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No. 46375

Moar rage from Moleman9000. I wouldn't keep posting this if it wasn't fucking hilarious.
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>> No. 46376
>teen on DA complains about school

didnt even read
>> No. 46377
Hi beekeeper.
>> No. 46378
its not even funny, its just the poor bastard doesn't understand the book at all. then again half his details on the book are wrong so he may have skimmed it to finish his shitty sonic fanfics
>> No. 46379
File 134604067033.jpg - (20.53KB , 320x318 , hitlerious.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>complains about 1984 having a sad ending
>brings up Halo and Star Wars vidyagames as examples of superior storytelling
>complaining about how Orwell could only write about dictators because 1984 and Animal Farm were obviously the only things he did
>complaining about Oedipus Rex not showing the Sphinx and assuming ancient Greek theater had access to the same resources as modern Hollywood movies

Has this kid done anything else?
>> No. 46380
TvTropers encountering real literature, even the high school level stuff, is beautiful.
>> No. 46381

Well, half of his journals have so much rage that scouters get crushed. Here's some of the highlights. Not to mention that he's his own favorite artist.


He raegs about the Dark Knight shooting.


Raegs about Fast Eddie and TVTropes. (He and Jim Profit should really hook up.)


Here's a journal about him assaulting a Korean boy.

So, yeah. He's sort of a combination between Robert Price, Jim Profit and Chris-chan. (The only reason I say Chris-chan is because his step-brother is Dave Navarro.)
>> No. 46382
He is just an autist who sees himself as a "hero" of his own story, much like cwc, and is buttdevastated to find out that some "heroes" fail in the end

i raged tho.
>> No. 46383
he makes drew pickles vids. damn no wonder he cant read.
>> No. 46384
>Ripped up and threw away school property because he didn't like the book it was based on.
>Completely missed the point of 1984.
>Thinks fucking Star Wars videogames have better writing than anything Orwell wrote.

I fucking HATE this kid so much it's unreal.
>> No. 46385

>Don't. Kill. Anything. Without. My. Permission. Or. Else.

>> No. 46386
Oh yeah, 1984 didn't have a happy ending. You know why? Because it's a FUCKING CAUTIONARY TALE.

The whole point of the story was that if you let things become as bad as they were in the book, with cameras on every street corner and other crap like that, there's NOT GOING TO BE A HAPPY ENDING. YOU AREN'T GOING TO FIX IT IF YOU LET IT COME TO THIS POINT.

What were you expecting? Some badass Hollywood action hero played by Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sylvester Stallone (or possibly Burt Reynolds) to come in, save the day, and fix everything? That would negate the ENTIRE POINT of the book. People would gladly let authoritarian dictatorships take over if they thought they could be easily fixed by some generic action hero.

But no, if the Government turns into some kind of horrible fascist wasteland, no Hollywood action hero is going to come in and clean shit up for you. You are fucked. You waited until your shitty faux-Italian coffee table broke completely and now the warranty is expired. There's no turning back now, moron!

Oh, and you hate Big Brother? You think he's "THE most despicable fictional character ever conceived by mankind." ? First of all, you obviously haven't read a lot of books, or met a guy named Barry. Second of all, you'd better watch it while you're insulting Big Brother, because he's YOU.

Yeah, that's right asshole, you're Big Brother. You know how they kept calling people "the dead"? Well that wasn't just a grammatically backwards catchphrase, it had a meaning behind it. They gave up on fighting or trying to stop their oppressive Government, and the Government became cold, inhuman and oppressive because they let it. Thus they were all dead inside.

And that's us, or at least what will fucking happen to us if we don't take the book's message to heart. Big Brother happened because we let it happen, because idiots like YOU let it happen. Because no one stopped it before it was too late.

Of course, you're obviously too dumb to get that, even though anyone who actually READ THE BOOK, or hell, even READ THE CLIFFNOTES ONLINE would easily make out without having to have it explained to them LIKE FUCKING IDIOT.

>> No. 46387
File 134604781652.png - (8.87KB , 255x384 , haha.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>I had yet another meltdown today at school, which this time involved OBLIVERATEing my retainer.
>> No. 46388
So I was doing research on this guy so I could JULAY him when I came across this.


Turns out that there's a good chance that Moleman9000 is the younger half-brother of Jane's Addiction and former Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist David Navarro. Either that or there happens to be someone born with the same first, middle, and last name as him in the same year in the same state.

It's funny how lolcows work. One brother is a world famous musician who was married to Carmen Electra and the other wastes his time bitching about how Wikipedia doesn't have entries about YouTube Poop.
>> No. 46389

Holy shit, confirmed.

>> No. 46390
File 13460586344.jpg - (103.75KB , 640x353 , f955281cdbd69495c6bb0bfec346c47b.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

your sperg is showing brah
>> No. 46391

Seriously though, this is what happens when kids watch too many Disney movies. Comparing 1984 to fucking Halo.
>> No. 46392
>I got suspended from school again for punching a stupid Korean boy who was "joking" about eating dogs in the face,
>> No. 46393
>Also, I've recently been banned from that "Villains Wiki" for a month for attacking an autistic and genuinely idiotic user (This guy:[link]) who had been creating articles for virtually–nonexistent "characters" in God–awful "crossover" videos that HE himself creates (You know the ones, where they mix together clips from Disney movies, Non–Disney animated movies and other random cartoons together, but without any creativity, artistic merit or humor, expecting them to be taken at face value rather than a Youtube Poop–type thing. If you've ever stumbled on the "Pooh's Adventures of ________" "series" you probably know exactly what I mean.) On the bright side, most of the admins did seem to agree with my arguments ultimately, and the articles were deleted; I was just blocked temporarily for being too openly hostile to another user, which admittedly is a legitimate problem I have.

While the Pooh's Adventures guy is indeed a homosexual deviant, he is aware of the hypocrisy of bitching that Wikipedia doesn't have a page on YouTube Poop, then getting mad at someone else for adding non-notable stuff to a wiki, right?
>> No. 46394
This is a level of sperging I've never seen from you, Homor.

Are you really stupid enough to rant about the meaning of Nineteen Eighty-Four on /cwc/?
>> No. 46395
i can understand why he spergs though, this dumb-ass just compared a classic to fucking forced unleashed and halo.
>> No. 46396
File 134607640157.jpg - (85.03KB , 400x652 , 57467920.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If only Orwell had lived long enough to take inspiration from vidya and the Star Wars extended universe.

I wonder what fiction will give him the sads next. Brave New World, Catcher in the Rye, Antigone?
>> No. 46397
File 134607697041.gif - (528.96KB , 350x180 , 1345995793763.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 46398
"The teacher made us read Fahrenheit 451, and I don't see what the big deal is. He's burning books, and I hate books, so it kind of made me happy." The joys of living in a world where so many consider twilight to be well-written and thoughtful.
>> No. 46399
Maybe they would like books better if the teacher didn't make them read so many dystopian novels.
>> No. 46400
Last I checked, 1984 and Farenheit 451 were the only dystopian novels people read in high school.

But yeah bro, tomorrow we should totally go tell the teacher to go fuck herself in homeroom. That would be rad.
>> No. 46401
A least if he's going to compare a book to a video game choose a better game like spec ops - the line.
>> No. 46402
File 134607863253.jpg - (47.47KB , 447x436 , not laughing elf woman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Oedipus Rex isnt about monster fighting, its about human tragedy. its supposed to be about a guy who through no direct fault is damned by a fate he thought he had prevented.

>That's all fine and dandy, but why, then, do they deliberately put a monster in the story only to not show it? That's teasing!
>> No. 46403
I bet this kid hates B&W movies because they're "too old". Fuck I hate uncultured kids.
>> No. 46404
Wow, this guy is pretty fucking thick. You should be ashamed Dave.
>> No. 46405
File 134608639445.jpg - (13.34KB , 450x307 , georgewashingtoncleanshisear.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>And worst of all, he claimed he was imitating the Joker even though his hair was RED, not green, and he didn't have any makeup on. If he did the same thing in PROPER Joker character, then MAYBE I might not be as mad. But he DID IT WRONG! He ruined Heath Ledger's legacy!

I... What the fuck. This kid is terrible.
>> No. 46406
File 134610553346.gif - (1.40MB , 193x135 , bertreading.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Thinks everyone hates James Holmes because he died his hair the wrong color.
>> No. 46407

OP here. I was going to say that, but you took the words right out of my mouth (or hands).
>> No. 46408
homer beez spergin' abot some dumb old ass book thet no-one give's a whit abot, ya'llz, lulz
>> No. 46409
It has already happened.
>> No. 46410
"What's the deal with Mad Love, it's old and boring,the ending is sad, lol that bald guy was like crazy and stuff, and the actors are all dead...They should remake it, Michael Bay should direct it, it would be so awseome."
The sad thing is there are many "average Joes" who shared the same asinine opinions.
>> No. 46411
>Complains that the book made him sad and that Big Brother was a negative, ominous presence.

Ugh, I hate when people bitch and moan about books or movies having an actual emotional impact on them. Effective storytelling? Clearly a sign of bad writing.
>> No. 46412
To be honest, a lot of stories only have an emotional impact on their readers because they're manipulative.


That being said, 1984 certainly isn't one of those stories. It had a very important meaning and a very good reason not to have a happy ending.
>> No. 46413
Right. This kid's problem is that he has no clue what it means to be entertained. He likes a happy ending to a story that consists solely of elements within his preordained comfort zone. He doesn't want to be wowed or moved, he wants to be cocks.
>> No. 46414
"Manipulative" stories usually rely on cheap tricks to mask the fact that they're bland and utter shit. If 1984 did that, I bet you three cups of Victory Gin this asshole would have loved it.
>> No. 46415
Pretty sure that if Orwell had been around to witness the Internet and sites like this where perfectly functional people twist themselves into a spergy rage like our favorite mod, he probably would have changed "1984" into "2041" and instead of deliberately subjecting themselves to the Big Brother, people pray to their Internet routers.
Also, kids these days simply don't know how to read anymore, so of course he gets offended when they make him study a book that requires a minimum of thought dedicated to it.
>> No. 46417
Maybe he'd like Catcher in the Rye since it's about an edgy teen like him.
>> No. 46418
Orwell's Appendix to 1984; "The Principles of Newspeak" is an explanation of the language written in the past tense - with the implication that The Party was eventually overthrown.

Whether it was written in such a way for convenience or because Orwell felt a "happy ending" was possible, I'll let you decide.
(http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks01/0100021.txt ctrl-f for "appendix", go to the second result)
>> No. 46419
The past tense is standard for narratives, though. And 1984 was set in the future when Orwell was writing. Also, refer to the famous quote, "If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever."
>> No. 46420
1984 itself is written in the present tense. The appendix is written in past tense from the point of view of someone retrospectively discussing Newspeak. The eventual overthrow of the party is "canon", I'm afraid.
>> No. 46421
>> No. 46422
clearly you weren't here for the fake sonichu pages
>> No. 46423
Thank you for typing that. Now I don't have to explain why this guy's a moron.

Also, I thought he was lying about his bro being Dave Navarro. Turns out I was wrong. Sad that his brother recorded a shitty Red Hot Chili Peppers record.
>> No. 46424

That's autists for you.
>> No. 46425

He banged Carmen Electra though. That's more than this kid'll ever amount to be. Vid related as it's him IRL.
>> No. 46426
I'm fine with Big Brother being defeated at some other point in time, long after the original story ends and is forgotten, defeated by a political power change or a military coup or something else reasonable.

But the narrative and meaning to the original 1984 story delicately depends on the bad guy's winning. The story itself CANNOT have a happy ending, because it would utterly annihilate the story's meaning and purpose.
>> No. 46427
Sure. That's probably why the appendix is so generally unknown - it defeats the point of the exercise. It's a great book but people put too much stock in it. There's a nice vertical comparing it to BNW that shows Huxley was far more accurate - but then there's a even more unknown Swedish pulp novel that was even more accurate. None of the writers could tell the future, they were just saying things and some of it struck true.
The appendix is a conundrum, all the same. I've been meaning to visit the house in the country the one that Julia and Winston meet at is based on for a while. It's probably uninteresting though. North Hertfordshire. Could there be any cocks to be gained from that?
>> No. 46428
ITT: Homor is mad at an autist and all of cwc spergs to the extreme in unison
>> No. 46429

Homor is mad at a culturally illiterate autist who doesn't desire to be cultured.

Fixed it for ya.
>> No. 46430

the autism

I cannae take it capn
>> No. 46431
the autism blew up my computer

I couldn't handle it. And I can handle AIN'T NO SAIYANS WITH A FIDDLE LIKE DIS.
>> No. 46432

A journal entry where he devotes more time screaming about how Skyrim is ruined forever than about his sick mother. Also, he's oblivious on how his previous journal full of tard rage got so many views. I'm proud of you all.
>> No. 46433
File 134672541262.gif - (21.06KB , 246x408 , moleman.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Really. I'm very much glad that my words are reaching people and am amused by your inability to recognize that many of the things I say in those journals are sarcastic, INTENTIONALLY stupid and part of a humorous style, as well as your general exaggeration of my alleged naiveté and stupidity.
As for The Catcher in the Rye, which some of you mentioned, I'll have you know that I have indeed read it, and I did indeed hate it, but rather than giving me "the sads", the book instead brought me to do THIS:
>> No. 46434
>> No. 46435
Do you wear a fedora? You sound like you wear a fedora.
>> No. 46436
It's allowed when it's meant to be a political satire, which is what moleman feels like. He sounds like those parents that want to ban certain books. That cannot be an accident.
>> No. 46437
Explain this:

What do you have to say for yourself?
>> No. 46438
Can you post a note on your DeviantArt so we know you're the real moleman9000?
>> No. 46439
Is this proof enough for you?


Oh, and since it looks like my first attempt to embed my video didn't go through: It's here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgk4muT-DRc
>> No. 46440
Moleman why didn't you burn your lego?
>> No. 46441
File 134672652987.jpg - (32.40KB , 450x338 , dave-navarro-tila-tequila.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
How's your relationship with your older brother?

Do you guys talk at all?
>> No. 46442

Also, there's an explanation on how to embed if you need to again.
>> No. 46443

Does your brother know you jerk it to cartoons?
>> No. 46444
Of my statements about 1984, the ones that I actually meant were perfectly reasonable, as gone into detail in a comment conversation I had with a certain user who initially commented on the journal to say that it was "So Bad It's Good". All I demanded was that Winston accomplish SOMETHING and have a MORAL victory, even if it doesn't overthrow the whole Party.

I see Dave about a few times per year, and we talk at those times. We're not close, though.

And yes, I do indeed "jerk it" to cartoons, not that I would EVER bring that up with anyone without it being brought up by someone else first. But don't act like you don't have perversions of your own!
>> No. 46445
>But don't act like you don't have perversions of your own!
>Implying getting hard to cartoons is normal

your going to have to try better then that moleman
>> No. 46446
>All I demanded was that Winston accomplish SOMETHING and have a MORAL victory, even if it doesn't overthrow the whole Party.

Again, that would negate the entire point of the story. Please read my previous post.
>> No. 46447
But that's not the point of 1984
Now I'd go into detail but I'd rather let homor tardrage at you
>> No. 46448
Have you been diagnosed with autism? If so, how severe is it?
>> No. 46449
Homor vs. moleman9000? It could be just what we need while we await the return of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 46450
We're gonna tell your family all about what you masturbate to.
>> No. 46451
If you need me I'll be selling popcorn and hats with autism written on them to the eager crowd
>> No. 46452
I am very high–functioning autistic.

And as for you, Homor, what sort of ending WOULD you accept in which Big Brother doesn't win?
>> No. 46453
>I am very high-functioning autistic.

Cool. Thanks for answering my question.

I'll take a box now.
>> No. 46454
>high–functioning autistic
>> No. 46455
Why don't we settle this in irc, Moleman? http://chat.mibbit.com/?channel=%23789&server=irc.lostsig.net
>> No. 46456
Christian Weston Chandler is an utter disgrace to autistics everywhere and should not be associated with them or vice versa.
>> No. 46457
>> No. 46458
So, you're saying he gives high-functioning autistics like yourself a bad name?
>> No. 46459
How does it feel to be an illiterate moron, a boorish phillistine who prefers Star Wars over Orwell?
>> No. 46460
File 134673048316.jpg - (20.91KB , 400x267 , freelancer.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>How moleman showing up makes me feel
>> No. 46461

>> No. 46462

Here's my A-Log of tonight's IRC
>> No. 46464

Full chat log

>Boycott wikipedia cus they won't let MLP characters have articles

You trully are a sperg among spergs moleman
>> No. 46465
Hey, guys. I'm the one who pulled the epic ween and told moleman about the board. The plan waas simple.

If he went into hiding, he would have been proven unworthy of lolcow status.

If he came onto the site and argued about it, then he would indeed be a true lolcow.
>> No. 46466

he has ascended far beyond the level of a typical sperg. This is fantastic.
>> No. 46467

Modern archaeology actually suggests the Philistines had an advanced culture consisting of architecture, trade and diplomacy as well as a warrior culture.

The more you know.
>> No. 46468
And the Neanderthal had superglue, painted caves with art and played flutes. Doesn't mean I can't use Neanderthal as an insult. It's part of the language
>> No. 46469

"20:30 Homor: Fairly Odd Parents doesn't have the same cultural impact that Macbeth had.

20:31 Moleman9000: That's ONLY because macbeth has been around longer"

"20:34 Moleman9000: Why can't Shakespeare and Ponies be EQUAL though?"
>> No. 46470

Well, hopefully this will insulate him from ween hippie circle homosexual deviantry.
>> No. 46471

After what he said the IRC Chat, I think it's too late for that.
>> No. 46472
Moleman you look like a fat little spic.
>> No. 46473
>Equating cartoons to Macbeth.
Fuck you, just fuck you.
>> No. 46474
I love how autists think the throwaway children's trash they consume is culturally significant.
>> No. 46475

Epin, bra.
>> No. 46476
For thinking that Shakespeare and the like are AUTOMATICALLY, inherently more important than anything else. ALL works with significant fan bases are culturally significant. The Fairly OddParents and other cartoons like it have millions of fans, including many who are more obsessed than I.
>> No. 46477
I highly suggest that you check out MY OWN original writings, which are on my DA account as my actual deviations. Here's the introduction to my body of work:

I've continually put a lot of time and effort into this for over a year now and plan to continue doing so, and it is what I want to be remembered for.
>> No. 46478
The reason it's considered more important is because it has managed to stay relevant for over 400 years. If you honestly think something like the Fairly Oddparents is going to be talked bout even 100 years from now, you're about as delusional as Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 46479

>> No. 46480
You're autistic.

Your opinion about the world, history and culture is invalid. You can't even grasp basic social norms.

But please stay.
>> No. 46481
I'm not wasting my time reading that shit, sperg.
>> No. 46482

He's "famous" now. Hey Moleman, thought you might like to see someone else /cwc/ helped make famous: https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Robert_Wayne_Stiles
>> No. 46483
Stop saying "Sperg" all the time. It's annoying and it almost sounds like a derogatory thing. What's it supposed to mean, anyway?
>> No. 46484
it means you're a sperg
>> No. 46485
It means you the autism.
Also why arn't you in school moleman?
>> No. 46486
Stuff it, Sperglord.
>> No. 46487
It would explain his appreciation of literature...
>> No. 46488
I am in fact in school right now. It is currently lunch break.
>> No. 46489
Pay closer attention, then.
>> No. 46490
Only spergs go on 789chan during their lunchbreak!
>> No. 46491
I have NOTHING against Shakespeare and (most) other classic literature, I for one think that Shakespeare's stories are quite interesting and amusing. What I am against is the notion that they're the greatest and most important stories ever, and that nothing in today's age is allowed to be viewed as better than them. As a culture, our works, for the most part, have continued to get continually better and more refined over time.
>> No. 46492
I also believe that "worshipping" these so–called "classics" and forcing them on the new generation is cultural stagnation.
>> No. 46493
During last night's chatroom I listed some of the works that I consider the most important. Well, here are some others that I missed:
• Harry Potter
• Doctor Who
• Most Disney Movies
• The Works of Jim Henson
• Marvel and DC Comics, especially Batman
>> No. 46494
Ah, so you'd rather we not learn from what the past can teach us. You're very wise, Mr. Moleman.
>> No. 46495
>Doctor Who
>Harry Potter

Moleman your a sperg and you fucking know it.
>> No. 46496
What I'm saying is that the present should be just as important as is.
>> No. 46497
Dr. Who is childish bullshit.
>> No. 46498
• King Arthur Mythos
• Greek Mythology
• James Bond
• Sherlock Holmes
>> No. 46499
• Mass Effect
• The Mario Series: Not so much a STORY, per se, but culturally massive
>> No. 46500
>Things that I like are culturally significant and transformative because I like them.

>> No. 46501
moleman go back to school and learn.
>> No. 46502
File 134678559246.jpg - (26.99KB , 616x421 , bale1_128764s.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 46503

I thought you were going to say "My name isn't Ian Brandon Something!" with a title like that.
>> No. 46504
If that's what you mean. However, THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. I in fact consider it a sort of blessing that I am able to think differently and offer unique perspectives that would go unstated otherwise.
>> No. 46505
File 134678565086.jpg - (2.10KB , 136x136 , sadkermit.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>The Works of Jim Henson

You make Kermit sad, Moleman.
>> No. 46506
Comparing me to Chris–Chan. I am infinitely better than him (of course, just about everyone in the world is) because I'm (comparatively) modest and reasonable. I am being a very good sport here about your ridicule of me, after all.
>> No. 46507
>> No. 46508
Important to me = Coolest, most developed, most entertaining
>> No. 46509

Go back to your hugbox. Also, your bro banged Carmen Electra, who are you going to bang? Some fleshlight that looks like Pinkie Pie?
>> No. 46510












>> No. 46511
Who I'm going to "bang" is not of concern to me right now. My focus is on developing my creative works. Also, as I said before, I deliberately abstain from being sexually attracted to anything MLP–related on principle.
>> No. 46512
The problem is, you seem to think everyone else should share that opinion as well. Also, you obviously don't understand why those works are important to begin with.
>> No. 46513
I'll admit, it was tough, especially with a certain episode where a pony did something that matched my fetish perfectly. Luckily, I've been able to control my impulses.
>> No. 46514
What fetishes do you have?
>> No. 46515

Hi, I just wanted to let you know that you just went full retard there.
>> No. 46516
>> No. 46517
So, Moleman. Do you think Orwell could have learned a lot from reading TV Tropes?
>> No. 46518
What is it with you spergs that makes you believe what you think or have to say is unique?
>> No. 46519
File 134678926850.jpg - (47.48KB , 624x351 , _52392786_c0089246-spl.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
'cos mommy said so.
>> No. 46520
>> No. 46521
Look at this sperg and laugh, laugh as hard as you can!
>> No. 46522
File 13467908387.jpg - (1.04MB , 2272x1704 , sides.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>pony did something that lined up with my fetishes, making it hard not to fap

>> No. 46523

Unrelated, but damn I want some Arthur Bryant's now.
>> No. 46524
You list Greek mythology (most likely because they got those super awesome huge monsters in there just like in those kickass comics), yet you say you dislike Oedipus Rex, which, as you might agree, is based on one of those myths.
Now, I do enjoy some video games every now and then, but how you compare them to novels that have actually influenced countless of minds in the past is simply beyond me. I just don't see people storming the streets in a revolution to end oppressive systems because of some pixels on a screen.
>> No. 46525
If you don't mind my asking, what was going on?
>> No. 46526
I did not write that post saying that I've been tempted to clop to ponies because of them doing something that catered to my fetishes. See proof in that that post does not link to my email.
>> No. 46527

Then get a trip.
>> No. 46528

Probably. The thing is, the way the site's being run nowadays, it's almost like his stories.
>> No. 46529

When did I ever say I wanted people to start revolutions based on stories. All stories should PRIMARILY be to entertain. It's unrealistic to think that any work of fiction will truly, permanently change the way someone thinks. Only real life experiences will do that.
>> No. 46530

I did not make that post.
>> No. 46531
I judge stories based on their talent and creativity, not their application to real–world issues.
>> No. 46532

You caused me to have a stroke reading that. Feel good, now?
>> No. 46533

I feel just fine, knowing that a jerk like YOU had a stroke.
>> No. 46534

How's the latest issue of Sonichu coming along?
>> No. 46535
Dang dirty trolls. http://www.sonichu.com/cwcki/Jerk
>> No. 46536

>It's unrealistic to think that any work of fiction will truly, permanently change the way someone thinks

I'm going to assume (well, hope, rather) your history teacher just hasn't covered the era of Enlightenment yet. I know I shouldn't expect much, but maybe you have heard of Kant, Voltaire, Diderot and other classic authors. Maybe the phrase "sapere aude" rings a bell to you. If you bothered to actually read some culturally important works, hell, maybe even a history book, you'd come to find that some people base their morals and beliefs on things other than MTV, cartoons and movies.
>> No. 46537
File 134679405715.jpg - (9.92KB , 500x375 , jiggun.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
How could you say something so awful, you insensitive autist? Jerks are people too!
>> No. 46538
You know, Hans Moleman, it's okay yo enjoy the things you enjoy, but enjoy them for what they are, don't pretend that they are masterpieces and the finest pieces of culture produced by mankind. Also, change the tone of your voice, you sound too conceited and pretentious.
>> No. 46539
You need a good spanking, brat.
>> No. 46540
so do you really think you're above chris chan? Seems like you're about as pathetic, maybe even worse. Even though chris didnt read too many books, he didnt go out of his way to discredit them. Speaking of dystopian novels, moleman reminds me of Fahrenheit 451.
>> No. 46541
Are you comparing him to Captain Beatty?
>> No. 46542
Am I the only one who thinks Moleman's got some serious RAEG issues?
>> No. 46543
more like the protagonist's sheep of a wife who sits there watching the wall dramas all day
>> No. 46544
Or her friends who talked about atrocities and abortions as though they were talking about make-up.
>> No. 46545
By how severely you misjudge and misinterpret me
>> No. 46546
going out of my way to discredit the majority of the books I mention – just 1984. Also, I have indeed read Farenheit 451, and I think 1984 should have ended more like it did.
>> No. 46547
I'm amazed by how blind you are to your failings, you must be incredibly ignorant.
>> No. 46548
>The teacher made us read Fahrenheit 451, and I don't see what the big deal is. He's burning books, and I hate books, so it kind of made me happy.
what is there to misinterpret?
>> No. 46549

We wouldn't slander your good name if you didn't act like a buffoon.
>> No. 46550

In all fairness, that's how a /cwc/person believed Gabe Navarro would react if he read Fahrenheit-451.
>> No. 46551

>> No. 46552
That half of what I say in those journals isn't to be taken seriously. It's all in–character.
>> No. 46553
File 134679571951.jpg - (99.80KB , 471x480 , hayashida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Then point out what's ironic and what's serious in that dA journal where you sperged about the Joker's hair colour
>> No. 46554

Are you supposed to be Doug Walker, now?
>> No. 46555
And so the backpedaling begins....
>> No. 46556
The most cliched, weak, worn out defense on the sperg manual!
>> No. 46557

It was a joke until I said:

"Okay, enough ranting. And if you were offended by my implying that whether the shooter was in proper Joker character is more important than the fact that he shot all those people, as that is a nitpicking joke. James Holmes would still be a monster no matter how he dressed, and we should do to him what the real Joker did to the fake Batman on the video in The Dark Knight."
>> No. 46558

In that case, you're pitifully unfunny.
>> No. 46559
File 134679602039.jpg - (34.98KB , 349x642 , 253832_10150219282774281_8315499_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 46560
How about you say something POSITIVE about me for once?
>> No. 46561
File 134679650034.jpg - (162.81KB , 480x457 , wraith.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Moleman9000 is great........FOR ME TO POOP ON.
>> No. 46562
what is there to say? We can't say lies, y'know.
>> No. 46563
My artwork, for one...
My Youtube Poops, few though they are...
>> No. 46564
If it's done in character you should expect people to respond negatively. If you want recognition, just make good stuff that connects with people.
>> No. 46565
someone post moleman's EXCELLENT artwork for the board to.. admire.
>> No. 46566
File 134679687326.jpg - (13.43KB , 387x309 , luigi.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
In that case you're a shitty comedian. If someone joked about a mass murder and added a "lol j/k, i'm actually really upset about this too!" at the end, do you really think it would make people less offended?
>> No. 46567
File 134679690612.jpg - (258.74KB , 900x887 , thesilentsiren_art_trade__supervillain_and_dooma_b.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Artwork, you say?
>> No. 46568
File 134679700150.jpg - (35.04KB , 300x200 , eggmen__chapter_8_by_moleman9000-d4w4pzk.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 46569
And here's the full gallery: http://moleman9000.deviantart.com/gallery/
>> No. 46570
wow, amazing art, moleman. I guess this means there's nothing positive about you for us to say; other than this STUNNING ART.
>> No. 46571
File 134679741388.gif - (1.08MB , 180x200 , 1346705415339.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 46572
File 134679749114.jpg - (303.66KB , 845x946 , archangels__part_2_by_moleman9000-d4yvpvy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 46573
Why does he color everything like it is autistic stained glass

he literally chose the worst color scheme possible in the universe
>> No. 46574
>pro wrestling gif
>> No. 46576
File 134679785263.jpg - (292.59KB , 792x1009 , toxie__6__mechanical_monstrosity_of_pollution_by_m.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Let's see YOUR art, then.
>> No. 46577
>> No. 46578
File 134679807111.png - (1.01MB , 2000x1200 , GONNAGETCAVED.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Check em
>> No. 46579
What does this whole "A–Log" joke even mean?
>> No. 46580

If you made that, then you, sir, are a sick and twisted individual.
>> No. 46581
That means a lot coming from someone who masturbates to ponies
>> No. 46582
File 134679828233.jpg - (80.49KB , 720x960 , 380668_10150974406598337_1435914743_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 46583

I DO NOT MASTURBATE TO PONIES. I specifically said that, and that one post was fake.
>> No. 46584
You know this thread will be archived and your retardation will be laughed at for endless generations now right?
>> No. 46585

Yes, and I'm fine with that. It will help me become known and I can look back at it and have a good laugh when I'm well–respected and you are unknown.
>> No. 46586
Now where have I heard that before....
>> No. 46587
Oh boy here we go.
>> No. 46588
Dude , we have seen your art and writing , you will only be infamous for being horrible

autistics cannot be successful , its a fact
>> No. 46589
File 134679930372.png - (9.99KB , 549x59 , infamousrobb.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So much like Robb.
>> No. 46590

You'll be successful...at being a Good New Article.
>> No. 46591
Moleman, will you get back on IRC tonight?
>> No. 46592

I have two words for you: Mark. Zuckerberg.

Also, the creator of Pokemon has autism, which I find fascinating because my franchise is similar in all the creatures it has.
>> No. 46593

You can bet your butt I will!

If nothing else, you HAVE to admit that I'm being quite a good sport about all this.
>> No. 46594
This is what happens when your only method of learning things is video games and movies

Zuckerberg doesn't have autism. Ctrl+f autism or aspergers on his Wikipedia page. No results.
>> No. 46595
Because a single creator and not an entire company makes a successful franchise right?
>> No. 46596

I never said it was yet a SUCCESSFUL franchise, though I'm confident it WILL be. I already have a friend who's following everything I make of it and is doing video readings of my first novella. And most franchises start with one person.
>> No. 46597
Moleman no one will take you seriously when your art looks like garbage.
>> No. 46598
Then please inform me of how you intend to make this happen.
>> No. 46599
LMAO, you only used, what, 5 or 6 colors in that?

Now THIS: >>263488 is a true masterpiece suitable for framing.
>> No. 46600

The same way all people achieve success: Keep making my product and watch as it becomes more recognized.
>> No. 46601
With your skill level right now, you might have success as a folk artist if you can give memorable interviews.
>> No. 46602
Just look at the descriptions of any of my pictures, or read one of my story chapters.
>> No. 46603
I read one , it made me vomit
>> No. 46604
Your "product" has to be something people want first. Sounds nuts, I know.
>> No. 46605

I may not be selling anything yet, but what I really meant was I want my work to be recognized and want it to entertain people.
>> No. 46606
File 134680120496.jpg - (25.97KB , 270x504 , TobyWeb_10.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Moleman, can you please learn some social manners? Do we have to call your mom?
>> No. 46607
I'm curious, in your own opinion what is the best and worst things about your work? Why do you think people will gravitate towards it?
>> No. 46608
>> No. 46609
learn to draw better and read real books if you want to entertain people. the best creations come from cultured minds.

i know you, moleboy. you want AVGN or Fred fame. something easy that just requires you to cater to other preteens, but doesn't require pushing out of your comfort zone.

if you want to learn a little, stick around. or dont, i couldn't care less.
>> No. 46610

That is indeed my mother, but I do not see what she has to do with any of this.
>> No. 46611
dude, ur mom is hot
>> No. 46612

The best thing is easily the character design. It is the crux of the franchise. The humor is also very good an serves to counteract...

The worst thing would probably be the relative simplicity of the stories once all the aliens, demons and monsters are stripped away, as they're pretty basic.

I feel that people will come to my deviations for the drawings themselves and stay for the descriptions and the universe they convey.
>> No. 46613
I'm sure she'll be delighted to hear that her son is jerkin to cartoons.
>> No. 46614

Thank you, I guess...
Just don't start saying anything obscene about her. Those jokes stopped being funny years ago anyway.
>> No. 46615

people will come to try to fuck your mom
>> No. 46616
Do you think your mom thinks about big horse cocks in her mouth , you two can fuck horses together
>> No. 46617
So we're not the only ones who appreciate that sweet ass?
>> No. 46618

Nothing young padawan. Just remember all actions have reprecussions. If I was an evil man, I could of done a whole lot of damage. Remember that living in a pendulum of rage isn't worth it. The world isn't divided between black and white. Keep yourself level headed because people are able to dig up a whole lot of info on you quite easily.
>> No. 46619
>Those jokes stopped being funny years ago anyway

Tell me where she touched you.
>> No. 46620

That's... actually some pretty intelligent advice.
>> No. 46621
By your uncreative, crude jokes. Go back to picking apart everything I've ever done, please.
>> No. 46622
Please get on IRC
>> No. 46623
File 13468027403.jpg - (11.79KB , 165x266 , WWhardinW.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

/cwc/ is harsh, but there's always a reason for it

All along this countryside
He opened a many a door
But he was never known
To hurt an honest man
>> No. 46624
I can't believe I'm almost sorta kinda white knighting this retard, but Moleman, think about what you say, because someday when a potential employer does a background check, he's going to find this thread by googling your name. People wont be all that forgiving of someone who publicly admits to masturbating to ponies and makes ridiculous criticisms of some of the country's most respected literature.

This is your last chance. If you don't stop now, you are going to go full lolcow, which will be made all the more entertaining by the fact that you ignored this advice.
>> No. 46625
>>Implying this thread won't end up being deleted later
>>implying a employer would google him using a online username
>> No. 46626
What future employer?

He's going to be the head of his company!
>> No. 46627

Uh, this thread's getting archived not deleted.
>> No. 46628
These things always escalate to a point where real names are involved. That's the only morally questionable thing about trolling. If we didn't ever use real names, then there wouldn't be a single valid argument against anything we do.
>> No. 46629
Hi Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
You are such a fucking moron!
>> No. 46631
Moleman came by IRC again tonight.

Part 1: http://pastebin.com/4mvyuES8

Part 2: http://pastebin.com/nX06gsie
>> No. 46632
File 134681092988.png - (79.97KB , 1217x417 , 06aa4dab24bbfaac6051da837145a07f.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
he mad
>> No. 46633
>> No. 46634

That happened YEARS ago.
>> No. 46635
I thought you were going to bed moleman.
>> No. 46636

Just so you know, that was one of the edgiest, most infantile posts I've seen in a long time, even if it was from 08. I can't believe you expect normal people to care about trivial background characters in children's television shows. Do you understand nobody else cares about Timmy Turner and all his cartoon friends? Wikipedia doesn't need an article for each inconsequential character. An article about the show could easily include all the average reader could care to know.

That isn't even the tip of the iceberg, but I hope it helps a little, at least.
>> No. 46637
Sad thing is, there are lesser versions of moleman9000 polluting video game forums all over the net. He's just an extreme enough autist to warrant singling out for failure.
>> No. 46638

so much mad and autism
>> No. 46639

I'm not talking about trivial background characters, I'm talking about THE MAIN CHARACTERS WHO APPEAR IN EVERY SINGLE EPISODE.
>> No. 46640

Keep on diggin'.
>> No. 46641
Dude, moleman, we're watching that "Grounded" pilot on irc right now. Why don't you come in and give us some insight?
>> No. 46642
Also, by that same logic, no one cares about, say, Shakespeare's characters, who have much less screen time, especially the ones that are inconsequential background characters like MACDUFF'S FREAKING SON.
>> No. 46643
Oh my god, you're talking about Donalbain, right? Fucker was completely useless as a character, didn't even have an appearance past the first act. Fuck that guy.
>> No. 46644

FYI, this thread was going to die until you showed up. There's been threads on you before. If you swallowed your pride and lurked, no one would have even known about you. Now, you're probably going to get an ED page.
>> No. 46645
I just skimmed over that IRC log... why are you still here? You seem like an okay autist and you're a kid so why don't you take the advice people gave you and use it?
>> No. 46646

i'd rather have an article on the list of places shakespeare shat than an article on timmy turner


apples and oranges you sperg
>> No. 46647


the first symptom is not heeding advice
>> No. 46648

Make that article now!
>> No. 46649
Yeah, I know. I should've known better than to waste my time since it won't get through but I figured I'd try anyway.
>> No. 46650
It was my understanding that as of some time today, you were starting to actually like me somewhat and I was proving my intelligence?
>> No. 46651

What is this and why would anybody give a shit about it moleman9000?
>> No. 46652
Sure, if you stopped trying to argue with people who are trying to help you be less of a manchild-in-the-making when it comes to cartoons and video games on the internet.

Here's a hint, nobody gives a shit about any of that and you're coming to an age where it's time to put it aside.
>> No. 46653
File 134681589431.jpg - (136.51KB , 455x700 , 03_ Tom-Cruise-Smoking-Cigarette.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

we're tryin' to teach you something

maybe even get you laid (if you're lucky)
>> No. 46654
File 134681593139.gif - (813.72KB , 320x180 , moleman900.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Moleman has apparently had the idea for his epic eggmen story for several years, and only know is he writing it. It's his sonichu.
>> No. 46655

All of the characters in your trivial cartoon are just that- trivial. Please accept that most normal people could not care less about the show itself, much less its cast. It's really not something noteworthy enough for its own little subsection.
>> No. 46656
There are plenty of modern stories that can be reasonably regarded as peers to classics, but it'll be a cold day in hell before any of them are fucking named "The Fairly OddParents."
>> No. 46657
Although he hates Chris for making him look bad he can't see how he's creating his own Sonichu at the same time. He's both a Chris and an A-Log. Though he's not a Robbay so there's that.
>> No. 46658

He even created a TVTropes article just for his own universe. Autism/ego....reaching.....critical mass.
>> No. 46659
File 134681641019.jpg - (18.92KB , 413x395 , 1346621721634.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 46660
I'm gonna take a wild guess and assume he planned this article first and wrote the story backwards, conforming it to all the tropes he wanted on the list.
>> No. 46661
It's a character from macbeth, you plebe.
>> No. 46662
comparing my work to Sonichu. It's completely original, isn't about me, and is actually decent. By your logic, every work that a person with Aspergers makes is a "Sonichu".
>> No. 46663
>It's completely original
>> No. 46664
Your work is not as good as Sonichu nor will it ever be as well known.
>> No. 46665
>every work that a person with Aspergers makes is a "Sonichu".

>> No. 46666

Of course, now he's pissed at TVTropes and maybe there's someone who will ally with him. Gabe, he is a Communist, however.
>> No. 46667
As a person with an inside look at the community, you'd be surprised at how many sonichus there really are, just lying undiscovered. The good:fuckingwat ratio is really disheartening.
>> No. 46668

You gotta admit. Not all of them are nearly as garish, though.
>> No. 46669
File 134681688512.png - (70.01KB , 200x139 , cityinmymind.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>every work that a person with Aspergers makes is a "Sonichu".

With the exception of select Talking Heads songs, yes.
>> No. 46670
I'm aware. I'm asking moleman9000 to educate himself and figure out why he thinks people give a shit about Shakespeare and not cartoon characters.
>> No. 46671

The reason is that people are biased and know Shakespeare because it's shoved down all of their throats with the implication that it's somehow better than anything we have today. People who think they're "cultured" usually are only familiar with what close–minded people classify as "classics".
>> No. 46672

Let me speak in your language then: What are you fighting for, you intellectual zero?
>> No. 46673

Moleman, there are entire branches of libraries dedicated to Shakespeare. He added over a thousand words to our language. You can major in studying him for fucks sake. He's pretty fucking significant no matter how you slice it.

Spend less time jerkin it to cartoons and more time researching what it is you are talking about.

Do you honestly not understand why certain pieces of art are put above others? Aspergers man, not even human.
>> No. 46674
It's not shoved down their throats. It's studied in schools the world over because its a fantastic example of literature that has the themes and structure to survive against irrelevancy. If people enjoy it, they continue studying it for scholar and/or leisure.

I'm curious now. What would YOU give out as required reading in high school literature class?
>> No. 46675

I'm fighting for equality and recognition of works that are denied their proper official acknowledgement.
>> No. 46676

Maybe a novelization of the Nava-Verse.
>> No. 46677

oh man, please come back in a few years so everyone can laugh without feeling guilty
>> No. 46678

That won't work against us wily trolls.
>> No. 46679

I'd personally make the reading list open–ended and much more broad. I'd include most of the books that we are forced to read as is as OPTIONS among a larger list that would include many adventure stories (although ones that still have some intelligent values) among more mundane stories that are all about the values/themes/messages.
>> No. 46680

Ahahaha you can't name specifics because you dont fucking read
>> No. 46681
I don't believe that any SPECIFIC books should be REQUIRED by all students. Or do I have to choose some that I would want to be required?
>> No. 46682
>I'm fighting for equality and recognition of works that are denied their proper official acknowledgement.
>Fairly Oddparents
>> No. 46683

Choose and make our day.
>> No. 46684
hey, http://malkmusian.deviantart.com/ please get the fuck out you coney sperg
>> No. 46685

Books that I'd be fine with staying as "required reading" include Huckleberry Finn, Animal Farm and ONE Shakespeare play (which one is debatable).
I'd also incorporate more of authors such as Douglass Adams and even H.P. Lovecraft.
>> No. 46686
So basically, anything I can milk a meaning out of? That's all well and good, but where would your students learn writing styles, literary devices, proper presentation of themes?
>> No. 46687

What's wrong with him? Him and I had a great conversation earlier.
>> No. 46688

Coneys are to here what pigs are to mosques.
>> No. 46689

They could retain some guiding examples of those things without force–feeding it to us. Besides, though, there isn't really a right and a wrong way to write.
>> No. 46690

WTH is a "Coney"?
>> No. 46691

A Broeny
>> No. 46692
>there isn't really a right and a wrong way to write.
I'm pretty sure they're gonna engrave this on Stephanie Meyers' tombstone.
I agree that not everyone should write the same way, but seriously, how will anyone's writing be better than middle school fanfiction if they aren't taught how to explore and borrow elements of story execution from other writers?
>> No. 46694

Please read this and try to understand what this more articulate person is saying:


>there isn't really a right and a wrong way to write

I realize you have autism and you probably have your "special snowflake" thing going on... But, yes, there are basic principles that go into creating anything of quality.
>> No. 46695
  Why aren't people more interested in the fact that his brother is DAVE FUCKING NAVARRO? Do you people listen to fucking music?

>long-time member of Jane's Addiction, one of the most influential alternative rock acts of all time
>has played for Nine Inch Nails, Alanis Morissette, Marilyn Manson, Guns N' Roses, P. Diddy, Christina Aguilera, and Gene Simmons
>formerly married to CARMEN FUCKING ELECTRA

vid related, Dave Navarro chilling with heavy metal icon Dave Mustaine
>> No. 46696

We only mentioned it over the number in Dave's younger brother's online persona. But in all seriousness, this is like Cole vs. Chris up to 11.
>> No. 46697
Jesus had brothers and sisters too, and no one gives a shit about them.
>> No. 46698
The vines had a couple good ones too. That fucker is hardcore aspie.
>> No. 46699
>Sperging over Dave Navaro

Big deal, his brother is some has-been guitarist with terrible tattoos. I'm more interested in this kid making a spectacle of himself right now.
>> No. 46700
>heavy metal icon
You need to get laid, sperg.
>> No. 46701
honestly I'm more interested in spergs than famous people.
>> No. 46703
Do you have something against cheese conies here?
>> No. 46704

Couldn't you tell, gigasperg?
>> No. 46705
That's discrimination!
>> No. 46706
You have a FILTER on the word B R O N Y ?
>> No. 46707
Oh lawd.
>> No. 46708
Most of the real world has something against grown men masturbating to rainbow horses that are designed to hold the attention of 5 year old girls.

It's as pathetic as those grown men who watch Barny or Thomas the train for entertainment and as a masturbation aid.
>> No. 46709
Yes, they do. The owner of the site gets to determine what is and isn't allowed. Hence, no pony shit. Also, you should probably look up the word "discrimination", as you don't seem to know what it means.
>> No. 46710
discrimination? On a board that exists to laugh at autistic manchildren? never.
>> No. 46711
Prejudice and negative treatment of one based on their membership in a certain group, race or other category.
>> No. 46712

Yeah.... we're not like that, and it's nowhere near as pathetic as that. There are millions who would argue against your statement.
>> No. 46713
Came at me bro
>> No. 46714


don't remind me. it's an awful, sad world. you really should know better.

oh well, at least /cwc/ can say they buttfrustrated the brother of dave navarro
>> No. 46715
This is becoming increasingly mean–spirited again, you know. I thought you were coming to like me!
>> No. 46716
homosexual deviant
>> No. 46717

seriously, in 3 years, you will realize we were trying to man you up a bit

we're going to be dicks to you. that's how it is for everyone. this is not the cuddly world of DA.
>> No. 46718
Sure you're not~
Also, by your own logic you are as pathetic as that if you want all "art" judged on the same playing field.
>> No. 46719
File 134686758429.jpg - (34.62KB , 400x300 , molepeople.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 46720
More importantly, many of your comments also seem to imply that you discriminate against people with Aspergers.
>> No. 46721
Why is that so important Moley?
>> No. 46722
That's impossible, everyone here has Asperger's.
>> No. 46723
Projection/trollshielding/NO JOHN YOU ARE THE DEMONS.

Only spergs care about making fun of spergs.
>> No. 46724
So you seriously think that most people you meet everyday aren't just laughing at you behind your back instead of to your face?
>> No. 46725

Also, what do think of Fast Eddie?
>> No. 46726
File 134687472652.png - (12.90KB , 619x107 , Moleman9000 Befriends A-Log.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Moleman, I saw this little message you left on A-Log's deviantArt.

Are you hoping to form some sort of sperg alliance with the poster boy for troll shielding? Do you actually know who A-Log is?
>> No. 46727
He's going to form an anti-troll alliance with Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, A-Log and PaganDeathKnight.
>> No. 46728

Hay gaiz! Let's spam JULAY on their walls! EPIC WEEN!
>> No. 46729
For the last time, stop saying "Sperg". I now find that term offensive.
>> No. 46730
It's a rather objective term we use to describe people like you. How else are we going to call you?
>> No. 46731

>> No. 46732
Okay Autist.
>> No. 46733
"UGH i am SO SICKa dat WORD!"
>> No. 46734
'Sperg' ought to be filtered to 'naive'.
>> No. 46735

Or forever alone.
>> No. 46736
I vote for "intelligent and cultured individual"
>> No. 46737

I vote for just not using it, at all, ever!
>> No. 46738
how about no, sperg
>> No. 46739
how about no, sperg
>> No. 46740
Sperg is a bully from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.
>> No. 46741

Shit. No one. Cares about.
>> No. 46742
I don't know what that is, child.
>> No. 46743
File 134688367948.jpg - (20.10KB , 433x500 , 2546093.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
oh my god he's literally sperg
>> No. 46744
File 134688439623.png - (166.51KB , 354x349 , Cyber-Bullying-blog-title.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
well, why else do you think we're calling you a SPERG? You're clearly Cyberbu//ying us.
>> No. 46745
He even dresses like one, too!
>> No. 46746
Moleman, are you coming back? Seriously, man, A-Log? You went to A-I thought we were getting through to you, that you were getting to be pretty okay.
>> No. 46747

Glad someone agrees with that, that's what I was getting from some of our chat room comments last night.
>> No. 46748
I thought Moleman and A-Log both committed suicide with each other. They're still around?
>> No. 46749

That's not even funny.
>> No. 46750
I heard that too. I heard that they were found naked in eachother's arms, wearing lipstick and eyeliner, with a bottle of mineral water in one hand and a massive rubber cock in the other.

Like in Heathers.
>> No. 46751
File 134688767496.png - (240.71KB , 500x281 , heathers-ilovemygaydeadson.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I love my gay, dead sperg.
>> No. 46752
Please delete those previous two posts, they're flat–out horrible. And besides, I thought you were starting to like me.
>> No. 46753
I like you just fine, Moley. You've made me laugh a great deal.
>> No. 46754
There's an old saying, if you put meat in the lions den the lion is going to eat that meat. So you're the meat Moleman. And I do agree with you those posts do need to be deleted (NOT).
>> No. 46755
You assume that we're all of the same mindset. You're wrong.
>> No. 46756
We do. You remind most of /cwc/ of themselves when they were in highschool.
>> No. 46758
>> No. 46759
i heard they were found in a cave near philly
>> No. 46760
Do we have an image reference with regards to Moleman? I'm curious as to what he actually looks like.
>> No. 46761
Ha ha! Yes! Yes, they were! With gaping, bloody assholes and pictures of Milla Jovovich lying around, close to the scene.

And someone had written the word 'WOLVERINES' in semen across A-Log's mantits.
>> No. 46762
Moleman can you get in IRC tonight?
>> No. 46763
Give me one good reason why I shouldn't leave here forever after that.
>> No. 46764
>> No. 46765
>> No. 46766
because you're a pretty cool guy? I don't know just get on IRCCC
>> No. 46767
There is no reason. There never was a reason.
>> No. 46768
Because if you don't set the record straight, we dang dirty trolls will SLANDER YOUR GOOD AND HONEST NAME! WE WILL BRING IT THROUGH THE MUCK WITH HATERY AND ADULT MOCHRIE!
>> No. 46769
oh my god! could it be... could it be that THE GOBLIN KING HAS STRUCK ONCE AGAIN
>> No. 46770
I imagine him to be short and fat.
>> No. 46771
Moleman, post a picture of yourself.
>> No. 46772
Please refer to this post: >>259397
>> No. 46773
New chat log

Greatest moments:
>I've masturbated to DRAWN furry porn.
>You FORCED me to say that
>If a fictional universe is complex and highly developed, it essentially counts as an alternate reality.
> I was talking about the shooting, focusing on how the shooter was a disgrace to Heath Ledger
>That was my point in the journal: he did it all wrong.
>By that logic everyone who is sexually active is sick.
>> No. 46774
He denied that he was a curtsy before he admitted that he was. This guy just keeps getting funnier and funnier.
>> No. 46775

curtsy=firfag now apparently.
>> No. 46776
>You FORCED me to say that

Oh God, we're seeing some kind of lol-larva.

One day, Moleman, you will blossom into a beautiful autistic butterfly and give us ranting youtube videos about the Ture and HONEST nava-verse.
>> No. 46777

A lolerpillar?
>> No. 46778

Moleman is mad at wikipedia. Especially since they wouldn't allow youtube poops on it.
>> No. 46779
File 13469532171.png - (15.07KB , 995x126 , death to wiki.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 46780
File 134695444159.jpg - (211.33KB , 600x796 , Sonic-y-Sally-princess-sally-acorn-19234761-600-79.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>• Princess Sally Acorn
Moleman, have you fapped to this?
>> No. 46781

That's not my primary reason at all anymore. Read the journals relating to that group.
>> No. 46782
Well from briefly skimming that wall of text it seems your problem now is that wikipedia has standards.
>> No. 46783

Wikipedia does not understand or acknowledge the average person, and believes not only that they have ZERO notability, but that multiplied by millions they still have zero notability. It does not recognize fandoms as even existing, and only counts a select few sources as places from which to gather "reception", even though half the time they don't reflect the views of the general audience.
>> No. 46784
>Trys to make a youtubepoop article
>gets deleted
>"unless it was talked about by a source Wikipedia considered notable"
>implying your notable moleman

Wikipedia doesn't give a shit about internet meme's. Also you failed to mention that you made multiple sock accounts.
>> No. 46785

I never said that I or my work were notable enough for Wikipedia yet.

That's because there has been minimal input to the Nava–Verse so far by people other than myself. I.E. it's not popular enough.

But the question is, what IS popular enough?

Take, for instance, the My Little Ponies. They have MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of devoted fans who actively make fan work involving them. However, the characters do not have their own articles on Wikipedia because none of the "credible" sources that it recognized have written enough about them.
>> No. 46786

My point is that it SHOULD "give a shit".
>> No. 46787
why do they need their own articles? they're one dimensional characters on a show for 6 year old girls.
>> No. 46788
This, dude. This is the truth.
>> No. 46789

As I already established, the series has PROVEN that it is more than that.

And even if they are one–dimensional (and they're not: they're 2–dimensional at worst and more realistically, 3–dimensional), what counts is their popularity.
>> No. 46790
Wikipedia is a reference work not a compendium of inane nonsense. Its not Facebook, how ever many people like something is completely irrelevant. You are confusing importance with prominence.
>> No. 46791
Get your ass back in irc, mole-log.
>> No. 46792
Uh... no. I don't think you get it nor understand the concept of a fleshed out character. That yellow bitch-pony is painfully shy and loves animals, she'll always be painfully shy and love animals. There is never any growth nor change.
Comic book heroes (such as Marvel and DC) have their own pages simply because there are volumes and volumes and volumes of history to these characters, often contradictory and convoluted but oh well. There's been, what, 2 seasons of ponies? You can't make an entire article out of that. Jesus.
>> No. 46793

Importance IS prominence.
>> No. 46794
No, it isn't, retard. Also things like youtube poop have neither
>> No. 46795

Over half the comic book character articles are unneeded, because they have articles even for MINOR, obscure characters with no popularity, like Egg–Fu, Armadillo, Whirlwind, Lucas Brand...

The list goes on and on.
>> No. 46796
so what?
>> No. 46797
moleman, IRC wants you
>> No. 46798
No, not really.

How many people do you know that know how to make a logic gate out of transistors? I'm guessing not many. Despite that it is important information.
>> No. 46799
Just as single articles on a one-dimensional pastel pony would be. At least those obscure comic book characters have real history spanning over decades of appearances and not a children's show that has been around for 2 years.
>> No. 46800
Once again, prominence versus popularity. Sure they're unpopular, but there's a shit ton of information available about them. The same cannot be said for ponies and youtube videos.
>> No. 46801
If you want to sperg all what you want about that horrible, stupid pony cartoon, why don't you go to Tv Tropes? They are your kind of people,they love shiny colours and kiddy bullshit. You will be able to run free through the valleys of Spergia, in the company of other spergs, you could even be King Asspie!
>> No. 46802

First of all, it's not horrible. You aren't allowed to say things like that when it has been established that something is at the very least decent. Second, I was banned from TV Tropes for challenging the dictator of an administrator.
>> No. 46803
>banned from tvtropes fot being too autistic
>> No. 46804
Fair enough. Then by your rules, you cannot call 1984 a horrible book because it has been more than well-established to be a literary masterpiece.
Also, you were kicked off of TVTropes for being a douche and threatening someone for not editing to your personal standards.
>> No. 46805

You actually have a point, but the difference is that you are acting as though I'm not allowed to LIKE MLP while I never insulted anyone for liking 1984.
>> No. 46806

Also, I was kicked out of TV Tropes because the ABUSIVE ADMINISTRATOR wouldn't LET me or anyone else edit in any way that opposed HIS personal standards.
>> No. 46807
>> No. 46808
see you tomorrow in irc.
>> No. 46809
I am having trouble figuring out what it is that you dont understand, its like your autistic or something.

I mean there are so many different reasons why Wikipedia doesn't have articles on MLP characters its not even funny.
>> No. 46810
I laughed a lot harder than I should've at that.
>> No. 46811

I AM autistic, and there is nothing wrong with that; you should be more sensitive because of it!
>> No. 46812
File 134698778084.gif - (6.71MB , 480x360 , doubleautism.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm so sorry.
>> No. 46813
Nobody has to do anything to cater to you. You're not special and the world doesn't run on your feelings. Get over it youngster.
>> No. 46814
>I AM autistic, and there is nothing wrong with that; you should be more sensitive because of it!

Look at this sperg and laugh. And no, you aren't allowed to like pony-bullshit. Grow up, you gigantic man-baby!
>> No. 46815
You make autists look bad.
>> No. 46816
File 134701225776.jpg - (174.28KB , 1024x768 , lain.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And the thing about My Little Pony that make it as shallow as Lucky Star is that is has no general plot or character development and things automatic go back to normal after after the end of each episode and it never mentioned again.
Pic related a much better show.
>> No. 46817
>an anime

pick one.
>> No. 46818
File 134701294361.jpg - (140.44KB , 1520x1080 , 1289697090229.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Cry for me, bitch nigger.
>> No. 46820
Don't be silly anime is a loan word for animation in general.
>> No. 46821
Anime is the Japanese word for 'kiddie shit'.
>> No. 46822
Join me moleman9000 and we can defeat the scum of the internet, me and others are ready to unleash the secret weapon upon the tyranny of that fag conspirator SeanieB. The man who ruined my life and caused me such pain. It is time for payback. I've cried my eyes out, this place has effected my job where I was the king of Walgreens. They have hunted down my parents, and they will do the same to you unless you join me to stop the madness. Join me introman and I promise you glory!
>> No. 46823
>> No. 46824
>Join me introman and I promise you glory!

You're using again aren't you? First thing in the morning?
>> No. 46825

What the fuck, king of walgreens, is this for real? This is getting way too wacky, even for you.
>> No. 46826
Drugs mixed with autism.
>> No. 46827
Bath salts and old Star Wars movies really don't mix well, do they, Rob?
>> No. 46828
>> No. 46829

Sorry guys it was a hax0ring test, I am not doing that shit twice. I was fucking around to see if it can be done with someone else. We've done it but the fuck if we talk. the real Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles wouldn't get introman and moleman mixed up so easily. The squeal post was another dude who isn't Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 46830

No shit.
>> No. 46832
>King of walgreens
>> No. 46833
moleman should be here by now.
I think his mother had the the internet turned off when they found out about his furry lifestyle.
>> No. 46834
>Implying he has any sort of life.
>> No. 46835
I think robb's trip leaked
>> No. 46836
Are you HAPPY now?
>> No. 46837

Shut your mouth dude.
>> No. 46838
He is not talking he is typying, my good sir.
>> No. 46839

>> No. 46840

You don't have any life either if you've been here waiting for me all this time.
>> No. 46841
Also have you heard of one little thing called the no true Scotsman fallacy you autists seem to like using it comes to clopping and cheese conies.
>> No. 46842
So what are we going to discuss tonight?

Notibility? Sperginess? mylar?
>> No. 46843

Notability, because that's where we left off last time when that balloons freak came into the picture.
>> No. 46844
irc wants you.
>> No. 46845
Talking about notibility I would like you to give an objective reason how something My Little Pony would stay notable and influence future media compared to the Cluthlu Mythos?
>> No. 46846
File 134707027678.jpg - (25.32KB , 400x533 , my_new_da_id_by_deepc-d4lo60k.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>If I get posted on /cwc/, I'd be slightly amused.

Ok, horsefucker. How long have you been ween trawling moleman?
>> No. 46847
File 134707047452.png - (14.86KB , 984x138 , ha.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>this is /cwc/'s userbase
>> No. 46848

Pretty sure that's his best friend.
>> No. 46849
He's one of his friends and he's probably a troll
His real life friend and fellow furry is Emma morris
>> No. 46850

Dude, Cheatsy (that's his name from Youtube) is NOT a troll. He's my biggest fan and I am insulted that you call him that.
>> No. 46851
Hmmm....That sounds so familiar.
>> No. 46852

So, he's your TRUE and HONEST friend then?
>> No. 46853
Moleman he's probably using you to get info out of you. same for emma.
>> No. 46854

Cheatsy first became a fan of me for my Youtube Poops, and he was a popper as well.

And I met Emma not on the internet, but in person, physically.
>> No. 46855
Give me a link to his youtube and then i'll believe it.
Also is emma a transexual? because he looks like he is.
>> No. 46856


As you can see, he has a reading of the first chapter of my story, and he is also an artist (he drew that background)
>> No. 46857

Oh, Puh–lease. All you have to go by is that one avatar picture of her, and clearly you're just going for low blows at me and my friends at this point.
>> No. 46858

>dat sonichu profile icon
Yeah he's a troll.
>> No. 46859

What, just because he makes fun of Chris–Chan, as do I?
He has Aspergers too, you know.
>> No. 46860
File 134712918831.png - (207.82KB , 900x500 , the_eggmen___pointcommish___by_cutelittledizzymae-.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
By the way, I thought you might be interested in this Eggmen picture I had a friend of mine do for me:

>> No. 46861
That pic gave me autism, good job
>> No. 46862
>Do NOT steal, trace, or color-over
How very sonichu of you.

Another one of your cartoon jerkin' friends?
>> No. 46863
File 134712948182.jpg - (104.01KB , 528x777 , 1342498262989.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Who's your favorite FOP character, Molaay? They started showing that shit when I was in the third grade and I'm a college student now.
>> No. 46864

You do realize that I didn't put that, he did, and in any case MOST artists have that same policy.
>> No. 46865

Probably Mr. Crocker.
>> No. 46866

Dude, no one other than you cares if someone masturbates to cartoons.
>> No. 46867
Any sane individual would be a bit concerned
>> No. 46868
File 13471311394.jpg - (22.08KB , 380x253 , Bear_Trap_7423.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Moleman confirmed for fapping to cartoons.
>> No. 46869
File 134713149321.png - (10.52KB , 505x92 , moleman.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 46870
The loser manchild who lives with his mother despite he is fifty-years old? How appropriate
>> No. 46871
Moleman fapping to furry porn is a mental disorder and you should probably get help.
>> No. 46872

You think ANYONE outside of you goons really cares?
>> No. 46873
Let's ask your mom
>> No. 46874
Obviously you do.
>> No. 46875
you seem to care right now.
>> No. 46876
File 134713202016.jpg - (1.78MB , 3000x1798 , dafuqisthisshit.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Seriously now, what the fuck is going on here? It looks like something a 6 year old would draw.

How old is this guy again?
>> No. 46877
What the hell are those?
>> No. 46878
It's his magnum opus: Nava-verse
>> No. 46879
Are these intestinal garlands original or just a rip-off of some asspie cartoon I don't know?
>> No. 46880

That's some Major League Autism. And he'll be 18 at the end of the month.
>> No. 46881
I suppose you hate Pablo Picasso too?
>> No. 46882
>My art is shit.
>> No. 46883

Yeah, Picasso is overrated. But, he also knew how to paint things that although strange, could tug at your emotions. For instance, his portrayal of The Bombing of Guernica.
>> No. 46884

But seriously, what is your problem with colors?
>> No. 46885
You seriously believe that stuff you draw is on a level with the works of Picasso?
>> No. 46886
File 134713374860.jpg - (338.28KB , 680x1175 , assorted_creatures__set_1_expanded_by_moleman9000-.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 46887

Not necessarily, but you seem to hate my stuff on the principle that it's "too" colorful and strange.
>> No. 46888
>comparing your art to picasso
No moleman, no.
While your art style is similar your nothing close to picasso.
>> No. 46889

>> No. 46890
I haven't said anything about "hating" your artwork, sperg. See the name "Anonymous?" There's different people here. I asked you a straightforward question.

But since you need an opinion, yes, it's crap. Not because it's "strange" or "colorful" or whatever adjectives make you feel better in the face of criticism, it's just dull, uninteresting crap.
>> No. 46891

Let's see YOUR art, then.
>> No. 46892
You keep saying this, and then you disregard any responses:

>> No. 46893

I didn't realize you drew that. Sure, your art is better on a technical level, but it lacks originality unlike mine. So we're both better than one another on different levels.
>> No. 46894
You keep using that same fallacy over and over. One does not need to be an artist to judge art. You're showing a commonly-used defense mechanism.
>> No. 46896
Random colors, terrible composition, no knowledge of anatomy (I can't even tell if they're meant to be people or living kaleidoscopes) and the inability to draw a fucking straight line an artist does not make.
>> No. 46897
You are an amusing sperg. Please, continue to make an ass of yourself.
>> No. 46898
Whens the next chapter of eggmen moleman?
>> No. 46899
Your momma buy you Copics?
>> No. 46900

I'm writing it right now.
But I doubt you've read the whole thing, so you can go back and catch up on the other chapters in the meantime. That should give you a greater appreciation of the story.
>> No. 46901
Because people are interested in your drivel.
>> No. 46902

It's NOT drivel! You didn't even read anything of it!
>> No. 46903
File 134714191551.jpg - (148.83KB , 377x538 , Bull.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No, not even similar. Picasso took real-life images and deliberately reduced them to their most basic elements. Take this drawing of a bull, for example. He drew a damn good sketch of the animal, then broke it into basic shapes.

Moleman here doesn't do that. He draws things as a child would, then uses an ungodly amount of small shapes and vibrant colors to mask the lack of depth, lighting, or any other compositional elements. This isn't art; it's art's retarded son.
>> No. 46904
So are you going to go to college moleman?
>> No. 46905
Moleman, do you know about A-Log?
>> No. 46906
Yes do tell us about what you know about A-Log.
>> No. 46907
File 134714258226.jpg - (503.81KB , 1600x1600 , Da Namaverse.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here ya go.
>> No. 46908

Ooooh, what's that?
>> No. 46909

He's a man child who excessively hates Chris–Chan despite being just as bad as him and writes disturbing erotic fiction and does stupid Youtube videos.
>> No. 46910
such as your self MoleMan?
>> No. 46911

It's called FANTASY. My characters are original, magical alien/supernatural species who live in a universe where everything is super–colorful. I'm not TRYING to be realistic.
>> No. 46912

I do not write erotic fiction, I don't HATE Chris–Chan, and I don't appear live as myself in videos usually. Also, I'M STILL A TEENAGER.
>> No. 46913
No need for hostility now Moleman. Just a simple question we asked.
>> No. 46914
Why did you try to befriend A-Log, Moleman? We all saw your comment on deviantArt.
>> No. 46915
You don't hate Chris? You've changed your tune.
>> No. 46916

I didn't know he was really that bad until I looked into it further.
>> No. 46917
Well, even if you aren't trying to draw realistically, when you are drawing cartoons, you want them to be believable. This means that they should look like solid, well-constructed characters that could be properly animated.

Good cartoonists study perspective, human anatomy, and composition using real people/objects/animals as reference. Some continue to use real models or photographs as pose/anatomy/perspective reference material even when drawing stylized cartoon characters to make sure that the finished drawings will look correct. Sure, they rarely go into the same level of depth and detail as realistic artists, but they still both share the same fundamentals.
>> No. 46918
Archive plz
>> No. 46919
What changed your opinion, Moleman?
>> No. 46920
>> No. 46921
>> No. 46922

The fact that he writes perverted stuff and does that horrible "comedy".
>> No. 46923

Seriously, what's that picture from? Please tell me.
>> No. 46924

I made it. It was a practice sketch I made a few days ago and decided to slap some colors over it after browsing this thread.
>> No. 46925

It's very cool.
>> No. 46927
File 134714783064.jpg - (133.12KB , 584x1069 , DarkYoung.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That still doesn't excuse your outright omission of just about anything that makes art good. Realist or not, good artists make use of simulated depth, shading, and perspective to make their creations seem three-dimensional. take >>265008 as an example here. You can easily tell what it's supposed to be, and it's vibrant without being a fustercluck of horrendous colors.
None of these give that same impression of depth or proper use of color. They're simplistic and two-dimensional.

Pic related. It's an unreal and fantastical subject drawn right.
>> No. 46928
File 134714963929.jpg - (226.74KB , 1200x1536 , Scoutcon1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Even if your characters are “fantasy” or magical aliens, or supernatural, or regular people doing everyday things there's still some basic guidelines to character design you should follow. Characters should be immediately identifiable from one another by their silhouette alone, if possible this silhouette should also convey as much information visually as possible.

Something that really applies to your stuff is KEEP IT SIMPLE. When an object’s silhouette is difficult to make out, we have a tough time keeping track of what we’re seeing. Quick object identification is a primal evolutionary necessity, and it’s a foundational way our visual interpretation works. It’s why camouflage works, patterns on an animal will break up its silhouette and cause it to blend in more effectively.

When designing a character the overall shape is the first thing people are going to see and will always dominate their design, so if the silhouette does not do its job, nothing else matters. After all, you could probably tell where a fish lives and where a monkey lives based solely on the shape of their bodies, as well as make some assumptions about how that animal lives. To put this in terms you are more likely to understand, consider how just the shape of a character like Crocker differs from Jorgen Von Strangle in The FairlyOddparents, as well as what immediate assumptions you can make regarding their relative size, shape, natural positioning, and structure. Going back to animals , something that primarily runs would have long, toned legs and a sleeker form, where as something that is durable would have a bulky, round shape to it.
>> No. 46929
File 134714967087.jpg - (110.35KB , 600x593 , emrakulConcept.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
On top of that which elements you choose to exaggerate or emphasize can radically change how people perceive that character, think of just about any Disney movie you've ever seen and the commonalities between the villains and the heroes. A hero character will typically have more attractive, sympathetic features (such as large eyes or lips), utilize a lighter color palette and have a more rounded set of features, a villain will do just the opposite, typically small, beady eyes, ugly or misshapen in some way, and will usually be overly serious, so that their face and body will seem to rebel against any sort of positive emotion. When a villain character looks creepy because they're smiling, its not because of the writing or anything you've learned about them, its because they were designed that way.

A good place to start is to design a character around a set of shapes, and when sketching (assuming thats a thing you do) base the rough outline of that character around those shapes. A character with a lot of triangles in their shape will have a more gaunt frame due to the lower area and could be perceived as weaker or more nimble, squares will convey a larger area and give the character a fuller, bulkier tone, and circles and curves can convey a more feminine structure.

Of course none of this matters if your technical ability is on the level of a grade-schooler, which is where you really need to start. Yes, practicing is a lot of work, learning to draw well takes time and effort, that's because its work. You have to work hard to be creative, inspiration and talent are nothing compared to just putting your time in.
>> No. 46930
i can't tell if this is a lame troll attempt or if there's some joke i'm missing, but how autistic do you even have to be to post something like this?
>> No. 46931
This art kind of reminds me of the related video. What if the odd (but appealing) use of colors and lack of perspective.
>> No. 46932

Thank you for all the "advice", but you're kind of missing the point of my work. Yes, it lacks certain traditional values of professional art, but it's supposed to make up for that with its sheer imagination! You also seem to be saying that there's only one right way to draw.

A lot of the things you said I should add to my work actually already apply to it, like silhouettes. And heroic vs. villainous traits.

Also, I never said that I was a professional artist, my work so far is student stuff.

Thank you for putting so much thought into that lecture, but what I'm saying is that you're being WAY too critical of me, and holding my work to standards that are way too high.
>> No. 46933

But I've put hundreds of hours into my Nava–Verse drawings!
>> No. 46934
Thats just sad moleman
>> No. 46935
There IS only one right way to draw; it separates shitty hobbiests with actual artists who realize talent is not something people are born with but learn after years of dedication and willingness to drop bad habits and "but it's my style" excuses for actual artistic integrity. And imagination does not compensate for bad technique and general ignorance on basics like color theory, perspective and proportion. That shit exists for a reason.

But then what would I know, not like I do it for a job or anything. No, wait, I do.
>> No. 46936
As the original poster who drew this, you basically call your art superior because you make OCs and it's colorful? I'm not even going to waste my time pointing out how absolutely idiotic that is.
Here's a speed sketch I did in photoshop because why the fuck not.

This guy knows his shit. ^^^
Seriously. I plan to go into character design and all of this is incredibly important when creating characters.
>> No. 46937
That means nothing

>missed the point of my work
Your in highschool, nothing you do has a point
>> No. 46938
File 134715154386.jpg - (170.00KB , 960x960 , 431353_10150573092239281_1737733413_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Forgot pic.

Also your art is nowhere even near student level. Not even the shittiest art program would accept that.
>> No. 46939

So why, then, are you ruthlessly criticizing it as if it SHOUlD?
>> No. 46940
It can't mean anything when you're older if you can't be pissed to learn now, you'll just be drawing the same shitty stuff over and over like chris chan.
>> No. 46941
File 134715199380.png - (19.02KB , 800x506 , spiral.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Moleman9000 do you know what this is?
>> No. 46942

It's a bunch of quarter–circles spiraling into each other.
>> No. 46943
grats, you know not even the basics of art.
>> No. 46944
I havent moleman. You are having trouble with this anonymous thing. The only other post I made was the one where I asked if you where going to college.
>> No. 46945
Then that's just sad. I've looked over your gallery, and I see no real improvement from your first drawings to the ones you're putting out now. There's still no sense of perspective; there's no convergence point in any of your pieces and everything ends up looking messy.
Hell, I doodled better shit than most of this during 7th grade.
Also, I have a question:

1.) how do you make your art? Do you produce an overall shape first and then work in the details? or do you start from a given point and then draw it out as you please?
>> No. 46946
Moleman nava-verse is shitty because it looks like a 4 year old drew it.
>> No. 46947
his process is grab da crayolas.
>> No. 46948

Messy? Did you really call my art messy? It's a lot less messy than most art; all the colors are inside the lines, and there are few if any blotches.
>> No. 46949
Don't take this too hard, but your writing's pretty lackluster too. You use a lot of run-on sentences and even more unnecessary details.
PROTIP: when half of a paragraph is dedicated to describing one spaceship, you may be going a little heavy on the details.
PROTIP 2: the more words the author makes up, the less likely a piece is to be good. This goes for fantasy and sci-fi as well.
>> No. 46950

I deliberately make up gibberish names to emphasize the uniqueness of the whole body of work. I actually don't make up many WORDS; most of the made–up terms are proper names.
>> No. 46951
In this context, "messy" doesn't refer to errors like the ones you describe. It means that your art lacks any kind of focus, almost like you just doodle random shapes, draw a humanoid form around them and call it done. Just because you color between the lines doesn't mean your art looks clean.
>> No. 46952
>It's a lot less messy than most art
Keep telling yourself that and you'll be as talented as Chris chan someday.
>> No. 46953
Are you going doing that thing where you don't respond to the pertinent questions you get asked?
>> No. 46954
File 134715591649.png - (350.83KB , 474x349 , 25 CEEENTS.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Moleman, why the name Moleman? Are you gay for Moleman? You should draw Moleman in your "creative" style, bet it would look "cool".
>> No. 46955

It is indeed a reference to Hans Moleman.
>> No. 46956
Moleman, how do you feel about the work of Jackson Pollock?
>> No. 46957

Garbage. I realize the comparison you're trying to make, however Jackson Pollock's "work" does not represent anything, even fictional things, and has no meaning to it whatsoever.
>> No. 46958
I wasnt trying to make a comparision. Not at all. I just wanted to know what you thought about Pollock. So I take it you are not a fan of abstract art then?
>> No. 46959

Abstract is fine.

"Art" that doesn't mean anything at all is not.
>> No. 46960
Of all characters to make a username after, why Hans Moleman?
>> No. 46961
Your book is like Ulillillia's story only uninteresting and badly written.
>> No. 46962

I always found Moleman very funny. I used his namesake for my first online account, and it stuck.
>> No. 46963

I thought your first account was Ultimate Hooly? Also, what do you think of Fast Eddie?
>> No. 46964
Are you critical of your work at all?
>> No. 46965
Moleman: Here is some serious advice.

Do you like drawing? If you answer yes, then even if you think your current art is fantastic, find some basic books about observational drawing, perspective, and anatomy. Study them, copy the diagrams in them, sign up for real art classes, draw stuff from around your room, draw from life, draw from photographs of people if you don't have a model, and try to draw everything as accurate to the source as you can. Trust me, if you seriously like art, in a few years you will hate yourself for missing all the time you could have been using towards really developing your drawings.
>> No. 46966

Yes, I always worry about my story chapters until I get positive feedback from someone. I also worry very much about typos.
>> No. 46967

That actually is good advice. I will, of course, do that if I ever move on to something more conventional after the Nava–Verse, but for the duration of my current project I want to keep to my current style.
>> No. 46968

Protip: If CWC put Sonichu on DA first, he would have gotten a pretty good reaction.
>> No. 46969
This thread is becoming really interesting.
>> No. 46970

What's that supposed to mean, exactly?
>> No. 46971

Agreed. Also, I got 300 page views on DA today! Thank you!
>> No. 46972

DA has fewer standards than a drunk horny niggo.
>> No. 46973
My point is, start now. Regardless of your current drawings desires, working on that stuff will always help. Take it from somebody who didn't do those things when he was younger and instead opted to doodle crappy cartoons: one day, you will wish you had seriously tried to study art every chance you had.
>> No. 46974
Shut up, insufferable egotistical man-baby, I wans't talking about. This thread has become interesting because of the people talking about how to draw real art. You, as a good sperglord, keep rejecting these sensible pieces of advice offered by people who know better than you.
>> No. 46976
Sorry: I wasn't talking about you.
>> No. 46977
I'll add my advice to the dung heap.

You're probably going to get mocked for your creation by even more people for as long as you keep it up. So you should probably work on taking yourself less seriously, be more open to criticism, and develop your fundamental artistic skills like others here have suggested. Maybe then, when all is said and done you will be able to turn your trolls into TRUE and HONEST fans instead of developing paranoia and a cross dressing fixation.
>> No. 46978
So moley, can you find a piece of art on DA that doesnt have at least one positive comment?
>> No. 46979
>> No. 46980
New thread here in case you are all still interested: >>265176
>> No. 46981
Oh, and for the love of God and the Bear, archive this thread.
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