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File 134471555351.png - (181.57KB , 1502x1951 , rs_7_statementofrights_good1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
43483 No. 43483
New Rika Thread. Let's start it off with a bash. Rika waving her constitutional right to a jury trial.
Expand all images
>> No. 43484
File 134471558477.png - (100.59KB , 1502x1951 , rs_7_statementofrights_good2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rika mis-signing a legal document.
>> No. 43485
File 134471575453.png - (251.42KB , 1502x1951 , rs_8_bail_good1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Um. I guess Rika can't go to europe to hurt my troll harem. Oh well, my cyber harem is still in danger.
>> No. 43486
Thank god. The other thread froze my browser for 10 solid seconds when loading it.
I blame those dang youtube embeds.
>> No. 43487
File 134471596264.png - (299.72KB , 1502x1951 , rs_8_bail_good2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Listen to the PSA agent.
>> No. 43489
File 134471613459.png - (281.41KB , 1572x2035 , rs_9_arraignment1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Boring arraignment document.
>> No. 43490
File 134471624256.png - (138.21KB , 1544x2005 , rs_10_conditions.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Waiver of Indictment.
>> No. 43491
50k? Lol
>> No. 43492
File 134471648747.png - (255.24KB , 1581x2046 , rs_11_pleaandtrialsetting.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Plea and trial settings.
>> No. 43493
He can still own guns. So dont go to Philly OR HE WILL SHOVE A SHOTGUN DOWN YOUR CUNT
>> No. 43494
File 134471655985.jpg - (22.08KB , 500x415 , David_Tanny_davidtanny1997.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
i blame your shitty internet connection.
>> No. 43495
>> No. 43496
File 13447167091.png - (176.12KB , 1530x1980 , rs_12_stipulationtocontinue1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The whole court case overview part 1. This is where the cocks is at.
>> No. 43497
File 134471672957.png - (159.59KB , 1530x1980 , rs_12_stipulationtocontinue2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Part 2.
>> No. 43498
File 13447167466.png - (159.01KB , 1530x1980 , rs_12_stipulationtocontinue3.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Part 3.
>> No. 43499
File 134471676866.png - (161.51KB , 1530x1980 , rs_12_stipulationtocontinue4.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Part 4.
>> No. 43500
File 134471679589.png - (725.20KB , 1530x1980 , rs_12_stipulationtocontinue5.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Part 5. The end of the epin document.
>> No. 43501
File 134471717539.jpg - (128.90KB , 320x320 , trolls.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robbays face when he see's this thread
>> No. 43502
File 134471741828.jpg - (23.81KB , 250x310 , cryptie.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
At least it's an improvement from his usual face
>> No. 43503
  Did rika go to trial yet, or is it still forthcoming
>> No. 43504
Who's Rika?
>> No. 43505
Basically, if he doesn't fuck up between now and next April, he won't have to go to trial. That being said, he'd better get his anger issues in check by then.
>> No. 43506
Got it postponed til' April, 2013.
>> No. 43507
File 134471819987.gif - (3.63MB , 240x186 , Mannerheim like a boss.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robert's got shit handwriting.

>Um. I guess Rika can't go to europe to hurt my troll harem. Oh well, my cyber harem is still in danger.
No, Robert can't go to Europe, but Rika can, right? Right?

>and his psychological issues, or which he has since the time of the offense seeking medical and therapeutic support
Well, no big surprise here. Looks like the therapy didn't do much good to him, though.
>> No. 43508


So what's the Parole officer's E-Mail? We should show him all the death threats
>> No. 43509
I could see the fool trying to apply for a new passport under the name Rika Stiles. I could also picture the look on his face when they tell him no, since his SS# is still the same.
>> No. 43510
File 134471853757.jpg - (26.13KB , 290x202 , Volgin Rape Face.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 43511
So what can happen to Robbay if he is convicted ? Will he get raped by a niggo?
>> No. 43512
He is one of the scrawniest people I've ever seen, he's bound to be prison bitch.
>> No. 43513

47 USC § 223 spelled out here.
tl;dr It'll likely amount to fines, but he'll still be a felon either way if convicted.
>> No. 43514

>> No. 43515

Christmas has come early this year.
>> No. 43516
I can't say I'm studying all these documents too hard, but did Robbaaay not sign a document in which he agreed not to cyber-harass innocent women like our poor wee Zyklon?

>Also, introMAN, your cocks flow like water and it is good
>> No. 43517
How often does he have to meet with a probation officer? Does he still maintain his "that shit happened to another person" attitude in real life, or is that just some pathetic attempt to get the lot of us to ignore and forget about it?
>> No. 43518
"b" would be my guess. It follows the established RWS pattern, anyway.
>> No. 43519
What's with the girly handwriting?
>> No. 43520
introman always calls Rob a "her" for some reason.
>> No. 43521
Sorry... late to the party... What did he do?
>> No. 43522
Sent death threats to an FBI agent.
>> No. 43523
For real??
>> No. 43524
Damn, we need a sticky with this in it or something:

>> No. 43525
Ok so , why was he in contact with an FBI agent to begin with, were they investigating robbay for something else?
>> No. 43526
It's pretty confusing but I believe it all started from Robbay harassing ex-porn star/Christian Chrissy Moran. He was obsessed with her and snapped when she told him off or something. He writes about it in one of the screen caps concerning Wraith activities.

She clearly just hadn't seen his *Wraith dance* in person.
>> No. 43527
I take it this was from his porn star stalking escapades
>> No. 43528
Do you think he tried to use his harem maps on her?
>> No. 43529
Wait, what. I hadnt read about this

So, Robbay stalked a porn star around, FBI looked into it and he threatened to kill the agent in charge of the investigation.

Also why did the fucking FBI look into a stalking case , is that automatically a federal case because I though Philly PD would handle some skinny fuck creeping on a porn star.
>> No. 43530
I believe if it goes across state lines, it becomes federal.
>> No. 43531
That makes sense, so what Robbay hopped in a car and followed some porn star into Jersey? ( or Philly is he was living in jersey then)

Fuck Robert is way creepier than I thought, what was he planning on doing with the Porn Star lol
>> No. 43532
What the fuck do you think he planned to do?
>> No. 43533
File 134474308692.gif - (77.76KB , 160x120 , 134344544584.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No. 43534
File 134474320050.jpg - (34.68KB , 493x387 , 133864962027.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>This thread.
>> No. 43535
File 134474348062.png - (250.51KB , 1572x2035 , rs_13_ordertocontinue1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I would like to thank field agent Paibakku again for helping find the documents. I was about to retire from the Rika shit but thanks to rika calling me a punk and Paibakku's determination. I will continue on.
>> No. 43536
File 134474350513.png - (227.05KB , 1572x2035 , rs_13_ordertocontinue2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 43537
File 134474351934.png - (110.84KB , 1572x2035 , rs_13_ordertocontinue3.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 43538
File 134474384855.jpg - (30.89KB , 400x397 , 1342738109860.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>my face when Rika openly kills all the trolls, changes her gender back and his name to Ronald and ends up free

you go, R*
>> No. 43539
File 134474503390.png - (212.38KB , 1569x2023 , rs_14_passport.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rika giving up her passport. Information redacted because me and Paibakku care.
>> No. 43540
File 134474533562.jpg - (54.50KB , 397x407 , wtf am i reading lol.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

why would someone give up their passport???
>> No. 43541
File 134474541532.jpg - (44.32KB , 570x487 , with spurdo sparde.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
why is he going to court?
>> No. 43542

Rika's going to court for threatening and harrassing a FBI agent. FBI agent told him to calm down on the crissy moran stalking and harrassment. Rika took that as a sign to harrass him and threaten to kill him. Rika had to give up the passport because his trial has been postponed for 18 months. USA government doesn't play with flight risk. If Rika shows to be a model citizen till the new trial date(2013). They will go very light on Rika for sentencing. In essence, it's probation before even getting sentenced.
>> No. 43543
The feds don't fuck around. Why anyone would pull a number like this I have no idea. Rob's a dumb guy. Perhaps some prison time would straighten his ass out. His drama queen ass wouldn't be able to take PC. In gen pop they would treat him more like a girl than society ever has before.
>> No. 43544
>Jailtime for Rika
>Jailtime for Nick
Chris is a lolcow trendsetter yet again!
>> No. 43545
Skin them , make a suit and wear it while eating what is left like a deranged zombie?
>> No. 43546
Introman, are you going to fly to cali to watch Rob's trial?

Can I buy you a beer?
>> No. 43547
I remember asking Rika why he threatened a fed in a thread a while back, he said something like:

>I didn't do that, Robert did. Now Robert and his regrettable actions are dead and buried.

Nice little bit of insight into the way Robert's brain works. He'll never learn a lesson from this experience because in his mind, he's separated himself from it entirely.

Fuck, I've seen better logical and reasoning skills from Karl Pilkington.
>> No. 43548
Oddly enough that's the same line of thinking Chris exhibits

"If I dress as a tomgirl, I am no longer the same guy who was trolled, he wore clown shirts!"

"If I change my name, I no longer committed that felony!"
>> No. 43550
File 134475218618.jpg - (782.19KB , 1152x1240 , Thrall_color.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I might travel to california for the trial. I'm pretty close to and in Philly a lot. So I can see Rika whenever.

You don't have to. I don't do this for accolades but as a public service. Just buy a public servant a beer when you are at the bar.

Rika OC.
>> No. 43551
Rika: Leave now, and never come back!

Robert: No!

Rika: Leave now, and never come back!




*throws the wraith dance*
>> No. 43552
What IntroMAN said. The federal government of the USA has a shitload of cases that they must try on a regular basis. Thus, first time offenders tend to be as low on the scale as possible in order to make more room for those who actively threaten the United States. (terrorists, et al) Robb's case is federal because he lives in Philly and threatened someone who lives in California. The fact that Robb still posts threats here in light of what he's already gone through just illustrates his stupidity all the more.
>> No. 43553
Any noodz of Rika yet?
>> No. 43554

I don't want to see Rika's penis.

Now if he had boobs and a pussy, that'd be oe thine.
>> No. 43555
File 134475774270.png - (16.34KB , 558x567 , why.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Possessing Robert's nudes would be like saying you've seen The Grifter in 2006 /b/; Few would believe you, but everyone would be curious to find out just how horrible it is, and you could feel some very questionable pride in being in possession of something very rare, something many wouldn't even want to have. Like Jimmy Hoffa's head in formaldehyde on the top of your bookshelf. Except that Jimmy's head would be more pleasant to look at.
>> No. 43556
Anybody who posts Rika's nudes won't just get banned, I'll also run them over with my car.
>> No. 43557
As if simply looking at them wasn't lethal enough.
>> No. 43558
Some things are best left unseen/unknown.
>> No. 43559
I was gonna see if I could find a picture of a half rotten butchered famine killed corpse from (the former)Yugo or something to simulate what Rob nudes would be like, but then I had to stop and ask myself if that was legal or even worth it considering how much better that would actually be than legit rob nudes.
>> No. 43560
Robert Wayne Stiles and a dead Chechen militant. The resemblance is uncanny.

Not sure how much 789chan tolerates gore, so I uploaded it separately:

>> No. 43561
don't give robb any ideas on what kind of images would actually rustle our jimmies
>> No. 43562
File 134477174567.jpg - (182.57KB , 434x710 , Furyan1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
True and Honest Rika OC's.
>> No. 43563
I know we really don't wanna ban Rika, but if that fucker posts nudes, i'd do it in a heartbeat.

I'm not kidding, nobody post any motherfucking Rika nudes, please.
>> No. 43564
I've been waiting patiently for someone to drop Rika nudes. I don't think it's fair for you to deny the board cocks just because you want to stay straight
>> No. 43565
I bet it's a fucking ploy to make Rika post nudes since children protection on his computer clearly doesn't work anymore.

>to deny the board cocks
Goddamnit /cwc/
>> No. 43566
But, why did robbie have a passport to begin with? It's not like he could have afforded to take any vacations out of the country.
>> No. 43567
I'm sure is parents can afford it.
>> No. 43568
Why? Can you imagine the lulz if someone posted noodz, Rika would come in screeching about hate crimes and his lawyer and go to other sites to get a personal army. It would be the most ebin of weens.

IF you see a dick, and have to look away with a second of being freaked out. That's your problem.
>> No. 43569
Reverse psychology 101, retard.
>> No. 43570
File 134479338537.jpg - (32.35KB , 248x440 , rika snake.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
fuck the police
>> No. 43571
File 134479603262.jpg - (5.13KB , 149x149 , 1337996918474.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
dat face
>> No. 43572
It's very easy to get from Philly to Canuckistan.
>> No. 43573
Not without a passport unless Rika wants to swim. When the US said Canadians couldn't get In without one Canada did the same.
>> No. 43574
For the last time my name is RIKA, Rika Stiles, not Robert, fuck off.
>> No. 43575
There's a difference between a real name you're born with, and a retarded anime name you make up for yourself. That difference is no one is going to call you by the latter except to humor you.
>> No. 43576
He can't really think that a name change makes him a different person right?
>> No. 43577
where ur trip u imposter feggit
>> No. 43578
That's nice.
But what does that have to do with Robert Wayne Stiles, "internet trolling expert" and failed cross-dresser with a posse of WOLVERINES! who leeches off his parents and is awaiting trial for harassing a porn star, then sending death threats to an FBI agent?
>> No. 43579
File 134483867853.png - (2.13MB , 953x4081 , Robb's CWCville.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You guys know how lolcows create their own imaginary hugboxes? The amazing Wraith has one too

>It's based off of Philly, Caprica, and Dubai! Original city DO NOT STEAL!
>> No. 43580
Shit, did Robb really make that?

I gotta give 'em some props, that looks pretty nice.
>> No. 43581
First CWCville, then Australatina, now...Rikkastan?

Imagine if he could put that effort into improving himself or his life situation...
>> No. 43582

I know by now that anything with introman's involvement is going to be some tryhard NEXT GREAT LOLCOW GUYS XD bullshit

how's that bob mcbob thread going for you?
>> No. 43583
File 134486571358.jpg - (75.69KB , 600x450 , 16672.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>"Casperhead 03-28-2006, 09:05 PM
>Is this a real flame war? Anywayz. The palace now has a stargate!

>The stargate will be used for. Transporting wraith warriorz to offworld villages to rape, burn, loot, and pillage them.

>Terrorizing the galaxy.

>And slave traffiking accrossed teh universe."

Some time later:

>First CWCville, then Australatina, now...Rikkastan?
Pretty close. Both Chris and Robb create fictional worlds to help them get pussy.
>> No. 43585
>> No. 43586
File 134486685054.jpg - (493.01KB , 2190x1658 , Nekropolis City.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>First CWCville, then Australatina, now...Rikkastan?

Is it okay to have an imaginary hugbox city if it's supposed to be a Detroit/Chicago-esque shithole?
>> No. 43587

Shush Robert Ford, you're only saying that because thats how all your threads turn out
>> No. 43588
File 134486786837.jpg - (65.88KB , 700x525 , Robb Harem room.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is where Robb forces female members to cyber with him. I've never played Jedi Academy, so I don't know if Robb made this or if it's a part of the game.
>> No. 43589
File 13448684801.jpg - (63.56KB , 700x525 , Robb Throne Room.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robb's throne room
>> No. 43590
lol. he just took one of the space maps and added curtains and the sith statues from the korriban level. also shit throne room.
>> No. 43591
"Hey babe, wanna cyber with an elite troll? Once you've gone Wraith, you'll forget about good taste!"
>> No. 43592
Looks like the one the Emperor died in at the end of Jedi.

Wait, i got it!

>Robb = Emperor Palpatine
>ADF = Darth Vader

>> No. 43593
>Actually the Harem is for forcing female players to cyber with us against there will.
How pathetic do you have to be to fail to get cybersex so you'll have to force someone to cyber with you?
>> No. 43594

>>Robb = Emperor Palpatine
>>ADF = Darth Vader


I seconded this. Someone draw that, seriously.
>> No. 43595
You made that just to fuck with us didn't you.
>> No. 43597
File 134489323787.gif - (4.99MB , 400x220 , hitler laughing 2.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Some of you may remember the Russian nazi magazine which had ADF in it to represent western and liberal degeneration. http://cs4441.userapi.com/u8207706/docs/b02ab108261e/Rukovodstvo_DRZhM.pdf page 26 for newfriends Well, an American associate of ours was in need of a bit of help with a certain article of his. I thought it would only be fair to extended my helping hand! And here it finally is. From "cocks" you can probably already guess in which page he appears, but I'll say it anyways, sixteen.

Introman was a real darling again and went to great lenghts to aquire a real life copy and scanned it. May God bless that man!


Also two new threads have been added to the thread archive and linked to ED where they can keep entertaining us forever. What a productive day!
>> No. 43598
File 134489593018.jpg - (725.23KB , 2448x3264 , IMG_3124.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 43599
>Fags in Your Living Room
>picture of Robb

I laughed wayyyyyyyyyy too hard
>> No. 43600

Wait what?

Whats the story behind this? or is it a shoop?
>> No. 43601
Reading the post above would help.
>> No. 43602
Now thousands of non internet readers know about you Rika ! Better get that internet lawyer on the phone.
>> No. 43603
oh yeah, shit, my bad
>> No. 43604

IntroMan, why have you Shooped in into Private Eye No 1319?

The page next to Lit Review is the Diary and Celeb cartoon.

I applaud your choice in satirical newspapers though.
>> No. 43605

Not a shop. Just reading two articles from two different publications. We in america have to wait for the magazine to travel long distances to our door step.
>> No. 43606

Fair enough. Enjoy your readings.
>> No. 43608
What's there to turn around, Robb? A picture of you which was freely available online ended up in a Nazi mag. The only thing that would have made it more amusing would have been a link to the ED article in the text.
>> No. 43609
BTW, when that picture was taken you were still known as Robert Wayne Stiles. By the logic you've been exhibiting lately, that's not even you...
>> No. 43610
File 134489933535.jpg - (31.95KB , 300x428 , hitler thumb up.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Totally EPIN guys. You just made me famous.
You're welcome. Good that you've started to appreciate all our effort, had the impression you didn't like the ED too much. I will forward your thanks to the author!
>> No. 43611
You're so predictable.
>> No. 43612
Yeah, you'll be the "face" of the LGBT community the same way CWC is the "face" of autism.

Enjoy your infamy.
>> No. 43613
Rika maybe you could email and they could get an interview with you!
>> No. 43614
Audio predictability_sn.mp3 - (29.60KB - 64 kbps - 22.05 kHz ) Length: 0:04 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
>> No. 43616
File 134489998143.gif - (673.61KB , 183x163 , vuCsC.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
WELCOME BACK RIKA!!!! come stay for a couple hours (again)
>> No. 43617
I love how Rika thinks everyone will be on his side now that he's been in a magazine.

Nevermind that ADF got much more coverage, and is closer to being a "face" than Rika is. The result was the lgbt community went apeshit.

So yeah, even the trannies are going to start hating Robbay.
>> No. 43618
What kind of woman has an Adam's apple and looks like Gollum in drag?
>> No. 43619
>Rika Stiles is a woman and that clearly is a woman in the photograph.
Why are you talking in third person, is Rika just a character in your head Robert?
>> No. 43620
Seems like every day, Rika goes further down the rabbit hole.
>> No. 43621
Question: How are you going to stop trolls from coming to Philly? You can't stop trolls from going to visit Philly no more than Crissy Moran can stop you from going to LA or Kourine stopping ADF from going to New Jersey
>> No. 43622
>Rika Stiles is a woman and that clearly is a woman in the photograph.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Haha Ha haaa! Oh god I can't breathe.
>> No. 43623
File 13449007161.jpg - (36.92KB , 547x798 , nazi stare.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Well, you nazi trollop
Thanks, but I'm not the OP. Just kidding, I looked the word up. Dat misogyny.

>I hope you realize that when your neo nazi friends come to Philly, I'll be good and ready
Dat persecution syndrome. Also for the 1000th, you are the scrawniest motherfucker that calls himself a tranny, and even Jordman with all his physical weight is more threatening.

And I haven't really ordered my International Nazi Troll Forces to OBLIVERATE you. The discussion went something along these lines:
>"I just need a good image of some ugly disgusting fag on this article."
>"...I think I've got just what you're looking for."

But again, if you think you're so important people want to kill you, well, you've got admirable self-esteem, gotta give you that.

>The address on ED is not really my address but a red herring, the person who lives there will be in for a real surprise
Uhu. Continuing from the above, I don't think anyone would be willing to hurt oneself for you, judging by your amazing ability to drive all your friends away, so even in the extremely unlikely event of someone else opening the door, the discussion would go something like this:
>Is Robert home
>I'm afraid not
>Have a nice day ma'am

And you don't really associate with people one could consider remotely threatening. You were shitting your pants because ONE of your friends got a shitty small calibre gun. And even he was a putrid pile of fat. So yeah.

> If they contact Jordman or Jen about me, I'll already be on the line about police protection. (Hell, I might not even be there when they come anyway)
That's actually a great idea. I haven't even thought of that. They must know so much about you the ED will grow twice its current size.

>So, yeah, good job brainwashing a bunch of retards with an outdated immorality.
I'd really really love to hear you define morality. Being an unloyal friend? Misogyny?

>Rika Stiles is a woman and that clearly is a woman in the photograph.
Rika Stiles is your OC and the person is clearly a man in that picture. I don't know if your confirmation bias make you literally blind or something, but that's a man right there.
>> No. 43624
File 134490141830.jpg - (20.96KB , 490x368 , Just Saiyan.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I don't think you really want to be the face of the LGBT community. If you did you would have made already made a library of videos exposing the heinous acts perpetrated against you and the Philly trans community at large.
>> No. 43625
* does wraith dance *
>> No. 43626
That is clearly a man in the photograph.
>> No. 43627
File 134490163839.jpg - (385.09KB , 1365x2048 , IRL_rika.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Rika Stiles is a woman and that clearly is a woman in the photograph.
This is exactly why Robert is my favourite lolcow.
>> No. 43628
File 134490164476.jpg - (25.17KB , 467x400 , Robb Loveshy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 43629
hey rob I don't think your cunning plan of deleting your post there worked quite as you planned
>> No. 43630
What kind of women has an adams apple, man jaw, wide shoulders and hands that size? Oh yeah a fake one...
>> No. 43632
Lmfao again!? Get some new material dude.
>> No. 43633

...how many times is this now?
>> No. 43634
Cause it worked so well the last time
>> No. 43635
Ever heard the story of the boy who cried wolf?
>> No. 43636
File 134490205587.jpg - (1.07MB , 2048x1536 , womanmyass.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Why'd you delete your last post, Robb? BTW, this isn't the first time we've heard that from you.
>> No. 43637
could you post a video of yourself doing *the wraith dance* so we can be sure of your sincerity regarding this latest legal threat
>> No. 43639
Rika I'm coming to Philly next month where would you like to meet so you can kill me dead
>> No. 43640
Did anyone screencap those two posts Robert deleted?
>> No. 43641
File 134490220582.png - (10.36KB , 718x52 , againwithlegalthreats.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 43642
File 134490221830.jpg - (106.58KB , 500x773 , Hitler chilling.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Consider yourself warned /cwc/. There are currently legal procedures going on towards this sites leader.
Certainly haven't heard that one before.

It has been exactly six months aaaand two days since you mentioned contacting the police first. And that'd be roughtly 180 days or 1/2 year. Time really flies by when you have good time, doesn't it?

Anyway, I hope you can forgive us if we don't hold our breath. Also the American trolls have that free speech thingy, so good luck with that. And I live in the wonderland of hate crimes When not in Turkey or Finland.

At least Robb has lots and lots of mommy and daddy dollars to waste!
>> No. 43643
Talking of legal procedures, I wonder what would happen if someone let authorities know about all the bizarre and often sexually explicit death threats you have given here?
>> No. 43644
Yes, certainly wouldn't look good if the police heard you've threatened to rape women with objects in the internet again.
>> No. 43645
File 13449023516.png - (18.80KB , 923x235 , Robb's post.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robb's deleted post from >>251910
>> No. 43646
They'd also probably be fascinated to hear how much you know about that power plant fire. I seem to remember you mentioning a substantial reward, and that you knew things that the authorities didn't...
>> No. 43647
Rika if none of this bothers you then why keep deleting your post?
>> No. 43648
You people won't stop until I'm on the VERGE OF SUICIDE.

Every night a voice comes into my head saying "Why don't you just end it all?" and it takes a great amount of effort to fight it. I just remind myself that I'd rather see the pain on each your fucking faces and I don't care how what it takes.

I'm bringing justice to myself in this god-forsaken world. Screw Ahuviya. Screw LGBT. This justice is only for me and will grab it with both hands.

Until something happens. FUCKING FINAL POST. Your graves will not be marked.
>> No. 43649
Because he's an idiot. He knows the posts will always be capped and yet every time he thinks the outcome will be different. Such as stupid fag.
>> No. 43650
File 134490272726.png - (490.09KB , 449x401 , laughing whores.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Your graves will not be marked.
>> No. 43651
See you in a few days.
>> No. 43652
Oooh final post! He must be serious this time.
>> No. 43653
>You made me the face of LGBT
>Screw LGBT

Never change Robert, never change.
>> No. 43654
File 134490287741.jpg - (75.24KB , 640x480 , Molly 1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Your graves will not be marked.

That's a death threat, Robbie. Aren't you going to court over sending death threats to people, specifically an FBI agent?
>> No. 43655
File 134490288198.jpg - (26.59KB , 520x374 , big-penis286.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>This justice is only for me and will grab it with both hands.
>> No. 43656
Ha! There will be no "justice" and you know it. You're helpless, powerless and can shit his pants and do nothing to harm us.

Watching you flail entertains us very much, god bless you.
>> No. 43657
Robbay confirmed for schizo

see you Morrow Rob
>> No. 43658
Seriously rika next month you can get your justice just tell me where to meet you.
>> No. 43659
Robert is salivating now.
>> No. 43660
File 134490298224.jpg - (96.10KB , 545x858 , rrr.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

See you soon little man! I can't wait for you to murder us all, as you just threatened on the internet.
>> No. 43661

You know what, fuck that you cocky whores. No more of this fucking final post bullshit. I'm posting whenever I want and you can't dictate me unless you ban me.

But I stay true that I will not relent until my trolls feel my pain or are rotting in federal prison. THIS IS A HUNDRED FUCKING TIMES a pretty cool guy CHAN'S PUNISHMENT AND EVERYONE HERE SHOULD FEEL SORRY FOR THE NERVE WRACKING TORTURE I HAVE TO GO THROUGH EVERY FUCKING DAY.
>> No. 43662
You are a man of integrity Robbie.
>> No. 43663
You could always just turn the internet off you fucking drama queen.
>> No. 43664
what is buttered to "a pretty cool guy?"

and also 5 minutes, new record robbay, do you keep contradicting yourself because of the voices in your head?
>> No. 43665

Has anyone ever accused you of Coppercabbing? Because I must be the only person to think you're juuuuuuuuuust sad enough to love the attention of people thinking you're batshit without really being stupid enough to believe it yourself.
>> No. 43666
File 134490316894.jpg - (99.67KB , 575x356 , jolly nazis.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> You people won't stop until I'm on the VERGE OF SUICIDE.
No, we stop when you stop coming here...which is after you kill yourself, it seems. So yeah, you're right.

>Every night a voice comes into my head saying "Why don't you just end it all?" and it takes a great amount of effort to fight it. I just remind myself that I'd rather see the pain on each your fucking faces and I don't care how what it takes.
And in the next post you'll be begging for mercy again. Robert's logic, people.

You don't care what it takes huh? It is quite telling it's easier for Robb to hunt down a couple of people living in different countries than leave a fucking internet site.

>I'm bringing justice to myself in this god-forsaken world. Screw Ahuviya. Screw LGBT. This justice is only for me and will grab it with both hands.
Yeah, okay. I'm a devout Orthodox, and every time I see a terrible person getting what he deserves, I think it's God bitchslapping them. This world is far from God-forsaken, and you are a living proof of that. Amen.

>Until something happens. FUCKING FINAL POST.
I think this is the tenth Final Post. See you in a couple of days Robert. If you even leave. Which I very much doubt. So, enjoy your stay!

>Your graves will not be marked.
Does this mean you'll grab some mommy and daddy dollars and come see me? Oh, right, you can't, because of those dang dirty letters. How about a bomb letter? Even Anthrax? Pretty please?
>> No. 43667
>> No. 43668
CWC's first name I think.
>> No. 43669
Do you realize that by posting that you proved him right
>> No. 43670
Do you realize that by posting that you proved him right
>> No. 43671
Hey Rika I live a very successful life and no one makes fun of me. I expect this to remain the same until I die surrounded by family and friends.

U mad?
>> No. 43672
>dat wordbutter
>my fucking sides
>> No. 43673

It's called personal responsibility, Robbie. It's what adults do when they fuck up.
>> No. 43674

We don't want you to leave. Stay with us forever.
>> No. 43675
it's "worse than chr.is"
>> No. 43676
You know what can be a great stress relief?

Letting out all your emotions in a youtube video.
>> No. 43677
Yes, yes. 4/5 psychologists agree.
>> No. 43678
File 134490349750.jpg - (37.62KB , 700x469 , like i give a fuck.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>But I stay true that I will not relent until my trolls feel my pain or are rotting in federal prison. THIS IS A HUNDRED FUCKING TIMES a pretty cool guy CHAN'S PUNISHMENT AND EVERYONE HERE SHOULD FEEL SORRY FOR THE NERVE WRACKING TORTURE I HAVE TO GO THROUGH EVERY FUCKING DAY.
So, that means you're never going to leave? Brilliant, laughs guaranteed until the end of the Internet.

Yeah, I feel terrible for your self-inflicted, easily-avoidable misery. I am going to sodomize myself with my shotgun right now.

But seriously. You do realize it's kinda hard to feel sorry for someone who, if he didn't have the strenght and mental capacity of a toddler, would kill you? You are so self-centered it's amazing.
>> No. 43679
He won't do it because then we would all know he was lying about being hurt by this, he wouldn't be able to squeeze out any fake tears.
>> No. 43680
Good, people would end up feeling sorry for him and we'd have to deal with dumb white knights.
>> No. 43681
The tumblr crowd would lap it up.
>> No. 43692
Your court docs are looking soo good on your ED page: https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Robert_Wayne_Stiles#Vanned_Robert
>> No. 43694
https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Rika_Wayne_Stiles They also made this page redirect to robert wayne stiles.
>> No. 43701
Hey Robert, what's the most unusual object you've ever stuck up your ass? I'm sure there must be many things to choose from.
>> No. 43705
I place my bet on a wolverine skull.
>> No. 43706
He's probably too scared to do it, much like getting the surgery.
>> No. 43707
His own head.
>> No. 43708
ADF's withered dick
>> No. 43709
Jordman's fist.
>> No. 43710
>> No. 43711
>You people won't stop until I'm on the VERGE OF SUICIDE.
>Every night a voice comes into my head saying "Why don't you just end it all?" and it takes a great amount of effort to fight it. I just remind myself that I'd rather see the pain on each your fucking faces and I don't care how what it takes.

>I'm bringing justice to myself in this god-forsaken world. Screw Ahuviya. Screw LGBT. This justice is only for me and will grab it with both hands.

Reminded me of:

>20:52 <%ChrisChanSonichu> I stand here now, taking your blows like a brave leading warrior who has seen so much in his lifetime to lead up to a final battle and win. One shall stand, One shall fall, Both will emerge victorious for a better, bright future for each of them after the blows have been dealt, and the scars have been issued.

What is it with lolcows and grandoise self-delusions about being noble and brave for ranting on the internet to trolls?
>> No. 43712

Urgently requested you do not injure my relatives
>> No. 43713
Probably pokemon or anime some other media autists love that anyone not autistic would find intolerable.
>> No. 43714
You can recount endless sob stories, whether they be exaggerated truths or imagined suffering, in hopes that people will feel sorry for you.

You can posture and preen and threaten, in hopes that people will feign obeisance to avoid DA FURY OF DA WRAITH.

Pick one, and please try to be consistent.
Because you're doing both very poorly, and in succession, which doesn't help your imagined cause.
>> No. 43716
You people won't stop until I'm on the VERGE OF SUICIDE.

Every night a voice comes into my head saying "Why don't you just end it all?" and it takes a great amount of effort to fight it.
>> In case you forgot. You are not a special snowflake, most ADULTS feel this way at some point or another. Deal with it.

I just remind myself that I'd rather see the pain on each your fucking faces and I don't care how what it takes.
>> Yes, threatening those you want to feel sorry for you is totally going to work. Oh wait you did this before. It didn't then, won't now. Once again you are not a special snowflake. That said, I highly doubt you could inflict any kind of pain on most people. Most grown ups don't shit themselves over getting doxed or chan posts and we all know you're physically incapable of any real damage that way either.

I'm bringing justice to myself in this god-forsaken world. Screw Ahuviya. Screw LGBT. This justice is only for me and will grab it with both hands.
>> If you actually wanted justice for yourself you'd actually try to grow as a human instead of coming back here again and again and pretending you are oppressed and a victim. Your complexes are yours, deal with it like a grown up. Fuck deal with it with some grace like the lady you claim to be.

Until something happens. FUCKING FINAL POST. Your graves will not be marked.
>> Well it wasn't your final post and way to threaten those you want sympathy from yet again. I mean you might have learned by now that that doesn't work, but then that would mean actually changing and realizing your own faults. We know you can't do that as a special snowflake.

I know most of this advice will never sink in, oh well.
>> No. 43717
You know you're supposed to use quotes for the actual thing you're quoting and not yourself, right?
>> No. 43718
I know, posted like a tard, my bad.
>> No. 43719
>You people won't stop until I'm on the VERGE OF SUICIDE.

>Every night a voice comes into my head saying "Why don't you just end it all?" and it takes a great amount of effort to fight it. I just remind myself that I'd rather see the pain on each your fucking faces and I don't care how what it takes.

>I'm bringing justice to myself in this god-forsaken world. Screw Ahuviya. Screw LGBT. This justice is only for me and will grab it with both hands.

>Until something happens. FUCKING FINAL POST. Your graves will not be marked.

Just quoting because Rika is going to delete fucking everything again.
>> No. 43720
Hey, put on the bright side, your threads are the only really entertaining ones on /cwc/ right now.
>> No. 43721
Reviving one of his deleted posts:

>This is truly beautiful, Introfag and Zyderp have finally slipped up. YOU just made me the fucking face of LGBT community. I don't mind that at all. Now everyone who reads that magazine will know who I am and I can turn this around on you phony nazis.
>> No. 43722
Can someone please coax Rika into making youtube videos in exchange for taking everything off 789chan and ED?
>> No. 43723
>Now everyone who reads that magazine will know who I am and I can turn this around on you phony nazis.

yeah I'm sure they're going to get right on that one
>> No. 43724
Hey Rika, here's some good reading for 'ya:

>> No. 43725
>Now everyone who reads that magazine will know who I am
...and if the numerous threads of you on this board are any indication, they're all gonna laugh their asses off at you.

>and I can turn this around on you phony nazis.
Explain how?
>> No. 43726

Don't you know THE WRAITH is a name with POWER??
>> No. 43727
What power?
>> No. 43728
The power of VOODOO!
>> No. 43729
>> No. 43730
You do.
>> No. 43731
Do what?
>> No. 43732
Remind me of the babe.
>> No. 43733
So what is Rika's average day like?

>Wake up around noon
>Check ED
>Check 789chan
>Plot against trolls
>Go to meeting with lawyer/detective who wants Rikas money
>Call mommy and daddy for more money
>> No. 43734
You forgot "emoing it up on the internet and fingering his corpse-like self till he whines himself asleep, only to wake up the next day wondering why he's butthurt and everyone says he smells like shit."
>> No. 43735
File 134494997662.png - (248.96KB , 325x453 , unattended children.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Thank you.
>> No. 43736
Such homophobic language, isn't introman a gay PoC?
That's an outrageously offensive statement coming from the face of the LGBT movement Robbie.
>> No. 43737
789chan, this is the Transgender boards. You're welcome to have your wraith back.

>> No. 43738
Oh lawd, pleads to autphag for help, plead to cheese conies, and now to trannies

Also using PACER is SO ILLEGAL!!
>> No. 43739
Reminds me of the TomBoys and TomGirls of Virginia. Rika takes the internet WAY too seriously.
>> No. 43740
LMFAO! Good old Robb. Love how the people on that board just met him, and they've already got him figured out.

>I would give you one single piece of advice though. Don't feed the troll. It may sound stupid, but it's the best one can do in such a case.
>Seems to me maybe you're reaping what you sow.
>Maybe you shouldn't be so publicly horrible?

This shit is great.
>> No. 43741

He goes from zero to disliked almost instantly wherever he goes.
>> No. 43742

Shit just got even funnier.
>> No. 43743
Screencapped the responses. Too bad ED's down right now.
>> No. 43744
I wonder if our Rob is trying to imagine what his idea of Milla Jovovich would do in this situation, and that is somehow fueling his senseless pursuit of revenge/justice.
>> No. 43745
Wouldn't surprise me. He's delusional enough to believe something like that.
>> No. 43746
The best part of all of this rob will just think that everyone else is wrong. Rob did you ever think that if everyone has the same reaction to you maybe its you and not everyone else that's wrong
>> No. 43747

Is any of this starting to get through to you at all Rika? None of this is happening because you are trans, your pathetic attempts to look and act like a woman are just the icing on the cake, not basis of it all. This is all happening because you're just an asshole, even your fellow trans are telling you this. This very board has gay and trans people owning and operating it, yet we have no problem with them, only you, so why should this be? Just quit your bullshit victim complex for one second and take some accountability for your own shitty personality for once.
>> No. 43748
Robbay, I think it's time for you to reevaluate your behavior. You need to (at the very least begrudgingly) re-read your ED article and see everything you've ever done wrong in your threads. Your own transgender kin disowning you should have been your wake up call.
>> No. 43750
Rob how were the documents illegally obtained? These are all public record. Intro went through proper channels and got them from a site that allows you to get public record. Seems very legal to me.
Were you lying to your fellow transgenders?
>> No. 43751
Screencaps of his latest PA effort uploaded to ED.

>> No. 43752
Guys, Robb will never stop thinking he is a victim and he will not realize he needs to take responsibility for his words, stop wasting your time.

All that will happen is Robbay will assume the TG forums are a troll conspiracy or the ED page corrupted them, its totally not his fault ever.
>> No. 43753
File 134496598816.jpg - (71.93KB , 263x317 , Hitler oh you.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>she inspired me to be the kickass woman in a corset dress that I truly knew I was on the inside
I lol'd.

>Everytime I leave the internet they just continue to DIG UP MORE FREAKING THINGS AGAINST ME.
How can you know that if you've left the internet?

>Please can somebody help me. The police do not take matters like this seriously and I've TRIED telling them off multiple times.
Hate to tell you I told you so. >>251939

Looks like it's gonna be a while before we're "rotting in federal prison". Also, what happened to that "sympathetic police officer" of yours, hmm? Could it be that...trolling isn't actually illegal or a hate crime? Dang dirty First Amendment!

But seriously, they gave you some really great advice. Sure, you didn't listen to us, and you most certainly won't listen to them, and with some mental gymnastics you come to the conclusion they are really transphobic nazis as well.
>> No. 43754
File 134496646456.jpg - (75.57KB , 750x390 , laughing nazis.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>So, is it all untrue? Or what? A lot of it is links to stuff you actually wrote isn't it? Is any of it lies?
Also this. The article may be harsh, but it's completely true. You can only blame yourself. If you want to get a good job...don't OBLIVERATE your reputation by acting like a retard. Pretty simple!
>> No. 43755
I can imagine Robbay bringing a printout of the ED article to a job interview, slapping it down on the table and saying " DON'T BELIEVE THIS ITS ALL LIES"
>> No. 43756
>> No. 43758
File 134496784331.jpg - (222.18KB , 864x479 , Mammy Jovovitch.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hush up son, you's needs to pull yo self together, don' let them trolls get to ya.

You might not be able to ever get a real job but cheer up, you's can still make it as a internet clown.
>> No. 43759
This is pure gold, I love how wherever Robert goes he alienates people within minutes.
>> No. 43761
File 13449682767.gif - (1.68MB , 254x275 , Colbert laugh.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>[13.03.2012 18:40:42] Rika: Today were doing more screencapping and taking it to the library to print it
>[13.03.2012 18:40:52] Rika: We already got a whole mountain of evidence
>[13.03.2012 18:40:55] Rika: But the more the better
>[13.03.2012 18:51:50] Rika: They are on their way to my place for another round of screencapping.
>[13.03.2012 18:51:58] Rika: Then were off to the library to make some prints
>[13.03.2012 19:00:05] Rika: They shoulden't have fucked with someone who actually IS resourceful
>[18.03.2012 18:40:48] Rika: And we still have the cockss that were on the wiki screencapped
>[22.03.2012 17:56:58] Undercover Troll: :D Im here now, really? What did the police department say?
>[22.03.2012 17:57:09] Rika: We took it to the feds
>[22.03.2012 17:57:14] Undercover Troll: oh wow
You are actually correct. Robbie screencapped ADFki and took it to the "feds".
>> No. 43766
File 134496953532.jpg - (21.49KB , 218x265 , 1332741454341.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>instantly hated by tranny forum
Looks like THE WRATH really is a name with power.
>> No. 43768
Nah, only Robert. I assume 22 was his age when he made that account, or something. Normal people don't consider dead kittens to be very attractive.
>> No. 43769
File 134497008870.gif - (473.21KB , 167x138 , hitler tea time 3.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Cocks, everyone!


Very minor oldnew cocks: Robb attempting to vandalize wikipedia and doing such mature and hilarious edits as changing Sony Online Entertainment to SHITTY Online Entertainment! Hi-la-ri-ous!


Apparently Robert has internet history of almost a decade of being a butthurt homosexual deviant being laughed at.


And another Amazing Atheist blog from Robert.
>> No. 43770
robbay is the most beautiful lolcow I've ever seen. It's like he's emotionally torturing himself, bringing himself down so low and just low enough where he keeps himself alive just to do it over again. He's the epitome of first world problems. I know a lot of humans, especially the social justice crowd, who actively try to get offended, even at things that aren't offensive in the least, but robbay brings that to a whole new level. It's like he's doing the internet equivalent of sticking your head in a crocodile's mouth. He's at rick of going to jail for fuck's sake and he STILL comes here just to bat the hornet's nest. It's beautiful.
>> No. 43772

I'd cook with Heisenberg if you know what I mean
>> No. 43773

Before Chrissy and Milla, Robbie tried his chances with Natalie Portman. Or something.
>> No. 43775

Well that's a little tenuous.
>> No. 43777
That snake is dead now, Robert stuck it's head up his ass when he was experimenting one night and it suffocated.
>> No. 43778
It fits with his YT profile as well.

Looking at the comments he's made on others' videos shows more of his cyber-bullying.
>> No. 43781
File 134497546522.png - (24.73KB , 871x120 , Screen Shot 2012-08-14 at 1_15_34 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
deleted posts
>> No. 43782
File 134497547426.png - (36.69KB , 862x242 , Screen Shot 2012-08-14 at 1_15_47 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 43783
File 134497548186.png - (13.53KB , 862x53 , Screen Shot 2012-08-14 at 1_15_56 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 43784
I like the fact that Rika says in that screencapped FB post, "So go ahead, play the victim card like you always fucking do, Since you can't take responsibility for anything!"

So... Natalie Portman didn't message him?? lol
>> No. 43785
Straight male looking for girls who like guys?
>> No. 43786

>Religion: Buddhism

Hate to tell you this, Robb, but you're never gonna find Zen acting the way you do.
>> No. 43787
We are nearing the magic hour. When Robert gets done asking people if they would like that super sized, and he gets home for a brand new round of butt hurt and threats
>> No. 43788
File 134497751473.jpg - (27.90KB , 600x900 , 1338428897839.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 43789
I just realized rob is probably horrible for their business. I really hope he works as a frycook otherwise I bet most of their customers take one look at his ugly face and lose their appetite.
>> No. 43790
I don't want to imagine him making something I'm going to eat.

Anyway, haven't we established that he works at Wal*Mart? He'd fit right in if he worked the graveyard shift. He'd make more money to pay the lawyers with too.
>> No. 43791
I thought it was confirmed he works at a pharmacy like RiteAid/CVS
>> No. 43792
>I do happen to think the OP is an idiot and scum
>But I won't sit here quietly watching how someone (anyone) is being misgendered

Oh for fuck's sake.

>Said friend tried to hang herself and wound up in the hospital
>Ahuviya is the suicidal friend by the way

WHAT? ADF fucking tried to hang himself? I haven't followed the Philly trannies at all until the last thread when Rika "doxed" Zyklon. Could anyone please fill me in?
>> No. 43793
>WHAT? ADF fucking tried to hang himself? I haven't followed the Philly trannies at all until the last thread when Rika "doxed" Zyklon. Could anyone please fill me in?

Read this, should clear some things up.
>> No. 43794
Wow, Robb may have actually found a hugbox.

Just when you think you can't be surprised anymore.
>> No. 43795
Oh damn, man, damn.

On the plus side, if ADF sustained permanent brain damage, he'd definitely start shouting bullshit about neurotypicals and ablists.
>> No. 43796
Yeah, just another example of Robb using his friends when they're convenient for him. Trying to play the pity card, then saying "Screw ADF" when it doesn't work. Great guy, that Robert.
>> No. 43798
And now they're asking for the image to be taken down form the ED article. Wondered how long it would take for that to happen...
>> No. 43799
File 134499451290.png - (34.29KB , 845x382 , Robbay.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Will probably take a while~
>> No. 43800
>automatically attack anyone who does not share their facist, white supremist, heterosexual views.
>Moderator is a tranny, admin is gay and so is one of the trolls
Nice try though, Robb. Face it: People don't like you, not because you dress up like a woman, but because you're a retard.
>> No. 43801
>I have any feelings toward o either way but linking this thread is fucking horrid especially since guatama. stops before her >input. to me neither one of you are better than the other and encyclopedia dramatically is cyberbulling I'm sure that case >could be argued as some states it is illegal to cyberbully

I get the gist of what's being said, but WTF?
>> No. 43802
File 134499613472.png - (81.82KB , 348x333 , 1332312455915.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh shit guys they already know about our plan to set up a hive there
Quick, send in our queen so we can infiltrate their community through a new generation of trolls
>> No. 43803
>Well, 'getting rid' of folks isn't something that really happens around here. People come and go, but >outright banning is exceedingly rare. We'll just have to ride Casper out and keep on keepin' on

Fuck me running.
>> No. 43804
>Is given a clear way on how to stop shit.
>Chooses Robbay instead with full knowledge of what'll happen.

Fucking what.
>> No. 43805
Yeah, I'd say leave the fucking image up. Let 'em go complain to ED and see where it gets 'em. Reason was at least attempted.
>> No. 43806
>have legitimate gender dysphoria and these nazi scumbags want to make me suffer because of something outside of my control
>they will automatically attack anyone who does not share their facist, white supremist, heterosexual views.
Nigga you just went full SJ.
>> No. 43807
I really don't get why someone from here had to go post on the tranny forum. Rob's horrid and toxic enough on his own, people were already unanimously against him, and going on a wordy speech about his internet crimes is only going to prove some of his psychotic ramblings right. Also it's gay.
>> No. 43808
He's just lying to try to recruit a personal army, just like he tried to do at 4chan's /mlp/.
>> No. 43809
For the same reason why people post here, I guess: To provoke him.
>> No. 43810
Well it will fuel his paranoia so some good came of it I suppose
>> No. 43811
$5 says he doesn't leave.
>> No. 43812
It says he is still online
>> No. 43814
What the fuck does Gautama mean anyway?
>> No. 43815
And thread's locked now.

Does anyone really buy that Robbay is going to leave?
>> No. 43816
File 134500061786.jpg - (25.10KB , 335x400 , u mad coz im stylin on you 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The thread got locked, the Encyclopedia Dramatica article got a couple of hundred more views and now there are even more people that don't like you. Good job Robb, you really handle trolling like a pro.
>> No. 43817
Yeah, He will leave. He was just looking for a group to PA for him, its not like he is looking for emotional support or a community to be part of or anything.
>> No. 43818
Zyklon, do we update the image on ED to include the entire thread or no?
>> No. 43819
File 134500089880.gif - (593.68KB , 239x270 , hitler tea time.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Meh. All there was to say was really said in the original screencap, then it turned into arguing with the other trannies. I still could upload the rest of his posts to the gallery, they were pretty funny.
>> No. 43820
Yeah, that'd work. cocks is cocks.
>> No. 43821
>Screw LGBT.

>Help me OBLIVERATE these cis scum!

Never change, Robb. Never change.
>> No. 43823
File 134500347963.gif - (1.98MB , 287x170 , oh my god that poor guy.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Did Chris really say that?

He's like that old LSD game, always being full of hidden gems
>> No. 43825

It was in the same IRC chat where he told Clyde Cash about his DIRTY, CRAPPED BRIEFS (at those times, it mostly slipped out without his knowledge).

>> No. 43826
>> No. 43828
>and we just want to watch the world burn.
I enjoy how Heath Ledger's interpretation of the Joker has replaced Watchmen's Rorschach as the role model for nerds that want to pretend to be cool.
Too bad it is not very likely to get you any vagina.
>> No. 43829
Is it just me or was he seriously trying to hit on Zyklon...
>> No. 43830
He has been since Thread 1
>> No. 43831
>everyone who laughs at idiots online ad doesn't cosplay as a nazi is a failure but me, guys

Yeah, ok.
>> No. 43832
>Gautama, if you're going to stay here, and I can't possibly imagine why you'd want to, you're going to refer to people as their target gender, not as whatever your opinion on their gender is while you're here. Feel free to refer to Casper however you want elsewhere, but it won't be done here, or you won't be here anymore.

lol trannies
>> No. 43833
Yeah, pretty much. Although I have to admit that "roving toxic waste dump" comment was pretty amusing.
>> No. 43834
File 13450542585.png - (320.42KB , 652x365 , substation.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So Robb, have you told your PO what you know about this?

I recall in one of your previous threads you tried to use it for trollshielding by saying you knew who was responsible. It seems to me that if a person is on probation and has knowledge of a crime, it's usually in that person's best interest to be forthcoming about it.
>> No. 43835
We have the burning fire video, lets all call the cops and get money for putting Rob in jail
>> No. 43836
Actually, I think burning fire is a separate incident, which would suggest Robert may have knowledge of multiple crimes...
>> No. 43837

He&½039;s a criminal mastermind. FEAR THE WRAITH.
>> No. 43838
Hey Robb. I know a guy who can fix Internet reputations. He&½039;s a pro. I&½039;ll give you his contact info and he&½039;ll make everything all go away and remain hidden if you upload 5 youtube videos of the community&½039;s choosing to youtube and mediafire.

I vote for singing "I&½039;ll make a troll out of you " for the first video.
>> No. 43839
Bit of advice, Robb. The next time you plant a red herring online, make sure it's more than .1 mile away from your TRUE AND HONEST address.
>> No. 43840
Which genius decided to coffee filter the apostrophe?
>> No. 43841

it was actually the # sign, to see if I could foil people who hashtag, but apparently non-letter characters like ' are sent to the server as &#039; for some reason. I killed it as soon as I saw it was fucking up.
>> No. 43842
File 134506065457.gif - (52.26KB , 414x318 , thuglife.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So right now we know that ROBBAY is a confirmed for
>Threatening a federal officers life
>Serial Arson

Oh Rob your probation officer will be so disappoint when we contact them
>> No. 43843
>when we contact them
nah, that would be ween. we need to convince ADF to turn him in.

>you're going to refer to people as their target gender
did Gautama point out that Robbie withdrew his plans to present as a woman?
>> No. 43844
Yes, if Robb were capable of learning, he'd know by now that backtrails can be followed. The insomniac video and that shitty rap video that he did the camera for (Protip: it's called a tripod, jackass) are what gave away his actual location.
>> No. 43845
I thought someone was being a grammar nazi who hates contractions.
>> No. 43846
File 13450624759.png - (43.65KB , 844x606 , socash.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

lol I misspelled activities

>> No. 43847

Snitches get stitches..

>> No. 43849
File 13450707578.jpg - (200.44KB , 423x676 , yourenext.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 43850

>Robbie withdrew his plans to present as a woman?

I thought he just didn't want to go through the full transition because he likes having a dick too much but still wants people to call and treat him like a woman?
>> No. 43851
OH SHIT , I had that same star wars light up gun when I was like 8, that was the shit.
>> No. 43852
Linking to ED is probably a bad idea though.
>> No. 43853
As many people as have tried to "Take Down" ED, I don't think it'll matter much.
>> No. 43854
So where is the burning fire video? I can't find it
>> No. 43855
>> No. 43856
File 134507386688.gif - (345.15KB , 500x375 , beavis-and-butthead.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Fire! FIRE! Fiire!! Nehehehe
>> No. 43857
Also, it doesn't help that the first 2 numbers of the fake address are the same as the real one. Seriously Robb, you really suck at this whole life thing.
>> No. 43858
>> No. 43859
I just read Rob's brave tale of how he harassed that former pornstar over MSN and his whole "south texas deathride" final attack. Apart from him mixing up reality with Dragonball Z , it's pretty clear that these folks he claims to have "OBLIVERATEed" - his words btw - with pure logic and on some MSN chat were just treating him with genuine kindness and finally gave up when it was completely clear that he'd have none of that and their non-cartoon reality.

Robby, going from how you've treated others and your own words, what's occurring now is exactly what you've wished for all these years. You have no excuse to be reacting the way you are.
>> No. 43860
this needs to go on the ED page
>> No. 43861

no complaints about that wordbutter, either. Fucking perfect.
>> No. 43862
File 134507624771.png - (755.20KB , 981x511 , behind_robbs_building.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"There are usually hipster kids in that alleyway. They're usually drunk and screaming."
>> No. 43863
What is "OBLIVERATE" a wordbutter for?
>> No. 43864
>> No. 43865
d e s t r o y

as in he honestly thinks that he caused a major crisis of faith with every religious person he talked to over chat, like they have never heard the banal arguments Robby presented in the course of their lives.
>> No. 43866
File 13450782204.png - (663.02KB , 970x504 , downstairs.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's a picture of the shop in the basement of Robb's building.
>> No. 43867
File 134507879349.jpg - (52.88KB , 609x480 , 1331532482560.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh shit the fucking ceiling tiles are fucked. All brown and water-damaged like hell.
>> No. 43868
When you took this you put anthrax in his mailbox like we agreed right?
>> No. 43869
Dude, shhh! You'll spoil the surprise!
>> No. 43870
I like how he thought his judgemental nature is because of religious reasons and not because he's a judgemental twat to begin with. It should come as a warning when he decides to give it up only to pass his 'judgement' on them in turn.

Oh, Robert, you so silly.
>> No. 43871
That he is. I'm actually kinda surprised he hasn't shown up yet tonight. He'll really shit his pants when he finds out some of us have his real address now.
>> No. 43872
Wasn't on yesterday either , I guess he is busy planning ULTIMATE JUSTICE
>> No. 43873
He'll really shit his pants and do nothing.
>> No. 43874
File 134508517625.png - (324.53KB , 391x517 , robbsbuilding.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And here's an exterior shot of Robb's building. His apartment is on the left, 7 floors up.
>> No. 43875
Wow, that trollicopter turned out to be a really good investment.
>> No. 43876
That it did. That it did.
>> No. 43877

So this is what happens if Chris is a helicopter?
>> No. 43878
Now, I'm going to ask this nicely. Why would anyone be interested in my appartment?
>> No. 43879

Maybe some of us are looking for a nice place to stay after finding a good job in Philadelphia?
>> No. 43880
Because were going to raid your apartment, this should have been obvious rika
>> No. 43881
What's wrong? Thought you tricked us?
>> No. 43882
Robbay, there you are! I was beginning to think you didn't love us anymore.

Again, we got them from a helicopter flying overhead, affectionately dubbed the trollicopter.
>> No. 43883
File 134508614548.gif - (96.40KB , 343x500 , RaidTriple.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It would help clean up the place.
>> No. 43884

I can't imagine you guys doing anything worse or more pathetic then what those /b/ tards did to Catie Wayne. In fact, I've already tipped off the doorman on any homosexual deviantry and to scan for any unusual liscense plates in our parking lot.

There's nothing you can do so stop fantasizing and obsessing.
>> No. 43885
Because you came right out and said that you'd put up the fake address yourself. That wasn't very nice, Robb. Up until then, I'd just assumed it had been Jordman, and maybe he'd chickened out at the last minute. But once I found the right address, it all made sense. Because you'd be just dumb enough to give a fake address that's only a block away from the real one. The Wraith, ladies and gentlemen. A true master troll.
>> No. 43886
File 134508626119.jpg - (12.39KB , 460x287 , hhaha.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
god fucking damnit...
>> No. 43888

>Catie Wayne
>Boxxy attentionwhoring bitch

She has her own wikipedia page.

>> No. 43889
Rika your little hacker apartment is no match for our trollicopter. Good luck finding that bug too!
>> No. 43890

You're not supposed to tell him it's bugged!

Oh well, he'll never find it anyways.
>> No. 43891
But it'll be fun watching him try.
>> No. 43892
File 134508672277.jpg - (28.44KB , 479x383 , johnny-depp-fear-loathing-in-las-vegas-2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not the way we hid it, he won't.
>> No. 43893

Fuck it you wannabe Clyde Cashes. I don't care if I'm fucking bigger than Chris Chan right now, I'm pretty goddamn sharp not to fall for your SCARY GUIDO NAMES!

Keep marveling at the wrong appartment guise, keep neglecting those bills and your health. I have better things to do.
>> No. 43894
You just admitted it was your apartment.
>> No. 43895
So you don't mind if I give out the address, then? Or maybe I should just tell that nice lady Judy what kind of psycho she's got renting form her.
>> No. 43896
Scanning license plates? Assuming your doorman even gives a shit about your internet woes, do you seriously think you can tell people where they can park or what street they can drive down?

Oh wait, it's you I'm asking, nevermind.
>> No. 43897
It's APARTMENT you fucking reprobate
>> No. 43898
File 134508685223.jpg - (21.90KB , 240x320 , bernie_mac.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Bernie mac

Nice try Rika.
>> No. 43900

Fear the Wraith, bitches.
>> No. 43901
Why? Is he posting nudes?
>> No. 43902

I can't understand why I'm being fucking cyber stalked though when it will amount to FUCKING NOTHING. Is this finally where you mighty trolls stage an IRL EPIN RAID? As the grand fuhrer of minstrel cycles and LARPING would say "Come at me, bros!"
>> No. 43903
You know all about cyber stalking, don't you Robb? BTW, it was your videos that gave away your address.
>> No. 43904
** does wraith dance **
>> No. 43905
Lol you are one to talk about stalking , hows that porn syar btw?
>> No. 43906
If it amounts to nothing than why do you care you fucking moron?

Because you're Robert Wayne Stiles, a loser and mental defective.
>> No. 43907
Oh shit, Rika, I actually live in your building...this is gonna be interesting :)
>> No. 43908
Is there any way other than posting on /cwc/ to contact you?
>> No. 43909

>Fuck it you wannabe Clyde Cashes. I don't care if I'm fucking bigger than Chris Chan right now, I'm pretty goddamn sharp not to fall for your SCARY GUIDO NAMES!

Jesus christ i cant fucking breathe
>> No. 43910

>Is this finally where you mighty trolls stage an IRL EPIN RAID?

We wouldn't do something so blatantly obvious as that.

Unlike you, of course, stalking porn stars and sending death threats to the FBI.
>> No. 43911

Why the bloody fuck do you need to contact me? Verify who you are first if this is related to the ED article or my threads in 789chan.

AND I'm not posting my work email on this site to fuck up my own life.
>> No. 43912
Are there apartments for rent in your building Robbay? Maybe I'll pretend to be interested in one and take some photos of the place the next time I drive to Philly for a ball game. Can you stop me?
>> No. 43913
Just make a quick yahoo on and give me a link. Fuck if I'm gonna say what it's about without dagon being a fag.
>> No. 43914
> to fuck up my own life.

but it's the one thing you do so well!
>> No. 43915

Why post your work email? Do you only have one email?

Why not make another?

Here's a suggestion for one: [email protected]ail.com
>> No. 43916
And you wanna know the best part, Robb? You know Zyklon, Trey, IntroMan, all those guys. But how many of us here don't you know? We could be that waiter at Tequila's who gives you the dirty look when you walk by. We could be the barista at Starbuck's who smiles at you funny when you're ordering your latte. And contrary to what you might believe, we wouldn't even hurt you. We just like to watch you flail about like a fish in the bottom of a boat. You just amuse us, Robb.
>> No. 43917
File 134508801939.gif - (204B , 32x32 , pale wraith.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"We can't stop here!"
"Why not?"
"This is wraith country!"
>> No. 43918
File 134508808214.jpg - (4.51KB , 108x150 , Bernie_mac_raid_gear.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>"I'm not posting my work email on this site to fuck up my own life."

LOL your life is already fucked Robert. So why stop giving us cocks now?
>> No. 43919
You get a work email at CVS?
>> No. 43920
Or would you rather contact me through youtube, because that's where the private video in question is. I'm not fucking with you.
>> No. 43921
Are you even still here? Damn it..
>> No. 43922
And what would Robbay do if he suspected someone in the vicinity knew all about him I wonder?

Robert? What would you do?
>> No. 43923
Yeah, so you can read company wide memos and that sort of thing.
>> No. 43924
Ah, cool.
>> No. 43925
Actually, I would probably be really easy to guess what his work email is
>> No. 43926
I was just thinking that.
>> No. 43927

Does this only involve making a video because I am not contributing any more video or photographic proof of my existance on the internet. One only needs to look at Christopher Chandler to understand my reason against doing that under my new personal identity.

If you are connected to the stonecutters and wish to make a private transaction with me, I have just made this BS account: [email protected]
>> No. 43928
Isn't that one of the two Utrecht stores in Philly? I'm just so surprised. I used to go there a lot.
>> No. 43929
Translation: I've already been the author of my own undoing.
>> No. 43930
File 134508873099.jpg - (23.82KB , 240x320 , bernie_mac240.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rika confirmed for furry
>> No. 43931
What an original email for you, Robert.
>> No. 43932

> One only needs to look at Christopher Chandler to understand my reason against doing that under my new personal identity.

I hate to be the one to break this to you but CWC has been unthroned as the golden standard for lolcows

If you're curious as to who the new champ is, go look in a mirror
>> No. 43933
His backtrail has been so easy to follow.
>> No. 43935


>Fury Aryan

So...You're a NeoNazi too?
>> No. 43936
And Robert will never learn.
>> No. 43937
Just wait till he finds out the doorman is one of us!
>> No. 43938
At least he's safe since Robb's a coward.
>> No. 43939
You'll hear from me.
>> No. 43940
Totally not bothered as always. Thanks for the confirmation, though it was already obvious that that's' the place. I suppose now we'll have to wait and see what sort of homosexual deviantry this back-alley online meetup will yield.
>> No. 43941
I sent you the email.
>> No. 43942
>Does this only involve making a video because I am not contributing any more video or photographic proof of my existance on the internet.

But Rob, all it will take is 5 youtube videos, and then you can learn the name of a professional who can wipe you off of the internet for the low low price of five thousand dollars a year.
>> No. 43943
P.S. Don't post nudes of Rika, you get banned if you do.
>> No. 43944
But how can anyone post nudes of Mr. Rika Robert Wayne Stiles when he makes dicks rock hard? As well as the rest of your tissues.

I'm pretty sure looking at his nudes to save and upload them would be so horrifying your flesh would petrify.
>> No. 43945

It would be a shame if Robert finally got himself banned by doing something like posting his own nudes after trying so hard in various other ways.

That, and we'd have to suffer by seeing them.
>> No. 43946
You know Robb. I wouldn't act all high and mighty just yet. If memory serves me best, you've tried to trollshield both Nick Bate AND Bob McBob on Facebook. Also, when someone told you that A-Log lived in NYC, a place you love to travel to; You made the mature comment that he, a longtime resident of NYC, should GTFO of "YOUR" city.
>> No. 43947
And that's why people like Robb tend to dig their own holes. Their narcissism and egos must be fed, so they keep using the same handles over and over. I'm sure that somewhere in his deluded mind, Robb still believes that all that wraith bullshit actually counts for something.
>> No. 43948
Yeah, I get the feeling that Smug Robert will return shortly. It'll be interesting to see what kind of cocks he thinks he's been given. Meanwhile, he's already admitted that he's been found. Gotta love those overreactions.
>> No. 43949
I like how Rika is far more judgemental than anyone else here, on his YouTube he freely uses racial slurs like chink and is constantly insulting transsexuals ( Where he is the only one doing so in videos where everyone else is being supportive).

And here he's still using racial slurs for no reason while calling us Nazis unironicly.

On a side note he is even making his fellow juggalos look bad now the FBI classified them as a gang and as it happens Rika here is charged with sending them death Threats.
>> No. 43950
Robb always acts like a bully if he thinks he can get away with it. One of the reasons I have no remorse for what's happened to him since he came here.
>> No. 43951
Even he said he doesn't care about anyone but himself.
Just like most lolcows he turned 5 and stopped growing from there.
>> No. 43952
It's true, he stabbed his old friend ADF in the back on many occasions and I bet he never even thinks how responsible he is for his brain damage due to the suicide attempt.
>> No. 43953
Like everyone else in his life, Robb just uses ADF whenever it's convenient or he thinks he can milk it for sympathy. Not long after the suicide attempt, he was trying to pin it on us, saying we drove ADF to it. Of course we responded by pointing out that hew was the one who kicked him to the curb. A couple days later Robb said that ADF and Jordman "have the combined IQ of a turd sandwich." Great guy to have as a friend.
>> No. 43954
File 134509821067.jpg - (58.79KB , 693x1024 , 1344734258209.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Have we confirmed actual brain damage? mean like notable impairment.
>> No. 43955
Since it's ADF we're talking about, it's kind of hard to tell one way or the other. I mean-shit-you've heard the guy talk. right?
>> No. 43956
I think a telltale sign is he hasn't been involved in any drama since then, I wonder if Rika has even bothered to visit..
>> No. 43957
So it's a lobotomy type for cross-dressing homosexual devianty?
Oh sweet lord. We have found the cure. Now we just have to go around administering it in koolaid.
>> No. 43958
File 134511887645.jpg - (53.62KB , 495x500 , u mad coz im stylin on you.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Fuck it you wannabe Clyde Cashes. I don't care if I'm fucking bigger than Chris Chan right now, I'm pretty goddamn sharp not to fall for your SCARY GUIDO NAMES!
But you are just as retarded as Chris when it comes to taking down Encyclopedia Dramatica. Fuck, even Chris didn't cry because of it and he's the uncrowned king of manchildren.
>> No. 43959
File 13451210946.jpg - (29.26KB , 300x300 , minstrelcycle.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>grand fuhrer of minstrel cycles
>minstrel cycles
>> No. 43960
>minstrel cycles
I am imagining this is some weird combination of "menstrual cycle" and "minstrel show," like the Vagina Monologues in blackface.
>> No. 43961
Robert is obviously jealous of Zyklon being able to menstruate, so it is possible.
>> No. 43962
My blood will be on your hands!

Come at me!

Never fucking change.
>> No. 43963
What he doesn't know is the doorman is now one of us.
>> No. 43964
His good conduct... let's show the jury all his good conduct guys. Let's help
>> No. 43965
>I'm pretty goddamn sharp not to fall for your SCARY GUIDO NAMES!
What Sktlle and Bernie Mac? Do you even know what Guido means?

>Keep marveling at the wrong appartment guise,
Your damning reaction to the pics just added the final confirmation on what we already knew. Seriously Robert, giving out a fake address that just points straight to the real one is something only you would do.

>I have better things to do.
Maybe so, but you'll keep coming back anyway. The 14 threads of yours in /L/ are a testament to that.
>> No. 43966
So after his trial date we won't have Rika to kick around anymore?
>> No. 43967
Hasn't been involved in drama? I'd say it's getting progressively worse since his brain damage. You read his death threats to his father and how he flipped out and pulled out his knife AND pepperspray when some black dude probably just laughed at him? Imagine if he had had his shitty gun on himself.
>> No. 43968
Haven't there been reports of him brandishing his gun left and right as well? I'm really surprised the unbalanced bastard hasn't killed anyone yet.
>> No. 43969
>> No. 43970
Why don't we just rename the ADFki to the Riki?
>> No. 43971
File 134514750662.png - (105.26KB , 1240x909 , Robert being retarded - the return of the son of t.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robert made a thread which had a short, shitty recording of ADF being boring, yet another attempt by Robb to throw another tranny under the bus, because that worked so well before. Here's the file: http://plunder.com/ACNHHWG6H2

Might just as well be honest here Robert. Robb, you were always the funniest of the two. ADF is just sad and depressing and unstable. In the end, I oftentimes ignored ADF because it was boring to go through another conversation of "hurr durr communism is awesome". I was rolling my eyes and waiting for you to flip and tell ADF to stop giving cocks so that we could stop trolling ADF and start with you.

What can I say, it was well worth the wait.
>> No. 43973
File 134515030392.jpg - (11.00KB , 579x462 , hitler smiling 4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
As if it wasn't obvious, the file is of course an old one and Robert is retarded if he thinks people are as retarded as he is and mistake it for NEW COCKS DELETE MY THREAD:

>> No. 43974

That isn't ADF in the recording, it's Chris.
>> No. 43975
Robb, I know you probably don't realize this, but outwitting you is about as difficult as finding the castle at Disneyland.
>> No. 43976

figured as much, since leaving pa would violate his probation, and we all know how careful rika is about fucking himself over
>> No. 43978
File 134515063742.jpg - (54.42KB , 468x352 , hitler heiling.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You are right. I was actually lurking and heard on the chat that Robb posted .mp3 of ADF talking, didn't even bother to listen to it myself before posting, lol. Now that I did, turned out to be the church audio.

I like how Robert has accepted he sounds like a man.
>> No. 43980
Why does it say 16th of april, 2011?
>> No. 43981
Drop da dox!
>> No. 43982
You're an all-you-can-eat buffé of cocks. Keep it coming, big guyrl.
>> No. 43983
imma get nerfed to death
>> No. 43987
File 134516085274.jpg - (15.40KB , 406x270 , drexl.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Forgot the image.

You don't actually think Robbay looks like Drexl do you? I'm not seeing it.
>> No. 43988
File 134516113455.jpg - (74.39KB , 478x594 , bus.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Steve Buscemi in 2009, when he had the longer hair.
>> No. 43989
Now that I see.
>> No. 43993
>> No. 43994
File 134531725321.gif - (6.84KB , 479x343 , no-pasaran.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

(tw: Misogyny, rape culture)


Vladislava "Zyklon" isn't only a fascist but a Gender Traitor as well! She created this Triggering P.O.S misogynist rape culturist article.


And a few minutes after it gets featured, she probably fucks the admin or they're nazis as well.

Fuck you you're a traitor to womynkind! No Pasaran!

>> No. 43995
Okay, now say it in English.
>> No. 43996
Turn off the internet and go outside. Never return.
>> No. 43997
>Banning this homosexual deviant.


It would be very entertaining.
>> No. 43998
File 134532654482.jpg - (56.86KB , 500x297 , laughing nazis3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Want some speshul rights? Go on, have some fun in Tumblr where the only one who listens are fellow SJ autists who write 50.000 essays on Kyriarchy. But if you want to go out and act like a tard, it's got consequences. We don't pamper retarded minorities they all are, that's the joke. That's just how we roll. Deal with it, dyke.
>> No. 44000
>no pasaran

What the fuck is this shit supposed to mean?
>> No. 44001

It means you shall not pass in Spanish. It's from the Spanish Civil War and was a slogan used by the Republican side against the Nationalists.
>> No. 44002
File 134541094211.jpg - (62.04KB , 473x581 , Hitler's main man DoubleF smiling.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And we all know how well that ended.

I keep reading it as 'no parmesan'
>> No. 44003
File 134553639119.jpg - (113.37KB , 1280x854 , 1334856066670.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

dat filename.

Hitler wasn't Franco's main man you moron. You seem to forget that whole part of history where the Commis and Nazis were allies before WW2. They jointly invaded Poland and had paraded victoriously together. The USSR urged French communists to aid the nazis before Germany invaded the USSR. Nazism is only modified communism.

Go back to your cock sucking OWS rape-fests.
>> No. 44004
>Nazism is National SOCIALISM
Please, continue. Your ideas are highly entertaining, albeit unoriginal.
>> No. 44005
Instead of arguing over our respective petty understandings of history and politics, let's stick to the subject and fantasize about Robbay's sizable member, shall we?
>> No. 44006
HI sperghomo
>> No. 44007
Hi Zyklon. Looks like you're mad, you fucking lefty crypto-socialist facist. Go back to Soviet Russia.
>> No. 44010
File 134562029132.jpg - (45.33KB , 600x355 , Ryan_Math_Force_Field.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

How about you try to gainsay me instead of insulting or is that beyond your mental faculties?
>> No. 44012
Not any "uncanny", just a pretty standard deforming result of a military grade (high-power / hi-caliber) upper head shots. It often sort of deflates heads after emptying the brain chamber cockss along with skulls and messes up people's faces especially eyes ("derp" eyes).

Here are 2 head shots (upper and lower) from WWI for a sample reference:


And anyway the only thing that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles and this dead Caucasian have "in common" is that they have their mouths wide open. And also both being dudes.
>> No. 44015
File 134563809772.jpg - (58.69KB , 250x250 , 24119428.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Internet: Ohh... I rerember my moron private school prinicple gave a speech on this one. (Name of principle censored to protect the fool) Heres a good question. If there internet was so evil. Then why the hell do you have a website up? The Internet is pretty much the outside the world. It contains both good and evil and more importantly people like myself.
>> No. 44017
File 134564016498.jpg - (124.15KB , 613x975 , 3097662119_9b9c68a7aa_o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Stalin was enabling and supporting Hitler in the hope that the Germans would defeat the Allies while the Soviets, and their largest army in the world, would finish re-arming (by 1941 they already had many more tanks than rest in the world altogether, including thousands of the best or just biggest ones in the world) to quickly overrun Germany itself in a surprise attack.

After failing to defeat the Brits, Germans then made their own suprise attack on the USSR, and even almost won (would won, if they were not led by Hitler & Co, that is by extreme racists and a fucking corporal moving their armies around - the Soviets had their own share because of Stalin playing a "generalissimo" and his various retarded toadies, shooting most of his officers in the late 1930s didn't help too).

It was all a big game, in which 2 genocidal idiots tried to outsmart each other so they could gain world domination.

And the Nazi leaders that were actually Bolshevik-like, like the homosexual deviant Rohm, were purged. There were others who can be regarded as extreme leftist (while also extreme racist), like Goebbels, but for example Himmler was into various mystic bullshit, and Goering's only thing of any resemblance to ideology was just power & money, that is organized corruption (which is the "political system" in place in today's Russia).

>> No. 44018
Please for the sake of this thread delete your post. Nobody wants to know.
>> No. 44019
Please for the sake of this thread delete your post. Nobody wants to know
>> No. 44023
>Natalie you need a moderater to handle your insane fans I know plenty of people that arent that crazy about you they dont hate you but they will treat you like a normal person just email me if your intersted [email protected]

>ps dont try it in msn messenger it wont work

Even Chris was better when talking to "Vanessa Hudgens".
>> No. 44027

Oh, come on, you're making this too easy now.
>> No. 44029
>too lazy to watch what the fuck he types

Oh, what would ze Führer say? Tsk, tsk.
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