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File 13483601127.png - (700.79KB , 947x863 , 1348353262739.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
50200 No. 50200
Tumblr/SJ thread? Tumblr/SJ thread.

Expand all images
>> No. 50201
ffs, that's just irritating.
>> No. 50202
Yeah, people calling you "miss" while not knowing you identify as a bisexual genderqueer islamic whatever is SO traumatic. SJs are the worst case of special snowflake syndrome I've ever seen.
>> No. 50203
The Buzzword truck is ready to dump its load!
>> No. 50204
>I am fat. I am working on loving my body.

Yeah, no, that's exactly the thing you need to work on doing if you're fat.
>> No. 50205
tl;dr summary:

>>I am a fat, drug-addicted hooker with mental illnesses and a kid.

Also I feel so sorry for her kid.
>> No. 50206
most of this shit is probably self-diagnosis anyway. that's what really rustles my jimmies about this kind of stuff.
>> No. 50207
>I am allistic (I am not spastic)
Fucking 3DNT.
>> No. 50208
If there was a 500 lb landwhale who decided she wanted to be thin and started working out and eating healthly no one would refer to her as being thin until she lost a couple hundred pounds at least. No one would start thinking she is skinny once she has gotten down to 499 lbs, so why to fuck do people demand that when we are talking about gender instead of weight?
>> No. 50209
That was...

A good analogy.

>> No. 50210
>I am an abuse survivor(sexual, physical,emotional,verbal)

How did this moron think that was even worth mentioning? That is like ADF level retarded right there
>> No. 50211
Why do these people breed? They are perpetuating a cycle of shit.
>> No. 50212

Here is this idiot's tumblr. I think you can get some millage out of this "victim," /cwc/.
>> No. 50213
File 134836197762.jpg - (47.32KB , 485x241 , 0REDSKINS.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Also, remember that it’s not only Native American “costumes” that are racist!

You fight that good fight, whitey.
>> No. 50214
>person asks for ideas on a left-wing, SJ dystopia
>tumblrfags shitpost in thread while complaining about /pol/ shitposting
>> No. 50215
This is almost as bad as atheism plus.
Someone needs to explain to them that there aren't any special snowflakes out there.
>> No. 50216
ahh time to break out my favorite.

Honestly, I think one of the more politically right wing games I've played was Arkham City, which is not really surprising since Batman is the main character. Aside from it's godawful representation of a female superhero, it basically involves you going around indiscriminately beating up prisoners, most of who are involved in a gang of some sort. In fairness, there are actually some prisoners who are violently extorted by the others and are harmless, but they're pretty few and far between. Every once in a while you'll also hear prisoners mention that they're starving and don't have proper health care, but these are also the same guys you beat up, so... It's also shown that the security forces that run the prison are horrible and treat the prisoners like canon fodder, but at the same time the game portrays nearly all of the prisoners as bloodthirsty psychopaths so I don't know, really.>
>> No. 50217
This is atheism plus, minus the actually atheism
>> No. 50218
My girlfriend is going in full native dress and I'm dressing up as a Hasidic jesuit. She's a good chunk native American and I actually am a kike. If some fucker assaults us with a spray can I'm turning it around in him with my lighter.
>> No. 50219
no need, spray paint in the eyes can cause blindness, Im sure the police would be happy to arrest her.
>> No. 50220
Not as satisfying as lighting their insides on fire.
>> No. 50221
Life is hard enough by itself, why these people are so keen to make up bullshit to make it worse?
>> No. 50222
It's fun to carry a cross when it' not real wood.
>> No. 50223
Well, alot of these people seem to have a worldview that is essentially the trans rebel alliance vs the ciswhitey empire.

Take the tumblr fag that was brought up in this thread, she has a post accussing the media of not reporting on the murder of a transwoman as an example of "trans opression" when the reality is that it is much more likely simply because most murders dont get reported on the 6'O clock news.
>> No. 50224
self-entitlement is a hell of a drug
>> No. 50225
Why do people take the time to type out this shit? Do they think anybody cares or reads it for purposes other than entertainment?

If you want attention on the internet, do something to warrant it. Don't just put a wall of text that simultaneously talks about what a terrible piece of shit privileged scum you are and also about how you suffer from all these terrible things for which everybody should take pity on you. Something about having your cake and eating too would be a fitting description of this.
>> No. 50226
I hope this person really does this and gets arrested for assault.

I wonder what else this nincompoop considers a "racist" costume?
>> No. 50227
>I am part of a trauma-based multiple system. This means there are multiple people inhabiting one body.

Oh, for fuck's safe, fuck off. It's another tumblr "asexual" who has sex, on top of everything else. The best thing this woman could do for her mental health is turn off her computer.
>> No. 50228
File 134836674155.jpg - (48.68KB , 603x241 , Wanring halloween gun.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Trigger Warning: Racism, Sexism, Ableism, sanity.
>> No. 50229
I have heard the term "trigger" thrown around a bit. what the fuck does it mean?
>> No. 50230
>what the fuck does it mean?
It means: The lever pressed by the finger to discharge a firearm.
>> No. 50231
Someone post this on that chick's Tumblr, let's see her reaction.
>> No. 50232
Sorry, I meant "what does it mean when it is said by a SJ moron"
>> No. 50233
The proper definition is a warning used to preface an article that might bring on a PTSD flashback in somebody.

The retarded SJ usage, on the other hand, is in case somebody might get a little upset by something said. IOW, SJ retards making up their own definitions for everything like always.
>> No. 50234
File 134836756091.png - (47.59KB , 650x562 , TONE POLICE THEY LIVE INSIDE IN MY HEAD.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>That feel when the strawman makes a better point than the person writing.
>> No. 50235
>Ze named zir son "Ryatt"

I thought I was desensitized to the point where no level of SJ bullshit could make me mad. I was wrong.
>> No. 50236
I dont think it is originally from that chicks tumblr, it seams to be from someone elses. I am not sure, I dont know how to tumblr.
>> No. 50237
feminists: they're just fucking crazy
>> No. 50238
I found someone who passes even less than Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles despite trying way harder.


also how much do hormones cost anyway?
>> No. 50239
I can't tell if that's a 'stache or just a poor complexion.
>> No. 50240
>proud brown trans femme goth dyke muppet grrrl.

What the fuck is a 'brown trans?' She's partially black?
>> No. 50241
indian/paki/middle eastern maybe?
>> No. 50242
What does 'brown' mean? What does any of that mean? How is one both a dyke and femme? How is one a muppet? Is "grrl" SJ-code for something or is it just a goth way of spelling girl?
>> No. 50243
I'm a trans-trub, semi-demi-palbron, sevenseven chungwhistler with fleninsexual tendencies.
>> No. 50244
Well shit, you have far less privileged than me therefore you automatically win any argument we may have.
>> No. 50245
I always wonder what these people are going to be like once they turn 30, gain a wrinkle and an extra ten pounds, and suddenly nobody gives a shit about how ~~~~~~~~younique~~~~~~~~~ they look anymore.
>> No. 50246
Hopefully they'll be able to get the cap off, and not be confused by the labels like Die Cis Scum was.
>> No. 50247
Fuck, I mean thats any easy problem to solve. Take all of the pills. Its almost like they where just attention whoring.
>> No. 50248

I'd love to see these people around the criminal scum I have to teach every fucking day.

>Hey mothafucka give me yo fucking money
>B-b-b-ut I'M ON YOUR SIDE!
>Shut the fuck up and get busy on my cock Bitch
>> No. 50249
File 134837704471.png - (320.40KB , 500x375 , RedWhat.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>You fucked up and said something really bigoted.

>I am very, very sorry. While I really do try to check myself before I post, I am also privileged and I am still learning.
>> No. 50250
File 134837705597.jpg - (42.28KB , 242x251 , OrigCash.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
TW: Graphic rape and abuse descriptions; pretty much every -ism out there (at link)

Hey there.

Glad to see you found my page. [link on her post pointed to this thread]

Even though there is nothing wrong with self-diagnosis, your answer is no. Everything I list has been diagnosed by a doctor. Several, in fact. I don’t list the things that were diagnosed by one doctor, but not another. Only the things that have been consistently agreed upon across the board are listed.

But now I have a question for you.

Does it make you feel powerful to talk shit about me?

Do you feel good when you call me “a fat, drug-addicted hooker with mental illnesses and a kid”?

Do you feel big when you threaten to “light [my] insides on fire”?

I bet my abusers felt the same when they were raping me, beating me, and trafficking me.

I bet they felt powerful when, at 12 years old, they put a knife to my neck and told me they would slit my throat if I screamed while they raped me so brutally I bled for days afterwards.

I bet they, too, thought it was fucking hilarious when they would call me a worthless hole who would only ever be good for “this” - “this” meaning being the child they sold to pedophiles who laughed and beat me when I cried because they would fuck me over and over and I was so little and it hurt. But god-fucking-damnit, they, too, were going to get as much “mileage” out of me as they could.

They, too, used to do things to me “just to see my reaction”. There was this one time they wanted to see how I would “react” if they broke all the fingers on my one hand. I was probably about 14.

How does it feel to have the same motivations and train of thought as they did?
>> No. 50251
speaking of tumblr, never do a tag search for 'screaming.'
>> No. 50252
Shit feels SO cash.
>> No. 50253
After reading through her FAQ, all I can think is it must be so exhausting being her!
>> No. 50254
P.S. It's me and my Cisbitch.
>> No. 50255
I'd pay to see them forced to interact with sane, professional, educated adults (over at least 40) on a daily basis. They would get eaten alive by grown-ups who have more to do than navel gaze and write pretentious schlock about their fantasy internet genitals--a genitalsona if you will.
>> No. 50256
Yeah, spending all day at the computer, making up buzzwords and shouting at people for being "privileged".
>> No. 50257
So did someone tip her off or does she constantly google her own tumblr?
>> No. 50258
>Even though there is nothing wrong with self-diagnosis,
>your answer is no. Everything I list has been diagnosed by a doctor.

Especially the multiple personality disorder.
>> No. 50259
>How do you identify in terms of your gender and sexuality?

>I ID as a queer genderqueer person. ”Queer” means I am attracted to people who span the gender spectrum, or who fall completely outside of it. ”Genderqueer” means my gender is…complicated. I fluctuate across the entire spectrum, and sometimes don’t feel like I am on the spectrum at all.

Jesus fucking Christ...

We have hetero, homo, and bisexual. Why is this so hard? Even if your a man-to-woman, you'd be heterosexual. If your a man-to-woman, but still prefer women, you're homosexual.

It also appears that if you are a transgendered individual, you are, for some reason, a different type of sexuality all together.

These snowflakes are SO unique, they are making shit up.
>> No. 50260
You know, I have trouble believing that this person could afford more than one doctor.
>> No. 50261
This nut has to be a welfare-jockey.
>> No. 50262
I'm convinced these people are perfectly right in their heads. They just have a gargantuan appetite for attention.
>> No. 50263
What is the end goal for these SJ types? For the world to become an androgynous mesh of identical clones?
>> No. 50264
File 134837900181.jpg - (81.95KB , 704x720 , hey you.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


No, no it isn't jerkoff.


>So, miss, how is your job going?
>> No. 50265
Basically, yes.
>> No. 50266
It's the problem people run into when they spend all day thinking about how hypothetically unique they are, and not actually worrying about real life shit.
>> No. 50267

I had no idea it meant bisexual. Good to know.
>> No. 50268

99% sure someone said something. For as much shit as we all like to give "those homosexual deviant tryhard weentrolls", without fail some schmuck always has to find the person in question and announce "Aha, you're totally being troleld on /cwc/! You know /cwc/, right?! ...789chan? It's this imagebo... you know what let me just link you to what I'm talking about...".

Without fail. Literally every single time.
>> No. 50269
This begs the question: can you find any of these types who are actually GOOD at something? I think they get so wrapped up in imagining how their supposedly inborn traits are oh so special that they never bother to develop any real skills.
>> No. 50270
I think about 98% of them are students or sparsely employed mooches. The most creative output most can muster is c-grade fandom nonsense.
>> No. 50271

I think it's the opposite, I think it's a white knight who tells every single one of these guys about us
>> No. 50272
I thought she mentioned her job at one point, but no, I checked again and she just mentioned being a member of Industrial Workers of the World
>> No. 50273

They still exist?
>> No. 50274
>>a fat, drug-addicted hooker with mental illnesses and a kid

Isn't that what she called herself in the captioned post?

It's just euphemised.

"Sex worker" over hooker, for example.

Does she realize how much of a mentally ill homosexual deviant she is to compare name-calling with pedophilia, rape and assault?
>> No. 50275
> Does she realize how much of a mentally ill homosexual deviant she is to compare name-calling with pedophilia, rape and assault?

Where have you been? These SJ-tards have diluted the word rape to mean anything that makes a woman uncomfortable.

You best stay away from elevators, friend, until you catchup.
>> No. 50276

> I am a sex worker

Oh shit, she did mention her job, I didnt notice that, I thought that poster was just fucking around. But no, shes a hooker and she admits it publicly, on the internet. Holy fuck.
>> No. 50277
Check the right hand side for journal descriptor tag... things. Her journal is "Sex Worker Positive." I'm sure she is one of the ones who claims that it is empowering to be a prostitute.
>> No. 50278

>Why are you wasting your time telling me how wrong I am for using the phrase “die cis scum” instead of going after the cis people and institutions who make me want to use that phrase in the first place?

My sides have just completed the sky-crane maneuver and are now on the surface of Mars.
>> No. 50279

And just when I think the right has gone completely off the deep end in America, elements of the left show me that they're always a mile ahead in that department.
>> No. 50280

My favorite thing with trannies is that how they want both for society to completely cater to their every whim (in that they want to be recognized as both "their proper gender" and the increasingly popular "taking a third option!" while being less than like 2% of the population, and are also very quick to point out that "Oh, well I don't see why anything we do makes you so enraged, we're only a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percentage of the population... you probably won't even meet one of us in your life anyway...".

It's either a drastic, needs-to-happen-cuz-the-times-they-are-a-changing revolution, or a "Well gee it's not like it's ever going to personally inconvenience you at any point in your life anyway, I don't see why you even bother going against anything we want anyway...". Like they just genuinely don't understand how that could possibly be seen as contradictory.

inb4 "of course they don't, most of them are bi-polar"
>> No. 50281
Two percent of the population is jesuitish, and you'll meet plenty of those. I'd say trannies are more like .001 percent
>> No. 50282
Nah, there are some crazy fuckers on the right who make these psychos look sane. It's just harder to laugh at the crazy person who carries a gun and talks about us needing another revolution (adf being a hilarious exception).
>> No. 50283
>It’s not that I hate tumblr, I just hate tumblr.

>I used to be a happy person before I went on this site. Every tiny little thing in my life wasn’t a sea of butthurt and offense and social justice bullshit and nit-picky, whiny middle school crap. People could use a pronoun or say they liked white chocolate better than dark without someone claiming they drove them to suicide.

>> No. 50284

What, a tumblr SJ thread without Sanityscraps?

http://sanityscraps.tumblr.com/ask julay away.
>> No. 50285

I like how she calls it the troll box.
>> No. 50286
I´m fat. I´m working on loving my body

What about a diet and not eating fast food crap?
>> No. 50287
I threatened to light her insides on fire with her own spraycan if she assaulted me. Does she not understand that going around attacking people with spraypaint in an effort to silence them is a bad thing? You attack my girlfriend with spraypaint and it's going up your ass, regardless of your gender, race, and personal history.
>> No. 50288
Wow this person is fucked up. And I don't just mean the SJ bullshit, I mean everything about this persons life. No wonder they're sat on tumblr making up stupid labels and talking about priviledge.
>> No. 50289
I usually avoid SJ threads, but goddamn. Are all of them this unbelievably complacent?
Someone has to cut their collective Internet down and see how they behave in the real fucking life.
>> No. 50290
I spent more time reading through her tumblr than I care to admit. There are MANY instances of her threatening violence. It's okay though, it's directed at those silly cissies! Die cis scum, after all!
>> No. 50291
Not tumblr but I'll just leave it here:


>Promotional image for the misogynist game Lollipop Chainsaw

>Apparently its impossible for video game designers to imagine any sci-fi or fantasy world without sex workers to interact with.

>The vast majority of women appearing in modern games fall into this misogynist category.
>> No. 50292
>I don't actually play video games but i have second-hand knowledge of them from internet ranters.
>> No. 50293
I want to read more insane SJ ramblings, but I can't for the life of me work out how to navigate tumblr. Is there a method, or do you just have to sift through a hundred boring ones for every funny one?
>> No. 50294

>I bet they felt powerful when, at 12 years old, they put a knife to my neck and told me they would slit my throat if I screamed while they raped me so brutally I bled for days afterwards.

I bet none of this really happened.
>> No. 50295

You know, not for nothing but Video Games can really, REALLY sexist/racist at times. Thing is is most of the absolute worst examples of such are from Japan, a country of loser virgin nerds who can't into interaction.
>> No. 50296
Fuckin' Tumblr.
>> No. 50297
But it's empowering being a sex worker, apparently...which I'd be very grateful if someone would explain.
>> No. 50298
It does read like some sort of bizarre fantasy.
>> No. 50299

Because it is just a bizarre fantasy.
If she was horrifically raped at 12 she wouldn't practically brag about it on the internet and wouldn't compare name-calling to rape.
Real rape victims do not act like this.
I simply refuse to believe any of these SJ retards were actually raped. They just say they were raped to make people uncomfortable and "win" arguments.
>> No. 50300
I don't questioning people when they say they were raped, but yeah, it doesn't sound like a real rape victim's account of what happened. It sounds different, like how someone thinks a rape victim would describe the account of rape.

I don't like to cast doubts on it when someone says something as horrible as rape happened to them, though, but i have to admit the way she describes this gives me pause.
>> No. 50301
seems like she quotes conversations between her and her different personalities.
>> No. 50302
File 134840158358.jpg - (247.04KB , 1280x1024 , 1326539693363.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I am a rectum-disabled gurrl! Check your potty privilege!
>> No. 50303

>I don't questioning people when they say they were raped

>I don't like to cast doubts on it when someone says something as horrible as rape happened to them

See, that's what I'm talking about when I say these SJ types use rape to silence their opposition.
They know rape is serious and most people do not dare to doubt their tragic stories. Those who do, can be labeled as inconsiderate, bigoted jerks.
This is why they always bring up their meticulously detailed rape stories when they are losing an argument or want to gain the attention and pity of others.
>> No. 50304
You're not the only one. She's already pretending to have multiple personality disorder, using soulbonder terminology, no less.
>> No. 50305

What? Why do these SJ assholes have to keep coming up with dumb terms that no-one understands?
>> No. 50306
>potty privilege

I lold so good.
>> No. 50307

Oh god, there's an argument on this page that's just surreal. Two SJ people get into a fight over who is a better passenger on Spaceship Earth.

>I just wanna point out their sentences.
People get stiffer punishments for abusing animals.

>I’m just gonna leave this right here for all the self-righteous vegans who claim their “lifestyle” is “cruelty-free”.

>You’re such a dumb fucking twat I can’t even comprehend how stupid what toy just said was holy shit seriously fuck off back to your shit hole

>Hahahaha, okay now.
>So now I’m a “dumb fucking twat” for pointing out that when vegans say their lifestyle is “cruelty free” because they don’t consume animals or animal products, they often fail to take into account the fucking humans that have to pick their food? And how that’s really fucking racist (especially when white vegans do it) given that the vast majority of people who pick food are poor, migrant people of color?
And don’t come back at me with “WELL THE MEAT INDUSTRY!!11!!1!1” We’re not the ones claiming our diet and lifestyle are cruelty-free.

...and then it just goes on and on like that. I think there's more on other pages.
>> No. 50308
  You know what's great?


Since I'm a white, heterosexual, cisgender American male aged 18 to 50, no one EVER gives me shit about my standing in society! The worst thing you can say about my societal niche is how good people like me have it. OH THE HUMANITY!

Vid very related
>> No. 50309
File 134840419091.jpg - (125.46KB , 1024x711 , kursk416.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Tanya Pavelovna is the ONLY playable female character in any of the 10+ Call of Duty video games. She only appears in one game called Call of Duty: Finest Hour (2004). On top of that she is playable for only 2 of the 19 total missions. She is non-playable in 2 other missions. #smurfetteprinciple #manwithboobs

In the real-world, the surviving "#manwithboobs" Soviet female soldiers were feared and despised by the men and women alike, because in Russia men kill but women shouldn't (even as only they had any relaively large numbers of female frontline troops in this war). In the society where tens of millions of Soviet men just died and so there were millions of lonely women, they were forced to hide their war past if they hoped to find any kind of a husband to beat her.

Incidentally, the Soviet Union was a self-declared land of social justice. Kinda:

>The principle of social justice, as it was understood in the USSR, stated that every family had the right to a dwelling of not less than 5 square metres of living space per person. For example, if a family of three persons had a 15 square metres room in a so-called коммунальная квартира (kommunalnaya kvartira) or communal apartment, it was estimated to be enough for them. But if the room was only 14 square metres, they received the right to improve their living conditions and were included into a waiting list for a new flat, granted from the State. These people were called Очередники (ocheredniki). Some ocheredniki had to wait for several years, in Moscow and Leningrad it could easily be 10 years or even more.

Anyway. Are the SJ types also riled about "male stereotypes" in video games, comics, and what not? Like, talking about "misandric games" when there's any male character that they don't approve? Or is what only love-shys would do.
>> No. 50310
I misspelled privilege. The pain.
>> No. 50311

I hate this stupid shit.

>We won't a strong female character!
>Alright, here you go.
>She's too strong! She's just a man with boobs!

It's like their only interest is being a victim, and anything that threatens that has to be OBLIVERATEed, so they make shit up to complain about.

This is a prime example of first world problems right here.
>> No. 50312

See, this is what happens when you do not thoroughly check it.
>> No. 50313
>This is a prime example of first world problems right here.


Social Justice is a movement on Tumblr without any self-identifying movers—a cause that no activist wants to be associated with.

The “social justice” tag is used for Tumblr discussions of racist, sexist, homophobic, and ableist issues thousands of times every day. But finding a community member from the subculture to discuss it is tougher than you’d expect.

“It’s a pathetic title,” said Mehreen Kasana, a 23-year-old Pakistani activist who champions minority rights on her Tumblr blog. Kasana, like the other sources in this article, was recommended by Tumblr users to the Daily Dot as an example of a prominent Social Justice blogger. She scoffed at the association.
>> No. 50314

>It's like their only interest is being a victim

And the last horse finally catches up.
>> No. 50315

>“It’s a pathetic title,” said Mehreen Kasana, a 23-year-old Pakistani activist

>> No. 50316
>Another critic is Eli. The genderqueer Muslim Algerian asked that we do not link to his personal blog for concern of threats. He is the author of the most viral post about problematic statements from Green, who he called transphobic and Islamophobic.
>genderqueer Muslim Algerian
>transphobic and Islamophobic

>> No. 50317
Fun fact: Iranian thocratic government is sponsoring sex-change operations for homosexual deviants.
>> No. 50318
>> No. 50319
batshit insane countries have a history of doing this - south africa did it too during apartheid to get those insidious hoemows out of the army.
>> No. 50320

>an Iranian cleric explains the government’s simple logic: If a matter is not specifically addressed in the Qur’an, it is not a sin.

There must be a thousand and one ways to abuse this interpretation. If I were a militant atheist keyboard warrior, I would use this knowledge to "troll" muslims to no end.
>> No. 50321
Check your privilege pig. Not all of us are lucky enough to be born as work abled jobbrained persons. Work is hard for me because Xi'm transkilled multispecies otherkin and don't have the wings or claws to perform any of xem known abilities.
>> No. 50322
I feel very sorry for xu. I hope xu find xur true calling soon.
>> No. 50323
In the future, there will be no elections. Some SJ spast will just claim he's trans-president and drive straight to the white house.
>> No. 50324
So what's the story behind that porn video she did, anyway?
>> No. 50325
I identify as gender-oriented post-female zygote and therefore only have one "X" chromosome.

Please do not use the chromosomist letter "X," as it triggers my PTSD manifested when I was born and the doctor called me a male WITHOUT even bothering to confirm that I was clearly unhappy with the term (if I was happy, why was I crying when I was born? Exactly). If you must use a word with that letter, replace it with a sound-alike. Exercise=Eckzercise. See?
>> No. 50326
Wasn't her, still fapped.
>> No. 50327
Wasn't her, looked vaguely like her, people asking her if it was her annoyed her enough that she blocked anonymous questions for a little while.
>> No. 50328
>defining genders
You cis-privileged fuck.
>> No. 50329
File 13484155993.png - (217.04KB , 566x421 , epin julay.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ebin :-DDDDD
>> No. 50330
>> No. 50332
Gender and race issues are pretty insignificant (And overblown due to the media privileges they have) compared to say videogame otherkin issues, I am pretty sick of being told how my species is evil and has to be OBLIVERATEed to be quite honest.
>> No. 50333
I actually feel your pain, I'm a genderqueer asexual dragon born trapped inside a human body. Those dang dirty cis trolls at the hospital told me they couldn't sew wings on my back.
>> No. 50334
Spacesship Earth? I thought it was This Island Earth.
>> No. 50336
I am half expecting Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles to post in this thread taking someone seriously and ask them to help in his struggles.
>> No. 50337

Newborn children have rights. Who asked me my name when I was born? My gender? Who asked if I even WANTED those people as my parents?

I wanted to be raised by Salsalita, the Portuguese hospital maintenance woman, but no one listened to me.

Why don't hospitals have people who speak Newborn on staff?
>> No. 50338
> I am pretty sick of being told how my species is evil and has to be OBLIVERATEed to be quite honest.
Are you a Space Invader?
>> No. 50339

>> No. 50340

>> No. 50341
I'll just leave this here
>> No. 50342
File 13484193162.png - (44.83KB , 500x114 , tumblr_m7kux09kT11ryeto5o1_500.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I literally got mad when I saw this.

Either SJ is that bad or I'm developing da 'spergers.
>> No. 50343
File 134841941419.jpg - (121.52KB , 622x864 , tumblr_mam79xz9hE1qk4o4zo1_1280.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
haha oh wow
>> No. 50344
File 134841962521.gif - (257.19KB , 400x393 , 1348205190532.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh no, I got mad too.
>> No. 50345
File 134841991047.png - (43.44KB , 658x459 , fat people.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Have you guys checked your thin privilege today?
>> No. 50346
ACTUALLY I am a lamia, what you are talking about is more Otakukin which I personally feel is ludicrous and gives us otherkin a bad name.
>> No. 50347
why does everyone hate PewDiePie? I've never seen an entire video,his and that stupid girls accent always make me close the vid.
>> No. 50348

ok, I'm actually mad now. Social justice is an actual menace if it's leading mothers to look up scientific studies on what's healthy for babies and then do the exact opposite if they have a boy.
>> No. 50349
Social justice is that backwards. Instead of trying to make things better for themselves, they just try to make things worse for everyone. No one benefits from that.
>> No. 50350
File 134842084135.png - (18.66KB , 631x163 , tumblr_m9snn5GnHQ1ryeto5o1_1280.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 50351
Such a well though out post. I'm glad the SJ crowd is planning ahead.
>> No. 50353
No, see, because zhe can use her transclit (which cisfascists call zer penis) to fuck zer partner in xis transass (the nazis in the maternal ward called it a vagina)
>> No. 50354
File 134842241320.png - (173.33KB , 500x454 , tumblr_m9aj99iiTF1qbazc2o1_500.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>le asian man massaging temples.jpg
>> No. 50355
File 134842275581.png - (74.33KB , 171x278 , 1348356803454.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>4. You're also being anti-magic

>> No. 50356
I have something to confess...for years my headmates have been sexually molesting me at least once a day. More if I'm bored.
>> No. 50357

Good Lord, they're making Charles Manson look well adjusted.
>> No. 50358

Are these people real, am I in rhe twilight zone?
>> No. 50359
File 13484235188.jpg - (77.33KB , 600x394 , charles-manson.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 50360

Shit just got real.
>> No. 50361
Shouldn't it be abilist?

The root-word is ability not "ableity".
>> No. 50362
File 134842545314.png - (130.79KB , 643x683 , tumblr_matcgfvHju1qhc7flo1_1280.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Dear god that hugboxing.
>> No. 50363
The thought it was from "physically able"
>> No. 50364
>> No. 50365
I love when these types get mad at those dang dirty white cisgender males. It really reminds me of a 5 year old kid in his room madly scribbling on a photo of mommy because she is a big meany meany poopy pants.
>> No. 50366
You have entered a dimension not of sound and mind, but of crap.
>> No. 50367
What a teh fuck is a singletist? It's like a One Hit Wonder?
>> No. 50368
>calls himself skepticamongthefaithful
>participates in a circle jerk of extremely close-minded people
>thinks he doesn't adhere to group mentality for doing so

tumblr in a nutshell.
>> No. 50369
You remember the whole "multiples system" bullshit? I think its the opposite of that, ie not an insane tumblr moron
>> No. 50370
I'm glad this cunt will never reproduce.
>> No. 50371
Most people can't stand to really be on their own in their beliefs. Even the most rebellious "free-thinker" will seek out like minded folks, not realizing that they simply wind up conforming to a group's belief system.
>> No. 50372
Would they attempt to attack an eight year old wearing a Pocahontas costume too?

These people really are scum
>> No. 50373
Big talkers is more like it. I get the feeling that the ones who actually do anything in the real world are relatively rare. At best you might find some who yell nonsense buzzwords at a stranger in the park, but I bet most all of them wither at the first sign of resistance.
>> No. 50374
Fat activism? Really?
I'm a fat guy, and the only thing I need is exercise and a diet. Is that too difiult to grasp for these morons?
>> No. 50375
>At best you might find some who yell nonsense buzzwords at a stranger in the park
>> No. 50376
As a fat guy, I've said the exact same thing before in these threads.

If you can't find the motivation to do it yourself, quit blaming everyone else, fatass.
>> No. 50377
But that would require effort, and they wouldn't have time to bitch on Tumblr.
>> No. 50378
Exactly. I could lose weight if I tried, but for the most part, it isn't a huge deal for me. If people laugh at me for being a fatty, so be it. I really don't care.
>> No. 50379
And all the attention would dry up. Then they'd have (gasp) THIN PRIVILEGE.
>> No. 50380
"They learned, almost too late, that man is a feeling creature and, because of it, the greatest in the universe. They learned, too late for themselves, that men have to make their own way, to make their own mistakes. There can't be any gift of perfection from outside ourselves. And, when men seek such perfection, they find there's only death, fire, loss, disillusionment, the end of everything that's gone forward. Men have always sought an end to toil and misery. It can't be given; it has to be achieved. There is hope, but it has to come from inside, from man himself."
>> No. 50381
>I bet most all of them wither at the first sign of resistance

True, but then you have those Atheism+ tards who ran around waving boxcutters in a guys face for putting up posters.
>> No. 50382
File 134842973524.png - (1.48MB , 1278x892 , sanityscraps_tumblr_com screen capture 2012-9-23-2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
has sanityscraps been mentioned yet?
>> No. 50383

Amen, brotha!
>> No. 50384
File 134843028427.jpg - (11.46KB , 303x268 , the count.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Wut, I need background on that one. It can go with Stalin and Mao in my box of things to rebuke militant Atheists with.
>> No. 50385
Well if the only food you can afford is high in carbs and low. in other nutritional value you are goin to either be malnourished or fat, sometimes both. These kids on the other hand CAN afford a proper diet and a fucking gym membership. So unless they have hypothyroidism, they really should check their privilege
>> No. 50386
File 134843054943.gif - (57.07KB , 351x336 , lmao.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Rapper 50*Genders will be debuting with xir album Get Rich Or Die Cis Scum with xir newest hits Yo Check Your Privilege and Me Myself And My Headmates.
>> No. 50387
Gyms are for scrubs.
>> No. 50388

Some guy was putting up posters they didn't agree with, he had permission to put them up. They started tearing them down, and when he tried to find out why, they started screaming he was a racist sexist and waved the boxcutters around. When he tried to calm them downn (because hey, boxcutters, sharp and dangerous) a guy started on about how asking them to calm down was a sexist statement.

Check the atheism+ plus thread, if it's up, there's a link to both sides of the story.
>> No. 50389
I used to say this and people would tell me it was a useless excuse. It really is.
Simple changes can help you lose weight- Opting for rice or beans as a starch instead of pasta and white bread is a great change. Measuring what you eat and staying away from any and all fast food is a must, too. Also, no soda.

If you make up your mind to do it you can do it. I used to say bawwww I cant afford it then one day I sucked it up and put myself on a 1600 calorie a day diet. When all you have is a certain amount per day you think really fucking hard about that 120 calorie can of coke and that 100 calorie per slice bread you're making your sandwiches with.

Anywho- I still don't think people should be outright mean to fat people just because they're fat, at least get a decent reason to be disgusted with someone.
>> No. 50390
File 134843090739.png - (46.39KB , 299x428 , FUCK WOMEN.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Speaking of tumblr there was some deal a while back where some "high school girl" set up a page to get donations to help pay for an abortion.
If I lacked the moral fortitude, and had the spare time to set up a fake profile and ingrain myself in the SJ, I would scam them too.
>> No. 50391

I can't afford a gym membership. Saved up what I could and bought a bike and a set of weights. Still fat, but better than I was.
>> No. 50392
File 134843104363.jpg - (70.83KB , 640x480 , 248210341_9b0c37c0c0_z.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>click on the tumblr link
>click on "read more"
>post mentions "coneycon orgy"
>actually might've happened

>> No. 50393
Omnisexual? Does she fuck Klingons too?
She needs a good bitchslap.
>> No. 50394
I take a daily one hour walk, and it's making me feel good. I also stopped drinking soda.
>> No. 50395
Same here, plus I do other exercises, and I've lost 22 pounds so far.
Shit's really easy, I don't know why I didn't start sooner.
>> No. 50396
ITT: 300 lb amerifatties patting themselves on the back for their vain, meaningless, unefforted non-accomplishments in minor dietary and exercise variations.
I bet you all still walk with a waddle.
>> No. 50397


That's probably this. Serious shit.
>> No. 50398
That's not the WHOLE thread, silly. Just the latter parts.
>> No. 50399
Oh it was working up to that long before the thread even started, for you see, everybody on /cwc/ is an obese basement-dweller who thinks getting up and so much as standing on the floor on their own two feet is an achievement.
>> No. 50400
This is true.
>> No. 50401
we're also au­tistic
>> No. 50402
spasm is inextricably linked to being a fatty-fat-fatso, so that was a given.
>> No. 50403
I wouldn't say that, plenty of spastics are skinny malnourished fucks. Look at ROBBAY.
>> No. 50404
He will balloon in the coming years, just give it time.
>> No. 50405
since we're going for broke here, were any nudes found?
>> No. 50406
>> No. 50407
grace has cranked out over a page of material since we found her last night. We may have another robbay on our hands here.
>> No. 50408
File 134843576298.png - (598.94KB , 535x2110 , hey there classism.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 50409
...In this case I actually... agree with the SJ people. That image is fucking idiotic. Like the gay couple is really torn up and OBLIVERATEed by not being able to adopt. The careful placement of the cross in the second image.

Well, maybe agree is going too far, it's like seeing two retards in an elevator scream at eachother over who farted and thinking "Well you both smell horrible, but it was definitely this one that let it out."
>> No. 50410

Think you can get some more out of this girl? We need more female lolcows.
>> No. 50411
>Yes, because being called a fat whore, being told to kill myself, and having people threaten to light my insides on fire is so fun

Didn't she start that whole thing with threatening to spray fucking paint all over trick-or-treaters?
>> No. 50412
File 134843669017.jpg - (67.96KB , 300x400 , Kermit Wayne Stiles.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>I am me: a 20-something SHARP (Skinhead Against Racial Prejudice), anarchist and activist who tries to live my values through everything I do. I reject sexism, racism, classism, LGBTQIA-hatred, fat-shaming, ethnocentrism/anti-immigrant hatred and ableism. I am fiercely pro-choice and sex-positive. If you have a problem with this, fuck off. I identify as a queer genderqueer person. If you don't know what any of that means, ask. Or, even better, Google the hell out of that shit.

>I'm also an artist - creative writing, photography and oil painting mostly.

>More importantly, I am also a mother. My son is the most beautiful and perfect thing I have ever done with my life.

>P.S. Clean and sober for over 5 years. Fuck yeah.

What the fuck is a Skinhead Against Racial Prejudice?
>> No. 50413
But the gay couple would be adopting and thus subject to other state adoption standards. They couldn't be unemployed drug addicts who had the kid at 16 and can't afford to feed them. If one isn't a true male, then they aren't actually a gay couple and can both shit out kids and adopt.
Scientific arguments don't seen to cross these peoples minds. Pure emotion
>> No. 50414
File 134843705015.jpg - (36.85KB , 600x375 , 0nazi.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I can't wait until one of these SJ idiots tries to hijack Naziism.

>I'm a NSARP (National Socialist Against Racial Prejudice.)
>> No. 50415
Skinheads actually started off as a left wing none racist music driven movement, and then something lulzy happened. A group of racist musicians decided to c-opt the look and sound while drawing in enough media attention to make the original skinheads run for the hills. So a couple holdouts keep trying to save the image by forming groups with names such as the baldies and s.h.a.r.p.s while calling what everyone else knows as skinheads "boneheads". Meanwhile music has moved on to the point that no one even associates the sound with nazis anymore. Completely lost cause
>> No. 50416

It's like these people live in a different dimension.
>> No. 50417
This is the sound they are trying to save. Yeah, it's like a pack of howling monkeys trying to mate with a drumset.
>> No. 50418

You forgot to mention SJ fags ran for the hills as soon as the police arrived. They are fucking cowards.
>> No. 50419
yeah, but sharps throw bottles at them and light the police cars on fire. Which is far more retarded, especially if your goal is to reform your image. ia
>> No. 50420
>> No. 50421
File 134843815936.jpg - (493.52KB , 636x900 , pony_tolerance_by_curtsibling-d58nep3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Do you think our new fat fag­got friend became a SHARP before or after she became an SJer?
>> No. 50422

Captain Clownshirt sighting!
>> No. 50423
Probably after. The more nonsense you have to describe yourself with the better, it seems.
>> No. 50424
itt idiots don't know skinheads started off as a working class anti racist thing.
fucking basement dwellers the lot of you
>> No. 50425
Yeah, your ability to read up a wikipedia page on a bunch of English assholes trying to act black is unmatched. Keep up the good work.
>> No. 50426

I'm Dr. Robotnik and I'm genderqueer, pedophiliac and I'm pro-body image and pro-pingas.
>> No. 50427
>You're female.

>You’re a fern.

No. You're only a male because you say it's true. No matter how many times you deny it, you'll always have XY chromosomes.
>> No. 50428
cock sparrer was a decent band I'll argue that to the death.
>> No. 50429
Hey wait a minute, XY is male, right?

Fuck me.
>> No. 50430

You know what, I would be happy if these SJ freaks would do the same to further ruin their reputation.
>> No. 50431
I'll never understand why this shit bothers you guys sometimes. You know damn well these people are never going to accomplish anything, you really are all whiny basement dwellers.
>> No. 50432
File 134843943025.jpg - (304.75KB , 450x3644 , Post Modernism.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Pointing and laughing =/= "being bothered"
>> No. 50433
I didn't know hilarious anger=pointing and laughing
>> No. 50434
it's called being a-log
>> No. 50435
Shut up, poofter.
>> No. 50436

Go back to PVCC, cogsdev.
>> No. 50437
I assume this is perfectly normal for you>>270816
>> No. 50438

>Caution: sharp edges.
>> No. 50439
No but I'm not gonna tard rage over it
>> No. 50440
You sure told us, champ. Epin Ween all the way!
>> No. 50441
Seriously? Seriously?

These people call anyone who disagrees with them every dirty word they can think of, while sectioning people off based on race, gender and sexual orientation. They're the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

They assert that they shouldn't be discriminated against by these groups WHILE discriminating against the other groups, and they then call anyone who tries to point out problems with what they're saying a bigot for doing so.

The women in the OP image has an entire article where she's declaring people bigots for telling her she shouldn't demand the vast majority of people on Earth be put to death, and stating they should instead be attacking those people she hates.

The arrogance, the completely childish circlejerk mentality, all compounded by the fact that none of what they believe is supported by any science whatsoever. It's the aftereffects of psychologists deciding "Oh, it'll do less harm to let these people have their delusions" and so these people feeding on more delusions and becoming even further detached from reality.

Take ADF for example. If he'd never gone to Philly, he'd still be stupid and spastic, but he wouldn't be claiming to have split personalities, where one is a Communist female and the other is a gender-neutral Nazi.

I guess it bothers me, because this shit shows up in colleges now. My girlfriend's taking a social problems course, the professor is a 27 year old Social Scientist with a ponytail and glasses. One of the other students firmly disagreed with the professor's assertion -he was showing some bullshit CNN studies claiming white children were more racist than average- and the professor screamed him down and said "Well that's just your white privilege talking!"

The professor was also white.
>> No. 50442
Go read the "die cis scum" link on the right of the tumblr. This person takes absolutly no responsiblity for their own actions. This person would probably say that it is your fault that you made them hose you down red paint.
>> No. 50443
in due fairness the things they say can be used against them in a criminal court if there was enough implication in what they were doing in regards to an actual crime, so i dunno if that's their come-uppance but their blowhard nonsense doesn't have any kind of metric outside of the internet except to be used against them.
>> No. 50444
keep sperging sperg
>> No. 50445
So sj's are stupid and what not, but how come idiotic groups like stormfront and hell practically all of /pol/ don't piss you off this much?
It seems like the idiots on tubmlr legitimately hurt your feelings or something
>> No. 50446
Bunch of British poofs trying to sound tough.
>> No. 50447
I enjoy jazz music, am I a damn cis-privileged white scum for doing so?
>> No. 50448
Hi tumblr user
>> No. 50449
Don't hide yourself behind a mask of neutrality, you are SJtard and the fact with don't agree with the bullshit of your fellow tards makes you rage. Admit it.
>> No. 50450

>If you don't declare your undying hatred of SJ then you are one!

It's a stupid fucking movement but so is racist assholes like sperghomo but yet you guys don't nearly rage as hard at that
>> No. 50451

because SJ intersects sperg and stupid in such a way to spark everyone's interest

stormfront people dont believe they have hitler in their head and are a member of a fictional webcomic race

if you wanna be a /cwc/ sensation, you gotta mix the crazy, stupid, and pretentious with comics, internet, and video games
>> No. 50452
They are too busy drinking beer and blaming the jesuits for their problems to get to the computer and bitch about while declaring themselves magical transgender Panzer tanks.
>> No. 50453
Stormfront is old hat at this point
>> No. 50454
Racism is old hat. This tumblr-style SJ stuff is more or less a new frontier for most people. That would explain a lot of it. Plus, I doubt many of the people on Stormfront and such are perpetually 16 year old girls like these folks seem to be.
>> No. 50455
>It's a stupid fucking movement but so is racist assholes like sperghomo but yet you guys don't nearly rage as hard at that
Joke's on you, you fell for it. Confirmed for SJ and Aspergers.
>> No. 50456
File 134844237220.jpg - (122.27KB , 722x1000 , in_the_flesh_people_stef_816l.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Troll or not you have to admit a lot of people agree with him like that. That's why I left 4chan's /int/ board. Because here I am trying to discuss other cultures and travel and all everybody wants to discuss is how white x country is compared to y country and how they all want those DANG, DIRTY, MUSLIMS out of Europe NOW NOW NOW NOW
>> No. 50457
File 134844254730.jpg - (108.75KB , 492x600 , 1313525455804.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


It's too bad one of zir plural personalities got offended by our discussion. I present my apologies.

>> No. 50458
>think racism is stupid
>sj fag
it's like I'm really on /pol/
>> No. 50459
Way to miss the point AND a cool strawman. Think I'll give you 3/10 for shitposting. How should we have reacted to your post?

"Golly, that man is right. We should leave these poor oppressed souls alone and fight the true evil, middle aged racists and get banned a second later! What lulz we would have!"

How about no. Also go back to Tumblr.
>> No. 50460
18 year old highschool girls do actually wind up paying for their own abortions, as many americunts don't believe they should be allowed to have one. Parents would rather saddle their own kids with kids than allow them to "murder an unborn" and let's face it, nobody wants to adopt a black child
>> No. 50461
File 134844334191.jpg - (15.68KB , 380x300 , bateman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 50462

>High school

wut? I was freshman in college at 17
>> No. 50463
File 134844350856.jpg - (68.93KB , 600x388 , 1289410245568.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

No one even mentioned black adopted childs. Stop trying to shove your trigger words onto every discussion.


Shhh, back to tumblr, where pronouns don't hurt.
>> No. 50464
No he's right, we are getting a little political in here. Well I'm not, but the right wing idiot and moonbats are.
>> No. 50465
Keep telling that to yourself, special snowflake.
>> No. 50467
File 13484437898.jpg - (25.84KB , 320x272 , 1346008349907.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 50468
If laughing at people thinking they're ten genders and really multiple owls deep inside makes me a fascist or a nazi, so be it.

But I'm all for dropping the politishit.

>> No. 50469

It depends on the month you are born or if your parents moved around a bit.
>> No. 50470
> who do you collect?
> get my folks

Can someone explain what the hell these people are talking about? I feel like I need a tard to english dictionary.
>> No. 50471
>Parents would rather saddle their own kids with kids than allow them to "murder an unborn" and let's face it, nobody wants to adopt a black child

I'm going to have to disagree. Most of these pro-lifers will pull a complete 180 and force their kid to have an abortion to save face. It doesn't look good in your Christian community when little Stacie has a baby-bump.
>> No. 50472

Please don't turn this SJ thread into a crapfest.
>> No. 50473
File 134844667761.gif - (8.84KB , 205x110 , logo1.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
SJ threads are getting old. So, a bit off-topic, but, out of curiosity, have any of you ever been to revleft?

A bunch of mostly harmless middle-class edgy teens and a nostalgic Russkie here and there. But some of the retarded stuff they say is golden. It's more than that one guy who defends North Korea, for example.
>> No. 50474
They display anarchist symbols but worship Commie States? Hmmm...
>> No. 50475
File 134844759368.jpg - (554.41KB , 1300x1800 , JJ_V&P_7-11.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>they have hitler in their head
>> No. 50476
I know I'm invoking Godwin's Law here, but... All these SJ groups intersect at basically the same place. Whether it's white people, straight people, men or the religious, they're all trying to blame all their problems on one group, and then assert that group can't be the victim of any form of bigotry, and it's okay to say or do anything you want to that group, that anything a member of that group says is automatically wrong simply because they're a member of said group and push for the extermination of said group.
>> No. 50477
I actually don't see many sjer's pushing for the extermination of any groups often, maybe jokingly they do.
You're right about everything else
>> No. 50478
File 134844953474.jpg - (209.87KB , 773x600 , tumblr_m31lp32WNr1qglypyo1_1280.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I actually have seen a creepy version of this counter-extermination deal. I've seen this posted around tumblr based on extreme WWII postwar plans to totally OBLIVERATE Germany for vengeance purposes. The irony of tumblr spreading this around is not lost.
>> No. 50479
What about DIE CIS SCUM? I think the average internet racist has about as much or as little drive as your average internet SJer to kill the groups they hate.
>> No. 50480
File 134845103918.png - (281.03KB , 589x567 , braindamageandtranniesohmy.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You know what, I dont get DIE CIS SCUM at all. Did they get together and decide to try to alienate any potential allies they may have? Pic related.
>> No. 50481
its not the image, read the comments. the picture is somehow bad too
>> No. 50482
There's a ton, in this thread with stuff like "DIC CIS SCUM" and "CIS PEOPLE SHOULDN'T EXIST" and "CISGENDERS AREN'T PEOPLE" and so on.

On other places I've seen SJers say how important it is white people be erased either through genocide or forced breeding with other races so their physical traits aren't passed on.

For men, well the extermination or subjugation of men has been a common ideal of feminists as far back at least as the S.C.U.M. manifesto.
>> No. 50483
Wtf is trans*? Are they somehow better than vanilla trans or more pron to drama?
>> No. 50484

code word for insane trannies maybe?
>> No. 50485

The * is a blank you can fill in with "gender", "sexual", etc. because somehow there are like 20 different ways of talking about sexual identity.
>> No. 50487
the scum manifesto was satire though, seriously guys?
>> No. 50488
No, it was meant as a serious platform.
>> No. 50489
File 134845500630.jpg - (39.68KB , 455x600 , Rosario Dawson in The 25th Hour (4).jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Weird, all the feminists I've met were for equal rights between men and women, not subjugation.
>> No. 50490
Why not just let nature play out. The modern races aren't all that divergent and we do interbreed with each other without being pushed to do so. There is a reason why the Sicilians are darker than the English and it's the same reason Ashkenazi jesuits have light skin.
Also how are the whites worse than Africans or Asians? Who committed genocide more recently?
>> No. 50491
normal genocide or tumblr genocide?
>> No. 50492
>> No. 50493
The same feminist who claim porn leads men to think rape is o.k. or the ones who say women are smarter than men? The problem is they have already won the most meaningful battles and now are looking for fights were there shouldn't be any.
>> No. 50494
File 134845719835.jpg - (33.63KB , 400x400 , togetherness.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nothing brings /cwc/ together like the mutual hatred of another.
>> No. 50495
Shut up, tumblrboy. Nobody here is hating them, we are just commenting on their folly. Is it too hard to understand? Or is your mind exhausted from making up meaningless terms all day long?
>> No. 50496
I guess it's all my white male privilige. I'll flog myself extra hard tonight to make up for it.
>> No. 50497
Why can't these "asexuals" get it through their heads that if they're having and enjoying sex, they're not asexual?
>> No. 50498
Because that would mean giving up a label and even worse, a disprivlidge
>> No. 50499
Wait wait wait. Is that the same one who claimed to have been raped when she was 12? Because it's even more ridiculous if the rapes were committed by her soulbonds.
>> No. 50500
I dont think so but tumblr is hard to follow
>> No. 50501
The woman who wrote it was an absolute nutbag. Why feminists support that woman and continue to try to re-write history and claim it was written as satire or parody is beyond me. They've even tried to argue the acronym wasn't "Society for Cutting Up Men" even though she wrote it on the cover of the original self-published book.

If you have any doubts as to her intentions, the author shot Andy Warhol. Why? Because he was a gay man in power over her. He had no use for her, and she despised him for it. She despised him for being a man who did not need women, so she fucking shot him.

Last I checked, the bullets weren't satirical.
>> No. 50502
File 134846013615.jpg - (50.96KB , 406x480 , I bet.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 50503
No. He's right. I totally hate them with all my being. They just keep giving me reasons to hate them. From their attempts at censorship to their bloodthirsty rants.
However that doesn't stop me from laughing at them, anymore than Neo Nazi racism stops me from laughing at their conspiracy theories and failures.
>> No. 50504
File 134846108510.png - (23.73KB , 528x330 , QpYfG.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Finally, somebody asks an important question.
>> No. 50505
Oh, what the fuck?
To be fair she obviously has a real disorder if she believes this shit. It probably isn't as buzzwordy as headmates. For instance somatic delusional disorder. You see the social justice peer group inflicts a certain social pressure, the kind that can cause false memories and mass hysteria (like a cult) so to her the belief that multiple personality disorder consists of "headmates" may not be unreasonable and the false memory disorder is common enough in these fringe groups to be written off, so what we are left with is someone who is suffering delusions of mental illness.
Does any of that sound buzzword worthy? Real mental illness isn't glamorous.
I wouldn't be surprised to find a lot of actually mentally ill, but undiagnosed individuals hiding in that stupid movement. Especially since it is against people actually getting treated for their disorders.
Tldr social justice is scientology without the dues.
>> No. 50506
I would compare them to the People's Temple, sans the Kool-Aid, at least for now.
>> No. 50507
She keeps talking about "collecting people" on her tumblr. What does that mean?
>> No. 50508
Putting them on bottles?
>> No. 50509

and the mother of the year award goes to....
>> No. 50510
That child would be better in Joan Crawford's hands than with these bitch.
>> No. 50511
>Circumcision for me to take away sexual pleasure during sex.

Circumcision doesn't work that way, but it's the thought that counts. The horrible, horrible inhuman bitch thought.
>> No. 50512
>> No. 50513

>> No. 50514
File 134847003827.jpg - (26.04KB , 529x399 , 1322106908116.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It'd be fun if people started complaining on these tumblrs that the term "trigger warning" was itself a trigger for them.
>> No. 50515
>What the fuck is a Skinhead Against Racial Prejudice?

It's actually a small community that's been going on a while know, since at least the 90's. You use the Skinhead fashion/culture, but you also condemn racism.

My dad is obsessed with Nazis and shit, so i know a lot of this shit second-hand.
>> No. 50516
This was a troll post. The author confessed, she was just taking the piss out of crazy women.
>> No. 50517
I can't bring myself to watch the Daily show anymore. Every time I have have it on it just feels like a bunch of A-logs A-logging on other A-logs.

Video related, it's an spastic rendition of the show's format.
>> No. 50518

On top of that she is contradicting herself. I mean she is supposed to be against any type of discrimination of what you are born as. Yet she wants to have an unborn baby boy have a bad start in life.
On top of that if she were a "smart" woman (and I use this phrase lightly here) she'd just raise the boy with love and kindness, and a "better attitude towards womyn."
Hell, even have it play with womyn-friendly dolls for fucks sake.
>> No. 50519

>> No. 50520
How the fuck do you bleed for days?

Not really. Now it's boring or old-fashioned to be an 'old heterosexual white male'.

Hey. Check out the thread in OP. Notice how a not-avatarfag and a few others basically shitpiled on him for wanting to make a tumblr/left wing dystopia RPG, even though /tg/ has had plenty of right-wing dystopias. Why, it's almost like an anti-/cwc/!

You"ll gladly shitpile on those dirty right-wing cisfascists (because of say, freedom of speech) but god forbid someone throws a stone at your glass house (since it hurts your feelings and that's baad).

In the old days /b/ would go after howard stern and stormfront. Now it turns out the far-left is also equally hilarious, and better yet, their lolcows are younger, meaning they're more likely to be NEETS on the internet!
>> No. 50521
>How the fuck do you bleed for days?
Insert menstruation joke here.
>> No. 50522
>a reason why the Sicilians are darker

It's a great story.
>> No. 50524
File 13485017463.jpg - (84.32KB , 279x320 , communist lars be all like.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh boy, that site has its fair share of SJ homosexual deviantry:

TL;DR If you don't want to fuck a tranny, you're a reactionary and should be killed.
>> No. 50526
Yeah, if this really happened she was probably menstruating without realizing what was happening.
>> No. 50527
Assuming she didn't pull it out of her ass. Which she probably did.
>> No. 50528
Maybe it is using one of those fucked up definitions of rape like "One of my headmates raped a different one of my headmates" or "I was slightly uncomfortable around a black man"
>> No. 50529
So much butthurtery...

All the posters of this forums are lolcows, in their ways.
They deserve to be killed and raped by a transwomyn otherkin angry jesuitish black man.

Fuck this gay earth, ect, ect...
>> No. 50530
File 134850624695.png - (31.00KB , 445x640 , postal tiem.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I dont care about who you would or wouldnt hire. You still see a difference between the two on a sexual level otherwise we wouldnt be having this debate. A racist may choose to hire a black woman (many did during the 1800's), but the fact he wouldnt sleep with her because of her skin colour still means he is racist. Likewise, you are transphobic because you wouldnt sleep with a woman on the basis of her birth gender.
>> No. 50531
File 134850682075.gif - (2.17MB , 286x210 , nope.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That thread also had this quality argument:
>No, I'd prefer not to settle down with a tranny, I'd like to have kids one day

They had so many "Age of consent is a social construct made by oppressive slut-shaming sex-negative capitalist kyriarchy, it needs to be abolished!" threads the mods had to make this thread: http://www.revleft.com/vb/addition-faq-concerning-t147763/index.html?t=147763

Fucking kids - number one concern of anti-fascist revolutionaries.
>> No. 50532
Please tell me she is being sarcastic
>> No. 50533
I thought they hated kids.
>> No. 50534
Poe's Law?
>> No. 50535
A bad uti or vagonosis will bleed for days.
Had a girlfriend find out she was allergic to mylar the hard way.
>> No. 50536
File 134851175064.jpg - (45.97KB , 446x388 , 1313133714107.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Had a girlfriend find out she was allergic to mylar the hard way.
dat fucking butter
>> No. 50537
There are radical feminists that think kinda similarly but usually they're not dumb enough to post it on facebook. I guess she could be a militant lesbian separatist (I shit you not that's an actual movement).
>> No. 50538
So it's cool to fuck kids, but not to want to create some with a potential spouse. Got that.
>> No. 50539
Feminist separatist? Do They want a country where all the women of the Earth can live under the iron fist rule of the Buldyke Elite?
>> No. 50540
Maybe they are Amazon warriors
>> No. 50541
I've never seen that one
>> No. 50542
The real Amazon warriors guarded the village while the men were fishing, because that was how they all managed to not starve. Fishing was generally the more dangerous job, since attacks on them were few and far between.
>> No. 50543
File 134854347072.png - (15.92KB , 519x293 , DAILY DOSE OF SJERS.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Check out all of those non-replies to our legit questions!
>> No. 50544
This has to be a troll account.
>> No. 50545
Nah, we found her twitter and facebook.
>> No. 50546
File 134854461667.png - (42.87KB , 684x174 , fanfic critic.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What is it with women and rape?
>> No. 50547
Hey OP, how did you find that person anyway?
>> No. 50548
File 134854484582.png - (630.13KB , 579x1257 , ableist propaganda.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 50549

Fatphobic? Lipophobic would be better if they were trying to speak, you know, English.
>> No. 50550
Quit being such a nonsensephobe
>> No. 50551

Nah, I'm pro-English language.
>> No. 50552


>> No. 50554
Oh my god, did you even consider sage could be a trigger word for someone suffering PTSD from a previous bad Internet experience?
>> No. 50555
>And, seriously, I am not going to even get into the reasons behind that with some one who self-describes as a “nationalist” (which is really a sugar-coated way of saying “racist”) because, in all honesty, I really don’t need another wall to bang my head into right now.
>nationalist = racist
What the actual fuck when I read this blog. If someone strongly identified as, hell, Portuguese for example, how does that automatically make anyone a racist?

Stupid question, probably. That would make them cisfascistracistnazi
>> No. 50556
File 134855544288.jpg - (20.89KB , 600x301 , image.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Don't you love how she took the responses to the women who said she wouldn't breast feed a male and have his penis cut specifically to decrease sexual pleasure for him out of context? She's claiming we were attacking her with those texts. Oh nice.

Must they always try to play the victim?
>> No. 50557
...What the hell did you say that got that response? Is that some epic ween son?
>> No. 50558
Jesus, that was an image I didn't need to see.
>> No. 50559
I could have sworn it was Photoshopped at first.
>> No. 50560
I didn't. The OP of that /tg/ thread was the one who took the screen cap.
>> No. 50561
Oh cool, she didn't answer my question. At least she posted it, so all her friends can totally ignore the point I was making too.
>> No. 50562
You know, i hate Godwin's Law too, but holy shit when you step back and look at all of this Social Justice shit objectively, it's pretty much EXACTLY like the mentality the Nazis had, just with the values reversed.

The way they view "white, cisgendered, heterosexual, neurotypical" etc. people is a lot like the Third Reich viewed Semites. In German propaganda, Semitic people were portrayed as heartless oppressors too, they were portrayed as the rich, upper class, ruling party that was responsible for all of the country's shortcomings and problems. German propaganda would often portray them as grotesque, sub-human monsters holding whips and attacking innocent Germans. The idea that someone could be bigoted or intolerant towards Semites was laughable to the German people, how can you oppress an oppressor?

That's the same kind of mentality that "social justice" types hold towards anyone who doesn't fit into what they believe to be the "oppressed" category: Evil, subhuman monsters who oppress everyone and are responsible for all the world's problems. It's impossible for them to ever be the victims of discrimination, because the root of all discrimination comes from them.

I mean, just look at the highlighted comment in >>271556 "I refuse to even call these people human"? Sound like it came straight from the mouth of Hitler himself.

Seriously, next time you read a Social Justice blog, replace ever instance of white/cisgendered/whatever with "J.ews" and see how much the similarities pile up.
>> No. 50563

Careful, Homor. You might piss off the resident Nazi.

But, seriously, that actually made sense. Kudos to you.
>> No. 50564
Not to support her claims, but it is possible to "bleed for days" from vaginal trauma. And menstruation does not have to be a factor.
>> No. 50565
Are we afraid to say his name now?
>> No. 50566
>On top of that they put tape on the braille writing!

Go ask a blind person if there really needs to be braille writing on an elevator and they'll shout at you for insulting their intelligence.

Go ahead, do it.
>> No. 50567

I'm not afraid to say his name, it's more of a shibboleth to keep newfags in the dark.
>> No. 50568
It's like your actually scared that some genocide of straight white males is gonna happen, calm down dude.
>> No. 50569
I never said that.

Thanks for putting words in my mouth though, words are delicious.
>> No. 50570
File 134856408743.gif - (15.41KB , 250x377 , pensive.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>the professor is a 27 year old Social Scientist with a ponytail and glasses
I immediately imagined this.
>> No. 50571
>>271624 I'd say they more closely resemble the khmer rouge. Killing anyone they perceive as coming from a privileged backround while they themselves started as college students in a country where few could read. Their leader was a professor who called himself Pol Pot. Google it, the story makes for a rather good read.
>> No. 50572

Dammit, now I want to see foxfire shooped to foxdick!
>> No. 50573
Well yeah, a lot of this whole "social justice" movement has roots in Communism/Socialism. In fact, the term "social justice" itself comes from Communist documents and legislature.

A lot of SJers won't even deny this when called out on it. I'm sure none of them would be too happy about being compared to the Third Reich, though.
>> No. 50574
  SJ rock break
still relevant after all these years
>> No. 50575

That picture is ableist.
>> No. 50576
File 13485715861.jpg - (18.95KB , 499x374 , 134396402734.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If you don't find it attractive then you are the one being albeist.
Check your privileges
>> No. 50577
Because being compared to Pol Pot is better than being compared to Hitler? Also socialism is a far actual communism. Sweden is socialist. Not saying that's not saying Sweden being socialist is a good thing, but let's not lump them in there with Stalin and Pol Pot.
Not when we have better examples of these guys being nothing more than Communist with a capital C and vicious ones at that.
Why stoop to bringing your politics into it by identifying wording you disagree with, when you can instead point out what enormous fascist they actually are?
>> No. 50578
>Because being compared to Pol Pot is better than being compared to Hitler?

I'm just concerned Pol Pot might have a following among dumb teenagers and college students like Che Guevara does.
>> No. 50579
Nope. Che had a vision which wasn't pure evil, yeah he went about it all wrong and that more or less invalidated his right be a folk here in any sane society, but at least he wasn't the college professor who had people killed for being literate.
Although I bet you could infiltrate the hug box and convince others to worship him. From what I have seen the biggest obstacle would be them killing people for wearing glasses, due to the assumption that they were for reading. The might consider that albeist.
On a different note I want you to realise that these moonbats don't exactly have a majoroty, even on college campuses. They are just the loudest and most demanding political minority. If the past is any indication then they will grow up to be loud ignorant republicans who wave bibles around and routinely toss their kids rooms looking for the very same drugs they once advocated the use of.
It might be fun to point all this out to them, but I don't know how far you would get in person before being physically assaulted by the women and screeched at by the boys
>> No. 50580
Unlikely. Remember that Pol Pot was killing intellectuals and the SJ crowd loves to think they're smarter than anyone else.
>> No. 50581
>Posting this from my phone, so please excuse the brevity.

>I am going to be taking a little Tumblr break.
The reason?


>> No. 50582
Wait, aren't you the mod who doesn't even have his g.e.d.? What would you know of college?
Fuck sake, the G.E.D. test only takes a couple hours and unless you are literally retarded you won't actually have to attend classes to get cleared to take it. You go in to the class once, spend 15 minutes filling out a section of the test that's supposed to take you an hour and if you scored anything close to perfect then they tell you to go ahead and take the test. Hell the only reason the test takes over half an hour is because they won't let you flip the page until the timer goes off.
>> No. 50583
File 134857708416.jpg - (26.64KB , 460x276 , Mugabe.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, I guess a lot of SJ are fans of Mr. Hitler Tenfold as he hates the Whitey too.

>> No. 50584
I bet we could convince them that being smart is a privilege and the need to feel guilty about that would derail their thought train. Thus they could never bring themselves to question if killing intellectuals is wrong. That appears to be how debates work in this privilege circle jerk.
>> No. 50585
You are actually right. SJs I've talked to love Mugabe for freeing Rhodesia from the ebul whitey and giving them glorious permanent famine.
>> No. 50586
You're kidding right? Nelson Mandela I get, bMugabe?
You sure they weren't taking the piss? Are these people you met in real life?
>> No. 50587
Che had nuclear war fantasies that he worked to become reality. How is that not evil?

>> No. 50588
File 134857865994.png - (50.34KB , 524x482 , tumblrbreak.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's the full post. Welcome to the internet, Gracie.
>> No. 50589
No, I haven't met these people in real life, I've had the image of SJ being (thank God) limited to the States.

I am serious here. Really. Mugame is great anti-imperialist, fights for equality and it's A-OK when blacks kick whites out of the country. The joke is that by OBLIVERATEing the economy and agriculture, he worsened the famines all around Africa and indirectly killed an assload of blacks as Zimbabwe used to produce enough food to relieve famines in other African countries. Pointing this out - guaranteed SJ/mugabeboo hurt.
>> No. 50590
You know she's shitting herself in pure righteous glee.
>> No. 50592
File 134857968646.png - (2.33KB , 479x36 , CODDLING PRIVILEGE.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>In the past couple of hours, I’ve gotten two rape threats (an one person saying I must enjoy being raped) from people who came to my page from that thread

Are you fag­gots really sending rape threats or is she pulling that out of her ass?
>> No. 50593
Alright, i gotta say this:

If one of you sent this chick an actual rape threat, you need to get the fuck off this site, there's no room for your type of person on here.
>> No. 50594
"Rape" must be Tumblr version of JUUULLAAAYYY.

/cwc/: JULAY
Chris: *sigh* Dang dirty trolls

Tumblr: Dang dirty nazi male fascists
>> No. 50595
I think if you throw enough buzzwords around anything can be a privilege in the crazy world of social justice!
>> No. 50596
Questioning stories of child sex-trafficking and repeated violent rape, okay.
But it's not like rape threats over the internet are a stretch. Especially when people know she's especially vulnerable to that.
>> No. 50598
File 134858308279.jpg - (38.40KB , 550x347 , you.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hi Bria!

I'm not the weener who threatened you with rape (if that happened; you didn't post screenshots of those posts or asks), but I'm the one who posted your Facebook here. If you want to know how and why I did that, come to IRC. The webchat link is under the board title.
>> No. 50599
From her FAQ:

>Why are you so mean?

>Probably because you an ignorant, privilege-denying asshole. Also, go to hell with your tone arguments.
>> No. 50600
Every new thing we learn adds another layer to the hypocrisy.
>> No. 50601
I'm not saying that members of this board are beyond being that socially retarded, ween, or going out of their way to screw things up and give this imbecile ammunition to whine about.

However, we've also established these people think everything is rape. Maybe these people said they were going to say hi to her in an elevator, maybe they just mentioned they were mal, maybe the rape threats were from a headmate she recently discovered having.

Maybe it's unfair, but these SJ types cry wolf too much.
>> No. 50602
It's starting to get ween in here
>> No. 50604

Maybe one of her headmates enjoys visiting 789chan /cwc/ and hir made the rape the threat.
>> No. 50605
File 134858588466.png - (165.66KB , 488x708 , wut.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And the ween just went off the charts.

Seriously, the fuck. There's a difference between questioning her claims of being raped, joking about her excessive use of labels, or questioning why she puts personal information like that up for all to see and making actual rape threats.
>> No. 50606
The people who wrote this garbage, please fess up now.

I'm permanently banning you and it'll be a lot easier for everyone if we can just get it over with.
>> No. 50607

It sure is Bluespike around here.
>> No. 50608
File 13485870199.jpg - (20.03KB , 650x476 , 128274685420.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I wish I could say I was surprised.

Fuckin ween kids.
>> No. 50609
>> No. 50610
File 134858710183.jpg - (10.87KB , 240x190 , Skinny Stan Smith is unhappy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The skies will burn for this.
>> No. 50611
babby's first ween trollan
>> No. 50612
If you are reading this there is one man who frequently posts here who has a criminal record for that kind of thing, his name is Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.

If you google his name you can find out more about him and I am not kidding about the rape threats he has a FBI file about him harrassing and stalking women.
>> No. 50613
The Bria chick said she had a site tracker, right? And that she could see where the results were coming from?

Bria, if you're reading this, does your site tracker show IPs? If so, PM me the IPs of the people who sent the rape threats on IRC. I am dead serious here, this is something we will absolutely NOT tolerate.
>> No. 50614

>implying weentrolls don't use 7 proxies

/cwc/ isn't exactly the most ebin lot, but I'm sure these people know enough to use proxies while weentrolling.

At any rate, you look like you're overcompensating as fuck...
>> No. 50615

>/cwc/ isn't exactly the most ebin lot, but I'm sure these people know enough to use proxies while weentrolling.

I think you're overestimating the average /cwc/ user.
>> No. 50616
>Using proxies

Nigga is you high?
>> No. 50617


Even still, all *this* looks unnecessary;
>I am dead serious here, this is something we will absolutely NOT tolerate.

Especially since he's not entirely sure the bitch isn't just lying about it.
>> No. 50618
Those 4 messages came from 3 people. The last two messages are definitely from the same person.
>> No. 50619
Quick! Let's claim moral high ground and see if we can't out-hypocrisy SJ!
>> No. 50620
Homor you're a fucking pansy. These people are baby rapers. If we're going to ban them, we need to report them to the police too. At least that's what I'm going to do. Let me know when you've got their IPs and I'll see to it they're raped by Bubba every night.

BUBBAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY is what they will cry when I'm fucking done with them. They shall know no mercy, they shall know only fear. I'm the motherfucking Batman all up in this shit, the savior of mankind.

And I am going to rain hellfire upon these motherfuckers. I'm going to motherfucking fuck them the motherfuck up. I'm going to ruin their lives, their reputation, I will make their goddamn families disown each and every one of them, and they will rue the day that they made those threats.

And then when they look back, and they are frail and broken from a lifetime spent in prison, they will know who I am, they will know that I am the savior that will cleanse this world of all evil, and they will regret their actions and accept me as their savior.


Signed, from the second coming of Jesus

-Homor's imagination
>> No. 50621
You were one of the people who sent the messages, weren't you?
>> No. 50622
  >mfw I just realized Homor, homosexual deviant though he may be, is probably setting up this idiot to reveal she's probably faked all of these via not revealing information she should have on hand
>> No. 50623
I'm pretty sure it was Robb, Homor.
>> No. 50624
You're saying Robb did it as a false flag operation?

That's actually pretty plausible, and unendingly despicable.
>> No. 50625
>>fuck you up your booty hole

I'm not justifying this stupidity, but that one suggests at least to me that they were trying to make fun of her. That one makes me think of "Over 9000 penises."

Still, all of those posts stink of spasm, and just give her fuel to cry victim.
>> No. 50626
Would you expect anything less from ROBBAAAAAAAAY?
>> No. 50627
It seems too clever for him, but it is possible.

Quick. Check the ween for hilarious typos
>> No. 50628
File 134859062626.png - (330.73KB , 1164x997 , Screen shot 2012-09-06 at 18_55_41.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
There are whole groups of them on places like Twitter.
My favourite story was about a transperson going by the name moewytchdog/Aimee.
Aimee was a real-life internet tough guy, and his or her favourite past time was trolling MensRights reddit and spouting inane nonsense about how all cops should be shot, kill all cis scum, white male cis privilege etc.
He or she had a small army of white trans knights behind her, spending hours on twitter attacking white supremacists, men, gays, cis people, feminists who are the wrong kind of feminist, feminists who don't believe trans people are women, and just random fake twitter accounts.
Then it turned out that Aimee is also insane and beat up his/her girlfriend on a regular basis, stole money for drugs, robbed people who gave him/her shelter, scammed people across the country, was dishonourably discharged from the army, did queer porn and fuck knows what else.
Her idiot troop immediately disowned and unfollowed her, and severed all connections, and then later she or he Left Twitter Forever.
Here's more details: http://pastebin.com/yfTVgSJn
And here are some of his/her inane friends, each one just as bad:
Cogsdev was also a part of that whole misandry death krew, but Cogsdev was always an idiot.
>> No. 50629
File 134859077629.jpg - (175.22KB , 452x598 , Robb false flag.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Robbay false flag
>> No. 50630
Homor, when did you go from lovable spastic creator of webcomics to paranoid mod in lockdown mode?
>> No. 50631
Homor, sorry bro, but you've ascended to a new level of homosexual deviantry with this post.
>> No. 50632
Giving this woman rape threats is only giving her more fuel for her SJ fire. This same shit happened with Rebbecca Watson. Idiots weened her with rape threats and she took it upon herself to copy the messages and go on a crusade by creating Atheism Plus.
>> No. 50633
These people are beyond redemption and you know it.
>> No. 50634
>implying she needs an excuse
>> No. 50635
>Why are you wasting your time telling me how wrong I am for using the phrase “RAAAPPPPAAAAYYYYY” instead of going after the trans people and tumblrs who make me want to use that phrase in the first place?

Or is it only trannies who get to blame all of their actions on society?
>> No. 50636
Does she believe men should pee sitting down?
>> No. 50637

No you silly cis scum, all men should be shot and burnt.
>> No. 50638
File 134859404243.jpg - (44.79KB , 560x420 , a2a1844e1d9022c5478e9cad2ad4008a.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>My point is that this is part and parcel of the kind of oppression that leads to women being raped, getting lower salaries, and being exposed to violence in relationships.

This is an actual quote from the feminist in Sweden trying to ban men from slouching in their seats.
>> No. 50639
No one from cwc sent rape threats. Shit is fake.
>> No. 50640

So this is what happens when you empower nuts.
>> No. 50641
True face of socialism.
>> No. 50642
True face of socialism.
>> No. 50643
File 134859731735.png - (55.16KB , 828x626 , multikulti.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Sweden is doomed, but all Euros have known this for years.


Cultural marxism, more like.
>> No. 50644
I guess they could say they were actually a gender queer third gender and to stop seat-shaming them.
>> No. 50645

>can't tell if spasm or spasm
>> No. 50646
Oh please, get off your moral high horse about the rape comments. Some ween kid was just doing it for shock value. If you are that offended by it then you are probably as bad as SJ people.

tl;dr Don't be gay, homor.
>> No. 50647

Honest to goodness 9 out of 10 times I don't even know why he's here.
He's like a constant annoying static trough a normally pretty decent radio station.
>> No. 50648
It isn't really moral high ground. There's no reason to threaten her with rape, whatever your opinion of her or her claims.
>> No. 50649
this shit inevitably fucking happens when any level of trolling emerges on this board, and that's when one person takes it too far and then comes along all of the bullshit moralhomosexual deviantry with it, and then people get split into two camps and nothing ever comes of it except for butthurt and a lot of people pointing fingers and shouting "WEEN!!!"

same fucking song and dance, over and over it plays.
>> No. 50650
I still think in the proper context, rape jokes can be funny. Crass, but funny.

The comments sent there aren't funny. There's nothing clever about them. Nothing to make this person look ridiculous for getting upset about them. It's just "I'm going to stab you in the cunt with a knife" crap.

It would have worked better if they were remotely relevant and mocking rather than looking like blind rage. Claim one of your headmates did it, claim she's being transphobic because there are transgender women who don't have vaginas to rape. If you're not directly mocking something she said or making her look ridiculous for getting upset about it, then it just serves as more fodder for her to act like a victim.
>> No. 50652
>implying she needs a reason to act like a victim
>> No. 50653
My treatment > your treatment.

I can call you a over privileged white male pig and a burden on society but please don't try to mock my rape I make public news and my prime backing for being able to spew venom nonstop.

Welcome to the hate chain. (p.s didn't sent rape comments)

Also Homor quit the sperg.
>> No. 50654
How can she be a misandrist and still claim to love her body, or even worse, take care of her child?
>> No. 50655
File 134860712477.jpg - (26.34KB , 480x270 , Dara.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>It's everything from "scrotum sweat is unpleasant," to "I have the right to sit comfortably," and "it's physically impossible for me to sit differently because I have a penis."
My sides, they have mutated.
>> No. 50656
Yeah, but the point is, you are giving her legitimate reasons to play the victim card by sending her rape threats. It's funny to see these 'tards come up with ludicrous situation and label them as rape. With these threats, they have legitimate complaint.

It's funny when trolls send her actual questions that press her beliefs and sends her into a SJ rage when she can't answer them and is forced to use SJ tactics like calling "privilege" or "shaming." Now she can post these rape comments with a smug smile and cry to her audience.
>> No. 50657
"Don't women have the guts to confront men and tell them to move over, please?"
"I don't think women and girls can cope with that. They choose not to take on that battle."

Welp, so much for empowering women.
>> No. 50658
If SJ has proven one this it's never to empower the individual, but to force group mentality. These fems remain faceless and force society to change by bitching on the internet.
>> No. 50659
HA! You think that's bad?

>> No. 50660
Dear distinguished ladies, gentlemen and non-binary centipede headmates of 789chan,


I suppose saying hello at this point is a bit redundant, but whatever.

Before I go any further, I want to say that I have a friend posting this for me through a proxy. So if you want to track me via IP, you're out of luck. I hope you understand why I may feel a little uncomfortable posting things myself right now.

I have been thinking about what I want to say you to you all day, and I guess it comes down to a few simple things.

1. It's okay that you don't agree with everything I say. I want to let you know right off the bat that I don't expect, nor necessarily even want everyone to think the same way I do. If I did, the internet is the wrong fucking place to be. You don't even really have to agree with my methods. I know I can be harsh, abrasive and an all-around bitch. That's just my personality, I guess. Or, maybe not so much my personality as the way I tend to deal with things. I won't apoloigize for that, because I am doing what I think is right.

2. I hope we can all agree that rape threats are not only unecessary, but really, really fucking offensive. From what I have read on this board and in the few private apologies I have receieved, we all mostly agree on this point. So thank you for that.

3. Don't stop critiquing what I say. No, really, don't. I fucking love the internet, as I am sure all of you do, too. It allows for the free exchange of dialogue and ideas and information in a way that just was not possible pre-technology. While I will be honest and say the personal attacks sting, I realize that when you put yourself out there on a public platform, people are going to critique not only your words, but who you are as a person. That's just how shit like this works. We go back to #1 - I really don't expect everyone to agree with my opinions or how I choose to live my life.

4. This all started because some people took affront to something I had reblogged about spray painting people wearing racist costumes. To be clear: I never said I was actually going to do it because - guess what - I wasn't! However, it is a subject I feel strongly about, as my best friend is Native American and has expressed to me how much it hurts when people treat his culture as costume. And, since I care about my friend, I care about the things that hurt him. I would never, ever assault any one unless my own safety was threatened. And I would certainly never assault a child under any circumstances, as they don't understand how what they are doing is contributing to racism. (At least, it is my opinion that this contributes to racism.)

5. And, response to the inevitable smattering of bullshit: I am not a radical feminist (actually, I fucking hate radfems and think the SCUM Manifesto is bullshit), I do not support Mugabe, I do not hate all men or all cis people and certainly do not want them all to die and I didn't circumcise my kid (because it's his body and his choice and I don't have that right).

I would actually be happy to answer questions you may have about my opinions, beliefs or life. Think of it as kind of an AMA. I may not answer everything, but I would be willing to answer genuine questions. The only thing I request is that you ask them here. It may take me a bit to get back to you, as I am a single mom and I work, but I will try.

In case anyone questions the authenticity of this note, I have used a few phrases that people have used in asks that are sitting unpublished in my inbox (so if something sounds funny, that's probably why). If further proof is needed, the IP address that I messaged to Homor earlier this afternoon was from AT&T and started with 99.
>> No. 50661
Here we go again, Johnny!
>> No. 50662
File 134861559167.png - (645.27KB , 600x453 , 133911437818.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
who cares? lol
>> No. 50663

To be honest, I think that is a fair response from her.
>> No. 50665
>5. And, response to the inevitable smattering of bullshit: I am not a radical feminist (actually, I fucking hate radfems and think the SCUM Manifesto is bullshit), I do not support Mugabe, I do not hate all men or all cis people and certainly do not want them all to die and I didn't circumcise my kid (because it's his body and his choice and I don't have that right).

It's too bad that all the retarded spergs on this thread think that all SJ people want to kill men and non-transexuals.
>> No. 50666

>> No. 50667
>I would actually be happy to answer questions you may have about my opinions, beliefs or life. Think of it as kind of an AMA. I may not answer everything, but I would be willing to answer genuine questions. The only thing I request is that you ask them here. It may take me a bit to get back to you, as I am a single mom and I work, but I will try.

no one cares. go away
>> No. 50668
File 134861683374.png - (185.84KB , 500x348 , tumblr_mavush1Kow1r6j2t6[1].png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It is quite reasonable actually.

In other news: Hussie accurately describes SJ bloggers
>> No. 50669

Actually this seems like the kind of thing /cwc/ normally eats right the fuck up. "DO A Q&A!" is the substitute for anything funny, normally.
>> No. 50670
Ironically, she's capable and willing to take questions, but only here. I guess she doesn't want her tumblr friends seeing.
>> No. 50671
You don't have a Native friend, give me a fucking break. I grew up in a Navajo reservation and no one gave a fucking shit about people dressed as Indians for Halloween.
>> No. 50672
File 134861905998.jpg - (155.85KB , 1032x1167 , 1345499327699.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1. Well, hostility doesn't win people to your cause, or generalizations of entire groups of people. You don't fight hate speech with hate speech, take a page out of Gandhi or MLK.

2. We're pretty much all in agreement those comments weren't funny. We're here to laugh, not threaten people. This is an anonymous board however, and among those posting here are people who want to derail any discussion, or are lurking around because they were at some point a topic of discussion here. A large portion of the users here have been shown to have spasm based on a few threads in the past, and there's a kind of a bandwagon effect, so it's possible that either a failtroll wrote those comments, or a well-meaning spastic person who just had no idea what would be crossing the line. The vast majority of the users of this board do not participate in anything outside of the site on any level, and generally speaking those that do only do so to draw more laughter. Doing it for other reasons is generally frowned on. If you see the phrase "epic ween" it's basically meant to indicate whoever is being replied to has done something stupid and childish that they thought would make them look cool, because in the past -particularly with Chris-chan- our most embarrassing of users would come up with really ridiculous trolling schemes and declare it an "epic win" the phrase "epic ween" is typically relating whoever's being replied to with that mindset.

3. It won't stop until the vast majority of the board becomes disinterested in this topic. If there's nothing else they feel is worth pointing out here, then discussion will likely die down.

4. Could you comment on this image?

5. Okay. Very few people here are "hackers" or whatever, the vast majority here are limited to what can be found with google. Even including that tiny minority that does have the know-how to do that sort of stuff, no one would do anything with your IP. It's a little confusing how when someone gets posted here, they seem to feel threatened. I mean, I get feeling embarrassed or worried here, but people don't really make death threats here, generally. Even from a really cynical standpoint, hurting someone we're mocking would only prevent us from being able to mock them.

I do have one question. Would you specify what field of "sex worker" you are? People here are assuming prostitute -and I guess all sex work could be seen as fitting the basic definition- but for some reason I'm thinking it's more along the lines of webcam model or something.
>> No. 50673
File 134861945826.jpg - (628.35KB , 1600x1200 , 1347426890192.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Cultural Marxism

Are you that homosexual deviant on /int/ who is always going on about how it's cool to be proud of shit you didn't do?
>> No. 50674
>Why are you wasting your time telling me how wrong I am for using the phrase “die cis scum” instead of going after the cis people and institutions who make me want to use that phrase in the first place?

Do you not see any sort of ethical problem with this statement?
>> No. 50675
>Dear distinguished ladies, gentlemen and non-binary centipede headmates of 789chan,

I see that you saw the ask I left about the weeners being sent back to school by an express carpet-roll river ride.
>> No. 50676
>> No. 50677
The hell was that...
>> No. 50678
So, are we now kissing up the SJtard?
>> No. 50679

Okay, you can believe that. He was actually the one who posted the original response for me. He is Klamath and Wampanoag.


Thanks for this. And sure I can comment on the image. Those are the 14 Words, except with "Native American" replacing "White". Really, I have no opinion other than obviously disagreeing with the original statement (the version with "whites" in it). I know you probably put it up there so I would say I supported it and you could come back at me with "A NAZI SAID THAT". Thing is, when you look at the history of the USA (not sure where you are from), white people have not faced anywhere near the levels of racial discrimination that Native Americans have. Whites were not systematically slaughtered, they didn't have their children taken from them and put in "schools" where they were physically beaten if they spoke their native language. There was no White Trail of Tears. Did certain white ethnic groups face periods of discrimination? Absolutely. My one set of great-grandparents came here from Italy, and my other set of great-parents were Irish Catholics and German ultra-orthodox jesuits (long story). So I get that white people have faced periods where they were discriminated against. But's no where near the atrocities that have been committed against Native Americans. To put it bluntly, the white man doesn't really have to worry about their future and their existence. Native Americans do. (Again, my opinion.)

And I was a professional dominatrix. And, no, it had nothing to do with the notion that I "hate men" or any of that nonsense. If any dominatrix hates men, she is in the wrong business. I've written about this openly on my Tumblr, and I am "out" (so to speak) to everyone in my life, so it's not a huge secret or anything.


I did! It's sitting unpublished in my ask box. I figured it was unique enough that it would verify who I was.


And I think that is all I am going to say on the matter. I may periodically check this thread, but maybe not. I'm pretty much done here. I said my piece, you listened, we had a little bit of dialogue, and I think that's about as far as it can go.

Like I said in my original ask, you don't have to agree with me. I'm not looking to convert anyone.
>> No. 50680
This is not your hugbox.
>> No. 50681
you really need to do research

skin color isnt the only qualifier for a minority

there have been plenty of genocides aimed at white ethnic groups. there's just more whites, so its less dramatic looking. but that doesn't making the killing any more legitimate.

yes, native americans have suffered. but bullshit halloween costumes aren't really the problem here. instead of falling for tumblr radicalism, you should research ways to help practically. plenty of cultural activism opportunities

not trying to be a dick, i just hate it when people have good intentions but wasted efforts
>> No. 50682
dear tumblr today 789chan raped my ridiculous opinions with sound logic.
>> No. 50683
It's probably some spast she met online who is Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles of his nation.
If you want to be all technical and shit Witches are based on old jesuitish stereotypes right down to the jesuit hat and jesuit rob(which they were forced to wear by the authorities so the Christians could pick them out of the crowd). Yet you don't see jesuits threatening to spraypaint every wicked witch that comes to the doo.. Hell if you aren't a history major you probably think Witch costumes are just sexist. If you nitpick every traditional Halloween costume to death, they are all offensive in some way.
>> No. 50684
The thing that really chaps my ass about these people is most of them aren't really a part of the group they claim to speak for. I am a good part native american.. and I have zero problem with native american costumes.

I brought this up and was told that because you can't tell I am NA just by looking at me, I don't really count as NA, and I should be happy I have "passing privilege".

None of them care at all about getting anything actually done, or about helping the people they claim to represent, they just care about making a stink and feeling important on the internet.

I really worry about the generation after mine.
>> No. 50685

Stop fucking talking on my behalf. I'm 789chan too and disagree with half the shit you say.
>> No. 50686
>>Those are the 14 Words, except with "Native American" replacing "White". Really, I have no opinion other than obviously disagreeing with the original statement (the version with "whites" in it). I know you probably put it up there so I would say I supported it and you could come back at me with "A NAZI SAID THAT".

No, I assumed you'd do as those in the image and support the phrase for races other than whites, but say it was racist if whites said it, which you sort of did. The point is that statements like that are only treated as racist if it's assumed a white person said it. Everyone supported the idea there of a Native American saying it, they only called it racist when it referred to white people.

It's either okay for all races, or racist for all races.

>>But's no where near the atrocities that have been committed against Native Americans. To put it bluntly, the white man doesn't really have to worry about their future and their existence. Native Americans do. (Again, my opinion.)

I think it's terrible that Native Americans are on the verge of extinction -though frankly they've played it pretty smart and are raking it in these days- but in SJ circles, discussion of the extermination of white people is fairly common. There was an image posted here that stated cisgender people weren't people, and that person got jumped on NOT for claiming that 99% of the population didn't count as people and should be exterminated, but because they didn't limit it to white people.

If someone says any race needs to be exterminated or doesn't count as people, they're labeled a racist and shouted down, unless it's white people, and that's just idiotic.

Oh and for the record -since things like these are so important to SJ types for some stupid reason- I'm mixed race, half white half Mexican. I don't think talk of exterminating ANY group should be tolerated. Creating special exemptions for whites, straight people or men and saying any of those groups should be exterminated is just as bad as if it were the other way around.

Let me put it this way, if there's a little boy or girl who is "cisgender" (which incidentally, is a stupid term in itself) who sees your tumblr or that of someone like you, and feels hated just because they were born like most people are, does that make it okay for them to promote the use of a term like "Die Trans Scum"? If you say no, you're being an unbelievable hypocrite.
>> No. 50687
you forgot the part about making money off of their victimization. there are a lot of white people who claim native american ancestry for college benefits (and why not, if they can get something for free i'm not going to say they shouldn't do so).
>> No. 50688
When did I claim to speak for anyone?
>> No. 50689
From everything "you" are typing, you sound like an insufferable keyboard activist (ie. typical SJer). MY best friend also happens to be native, I live in Navajo country, and she just laughed at your terrible "cause." Spray painting costumes is not going to help any tribe. Is your "best friend" one of those 1/32 natives who cling to that tiny shred?
If you want to help natives, start by trying to help clean up their communities. You read about that Sioux tribe up in ND? Terrible shit. Natives ain't angels, stop putting them on pedistals.
>> No. 50690
B-but volunteering to actually help the people you're trying to promote isn't as fun as hate-mongering on silly stereotypes that they believe to be down-trodding on them.
>> No. 50691
You guys might like these 2 blogs, by the way. Been kinda waiting on a SJ thread to come up to post them, and then I lost my internet privileges(I failed to check them regularly).
childrenwithprivilege.tumblr.com (satirizes tumblr SJ)
tinyblacktears.tumblr.com (points out the hypocrisies of tumblr SJ)
>> No. 50692
It really seems that anyone dumb enough to have a 'trollsona' and go on a campaign to 'troll' are terrible lol or shuddercows themselves.

>>This is absolutely something we will NOT tolerate.

Going a bit too far. I support a permaban for the shitty ween-ness, but getting worked up because it's a rape threat and /not/ because it's epic ween shit is...eh.

Outside of Zyklon somewhat, at least with Robbie, Robbie just fucking posts and makes an ass out of itself.

America...and pretty much the entire developed world (not just the white ones) are all having their own little cultural decay.


Institutional racism of whites exist, but it's more because the achievement gap between blacks/hispanics and whites/asians isn't being closed than malice.

Whites *have* been systematically ethnically cleansed in Algeria, Zimbabwe and several other countries. There's plenty of blacks with high positions within the ZA govt that have sang songs about killing white people. Plenty of black-on-white violence, including racially-motivated violence exists in the USA.


The fact that whites were on one end does not mean it's okay if whites start to end up on the other end of the stick.

What I really do not get is how 'X minority individual might or could get offended, so lets ban it'. I hate it. It's so much against freedom of speech and expression. You can't have that freedom if it's impossible for people to be offended.
>> No. 50693
>decay of the west
sure is getting STORMY in here
>> No. 50694
>I love that people don't agree with me because then I get to break out the good ol' strawmen again in an attempt to twist their question around rather than just answer it.
>> No. 50695
File 134864396115.gif - (2.00MB , 241x252 , womanbeatenthefuckup.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Are you fucking kidding me? "We're" "we are" etc you are trying to talk on my behalf and I don't fucking like it.
Rape is funny. Now fuck off.
>> No. 50696

And you're a sick fuck. But, like it or not, you're a part of us anyway.
>> No. 50697
File 134864456033.gif - (526.48KB , 320x240 , womanpunchedhard.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Yes I am, thus I am also allowed to speak my opinion, that is, if I won't get banned by a moralfag.
I don't speak on your behalf saying "789CHAN ALL THINK RAPE IS FUNNY" and I expect the same from you to not make me out to be a moralfag.
Don't fucking speak for me, I don't like it. And if you were a woman I'd kick your ass over that shit.
>> No. 50698
Can you teach me to be as cool and edgy as you?
>> No. 50699
File 13486454501.jpg - (82.70KB , 713x1024 , 001-nisha-self-shot-photos.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.



inb4 he says it's okay to feel proud for shit some asshole did 200 years go because he's the same race as him.
>> No. 50700
>> No. 50701
>inb4 he says it's okay to feel proud for shit some asshole did 200 years go because he's the same race as him.
Same applies to gay/LGBT pride though.
>> No. 50702
File 134864596323.jpg - (90.69KB , 540x720 , dtxM3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

But of course. Anybody who feels proud of something they themselves did not do is a loser who wants a group to feel associated with and be wanted.
>> No. 50703

This guy totally doesn't suck cock or anything...or isn't Zyklon. Seriously, dude has a penchant for tortured women.
>> No. 50704
Would be pretty interesting since Zyklon is a woman.
>> No. 50705
I think the fact the first one is obsessed with Kristen fucking Stewart and the 1997 style webdesign on the second one piss me off more than any dumb shit they have to say.
>> No. 50706
>>America...and pretty much the entire developed world (not just the white ones) are all having their own little cultural decay.

Translates to

>>decay of the west


but hey. If you feel big tearing down strawman arguments or apparently reading my mind, by all means do it.
>> No. 50707
Woah you're so dark. I bet you have all the chicks, brah. You must be fit and ripped, and so cool. Do you shop black metal t shirts to Target?
>> No. 50708
For social justice chick, she sure makes a big deal out of race. What ever happened to us all being the same on the inside? Also jesuits are an ethnicity that make up only two percent of the American population, and America has the second highest concentration of jesuits in the world. The holocaust was far more successful than you realize and since the jesuits had been stripped of their possessions, their places in society and literally rounded up and murdered by their Neighbors, many chose to leave Europe for Israel.
So you would think the social justice crowd would favor a two state solution or at the very least recognize the jesuits as an ethnic minority in danger. Their response is to say all the jesuits should go "home" to Europe and tell them how privileged they are to not have darker skin.
Explain that shit.
>> No. 50709
Do you know who Chris-chan is? ( www.sonichu.com )

If so what do you think about him?
>> No. 50710
File 134865449299.gif - (1.96MB , 292x292 , womanmagazinepunched.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Care to explain what ANYTHING you guys just said (in other words: assumptions about me) has to do with me finding rape extremely funny?
(other then you being butthurt?)

>> No. 50711
I don't think you "get" this.
>> No. 50712
Seriously though, I think you want /b/ for that kind of shitposting.
>> No. 50713
File 134865986958.jpg - (37.38KB , 600x903 , 1348064325357.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You have a collection of gifs women getting hurt and think rape is funny

gb2Nice guy forum
>> No. 50714
File 134866205162.jpg - (146.40KB , 958x676 , womantranslation.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Same deal, again:

Care to explain what ANYTHING you guys just said (in other words: assumptions about me) has to do with me finding rape extremely funny?
(other then you being butthurt?)
>> No. 50715
File 134866293855.jpg - (90.49KB , 350x523 , Internet Tough Guy Magizine.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 50716
>Rape is funny. Now fuck off.
>> No. 50717
File 134866528732.jpg - (4.28KB , 136x120 , thats fed up ill tell ya hwat.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I personally find rape hilarious, because it devastates the mental being of a person for mostly the rest of their life.
>> No. 50718
Second, rape turns me the fuck on.
I mean, it's a statistic that 9/10 people enjoy a gang rape. You can't fight those odds.
>> No. 50719
File 134866590516.png - (387.32KB , 500x624 , 1348644518359.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 50720
File 134866600125.jpg - (296.62KB , 680x800 , 1348645905898.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
But here no one cares about you fetish!!

Shut the fuck up.
>> No. 50721
>> No. 50722
This thread is just embarrassing. It went from legit criticism of SJers to HAHA RAPE HAHA FUCK YOU DUMB WHORES.
>> No. 50723
It's just one asshole derailing the thread. Ignore him; don't give him the satisfaction of killing a thread. Move on in your discussion.
>> No. 50724
File 134866949243.png - (567.85KB , 1237x496 , sanityscraps_tumblr_com screen capture 2012-9-26-1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Meanwhile sanityscraps outs her ex boyfriend's http://jesteractivist.tumblr.com/ fetishes...
>> No. 50725
File 134867004339.jpg - (140.33KB , 1024x768 , ghul.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
How the fuck does she still like Mass Effect after THAT happened?

And how come 90% of her posts are strawman arguments, her missing the point, or HILARIOUS Image Macros following said strawmen?
>> No. 50726
So for the SJ types, what do they think will happen once whites are exterminated? Blacks and hispanics are far more against stuff like gay marriage. Do they think once Muslims are the majority in Europe they'll stop killing homosexuals and non-Muslims, and stoning women?
>> No. 50727
I like her true and honest original Harry Potter house Huffleclaw.
>> No. 50728
Typical SJ profile:
>> No. 50729
File 134867489798.jpg - (36.77KB , 500x281 , tumblr_m56ldw0Qae1qbcq69.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think we've found the Wallflowers long lost twin
>> No. 50730
I don't think logic is the basis for their beliefs, more of an unquestioningly support every minority group's cause without considering the potential negative impact of such causes and how said causes are likely in direct opposition of each other. It's akin to a child hating things simply because mommy and daddy like them (or liking because they hate).
>> No. 50731

You can be both.

I don't like prejudice of any kind. No matter who is dishing it out

(Although gay people have to shut the fuck up about their marriage law shit when we are about to collapse from peak oil)
>> No. 50732
>And how come 90% of her posts are strawman arguments, her missing the point, or HILARIOUS Image Macros following said strawmen?


No, serious, SanityScraps seems to have serious problems with very basic social interaction and reasoning, which almost certainly stems from her spasm.

It's more sad than anything else.
>> No. 50733

Most hardcore SJers seem to have really fucked up lives too, and even the liars are fucked up enough to make up awful personas for attention. There's so much wrong with these people I just don't even.

In SanityScraps case, she's spastic, someone was mean to her, and she sat through a lecture on diversity one time and has applied what little of it she understood to justify her anger and mistrust of people.

I hate tumblr more than anything, but I suppose this is why I never really feel up to trolling them. They're just sad little people being angry at a world they don't really understand, trying to make sense of it using the language of inclusivity.
>> No. 50734
Why do SJ people seem like hatemongers?
>> No. 50735

So Pink from The Wall but with PC jargon?

I always sai that album was fucking prophetic. One way or another every sperg on the internet, be they Racist stormfronter, Tumblr PC Police, or r9k I HAET WOMEN virgin are all little Pinks behind their walls.
>> No. 50736
Because they are.

Maybe they had a shitty childhood, or a traumatic thing happened to them, or maybe they're just basement dwellers like us. Either way, they're ignorant people who like to group everyone into easy over simplified classifications. It becomes very easy to hate people when you do that (All 'X' are 'Y', they're sub-human!).
>> No. 50737
I'm just happy there are two Louie C.K. clips in this thread.

Also, SJ: Origins-

Once upon a time, people were discriminated against because of how they looked or who they had sex with. Retarded, right? But eventually, the public began to accept those people, because you can't stay retarded forever. Meanwhile, a generation of children were being taught not to make the mistakes of the past, and to accept all races and sexual orientations. Those children were also taught that no matter what else, be an individual and EXPRESS yourself!

In theory, that would have worked out just fine. In practice, a subset of this generation believes that

A)no matter what, their opinion is valid and should be heard, and
B)Anyone who is different is automatically "better."

It's actually reverse racism. When I talk to my black friends, I don't ask them if they ever read Maya Angelou or what they think of Nelson Mandela...I just talk to them about Waka Flocka and Guccimane. Seriously, though, there is a patronizing tone that SJ types take when talking about the minorities they feel are underprivileged. It's just that the majority of people don't give a fuck about race relations anymore because racism is slowly dying out in America. It'd be unthinkable for McDonald's to come out and say "We will no longer provide service to Asians," and not just because of the economic reasons. Even gays are becoming more and more accepted. Do you think that Chick-Fil-A would have been boycotted by anyone 15 years ago?

That leaves the fringes: The trannies (and there IS a difference between trans and tranny, just like there's a difference between black man and nigger), the headmates, the genderqueers, the intersexes, and whatever else you can think of. They're the ones who were the REALLY weird kids in high school, the ones you still talk about years later. They started considering themselves different, but were taught that their differences made them special. When no one else thought so, it must be discrimination and you must be the victim, because nothing, NOTHING could ever be your own fault; it's all outside forces working against you, right?

Then someone created tumblr and they all started posting there.
>> No. 50738
>> No. 50739
>>Do you think that Chick-Fil-A would have been boycotted by anyone 15 years ago?

Get fucked Jenga, everyone thought that was ridiculous. Everyone. Freaking Jon Stewart ate a Chik-fil-a sandwich on air because that boycott was completely fucking retarded.

The end result of people like the Jim Henson company boycotting Chik-fil-a was them having their most successful business day in years because hundreds of thousands flocked to show their support, and one crazy SJ type shooting a security guard at some right-wing Christian place (family first I think it was?) because quote "I don't like your politics.

Please don't reference that "boycott" as if it was anything other than a ridiculously idiotic embarrassment.
>> No. 50740
Jenga, is there a difference between a Julie and a JULLAAYYYY!?!
>> No. 50742
File 134868266697.jpg - (140.44KB , 820x537 , ghjgh.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Obsession. By BlueSpike

Way to miss the point.

The point was there wouldn't have even been a fraction of the outcry that there was, manufactured or not, retarded or not.

I've included a handy image for you in order to make sure you get the point I was conveying.
>> No. 50743
The outcry was pretty tiny though, and mostly from asshats like the guy in this video. It did more to hurt the cause than anything. It just made these people look rabid.
>> No. 50744
File 134868377377.jpg - (25.85KB , 300x300 , 134283487698.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Completely missing the point of the boycott

What is it with right wing loonies and sperging about things they don't understand.
>> No. 50745
This guy ended up being fired from his super high class job, right?
>> No. 50746
A boycott is meant to hurt a company because (in theory) the people who disagree with their policies (like the bus boycott during MLK's era) comprise enough of the consumer base to harm the company so it has to either change it's policies or go under. Which means, if chick-fil-a has a record breaking sales day, you have fucking failed. It's not some fucking tumblr shit "Letz occupie chick fil a and shit his pants and do nothing lolz thatll do something." Results, matter, retard, and the result is Chick-Fil-A (a corporation with no responsibility to anyone other than its shareholders) made tons of money. In case you didn't know, that's good for business.
>> No. 50747
At Muslim burger, my gay partner and I were turned down. Had to eat taco bell instead...

>Cracks knuckles and gets ready for a mighty tumblr post
>> No. 50748
But there WAS an outcry outside of the gay community.
>> No. 50749

i'm not even the guy you're replying to, and i get what he's saying. you have the tism so hard to miss the point like that

he's saying the fact that there WAS an outcry at all is significant. in the past noone would've raised an eyebrow at their activities at all, and now there was a big fuss over, indicating more people are thinking about homosexuality and equality than ever before.

was it retarded and backwards? sure, but that's not the point jenga or this guy is trying to make. the fact that some people boycotted at all is the point

tl;dr, you are an spast who should learn to read julay
>> No. 50750
can we please go back to laughing about tumblr spergs? TIA.
>> No. 50751
What the fuck? I go to bed and wake up to a fucking race war with (insert opinions)?
>> No. 50752
An outcry from crazy people neither the right or left would take seriously. There are plenty of legitimate gay rights issues non-gays are taking up for, but that, that was just fucking stupid. Plenty of companies have come out in support of gay marriage. Chik-Fil-A didn't even have a stance on it, the owner just said he's against it and donated money to groups trying to keep it from being legalized. It was a protest that had the opposite of it's intended effect, and didn't go after any real issues. It was basically asserting it's okay for companies to endorse their issue, but NOT okay for a private citizen to personally disagree with that same damned issue. It would be one thing if it got mainstream support, but pretty much the only people supporting it were tumblr types.
>> No. 50753
Okay so, crazy people boycotted something, everyone thought they were being childish and retarded. They boycotted something that didn't need to be boycotted, hurt their cause, and helped those they were attacking.

Are you even aware how ridiculous you sound? Are you aware how many ridiculous things get boycotts from tiny fringe groups all the fucking time?
>> No. 50754
Jenga, you sperg, you just HAD to mention Chicken Fil-A, didn't you?
>> No. 50755
Check em
>> No. 50756
They aren't 'defending' the boycott by saying they accomplished what they sought out to do, you sperg. All they're saying is that public awareness towards homosexual rights have visibly increased over the last 15 years.

Fucking CWC could've understood that.
>> No. 50757
No one's saying it hasn't, but are you seriously claiming that stupid boycott is indicative of the "progress" of the gay rights movement? Seriously? That's a shining example of "raised awareness"?

It would be like pointing to the politicians moving to ban urinals in Sweden because feminists say it's sexist for men to stand while peeing and going "Look, clearly this is a sign of how important feminist issues are today. You're just a sperg if you can't see how it's a good sign things like that happen even if they're retarded!"

I mean, you just keep repeating that tripe over and over. It was dumb, it made the movement look horrible, it achieved the exact opposite of it's goal.
>> No. 50758
File 134868602871.jpg - (209.09KB , 1365x2048 , 334736_2040058123875_1316948428_31805708_266597615.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Don't forget what a tranny looks like.
>> No. 50759
Since ADF loves attention he should obnoxiously make out with his partner in McDonalds or wherever until they get asked to stop and then make a big ruckus about them being discriminated against for being transsexuals until they get kicked out and then complain to everyone who will listen.

It'd be a social justice epic ween!
>> No. 50760
The boycott was actually more about who that corporation gives money to. The arrogant CEOs quote was just a catalyst. They gave a lot of money to anti gay marriage campaigns and the radical right, as is the CEOs right Problem comes when people who eat at these places and buy these product without realising the money is going to a cause they might not agree with.
It's like all those feminist who join curves fitness without knowing the money goes to anti abortion and anti womans rights campaigns and politicians. I'm not advocating a political stance, I just think there is a general misunderstanding about what happened there, which extends to this small but horribly annoying and loud "social justice" crowd who didn't actually understand why people were boycotting. They thought it was literally because of what he said. That's the problem with the social justice movement. It's all about face. It's like they all have spasm.
>> No. 50761
No, Jenga, not only did you use a shitty analogy regardless, but you fucking brought up something that WOULD derail the thread.

Homor, why the fuck don't you just delete posts that derail threads? /cwc/ could use a dozen good janitors
>> No. 50762
>Jengatype being a shitty poster
No surprise there.
>> No. 50763
Jenga, you're a cool guy and all, but seriously next time pick you analogies more carefully.
>> No. 50764
You really believe that
>> No. 50765

/cwc/ and ED need janitors. That Moleman article was one of the weenest things I've ever seen and ED thinks it's good. Same goes for all the other "Good New Articles".
>> No. 50766
Uhh did we just make a thread to laugh at how tumblr SJs have ridiculous amounts of butthurt and insane political beliefs only to fill that thread with our own butthurt and insane political beliefs?
>> No. 50767
When you go over 350-375 replies this shit tends to happen
>> No. 50768
SJ threads usually go pretty bad in this regard.

Honestly, this one went really well, it didn't descend into this crap until it got past the 500+ post mark.
>> No. 50769
This happens because Jenga just has to spasm about his political beliefs. I suspect he's the one doing it to other threads when posting as anon.
Fucking namefags. Ban them seanie, and shut Homor down when he spasms out of control like that too.
>> No. 50770

Personally, I think only people who assist on the running of the site and targets of ridicule can namefag/tripfag/avatarfag.
>> No. 50771
They should only do so in official capacities. Can't just let them fag up the joint like they did 4chan.
>> No. 50772

That's what I meant, but thanks for clearing it up for the slow-in-the-minds.
>> No. 50773
File 134869211916.jpg - (97.92KB , 798x600 , 1348518664227.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 50774
We have the lolcow in question essentially doing a Q&A, and you homosexual deviants have ruin the last third of the thread with bullshit.
>> No. 50776

Please, just stop. Nobody cares.
>> No. 50777
I can't believe that SJer got off the hook so easily. Apparently all Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles needed to do was type up a really longwinded apology and pretend to be rational for five minutes. Then he could have retreated to tumblr to brag about his victory over the cis-patriarchy.

>> No. 50778
At least she openly admits she's not ready for motherhood. The rest can fuck off, using an excuse like 'I HAVE A BABBY NOW, FEEL BAD FOR ME PLS.'
>> No. 50779
Cock Sparrer is a great band.
They're mostly anarchists. They used to stand for equality(racially, culturally and class-wise), but it was only after the 'Nazi Skins' that anti-nazi/racist sentiment was included. The original skins were essentially just standard punks with shaved heads..
>> No. 50780
hat wasn't the only instance of a threat of violence found in your blog, and you took sentiments directed at a picture of a women endorsing the abuse of male children and used it to claim we were attacking you.
Is there a retraction of those statements you made about us on your blog? If not prepare your anus.
>> No. 50781

>Ode To the Freckle On My Chin

>Oh, freckle.
>Freckle on my chin.
>Go away.
>I always think you are a zit and that bothers me.

>The End

>Also, this officially marks my return from hiatus, I think. I was going to take a couple days, but…things transpired. And here I am. I’m going to go back to blogging as usual (may take me a couple days - Ryatt is coming down with something) and leave the rest in the hands of fate. I want to thank everyone for their love, and I want to thank the folks from 789chan who contacted me to apologize. Maybe I’ll publish it all some day, but for now, I just want things to die down.

Her latest entry.
>> No. 50782
She's hiding from us by posting through a friend. As if that is going to be enough to save her. She better buy a dog and some curtains. Or I suppose she could move in to a friends dorm and use the mens bathroom until flight arrangements have been made.
Does it ever feel like we are picking on retards?m
>> No. 50783
File 134870467935.jpg - (34.44KB , 677x541 , 1308819239201.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What did this point too? Did the mods have to erase another name sperg post
>> No. 50784
She got off the hook by not being hilarious like robbay.
>> No. 50785
Are you the same person making Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles think we're going to show up at his place and fuck him over? Fuck off back to /b/ you twat
>> No. 50786
She may be high functioning, but for fuck sake.
>> No. 50787
If you're capable of murdering your own child in the womb, you will never be ready for motherhood.
>> No. 50788
What is your native tongue, because that made zero fucking sense.
Anyone who runs a personal blog and thinks she can hide her dox by having a friend post for her is a fucking moron. As is anyone who first tries to exploit the trolls and then hide from them while encouraging further discourse on the matter. If you want to be left alone then don't feed the trolls. Especially if you happen to be an internet tough girl who expects apologies when someone else makes a point in an offensive way, but refuses to do so herself
Her and mr rape threats both need to grow the fuck up and step away from their respective keyboards.

Even in her apology she insists on having her cake and eating it too.
>> No. 50789
Damn it t Jenga gtfo.
>> No. 50790
It's inspiring to see cwc finding common ground and respect for an SJWarrior.
>> No. 50791
File 134871681934.gif - (2.54MB , 640x310 , 1348547153947.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>mfw I never mentioned what my views on Chick-Fil-A were, just that an outcry was raised on behalf of the homosexual community, something that would not have happened several years ago.
>> No. 50792

dis mensch >>272415

is a time travelin' bitch. Listen to the bitches, yo.
>> No. 50793
I don't get it, what was your controversial opinion again?
>> No. 50794
File 134882509461.jpg - (52.30KB , 401x648 , thelover.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Whites were not systematically slaughtered, they didn't have their children taken from them



For starters.

If you read the novel Little Big Man, it is very sympathic to the Indians as underogs of the conflict and ultimately victims, and General Custer as a fucking lunatic that got what he deserved, but without a romantic bullshit (like, when LBM is kidnapped as a kid with his sister, his parents killed in a massacre of their wagon train, he notes out that the Cheyenne village smells like shit and due to alcoholism the braves are more like Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles on bath salts than the dude on the PIC UNRELATED).
>> No. 50795
File 134882669959.jpg - (27.53KB , 334x500 , 320498_10150346545148722_542218721_8200818_1056161.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> http://jesteractivist.tumblr.com/

I fucking hate this guy.

So much.
>> No. 50796
>Really, I have no opinion other than obviously disagreeing with the original statement (the version with "whites" in it).

Are you saying that it's okay to diminish a race's culture just because the are more of them? That seems a little...intolerant.

Are you aware that tolerance is a two way street? You can't in one breath say how you want Native Americans (in this instance) to be able to preserve their culture and don't want white people to be able to.

Maybe White People didn't have a Trail of Tears, or they weren't taken from their families.

But I'm white. My mother and father didn't kidnap native american babies. I didn't have a great great grandparent who owned slaves. Hell, my family didn't even arrive in America until the 1920s...so why should I be held accountable for what they did? Because of my skin color?

That's uh...racist.
>> No. 50797

I remember when it was just four letters long.

I don't understand. What's wrong with "gays" as a general word for these homosexual deviants?
>> No. 50798
>>Voting is just about the least political thing one does in this country. sodomize streets… not the voting booth.

This guy is a fucking idiot, but when I think about it, I guess I'm glad he's not voting.
>> No. 50799
Archiving this for great justice.
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