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No. 44577

tl:dr: Robbay went completely off the deep end and posted a bunch of spam posts, pony scat and gore porn, gay porn, pictures of Omega and I, the whole 9 yards.

I'll dump some screenshonts below here.
Expand all images
>> No. 44578
File 134519322752.png - (191.28KB , 883x732 , Screen Shot 2012-08-16 at 9_13_46 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44579
File 134519327629.png - (175.25KB , 877x780 , Screen Shot 2012-08-16 at 9_14_08 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44580
File 134519332484.png - (152.60KB , 879x467 , Screen Shot 2012-08-16 at 9_14_27 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44581
File 134519337348.png - (181.79KB , 881x734 , Screen Shot 2012-08-16 at 9_14_37 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44582
File 134519342237.png - (187.70KB , 892x790 , Screen Shot 2012-08-16 at 9_14_49 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44583
File 13451934725.png - (262.12KB , 890x840 , Screen Shot 2012-08-16 at 9_15_03 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44584
File 134519352025.png - (124.46KB , 877x538 , Screen Shot 2012-08-16 at 9_15_18 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44585
File 134519356956.png - (187.28KB , 888x817 , Screen Shot 2012-08-16 at 9_15_31 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44586
File 134519362151.png - (396.59KB , 890x627 , Screen Shot 2012-08-16 at 9_15_44 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44587
File 134519366967.png - (134.98KB , 879x693 , Screen Shot 2012-08-16 at 9_16_01 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44588
File 134519371871.png - (23.21KB , 874x94 , Screen Shot 2012-08-16 at 9_16_26 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44589
File 134519376418.png - (32.39KB , 882x141 , Screen Shot 2012-08-16 at 9_16_36 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44591
Ohh man, I thought he just posted that pony picture at the start of a thread as a lazy troll since he knows pony threads are deleted but I guess he is a full on My Little Pony porn fan.
>> No. 44592
I think he just pulled them off of ED or some shit.
>> No. 44593
>> No. 44594
What's with the posts about tim buckley?
>> No. 44595
So I wonder how his SJ buddy would feel about helping him after seeing Rob's homophobic attitude here.
It's even more hypocritical considering how he was bragging about all the men drooling after him.
>> No. 44596
I take it /mlp/ didn't help him here, but drew him in nonetheless.
>> No. 44598
that song might be more appropriate if robb was capable of empathy
>> No. 44599
File 134520228159.jpg - (61.68KB , 510x347 , call the cops.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
posting tom FAPPINGTON in this thread.
>> No. 44600
File 134520234862.jpg - (50.61KB , 500x333 , hahaha2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44601
File 134520411368.jpg - (20.15KB , 288x290 , hitler smiling 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Aww, I was sleeping and missed this. Well, not even mad, had a great productive day, and since Robb was kind enough to provide us with all sorts of new cocks, I guess you know what happens next~

I must say, this weekend has started off great.
>> No. 44602

The only thing the SJ homosexual deviant cared about was Zyklon posting pictures of nazis, Robbie could be a confessed baby rapist and he still would've jumped to his aid because he's FIGHTING THE ONLINE WAR AGAINST THE FASCISMS.
>> No. 44603
File 134520701314.png - (185.27KB , 508x364 , badass watchout.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>le badass face

>> No. 44604
did I read it wrong or is he trying to say he has Chris recordings? Wow he's desperate.
>> No. 44606
File 134520816647.png - (294.56KB , 1242x1256 , Robbay_avatarfagging[1].png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
How many times has he tried this? Three? Four?

Robb, Robb never learns.
>> No. 44607

He did, kind of, it was an old Richard Simmons recording that someone gave to him and told him it was new.
>> No. 44608
Apparently our hatred of him only makes him more powerful, guys.
>> No. 44609
File 134520979869.jpg - (52.14KB , 640x480 , dextersdaddesu.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I am shocked and appalled that no one on this thread has commented on the op video with robbay or julay yet.
>> No. 44610
Some pro-ass trolling am I right?

Rob seriously is a shit troll for all just Wraith talk. But then it's Rob so I really can't expect him to be compitant at any thing.
>> No. 44611
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles keeps adding more cocks to the ED article for me to read :)
>> No. 44612
You don't get it. He was legit FEARED, he OBLIVERATEd forums. Wraith is a name with power.
>> No. 44613
Wouldn't Rob being a homophobe make him worst than a baby rapist to him?
And it looks like nothing he did was even an insult, just pretty much saying "Sean is gay, these are pictures of men because he likes men." That could be insulting if you were a 12 year old straight boy, but how is it supposed to make a gay man mad?
>> No. 44614
Did he really expect people to be offended be pony gore and scat here?

That's like smoking a blunt at a concert to offend the band.
>> No. 44615
Robbay seems to have quite the hatred of lgbt people, which is why I honestly think he is just a reall fucked up straight guy
>> No. 44616
Keep in mind that Robert's mental growth was arrested at the age of 12.
>> No. 44617
File 13452132211.jpg - (63.81KB , 620x438 , maccanew620.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Shit. Forgot image
>> No. 44618
Milla Jovovich is fucking uggo 0/10 would not bang

Also she is one of the worst actresses of this millennium
>> No. 44619
in before the next phase of the robby cycle (where he writes a rant about how we ruined his life and threatens to kill himself)
>> No. 44620
I lolwut'd when Robert said he became a tranny because of Milla. I guess it's because he wants to be badass instead of being completely meaningless outside of his lolcow career.
>> No. 44621
WE have confirmed reports the Robbay will be at the midnight screening for Resident Evil 5,6,7 whichever one this is
>> No. 44622
I can't think of a decent film she was in other then the 5th element
>> No. 44623
This. But well, Robert is Robert, not surprised he's got shit tastes.
>> No. 44624
Dazed and Confused. Which sums up Robert pretty nicely.
>> No. 44625
File 134521553582.jpg - (51.29KB , 1024x768 , milla_jovovich_2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think its her eyes that make her so unappealing , I cannot find a picture of her without those soulless eyes
>> No. 44627
File 134521611378.jpg - (187.04KB , 858x1200 , Milla-Jovovich_1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Exactly. She's always got that "I'm not here right now" face, like she was permanently on prescription med high. Maybe that was the look Robb was trying to pull of when he shot that picture in which he looks like he was braindead.
>> No. 44628
File 134521626596.jpg - (28.96KB , 600x486 , If I Only Had a Brain.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Image related.
>> No. 44629
Jesus. It looks he's getting ready for Rocky Horror
>> No. 44630
File 134521654290.jpg - (29.08KB , 400x640 , 329824.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44631
This. The only reason she keeps starring in the Resident Evil films is because she's banging Anderson.

Speaking of, does Robb even know they're married? Or does he seriously believe he can convince Milla to leave Anderson and his immense amount of cash for him?
>> No. 44632
Wow his nose looks huge in that picture.
>> No. 44633
I would fuck Tim Curry over Rob any day

And the gray and fat Tim Curry of today
>> No. 44634
Money isn't everything. Look at everything Robert has going for himself...
>> No. 44635
Of course it's not, but it doesn't hurt to be with someone who supports themselves instead of having mommy and daddy do it.
>> No. 44636
I think you missed the inflection.
>> No. 44637
File 134521733182.jpg - (10.55KB , 183x350 , Kitsurubami_At_HQ.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Those Eyebrows

>The fuck
>> No. 44638
Rob fails at make up. All he needed to fix those brows is some tweezers and eyeliner.
>> No. 44639
I sure did. I blame Rob's fayggotry for turning my head to mush.
>> No. 44640
So that's his masterplan.
>> No. 44641
It always came off as some sort of creepy stalker thing to me.
"I love you so much, why can't I have you? I will become you instead!"
>> No. 44642
>> No. 44643
I don't know. It looks to me like he actually shaved his eyebrows off and they're just starting to grow back or some weird shit.
>> No. 44644
File 134523110598.jpg - (3.63KB , 171x251 , images.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Am I the only person whom think he looks like marilyn manson in this picture
>> No. 44645
File 134523252636.gif - (376.02KB , 350x197 , 132742908129.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
In all seriousness...

You guys look pretty normal. I wish a good day to you all.

>> No. 44646
Guys, how rich are Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's parents? They're supporting him and his transition. Not to mention his bail too.
>> No. 44647
I wouldn't be surprised if they're in debt. Pretty sure they covered his schooling that led no where as well.
>> No. 44648

>his transition

What transition? All he's done is cross dressed and gotten his name changed, he isn't doing anything other beyond that.
>> No. 44650
Yeah, but before all of the drama with the ADF wiki. Robb let ADF store all of his shit in his apartment. Imagine what it must look like now
>> No. 44651
What a magical night that was.
>> No. 44652
File 134524083547.jpg - (53.46KB , 720x540 , Rika_15.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You know that community college Robb went to for four years and never completed? Well, the name of the community college he went to was Camden County College in Blackwood, NJ for Graphic Design or something similar. The proof is on the lanyard in the picture.
>> No. 44653
I know, I know I’m not a real woman
I've always been a man
And I thought that I could
Troll 789chan
But now after all the hurt and pain
Its time for me to refrain
from pony porn
and calling seanie gay
So with sadness in my heart
I feel the best thing I could do
is go to bed
and leave forever
this board makes me feel so bad
this tranny now is mad
I'll never post again
my spam is ending
>> No. 44654

>come on guys leave me alone, I'll be your best friend
>fine my dad works at nintendos
>> No. 44656
Robb could save the situation by claiming he was aiming for corpsepaint.
>> No. 44658
post of the year
>> No. 44659
I like how Rob thinks we'll troll ANYONE just because they're trans. Most people here don't even know who the hell Omega is outside of Robbay.
>> No. 44662

Poem? It's based on the OP video.
>> No. 44663
as an unashamed eva fan this post made my day
>> No. 44664
Imagine how far Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles could go if she was actually good at manipulating people like she wishes she was. Fortunately she has no power and nothing anyone wants. She has a greedy predatory personality has nothing to back it up. I hate to go armchair psychologist but I wonder what she'd be like if she had narcissism (She doesn't, look at her appearance that's someone who doesn't give a fuck.)
>> No. 44665
do you honestly believe Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles doesnt think he's hot shit. he said that men at bars drooled over him. also
HI Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 44666

He looks bad here, like he's a gay lesbian.

Is this before he turned into the straight-boy woman I know him as?
>> No. 44667
I am way behind on my Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles cock just because i can't get it on my iphone. what the fuck sean. I know i'm not the only one that feels depraved.
>> No. 44668
Look at the way she looks, she's not making any effort. She isn't hot shit, she's insecure. Most people with Narcissist Personality Disorder tend to be very well groomed and care about themselves more than other people. Look at her pictures again, she hasn't made an effort, she gives no fuck about her looks, she is not a narcissist. She's just insecure as fuck and flailing around.
>> No. 44669
My heart bleeds.
>> No. 44670
HI Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 44671

He is making effort with his looks, that why he keeps making such dumb poses in most of his pics, it's just this is the best he is actually capable of.
>> No. 44672
I'm not feeling sorry, I want to see what Robby's mind is like. To get inside another person's head and see their thoughts and their model of life and know what they boil down to and what they think is always interesting. It's seldom I get to indulge my armchair psychologist and peak inside someone's head.
>> No. 44673

>This was all just a goddamn plot that is FUCKING SICK. NO MORE. Next time if ever, you see me, you won't not even recognize me. All you'll know is I'll be fucking HOT.
>> No. 44674
I think the miscommunicaiton here is that >>254376 was trying to say Robby doesn't have narcissistic personalty *disorder* even though he does have a narcissistic personality... or he plays up how great he likes to think he is even though he is insecure deep down.
>> No. 44675
Precisely. She ain't NPD, she's an insecure shitlord. I just wanna jump into her mind and find out how she ticks because its rare I get to see inside someone's brain.
>> No. 44676
When did Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles develop a vagina?
>> No. 44677
he IS the vagina
>> No. 44678
File 134526681479.jpg - (21.75KB , 320x240 , 1289696362913935.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You mean, a pussy.
>> No. 44679
Robert has a penis and thus is still considered male.
>> No. 44681
You're a homosexual deviant and all but I agree.
>> No. 44682
I do not see why you would not agree but okay.
>> No. 44683
Spoiler, this may be difficult for you to comprehend, but you are not well liked around here. I know you likely don't care, but if you're going to be a tripfag, you should at least consider contributing something of value to the board. Otherwise, please GTFO.
>> No. 44684
If I wanted to be liked then I would not post on here nor would I use a tripcode. Besides, it is more entertaining to be disliked without having to contribute a thing.
>> No. 44685
>> No. 44686
That is all, fool.
>> No. 44687
Oh, okay, thought there was something important. Please don't hurt my feelings though.
>> No. 44688
It was important enough for you to compose a reply. If I am really beneath your notice than you truly should not have replied to any of my posts, fool.
>> No. 44689
Yes, yes, the whole "you replied" thing which you did to me and so on and so forth.

Wait, I just did it too with this response. My life is over.
>> No. 44690
Of course I replied to you, I do not believe your responses are unimportant merely that they are foolish.

It does feel very much like I am communicating with an adolescent. How suicidal that lot is.
>> No. 44691
Sounds good.

Oh, I replied again. Shit...
>> No. 44692
I feel pretty bad for Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, she didn't deserve any of this and there are much better tranny targets out there (ADF, Jordman etc). I think we should leave her alone from now on.
>> No. 44693

>> No. 44694
File 134528985486.jpg - (14.26KB , 500x375 , to-laugh-at-you[1].jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Every time Robert refers to himself with female pronouns, I laugh.
>> No. 44695
File 134529814390.jpg - (31.83KB , 552x600 , 134141753182.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You wake up still drowsy, the filthy bed littered with empty cans and cigarette butts. The smell of stale semen lingers in the air. You blink, and exhale, trying to stop yourself from vomiting again.

"Quite a night we had, eh lover?"

RÑ–ka stands at the bathroom door, wearing only a t-shirt and naked from the waist down. Memories of last night begin flooding back. You take a deep breath, and promptly puke all over the bed again.

"You look hungry baby, want me to make you some breakfast lover?" says RÑ–ka, prowling towards you with the walk of a striptease. "Or maybe you can just eat me up instead?" she says, trailing a bony finger down your chest to your stomach.

"Oh baby, lets have some fun". With one swift motion RÑ–ka mounts you, rubbing her ass over your crotch, grinding away like a cat on heat. "Hmmm, can you feel that?" she purrs, her slowly engorging cock pressing against your belly.
>> No. 44696
File 134529971881.jpg - (44.73KB , 334x487 , unsee.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>her cock
le asian man massaging his head.jpg
>> No. 44697
I wish you'd finish that. I want to see what happens next.
>> No. 44698
You get crabs
>> No. 44699
File 134531767248.jpg - (42.30KB , 640x480 , 1329626341972.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44701
what the fuck is that
>> No. 44702
I don't know, seanie, but man the harpoons
>> No. 44703
Despair and desperation, personified.
>> No. 44704
It's one of the many women who refuse to fuck Robb.
>> No. 44705
File 134532904037.jpg - (1.58MB , 1920x1200 , wtf.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44706
Still a million times more bang able than Rob
>> No. 44709

Trey, get that SHIT off my fucking ED article. First of all, I did not drop out of that shitty college, I was victimized by not only the students but THE DEAN HIMSELF of Camden just because of my freakin lifestyle choices. Hmm, sound familar? Because the SAME EXACT THING HAPPENS HERE TOO.

Second of all, I am certified as BOTH an artist and a programer so STFU!
>> No. 44710
>> No. 44711

I wish that I could turn back time
And not be born as a guy
can't live without attention from any men
I know I’m somewhat of an ass
With my idea of trans pride
but all this mad is killing me inside
>> No. 44713
So you got expelled for being a weirdo. No wonder your dad is so proud.
>> No. 44715
How would one verify these credentials if someone wanted to hire you Robbay?
>> No. 44717
File 134534660797.png - (6.02KB , 240x240 , BAWWWWWWWWWW.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Trey, get that SHIT off my fucking ED article. First of all, I did not drop out of that shitty college, I was victimized by not only the students but THE DEAN HIMSELF of Camden just because of my freakin lifestyle choices. Hmm, sound familar? Because the SAME EXACT THING HAPPENS HERE TOO.

>Second of all, I am certified as BOTH an artist and a programer so STFU!

>>I was victimized by not only the students but THE DEAN HIMSELF of Camden just because of my freakin lifestyle choices. Hmm, sound familar? Because the SAME EXACT THING HAPPENS HERE TOO.
Tell me again how you're tortured!
>> No. 44718
hey robbay, HTML isn't "programing".
>> No. 44719
Like to Bee's to honey, Robbay shows his face in a thread about himself.
>> No. 44720
File 134534735914.jpg - (41.93KB , 450x293 , laughing nazis2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> I was victimized by not only the students but THE DEAN HIMSELF of Camden just because of my freakin lifestyle choices
>> No. 44721
please tell us more about your college experiences, robbay
>> No. 44722

>I was victimized by not only the students but THE DEAN HIMSELF of Camden just because of my freakin lifestyle choices.

You could be any more like chris?

You have zero self awareness.
>> No. 44726
File 134534786196.jpg - (27.40KB , 320x320 , 1LXPf.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>First of all, I did not drop out of that shitty college, I was victimized by not only the students but THE DEAN HIMSELF of Camden just because of my freakin lifestyle choices.

It seems like your college and the dean didn't put up with your shit and you quit because of da stress, just like someone else you tried to act like you're better than.

>>I am certified as BOTH an artist and a programer

For someone who is certified, you're pretty shitty when it comes to art and video cameras. I would if you provide proof that you're certified. If not, it stays!
>> No. 44728
Poor Robb. Truth hurts, doesn't it?
>> No. 44729
He is, however, good at letting the camera betray him. Isn't that right, Mr. Robert Wayne "red herring, trolled u, you'll never find me!" Stiles.
>> No. 44730
File 134534851929.jpg - (402.14KB , 1600x1200 , 0415001457b.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I made these with oil paints and poster board.
>> No. 44731
File 134534854841.jpg - (405.38KB , 1600x1200 , 0415001457.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44732
File 134534860048.jpg - (363.98KB , 1600x1200 , 0415001457a.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44733
File 134534865630.jpg - (380.82KB , 1600x1200 , 0513000818.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44734
You wouldn't be lying now would you Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 44735
File 134534868844.jpg - (465.39KB , 1600x1200 , 0413001516.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Painting I based off of Salvador Dali art.
>> No. 44737
"right click" "Save as"
>> No. 44738
2 minutes after my post too. If I didn't know any better, Robert, I would say you're trying a diversion. Most of the board already knows where you really live, you know.
>> No. 44739
File 134534901321.jpg - (72.94KB , 500x333 , Hitler picnic.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Nice stolen art, ironically painted by another Pole. Doesn't really convince us, especially when we've seen your shitscribbles.

Face it Robb: You can't draw worth shit.
>> No. 44740
File 13453490202.jpg - (35.85KB , 353x599 , Rika_shitting_Obama_art.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44741
How did this wind up with Robbay showing off his art?
>> No. 44742
File 134534924728.jpg - (58.48KB , 400x373 , nelson.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robb, you stupid bastard. You can't draw, you spent 4 years at a community college, you can't troll, your fake DOX made finding your real place all the more easy. Face it dude. You suck at life.
>> No. 44743
You know if you were smart you would parlay your Efame into a career of selling pretentious art to collectors who like to support tortured minorities.
>> No. 44744
It was revealed that he dropped out of a 2 year community college after attending there for four years
>> No. 44745
File 134534975076.gif - (469.14KB , 181x295 , Hitler augh yeah fokes.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
...aaand EncyclopediaDramatica updated. I also added the fact that you went to therapy to the "Vanned Robert" section, since it came up in your documents.
>> No. 44746
File 134534991699.png - (207.32KB , 731x767 , nimetön.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robert posting True and Honest art saved in the case of damage control.
>> No. 44747
File 134535032058.jpg - (91.46KB , 432x506 , 1329521770957.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>drop out of collage for being "bullied" by dean and took art class
Oh my god robbay really is Chris' long lost brother
robbay really is the gift that keeps on giving. Every day is christmas with him around. Or should I say robbaymas.
>> No. 44748
If those are his they arent half bad

But he is way to monotonus with his subject matter, and it obviously hasnt brought him any degree of success
>> No. 44749
see >>255004
>> No. 44752
>embarrass nor attack the jesuits
*beep* Wrong. Robbie is very capable when it comes to making himself look like a complete retard.

>Until you kill me I'll always be alive and continue to administer justice to this cruel planet. Just like the jesuits, people with Gender identity disorder will continue to permute this planet and you'll never be able to wipe us all out
Trolling trannies is holocaust.
>> No. 44754
If any teacher passed grade 12 gave a passing mark to that then we all know they were just phoning it in. I literally know 14 year olds who can draw and edit better then that.
>> No. 44755
I fucking hope the non drawfags in this thread are getting as much laughs out of these as us drawfags are.
>> No. 44758
It looks like a junior high art project, there is no focus, lack of composition, the lighting is broken and the pallet doesn't match in any harmonious way. It's like a 13 year old saw the record covers in dad's collection of LPs and thought it'd be bad ass to make one.
>> No. 44759

I legitimately like your art Robbay, you should do something with that instead of working at Walgreens and mooching off of your parents. Go back to school or something.
>> No. 44760
Robert stole that art man:

>> No. 44761
What is there to explain? You don't have to be a drawfag to notice that those paintings are such shit and were probably traced (as in, plagiarism).
>> No. 44762
I knew I'd seen that before! shame on you, Robert.
>> No. 44763

No wonder you dropped out of school. You probably barely passed (or failed) all of your art classes. Good job. You've made yourself look even more like a stupid jackass.
>> No. 44764
We have all seen what Robert's real drawings look like.

And no way those could have ever been Robert's in the first place: Robert has so massive ego he wouldn't have forgotten to add a massive signature.
>> No. 44766
You need to scroll up.
>> No. 44767
Didn't robbay also say he knows how to program? lets see some of his bloatware

inb4 he copies snippits from The Java Tutorial
>> No. 44768
Oh. I don't think I've ever seen any of Robert's art. Can someone post an example of his 'art'?
>> No. 44769
File 13453545272.jpg - (114.79KB , 720x545 , 40525_1373978832309_1316948428_30895828_94194_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nah, we know Robb's one of the world's top HelloWorld programmers.

Here's one. Truly a product of a certified artist.
>> No. 44770
That's just a sketch right?
You know something you draw when you're bored sitting at a table eating breakfast, right?
>> No. 44772
File 134535493649.gif - (228.15KB , 400x324 , 781183662_259069.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44773
File 134535492676.gif - (2.17MB , 286x210 , nope.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44774
File 134535511220.jpg - (29.26KB , 500x375 , 1329629163510.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>100% Crazy
>> No. 44776
e-gads, you may have a point!
Bet let's ask our lolcow experts
>> No. 44777
Robert, how old were you when you made this?

For comparison, here's a cover I did when I was 16:
>> No. 44778
Early 20's

>> No. 44779
So what's with the stream at the top of the page?
Does it just play chiptunes on loop or are we gonna have 789chan radio?
>> No. 44780
Just fucking around. I have 4 GB of keygen chip, several stylized albums and the entire modarchive on an external hard drive, but I haven't gone through it yet and sifted the crap out.

has ~220 tracks in the playlist right now.
>> No. 44781
Just added a few more albums, gonna let those play then I'll put it on shuffle with the keygen stuff in.
>> No. 44782
Sheeeyit, this stuff is pretty good. Where can I download it?
>> No. 44783
album currently playing is NEUTRALITE by Disasterpiece, it's on bandcamp. should give them a few bucks if you like it, but it's name your price.

this is the last song I have, then it's gonna switch to FX4
>> No. 44784
this is virt's FX4 album, I'm gonna add the previous one as well somewhere. this is some of the best stuff
>> No. 44785

This is an awesome idea and i fully support it.
>> No. 44786
album change! this is some more demoscene/XM stuff rather than 8bit
>> No. 44787
I gotta get up tomorrow, but I'll turn everything back on tomorrow and leave it on while I'm afk.
>> No. 44788
Eating disorder? Check
Thinks he's an artist? Check
Kicked out of community college? Check
Uses a common disorder that millions of people successfully cope with as an excuse for all of his failure and expects special treatment for it? Check
Father thinks he's a failure? Check
Inability to learn? Check
Massive rages at the internet followed by crashing into slumber? Check
Cross dressing? Check
Self proclaimed leader of a fictional group? Check
Unhealthy obsession with a series from the 90s? Check
Stalker? Check

I could keep going, but robby really is the next chris chan. Just turn fat to scrawny, ruckersville to philly and swap sonic for stargate and the only thing we're waiting on is nudes. Oh, and I guess robb is still a virgin, but he's still got a few years to go before he can become a wizard and then lose his powers to a prostitute.
>> No. 44789
Also looks slightly like Spaceart, but shit
>> No. 44790
I wonder if Robbay has his own Mary Lee Walsh from his college he was kicked out of
>> No. 44791
File 134539465278.png - (18.19KB , 501x182 , Robb dropped out.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> But after 4 fucking years Im like "Fuck this Im not wasting anymore time here and dropping out"

Yeah, he fucking dropped out of Camden
>> No. 44793

>My photography started selling

But then why is he working in a world-famous corporation right now?
>> No. 44794
Because we ruined his internet reputation of course, there is no other explanation for it
>> No. 44795
You should play this song, because it's the best 8 bit song ever made.
>> No. 44796
I would, but that was made in GSXCC and thus took zero effort except on the part of whoever made the MIDI.

I also just added a cross-fader, but I don't know if it's gonna work immediately or not.
>> No. 44797
I don't get it, so basically Robbie has trolled you all into thinking she's some kind of massive sperg, you've all got your panties in a twist and now she's laughing at you, you're upset?

Sure is homosexual deviant in here.
>> No. 44798
>> No. 44799
Hi Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesaayyyyyyy
>> No. 44802
It's funny because in the very first thread he claimed he had "trolled" everyone.


Those were good, innocent times.
>> No. 44803

>I don't get it

Clearly not.
>> No. 44804
What's this diaper fetish thread people keep talking about?
>> No. 44806
So, word around /cwc/ is Robbay has a fat cock.
>> No. 44807

I've got a fat cock too. Maybe he and I should rub our fat cocks together sometime... with oil. Y'know, just two fat cocks rubbing together. Oil.
>> No. 44808
>> No. 44809
I could go for a power fuck right now!
>> No. 44810
>baawww about LGBT persecutino
>call everyone homosexual deviants

Man, I don't even...
>> No. 44811

>> No. 44812
I'm waiting outside city hall right, where are you, you fucking CUNT??!

I know you lurk on here, Trey.
>> No. 44813
File 134547905351.jpg - (13.72KB , 320x319 , My-Body-is-Ready-random-31574393-320-319.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44815

What now?
>> No. 44816
"Go away. Get off this public image board! BAWWWW!"
>> No. 44817
Oh so now Robbay's trying to act on his threats? It's like he doesn't even care about prison anymore.
>> No. 44818
Making someone go blind =/= "dazzling"
>> No. 44819
File 134547979413.gif - (1.56MB , 231x239 , 1345432667474.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> Go away anon, this is fucking stonecutter buisness.

I'm laughing so hard that I'm in tears,

Thank you, Robert. This has truly brightened my day.
>> No. 44820
File 13454800119.png - (156.27KB , 512x384 , Abe Simpson.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Go away anon, this is fucking stonecutter buisness.

I'm a Stonecutter!
>> No. 44821
File 134548005945.jpg - (38.69KB , 429x388 , Himmler on a flower field.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, now it's happened, Robb completely flipped.

>Waah, don't you dare to attempt to assassinate
>No one wants to. You're funny.
>Come then, do your worst!
>Uh. Nah.
>There'll be blood in your hands if you force me to kill myself
Also the thought of Robert being able to go stealth is pretty funny. You know that infamous picture of him wearing corpsepaint and drag? He genuinely thinks he looks like a woman in that picture. I guess when he wants to go "stealth" he puts on a clown suit and drives a tricycle to appear normal and fit in.
>> No. 44822
I can only imagine the looks on city workers faces as they see a skinny failtranny scarecrow yelling at its laptop on the steps of city hall
>> No. 44823
I never promised to meet your ass anywhere. I live several states away in a town I like to nickname "Little Sweden" and have no interest into wasting time or gas visiting Philly.
>> No. 44824
Hey Robb, is the heavy rain in Philly making your makeup run? We wouldn't want that, now would we?
>> No. 44825
>inb4 Robb tries to goad by way of "UR JUST SCARRED OF ME BAAAAAWWWWWWW"
>> No. 44826
File 134548050058.jpg - (29.74KB , 398x241 , laughingwhoresdeux.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> you never saw me irl I might dazzle you.
>> No. 44827
"Stealth mode?"

>> No. 44828

So somebody contacted you pretending to be Trey and convinced you to stand outside city hall waiting for him? You're an idiot. Also, whoever did this is probably taking pictures of you right now, keep an eye out for people watching you or with cameras. Be sure to confront them.
>> No. 44829

I think trey had to go into protective custody due to you threatening his life. He's been moved to the Gambia where he lives his life as a radio repair man.

Look at the destruction your terrible rage has wrought upon this poor man. PLEASE ROBBAAY NO ONE ELSE HAS TO BE HURT.
>> No. 44830
>I'm waiting outside city hall right, where are you, you fucking CUNT??!

>make appointment to meet your trolls in public
>spend hours waiting for nothing

I knew this setup sounded familiar:
>> No. 44831
File 134548141348.gif - (493.24KB , 270x268 , data4.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"Sir , we have located Robert through his cloaking device by tracing a large deposit of homosexual deviantry particles emmisions "
>> No. 44832
inb4 rob gets arrested for loitering and making a scene in front of city hall and it gets added to his record for the upcoming trial.
>> No. 44833
Bravo fellow Skittle! Thanks for the laugh!
>> No. 44834
Fine, if that isn't you, Trey. Post a meet up spot in your town and I'll be there on the weekend ready to talk politics. I even cosplayed as a fucking man in your honor, homo.

To whoever that was wasting my time, thanks for fucking RUINING my break. I was working all morning to make a goddamn living and I only get an hour of breaktime.

Just realize karma is a bitch rotten to the inside of it's cunt. You'll get yours, bastards.
>> No. 44835
>> No. 44836
>cosplayed as man
so how you look normally?
>> No. 44837
>I even cosplayed as a fucking man in your honor, homo.
>so-called transsexual still using "homo" and "homosexual deviant" as an insult


>cosplayed as a man
>> No. 44838
File 134548396632.jpg - (197.60KB , 800x645 , hitler tea time2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> I even cosplayed as a fucking man in your honor, homo.
But you are a man, Robert. That's a man's name. You have a dick. Women don't have those.

>To whoever that was wasting my time, thanks for fucking RUINING my break. I was working all morning to make a goddamn living and I only get an hour of breaktime.
If you think trolls really care about you in real life, joke's on you.

>Just realize karma is a bitch rotten to the inside of it's cunt.
Every time you "cry yourself to sleep" and are about to ask why you are being trolled, please re-read this line and save everyone's time. Thank you.
>> No. 44839
>Just realize karma is a bitch rotten to the inside of it's cunt. You'll get yours, bastards.

>Actually the Harem is for forcing female players to cyber with us against there will.
>ADF and Jordman have the combined IQ of a turd sandwich.
>LMAO @ the fat chick below VVVV
>Macjunkie88 rapes your ass. LOL you woulden't even qualify to enter in a beauty contest with Jen's league.

Yes Robb, karma is a bitch.
>> No. 44840
This. This right here.

So much anger. Can't wait to see how the footage comes out!
>> No. 44841
Fuck you are one gullible idiot. Is there anything you won't fall far
>> No. 44842
File 134548536756.jpg - (50.73KB , 533x400 , Lucky Horseshoe.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, if you're that insistent. I would suggest visiting the Lucky Horseshoe. The address is 3169 N Halsted, Chicago, IL 60657. Also post a picture of yourself in "male drag" standing outside of the club on this site or I will not show up. I swear I'll be coming to the club with a bracelet with my name on it.
>> No. 44843
>I even cosplayed as a fucking man in your honor, homo.

>> No. 44844

If I agree to this and go to this, you better not try ANYTHING funny. (you'll be surrounded by feds in seconds and getting fucking penetrated in state prison) Also, we each should be allowed to bring a few friends just in case you or your butt buddies grab me.

I will go either this or next weekend and I swear we will pose outside your little gay bar. And one last thing, you BETTER have someway to take down ED or this site or I'm not coming and neither is fucking money.
>> No. 44846
>we each should be allowed to bring a few friends just in case you or your butt buddies grab me.


>you BETTER have someway to take down ED or this site or I'm not coming and neither is fucking money.

>> No. 44847
>> No. 44848
>you better not try ANYTHING funny. (you'll be surrounded by feds in seconds and getting fucking penetrated in state prison)

>Also, we each should be allowed to bring a few friends just in case you or your butt buddies grab me.
Read: I'll be bringing my WOLVERINES!! to stand there and fidget awkwardly.

Also, I just gotta say:
>IF I agree to this
>I will go either this or next weekend
>you BETTER have someway to take down ED or this site or I'm not coming
Robbay's leaving himself a lot of excuses to ditch poor Trey...
>> No. 44850
I suppose the feds wouldn't have anything better to do but wait around for your command to "move in" as point man for Operation Anally OBLIVERATEed.
>> No. 44851
I won't try anything funny.

>>(you'll be surrounded by feds in seconds and getting fucking penetrated in state prison)

Thanks for the imagery. I'll remember that

>>Also, we each should be allowed to bring a few friends just in case you or your butt buddies grab me.

Trust me, my friends and I have at least some standards. So, the only one that would be touching you is yourself.

>>you BETTER have someway to take down ED or this site or I'm not coming and neither is fucking money.

I've got connections, don't worry! As you already know, I'm connected to the people who are writing your article, including the Russian that you keep threatening to rape with a gun
>> No. 44852

Rob, I am the chief admin of ED, i'll delete your article if you travel to Chinatown and walk around with a sign saying 'Gooks are worse than niggers'. For at least one hour.

If you complete this task, please send the pictures to:

10 Downing Street

Address it to 'Daaaveey C'
>> No. 44854
File 134548766046.jpg - (68.45KB , 491x466 , 3762833555_e95ed6a36a.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Want to save your E-Reputation? Want people to know you as Fearsome High Warlord of the Wrath who FUCKING OBLIVERATEED FORUMS instead of a mentally ill bipolar bad tranny? Now here's a new chance to waste some more mommy and daddy dollars; http://www.reputation.com/
>> No. 44855
The feds won't put anybody in state prison you delightful retard. It'd be federal prison. Y'know, the place you'll go eventually if you continue to harass people on the internet.
>> No. 44856
File 134548854610.png - (70.30KB , 1315x500 , RikaTrey.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Reposting these for when Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles inevitably deletes them
>> No. 44857
Why do you keep coming back?
>> No. 44858
File 134548877314.jpg - (47.23KB , 1024x512 , cameron 018.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I have never liked 'Daaaveey C' more.
>> No. 44859
He already deleted one.
>> No. 44860
File 134548913056.jpg - (27.46KB , 500x333 , 1344569671555.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mfw when I read this post
>'Daaaveey C'

10/10 post, sir.
>> No. 44861
File 134549359168.png - (38.67KB , 626x150 , Robert Wayne Stiles - Encyclopedia Dramatica_13454.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ahhaha. Whoever did this is a fine gentlemen.
>> No. 44862
File 134549528926.jpg - (14.11KB , 361x500 , Himmler laughing.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wasn't me, but I think Robert qualifies pretty easily. Robert trolling has been going on for eight months or so.

I like to think Robert trolling as /cwc/'s collective project, so I'll ask you - do you have any suggestions for Robert subpage? The page is starting to be quite lenghty but Robert's potential is neverending. We've barely covered his visits to /cwc/, but he has years and years of history as a lolcow.

Heads up to Robert: "Robert Wayne Stiles" page is just about to exceed "Gaia Online", "Jimbo Wales" and even the ancient "Meatspin.com" articles in popularity. Who would've known!
>> No. 44863
File 13454978278.gif - (2.00MB , 403x234 , 1328907104195.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Go to sleep
>Giggle to myself in bed saying "robbay claus is coming tonight!"
>Wake up
>A whole bunch of replies are sitting under the tree
>Repeat the cycle every night
>> No. 44864
File 134549798021.jpg - (163.26KB , 1023x682 , Robb_bilboard.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44865
I think i actual saw billboard down in Flint, Michigan.

I remember some black painted eyesore with an ED URL on it, but... it couldn't be this, could it?
>> No. 44866
File 134550076135.jpg - (55.25KB , 514x556 , 1328762328527.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Holy shit I saw this in jersey on my way to work
I couldn't believe it when I saw it, I just shrugged it off as a fake memory. No wonder everyone at my Magic meetup was laughing about someone called "robbay", I thought it was someone else.
>> No. 44868
At the rate Robbay is going only 2 options are left

1. Sever contact with the internet and leave us starved for cocks thus defeating us entirerly

2. Battle the TROLLS until he goes (more) insane and ends up a fat crossdresser who does nothing but sigh and shit his pants while cursing da trolls

Take your bets
>> No. 44869
Ouch. That's a tough one. But I'll give Robb benefit of the doubt and say 18th time's the charm and go with the first option.
>> No. 44871
Poor cyberbully. Excuse us if we don't feel your obviously fake pain.
>> No. 44872
You should suicide bomb ED headquarters

But srsly Rob , just wait until we get our hands on your daddies bank account numbers ! Thats not an empty threat btw, see we can get e-detectives too.
>> No. 44873
File 134550153266.jpg - (46.27KB , 776x602 , 1328744613452.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>When I have to come home to this, /cwc/, I see only one purpose in my life.
Oh, and what is that purpose?
Could it be to close the /cwc/ tab and get a degree and get a real job so you can afford a happy, healthy life full of friendship and wonderment?
Nah, just scream at the trolls some more and cosplay as a scarecrow.
>> No. 44874

This post has been sent to the Central Distract of California's, Pre-Trial Supervision Agency.
>> No. 44876
File 134550175247.png - (33.56KB , 1320x120 , saved1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Just in case robbay deletes his post again
>> No. 44877
File 134550190692.jpg - (41.32KB , 545x345 , Hitler and his animal friends.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I said this once and I'm going to say this fucking again. I'm CRYING, I'm in PAIN. Pain that some of you can only IMAGINE.
Pain of being made fun of in the internet. *stress sigh* I know your pain. *sigh* Since that dang dirty antifa has been targeting me I've been in constant PAIN, I'm literally CRYING. I can't eat or sleep anymore.

I would give you some advice, but you have never listened to it, so I don't even bother. When we first started talking about you, no one even knew your first name or had seen your picture here. And I've been DOX'd. So if we begun, right now, where it all started, you'd be in much better position than I am. But you blew it by attacking and threatening people. And you are doing it right now. People wanted to know more about the raging retard and started digging.

It is literally impossible to feel pity for you because it all is your fault and in your guilt tripping posts you, without fail, threaten everyone.

I guess what I am trying to say here is...YOU JUST FUCKING NEVER LEARN! And that's exactly why we love you.

>When I have to come home to this, /cwc/, I see only one purpose in my life.
Hey, cheer up big man, you've got a great attitute. If I was you, I doubt I'd see any purpose in my life.

>If one of you flies flutter a little to close to the flame...you'll see.
We'll see like you said in the first thread that this is "the last chance". So. Yeah.
>> No. 44878
Honstly i am starting to worrie he will actully hurt someone from here...
>> No. 44879
He can't. I mean, he literally can't.
>> No. 44880
File 134550219941.jpg - (75.27KB , 640x430 , Napalmed_Kurdish_Boy___t640.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I'm in PAIN. Pain that some of you can only IMAGINE.

Someone needs to... oh, what's that phrase you assholes use?

...check their privilege.
>> No. 44882
Nice save. Further proof that Robb never learns.
>> No. 44883

>I'm CRYING, I'm in PAIN. Pain that some of you can only IMAGINE.

You aren't the most important person in the world, you really need to understand this concept, your life will be a lot easier once you do.

>My world is a fucking Dystopic Necropolis ruled by a paramilitary of INVISIBlE dictators who endlessly target me, my morality, my lifestyle, my GID, my friends, my parents, my job ETC.

No it isn't, a bunch of strangers on the internet are calling you names. If you just stayed away you wouldn't even know it was going on. You already have your job, your boss isn't interested in looking up your history now he's hired you, there's nothing going on here that actually affects your real life beyond your retarded victim complex.

>>When I have to come home to this

You don't have to come home to this, you choose to come home to this. What happened to getting your friend to block you from seeing this site, you even knew that would fix you shit so why didn't you go through with it?
>> No. 44885
Nice save. Further proof that Robb never learns.
>> No. 44886

Now, now, Robb. No need to feel too upset. You still have your trip to Chicago to look forward to.
>> No. 44887
Robbay may be able to kill us if he had a Deathnote but thats about it

oh wait, he cant get anyones DOX right so nevermind
>> No. 44889
>I said this once and I'm going to say this fucking again. I'm CRYING, I'm in PAIN. Pain that some of you can only IMAGINE.
And I've said this once before, so now I'll say it again: CRAAAWWLING IIIIIN MY SKIIIIIINNNNN...

>but now my ED page practically says TROLL ME TIL I DIE.
There's no "practically" here, it actually says just that.

>If one of you flies flutter a little to close to the flame...you'll see.
...see what, exactly?
>> No. 44890
File 134550326433.jpg - (14.27KB , 243x182 , 1345503400605.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44891
File 134550329858.jpg - (1.34MB , 2400x3600 , hand studies.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm curious, what have other people said about your artwork Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 44892
See this is what I don't get, Introman didn't just start talking about me out of the blue this was a fucking INSIDE JOB. I swear, one of my mooks defected and squealed to you guys about my past history. Did Saohc or any of those christian pastor white supremecists contact any of you?

Trey, how do I know you won't piss your pants and attempt to incriminate me with further lies.
>> No. 44893
Holy shit! Robb actually learned something, ladies and gentlemen! Or at least inferred it, anyway.
>> No. 44894

No Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. I acted completely and utterly alone at all times. I was just lucky that all the pieces of the puzzle fit in. Remember that you were the one to contact me first. I was completely cocks on doing other shit.
>> No. 44895

No Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. I acted completely and utterly alone at all times. I was just lucky that all the pieces of the puzzle fit in. Remember that you were the one to contact me first. I was completely cocks on doing other shit.
>> No. 44896
Because I'm willing to meet up with you and provided you with a Chicago address. Don't tell me that you're already getting cold feet about the situation.
>> No. 44897

gotta love dat word butter
>> No. 44898
File 134550464249.jpg - (48.70KB , 263x350 , hitler not sure if want.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robert, as someone who has some 20 threads archived, you should by now have realized that you don't really need help in order to make yourself look like a retard. You don't bother covering up your past, either. All we've dug up was done by googling your nicknames. Go on, give it a shot, and be astonished by the massive trail of shit you've left behind.

Ockham's razor, lex parsimoniae: It is possible that we've got a nationwide organization consisting of numerous snitches and field agents. Or then we just use google. Guess which one is more likely?
>> No. 44899
File 13455057857.png - (23.43KB , 1336x103 , saved2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
and I know you'll delete your post again.
>> No. 44900
Robbie was an inside job.
>> No. 44901
>20 threads archived
>> No. 44905
Dear Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles,

I used to be one of those that had no sympathy for you. But after realizing how much pain it has caused you and the possible loss your job, I realize it just isn't funny anymore. Nobody deserves to be treated like this. Though I was under peer pressure and couldn't say it before; you are a very beautiful womyn. Like a specimen wrought by glamorous artists such as Da Vinci, Dahli or Mengele.

Thus I'm OFFERING you the identity of THE PERSON who sold out your information to stonecutters.

All you have to do is give me permission to use your likeness to sell merc for 789chan inspired chiptune band, The Hyenadactyls. I know you hate 789chan, but I also know you hate whoever did this to you more.
>> No. 44906
File 134551207973.jpg - (56.81KB , 329x352 , 1328592964290.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Don't you screw this up for us Candy! We worked too hard to get to where we are!
>> No. 44908
File 134551285940.png - (78.32KB , 253x235 , nazi oh you.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>draw one picture
>legit cool troll
>> No. 44909
File 134551287474.jpg - (26.93KB , 500x366 , asdfg.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh thank god he isn't taking the deal, that would have really screwed us over.
>> No. 44910

Alright, because Zyklon is being the everloving bitch she is renowned for being, I'll humor you. Take my likeness and use it for whatever your little heart pleases and then proceed to give me the fake doxes so I can be like "DA MAN IN THE PICKLE SUIT TRICKED ME AGAN"
>> No. 44912
File 134551401752.jpg - (31.96KB , 360x480 , 1328131008198.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If only I could use some form of reverse psychology to trick him, but he's too clever for that!
>> No. 44913
The Wraith Comic
The introman my arch nemisis drawing
or the MS paint one in front of a computer

Which ugly drawing are we talking about?
>> No. 44916
What the hell man? Look I know you are distrustful of people on here and you have every reason to be because of all the injustices that have occurred, but that doesn't make you it right for you to be ACIDIC when I'm presenting you an olive branch.

Like I said, I used to be a troll and drew that picture when I was unenlightened. Trust me, not all of us are irredeemable monsters.

>Take my likeness and use it for whatever your little heart pleases

No, I'm going to need that in legal writing. You have that mentally handicapped lawyer still right? The one from the Wolverines? The document should be legal and signed by us with our respective lawyers present. I'm not gonna put your face over the merch if you're just going to turn around and sue 789chan. Also I'm asking you to stop slandering Zyklon. We are all very serious about our nationalistic beliefs, and though they may offend you, when someone is offering to help you, you would do best not to insult their sister in the Brotherhood.
>> No. 44918
It's insane that you know who Chris is and yet your making all the mistakes he made.
>> No. 44919
Fuck off, ADF
>> No. 44920

Bitch, you are CLEARLY a dumb TWAT. My name and likeness are not copyrighted and never have I believed that. Slandering me for things that Robert Stiles did in the far, far past in an effort to embarass me with my employers past and present, however, is SICK. FUCKING SICK. If you were trying to pay rent with a slightly above minimum wage job and you got constantly harassed by internet pricks with nothing better to do, you would try similar things as me.

But seriously...are you fucking kidding me, just use my appearance for whatever the fuck you want. I'm not paying my lawyer anymore as he has gotten me NOWHERE.

And you still won't face the fact that, YOU'RE A GODDAMN TROLL.
>> No. 44921
That's nothing. Even before he started tripfagging here, he told he knew the trolls were behind all the drama.

And he still came here. Robb never learns.
>> No. 44923
I hope this doesn't bother you, but I've been imagining what you look like naked. Wouldn't you want a tender man who can love you like no other man could?
>> No. 44925
What has /cwc/ actually done to "harass" you, other than documenting your retarded behavior?
>> No. 44928
Candy 12/08/20(Mon)19:26 No. 255782


>My name and likeness are not copyrighted and never have I believed that.

Numerous court cases have shown that a celebrity (including internet ones) must give permission for their likeness to be used in the selling of artwork or merchandise.

>Slandering me for things that Robert Stiles did in the far, far past in an effort to embarass me with my employers past and present, however, is SICK. FUCKING SICK.

I understand you completely. You are not Robert Wayne Stiles, you're Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, a different person. Just like I'm no longer the troll that created that pic of you.

Since the Hyenadactyl deal seems to be a no go. I propose something else if you are willing to humor me. Would you be willing to do a Q&A? ED has already exposed most of your past self's unsavory habits so what harm can it do. You also don't have to answer questions about your apartment but the trolls seem to know the location already. Just do a simple twenty or thirty question Q&A thread so anons can ask you some questions. Its not like you can damage your reputation even further and in the end I would get you dox regarding the person who brought you into 789chan's path.

I can't get rid of the ED page but I can at least give you some solace of knowing who betrayed you.
>> No. 44929
File 134551616188.jpg - (7.89KB , 400x273 , 1328233816960.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>You are not Robert Wayne Stiles, you're Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, a different person.
I love the wordbutter
>> No. 44930
Would you be so kind and point out the inaccuracies in the EncyclopediaDramatica article? Or don't you just like the fact it exists?
>> No. 44931
btw the second "Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles" is there because of a wordbutter.
>> No. 44932

What ADF had sold me out on was insignificant and me and her are back on good terms. She even sleeps over in my appartment occasionally and she said she'd even protect with her gun if I was attacked by any stalker coming from the internet. The ugly, 20000 pound cow on the other hand, is completely and utterly DISOWNED. Behind saving every single fucking picture from my facebook, no doubt for masturbatory purposes, He caused ALL OF THIS SHIT. He had the pistol and the stonecutters provided him with the ammo to OBLIVERATE my life. He rallied transway by spewing out all the awful shit I did (without mentioning his fetish for skinning kittens and arson) and nearly got me black listed until Rachel convinced them it was mere slander.

The only other dead beat in my life is Joseph C. (some gay mall goth who thinks hes a "vampire") but he never took his prejudice towards me on the internet.

I know who betrayed me in my life. I don't need you to tell me that. TYVM.
>> No. 44933
>Behind saving every single fucking picture from my facebook, no doubt for masturbatory purposes


You are a gift from the cow gods Rob
>> No. 44934
You brag about working for one of the top companies in the US and then complain it's minimum wage? Bro, it might not be McDonalds, but whatever it is, it's not good. Plus it's gotta be fast food or something like it because you complain about "only getting an hour of break". Bro, people with real jobs don't have anything that regimented, or that long. Most jobs you take your 15 to 30 minutes when you can, and if you have something important to do in the middle of the day no one gives a crap if you go over as long as you get your work done by the end of the day.
>> No. 44935

Never change.
>> No. 44936
Alright then, but you shouldn't think the most obvious hater is the one who sold you out. There were multiple people from the wolverines and Jordman actually contributed little over a 1/3, the tranny thats really behind the whole deal is a bit thinner than that perverted landwhale. But I see that there is no reasoning with you or sense in persisting with the issue because of how guarded you are. I don't hold that against you, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles and I hope one day the trolls will back off. I still think the Q&A is a good idea though, after all the crazies here are hungry for cocks, and depriving them of it will just force them to go to underhanded means to get some.
>> No. 44937
I propose that the board be renamed from /cwc/ to /rob/

The crown has long been passed.
>> No. 44938
I'm working on developing a harem map right now, in which robb loses his virginity to cwc.
>> No. 44939
File aaa4.ogg - (31.70MB ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Here's some audio of one of our mods reading A-log fapfics with a 14 year-old girl. Gonna take 789chan down now, Rob?
>> No. 44942
what the everloving fuck are you on about?
>> No. 44944
Damn Robb. Misogynistic much? You're fucking pathetic.
>> No. 44945
Why would you expect anyone to call you by your preferred gender pronoun when you don't even do it to other trans people?
>> No. 44946
Robb's a special snowflake.
>> No. 44948
ITT: RÑ–ka trolls the entire board again and makes you all look like idiots.

10/10 Rob!
>> No. 44949
File 134553331460.jpg - (8.69KB , 302x225 , 1327790809725.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Aw man I knew something was up
>> No. 44950
File 134553441874.jpg - (87.14KB , 1006x1024 , 9.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The saddest thing of all is I think he posts here because he doesn't have anyone else to talk to outside of his trans club meetings.
>> No. 44951
Oh fuck, you may be right.
I never thought of that, that's hilarious.
>> No. 44953
Rob is the gift that keeps on giving. Thank you Rob.
>> No. 44954
File 134553780650.gif - (168.80KB , 390x290 , congrats.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I always return to posting
I just keep
trying to troll
trying to troll
trying to troll
>> No. 44955
File 134553814557.jpg - (118.18KB , 390x490 , 1328941239828.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Is Robert still here?

Hey Rob, I happen to be a school teacher and I'm very interested in hearing about the bullying you suffered at college. I'm actually writing a recommendation on staff behaviour for a local college and I would really appreciate hearing about your experience, what happened and why you think it happened. If you like I could even credit you. If the college decides to publish it might even give you a nice positive entry on web searches.

How about it?
>> No. 44956
File 134553988093.jpg - (28.79KB , 600x486 , Robert_Wayne_Stiles_(4).jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Your stomach begins to churn, as the bony WraÑ–th's body gyrates over your still limp cock. You struggle to keep the cockss of your stomach from spilling out again by clenching you mouth shut as tightly as you can.

"You like that huh?" quizzes RÑ–ka while thrusting her dick against your chest. You're barely conscious, and fight to remain upright, until finally you relent and flop back onto the bed.

RÑ–ka seizes the chance and slowly crawls over you, positioning her asshole directly above your face, her pre-cum leaking dick dragging across your cheek in the process. Dazed and barely cognizant, you watch her pink puckered hole widen until finally it punches out a gusty aroma of cum and shit gas directly into your face.

"Oh baby, Mommy's got more where that came from" she purrs.

You vomit again, mostly bile and mucus, and the slimy mix coats your face and hair. You open your mouth to gasp for clean air but it's already too late. Her fat 10 inch cock is already firmly lodged down your gaping throat as she begins piston-fucking your head full force.

"You like the taste of Mommy's dick, lover?" she mocks, grabbing your head as she sinks her dick deeper and deeper into your oesophagus.
>> No. 44958
So you WERE behind that total trollshielding thread where you pretended to be Intro.

It should be screencapped, by the way.
>> No. 44959
introMAN initiative has ended folks. The stonecutters would like to apologize about the fraud we've committed. introMAN isn't one person but a name for an organization. We mobilized for trolling purposes and to have a mascot for /cwc/ . A single contributing namefag who posts cocks and stays out of drama. We've failed in the second regard but I hope the introMAN program has inspired more trolls to be born out of /cwc/. Thanks for having us. I(ickariss) N(Nick Bate)T(Taisto aka zyklon)R(Rowsdowser)O(orokabu)M(Mark Ortiz aka krapple guy) A(Alms) N(Nexus aka Trey Pepe)
>> No. 44961
I love how Robb is the only person in the whole world who could ever find ADF threatening.

It's a nice bit of insight into his insane little world when he either cowers in fear of ADF or tries to threaten us with him.
>> No. 44962
>The only other dead beat in my life is Joseph C. (some gay mall goth who thinks hes a "vampire") but he never took his prejudice towards me on the internet.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles if/when you post again please give more information about this guy!
>> No. 44964
File 134554735925.jpg - (128.78KB , 655x1023 , nothingofvaluewaslost.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 44965

I like how half of those are lolcows
>> No. 44966
I bet someone will still take it seriously.
>> No. 44967
File 134555483827.png - (19.39KB , 1233x261 , 13188127496.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Someone hijacking Robb's account or Robb being an epic ween, decide for yourselves.
>> No. 44968
so uh sorry if this has been answered

but what the fuck was up with that last sticky seanie
>> No. 44969

Scroll down for FB screencaps.
>> No. 44970
Wow Intro , I thought you were the one good stonecutter but you all fuck up sooner or later

Just leave before you become the next fucking Thorg
>> No. 44971



Good luck in the upcoming school year.
>> No. 44972
>People taking Intro's post seriously

>> No. 44973

Wasn't there a drawfag pic of Nick Bate as Batman?

Or am I just imagining things?
>> No. 44976
File 134558087917.jpg - (95.70KB , 496x634 , Patrick_Bateman Christian Bale.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
As Bateman.
>> No. 44977

Let me guess...he looked like >>256082 but with shit instead of blood right?

Is this image real? I think I remember seeing it, if it isnt it should be though.
>> No. 44978
File 134558601654.jpg - (156.70KB , 1000x800 , 132744569141.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Was it from this drawfags thread?
>> No. 44979

It was the drawfag who made the /cwc/ banner earlier with a bunch of the lolcows and a laughing Tom.

I should have saved his works.
>> No. 44981


Wow, imagine that. An archive of the artwork being posted in a thread that starts with links to /L/ no less...
>> No. 44982
I think he's referring more to the first thread that drawfag made, which didn't get archived and a lot was lost from.
>> No. 44983
File 134559569485.jpg - (202.11KB , 1000x800 , 132767003661.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

At least that /L/ thread has plenty of other stuff, like this pic of Nick.

That shit is nightmarish.
>> No. 44984
Don't believe this fucking bullshit about Introman. He is not a collective of retards, just a solitary one.

Trey, I've just been warned not to go to Chicago and I should have realized that it was an excuse to get me turned over to the city police for the so-called "cyber crimes" me or Robert committed against 789chan and Christianity sites.

Just stating, all of my threats were provoked by people indirectly threatning my wellbeing, so I just did the same. A warning to back the fuck off so to say. If anyone shit themselves it was THEIR fault not me.
>> No. 44985
You don't really think one man spends 24 hours a day 7 days a week gathering intel on you do you? Of course he is multiple people , thats why "he" can waste so much time on you and always have different IPs

It also explains how he can go from being a pretty cool guy to a cock hoarding bitch sometimes
>> No. 44986
>me or Robert

Hello Robb, meet the real Robb. You're a fuckin' trip, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you know that.

>A warning to back the fuck off so to say.

Yeah, you're so intimidating, Robert. I'm sure Trey is terrified. You're really projecting some serious fear from your apartment (notice, one "t" dumbass) on Locust Street.
>> No. 44987
File 134559975681.gif - (337.33KB , 267x199 , 1327973135555.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh wow he's trying to spam again.
He literally can't learn at all can he?
I bet he doesn't even know what /cwc/ and introman is, he has those written down on sticky pads otherwise he would be clueless. This is fucking awesome.
>> No. 44988
Should unsticky this thread and sticky the new Robbay thread
>> No. 44989
Isn't it, though? Robb's delightfully hilarious when he's mad.
>> No. 44990

>>Trey, I've just been warned not to go to Chicago

If you're too much of a pussy, just say so.

>>I should have realized that it was an excuse to get me turned over to the city police for the so-called "cyber crimes" me or Robert committed against 789chan and Christianity sites.

Nice split personality. Now where would be the fun in that? You wouldn't be around to provide joy and laughter.

>>Just stating, all of my threats were provoked by people indirectly threatning my wellbeing, so I just did the same.

"It's everyone's fault but my own!"

You should stay away from bath salts and following around doped up dogs with a plastic bag; It's killing what little braincells you have left
>> No. 44991
Even you didn't fall for it. Shame on you summerfag homosexual deviants.
>> No. 44992
File 134560117982.png - (199.43KB , 812x575 , Capture1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robbay flood
>> No. 44993
File 134560121390.png - (202.26KB , 810x444 , Capture2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robbay flood
>> No. 44994
File 134560124593.png - (53.71KB , 808x316 , Capture3.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robbay flood
>> No. 44995
File 134560127970.png - (127.79KB , 814x594 , Capture4.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robbay flood
>> No. 44996
File 13456013129.png - (129.18KB , 816x517 , Capture5.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robbay flood
>> No. 44997
File 134560144519.png - (110.73KB , 981x255 , Capture6.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Someone flooded our precious reports system, what a mess to clean up.
>> No. 44998
File 134560146035.png - (3.46KB , 499x49 , Capture7.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh wait.
>> No. 44999
was there a ddos attack?
>> No. 45000
I love Robbay off his meds
>> No. 45001
Mr. Mxyzpltk? A pussy? So RANDUMB.
>> No. 45002
No, just robbay trying to spam, and report spam from that 90's balloonfucker kid.
>> No. 45003
i kept getting cloudflare errors but ok
>> No. 45007
Is rob seriously trying to spam by posting some shitty sprites that are all in the same pose?
I can't even imagine what he's trying to do anymore. It's like he's ascended into a higher level of crazy.
>> No. 45009
File 134560844326.jpg - (21.58KB , 220x440 , 220px-EverclearHiRes.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pic related.
>> No. 45011
File 13456390086.gif - (4.40KB , 70x195 , HuggyBear.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is huggy bear, he's a bear and huggy.
>> No. 45015

Anatolia is in Turkey you Fenian scum
>> No. 45017

You're doing a really bad impression of a far right loon, perhaps you should spend more time lurking on StormFront.
>> No. 45018
He made you respond, which makes you a bigger sperg. Good job enabling him to continue shitposting. Retard.
>> No. 45021
Couldn't stand it that people were paying more attention to Robbay than you?
>> No. 45025
>Just stating, all of my threats were provoked by people indirectly threatning my wellbeing, so I just did the same. A warning to back the fuck off so to say. If anyone shit themselves it was THEIR fault not me.

Well Robbie If you're entitled to make threats against the users of 789chan that mean we're entitled to do it back because the seanieb and moderation staff allow us to do it and we'll keep doing it until you learn the hard way not to make an ass of yourself.
>> No. 45028
I like robbay as much as the next person, but no one will surpass early Chris as a lolcow
>> No. 45029
File 13457304054.png - (923.25KB , 792x1056 , MAFIA MAFIA MAFIA MAFIA MAFIA MAFIA MAFIA MAFIA MA.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 45030
Oh shit, looks like Robbay hired the Finns to ebin haxx us
>> No. 45031
File 13457332564.jpg - (56.95KB , 720x605 , Rika_65.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is so influencial on my like. Just like Chris chan was.
>> No. 45032
File 134573333019.jpg - (35.53KB , 600x893 , euro-shopper-energy-drink-use-the-energy-reception.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 45034
File 134583852661.jpg - (85.07KB , 294x274 , 1344565587275.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 45035
File 134584290191.png - (339.98KB , 444x514 , 1344536742403.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 45036
File 134584660158.jpg - (20.79KB , 248x247 , 1344483249547.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 45037
File 134584828439.gif - (1.78MB , 300x242 , 1344566525496.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If quads then I get to be a mod.
>> No. 45038
Got a pretty bad case of autism going on there.
>> No. 45039
more like a pretty good case of dubs.
>> No. 45040
Who cares?
>> No. 45041
Fuck you and your dubs and quads and memetastic 4chon bullshit. That crap makes true and honest meme spouters like myself look bad.
>> No. 45042
Do you see Robert? This is what happens when you slack off and fail to shitpost. Dubs happen. I hope you feel bad.
>> No. 45043
>> No. 45044
File 134584993947.jpg - (100.51KB , 750x563 , 134137004761.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 45045
>> No. 45046
>> No. 45047
Robert, if you're going to steal then at least steal something that doesn't look like it could already be drawn by someone as retarded as you.
>> No. 45048
Is that dubs?
>> No. 45049
robbay got dubs
>> No. 45050
File 134592775637.png - (15.26KB , 1072x976 , WOLVERINEEEEES.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So now we know:
*Robby faps to Chris's autistic dick
*Rob is a Scooby-boo
*Rob is a belly bro
*Rob takes fashion advice from Jar-Jar Binks
*Rob apparently collects sprite sheets just like Joe

The Finnish WOLVERINEEEEEESSS!! will silence you.
>> No. 45052
Hey, how much Keefe does this thread have?
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