretty much "anonymous" yourself.

Alexius may not be a fair representative but he is not a trollish poster. He has over 4000 posts. That forum must love trolls then or like what he has to say.

As for Mikey, tough shit. Read his posts and consider the fact he's a 45 year old man. The fact you tolerate such behavior shows the values of that forum. Instead of condoning it why don't you actually do something about it. You act like none of it is his fault?! It was just revealed that he may even be a pedo and that really does explain a lot of his frustration. Hope his sister and her partner knows about this.

e_i-2 said it the best in that "Should I be banned thread"
[Mikey's] friend died because he was sick of hearing [him] bitch and whine, crybaby
[Mikey's] dog starved to death because [he] at all his food, fatty
[Mikey's] oneitis married [his] sister because [he] failed as a man, virgin
>[Mikey's] failure of a life is only useful as a caution for others to avoid, loser

Note the last one.
>> No. 1587
File ei2vsmikey.rar - (2.28MB ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Actually when ei2 left, he was probably the most objective and clear-minded person on that forum.

Unfortunately the majority was too loving of their misogynistic paedophilic George Sodini.
>> No. 1590

Actually ei2 was one of the sickest members of the forum. He made a long post trying to justify rape. Look up quotes from him on FSTDT. If you can read all of his quotes on there and still think he is "objective and clear-minded" then you are a crazy misogynist.
>> No. 1591
I see what you mean but heres to hoping that he saw the error of his ways and is doing something about it.
>> No. 1592

I doubt it. He is a rapist waiting to happen. Honestly I find his posts more disturbing than those from Alexius, Advanced, and even Mikey.
>> No. 1593
>Is that even your real name? Where are the pics? Your facebook account?

I gave you my name and email address. What more do you want? If you can't even find dox on me based on the information I provided you myself, it kind of puts all these other doxed identities here and on ED in question.

>Alexius may not be a fair representative but he is not a trollish poster. He has over 4000 posts. That forum must love trolls then or like what he has to say.

Maybe trollish wasn't the right word. Drama king more like. I think they keep him around for the polls and the lulz. Perhaps they find him as entertaining as you guys. On the other hand, I've seen the mods censure him more than once when he got out of hand.

>As for Mikey, tough shit. Read his posts and consider the fact he's a 45 year old man.
One day we all will be. Life doesn't stop sucking because you get older, and in his case has only gotten worse as time progresses.

>The fact you tolerate such behavior shows the values of that forum. Instead of condoning it why don't you actually do something about it.
He has as much right to vent there as anyone.
For a site that claims to be all about free speech, some people here sure want to limit that right for other people. Arguing in favor for political correctness on a chan site is the pot calling the kettle black for calling the kettle black for calling the kettle black.

Picky picky picky laid out the admin position on this, and frankly made the most sense in that entire thread:
>We know not to take him seriously, and that he's harmless. We just want him to behave a bit more like a gentleman would. And we'll help him to do that, instead of putting him down all the time like you seem to enjoy doing.

>He's 45, dateless, poor, and has never had any female reciprocity. Who are you to chastize him? I find that ridiculous.

>There are other posters who get very very desperate and don't know how to unload all their desperation, and use this forum sometimes abusively sometimes since it's their sole outlet. We're mature enough to understand it's their desperation talking, and it's not them. They're not too far gone just because of a handul of outburts.

>As a community we've decided that expelling them Incel-forum style is not the answer.

>The answer is to give them the empathy and the encouragement [to get better] that they've never had.

He isn't going to go off Sodini-style. But if you people here think he is capable of it, why in the fuck would you want to provoke him into doing so? Wouldn't that make you all accessories to murder?
>> No. 1595
It is so lame how they justify their posts by saying women reject them and treat them poorly.

I am 28 and I never have been with woman and more women have rejected me than I can count but I do not hate all women because of my own failures. It is not their fault I am unattractive.
>> No. 1596
File 130038815763.jpg - (79.12KB , 1136x509 , ei2tol.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think he might have been baiting the trolls when it came to rape and sex. Most of the time he was called a "mangina" by the other posters. I think his main problem was that he associated with the wrong kind of people. He saw the attention notoriety received and for some reason he wanted a part of that.

As for fstdt, that must have been a bait. He really wanted to be on there for some reason.

>until I see one of my 'fundy' quotes up here I won't take anything you people say here personally.

>"c'mon trolls and lurkers, submit the summary essay to fstdt!" and "what, isn't the summary essay "fundie" enough for you?"

He even messaged one of the members because he wanted to see the quotes up there. And when that didn't work I think he added more misogyny and tried to word things as offensive and as inflammatory as possible. Ultimately it made him and the whole forum look bad. It was almost like he was trolling.
>> No. 1599

You must be ei2. I can not think of any other reason someone would be defending him so fiercely. Do not worry, we will dox you in time.
>> No. 1600
Not really. All those pictures were from the picture thread which was 'removed' months ago. The facebook and myspace accounts were also found about a month ago. Have you even posted your picture on love-shy.com? And the reactions from the love-shys posters pretty much prove that it's them. I don't need to explain because I know they are right. I have more dox to post in case anyone is interested.

I'm not saying you shouldn't let mikey make an idiot out of himself but certainly such a policy isn't helping him, that forum, or anyone else. What has it accomplished? And I mean real objective tangible progress. Not that "pop positivty" and "psychology" which love-shy.com seems to despise. It's funny, look at ED, 1/2 the quote are from him. At this rate we might as well make him his own page! We've got enough quotes and we've got enough pictures and have dox. That would be good.

Just because we make fun of you guys and laugh at your poster's pain doesn't we we want to limit your speech. We would lose our lulz otherwise. As for political correctness, seems like 'free speech' love-shy is crumbling under pressure? We don't need to do anything and we aren't even doing anything, you've brought it upon yourself. Can't take it?

As for the rest, sympathy for the devil. As for the Sodini-style killing spree he promised, like I care? He's a free man, he does what he wants. And if he does, what are you doing to do, blame it on society? or all the women who haven't fucked him? LOL Rather than fix his problems he's remained a fat whiny fuck for the whole of his adult life and as a result no woman wants to babysit him and handle his emotional baggage.
>> No. 1601
Who exactly is this guy? It doesn't look like the same person who was in the photo gallery under SociallyInept.
>> No. 1602

Congratulations e_i-2! Your attempt to come here and gain sympathy for yourself has backfired and you are now under our radar!

We have your real picture now, we know you live in Vancouver, and your sick posts are recorded on FSTDT.
>> No. 1605
If he left the forum why do we even care except to encourage people to leave like he did?

in b4 ei-2, I'm not him but I am happy that he left LS.
>> No. 1607
Just for the record though Jeff will you affirm that you are not, in fact , Alexius? The reason I ask is that some people seem to think that Jeff is not only a sock of Alexius but that Jeff Lebeck is someone Alexius has beef with that he wants trolls to be his personal army against. Is that off base?
>> No. 1608

You are just as obvious as Alexius, e_i-2.
>> No. 1609
Think what you want about some other comments, maybe they are him but you're way off about that one.
>> No. 1618

So nobody wants to step up to this challenge? I would call myself but I do not live in America.
>> No. 1620
Seriously if it's not Alexius's number (which it can't be since he doesn't live in the US) I don't really have any desire to be so direct in messing with anyone. It's unclear if this guy Jeff is for real but I do think he's right that certain methods aren't going to convince these guys to do the right thing and potentially get better. There are people on that forum who are despicable enough that I can see wanting to prank them or whatever but without knowing ahead of time who the number belongs to I can't even say if it's worth dropping it.
>> No. 1621

List the members you would be willing to prank and I will tell you if it is one of them.

I am unsure if I want to post the number if no lulz will result.
>> No. 1622
I say hold onto it for now, at some point someone will show up that wants to use it for the sake of lulz but I guess no one is in the mood currently.
>> No. 1623
I'm not sure how to answer that. I mean I am definitely not Alexius, but I would rather you think I was him than have you guys be "his personal troll army" against me.
>> No. 1625
I think you misunderstood me a little, we thought Alexius was pretending to be a guy named Jeff Lebeck and doing so in an antagonistic way because in reality Alexius was mad at a guy named Jeff Lebeck and he hoped that by showing up using that name and antagonizing people he could get the trolls angry at "Jeff" and get them to go after "Jeff." Does that make sense?
>> No. 1626
I understood, but wanted to make sure confirming I'm not Alexius won't bite me in the ass. I am not. I'm not sure what else I can do to prove it though. The downside of anonymity.
>> No. 1628
Yeah I see what you mean, I was even thinking about emailing the address you gave earlier to try and see if it goes to the same person that is making these posts. I was essentially going to ask if there is anyone that you've been in a fight with lately who might be using your name to stir up trouble etc. But I didn't get around to it and then you came back and started acting more reasonable so at this point there's no reason to bother.

But I guess it's worth asking has anyone actually messed with you via email? I said earlier that I doubted they would I bet no one has, especially now that you've made your intentions more clear. As you know by now you're not alone in wanting to see these guys get help. I'm not sure how you see it but personally I'd really like the younger guys to get out of this situation while they're still in school and they have a better chance of meeting someone, I also don't want to see new young people get sucked into the negativity vortex they've got over at LS.

So as someone who wants to see these guys get help what kinds of constructive alternatives would you suggest to the trolling?
>> No. 1630
>was even thinking about emailing the address you gave earlier to try and see if it goes to the same person that is making these posts.
Go for it. I'll answer.

>But I guess it's worth asking has anyone actually messed with you via email?
Not yet. I think someone might have found my facebook from reading above, and I appreciate the subtlety by which they let me know. At any rate, no one has messed with me.

>I'm not sure how you see it but personally I'd really like the younger guys to get out of this situation while they're still in school and they have a better chance of meeting someone, I also don't want to see new young people get sucked into the negativity vortex they've got over at LS.
Absolutely. The negativity vortex is easy to fall into but the worst thing you can possibly do. They need to go out and beat this thing while they are still young and still can.

>So as someone who wants to see these guys get help what kinds of constructive alternatives would you suggest to the trolling?
Talking about lulzy threads here is one thing. And objective third party commentary from outside like this is damn useful honestly.

Where it becomes counter-productive is with the doxing. Even if Mikey or Alexius were to get better, now they are going to have this follow them. I don't see how that is going to help anyone. Months or years later when they finally get a girl: "Honey, I just read the most disturbing things about you on the Internet. Please tell me this is all a joke."

I agree that wallowing in self-pity and negativity is the worst kind of defeatism. Pop-positivity doesn't really work for everyone either and with too much negative feedback leads back even deeper into the negativity hole. There has to be a middle ground. I think that is to take constant baby steps toward self improvement, in every area that it is possible to improve, and always expect the worst while hoping for the best. The most important thing is not to lose hope, because once that is gone defeat is inevitable.
>> No. 1633
Fair enough Jeff, you seem pretty reasonable. Do you have the ear of any of these guys? I've been thinking that if some of them got CBT it could help them, do you think any of them would go for it?

Also Alexius screwed himself over by making posts that were taken to mean he was intending to commit a crime, that's on him but since you seem reasonable I'd think that if someone posted something suggesting they were seriously going to hurt someone you'd want them doxed. Much like the kid who perpetrated the hoax on 4chan that he was going to bomb his school and consequently was doxed and vanned, I'd think you'd agree that violence like that can't stand.
>> No. 1635
No, if it appears to be a credible threat, something like that needs to be reported. Still I would think it would be better to report them to the authorities than to everyone on the Internet.
>> No. 1636
Yeah I guess I meant when people get reported and arrested it leads to them being doxed inherently, so I think I agree with you.

But what about the other thing? Do these guys listen to you?
>> No. 1637
The above post was also supposed to be addressed to >>1633. Oops.

>Fair enough Jeff, you seem pretty reasonable. Do you have the ear of any of these guys? I've been thinking that if some of them got CBT it could help them, do you think any of them would go for it?
Those who are seriously looking for a solution might. The ones who still have hope. Those who have given up and are just there to vent and commemorate would shoot it down.

But this is why I said outside commentary is valuable.
>> No. 1639
It's just that you seem to have a better understanding of these guys on a bit more of a personal level and I thought maybe you could encourage those who might listen. I know you agree with me about the younger ones, I guess I'm hoping some of them might trust you and would listen if you suggested that, I sincerely think it could help them out.
>> No. 1641
How is this?
>> No. 1643
Very cool, thanks for doing that man. I really hope it fits the bill for someone who's willing to try something new.
>> No. 1644
YW. Hopefully at least a few will look into it. I think a good number will at least read the article due to the shock value of my "character" actually making an overtly serious post.
>> No. 1647
File 130043116673.png - (4.25KB , 1149x317 , tollGesicht.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Cryptic question time: HALFlife or Unleashed Memories?

I think there's something to be said for trolling these kind of people. Particularly the effect it has on the trolls. I don't intend to speak for anyone else, but I suspect I'm not the only one who feels this way.
In my time following Chris-chan and watching other situations both online and in real life, I've gained some valuable perspective about my own life. I recognized a lot of similarities with myself in CWC; but since it wasn't me I could take a step back and see what I needed to change so I wouldn't go down that road.

Reading some of the stuff in this thread, I recognize that I had a very similar mindset in high school. I used to have a very strong, yet baseless, loathing for jocks. I was intimidated how they were "dating" in 6th grade. 6th grade ffs. We'd barely even had sex ed at that point. The women I ever talked to were my family, teachers and the few stunted conversations when we got randomly assigned to work in groups. (They weren't actually jocks at that point, but I think you get my meaning.)
I carried this self-defeating attitude for 5 years. Halfway through junior year my social group splintered and I found myself in a group of girls who were as atypical as I was. Within a month I was caught up on sleep, actually looked forward to going to school, and got invited to a birthday party. That hadn't happened since I was 7.

At that point I was still looking at it from the "if I play my cards right, maybe this will go somewhere" perspective. It didn't, but looking back I don't mind. Seeing the unstable opinions expressed in these loveshy caps, I can be at peace with my own virginity because I'm objective enough to see what they can't: they failed at one thing early in life, and let it continue to keep them down, rather than trying to better themselves and move forward in life.

Nobody likes a loser. Nobody likes to be a loser. But only way to not be a loser is to make the decision to quit blaming outside sources for your bad luck and start doing something proactive to change that bad luck. Not feeling sorry for yourself is a HUGE step forward, and it's a ridiculously simple one.

tl;dr, I use what I learn from trolling to improve myself. Also this thread looks likes it's turning into a tough-love hugbox for "love-shys" who want to change, and I'm probably stepping in a pile of moralfaggotry.
>> No. 1648

Trolling, yes. Doxing, no.

Do you really want to live in a world where anonymity isn't respected?
>> No. 1649
>Cryptic question time: HALFlife or Unleashed Memories?
Of those, HALFlife. But overall, Comalies. And Karmacode, obviously.

>>1639, >>1641,
A little CBT couldn't hurt.
>> No. 1653
Loveshies are coming here and trying to gain sympathy from us in hopes we will stop trolling them. I hope nobody is falling for this.

Even if some of the weaker trolls get soft I will never stop out of troll's remorse. 5 years ago I got a guy I was trolling to kill himself and not only do I not feel troll's remorse but I actually still think it is lulzy to this very day. If I do not feel bad about that I sure as hell will not feel bad about trolling some loser loveshies.

I do not give a fuck if you guys "get help" or not. I troll for the lulz, that is all, and I am just getting started.

Doxing is easily the best part of all! When you faggots come here and beg us to stop it makes me want to do it more. If I mess up your life because someone you know sees it, more lulz for me.
>> No. 1654
Hold on a second chief you got a guy to an hero when you were 11?
>> No. 1656
agreed. aggression should be stepped up.
>> No. 1658

Can someone upload this again?
>> No. 1659
>>1653, That's not trolling, Brah. I'm a troll. And a damn funny one iIMNSHO. Sounds like you've got some butthurt agenda against these guys. Fuggles I presume?

> 5 years ago I got a guy I was trolling to kill himself and not only do I not feel troll's remorse but I actually still think it is lulzy to this very day.
What you just described, if true, is called psychopathy. If so, you need help a lot worse than they do.

>>1656, Why? You mad too, brah?
>> No. 1661

You must be Alexius because only Alexius likes to accuse every troll of being Fuggles. You keep posting under different names but in the end you always make it obvious who you are.
>> No. 1662
Alexius would say Fuggles is this DavidH guy on ED. When he isn't claiming e_i-2 is. I dont know who he is IRL, but Fuggles is the only person I know of with a reason to be so butthurt against these guys.

Whatever. Contrarianism is lulzy. Parody posting is even lulzier. Maliciously doxing ppl for the sake of doxing ppl is just faggottry for the sake of fagottry.
>> No. 1666
you passed the test. I like you.
>> No. 1668
There already one number uploaded. Everything is already uploaded to the internet. Doxing is really too easy when it comes to these guys.

And it's definitely was Advanced (etc.) at one point.
>> No. 1669
>> No. 1670
>> No. 1672

We have the dox now somebody put this shit on ED before it gets locked again because of loveshy faggots.
>> No. 1673
  Give it up Alexius, e_i-2 and DavidH. Your attempts to gain sympathy or removal of your dox have failed.

Don't worry Tyler, Jeff, KarmaCoil, Incel Support. Your time is coming.
>> No. 1679
File 13005051956.gif - (281.96KB , 410x307 , tumblr_lh5uckP1xv1qah6py.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1681
are you sure? I just checked fstdt, most of the quotes from love-shy.com are from fschmidt.

seems like justifying rape was fschmidt's thing. ei2 was about glorifying it as 'domination'.
>> No. 1682
are you from fstdt? anyways tell them that if you search the board as "love-shy" you get more results than if you search it as "love-shy.com"
>> No. 1683

Here's the "long post trying to justify rape". Although allowed by ei2, it was written by fschmidt.

But yeah, if you want to really to learn about fschmidt then have fun with love-shy.0catch. While all other members have small sections, fschmidt has tons of doxing dedicated to him. (I don't know if it's him though)
>> No. 1684
File 130050972377.gif - (216.17KB , 500x527 , tumblr_lhx9z21lLf1qzozj1.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1685
File 130051269488.jpg - (32.96KB , 624x448 , Scoob.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Log onto Love Shy
>"A ban has been issued on your username."
>Never posted anything remotely trollish
>> No. 1690
I am Jeff's complete lack of subterfuge.

But, now that I've been doxed, think of all my disappointed fans. My name isn't really Jack after all. No more mystery. Where is the fun in that?

>> No. 1692

LULZ @ e_i-2 coming here and samefagging trying to defend himself.
>> No. 1693
File 130054486952.jpg - (42.32KB , 1026x246 , DavidScottHatfield72000.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No, not love-shy at all

11777 Royal Tee Ct, Cape Coral

Parents Donald B and Susan Jean Hatfield, brother Michael Todd Hatfield
>> No. 1694
File 13005450735.jpg - (174.98KB , 1360x768 , davidh720001.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
David Scott Hatfield, FGCU

his blog- http://davidh72000blog.blogspot.com/
>> No. 1695
File 130054515331.jpg - (23.87KB , 992x211 , davidh720002006.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Has Assburgers
>> No. 1696
File 130054574118.jpg - (38.80KB , 1079x258 , davidh7200020062.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pathetically tried to change his birthday but claims to be 20 back in 2006 in that post.

Also deleted his posts there but we have proof

>> No. 1701
File 130055645276.jpg - (58.92KB , 1183x590 , Troll.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nice try, Alexius.

Sounds like you will be having some more fun times in jail for hitting your mother, so you won't be able to keep annoying everyone with your obsessive crap for much longer.
>> No. 1704
Nice try DavidH. Alexius may be after you, but those posts of yours were dated from years before your email to yourself up there.

The blog looks too retarded to be real, but then so was your email screencap so maybe you are that retarded. Either way, don't even try to pretend the other ass burger faggotry not yours. You're as butthurt about this as he is. Keep BAWWWWing though, so the lulz keep flowing.
>> No. 1705
Looking at the ED seems like I'm talked to "the end"

Okay, now I see those two quotes you're talking about. I agree, they were wrong and offensive. You're right, they should have never been made. It's good that I'm suffering the consequences for it. And if I'm to be in trouble for what I said, then so be it. BUT, I won't be responsible for other posters. If those 2 quotes are to be applied to me, then yes, apply them to me.

But as for your "long post trying to justify rape", that was not me, that was fschmidt. Please at least look at those links I gave you because I honestly think you have me confused with someone else. Someone else could do it, I just want that to be clear. ei2 and fschmidt are different people and we both have different posts about similar or different themes. Even searching love-shy on fstdt then you get much more from fschmidt than e_i-2. I'm not trying to "deflect attention to someone else", but definitely if I'm going to be in trouble, at least let me be in trouble for what relates to me. I hope you can see that.

Here's the link again, if this post is the one you're referring to then you're going after the wrong guy.
>> No. 1710
hey man I want to know why you left LS, I think it was a good decision on your part but I'm curious about your reasoning. I actually wanted to email you about it but you haven't been doxed, if you make a throwaway email address and post it here I will write to you about it. FYI I am the same person who mentioned you earlier in the thread.
>> No. 1711
My main reasons: administration conflicts regarding certain posters, the "support" that the forum stood for, the amount of topics which related to shyness in regards to love (as opposed to sex), the rising hostility and belittlement between different groups, the treatment of female posters, the way guidelines were manipulated to protect certain posters rather than used as principles to rule against posts (that is, it wasn't so much what you said but who said it) and, the encouragement and entertainment of extremely hostile posts. I was there for over a year and I found it just to be an unhelpful cycle of "whining and bitching" rather than proactive steps in order to get help. Frankly, the best help will be found once you log off that forum. It should be used a pit-stop, not as a home.

In the end, most of the posters I agreed with had already left or slowed down posting and as a result I found myself agreeing with trolls more than my fellow members. Even now, with all the trolling of love-shy.com, I can understand where you guys are coming from and other than the doxing I agree with your most of your criticisms.

This will be my last post as anything I post can and will be used against me. Even a fake email, sorry, no idea what could be done with that.
>> No. 1712
I understand your reluctance and concern about being doxed and I hope you don't think I was trying to trick you with the email thing, I actually thought you'd be more comfortable doing that than posting here. Yeah I am a bit trollish but I hate to see young people feel hopeless in the way LS seems to. Anyway I appreciate your honesty and I hope stuff works out for you.
>> No. 1713
I know you said that this is your last post, so I understand if you don't want to respond to this, but there is a question I wanted to ask.

Why is it that you wanted to get quoted on fstdt? That always confused me.
>> No. 1715
Okay, fine, last post because that's probably a main question people don't understand.

To start with, it's true I wanted to be on fstdt. The date and everything make sense so you can either take it or leave it.

Why I wanted to be quoted? In retrospect, I still don’t know ‘really’ know why. I’m sure you can psychoanalyze it as trying to be an internet tough guy, trying to stop always being the nice guy, an attempt at being controversial, a way of gaining attention for myself, a way to redirect attention from other posters, etc. I don’t really can't answer as I really don't know why.

>> No. 1722
File 130059377758.jpg - (10.55KB , 227x222 , cancer.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I remember when /L/ used to be a place where people came to talk about LOLcows and not a place for the LOLcows themselves to come and use as their own chatroom.
>> No. 1723
File 130059434044.jpg - (2.90KB , 90x90 , fatlady54.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Susan Jean Hatfield
>> No. 1724
It looks like Alexius still hasn't learned his lesson about what happens when he makes death threats.

>> No. 1725
I'm not butthurt at all. I know what I am. I know I'm probably going to die a violent death while killing as many people as I can if my situation doesn't improve. My ideal end would be shooting up a kindergarten- it would inflict horrible pain on people who fucked and that's good enough for me.

Am I crazy for that? Maybe, but those whose inaction could bring me to this this point (and who could still prevent it) are the real monsters.

Me and other members of ls com are just trying to make you see what kind of a sorry loser this 25 year-old manchild is. He invested dozens of hours "doxing" our site because he is not a troll. He doesn't want lolz. Hell, I'd troll anonymously too because there are some funny things on that site if it was just about that. But he is obsessed to the point of serious mental illness and is just trying to mimick troll slang using words like "troll" and "lulz". His own would be "chew that forum BAWAWAWAWAAW"

We have loads and loads of his photos which we got from him when he was on ls com and these posts.

And this autumn I'm coming to Fort Myers.
>> No. 1726
No death threats, Davy....

I just said I'm coming to Fort Myers to talk to Donald and Susan Jean of 11777 Royal Tee Ct. It's not illegal to talk, isn't it?
>> No. 1727
Your dad is so damn old.
>> No. 1728
He might have a heart attack while seeing your mom choke on my dick while sucking on it with those big fat lips of hers...

>> No. 1729
239-283-7333- phone number


Nice home bro

>> No. 1730
Right, Marjan Šiklic. I'm sure the police in Zagreb, Croatia will have no interest in your posts at all. Just like last time.
>> No. 1731
Well if it isn't everyone's favorite sockpuppeteer, dude no one here understands your beef with this David guy and unless you explain what is so bad about him and what he's done to deserve all this special treatment I, and I suspect others, are just going to assume that you are a total faggot that probably wants to go back to jail for all the hot man-on-man surprise buttsex.
>> No. 1732
You know what the really hilarious thing is? His beef seems to be love-shy.com getting shut down after being reported for a TOS violation about a year ago. Of course, they quickly just got new hosting.

That is it. That is what all this seems to be about.
>> No. 1733
Will you love shy faggots take your faggotry and cancer elsewhere? This isn't the place for you to have your little bitch-slap fights. Why don't you go somewhere where you can be with your own kind, like anon talk or some place like that?
>> No. 1734
You mean like love-shy.com? I'd say we'll leave you alone if you leave us alone, but so far that hasn't worked very well now has it?

>> No. 1736
File 130063554542.png - (250.59KB , 582x348 , i hate you.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Am I crazy for that? Maybe, but those whose inaction could bring me to this this point (and who could still prevent it) are the real monsters.
>Hurr durr guize it's everyone's fault but my own that I'm retarded.
Fixed that for you.

This is why everyone hates you. It's your own goddamn fault you're such a failure at life, not everyone else's. This goes for all love-shys who say the same shit. You can't blame the world for your problems when you refuse to help yourself.

Fuck this thread, I'm done.
>> No. 1739
You really should go to anon talk. Even though there's a lot of freedom about what you can discuss, the moderators are very strict when it comes to trolls. Sounds like a perfect place for loveshys to post.
>> No. 1740
WTF are you talking about? Go bitch amongst yourselves somewhere else, not here. No one from this site is going to your little hugbox site to whine about other posters from this site.

I don't care where they go as long as it's not here.
>> No. 1785
I call troll. this is way too sensationalist to be legit. I'd expect a lot more butthurt from a legit post.

wise advice often falls upon deaf ears
>> No. 1790
It looks legit to me. Alexius makes these kinds of posts all the time and I think you may be underestimating just how deranged he truly is.
>> No. 1820

Half of Alexius 4000+ post @ LS.com are thinly veiled troll attempts, I think at one point he has owned up to that much.

Also, I would like to take this opportunity to defend Advanced, he is a sexy sexy beast.
>> No. 1953
Some dud has been collecting the lulz on the Love-shy!

>> No. 1955
Awesome. Soon there will be a wiki dedicated to making fun of and trolling them!
>> No. 1965
Oh wow good job to that blogger in charting the fail that is Alexius. I wonder what the dudes who are trying to bend you over in the shower will do when he says he has love shyness?
>> No. 1972
>posting like it will change anyones opinion
>get banned
>keep posting on the troll board
>that'll show'em!
>> No. 2010
The Ass Burglar is obviously that butthurt faggot DavidH at it again... or Alexius trying to make it look like DavidH. Either way, it is way past time for these two faggots to kiss and make up and leave everyone else out of their buttsecks already. else into it.
>> No. 2019
U mad Alexius?
>> No. 2030
I really hope that they have the internet in whatever prison Alexius gets tossed into so he can keep us informed regarding his exploits of fabulous fail so we can keep up to date on any more old women he may be planning to assault or about any young ones he might be planning to stalk and potentially murder if he gets around to it.
>> No. 2035
DOX time!

Franklin Schmidt
Address: 2655 43ED Ave, San Francisco, California
Skype: franklin_schmidt
Email: [email protected]
Amazon profile (http://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/A3KSOC7GSCN5Z3)
Company Info (http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/private/people.asp?privcapId=32160)

Michael James Nicholls
Email: [email protected]
Myspace: Mike the Doc (http://www.myspace.com/Mikethedoc/blog)
Facebook: Michael James Nicholls (http://www.facebook.com/people/Michael-James-Nicholls/1048284548)
Location: The English Midlands

Eduard Limonov
Email: [email protected] E-mail him for advice on school shootings.

Aliases: Just Jack, e3323, advanced, advanced1, chansey0071, advanced1987, solid_snake_e3323, e33231, gouki23, yatterman1, kaworu8.
AIM: chansey0071, e33231
MSN: [email protected]
YAHOO: [email protected]
Cell: 609-724-6497
Location: Willingboro, New Jersey
OkCupid, PoF: gouki23
>> No. 2036
ZOMG! It's a copypasta from ED!
>> No. 2420
Nice proxy, fag.
>> No. 2421
My mother is a fucking cow. She's a murdering whore. And my father? What has that monster done for me?

>> No. 2423
Jeezus this Ass Burglar faggot is obsessed with Mikey, Alexius and Coby. He also pretty much admits to being DavidH right in his blog. I'm sorry, nobody gets that obsessed with sexless losers on the Internet without a butthurt agenda! Which one was it that broke your faggot heart when they wouldn't let you suck their dick, WHAM fan?
>> No. 2446

It looks like AnonTalk (where Mikey would fit right in with all the pedos) has been copying topics from love-shy.com.
>> No. 2491
Marjan �ikli?
Email: [email protected]
>> No. 2522
File 130263609038.jpg - (17.02KB , 291x306 , 1302571889317.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
<AlexC> Hello. I would respectfully ask you to remove any personal information found on this article http://www.darkchan.com/parse.php?site=789chan&board=L&thread=433. The dox provided either false or unlawfully obtained and could clearly damage the reputation of real life people mentioned there. Thank you.
* AlexC has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

lol what a fag.
Here;s his hostmask: [email protected]

I'm totally ignoring that it's a mibbit address.
>> No. 2539
Enjoy. We know this is your favorite band ever, DavidH.
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