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File 134991594229.jpg - (51.04KB , 800x600 , 800px-Rika_41.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
52135 No. 52135
New Robbay thread since the old one is autosaging.
Expand all images
>> No. 52136
  Robb bitching about his free apartment. Sorta like how he's been bitching about his meal ticket the last few days. Quite the spoiled little shit.
>> No. 52137
File 134991653535.jpg - (49.81KB , 932x364 , zyklon.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
bumping with exactly the amount of progress rob has made with the zyklon ED page.
>> No. 52138
File 134991693627.png - (20.61KB , 1549x116 , robbthjournalist.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 52139
Every. Fucking. Noight.
>> No. 52140
My favorite part. What a badass Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is.
>> No. 52141
It's always fun imagining that voice while reading his more threatening posts.
>> No. 52142
Exactly. You and I are on the same page.
>> No. 52143
File 134991910698.png - (34.14KB , 645x663 , ROBBAYMAIL.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rob replied to my email.

Am I the only one who's missing the point of Rob pretending to need money?
>> No. 52144
This is all part of his plan to leave us mildly amused and receive no funds from us.
>> No. 52145
Nobody wants Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles and her craziness on the TG forum. I don't know who told her to come over here but she's yelling at the wrong community. I think she hopes we'll all come angry mob style over here and claim you forced bath salts down her skinny neck. Nobody's going to fight for her. Nobody cares.

>> No. 52146
Robb. Robb never learns.
>> No. 52147
File 134991990443.png - (58.51KB , 851x363 , hewitch.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robb's so good at making friends.
>> No. 52148
So you're a /cwc/ user who's also on that forum?
>> No. 52149
Apologies that your board had to deal with Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles again. Hopefully you got a laugh out of it.
>> No. 52150
File 134992014229.png - (42.47KB , 853x237 , stillinphilly.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So much for "We moved to Portland, dumbasses".
>> No. 52151
789 = right sided fascists, lol
>> No. 52152
File delayclose.swf - (954.59KB , 345x237 ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.

>You're a heartless he-witch for fucking hating me and spewing vitorol all over a helpless person making an innocent plea for help. What the fuck is wrong with you, do you think your a troll? Do you think you can WIN the fucking internet by not even arguing with me but being an unncaring jerk? Why don't you look what your up against? They only attacked me for what I believed in? Isen't this going to hurt you too becuase your also a "tranny scum" and their the great and allmighty "cis-ciety"?

>I came here with a serious problem and you SHIT in my fucking face. Do you even know how often I cry? I cry because I kept swallowing hormones like thorazines and burned a hole in my fucking wallet. Than the fucking tranny hating internet trolls probed my facebook to get AS much information out of me as possible (aswell as steal photos I took to laugh at) they pretended to be my friends than started posting everything that was private and personal about me. Now, I am left a deformed FREAK and they just keep attacking me.

>A couple nights back, I had a night terror that they fucking hired people to photograph me and post the pictures all over the internet. I can't even leave my appartment now without fear of them causing me to off myself.

>> No. 52153
I know you guys aren't crazy about banning people, but casperhead will keep coming back until you do.
>> No. 52154
>implying that's a bad thing
>> No. 52155
He's been banned before a couple times. No he only posts via proxy and it's impossible to stop him. Whatever, it's pretty funny I guess.
>> No. 52156
Didn't Rob say something about how gender dysphoria wasn't real to Omega in one of the IRC logs?
>> No. 52157
Nice use of Prokofiev.
>> No. 52158
He is obsessed with claiming she is a genderqueer like him.
>> No. 52159
Robb, please confirm that you have abandoned your apartment and gone to portland. We need to file a report here: http://www.centercityphila.org/report/ so that the city can come in and clear all your shit out. Thanks.
>> No. 52160
File 134992302843.png - (67.00KB , 855x382 , meanwhileonTG.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Meanwhile, on the TG boards.
>> No. 52161
File 134992309791.jpg - (47.23KB , 586x330 , Plinkett.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I tried doing my best Plinkett impression with this one.

>> No. 52162
Plinkett's good stuff but the link's not working for me.
>> No. 52164
It was set to private.

It should be fixed now.
>> No. 52165
Good show, old chap!
>> No. 52166

I appreciate the effort bro, don't get me wrong, but the voice itself isn't quite Plinkett.

Again, not trying to insult you. Effort's appreciated.
>> No. 52167
It sounds more like Rich Evans' Plinket than Mike Stoklasa's.
>> No. 52168
It was based more on Mike's version, but it does sound a lot more like Rich's version.
>> No. 52169
Robert, you really need to leave those people alone. They obviously don't buy into your paranoia and won't help you.
>> No. 52170
Audio - (1.46MB - 133 kbps - 48 kHz ) Length: 1:32 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
All hail, the new lolcow king!
>> No. 52171
>using clockwork orange theme
>> No. 52172
What? It fits! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_for_the_Funeral_of_Queen_Mary
>> No. 52173
so edgy and original true and honest cocks :)))
>> No. 52174
Robb never learns.It's now 25th thread or something.lol
>> No. 52175
In the spirit of 1992, Robb believes this video is what /cwc/ has done to him. Of course, he'd never acknowledge the line in verse 2 that says "I have been guilty of kicking myself in the teeth". The rest of us know the truth, though.
>> No. 52176
I want to believe, but it lacks grammatical errors
>> No. 52177
But we had bulletin boards and a primitive internet in 92. I was there. Dial up and everything.
>> No. 52178
File 134993373037.png - (693.04KB , 860x3510 , Robbie_and_trannies.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Follow the link here >>278169. It's Robb. Also, a partial screencap from his last venture onto that forum.
>> No. 52179
He's gone back after they politely told him to get the fuck out? He's got no tact.
>> No. 52180
it's Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, what do you expect
>> No. 52181
Oh Robb, we don't just troll people because they have gender dysphoria etc. We troll YOU because you are a fucking idiot. Your ego won't allow you to process that fact however.
>> No. 52183
File 134994212681.png - (521.50KB , 600x450 , 134643424699.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The TG thread is now unavailable for viewing, so I'll post it here.


Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles here, you know who I am from the last shitstorm. Click this link above and please tell me you can agree with this statement that the video is making. Listen I need DESPERATE HELP here. I don't know if anyone here remembers the previous debacle they caused but there are sites called 789chan and Encyclopedia Dramatica that violently hate anyone who suffers from Gender Dysphoria, including Male to Female transgenders, FtM transgenders, Gender Queers (Myself personally) gay men, Lesbians and Third genders.

Not only has this melevolent group written the largest piece of slander about me on the internet, an Enclyclopedia Dramatica article about me with over 45,000 views but they are also attempting to mentally break me through repeated harassment. They have turned me on to illegal medicine to make the pain stop, they have posted my real address all over the internet, they threaten me with randsome and have driven me to insomnia, schizofrenia, and other mental disorders.

Can we please all write to Congress to get these asshole anti LGBT, conservative christian conglomerates banned from the internet. They have completely OBLIVERATEed my life, scared all my friends away, got me fired from my job, personally contacted my parents about me being a Gender Queer, and are forcing me to leave the city where I have grown to be infamous. People now HARASS me in public when they recognize me, I can't even show my face and NOW i have no fucking hopes of becoming either a reporter, an artist or a photographer because of all this fucking bullshit.


>Oh it's the idiots again (yeah, you're included). Could you please leave this place alone? Pretty please? Go fuck things up somewhere else.

How am I an idiot? Are you really calling yourself an idiot because that's what you are. These people are blantantly questioning OUR way of life here, and you're just going to sit back and call people idiots. That's real proactive. AND you probably say WE'RE not opressed by both Republicans and hate groups, head in the sand just like that.

>You're, like, an internet drama bomb, and from all I've seen from the last time you came around here, you pretty much escalated the whole thing by being such an easy-to-troll twit.

>I'm sorry it happened in the first place, but you really haven't conducted yourself with aplomb through any of this.

>Move on, fix your life, and don't put so much stock into what assholes on the internet say.

(another tranny)

>Shoo. Scat. Skedaddle.

>Fuck off.
>Call in an air strike with a poison kiss.

(another tranny)

>this person's got a condition

You people should seriously give a damn, they'll move onto you next. I'm simply warning you of what I'm going through over my decision to publically go gender queer. There are people who want to expose your fucking lives because you "cannot concieve" and are "overly hormonal, spazzy and a degenerate" and worst of all, they are painting ME as the face of your community. Everyone seems to hate me regardless just because I've gone renegade from this hateful society and I know you DON'T want me as your CHRIST.

Call me the fucking village idiot, they've already driven me past the point of no return. I've become addicted to bath salts and marijuana thanks to them. Fucking drug addictions that I cannot even afford so now I'm just sitting in my freezing appartment, shaking, typing at the fucking computer.

>You can't addicted to weed and if you do bath salts -

>I just deleted the rest of this. It was pointless.

>The above is enough for me to just have my mind blown. I think you're dumb. EOS. Please take your drama elsewhere.

(another tranny)

>Well, you certainly seem overly hormonal and spazzy. You are the face of you. I didnt know you existed until your rant here.

>Don't worry, my advice is free. Stop wasting money on drugs and..lolsalts, and turn the heat on. Or buy a blanket. GL.

>I should thank you. I was bored, and you've provided me something to do for a few mins. Toodles!

(still another tranny)

>Maybe if we take enough bath salts, we'll turn into a zombie and chew someone's face off while getting shot multiple times until we die.

>Now take this statement, and change all instances of "we" with "you".

>In this case, "you" refers to the original poster.

You're a heartless he-witch for fucking hating me and spewing vitorol all over a helpless person making an innocent plea for help. What the fuck is wrong with you, do you think your a troll? Do you think you can WIN the fucking internet by not even arguing with me but being an unncaring jerk? Why don't you look what your up against? They only attacked me for what I believed in? Isen't this going to hurt you too becuase your also a "tranny scum" and their the great and allmighty "cis-ciety"?

I came here with a serious problem and you SHIT in my fucking face. Do you even know how often I cry? I cry because I kept swallowing hormones like thorazines and burned a hole in my fucking wallet. Than the fucking tranny hating internet trolls probed my facebook to get AS much information out of me as possible (aswell as steal photos I took to laugh at) they pretended to be my friends than started posting everything that was private and personal about me. Now, I am left a deformed FREAK and they just keep attacking me.

A couple nights back, I had a night terror that they fucking hired people to photograph me and post the pictures all over the internet. I can't even leave my appartment now without fear of them causing me to off myself.

>That's stupid. Utterly and completely stupid. I'm surprised you haven't learned anything about personal responsibility yet.

>Get the fuck off the internet and the drugs and fix your life.

(The rest was screencapped & posted already.)
>> No. 52184

>They have turned me on to illegal medicine to make the pain stop

So when you said in the other thread that you needed therapy to get off your "meds" what you actually meant was help quitting bath salts / weed, wasn't it?
>> No. 52185

>and worst of all, they are painting ME as the face of your community.

Oh god, my sides. Even Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles knows what a horrible representative of tranny culture he makes.
>> No. 52186
It's funny because just judging from their signatures and writing style, these people are incredibly arrogant and vain. If only he cut back on the salts, he would fit right in.
>> No. 52187
Robbay will have no choice but to move back with his parents when winter rolls around since he has no heat.

His dad better start checking his privilege now
>> No. 52188
I like the attitude the users of that forum take.
>> No. 52189
AGAIN? He went to the same forum again? I don't even...

Ah, who am I kidding. Robb never learns.

Joke's on me, he's returned here like 25 times.
>> No. 52190

They are the new wolverines.

Just judging by their profile pictures, a few of them look very passable which confuses me having only seen trans photos of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles lately
>> No. 52191
Man, what is this? His 6th time at getting his personal army request turned down? Geez, Robb. You sure do make friends wherever you go.
>> No. 52192
File 134995447953.jpg - (344.80KB , 2048x1536 , Rika_07.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's TGF adventures:

>All of this talk of "don't feed the troll". I wonder if this applies to us feeding the OP.

Look, I apologize for getting this board discovered and found out by trolls but do you see EXACTLY why they do this? They don't agree with a point of view that is different from theirs so they will automatically attack anyone who does not share their facist, white supremist, heterosexual views.

Guatama, I don't know who you think you are (as you appear to just be a /cwc/ tard) but trying to get everyone to turn on me is disgusting. I just earnestly made a fucking plea for help from people who I THOUGHT I could identify with.

Please ban this blatant troll parasite before he establishes a hive here. They'll do what they've done to me and I'm giving everyone a fair warning.

>You really are just a roving toxic waste dump, aren't you?

>Well, 'getting rid' of folks isn't something that really happens around here. People come and go, but outright banning is exceedingly rare. We'll just have to ride Casper out and keep on keepin' on.

You are trying to turn everyone against me, you sick and kniving liar. I have legitimate gender dysphoria and these nazi scumbags want to make me suffer because of something outside of my control. I don't hate anybody on this forum as they are all innocents swept up in a massive hate crime out of there control.

I'll do everyone on this site a favor and leave but don't be suprised if these trolls don't keep their worthless shitty word. Just be wary, I have to deal with this EVERY FUCKING DAY OF MY LIFE, I don't know how much longer I can tolerate this.

>Since trolls like to come back, I say we lock this thread and be done with it. It's not good to feed trolls. I have no doubt that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is following this thread. Let's just not feed the troll.
>> No. 52193

We should keep an eye on /mlp/, he'll probably go back there next.
>> No. 52194
I dread the day Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles find Pink's 'Shine On' and thinks it's about him.
>> No. 52195
I can't decide if he meant productive or not, but either way my sides burst.
>> No. 52196
I wouldn't even say that we really even troll Rob, at least not actively.
He just likes to call us that whenever he comes here to make an ass out of himself on the internet. Rob is his own biggest troll.
>> No. 52197
Oh the cocks!
>> No. 52198
>you sick and kniving liar
Did he mean "conniving"?
>> No. 52199
File 134996743716.png - (62.52KB , 292x267 , asperger turbo.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>Do you think you can WIN the fucking internet by not even arguing with me but being an uncaring jerk?
Yes, Robert, yes. How can you be so dense? If you had been an "uncaring jerk" and ignored the trolls, would you be here? That tranny just did what you should have done.
>> No. 52200
File 134996813164.png - (117.01KB , 860x656 , youpoorfools.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Those poor fools, believing in the common human decency of Robert. And the one with the tiara doesn't even have an excuse, since she was around for the last trainwreck.
>> No. 52201
File 134996908899.png - (1.03MB , 1280x5980 , Robbie_and_poni.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
For everyone who missed out the yesterday's episode of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles Show and wonder "what, but why would Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles come back to pester those people, too?":

>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles!jEZFObGKc. 12/10/10(Wed)14:26 No. 51924
>You just made a widely intolerant statement against several thousands of innocent people with Gender Dysphoria. Care to make any more anti-LGBT nation comments for my article I'm compiling on you and your fellow skinheads. Your ugly mug is going to crown the new ED page, Zyklon

Anonymous 12/10/10(Wed)14:33 No. 51925
Actually I do, I made this little video just for you guys.

>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles!jEZFObGKc. 12/10/10(Wed)15:13 No. 51946
>Guess what Zyklon, I just showed the transgender community your lovely fucking video. Let's see how well they take it.
>> No. 52202
File 134996962791.jpg - (10.57KB , 285x214 , Hitler smiling 6.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Quickly updated for the reading pleasure of the lurkers.
>> No. 52203
I have a question, is anyone gonna feel at remorse or regret when Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles kills it's self and or other people.I have a feeling this is how the saga will eventually end. Just curious.
>> No. 52204
Nah, all we'll do is say "HI ROBB".
>> No. 52205
His ego is too big to kill himself, overdosing is a possibility though or murder maybe if he becomes really desperate for drugs or becomes homeless.
>> No. 52206
Nope. He would have done that iregardless .
Best to just sit back and enjoy the show. We tried to contact his p.o. But they are convinced that we are just trolling him. It's out of our hands. It's best to just wash up.
>> No. 52207
He will kill the landlady dissect her cat and jump off the roof.
Hell of a drug. Halfsack
>> No. 52208
Do you think Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles really believes that this is about us Al being conservative, Christians and not liking the trans community or does he just say that to raise up a personal army

If so how does he justify our love for Seanie and omega
>> No. 52210
He believes it. Why else would we hate an someone as hot,innocent and talented has him?

As for point two I would guess that he thinks they are jealous of his ability to fuck women and be a woman respectively.
>> No. 52211

No, he believes it, nothing is ever just his fault so he won't believe that we just dislike him for himself. He just ignores that we like Seanie and Omega, like he ignores anything else that means he's wrong.
>> No. 52212
Not to mention the number of ethnic minority anons, and bleeding heart liberals posting in threads.
>> No. 52213
Like Chris I think he thinks there's a big conspiracy, recently he was calling out someone called kyle from the Christian forum he trolled years ago.
>> No. 52214
Oh, Robb.. All innocent and demanding help at first, then takes a piss-turn right over and becomes a horrid shitstain again. Never change.
>> No. 52215
Hey Robb, where is that ED page?
>> No. 52216
What's that video being referred to?
>> No. 52217
>> No. 52218
In fairness to Chris, several people did conspire to troll him constantly, meeting with him in person, calling his house at all hours, the Emily thing etc. So his paranoia is somewhat justifiable. Robbay is just a mess who can't face up to the fact he's 100% to blame.
>> No. 52219
Ah man, its like ground zero out here after yesterday's fest. Just finished reading it all.
>> No. 52220

Zyklon posted it earlier.
>> No. 52221
File 134999437777.png - (21.78KB , 741x160 , runonfromhell.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
After the inevitable weenhomosexual deviantry, we got this gem of a response as the TG boards continue to show where their priorities lie.
>> No. 52222

Reads like the average Japanese post on /int/
>> No. 52223
File 134999539676.jpg - (51.57KB , 437x447 , engrish.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 52224
I swear the one with the tiara is a genuine retard.
>> No. 52225
Fuck sake. It's like she never went to primary school.
>> No. 52226
$5 says one of those two weenfags is Beekeeper.

Any bets which one it is?
>> No. 52227

Wait, is the guy yelling our ROBAAAYY or the guy recording?
I have never bothered to hear what he sounds like.
>> No. 52228
The one recording. Get your Robb sounds here: www.soundboard.com/sb/robertwaynestiles
>> No. 52229

Ahh. I imagined him having a voice like the guy screaming. Oddly feminine. But this makes it more hilarious.
>> No. 52230
Lumpy princess
>> No. 52231
Ironically that character is homeless because she refuses to talk with her reasonable parents.
>> No. 52232
File 13500032029.gif - (465.66KB , 380x214 , trippled.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Coincidence not irony. Irony would be if that character wasn't homeless for that reason.
>> No. 52233
Where has ADF been during all of this?

Jerking off in a corner?
>> No. 52234
In a gutter, unless it's raining. When it rains he goes all Oscar
>> No. 52235
Robb, it is clear now that you have once again fucked it all up. Time to start over again in a new city with a new persona. I suggest continuing with the tranny thing and moving to virginia. Luckily we know someone there who can build you into a girlfriend from the ground up.
>> No. 52236
File 135001164128.png - (4.37MB , 1700x2174 , Scan.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A tribute to you, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, wherever you may be hiding.
>> No. 52237
pretty ween. A lot of fan art is is good, but this looks a pretty cool guy's art.
>> No. 52238

(psst that means homosexual deviant)
>> No. 52239

>> No. 52240
Try harder
>> No. 52241
Where does he keep getting bath salts from? Is someone mixing lidocaine powder with ritalin and adderall now?
>> No. 52242
So.. Who thought it was a good idea to go to the tranny's board and post shit? Haven't you got the clue already? We don't follow Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, he's stupid enough to come to us. And although the trannies seem like legit retards with their terminology, at least they haven't made themselves a complete fools on the board yet, something Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has undoubtedly achieved.
>> No. 52243
Actually I like that someone is feeding his paranoia with ween.You are a homosexual deviant for doing it, but a cool homosexual deviant. We have us a Freddie Mercury
>> No. 52244
File 13500272567.png - (343.04KB , 714x2352 , Rika Bullying 4.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Another day in the life of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 52245
File 135002861412.gif - (497.65KB , 354x226 , anigif_idc-17858-1311881440-1.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
goshdarn you tryhard, trollshielding whiteknights. some of us owned r-ika, via ron swanson. months ago. and we never had to pretend we got bitcoins for it.

fuck you philadelphia. you suck at everything. inb4 ipconfig /release
>> No. 52246

>> No. 52247
Ha ha, now Robb is telling them it's their fault we saw their forum because they told him to fuck off. Apparently everything would have been awesome if they only bent over to lick his anus as they should have.

Them being screencapped had nothing to do with Robb dragging his shit there, nope nothing at all.
>> No. 52248

Can we get a cap of that plz?
>> No. 52249
File 135005049168.png - (26.31KB , 852x255 , Robbbbaaay.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here you go.
>> No. 52250
>Look at all the fucking public attention you people caused yourself
>> No. 52251

Wow. Nothing's ever just your fault, is it Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 52252
Can you post some responses to Saltman, too? I'm getting 403 Forbidden on this forum.
>> No. 52253
File 135005346766.png - (46.18KB , 851x397 , Robbbbaaay2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nothing really interesting, this is all there is so far.
>> No. 52254
File 135005621278.jpg - (58.48KB , 400x373 , nelson.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles once again exhibits his complete inability to learn from past mistakes. He should be used as an example to parents of how not to raise a special needs child.
>> No. 52255
So he's mooching off HIS parents again?
>> No. 52256
Implying he ever really stopped
>> No. 52257
Why does Rob have a babies bottle in the bottom left corner of that pic?

Was he trying out infantilism in the cave?
>> No. 52258
He's the goblin king, it belonged to the last child he kidnapped.
>> No. 52259

It's a knob of some sort, not a bottle.
>> No. 52260
>Fans of Tim Schafer mass suicide
>Sweet bro and hella jeff

Okay, I teehee'd
>> No. 52261
File 135005886442.jpg - (339.13KB , 750x494 , robbspectre.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Philadelphia is sorta like /cwc/ in a a way. Robb will never escape either of them.
>> No. 52262
File 135006100167.png - (24.91KB , 986x169 , mikhailredditstupidity.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
In kinda related news, Mikhail continues tearing away at the "Robb and ADF are here in Portland" facade. Also, she's still a whore. (Shocking, I know.)
>> No. 52263

No way does someone pay that thing for sex.
>> No. 52264
File 135006211178.png - (76.69KB , 1137x656 , bdsmpersonal.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
From a few months back.
>> No. 52265
File 135006343088.gif - (498.70KB , 500x269 , excited-emmaamanda.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>warning: I'm kind of big
>> No. 52266
File 135006552927.jpg - (79.53KB , 339x425 , pinkoflamingos.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF is disappoint.
>> No. 52267
Is this thing looking to fuck a man up the ass with a strap on or..
>> No. 52268
Video related
>> No. 52269
  Poor Robb. Those bath salts are eating away at all his psyche. Soon he won't be able to tell which color is which and if he's currently on the internet or not.

I'm picturing any day he will wind up in a seedy Portland Days Inn making ends meet, all because Mikhail kicked him and Harel out for being trannies.

I hope Robb wins the lottery.
>> No. 52270
  He'll be knocking on your doorstep Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's dad.
>> No. 52271
File 135009066583.jpg - (5.80KB , 267x188 , Lars.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
For some reason, I keep thinking of Lars when I see Robb's depiction in these.
>> No. 52272
File 135009157741.gif - (2.87MB , 300x160 , 1339790668373.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

That's the hottest anti drug ad I have ever seen
>> No. 52273
File 135009209618.jpg - (20.80KB , 620x347 , wraith.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 52274

Joe Biden! What does the scouter say about the hotness level of that picture?

It's over 800 million billion!
>> No. 52277


And like that, the mood of the movie was assasinated
>> No. 52278
>spasm: the post
>> No. 52279
>> No. 52280
File 13501062121.png - (151.00KB , 1293x739 , 1 Comment.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I seriously don't know which one of them 3 (or 4, if you count Jordman) is the most pathetic member of the Philly tranny circle.

Also the life in Portland, where the grass is greener.
>> No. 52281
I'm not going to beg for money, please give me shit to sell for money.
Is he actually retarded or a politician?
>> No. 52282

>I'm not going to beg for money, please give me shit to sell for money (but please send me money too).

Fixed that for you.
>> No. 52283
File 135010902368.png - (15.75KB , 972x96 , hormones.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It begins
>> No. 52284
i hate the internet right now :\
>> No. 52285
That's why she moved there. No shrink would let this happen. She's not even gay. She's just trying to be special
>> No. 52286

I love it when spaz trannys get the magic hormone letter. It really means nothing in the end, it doesn't force a doctor to give you hormones. It's just a legal CYA for doctors when they meet up with unbalanced trannys.
>> No. 52287
It's testosterone, she could get it at the gym. It changes nothing except the size of her clit. If she thinks that makes her more of a man then she is mistaken.
What's really sad about all this is I know a child who is a hermaphrodite, and I don't know how she's going to react to growing up in a world where people think a couple of shots changes your sex. Like it's something you can magic. This girl has undescended male parts and will have to take shots to undergo a sort of false female puberty or she may choose to try to live as a he, but either way he-she will never really be normal. How would you feel to be in that position and find people pretending they are in the same boat?
>> No. 52288
how do people choose when they have both? i'm curious to know how that works
>> No. 52289
I should add that the cause is fetal alcohol syndrome. Ironically the same thing that likely gave birth to Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles and ADF
>> No. 52290
No clue. I guess her and her adoptive mother will have to sit down and make that choice in five or so years. She's like 7 I think. Friend of my girlfriends family. They babysit her.
>> No. 52291

It sucks brah, I'm in that boat. Born ambiguous, dad wanted a boy, that's what got assigned. Now I'm stuck undoing all the damage "vitamin shots" did as a teen.

We all get lumped in with crazy trannys. At least true intersex has an excuse. Trannys are just fuckled in the headmeat.
>> No. 52292
I should probably point out that true hermaphroditism is incredibly rare. More common are your false hermaphrodites, people who are neither. Some are "fixed"soon after birth if it's noticeable. A snip here and there and "it's a girl"or "it's a boy" with a tiny penis.
>> No. 52293
What's your diagnoses, if you don't mind me asking.
>> No. 52294

47,XXY with partial Y inactivation, combined with pAIS. I was all sorts of screwed up "down there" on birth, and dad really, really wanted a boy. Docs even told him it would have been better to roll female, something like a 70/30 mix.
>> No. 52295
$5 says Robb comes in here to make fun of you guys for being "DEFORMED FREAKS."
>> No. 52296
Hmm the Tranny Board thread is gone, hope I didn't miss any Robbay posts.
>> No. 52297
I can't find his account in the members list, perhaps he got banned.
>> No. 52298
Is he homeless or living with his folks now?
>> No. 52299
File 135011743417.gif - (446.04KB , 500x280 , anigif_sfghfdsh-6845-1311880283-34.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
i miss making ree-ka making his stories straight, and making /cwc/ enraged. i'm kinda the best poster here evrar.
>> No. 52300
According to posts he made on that tranny forum he's still in his appartment.
>> No. 52301
So I take it you're identified as a female now?

How did your family react?
>> No. 52302

Do you want to be the new goblin king?
>> No. 52303
There is only one Goblin King.
Only one who can bend facts to his will.
And he does not share spasm!
>> No. 52304
Actual intersex? Make a tumblr NOW, you'll be their king. Or queen.

But seriously, you have my sympathies. Your situation must be like a civil rights activist watching blackface performers saying "See? We're just like the rest of you!"
>> No. 52305
How depressing.

I remember the last time things dried up for a bit I was worried that Robb was unconscious in a ditch or something.
>> No. 52306

He was still posting on that tranny forum a day ago, how have things dried up?
>> No. 52307
Looks to be the case. The old, locked, thread is still up, with all Robb's posts deleted from it. Wonder if he came back late last night and threw a shit-fit.
>> No. 52308
Maybe they'd just get jealous and tell them to check their intersex privileges.
>> No. 52309
If he was banned he'll be back, he probably considers the TG forums to be trolls and thus enemies to OBLIVERATE.
>> No. 52310
Do tumblr SJers make a point of "passing tranny privilege?"
>> No. 52311
File 135014515149.png - (36.98KB , 1247x456 , feedingthetrolls.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here she is not knowing how to deal with trolls.
>> No. 52312
Well Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles gets really angry at them but I don't know if that is indicative of the majority of them, after I google search I found a few hits so I guess it's a thing:
>> No. 52313
Possibly. There's a good chance he did.

Nothing on google cache though
>> No. 52314
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, I emailed you this but I think the public needs to know. Mark has gone off the deep end!

"Hello, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles Stonecutters who are still with us. We've hit the time were my deception will end and a new age will start. We lost many good trolls in tranny gate 201X. We must remember orokabu for the adf critic channel, Colonel Ghadaffi (RIP), Rowsdowser, Wafflequeen's dignity, Captain Commie, Shirley O'Toole , Wintermute , Crow T Robot, Char. Our fight is going to be revamped from the typical tranny taunts we've been doing lately. I have set up forces with a branch of Cathy Brennan's pretendbian crew.

The true goal of our organization is to bring Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles and ADF stuff in front of congress to amend the Harry Benjamin SOC procedures to transition. This will make transitioning near impossible. Hormones would take 5 years to get; this would outlaw implied consent. Gender Markers on ID's will not be allowed to change without proof of SRS. A public database like the sex offenders list for transsexuals will be put in place. This would include not living within 1000 feet of a school, playground or park, public notices to neighbors when moving to a new place. The trannies will blame Robbay for all this and he will bow down to me.
Introman and Madara."
>> No. 52315
File 13501502587.jpg - (8.07KB , 450x301 , picard-facepalm.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 52316
homosexual deviant
>> No. 52317
Sure is tryhard to make his life a living hell. Why not just let him continue and he'll end up there eventually himself, which would make it all the more fun?
>> No. 52318
Look out guys, we've got the next Clyde Cash on our hands!
>> No. 52319
File 135015146830.jpg - (139.12KB , 900x675 , squalor.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
We found R ika Defector's house.
>> No. 52320

Nice fabrication, NXXLY. You're just mad that my plan to turn trannies straight didn't get you a big pay day. I would NEVER write such a thing and I would never use congress against robbie.
>> No. 52321
Robby is currently making his way across the Midwest in route to Portland.

Giving otherwise lonely truckers a little company on the road
>> No. 52322
File 13501605762.png - (13.73KB , 1141x133 , primarycare.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 52323
Isn't that Homors room?
>> No. 52324

>Can't tell if ironic spasm or CWCki forums member
>> No. 52325
Is that from that SA thread about "post your disgusting room"?
>> No. 52326
While it may have appeared there too, I saw it in this collection: http://imgur.com/a/wBsn8
>> No. 52327
Looks like Masaokis's kitchen.
>> No. 52328
What the hell kind of inner workings has this board established with a fucking transexual board. Did someone literally just say "HURR HURR BAN HER SHES SUFFERING, TRYING TO REACH TO YOU, LET HER DIE" and they listened. Introman, I know you fucking bribe these trannies or hell, it's a FAKE fucking board to start with. Like that fucking Tomboys and tomgirls of virginia shit.

You really think I'm that bad aswell, I'm seriously not playing around any more. You have spurred me on to become an extremely violent and paranoid person. Someone who you shouldn't fucking mess with in real life. Be happy you're not that fucking bold. What someone does while sleepwalking is completely UNPREDICTABLE.
>> No. 52329
Nope, it's just your terrible attitude, Robb. Nothing more.
>> No. 52330
We never talked to some fucking trannies, they just can see you are a horrible person like everyone else

But your ego wont let you see that so sure its a conspiracy
>> No. 52331
you're literally insane.
>> No. 52332
You're the most irresponsible person on Earth. You blame all your bad behavior on others, and made up medical conditions you clearly know nothing about. That's not how sleepwalking works you imbecile.
>> No. 52333
ooh scary, what are you gonna do to /cwc/. come at us brah
>> No. 52334
There are 7 billion people on the green ball of dirt. All of them hate you. Even the trannies.
>> No. 52335
  This is how Robby thinks sleepwalking works.
>> No. 52336
Where do you want us to meet you, Robb? Time, place, date, etc...
>> No. 52337
Cathy Brennan would appreciate that adf "this is what a feminist looks like" pic, I'm sure.
>> No. 52338
What are you going to do? Sleepwalk 300 miles, kick down my door and beat the shit out of me? And that is ignoring the fact every single poster here would absoulutly OBLIVERATE you in a fight by the virtue of being awake when it happens.
>> No. 52339
File 135017536646.jpg - (84.19KB , 466x700 , catvaccuum.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>You have spurred me on to become an extremely violent and paranoid person. Someone who you shouldn't fucking mess with in real life. Be happy you're not that fucking bold. What someone does while sleepwalking is completely UNPREDICTABLE.

fucking lol'd hard
>> No. 52340
File 135017554561.gif - (3.61MB , 476x356 , laughing jew.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

But aren't you in Portland now? I don't think you'll be sleepbuying a plane ticket, sleepwalking onto a JetBlue flight, and sleepflying to New York any time soon, so I really don't give a shit.

>> No. 52341

You're fucking cocky. I have talents that most of you basement dwellers either can't afford or get up out of your chairs and do. I've learned kinds of knive wielding from a friend that can take down a gorilla.

Anyway, I'm just saying, stay out of my life fuckers and you won't get hurt. That's all I'm saying. Otherwise, we can live peacefully.
>> No. 52342
Wow, good thing none of us are gorillas
>> No. 52343
>That's all I'm saying. Otherwise, we can live peacefully.

You just contradicted yourself there, Robb. You can't even use "otherwise" right.
>> No. 52344
Is your knife like cwc's knife?
>> No. 52345
Talents like what? I dont think fleeing the state because someone was mean to me on the internet is a talent.
>> No. 52346
>I've learned kinds of knive wielding from a friend that can take down a gorilla.

Big deal, I've got the strength of five gorillas. If i try to pet a kitten, i crush it.
>> No. 52347
>knife wielding

>> No. 52348
>> No. 52349
>I've learned kinds of knive wielding from a friend that can take down a gorilla.
You are mentally ill.
>> No. 52350
PS - threatening with knife wielding skills confirms robbay to be tsundere for 789chan
>> No. 52351

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
>> No. 52352
>> No. 52353
You literally scare no one rob. I will be in philly in two weeks where do you want to meet
>> No. 52354
File 135017619225.jpg - (314.88KB , 600x607 , 124253011564.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
How Robb sees himself.
>> No. 52355
I cant believe you fell for it! Just like you fell for that fake stargate forum we made all those years ago. You never learn.
>> No. 52356
File 135017632563.png - (257.02KB , 355x437 , bullseye.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's where you'll find the Wraith, if you wish to take him up on his offer.
>> No. 52357
There were legitly people on TG boards who were telling everyone about me, they were obviously from this chan and probably struck a deal with the admins treat me, an honest GID patient, like shit. I'm not fucking stupid, I know trolls when I see them.
>> No. 52358
How's that tinfoil hat treating you, Robb?
>> No. 52359
They hated you before doc and the other weener posted. How do you explain that away?
>> No. 52360
Rob they were telling you to fuck off before we even knew you were posting there explain that
>> No. 52362
1530 Locust Street
Philadelphia, PA
>> No. 52363
>I've learned kinds of knive wielding from a friend that can take down a gorilla.

Your friend gets in knife fights with gorillas?

Does he have an arrangement with the zoo or something
>> No. 52364
File 135017678537.png - (15.11KB , 1156x95 , sniper.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robb thinks he's actually worth wasting a bullet on.
>> No. 52365

There were others. Some who could legitly see I was hurt and pm'd me but others just seemed to jump right to conclusions. I could imagine someone took the initiative to install a few fake tranny accounts. They are that fucking WEEN, tryhards when it come to trolling. Like fucking five year old kids like Trey and Bluespike.
>> No. 52366
>all your time

Robb, it only took me 20 minutes in Google Maps to find your apartment. You were the one who was stupid enough to give a fake address that was only a block away.
>> No. 52367
Once again, it's because you're a shithead, Robb. You have no accountability at all.
>> No. 52368
>tryhards when it come to trolling
That oddly reminds me of a one robbay wayne stiles....
>> No. 52369
>jumped right to conclusions

You arnt very hard to figure out. It doesnt help when you admit to using bath salts.
>> No. 52370
Also, Robb. Your video where you were bitching about the people down on the street really gave away your location, too. That and the rap video. Learn to use a tripod, you hack.
>> No. 52371
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles you called a transexual a he-witch, did you think everyone would just ignore you being a huge jerk to fellow members and help you be a huge hypocrite?
>> No. 52372
There's a burning question that was asked before of you. You said you're bisexual, so name or show one picture of a guy that you find sexy.
>> No. 52373
>I'm extra special & tired of all the fakes taking all the limelight from the Trueandhonest intersex
ADF, that you?
>> No. 52374
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, where do you see yourself in a year?
>> No. 52375
File 13501773962.gif - (1.68MB , 200x176 , 133928280295.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah, making people laugh in your face wherever you go must be a real talent.

It's amusing that you see trolls wherever you go.
>> No. 52376

>> No. 52377
You may have nothing to lose but we have so much cocks to gain.
>> No. 52378
Oh, but you do have a lot to lose, Robb. You just don't realize it yet.
>> No. 52379
How's Judy doing, Robb? Does she know about your drug use and psychosis yet?
>> No. 52380
Nobody is afraid of you. Stop making threats before you get hurt.
>> No. 52381
Well, look at it this way. You're not in jail yet.
>> No. 52382

>> No. 52383

Really, Robb? None of it?

You weren't the least bit responsible for even a little bit of it? Be honest now.
>> No. 52384
Yet you keep coming back here without anyone asking you too. Take some responsibility you scrawny somebullshit fuck.
>> No. 52385
Sure, we held a gun to your head IRL and made you a junkie. You're only fooling yourself, you pathetic fuck. ALso, you didn't answer my question, Robert.
>> No. 52386

You are thicker than Ayers Rock
>> No. 52387
We never made you come here. We never made you post. We never made you a tranny. We never made you alienate everyone. We never made you do bathsalts. The wreckage of your life you made yourself.
>> No. 52388
File 135017807733.gif - (423.89KB , 259x169 , 134832008113.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What exactly are we doing again?
nobody tells you to come here.
>> No. 52389
because of your reaction.
>> No. 52390
You are making me shake in real life. If I had way, I'd place everyone of you upon a surgeons table and give their body a banana-split with a motherfucking chainsaw.

THAT is how much it hurts.
>> No. 52391
> If I had way, I'd place everyone of you upon a surgeons table and give their body a banana-split with a motherfucking chainsaw.

We have laws in place so that people like you DONT get your way, Rob.

>You are making me shake in real life.
That's the bath salts, not us.
>> No. 52392
Bring it, bitch.
>> No. 52393
Robb you wont do shit but run away in real life.

Just come into irc what your saying tonight is being saved in a thread anyway so its not big deal to have it an irc conversation logged too.
>> No. 52394
We are not scared of you rob. We just went over this about 10 minutes ago. You are so scrawny, can you even list a chainsaw?
>> No. 52395
>You are making me shake in real life.

Robb, are you sure that's not the bath salts? Or the mental illness?
>> No. 52396
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, just move in with your parents and do something constructive like gardening for 2 years to clear your head up.
>> No. 52397
Robb, you don't know real pain because you've never actually faced anyone. Well, we do know that ADF's kicked your ass a time or two, but other than that and punching girls in HS, you're kind of unproven in the combat department.
>> No. 52398
File 13501784141.jpg - (21.02KB , 354x225 , bathsalts.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pic related.
>> No. 52399
File 135017842857.gif - (1.65MB , 300x196 , 134393864926.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF whooped your ass multiple times and he's a weak motherfucker. The fact that you think that a messageboard is going to be scared is quite funny.
>> No. 52400
Rob is anything ever your fault
>> No. 52401
File 135017855598.png - (45.47KB , 317x293 , nose.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Why would you use a chainsaw? I thought you were trained in the exquisite art of the samurai sword.
>> No. 52402
Obviously everything that happens to him is part of a CISGENDERED CONSPIRACY. Rob is just a targeted individual of the Cisluminati
>> No. 52403
File 135017865791.jpg - (48.43KB , 553x416 , dyel.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You're such an Internet badass Robb. You do know that some of us are armed forces vets, right?
>> No. 52404
Rob im dead serious i will be in philly in 13days. Tell me where to meet you. You can get your revenge
>> No. 52405
>shake in real life
Did you get your heat turned back on?
>> No. 52406
Maybe we can arrange to put that quote on his tombstone.
>> No. 52407

It won't happen, even if he's asking for you to meet him. Believe me, I tried.
>> No. 52408
File 135018000168.jpg - (74.62KB , 375x500 , stop_that_fridge_display.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's my number, Robb. Get your sweet revenge: 215-618-1505

It's true and honest, too
>> No. 52409
This. Robb's too much of a pussy to actually do anything away from the safety of his keyboard.
>> No. 52410
Hey Robb, are these the guys who want to kill you? http://www.scifi-meshes.com/forums/member.php?2594-Casperhead
>> No. 52411
Wow. Really, you are in so much emotional pain that it feels like someone's splitting you in half with a chainsaw?

I think that's a bit of an overstatement.
>> No. 52412
The judge is going to love these quotes almost as much as he is going to love your failure to seek therapy in spite of it being art of your plea deal.
>> No. 52413
Rob, that's like bragging that you can shoot a Rhino. Get back to me when he can take on a tiger.
Also you wouldn't last three second in a real short blade fight. For starters you don't seem to realize that it's all about avoiding getting stabbed and the element of surprise. Now if I see you I will have my fixed blade out of it's sheath. Fucking bath salts junky with a knife comes at me, he's getting slotted.
>> No. 52414
Edgy. But beside the point I want to make; do you realize you've been namefagging as " " for a while now? remember to make sure you delete your name field. It's made your "hi, a-log"s a lot more... undermining, I should say.
>> No. 52415
  The master who taught Robb everything he knows about knives.
>> No. 52416
Robb, I recommend you watch the film Hostel. I got a good link for you (won't be posting it here btw)
>> No. 52417
Well it's not like we have anything to worry about Rob, you would be too much of a pussy to confront our tgboard trolls or try to shut down our forum.
>> No. 52418
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, where is Harel? Are you in contact with him right now? Do you live with him? I have to know that you are in the safety of someone.
>> No. 52419
SeanieB and all other forum mods and administators aswell as the staff of ADFki and collaborators of the ED article, I have now sent an email to my lawyer who has represented me in another case and asked him to investigate this site once again. After he did so, he told me that any good lawyer specializing in libel torts would have no problem in obtaining an injunction against this website. Further, he indicated that any other people who have been defamed here (that means Chris Chan, Nick Bate, Paul David Smith, Anthony Logotto, Anthony Bapst, Ahuviya Rotem Harel, Mikhail Sandell, hell even Jordman Oompa Loompa) could join to bring a first class defamation lawsuit, should they wish.

Personally, I'm not a lawyer but I have FINALLY have gotten the professional opinion of one in this ongoing problem with your slanderious articles and hateful speech. SeanieB will also need to delete backups of this site and OBLIVERATE those as well.

Iā€™m going to give you a fair warning after my little conversation tonight. Should you choose to ignore this final truce, you have nobody to blame but YOURSELVES for whatever legal consequences may come out of this. My lawyer informed me that truth is a A COMPLETE defense against claims of libel. I am going to present all of the evidence within all TWENTY threads behind this case and host a personally online DMCA against 789chan ONCE AND FOR ALL WITH COMPLETE LEGAL BACKING.


>> No. 52420
Didnt you try this half a year ago?
>> No. 52421
Fuck you, Robb.
>> No. 52422
back with the legal threats already?
>> No. 52423
That goes for you and your retarded lawyer.
>> No. 52424
You know any asshole with an internet connection can make a backup of a website right? This shit is never going away.
>> No. 52425
Your lawyer is stealing Wayne and Virginia's money, just like before, Robert. You don't have any grounds for legal action against this site and you know it. You lose again, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 52426
Once it's on the internet, it stays on the internet.
>> No. 52427
Deja Vu

Its a huge circle of being a douchebag asshole with you isnt it?
>> No. 52428
means nothing in a civil suit dumbfuck

>Self Defense
You cant defend yourself with threats, this wont hold water, you have no idea what you are talking about
>> No. 52429
File 135018933587.png - (755.20KB , 981x511 , behind_robbs_building.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This looks familiar...
>> No. 52430
>> No. 52431
>> No. 52432
Maybe we could add Robb to that article one day, then his page would get even more views.
>> No. 52433
You know how we can tell you're full of shit, Robb? Any lawyer worth two shits would have told you to keep quiet until the case was ready. You fail at everything, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 52434
File 135018996729.jpg - (91.49KB , 741x535 , Rika's-Apartment.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Reconnaissance of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's apartment from the ground level has begun. The next phase of the stonecutters' plan is almost ready to commence.

-Field agent out.
>> No. 52436
I was more convinced by the sleepwalking argument.
>> No. 52437
Oh shit, Is the special ween and trolling team going in already? You better watch out rob, they use lolthel force.
>> No. 52438

Just doing that is going to get you in a whole mess of trouble. I DON'T SLEEP. I hope you understand that. I have a doorman who's heard from my PO personally about this stalking issue. Don't stir this pot motherfucker. You're going to placed an the worst room in the penetentary.

And seriously, I'll fucking see you if you just sleep outside my appartment. You couldn't have just came all this way just for trolling you goddamn retard.
>> No. 52439
uh. rob, why would someone sleep outside your apartment?
>> No. 52440
Who said our team had to "come all that way" the stoencutters recruited locally.

They've probably been in your apartment already and you don't even know it
>> No. 52441
There are millions of people living in the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Do you seriously think we don't have any field agents there?
>> No. 52442
The Internet tough guy continues his mad ravings.
>> No. 52443
File 135019074733.png - (322.60KB , 521x382 , targetlocation.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Target location highlighted. Have fun, boys.
>> No. 52444

You are seriously not in Philly. That is a Google Maps photo. YOU ARE SERIOUSLY NOT DOING THIS.
>> No. 52445
Sleep tight Robbay.
>> No. 52446
IT'S HAPPENING homosexual deviant
>> No. 52447
Keep telling yourself that, Robert.
>> No. 52448
So you and your doorman will just assume that ANYBODY outside your appartment who you don't know is a troll?

HA! Good luck with that.
>> No. 52449
Inb4 Robb gets arrested for harassment.
>> No. 52450
Good luck getting an injunction against a canadian operation from the US.

I'll just collect some donations and rehost all your threads on a PRQ server if you try to injunct this.
>> No. 52451
Robb, this whole fiasco is something you can't win. It's become too big for you to even try anymore. if you never ever ever come back you might fade into an ADF, A-log or new chris level of interest. Right now you're as hilarious as classic chris.
>> No. 52452
I would like to pledge $200 dollars
>> No. 52453
He's every bit as retarded as Chris, he probably believes we roam the streets wearing pickle suits.
>> No. 52454
Believe what you want Robb

Our field agents don't even need to be near your building. Who says they aren't watching from an adjacent one?
>> No. 52455
File 135019198080.jpg - (19.38KB , 400x300 , diningroom.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So what do you guys think of my buddy's dining room? Pretty sweet, huh?
>> No. 52456
That is awesome. Is there a good view from there?
>> No. 52457
Very. He's been a big help, too.
>> No. 52458
So for you comic book nerds...
Superman probably killed tens of innocents in this "encounter". Sleep tight nerds.
>> No. 52459
File 13501928005.jpg - (51.53KB , 928x400 , kitchen.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh shit, he lives on the same block as me
>> No. 52460
File 135019328612.jpg - (35.79KB , 450x370 , 1341783609655.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You know Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you have really got me interested.

Doubt this will ever happen, but I'd love to have a Skype conversation with you. Not to antagonize. Just to listen. So much has been going on, I'd just love to sit in my office chair one day and just hear you go at it. Though I doubt the paranoia will let this happen.

Shame. That's be a conversation for the ages.
>> No. 52461
So the endgame is finally upon us. If he weren't such a raging douche, I'd almost feel sorry for Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles at this point. Everything's falling into place nicely.
>> No. 52462
File 135019423017.jpg - (168.42KB , 500x333 , sniperroost.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>279586 here again

We should go up to the roof of my building sometime. Its great, no one ever goes up there so you can be alone for hours on end and you have real clear view of the surrounding streets and apartments.
>> No. 52463
Gee Robb, why do you believe that you could use lolcows as your own personal Power Rangers? This didn't work last time, why would it work this time?

Also, if in case you've forgotten:

Nick Bate: The last thing he wants to see is cops or courts

Eyebrows: Told you off in the first thread.

Anthos and Chris: No steady internet and would assume that you're a troll

A-Log: Didn't you try to talk to him on Facebook and he would not respond to you?

So that leaves ADF (who threatened his father's life on numerous occasions online and off), Melissa (who whores herself out on reddit), and Jordan (who hates your guts)

I would also suggest Jonathan Niehaus, but he's got some stuff on the internet that illegal.
>> No. 52464
File 135019541120.png - (54.21KB , 1321x362 , Eyebrows_scared.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Just to refresh your memory, Robb.
>> No. 52465

Your doorman looks like he needs a 20 for late night dinner. Oh versailles, you gotta pay your employees better. Your apartment building rob has fucking mice all over it. Don't tell me you were the one to bring them there?
>> No. 52466
He also brought cockroaches to the apartment too. It's a regular pest hotel thanks to Robb
>> No. 52467
To be fair, I think he thought ADF and Melissa were humans at the time.
>> No. 52468
No, but he did bring the bedbugs.
>> No. 52469
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles does your lawyer usually take calls from a lunatic on a Saturday night at midnight
>> No. 52470
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, the only stalking issue involving you is your propensity to stalk girls. our p.o. Is an iidiot. Fortunately the judge isn't and when the matter of your refusing to seek treatment for your mental illness comes to light harsh judgement WILL be caste . I'd suggest faking your death. You don't stand a chance in prison.
>> No. 52471
>> No. 52473
File 135019973254.jpg - (296.11KB , 983x497 , dropbox.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
We have reason to believe the old drop location has been compromised. Here's the new one. I trust you'll recognize it.
>> No. 52474

So have you given up on the totally moved to Portland with ADF line then? Or has your salts riddled brain just forgot your cover story again?
>> No. 52475
work hard,troll hard
good job!
>> No. 52476
File 135021676345.jpg - (78.40KB , 952x657 , Rika_76.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>actual bathsalts.jpg

On the other hand, I would not be all that surprised if Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles was doing real bath salts and it was just placebo effects effect.

He's stupid and delusional enough for that.
>> No. 52477

Then how can you be a "Sommbulist"?
>> No. 52478
File 135021736929.jpg - (78.88KB , 640x960 , Rika_09.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> I've learned kinds of knive wielding from a friend that can take down a gorilla.

>> If I had way, I'd place everyone of you upon a surgeons table and give their body a banana-split with a motherfucking chainsaw.


Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, we need to arrange this knife fight with you dressed as Mila and Introman cosplaying Wesker.

On the rooftop of Versailles.
>> No. 52479
then ADF dresses as Leon?
>> No. 52480
1. You have to actually lie for it to be Libel

2. Not a good idea to say you will plea insanity if you are ever arrested since we have screencaps now
>> No. 52481
Robb, the insanity defense doesn't work the way it does on Law and Order. If you have the capacity to call yourself insane, you can't be legally qualified as insane. That's part of the reason it only works a miserable 4% of the times it's tried.

Besides, even if you could be declared insane, it won't get you off scott-free. You'd end up in a mental institution, where you could be held for as long as they wanted to, and even if you got out you'd still be heavily monitored by law enforcement, and if there's even the slightest hint of you acting up again, they'll have you recommitted in a heartbeat.

PS: There's not such thing as "self-defense" death threats. Don't count on that to get you by.
>> No. 52482
So now he's repeating cocks?

Can't wait to see what crazy idea he comes up with next.
>> No. 52483
File 135023093582.jpg - (60.45KB , 560x1042 , Jack_Krauser.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
In the knife fight ADF will be Krauser, because he already has a beret.
>> No. 52484
File 135023129131.jpg - (81.22KB , 900x600 , s_p_e_t_z_n_a_z___h_a_r_e_l_by_verganza_de_sasuke-.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
En garde!
>> No. 52485
Except Krauser is broken as shit in Mercenaries.
>> No. 52486
Oh christ, ADF was robbays sensei the entire time
>> No. 52487
Makes me want to see the two of them in an actual fight. Shit would be hilarious.
>> No. 52488
I did some sleep deprivation experiments a while back. Logic goes out the window and emotional stability takes a hit as well. Whatever sense Rob has left is going to be stripped away.
>> No. 52489
Add bath salts into the equation and you've got a recipe for disaster.
>> No. 52491
File 135023930633.jpg - (166.55KB , 600x778 , ADF__s_Lion__s_Barrage_FTW_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Artist's depiction.
>> No. 52492
File 135023981473.jpg - (217.68KB , 900x1162 , To_a_T.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also artist's depiction, and maybe even what Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles actually believes.

(The irony here is ADF himself is going to wear a swastika armband, due to his newfound Nazi fetish and the SS "headmate".)
>> No. 52493
If you care to read the ED page, Robb is completely logic-free, sleep deprived or not.
>> No. 52494
How awful would it be to live next to Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles in that apartment building?

Place smells like shit, brings in bugs and vermin and all throughout the night you hear him yelling at his computer as he posts here.

Also knife fights with ADF
>> No. 52495

For Libel to stick, you need to prove that people do not believe the things they are claiming.

Not only do we believe it, but we have piles of proof that you provided yourself.

Our only legal option is "Veni in nos bro".

Go nuts rob.
>> No. 52496

That's the crazy thing, he's not going to be able to make even the feeble shreds of logic he did before. I imagine he's practically an animal now.
>> No. 52497
Rob why will this lawyer succeed when the last one just took your money and did nothing?
>> No. 52498
File 135024286539.jpg - (1.20MB , 969x1452 , wraithbusters.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Good news, jesuitS used his connections and got our movie project greenlit.

>> No. 52499
File 135024330371.jpg - (86.47KB , 612x422 , WhatRobbayBelieves.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

What Robbay believes (please forgive my shitty shopping skills)
>> No. 52500
File 135024974533.png - (5.57KB , 277x103 , Capture.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Bobby's delusion is hurting him. Here is madara's plan from the stonecutter chat. This is what you should be afraid of: not suing people because the information you uploaded about yourself is used against you.
>> No. 52501
  I wish I could see what Robb looks like now, with him being a sommbulist and all.
>> No. 52503
File 135025552759.png - (127.83KB , 761x644 , badboysbadboys.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robb's still in Philly, yet ADF claims he just bailed him out of jail in Portland. These idiots really need to get their stories straight.
>> No. 52504
Wonder how robbay will explain that to his PO
>> No. 52505
The spasts must not realize a person can search a database.

Of course Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, being the Master of Disguise, will probably claim to have been busted under an alias. If he's even claiming to still be in Portland. I need to catch up with everything that's been going on.
>> No. 52506
Robb, if this is true, you should be very thankful to have Harel still be with you. Anyone would have completely alienated you right now, but only because Harel is a retard lke you (albeit, a very unfunny one), he can tolerate you.
>> No. 52507
Robb, you two really need to communicate better if you want to pull this shit off.
>> No. 52508
Welp, it's over. If the charge sticks his expungement diversion deal is off.
Californian jail.
>> No. 52509
Nothing in the police blotter or county jail booking database yet.

Lets see what happens over the next couple of days.

Spoiler: It's nothing
>> No. 52510
File 135025853140.png - (21.29KB , 406x438 , nicetryretard.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Note that this was sent a few minutes before the latest journal
>> No. 52511
Robbay probably begged him to make up a story like that because he's freaking out about the appartment pics being posted again.
>> No. 52512
Leave it to Robbay to insist that he beg ADF to make up a story of him doing something as stupid like assaulting an officer.

Seriously, true or false, why would he even think that's a good idea.
>> No. 52513
File 135025953692.jpg - (119.21KB , 600x462 , trannystooges.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So here's the score: Mikhail's e-begging to get ADF to Portland. ADF is claiming to be in Portland already. Robb proved last night he's still in Philly. But ADF thinks he can convince us that he just bailed Robb out of jail in Portland. Pic related.
>> No. 52514

Will Mr. Robert Wayne Stiless parents take all three of them in?

If not, they should be told to check their privilege
>> No. 52515

Ahuviya has a dunning-kroeger thing going on with it's intelligence. He also over states his intelligence and thinks rote memorization of buzzwords denotes critical thinking. He like chang hai shek, likes to play both sides and be a snake.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is a goon no doubt but Ahuviya is not far behind. This is the same person who pressured his girlfriend to suck dick for money while she was 17. This is the same person reccomending a 17 year old to run away from home, so he wouldn't be lonely at night. This is the same person who beats up every womanly figure in his life. Mother, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles(I know lol.), Maria Pupo, Pamela Flanigan. He even has pulled out his knives/mace on some "hyper-sexual transphobic African Americans" according to my field agent.
>> No. 52516

Their son is a pretty girly boy, his best friend is a fat, Narutard who identifies as a girl and his girlfriend is a very fat and ugly woman (who actually is a minor) and identifies as a man.

This is like a Freak Family circus.

For added lulz, they are conservatives who's gotta deal with this shit. I smell a sitcom!
>> No. 52517
I wish ADF would be a Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 52518
She turned 18 in August, so she's not a minor anymore. Though of course she still was when she hooked up with the fat Narutard.
>> No. 52519
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, mist of pandera is out, and its pretty good. stop this tranny nonsene and start playing wow again. even pm me my name is Zook on illedan us server ;-)
>> No. 52520

World of Warcraft sucks.

Runescape all the way.
>> No. 52521
File 135026372570.jpg - (16.57KB , 450x338 , 05d.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Implying Runescape isn't as shitty.
>> No. 52522
>> No. 52523
What will happen to ADF if Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles goes to prison?
>> No. 52524
I know it's old news now but was the whole ADF suicide attempt/brain damage thing real?
>> No. 52525

Suicide attempt, Yes. Brain damage, nothing added. After the suicide attempt thought and Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles/jordan helping ADF get over it. ADF started to go buckwild on African Americans. He also was let go from volunteering at the wooden shoe.
>> No. 52526
>Brain damage, nothing added.

Guess you can't damage that which has already been OBLIVERATEed.
>> No. 52527
Nothing dignifying.
>> No. 52528
Thanks, why did he suddenly start going crazy at African Americans?

The only thing I can think of them doing was that basketball at the window while he was on the bus which could have just been a coincidence.
>> No. 52529
Keep in mind, ADF has never been fond of black people anyway. http://www.adfki.com/index.php?title=ADF_and_race
>> No. 52530
His anti troll sketch looks a lot like neonazi propaganda sketches. The stile is obviously influenced by racist crap he saw on 4chan.
>> No. 52531
Brain damage? What got damaged and how much?
>> No. 52532
Well, it's sort of a combination, really. Severe spasm combined with FAS (his mom drank heavily into the third trimester).
>> No. 52533
No real evidence of spasm so much as him just being unbalanced and retarded. Literally retarded. Sad really.
>> No. 52534
File 135028544236.jpg - (41.68KB , 390x398 , 1296459114318.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF was diagnosed for Aspergers by a doctor (pic related).

For a while, he even strongly identified with spastic community, opposed spasm Speaks and what not.

He just rejected it later, burned the spasm papers. You know, being ADF.

Personally, I think he's both spastic and mildly retarded. Like Chris.
>> No. 52535
File 135028572989.jpg - (276.21KB , 900x1201 , ADF_Rollerblading_in_Philly_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And when wearing a helmet he looks like a stereotypical retard.
>> No. 52536
Chris isn't actually retarded
>> No. 52537
File 135028590528.jpg - (148.96KB , 900x1200 , mtf_hrt_update___10_11_2010_by_adf_fuensalida-d32j.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
...well, without a helmet too.
>> No. 52538
File 135028603178.jpg - (51.86KB , 412x700 , tumblr_lmtf4f25BL1qa8kz9o1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, on a second thought, yeah. Chris is just really child-like.
>> No. 52539
Since ADF and his sweet prince(ss) each identify with an opposite gender, do they have conventual sex or is some sort of strapon involved?

Has ADF ever had confirmed les-sex with Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 52540
Reeka is a virgin princess.
>> No. 52541
File 135031301919.png - (153.90KB , 1144x685 , adftryhard.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He's also quite the tryhard. You're not fooling anyone, ADF.
>> No. 52542
Then you hear him talk. Also, is it me, or does he sound winded just taking a leisurely stroll down the street?
>> No. 52543

sounds like garfield
>> No. 52544

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles: Mary Lee Walsh and Michael Snnoooooooyyyyyyyyder
>> No. 52545
I wanted to get a few clips from this when I was collecting samples for the soundboard, but ADF's constant mouth-breathing kinda fucked things up.
>> No. 52546
Chang hai tubby has threatened introman. Apparently harel and crew are in oregon sending E threats to Philly. introman is laughing this up while chilling at the wooden shoe. Urgent meeting at the red and black cafe at 3 pm PST time for oregon field agents.

to ~introMANCWC
I thought the shit would end in Philly...but no.

Gotta hunt me down in Portland now

Do it again and a FA is getting stabbed, beatened or worse, shot.

Only Fucking Warning."
>> No. 52547
oh no, now ADF is going to stab a stranger to death over his paranoia, he should just take pictures of them like Chris.
>> No. 52548
File 135031695070.png - (27.72KB , 271x209 , 1344532763331.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That's a threat. Call the cops so no one winds up dead
>> No. 52549
TBH, I'm really surprised ADF hasn't shot anyone yet as paranoid as he is. Seriously, though, I think he does need to be reported. just remember, Phillip Vincent Haskins-Delici is the name to give the dispatcher.
>> No. 52550
So the homeless bum enjoys this site with Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. If Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles goes to jail will you lose primary internet access? Also shower access, but then it is philly. No one will notice
>> No. 52551
Hopefully he's more afraid of prison than individuals. Hopefully it stays that way as long as he's a pathetic paranoid psycho-wannabe.
>> No. 52552
Why doesn't adf post here?
>> No. 52553
See /L/. Unlike Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, ADF seems to have actually learned not to come back around.
>> No. 52554
Unlike the others ADF really did legally change his name
>> No. 52555
Damn, didn't realize that shit was actually legally changed. lol Ahuviya Rotem Harel, then.
>> No. 52556
You sheltered, coddled, basement dwelling little man babies have no idea what your up against when you laugh at Harel. I'm going to say this now, my lawyer is working relentlessly to get this site shut down for libel unless all of this violently slanderious info is taken down about me, Harel and Mr. Sandell. I've also hired some of my old friends to patrol around the wooden shoe so expect lots of coincidential meetings, Introman.

As for the people taking pictures of my appartment and attempting to break in, BACK FUCKING OFF. If you startle me, you're really going to be in for it or you'll be violating a protective stalking order that I installed with my PO.

You've finally taken things way to far this time, my friends and it's time you fucking get off my back before anyone has to pay.
>> No. 52557
Also my PO is well informed that anyone who calls him regarding me is just a troll. So kindly stop calling him, he is starting to get upset with me now. He won't take any of your bullshit.
>> No. 52558
So how was jail, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 52559
Says the sheltered, coddled living-in-overpriced-apartment funded by mommy and daddy, manbaby.
>> No. 52560
>he is starting to get upset with me now
Well that sure is going to stop people doing it Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 52561
>he is starting to get upset with me
>He won't take any of your bullshit.

how does this even make sense
>> No. 52562


>implying you have money to pay people to hang around outside the wooden shoe

So why does Harel keep saying you're in Portland Robb? He even said you got arrested for assaulting an officer.
>> No. 52563

You know those fucking horny convicts? I bitch slapped any that got close to me. Oh and they were cis women, BTW, as unlike you ugly motherfuckers, the federal justice system actually respects my gender identity.
>> No. 52564

>So kindly stop calling him, he is starting to get upset with me now.

Oh yeah, we better stop calling him then, we trolls certainly wouldn't want to cause any friction between you and him, right?
>> No. 52565
Just so you know, I have already agreed to give seanie the money to move the site to a country that does not recognize slander or libel in the even that you do sue. You can have 789chan when you pry it from my cold dead hands.
>> No. 52566
Do you even have a clue what we're talking about, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles? You and ADF really need to get your bullshit straight with each other.
>> No. 52567

A confused retard with a penchant for playing dress up?
>> No. 52568
Why are you not in any databases?
>> No. 52569
File 135032102418.png - (90.81KB , 709x599 , FireShot Pro Screen Capture #026 - 'deviantAR.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, are you aware that you were arrested in Portland?
>> No. 52570
Hiring that cop troll was the best idea we've ever had.
>> No. 52571

See >>280054 for further accountability. You trolls got me.
>> No. 52572
So is it libel, or is it slander, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles? If you were talking to a competent lawyer, he would already have told you the difference.

tl;dr Robb's still an idiot.
>> No. 52573
What you just said doesn't even make sense, Robert. It's a little early to be getting high, don't you think?
>> No. 52574

>violating a protective stalking order that I installed with my PO.

Wait, what? Who is this order against exactly? You can't just file that against anyone who comes within 20 feet of you that you don't like the look of.
>> No. 52575
You have a penis and it says male on your drivers license. You are a man as far as the prison system is concerned, nothing you say will change their minds about that. This story is thinner than you are.
>> No. 52576
You know rob, we know you pretty well at this point. If you had really been arrested you would be on here crying about how it is our fault you violated your diversion and are going to prison.
>> No. 52577
I would say that it is against seanie, but I dont think that he ever did figure out what seanies name is despite it not really being a secret.
>> No. 52579
Sadly even if Rob wins, it's just going to elevate his profile further and attract trolling from more/larger groups.
>> No. 52580

>You know those fucking horny convicts? I bitch slapped any that got close to me. Oh and they were cis women

Still beating on women then? Must have been just like high school.
>> No. 52581
I wonder if mikhail knows that the two people she spent a month or so living with beat women on a regular basis. But then again she doesnt think of herself as a woman so who knows.
>> No. 52582
>> No. 52583
File 135032205953.jpg - (19.71KB , 505x487 , 1348508255321.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
How should we believe you? You and Harel already lied about you being in jail. If you actually did assault a police officer, you would still be in jail since it's a violation to your probation. How do we know that you're not lying about having a lawyer too?
>> No. 52584

Because people are fucking taking pictures of my appartment claiming to be field agents. That is MORE than enough of a reason to be concerned.
>> No. 52585
File 135032232234.jpg - (36.24KB , 431x494 , Versailles-Apartments-Philadelphia.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You were saying?
>> No. 52586

The field agents are gonna get ya, then they are gonna eat ya!

You'll soon encounter them in Philadelphia/Portland square, in their pickle and monster suits, dancing the Thriller until you shit your bath salt ass.
>> No. 52587

A reason for you to be concerned maybe, we think it's fucking hilarious.
>> No. 52588
R.ika, I was wondering if you would read this article and explain its meaning in your own words.

>> No. 52589

Why didn't you go to Portland Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 52590

Isn't this the court appointed lawyer? why the fuck would he be working for free? I get it. You scammed the federal government for a free lawyer. Bad ass Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Why are you sending your freak squad to wooden shoes? I can just get them kicked out because I actually pay for shit and volunteer. Not volunteer for a week and than cry about them being patriarchal. While still going to events to mooch off the food and stink up the book store.

BTW, Madara did get the privilege to be mikhails client. Shit's pretty funny how life works out. You suck my e-dick, while mikhail and soon to be you and ADF suck Kyle's real one.
>> No. 52591
Look out your window, Robb.
>> No. 52592

Maybe, but not enough for a protective order
>> No. 52593
File 135032245340.jpg - (157.83KB , 640x480 , lookoutpost.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Speaking of that, Redeye is now in position.
>> No. 52594

I had a dog like that once.
>> No. 52595
File 135032264729.jpg - (14.96KB , 300x200 , outsiderobbsplace.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey guys, you can see Robb's french doors from this pic. Pretty sweet, huh?
>> No. 52596
File 135032287212.jpg - (139.56KB , 1174x754 , DCHS 201210130041.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Is this a good place for getting printing done? My printer is currently broken and I'm wondering if I should go there since I was in the area today.
>> No. 52597

I would be wary. Troll kind are challenged to knife fights by the goblin king of Versailles in that store. I would carry some AXE bodyspray, a bible and a crudely written white piece of paper with the name introman. Good luck, young adventurer.
>> No. 52598
Ms. Lawley gave us her blessing, Robb. Frankly, she's getting tired of all the commotion originating from apartment 7A.
>> No. 52599

And this is what you don't realize. I can see someone taking a picture with a camera aimed precisely at my living room. What do you plan on doing? BREAKING through my french doors through a rope and pulley system?! Are you seriously THAT big of tards?
>> No. 52600

And this is what you don't realize. I can see someone taking a picture with a camera aimed precisely at my living room. What do you plan on doing? BREAKING through my french doors through a rope and pulley system?! Are you seriously THAT big of tards?
>> No. 52601

Stick your head out the window and shout "FUCK OFF 789chan!"
>> No. 52603

On the cold air a voice could be heard in the distance..

>> No. 52604
Quit bringing mice and cockroaches to the building, Robb. Your neighbors are not appreciating it one bit.
>> No. 52605
Actually, I wasn't planning on doing that, but thanks for the idea!
>> No. 52606
File 135032329816.jpg - (789.25KB , 3000x2008 , airassault.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I knew my air assault training from the army would come in handy someday. This is gonna be fun!
>> No. 52607
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, I could have sworn you had us in your pocket only 24 hours ago. But once again, you're letting us push you all over.
>> No. 52608

>> No. 52609
The same ones you threatened to kill, Robb? They're gonna love that shit.
>> No. 52610
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles what does it feel like when everyone of your dumb lies gets exposed?
>> No. 52611
File 135032368370.jpg - (44.84KB , 732x575 , Robb_internet_tough_guy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robb, don't you think its finally time to show your revenge?

Jump out your window and attempt to kill that photographer with your body. You may die as well, but at least you go out wth a bang knowing you killed one of your trolls.
>> No. 52612
Rob, you do realize that your lawyer told you to see an attorney that "specializes in libel" because he didn't want to waste his time right?

Libel isn't "BAWWWWWW THEY'RE SAYING THINGS ABOUT ME THAT I DON'T LIKE" It's "They're saying things about me that they know are untrue" Everything stated in the ED article is a fact with well documented evidence. You can't win a libel case because there is no libel.

Also, you need to serve a protective restraining order.
>> No. 52613
I'm sure they'll get right on that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Right after you threaten them for not acting.
>> No. 52614
File 135032403441.jpg - (55.70KB , 260x411 , robb-in-a-straight-jacket.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So, anyone care to place bets on how long it's gonna be?
>> No. 52615
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles I'm still wait for you to name the place for us to meet a week from Saturday. I'm challenging you to a fight. Name the place and time
>> No. 52616
Did you also check your shower for trolls?
>> No. 52617
>> No. 52618
You can't stop me.
>> No. 52619
>As for the people taking pictures of my appartment and attempting to break in, BACK FUCKING OFF
>> No. 52620
File 135032462150.jpg - (100.87KB , 500x332 , atlantic-city-sportsbook.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hell, it's the talk of Atlantic City right now.
>> No. 52621
File 135032472459.jpg - (134.37KB , 600x450 , rikachan.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>As for the people taking pictures of my appartment and attempting to break in, BACK FUCKING OFF



RiĀ­ka confirmed for New Chris-Chan.
>> No. 52622
epin ween :-DDDDDDD
>> No. 52623
That's unfair to Chris, he passes far better.
>> No. 52624
>I was victimized by not only the students but THE DEAN HIMSELF of Camden just because of my freakin lifestyle choices
Dang dirty Mary Lee Walsh!
>> No. 52625
Why would the US legal system put a cis-male like you in with cis-females?

It's not even like you consider yourself to be a MtF transsexual or anything.
>> No. 52626
And so, the journey down the rabbit hole continues.
>> No. 52627
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles you don't own the apartment building, should I ask the manager Judy Lawley if you have gotten her permission to put the building on lockdown?
>> No. 52628

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has gone off the rails, guys.
>> No. 52629
Robert hasn't posted in awhile.

I wonder if he's banging on doors at the Versailles letting other tenants know about the lockdown
>> No. 52630
Or banging on doors trying to figure out who's been taking the pictures.
>> No. 52631
Hey Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles who is Steve Johnson? (The only person following you on http://phillyis.blogspot.com )

(I found the site through your twitter account - https://twitter.com/Mr. Robert Wayne StilesStarjade )
>> No. 52632

Wow, he made a twitter just to harass Milla Jovovich.
>> No. 52634

after all this time threatening to mess people up, you finally get the opportunity to do so, i think it is time you did what you bath salts induced delusional fantasies are telling you to do mr. styles
>> No. 52635
File 135032971328.gif - (12.68KB , 500x374 , flickr.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Better version. No matter what the language, it's universally accepted that Robb is butthurt.
>> No. 52636
Do any of you think I'm seriously going to commit sepukku becuause of this? You have another thing coming. You'll NEVER know what a cornered Wolverine will do but you have an INVITATION to find out.
>> No. 52637

I wish I could find out SO BAD
>> No. 52638
That would imply dying with honor. There's nothing honorable about you, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 52639

You're cornered right now. My power combined with introman's has made you very scared. You're afraid of a true trolling menace. Not your old buddies who made harem maps and uploaded porn on myspace.

>> No. 52640
A cornered Wolverine would shit his pants and do nothing. Also, a butthurt wolverine would turn to bath salts at the first sight of a mean comment against him
>> No. 52641

Seriously Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, if you actually did this, EVERYTHING WOULD STOP.
>> No. 52643
File 135033146511.jpg - (37.60KB , 600x450 , warsaw.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
To anybody who may be visiting Philadelphia, you should really try the Wienerschnitzel at the Warsaw Cafe. It's really good, and the location is perfect.
>> No. 52644

>> No. 52645
I bet you were VERY close to your grandmother, if you know what I mean. We all know you're a virgin of course, but hands and mouths don't count.
>> No. 52646

I'm gonna knock on your door in exactly 3 minutes.
>> No. 52647


Bath salts?
>> No. 52648

I love how you always completely deny any responsibility for anything wrong you did before you declared yourself a woman because that TOTALLY WASN'T THE SAME PERSON you are now, but still pull out the old wraith shit whenever you want to be intimidating.
>> No. 52649
>> No. 52650
I lol'd.
>> No. 52651
He deleted that epic rant. Someone got a cap?
>> No. 52652
File 135033195291.png - (47.53KB , 1543x275 , stillthewraithlord.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 52653
> There are several ways a person must go about proving that libel has taken place. For example, in the United States, first, the person must prove that the statement was false. Second, the person must prove that the statement caused harm. Third, the person must prove that the statement was made without adequate research into the truthfulness of the statement. These steps are for an ordinary citizen.

Sorry Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, all your libel case will do is waste more of Wayne's money
>> No. 52654
Robb seems unaware of the word "too."
>> No. 52655
>These steps are for an ordinary citizen.

Inb4 Robb uses his mental gymnastics to try and tell us he's special.
>> No. 52656
Actually, the requirements are slack for the average person. Celebs have to prove malicious intent too.

Cases involving libel and slander are difficult cases to prove.
>> No. 52657
He actually went to sleep? Amazing.
>> No. 52658

He's lost his fucking mind.
>> No. 52659
File 135033249140.jpg - (114.79KB , 720x545 , 40525_1373978832309_1316948428_30895828_94194_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robb is the train.
>> No. 52660
And he keeps making threats, stay classy Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 52661
File 135033277687.png - (87.25KB , 250x284 , 250px-MadlHatterByTenniel_svg.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You're mad as a hatter, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 52662
Does he actually think we want his made up internet title? From now on let us refer to him as princess popeycock, See there Princess, now you are extra special
>> No. 52663


>I am still the fucking Wraithlord around here
>> No. 52664
Make that Prince. Wouldn't want to indulge him too much.
>> No. 52665
>Princess Poppycock
>Not Lumpy Princess

I am so disappoint right now
>> No. 52666
File 13503339132.jpg - (191.84KB , 1026x777 , robbsego.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
LIU Guy put it best.
>> No. 52667
My bad. Lumpy Prince.
>> No. 52668

Enjoy living your life as one big tard rage. While Madara and I keep winning in this war of attrition. You're seriously seeing dead people now.

The apology video offer is still up. You make it and I promise that kyle/myself will never be around you again. All it takes is you to put on some heels and a cocktail dress. Apologizing in front of the camera to xammy, seanie b, zyklon, trey pepe, whoreos n milf, CWC , introman , Kyle , ADF , Derick , Jordan, Both parents , 789chan, jesuitS , Omega, Jemgatype, Crissy, Xyrox , Laguna Beach cast-mates, myspace employees, Jen , Dawn Munro , Evelyn Friel, Shawn Jones(Ceres may).

You either take the offer or wallow in your pain.
>> No. 52669

He could probably do to apologise to Milla Jovovich too.
>> No. 52670
He's too afraid to show himself in womens clothes because he's an unkempt, smelly beardy-man hobo lookalike now and he doesn't want us to see.
>> No. 52671
Hey guys,

Just a general question, does he have a strong 'philly' accent when he's spouting out all this gibbering man-child spasm?

I'm Australian & not really familiar with some of the east coast American accents as typically most American pop culture stuff comes in general American
>> No. 52672
Hear Robert's voice here: http://www.soundboard.com/sb/robertwaynestiles
>> No. 52673
Audio meetmerobb.mp3 - (1.08MB - 112 kbps - 48 kHz ) Length: 1:21 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Ok, I'll bite.
>> No. 52674

>> No. 52675
You know, Intro, I told him that I'd delete everything off of here if he JUST went ahead and posted a picture of himself with a shoe on his head.

Now it's taken on a life of it's own. Do you see what you've sown, RiĀ­ka? REAP WHAT YOU'VE SOWN! REAAAAAPPPP WHAT YOU'VE SOWWWWWNNNNN.

Seriously, bro, I would have done it, but your words...they wounded me too deeply.
>> No. 52676
Rob I'm willing to find out what a cornered wolverine does. Please tell me where to meet you a week from Saturday otherwise I will just show up at your place.
>> No. 52677
File 13503372659.jpg - (275.08KB , 2048x1365 , crimescene.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You guys really should fear the wraith. Do you know how skilled he is with a blade?
>> No. 52678

I'm not being lured out by anyone. I'm willing to hold out here all fucking night if I have to. I won't answer to anyone knocking or speak to anyone in the fucking lobby.
>> No. 52679
What happened here? Did he cut himself shaving?
>> No. 52680
Our army of trolls already has you surrounded. If you strike one of them down, 10 more will take their place. There is no escape.
>> No. 52681
What's wrong, Internet tough guy? You said you wanted someone to meet you. Damn, you're a pussy.
>> No. 52682
i thought you were going to kill people but now you are just going to tuck your tail between your legs and hide... what a pussy
>> No. 52683
Basically he thought if he shaved/cut himself hard/deeply enough, his beard wouldn't come back.
>> No. 52684
>You'll NEVER know what a cornered Wolverine will do but you have an INVITATION to find out.

>I'm not being lured out by anyone. I'm willing to hold out here all fucking night if I have to. I won't answer to anyone knocking or speak to anyone in the fucking lobby.

Well now we know what a cornered wolverine will do, hide in a room and shit his pants and do nothing.
>> No. 52685
But Rob, how will you meet your libel lawyer?
>> No. 52686
hey Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles how does it feel to know that your thread is about to auto sage and the CWC with brand new cocks ,that was started two day before this one, still has over a hundred post to go

You are the new lolcow king
>> No. 52687
File 13503379339.png - (792.05KB , 714x514 , infiltration team hideout.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What do you guys think of this place as a potential base of operations? No one ever suspects the British!
>> No. 52688
File 135033806335.png - (43.72KB , 153x146 , reconteam.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So my friend took this photo the other day.
>> No. 52689
What is that?
>> No. 52690
Can you just give me a fucking ratio of how many assholes are trying to get into Versailles. If you give me a fair amount of time, I can actually prepare for what I'm up against.

How about a streetbrawl with only wielding weapons allowed? Or 1 on 1 fights. You CAN'T just fucking storm me ILLEGALLY. But if you want me to be illegal I FUCKING WILL.
>> No. 52691
Snap fight. Sharks vs Jets. Bring your best 50s ensemble.
>> No. 52692
You know streetfights are illegal too right?
>> No. 52693
Damn, Stiles. What part of "discussing it like civilized people" does your bath salts-addled brain fail to grasp? I just wanted you to come down and talk, that's all. You're fuckin' paranoid, dude.
>> No. 52694

The stonecutters Philly field office has a staff of 250 Field Agents. However more are being brought in from across the US and the wider world to infiltrate every aspect of your life.
>> No. 52695
We'll also be able to keep our pickle suits clean.
>> No. 52696
"Wielding weapons". That sounds familiar, Robb.
>> No. 52697
Speaking of that the shipment of telescopes, binoculars, and telephoto lenses is going to be on time.
>> No. 52698
You'd probably be beaten pretty badly in a one on one confrontation with the majority of /cwc/ users.

We're all better off if plans are made in secret.
>> No. 52699
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, your new thread is at //789.not4chan.org/cwc/res/280225.html
>> No. 52700
I don't know how to tell you this but....
We don't want to fight
We want to fuck
Our fascination with you has transcended the boundaries of hate and turned into love
We'll take you by force if necessary
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