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File 134896694319.jpg - (77.55KB , 400x580 , 134895329516.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
51393 No. 51393
Expand all images
>> No. 51394
Beekeeper is a Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles troll now?
>> No. 51395
I'm just now getting caught up on all of this, it's been an absolute joy.

That master of disguise shit had me rolling.
>> No. 51396
No but you are you dang dirty Homor.
>> No. 51397
So now that Robb is moving, I wonder if it actually will stop him from coming back. A move across the country is like "starting over", with nobody knowing who you are or were.

He may even be ditching the Rlka persona...
>> No. 51398
If Robb were consistent it wouldn't stop him because his drama is exclusively internet related however seeing as Robb isn't consistent (or sane) we might see a break of a couple weeks before he gets drunk/high and posts again.
>> No. 51399
You're not a True and Honest Homor. Hello Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 51400

i do think Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles will start posting here anonymously

he can't use his trip without admitting his "new life" is a delusion
>> No. 51401

>A move across the country is like "starting over", with nobody knowing who you are or were.

He can move from coast to coast, he'll still be exactly the same distance from the internet. Also bath salts.
>> No. 51402
Also, Robb has yet to realize (and likely never will) that he cannot escape himself.
>> No. 51403
That's what the bath salts are for.

I just use vodka and xanax, but to each his own.
>> No. 51404
File 13489756466.jpg - (69.30KB , 800x600 , Rikaandunfunnyharel.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Tonight Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is going to sleep well for the first time. For the first time, in his own peasily mind, he has won against 789chan, all because of a move to Portland.

I'll bet at this time, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is in bed having a threesome with ADF and Mikhail, hailing their lolcowdom and swearing to never go back.
>> No. 51405
It's more likely that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles will be turned down at her door and be forced to go elsewhere, because it's one thing when your boyfriend moves in with you and your parents, it's another when his roomate tags along.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles imposes on others way to much
>> No. 51406

Oh, so thats whats going to keep Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's legacy going.

Good to know.
>> No. 51407
Actually the lack of posting suggests he's somewhere without internet so it is likely he's busy being destitute somewhere.
>> No. 51409
File 134897910436.gif - (952.15KB , 500x281 , wtfayd.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You're not even dumb enough to believe this.
>> No. 51411
Without a phone with 3g? I can't imagine he's that thrifty. I mean unless he already sold his iphone for blow.
>> No. 51412
Well he did say he cancelled his old plan after the JULAY text bombing.
>> No. 51414
File 134898239633.png - (1.89KB , 443x454 , colon3.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>my 2 minute edit made the cover of an RWS thread
this is a good day
>> No. 51415
It's good to see the classics still work
>> No. 51416
File 13489855406.jpg - (56.16KB , 183x203 , sprite.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mfw i didn't realize you were whoreos until just now.
>> No. 51417
  I think Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is going to die.

He was shut out of everywhere in Philly, and then expected to move across the country without anybody's consent, and got kicked out of Mikhail's house for being a hideous transman Goblin King who frightened Mikhail's little brother.

He will quickly find himself in the allies of Portland, where Meth pushers push him into the next thing up to Bath Salts. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's 90 lb body becomes a Meth Head, and he quickly dies into obscurity.

All without access to the internet to save him.

Vid related, a tribute
>> No. 51418
Meth dealers don't push. Pushing is more or less a myth. No one is standing around with a bag of meth thinking "if only I could push someone into trying this". The demand is plenty sufficient.
>> No. 51419
File 134903638182.jpg - (114.39KB , 1000x800 , tom cruise.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>hideous transman goblin king
>> No. 51420
Anyone wanna put up a betting pool on when we see Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles again?
>> No. 51421
He posted under another name this morning. He will be back tomorrow night
>> No. 51422
wait. where did adf get the money to find a place in Portland, much less get across country
>> No. 51423
Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesy's using his frequent flyer miles to get there.
>> No. 51424
One way ticket with frequent flyer miles and his dumb ass thought he could mooch off adfs girl. Lol. He's homeless in a strange city. I doubt he even alerted his parole officer as to the move. He will likely be in jail next year.
I wonder if he still even has his camera. Wouldn't really much matter I suppose. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has no eye for composition to show off in his portfolio and no certification to show he's had any training. It would be like hiring a random creepy homeschool kid, only worse since he's a grown homeless tranny with a record.
He's done for.
>> No. 51425
File 134905726567.jpg - (40.68KB , 1024x768 , madara.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Great news my fellow people. Madara stayed over at my house for two days. We had tons of fun but I'm sad to see him leave. I'll hold it down here in philly just in case the goblin king wants to invade. He did send me these photos to upload.
>> No. 51426
File 134905732941.jpg - (128.33KB , 960x1280 , airport.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Dude even managed to sneak a pic while we were unloading.
>> No. 51428
never cease to amaze us introman
>> No. 51429
Can't believe we had to sneak a child into the luggage compartment just to keep tabs on them.
>> No. 51430
File 134906158252.jpg - (99.14KB , 578x420 , ouragent.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Which worked out way better than the time we tried it with delta
>> No. 51431
jesus what that pic from.
also introman you rocks
>> No. 51432
Is Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles circumcised?
>> No. 51434
His parents are American Christians so I'd say yes.
>> No. 51435

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles sent you a VIRUS attatched to those photos you FOOL, the master if disguise wins again
>> No. 51436
It's agent x. She fell asleep forever in December of last year. All we wanted was a picture of Timbox skiing.
>> No. 51437
File 134908491987.jpg - (81.09KB , 634x528 , Agentx-1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Poor thing resorted to skinning some cats and using a berlap sack as a sleeping bag, but to no avail.
>> No. 51438
I Googled "Mummified native american girl" and came up with this.

>> No. 51439
Tineye would have been faster, and you ruined it.
>> No. 51440
>>you ruined it.

That implies it was funny or clever to begin with.
>> No. 51441
It's funny if you know deltas record and policies regarding live animals http://www.examiner.com/article/kitten-freezes-delta-air-lines-cargo-hold
>> No. 51442
Jesus that kitten story is awful. But it does make the frozen girl joke better. I feel ween.
>> No. 51445
File 134913261257.jpg - (610.38KB , 900x800 , Sakura_and_Her_Bunnies_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>And then there is influence from my partner Mikhail Harel - LaVeyan Satanism has some moralistic appeal to me (especially it considers Rape a Sin) , I did read up on his copy of The Satanic Bible and The Satanic Rituals - Hell (pun not intended) , I even 0agreed to have a Satanic Wedding Ceremony

As I predicted 2 years ago: Nazi Satanist time.
>> No. 51446
ADF here kinda resembles a fatter and balder version of Henry Lee Lucas from Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer.

I wonder when them two will begin kidnapping women.
>> No. 51447
He tone is quite different from that of his last journal entry, wouldn't you say? You'd think he'd be all happy about finally getting the fuck out of Philly. It's almost as though he never left...
>> No. 51448
>soy milk

>> No. 51449

Moving to Portland isn't going to stop his bullshit crusade against anything and nothing, nor stop him being a complete asshole.
>> No. 51450

It all depends on what they define as women, it seems to be a fairly uncertain premise to them.
>> No. 51451
I saw a documentary once about Portland and how it has the highest population of drifters/homeless people of any city - the vast majority of them are 20-30 year olds who were or were once runaways and are all addicts

Anyhow, there shouldn't be any problem at all finding bath salts there
>> No. 51452
I was Secular when I identified as a Roman Catholic (1985-2001 - implicit hostility with identifying as Roman Catholic and the church's authority after 1997)
First Period of Agnosticism (2001-2009 turned implicitly anticlerical around 2007/2008)
I was Secular when I identified as a Reform jesuit (2009-2011)
Second Period of Agnosticism (2011-2012 - Explicitly anticlerical)
Atheism (2012-Present - Explicitly anticlerical)

You'd think his tendency to jump from one belief system to another would cause him to stop and think before casually tacking another one onto the list. But then it's ADF, I guess refection isn't exactly his strong point.
>> No. 51453
File 13491400906.jpg - (23.38KB , 390x310 , 6a00d8341c391553ef00e55252fa7f8833-640wi.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Maybe I am doubting my own Atheism, possibly reverting back to a Third Round of (Anticlerical) Agnosticism, or I just need to flatly admit I am undecided at this time. Discuss. Propose. Outside opinions and thoughts wanted. I am all ears.

I say after his Satanist phase he will eventually become an Islamic fundamentalist.

And he will quit after other Islamists will keep calling him "my brother", after which he will full embrace his Nazi identity and start worship Wotan.

For a while.
>> No. 51454
File 134914058773.jpg - (115.69KB , 251x350 , 463-6884.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>I adopted my Radical Leftist politics - Whether it was when identified as a Democratic Socialist

>Radical Leftist
>Democratic Socialist

Is this what the Americans believe, or is it just ADF being ADF?
>> No. 51455
He probably meant social democrat
>> No. 51456
>Radical Leftist
>Social Democrat
>> No. 51457
File 134914131928.jpg - (1.72MB , 1483x1941 , ADF__s_TG_Convict_Felicia_ID_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Which is pretty much an opposite of "radical left":

But maybe not in America, I don't know.

Or maybe it's just spasm.

The pic is "Radical Leftist politics / Democratic Socialist", apparently.
>> No. 51458
Is that real or a joke?
>> No. 51459
File 134914173715.gif - (794.20KB , 213x117 , 133471335563.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I have been following this train wreck on and off. My one question throughout this saga is simple: Why? Why does he come back for more? Why is he unable to accept people talk shit and walk away? Just why? Even cris learned to stop and walk away...

And yes, Robbie is a he.
>> No. 51460
File 134914180570.jpg - (445.26KB , 900x2310 , original_characters__2005_2011_by_verganza_de_sasu.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's just one of his identitities from 2008.
>> No. 51461
You know, I gotta say, while his art skills are shit, he can actually make some designs that are at least unique looking when he's not just copying generic anime bullshit.
>> No. 51462
The real Henry made false confessions and wasn't a real serial killer. Which the fbi knew, as they fed him information. He admitted to raping victims when due to a stab wound to the groin he couldn't get it up and the first person he confessed to killing wasn't even dead. He was just some sad dumb homeless guy who's mother was so horribly abusive that he killed her in self defense one night. That is all.
>> No. 51463
File 134914475695.jpg - (26.47KB , 290x493 , robbie.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, if what his friend said is correct, he has a REALLY hard time losing arguments/fights/anything and is really bad at letting things go. Plus he's kind of a control freak, so people talking about him on the internet (not that!) where he can't do anything about it infuriates him.

That and he's apparently legitimately paranoid that trolls are out to get him and he needs to keep up with their diabolical schemes.
>> No. 51464
>That and he's apparently legitimately paranoid that trolls are out to get him and he needs to keep up with their diabolical schemes.

No apparently about it. Bath salts are a hell of a drug, man.
>> No. 51465
File 134914679192.gif - (487.08KB , 500x340 , jazzspin.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I live in Portland and it's essentially true. At almost every major freeway on-ramp/off-ramp there are people holding signs, begging for money. I'm from Southern California and I'm used to seeing a little bit of that, but it's much more prevalent up here.

And there's all kinds of beggars here, some blaming Obama for being poor and some "veterans" with dogs and kids. The other day I was leaving Target and there was a transexual asking for money and juggling bowling pins by the street.

I don't think they'll have much trouble blending in here, it's almost like this town was made for them and their special snowflake bullshit.
>> No. 51466
How come the west coast from San Francisco up to Seattle is such a haven for both SJ types as well as explicit underclasses?

South California is bad as well, but it's just filled with whores and Mexicans.
>> No. 51467
He was still a serial killer, he just didn't murder hundreds.
>> No. 51468
  With all the serial killer talk, do you think robbie will have a video as famous as the bjork stalker one? I personally think if he makes a public spectacle of himself. This will be his bjork stalker video.
>> No. 51469
>> No. 51470
There is no evidence that he killed more than one person and that was his mother. The woman who was beating him.
The first person who he pled guilty to killing wasn't even dead and from there they got him to make all the other confessions. There is no hard evidence against him.
It just goes to show that you can get homeless drifters to confess to things when you first beat and then bribe them.
The real killers will never be found.
>> No. 51471
Also what the show you posted didn't say was that he had left the argument for his room and his mother followed him in and was attacking him with a broom. So he grabbed the knife he had been cutting an apple or something with earlier and stabbed her. The fight was over him not wanting to live at home with her. That's why he was were he was in the first place. Grown man trying to run away from an abusive mother and the wound wasn't even what killed the bitch. So you could argue that he killed NO ONE.
He was just easy to manipulate.
>> No. 51472
File 134914989014.gif - (553.69KB , 295x221 , I'mout.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is painful to watch. This is almost as bad as A-Log's anime convention videos.
>> No. 51473
I prefer Burning Love.
>> No. 51474
File 134915067579.png - (685.56KB , 1349x5212 , adf and rika stuff.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
With the help of kyle and trey. We were able to screencap the convos we had with the philly trans representatives. As we believe in open communications and transparency with hostile nations. Here is the chats.
>> No. 51475
so much concentrated 'tism.
>> No. 51476
File 134915126823.png - (701.13KB , 1349x6425 , old chat with rika and adf.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Just a brief talk with the goblin king and a food talk with the australatinia chairwoman.
>> No. 51477
File 134915152733.png - (640.05KB , 1349x6827 , goblin king conspiring with stonecutters.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Goblin King conspiring with our forces for australatinian insurgency.
>> No. 51478
File 134915171564.png - (430.55KB , 1349x4705 , the facebook chat that started it all.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Stonecutters giving Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles a warning about being a lulcow. That didn't work out so well for the goblin king. :(
>> No. 51479
introman are you comparing Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles to jareth from labyrinth?
>> No. 51480
Ah satanism it's totally not a breeding ground for retarded social darwinists fascists that jerk off to Ayn Rand.

>> No. 51481
File 134915350314.jpg - (227.07KB , 500x439 , Douchebags that make decent music.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So how long until ADF calls himself an Occult Fascist in an attempt to bring his edgy to a new level?
>> No. 51482
>All that name calling.
>> No. 51483
wow robb was a fairly mean spirited ween troll. strange that adf would let that slide.
>> No. 51484
File 134915649424.png - (2.31MB , 504x31835 , rika chat 1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Will upload more later. Diplomatic cables between stonecutters and Goblin Kingdom.
>> No. 51485
>I don't know how much you doxxed me, But Im guilty of trolling myself. I used to do it and and to this day it still does give me a pleasurable rise occassionally.

That's going on ED
>> No. 51486
Mean-spirited is such an understatement for this next quote:

>Im banned from William Way when I called Jordan a he a few months ago. I honestly don't care really, I'm actually PROUD OF IT. I want nothing to do with a LGBT center that harbors and enables this manchild. and even uses him as a poster model for their events like Indigo.

>You're EXACTLY right, The Phila Tranny community is one of thee WORST groups on Satan's green earth. Oh we have so many more lolcows than just adf and Jordman. Infact ADF isent even as BAD as most of these people. For one we have Georgia Ray who is as fat as Snorlax (CWC's mother) This person loves to make degrading comments towards women. We have Pam who Ahuviya has the misfortune of living with right now. Pam is a disgusting sloth like Jordan, that and Pam bullshits about everything. Think a UFO conspiracy theorist mixed with a fat trans person, thats Pam. A year ago we had this a fail who dident pass at all. Literally looked like a man in a wig, thinking he was a hot porn star. Never went to transway moved to Newark in spring Had the most boring personality ever. And speaking of tranny porn stars. We have this african american tranny porn star who attendeded. She is passable but a total hypocrite. she also thinks she is hot shit, but looks more like an annexreic crossdresser.

>There is only ONE good place left and Im not even going to say the name because I don't want these turds finding it. Jordan goes there sometimes but is not welcome there thank god.

>I could ask Jen to go spy on the transway meetings, But dear lord I would never wish that on her. She did go a few weeks ago. The only two people who showed up was Jordman and some creepy guy. She then left.

>Ahuviya is on the verge of changing. The other week I saw her wearing converse as oppossed to army boots. Im basically showing her that this commy, oppression shit is pretty repulsive to most people and next week me and Jen are gonna give her a makeover hopefully.

>The trans community has gone to shit. Everyone is backstabbing each other right now. Maria blocked me for no reason, I sent her a text cursing her out, she called and tried to give me BS that its for privacy reasons (And she did this after THANKING ME for watching after Ahuviya) So even SHES fucked up. So yeah, I'd rather be discriminated against then be associated with this community of turds.
>> No. 51487
>she also thinks she is hot shit, but looks more like an annexreic crossdresser.

Pot, kettle, black.

>Everyone is backstabbing each other right now.

You fit right in then.
>> No. 51488
>> No. 51489
Having lived on both coasts, it's just a difference in culture that allows people like that to thrive. The west coast tends to be more open to things, as opposed to the areas surrounding the bible belt and "the south".

Although California is apparently having a problem with the mormon creep, seeping into their system.
>> No. 51490
This shit is great,

Thanks for all the entertainment, intro.
>> No. 51491
>I was sheltered as hell growing up. Plus transitioning now its like Im having a second childhood. I still have yet to start hormones so this should get interesting.

A roundabout way of admitting he is a manchild
>> No. 51492
File 134916255676.png - (4.20MB , 509x32767 , rika chat 2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

No problem. This is why I was sperging hard as fuck about ADF back when we first talked. This much cocks came about because of a communist in philadelphia. Here's part 2. Shit's huge.
>> No. 51494
The file has errors and can't open.
>> No. 51495
>a fail who dident pass at all. Literally looked like a man in a wig, thinking he was a hot porn star.

...this, coming from a crackhead with greasy, disgusting hair that thinks he looks like Milla Jovovich, and claims to get all the boys in the club (WITH NO MAKEUP LOL SILLY BOYS).
>> No. 51496

The facebook said "No, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. You are the lolcows"

And then Robb was a goblin
>> No. 51497
Ancient horded cocks were hoarded for too long. They fail to keep up with his new level of hilarity. It's like looking back on a boxer before he turned pro.
>> No. 51499
File 134923538828.jpg - (5.66KB , 130x150 , robbaaayyy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hi, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 51500

>> No. 51501

Must try harder, Robert.
>> No. 51502
hi Robbay.

How's portland?
>> No. 51503
Welcome back, Robb!
>> No. 51504
Completely incapable of accepting blame for any of his actions, even now. This is just sad.
How's the dumpster diving going?
>> No. 51505
Now Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles can claim to be doing his part to save the planet photoblog.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/05/15/11723015-freegan-activists-dumpster-dive-to-save-the-planet?lite
>> No. 51506
File 134923766751.png - (25.46KB , 1542x126 , NicetryRobb.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not sure if it was actually Robb or not, but the deletion sure points to him.
>> No. 51507
Well to be fair every troll knows to delete the post if he wants it to be believable.
It does follow the real Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles pattern pretty closely, except on one front. Would Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles admit to being fucked in the head at the moment? The closest to that I've ever seen is him admitting to not having been in his right mind due to drug use and even then it's mostly after the fact. That's the really weird thing with him, he's always claiming to be a new and better person.
>> No. 51508
Hard to say. He could also be thinking that an admission of imperfection on his part would win him some sympathy from the trolls.
>> No. 51509
>It doesn't matter because R.ika is strong enough to get through this and come out fighting

It might just be a turn of phrase, but...how would the person know this, if they aren't Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles themselves? We can count out "it's a friend of his," considering how few he has online or offline.
Not to mention he keeps calling him a "she." I'd say it's probably the Goblin King himself.
>> No. 51510
File 13492459335.png - (5.23MB , 499x32767 , rika chat 3.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Getting the text to the chats for the people who can't open the images.
>> No. 51511
File 134924607097.png - (4.19MB , 499x32767 , rika chat 4.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Holy shit. I really dont care anymore if it says Robert Stiles

Mind me, Im having some epihic revelation right now


Shit nvm. I cant get that word right ever
>> No. 51512
File 134924659833.png - (2.10MB , 501x30525 , rika chat 5.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Finished. Going to make a .txt version for people who don't link opening huge PNG's.
>> No. 51513

>karma is a bitch

Yeah, that's him.


Sure he would, he even told us at one point that he accepted he had mental issues just so he had something else to blame his bullshit on.


The implication is that it's someone pretending to be him.
>> No. 51514
Fucking irony. On adf a year ago.

" Yes.
All the time
She FIXATES on 789
Acting like the people on the site are gonna come to Phila and try to kill her
That and she gets a rise out of it
She will even Dox herself
On purpose!
Who do you think VDKnemesis is?
Its her.
" by Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 51515

The first two of these aren't loading either.
>> No. 51516
Wow, that's eerily prophetic.
>> No. 51517
File 134925045892.jpg - (32.50KB , 604x453 , a log on da flo.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You guys would like this one as well. " His voice is I just noticed, but just incase it all goes private. Shit his voice is just dissonance.
Aside from being arrogant and a christfag, he doesnt seem all that evil like Chris Chan
Just mentally challenged
>> No. 51519
Here is the full chats(png) plus a complete RTF of it.

I was a field agent back then, so I said some cringeworthy things. Whatever kyle needed me to do I did. That included talking to the dregs of society and helping Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles with insurgency against jordan.
>> No. 51520
File 134926785918.png - (214.43KB , 569x531 , noice.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Thank you once again.
>> No. 51521
For those who are interested, the Robb September screencap collection is up over at /bt/. //789.not4chan.org/bt/res/160.html#169
>> No. 51522
>> No. 51523
File 134944907628.png - (31.03KB , 1254x250 , flyadftoportland.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Knew it would only be a matter of time before Mikhail was begging on Reddit.
>> No. 51524
so i guess we can conclude robb's either homeless in philly our at his parents' house. maybe wayne cut the internet down to keep him out of further trouble.
>> No. 51525
My guess is he got rid of the Internet to try and save money. Since he's a moron, he's probably blowing it on other shit he doesn't need and can't afford to feed/house ADF anymore. Of course, they could hate each other again, too. Neither is known for being emotionally stable.
>> No. 51526
File 134946114847.jpg - (11.65KB , 320x180 , robbiemasterofdisguise.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He's probably started that new life he kept talking about. Being a master of disguise, this would a simple task.

But this seems more likely.
>> No. 51527
My theory is that Robb's DSL was good until the 1st. Rather than admit that he was too broke to pay the bill, he made the declaration of victory that we saw a week ago.
>> No. 51528

I thought somewhere it was confirmed ( maybe by ADF ) that he was in some sort of shelter/halfway house?

Or I could have been fooled into thinking that by the master of disguise
>> No. 51529
There was some speculation about ADF accessing the Internet from a cafe in Philly that caters to the homeless. As far as Robb goes, though, no confirmation of his current whereabouts.
>> No. 51530
I would love to take Robbie's fat cock down my throat and let him fill my belly with his sticky white love-piss.
>> No. 51531
File 134946851244.jpg - (414.69KB , 1600x1200 , lady-elaine.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The face on that trapcard reminds me so much of the Lady Elaine Fairchild puppet from the Neighborhood of Make-Believe from Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood.
>> No. 51532
Got to the Versailles at 1530 Locust street, Philadelphia PA, then. You'll find him in apartment 7A, though it's unlikely he'll come to the door. He's kind of afraid of strangers.
>> No. 51533
File 134946885464.jpg - (374.14KB , 2048x1536 , 169140_1523398727713_1316948428_31187328_7048379_o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 51534
File 134946915266.jpg - (320.71KB , 2048x1536 , 171321_1579028318418_1316948428_31292434_3327679_o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 51535
>Jordman not hoverhanding

Alpha as fuck
>> No. 51536

Are you one of those transway infiltrators?
>> No. 51537
File 134947056853.png - (241.36KB , 460x414 , versailles_sign.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wouldn't you like to know?
>> No. 51538
What is Robert wearing around his neck?
>> No. 51539

Is that apartment complex nice? Did his parents spend top dollar to pay back for all their cis-privilege?
>> No. 51540
Can't quite tell. It was taken the same day as this horror, though.
>> No. 51541
Who's the third deviant in Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's tranny gang?
>> No. 51542
That's Derrek. Don't really know too much about him, except for the fact that he manages to be even more obnoxious than Robb in this video.
>> No. 51543
Madara made it safe to portland . We even had a little talk.

"[6:28:52 PM] introman: hey kyle. it's been 4 days since we last talked. hows portland?
[6:29:28 PM] Kyle: It's what I expected it to be. The city is filled with ADFs and Mr. Robert Wayne Stiless
[6:29:40 PM] introman: lol. they haven't even moved yet.
[6:29:49 PM] introman: what about the money? did the client pay up?
[6:30:54 PM] Kyle: Yep, they sure did. The money was more than enough. I also found out who the account owners are
[6:31:12 PM] introman: was it somebody from transway?
[6:31:45 PM] Kyle: No, it's not. It's someone closer to Mr. Stiles
[6:32:42 PM] introman: it had to be somebody with a job. no one would pay 6,000 USD to us for de transistioning robbay. was it his parents?
[6:33:33 PM] Kyle: How did you know it was his own parents?
[6:33:47 PM] introman: only body who would do this and have money?
[6:33:51 PM] introman: XD.
[6:34:03 PM] introman: foodstamps and social security checks wouldn't be able to pay that much
[6:35:31 PM] Kyle: That is so true.
[6:37:01 PM] introman: To think we streamlined our process to do the next few jobs efficiently. I will give you the stonecutters their cut of the pay check.
[6:38:46 PM] Kyle: I'll make sure they get it. Also, I'm guessing that the situation has more than worked efficiently for his parents. They don't have to put up with him anymore
[6:40:47 PM] Kyle: They can finally rest easy at night without having to deal with Robb calling them in the middle of the night, demanding money for frivolous garbage
[6:41:13 PM] introman: They saved at least 10,000 dollars this year.
[6:41:44 PM] Kyle: If not, more than that
[6:43:23 PM] introman: Do you think it's time to close the Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles file?
[6:43:34 PM] Kyle: Yep!
[6:44:50 PM] introman: Man, this reminds me of the wraith days.
[6:45:44 PM] introman: where I took down furyan by giving you all of his info?
[6:46:00 PM] introman: To think he would come back in to our lives after that .
[6:47:25 PM] Kyle: I remember that as well. He actually believed it was because he was such a "scary hacker" when in reality he was another idiot taking the internet way too seriously
[6:48:13 PM] introman: He needed some guidance from the holy father. instead of being an amazing athiest without the banana.
[6:48:38 PM] introman: To think you made him in to a tranny.
[6:48:43 PM] introman: and you turned him back.
[6:48:56 PM] introman: what a brilliant unintended buisness racket?
[6:54:26 PM] Kyle: He sure did. He went from looking like someone who hangs out in comic stores to looking like a crackwhore. What a disguise!

I certainly wasn't expecting to ever find him again. Then again, when he first started his shit, I thought he was an eleven year old script kiddie.
[6:55:42 PM] introman: I got to go kyle, but we definitely need to get that money.
[6:56:30 PM] Kyle: I'll see you when the check comes"
>> No. 51544
Such a shame to see a wraith fall to such depths. For ones that used to be legitly feared now all they incite is laughter and ridicule.
>> No. 51545

Can you take a picture with the oversized check robbays parents send?
>> No. 51546

Things are electronic these days. They didn't actually send a physical check. XD
>> No. 51547
Kyle? Like, that Kyle from the Stargate forums or something?
>> No. 51548
I still don't really grasp what happened here...

Did Mr. Robert Wayne Stiless parents pay $6k to get rid of him?
>> No. 51549
He likes heels.
>> No. 51550
6k to make him a man again. They struck a deal with the stonecutting devils to impede his transition. Souless fuckers.
>> No. 51551
>6k to make him a man again
Damn, that's an expensive hooker!
>> No. 51552
If Robbie ever did hire a hooker she would probably charge that much as compensation.
>> No. 51553
>6k to make him a man again.
thats money down the drain.
>> No. 51554
Did the 6k include Penelope or was she just made up by Robert?

They should have just bought him a one way plane ticket to somewhere in Europe and washed their hands of him
>> No. 51555
So what's going on with that Jordman fellow?
>> No. 51556
we should all focus on jordman now, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has clearly moved on wit her life.
>> No. 51557
Hi Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles! How's Portland's finest dumpsters?
>> No. 51558
>> No. 51559
File 134959389641.png - (1.22KB , 174x86 , rika likes me.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
so apparently rob was being tsundere when he dox'd me.
>> No. 51560
It's common knowledge Robb is loveshy for his trolls.
>> No. 51561

I-it's not like I like you or anything, cis baka!
>> No. 51562
I prefer yandere version of Robbay more than the tsundere one because this brings more lulz
>> No. 51563
Any noodz of sexy Robbay yet?
>> No. 51564
What? Is this some sort of Yoruba dialect?
>> No. 51565
They're anime terms for relationship behavior. If I remember right, tsundere means they act like they hate you and put up a tough front, but they're secretly in love with you. "Just TAKE the FUCKING COOKIES I made you, okay?! I-it's not like I... LIKE you or anything!!!"

Yandere on the other hand is someone obsessed with their target, to a stalker level. She may have a relationship with the guy, she may just be friends with him, she may never have even spoken with him, but she's constantly watching his every move, and becomes enraged if he talks to another girl. She acts sweet and loving in front of him, but has a tendency to murder other women around him. She may write their names on walls, she has a key to his house, she watches him while he sleeps, she may bring him food she bakes, which she baked her hair or blood into. She is unquestioningly loyal and obsessed to the point of derangement. Eventually she will end up kidnapping the object of her affection.
>> No. 51566
>/cwc/ is full of weeaboos
>> No. 51567
Oh, I see. Thanks for the clarification.
>> No. 51568
File 134965007592.jpg - (118.41KB , 469x1032 , 3545f6.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 51569
Same person from>>276206
Using weaboo terms correctly can save many time on typing
>> No. 51570
>knowing popular character archetypes

You don't know what that word means, do you?
>> No. 51571
But those "popular character archetypes" are predominantly used IN anime. Hence the weeaboo label.
In either case, I think Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is more of a menhera / REAL kichigai than anything.
>> No. 51572
Stupid shitty fucking anime. All that bullshit is is stupid kiddy porn, you're a pedophile if you watch it. Get into some real shit, like Call of Duty.

homosexual deviants.
>> No. 51573
>some real shit, like Call of Duty
Oh you.jpg
>> No. 51574
Well call of duty is real shit.
>> No. 51575
Audio Zinger - Rimshot - (44.97KB - 128 kbps - 22.05 kHz ) Length: 0:02 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
real or really ?
>> No. 51576
I thought ADF was on his way to Portland already. And does anyone actually know where Robbay is?
>> No. 51577

Still in Philly
>> No. 51578
My guess is ADF thought he had a plan to get to Portland, which then fell through. It could be that he and Robb hate each other again (you never know with those two.) Also, Robb likely doesn't have an Internet connection at the moment, which is why we haven't seen him in a week. Hell, he may not even have a computer anymore at this point.
>> No. 51579
He has an iphone. Unless he traded it for salts.
>> No. 51580
Recent update: I have moved and obviously that renders one thing void, you know what. Listen, I don't give a shit about this site anymore even though Bernie Mac was doxxed becuase I know Introman, Liquid, Trey, Kyle, Vladislava, and Moniker are just as pathetic IRL.

Oh yeah, and guess what? You CAN'T hold me responsible for anything you trigger happy legal wingnuts, I am a sommbulist, changed my name again and can use the rule of insanity against virtually anything. Sommbulists have no free will of their own and are controlled by forces worker within outside their control. Try to explain THAT to a jury.

May aswell end with war now. There really isen't anything, anyone can really control now.
>> No. 51581
You know Robbay. I was having a really fucking shitty day right up until I saw that post.

Thank you, you just made it so much better.
>> No. 51582
>I am a sommbulist, changed my name again and can use the rule of insanity against virtually anything.

Insanity isn't a get out of jail free card. This isn't TV court you spast.
>> No. 51583
It's okay because we know your TRUE and ORIGINAL identity
>> No. 51584

You can't just self apply random mental disorders and claim yourself innocent Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, that isn't how it works, and changing your name doesn't make you innocent of any past crimes you dumb fuck. Good luck trying to explain it to a jury yourself.
>> No. 51585


Do you mean a somnambulist? You know that's just sleepwalking right? It doesn't give you carte blanche to commit crime and get away with it.
>> No. 51586

>There really isen't anything, anyone can really control now.

...What does that even mean? What the fuck are you talking about?
>> No. 51587
Not only did you explain something in two sentences and then claim it's unexplainable, but you got it wrong.
Sleepwalking. You're talking about sleepwalking like you just joined a vampires cult of astral-planing alibis.

>forces worker within outside their control
>> No. 51588
>> No. 51589

What are taking right now Robb? Are you on the salts again? You fucking are, aren't you, I can tell.
>> No. 51590
You're making the same mistake you always do, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles: you're assuming that the rest of us are as stupid as you are. Also, if you didn't give a shit, you wouldn't have made this post.
>> No. 51591
File 134972973676.jpg - (20.29KB , 150x116 , 1346034140026.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>thinks anyone will buy that he does all of this in his sleep
>> No. 51592
I haven't slept for so long that it is hard to tell conciousness from unconciousness. I have done things I was never aware of before and I only find out at other times.

Face it, shit is out of my hands. This site has been causing my insomnia for atleast eight months now and this is the affect. You made me aware of noises I'd never hear before.
>> No. 51593

Sounds like you've gone completely, 100%, insane
>> No. 51594
>May aswell end with war now.
Sweet Freudian autocorrect.
>There really isen't anything, anyone can really control now.
Noice word salad, bro. Between you, the Ryno and Chris's facebook posts it's like an spastic, gang-stalking poetry slam today.
>> No. 51595
driving yourself crazy doesn't excuse you from all the bullshit you have done
>> No. 51596
That's the bath salts, Robb. You do know what stimulants do, right?
>> No. 51597

You know if you plead complete insanity then they'll just stick you in a mental ward instead of a prison, right? They don't just let dangerous psych's walk out of court onto the streets you know.
>> No. 51598
Robbie are you confusing free will with self control?
>> No. 51599
>You made me aware of noises I'd never hear before

That would be your conscious telling you what a horrible person you are for the shit you've done
>> No. 51601
File 134973005619.jpg - (27.43KB , 400x490 , nazi lmao.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Just like your spasm, insanity is not free "get out of any trouble" card.

>I know Introman, Liquid, Trey, Kyle, Vladislava, and Moniker are just as pathetic IRL.
Well, at least I don't have 22 archived threads.
>> No. 51602

Are they voices Rob? Are they telling you you're safe now?
>> No. 51603

Yeah, that'll be the drugs Robb, they're to blame for the raging paranoia as well. So what are you taking right now? You're definitely on something, your typing isn't this bad when you're sober.
>> No. 51604
>> No. 51605

I am sorry to inform you mr/ms stiles. Me and kyle are somnambulists as well. Any doxing, screencapturing, envy inducing things we did were done while we were sleeping. When I sleep, I'm introman. When I'm awake. My name is krapple guy. Hope you can understand.
>> No. 51606
>> No. 51607
Is that what you told your PO
>> No. 51608
File 134973043815.jpg - (42.44KB , 460x276 , robbie defeated.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He's right, Robbie. At best you'd end up institutionalized. Not that it matters since insanity pleas rarely ever work. Anyway, what are you even being accused of?
>> No. 51609
No, I am a legitly conciously insane becuase I am an Sommbulist and can only control myself when my mind wills it. I have finally realized I can't distinguish reality and therefore, you people cannot attack me further legally.
>> No. 51610
Alright Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, I'm going to work.

When I get back in 4-5 hours, I better see plenty cocks.
>> No. 51611
Alright Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, I'm going to work.

When I get back in 4-5 hours, I better see plenty cocks.
>> No. 51612
So did you change your name to Milla?
>> No. 51613
FYI insanity due to drug use wont get you off, it will just get drug charges tacked on
>> No. 51614
Just wait until we DOX you again, Robert.
>> No. 51615
But then if anyone attacks you then you won't know if it actually happened or you just dreamt it.
>> No. 51616

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, I thought you knew about muh and kyle's condition. I posted previously about it. As long as we're in sleep mode. Our inner trolls came out. For fuck sakes Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. I went to las vegas for gay sex and that whore ominous turned atlus straight. Not my fault that the mega clit is bigger than my burrito.
>> No. 51617
Nobody's attacking you, you fool. You come here by yourself. No amount of mental gymnastics is going to get you out of this one, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 51618
protip: the insanity/loss of sleep might be caused by your reckless substance abuse.
>> No. 51619
>can only control myself when my mind wills it.

That's more or less how it works for the rest of us.
>> No. 51620
Robert tell us about the new sounds?
>> No. 51621
File 134973097517.png - (188.20KB , 431x316 , Hitler and Mussolini laughing.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Looks like I have to tear down my "legal troll" certificate. Oh woe.
>> No. 51622
Well according to Article 17: section 12 of the trollstitution (the legal document which governs trolling ) we need a document signed by a licensed therapist confirming the diagnosis before all trolling operations cease. A self-diagnosis is not enough Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 51623
ROBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY decided to come back because of the new Chris cocks - he wants the limelight back. Jealous drugged up little manchild that he is
>> No. 51624

That's not how it works you dumb fuck.
>> No. 51625
You have not thought through your plan Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, if are unable to tell what is real then say if introman were to say threaten you with a knife in real life then nobody could take any claim of yours seriously so you have given all trolls a get out of jail card.
>> No. 51627
confirmed for on bath salts
>> No. 51628
You seem rather irritable, Robb. One of the signs of stimulant abuse.
>> No. 51629

We're assuming it because you can't type for shit right now, seem completely unhinged and make no sense, this has previously been a pretty good indication that you were on something whilst posting.
>> No. 51631
File 134973202996.png - (12.13KB , 876x60 , onthesalts.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Same old Robb.
>> No. 51632
File 134973203541.jpg - (12.33KB , 819x70 , dsalts.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Don't think so Robb, you know deleting your posts does nothing.
>> No. 51633
You could STOP YELLING AT ME. I don't know much that I'm knowing who I am now. Introman doesnt have the power to take away from me. I am still atleast at liberty and run to my parents house. But guess what I was had to lie to them about being a man again.
>> No. 51634

Wow, you've gone completely batshit, haven't you? You're not making any sense Robb.
>> No. 51635
Dude, you're high as fuck!
>> No. 51636
Go to a therapist Rob.

You're going to hurt yourself.
>> No. 51637
Rob are you drunk or are you on DxM?

You're going to fry your liver at this rate.
>> No. 51638

Somebody with the name stiles paid me/kyle to convert you in to a man. In essence, you running away means vladi gets to go to nordstrom to buy any pair of heels she wants. It's OK Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Payless still has some sexy high heels as well. I just don't think they have a cobbler sponsored by the stiles family.
>> No. 51639
You can't really 'yell' using text, crazy addict
>> No. 51640

I am not a high drug up. I AM a sommbulist, I am literally immune to the fucking legal justice system that has been corrupted by the internet. I legitly have NO control over my actual thoughts unless I try. Take a fucking psychochology class, dumb-as-shits.
>> No. 51641
So how does that work when you've been saying you're an insomniac?
>> No. 51643
good to see OPERATION INSANITY is a huge success for you
>> No. 51644
Audio completely_sideways.mp3 - (24.94KB - 115 kbps - 44.1 kHz ) Length: 0:02 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
>> No. 51645
Robb nobody is falling for your somebullshit excuse you found while searching wikipedia.

Come in IRC..chat Beekeeper with us.
>> No. 51646
Psychology is more than declaring any self-destructive fuck up a mental case.
Anyways, get some sleep and try to stay off whatever drugs you're taking. You've reached a point where they will only hurt you and I doubt that's what you want.
>> No. 51648
You are not immune from anything, if were literally unable to control your actions or tell if you are awake or not then you'd get locked up in a psych ward.
>> No. 51650

>I am literally immune to the fucking legal justice system

No you aren't, nobody is, that isn't how it works. If you went out and attacked someone right now they wouldn't just let you off to go back home, would they? Think about this Robb.
>> No. 51651
Don't you get it? HE'S SLEEPING NOW!
>> No. 51652
>psychochology class

I did 2 years of "Psychology" classes if that counts - and having a mental illness does not permit you to take illegal substances or harass people who belong to a particular website. At best a diagnosis means you will go to a mental institution instead of prison when the time comes.
>> No. 51654

Okay, you're going full try hard with this now Robb, we get it, you're totally sommbulising right now so we shouldn't try to get you in any more legal trouble, right? Great plan, I guess we'll just have to stop then. It's over guys, Robb beat us, we can just give up and leave him alone now.
>> No. 51655
File 134973298571.gif - (19.57KB , 196x196 , cryptkeeper.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I suspect they were the ones willing to throw 6k on us to convert you to a man. Nordstrom's website is brilliant. I might buy her two pairs of john madden's.

I might stop by citytrendz for the Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles halloween costum. Going to need to buy the crypt keeper costume and a auburn red perm wig.
>> No. 51657
Hey Robbay, looks like you need a new trip.
>> No. 51658
Robert just admit it, you are a nice republican christian cisgender just like your parents. :)
>> No. 51659
Guess what, I don't care. Take my trip, Introman. They'll be so many clones of me you won't be able to tell which is the real me.

I want to die right now. I jsut don't care any fucking more.
>> No. 51660
Cut the EMO bullshit, Robb. Besides, you're not very difficult to spot.
>> No. 51661
What if introman is Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's Tyler Durden?
>> No. 51662
Yet another sad tripcode related suicide. When will it end?
>> No. 51663
Than do it. Go fucking die and stop talking about it.
>> No. 51664

>I have only further saved myself
>> No. 51665

Lol, if you leave this earth. Every anti-trans group will hire us to convert all them trannies back in to the nerdy men they're . Look at the results of you Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. We converted you back in to a man. We did something the modern medical establishment could never do. One day I will be on CNN explaining tranny trolling in helping the transgender community to avoid all the pain of transitioning.
>> No. 51666
This is seriously an insult to people that are legit suicidal
>> No. 51667
Hear me Kyle?! You're free to put your bullets in my head right now. I;m not stopping you. DO IT. DO IT FOR YOUR EVIL CAPITALIST RELIGION.
>> No. 51668

I don't think he can do it over the internet brah.
>> No. 51669
No, I think watching you lose your mind is a much better fate, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 51670
You are a good guy introman.
>> No. 51671

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, come on IRC
>> No. 51672

I am still a GENDER QUEER. HOw can you not put that inside of your thick skull. I am bi-sexual too. If I want to fuck men I will, If I want to fuck women I also will.



>> No. 51673
Don't like Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you know that the melodrama you create for yourself on this board is the only thing preventing you from having to examine your life. You enjoy this on some level.
>> No. 51674
just get on irc
>> No. 51675

>> No. 51676
I sense anger in your heart. Come back when you don't have it.
>> No. 51677
You seem pretty miffed over nothing. If introman never converted you, why are you defensive?
>> No. 51678
>> No. 51679

He thinks he converted me. He thought wrong. I am androgynous and thats why women and men are both attracted to me.
>> No. 51680
but no ones attracted to you, and people have only complimented your appearance out of pity.
>> No. 51681
Ok see , that word you used there , implies that people cant tell you are a man.
>> No. 51682
But why are you so mad then?

Your tears are delicious Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 51683
How can they be attracted to you when you smell like sewage?
>> No. 51684
I'm attracted to you because you're a pretty boy. Except you're skinny as fuck

You've been lifting the weights like I suggested?
>> No. 51685
>I legitly have NO control over my actual thoughts unless I try.
>unless I try.
>unless I try.

I legitly can't breathe unless I try.
>> No. 51686

To think this is what would happen to a wraith war lord! I've never seen a man quiver in front of introman and myself like that. We made a pretty mint on you and turned you back in to a man. Jordan is afraid to release notes in public. Ahuviya is chang hai shekking to oregon. You're out of philly all because of two strong men coming together and joining forces. You wanted to be a woman because as robert wayne stiles. The only ladies that could stand to be around him were projections and pixels. You're done Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. The new wraith has won. Give it a year or two and we might convince the ama to try our method better. Might save a whole lot of pain to submissive male autohynephiliacs to transition.
>> No. 51687
>I legitly have NO control over my actual thoughts unless I try.

that...would be part of the definition of "control," yes.
>> No. 51688

>> No. 51689
File 134973413764.png - (13.95KB , 654x78 , 134973274790.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Maybe we should send this to your parents Rob.
>> No. 51690
File 134973416884.jpg - (63.44KB , 800x365 , nazi beard bros for life.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> If I want to fuck women I also will.
>> No. 51691
I think she is a cute girl. :)
>> No. 51692
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, I'm actually kind of glad that you're back
>> No. 51693

So why the fuck do you expect people to call you a woman then? Double standards again Robb?


>and thats why women and men are both attracted to me.

Dude, you got a kiss off one girl. And that's it.
>> No. 51694
Jealous as ever, I see. And the difference is, Omega doesn't look like a scarecrow.
>> No. 51695

>I am androgynous and thats why women and men are both attracted to me.

Most men and women aren't attracted to androgynous people though, they're attracted to actual women and men.
>> No. 51696
So how is Portland?

Oh rite you never went lol, ADF ditched you because even he thinks you are disgusting
>> No. 51697

You think I only transitioned because I was SEXUALLY FRUSTURATED. THATS WHAT I HATE. My pain is bleeding out all over this fucking site but who keeps coming back for more? YOU.

I've had to shed identity after identity, again and again AND FUCKING AGAIN. I just want to live a happy life. Remember Penelope, she could have also but NO. YOU MADE ME PARANOID, AND FUCKED IT UP. I COULD HAVE BEEN MARRIED YOU FUCKING SON OF A BICH.
>> No. 51698
File 134973437897.jpg - (15.68KB , 380x300 , bateman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You know I meant to post that anon but I'm so glad it didn't go through, I'm sorry you're a 24 year old virgin rob I pity you for srs.
>> No. 51699
Damn, Robb. You've completely lost your shit now.
>> No. 51700

You're just a barely comprehensible dick WITH A DICK. Don't get so smug because there are fatass chicks who shop at hot topic who get more than you. Why don't you embrace your manhood or admit your just like me. GENDER QUEER.
>> No. 51701

>My pain is bleeding out all over this fucking site but who keeps coming back for more? YOU.

Are...are you really saying that people who enjoy this site should leave while you, someone who hates this site, has no responsibility what so ever?


Hahahaa oh god. No. She just wanted your parents' money, Robert.
>> No. 51702

>who keeps coming back for more?

You do, lol.


Dude, if you were thinking about marriage after one kiss then you fucked up any chance of a relationship with her all by yourself. She pushed you away because you freaked her out with shit like this, why the fuck did you think she would drop her life and go on the run with you after only knowing you for a week? We didn't make you do that shit Robb, you did it on your own.
>> No. 51703
>You think I only transitioned because I was SEXUALLY FRUSTURATED.

But you said it yourself. You tried to look like a woman because you thought girls liked it.
>> No. 51704
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles what is it with you harrassing women?
>> No. 51705
  >>This thread
>> No. 51706
>I don't give a shit about this site anymore

How's that coming along, Robert?
>> No. 51707
Holy shit I'm here for a Robbay meltdown.

I have midterms, but shit, I think they can wait for a bit.
>> No. 51708
>>I've had to shed identity after identity, again and again AND FUCKING AGAIN.

No you haven't Rob, normal people don't just plead ignorance and claim to be someone else whenever they don't want to deal with the consequences of their actions, that's something a child does.

An adult takes responsibility, and you just claim over and over to be some new person and claim you've reinvented yourself when again and again you're the same lanky druggie with bad teeth. You seriously think pleading insanity is a get out of jail free card? Do you have any idea how difficult it is to for that to fly in court?
>> No. 51709

>Don't get so smug because there are fatass chicks who shop at hot topic who get more than you.

And you get even less than her.
>> No. 51710
File 13497346729.jpg - (23.97KB , 332x332 , 1346135415325.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I know you're sexually frustrated but you don't have too take it out on me Rob it's okay plenty of people like you exist in the internet age, have you tried posting in feel threads? it might be therapeutic for you.
>> No. 51711
>> No. 51712
I've had to shed my identity more than once too Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. My most recent time was when I turned 26.
>> No. 51713
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles I feel sorry for you, you dont even have a freind to talk to so you have to come here.
>> No. 51714

LOOK at all the fucking pictures on dramatica and notice how each one looks different. How many of you could do the same. Change on a single note. Call me a lanky druggie, I can fucking do fucking front flips and I know kata and taijutsu. So much for not being physically flip.
>> No. 51715
shut up unfunny ween homosexual deviant
>> No. 51717

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, the taijutsu in NURUTU isn't the same as IRL taijutsu. You can't learn that by watching anime, lol.
>> No. 51718
>LOOK at all the fucking pictures on dramatica and notice how each one looks different. How many of you could do the same. Change on a single note.
>> No. 51719
Nah, you look like a crackwhore in each one
>> No. 51720
>> No. 51721
But they all look the same. Each one just as terrible as the last.

Can you even lift 20 pounds Rob?
>> No. 51722
Something gives me the feeling that you wouldn't be able to flip much of anything in your current drug-addled state.
>> No. 51723

Am I unfunny because I'm a namefag?
>> No. 51724
File 134973499358.gif - (112.87KB , 280x210 , 1293843514341.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I'm sure you're quite the skilled sand ninja, Robert.
>> No. 51725
And yet you weren't able to disappear?

Your not intimidating anyone Robbay. Your weak and anyone could show up face to face and beat you up.
>> No. 51726

Just because you do your hair differently or wear a wig, doesn't make you look all that different to be honest. Still the same unconvincing transvestite.
>> No. 51727
Nope your unfunny because your weenfag

also...your not funny
>> No. 51728
>> No. 51729

>I can fucking do fucking front flips and I know kata and taijutsu.

When was the last time you did any of those things Robb? Be honest.
>> No. 51730
Something gives me the feeling this video was pre-bath salts.
>> No. 51731
Robb, as someone who actually does know martial arts, I'll be nice and give you these pointers.

1) Most martial arts, save a select few, are extremely impractical in an actual fight. To give an example; Bruce Lee was once asked if, in a real fight, if he had to choose between his moves and a gun, which would he choose?

He chose the gun. And you're no Bruce Lee.

2) Martial arts do not inherently make you an unstoppable badass, if someone is stronger than you (in your case, most everyone), then they've got the advantage. A guy who regularly exercises will have no trouble with someone like you, even if you're trained. Most of the reason professional martial artists are so good at fighting isn't simply because of their moves, but because they are in really, really good shape.
>> No. 51732
Robert how does it feel knowing Chris-chan is more androgynous looking than you can ever hope to be?
>> No. 51733
File 134973548182.png - (598.27KB , 719x2362 , Cave Story.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey Robbay, Homor made a comic for you
>> No. 51734

>So much for not being physically flip.

Do you mean physically fit? You're not Robb, you're skinnier than Gollum and quite obviously strung out to fuck, whether that's on drugs or just pure paranoia doesn't make much difference, you're not physically fit.
>> No. 51735
>LOOK at all the fucking pictures on dramatica and notice how each one looks different. How many of you could do the same. Change on a single note. Call me a lanky druggie, I can fucking do fucking front flips and I know kata and taijutsu. So much for not being physically flip.
In all of those pictures you look like the same ugly man, sometimes with a wig, sometimes with makeup.
>> No. 51736
  Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, can I suggest a legal dreamteam for your future insanity case?
>> No. 51737
Homor is getting quite good at this!
>> No. 51738
go to sleep rob it sounds like you need it.
>> No. 51739
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you are the funniest non-Chris lolcow since Darksidered992.
>> No. 51740
For the last time, tell Homor he will NEVER find out what went down in that cave. EVER. AS MUCH AS HE BEGS. NOTHING ILLEGAL HAPPENED. ONLY EMBARASSING THINGS.

That is all I'm saying and because it was just embarassing and not illegal. I stand by the first amendment not to say anything else about it.
>> No. 51741
Oh god, did you expose your asshole to all of the wolverines?

Did they shove things into it?
>> No. 51742

Origin of the loveshy.
>> No. 51743
Fine, Rob. You win. We'll marry you.
You obviously crave our affection and if you love something.. well, we've tried letting each other go and that didn't work. We need you, too. Let's do it; let's get married.
After you get some rest and go to a therapist.
>> No. 51744
Robb, i agree with you. Read the end of the comic.
>> No. 51745
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, did a guy touch you?
>> No. 51746
What part of "You are an unfunny moron" dont you understand?
>> No. 51747
calm down rob
>> No. 51748
  This isn't normal. But on bath salts, it is.
>> No. 51749

You mean the fifth, not the first, dumb ass. I'm not even American and I know that, what the fuck is your excuse?
>> No. 51750
  All I do is bath salts.
>> No. 51751
>If I want to fuck men I will, If I want to fuck women I also will.

Hahahahaaaa! You'd have to find sonebody willing first.
>> No. 51752

If he had a vagina, I'd fuck him.
>> No. 51753
We know, weenfag.
>> No. 51754

Seeing robbays anus is a right of passage in that deviant club
>> No. 51755
Good to see Portland is treating you well Bobby
>> No. 51756
File 134973894144.jpg - (53.23KB , 500x677 , tumblr_m0unetj4751qzdvhio1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 51757


"Don't forget your meth face" is Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's personal motto
>> No. 51758

Are you using the term loosly?
>> No. 51759
At this point I'm beginning to think Rob is a masochist because even a fucking spast would have learned not to do this by now.
>> No. 51760
  /cwc/ feeds on your tears, Rob. you should know this by now.
>> No. 51761
He panicked and shat himself when spelunking.
>> No. 51762
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you look like the same fucktard in every picture. You can watch the slide into bathsalt abuse as you get thinner and uglier through the progression
>> No. 51763
>> No. 51764
Shitting yourself is an important rite of passage for a lolcow.
>> No. 51765
Stop talking about this fucking shit that happened in October. It's well over. I didn't do anything that worthy of breaking the law. It's fucking dead and buried. Your just bringing back the painful repressed memories that I will kill by the end of this night.

I barely have anything to eat and am now contending for getting food stamps. I can't believe your plan was to put me on fucking welfare, Introman. Just because I said at being more competent than a lot of those manly fucks at transway AND I ACTUALLY WAS. I was a valued member of the artist community and now I'm on the verge of even selling my cameras.
>> No. 51766
hey rob come chat on irc
>> No. 51767
Rob, you know its october right now right?
>> No. 51768
>It's fucking dead and buried.
Sounds serious.
>> No. 51769
File 134974971629.jpg - (3.80KB , 127x125 , 1330559437603s.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's called suicide. Try it. Seeing as it's too difficult for you to handle the internet. There's a lot of people with real problems.
>> No. 51770
someone with no real problems doesn't deserve the sympathy a truly suicidal person should have.
>> No. 51771
You know Robb, if you didn't take shit that was said online so seriously, you never would have gotten yourself into this mess to begin with. Your ego is your undoing.
>> No. 51772
Nowhere did I imply Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles deserves sympathy and I have none for him.
>> No. 51773
I guess shitting yourself isn't illegal, but I loled a bit when you alled. yourself a valued artist.
>> No. 51774
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles NO!!!! Don't sell your cameras! The world needs your art and the fresh perspective it brings! DON'T STOP BELIEVING IN YOUR DREAMS!
>> No. 51775
But Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you never used the digital slr anyway also why not sell your iphone first?
>> No. 51776
Rob killed something and buried it in a cave. Oh that poor cat.
>> No. 51777
File 134975324926.gif - (180.06KB , 400x276 , 785886791_60619.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
An accurate depiction of Robb's old(?) apartment
>> No. 51778
So Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is like a starving artist, minus the talent.
>> No. 51779
File 134975479528.png - (68.97KB , 250x141 , Robbie brilliant idea.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And he's only starving and broke because he's a moron. It's not as if he spends all of his time and money creating and perfecting his art. Good thing he has other talents like martial arts and being a master of disguise.
>> No. 51780
Like a character from La Boheme but without Puccini's music, charm and nobody gives a damn about him.
>> No. 51781
oh sweet Jesus! Robb came back, and he was completely shit-faced again. This just made my day.
>> No. 51782
He may not have a home, but he has us. :)
>> No. 51783
We're more of a family to him than those dang dirty Christians ever were. Well, except we don't have that kinda money.
>> No. 51784
File 134978650692.jpg - (389.91KB , 1146x1600 , 18theburnsarchivelup.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
My face when Rob can't spell Somnambulist and thinks it's a mental condition and not the clinical term for sleepwalking. Must be a real trick sleepwalking when you have insomnia Rob.
>> No. 51785
File 134979634094.jpg - (19.64KB , 657x345 , thecabinetofdrcaligari2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Perhaps Robb has recently seen the German Expressionist film The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari where the titular doctor hypnotically controls a somnambulist (and it does use that specific word), sending him out into the night to commit murders.
>> No. 51786
I prefer being murdered by Cesare rather than by the Goblin King.
>> No. 51787
Does robb still live in philly? Or did he move to hipsterville?
>> No. 51788
http://www.anorak.co.uk/333936/strange-but-true/cross-dresser-who-raped-neighbours-pet-goat-to-death-escapes-prison.html/ new friend for Mr.Stiles????
>> No. 51789
I think ROBBAY was the goat.
>> No. 51790
I think that's what happened in the cave
>> No. 51791
He didn't go to Portland. I think he might have moved back in with his parents. He's "just pretending" to be a guy again to appease them.
>> No. 51792

Aww, I was gonna come visit him. Ah well.
>> No. 51793
Visit him in Jersey
>> No. 51794
Please can somebody on here send me money? I spent the amount my parents gave me on something I wasn't supposed to get. I blew all of it out the fucking window. Just send it to the Versallies please? Is the person claiming to be my biggest fan on here? Can you, he/she just please do it, I can't afford a therapist and how the hell am I supposed to get off of my meds now?

Please just send me money soon, my parents want me to move back in with them. They think the whole fucking subculture in Philly has corrupted me. God, please. My father is fucking conservative.
>> No. 51795
File 134981558880.jpg - (28.83KB , 380x302 , 1338931592808.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 51796
You don't seriously expect anyone here to give you money, do you?
>> No. 51797
File 134981570069.jpg - (72.94KB , 500x333 , Hitler picnic.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> I spent the amount my parents gave me on something I wasn't supposed to get
You know, I've got a cousin. She has allowance, and one time she was asking for a bit more because she had bought some candy and was then all out of money again. She's eleven.
>> No. 51798

If there is seriously someone on this site who wants to help me, they could by sending at least $200.
>> No. 51799

Come to IRC and we'll discuss it.
>> No. 51800
Why do you expect anyone to send you money? You'll just blow it on bath salts again.
>> No. 51801

You always make fucking chat logs of whatever I say. Only in this thread or through email.

Here's my troll/shit email: [email protected]


I saw that shitty flick once at the Nocturne and no, I was not inspired because of it. There are LEGITLY people who's mind have no free will when they are sleep deprived and go into an illusionary psuedo sleeping state.That is what I personally believe drives me to insanity because I am, but I was not always.
>> No. 51802
Where will we send this money?
>> No. 51803
Your meds? You mean the bath salts and the meth? Cold turkey.
Also we are contacting the court about your failure to attend therapy.
>> No. 51804

>I spent the amount my parents gave me on something I wasn't supposed to get.

Tsk tsk, bath salts again, was it? Or was it weed?


>they could by sending at least $200.

Exactly the amount you were asking your old friend in college for as reparations for daring to talk to people here, like he should fucking owe you money for that. That was for weed as well as I recall.


>.That is what I personally believe

So it's more self diagnosed bullshit then is it? Yeah, that'll really hold up in court Robb, YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH VIRTUALLY ANYTHING.
>> No. 51805
>There are LEGITLY people who's mind have no free will when they are sleep deprived and go into an illusionary psuedo sleeping state.That is what I personally believe drives me to insanity because I am, but I was not always.

It's the fucking bath salts, retard.
>> No. 51806
>Just send it to the Versallies please?

So when you say you moved, that was actually bullshit, wasn't it? You're still in the same flat. Also, What meds are you on Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 51807
any money we send will just be used on the drugs that keep you awake. We know better.
>> No. 51808
(I will need your exact address and name)
>> No. 51809
Alright, Robbay, suppose we give you the $200. What do we get in return?
>> No. 51810
File 134981675240.gif - (490.04KB , 220x166 , neil.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You know who else logs what you say to them? Every financial institution that's existed for the last seven thousand years.

Do you want "troll/shit" or do you want $200? I can provide you with both, and your professionalism is going to decide what you get. I'd prefer it if you joined IRC.
>> No. 51811
>I spent the amount my parents gave me

god dammit robb, you're still taking money from your parents? why the fuck didn't you stick at your job instead of running off to play queen of the poconos you fucking parasite, and now you're asking for more free money from us?
>> No. 51813

You'll talk in irc or you won't get any money. You're not in a position to make demands.
>> No. 51814
Ok, where do I send it? Might be best to come on the irc to hand over your bank details securely.
>> No. 51815
>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 51816

This is the only way you're going to get $200 from me: Videotape yourself for 10 minutes at the least, talking about what you need the money for. Also, talk about the girls you went to high school with.
>> No. 51817
He needs to set up a paypal.
>> No. 51818
The solution is a bum fight between Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles and Adf. The purse will be 200 donated by da trolls. Hand wielded blunt weapons only.
>> No. 51819
>> No. 51820

Why do you need to know about any girls at my high school? The Chrissy incident happened in college you numbskull.I am never whoring myself out to the internet again so neither you, Homor, or the fuck who wants to see my nudes will ever be satisfied. Even Chris Chan had to be restrained from the internet and he's sainer than me.

I'd rather deal with fucking loan sharks than this site. You people make it impossible. YOU'RE the ones who have corrupted me. Fuck this, I'm just going to sell my computer. NO MORE FUCKING COCKS THAN TROLLS! YOU'LL BE FORCED TO SUCK UP CHRIS CHAN FB POSTS LKE THE LITTLE BOTTOM FEEDERS YOU ARE.
>> No. 51822
You won't sell your computer and even supposing you did, it wouldn't be enough to keep you away from here.
>> No. 51823
File 134981824227.jpg - (11.25KB , 244x297 , hitler phone.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
See you tomorrow Robert.
>> No. 51824
>Loan Sharks

interesting choice of words, got some money problems there Robert?

and no you wont, who are you even trying to kid?
>> No. 51825
Well at least Chris is a more interesting person than you.
>> No. 51826
Do it fagg0t.
>> No. 51827
File 134981847278.jpg - (44.69KB , 400x559 , frustrated jewish owl.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Way to be a weener.


>I'd rather deal with fucking loan sharks than this site. You people make it impossible. Fuck this, I'm just going to sell my computer.

Frankly, I've never had to go through this much trouble to send someone $200, Ri­ka.

All I've asked of you is to connect to IRC. You don't need to join #789, just connect to irc.lostsig.net through Mibbit and PM me.

Considering how I'm on IRC right now and you've used IRC before, I'd call "making it impossible" an overstatement. The offer is still open.
>> No. 51828
And then we'll still see you on here.
>> No. 51829
I heard you had a nasty little habit of punching girls in your high school.
>> No. 51830
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles how do you expect anyone is going to give you money if you just give them vague directions?

Since you said you changed your name what would anyone even write (Assuming you are not lying which would come as a great shock), should we just stuff money in an envelope with Versallies, Philadelphia written on it?
>> No. 51831
>You always make fucking chat logs of whatever I say.
Whether you post here, in emails or on IRC we're all going to get to see it. So what's the fucking difference you retard?
>> No. 51832
Son, we're trying to help you here, we're trying to redeem you....

You've let us down, repeatedly
You've become a cancerous morass of moral turpitude, a sickening example of the end result of cultural Marxism and a vector for Philadelphia's drug-addled spastic dregs

Your infantile transexual-lite games have evidently cost you your sanity & your career
In view of this recent financial impropriety we have decided to put you under surveillance at 'the Versallies'.


So either go back to the love and support of your parents or live in the knowledge that we will be controlling your actions from here on....
>> No. 51833
>> No. 51834
Random anon here... I don't have $200, but could stick a 20 in an envelope or something. Is there an address to send the money?
>> No. 51835
>They think the whole fucking subculture in Philly has corrupted me

They are right. Go home and be a man and get therapy.
>> No. 51836
Admitting that you're worse than Chris is the most endearing thing done.
>> No. 51837
>God, please. My father is fucking conservative.
>> No. 51838
File 134982161784.jpg - (13.82KB , 188x268 , images.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
With a purdy little mouth like yours you ever thought about going into gay porn?
Instead of poor little white boy it'd been 'poor little trans boy'
>> No. 51839
>>Please can somebody on here send me money? I spent the amount my parents gave me on something I wasn't supposed to get. I blew all of it out the fucking window. Just send it to the Versallies please? Is the person claiming to be my biggest fan on here? Can you, he/she just please do it, I can't afford a therapist and how the hell am I supposed to get off of my meds now?

Please just send me money soon, my parents want me to move back in with them. They think the whole fucking subculture in Philly has corrupted me. God, please. My father is fucking conservative.

What is this? Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you are back to moping around, whining and begging for money, saying you spent yours (sorry, your parents) on something you shouldn't have gotten? (we all know its bath salts btw) Why are you so careless!

And why call on me to help? I may be your "Number 1 Fan", but I'm suffering through this recession/shit world times just like you are. Heck, I just checked my bank account (pay day is Tuesday where I work) and my paycheck was only $100. I got lots of shit to take care of too (school loans, internet bills, food..) I really can't just paypal you right now (and if you don't have a paypal, you're shit out of luck if you want to depend on me. I don't live in America)

Now stop being foozle, drop off the bath salts, start lifting weights and as for your father being a "conservative" then allow me to tell you something.
I am also a conservative! Guess what? I'm also a "Woman-Man" like you. Why don't you just make amends with your father or something, say you're sorry like you mean it, stop with the dresses (you can keep your hair though) for a little while and stop being a jackass.

~ R#1F out
>> No. 51840
I think Omega is an attractive person Robert. ironically I don't view you as attractive or a person.
>> No. 51841
>> No. 51842

It's confirmed

>robbayyyy is tsundere for 789chan
>> No. 51843
you should know that your au­tism will not be tolerated no matter how hard you rage against the robbay. cut it the fuck out with the capslock spergin
>> No. 51844
>> No. 51845
Rob, just go back home to your parents. Sleep for about a decade. Then once you're rested try another stab at the world. You'll get nowhere in your current state.
>> No. 51846
File 134982332676.jpg - (52.88KB , 600x920 , 200 dollar pumps.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You're just begging for 200 dollars because that's how much a plane ticket costs to portland. It's pretty amusing for you to be begging since you squandered a ton of your parent's money. I see the investment they made in my and Kyle's service is working.

Just because of your personality defects and the obsession with 200 dollars. I just spent $200 earned from this job for vladislava. Uploaded the nordstrom image so you don't have to do the searching.
>> No. 51847
You're a giant ween tryhard homosexual deviant. You're not funny at all.
>> No. 51848
Sure thing, champ
I guess trying to help Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is so passe, right?
This guy has been through hell because of cultural marxism and Social Justice tomfoolery and the best you can do is accuse me of spasm?

Come on, you're better than that
>> No. 51849
what's up, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 51850
>Just send it to the Versallies please?

But yesterday you told us you moved, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. BTW, it's pretty sad that you can't even spell the name of a building you've lived in for over a year.
>> No. 51851

They're offering a roof over your head and probably meals, there's NO reason you should decline their offer
>> No. 51852

But he won't be able to play dress up any more!
>> No. 51853
>> No. 51854
File 134982612475.png - (315.00KB , 5000x5000 , lel HD.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 51855
Robbie's cycle;

Give me money please.
>> No. 51856
You can't stop me
nobody can stop me.....
>> No. 51857
File 134982791531.gif - (2.27MB , 250x188 , 1335725275945.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wait, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's back?
>> No. 51858
The idiot never left.

This cavalcade of comedy could end now if the idiot stopped posting here.
>> No. 51859
I smell you know who in this thread.
>> No. 51860
Why would you want it to end, oni-chan?

789chan is a festering Jesuit cesspool that will always draw you back, like a necrophiliac longing for the kiss of rotting lips
>> No. 51861
Oh I don't want it to end -- I'm just confident he'll never leave. After all, this place is the only attention he really gets.
>> No. 51862

For Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesaaaa 789chan is an itch he can't stop scratching while with every other lolcow they eventually learn to avoid

It's like shoving your honey-covered dick into a bee's nest for the hundredth time and expecting a different result
Even with chris' obvious developmental issues he didn't fly into the eye of the storm with such vigour
>> No. 51863
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles expects us to support him if we want our cocks. Hence why he's threatening to sell his computer. It'll be his loss if he does that.

Then he won't have anyone on the internet to bitch at, he'll transfer his anger to something else, and worse.
>> No. 51864
Why do you even want it to continue?
>> No. 51865
File 134983548130.jpg - (2.13MB , 1316x1988 , HamburgerHelperL11.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Even with chris' obvious developmental issues he didn't fly into the eye of the storm with such vigour

True, but Chris wasn't snorting Hamburger Helper, or whatever Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is pretending to be a helpless victim of.
>> No. 51866
>> No. 51867
Just a hint there, tiger
Do you think Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles even knows what cultural marxism means, or has read Gramsci
So the first post you're quoting is trying to place Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles socially in view of the current social justice / tumblr spasm fuckery

You jumped the gun in your quivering desperation for a lolcow's response
Quite unseemly

Good luck being a troll shielder, son, you'll need it
>> No. 51868
u mad?
>> No. 51869
more aroused
I guess you 'wolverine' cavefags roll deep, huh?

Don't worry though, we're gon' find your boy RWS & get him turning tricks for rough trade in an alleyway
>> No. 51870
re: cave-shitting, poops hanging out of the ass are stalactites, shit on the ground are stalaG(for ground)mites...
>> No. 51871
>> No. 51872
>you will never know what happened in that cave with Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles and the wolverines
>> No. 51873
Damn, Satan is ripped.
>> No. 51874
Perhaps Robbie and the Wolverines tried out some scat play down there.
>> No. 51875
File 134988857998.png - (228.83KB , 1211x657 , sinceImoved.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
New ADF journal entry up. Once again, he proves his stupidity by keeping up the "I'm totally in Portland now" facade.
>> No. 51876
File 13498895446.jpg - (85.49KB , 400x520 , Felicia__s_Schoolgirl_ID_2008_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Not really much different as his past "living in Canada", though.
>> No. 51877
File 134988987549.png - (30.35KB , 1243x248 , mikhailebegging.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I just find it hilarious that he and Mikhail can't get their stories to mesh. The Trio of Terror truly do deserve each other.
>> No. 51878

We moved to Portland dumbasses. Julay for believing me. Mikhail knows how you guys hang on every word I say so what better to distract you.

Fucking Julay! I can now TOTALLY fuck with you guys. Consider this payback for all the things you've done to me. You were going to send money to an empty address and I hope you realize I can bargain with my own fucking FLESH AND BLOOD too, Introman. Guess what, they still care about me and would gladly give me money as fucked up hardcore republicans as they are. That how people like them work.

Kiss my ass and JULAY!
>> No. 51879
File 134989068477.gif - (3.58MB , 240x176 , hitler cute.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Consider this payback for all the things you've done to me
If returning and making an ass of yourself, bringing entertainment to hundreds is your impression of "payback", I'd gladly have some more of that "payback".

And good luck to you. I was hoping you'd find a way to get money and maintain stable internet connection. Would've been a shame if you had to stop posting here.
>> No. 51880
Sure you did, Robb. Looks like it's time for Operation Destruction to commence.
>> No. 51881
>implying that we were going to send you money

You truly are delusional, Robbay.
>> No. 51882
>> No. 51884

>You were going to send money to an empty address

No, no we weren't.
>> No. 51885
Damn, Robb. You responded even faster this time than you did when I posted the Versailles pic. Also, this doesn't quite fit with your posts from yesterday, now does it?
>> No. 51886

Hey Zyklon, shut your cunt. I can do whatever I want at your expense. Do I need to list everything you've done to me, all the psychological traumas and bad habits you brought of me.

I can't sleep, whenver I do I do so with a boxcutter under the pillow. I have hallucinations that blend with real life. I think I'm becoming a fucking SCHIZOFRENTIC. My stomach ties itself in knots whenever I go on this site and I clutch my knive as I read everthing that has been written to OBLIVERATE me emotionally.

I could go on but you already fucking KNOW, you completely ugly bitchface.
>> No. 51887
No accountability as always, never change Robb.
>> No. 51888
File 134989145442.jpg - (70.80KB , 620x421 , Empty seats.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The number of people who care if you're actually in Portland or not. The only thing that matters is that you're back acting like your usual self.

Didn't you threaten to rape Zyklon at one time?
>> No. 51889
While you're here, could you tell us about all the girls you've punched out and raped in high school?
>> No. 51890

I thought moving to Portland was going to change your life into a magical, endless joy, and you'd never come back here again ever ever ever?
>> No. 51891
File 134989156187.jpg - (105.08KB , 547x715 , nazi with a bunny.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>coming back and making everyone laugh
Truly Robb your revenges are the worst.

>Do I need to list everything you've done to me, all the psychological traumas and bad habits you brought of me.
Please do.

>I can't sleep, whenver I do I do so with a boxcutter under the pillow.
I can fairly certainly say sleeping without a boxcutter under your pillow would be safer.

>I have hallucinations that blend with real life.
Yeah, like thinking you're a woman. I told you months ago that isn't sane, but you didn't believe me. But I'm glad you've come to terms with your insanity.

>I could go on but you already fucking KNOW, you completely ugly bitchface.
Stones and glass houses, Bob-boy.
>> No. 51892

I'm so glad I'm a Republican like your parents!

JULAY you motherfucker!
>> No. 51893


Oh gawd, new coffee filter plz.
>> No. 51894
"i would murder all of you if i had the chance. i'll take a glock and ram it down your cunt, zyklon. zyklon, i'd skin in a second. i'm glad she is never setting foot in the us. no fucking bitch. you set foot in the city limits and i'll dig into your ribs. im serious. i'll tie your tubes with a boxcutter" Sound familiar, Robb?
>> No. 51895
>Doctors and clinicians at U.S. poison centers have indicated that ingesting or snorting "bath salts" containing synthetic stimulants can cause chest pains, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, agitation, hallucinations, extreme paranoia, and delusions.
>> No. 51896
If it so bad then why do you keep coming here idiot.

Also can a mod check Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles ip address to see where he is at
>> No. 51897

>My stomach ties itself in knots whenever I go on this site and I clutch my knive as I read everthing that has been written to OBLIVERATE me emotionally.

Then why do you keep coming back?
>> No. 51898

He's described all of those symptoms at one point or another.
>> No. 51899
The most entertaining part of the best lolcows are simple, enduring mysteries. Why won't Rob just stop coming here? Every time he bitches at /cwc/ it's funny for just this reason.
>> No. 51900
Oh no now I am looking foolish sending weed, bathsalts and $1000 to Versallies in Mr. Robert Wayne Stiless name. :(

I put a return address to your parents house so I guess you can pick it up there.
>> No. 51901
Robbie it's obvious you were telling the truth last time, the truth always comes out when you're shit-faced, and it's obvious you were shit-faced because your typing was even more fucked up than usual.

This is just you trying to save face again, badly.
>> No. 51902
File 134989233756.gif - (3.91MB , 232x174 , 77f8bd7ea31500707bb505175a7693a8.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>i'll take a glock and ram it down your cunt, zyklon.
>> No. 51903
File 134989262552.jpg - (157.72KB , 404x598 , criedwolf.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 51904

Yeah, if we could get a check on his IP that would be great.
>> No. 51905
God, I love /rws/.
>> No. 51906
> Do I need to list everything you've done to me, all the psychological traumas and bad habits you brought of me.

God yes, please do.
>> No. 51907
Even if Ri­ka DID make it to Portland, what does he think will happen? Does he think there isn't ween just because it's in a liberal town?

Not to mention the fact that Ri­ka and ADF couldn't afford to buy a pot to piss in let alone make their way to Portland (lol Mikhail begging on reddit).

Also, he's not using a Portland IP address.
>> No. 51908
>Becoming Schizophrenic

there's that knowledge of pyshchochology again!
>> No. 51909
>I clutch my knive as I read everthing that has been written to OBLIVERATE me emotionally.

Why? Are you going to stab your computer to show it who is boss?
>> No. 51910

>Also, he's not using a Portland IP address.

Where is it based, do you know?
>> No. 51911
I cannot believe you Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. You tried to leach off on me when you were going to have me send it to the wrong address? Fuck you. Is this some sort of sick revenge plot? I haven't done anything to you! All I ever did was admire your challenge to yourself. I'm just as desperate as you are bro (yes I'm a virgin). Things only have started to change for me emotionally since like June. That's when I became a woman-man, and it was all thanks to your inspiration Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. That's why I am your biggest fan. Look at the rest of the board, they all think I'm ween.

If you are in Portland (and I hope you are) then I suggest you actually start over, just as I did a year and a half ago. If you can't help visiting this site as you can't help spending your parents money on bath salts, then you are incapable of it. Here's what I suggest.

- QUIT BATH SALTS. Seriously bro, any drug besides weed (and to a lesser consent, shrooms) is bad. Just smoke the ganga. Find different ways to smoke...

- Eat better. Aim for 5000 Calories a day. Track calories.

- Buy an Olympic weight barbell set. Do the SL5X5 method. I promise you you'll be completely different in 6 months.

I say all this from one woman-man to the next.

~ R#1F

>> No. 51912

Shit, Rob, for such a false victim it'd be good to at least learn the names of the disorders you want to leech off of.
>> No. 51913
You do know that Oregon is blessed with my presence too. I'll be at the red and black cafe planting the seeds of your destruction in Portland. It seems like all the people who fall to introman live in Oregon. I might have to step up the propaganda campaign to make you feel at home. Just trying to give you a little of that Philadelphia spirit.
>> No. 51914
Spergs like this are never gone for long.
>> No. 51915
File 134989920728.jpg - (902.61KB , 900x1550 , ADF_at_the_2010_Dyke_March_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Philadelphia spirit.
>> No. 51916
Can anyone tell me if the wolverines were ever a real threat on the Philly streets?
>> No. 51917

It was a bunch of trannies wandering around filming themselves shouting "WOLVERINEESSSSSS" like retards. That's all they did.
>> No. 51918
File 134990089236.png - (88.43KB , 711x519 , wolverines.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is kind of old, but here's a list.
>> No. 51919
  Rob I know you're here so can you answer the follwing question: Do you fight shadow /cwc/ers when you're high like this guy?
>> No. 51920
File 134990132182.png - (1.48MB , 900x1309 , sasuke___these_mean_streets_by_adf_fuensalida-d37v.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles thought "wolverines" actually means werewolves.

No, really, this is what he believed all the time.

Isn't Darryl's also a tranny? Or aren't they all.
>> No. 51921
No, Darryl's married. If you look at his FB, you'll see some photos taken from the "command center rooftop." lol

>> No. 51922
dose teff gottam
>> No. 51923
https://www.facebook.com/darryl.moran/photos_stream ?

Some of these photos are pretty damn awesome.
>> No. 51924

You just made a widely intolerant statement against several thousands of innocent people with Gender Dysphoria. Care to make any more anti-LGBT nation comments for my article I'm compiling on you and your fellow skinheads. Your ugly mug is going to crown the new ED page, Zyklon
>> No. 51925
Actually I do, I made this little video just for you guys.
>> No. 51926
Don't forget to include all the anti-LGBT stuff you've written or it just wouldn't be true.
>> No. 51927

Do it homosexual deviant.
>> No. 51928

Their's no such thing as an innocent transgender. Every single one I've met has been spastic, violent, loveshy who couldn't get laid as a man. You're my test subject on the success of de trannification. You proved my hypothesis correct about trannies just being nerdy spastic men who want to be submissive. How does it feel to be the test subject that proves your delusions wrong?
>> No. 51929
File 134990522210.jpg - (10.28KB , 320x180 , robbay startled.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>You just made a widely intolerant statement

You're one to talk. I think you've probably ridiculed people for pretty much every possible reason (including transsexuality). Granted, no one takes offense to anything you say, but still.
>> No. 51930
>> No. 51931
>> No. 51932

A woman kissed me in fucking drag and I've had Les-sex with others in the Transgender community. I am NOT a male perma-virgin and your perception that I cross dress is completely wrong. I am turned on by the personal aestetic and am gender queer, I have both male and female traits. Female sensitivity coupled with a male take no prisoners attitude.

I LIKE IT AND THATS ALL THAT MATTERS. You on the other hand are so sexually frusturated that you even pick on male's who are more FEMININE than you because you'd never be able to own up to be the misogynist prick you truly are.
>> No. 51933
Okay, virgin.
>> No. 51934
You've never had sex, let alone sex with an actual woman.
>> No. 51935
how does someone with a dick have "les-sex", just curious
>> No. 51936
Bro, didn't you say you were a straight dude and that all trannies and homosexual deviants were delusional couple threads back?

Sorry to hear about your money troubles tho. You've been like a disabled brother for me all this time, so if you really need it I might be able to send a couple hundred your way.
>> No. 51937

> I've had Les-sex with others in the Transgender community.

You can't have les sex because you aren't a woman.

> your perception that I cross dress is completely wrong.

Pic related, it's you cross dressing.
>> No. 51938
File 134990641488.jpg - (99.67KB , 575x356 , jolly nazis.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>A woman kissed me in fucking drag and I've had Les-sex with others in the Transgender community. I am NOT a male perma-virgin and your perception that I cross dress is completely wrong.
Lesbian sex would mean that there'd be two women. And I highly doubt that. And this wouldn't be the first time you've lied about having sex.

The last time a woman wasn't immediately repulsed by you, you came to /cwc/ to announce you're no longer a lolcow. If being even close to you equates to "almost sex" in your mind, you might be able to understand why we no one believes you. Hell, I've probably had more lesbian sex than you.

>Female sensitivity coupled with a male take no prisoners attitude.
Being "sensitive", ie having a thin skin and getting easily trolled =/= being a woman.

>You on the other hand are so sexually frusturated
Robb claiming other people are sexually frustrated. That's comedy gold.
>> No. 51940
File 134990655281.jpg - (717.70KB , 1365x2048 , ROBERT WAYNE STILES CROSSDRESSING BADLY.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Forgot this.
>> No. 51941
>Robb doesn't like many girls, i can tell you that. he even punched one out at high school
>Robb doesn't like many girls, i can tell you that. he even punched one out at high school
>Robb doesn't like many girls, i can tell you that. he even punched one out at high school
>Robb doesn't like many girls, i can tell you that. he even punched one out at high school

Sound familiar, Robb? Also I recall you dreaming Kristen Stewart naked and tied up in your bed. That doesn't count as hawt lez-trans sex by the way.
>> No. 51942
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles do you think most people are just walking stereotypes of male and female traits?

Because for example just because you don't like football it doesn't mean you are suddenly a new gender.
>> No. 51943
File 134990694963.jpg - (7.80KB , 184x184 , 70e47e938e45bbb2f0d9492f2fc5ee60ecc45208_full.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles as far as the genderqueer thing how do you feel about Chris being a Tomgirl?

Can you see the close resemblance between him and you?

Like how he dresses in womens clothes and claims to be extremely empathetic.

Oh yeah and how he thinks it will get him laid.
>> No. 51944

What the flying fuck?

On second thought, no. No. Just. No.
>> No. 51945

Guess what Zyklon, I just showed the transgender community your lovely fucking video. Let's see how well they take it.
>> No. 51946

Guess what Zyklon, I just showed the transgender community your lovely fucking video. Let's see how well they take it.
>> No. 51947

Any ED page you make will be deleted pretty quickly Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you're a well establised lolcow only making it to fight back against the people who made your own ED page, plus you'd have fuck all to write about. Zyklon making a "widely intolerant statement against several thousands of innocent people with Gender Dysphoria" isn't the mark of a lolcow, sorry. Feel free to try it out though and see.
>> No. 51948

Why would Zyklon not want this to happen? Why should he be worried about it? Humor me, I'm just trying to figure out Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles logic.
>> No. 51949
File 134990731744.gif - (1.49MB , 168x176 , hitler smiling.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Thanks Robb. But just don't get your hopes too high, we know how your four last attempts at raising a personal army ended.
>> No. 51950
File 134990740590.jpg - (501.11KB , 1831x2560 , Kristen-Stewart-HQ-kristen-stewart-15876972-1831-2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah, he actually admitted on Facebook that he dreamed about Kristen Stewart tied up and naked in his bed.
>> No. 51951
Did they say "Plz go Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles"?
>> No. 51952

Zyklon is lolcow because if she was in power she'd have anyone shot on parole who she didn't like which is all races and creeds with the exception of caucasian and christian.

DON'T even lie about it Zyklon, you've already told me so much about your Nazi fetishes.
>> No. 51953

No, that doesn't make her a lolcow, just an asshole, ED won't accept for an article. Have fun with it though.
>> No. 51954
>Zyklon is lolcow
>> No. 51955
Fucking lol, I can't wait to see his spastic efforts at a page.
>> No. 51956
I will, when the time comes, read your page at ED with an unbiased point of view. Fair enough?
>> No. 51957
Cross dressing is a piss-poor way to reject yourself, son
Fuck me, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, pimping out out in Portland is going to be harder than we thought

I guess we're going to have to engender a 'take no prisoners' attitude whilst you're spread-eagled and surrounded by a willing crowd of rough trade on west burnside street whilst dressed up like honey booboo

Oh yes
We have plans for you, Robbay

An emotionally fragile lolcow is the perfect fucktoy for diseased migrant workers and obese loveshy truckers

If you're ever desperate
Give me a call:

(503) 220-8200
>> No. 51958
I will, when the time comes, read your page at ED with an unbiased point of view. Fair enough?
>> No. 51959
Robbie you constantly tell us you like both males and females, can you give an example of a man you find attractive?
>> No. 51960
Sorry about the double post fokes.
>> No. 51961
File 134990810550.jpg - (36.92KB , 547x798 , nazi stare.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Just because I am Orthodox doesn't mean I would hate muslims or pagans. Even Hitler digged them. Don't be so intolerant.

And by all means, make that page, you've told you'd make it for months. I promise, hand on the Bible, I won't try to take it down. But do save the page on a text file, as butthurt personal attack pages get deleted pretty quickly. k?
>> No. 51962
Why have you started posting here again Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles? You were supposed to start your new life in Portland and forget all about us, has it not been working out like you thought it would?
>> No. 51963
File 134990959657.png - (25.98KB , 1496x150 , screwlgbt.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Care to make any more anti-LGBT nation comments for my article I'm compiling on you and your fellow skinheads.

Robb, you're a seriously bipolar fuck, you know that?
>> No. 51964
Pestering MILF mom: "The cops come and you're going bye bye."
Skyler: "Shut the fuck up and get down. How's that?"
Props Skyler.
>> No. 51965
Robert, for your own good go back and live with your parents for awhile

There is literally no legitimate reason not to
>> No. 51966
But his father is a conservative!

Apparently one of the terrible ones who will continue to send his son money to help him out regardless of how much he disproves of him.
>> No. 51967

Robert considers not being able to wear women's clothing in his fathers presence a downside.

Meanwhile, his dad has been supporting him and all his shenanigans all these years
>> No. 51968
If you're really in portland I hope you don't mind when people report to the city and your landlord that your appartment has been abandonned. It's actually really important that they know so they can go in and clear the place out and rent it again before it gets infested with raccoons.
>> No. 51969
>implying that raccoons would be worse residents than Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 51970
>implying squatters and homeless aren't better tenants than Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 51971
Auto saging. Archive time!
>> No. 51972
Archiving and moving this to /L/.
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