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File 134808383397.jpg - (23.02KB , 600x450 , Rika2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
48695 No. 48695
We need new Robbie thread, stat.

To start, could someone please summarize a timeline of the past 2 weeks? I've been on vacation, sorry.
Expand all images
>> No. 48696
Why ask for a timeline, when you could ask for a timeline in song?

Let us compose the 12 days of cocksmas.
>> No. 48697
Fuck knows, he seems to be changing his gender / sexuality almost every day now, it's hard to keep up.
>> No. 48698
He's a man now, baby
>> No. 48700
From what I remember, he was convinced that introman and a few of the other mods were coming to philly to kill him. He went to hide with his parents in the poconos, where he claimed to have met a girl named Penelope.

Then he claimed that he'd lost his virginity to her and that somehow meant that we should delete his ED page and the /L/ archives. Then he turned out to be lying about having sex with her, and she broke up with him after he tried to impress her by claiming to be on the run from the internet(I forgot how he phrased it though).

At some point he decided he was a man again, went back to live with ADF, and the last we heard of him was a claim that he and the rest of ADF's tranny club were going to live in portland or the midwest or somewhere. I probably missed a lot.
>> No. 48701
On the 12th day of Cocksmas my true love gave to me:

12 Homeless Trannies (and copies of P90x)
11 fake bus tickets
10 Murdered ADFs
9 Masters of disguise
8 Women's showers
7 tolerant homos
6 lit up joints
5 Penelopeeeeees
4 field agents
3 Mila dreams
2 thousand texts
And a Robbay in IRC
>> No. 48702
Picking up from Sunday, it would seem that the Portland thing was mostly wishful thinking on ADF's part that Robb tried to capitalize on. He arrived back in Philly on Sunday, it would seem, and promptly kicked Mikhail and ADF to the curb.

ADF has pneumonia, and Mikhail put out a plea for shelter on Reddit on Monday night, saying they had spent the previous night in a vacant lot and had been harassed by the cops. Robb has "disowned" them, in his words. He thinks they're both stonecutters, and that ADF thinks he's the next Clyde Cash. Robb came in yesterday to explain himself, and went even more batshit than usual, culminating with him saying he's a man now, fuck Transway, and that he would "buff up and give people a real reason to fear him."

IOW, Robb's still a delusional piece of shit who stabs his "friends" in the back once they've outlasted their usefulness.
>> No. 48703
You glossed over the part where he admitted to being in withdrawal from bath salts.
>> No. 48704
What art studio was this horrifying picture taken in?
>> No. 48705
Also fun fact about Robert, his eyebrows weren't simply plucked bald, zoom in and see singing and makeup covering up mild heat irritation on his forehead. That's what you get when you fuck up freebasing. That is why my original conclusion was meth use. Then he goes and tells us about the bathsalts, which is even more funny.
>> No. 48706
That is the "WWCC, Philadelphia Room" if i am not mistaken.
>> No. 48707
He's gonna start working out to get swole.
>> No. 48708
Too bad ADF's Portland plans fell through. Portland would suit him well.
>> No. 48709
Clarifiy a few things this poster mentioned

He claimed that being "internet famous" got him laid in an effort to do the reverse psychology thing and get us to take down ED. He latter claimed he had his first kiss with Penelope.

Rob tried to fake us out with Portland Oregon, the confusion comes from the fact the rob thought Oregon was in the Midwest.

Rob lived in a dorm room at LIU for a while and was using the womans' showers there.

Rob has figured out that ADF is a stonecutter.

If you read the chats and posts it is really obvious that Rob is absolutely terrified that the stonecutters are going to kill him. That is why he let ADF move in, because ADF has a gun.

I am uncertain on this, but there is some possiblity that he lost his job due to not calling in sick for so long.
>> No. 48710
File 134809188332.jpg - (1.53MB , 3744x2104 , a_legacy_of_self_harm_by_verganza_de_sasuke-d5fcmx.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robert Wanye Stile's psychological torture on Ahuviya Harel has made the chairwoman self harm. A chairwoman ousted out by the RWS regime.

"From being Raped by my Father in 1997 to Gender Dysphoria to just plain suffering - I do this to myself, my legacy of self-mutilation and self-harm

The larger healed up scars are from 1997

The fresh ones are from today."
>> No. 48711
Oh my God, he's probably lost, what, one, two drops of blood? Somebody save him!
>> No. 48712
those are all fresh "scars" motherfucker
>> No. 48713
Did ADF attempt to hurt himself with his fingernails?

Also, the landwhale posted some retarded nonsense on reddit about the same time this pic went up.
>> No. 48714
Apparently putting a stray cat on your shoulder next to your faded stretch marks is self-mutilation these days.
>> No. 48715

But those are stretch marks.
>> No. 48716
File 13480945285.png - (8.76KB , 504x67 , texting somebody naked.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48717
File 134809459710.png - (8.80KB , 706x67 , vengeance.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48718
File 134809517785.png - (733.34KB , 1349x3616 , rika mad.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48719
File 134809648469.png - (1.06MB , 826x2807 , marvel at the beauty.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48720
File 134809691755.png - (607.53KB , 1177x2276 , shapeshifter.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Somebody upload these to ED.
>> No. 48721
File 134809718022.png - (700.78KB , 749x2032 , tranny hugbox.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48722
File 134809744344.png - (937.10KB , 1187x3090 , Robert doesn't know how to use a razor.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48723
File 134809793160.png - (11.33KB , 714x114 , robbie is tolerant.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48724
File 134809794852.png - (463.58KB , 753x2470 , ika rika.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48725
File 134809795833.png - (787.71KB , 752x1568 , looks evil in this.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48726
>Spending $400 a month to have someone shave him with a laser.

>> No. 48727
File 134809833463.png - (580.76KB , 732x1541 , lavalamp.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48728
File 134809880232.png - (105.14KB , 764x260 , rika profile.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48729
File 13480988178.png - (533.16KB , 1116x1711 , Loki the crossdresser.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48730
File 134809882978.png - (736.98KB , 1194x1635 , texas deathride.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48731
File 134809890588.jpg - (20.97KB , 320x240 , taking pictures in a place rob is prohibited to be.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48732
File 134809892388.jpg - (19.38KB , 604x453 , at da beach.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48733
File 134809896413.jpg - (43.14KB , 604x453 , hiding as a gaybian.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48734
Whoever is posting the facebook stuff, it's appreciated, but could you use screengrab or something similar please?
>> No. 48735
File 134809897791.png - (197.00KB , 788x280 , do the hand.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48736
The Master of Disguise, ladies and gentlemen.
>> No. 48737
File 134809929835.png - (683.75KB , 546x1635 , 4 dollar snake.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Screengrab doesn't work for muh firefox. Just editing shit out and uploading it.
>> No. 48738
A summary of the last 10 days:

>> No. 48739
I think I am beginning to understand how robbay can be so delusional.
>> No. 48740
File 134810081563.png - (606.58KB , 573x1171 , Bath Salt whore.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48741
File 134810083249.png - (721.26KB , 786x1239 , damn homophobe.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48742
File 134810084579.png - (514.83KB , 701x1143 , the milla hair do.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48743
File 134810085919.png - (440.35KB , 730x1037 , Rika's famous.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48744
File 134810087168.png - (716.29KB , 769x1654 , ransacked room.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48745
File 134810091699.png - (685.79KB , 555x1373 , hugbox 2can.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
End for today. More coming tommorow.
>> No. 48746
File 134810137041.jpg - (84.68KB , 492x533 , tumblr_lru5zc18w41qidrtmo1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wow, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles looks really bald there.
>> No. 48747
Thanks for the pictures & comments!
>> No. 48748
Question: Did Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles actually move to Oregon? Or was it a hoax.
>> No. 48749
It's best you delete those screencaps because I actually know WHO you are. I'm giving you a chance right now because I know you're just an insecure buttmad, tranny.
>> No. 48750

You think removing your name is gonna make you go incognito rob bay?

I know your trip. "EZF"

Its how I use the Search function to stall your posts here. Yes Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, I stalk you.
>> No. 48751
File 134810193183.jpg - (33.41KB , 361x359 , 1326943404131326.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48752
Poor Robert. You seem to be the buttmad one.
>> No. 48753
Who is it, then Robert?
>> No. 48754
File 134810212367.png - (310.94KB , 799x1037 , bath salt swag.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No one cares about you. You're even more irrelevant than liquid.


I don't take terroristic demands from drug addicts. I will be in the IRC talking about the future plan. Please don't come.
>> No. 48755
Get in IRC Rob. Or is it Wayne now?
>> No. 48756
Are you thinking up a new name ? Since ROBERT and Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles will fall from the face of the earth?
>> No. 48757
>> No. 48758
Fuck. Typo.
>> No. 48759

I am not Robert. I'm flattered you think I am though.
>> No. 48760
stop posting, unfunny ween homosexual deviant
>> No. 48761
Hey Robb, I hope you took my advice about the weight lifting thing. If you want help, take it while you get it.

~ From one woman-man to the other.
>> No. 48762
Records each of my statuses, how fucking creepy. Seriously Patrick, are you really that fucking thick. Ok your not a tranny but your a fucking shitty troll.
>> No. 48763
Most of the screencaps are already on ED, Robb.
>> No. 48765
The hero-warrior against Christ in action.

>> No. 48766
File 13481029213.png - (149.98KB , 1037x879 , built this city on mspaint.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Go back to study skills rob. Apply your brain to something besides drugs, resident evil and the internet.
>> No. 48767
File 134810522015.jpg - (31.78KB , 384x298 , terrorist-2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey /cwc/ just thought you should know I am helping Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles with doxx to take down the western culture. Praise Allah !
>> No. 48768
If I didn't know who it was, I would have assumed that was a balding middle-aged serial killer.
>> No. 48769
>Barack Obama
>1600 Pennsylvania Av. Washington DC
I heard this guy is the leader of the Western stonecutters. Someone with 1337 h4x0ring skills needs to find a picture of him ASAP.
>> No. 48770
File 134811210790.jpg - (8.20KB , 242x400 , Obama.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I managed to find a photo of a statue of him. I hope that is good enough.
>> No. 48771
File 134811223810.jpg - (643.49KB , 868x1474 , Rika_shitting_Obama_art.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Found an artist's rendition.
>> No. 48772
File 13481136506.jpg - (75.34KB , 720x480 , wraith run this.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48773
File 134811366024.jpg - (68.12KB , 720x540 , token white guy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48774
File 134811366976.jpg - (53.04KB , 720x540 , two tragedies in the frame.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48775
File 134811367942.jpg - (50.30KB , 600x450 , trolls jelly of my tv.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48776
File 134811369311.jpg - (65.15KB , 720x480 , sexxay robbay.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48777
File 134811370363.jpg - (54.10KB , 949x640 , bathsalts cocktails are not reccomended.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48778
File 134811607366.jpg - (63.80KB , 720x480 , high heels for introman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48779
File 134811609610.jpg - (45.71KB , 720x540 , goblin king dance.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48780
File 134811642316.jpg - (26.45KB , 418x720 , ms painting his tranny delusions.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48781
File 134811645830.jpg - (25.53KB , 360x540 , those legs.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48782
File 134811680088.jpg - (38.86KB , 720x480 , BURNING FIRE.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48783
File 134811680770.jpg - (48.75KB , 604x720 , burning fire 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48784
File 134811681922.jpg - (37.90KB , 720x540 , more shaving retardation.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48785
File 134811685155.jpg - (32.21KB , 604x453 , Goblin king at rest.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48787
Does he shave with rocks?
>> No. 48788
Dem leg bones. He looks like a methhead
>> No. 48789
File 134811722151.jpg - (57.14KB , 720x540 , two trannies and a woman on snow.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
/end/ of image batch. Trolls must persevere against the worst of the worst. Never give up. Shoutouts to some very special people for this info. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, philly doesn't want you anymore. you overstayed your welcome. Sorry, it had to come to this.
>> No. 48790
We want him to stay in philly, with the rest of you psychopathic trannies to insane to legally recieve hormones elsewhere. Fuck you. He stays.
>> No. 48791
He may have smeared the blood around before taking the picture to make it look worse than it is.
>> No. 48792
File 13481210036.jpg - (88.15KB , 500x488 , patrick.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Problem, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 48793
Haha, Robert gets annoyed that applying makeup takes too much effort on his part.
>> No. 48794
No, that's a scrape. Most of us don't get those outside of accidents and fights. Robert is a special kind of retarded.
>> No. 48795
>Beauty should be real, not superficial.
Haha oh my god.
>> No. 48796
Rob actually looks decent as a man, he looks like absolute garbage when he's trying to be a woman, but he looks alright in pics like >>269645
>> No. 48797
He looked better before the bath salts. Now he's all gross. Look at how degraded his teeth are and how paper thin his skin is. If I didn't know better I'd say the makeup use was originally to hide some of the signs of his addiction.
He will never look decent again, he's spent trash.
>> No. 48798

>Now he's all gross

U wot m8?
>> No. 48799
File 134813691789.jpg - (154.14KB , 900x1205 , Happy_Winter_Solstice_X3_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I wonder what made him actually mutilate his fucking feet, instead of returning home and going to bed like a good manchild.

The pic is the home sweet home, and some actual old self inflicted "scars" after he came in close contact with a sharp object while trying to shave properly for once.
>> No. 48800
>Happy Winter Solstice
Ah, ADF's brief time as a jesuit.
>> No. 48801
File 134813906025.jpg - (242.29KB , 900x1740 , Ahuviya_gets_Her_Nails_Done_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think he was being pagan back then, briefly.

So, is he going to end with his feet cut off, now?
>> No. 48802
dat fucking face
>> No. 48803
Rob does some stupid but amusing shit sometimes but just looking at ADF makes me feel physically sick.
>> No. 48804
I fucking called it that he will change back into a man, did he do something criminal as a womyn so he can absolve responsibility?
>> No. 48805
File 134814743085.png - (2.59MB , 1576x940 , 00before-after - robert wraith rika belsniker wayn.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48806
File 134814809096.jpg - (33.74KB , 537x366 , meth-before-after.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This really should be one of those anti-meth posters.
>> No. 48807
Inb4 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles comes in claiming that he looks good and that we are all jealous and want to fuck him. Not realizing his autism effects his ability to properly see faces
>> No. 48808
>> No. 48809
>> No. 48810
File 134815360046.png - (733.89KB , 758x809 , Why you lying robbie.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles!jEZFObGKc. 12/09/17(Mon)18:08 No. 48485


I grew my hair out too, Motherfucking christ. I have dark hair naturally and it wasn't a wig. In fact, this is EXACTLY the look Omega was going for and failed.


Lying sack of shit.
>> No. 48811
Rob did 9/11. All is clear now.
>> No. 48812
>> No. 48813
To my recollection, Omega doesn't have meth-mouth and man jaw.
>> No. 48814
>Your hear looks so amazing!

Damn Robb. Your FB friends were just as dumb as you. Also, I hope you realize you were being patronized to hell and back in a lot of those positive comments.
>> No. 48815
Looks like Robay has left us for good this time

Does anybody know the current whereabouts of ADF? Did they leave Philly yet?
>> No. 48816
File 134817502482.gif - (1.18MB , 300x169 , 0_5 dollar.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> Looks like Robay has left us for good this time
HELLO YOU MUST BE NEW HERE. He's "left us for good" for like six-seven months.
>> No. 48817
>He left us for good

The longest he's been able to stay away is 3 days.

He'll be back tomorrow. Drunk and high.
>> No. 48818
>left us for good
>in just yesterday

Lurk moar
>> No. 48819
File 134817679312.jpg - (94.32KB , 720x540 , college apartment paid for by daddy and mommy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48820
File 134817680614.jpg - (83.10KB , 720x540 , DONT STEAL.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48821
File 134817682054.jpg - (60.10KB , 535x604 , rika artwork.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48822
File 13481768316.jpg - (73.78KB , 720x540 , robbay's train pictures.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48823
File 134817684975.jpg - (67.36KB , 720x540 , rollerblading.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48824
File 134817686763.jpg - (110.66KB , 720x540 , true and honest autograph.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48825
File 134817695023.jpg - (66.15KB , 720x540 , showing the ear.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48826
File 134817696455.jpg - (78.40KB , 952x657 , singed eyebrows.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48827
File 134817697818.jpg - (66.24KB , 720x480 , ear piercing.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48828
File 134817904563.png - (6.29MB , 1349x16169 , robbie's facebook relic.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Huge file is huge.
>> No. 48829
File 134817925850.jpg - (320.76KB , 947x703 , robbbathsalts.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48830
>having access to Philadelphia's tallest buildings

Uh oh, looks like Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is going to prove all you MACHOISTS wrong by jumping off a roof
>> No. 48831
This is awesome. Got any caps like this more recent?
>> No. 48832
Honestly, when you scroll down to 2009, he seems like a normal guy, maybe a nerdy guy (not more than me) but totally normal and even ok looking.
>> No. 48833
>even ok looking

Welp, looks like we've found the master of disguise
>> No. 48834
File 134818725193.png - (1.04MB , 859x682 , normal rob.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not who you replied to, but he really does look normal in these photos.

He doesn't even hoverhand.
>> No. 48835
Every new Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles thread should be a sticky. Also a link should be sent to his parents and his p.o.
>> No. 48836

Yeah.. He looked like just a normal nerd. I'm not the best judge of male attractiveness, but I do know that he wasn't ugly. I know the story of wanting to be a tranny to get women or to flee trolls or some shit, but I wonder what really happened that made him into the paranoid, drug abusing, witch of a man that he is today.
>> No. 48837
It's never too late to change your ways Robert. Deal with your shit, take responsibility for what you've done and try to move on with your life. Get off the drugs, get healthy and become a human again. It's probably time to put away the disguises.
>> No. 48838
His own bitter, hateful, nature.
>> No. 48839
>> No. 48840
No new cocks tonight? Oh well, at least there's the new pics. He looks like such an innocent woman-man. Too bad looks are so decieving.
>> No. 48841

In this pic, he seriously looks like a drugged on meth hooker who was indeed born female but actually looks male.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, lay off the drugs man, I only do ganga, thats it!
>> No. 48842
oh god the chin scars from thinking he can shave hair out permanently if he just presses harder.
>> No. 48843
File 134819978215.jpg - (386.86KB , 2048x1274 , ben frankling bridge.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48844
File 134819979457.jpg - (674.46KB , 2048x1536 , between towers.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48845
File 134819980558.jpg - (373.68KB , 1536x2048 , blackwood apartment.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48846
File 134819981668.jpg - (425.24KB , 2048x987 , blurry photo.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48847
File 134819983049.jpg - (520.72KB , 2048x1274 , coastline.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48848
File 134819984122.jpg - (497.68KB , 1936x2048 , empire state.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48849
File 134819985481.jpg - (372.25KB , 2048x1365 , philly sideways.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48850
File 134819986712.jpg - (433.75KB , 2048x1536 , photo being printed.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48851
File 134819988049.jpg - (442.94KB , 2048x1365 , photos in shop.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48852
File 134819989436.jpg - (584.86KB , 2048x1337 , pic of philly.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48853
File 134819994079.jpg - (622.62KB , 1946x2048 , print in shop.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48854
His cityscape photos and simulations are pretty keen, I have to admit.
>> No. 48855
The one with the fireworks is good. The others are fairly ordinary. Also, I notice that some are signed Robert Stiles, who as we know is a totally different person.
>> No. 48856
The blurry and shopped ones are pretty bad from an artistic stand point. Some are good though.
>> No. 48857

What is this, a bed for ants?
>> No. 48858
Ugh. Would it kill him to vacuum every now and then?
>> No. 48859
File 134820902734.jpg - (99.86KB , 900x600 , chairwoman_in_the_smoke_by_verganza_de_sasuke-d4na.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I kinda liked >>269907 but he didn't even remove the noise. The one on the bus, too.

His portrait photos are complete shit, though. Including his autoportraits, of course. This is the only one that was ever any good.
>> No. 48860
Has he given up on doxing his trolls already?
>> No. 48861

How does this asshole have any friends?
>> No. 48862
If you thought Rob has friends you've been misinformed.
>> No. 48863
That's why he hangs out with dumb crazy people who are easy to manipulate. The entire Philly tranny scene consists of people too deranged to otherwise transition to there chosen genders.
>> No. 48864

Then how come flimp flonk mgillington or whatever is always liking his facebook shit


Do they still give trannies psych tests?
>> No. 48865
>Do they still give trannies psych tests?

Not in Philly.
>> No. 48866
Doctors will ordinarily make them take psych evaluations and make them wait for a period of time before prescribing hormones. Plastic surgeons often do the same before they perform major aesthetic surgery.
>> No. 48867

Someone pointed out in another thread that they operate under some kind of informed consent model, at least I think that was the term used. Basically they're allowed hormones if it's explained to them and they understand exactly what it's going to do to them.
>> No. 48869
File 134824636487.jpg - (252.31KB , 1014x811 , Bath Salts.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Robert Stiles was not naturally prone to depression. The 21-year-old cock rider was known for being sweet spirited and warm -- a hugger not a hand-shaker. The kind of guy who called on holidays. Who helped his father on the family farm. Who spent countless hours perfecting complicated tricks on the Internet.

Yet on Sept. 20, 2012, Stiles was found dead on the floor of his childhood bedroom. He had shot himself in the head with a Keltec 9mm handgun.

PBS NewsHour Science Support Provided By The National Science Foundation, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation.

The suicide was the culmination of five months of strange behavior that began shortly after Stiles snorted a powdery substance he bought from a friend. Instead of the brief high he was seeking, he experienced days of insomnia, along with waves of terror and frightening delusions, including an incident where he “saw” 25 Tom Cru­ises outside his parents' kitchen window and then slit his own throat with a Narutu Sand Ninjas shuriken. That incident landed Stiles in the hospital with stitches. For a few hours, the hallucinations subsided.
>> No. 48870
good night sweet prince
>> No. 48871
I'm posting this cause I thought Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles would be interested in this

>> No. 48872
Had me worried for a second.
>> No. 48873
How old are those photos though?

People do usually look better when they are younger, actually now I think about how old is Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, late 20s/ early 30s?
>> No. 48874

He's 24 I believe.
>> No. 48875
He's only 24. The photos in the FB dump are only a few years old. I don't think you normally see a big drop in attractiveness between 21 and 24.
>> No. 48876
D.O.B: March 7, 1988 And no, you usually don't see that drastic of a change. However, >>269847 .
>> No. 48877
Yeah, drugs and trying to look like a woman kinda messed him up.
>> No. 48878
I'm 31, abuse drugs on a regular basis and still get carded hen buying beer. I think he just has poor taste in drugs and picked a piss poor method of administering them. Smoking.bath salts? Fucking brilliant
>> No. 48879
my boss FUCKING FIRED ME because of some SHIT which i knew was only biased against me becausse someone here contacted her pretending to be "CONCERND" but i KNOW hat it was the exact oppsote,FUCKIN REVERSE PHYSCHOLOGY. you built up her paranoia you probbly informerd her where I WAS, and you only did it of pure hate of me. why do you do this, why can you possibly continue to laugh at me. I HAVE NOTHING LEFT OKAY? I KNOW THAT.i am completly shitfaced right now but i dpmt care. Im not asking for your pity either but fuck you lead me to drinking and hits of ganga. it all takes the pain away, PAIN YOU DRILLED INTO ME. but why dous it have to happen to me. i worked my fucking assoff hard long hours FOR THIS. id fucking burn that bitches convient store down it annoys me so she can do this. she can hurt an innocent working person whos life is in terrible shit. I can't take this it isen't fun at all. fucking dousche bags. you want my life to spin out of ccontrol.
>> No. 48880
Robb, get on irc
>> No. 48881
please no, we're trying to play uno here
>> No. 48882
rob get on IRC and join us for around of Uno
>> No. 48883

Uno over stonecutting weener. We finished our task with Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Let the wraith deal with him.
>> No. 48884
Look on the brightside, you now have plenty of time to jerk off to Resident Evil and do bath salts to your heart's cocks. Since your parents pay for everything, you don't have a care in the world now. You can even visit us more often
>> No. 48885

They took your job!
>> No. 48886
File 134828886396.jpg - (72.44KB , 239x266 , sonic fired friday.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Oh fuck I thought you died
>> No. 48887
Couldn't have been because of your work ethic could it? I mean it's not like you have poor attendance or anything.
>> No. 48888
File 134828989911.jpg - (86.26KB , 400x400 , 1347877897377.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48889
Or maybe that he abuses drugs and alcohol.
>> No. 48890
File 134829194635.jpg - (100.16KB , 1009x431 , Geldof_wall.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles was the victim of random street crim (Getting mugged/beat up for example) do you think he'd go insane with paranoia and slip further behind his wall?
>> No. 48891
>> No. 48892
>> No. 48893
I don't feel afucking good at all. Somebody please call for help.
>> No. 48894
Your epin trawling attempts keep getting more and more desperate, Rob.
>> No. 48895
File 134829244164.jpg - (65.96KB , 302x300 , Photo 530.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Please calm down Robbie.
>> No. 48896
Call them yourself. If you can type on a computer, you can dial three numbers.
>> No. 48897
>> No. 48898
>> No. 48899



>> No. 48900
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles you over dramatic piece of shit. Your boss fired you because you didn't show up for work for over a week
>> No. 48901

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles understand even with your phone plan deactivated. You can still call 911 on your phone. Please go to Narcotics Anonymous for your addictions. Believing in a higher power will heal you of your afflictions.
>> No. 48902
Best dubs ever!
>> No. 48903
That's just a symptom of bath salt abuse. Are you admitting you have abused an illegal narcotic?
>> No. 48904
Just the hormones growing out two perfectly shaped D cups Bob. Just ignore the pain like every other tranny
>> No. 48905
A heart attack can be described as the sensation of an elephant sitting on your chest. Not a burning sensation. That's heartburn you cunt.
>> No. 48906
What the fuck is this?
>> No. 48907

>that bitches convient store

Robb's job confirmed for 7-Eleven clerk. Robb, you lost your job because you kept skipping town to be queen of the Poconos and giving your boss bullshit excuses for not going in to work; the idea with a job is that you have to actually go in and work it or they stop paying you.


It's heartburn you idiot, just calm down, and why the hell do you expect us to call for help, just pick up your phone and dial 911, it really isn't that hard.

Also, what are you deciding you are today, male, female? That as yet unnamed third gender? Are you straight or lesbian at the moment? I'm trying to make a chart of the last month's constant changes, I want it to remain as accurate as possible.
>> No. 48908

He does this in irc sometimes, it's some retardly childish cry for help.
>> No. 48909
Terms of diversion in the state of California are that he must either maintain employment or prove he is.ineligible for said employment due to disability or obligation. He's not in school and his only disability is being a retard. He's going to jail.

>> No. 48910
> I don't feel afucking good at all. Somebody please call for help.

How does phoning your parents sound?
>> No. 48911
Post their number here so we can help.
No ones going to prank them or anything of that nature. We will simply voice our concern,as we did with his boss.
>> No. 48912
Although ROBAAAY is over 20,his actions always
make us lol.Thanks ROBBBBAYYY
>> No. 48913
Rob vanishes from the city for a week with little notice and wonders why his boss might not like it.

He should get used to the chest pains, they're common for salts users even after they quit (I doubt rob has).
>> No. 48914
>> No. 48915
>implying you didn't get fired because you stopped going into work.

You stupid cunt. You get a job, you go to work. You expect to get paid for nothing? Oh, wait...
>> No. 48916
No posts in awhile, I hope robays alright ;(
>> No. 48917
I guess we found out he worked at a convenient store, since he previously said it was a big company maybe it's a 711? (I am not American so I don't really know all the kind of stores you have there)
>> No. 48918
File 134831868559.png - (56.28KB , 180x331 , Robert Wayne Stiles.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Holy SHIT, they put Robb in WoW!
>> No. 48919
File 134832008113.gif - (423.89KB , 259x169 , oprah.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48920

my sides have transcended into the heavens.
>> No. 48921
The thing I never get is, Rob isn't exactly academically lacking. He's no way near as stupid as Chris and ADF, yet time and again Rob constantly repeats the same detrimental actions that even Chris learned to avoid.
>> No. 48922
Maybe that was the plan. He's trying to murder us with laughter. Next your ass will fall off.
>> No. 48923
But Robb, you told us in IRC that your boss was all understanding and that she'd never fire you...
>> No. 48924
File 134832696485.png - (98.45KB , 764x585 , youdontknowmyboss.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ah, here we go.
>> No. 48925

Oh yeah that is out today.
>> No. 48926
>adredaline junkie
Fucking. What.
>> No. 48927
I knew I fucking did this, just why? Why did I have to write such imbecilic shit when I don't have a grip on my cognative functions. And now of course, I don't have the right password OR anyones permission to delete it anyway.

For the record, I DO NOT want to burn down anyone's convient stores and I didn't work at a shitty 7-11, especially NOT the one down the road from city hall in Central Philly. I've bought tons of energy bars there but never actually worked there.
>> No. 48928
File 134833063141.jpg - (19.17KB , 525x521 , 132723085627.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>convenient store
>> No. 48929
Well good to hear you're alive and that sucks about your job dude. If you want to know why you posted that shit it's obvious, the drugs and alcohol. Perhaps you should cut that out.
>> No. 48930
You did it because you wanted to do it. (REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY, WOAH!)
>> No. 48931
>implying you ever have a grip on your cognitive functions
>> No. 48932
>Cognitive function is a person's ability to process thoughts. Including things like memory and speech
I guess they should add chatting online to the definition of cognitive function.
>> No. 48933
Drugs, man. Drugs...
>> No. 48934
Was this all some plan to get me taken off the streets? I'm a fucking reformed tranny just like you wanted. Cosmetics are a pain in the ass to apply anyway and I never took hormones for another, entirely different reason. I still have Gender Queer tendecies however so I can dress however I like. Unlike all those testosterone swelling fatties I am skinny and fit enough to be a woman.

So, guess what, you blew my cover and took my job but I DON'T CARE. Because there was always a Plan B.
>> No. 48935
>And now of course, I don't have the right password OR anyones permission to delete it anyway.

Yes, because deleting your posts always worked before.
>> No. 48936
No planning needed. You just come on and be your deranged self, Robert. You lost your job because you ran off to Long Island instead of going to work. You ran off to Long Island because you were a paranoid delusional mess. You were a paranoid delusional mess because you were doing bath salts... It's called cause and effect.
>> No. 48937
I don't think there was ever a concrete plan for you other than to document your shitposts until you stopped. Your paranoia might be a real result of bath salt use, apparently there are lasting neurological effects.

>> No. 48938

Damn, you really don't learn, Robert. You've tried the "not bothered" shit many times in the past, yet your insane ravings tell otherwise. If you didn't care you wouldn't have bothered telling us. IOW, you fail life yet again. Have fun explaining to your PO why you don't have a job anymore...
>> No. 48939

>I knew I fucking did this, just why?

Because you're an idiot, we've been over this before.

>And now of course, I don't have the right password OR anyones permission to delete it anyway.

How many times have you deleted posts just to have us post them back up? Why do you still think that would help you in any way?


>Was this all some plan to get me taken off the streets? I'm a fucking reformed tranny just like you wanted.

There has never been any master plan for you Robbie, all we ever wanted you to do is keep coming here and making a fool of yourself, that's all.

>you blew my cover and took my job but I DON'T CARE.

This post right here >>270211 kind of indicates otherwise, but okay.

>Because there was always a Plan B.

What, mooching off your parents some more? Go ahead, it'll give you more free time to come here and entertain us, everybody wins.
>> No. 48940
File 134833266034.png - (62.71KB , 976x419 , helpusmove.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So now Mikhail is asking for help moving some of ADF's shit, and some poor bastard volunteered. When the dude shows up, he's gonna refer to ADF as a guy and ADF will flip the fuck out on him. Whatever he may do, this is on you, Robb. Because you were the one who put them in this situation to begin with.
>> No. 48941
And ADF, if your reading this, at least I'm off the fucking streets unlike you. You COULD have looked for a job so many times when you were with me but NO. I even tried to motivate you but now you have to learn the hard way. Consider this punishment for aiding the stonecutters, people who want to mentally. OBLIVERATE you and me. Talk about a deal with the devil.
>> No. 48942
You stupid twat. The only reason you're not on the streets is because Wayne and Virginia feel sorry for your dumb ass. Keep feeling a false sense of superiority, Robb. You're the only one who actually believes it.
>> No. 48943
>fucking streets unlike you
You're kicking people while they're down while complaining about being kicked while you're down.
>> No. 48945
The entirety of this situation is delicious. It won't be long before you, yourself, are in an alley trying to sell blowjobs for a fix. Almost 4 billion years of evolution has left us with you and your like.
>> No. 48946
File 134833340565.jpg - (6.52KB , 226x223 , justwait.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Consider this punishment for aiding the stonecutters, people who want to mentally. OBLIVERATE you and me.
>MFW the best is yet to come
>> No. 48947
You really need to learn how to read, Robert.
>> No. 48948
>48th and Osage
>Robb forgets his own address

You're high as fuck right now, aren't you?
>> No. 48949
>> No. 48950
It's hard to tell with him but he does seem to only post when something's in his system.
>> No. 48951
>Unlike all those testosterone swelling fatties I am skinny and fit enough to be a woman.

Sorry to break it to you but being skinny doesn't make you feminine..
>> No. 48952
Damn.Rob deletes his post again
>> No. 48953
  Oh my God Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you are so psychotic, delusional, mentally insane.

I'm so concerned man, from one woman-man to another! Sorry you lost your job, buddy, but didn't you just traverse all over the country with ADF & Mikhail, just so you could kick them out of the trip, then for you to return to Philly? This is crazy man, at least other woman-men like myself take thought in our considerations. I could be in Canada right now doing Shrooms if I didn't think!

Speaking of which, lay off all drugs, including alcohol. Eat apples, drink root beer, and regularly dance to the song I'm providing, let it emotionally capture you, smile, dance in rythem to the song.

I'm here offering genuine help, I hope you take it.

~ From one woman-man to the next.
>> No. 48954
File 134833515035.png - (18.61KB , 1548x77 , furtherdowntherabbithole.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not for long...
>> No. 48955

What the fuck is he going on about now?
>> No. 48956
See the image on >>270376. Robb's high as a kite, and thinks the person is coming to his apartment to pick up shit of ADF's.
>> No. 48957

Oh, cool, well at least Robb can't keep denying that we know where his apartment is any more.
>> No. 48958
god damn that video is depressing. Know wonder Rob's been ripping the shit out of his face with a razor if that's what he's been snorting.
>> No. 48959
Remember, Robb. You live on the west side of the River. I hope you never wander the streets in your current state. You'd probably not be able to find your way back home if you did.
>> No. 48960
>> No. 48961
It takes a real asshole to stab his friends in the back.
>> No. 48962
A stonecutter is picking adf up in return for information.
>> No. 48963
I would love to see the look on that guy's face when Mikhail opens the door and explains how they're gender-swapped refugees and ADF was raped by his dad.
>> No. 48965
Yeah that'd be EPIC WEEN, jenga u fag
>> No. 48966
File 134833905763.jpg - (97.44KB , 651x321 , angry.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What, it's EPIC WEEN to find some random guy off of reddit's reaction to ADF and Mikhail amusing?

That's a stretch, my friend.
>> No. 48967
can you imagine being this poor man, thinking he's coming to help out some poor girl in need? even without rob interfering, that guy is going to regret his charity immediately.

ffs shut up you tryhard
>> No. 48968
File 134833943854.png - (628.52KB , 820x537 , bsats.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48969
Well, defeated rob is back. How long until he moves back into Victorious rob mode?

Rob, free advice, I doubt Narcotics Anon will do it for you and it certainly wont for all your problems that are not drug related, check yourself into the loony bin.
>> No. 48970
File 134834097880.png - (170.62KB , 873x720 , even egoraptor doesn't know what this is.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Since I first heard of him Rob has been nothing but a manipulative, psychotic waste of life who can't understand why his actions are responsible for his shitty life. Just another insane Philly tranny.

Yet it seems like Rob *used* to have a life, and I... almost feel sorry for him? It almost sounds like this is all the result of an untreated addiction, to drugs and/or alcohol.

Could that explain it? Or has he always been this shitty? Anyone got any info on his previous life?
>> No. 48971
He's been like this for years. If you look at his ED page, it chronicles shitty behavior going back to 2004.

>> No. 48972
Well when you say used to have a life? are you talking about pre wraith harem map club?

The ed article implies hes always been a huge dbag. However his history only goes so far back on it.
>> No. 48973
Oh shit, I'd forgotten about the ED page. The impression I get of Rob is some guy who had a massive nervous breakdown or drug problem a few years ago.
>> No. 48974
Robb's just a natural asshole. The drugs only make it worse.
>> No. 48975
File 134834276210.jpg - (61.91KB , 960x640 , in da room.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Narcotics Anonymous, Stiles.
>> No. 48976

>Consider this punishment for aiding the stonecutters, people who want to mentally. OBLIVERATE you and me. Talk about a deal with the devil.

Sort of like how you tried to buy us off with cocks on Jordan in order to leave you alone?
>> No. 48977
File 134834371190.jpg - (54.42KB , 720x480 , Rika on a pole.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

or the fact that you hired us with ADF cocks to troll jordan.
>> No. 48978
Hey intro, whose the dude with the beard?

He seems so out of place?
>> No. 48979

Rob, who is the old nigger you were hanging with? No wonder you do bath salts :(
>> No. 48980

A "wolverine" named fred. He has a job and is more in to the hiking and photography than the "blookpack" shit. I presume he has to be mentally and morally deficient to associate with Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles though.
>> No. 48981
To spend your twilight years around those idiots

Incredibly lonely or incredibly stupid.
>> No. 48982
It appears we have found Robs drug dealer
>> No. 48983
That will give me nightmares.
>> No. 48984
Based on the sheer amount of mikhail's reddit activity I am guessing they are no longer homeless
>> No. 48985
Rlka would hate to know that. He's like put a curse on ADF to make em homeless for life.
>> No. 48986
Or she has a ipod touch and access to free wifi from the park.
>> No. 48987
I just had a frightening thought. What if Robert took them in and told them to pretend he threw them out in order to protect them from the killer trolls? They are all both stupid and delusional.
>> No. 48988
Apparently there's a net cafe in Philly that caters to the homeless. She's likely posting to Reddit from there. Priorities, y'know?
>> No. 48989
How does one stay in business when their clientele has no money?
>> No. 48990
File 134835315777.jpg - (81.75KB , 900x675 , Mikhail.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Is Mikhail this ugly bitch from ADFki?
>> No. 48991
That's her.
>> No. 48992
I would assume that its a charity. I would also assume that the idea is that you are supposed to use it to find housing or work or shit like that.
>> No. 48993
Remember how well ADF 'accidentally' leaked the plans to move to Portland? The gruesome twosome is far too stupid to pull it off.
>> No. 48994
holy fuck. she looks like a feminine ADF.
>> No. 48995
And for about an hour people believed they were all running there. Rob fucked that one up.
>> No. 48996
Is... is he really trying the information overload tactic that Chris tried with ED?

He can't be. He's not that stupid, right? I mean hell, his admission that he's a necrophile, does the exact same shit he gives Jordman shit for, and a voraphile make delicious additions to ED.
>> No. 48997
I think more of an attempt to scare, with the unintended result being that he becomes a bigger joke and has more embarrassing information (factual or fake, it really doesn't matter now since it is all the same to your average ED reader) to be added to his page.
>> No. 48998
It wasn't actually him who posted that. It's a troll fucking with him and being blatant enough about as to let us none spergs in on the joke. t
>> No. 48999
The way that's worded makes it sound like he's fantasizing about it.
>> No. 49000
>> No. 49001
No, I'm just some guy who remembers that his trip was figured out and that others have used it. Also I had joked earlier that he was trying to kill us with laughter. The post indicated that him and adf acting like harmless lunatics would cause us to not get out in one piece, an obvious allusion to that post. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles isn't that clever and he has no sense of humor about himself.
>> No. 49002
The fact that it was deleted as quickly as it was points to it being the real Robert.
>> No. 49003
File 134838524725.png - (839.24KB , 900x650 , haters_made_us_famous_by_verganza_de_sasuke-d5451o.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 49004
Or someone who noticed that pattern.
>> No. 49005

Then it would be to fuck with us, not Robb, he could've just left it up if he wanted to fuck with him.
>> No. 49006
I thought it was a long troll. You know, Rob getting pissed off because a few thought he was into corpses and vore... Either that or he had a moment of clarity, made a joke, and then freaked out, erased it and went back to cyberstalking celebrities and doing bath salts.
>> No. 49007

Sounded more like Robb talking about how he was going make up a bunch of shit to freak out the person coming to collect ADF's shit from his house just to fuck with ADF.
>> No. 49008
Or, mods did because it was fake and they didn't want to confuse people?

Actually, seanieb or someone else could clear it up fast
>> No. 49009
Robay pls come back
>> No. 49010
He'll be back after his next big misfortune.

Drunk and stoned, of course
>> No. 49011
The kids name in war of the worlds starring Tom FAPPINGTON is.....

Roby, coincidence?
>> No. 49012
Translation: He'll be back tonight drunk and stoned
>> No. 49013
If he i uunemployed he will be back sooner than that. He's probably trying to sell some of adfs stuff so he can afford a couple shards of meth to either smoke or shove up his ass (seriously, meth addicts put drugs up their asses. It's called a booty bump).
>> No. 49015
  This isn't normal. But on bath salts, it is.
>> No. 49016
  I did bath salts for the first time at that party.

Now this is my life.
>> No. 49017
This is our robbay on drugs.
>> No. 49018
If you have that little self control, then something else was bound to get you anyway. Meth is schedule 2, and still still given for several disorders in 5mg tablet form. It's not much more addictive than cigarettes or alcohol.
>> No. 49019
You learn something new everyday here. /cwc/ can be quite informative.
>> No. 49020
You know that people all around the world suffer with nicotine and alcohol addiction right?
>> No. 49021
The irony is that ganja/marijuana is schedule 1.

Robbay's seriously looking at harder time for it than if he did friggin' angel dust.
>> No. 49022
File 134844300631.png - (678.61KB , 1030x1267 , Don't have to act as a lady.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I love my subordinates. :)
>> No. 49023
File 134844302861.png - (431.87KB , 910x1072 , Artist collaboration.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 49024
File 134844308237.png - (781.82KB , 806x1291 , you don't love them heels now.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I wish Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles still wore heels. :( At least I have a lady who wears them around the house now. :)
>> No. 49025

Introman you dang deviant - it's the day of our lord and Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is probably at a house of WORSHIP while you shit his pants and do nothing but SLANDER her
>> No. 49026
File 134844388550.png - (507.14KB , 1158x883 , Don't mess with Rika's money.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This reminds me of the scene where O'Dog gives bodie a drug shipment and O'Dog mutters the words. "Don't mess with Marlo's money"
>> No. 49027
File 134844391177.png - (487.09KB , 771x1112 , Rika shoe game.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 49028
File 134844394376.png - (507.26KB , 762x966 , The first chrissy.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 49029
>robbie being religious
lol good one anon 10/10
>> No. 49030
File 134844396391.png - (651.32KB , 1242x1296 , tranny child with anti introman weapon.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 49031
File 134844397210.gif - (1.88MB , 350x198 , Jesse-Pinkman-Crying-Breaking-Bad.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mariyln manson
>> No. 49032
File 134844625559.png - (252.20KB , 758x2285 , rika's get rich scheme.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ladies and Gentlemen. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles talking about a get rich quick scheme.
>> No. 49033
Women-kidnapping fantasies, again.

Is Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's dad actually a "corporate exec"?
>> No. 49034
I am asking a favor of a generous person on this site. Can somebody please send a $200 check to my appartment. You know fucking EXACTLY where to send it in care of. Because of the stunt that was pulled on here, I can't afford to pay my fucking income taxes unless I draw it from my bank account. I need money for groceries or I'm going to STARVE otherwise. I know you finally wanted to do THIS to me but god, now I need to ask my SWORN FUCKING ENEMY for handouts. All my friends have fucking turned on me and it's pissing me off.
>> No. 49035
go eat at a soup kitchen
>> No. 49036
Mommay and Dadday wont help you this time?

And well, you want to kill me, and call us homos , and I need my money so...

>> No. 49037
Robert, please see >>270377. Then kindly go fuck yourself. HARD
>> No. 49038
> All my friends have turned on me

You mean you turned on them. You are the one that tossed them out on the street.
>> No. 49039
>All my friends have fucking turned on me and it's pissing me off.

I can't imagine why.

You know there is a common thread to all of your misfortunes right?
>> No. 49040
>All my friends have fucking turned on me and it's pissing me off.

I can't imagine why.

You know there is a common thread to all of your misfortunes right?
>> No. 49041
>All my friends have fucking turned on me

Protip: It's because you're a piece of shit, Robb.
>> No. 49042
Let's look at it this way, WHO brought this upon me? YOU PEOPLE. You could have stopped making these threads and targeting me as somekind of inane pratical joke. YOU REFUSED TO LET UP AND TOOK ME TO MY MENTAL BRINK. You can play it off like you had nothing to do with this but I'm not the one making anti-Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles Stiles propaganda online. You cost me my job so please do the right thing and somebody pay up.

Sean, remember when you were demanding a salary to pay for this site, how about you pay me your salary instead. I can't do anything I once did anymore and I'm fucking upset.
>> No. 49043
You lost your job for you. You where the one who didnt show up for a week.
>> No. 49044
You could have stopped coming back, dumbass. As always, you brought this shit upon yourself, Robert.
>> No. 49045
You'll just spend it on bath salts.
>> No. 49046
What ever happened to everyone wanting to hire you?
>> No. 49047
>Sean, remember when you were demanding a salary to pay for this site, how about you pay me your salary instead.

Words.....do not even..........what

You do remember the time when you told him his relative with AIDS deserves to die right?
>> No. 49048

You need to go on general assistance like Ahuviya till the bank starts to come back. I also would reccomend prostitution on backpages. I know trans people are highly wanted in that field.

You could turn troll and work for madara and boss chick. They pay well and give good benefits.
>> No. 49049
File 134845653965.png - (578.14KB , 550x413 , sloth.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Give me one reason to send you money when you've been stonewalling my invitations to MoSex and refusing to talk to anyone but the stonecutters on IRC.

You treat us like shit. I bet you treated your friends like shit too.
>> No. 49050
>Who brought this upon me
>> No. 49051
So is Photography not making you any money ?
>> No. 49052
>but I'm not the one making anti-Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles Stiles propaganda online.

But Rob, you are the one doing that.
>> No. 49053
File 134845663573.png - (282.06KB , 395x387 , 1348448621660.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Troll board
>> No. 49054
Just like you always do, you blame all your problems on someone else. When you stop showing up at work you tend to get fired.

All you ever had to do was stop coming here. If you didn't make such a big deal of things and stopped being the huge drama queen that you are non of this would have happened.

Don't your parents pay for everything you need?
>> No. 49055
>anti-Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles Stiles propaganda online

Your gonna hate the blimp we rented....
>> No. 49057
File 134845678222.png - (33.84KB , 1563x168 , Rikasacunt.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah, we're totally gonna give money to the same cunt who threatened us with death on numerous occasions.
>> No. 49058
That is exactly what you want me to do, you deluded fuck. We know you're Madara and I'd rather be a bounty hunter than work for assholes who pick on spasts and transexuals.

NO, this is serious. Unlike Ahuviya, I am literally applying for every want ad I can find but I can't pay the heat bill and it's already freezing tonight and I have to live on rationed food amounts already. WAS THIS YOUR PLAN INTROMAN? HUH? Was this revenge scheme nessesary?
>> No. 49059
>> No. 49060
File 134845699458.jpg - (60.01KB , 1072x804 , Robbay's_Megan.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

No, but it's sure damn funny.
>> No. 49061

Your intelligence is what got you here in the first place. I reccomended how you can improve yourself. You just want to believe in the big bad internet troll. I'll be in the IRC with my money and power playing uno with the homies.
>> No. 49062
Its Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. He doesnt realize anything.
>> No. 49063
Rob, were you given a reason for your termination?
>> No. 49064
c'est la vie, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Buy the ticket, take the ride.
>> No. 49065
File 134845706022.jpg - (27.34KB , 311x215 , AboutDog2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesy the bounty hunter, perfect job for a master of diguise.
>> No. 49066
>currently 62 in philly
>> No. 49067
File 134845712729.gif - (2.80MB , 335x192 , 1347873739211.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 49068
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles your friends don't like you cause you stab them in the back. Your spasm is running rampant tonight
>> No. 49069
>> No. 49070
File 134845725188.gif - (495.71KB , 320x240 , 0bb.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Get on IRC. Let's discuss the terms of your loan.
>> No. 49071
If you want money that bad, you'll have to get in IRC, you whiny bitch.
>> No. 49072
File 134845748536.png - (5.80KB , 252x175 , glasstits.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Get on IRC.
>> No. 49073
File 134845749621.jpg - (119.61KB , 500x333 , hhhehe.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Rob refusing to get on IRC even though he may get loaned money
>> No. 49074
Poor Robbie :(

If I wasn't currently unemployed myself, I'd Western Union you some money.

Thank god they work worldwide!
>> No. 49075
What dont you burn ADF's crap for heat?
>> No. 49076
I'm not jumping in a fucking hellpit for money, I'd much rather earn it through fucking perservierence than.
>> No. 49077
Has a computer, TV , and hexbox

but wont sell them because he is a retarded cunt
>> No. 49078
Turn a couple trick robbay
>> No. 49079

>> No. 49080
If you'd rather earn it, you wouldn't have asked on a troll image board, you fool. Stop lying to us, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. We're onto you.
>> No. 49082

So stop being a little pussy and go mow some neighbors lawn in the residential areas!

God, Robbie, you don't try. You make us other woman-men look stupid!
>> No. 49083


>> No. 49084

Don't you have bonds or a trustfund? Have you really fucked over wayne and virgina that they won't even acknowledge your existence when we call? Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles you have three options to get money immediately. Sell your services(mouth,anal and photography), Sell the shit you acumulated. Beg the government for entitlement programs. Choose your method.
>> No. 49085
File 134845786758.png - (8.13KB , 461x33 , Screen Shot 2012-09-23 at 8_33_19 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Maybe you should have thought of all of this before treating people the way you do.

Truth is, I am just as broke as you are. But I am fortunate to have family who wants to let me stay at home and we mutually respect each other.

Maybe if you didn't pathologically mistreat everyone you know and love you wouldn't be cold, alone, and scared.

This is what happens, Robert. This is the flight through the windshield of your slow motion car crash of the last 6 months.

If I barely make $200 asking for donations here once a year, do you really think that anyone will give you anything?

Can you ever once take responsibility for anything you've done in your miserable existence?
>> No. 49086
Please don't tell us that you've tried to sell yourself yet via Philly backpages
>> No. 49087
File 134845804880.gif - (573.53KB , 295x221 , seinfeld.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

YOU JUST BEGGED US FOR $200! Is shitposting what you consider hard work? I'm offering you a fucking loan and you'd rather keep begging to people who are laughing at you for asking?

Just get the fuck on IRC so we can talk.
>> No. 49088
Stiles, get on IRC!

- It's the only way you're going to get $200
- It's the only way we're going to get cocks.

~ From one woman-man to the next.
>> No. 49089
Go and earn it if you want it. You think you can get money for nothing? What are you ADF? Go get a job or get on IRC.
>> No. 49090
Rob, I have 200 bucks I can give you right now.

If you don't get on IRC tonight, I'm giving it to 789chan.
>> No. 49091
File 134845888287.png - (3.35KB , 90x110 , Madara finally popped up in chat.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Damn Rob. Your stunts even brung over madara to the irc. He hates to communicate with the plebes.
>> No. 49092
What a boring waste of potential cocks.

First you come here begging for money, and after several posts of being mocked for asking such a thing (once again, begging those you have wronged to help you), someone invites you onto IRC to negotiate a loan, and you don't take it?

Its alright, we know your just gonna spend the money on weed & bath salts.
>> No. 49093
Well, goodnight Rob.

Enjoy the cold.
>> No. 49094
A bit off-topic but ADF seems to have deleted his little boo boo photo. Guess he didn't get enough special attention.

Now back to Rob!
>> No. 49095
Seriously, just make youtube videos and monetize that.
>> No. 49096
Robert, I find your vendetta towards ADF to be amusing as hell.

First, I want to address you linking him to introman and the trolls. Are you joking? For the longest time, everyone here were desperately trying to turn him into the next Chris-Chan, all because he was fat, spastic, and weirdly shaped. Unfortunately, ADF was not funny at all and nobody was interested in learning about him. I only found out who he was because that fat atheist fuck Thorg brought him to Chris's attention making him think ADF was Jack Thaddeus. This was even before you knew ADF irrc. ADF is not a stonecutter troll and it is wrong for you to think that. If you, ADF & Mikhail ever get back together, and probably move to Oregon, I hope you apologize.

Now about your $200. You're just going to have to go and apply for welfare. I'm a right-leaning conservative who believes welfare is bad, but you're such a pathetic lowlife you do not deserve your own cash. You actually need dependency. Its people like you who will allow Obama a deadly 2nd term.

>> No. 49098
>obama a deadly second term
sure is libertariantard in here
>> No. 49100

Lol right wing is full of mindless, uneducated Jesus freaks....just saying lol really....romney?
>> No. 49102
File 134846081391.jpg - (36.31KB , 199x256 , 1271934179867.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 49103
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles you are lying. Your gas wouldn't be already cut off unless you haven't paid the bill in over a month or two. Also Most apartments have free heating

You probably just want the money to score
>> No. 49104
It is possible that his dumb ass neglected to pay his rent and the gas bill. Probably spent the money on drugs. If he has been evicted and snuck back in to squat the room wouldn't be heated. Also would explain all the time he spent squatting in his friends dorm, and him kicking his friends out of the apartment. He could have been ducking the landlord and then kicking his buds out before eviction day so no one would know.
Robbey, the homeless drug addict.
>> No. 49105
I would pay for more Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles cocks. He's my favorite assclown. Problem is I'm afraid he will sell his computer for meth and then my investment would be invalidated.
>> No. 49106
It's only freezing to you because you have no body fat, and drug abuse is at fault for that. We have all seen your teeth and legs.

It's a nice night, open a window and throw a blanket over yourself while eating hot ramen like a normal unemployed 24 year old photographer. Pussy.
Most artist spend their twenties hopping between friends couches and strangers beds. My brother has a comedian camping out in his living room as we speak.
Grow a pair
>> No. 49107
Yes, and they suffer from gambling addictions, sex addictions, pain addictions. The list goes on forever.
My point i that tthere is a deeper problem with people who become so mentally dependent upon a substance or habbit that they can no longer function in society. Drugs don't make people do anything, including drugs. One hit off a meth pipe doesn't create an addict. The addict was already there, looking for an addiction.
>> No. 49108
A few years ago over Christmas we had a really bad winter. It snowed for about three weeks.

For two weeks of that time we had no heating whatsoever because our boiler completely died We couldn't get anybody to come and replace it because the roads were iced to hell and everybody was busy as fuck.

So for two weeks we had no heating, ice cold showers (which we had to take so we could be presentable for work and the Christmas party), and while in the house we survived by staying in bed wrapped up warm under blankets.

It was cold enough in our house that ice was forming in our lava lamp.

Suck it up you pansy.
>> No. 49109
Same here. Icestorm took out all the power for miles and the roads weren't serviceable for days . It may not have been weeks, but we didnt have running water or enough food that was safe to eat raw. Afterwards we bought a gas generator, a deep freeze, and a shit ton of canned foods.
>> No. 49110
And ADF and whatever her name is were sleeping out on the street after Robbay kicked them out. I bet the were pretty damn cold too.
>> No. 49112
It is literally +12c there Rob. That's t-shirt weather for Canadians. It gets to -40c where I am, I'd hate to think how you'd fare in actual cold.
>> No. 49113
You could have put away the 3 months rent and expenses that most adults have in case if getting fired if you hadn't spent that money on shoes, dresses and bath salts.
>> No. 49114
File 134848127494.jpg - (25.95KB , 600x400 , trnopolje-concentration-camp-in-1992.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>I have to live on rationed food amounts already.

Holy shit.
>> No. 49115
you worked very hard bro.
>> No. 49116

One time in the dead of Canadian winter (below -40), the heat stopped working in our apartment for 2 days. We had to keep the oven on with the door open a bunch of times just to keep even a bit warm.
>> No. 49117
It's such a shame that even when humbled to the degree that you have been, you still have zero accountability. You're still arrogant and spiteful even now. Well, I suppose when someone is as mentally deficient as you, learning doesn't exactly come naturally. Enjoy the harvest which you've sown, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. And who knows: Maybe someday when you're at your lowest, the gears may turn in that empty little head of yours and you'll realize who the true author of your downfall was.
>> No. 49119

>You cost me my job so please do the right thing and somebody pay up.

God dammit, why don't you take some fucking responsibility for your own actions for once? After the first thread you posted here when we told you your article on the adf wiki wasn't going to be taken down you could've just walked away and left it at that, the ED article is a result of you continually coming to this site and making an idiot of yourself of your own volition. Did you boss even say anything about the ED page when he fired you? No? So are you sure that was the reason and not all the sick days you'd been throwing while you ran off to mommy and daddy's to be queen of the Poconos?


>I'd much rather earn it through fucking perservierence

Then don't come begging us for $200 like we owe you shit.

You're a fucking worm.
>> No. 49120
That would suck to say the least. You're lucky you didn't get extremely ill takeing ice cold shower with basically no efficient means of warming up after.
>> No. 49122
Start a chip-in or something. Be like, "trolls cost me job plz gib monay plz." Maybe chris will give you some of his tugboat. Or better yet pull an ADF and go to sodomize philly and talk about the capitalist systems screwing you over because you're trans and not because you're a terrible employee. Or kill yourself.
>> No. 49123
You should have taking out a life insurance policy on ADF. You wouldnt even have to murder him, sleeping in a ditch during these cold cold nights will do it for you.
>> No. 49124
Audio Darth Brooks - Rika Stiles - (3.24MB - 192 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Rika Stiles.mp3 ) Length: 2:21 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
>> No. 49125
Pendleton Ward confirmed for /cwc/
>> No. 49126
File 134851053832.jpg - (368.10KB , 700x1001 , son i am disappoint tron.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I thought this would be a song, not some homosexual deviant doing a retard voice.
>> No. 49127
File 134851120450.png - (9.98KB , 792x612 , Lumpy_Space_Princess.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
my sides! who ever read that needs a fucking Oscar for best narration.
>> No. 49128
I want to believe.
>> No. 49129
You should narrate all of them.
Or If Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles really wants that money we could pay him to do it. Imagine Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles as read by Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 49130
This needs to be on ED! And YouTube! And The Cartoon Network! Makes a great introduction into the Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles Experience.
>> No. 49131
File 134851466026.jpg - (128.92KB , 300x384 , at01_PendletonWard.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 49132

Alright, I'll make a couple in the next few days.
>> No. 49133
This one is a good quote imo: //789.not4chan.org/L/res/48076.html#48599
>> No. 49134
Robbays own Vivian G
>> No. 49135
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles here is a protip on staying warm: Wear multiple layers of clothes.

Also why not start a kickstarter for your Philadelphia lesbian novel which will clearly be a bestseller. ;3
>> No. 49136
Maybe he could cut adf open and climb in for warmth MYb
>> No. 49137

10/10 young troll.
>> No. 49138
>Mikhail pokes her head out screaming "GET YER OWN TON-TON"
>> No. 49139
File 134852096352.jpg - (44.26KB , 640x480 , 1346043085445.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down
>> No. 49140
The real question remains: what will introman buy Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles for Christmas?
>> No. 49141
bath salts
>> No. 49142
I watched a documentary on bath salts once
>> No. 49143
Excellent, we are proceeding as scheduled!

I sure am glad Jordman thought up these convoluted plans!
>> No. 49144
The chronicle of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles:

1. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, born a spoiled, entitled, whiny white upper middle class American male, enjoys this lifestyle but it's not enough for him.
2. He experiences many failings in his life and his ambitions are not realized due to ineptitude, a mental and emotional outlook stunted by point #1 and enabling parents. Instead of being introspective, and realising that despite my innumerable advantages over almost all the world's population, he blames the exact same people who allow point #1 to happen.
3. His outlandish behaviour attempting to resolve #2 leads to him finding a group of people who don't accept point #1 and don't allow him to carry on his bullshit, acting like a ten year-old as he approaches his mid twenties.
4. Instead of being introspective, being thankful for who he is and what he has then working to better himself, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles insists that point #1 be the status quo for him at all times, even to these people who clearly don't think this is a sustainable way for any adult to live.
5. #4 doesn't work. Instead of being introspective, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles redouble his efforts. Now the personal consequences become more dire; unemployment, CAVAAAAAY, drug use and a life splattered on the Internet for anyone to read. His employability plummets.
6. In an effort to find blame for #5 in anyone other than himself, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles systematically and brutally betrays and abandons anyone who shows the slightest hint of friendship, support and understanding while simultaneously pleading for friendship, support and understanding.
7. Go to #3.
>> No. 49145
So Robert, when your super tolerant boss fired you did the termination papers say attendance or da dang dirty trolls?
>> No. 49146
Since it's illegal now and has always been more difficult to produce than other stimulants which have banned for half a century, I don't imagine there is guch available anymore. Meth would be easier to find, as would cocain, mdma, and your more common prescription cns agents such as amphetamine salts.
Maybe the real reason he's been such a wreck is withdrawal. It would explain a lot of his symptoms. 's b
>> No. 49147

Yeah, guess what asshole? My voice doesn't sound like that and you're just another fucking lowlife who is into stereotyping me.

Like you people don't even believe how quickly I found another client through my gift shop's manager who actually RECOGNIZED my talent. Look's like I won't need your fucking help after all as now I have extra time to secure a real job.

Ask yourselfs, would ADF put in HALF the effort?
>> No. 49148

The headshop/dopeman is getting a payday. Please go to NA Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Drug abuse is a serious thing.
>> No. 49149
Lets run the math. 0/2 = 0
Yes, yes he would
>> No. 49150
You were begging for help yesterday, and today you are mocking us. You are bipolar
>> No. 49151
Wait wait wait. Found another client? You know your employers arnt your clients right?
>> No. 49152
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's selling drugs I believe.
>> No. 49153
I guess someone asked him to take some shitty photos.
>> No. 49154

Your mom is a serious thing. My money goes to all kinds of pratical things to give me a life that's more refined than that of people who sit on their ass all day and have tugboats. What can be said about that Sean and Ahuviya?

I regret even ASKING for money because when I want something, I ACTUALLY get mobile. I already have a quota for a the gift shop manager's friend who's also running the same exact buisness.

So, who's won now, Introman? Fate has smiled upon me this time.
>> No. 49155
You selling those knives arnt you?
>> No. 49156
>My voice doesn't sound like that and you're just another fucking lowlife who is into stereotyping me.

You're right, Robb. It's actually an improvement over your actual voice.
>> No. 49157
>Your mom is a serious thing.

>> No. 49158

Sean runs on actual business, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. It's called lost signal networks. He actually has clients and pays taxes on it. It's a real company.


Apparently when I called virginia. She didn't even acknowledge your existence. Even some of the middle school kids I paid with candy and were a little slow got the same answer. How does it feel like to know because of your fuckups that your parents disowned you?

I actually won. I don't have nervous breakdowns based on what people on the internet say to me. I have gainful employment thanks to the boss chick. I have true friends who won't backstab to avoid the pellets of trolling. I have parents who I haven't treated like utter shit. I also am not a drug addict who refuses to get help and coachsurfs. It's pretty easy to see who won.
>> No. 49159
More misogyny I see, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. You're quite the loveshy.
>> No. 49160
If Rob went back to photography, which he's actually okay at, people who hired him would be his clients.

Also, Rob, get on IRC.
>> No. 49161

You know, CWC sold Cutco too. It didn't end well.
>> No. 49162
Sure you get clients for wedding photos and graduation pictures, but that isnt the kind of photography that robbay does.
>> No. 49163
The real reason he doesn't sleep is drugs. Meanwhile he's blaming other crackheads.
At least now we know what bath salts is really code for. He's buying crack from the dealer in the alley below.
>> No. 49164
It all fits. He's pissed off because he needs to score right then, but there's someone else negotiating with the dealer.
>> No. 49165
"Okay?" I'd say mediocre at best, man. I don't think he'd do well with wedding photography, what with DAH STRESS and a sense of responsibility. Oh, and have you seen his portrait photos? Absolute shit.
>> No. 49166
"Okay?" I'd say mediocre at best, man. I don't think he'd do well with wedding photography, what with DAH STRESS and a sense of responsibility. Oh, and have you seen his portrait photos? Absolute shit.
>> No. 49167

For the record, I kicked Bath Salts for a two fucking weeks now because they're illegal aren't they? I may hate the legislation but I actually obey the laws when I am aware of them.
All other drugs are recreationally taken world wide without fear of reprucussion. That said, you can't report me for paying my fucking bills now because I don't have a steady job. If you're all right wing homosexual deviants, sneering at me, you're obviously living at home with your mom.
>> No. 49168
>>My voice doesn't sound like that and you're just another fucking lowlife who is into stereotyping me.

No, you sound exactly like Princess Lumpy
>> No. 49169
Also that impression of him was nearly dead on. Ever notice how different you sound compared to how you think you sound? Makes me wonder how terrible my own voice is at times. I suppose the difference is that most of us would either shrug off an impression or laugh along with it, while Stiles here has a tantrum. Maybe it's an spasm thing.
>> No. 49170
Robert, you don't have the self control to stop coming to this site. And you expect us to believe you had the will to break out of a drug addiction?

Go smoke some more salts.
>> No. 49171
>Two weeks ago
They have been illegal for far longer than that rob. Just admit it, your stash ran out
>> No. 49172
>I may hate the legislation but I actually obey the laws when I am aware of them.

Your court case suggests otherwise, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 49173
>That said, you can't report me for paying my fucking bills now because I don't have a steady job.

Have fun with Bubba, Robb, because I guarantee he's going to be having fun with you.
>> No. 49174
File 134853926230.jpg - (27.48KB , 300x400 , Kermit.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Look's like I won't need your fucking help after all as now I have extra time to secure a real job.


Is this what you actually believe?
>> No. 49175
Actually I dont live at home with my mother. Im a accountant. I have a salary and a 401k.
>> No. 49176
We can however alert your p.o. as to your failing to remain employed. Also know you didn't follow through on that court ordered therapy and have been illegal using marijuana. If we wanted you in jail, you'd b you'd be bending over for Bubba by now.
The real reason why you are breathing free air right now is because we find you funny. The second we grow tired of you it's off to the clink. So if I was you, I'd start making youtuee videos tootsweet. Or maybe you don't cherish your anal cherry.
>> No. 49177
Holy shit, the resemblance is fucking uncanny.
>> No. 49178
>For the record, I kicked Bath Salts for a two fucking weeks now because they're illegal aren't they? I may hate the legislation but I actually obey the laws when I am aware of them.
>I'm not doing it because it's illegal

What else are you "Not doing" because it's illegal Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 49179
I thought you werent Ri.ka anymore
>> No. 49180
I've never collected welfare in my life :/
>> No. 49181
To be fair the majority of welfare recipients are either working or elderly. If you have a kid and make below the welfare line you are going to take the check. Kids are expensive. The idea that everyone on welfare is just lazy, especially in this economy, is lazy thinking.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, the only shame would be if you spent that unemployment or welfare check on drugs instead of the much needed food. We can all see how thin you have become. You look like an uglier version of Christian Bale The Machinist. Swallow your fucking pride.
>> No. 49182
Audio Darth Brooks - Message to Rika - (562.98KB - 192 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Message to Rika.mp3 ) Length: 0:24 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
>> No. 49183
you can't collect unemployment insurance if you're fired.
>> No. 49184
I've never been fire. My bad. There is always welfare.
So do they differentiate between being canned and general lay offs or... Well what is unemployment good for?
>> No. 49185
Well that depends, it depends on why you why fired. If the actually reason for firing him that they reported when they did the paperwork was attendace then yeah, no tugboat for robbie.

Honestly all this shit from robbie about welfare just sounds like sour grapes
>> No. 49186
Yes, yes you are a sexy voice on the internet.
>> No. 49187
>Ask yourselfs, would ADF put in HALF the effort?
>At least I'm not as bad as ADF!
Hello, Anthony.
>> No. 49188
File 134854315067.jpg - (540.56KB , 1039x1224 , sexylady.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I did an ink sketch of our favorite cracked out lady-man.
>> No. 49189
File 134854357156.jpg - (28.42KB , 484x400 , 1348543484587.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 49190
Our new Banner?
>> No. 49191

>> No. 49192
new bannered? Aww man thanks!
>> No. 49193
good banner is good
>> No. 49194
>it's not like I even WANTED your money I was only pretending
Never change Robb. Never change.
>> No. 49195
You had not seen Adventure Time before that? I am shocked.
>> No. 49196
>The idea that everyone on welfare is just lazy, especially in this economy, is lazy thinking.
Goddamn lefties trying to punish success and derail every thread into their stupid ideology

>> No. 49197
Meanwhile in reality http://www.pbs.org/newshour/businessdesk/2011/12/record-inequality-between-rich.html
>> No. 49198
Isn't there a forum here you can talk about politics in? No offense.
>> No. 49199
He's the one who brought a political opinion into this. I just wanted to see what Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles would do with his tugboat.
>> No. 49200

Meanwhile, in a thread about Robbay, no one gives a shit about sodomize Wall Street.
>> No. 49201
Unemployment is only good if you're laid off, or they acknowledge the fact that it is not your fault they can no longer employ you, or financial failure, or natural disaster.

You can't collect unemployment if you quit, or are fired. You can if you quit due to unacceptable working conditions if your case is found in your favor.
>> No. 49202
They didn't make that video. sodomize wallstreet s mostly politically retarded college kids. Wallstreet can be blamed for a lot of things, but that isn't one of them. That's like blaming your bookie for the packers losing, or worse yet, being bookie and blaming the people you took bets with fto robbing you blind when you got the odds wrong.
I'm not some liberal tard and you need too stop trying to derail the subject.
All I wanted was to see Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles humble himself by going on the dole and for you too realize your political retardation and consequently shut the fuck up. How many threads have you bitched about liberals in? Cut it out.
>> No. 49203
I'm considering sending Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles a cashiers check for $100.

Will that get me on your good side, robbay?
>> No. 49204
Robbie aren't you spastic, maybe you could try claiming a disability tugboat?
>> No. 49205
Only do it if in return he sends you a signed dress. One that isn't completely ruined. You might be able to sell it for a couple bucks to recoup the money you wasted.
Stiles, be sure to wait 24 hours to make sure the check has cleared before sending him the dress.eck clears
>> No. 49206
So Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you're in a bit of financial trouble. How much would it take for you to suck a dick on camera?

Share it by mediafile, nobody's gotta know. Name your price man.
>> No. 49207
>I found another client through my gift shop's manager who actually RECOGNIZED my talent.

Nice! It actually worked!
>> No. 49209
shut up weenfag you're gonna ruin it
>> No. 49210

>I actually obey the laws when I am aware of them.

Were you unaware that threatening FBI agents is illegal?
>> No. 49211
This. This. This. A thousand times this.

It's shit like this that makes me vote for Romney, he's the only hope this country even has. You can vote for your Niggerack Gaybama, but I'm going to save America.

Fuck you, demotards.

>> No. 49212
Seriously numbnuts, shut the fuck up and wank about your politishit on the right board. Goddamn that spastic lack of comprehension.
>> No. 49213
Well this thread was nice while it lasted.

Seriously jackass, now you've given Robbay a way to get threads locked/taken down. Way to go.
>> No. 49214
>inb4 Homor shits himself and bans everyone
>> No. 49215
Archive plz
>> No. 49216
WTG politifags
>> No. 49217
What did this ugly creature get fired for?
>> No. 49218
What is it about politics that makes these spastic idiots interject there shit in every thread
>> No. 49219
Now that I think about it you polfags are just as bad as horse fuckers
>> No. 49220
How the fuck does this shit keep working?
>> No. 49221

Id like to break this guy's jaw
>> No. 49222

>> No. 49223
Politifuckers RAUS RAUS RAUS!

Conservatives are all stupid morons who speak about things they know nothing about, Liberals are all weak willed ninnys who believe there is a way to passively change things. We get it Just get the fuck out of a Robby thread. Go to a political hugbox or another forum/board/blog/twitter. You fuckers are all diseased. This is about Robby, not about you, you dumbass divas.

And I mean all the rest of you too that I'm too lazy to quote.
>> No. 49224
File 134859668455.png - (54.06KB , 200x197 , zip.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
this thread has been locked due to a restraining order filed by Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 49225
File 134859759679.jpg - (35.42KB , 450x333 , 2185967353_7b13694c1b_o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
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