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File 134586363178.jpg - (103.49KB , 843x403 , 540447_10150958590666957_1375998433_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
44030 No. 44030
Melissa is trying to bum mo' money off of people. She's always doing shit like taking up a spot at a battered woman's shelter, despite not being in a domestic violence situation, and then trying to look to advice on reddit for "trolling those dang christian homos" even though she's depending on them for a place to stay.


Guess she's back in Philly. Is ADF gonna get lucky?

uh, spurdo.
Expand all images
>> No. 44031
Same homo here, I guess she also sent po-no to a minor. http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/ys8l9/reddit_what_is_the_most_embarrassing_or_awkward/c5ye1di
>> No. 44032
Can a mod check to see if this is Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles starting shit
>> No. 44033
Who cares, ban this fag anyway.
>> No. 44034
File 134587486358.jpg - (15.87KB , 560x250 , top10go_drexl.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
op bookmarks reddit...
>> No. 44035

What a shock. Reddit is crammed with deadbeats.
>> No. 44036
Reddit: Because you want to go to image boards, but you're afraid of real ones.
>> No. 44038
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's IP starts with 173, OP's starts with 108.

Also, curiosity...has ADF ever tried to go to a battered women's shelter?
>> No. 44039
bro this is a serious issue, running out of zoloft can literally cause lack of mellowness.
>> No. 44040
File 134590840954.jpg - (31.29KB , 304x560 , ccmello103.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
sHE ran away from home on the west coast to go visit ADF in philly. not the most brilliant plan.

I'm not saying this isn't serious, but it's hard to have sympathy for someone who walked away from a stable home environment and medication supply because of a misguided e-relationship with someone on the other side of the country.
>> No. 44041
Do you think they are have fat sex in some back alley dumpster right now
>> No. 44042
Yes and it was fucking awesome.
>> No. 44043
requesting graphic detail
>> No. 44044
Are you sure you really wanna hear about it?
>> No. 44045
I think I have enough alcohol on hand to purge the description from my mind if it comes to that. We'll see if I need to start huffing gas.
>> No. 44046

Well, I arrived recently in philly (still almost out of zoloft). I got in touch with Ahuviya (finally) who is staying with Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. After hanging out at Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's cool place Ahuviya and I convinced Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles to go score some E and T.

While Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles was out, we went to Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's twin size bed, and Ahuviya got on all fours and started sucking my clit/cock. It was so cash. Then, I bent Ahuviya over and pegged her so hard in her butt-pussy that she let out a little red book if you know what I mean.

Excited that she'd finally gotten her period, she embraced me and kissed me deep full on. Her stubble cut my face up and now I have all sorts of little scratches. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles came back and saw us together and started jackin' it.

We all fucked again.
>> No. 44047
>> No. 44048
File 134592360431.png - (129.05KB , 297x300 , meem.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>MFW I realize moot is the transsexual
>> No. 44049
I think Robbay guessed Melissa's trip, or something.
>> No. 44050
ADF doesn't pill pop regularly, think they'll get another FAS mutant baby?
>> No. 44051
File 134592454431.jpg - (138.91KB , 1024x683 , occupy mao.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>a little red book
>> No. 44052
It is a best seller
>> No. 44053
True love: It's a beautiful thing.
>> No. 44054
File 134592518562.jpg - (58.03KB , 450x337 , 131708706037-1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
She's an adult. She's not some kid running away from home. You need to realize that adults moving out to be with each other is natural. She just has shitty taste in men
>> No. 44055
Yeah, high schoolers are totally adults. I don't know why I would have ever thought otherwise.
>> No. 44056
Ahuviya is a beautiful woman call her by her real gender you damn mocking bastards!
>> No. 44057

No, it's me. Ahuviya and i are through. She's insistent on sticking with Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles to 'deal with you all.'

i've had enough drama. if ahuviya drops this bullshit then we might get back together but until then i'm done with them. It's hard enough dealing with ones own gender identity without having to deal with Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's schizosexuality.

She really does hurt the legitimacy of our cause. And if Ahuviya thinks that is more important then us being together then fuck her.

Want to get on Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's case? Ask her about the cave. I can't say anything because "that'd be blackmail." but ask her next time she's on.
>> No. 44058
I'd like to believe we're actually getting new information here, but
...we all know how that tripcode works
>> No. 44059
I don't memorize trips, so I don't. Care to explain for this 'tard?
>> No. 44060
Check my trip from the other thread.
>> No. 44061
moot#homosexual deviant
>> No. 44062
Don't you mean he's a pedophile with the physique of an overweight trucker?
Sry bro, but pointing out what everyone except you sees isn't mocking.
>> No. 44063
Wait, she's underage? Ok call the cops. If she is 18 she's an adult though and any irrational decisions she makes are of her own.
>> No. 44064
It's not blackmail to reveal facts. It's only blackmail if you threaten to reveal facts unless someone does something. So in order to avoid extortion charges I suggest you pipe up now and tell us what he did in this cave... also if he broke the law and you don't tell the police then you can be charged with obstruction... time to tell the world all about Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 44065
sHE was 16 when sHE met ADF online last year, so yeah.
>> No. 44066

True and honest. Ask Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles about the cave.
>> No. 44067
>mfw when Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles tried to rape ADF in the cave.
>> No. 44068
i have zoloft. i'm at "Tavern on Camac" right now. go there and ask the bartender if he has seen Mike Hunt. He will point me out.
>> No. 44069
Hey mikhail or something like that, when you are getting into something and have no idea what it is. It shows a little immaturity and naivety. I highly insist that you read the anarchist cookbook, especially the introduction. Because that is closest and most frank about communism. Also I sincearly read and study it, don't just accept it just because your significant other aligns themselves with it.
>> No. 44070
File 134593982829.png - (42.80KB , 667x369 , 21cb27d2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pic is related to last post.
>> No. 44072
File 134594014715.jpg - (29.51KB , 342x400 , badtouchdoll.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Where on the doll did Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles do the "bad touches?"
>> No. 44073

ahaha, she must be thick, manifesto is really short and easy to read. It's honestly less than about 20 pages long.
>> No. 44076
Hey, is that a new pic of Ri­ka?
>> No. 44077
You just hit on her by calling her a doll...
>> No. 44078
Mikhail, if it wasn't for my MUTUAL friendship with your lovely wife, I'd say the water you're treading is VERY deep. Are you really baiting those who hate us to fucking troll me further? Here we have fascist, right wing christian conservative assholes and your REALLY helping them attack me.
>> No. 44079
So what's up with the cave?
>> No. 44080
Mutual? You mean how you continually stab ADF in the back?

It was said before and would be said to you a hundred times again: This board has a gay owner and a transgendered admin.
>> No. 44081

So, what's up with not bathing, bub? We don't talk about that here do we?
>> No. 44082
>implying you have any room to talk about hygiene
>> No. 44083
hey robert, what would 10 year old robert think about the life you currently live? would he be disappointed?
>> No. 44084
To anyone wondering, the cave incident is something dating back to 2008. Robbay thought McCain was going to win and spent election night in a cave, cause he thought that if McCain got elected, the senator would cause Armageddon.

There you have it.
>> No. 44085
So what's up with the cave, then? Or do you want to dodge the question again?
>> No. 44086
So I googled "Philadelphia cave" and the first thing that pops up is this male strip club called The Cave. Mikhail, is this what you were referring to?
>> No. 44087
I'd be interested to know how you could tell one does or does not keep up with personal hygiene through the internet.

Fact is, I wait tables, so my hygiene is connected to how much money I make; I stink, I don't make money? I would imagine one of America's Top Corporations would have taught you that?

Anyway, if your sexual assault of Melissa happened when you were Robert Stiles, isn't it null and void now?
>> No. 44088
I don't care if that's true or not, it made me lol
>> No. 44089
Rob why do you insist that we are doing this cause you are transgendered. I know this is hard for you to understand cause you stalked and harassed people due to their beliefs, but your gender identity has nothing to do with it. Its the fact that you are shitty human and that you are so dumb you continue to come back even after you have been told by hundreds of people to stop.

You are the perfect amount of hard headed,stupid and USI
>> No. 44090
We don't hate her.
Also I doubt there is a single conservative Christian who frequents this site. More like liberal homosexual atheist, and since one of the namefags uses hebrew I'm going to go with liberal jesuit. There was one supposedly real nazi, but he was run off.

Also one of the mods is transgender.
>> No. 44091
File 134595467676.png - (90.18KB , 986x306 , asexual.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>right wing christian conservative assholes
/cwc/ - we are whatever you hate because you said so
>> No. 44092
I'm a libertarian atheist and I continue to laugh at you robbayyy explain that
>> No. 44093
I'm a deist who voted for Kucinich once.
>> No. 44094
Spill it, bitch. What's up with the cave? You think your life is hell now? Shit's just getting started. So you'd might as well tell us, Robbie.
>> No. 44095
File 134595558474.jpg - (225.72KB , 629x354 , irabu_2_newslong.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>24 / M / Straight
>Implying that CWC isn't all liberal homosexual deviants
Bro, you've got it mixed up. You're a heterosexual guy who goes in drag to avoid prosecution. You aren't being bullied for your orientation.
OTOH, you've spent your time trying to bully all the gay and trans posters in /cwc/. Doesn't that make you the bigot?
>> No. 44096
>Also I doubt there is a single conservative Christian who frequents this site.


Still think Robbay deserves what he's getting for being a piece of shit person rather than a tranny though.
>> No. 44097
File 13459571795.png - (174.55KB , 275x450 , 00_retarded_PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44098
Right-wing christian fascist conservatives like the tranny known as seanieb
>> No. 44099

Small Govt Conservative/Libertarian Light Atheist here.

I don't try to be a dick to transgenders but sometimes its easy to forget. Omega looks female therefore I always call her her. I make the effort to humor Jenn because she is a well meaning enough lolcow. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is a piece of shit though and I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.

Unless I pissed gasoline of course.
>> No. 44100
File 134595778094.jpg - (3.20KB , 300x57 , captcha.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You're so one-note, Robert. We don't even hate you. We just happen to think you're a sorry sack of shit. You're also treading on very thin ice right now, whether you know it or not. And if that cave shit is true, then you're even dumber than we thought. You've been completely defeated and you're too dumb/arrogant to realize it. Coincidentally, the image is the captcha I posted this with. You could stand to learn a lot about the first word, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 44101
File 134595787439.jpg - (62.28KB , 813x729 , ADF's milkshake.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF got lucky
>> No. 44102

I'm learning all about it from Ahuviya. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is still being an asshole about it.
>> No. 44103
Go ahead. Tell them what you did. I'm sure they'd LOVE to know.

Of course, I've already told some of the admins.

So why not just tell everyone. I'm sure it will out eventually. Why not control it?
>> No. 44104
That isn't it. Nice try.
>> No. 44105
>> No. 44106
Let me guess, a pedo like your boyfriend?
>> No. 44107
Here's the odds, folks:

What did Ri­ka do in the cave?

5-1: sexual assault of a minor

10-1: hid from John McCain

20-1: decided to change genders

40-1: committed an act of bestiality

100-1: took responsibility for his own actions
>> No. 44108

It's something Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles would find embarrassing.

Homor knows about it.
>> No. 44109

>sexual assault of a minor

It can't be that because a child could still beat him up.
>> No. 44110
File 134596030416.jpg - (26.31KB , 300x386 , cear-stephanie-sigman-v.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Maybe he's working with Mexican drug cartels to smuggle in cocaine and hormones?
>> No. 44111
Does it have something to do will Mills Jovovich?
>> No. 44112
I find it hard to believe Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles knows the concept of shame, among other things.
>> No. 44113

It's a real thing that happened. Homor knows. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles knows. And now Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles knows Homor knows.

Ahuviya and I will work it out in the end, would be easier without Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles meddling.

Funny thing is Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles thinks Ahuviya is her friend again. I guess spying for you guys might look like she's being Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's friend.

At least, that's what Ahuviya told me when we talked. I was going to leave him entirely but he told me it's just an act.

If it gets Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles out of our lives I'm happy to play a long with her.

The best part is that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's paranoid ass won't believe me even though she will read this here.

Ahuviya sees her as your Chris Chan.
>> No. 44114
Want some info?

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has reading issues. Not full dyslexia, but significant reading/spelling issues so it's some sort of disorder.
>> No. 44115
>significant reading/spelling issues

I think everyone's figured that out by now.
>> No. 44116

She had to see someone about it.
>> No. 44117
Robbie also had an IEP/504 plan. He was kicked out of a religious school for being a little too special. They must of socially promoted his ass, so they didn't have to deal with his special ness for another 3 years(legally. The state is responsible for education k-12 until 21. ).
>> No. 44118
Gee rob is learning disabled I never would have guessed
>> No. 44119
File 134596527529.jpg - (48.96KB , 720x480 , Rika's_shithole_apartment.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Dear god, this is legit.
1. Gangly Gollum looking thing on the computer? Check
2. Fat ugly ass that could only belong to ADF? Check
3. Line on the wall right by the computer? Check

One can only hope that Robert Wayne Stiles was emotionally damaged by the coupling which occurred in his apartment.
>> No. 44120
File 134596679943.jpg - (126.27KB , 1200x900 , CWCass.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It ain't the first lolcow's ass I've ever seen.
>> No. 44121

Samefag. All it needs is a certain chime when a lolcow's ass appears.
>> No. 44122
's that all?
Rob being disabled isn't anything we didn't already know.
Then again, if you quit school and meds for the sake of running off with some middle aged pedophile dude, then you probably aren't much better.
>> No. 44123
Is that his ass?
>> No. 44124
I have dyscalculia and dyslexia, but you don't see me making those lazy ass mistakes. Rob is simply stupid and lazy.
>> No. 44125
5-1he took a shit as a form of vandalism
>> No. 44127
Yep, that's ADF's ass
>> No. 44128
On ADF's butt, it says: "If found, return to the nearest gloryhole."
>> No. 44129
Where did you get it?
>> No. 44130
I'll say it. This place slithers with LGBT. The amount of posts referring to lil' Robbie and that lispy dimwit Ahuvia as "she" makes this place smell like Chris-chan's unwashed ass.
>> No. 44131
Mikhail what did Ahuviya think when he found out /cwc/ had stopped caring about about trolling him and is now focused on Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?

Is he happy to let Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles be the focus of trolls instead of him?
>> No. 44132
i am truly curious how this is going to play out now. robbie must be shitting himself by now
>> No. 44133
Mikhail, I cant fucking believe you. Why the hell are you plotting against me? Irregardless, you don't think I've noticed Ahuviya acting sketchy around me and I was being a considerate friend not to ask What`s up? So what is she joining the trolls now? Is she gonna make ANTI RíKA VIDEOS? I would seriously laugh. No offense by Ms. Harel is in NO FITTING WAY allowed to make fun of me due to her equal imfamy.
>> No. 44134
Why would you laugh, Rob? You attempted the exact same thing.

That's why this is happening.

It's all thanks to you, Robert.
>> No. 44135
>equal infamy
Don't be so modest, Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesy. Acccording to the hit counters on your ED articles, you're over twice as infamous as her!
>> No. 44136
dude you are an idiot, nobody cares about double standards, as long as you keep making a tool of yourself not just here but in life in general this going to keep happening over. it's insane to believe someone cannot grasp something so simple.
>> No. 44137
>No offense by Ms. Harel is in NO FITTING WAY allowed to make fun of me due to her equal imfamy.
You leave the beautiful Harel alone, she is allowed to do whatever she wants!
>> No. 44138
File 13459929063.png - (14.62KB , 1032x91 , justincase.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
you're using that made-up word again...
>> No. 44139

The fuck do I care? If my lysdexia pisses you off it's your fucking problem.

>> No. 44140
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles you are reprehensible.
>> No. 44141

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, why do you hate transgenders?
>> No. 44142
File 13459938703.jpg - (57.95KB , 273x448 , ABSOLUTELY-DISGUSTING_jpg4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>faking Dyslexia.

Holy shit son, you really are scum.
>> No. 44143
File 134599395485.png - (17.59KB , 991x152 , hypocrisaaaay.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Before he deletes it and claims he never said it.
>> No. 44144
For all intensive purposes your grammars not good, and you should think about the word you should of used instead.
>> No. 44145
>Ahuviya is gonna help me take down you dang dirty trolls! Irregardlessly!
>> No. 44146
your 'lysdexia??' dude, that is amazing, i mean it is written right there in front of you as well...
>> No. 44147
I hate to say this but you are right about Ms. Harel being infamous and you just so you know "she" really does have all the makings of a spree killer and you just keep pushing and prodding him. Until snap "she" goes on rampage and your target uno. I think that is why you let "her" stay there, along with "her" whatever "he" wants to be called. So I know the truth, you are afraid of Ahuviya Harel. But that alright mister styles I would be to. I mean "she" has firearms and knives. I wouldn't be surprised that when not if, that couple breaks up, your going to cut up in pieces and some random store gets shot up. But who knows you might dodge it and you can be on the news getting the attention you so desperately crave. But thats right rob you hate being you. Thats why you dress like milla from those res evil movies. So go act like a queen that I know that your are. Because everyone might not admit it, everyone loves good clown. One final note when find yourself shot by "Ms. Harel" think to yourself, I brought this on myself.
>> No. 44148
You know the difference, though? Even ADF wised up and stopped coming here. You, on the other hand, are still going strong. You're such a moron, Robert. So......what about that cave?
>> No. 44149
Meanwhile, in Robb's head...
>> No. 44150
Man why do you hate other LGBT people, fuckin bucktoothed scarecrow zombie traitor
>> No. 44151
File 134600263855.png - (70.08KB , 444x380 , AshFace4.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Implying that people who say they hate your guts and spy on you care about being friends.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesy, I don't think your PO officer will approve of your letting a thirty year old man have his way with a minor in your apartment.

If I were you I'd go and let both of their parents know what's going on. You wouldn't want your PO getting told you're at fault for this or something.
>> No. 44152
Not to mention, that person also keeps certain items that the courts wouldn't be too happy to know about. Things which someone who is facing felony charges likely shouldn't have in his place of residence. Just some food for thought, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 44153
oh fuck this homosexual deviant is back
>> No. 44154

where one homosexual namefag is banned, two more shall take his place
>> No. 44155
File 13460046923.jpg - (31.43KB , 640x464 , lisdexia.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I found the perfect license plate for you
>> No. 44157
/cwc/, please, please learn to ignore, for everyone's sake. You blew it with sperghomo, don't do that again. Please.
>> No. 44158
File 134600636465.jpg - (10.32KB , 659x93 , transphoberika.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You keep complaining about people attacking you because they're transphobic, if it's so wrong for them to think like that then why do you keep doing it yourself? You're more transphobic than anyone on this board.
>> No. 44159
but rikkkaayyy is the funniest thing to happen on this board.
He literally is the new chris.
>> No. 44160

I think he's talking about liquidMr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 44161

I am a socially conservative white cisgender male. I may not agree with transgenders 100% of the time but I generally leave them alone and call them by whatever pronouns they prefer.

Apparently, myself and people like me are full of hate whereas Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is an oppressed minority. Bear in mind the amount of times I have insulted, threatened or defamed a transgender is roughly 0.
>> No. 44162
File 134600735483.jpg - (23.45KB , 385x385 , pinkfreud.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, can you please please please walk me through your logic? Because from our side of the glass, it looks a whole lot like:

>I hang around a place where people are mean to each other
>People are mean to me
>Try to defend myself by shit-talking my friends
>Bring my friends into it when they don't want to get involved
>They tell me to calm down and move on
>Threaten and insult them
>Cry and blame everyone else

I don't think that's how you see it though. Please, explain how you rationalized everything. Part of the reason you're garnering so much attention is because these actions are so illogical. There's gotta be a thought process here, Robert. How would *your* order of events go?

Feel free to extrapolate on any missing details.
>> No. 44163
just speculating here...
>I fought the man and won a heroic victory on those christian forums
>things cooled down
>those white privelaged cis scum on 789chan started harassing my friend
>I went undercover to find out their real identity and serve justice for my bff
>they stalked me online and blackmailed me when they found out about my heroic deeds
>I tried to set them straight, but they just kept making outlandish accusations about me
>they falsified an entire article about my life
>I told them they had better lay off because I was going to press legal action against their slanderous lies
>they doubled their efforts to ruin my life
>I live in fear of these organized stalkers every day of my life and no matter how many times I try to reason with them, they just keep being mean
>> No. 44164
You guys are thinking way too hard about this. Rob is not that complex.

>I like attention, good or bad.

End of story.
>> No. 44165

Was Robbay molested as a child?
>> No. 44167
By Ahuviya
>> No. 44168
In real life, he is just a generic tranny. On here, he is some oppressed hero, complete with mysterious villains who are concocting great schemes against him.
>> No. 44169
I'm not too sure if you have a low view of trannies or a high view of Rob, but Rob is definitely worse than a generic tranny. He is the lowest of the low.
>> No. 44170

I'm only saying this until Mikhail starts threatning again. If you understand this situation completely why can't you be more freakin empethetic?! You just admitted you see this from MY point of view but no, you just want to be allowed into the PVCC. You really suck as a mod, pal.
>> No. 44171
Robb, you have some of the most pathetic reading comprehension skills I've ever seen. Oh, well, no big surprise. We'll start feeling empathy for you when you stop being a total shitbag. BTW, tell us about the cave.
>> No. 44172
is the robbay serious? he understands how you've framed things in your mind and considers the flaws in your logic so glaringly obvious that he posts it as satire for others to point and laugh at you.
>> No. 44173
I laughed out loud at that post, thanks Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles!
>> No. 44174
And now we can add sarcasm to the long list of things which are lost on Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 44175
>;___; feel sorry for me
Fuck Robb, you're bipolar. Is that why you went to therapy?
>> No. 44176
Oh god. That is your real point of view?
He was being sarcastic. It was likely the most delusional thing he could think of short of conspiracy theories about the jesuits and bigfoot.
>> No. 44177

Mr. Stiles, if you legitimately believe this is your "situation", please get help. You just agreed with a list of your actions that was intentionally inaccurate and distorted to the point of comedy.
>> No. 44179
C'mon, we all know Robert lives in a bizarre fantasy world with anonymous assassins and troll nazi thug squads and whatnot. We shouldn't be that surprised.
>> No. 44180
Well he did say earlier:
>Here we have fascist, right wing christian conservative assholes

At first I thought he was just saying that to get Mikhael on his side but now I think he actually believes it.
>> No. 44181
He's under "Abnormal Psych" in ED for a reason.
>> No. 44182
Mikhail, Sammy and Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles are a Chinese Mafia of trouble.
>> No. 44184
Just tell us about the boy you sexually assaulted in that cave, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Inquiring minds want to know.

Also, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is a prime example of a person who's never had to struggle for anything and has no wherewithal to deal with being wrong.
>> No. 44185
Why haven’t we had an official response to the rumor that Robert Wayne Styles raped and murdered a girl in a cave in 1990?
>> No. 44186
File 134602221877.png - (284.16KB , 900x379 , mikhail_x_ahuviya_by_verganza_de_sasuke-d5cltz7.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I checked out Mikhael's DeviantArt account and see he is a fan of Harry Potter, I hope the cave thing is not just some elaborate attempt to troll us (http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Horcrux_cave being the reference to a cave).

I'm guessing not but just throwing it out there. (I am getting as paranoid as Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles from reading all his posts)

PS: What a sweet couple. :3
>> No. 44187
Clearly Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles seduced Mikhail with Harry Potter fanfic, then committed sexual assault.

>> No. 44189
So it's big enough shit that you'd threaten legal action over.

Oh it must be juicy.
>> No. 44190
>hope the cave thing is not just some troll
It might be, but who cares? I'm entertained by the spectacle. If it's a hoax, I give Mikhail and ADF credit for making some fun out of this and having a sense of humor instead of treating it like serious business. Enjoy the ride.
>> No. 44192
For doing what exactly? If what they say is true you can't do anything about it legally. This cave thing is a bunch of shit I'm sure Robayyyyy, adf and Michael (or whatever it is) came up with this genius plan to troll us with a fake story.
>> No. 44193
Then tell us what it is, Mr. Robert Wayne StilesAAY.

Help us understand.
If we know the truth, we won't try to slander you with speculation.
>> No. 44194
File 134602399053.jpg - (19.55KB , 707x123 , saved.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Original version of the threat that Robbay posted. Because Robbay is a loser.
>> No. 44195
File 13460240367.jpg - (18.81KB , 612x121 , saved2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Version 2 of the legal threat. Robbay is still a loser.
>> No. 44196
>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>Calling someone ugly

So, IOW you did something very embarrassing/illegal in the cave, and you're scared shitless that it'll get out. A few of us might have to be making some phone calls....
>> No. 44197
Hey, I'm sexy as fuck. I have eyebrows, at least.

Look, Ri­ka, we all know that you committed this act of buggery when you were Rob Stiles, and therefore are free from prosecution! Just tell us what it is, it can't be worse than assuming you did NOT rape and murder someone in a cave.

Because you, Ri­ka, have NEVER raped someone in a cave. I'm not being facetious, here, either. You most certainly, beyond any shadow of a doubt, did NOT rape a young boy of 12 in a cave.
>> No. 44198

Robb, you are such a little bitch. No matter how you try, your bullshit still gets posted. Hope you enjoy what's to come...
>> No. 44199
Hah, guess who just got trolled fuckers, YOU! Remember the fat man with the glock story (inspired by 789chan's own Jengatype) this one too was completley falsified! I finally one upped you shit stains AGAIN!
>> No. 44200
I don't remember this. Robbay, what the fuck are you talking about?
>> No. 44201

Never change, Robb. Never change.
>> No. 44202
You mean ADF doesn't have a glock or something?

Well, that's good. I'm relieved to hear that.
>> No. 44203

Robbay, do you think about what you type, EVER?
>> No. 44204
File 134602434182.jpg - (25.04KB , 300x300 , 1344567255430.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
again with the dubs robbay
>> No. 44205
Nice try, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Like I said before, hope you enjoy what's to come.
>> No. 44206

I'm trying to defend people by mentioning that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles DID NOT RAPE A YOUNG BOY IN A CAVE and you're saying I advocate gun violence?

>> No. 44207
I legitimately have no idea what you are talking about.. What fat guy with a glock?
>> No. 44208
Don't fuck with the Philly Stonecutters, babee! XD

Oh and guess what I was never kicked out of Catholic school I just left those fuckers in the fucking dust.

Admit it, we completely PWNED you cocky whores
>> No. 44209
Who here has an ED article again?
>> No. 44210
Why are you trying to change the subject rob. Are you trying to get focus off of the cave story, or that it's fake?
>> No. 44211
Me, I guess? I don't have a gun, though. Or maybe the "inspired by Jengatype" means that I inspired them to "troll" 789 by saying ADF had a gun?

I dunno, I don't really care about guns.

I do care that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles won't just admit to the non-event in the cave wherein a young boy was not, I repeat, NOT sexually assaulted.
>> No. 44212

>> No. 44213
>HAHA I was just pretending to be retarded.
>> No. 44214
Totally, sure, whatever. Now what the fuck are you talking about?
>> No. 44215
Probably means ADF, for someone who wants to be on friendly terms with adf, rob sure Is shit about it.
>> No. 44216
What are you drinking this time?
>> No. 44217
ADF's semen
>> No. 44218
You really are an unstable idiot. I feel terrible for your parents and all the bullshit you have put them through
>> No. 44219
Nice try at diversion, there, bud. I'm sure your PO would love to hear what's been going on in Apartment 7A lately...
>> No. 44220
Many people are saying Robert Wayne Stiles raped a boy in a cave.

This is just a rumor of course, and has no basis in reality.

However, Robert Wayne Stiles has never denied the fact he raped a young boy in a cave, and this is highly suspect.
>> No. 44221
>> No. 44222
I would gladly admit it if anyone knew what the fuck you were referring to, you eyebrowless genderwaste
>> No. 44224

Get your group right, Robbay.
>> No. 44225
You would think that he would at least deny the rape of an underage boy, but he continues to avoid it. Very suspicious
>> No. 44226
Did you find a dead body in the caves?
Stand by me, robbay.
Stand by me.
>> No. 44227
Well duh, that's exactly what Jengatype said. Are you projecting Robbay?
>> No. 44228
Hey, ADF, did you know Robbay's been insulting your boyfriend?
>> No. 44229
File 13460251725.png - (14.16KB , 1037x90 , uglylowlife.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's what Robb just deleted. Awfully suspicious, if you ask me....
>> No. 44230
dear God how can someone be this retarded
>> No. 44231

Now, leave me the fuck alone.
>> No. 44232
You've shown time after time that you are not a man of your word. I bet you did rape a boy in a cave
>> No. 44233

>> No. 44234
Did you fuck a lesbian against her will in her cave or something?
>> No. 44235
>didn't rape

>DID molest

We're getting closer, here, people.
>> No. 44236
I'm confused, robbay.
Why the fuck do you think we'd care if this information is incorrect?
You think "trolling" us is gonna get us off your back?

Because it won't. We'll keep talking about how monumentally retarded your plan was. You've provided cocks for a couple more weeks now.
>> No. 44237
LMFAO Robb, you toolbag you. You keep coming back here and making a scene. All you ever do is start drama, just like you do IRL. That's why you've been ostracized everywhere you go.
>> No. 44238
You forced yourself on someone inappropriately. We're going to find out and you'll be back begging and threatening when we do.

See you soon, retard.
>> No. 44239
So, you did something to a lesbian in a cave. Damn Robb, you've got issues.
>> No. 44240
Oh no, robbay and adf trolled us. we must take down their ed pages immediately, out of shame.

Said no one. Ever.
>> No. 44242
Robert, have you fully succumbed to your mental illnesses? Are you honestly try to play off your stupidity as epic ween trolling? This is deranged, even for your standards.
>> No. 44243
File 134602563339.png - (383.99KB , 635x356 , phelpsface2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What happened in the cave, Rob? Did she turn you down? She liked the girls, huh, but no, not you...you weren't GOOD enough for her.

So maybe you got a little mad? You'd make her understand, wouldn't you? Slap her around a little?

>> No. 44244
nice trips, you devil-troll
>> No. 44245
Can someone explain to me how we were trolled by adf and rob. I have no idea what they are talking about
>> No. 44246
I really don't know. Apparently the whole mikhail thing was an act or something.
>> No. 44247
Robb's just attempting diversion. Something went down and he's terrified it'll get out, so he tries to play it off like it was trolling.
>> No. 44248
Guys, I think I found a clue to the whole "Wolverines" thing.


The Wolverines are a Philidelpha area girl soccer team. Robert Wayne Styles has never denied raping and murding a young girl in a cave.
>> No. 44249
Well the long and short of it was we(excluding you maybe) weren't.
>> No. 44250
The arrogance coming from manhuviya and robbie is absurd. Here's a little information that robbie gave to Mark(intro). Robb actually gave intro the address to manhuviya's parents house. Robb didn't know that he wasn't talking to krapple but the dreaded bosslady. **10 East Cheltenham Avenue.
>> No. 44251
That's brilliant, skittle!

That's why you get paid the big bucks as a PI!

The whole philly group gangraped a small girl in a cave!
>> No. 44252
If this is true what does it prove.. How does this make rob a winner and not the same asshole he has always been
>> No. 44253

>> No. 44254
Wait what the fuck is this "cave" thing?
>> No. 44255
Ok I was just have trouble following their tard logic
>> No. 44256
Something Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles wants buried, apparently.
>> No. 44257


Exactly! He buried his victim in a cave!
>> No. 44258
Honestly, NOTHING happened, we just trolled you. You people really have trouble telling real from FAKE. If want a cold bitch called Reality come to the Nocturne tonight if you're in Philly.
>> No. 44259
File 134602737165.jpg - (75.92KB , 1024x575 , Dklerh.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Since the Philly stonecutters want to play, here's the rest of ADF's nudes
>> No. 44260
File 134602739923.jpg - (73.10KB , 1024x575 , ylg5hh.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44261
File 134602741694.jpg - (70.39KB , 1024x575 , 4TXpzh.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44262
Is that an invitation to come and meet you, Robby?
>> No. 44263
File 134602743650.jpg - (73.19KB , 1024x575 , KaWnAh.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44264
You didn't troll shit. This will look great on your ED page.
>> No. 44265
That's awesome, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles! More threats! Excellent behavior as always.
>> No. 44266
Do you wanna bring the condoms or should I?
>> No. 44267
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles gettin' rustled
>> No. 44268
How do we know you don't plan to take whoever turns up to a cave and rape them??
>> No. 44269

Mikhail, do you REALLY want the internet to see these?!
>> No. 44270
I'll see you there, Rob.
>> No. 44271
Nobody wants to LARP as a vampire with you, Robb. Except maybe a lurking Paul David Smith.
>> No. 44272
File 134602796119.jpg - (65.88KB , 500x415 , 1291989665285.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
you are completely right true and honest woman Ri­ka. i now no longer believe anything posted on these threads or ED about you since you have exposed how easily information can be manipulated. have a pleasant evening.
>> No. 44273
Robert are you masturbating to them?
>> No. 44274
Rob I was a goth back on the 90's. Your little club, they'd sooner worship me than acknowledge your presence. You know, it was all about the music back then, just post second wave post punk pre industrial. You are a kid playing dress up who has no fucking clue, as per usual. You aren't a real tranny and you wouldn't know goth if Siouxsie beat you upside the head while Ian Curtis held you down.
You are the ultimate poser
>> No. 44276

I bet he is.
>> No. 44277

So now you're threatening me? At least you started referring to me with my preferred pronoun.

Post em' all. I don't care. Bridges burn everyday.
>> No. 44278
Could you give us a hint regarding what the cave thing is about?
>> No. 44279
Wait, "you" isn't a preferred pronoun?
>> No. 44280
Wow, go Mikhael, handling this like a pro.
>> No. 44281
I can see your gangly, pathetic excuse for an arm in the background, Robb.

What're doing on the computer in that picture anyway?
>> No. 44282
Do you guys not know how trolling works. It's only trolling when you get a funny or amusing response. Like how you tard rage every time Zyklon posts. You revealed your great troll and all you got was crickets and confused looks.. You really have no ability to learn anything
>> No. 44283
He's checking 789chan. What else does he do online?
>> No. 44284
>> No. 44285
Oh my sides Robbay, you are fucking funny.
>> No. 44286
PA requests? Stalking a woman?
>> No. 44288
So, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, care to elaborate on what's going down if someone does meet you there tonight?
>> No. 44289
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles doesn't it bother you that your ex is living with you and now has a way more attractive partner?
>> No. 44290

I'm not threatning you. I just asked because this damn 13 year old got ahold of them some fucking way
>> No. 44291
Please answer the question at >>258715 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. I'd really like to know.
>> No. 44292

Melissa, want to know how we got them? Robbay himself turned them over. He handed them over thinking we would delete his /L/ threads in return. It also doubled as something he could hold over ADF's head.
>> No. 44293
File 134602995021.jpg - (5.08KB , 230x219 , images.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A thirteen year old decomposing at the bottom of a cave, I'd be willing to bet.

Anything to keep your secrets, Rob, huh? Even killing a little boy? He saw too much, I bet...too much of your seamy underworld, and had to disappear. A trip to the mountains with Uncle Rob...what could go wrong? Well, a LOT can go wrong, Rob. Including the RAPE and MURDER of a THIRTEEN YEAR OLD BOY that you ENTICED with NUDE photos of ADF.

>> No. 44294
File 134603004965.png - (392.34KB , 480x640 , Kabuto.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What are you going to do about it, Robb? Tell my mother that I've been sexually involved with older men?

Introman buried a lot of information about the philly trannies. Let's just say that graverobbing is my specialty.
>> No. 44295

robert if you killed someone in a cave, you need to tell us and get help

jesus dick
>> No. 44296
so where should we put the cave murders on Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles 's ED page?

i'm thinking the very top
>> No. 44297
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles you do realize you can't sue people for telling truthful stories about you that that make you look bad?
>> No. 44299

So much dysfunction, backstabbing, self-seeking maneuvering and horrible fucking decisions among these Philly degenerates. How does it feel to be completely and utterly useless, worthless, and reprehensible, Robbie? You Gollum looking spastic.
>> No. 44300

>> No. 44301

Was that a Robb post or a Melissa post. Either way, it got deleted
>> No. 44302
File 134603178399.jpg - (29.73KB , 250x351 , skippy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 44303
>mfw ADF killing Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 44304
So Robert Wayne Stiles is the one who leaked those pictures of ADF's ass?
>> No. 44305

Aww strewth Skippy, we best call the rozzers.
>> No. 44306
What I heard anyway. Wouldn't put it past him regardless.
>> No. 44307
File 134603365363.jpg - (96.61KB , 355x355 , caved.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44308
I'm definitely scared now. I don't want to get raped in a cave by Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 44309
I wonder how that could have happened. Who had access?
Could it be the skinny douche at the computer? Yeah.
If you want revenge, then tell us about this cave incident. Did he like take a huge shit in front of you or was it something worse? Was it meth, was he smoking meth? Totally would explain everything from his physique to his behavior.
Meth is a hell of a drug. You should stay clear of Robert unless you want him clawing you down with him.
>> No. 44310
What was >>258727 anyway?
>> No. 44311
File 134603639229.png - (191.96KB , 503x246 , julaaaay.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
over 9000 hours in paint
>> No. 44312

This URL

>> No. 44313

That is the greatest thing I've ever seen. ED page that shit.
>> No. 44314
  They should do like 4chan and make it so you can't erase posts for a certain period of time. They likely do it because it overwhelms the server when too many people do that at once. It shouldn't be hard to implement similar measures just to keep Rob here from constantly erasing his posts so he can lie about what he said. I bet he does that shit in person too. Lies about shit he just said in an attempt to confuse others and therefore take advantage of them.
Video related. It's what this ass clown thinks he's doing.
>> No. 44315
Someone is going to pay for this. Mikhail is VERY freaked out. That's all I'm saying.
>> No. 44316
>[–]chisWchandler 1 point 10 minutes ago
>These are really hot!
>I've been looking for a master, I'm a sub tomgirl (not trans, just sissy). Wish I could partake hmmm.

>> No. 44317

>> No. 44318
Who's gonna pay for it, Robb?
>> No. 44319
I would be freaked out too if I had an emicancipated goblin screaming at me
>> No. 44320

Probably Wayne and Virginia. Robb's parentals pay for everything.
>> No. 44321
>Post in reddit

You guys are geniuses.
>> No. 44322
Why the hell'd she put that shit on Reddit then? You're a fucking stupid lot there on Locust Street, aren't you?
>> No. 44323
Hey Robbay we cant wait to see you at

Store Locator

Browse by state

Show More

1617 John F Kennedy Blvd

1 Penn Center,

Philadelphia PA 19103


Store #: 7336

everyone show up , or call and tell them Robbbay sent you to JULLAAYY
>> No. 44324

>implying i havent julay'd every walgreens in philly
>> No. 44325
Vladislava Sinebraff, Mark (introman) Lindsey Hoffman, Sean Brackeen and his gay hippy lover Marina Baskins, Trey Pepe (his alias) and Moniker (bosslady) Mikhail, these are those who are responsible for EVERY FUCKING THING that happened to you and your girl.
>> No. 44326
Yet you were the one who started the drama rolling by posting that shit about Jordman in the ADFki, you dumb fuck. We're never gonna let you forget that, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 44327
Why are you typing this here? Aren't they in your apartment? Don't you have their phone number?

Also is looking at someone's reddit a crime in your world of delusion
>> No. 44328

i like how you keep trying to name people

it shows that you learned nothing and are cocks with repeating the same mistake that got you into this

now you're just worried a 16 year old girl is gonna beat the shit out of you and trying to desperately sell people out
>> No. 44329

Hey Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Are you still offering money/support to those who dox the stonecutters? I have introman's true identity and some other info. Contact is in the email field.
>> No. 44330

No, I need more verification than just that. State who you are and your motivations.
>> No. 44331

actually you know what

i want to see some seaniexomega fanfics
>> No. 44332
robbay , is the work info legit , I want to tell your manager that the ugly tranny refused to help me find medicne and flipped me off
>> No. 44333

introMAN's real name is Mark Bellaliant. That's all you're getting for free Robbay.
>> No. 44334

if you say tranny he wont know who you're talking about

just say skinny dude
>> No. 44335

Let's just say that me and him were acquantices. I also was part of the early stonecutters of ADF. I joined the stonecutters because of a close friend named (andrew)captain commie. They were pretty careless of doxing themselves.
>> No. 44336
holy shit what
>> No. 44337

Nice try but nothing comes up. The internet doesn't consider Bellaliant a true surname. I smell a lying troll.
>> No. 44338
Said the lying vulture.
>> No. 44339
>> No. 44340
File 134603990499.jpg - (10.01KB , 260x194 , buddha.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

wow uh

god i hope they dont let you near the medicine at walgreens
>> No. 44341
> The internet doesn't consider Bellaliant a true surname

Wow Robbay. Wow. Learn how to fucking internet. Don't you know about quotes?
>> No. 44342

God you're fucking dumb.
>> No. 44343
The name Zeph doesn't come up either, but I know for a fact it's a real surname.
Not everyone gets encyclopedia articles written on them, Mr Stiles
>> No. 44344
File 134604340780.jpg - (284.51KB , 1084x904 , rikgol.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44345
Some of this shit is probably going too far.
>> No. 44346
Hi again Rob
>> No. 44347
I'm actually kind of serious. It's one thing for rob and everyone to argue it out but other people should probably be left alone.
>> No. 44348
The ends justifies the means, as long as Robbay is trolled, causualties are acdeptable.
>> No. 44349
I'm not entirely certain. People who haven't involved themselves have been declared off-limits before.
>> No. 44350
Managers deal with shit all the time anyway, if it gets Robbay fired then all the better

We are doing Walgreens a favor honestly
>> No. 44351
At this point I think it really does cross the boundaries into harassment/stalking. That's far too far.
>> No. 44352
I can't speak for or act for anyone else, but I'm going to have to wash my hands. It was fun to observe and laugh but calling his workplace, etc. bringing in others is too far.

People complain about the Gail stuff, and I think that's where this is at right now.
>> No. 44353

Think about it like this, where this is going is basically where Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles took everything earlier before the indictment. I'm just seeing everything spiral.
>> No. 44354

Hi Robbay.
>> No. 44355

So leave.
>> No. 44356
A recent court case involving a blogger obsessed with a women involved in a hit and run accident says otherwise. It was ruled that so long as the information written was factual and the writer did not seek to incite others to act illegally the blogger the law couldn't silence the blogger as that would amount to prior restraint (which directly violates the first amendment on two separate grounds).
It's not cyber bullying to tell the truth about someone, unless you live in some other country and we don't extradite in such instances or every blogger who insulted Islam would be on a plain headed for the United Arab Emirates.
>> No. 44357
Telling us to leave you alone is like you breaking into someone's apartment and telling them to leave. Robbay is silly.
>> No. 44358

>> No. 44359
You know the trolls are behind this, why are you still doing this? Are you retarded or something?

I don't think that's a real name, Bob.
>> No. 44360
File 134605934364.jpg - (53.62KB , 495x500 , u mad coz I'm stylin on u.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah, Robb, there is something I need to confess about those DOXes...


That being, you got trolled.
>> No. 44361

Is that a rhetorical question?
>> No. 44362
I knew the Internet was serious business before, but damn. Robbay has forever raised the bar for all Intertubes retardation to come.
>> No. 44363
Gee Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles I wonder who could possibly have had access to those photos in the first place? Some random troll on the internet or someone who is IN THE SAME ROOM AS THEM?
>> No. 44364
I believe he meant to say emaciated. Pretty sure Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles isn't an emancipated beyond his state having expanded voting rights to none land owners. If he manages to not get arrested before his diversion expires and his record is expunged as per plea agreement then he will be emancipated in that he will be allowed to vote and own a gun. Probably will be limited to rifles and shotguns as state laws regarding the purchase of such fire arms by the mentally unstable foreclude.
One of the grounds if his provisional release was that he see a shrink. Even after his record is expunged his diagnosis could remain on record. They have a database just to prevent Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles from going all Virginia tech on transway, with handguns.
>> No. 44365
Only has six comments. Put it up on the e.d. page and wait for flood of Jullllaaays.
>> No. 44366
Judging from what I have seen of the Philadelphia scene, you could actually be referring to a number of employees.
>> No. 44367
That's why in another thread we didn't want Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles to upload a video because the likes of the reddit userbase would likely white knight us into oblivion or at least make trolling Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles a lot more difficult.
>> No. 44368
The background of this image says so much about Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. He loves to play the internet badass, yet is scrawny as all hell in real life.
>> No. 44369
File 134608484542.png - (19.52KB , 662x108 , ad701561.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here is the screen-cap for reference and mick (mikeal) think about who you are post around.
>> No. 44370
I imagine it's awkward enough having to be in the same room as two people being romantically involved with each other but it must be far worse when they are both staying in your place and one of them is your ex..
>> No. 44371
(Actually was Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles an ex of ADF or am I getting confused?)
>> No. 44372
They're both trannies and circlejerking and live in hate/love relationship and nobody will probably ever like Robb as much as ADF did (which isn't much said but still) so...
>> No. 44373
File 134608849947.jpg - (67.13KB , 900x675 , ahuviya_harel_has_got_a_gun_by_verganza_de_sasuke-.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF has lived with Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles for some time but that was pretty platonic, I guess (Robb claims it was only because he was SO LONELY).

There was a photo of them two holding hands, or maybe that was Jordman.

>.... Playing with my friend's tripod

>Photo by Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles Stiles
>> No. 44374
Robbay is sitting 3 feet away while ADF and Mick are doing BDSM and Robbay thinks this is normal and is browsing facebook

How warped are these philly fucks
>> No. 44375
Jesus Christ, how horrifying
>> No. 44376
>> No. 44377
The pouches of fat are all at his waist.
Isn't that a testosterone thing?

In b4 stonecutters switched ADF's meds wth testosterone.
>> No. 44378
Isn't Mikhail a runaway minor though? Can we alert the police about him?

I'm not American btw.
>> No. 44379
>implying ADF takes his meds regularly, if at all
>> No. 44380
>not it
>> No. 44381
Melissa's birthday is 16 August 1994. Do the math.
>> No. 44382
Wow, she looks good for 38!
>> No. 44384
Nobody wants to see it Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 44385
And so you've stooped to a new low, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. You'd probably release the shit without ADF's consent anyway, you sick fuck. Oh, and do tell us about the cave.
>> No. 44387
Nah, having you come in regularly is much more enjoyable.
>> No. 44388
Throw us a little example and maybe we might be more interested.
>> No. 44389
Go away.

You're a pathetic loser who has nothing to bargain with. That's how it works, retard. Seriously, nobody wants what you're offering. Go play vampire at "Nocturne."
>> No. 44390
File 134612044627.jpg - (5.96KB , 160x160 , mysides.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And just why the hell do you think we'd want to see that? You do realize that nobody honestly believes you're hot but you.
>> No. 44392
>Mark Bellaliant

You still don't get it, do you?
>> No. 44393
How do we know you have this if you don't even want to offer evidence you even have anything.
As you said you never really showed us anything:
Trey showed us the stuff how do we know you have it?
>> No. 44394
>Here's deal, don't mention my name on this site for a year starting now

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA
RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles AKA RI­KA STILES

Sorry guys, guess we're not getting that delicious Ri­ka con­tent now.
>> No. 44395
Again, WHY does anyone want to see anything you're offering?

You're memorialized for all time on ED.

That's enough.
>> No. 44396

Why don't you post one or two to give us an idea of what we might be in for?
>> No. 44397
I suppose it's our loss, isn't it? I really do wish Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles would come clean about the cave, though.
>> No. 44398
What cave?

I hope you're not suggesting Ri­ka raped and/or murdered a young child in some kind of cave system.
>> No. 44399
That old, creepy guy from the WOLVERINES probably molested him in the cave.
>> No. 44400
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, nobody wants to see ADF naked.

What the fuck are you thinking?
>> No. 44401
File 134612131133.jpg - (10.88KB , 320x240 , 1809-15697.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Powers Booth?
>> No. 44402
Damnit Jenga! Do you realize you just prevented the world from being scarred for life?
>> No. 44403
I'd never kill anyone in a cave unless it was myself, jackasses. WHICH I'M REALLY CONSIDERING AT THIS TIME.
>> No. 44404
You've considered it like five times this month and I have no personal attachment to you, why should I care?
>> No. 44405
Like clockwork.
>> No. 44406
What did Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's post say?
>> No. 44407
Bravo, Jenga. I laughed hard.
>> No. 44408

What did he release?
>> No. 44409
Once again Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles nobody is taking you seriously because you offer no evidence you even have what you say you have. If you have lots of pictures then releasing a few won't hurt your stash now will it? Hell even Jenga is laughing in your face because it seems like you're bluffing about having MORE photos.
>> No. 44410

Homor, whatever the hell Mikhail told you was a (admittedly) sad attempt to troll /cwc/ by us. If you believe it your more autistic than I thought.
>> No. 44411

>didn't deny rape
>> No. 44412

>> No. 44413
File 134612154156.png - (10.21KB , 475x81 , donotwant.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44414

How many times must you be told? I won't ever wake up after hearing you offed yourself and say, "Gee, I wish Robb hadn't killed himself. If only there was a way I could've stopped him from being such a bag of shit..."

Grow up.
>> No. 44415
File 13461216147.png - (595.12KB , 2000x500 , goblinking.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44416
File 13461216495.png - (11.90KB , 1119x58 , promisedporn.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's the other one he deleted
>> No. 44417
All Mikhail told me was that you had teeth like a horse and don't know how to wear makeup, you dress wearing fruit.
>> No. 44418

You're just a string of sentences on a computer screen to me and honestly if I heard you were dead my biggest question would be whether or not to pee before my morning shower, or just down the drain while showering.

(down the drain, of course)
>> No. 44419
File 134612170366.png - (34.06KB , 1001x340 , 2posts.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
well well well...
>> No. 44420
Anyone screencap Robbay's deleted posts I showed up late and he constantly deletes things despite the fact someone inevitably posts it back up.

Stop deleting shit rob and just tell us about the cave already, just get it off your chest bro.
>> No. 44421
He said he didn't kill anyone, which means he raped someone in a cave.
>> No. 44422

And as soon as I finish my last post my point is proven.
>> No. 44423
File 134612183255.png - (13.11KB , 1027x92 , Screenshot - 08272012 - 09:25:07 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles not getting the joke.
>> No. 44424

But dear Whoreos! That was Rikka saying those things! I am just poor little Robert!

>> No. 44425
That's always the way to go. It's not even a question.
>> No. 44426
We're waiting Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Confirm or Deny. Confirm or Deny....
>> No. 44427
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, why do you keep deleting your posts? You KNOW we're going to screencap them before you get rid of them.

Are you trying to fix spelling/grammar errors? Nobody here cares about that sorta thing.
>> No. 44428

You WANT me to get hurt don't you?! I realized I had to delete those posts. JUST SHUT UP ABOUT IT AND DELETE IT.

Also, is somebody writing a fanfiction on me with this Goblin King shit. I can keep all my teeth in my fucking mouth thank you and I also dress like a male when I work. No jesuitlery, earrings or make-up. Thanks for insulting all fucking transexuals.
>> No. 44429
I would be sad if robaaaaayyyyy killed himself. I'd have to find a new retard to laugh at
>> No. 44430
Rikka we know you're lying about that offer, you'd never acknowledge it. Hell you don't even have any more pics than what was shown. If you did you'd post a sample to whet people's appetite.
>> No. 44431
Why Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles? did you think we'd forget? Just like you hope we'll forget about the cave? BTW, you've done more insulting of transgendered individuals than anyone else on here.
>> No. 44432

Ofcourse he did, Rob you're a degenerate.
>> No. 44433
>You WANT me to get hurt don't you?!

What, someone's gonna hurt you if they see those posts? Robb, you're not making any fucking sense. Just slow down and calmly explain yourself for a second.
>> No. 44434
>Thanks for insulting all fucking transexuals.

You do that all on your own Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 44435

There are some individuals who I'm linked to who would not be happy to have those photos posted online. You have NO idea what a fuensalida sandwich taste like if you get what I mean.
>> No. 44436
Apparently, Robb works at Walgreen's.

The more you know, eh?
>> No. 44437
Vintage Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, ladies and gentlemen. Willing to throw anyone under the bus as long as it might get his shit taken down.
>> No. 44438
I have no idea what you mean, explain yourself Robbay
>> No. 44439

We got a dude at my work who comes as a woman, equal opprotunity employer so we let him. Soon as he started he got to stop picking up boxes on the floor and climbing ladders, what I'm getting at, Rob, is you should probably start. With how gangly and clearly unhealthy you are it'd probably be doing yourself a favor. Also I dunno someone might I dunno take you seriously instead of just thinking your like dressing like a weird heroin addict in a dress with your buddies. With this newfound legitimacy you can probably stop raping people in caves.
>> No. 44440
You mean you're spit roasting with ADF and her hubby? Which one is fucking you in the ass and which one are you blowing?
>> No. 44441
>You have NO idea what a fuensalida sandwich taste like if you get what I mean.

I uh...

I actually don't. What does that mean?
>> No. 44442
So apparently Robert Wayne Styles raped a 12 year old boy in cave

I can add this to the ED article right?
>> No. 44444
You're drunk again huh?

Stop using alcohol as a crutch you sorry bastard.
>> No. 44445
somebody cap this.
>> No. 44446
So then why were you willing to throw him under the bus in the first place? You're a hell of a friend, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 44447

So you get donkey punched while he fucks you?

Man, your sex life is strange.
>> No. 44448

I'm okay with that
>> No. 44449
Robb, get in IRC, we got some dox on you and want a deal
>> No. 44450

Youve certainly earned it
>> No. 44451
ADF cried like a little bitch when a couple of black kids threw rocks at him. If you're intimidated by him then that says a lot about your McDojo skills
>> No. 44452
Goddamnit, I giggled like a little girl.
>> No. 44453
File 134612341143.jpg - (29.26KB , 600x369 , Pot_Meet_Kettle.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles calling anyone a degenerate
>> No. 44454
So i heard Mr Styles raped a kid?
>> No. 44455
To be honest, you kinda deserve it dude.

You're trying to push naked pictures of your friend on us without ADF's permission, to try and benefit yourself.

You can't just throw a friend under the bus like that for personal gain, man. What were you thinking?
>> No. 44457
Robbay I thought you were a badass but you're scared of ADF? I tell you what the trolls are tougher than ADF and you act all big to them. Maybe ADF needs to put you back in line.
>> No. 44458
File 134612379656.jpg - (154.44KB , 385x570 , Cave Johnson.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey everyone, Cave Johnson here.
>> No. 44459
File 134612393672.png - (9.63KB , 373x87 , robbexplains.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44460
Jengatype, you are a fat peon of ween, I did NOT RAPE, KILL OR MOLEST ANYONE IN A CAVE. That meme got old before it was fucking concieved
>> No. 44461

So you had consensual sex with ADF while he punches you in a cave?

Got it.
>> No. 44462
Well what did happen in the cave, come on and tell us about it. It's story time with aunt rikka! I wanna gather around and listen to your every word about the cave.
>> No. 44463
Well what happened? Did you hit on someone and get rejected in a cave?
>> No. 44465

If he said yes because you gave him candy its still rape
>> No. 44466
Nothing happened we trolled you guys pretty fucking great. Plus, when have you done ANYTHING good for me HUH?
>> No. 44468

If I were you, I'd deny getting fucked by ADF in a violent orgy of cum and bludgeoning too.
>> No. 44470

So im adding rape of 12 year old to ED...should pop you a couple thousand more views tonight
>> No. 44472
Oh please. You think we'd fall for that, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles? All you ever do is lie to us, so why should we believe you now? Something very regrettable happened in that cave, and if you don't tell us what, we'll find out on our own.
>> No. 44473

There is no documentation for any of this shit so it DIDN'T HAPPEN. Look, say I committed an alleged crime like Tim Buckley did in a fucking supermarket. At least, his trolls had a whole fucking news report to go by. You fucking degenerates have NOTHING to go by because I DIDN'T DO FUCKING SHIT.
>> No. 44474
You keep using that word, Robb. I don't you know what it means. What do you think it means?
>> No. 44475
I don't understand since I don't have my own ED page which leads me to rage on a chan and a pathetic existence to call a "life."

What are you talking about?

As I've said, you're obviously drunk again but do please try to answer me because I'm genuinely curious.
>> No. 44476
I hope you like the newest edits to ED, Robb: https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Robert_Wayne_Stiles
>> No. 44477
I baked you a cake in your honor and came over to share it with you, but when I knocked you weren't home.
>> No. 44478
File 134612522055.png - (1.01MB , 2000x1200 , GONNAGETCAVED.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44479
Holy Shit! There was a witness!
>> No. 44480

>> No. 44481

We dont need documentation...obviously if you got caught you wouldnt be here now splitting all of our sides.

However your defensive reaction....yah you def raped that lil boy...sick sick bastard
>> No. 44482
File 134612543438.jpg - (45.96KB , 500x382 , mushroom.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44483
We fulfill your desperate need for attention and victim complex. So how about that cave?
>> No. 44484
>> No. 44485
It's obvious you're drunk but I'd like you to explain what I asked here >>259175 if it's not too much trouble while you vainly attempt to edit your ED page.

Unless, you saying THAT is another attempt to "troll" us.

You really are the saddest motherfucker I've ever encountered online, Robb.
>> No. 44486
by yourself.

nice dubs.
>> No. 44487

I cant believe you raped a poor young 12 year old boy in a cave....your PO needs to hear of this..an investigation needs to be made!
>> No. 44488
File 134612567078.png - (259.69KB , 492x296 , moreshroom.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I've compared myself to Milla Jovovich

Fixed it for you, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 44489
Yah if she grew a dick and was hooked on crack for 20+ years with a couple cases of hep C
>> No. 44490

Hey, so have I!
>> No. 44491
No, robbay thinks rikkkaaayyy looks like milla. And as we all know robay and riiikaaayy are not the same person.
>> No. 44492
>> No. 44493
File 13461259763.jpg - (82.24KB , 1024x575 , rika.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Look, somebody else made a website about you!
>> No. 44495
And like clockwork, begging Robb appears. You're so predictable, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 44496
You are drunk. You can't be real otherwise.
>> No. 44497
File 134612612232.png - (467.44KB , 480x640 , 00_jokesonthem02.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pic so very related.

Robbay STILL doesn't get how ED and wikis work, does he? Enjoy your instant edit reversion.
>> No. 44498
File 134612614417.jpg - (209.97KB , 800x600 , twins.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Can you tell them apart /cwc/?
>> No. 44499
File 134612619349.jpg - (1.03MB , 2363x1851 , Cave police.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think the Police may be interested in your racially motivated abduction, rape and murder of a black child in the late 1990s rob. I shall contact the Philidelphia PD when I arrive in the US on Wednesday.

Unless you confess to your crimes now, and save us all a lot of hassle.
>> No. 44500
File 134612624020.png - (12.13KB , 837x86 , sameasalways.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robb, you know this shit doesn't work.
>> No. 44501
File 13461262661.jpg - (29.67KB , 350x683 , Milla-Jovovich-cute.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Im having a hard time seeing the resemblance Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Can you put on a similar outfit and get in the same pose
>> No. 44502
>> No. 44503

Surprising how seamlessly Chris rants and Robbay rants can blend, eh?
>> No. 44504
Wow i didnt hear bout this...first there was the rape of 12 year old in a a cave in the early 90s

Now in the late 90s he abducts and rapes a black child..and it was racially motivated

Milla would not approve
>> No. 44505
I've wasted more time than I should tonight as far as personal dignity goes but I know you're drunk.

You offing yourself FOR REALS?
>> No. 44506
G'night Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. See you soon!
>> No. 44507

Let me guess, "i told u i was hardcore" right?
>> No. 44508
File 134612649267.jpg - (55.69KB , 407x271 , 1881_waaambulance.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44509
Real suicide = kllling yourself. What part of a sincere suicide attempt entails calling an ambulance to come save you?
>> No. 44510
In the end you went out like a sorry bitch Robb.
>> No. 44511
somebody better be capping this. this shit is gold.
>> No. 44512
Someone call the cops. If he doesn't end it, it's funny. If he does, we get more laughs later. Tell the cops he wants to kill him self after he felt remorse from raping a twelve year old in a cave.
>> No. 44513

Oh, dammit Robert.
>> No. 44514
Rob the "an hero" his final attempt to troll us..till hes bleeding out from his wrists and in his last moment of clarity realizes we arent going to give a fuck
>> No. 44515
Raping AND murdering, mind you. Don't wanna leave that out.
>> No. 44516
did Robbay just become an hero or call the amber lamps?
>> No. 44517
No, the cops know this shitty Philly tranny circle well enough to know they're not good enough people to ever feel remorse. Tell them something they'd actually believe, like his motovations were petty, selfish and backfired.
>> No. 44518
Sorry. I thought we were talking to/about Robb for a sec. I should've been more autistic and used less sarcasm for you.
>> No. 44519
I think we all know the real answer to that question...IRREGARDLESS of the jokes we make
>> No. 44520
Robby has no idea how you can possibly kill yourself.
>> No. 44521
>> No. 44522
Rob, IRREGARDLESS of what happens tonight, we know you're too buttOBLIVERATED to resist coming back to call us DEGENERATE FAGs. You'll get drunk on VITOROL (again) and bargain, threaten, badger, BAAAWWWWWWW.
In that exact order.

PS I used as many RlKAYisms as possible, since you seem to have problems with real English.
>> No. 44523
File 13461279681.jpg - (14.22KB , 300x450 , MilaE2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Look its Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles in ADF sandwich
>> No. 44524
Robb's just being Robb and sending out empty threats. We'll see him tomorrow
>> No. 44525
Don't drop pics! We won't have any bargaining power!
>> No. 44526

Fucking made me lol to tears
>> No. 44527
Hey, Robb. I'll make a deal with you. If you can post every single ADF picture you claim to have, I'll take down the cave shit
>> No. 44528
File 134612999271.png - (478.61KB , 627x575 , 00_rika_lolitrollu.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
As Robbay crashes into a drunken stupor tonight, the thoughts that sodomize his last few moments of consciousness can be summed up thusly...
>> No. 44529
Alas, poor Robbie...
>> No. 44530
File 134613015582.jpg - (44.70KB , 621x665 , HEY.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 44531
this story makes more sense if you know that it's ROBBAY in the cave: http://www.angelfire.com/trek/caver/
>> No. 44532
File 134614151068.png - (133.29KB , 615x1132 , rika chat.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Got messaged by Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles(allegedly). Here's the chat.
>> No. 44533
Realised something. If adf took pictures if his ass and sent them to a 17 yearold then regardless of the age of consent in their respective states he violated the law and Robert failing to report the criminal activity is considered a violation of his little deferment deal. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is going to a Californian federal prison full of Neo Nazis and mexican gangsters. If she really did run away from home then Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles contributed to the delinquency of a minoor worse dpdepending on what hey did beyond ttaking pictures of a fat tranny ass and posting them on reddit. If this girl is underage still then any involvement he has with his friends exploits with her are a criminal matter.
Anyone here a good lawyer certified in California and Pennsylvania
>> No. 44534
File 134615130026.jpg - (43.45KB , 348x328 , unattended-children-will-be-given-to-the-goblin-ki.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Holy moly, I didn't believe that cave thing at first but now it's on the ED page where they tend to not post lies ROB, you are one sick fuck!
>> No. 44535
Rob, you are a transvestite and a shit poor one at that. You claiming to be transexual and then "dressing up" as a man for work is what's insulting to them. That's like a jesuit who only eats Bacon out or a man who's only faithful to his wife within the confines of his area code.
A true transsexual would feel ill about having to pretend she was cis gender for her job. She wouldn't be all "the real me comes out at the club". You fucking homosexual deviant
>> No. 44536
That's all Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is. Hypocrisy and deception. He's nothing but a self-serving little toad. He plays the trans card when it suits him (trying to shame us) and forgets about it likewise (when he's at work). I would expect nothing more form such a self-serving little toad. And he still refuses to come clean about the cave incident. Seriously Robert, you're only making it worse by dodging the issue.
>> No. 44537
>and forgets about it likewise (when he's at work)

Or just about anywhere at all where it suits him, he'll be quick to mock any transsexual he doesn't like, it's all just a point scoring thing for him.
>> No. 44538

>You WANT me to get hurt don't you?! I realized I had to delete those posts. JUST SHUT UP ABOUT IT AND DELETE IT.

Robbie, you have to be one of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet.


>> No. 44539
>Plus, when have you done ANYTHING good for me HUH?

This, coming from the same sack of shit who said: And I quote,
>We will have you tied up, branded, whipped and beaten into wimpy piles of shit.
>i would murder all of you if i had the chance. i'll take a glock and ram it down your cunt, zyklon. zyklon, i'd skin in a second. i'm glad she is never setting foot in the us. no fucking bitch. you set foot in the city limits and i'll dig into your ribs. im serious. i'll tie your tubes with a boxcutter

And so on. So why, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, would we wish to do anything good for you? You're quite the nasty little goblin, wouldn't you say? Indeed, I think it's you who owes us an explanation of just what transpired in that cave. The burden of proof rests on you, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, not us.
>> No. 44540

2)"Hahahaha Ri­ka prolly molested someone in a cave"


4)"Lol cave."

>> No. 44541
File 134616063048.jpg - (139.61KB , 800x1002 , lol.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> jesuitlery
Aw God thank you Robbie.
>> No. 44542
All anons referring to the cave incident are Robb.
>> No. 44543
>I realized I had to delete those posts.

Nonsense. You were speaking from the heart for a change. A heart that gives ne'er a fuck about which "friends" are hurt or upset, just as long as Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles gets what he wants. You should be thankful we're here to repost them for you, so that your true nature won't be concealed. We know you don't learn, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, so that is why we must do this. You've left us no choice, you see. You live under the illusion that if you delete something, that must mean it never happened. So we repost them as a reminder of just how flawed your "logic" truly is.
>> No. 44544
So Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles do you live http://www.theversaillesapts.com/ ?

Just wondering..
>> No. 44545
(Also I hear there is a male strip club in Philly called "The Cave" which might be relevant to Rob)
>> No. 44546
Someone found out mikhaels birthday, and apprently sHE is 18 as of ~2 weeks ago. So it depends how long ago she fled the coop and when these photos were taken.
>> No. 44547

alcohol won't make the cave go away
>> No. 44549
bbbut it was Robert Stiles not Ri ka that raped those people in the cave..
>> No. 44550
Rob, just tell us about the cave already. We all know it will burst out in one of your alcohol-induced shitposts here sooner or later, might as well get it over with right now.
>> No. 44551
I would give anything to see Harel beating up Mr. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles Wayne Styles.
>> No. 44552
was there even a cave at all?
>> No. 44553
Yes, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles Stiles raped and murdered a 12 year old there
>> No. 44554
robbay raped a cave in 1990
>> No. 44555
and murdered.
>> No. 44556
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles why do you even let someone who beats you up stay at your place?
>> No. 44557
Look, I'm tired of you guys going after my bestie Rob.

Ri­ka Stiles AKA Wraith AKA Robert Stiles AKA Robert Wayne Stiles AKA Goblin King has never-I repeat-NEVER raped and murdered a young boy, especially not in a cave.

While Eric Gonzalez's disapearance is sad, Ri­ka had nothing to do with it. He certainly did not rape Eric Gonzalez, murder him, and bury his remains in a cave.

I can't make it any more clear: Eric Gonzalez was NOT raped and murdered by Ri­ka. Ri­ka had never raped a thirteen year old boy by luring him from a playground and into an elaborate cave system.

If Ri­ka HAD raped a young boy by the name of Eric Gonzales in a Pennsylvania cave, you can be sure that I would let you all know. But remain calm: Ri­ka almost certainly did NOT rape and murder Eric Gonzales, age 13, in a cave system nearby Philadelphia.
>> No. 44558
rikkkaayyyy isn't too bright.
>> No. 44559
Not to mention, he's easily intimidated IRL. Hence, the Internet Tough Guy facade.
>> No. 44560
Allright, he didn't rape a 13 years old boy named Eric Gonzales in a Philadelphian cave. Thanks for the clarification, Jenga.
>> No. 44561
he did rape a black kid in a cave, as well as the cave itself.
>> No. 44562
That makes a lot of sense, I'm sure his parent's are rich enough to pay off the police.
>> No. 44563
Adf is right there. No need to look around.
>> No. 44564
>implying adf is anywhere near robbays level
>> No. 44565
It's a black kid. No ones looking too hard.
It's not like he raped a white women.
>> No. 44566
He's a cross dressing 30 year old homeless ex jesuitish commie turned anarchist who looks like a fat squirrel with the downs and a nasty case of mange. He alienated his family threatening to kill his old man and making rape allegations. He's hilarious
>> No. 44567

yeah, but he doesn't hang around. it doesn't matter how bad you are on paper if you dont have staying power [spoiler](see:anthos) [/spolier]

robbay is a schizoid manchild who has murdered and raped someone in a cave. but more importany he has to post here obsessively in a drunken rage
>> No. 44568
he never comes here, though.
>> No. 44569
There was a time, long, long ago, when lolcows didn't have to drink till their livers failed, then proceed to post on an imageboard and still they were considered funny. Why, I remember there was this one guy from Virginia, but his name escapes me...
>> No. 44570
We haven't all gone to the cops about your threats yet Rob.
>> No. 44571
don't even compare Chris and ADF
>> No. 44572


bet he wasn't as funny as mr. stiles
>> No. 44573

Chris-chan, after trying a Long Island Ice Tea for the first time, proceeded to drink a lot whenever he could.
>> No. 44574


So many niggos. Are there any in the Wolverines?
>> No. 44575

robbay doesnt like black people

they remind him of the poor kid he raped and murdered in a cave
>> No. 44576
File 134618504644.jpg - (181.05KB , 623x422 , my brain is full of I dont even know what.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>6.1 latina puerto rican and brazilian sexy totally passable
Every fucking tranny man.
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