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File 13463843817.jpg - (20.12KB , 218x318 , CAVE MAN CAVE.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
45655 No. 45655
ITT: Robb tells us about how he was an amazing e-hero.

Expand all images
>> No. 45656
Can we start a Robbay Art Museum ?
>> No. 45657
He already has his 10+ threads and his ED page
>> No. 45658
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles the greatest hero since Zap Rowsdower.
>> No. 45659
I'm sure the owners of Rob's apartment would love to know that he's using it to do illegal drugs and as a homeless flop house.
>> No. 45660
If anyone wants to relive some of the past month's madness, there's an archive of screencaps located here: http://789chan.org/bt/res/160.html

Lots of shit that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles wants us to forget ever happened.
>> No. 45661
I want to feel sorry for him since he seems stressed and disturbed. However, you can only watch the kid touch the stove so many times before you stop giving a shit and can only marvel at his inability to learn from his mistakes.
>> No. 45662
It's pretty unlikely they give a shit. So long as he pays his rent on time and doesn't get the place raided then they really have no reason to.
It's not like he's cooking meth or doing something which will ruin the tile and stain the carpets. If they have a no smoking policy, then perhaps they would care about his weed use, but otherwise I just don't see them giving a flying fuck. His parole officer on the other hand will likely give a fuck, as will the judge.
Robert better get that article removed, before it goes to far and he's spending time in prison for his crimes.
Hurry Robert, justice is catching up with you.
>> No. 45663
When he first showed up he didn't seem too bad, almost likeable. Then he fucked it all up.
>> No. 45664
>> No. 45665
I thought the same thing, so I googled it. Apparently it's yet another mst3k reference. This time it's to an aweful movie about a drifter who saves a child from a cult. I have no idea how that is relevant to Stiles. Adf I can see, but Robbey is more fortunate son than homeless bum. His parents being wealthy is the only reason why he's not in jail and has nice things. If adf or Chris Chan had committed Mr. Robert Wayne Stiless crimes then it is likely they would be rotting in a Californian jail right now.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles himself admits his parents keep trying to buy his love, which is impossible since he has none to give.
>> No. 45666
The owner has an email address on their website, if his dox accurate about where he stays that is.
>> No. 45667
I'm the one who asked and then I googled it myself instead of being lazy. I'm stupid for asking. I like MST3K and now I recall it but whatever. I agree with what you said.

Thanks in any event anon.
>> No. 45669
Not to mention the fact that Robb's parents are both old. Robb's dad, Wayne, is in his early-sixties and was 38 when Robb was born.
>> No. 45670
Oh, shit, I was just watching The Final Sacrifice.
>> No. 45671
Yet another thing he has in common with Chris Chan
>> No. 45672
That explains his autism then.
>> No. 45674
Rowsdower is also the nick used by the guy who dumped the truckload of archived ADF cocks when we first discovered him.
>> No. 45675
Robb confirmed for 13 years old.
>> No. 45676
That's hilarious. Can we get it in context? Full quote please, because no writer can deliver a mixture of white privilege mixed with a persecution complex and a dash of narcissism quite like Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. I'm tempted to base a character loosly off him just so I can throw a few of his quotes in. If it ever got published he'd probably sue, because he can't seem to grasp the Streisand effect. Still I couldn't make up some of the shit he types. His post about using medical marijuana and bath salts for instance, pure gold.
>> No. 45677
>Sean, you've gone to fucking far OK?! What the fuck entitles you to call my parents? Do you see me stalking YOUR parents because you have formed this union of haters towards me? NO, I DON'T.
After Sean called his dad.

>white privilege
Go back to Tumblr.

>> No. 45678
Hey, me too. I've been actually telling the ADF crew to stop teasing Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles for being a tranny, even came to his FB to tell him not to worry (he ignored me entirely). But then soon I realized how completely unlikable individual Rob is and I don't feel no sympathy nor pity anymore. This "almost kidnapped a woman" failed plot thing was just the latest confirmation. Also note how NOBODY sympathises with his ordeal - not the trannies, not the autists (okay, they're autists, but anyway), not the bronnies, just no one - everyone he wants to recruit to his personal army just tells him to go away / fuck off, or even laugh at him, too. I wonder how his parents will react.
>> No. 45679
Are there actually people that read entire Robbaaaaaaaaay threads? He's a funny retard, but jesus it's like an entire new thread once a day.
>> No. 45680
I've read them all from beginning to end. I regret nothing.
>> No. 45681
Ditto. Robbie is gold. Pure stupid gold.
>> No. 45682
And so have I. All...17 of them? Best threads in 789chan.
>> No. 45683


its literally the funniest thing on the board hands down
>> No. 45684
File 134641798224.jpg - (70.84KB , 312x445 , 156.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
All hail the GOBLIN KING!
>> No. 45686

If I catch them before they're archived I'll read them post for post, but I tend to only look at Robbay's posts in the archived ones, to hard to follow the mismatched post numbers.
>> No. 45687
I wonder whats going to happen now that Sean has contacted his dad?

Is Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles going to the Nut House? Sandalins?
>> No. 45688
Some of them are uploaded in rar so you can download and then view them with working links in your browser.
>> No. 45689
File 134642388354.jpg - (146.41KB , 312x445 , rwsmagic.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Dude, that's the old artwork. Here's the new picture from the upcoming troll's expansion.
>> No. 45690

I've only seen that done with the last thread.
>> No. 45691
Tumbler didn't make up the concept, they just misuse and abuse it to death.
Rob claims to be downtrodden and oppressed, but if it had been a black man who committed his crimes, do you honestly believe he would be out on the street? Rob is the quintessential example of white privilege. Some white boy who expects the whole fucking world on a plate and when he gets it continues to bitch that others are oppressing him. He's a spoilt brat.
He's what the dead Kennedy's were talking about with Holiday in Cambodia.
>> No. 45692
Is there a recording of the conversation? Because that would be hilarious.
Personally think he should have waited till after finding out which drugs Rob was on and called pretending to be a concerned friend. Can you imagine Robs reaction to being put in rehab?
>> No. 45693
Please stop sperging. Robb is lolcows because he is an insane tranny, not because he's white.
>> No. 45694
What we need is a compendium of all of Rob's posts in an easy to read format. Maybe a well organized PDF with an index. "Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's posts on 789chan vol. 1"
>> No. 45695
So you don't agree that a good part of what he is flows from the fact he gets away with it? All the death threats, the stalking, admitting to drug use while on diversion, etcetera. Do you honestly believe that if he was born into a trailer trash family or black that society wouldn't have bitchslapped him by now?
>> No. 45696

Go back to Tumblr. Seriously.
>> No. 45697
No. Robert just doesn't learn. He never does.
>> No. 45698
Sure is social justice in here.
>> No. 45699
White conspiracy to protect insane trannies from the jerkops. Sounds legit.
>> No. 45700
File 134642820144.png - (188.20KB , 431x316 , Hitler and Mussolini laughing.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Now all Robbay videos in one channel. Archived for your viewing pleasure, /cwc/.
>> No. 45701
File 134642850415.jpg - (108.29KB , 720x540 , Rika_30.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's parents. I feel so bad for them. :(
>> No. 45702
That old bald man is Mr. Robert Wayne Stiless dad? Oh my...
>> No. 45704
Expired semen creates lolcows, as proven by Chris.
>> No. 45705
Where can I read these posts about the cave and kidnapping a woman, and him getting drunk and put in an ambulance?

Did it happen on IRC?
>> No. 45706
  Bath salts
>> No. 45707
They look so...normal.

Clearly, Robert had such a terrible and cruel upbringing in the nightmare that is upper middle class America.
>> No. 45708
By clicking the link in the very first post.
>> No. 45709
how immature do you have to be to make a video that stupid?
>> No. 45710
File 134643040961.png - (523.73KB , 663x466 , rika and heath.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He looked so...normal.
And then he decided to let his crazy shine.
>> No. 45711
Robbay grows up to be a super villain
>> No. 45712
  god the Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles archive needs more views

this is hilarious
>> No. 45713
Better question would how high he was and on what. It's sort of funny that you can literally watch his mind deteriorate in those videos. I mean he starts off almost normal, athletic even, and then he just sort of sinks into his current state. He's like a p.s.a. for bath salts.
>> No. 45714
I don't believe an ambulance ride has been confirmed. Not sure we can believe much of what comes out of his mouth. We probably need independent confirmation of everything from his drinking to his amberlamps ride. I'm convinced of the stimulant abuse, due to his mania and muscle loss. I could be wrong though, as there are psychological disorders that mimic those results.
>> No. 45715
File 134643207562.png - (256.75KB , 450x538 , bath salts are a hell of a drug.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Amazing how much a person can change...
>> No. 45716
His voice sounds even worse in this one.
>> No. 45717
Robert looks way better as a dude. That's not saying much... but still.
>> No. 45718
Listening to Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles speak in that video where he wanders the Philly streets with his fellow trannies is demanding. He sounds like he ate paint chips as a baby.
>> No. 45719
Talk about a huge decline. Go back to being a guy, completely clean up and rewrite his personality to someone who isn't a scumbag and he'd have a shot at life.

Just proves even more that this is his fault.
>> No. 45720
He was given a diversion, that's a slap on the wrist and it's destined for expungement as part of the plea agreement. That means he won't even have a record. Now imagine if he wasn't the upper middle class white kid he is, do you imagine the court would have been so kind?
Meanwhile black kids have been given time in juvenile hall for farting in class http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/08/10/feds-student-rights-violated-in-east-miss-city/
So don't tell me Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles isn't floating by doing shit that would rightly have landed others in jail.
He won't even have a record. Expunged with a small court fee at the end of his diversionary period. He's not even regularly drug tested.
>> No. 45721
And somehow I find Derrek to be even more irritating than Robert in that video. Robb tries too hard, but Derrek takes it to a whole other level.
>> No. 45722
File 134643424699.png - (521.50KB , 600x450 , lolrikawasonlypretendingguyz.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's how I predict Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles will try to defend his actions this time.
>> No. 45723
>> No. 45725
You are trying too hard, son.
>> No. 45726
Yes and whites are murdered by blacks and everyone are oppressed by everyone and everyone is privileged and everyone gets raped.

This shit doesn't belong to /cwc/, sperg.
>> No. 45727
Does Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles really smoke weed? It just seems like an excuse for acting like a dumb homosexual deviant
>> No. 45728
As anyone who's ever smoked weed can confirm, weed alone doesn't make you a raging homosexual deviant lolcow.
>> No. 45729
Is he unemployed now?
>> No. 45730
I don't think so. The timing of the start and stop of the ED edit war yesterday coincides with someone on the East Coast pissing away his entire lunch break.
>> No. 45731

Yeah I've smoked alot of weed in my day and dabbled into quite a few hard drugs. None of it made me go online night after night and wage "war" with internet trolls.

Its just an excuse, and it should be considered a poor one.
>> No. 45732
It's a poor excuse for his behavior but he still shouldn't smoke weed if has mental health issues, it's pretty well known that it can make some people even more paranoid.

it's the autistic card privilege, it would be ableist not to allow it!
>> No. 45733
Leaked footage of a Wolverines initiation ritual.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles appears at the 5 second mark.
>> No. 45734

Good points. Rob is spoiled and everyone around him enables his bullshit. Which is what all you other spergs have been saying all along. Learn to comprehend things, guys.
>> No. 45735
That is what we can agree with. But that "hurr white privilege da niggos are oppressed tumblr is the best" shit is just plain tarded and has no relevance to /cwc/.
>> No. 45736
Yeah it doesn't belong on here, but still if you think white privilege doesn't exist you're either stupid or an asshole.
>> No. 45737

I think all that OP was trying to say is that Robert's situation is indicative of a larger problem, if he hadn't used the cliche buzzwords you don't like you'd probably agree.
>> No. 45738
Probably not OP.

That's nice, if you agree, let's leave arguing about some fucking privileges to Tumblr. This /cwc/.
>> No. 45739
  Robbay on bath salts.
>> No. 45740
I think it's a combination of his parents being rich and all that comes along with that and him having mental issues which I'm sure is the reason people are more sympathetic with him than they would with someone who didn't have autism or whatever mental disability he has.
>> No. 45741
I don't understand why you guys get so upset when someone tries to spark some kind of discussion on here, especially one that deviates a little bit from the usual insults.
>> No. 45742
gb2tumblr homosexual deviant
>> No. 45743

hi alog lol!
>> No. 45744
That's not how HI A-LOG works, a-log
>> No. 45745
Because whining about "white privilege" pretty much exposes you as Tumblr homosexual deviant and nothing good can come of this. When I saw the first post, I knew, I knew he would start whining about "The Man Keeping the Brother Down", and just look what happened.

Now, let's just please forget about the homosexual deviant and get back to usual insults.
>> No. 45746
itt upset crackers
>> No. 45747
Go! Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles! Go out and be privileged to the extreme!

(Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles why do you always come on here and guilt people for their sexuality or gender shame them?)
>> No. 45748
File 134644413470.jpg - (57.94KB , 640x480 , 00_rika_caveexplorer.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Enough arguing, let's talk about what Robbay did in that cave.
>> No. 45749
>doesn't understand what HI ALOG means

HI Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles!
>> No. 45750
File 134644558010.jpg - (41.73KB , 320x330 , 00_rika_cavekids.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
They say if you go down Old Mill Road and take that dusty, forgotten sidetrail due southeast, you'll find a cave where many a child has gone missing...
>> No. 45751
  Here is a song just for you Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 45752
So hey Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, serious question here now. Serious question.

What if we got in contact with Chris, pretending to be you, and got "you" to be his next Heartsweet? We'd even use your real picture since you provided so many!

You'd get a page on the CWCki and all! And since the Stonecutters control his entire email account, there's no way you could warn him... or even get in contact with him in any way!

The climax would be Ohio Journey v2, where Chris would jump into SonChu's burned out carcass and drive to Philly to be with you, his one true love. We even have the exact apartment you're in, so he could basically show up any time, naked and horny, ready to be your #1 man forever!

What do you think, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles? Sound like a good plan? Yes/no.
>> No. 45753
Epic ween, brah!
>> No. 45754
>> No. 45755
I don't think even Chris is desperate enough to mate with this abomination. I think he'd friend zone Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 45756
See Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles? The community approves. They APPROVE.

This is going to be big. You're going to be the next JULAAAAAAAAAAY.

What do you think, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 45757
Man, I love Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles threads.

In fact I think that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is a bigger, better and more mind fucking lolcow than Chris, there I've said it

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's incoherent rage and the contribution of anons showcases the finest /cwc/ has to offer.
>> No. 45758
Chris Chan started out as a whimper, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles started out as a bang.
>> No. 45759
Well to be fair Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles doesn't have as long to make an impression. After all he's on diversion and his p.o. is bound to find out about his drug abuse, his threats of violence, his loosing his job ( how do I spoiler?). Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is going to be in jail soon enough. Since the crime he's on parole for involved electronic communication there is no way his p.o. won't do the occasionally google search to see what he's up too.
>> No. 45760
What was the crime?
>> No. 45761
The man's a lolcow Rock Star.
>> No. 45762
Go to his e.d. page.
>> No. 45763
I feel bad for them as well.

Imagine it. All they probably wanted was for their son to grow up with a good decent moral system, have a nice successful career, meet a nice girl and have good friends. And instead they get Rob and his shitstorm of a life. They probably feel like they failed as parents.
>> No. 45764
Well they actually did fail as parents. So that would only be rational. Their son is a straight virgin who harassed a porn star to the point of federal intervention and then threatened the feds. He dressed up like a women in the hopes of it attracting one, and the sum outcome was him making friends with a homeless crazy man and his crew of transvestite Bolsheviks. The reason he continues to wear a dress is that this was the only way he ever managed to make friends.
If I was his dad, I'd be swinging from a climbing rope halfway down the cave with a note pinned to my jacket and the cellphone I used to tip 911 off in my pocket. At least then both I and the spirit of that poor girl could find rest.
>> No. 45765
Has Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles ever said what kind of career he wanted to get into? (If any, I assume he must have had something in mind at some point though?)
>> No. 45766
Artist. But he has zero artistic talent. 4 years at a two year university and he still draws like a 12 year old with the downs.
Specifically I believe he wanted to do the concept art for games. How someone could spend all that time and money practicing and still fail to understand the most basic of concepts is beyond me. I think he might actually be retarded. Do we know if he went to special ed?
>> No. 45767
He probably only took artsy type classes where you paint what you feel or some shit instead of real observational art classes that actually help you.
>> No. 45768
>then one fine morning she puts on a New York station.... You know, her life was saved by rock & roll.
>> No. 45769
File 134645409091.jpg - (14.01KB , 248x239 , 456456645.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This is so retarded that it could actually work.
>> No. 45770
Ok, what the fuck do you want me to do to just get the archived crap taken down. I will answer any questions you about me have minus the cave shit. That is all.

I am currently at the welcome center by the lake where my parents have a vacation house, so you're getting NO nudes.
>> No. 45771
Well hello there you spoiled brat.
>> No. 45772
File 134645467963.jpg - (56.95KB , 720x605 , Rika_65.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Robb, thank goodness that no matter how bad or epic things become, you still never learn and keep coming back.

Cheers to you, my role model :)
>> No. 45773
And by, archived crap I mean what I said under the influence. Because of you people I've had to bury another large part of my past.
>> No. 45774
I'll think of something to ask after I enjoy your ED page.
>> No. 45775

How about STFU or I go back on my word. I got an email saying I should give a Q&A session and a "friend" will be able to help me get what I desire.
>> No. 45776
It's a safe bet that it won't be the last time you're under the influence so what's the difference?
>> No. 45778
you either give me that money or arrange the ability for me to tell your father everything you've done

remember, I have the final say
>> No. 45779

Sean went and played tattle tail so now I've had to resort to something a little more drastic. That is the only reason I want that stuff taken down.

The stuff I said in the rest of the threads was at least said with HONEST CONVICTION. The shit I said about LGBT, AIDS and my habbits I need removed.
>> No. 45780
Why are you at the vacation house? Having a meeting?
>> No. 45781

Why do hate memebers of the LGBT community so much?
>> No. 45782
It's called personal responsibility and accountability. As always?

>> No. 45783
File 134645503044.gif - (66.84KB , 288x374 , Its a trap.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 45784

>The shit I said about LGBT, AIDS and my habbits I need removed.

Spoiler - like everything else you've ever posted here, it's never going to be. lol.
>> No. 45785
File 134645509239.jpg - (72.35KB , 239x266 , sonic irc.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Come to IRC, Ri­ka. Click "webchat" under the board title and join us.
>> No. 45786
Who got you into weed? Was it a member of your trans group?
>> No. 45787
I'm removing something.


Only those who have wronged me. Rachel and Shawn are two of my friends who are transexual and we have never fought.
>> No. 45788
File 13464551419.jpg - (25.23KB , 500x375 , rWDCN.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, there is a simple thing about your internet presence that you just don't understand.
>> No. 45789
File 134645523484.jpg - (17.98KB , 320x320 , 5000231036767_IMAGE2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
When you said you were taking bath salts, did you mean the actual drug, or were you getting these here mixed up with what's been going on in the news for the last few months?
>> No. 45791
Do you think Chris deserved to be trolled?

If you had the chance do you think you would enjoy trolling him?
>> No. 45792
File 13464552918.jpg - (4.30KB , 256x192 , meanwhileatthestileslakehouse.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 45794
Describe your ideal partner both in looks and personality. :3
>> No. 45795

So you spend your time accusing everyone who says anything bad against you of hating you just for being transexual (when there's many other obvious reasons), but still use being transexual as an insult against any transexuals you have a grievance with? What the fuck is wrong with you?
>> No. 45796
Be honest, do you think Omega is cute?
>> No. 45797
Sorry Rob. No dice. The cave is the only thing we are actually interested in at this point
>> No. 45798
Robb, why do you want to fuck Zyklon so much? That's sad.
>> No. 45799
Changing your name and getting castrated doesn't absolve you of your past.
>> No. 45800
Hey Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, how would you describe your teenage years?
>> No. 45801
Maybe they sent him to a small boarding school for aspies.

Places like that have no privelages for children, especially their all boy student body.
>> No. 45802
Turns out, Mew from the cwcki forums was lying about being in the stonecutters. So, I'm not fucking granting you my asshole.
>> No. 45803
So you are getting ready to run from the law? You really should keep your movements to yourself stiles.
He's there because he's moving out of his apartment as to not be at a known location, next he will rent an apartment on cash, likely having to overpay in order to stay off the record. He probably hopes the system will just forget about him after a couple months.
>> No. 45804
>Mew from the cwcki forums

You're a fucking retard, as is Mew. Have fun together idiots.
>> No. 45805
Robb, why are you trying to take down the stonecutters of Christian Weston Chandler?

Shouldn't you be after your own stonecutters?
>> No. 45806

lolwut? When did this happen? And how are you so stupid you fell for it?
>> No. 45807
File 134645650264.jpg - (50.15KB , 331x307 , Hitler overjoyed.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You can't be serious anymore, right? You aren't really that retarded? Please tell us you were just trolling us again. I want to believe.
>> No. 45810
File irc.txt - (9.74KB ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
irc log
>> No. 45811
Rob doesn't know that us reporting it would cause his p.o. to order him to take a drug test? These days they like to test hair, because people like to use masking agents and such to fool the urine tests and blood doesn't show up for as long
>> No. 45812
A boiling point has been reached. ENTER THE SHOVING.
>> No. 45813
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles what do you think "stonecutters" actually means?
>> No. 45814

><SeanieB> bath salts are federally banned
><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> they were legal when i purchased them
><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> that is all that matters

lolno, that's not how it works, retard.
>> No. 45815
><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> do you know who MEW is?

><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> he said he could take care of all my problems

Oh Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles you are so naive and slow in the mind.
>> No. 45816
So whats all this talk about THE SHOVING?
>> No. 45817
File 134645840820.png - (46.66KB , 1203x555 , intro.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You omitted the good part, seanie.
>> No. 45818

I guess he never heard of a drug test, either.
>> No. 45819
bro those are easy to pass, just put a pebble in your shoe and step on it real hard when they take your blood.
>> No. 45820
Need more info than is in the log. Also getting shoved by a stick figure with really bad martial arts training wouldn't do much. Did the person he shoved make a comment about someone having left a window open or turned on a fan?
>> No. 45821
What? Lol
No. You drink bleach.
>> No. 45822
I think for me, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has gotten to that point where he's no longer a real person so much as a laughable cartoon character.
>> No. 45823
No wait, that's for the piss test. For the blood you have to over over oxygenate the blood and the easiest way would be with a syringe full of air.
>> No. 45824
>So, I'm not fucking granting you my asshole.

Sorry, I don't speak retard, could you explain what the hell this means? Do you think a crusty, scabby methhead's asshole is something people would vie over?
>> No. 45825
Well it is virgin...
>> No. 45826
he took actual bath salts, not the drug
>> No. 45827

So the safest bet would be to inject your toe with aerated bleach? I hope Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles doesn't read this, he could use it to pass any drug test ever.
>> No. 45828
>How about STFU or I go back on my word.
First off, your word ain't worth the breath you waste on it. You'd pretend to support or believe anyone or anything if it let you stay in your retarded little comfort zone.

>I got an email saying I should give a Q&A session and a "friend" will be able to help me get what I desire.
lol I guess this "friend" was Mew from the CWCki forums? Wow, just wow.
>> No. 45829
No he just bought a large quantity about a month ago when it was legal but right after the feds raided the lab in the states and after they intercepted the foreign shipments. Yeah, that wasn't constitutionally legal, but that's how the dea operates. They also had local authorities raid a bunch of headshops in the weeks ahead of the bans implementation "for testing". The big ones lost a lot of money in product and potential sales. They did this to hurt the headshops as much as possible.
>> No. 45830
>The stuff I said in the rest of the threads was at least said with HONEST CONVICTION.

Here's some of the TRUE AND HONEST things you've said:
>None of my trans friends do anything with their lives. Most of them are completely fucking useless.
>Screw Ahuviya. Screw LGBT.
>i'll take a glock and ram it down your cunt(...)im serious. i'll tie your tubes with a boxcutter

Not exactly anything to be proud of, is it? Or have you been fucked up on bath salts for longer than three threads?
>> No. 45831
>admitting to possession
>admitting to disposing of the drugs
>pretending all of the above won't mean jack if he BAAWWWWs to authorities

Yeah, things are looking real good when it comes to your word against the mounting evidence.
>> No. 45832
  So first he runs and as he runs they all stop and watch him. The guy even stutters when he tries to start preaching again after what he just saw.

I wish I could've been there to see the Goblin King awkwardly flee the scary "Real jesuits Are Black" guys.
>> No. 45833
The wordbutter gets me once again.
>> No. 45834
as always Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles deleted his posts. anyone got the caps?
>> No. 45835
If he was on a cns binge it would explain the psychosis. He did become a cross dresser after they hit the market and he has notable muscle loss, thin greasy skin, thinning hair, general signs of malnutrition and a interrupted circadian rhythm. Basically he looks like a torn up meth addict. Perhaps that's why he applies his makeup so thick, but you can't cover up that kind of ugly. Should have stuck with something shorter acting like cocaine or ritalin, Rob. The crash is going to be epic. Imagine only getting about an hours sleep per night for a month and then suddenly crashing. All that vivid dreaming from a restored rem cycle and afterwards being able to feel the pain of torn up muscles and being as weak as a kitten and as slow as a slug. Oh boy is he in for a treat
>> No. 45836
As always, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles shall reap that which he has sown.
>> No. 45837
Love how he titled it "jesuit monks" instead of jesuitish. Might of well have just titled it Nigger Kikes.
Then he goes on and on about how people are repressing him. Fuck sake Robbie.
>> No. 45838
Yeah, it ranks right up there with one of Mikhail's latest Reddit posts.

>> No. 45839
Tempted to make a reddit account just to respond "Some bitch punched me for expressing my religious beliefs".
>> No. 45840
File 134646284891.png - (114.35KB , 1358x1074 , backup.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's a preemptive cap of everything he's posted so far.
>> No. 45841
Per the screen caps, if Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles will answer anything get him to answer about THE SHOVING.
>> No. 45842
File 134646304769.png - (240.22KB , 418x552 , RobbaysWorld.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It all just gets weirder each thread. I'm flabbergasted. Kidnapping plots, bath salts, Finnish broadband companies, FBI agents, guns, porn stars, conspicuous lack of sex, and now Mew.
>> No. 45843
Caves more important
>> No. 45844
Robbay taking bath salts from a few months back would explain a lot, since he started posting more frequently and with less coherent gibberish (also constantly saying he was on one substance or another - e.g. alcohol, medical marijuana, bath salts) from a few threads back.
I think he's always been a skinny, pale guy with stringy hair, though.
>> No. 45845
What if it's a cave by his parents summer home and what he's moving is a body?
Maybe the porn star wasn't his first obsession. Attempted kidnapping but she escaped into a cave and... it was an accident, right Robert? It's o.k. they can't punish you for it, but the family needs closure.
>> No. 45846
Superior: http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/z1c9z/i_am_barack_obama_president_of_the_united_states/c60pawy
>> No. 45847
File 134646353780.jpg - (46.41KB , 448x320 , b000v79g48.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
With the disappearance of young children, mysterious caves, and the pale goblin monster as a main focus, I think it's more like pic related.
>> No. 45848
But he used to have enough muscle tone to do backflips. He actually had a bit of bicept, like a junior high female cheerleader. Now he looks like he can barely stand upright. Look at how sunk in his eyes have gotten and how his face has gotten so skinny that his ears look big. If he gets anymore torn up lord of the ring fans will be asking him for his autograph.
>> No. 45849
I can't read Japanese. I can speak a little, but not well. So you are going to have to tell me what that says
>> No. 45850
>> No. 45851
File 134646456083.jpg - (228.58KB , 992x540 , thecave.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 45852
Ultra Q. It was the precursor to the Ultraman series, but slightly darker and creepier in tone. So, basically the Twilight Zone plus kids and people in rubber costumes (no giant monsters, though).
>> No. 45853
Seriously? I haven't watched any of his videos yet, and most of the photos on the ED page are after he started "modeling," so I thought he was always just a scrawny, sallow guy with greasy hair.
>> No. 45854
I don't get you, Mr. Robert Wayne Stile. Why do you behave in such reckless manner?
>> No. 45855
Ultra Q is too serious for Robbay, he reminds me of the salamander bad guys in one of the Star Man movies.
>> No. 45856
File 134646522798.png - (645.73KB , 1087x513 , robert and the chicken lady.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I can't be the only one that sees the resemblance.
>> No. 45857
  This movie would be closer to Roberts life, but he's like all the characters smushed into one.
>> No. 45858
File 134646560499.jpg - (65.00KB , 640x358 , the-giant-claw-2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If Robbay were a giant monster...
>> No. 45859
>I can speak a little

>> No. 45860
>> No. 45861
File 134646622235.png - (742.40KB , 792x600 , 134536453158.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Combine this with the he-she character and the homosexual deviant
>> No. 45862
No I'm not a weeblo, I speak some Korean and the two have some but not much crossover
>> No. 45863
File 134646643687.png - (510.34KB , 1327x477 , robbay of krankor.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
True. He could also very easily pass for the Chicken Man of Krankor. I can just imagine him bellowing
>"YOU (cisgender) SCUM!"
>> No. 45864
>> No. 45865
File 134646724969.jpg - (60.92KB , 1179x515 , rikabadman2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Samay has broken his alliance with Robbay.

Pics courtesy of Mylarballoonfan
>> No. 45866
>hey sammy, I got detectives on it, but gather evidence all the against them for me anyways
Some "alliance." Sounds like Robb is just trying to get other people to do everything for him, as usual.

>trolling = cyberterrorism
Never change, Robbay. Never change.
>> No. 45867
please dont unleash your wraith powers robb, we're so scared :(
>> No. 45868
>> No. 45869
>> No. 45870
Any update on the cave or the shoving?
>> No. 45871
It seems likely that the cave is somewhere near his parents summer home and that it is where he had planned to take his kidnapping victim, who I'm assuming was going to be the bad actress from resident evil. He must have heard she was doing a signing somewhere or was doing a shoot near there. Why else would he suddenly admit to having at one point planned on abducting someone right after the cave was brought up. But it's more than that, he had a rape kit or something stored there. Probably some furniture as well. Of course when it came time to do it his plan fell to pieces. Adf probably learned about it when Rob was all chatty because of the bath salts.
>> No. 45872
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles thought security would deal with you? Oh noes, they would tell you to leave and you would be out gas.money. Maybe I should look into staying at this fine resort, I'm getting tired of the manner grounds. Pretty bored. My parents are in Europe for the month, my girlfriend is working double shifts at the nursing home, and I'll be damned if I'm spending another vacation babysitting my sisters brats in New Jersey or at camp in Michigan.
Prepare your anus Stiles
>> No. 45873
File 134648383746.jpg - (24.96KB , 450x338 , 05d.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 45874
Fucking bitch wants to be a man and yet doesn't even know how a dick work.
>> No. 45875
da stress
>> No. 45876
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles come home, you need to entertain us so we aren't tempted to email logs to your p.o.
I'd suggest starting with a makeup tutorial given from da man cave.
>> No. 45877
Shit. Mew may be a homosexual deviant, but I wish you guys in irc had thought to keep quiet about him having nothing to do with anything, that's why Robbay stopped this little Q&A.
>> No. 45878
  Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is a celebrity stalker. So to better understand him let's investigate the world of celebrity stalkers
>> No. 45879
File 134650136033.gif - (471.25KB , 257x137 , deal with it.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

By the way Robb, here is something you should know the next time you try to vandalize ED:

>If you feel as though someone has committed harassment or defamation against you - please pursue your remedies against that poster as encyclopediadramatica.se is not responsible for their words. We are hosted in the Ukraine which does not recognize defamation or libellous cocks.
>> No. 45880
File 134650604398.jpg - (106.48KB , 792x600 , ibelieveinharveydent.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Do you know the backstory to that pic?
>> No. 45881
lel i did
>> No. 45882
Robb, please read this post for your own sake.

If you actually are scheming to kidnap somebody or are visiting a cave that contains your victims of the past, let me tell you that bringing this up on 789chan will ultimately prove bad to you. Take this dire warning.
>> No. 45883
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles WHERE ARE YOU?

>> No. 45884
If Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles stopped posting, /cwc/ would probably wither away into nothingness. The ironic thing is, he is basically keeping the entire website alive by trying to OBLIVERATE it.
>> No. 45885

His ultimate goal is to OBLIVERATE the ED page though, thats what hes warring about.
>> No. 45886
Can you tell us, please?
>> No. 45887
I like how Robb changed his name to Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, but still kept his middle name "Wayne". Real feminine
>> No. 45888
Does he actually go by R!ka in real life? Like name tag and everything?
>> No. 45889
He claims to present himself as male while he's at work, so what name he uses depends on the situation. Just more proof that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is fake as hell.
>> No. 45890
Not to mention that he donated to Sean when he needed money for server bills, thinking he could force him to delete the /L/ threads.

Needless to say what happened.
>> No. 45891
File 134651848652.jpg - (7.67KB , 120x90 , 120px-TG22.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
How stupid do you have to be to come to the conclusion that since women won't talk to me I will dress up as a woman to get one.

Its so stupid yet I feel like someone else came up with it also. Now if I could just remember who
>> No. 45892
flesh eating bacteria no treatment because 3rd world. there are a series of pics over time that show her face melting
>> No. 45893

I decided to do the opposite. I instead ignite my flame, and have made women smile at my entering the room.
>> No. 45894
>> No. 45895
Robbay. Never change Robbay never change.
>> No. 45896
It's a disease called noma. Gross-ass shit.
>> No. 45897
File 134652359524.png - (64.07KB , 250x331 , robbay.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 45898
I'm worried about Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Where is she?
>> No. 45899
Robbay is at his daddy's house , no lie
>> No. 45900
>Where is she?

Hi Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 45901
Not showing up for work after admitting to habitual drug and alcohol use looks bad to your p.o.
>> No. 45902
Actually the other anon was right it's noma
>> No. 45903
What's that Lassie, there is a Goblin screaming for help from inside a cave? He's waving around a petite severed arm in each hand?
Hell no you shouldn't help. It could be a trap.
>> No. 45904
ain't that the shit from cabin fever?
>> No. 45905
File 134652913972.jpg - (765.16KB , 1167x1098 , goblinking.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not just any goblin. This is the Goblin King we're dealing with.
>> No. 45906

Man, that is some fucked up shit. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.
>> No. 45907
Meanwhile Robert is trying to figure out how to bottle a more aggressive merca so he can have his revenge on usccis scum. That's what he's really doing in the cave and why he kidnapped a black boy
>> No. 45908
Is i just me or do his trolls have more artistic talent than he does?
How does that make you feel Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 45909
The end is nigh, /cwc/. Your rain of terror in my life is almost ending. Just watch the waters carefully, your torment of me will be a fucking EULOGY. I've just fixxed everything.
>> No. 45910
I'm so very scared...
>> No. 45911
>rain of terror
>> No. 45912
>Rain of terror

You can't spell, you can't make friends, you can't learn, you aren't loved... jesus Robbay I'd tell you to off yourself but you can't even do that.
>> No. 45913
No Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles at all today? :(
>> No. 45914
File 134654009977.png - (14.38KB , 967x93 , Riktionary.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
In case he deletes it.
>> No. 45915
>your torment of me will be a fucking EULOGY
You don't know what a eulogy is do you?
>> No. 45916
I'm not telling anyone what I just did but I will say this. You scumbags made me famous and I thank you. I just met a woman who showed my noteriety too and she thought it was awesome that I'm famous.

Face it, none of you are. Only I am and I'm the greatest lolcow on the planet. You can't make my shit up.
>> No. 45917

>Face it, none of you are. Only I am and I'm the greatest lolcow on the planet. You can't make my shit up.

Acceptance, the final stage.
>> No. 45918
> You scumbags made me famous and I thank you.
Learn the difference between famous and notorious.
>> No. 45919
File 134654034080.png - (16.66KB , 871x124 , autphagisrobbay.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Implying ADF is a woman
>> No. 45920
Hey, that's a great attitude, great you can finally appreciate our efforts!
>> No. 45921
True, we can't make it up, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. You really are as stupid as you seem.
>> No. 45922
File 134654046590.png - (5.03KB , 665x598 , wuuut.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>I'm the greatest idiot on the internet! Jealous?
>> No. 45923
File 13465404734.png - (529.62KB , 647x671 , 1346190173476.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Nice dubs robbay and it's good that you've come to terms with your fate.
>> No. 45924

I have power in this world because people KNOW who I fucking am. They don't think I'm infamous just a real life internet celebrity. So many single lesbians have found this amazing over in the Poconos.
>> No. 45925
File 13465405421.jpg - (10.78KB , 150x189 , Anonymous.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Face it, none of you are

Wrong, Robert. All of us are.
>> No. 45926
Inb4: "Hurr, I trolled you! I was only pretending to be a total moron!"
>> No. 45927
Robb, do you not get it?

Even if you OBLIVERATE 789chan, OBLIVERATE ED, even kill each and every one of us hated trolls, your internet presence is going to be forever known?

Nothing you can do will stop it.
>> No. 45928
you cant be a lesbian if you have a penis.
>> No. 45929
In the end, I've won. ED is my calling card and a great conversation starter. :)
>> No. 45930
>I have power in this world because people KNOW who I fucking am. They don't think I'm infamous just a real life internet celebrity. So many single lesbians have found this amazing over in the Poconos.
"Hey girls, you know that I'm a really big lolcow in the internet?"

Whatever you say, Robb.
>> No. 45931
File 134654071716.png - (15.91KB , 901x124 , RobbayGoesFullRetardAgain.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Every day you sound more and more like Chris.
>> No. 45932
One last thing, I'M THE QUEEN OF THE POCONOS. First kiss baby!
>> No. 45933
>In the end, I've won. ED is my calling card and a great conversation starter. :)
One of the best Robb posts so far.

Occupation: Internet retard.
>> No. 45934
>I have power in this world because people KNOW who I fucking am

You high again Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 45935

my fucking sides have transcended into a new dimension of laughter

i'm sure woman line up to get raped in a cave
>> No. 45936
Stop forcing yourself on children you disgusting piece of shit.
>> No. 45937
File 134654089979.png - (11.08KB , 546x72 , IsAnyoneEvenReadingTheseTitles.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think we broke him.
>> No. 45938
Robb is male lesbian. A gaybian.
>> No. 45939
File 134654102281.png - (10.94KB , 502x68 , HomorIsAMassiveSperg.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
First kiss at your age? Wow.
>> No. 45940

HAH, guess what Mr. Sides guy. Took a shower, slid into my best dress and used NO fucking make-up, just a bit of eyeliner hit a nightclub and flaunted my fucking status as a bisexual ass kicking, brown belted internet legend. I've done battles with the fucking interwebs and I've survived.

Now, that I'm recognized I'm liberated.
>> No. 45941
Lol, Robert is attempting to use reverse psychology, badly.

He thinks that, if he says the ED page is doing him good, we'll go "Oh noes!" and get rid of it.

You're a fucking tard Robbay.
>> No. 45942
You cannot be real
>> No. 45943



Durrr hurrr nice try Robert, your reverse psychology is such a brilliant plan.
>> No. 45944

Except that you're a guy.
>> No. 45945

i'm sure you looked lovely and kicked ass and weren't a grimy little goblin man

but my sides have still fallen into a inescapable vortex of humor; if you see them, please give them back
>> No. 45946
I've always BEEN Jordman in disguise! Honestly guys, you think out your ass too much. WINNER!
>> No. 45947
>totally not bothered gais
>My ED is really cool
>> No. 45948
>Took a shower

It's a whole weekend of firsts!
>> No. 45949
If by queen he means fagg0t then he would be correct.
>> No. 45950
So you didn't get rid of the bath salts?

Got it.
>> No. 45951

I don't think jordan would call herself a man. Nice try Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Keep using the ed article as an aphrodisiac. Hope that my contributions to the world gets you some sexy time.
>> No. 45952
File 134654152888.jpg - (136.38KB , 741x576 , pubic louse.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Then you're welcome, you unappreciative, privileged, male sack of dicks.
>> No. 45953
>dat filename
>> No. 45954
Seriously, I'm happy now. You have no more need to think about me because you can't troll me. I've just nullified my status as a lolcow because I have women who think I'm SHIT.
>> No. 45955
ahaha, its like whenever i think it cant get better it does

go ahead and give us the details of this romantic conquest robert
>> No. 45956
File 134654171245.png - (220.04KB , 355x341 , 1345994693603.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>first kiss at age 24
>> No. 45957

>women who think I'm SHIT

everyone thinks your shit robbay
>> No. 45958
You came here, retard.
>> No. 45959
>women who think I'm SHIT.

Never was a truer word spoken.
>> No. 45960
File 134654181883.png - (18.44KB , 913x148 , OhForFucksSake.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rob... look. No-one here is fooled by your fake confidence. It's painfully obvious you're still obsessed with us.
>> No. 45961
I can't wait for these double agent "women" to drop some cocks for us.
>> No. 45962
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, if you truly believed that, you wouldn't have come here and made this many posts about it. Your facade is quite easy to spot.
>> No. 45963
>I've just nullified my status as a lolcow because I have women who think I'm SHIT.
You know, in the wholly hypothetical scenario that a single woman in the universe wouldn't hate you, that wouldn't redeem you as a person and un-lolcow you. That's just not-being-a-complete-social-retard. You're being sad Robb.
>> No. 45964
THE SHIT, you anon babees. Keep on sucking your neckbeards LOL

Oh and tell Sean the buttfucker he has NOTHING on me cept I got a goth les babe who loves my androgyny and my boldness.
>> No. 45965
I can see it "You know I used to run cyber harems?"
>> No. 45966
File 134654204839.png - (25.43KB , 920x160 , godamnrobbaystopshitpostingthisisgettingtiring.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think most women view you below shit darling.
>> No. 45967
File 134654205289.jpg - (28.10KB , 400x267 , 1340305202787.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>Took a shower

You mean you actually took one after six months of stinking your apartment
>> No. 45968
Every Robby thread is a treat. And I'm just in time for the show!
>> No. 45969
Except Sean was already happy. You on the other hand have threatened all of us with death and threatened to kill yourself out of depression. Seriously Robb, you're not even trying anymore.
>> No. 45971

Do your parents even know about the ED page? Some random chick who wants to ride on your 5 inch penis is different than the people who birthed you.
>> No. 45972
File 134654218964.png - (14.15KB , 813x92 , CallYourMotherSheMissesYou.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Waiting for bi-polar Robbay to kick in and start screaming about how terrible we are again.
>> No. 45973
She's 500 lbs, right?
>> No. 45974
If you continue to tell yourself a lie long enough do you eventually think it's reality?
>> No. 45975
>BUT I've turned it around learned my lesson. Now he can delete all those irelevent threads.
Why? They're funny. If you truly had changed yourself, you could see them as motivator to keep improving yourself.
>> No. 45976
Gotcha! As with everything else, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, your reverse psychology has failed.
>> No. 45977
But they make you famous, taking them down would be a great disservice to you!
>> No. 45978
File 134654226684.jpg - (132.08KB , 1070x768 , 1346116288664.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
it this what you believed was gonna happen?
>> No. 45979
silly Robert, that's not how you spell baldness
>> No. 45980
File 134654228224.jpg - (94.88KB , 630x441 , sanic.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No. 45981
File 13465423093.png - (10.96KB , 610x62 , AtLeastOneGirlHasMasturbatedToTheThoughtOfHavingSe.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hahahahaha no.
>> No. 45982
File 134654231948.png - (9.42KB , 628x50 , noteventrying.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Deleted already. Here it is again. He thinks he can use reverse psychology. Stupid Robb.
>> No. 45983
File 13465423469.jpg - (221.39KB , 500x411 , shit was so cash 001.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pics or it didn't happen.
>> No. 45984
Oh Robb.

Only two days ago we found out you smoked weed and did bath salts. The next day you claimed you raped some little kid when you were 13.

Now you're claiming to found someone? Man or woman? Gay or Lesbian?
>> No. 45985
I used to insult Robert by calling him a literal, of course in the non-literal sense of the word.

But Robert attempting some third grader level reverse psychology, I can't help but to wonder if he's legit mentally crippled.
>> No. 45986
BUT I've learned my lesson and I'll tell you beta losers this she made me an androgynous HETEROSEXUAL hottie.
>> No. 45987
File 134654252935.jpg - (9.52KB , 480x360 , 1346007328430.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>goth babe
you mean a 300+pound land whale that shops at hottopic and listens to combichrist right?
>> No. 45988
So you admit you are a man?
>> No. 45989
Are you crying Rob?
>> No. 45990
File 134654256527.jpg - (48.40KB , 441x661 , bFPYA.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 45991
File 134654258141.png - (12.01KB , 752x71 , RobbayDid911.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Literally everything in that sentence was bullshit.
>> No. 45992
You're so pathetic, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Did you honestly believe this vain attempt was going to get the ED article taken down? You are quite sad.
>> No. 45993

Your in to Pick Up Artists now, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles? So what techniques did you use to get this goth hottie? Did you neg the shit out of her for not being a wraith? Did you Demonstrate Higher Value by showing her your ED page?
>> No. 45994
"calling peope betas"
it just keeps getting better
>> No. 45995
>BUT I've learned my lesson and I'll tell you beta losers this she made me an androgynous HETEROSEXUAL hottie.
>> No. 45996
this motherfucker is like chris but going through the stages 100x faster
He's already gone from initial infamy to JenkinsJinkies to Carlos Chantor to pretending he has people who know him for what he does OTI in real life (though chris believed millions kbew sonichu).
>> No. 45997

Oh wow, Miss Perfect Tranee is jelous! Keep crawling in your fucking skin Omega.
>> No. 45998
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, the gift that keeps on giving.
>> No. 45999

Omega actually looks and sounds like a woman.

You on the other hand don't even come close.
>> No. 46001
More hypocrisy as always, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Glad to see you're not bothered in the least by us.
>> No. 46002
She kind of is perfect, huh? :3
>> No. 46003
Come to IRC, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. We want to hear more of your conquest.
>> No. 46004
File 13465428273.png - (11.90KB , 546x96 , NeverEatShreddedWheat.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
After what you did in that cave I wouldn't be surprised if you want to crawl around in Omega's skin.
>> No. 46005
You're obviously jealous and that makes your statement hilarious. Are you crying right now?
>> No. 46006
File 134654289115.jpg - (144.38KB , 506x430 , fat-f-off.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>keep crawling in your skin omega
lmfao me and sean are laughing are butts off in skype
thanks but my voice is pretty mannish.

So robs I'm guessing your goth "hottie" looks less like Siouxsie and more like this
>> No. 46007

She hates Christians. WHAT A GODDAMN SUPRISE.

Call me a man, Introman but I am of the third gender aka Gender Queer. I've told you literally thousands of fucking times.
>> No. 46008
Not to mention just yesterday Robb expressed how much he wants to fuck Zyklon, his own troll. Robert is a very sad human being.
>> No. 46009
This just in Robbay, A-Log, and Nick Bates have joined forces to take down these fine forums and ED. God help them all.
>> No. 46010
File 134654297675.jpg - (8.22KB , 200x200 , 00d.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 46011
File 134654300037.png - (14.85KB , 773x129 , HumanCentipedeWasNotAllThatScaryReally.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Third Gender
You literally just stated that you're heterosexual.
>> No. 46012
Please tell us more about how you drugged and raped a goth chick
>> No. 46013
Except you've already admitted that the cross-dressing was just a ruse to get women. You're about as self-contradictory as ADF at this point, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 46014
File 134654303153.jpg - (46.41KB , 239x266 , sonic irc 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Come to IRC again, Ri­ka.
>> No. 46015
File 134654305294.jpg - (22.15KB , 472x349 , grawling2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 46016
>but I am of the third gender aka Gender Queer. I've told you literally thousands of fucking times.

Cool so you're just like those random girls on tumblr that identify as third gender, an attention baiter.
>> No. 46017
File 134654309375.jpg - (12.76KB , 380x281 , austin-powers-man-baby.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

He's calling you by your sex, of which you're a man, baby.
>> No. 46018
R!ka, /cwc/ would wither away into the dust of the internet if you quit posting here. If you're really worried about your ED page so much, change your name again or something.
>> No. 46019
You're a man.

No futile attempt on your part will ever change that.
>> No. 46020
Didn't you several times refer to yourself as a woman? Try to decide already.
>> No. 46022
NO! Don't invite him into IRC while we're discussing the 'eye of the autistic' plan.
>> No. 46023
Such wonderful misogyny you're showing, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 46024
Hahahaha, sure thing, virgin.
>> No. 46025
You're still a man.

You're also ugly.
>> No. 46026
This morning you were up in the mountains of Pennsylvania, and now you're claiming you hooked up with a goth hottie?

Well, I'm glad this confirms you straight. Gay people suck. Be womanly all you want, but don't be gay.

But anyway bro, seriously, your track logic is bewildering.

You really can end this entire thing by plugging out your internet, but you keep coming back. Bless you Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 46027
>> No. 46028
File 134654337068.png - (15.13KB , 908x86 , ILoveLamp.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He's breaking.
>> No. 46029
He'll learn of it soon enough anyway since it's already in motion. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is always three steps behind.
>> No. 46030
>You losers really think banging a bitch is that hard? First, i ain't that bad, my teeth are shit but I aint some dopey smily queer and you just tell a women what she wants to hear flat-out and shes head over heels. also, helps that I'm the perfect balance of man and woman.
Uh, Robert. It's you who has been telling how women don't like you and how hard it is to get one. You said you don't mind becoming a 30 years old virgin. You planned kidnapping a woman.

Nice try though, although I doubt your social skills have improved while posting in /cwc/.

Also, normal people have had and have sex. Even if you managed to come to the level of a normal person in this sense, you'd still be a colossal lolcow, and nothing can change that. If you telling others you have teh secks makes you automatically awesome, I think you'd enjoy the company of 14 years olds more.
>> No. 46031
>> No. 46032
Gentlemen. We have broken The Great Goblin King.
>> No. 46033

Omega just admit it, you're either a gender queer or a man. Seriosly, Don't be a fucking asshole man. I heard you like torturing heteromen because their scum.
>> No. 46034
>Implying he wasn't born broken
>> No. 46035
Hold up there, fucker. You were the one who accused us of hating women, yet you say "You losers really think banging a bitch is that hard?" Your hypocrisy knows no bounds, does it Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 46036

It isn't for normal people. But for people like you who refuse to shower, who are socially retarded, and who look like Gollum; it is. So enjoy raping that goth chick in a cave
>> No. 46037
Keep being a misogynistic prick, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. We'll keep calling you out on it.
>> No. 46038
File 13465436005.png - (14.33KB , 928x120 , DidYouKnowThatHomosexualBehaviourHasBeenReportedIn.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And you wonder why nobody loves you?
>> No. 46039
File 134654364080.png - (147.37KB , 500x388 , 1345.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I don't identify as gender queer or as a man but whatever, you sure are acting like quite the alpha tonight
>> No. 46040
Why do you need anyone to admit anything?

Thought you were too busy being awesome?

Oh right, you're a liar and you're still crying because Omega's better than you. Also you're ugly and a man.
>> No. 46041
So Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is a cisgendered heteronormative after all huh?
>> No. 46042
Robbay come to IRC
>> No. 46043
Where's Zyklon, I'm even with her now. She's gonna get the mud kicked right up her cunt.
>> No. 46044
And yet more misogyny. Why do you hate women so much, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 46045
File 134654379965.png - (11.14KB , 603x60 , YoHomorDontTakeMyLastTitleSeriouslyBroJustTeasinKn.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Fuck you are despicable.
>> No. 46046

You're a heterosexual who likes women just like me. Only difference is you're in denial.
>> No. 46047
File 134654385637.png - (578.14KB , 550x413 , 1293849123001.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

For the last fucking time, you blithering, blabbering goblin, she is on IRC.
>> No. 46048
Wow! You're quite intimidating!

Maybe Zyklon has better things to do than spend all her time here. Y'know, unlike you.
>> No. 46049
Because he can't get one.
>> No. 46050
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles you just said you were the gender queer!

Omega is just a regular cute girl. ; )
>> No. 46051
Ok, Rob, what are you smoking now?
>> No. 46052
File 134654394798.png - (11.80KB , 595x99 , MichaelBayLaterSaidThatTransformers2WasATerribleMo.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 46053
File 134654395393.jpg - (8.28KB , 244x238 , Hitler is dis nigga serious.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Where's Zyklon, I'm even with her now. She's gonna get the mud kicked right up her cunt.
Right here. Didn't bother avatarfagging because I know how that causes you Da Stress. How can I help you?

I don't really see how we're even, but k.
>> No. 46054
>> No. 46055
More self-contradiction, I see. Keep digging Robert. You're obviously not bothered by us at all.
>> No. 46056
File 134654397778.jpg - (113.40KB , 680x680 , 1346088068377.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You're such a fucking misogynist , you really are a sick human being
>> No. 46057
You're not going to get your way. Nobody's going to placate you and pretend they are who you want them to be.

Keep crying.
>> No. 46058
File 134654400254.jpg - (17.36KB , 196x257 , images.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Come to IRC, Robb. Zyklon's here. We'll have a party. With cake. And butthurt.
>> No. 46059
I like penis, I have no idea what you're talking about
>> No. 46060

The one thing Rob and Omega have in common.
>> No. 46061

You have to erase everything that indicates I'm a virgin now or else you're lying to the masses. You should heard the lovely sounds she made when I popped the cherry.
>> No. 46062
You're definitely a virgin.

Thanks for confirming.
>> No. 46063
Robbie says:
>Please believe I had sex, PLEASE!!!!!
>> No. 46064
Give your mom a call Rob, she sounded worried about you.
>> No. 46065
Guys, he's filling in the info from the Cave Incident. It had to be a virgin, didn't it Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 46066
She doesn't make sounds when you pop your cherry robert, that's not how it works.

also virgins usually cry, not that you'd know.
>> No. 46067

>not in denial about heterosexuality
>"third gender, gender queer"

ahahahaha rob lost his virginity and is handling it worse than atlus

tell us more about how alpha you are
>> No. 46068
File 134654428361.png - (9.12KB , 956x102 , EnabledNoScriptDueToLagAndTheThemeChangedBackToGer.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You really are fucking weird Rob.
>> No. 46069
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles why are you angry at Omega?

You just have to deal with her being a cute babe and you being an um "unusual" looking man.
>> No. 46070
How do you know that you were popping a cherry, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles? You are a virgin afterall. Unless you raped a gothic six year old
>> No. 46071
Spoken like a true virgin with rage.
>> No. 46072
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. IRC. NOW.
>> No. 46073
Why? We have only your word, and nobody but you really gives a shit. And you have lied to us several times, and frankly, I don't believe anyone would touch you, so until you provide some sort of proof, I'll just say: Cool story bro.

I'm actually not home right not, and don't bother to dig /L/ for reaction picture, as I came just to put on some music while I'm cooking with a friend, so I'm gonna stop replying. HAve a good evening though, /cwc/. And Robb.
>> No. 46074

I'm better than that fake emo bitch atlus. Guy had to beg a cheap whore, I used my knowledge from GID to understand a woman better than any of you butthurt cis degenerate losers ever will.

Oh and Omega wants to hurt innocent men, so EDGY AND DOMINANT.
>> No. 46075
File 134654452240.gif - (1.80MB , 282x257 , mr rogers.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

We'll negotiate the terms on IRC.
>> No. 46076
Sorry your virginity gets you upset.
>> No. 46077
>Oh and Omega wants to hurt innocent men, so EDGY AND DOMINANT.

Oh the irony.
>> No. 46078
robbie confirmed for lying, even so losing your virginity at 24 is pathetic
>> No. 46079
>cis degenerate losers

I'll remember that one when I'm telling this virginity bullshit to the guys at the Cis-Club.
>> No. 46080
And once again, you pull the "cis" card. Despite your misogyny and your admittance that you just cross-dress to get women. Keep the hypocrisy up, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 46081
But you are cisgendered, why are you using it as an insult?
>> No. 46082
>Oh and Omega wants to hurt innocent men, so EDGY AND DOMINANT.

What is this I don't even?
>> No. 46083
So is Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles pretending to be a stud or is this his version of trolling? What did some saintly women give him a pity handjob in the hopes that the confidence would get him to stop being such a little homosexual deviant?
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you couldn't get laid in a morgue and it's not the lie you tell that makes them drop their panties, it's the way you say it. It's being there and being attractive. Being an interesting distraction from their dull dreary lives. You are more of a prickly eye sore who says things with the venom of a rattlesnake.
No one likes you. Not even the people who use you for money and your place of residence as a hobo motel and storage space. Hell even your family cant stand you, and they are tryings soo hard too, as good Christians and all.
You should really consider ending it, for the good of everyone.
>> No. 46084

at least atlus had the dignity to not to degrade the first woman he slept with

atlus is better than you, robbay. how's that feel?
>> No. 46085
Fyi, everyone I am still a crossdresser and a Gender queer so I am allowed to use the word cis.
>> No. 46086
Sure. And we're allowed to call you things too. Except we're telling the truth.
>> No. 46087
Stop making up the rules as you go along, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. You're a hypocrite no matter what mental gymnastics you choose to employ.
>> No. 46088
File 134654490479.png - (11.18KB , 640x69 , TheGiantOctopusInItCameFromBeneathTheSeaOnlyHad5Te.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah, sure, whatever Cissy boy.
>> No. 46089

>I am allowed to use the word cis.

robbay confirmed for white kid trying to justify persecution complex
>> No. 46090
Sure but you are cisgendered, going to a trans meeting would be wrong though since you're not a transsexual.
>> No. 46091
You're also a pussy. Get your tranny ass into IRC.
>> No. 46092
Cisgendered prick.
>> No. 46093
Oh god, he's raped a child or small animal.
The sounds echoing through that cave... horrifying.
>> No. 46094
Oh god, he's raped a child or small animal.
The sounds echoing through that cave... horrifying.
>> No. 46095
I thought we had moved on to operation redeye prolapse after confirmation of his little speed habit.
>> No. 46096
No you're just a misogynistic heterosexual guy with a cross dressing kink.
>> No. 46097
File 134654524292.jpg - (101.54KB , 921x831 , hydrothermal worm using telekinesis.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Click "webchat" under the board title, Ri­ka. You're keeping us waiting.
>> No. 46098
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles won't come tonight, I don't think. He already knows he's been defeated.
>> No. 46099
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles it is okay to be cis/hetero privileged but please check your privilege, okay?
>> No. 46100
File 134654546070.jpg - (100.11KB , 441x408 , 134127193576.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robbay confirmed for coward.
>> No. 46101
>She's gonna get the mud kicked right up her cunt.
>not down

Finally figured out how a vagina works, eh Robbay?
>> No. 46102
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has me siding with a youtube troll. Me!!!

Oh come on!!!

What the fuck is wrong with you Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 46103
Robb, to clarify, a vagina works like a plunger. It sucks your penis.

But now that you've had sex, you know what its like for a womans vagina to suck your cock.
>> No. 46104
>I WIN 'CUZ MY ED PAGE GETS ME BITCHES AND WHORES (ps please respect all genders and orientations like I do)
>one minor detail is different on my ED page, better take it all offline!
>YOU KNOW WHAT, I HATE ME TOO! so just delete those /L/ threads okay?

It's amazing how much can happen in a day. Thanks for the show, Robbay. Keep on tardraging, you cave-dwelling animal-raping NOT A VIRGIN goblin-looking moron.
>> No. 46105
Right, and since Robb's no longer a virgin, he can tell us what a boob feels like. Here's a hint: they're like bags of sand.
>> No. 46106

Hope you like the new update, Robb
>> No. 46107
  >Robbie's new identity 30 seconds after losing his kissless status.

Different flavor, still loveshy.
>> No. 46108
File 134654637597.gif - (1.39MB , 301x250 , 1344625962028.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
OK this thread confirms it.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is a fake. That's all there is to it. I just can't accept that somebody so incredibly stupid actually exists. This is worse than CWC. These fucking posts man, they're hilarious!

Everything this guy says is so fucking stupid, but somehow there's just enough self-awareness to make you puzzle over how this guy hasn't woken up and offed himself already. Every fresh detail sounds more and more like some of the dumbfuck sociopaths I've met in my career, but I just can't work out why Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles keeps coming back.
>> No. 46109
He always has to have the last word to prove that (in his mind) he's better than us.
Alternately, he keeps coming back and doing the same schtick over and over again to try and get us to COWER BEFORE THE WRAITH or just pity him. Somehow, doing this will make all the bad stuff he put on the internet disappear...someday. It might've failed the past twenty-odd times, but this time it's BOUND to work!
>> No. 46110

Nope. As a person who has talked to Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles on an one by one basis from Oct. 29th 2011 to March 11th 2012. This is Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. You're just lucky that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles isn't pissed off at people who live in a close proximity. He is known for tardraging.
>> No. 46111
File 134654704019.png - (284.16KB , 900x379 , 134602221877.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Which one of these two did you lose your virginity to, Robb?
>> No. 46112
>He is known for tardraging.
Does it lead to SHOVING?
>> No. 46113
File 134654732940.jpg - (77.96KB , 1380x780 , wp - father ted - mind of mcdougal.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A look into the mind of one Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 46114
>> No. 46115
So have we gotten anymore details about the cave or the shoving?
>> No. 46116
Well, he shoved... his dick... into... a CAVE.


>> No. 46117
>> No. 46118
I'm bummed Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles had sex. I'm still a 26 year old virgin :(
>> No. 46119
god damn it
>> No. 46120
File 134654973162.png - (159.92KB , 400x400 , 26272706_p28.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>261740 >>261751
>Cis scum
>24 / M / Straight / Single
Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesy, what about you saying you're a straight guy on all of your profiles. Sounds pretty normal to me.
Hiding from your PO through drag doesn't mean you're gay, just means you're an idiot.

You're white bread and you've spent all your time here in threatening all the gay and trans members in /cwc/. Doesn't that make you the bigot?
>> No. 46121
File 134655031072.jpg - (25.97KB , 666x340 , rika.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Body Type: Athletic
>> No. 46122
File 134655061563.png - (83.67KB , 208x268 , 1346024661137.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hollywood Undead
Marilyn Manson
Limp Bizkit
Linkin Park "

Dat fucking awful taste in music, come on man.
>> No. 46123

haha, do you try to suck at everything or is it an innate ability robbie
>> No. 46124
Shit guise, first Chrissy getting the mafroom and now Robby?!
We should delete her ED before she gets more famous!
>> No. 46125
At least I'm finally being honest. Omega is just being a fem boy denying his junk. Hmm, sounds like me exceot now I'm on a fucking hundred better terms with myself than his hariy ass.
>> No. 46126
Being obsessed with how you imagine someone else is and comparing yourself to that person constantly only shows how much you hate yourself.
>> No. 46127
File 134655146661.png - (9.50KB , 1140x81 , denying his junk.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 46128
You did tend to lie a fuckload, robbay.
>> No. 46129
>implying Omega has the same shit self esteem that you do.
>> No. 46130
Sorry, DO.
>> No. 46131
And he can lift a GRAND NUMBER of pounds, or "leave you with your ego the thing being most intact."
>> No. 46132
>At least I'm finally being honest.
When, exactly, did you start being honest? Doesn't this mean you have nothing to worry about if the archived threads and ED page stay up, if they're not TRUE AND HONEST?

>Omega is just being a fem boy denying his junk. Hmm, sounds like me exceot now I'm on a fucking hundred better terms with myself than his hariy ass.
>> No. 46133
Rob when did you bed this woman. You've been on here the last two nights and aren't mist gotjs night owls
>> No. 46134
>At least I'm finally being honest
>come to terms with being so unlikeable that only gets contact by stalking whoever takes pitty him
Lolk, that isn't bad insight.
Even those deranged hobos you let into your apartment won't be your friends. We're the only people who'll give you the time of day and that's why you always come back amirite?
>> No. 46135
Just because you did that doesn't mean I do
>> No. 46136
File 134655302769.jpg - (147.89KB , 900x1601 , that_lovely_man_of_mine__by_verganza_de_sasuke-d5c.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If he's telling the truth, he just banged his so-called friend's "husband."
>> No. 46138
that looks like a really fat Anna Paquin.
>> No. 46139
Robbay came back to the IRC

>> No. 46140
Oh Robbay, a one night stand with a Hot Topic slut doesn't mean anything. Everyone knows that there isn't a woman alive who can stand you for more than the 5 minutes it takes for you to cum.
>> No. 46141
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, I was doing chores, if you want to talk to me I am available now on the irc
>> No. 46142
So Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles had a dumb convo with me http://pastebin.com/t4mUMUaZ
read if you want
>> No. 46143
File robbay.txt - (39.59KB ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Full IRC log per Homor's request.
>> No. 46144
File 13465584067.png - (137.39KB , 730x316 , rdmf.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 46145
So was this THE SHOVING?
>> No. 46146
>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles: i have attributes of both MALES and FEMALES and thats how i like it

And it's really disgusting seeing him mock someone that actually has GID, something he claims to have and should sympathize with (if we're going along with the assumption that he's not just a horny misogynistic former virgin who likes wearing dresses).

What a dickhead.
>> No. 46147
>> No. 46148

Wasn't there another person who thought having a heartsweet/losing his v-card would fix everything? I know there was somebody...
>> No. 46149
>>former virgin

He's still a virgin, bro.


>> <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> you can never concieve another human being

Robb, you're too much of a selfish prick to ever become a father.
>> No. 46150
Yeah, I recall that person also dressing up as a woman in that endeavor....
>> No. 46151
Really? I thought he bagged a TOTALLY HAWT GOTH CHICK yesterday by using some pick up artist shit...
or did he lie about that, too?
>> No. 46152
He lied about it
>> No. 46153
I lost my young virginity with a virgin female; her china was sweeeeettt
>> No. 46154
robbay lied about having sex?

how pathetic
>> No. 46155
Ha ha, yeah.

He actually thought that if he lied about having sex we would believe him and he could get the information about him being a virgin removed.

Nobody fails quite like Robbie.
>> No. 46156
>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles bringing up Gary Gears

My fucking sides exploded.
>> No. 46157
Why did he admit it?
>> No. 46158

>admits he dressed as a woman last ditch attempt to get pussy
>makes incredibly bitter trans/homophobic comments
>claims a "real woman" cured his transexuality
>backpedals, claims he "genderqueer"
>is called "genderclown" (thank you, based irc)
>loses virginity at 24
>lets not forget, admits to bath salts. BATH SALTS.

>"i'm fucking above you now"

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, i laughed deeper than i have ever laughed in my 29 years of existence.

thank you.
>> No. 46159
File 134656497758.jpg - (92.15KB , 768x1024 , Maximum Kermit.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Sep 01 22:22:21 <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles IS A MISOGYNIST CALL THE COCKS OH AND WEAR HEELS BITCHES

>> No. 46160
File 134656679523.jpg - (37.78KB , 395x400 , Michael_Phelps395.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 46161
File 134656697883.jpg - (56.47KB , 565x850 , 07.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

A virgin who's old enough to go clubbing... oh. I know what that must look like
>> No. 46162
Ya'll niggas is stupid.
>> No. 46163
Hey Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you do know that "everything that indicates I'm a virgin" =/= "every stupid and embarrassing thing I've written, said or done," right? Somehow I don't think you thought your brilliant plan all the way through...
>> No. 46164
Yeah. He actually believes this.
He also believes that since he now cross dresses he's not the same man who was going to rape a model named Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles in a cave.
He's pretty much your standard celebrity stalker. His life won't end well, but that's part of the fun of watching him.
>> No. 46165
Yeah, I guess that's to be expected.
After all, he has an excuse for every situation so anything he says can't or won't be used against him (in his mind).
If he was strung out on bath salts and medical marijuana, then anything he said doesn't count.
If he was drunk and depressed, then anything he said doesn't count.
If he was a homophobic male virgin (spoiler: he still is) who thought an ex-porn star would willingly fuck him for free, then anything he said doesn't count.
If he was overwhelmed with STUH-RESS from DOSE DANG DIRTY CISGENDER RIGHT-WING FASCIST HARDCORE CHRISTIAN TUH-ROLLS, then anything he said doesn't count.
If he was busy raping and murdering little kids and women in a cave, then anything he said doesn't count.

The list goes on...
>> No. 46166
I lost most of that log btw, but I feel like I should mention that rob said Milla Jovovich made him feel inadequate in his body and thus that made his past gender identity totally legitimate.
>> No. 46167
Well, to be fair, he is taking Zumba. Nothing inspires fear and jealousy like a Zumba Wraith.
Go to YouTube and search Zumba. Imagine Robbay doing any of said dances. Be entertained forever.
*does Zumba dance*
>> No. 46168

Oh wow.
So when will he run out of Bath salts? I really want to see him crash
>> No. 46169
Robb's exploits from tonight summed up in one rather damning deleted post. This ruse was so sad, even Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles realized it and attempted his delete fucking everything trick. Face it Robb, your sad attempt failed and the ED article and /L/ threads will remain up indefinitely. Thanks for such a productive evening, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. I've already started your September archive.
>> No. 46170
Her friends better pay up. She won that bet.
>> No. 46171
Hi, you might now me from my encyclopedia dramatica article where I admit to stalking a porn star, and attempting to kidnap and rape someone.
Want to go out?
And that is overlooking all his crossdressing death threat making drug induced wolverines antics.
Not seeing the angle Rob. You are going to have to walk us through it.
>> No. 46172
File wraith_commander.txt - (3.70KB ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles also talked to me that night. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is a genderqueer man yall.
>> No. 46173
*shudder* .
Not sure who the loser is in that scenario.
>> No. 46174
It's funny because this is exactly how we thought Chris would react when he first got laid.
>> No. 46175
Wait a minute I finally understand, his parents suddenly want him to go on a vacation, soon after he gets laid calling himself "Queen of the Poconos", The Pocono Mountains being a popular vaction area.

His parents paid for a prostitute for him!
>> No. 46176
File 134658410633.png - (433.09KB , 1349x1468 , Irish Gothic Vampire in So_ Phila_ - poconos trans.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Could this be his heartsweet?
>> No. 46177
Nah, that's Paul David "Eyebrows" Smith's heartsweet.
>> No. 46178
>>Quimm eater
>>What the fuck is a quimm?
>>Why the fuck did he capitalize it?
>>Is this going to be some special word for like, tranny clit or something? Might as well look it up.
>>...It just means vagina? That's it? This thing's got an entry on urbandictionary, and is used basically no where else.
>>Why the fuck didn't he just say pussy, cunt, vagina, snatch, rug, ladyplace, cooch, chichi, naughty bits, furburger, ham wallet, pudding hatch, or meat cave?
>> No. 46179
>>I heard you like torturing heteromen because their scum.

No, that's the bony druggie chick from the tiny chats, can't recall her name. The one that looks autistic because her face is always devoid of expression. She went on about how she wants to violate men's asses.

Omega just agreed and poured on the cishatred.
>> No. 46180
I can't fathom how a person would be so proud to find out that their whole "trans" identity is a sham (after they changed their name, no less). I mean, you started identifying as a woman, shouldn't this sudden change provoke some sort of introspection? You went to transway meetings, made friends, made enemies, changed your fucking name, but the second you get laid, you just drop it all and start shouting slurs?

I really cannot grasp how little of a personality you must have Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. I think it stems from a crucial lack of life experience. Even Atlus didn't become such a scumbag after getting laid (and he got laid before you, at a younger age). But then again, anyone who power trips after losing their virginity past age 16 is pretty sad.
>> No. 46181
i think i said this before in the thread, that robbay is chris sped up; he's already on the tomgirl saga
>> No. 46182
Wait a second.


R­­ika must have had sex with Mikhail in a CAVE! IT ALL MAKES PERFECT SENSE!

The CAVE is where he SHOVED his dick into Mikhail.

Gee, I hope ADF doesn't find out...I heard he's something of an abusive lout!
>> No. 46183
File 134659578399.jpg - (16.07KB , 233x249 , mog.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Dresses like a woman, claims to be straight
>lost virginity 8 years after everyone else
>immediately flaunts it on the internet
>hates transexuals and homosexuals
>> No. 46184
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles surpasses Chris in every way.
>> No. 46185
with the exception of bra cup size. he'll have to work on that
>> No. 46186

Knowing Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. It(respecting your lack of gender pronouns) would probably get breast implants to look more "sexy". Since it must be hard to put a dress on a skeletor looking man.
>> No. 46187
Isn't he claiming to be both genders now or some shit?
>> No. 46188
File 134660205196.jpg - (75.57KB , 750x390 , laughing nazis.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey Robert, my main man! I recalled you asking me to update your ED page yesterday. Sadly I was a bit busy, but now I found some time. What do you say?

>> No. 46189
I thought Robert was asexual?
>> No. 46190
File 134660297453.jpg - (12.56KB , 300x257 , vomit.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>22:26Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesi'll still wear dresses because i like the aestetic and it turns me on
>> No. 46191
that ED page looks really good brah, keep up the good work
>> No. 46192

Do you see Robert? Do you see?

You keep on adding cocks to your ED article that you despise so much, all because you refuse to stop coming here.

Your ego and arrogance in thinking you can trump the trolls has gotten you another section on ED, now revealing to the entire world and all potential future employers that you are a 24 year old virgin, kissless at that.
>> No. 46193
It's Irish slang.
>> No. 46194
I have to wonder why Robert didn't come up with a lie that would be somewhat realistic instead of Chris-esque "I lost my young virginity with a Seinor Cheerleader; her china was sweeeeettt!"

Like, if Robert is so bothered by his virginity, he could have said "Hey /cwc/, I got a hooker yesterday and I think she was worth the money, I had fun."
And /cwc/ could've replied "That's cool Robb, carry on!"

But he just had to go "I HAD THIS SUPER HOT GOTH WHO LOVED MY ED MADE MY PROUD OF MUH DIK". I guess it is as they say, that Robert is just a child inside and has to come up with outlandish stories.
>> No. 46195

Zyklon, if I could rip out every single strand of your hair, I would you little runt. You're fucking drooling envy and you're hoping she or any of friends see this. Well, I forgot to mention I told them that the ED page is but a pitiful SMEAR campaign against LGBT.
>> No. 46196
You are a hopeless dreamer Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 46197
It's enough that you see the ED page, Robb. And stop with the threats of violence against women you scumbag. You're the worst internet tough guy ever.
>> No. 46198
File 134660564072.png - (25.98KB , 1496x150 , screwlgbt.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
How about a blast from the past, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles? More hypocrisy form our favorite lolcow. You're such an idiot, Robb.
>> No. 46199
File 134660568799.jpg - (106.58KB , 500x773 , Hitler chilling.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Alright, glad you could join us Robert. I put there a new template just for you. Hope you like it!

I can't really can't think of a single way how someone could possibly be jealous of you. Even in your fantasy scenario you lose your virginity at the age of twenty-four. Quite odd for someone who totally is as attractive as Milla is, hmm? Mind helping me here, Robb?
>> No. 46200
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, your cross dressing and whatever is completely unrelated to LGBT, sorry bro.

Also why are you not hanging out with your girlfriend right now? How surprising you'd be here ranting when you have a hot babe you could be having sex with.
>> No. 46201
Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesy your only looking out for your own welfare. since when did you give a shit about the LGBT community?
>> No. 46202
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you're such a misogynist. Seriously, you've got some women issues. Perhaps some more direct action is in order...
>> No. 46203
Thanks for proving a valid point spergs. The ED article looks so ridiculous that it could only be the work of a hate group. Up here in the Poconos everyone is blissfully ignorant to the fucking worship of the stonecutters that goes on here.

Face to innocent people YOU all look like a phony facist hate group.
>> No. 46204
>Stalked a Porn Star
>Threatened a federal agent
>Did God Knows what in a cave

Yeah, Robb. You know all about innocent, don't you?
>> No. 46205
Rob why are you so hung up on your sexual identity. We make funny of because you are in idiot who happens to be a tranny. Everyone here likes seanie and omega and they are both part of the LGBT community.

You are so autistic that you can see anything other then your limited world view. This why you think this is about your cross dressing cause that's all you see in other people.

By the way you really are like a 14 year old who gets his first girlfriend and is suddenly an expert in woman. Not that anyone believes you had sex
>> No. 46206
>Hate group

We're tame compared to the garbage you write, Robbie.

What ever happened to leaving forever?
>> No. 46207
The only point which has been proven is that you're addicted to this place, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Otherwise, you'd have stopped coming here.
>> No. 46208
File 134660640390.jpg - (54.42KB , 468x352 , hitler heiling.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> Thanks for proving a valid point spergs. The ED article looks so ridiculous that it could only be the work of a hate group. Up here in the Poconos everyone is blissfully ignorant to the fucking worship of the stonecutters that goes on here.
You know Robb, we brought you here so that entire /cwc/ could have fun with you and minimal stonecutting and hoarding shit. I like to consider you 789chan's own little project.

And the EncyclopediaDramatica page, since now you're here, would you like to point out some inaccuracies? And if the trannies and lesbians in Poconos, whatever it is, ever see your page, it's quite easy for them to see it's all True and Honest since there are several direct links to your posts and screencaps. Oops!
>> No. 46209
Don't worry Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles you might have fooled these new "friends" for now, but I'm sure at some point you will do something shit to them like you have to everyone else in your life. Then they will see you for the terrible human being that you are
>> No. 46210
And last thing before I run some errands, I am still part of LGBT as the third gender. Don't shoot this bullshit that I am a man or a woman. Like politics where it takes beliefs from both wings to suceed, to be a great person it takes traits from BOTH genders.
>> No. 46211
File 134660668088.png - (24.82KB , 1321x227 , FASCIST HATE GROUP.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 46212
File 134660672118.jpg - (25.65KB , 544x476 , Nazi costanza.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robert, there's no third gender. You're either a man or a woman. But I'm glad you know realize how miserably you failed as a woman.
>> No. 46213
And so the high continues. Revel in it while you can, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Even with your limited self-awareness, I think you realize it's just as fleeting as the others before it. You know that you're bound to crash soon, and we shall see the return of "feel sorry for me" Robert.

Your ploy from yesterday failed, and I think the full impact of that failure is just starting to hit your stimulant-addled brain. You're having second thoughts about your prematurely-declared victory.

Face it, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. If you think you're ever going to win this "war" as you call it, you're only fooling yourself.
>> No. 46215
>Up here in the Poconos everyone is blissfully ignorant
Living la vida Poconos
>> No. 46216
>third gender

You truly are the goblin king
>> No. 46217
>you're just like the kids who bullied the fuck out of me in high school
Legit quote from Robert.
>> No. 46218
Its funny cause Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is now like that loser in high school who claims to not be a virgin and he totally got laid by a girl from another state. "She lives in the Poconos you wouldn't know her "
>> No. 46219
Audio 2_Genders.mp3 - (35.02KB - 113 kbps - 48 kHz , 2 Genders.mp3 ) Length: 0:02 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Let me guess, you were probably the kid who tried to change the rules of the game on the playground when you knew you were losing, weren't you?
>> No. 46220

Project: Eye of the Autistic failed and now your pouting, bawwing and name calling. Kind of like Jordman when you point out his hawt five o clock shadow under his semi non-existant chin. It's pitiful but he has NO WAY of escaping that fucking truth.

I've long realized I'm not a woman material unlike babbies like him. But a girl helped me find myself, I'm androgynous and that turned her bi tendencies on like a light switch. I'm better off being a heterosexual gender queer than shit I was lying to myself earlier. Men are ugly beer swelling scum
>> No. 46221
File 134660735493.png - (303.82KB , 461x335 , kanyeezyandmikemeezy.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>And last thing before I run some errands, I am still part of LGBT as the third gender. Don't shoot this bullshit that I am a man or a woman. Like politics where it takes beliefs from both wings to suceed, to be a great person it takes traits from BOTH genders.

Please, everyone knows that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles doesn't care about LGBT people...or people that aren't him, period.
>> No. 46222
File 13466073651.png - (10.76KB , 1318x76 , third gender.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 46223
File 134660742734.png - (18.48KB , 1319x166 , lol.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 46224
>Men are ugly beer swelling scum

Not all of them. Some are ugly, bath salt-addicted, lying, crossdressing, hopelessly myopic retards.
>> No. 46225
So you've switched gears from misogyny to misandry. Great strategy, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. You've proven yet again that you only care about yourself, whom even you know you also hate. Your hatred is your undoing, Robert.
>> No. 46226
File 134660760687.jpg - (104.20KB , 1280x853 , Hitler has all the bitches.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>But a girl helped me find myself, I'm androgynous and that turned her bi tendencies on like a light switch.
How is that even possible if you're a man? And how ugly does she have to be if you were able to "pop her cherry", assuming you're about the same age?

>Men are ugly beer swelling scum
You most certainly not being an exception.
>> No. 46227

>Men are pigs
>yeah, i have a penis, but its DIFFERANTTTT
>but im not a tranny guise

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles you little schizo
>> No. 46229
The best part about all of this is it happened overnight. For so many people something like this would take tons of soul searching and possibly a lot of therapy.

Not Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles he gets some stank on his hang low and suddenly he changes his sexual identity on a whim. Its like watching some one in high school who listen to their first NIN album and suddenly they dye their hair black and wear all black clothes
>> No. 46230
>Its like watching some one in high school who listen to their first NIN album and suddenly they dye their hair black and wear all black clothes
Or someone watches Resident Evil for the first time, and suddenly they dye & cut their hair and wear nothing but cocktail dresses.
>> No. 46231
File 134660803787.jpg - (375.53KB , 624x840 , ADF_hobo_chic.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It sounds a lot like someone else we know who changes on a whim, doesn't it?
>> No. 46232
Robb, get on IRC
>> No. 46233
You love to make fun of Jordan, don't you Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles? Funny thing is, there aren't 17 Jordan threads archived in /L/, are there?
>> No. 46234
Cross dressing and androgyny are just appearance/fashion things.

You might as well be calling yourself a gothsexual.
>> No. 46235
Robb, zyklon's on irc, why don't you come bitch?
>> No. 46236

Thanks for not heeding my warning. I can't wait to see these on the ED page.

Everyone in the Pocono's might not have heard of ED Robb, but the rest of the world has, and your exploits up there are still continue to be recorded.

You're reputation will live on... forever.
>> No. 46237
So did all of these hawt goths actually see the ED page, or just hear Rob's explanation of them? I think if/when they actually read the page Rob will no longer be so enamored of his notoriety.
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