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File 134859838899.png - (127.01KB , 1151x643 , ahuviya x rika.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
49226 No. 49226
New Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles Thread. ADF spills the beans about his romance with Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
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>> No. 49227
Oh God that has got to be the most backwards threesome. Everyone has the wrong equipment for what they want.
>> No. 49228
You know, since at least a good quarter of the threads in /L/ are probably Robbay threads, I think Seanie should rename /L/ to /rws/. It just seems appropriate.
>> No. 49229
File 13485995035.png - (58.35KB , 1223x649 , shitdontaddup.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And check out the comments. DemonicChick=Mikhail. This shit just doesn't add up...
>> No. 49230
File 134859966694.png - (1.28KB , 153x200 , thoughtful.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Theory: Robb begged /cwc/ for money to ride to the sunset with that DANG DIRTY INSANE TROLL AGENT ADF WHO DOESN'T EVEN PASS.
>> No. 49231
So, have ADF and Mikhail never met, as is the case with a lot of ADF's girlfriends?

If so, sounds like Mikhail wasn't aware of any of these plans and wasn't prepared for safe internet fantasy becoming "two smelly tranny hobos at my door asking for a place to stay and possibly sex, and one of them has a loaded gun" reality.
>> No. 49232
No they have.

It sounds like Mikhail went back to Portland though. ADF has probably been having an affair with Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles though from the sounds of it.
>> No. 49233
I can seriously not wait to see what her parents think of their 18 year old daughter hanging out with two creepy older guys.
>> No. 49234
But um, what there implies he's doing anything with Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles? All it says is that he's going with him. I think "And Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles will be with me" just means he'll be on the plane.

Mikhail probably thought it was just going to be ADF.
>> No. 49236
File 134860128088.jpg - (2.43KB , 124x126 , 134004689463.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>muscle milk
>> No. 49237
I think Robb needed $200 to cover the cost of his P90x purchase which is totally gonna make him jacked and manly and stuff. Anyways, isn't this just the same diversion tactic they used last time? We're going to Portland so uhhh stop trolling us and delete those threads because now we live in Portland. Checkmate.
>> No. 49238
Unless internet connections don't exist in Portland Robbays situation wouldn't change anyway. If it was even true.

Poor bastard has no self control.
>> No. 49239
Just dropping in to say, Operation: Deception was an UTTER SUCESS, and yes, even trolling victims can have operations too. You spergs take everything I say at face value so I faked being mad at ADF when we weren't even fighting. Getting you to think I hated her was as simple as changing her gender pronouns. All to buy us some cover to get to where we're going without unkind intrusion by the stonecutters. Yet another win here, Look there is NO INTROMAN, NO JORDMAN, NO DANIEL, NO DEREK, NO ZYKLON, NO MONIKER, NO TREY FUCKHEAD AND NO LIQUID Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles in Portland. Just wanted to point that out there and soon, like I said there will be no value in the name Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles anymore either when I seemingly drop off the face of the earth.
>> No. 49240
>There is no Introman

Then who is this in my skype contacts?
>> No. 49241
never change robb
>> No. 49242
Too bad operation: be a retard and operation: lose my job where also successes for you
>> No. 49243
ADF already said were you are going dumbass

Also you will be a felon when you dont show up for court, so have fun
>> No. 49244
Damn, you've completely fucking lost it, Robert. I knew getting cut off by Wayne and Virginia would be rough on you, but DAMN.
>> No. 49245
There is no Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles in portland either. ADF and Mikhail fucked it up again rob.
>> No. 49246
>> No. 49247
...I don't get it. What was the point of making us think you were mad at ADF?
>> No. 49248
>Operation: Deception was an UTTER SUCESS
>> No. 49249
>> No. 49250

Video proof says otherwise, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. You really need to stop assuming that the rest of us are as dense as you are.
>> No. 49251
Tell me about operation cave.
>> No. 49253
You're still in Philly, you stupid pratt. And even if you did manage to make it to Portland (which you couldn't because you'd fuck it up), you'd find yourself in even more legal trouble than you were before. And the courts won't buy the whole "Robb did that! I'm someone else" bullshit. So you've lost yet again, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 49254

Seriously, you think this is funny but wait, wait until we actually go to portland and you can't find a trace of any of us, either in Philly or the internet. I put both ADF and Mikhail on a diet regiment and I'm working out so we can not only blend with the populace but be completely transparent to you fucking trolls. I only got fired so we could pull this plan into action and escape the vile clutches of transway.

The ONLY reason I'm telling you this is because it's going to work.
>> No. 49255
neither are legal in portland you dumb fuck. Medical ganga is something you have to get a persciption for. You know it would be harder for us to find you if we didnt know where you where going. Its almost like you are trying to trick us again.
>> No. 49256
File 134860733029.png - (17.73KB , 1319x153 , nope.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 49257
EGAD, you really are a cutrate Bond villain.
>> No. 49258
I was under the impression that you tards OBLIVERATEed transway
>> No. 49259

That's a military echelon, you dumbass.
>> No. 49260

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you don't need to move anywhere or change your appearance at all, you just need to stay away from /cwc/. If you can't do that in Philly or even back home at your parents then what makes you think you'll be able to do it in Portland? Nobody is going to be out on the streets looking for you and ADF you fucking retards, changing your physical appearance is just pointless, although I suppose looking a little less like Gollum will be a good thing for you in other aspects.

>I only got fired so we could pull this plan into action and escape the vile clutches of transway.

That makes no sense whatsoever, if you wanted to leave you would've just quit.
>> No. 49261
File 13486076712.jpg - (50.47KB , 838x462 , WOLVERINES.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>blend with the populace
>be completely transparent
>> No. 49262
Give us those Jordman cocks you've been hoarding and we just might leave you alone.
>> No. 49263
Robbay, are you doing bath salts right again? You sound more insane than usual
>> No. 49264
> Implying you couldnt just quit
> Implying you arnt not completly unemployable from doing that shit instead of giving two weeks
>> No. 49265

>Oh and weed is legal in Portland and so are bath salts so FUCK YOU.

Yeah, you're sure to stay away from 789chan once you're back on your paranoid drug benders. So you real soon Robbay.
>> No. 49266
File 134860801121.jpg - (10.21KB , 250x250 , 133556933995.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>New banner
>> No. 49267

What I do with my life from here on out is MINE and MY FRIEND'S decisions only. You are not my parents, hell even my parents aren't my fucking parents anymore but I don't give a fuck. You have made me drinking, smoke and inhale fucking things as a crutch to help me with the burden of the pain you caused and YET, nobody, fucking nobody on this site has ever shown any remorse for making me lit up my first bong. NEVER. You were more than happy to tear appart my life to the point where I had to move from the Poconos to my friend's college because I couldn't bear the humiliation of never leaving my fucking appartment due to embarassment. I want this to end. I want to be the fucking master of my own fucking destiny again and obviously, coming back to this site is a virtual poison.

To any other EPIN WEEN troll on here who tries to give me life lessons, stop. Fucking stop. I'm only listening to my own heart from here on out.
>> No. 49268
So getting fired fit better into your master plan than just quitting?
>> No. 49269
You are fucking hopeless

You will end up killing yourself
>> No. 49270
so where's the thread that this $200 check thing originated from?
>> No. 49271
>> No. 49272
are we to assume that OPERATION: OBLIVERATE 789chan is next?
>> No. 49273
I'm sorry, but I had some good bud and you never tried it before.
You seemed like you wanted to use it at the time so I showed ya how.
If it's that bad, then I'm honestly sorry I introduced you to weed, dude.

Just thought you'd like it, that's all.
>> No. 49274
much appreciated fellow anon
>> No. 49275
I think Robby needs ADF at the moment, and so is claiming they never disliked eachother and it was all part of a plan *wink*wink* to convince ADF that he's on his side, and was never against him.
>> No. 49277
>You have made me drinking, smoke and inhale fucking things as a crutch to help me with the burden of the pain you caused and YET, nobody, fucking nobody on this site has ever shown any remorse for making me lit up my first bong.

Yet, you claimed that intro and Zyklon never existed. Your house of cards is already toppling, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 49278
File 134860879740.jpg - (12.72KB , 378x301 , heart-attack.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I'm only listening to my own heart from here on out.

considering the quantity of bath salts and other illicit substances you've been taking, your heart might be on borrowed time
>> No. 49279
File rikawat.txt - (32.33KB ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Alright, it's time to show this.

This is what I had to tell the staff, irc to hide, but this has changed a lot and I want to force a sea change here.

Guy, if you're reading this, and I'm not going to post your name, I'm sorry, but you do not deserve to be allowed to help someone like Robert

This is the log of the conversation the person Robert was staying with at LIU had with me after he discovered 789 and our IRC looking through robb's web history.

I have been emailing with him back and forth and when he saw that robb was begging for money he felt personally responsible for robb and was about to send him money. Robb, you do not deserve a friend as good as Guy.

I am posting this as it has a lot of new information and insight into Robb's high school life, and in the hops that Robb learns to not be so stupid with other people's computers and not to take advantage of REAL FRIENDS by faking hardships.

I will have more soon.
>> No. 49280
How long until the prison guards are the masters of your destiny rob?
>> No. 49281
>hell even my parents aren't my fucking parents anymore but I don't give a fuck.

that's really mean Robert, didn't they finance your change from man to woman, from woman to man, from man to woman, from woman to man and so forth? If you don't mind me asking, what kind of gender are you going to be from now on? If you aren't sure, you may check out our big social justice thread, it may be helpful.
>> No. 49282
File 134860901571.png - (94.65KB , 231x385 , clorox.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I want this to end.

Go down to CVS, buy some of this shit, and drink heartily.
>> No. 49283
The plot thickens...
>> No. 49285
File 134860922479.jpg - (138.46KB , 922x720 , robbmail.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
First set of emails, names censored to protect the truly innocent.
>> No. 49286
File 134860929492.jpg - (38.15KB , 220x303 , hilarius.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I'll neve rhave to do this any more
You never had to do it in the first place. You came here and made an ass out of yourself, and we laughed thus heartily.
>> No. 49287
File 134860929881.gif - (0.97MB , 340x348 , Hitler pouting.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>fucking nobody on this site has ever shown any remorse for making me lit up my first bong.
Well, yeah, I don't feel too bad if somebody uses ganga. Honestly. I even hear some people use it for fun.

> I want to be the fucking master of my own fucking destiny again and obviously, coming back to this site is a virtual poison.
Feel free to leave any time you want, Robert. But we'll be here waiting for you.

Those logs are pretty hilarious. TL;DR Robb was always a huge spast, MMORPG addict and used Naruto headband.

><*> other than the girl shower thing, he was just really jittery and muttered occasionally when he slept
><SeanieB> did he ever drop any names?
><*> once again, i thought just drugs
><*> some foreign name
><*> vlad something
That's creepy Robb.
>> No. 49288
File 134860975578.png - (23.26KB , 1546x148 , tearsofjoy.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Stop deleting your posts, you fool.
>> No. 49289
File 134861007054.jpg - (144.94KB , 1026x777 , robbmails1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More emails
>> No. 49290
File 134861012951.jpg - (157.74KB , 1026x777 , robbmails2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Last set of emails, including ones from a few minutes ago.

I have a feeling Rob will try to dox this guy, but I will expect the full no-dox policy to be in effect on him, unlike how it is for Rob.
>> No. 49291
You have no idea what the glass menagerie was about do you Robbay

also you smell like sewage
>> No. 49292
No one cares about Mr. Stiles and no one cares about YOU!!


Can you feel the sunshine?
>> No. 49293
He sounds like a nice kid.

What's a nice "Sorry you had such a terrible friend in High School" gift?
>> No. 49295
His diversion terms say he just can't leave the country, not Philadelphia and he can in absentia as he was probably going to do all along. So long as he didn't get caught breaking terms the next phase is just the judge signing off on expulsion and everyone moving on. He doesn't need to fly to california for that any more then you would have to drive to another state for a traffic violation hearing for an accident that occurred while driving through town.
Please tell me you are foreign or something, because no American should be this ignorant of our legal systems mechanisms and procedures. High school civics class
>> No. 49296
File 134861068176.jpg - (191.84KB , 1026x777 , lolemails.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 49297

I wasn't trying to give you a life lesson you dumb shit, I was pointing out that you moving to a new city isn't going to change shit because you'll keep coming back here. Also, we didn't make you pick up that bong Robbay, you decided to start taking drugs all on your own, quite blaming your weaknesses on other people.
>> No. 49298

>19:53:40] <*> unless he was creeping on the girls in their fucking bathroom

So that'll be when you were using the women's bathroom for "obvious reasons" then, right Robb?
>> No. 49299
[21:35:26] <*> he doesn't like many girls, i can tell you that
[21:35:43] <*> he even punched one out at high school

>> No. 49300
no don't move to portland god damnit no
>> No. 49301
>> No. 49302

most of those people aren't in Philly either, yet they manage to run and OBLIVERATE your life pretty well nonetheless
>> No. 49303
Fuck that's pretty depressing.
>> No. 49304
So Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, would you mind explaining this for us in that way that only you can?
>> No. 49305
You fucking monsters don't understand, introman and zyklon made him do it!!
>> No. 49307
And so as one chapter ends, a new one is beginning. Have fun "escaping", Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 49308
File 134861340665.jpg - (6.81KB , 259x194 , wraith.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You and /cwc/ are destined to do this forever.
>> No. 49309
File 134861342775.jpg - (21.40KB , 413x310 , simon-cowell-smile.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey /cwc/, I happen to live in portland.
Epect me at the airport waving a "ROBBAY" sign, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 49310
>> No. 49311
My offer still stands, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. A cashiers check for $100 if you will only PUBLICY proclaim your LOVE for the deviants on this site and especially introman
>> No. 49312
>YET, nobody, fucking nobody on this site has ever shown any remorse for making me lit up my first bong.

You know this is textbook addict thinking right? Someone is always "making" them do their drug(s) of choice. It's never their own fault. However that way of thinking isn't limited to drug use in your case. To you, all of your problems are because of someone else.

You're never going to live a happy life thinking this way. Own up to your own shit and make things better for yourself.
>> No. 49313
Oh Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.

You have stooped so far lower than me, I for comparison I was better than Chris-Chan. I had my own spastic-like problems when I was a child, but I grew all out of it by the time I turned 20. But after all this in the past 3 weeks, I cannot say I admire you as much anymore.
>> No. 49314
>fucking nobody on this site has ever shown any remorse for making me lit up my first bong.

Go to /420/ and cry about it.
>> No. 49315
This is some nice fucking cocks!

>Robbay spotted a full-on beard
>drank beers and smoked weeds all day
>muttered Zyklon's name in his sleep
>wore Naruto headband and punched a girl in highschool

Also Sean is a pretty cool dude. Tard-wrangling and all.
>> No. 49316

So, you're going to sleep under a rock with them or with Melissa's folks. Good to know.
>> No. 49317
Hello friends!
>> No. 49318
not sure if thank you?
>> No. 49319
  Note to Robert

This is where you could end up. Living in a fucking trailer.
>> No. 49320
Rob, where'd you go? One second you were telling us how you won, then some new cocks got released and you disappeared?

That's not THE WRAITH I know and love!
>> No. 49321
Still trying?
>> No. 49322
>Robb, murmuring Vlad in his sleep.
>"I'm ready for you now Vlad. Isn't it obvi? I'm so ready!"
>> No. 49323
Yes, and you should too, because giving up is bad and often results in losing
>> No. 49324
>[20:15:11] <*> he had a full on beard and his hair was down to his shoulders
>[20:15:37] <*> no and he smelled like sewage
>[20:16:04] <*> he first cleaned up hell of a lot, then said he was transitioning

master of disguise
>> No. 49325

At this rate, even bribing my old friends to turn on me isn't going to work. You only have until Saturday and I will no longer have to put up with harassment online. I'll be able to start all over again and that's all that matters.
>> No. 49326
No one bribed him you crazy fuck , he came here because he wanted to help you . And because you Favorited ED and /cwc/ on his browser you fucking moron
>> No. 49327
Keep telling yourself that, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. You're the only one who halfway believes it.
>> No. 49328
We will hash it out in Irc as always...please join us
>> No. 49329
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles get in the IRC, we need to talk about this.
>> No. 49330
I've never seen any other lolcow react so strongly to being trolled.

Robert actually thinks he has to move house instead of just not coming here. Wow, just wow.

You can try to convince yourself that you've won all you like, but in truth you've lost, big time.
>> No. 49331

I don't need to take orders from you anymore. Sean thinks people can be bought up and I can't stand for that. I'm going to have to have a discussion with my good friend, James because for dropping the dirt all over my fucking ass.

But it doesn't matter, I'm done with this internet war. My whole life has been OBLIVERATEed because of it and this board has only caused me and my real friends nothing but tears.
>> No. 49332
You should read the parts where your old friend talks about wanting the old robb back
>> No. 49333
>My whole life has been OBLIVERATEed because of it and this board has only caused me and my real friends nothing but tears.
>my real friends
>real friends

What friends?
>> No. 49334
1. No one ever gave you orders

2. No one bribed anyone ever

3. Your friend came here because you are severely mentally disturbed and need help , he wanted to know what you were doing online
>> No. 49335
I didnt buy anyone.
>> No. 49336
He wanted to help you, you fucking ingrate. Whatever happens to you, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, is your own doing.
>> No. 49337

If youve won then grant us this one last concession...please come in irc and gloat over your victory.

Show seanie and the others how youve won
>> No. 49338
>I'm done with this internet war
>> No. 49339
We have something of yours... I think it'd be in your interest to get on lol.
>> No. 49340
Sean, just fucking STOP doing this. Stop calling my parents and contacting all my old friends, work on your OWN fucking life and leave mine alone.
>> No. 49341
You're really one to talk. :/
>> No. 49342
Stop coming on 789chan

>> No. 49343
>> No. 49345
This coming from the same shitstain who told him he hoped he got aids. GDIAF, Robb.
>> No. 49346
IRC Robb
>> No. 49351
you have lived entirely on the kindness of others and still been reduced to a smelly, bearded tranny with a drug problem

it takes a special kind of stupid to do this. if robb was on life support he'd detatch it for "dropping dirt on those ding dang trolls"
>> No. 49352
Because moving to Portland will prevent you from accessing the internet and give you the self control necessary to avoid going to a website that upsets you...right, Robert? Idiot.
>> No. 49353
File 134862385476.png - (60.76KB , 938x498 , cap.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 6:20 PM
>Subject: Re: The truth about the Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles you are emailing! He's a troll, and my bro. DO NOT TELL HIM I EMAILED YOU!

>I hate to do this to him, DON'T YOU DARE SCREENCAP THIS! http://www.facebook.com/?sk=welcome#!/profile.php?id=100003679258388 please do not

>supposedly Rob's "roommate"
>> No. 49354
Oh god, you again?
>> No. 49355
File 134862403521.png - (93.84KB , 224x224 , 1327021294395.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 49356
Fake and Gay
>> No. 49357
Why does Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles think that people won't troll him when he moves to portland? I see some young trolls putting in work and moving closer to their homes is like delivering cookie dough to a stoner.

Good luck on your move Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. I will still be at 16th and walnut writing my book at the starbucks. I don't have to worry about the sneak attack coming from philly people anymore. Also pretty funny for a maoist, Ahuviya is acting more like Chang Kai Shek.
>> No. 49358
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, it's okay, they're always making fun of me too
I wouldn't take what they say too seriously, I just wish they would stop being so mean so we can be friends
>> No. 49359
File 134862645848.jpg - (66.67KB , 320x240 , butters.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Figured out Cornelius' identity.
>> No. 49360
That's not nice, please stop being mean
>> No. 49361
File 134862743879.jpg - (141.09KB , 800x810 , 133034798073.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 49362
Rob, we all know you got fired after your lease expired and you had to either move back home and go to rehab or stay at a friends place. Either way there was no chance of you making it to work. You should have spent more time looking for a cheap place in the classifieds and less time on 789chan. Also should have been upfront with your boss, she might have let you have a week off while you found a place in the city you could actually afford on your own. Instead of just ducking the landlord and hoping things would magically work out. Hell even adf knew it was time to get her shit out of that overpriced loft.
I find it re-assuring that while you lied to us about how your life was going you didn't lie to your friends so much ad omit the fbi detail, which would be headed for expulsion anyway if you had just kept your nose clean - as opposed to red, bloody, and filled with pink powder. Yes, we even know your rand of choice was pump it.

Moving out of that city will be good for you. You can probably afford an apartment with four illegal aliens on that bus or stock boy salary in Portland. Won't that be lovely?
>> No. 49363
This is not who I talked to, I wouldn't have believed them if this was who I talked to. They didn't give me anything begrudgedly or conditionally, nor was their email infested with spasm.
>> No. 49364
I bet it was sent from Robbay
>> No. 49365
Well it sounds like Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has always had mental issues and if his parents really cut him out of his own bank accounts (which I'm assuming included all the money he had earned in addition to whatever they had put in) then that really gives insight into his rage issues. Maybe his parents really did use religion in an abusive way.
I was in the b.d. program at school and almost every kid with that kind of rage problem also suffered from a shitty home life. You get these kids with obscenely stern parents who are always fighting with each other and they sorta go wild when away from home. Especially the ones with mild spasm. We had a fucking condom room n middle school just for this girl who they could find no other safe means of restraining. She was real high functioning otherwise. She never even bit me personally.
>> No. 49366
>which I'm assuming included all the money he had earned in addition to whatever they had put in
>Implying Rob would save money
>Implying he didn't bleed money on stupid shit
>Implying his parents didn't spoil and coddle him for his entire life until recently.

Hi Robert.
>> No. 49367
>>Abusive home environment
>>"Come along, son. It's church time!"

Hi Robb!
>> No. 49368
I'm pretty sure there are steps one needs to take to move out of state while on probation. Did you talk with your PO Robb?
>> No. 49369
>We had a fucking condom room n middle school

Sammy may be gone, but his legacy shall live on in our hearts via wordbutter...
>> No. 49370
>> No. 49371
He's on diversion and yes. Only one step really. Contact your P.O . Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, or we will all do it for you.
>> No. 49372
Corneilous your a fucking racist is what you are.
>> No. 49373
Hadn't really thought of that.
On the other hand he obviously suffers from a below average if not boarderline I.Q. Cutting him off is literally like abandoning a child, spoilt as he may be. Though they did have the good sense to retain control over his bank account. Probably kept one as petty cash for him and put another aside to draw funds into it from. Like a jesuitish kids allowance. Only you do it for the kid to teach him how checking and savings work so he can manage his finances as an adult. They have to do it so he doesn't wind up dead in a gutter overdosed on bath salts.
>> No. 49374
Question. How fast do we burn through Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles threads?
>> No. 49375
File 134863590138.jpg - (138.93KB , 425x625 , wraithsonaplane.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Flying to Portland, are you? Have fun with that, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Make sure you and ADF are well prepared for the journey. It ought to be fun.
>> No. 49376
22 threads since 4/20/12. Roughly once a week if I don't suck at math.
>> No. 49377

0.9166 repeat.

But that's really just splitting hairs. We could just round it up to one and call it a day.
>> No. 49378
You would think he would have learned by now.
>> No. 49379
Robb, Robb never learns and never will.
>> No. 49380
File 134864767683.gif - (23.12KB , 327x280 , 1111111.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Go away robbie
>> No. 49381
>I don't need to take orders from you anymore.

You know those drugs really fuck with your brain when you think you have to take orders from a *chan.
>> No. 49382
You are the one who came in asking for money. You were all me wraith you long time. When someone offered to loan you the money instead of simply gifting it to you, you refused. If Sean had asked you to make a video for the cash, you probably would have done it. Wraithy wraithy two hundred dolla.
>> No. 49383
I'm confused. Isn't Vlad a Hungarian mans name? Does Rob have a thing for hairy men with mustaches and almond shaped eyelids? Not that this wouldn't be understandable. If I was Romanian I'd be gay too.
>> No. 49384
> Isn't Vlad a Hungarian mans name
You're probably thinking of Vlad the Impaler and he was Romanian.
>> No. 49385
Somebody better warn the mayor if Portland about the terrible trio coming his way
>> No. 49386
File 134866029852.jpg - (39.09KB , 449x700 , portland.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 49387
Robert, you have obliterated your own life, because of your ego and your contempt and spite for everyone around you. If you forget about all this, and stop continuously vowing revenge there still might be a little hope to not nudge CWC out of first place lolcow.
>> No. 49388
So is this the equivalent of smug Chris before he realizes how wrong he is and subsequently crashes into slumber?
>> No. 49389
Well if by "crash into slumber" you mean begging us for money or to delete the cocks, then yes
>> No. 49390
Your the most pathetic excuse for a human being I've ever seen. You make Chris look like a successful person. Nothings your fault and no one wants to help you.
>> No. 49391
Hey rob, airfare to portland is going to cost about a grand. Do you really think we believe you will be able to scrape together that much cash?
>> No. 49392
No it wouldn't. It's more like a couple hundred for coach. Do you see him riding first class?
>> No. 49393
And that's just for Robbay. Honestly, for all three they're looking at $2000 (if the ticket is in the lower 600 - 700 range) - $3000.
>> No. 49394
Point. Though if Wayne and Virginia still acknowledged his existence, then yes, I could see him begging mommy and daddy to let him ride first class.
>> No. 49395
350 a person, one way. I check like half an hour ago.

>If they still acknowledged his existance

They dont, They are in full "Noone named Robert has ever lived here" mode.
>> No. 49396
Back then that WAS Hungary. It is a Hungarian name.
>> No. 49397
Check for a couple weeks in advance. That drops the price.
Don't you fly?
>> No. 49398
Yes, thats true but do you think Rob checked a couple weeks in advance?
>> No. 49399
He's a retard, but even a retard would.
>> No. 49400
He just decided to go in the last couple of days. Also, its not like he is actually going.
>> No. 49401
>Back then
That's the key word. Now Transylvania is part of Romania. I don't think Vlad is very popular Hungarian name, it's probably more common in slavic countries. I recall Robbay saying Zyklon is from Russia (or Finland), so that would make sense.
>> No. 49402
File 134867893665.jpg - (57.06KB , 400x379 , 1344628877524.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>you all made me hit the bong!
>this is all your fault!
>when I move to Portland this somehow means no-one will be mean to me on the internet

I fucking hate you Rob. Hate. Hate hate hate.
I tried to help you. Every comment of mine in these threads has been to help you get yourself together. But no.

You're just so fucking ignorant. You're a mess and all you do is drag down other innocent people.

>> No. 49403
Actually it's more popular than one would imagine, and I'm pretty sure no one would name a girl Vlad. That's like naming a boy Susan.
>> No. 49404
>> No. 49405
What I think everyone is missing is that zyklon's name is "Vladislava." At least according to the SJ warrior who teamed up with robbay for a day or two.
>> No. 49406
I can confirm that in Eastern Europe Vladka is a genuine girls name, ie the female equivalent of Vladimir.
>> No. 49407
>> No. 49408
File 134868740036.jpg - (10.80KB , 148x126 , 1278540759128.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>MFW next month I'm moving to Portland thanks to a new job.

>> No. 49409
One would think Bathory would have come to mind instead, but these social justice types don't have any functional knowledge of history.
>> No. 49410

You are some kind of INSIDER looking to SPY on Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles

Report back here to let us know how much their apartment smells like shit
>> No. 49411
File 134869145878.gif - (2.90MB , 290x189 , 133734306960.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I love how ROBBAY is totally oblivious to the fact that there's at least /cwc/ fagit living in (or near) every important city of the states.

We'll never leave you alone, Robert!
>> No. 49412
File 134869352120.png - (20.95KB , 1122x218 , safehouse.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So we possibly get a bit more insight here...
>> No. 49413
Ahaha the safe-house!

My sides!
>> No. 49414
Hey Robb, I'm moving back to Portland in three months.

Look for me; I'll be the one wearing flannel.
>> No. 49415
Yep, that's what Robb and ADF call Robb's house
>> No. 49416
Are they trying to convince us that Mikhail is already in portland? Is that what is happening? None of this makes any damn sense no matter what way you slice it.
>> No. 49417
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles you better change plans and move to north korea with ADF if you want to be left alone from the internet forever.
>> No. 49418
Yeah, they're using the usual Robb/ADF logic on this one. I'm sure it all somehow makes sense to the Trio of Terror.
>> No. 49419

Are you saying that they'll end up living in Philadelphia forever?
>> No. 49420

Are there any artsy people around that can draw a photo of the three of them as villains ( costumes, etc )?

I like the idea of the terrible trio
>> No. 49421
>> No. 49422
I don't know about you guys, but I need moar of LSP guy.
>> No. 49423
File 134869949554.jpg - (5.18KB , 324x340 , 134694689734.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wait, is Rob in a homeless shelter?
We've gone too far
>> No. 49424

I'll aim to put together another one tomorrow.
>> No. 49425
I'm with you on that. LSP Robbay is probably my favorite thing to come out of this entire thing.
>> No. 49426
File 13487042695.jpg - (154.56KB , 923x699 , damnitrobert.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 49427
Hopefully one day Rob will realise he had a real and decent friend who had faith in him and wanted to help and maybe one day that will motivate him to stop being such an assclown.
>> No. 49428

Never going to happen.
>> No. 49429
File 134870700912.jpg - (32.19KB , 632x344 , ADF Melissa and Robb.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This turned out kind of shitty, but here you go:
>> No. 49430
File 13487081028.png - (101.40KB , 573x448 , Rika is ED famous.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The powers of the sharingan and trollchiha blood. You're on the front page of ED, baby girl. Not even Ahuviya could accomplish that!
>> No. 49431

Needs to be a hammer and sickle on ADF, but pretty good.
>> No. 49433

Woo yeah, I'm going to celebrate by helping out a stranger.
>> No. 49434
File 134871021488.jpg - (58.04KB , 581x720 , side view.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Darth Brooks/Terrance. I think you should read this in your lumpy princess voice. http://pastebin.com/YdV1pyCV

Mib_cuzn is Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Introman is myself.

It's pretty funny that portland has another group of trannies/deviants trolled by introman.

TL:DR version.
> Some epic weeners meet at the queer prom some dude with down syndrome.
> They decide to be epic weeners and try to troll him.
> They fail at it and ask /cwc/ for help.
> I decide just to end their pain by giving out their names.
> Jengatype and thread has fun.
>> No. 49435

Seanie you have my utmost respect. You handle everything with such tact. Stay cool, dude.
>> No. 49436
So when are Robb nudes going to pop up? I am shocked none came by now.
>> No. 49437

They'll never be posted because anyone who sees them dies.
>> No. 49438
I'd rather have penelope nudez.
>> No. 49439

Next video, Master of Disguise.
>> No. 49440
>> No. 49441
Robb, high five for punching that bich who teased you. she had it coming.
>> No. 49442
Robb, high five for punching that bich who teased you. she had it coming.
>> No. 49443
File 134871651374.jpg - (18.32KB , 400x300 , punching bag.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I bet rob punched her.
>> No. 49444
He was too much of a pussy to try punching out a guy. Apparantly he would brag about his martial arts, but that was probably because he was afraid somebody would try kicking his ass.
>> No. 49445
Looks like even back in the day he was hanging out with trannies.
>> No. 49446
Does anyone believe Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles when he said he was just kidding when he called ADF and his partner fat and lazy?
>> No. 49447
Robert is bipolar and he has been enemies, then friends with ADF and other people so many times nobody has even bothered to count and it really has little relevance, as he will begin to hate ADF again sometime soon anyway when his Bipolar Disorder kicks in again.
>> No. 49448

>Robert has enemies

No, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has delusions that he has enemies. Nobody is actually out to get him/her/it/genderqueer
>> No. 49449
Reading comprehension. Considering someone his enemy =/= actually having christian nazi assassin trolls.
>> No. 49450
Since there is zero chance of the judge signing off on Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles now, who wants to help bring him in when he pulls a runner? Since he's on diversion there won't be bail set, so we can't wait till he runs a second time to collect a bounty. Only reward will be the look on his face.
Ideally we need a fellow tranny, homosexual deviant aand an ethnic minority of some sort to bring him in. A rainbow coalition, so when he tells his cellmate about the "nazi trolls" who brought him in he too can have a laugh.
>> No. 49451
Wait, I think I've seen how this one ends before.
>> No. 49452
This involves touching robbay, something I don't want to do nor does anyone else. I'll probably catch the loser disease that ADF passed to Robby
>> No. 49453
I'm sure one of our Portland people would be up to the task. BTW, burying this thread won't help you, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 49454
So Robb might actually have a good chance of going to jail, huh?
>> No. 49455
Mikhail really sucks at this: http://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/10jw2n/can_someone_give_me_a_rough_estimate_of_what/
>> No. 49456
She's asking for the price of illegal hormones online? Oh for fuck sake. I hope the lot of them get vanned
>> No. 49457

If Robert skips state lines without telling his probate officer and getting an order from a judge ( this alone will take about a month to process ) then yes, he will have a bench warrant for his arrest the second his probation officer figures out that Robert is no longer in contact
>> No. 49458
Depends on how lazy his judge and p.o. are. If someone from Philly would please contact his p.o. then we could maybe avoid such circumstances all together. Rob needs help and braces. The reason we are hearing less and less of him may be due to new living arrangements... Back alley
>> No. 49459
File 134878122945.jpg - (546.71KB , 1164x596 , holyshit.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Gaiz what the fuck did Robbay do this time?
>> No. 49460
Oh my that beard.
>> No. 49461
You get like 2 months usually that you can go delinquent before you get evicted and then you have 30 days. So I'd say he has 30 days at the very least before getting thrown on his ass. They gotta give you 30 days notice and most will wait for you to pay before going through the eviction process and I'd say probably closer to around 60 days because I don't think most landlords are that vicious with money.
>> No. 49462
omg it's real wtf did rob do?
>> No. 49468
File 134878433552.jpg - (75.25KB , 919x337 , thankgod.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 49469
File 134878442195.jpg - (65.97KB , 960x720 , pSPdu.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>Not on the site.
>>Everyone but Rob's name is in all caps.

Seems legit.

>> No. 49470
Once again, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you don't deserve friends like this. And I'm sure there are many in Philly who will be glad to be rid of your sorry ass, as well.
>> No. 49471
Damn son you got the 'tism bad
>> No. 49472
>> No. 49473
>that feel when you dont have friends like this guy
>> No. 49474
Think Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles will be able to fend for himself in prison?
>> No. 49475

So I guess that $200 he was begging us for was for drugs, not groceries and heating bills. As if we didn't already know that.


I really hope you're trolling.
>> No. 49476

Not a fucking chance.
>> No. 49477
File 134878503275.jpg - (40.04KB , 627x717 , WHYLUIGI.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 49478
The whole 5 years of Chris Chan has gone by in just a few months with Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. At least it feels like it.
>> No. 49479
File 134878651692.png - (312.94KB , 466x600 , how_to_lose_friends_and_alienate_people.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 49480
File 134879806925.png - (324.02KB , 984x634 , rika wanted.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Looks like he's been pushed up to #1!
>> No. 49481
>Pushed up to number 1
>All the other perps stay in the same place

>> No. 49482
Nigga you best be trollin
>> No. 49483
Come back in IRC and give us more lulz sperg
>> No. 49484
So this loser came into IRC earlier and tardraged about being banned. Couldn't understand why saying "seems legit" warranted our response. A small sampling of what the retard said can be found here: http://pastebin.com/CYdMJkTy

He uses the very original name "anon".
>> No. 49485

>redtext in irc
>redtext incorrectly in irc

ahaha, how is anyone this dumb and not slimz?
>> No. 49486
Hey, Mr. Robert Wayne StilessNumber1Fan, next time you wanna ween on irc use a proxy.
>> No. 49488
haha ouch that butthurt is still getting yah huh?

Stay mad an obvious shoop confused you.
>> No. 49489
Log of the Number1Fan's visit: http://pastebin.com/M9mJTGe2
>> No. 49490
Hmmm I thought "KILL YOURSELF" was a little harsh at first but he sure managed to earn it.
>> No. 49492
Why was it deleted?
>> No. 49493
File 134880147472.jpg - (339.43KB , 1670x1005 , madspam.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>summary of anon's strategy
>> No. 49494

You really don't want to take this to a personal level, dude. There's a reason I've been retired since the age of 35 from the US government. I've had three personal invitations to the Whitehouse and currently receive frequent calls from the Department of Homeland Defense for my expertise in the field.

I am militant on my stand against bullies and trouble makers simply because I have fought them for so long in my career that it's just my first reaction. People like you attack me because I take the side of the weak and because I stand up for what's right. That makes you the bully and I can assure you that you will lose.

Just be nice, if you can. Be civil, if you can. If you can't then just be smart and don't cross a line that you are ill prepared to cross.

And if you can't be smart then I suggest you either get an education or be a real man and join the military.

enough already.
>> No. 49495
I'm pretty sure this is copypasta, or a variation on a theme.

>> No. 49496
>> No. 49497
File 134881497641.jpg - (88.46KB , 720x480 , You Mad Tenchi.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Let me throw another one in there.
>> No. 49498
wow you guys are all great at detecting things
>> No. 49499
i sense your post is entirely sarcasm free. thank you for the compliment friend.
>> No. 49500
It's all good, he's having a nazi fetish now (and an SS "headmate").

Also I lolled heartily at the image.
>> No. 49501
Wait, is this still a Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles thread or not?
>> No. 49502
Nope, weenfag ruined the thread
>> No. 49503
On the bright side, anon's amount of asspain taken into account, he might just try to join forces with Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 49504

But if he identifies all the shoops how can we possibly troll Robbay any more?
>> No. 49505
Thanks Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles Stonecutters for getting Phillip and Robert out of our city. Those two freaks of natures were ruining the trans community. They tried to double play you and the trans community for their own ego. We need some of you guys to come on ever to spruce street( you know where introman!)

Come on over to the cyber center at 7 pm mark and vladi for your reward. It's what we talked about plus another 200 for making this happen so fast.
>> No. 49506
All according to plan Master Jordman!
>> No. 49507
Do we still get the extra 3 hundred if one of them kills herself? Also I thought we agreed on paypal.
>> No. 49509
I still can't believe how much was offered to get Robbie addicted to drugs and fired from his job!
>> No. 49510


Hi Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 49511
  Masterpiece video.
>> No. 49512
I fucking love lumpy space Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 49513
>> No. 49514
You need someone else to voice the other characters. You are good, but you aren't that good.
>> No. 49515
This just made me realize how much I miss intro's super sexy voice.
Do more.
>> No. 49516
Tomorrow bridges will be crossed and then burned leading from a world I can never return. I can finally leave hear knowing I can breath freely once again and resume my growth as a person that had once been stunted. I am doing everyone a favor and removing myself from where I had been the last few months (that seemed like countless eternities) but I come away knowing now that even the Land of The Free and The Home of The Brave is not without great evil. There are people as wicked as the nazi regimes and with as much murderous hatred as the KKK that exist in a land with so much promised liberty.

Want me to reveal something? You want to know who converted the Chairwomyn to a female furer? I DID. And I only did it to prove a point that trolls there is no label that is immune to ridecule. So many of you trolls are nazis and Christians (or you say you are) because you want to irretate us but look, Zyklon thought she was so COOL and ANTI-FEMENIST being a nazi but now the Transexual you so hate has become what you idealized. It just goes to show there is no place in the world for something as out-dated and overly judgemental as Nazism. You never judge anyone by the cocks of their character ONLY the cocks of their race. This is the same reason people prefer to be Christians, just to go around act like their superior to everyone else and you have taught me that EVEN in America, People still judge you by your sexuality (which you frequently target of mine) your religion, (I'm sure most of you HATE Buddism just because I like it too and your prefered form of goverment.

I'm asking this question, will my presence be missed on this forum? I know there is a group of individuals who always get so happy whenever I post, are you going to be sad when I don't come around here anymore? Are you going to think, "I wish I wasn't such a fucking asshat to Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?" Well, guess what, you fucking BLEW your chance to hell. Tomorrow, it the time where we no longer have to suffer under the faceless hypocrisy of 789chan. People like Omega and Jayne are shitfaced transexual junkies and vain assholes but you know what, you accept them because THEIR assholes to me. 789chan is just a clique, a shitty clique like you know, in fucking high school. You just THINK you're the cool kids when you're really just fucking degenerate sludge.

I'm finally going to be the bigger person and when we depart tomorrow you can just kiss Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles Wayne Stiles goodbye. I'm finally wise enough to know the internet is full of hypocrites, losers, junkies, retards and sluts and I don't need to take it from faceless freaks who could be anyone of what I just listed.

>> No. 49517
>> No. 49518
So much text, so little sense
>> No. 49519

Bon voyage. remember to tell ADF/Amatarasu to follow TSA procedures for the glock. I don't want to read about Ahuviya being in the pockey. Later Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Hope portland treats you better than philadelphia. I can finally retire from this trollsona and live a peaceful life in philly. I might even send you a copy of my book.
>> No. 49520
File 134888594053.jpg - (40.21KB , 240x320 , 1348577794376.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 49521

Godspeed :)
>> No. 49522

Speaking of high school, tell us about how much hell you went through when you got your ass handed to you by your male classmates and constantly ridiculed by your female classmates.
>> No. 49523
And thus the madness is complete. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has finally lost his shit completely. Have fun in Portland, Robb. Make sure to always check for stonecutters. Never know where you may find them, after all.
>> No. 49524
File 134888614296.jpg - (25.83KB , 480x360 , forever.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> will my presence be missed on this forum?

no actually
>> No. 49525

This is more hilarious than smug Chris, congrats Rob
>> No. 49526
>> No. 49527
Audio Slut.mp3 - (46.01KB - 109 kbps - 48 kHz ) Length: 0:03 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
"It's Called tolerence, Homos"
"His dad didn't want to hear about the transition"
Bath Salts
Too many examples to list
>and sluts
File Related
>> No. 49528
Your ED page is going to follow you around wherever you go, Robb
>> No. 49529
File 134888696968.jpg - (158.60KB , 333x493 , createcard.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You have activated my trap card.
>> No. 49530
File 134888701115.jpg - (14.75KB , 500x314 , RPOWstalag3A11.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>You never judge anyone by the cocks of their character ONLY the cocks of their race.

Hey, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's right about them silly Nazis. Like in 1941 they shot numerous Soviet POWs Muslims thinking they're jesuits because they were circumcised too.
>> No. 49531
Lumpy princess, do you accept the challenge of this wall of text?
>> No. 49532
you didn't close your parentheses in the second paragraph.I'm a different kind of nazi
>> No. 49533
>You never judge anyone by the cocks of their character ONLY the cocks of their race.
>> No. 49534
If it weren't so long, I'd vote that to be the new board title.
>> No. 49535
Congratulations, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. You have managed to write one of the stupidest things I've ever read online. Bravo! Your idiocy has reached new, previously-unseen heights. Must be the residual effects of all those bath salts. You may escape Philly, true, but you'll never escape your worst nemesis: Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 49536
Just out of curiosity, you DID talk to your PO about moving, didn't you Robb?
>> No. 49537

You just don't like what I said because you hate me. Simple as that, I have NUMEROUS valid point that you breeze right over because it's ME talking. This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about, I'm fucking going somewhere people can actually see that I stand firm behind what I believe in.
>> No. 49538
1. Moving is illegal and violates your parole you fucking idiot

2. You know you will keep posting here no matter what?
>> No. 49539
No, you didnt have a single point that was valid. We are not nazi lovers you moron. Also, you are a terrible person for fucking with ADF's already damaged brain in order to fail at trolling us.
>> No. 49542
Robb, I've told you this myself before: I don't hate you. You're too fucking hilarious to hate. I do, however, think you're a complete moron and likely a sociopath. Hell, you proved nothing but your own stupidity with the ADF Nazi thing.
>> No. 49544
Robb does your PO know your leaving the state?

Ik you think its just Robert Wayne Stiles that cant switch stats but in the eyes of the US govt that includes Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles Wayne Stiles. You asshat
>> No. 49545
Hey Robert you should write an autobiography about how hard your life is.

Maybe a title like "My Struggle" or "My Battle" would be cool. Y'know, cause you've put up with such adversity you might as well let more people know about it.
>> No. 49546
Don't give him any ideas. The next thing you know he'll be staging the Tranny Bar Putsch.
>> No. 49547
Robb, stop projecting your own hatred onto everyone else. You hate us, not the other way around. You fucked your life up, not us.
>> No. 49549
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, I liked you before you went full retard.

Remember how someone sent you a message, back when you still had a Facebook and before you earned an ED article, how you should not worry about trolls? It was me. You ignored me. Instead, you started doing bath salts and raping children in the cave.
>> No. 49550
File 13488894134.png - (236.07KB , 800x435 , 800px-Robb_Caved.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I wonder what cave Robb's going to use in Portland.
>> No. 49551
God dammit we need more robbay audio
>> No. 49552
As always, Robb ignores anyone who gives him good advice. I'm just glad his former friend at LIU saw the light and stopped feeling guilty about Robb being a fucked-up piece of shit.
>> No. 49553
>Tomorrow bridges will be crossed and then burned leading from a world I can never return. I can finally leave hear knowing I can breath freely once again and resume my growth as a person that had once been stunted. I am doing everyone a favor and removing myself from where I had been the last few months (that seemed like countless eternities) but I come away knowing now that even the Land of The Free and The Home of The Brave is not without great evil. There are people as wicked as the nazi regimes and with as much murderous hatred as the KKK that exist in a land with so much promised liberty.

>Want me to reveal something? You want to know who converted the Chairwomyn to a female furer? I DID. And I only did it to prove a point that trolls there is no label that is immune to ridecule. So many of you trolls are nazis and Christians (or you say you are) because you want to irretate us but look, Zyklon thought she was so COOL and ANTI-FEMENIST being a nazi but now the Transexual you so hate has become what you idealized. It just goes to show there is no place in the world for something as out-dated and overly judgemental as Nazism. You never judge anyone by the cocks of their character ONLY the cocks of their race. This is the same reason people prefer to be Christians, just to go around act like their superior to everyone else and you have taught me that EVEN in America, People still judge you by your sexuality (which you frequently target of mine) your religion, (I'm sure most of you HATE Buddism just because I like it too and your prefered form of goverment.

>I'm asking this question, will my presence be missed on this forum? I know there is a group of individuals who always get so happy whenever I post, are you going to be sad when I don't come around here anymore? Are you going to think, "I wish I wasn't such a fucking asshat to Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?" Well, guess what, you fucking BLEW your chance to hell. Tomorrow, it the time where we no longer have to suffer under the faceless hypocrisy of 789chan. People like Omega and Jayne are shitfaced transexual junkies and vain assholes but you know what, you accept them because THEIR assholes to me. 789chan is just a clique, a shitty clique like you know, in fucking high school. You just THINK you're the cool kids when you're really just fucking degenerate sludge.

>I'm finally going to be the bigger person and when we depart tomorrow you can just kiss Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles Wayne Stiles goodbye. I'm finally wise enough to know the internet is full of hypocrites, losers, junkies, retards and sluts and I don't need to take it from faceless freaks who could be anyone of what I just listed.



Thanks for breaking my brain with your utter retardation in text, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 49554
All these were taken from those videos Robb wished nobody had ever found.
>> No. 49555
>You just don't like what I said because you hate me. Simple as that, I have NUMEROUS valid point that you breeze right over because it's ME talking.

...you know, this is exactly the same thing you do when anyone (on /cwc/ or otherwise) tries to give you advice?
>> No. 49556
Hello little child. I see you running away from introman,zyklon,moniker,seanie and Trey Pepe. To think that a simple genjutsu(illusion) casted on you by introman could cause all of this. A man made delusion making you think you're transgender. You were never a rightful tranny but implanted the thought from KrappleGuy. Oops, I meant to say Mark Ortiz.
>> No. 49557
Funniest shit that ever came out of this site.
>> No. 49558
Listen, I don't really follow these threads, so I'm vaguely an outside observer. I only ever click on these threads when you've popped back up to make an ass of yourself again, and everyone's going apeshit over the latest way you've embarrassed yourself.

You can never "win" this. I used to think you just had a massive ego, but the more you post the more delusional and childish you come off. There is no winning or losing here, these are threads making fun of you acting retarded. Coming back here and acting retarded just gives more ammunition.

Saying it's over doesn't make it over. Saying you've won doesn't mean you've won. You've said these things dozens of times, all the while accomplishing nothing. You're none of the things you claim to be, and no matter where you go you will continue to be trolled unless you stop caring. Every ridiculous claim you make, every bizarre declaration that something stupid you previously did was part of a plan only provides more stuff to point and laugh at.
>> No. 49559
Kill yourself
>> No. 49560
If you try to leave the state without authorizing it with the Parole Officer you'll end up in cuffs and in prison. You might even be turned back at the air terminal if you're lucky. I honestly hope you cleared this up with the PO or else you will be serving jail time for violating parole.
>> No. 49561
Don't help him. In the long run you are just dragging it out.
>> No. 49562
Once you join this "battle",you can't get out off here.
>> No. 49563
See you next week Rob.

I hope you enjoy the fruit basket at the place you and ADF squat at.
>> No. 49564
File 134889515683.jpg - (308.50KB , 750x1038 , Isthistomorrow2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ITT Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles hypocritically calls us all losers, and junkies. Then he shows his loveshy by calling us sluts.
>> No. 49565
robby just pwned u spook lovin' gaymo's actually, lulz. if he stays away. (i actually hope he stays away for once)
>> No. 49566
good to see you back anon
>> No. 49567
He will be back before sundays dawned.
>> No. 49568
>I'm asking this question, will my presence be missed on this forum? I know there is a group of individuals who always get so happy whenever I post, are you going to be sad when I don't come around here anymore? Are you going to think, "I wish I wasn't such a fucking asshat to Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?"

Lol nope, again with the ego. You are not as important as you think you are. We are laughing at the chimp at the zoo, if you leave we will still look back on your antics fondly and then go on laughing at the next chimp.
>> No. 49569
File 134889853697.jpg - (54.99KB , 335x430 , 234557.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>People like Omega and Jayne are shitfaced transexual junkies and vain assholes

>> No. 49570
File 134890400780.gif - (494.58KB , 168x130 , iwkoqt.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 49571
File 134892838144.png - (554.55KB , 636x900 , ultimate_fangirl_battle_by_curtsibling-d5g4sis.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles cocks. You really have to read it. Lazy fucker
>> No. 49572
Who's the spast who drew that.
>> No. 49573
what's the over/under on how many days it will be until robbay is back posting here?
>> No. 49574
>> No. 49575
  Do we have any modders on this board?

I want someone to mod the Slender game and replace Slenderman with Robert
>> No. 49576
If you're so proud of leaving, then why were you same ragging here?
>> No. 49577
Samefagging, fucking auto correct
>> No. 49578
When Robert and ADF's periods sync up. It's all about, you know, the moon.
>> No. 49579
File 134893293330.jpg - (283.32KB , 1558x421 , cwcfag.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
When i'm on r9k, I want to laugh at virgins raging, not see /cwc/fags /cwc/fagging all over the place and screaming EPIC WEEN as if anybody else is going to know what that is.


Fuck you guys.

>> No. 49580
http://www.reddit.com/r/trees/comments/10nha5/mmfb_rtrees/ Mikhail dosn't understand how something like the law works? GTFO!
>> No. 49581
>getting mad at an /r9k/ thread

cool story bro.
>> No. 49582
>> No. 49583

>adventure time has a cancerous fandom

really? have we run into any any adventure time spergs?

genuinely curious
>> No. 49584
Wait, did Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles actually post on r9k?
>> No. 49585
It's the whole "marketed to children but you've got a bunch of manchildren fans" thing.

Like cheese conies and Sonicfags. Not sure if Homestuck is kids oriented or not.
>> No. 49586

that actually does sound like bullshit on the cops part

i dont know anything about OR law, but it sounds like he wasn't doing anything wrong.

of course, i'm assuming the obese hormoning-abusing teenager who ran off with the goblin king and a fat transsexual nazi to live on streets is giving me an accurate story.
>> No. 49587
I've watched an embarrassing amount of that show because my girlfriend's really into it (she's 19) and I think the vast majority of the show's fanbase is female. I mean, it comes off like it's He-Man, but the majority of the cast is female and many of the plots revolve around romance.

The thing is the show is actually shockingly dark. I think the majority of it is the sort that an 8 year old wouldn't even notice, but if you examine virtually anything about the show it gets very dark, very quickly.

Anyway, I can't even wander into an AT thread on /co/ because they're populated by the same girls flooding Deviantart and fan fiction sites. All they talk about is "shipping". In particular they're obsessed with the notion that the vampire chick is and bubblegum princess are secretly lesbians and having a relationship.

Ordinarily I'd think that was retarded to theorize for a children's show, but like I said they slip a lot of adult stuff in there. One episode ends with the dog character finding out he got his unicorn girlfriend pregnant.
>> No. 49588
I don't watch the show personally, but I know people like to watch the show while on drugs because of how psychedelic it is at times.

Also, from the few episodes I've seen, what >>273312 said is pretty accurate. It comes off as being geared toward kids, but there's stuff thrown in there for older, presumably stoned, viewers.
>> No. 49589

regular show is better imo

adventure time sometimes relies a little too much on romance and "woah, look at the colors"

oh jesus, we're becoming /co/
>> No. 49590
yeah adventure time really only took off because it's pilot became a viral video so they know what age group really went to bat for them. but still it deserves shit when it's adult neckbeard fanbase spergs about it.
>> No. 49591
  New Troll hunter, featuring my hero, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 49592
Now I'm sorry I ever posted that random pegaslut image.
Who knew it would cause such division. For example the guy who called Curtis a spast, he must be into one of the three shows. If I had guess I'd say he was a regular show fan. Sorry if t offended your fragile sensibilities. Now can we get back onto the topic of homeless drug addicted transsexuals with a history of petty violence and mental illness? Especially the one on diversion for harassing a porn star and threatening the fed.
Am I asking too much?
>> No. 49593
Fear not he'll be back.
>> No. 49594
File 134895043943.jpg - (29.76KB , 297x336 , julaytim.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>such a division
>6 posts on a adventure time tangent
>has to respond to offhand anon comment
>"Especially the one on diversion"

dat tism
>> No. 49595
Or in jail. The saga is potentially coming to a head. Truth is I'm amazed the cops haven't looked into his on line activity yet, given his history of electronic harassment, and threats. Plus I'm pretty sure he never completed the psychological counseling he was vaguely ordered to complete. The stated purpose of the diversion he could get help. If the judge sees no evidence of him having sought help, then he will likely be summoned to speak to the court in person. Knowing Rob he will refuse the order and that will be the end of the saga.
>> No. 49596
File 134895081695.png - (41.61KB , 179x205 , CWCkiLogo.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


you might be more comfortable over there
>> No. 49597
So bringing up the particulars of his legal woes is a sign of spasm, while literally sperging about childrens television shows is a sign of normative thought processes?
>> No. 49598


you really did just walk in didn't you?
>> No. 49599
The only way he's going to stop posting here is if he goes to prison, there's no doubt about that.
>> No. 49600
I keep thinking that they will see the irony. I guess I'm just not used t tdealing with this level of spasm.
>> No. 49601
And apparently he saw the new Master of Disguise video.
>> No. 49602
Fuck, no. /co/ is full of homor.
>> No. 49603
Is troll hunter a lolcow, because I kind of hate him.
>> No. 49604
All trolls, even those worthless ones on the fringes like Troll Hunter, are dragged out and mocked and spat on eventually. So feel free to despise him, it's probably his turn anyway.
>> No. 49605
>> No. 49606

So, when are we going to start trolling introman then?
>> No. 49607
I'm actually kind of getting sick of the Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles trolls. The number of threads they're making with no new cocks aside from photoshops is getting to ridiculous levels. The levels it was at when ADF first popped up, and when they started piling on the ween with Atlus.

It's like they get to this really pathetic level where for them it's not about the lolcow anymore, it's about a contest for who can make the new banner or youtube video. How many Robbie banners have we gone through in the past week?

They need to realize going "New Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles thread!" every couple days with no new cocks kills the interest. I'm wondering if it's the same unbelievably ween, hostile, cannibalistic people in all of those circles, because this pattern has established itself pretty well at this point.
>> No. 49608

>implying robbay hasnt been posting in every thread
>implying the trolls have made the new threads

i'm sorry the changing headers inflamed your spasm

you must be really mad about the homor thing
>> No. 49609
the ween must flow!
>> No. 49610
Hasn't killed my interest in Robbie. I only come here to see if he's shown up to make an ass of himself.
>> No. 49611
>implying that making photoshops is "trolling"
>> No. 49612
>"New Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles thread!" every couple days with no new cocks kills the interest.

Link to a RWS thread that robbay didnt post in please.
>> No. 49613
Audio - (391.47KB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Virginia won't acknowledge him.mp3 ) Length: 0:25 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Damn, homie. It's sad when even your own mom won't acknowledge you.
>> No. 49614


anything else?
>> No. 49615
>posts the one thats up for an hour

Congrats retard, your retarded
>> No. 49616
That's gotta be Virginia. The way she's talking indicates nervousness. She's obviously not a good liar. (Must be where Robbie gets it from)
>> No. 49617
File 134897862554.jpg - (68.30KB , 309x298 , shoes.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
everytime i listen to that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles audiotape and everyone says it sounds like LSP i also keep getting hints of liam sullivan's kelly and shoes.
>> No. 49618
  rQv2-JCpKMkt Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles thinks he is
>> No. 49619
See, this is the attitude I'm talking about. I'll bet you every single one of these posts was by one of the IRC regulars.

Are any of you on high blood pressure meds? You get so upset over anything.
>> No. 49620

>The number of threads they're making with no new cocks aside from photoshops is getting to ridiculous levels.

They do this to give Robb something to read to coax him into posting, if (when) he still lurks here and there's nothing being said about him then he isn't going to post any more. That's when the interest will die out. In the meantime, you can quite easily just ignore the threads until it becomes obvious he's back and posting again, can't you?
>> No. 49621
did Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles and adf really leave philly? I was hoping to see them at the outfest fagfest in the gayborhood today.
>> No. 49622
File 134901421558.jpg - (16.71KB , 319x243 , YouMad.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 49623

anon just leave

isn't it enough to make an ass of yourself publicly?
>> No. 49624
So, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you've managed to turn ADF into a Nazi, completely alienate an old friend who was trying to help you, and make your own mother deny your existence. You sure showed us, didn't you? You're quite the sociopath, Robert. If I didn't know what was in store for you in the coming months, I'd almost be angry with you. As it stands, I just have to laugh at your utter stupidity and at how well you've managed to fuck everything up.
>> No. 49625
I thought Chris overreacted to trolling, but to move across the country is a new level of stupid.

I don't even understand the thinking. Why does moving to Portland protect him from the Internet? Also if he truly believes that there is a hired gun after him why tell us all of your movements so the assassin knows where you aregoing
>> No. 49626
File 134902918812.jpg - (105.08KB , 547x715 , nazi with a bunny.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>getting mad because a lolcow likes something you like
Hi Robb-log. Nice job using your friends again, by the way.
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