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File 135033914488.png - (212.72KB , 300x445 , wraithlord.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
52701 No. 52701
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles thread 24
Expand all images
>> No. 52702
Soooooo, does anybody think Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles will show up for that friendly chat or is he too chicken shit?
>> No. 52703
File 135033934941.jpg - (119.14KB , 366x460 , Welder-01.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Can we use Welding Weapons?
>> No. 52704
We currently have 50 active duty trolls outside Versailles right now, and over 9000 in reserve. There is no escape. Also, we're all armed with blowtorches and plasma cutters.
>> No. 52705
Audio updateforrobb.mp3 - (538.97KB - 111 kbps - 48 kHz ) Length: 0:40 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Come on, Stiles. What do you have to lose?
>> No. 52706
File 135034021618.jpg - (20.34KB , 418x250 , wraith.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pic related. It's a troll locked and loaded.
>> No. 52707
Hey guys, I'm here but I'm starving. Does anyone know a good place to grab something to eat so I don't die of hunger while keeping watch over Mr Wayne Stiles? I'm not from round here but I thought I'd drop in after I got the message last night.

- Posted from my iPad
>> No. 52708
Order robbay some chinese delivery. I don't know if he'd let the delivery guy in though
>> No. 52709
poor delivery guy. he will be OBLIVERATEed almost immediately after encoutering the golblin king.
>> No. 52710
Whatever you do, avoid the Stir Lounge. It's a Robbie and Ahuvia type place, if you know what I mean...
>> No. 52711
>golblin king
robb's rubbing off on me and i'm starting to butcher the english language in some of the same ways.
>> No. 52712
Hey introman, just letting you know I havent laced every object in Robert's apartment with cyanide yet, still waiting on the shipment to come in from my Russian contacts. I got some pictures today though so I learned the layout of the place.I expect hazard pay for this job btw, his body IS a weapon
>> No. 52713
File 135034250280.jpg - (84.89KB , 480x720 , 227104_1738556306518_1316948428_31495754_6402245_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So what's the story about his pic, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 52714
>> No. 52715
We've already replaced all the delivery men in the city with troll operatives, though.
>> No. 52716
File 135034306612.jpg - (45.00KB , 800x601 , IMG_3559.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Just arrived here. So where are the field agents meeting?
>> No. 52717
Depends what team your on.
>> No. 52718
Pop your collar so we will recognize you , we have Blake outside keeping watch for the tranny
>> No. 52719
Hey Robb, I think it would get make people get off your case if you made good on your promise to knife fight a gorilla and put it on youtube. That would show them. Make it a real fight though. Adult male silverback or better. He should have a knife too, you know, just to make things even.
>> No. 52720
Since everyone here is an asburger filled with hate, I bet you guys have nothing better to do than make an image of Roberts posts without the useless /cwc/ commentary in-between just for me

>> No. 52722
The doormen are really nice and just let you right in if you tell them you are thinking about renting.

If anyone is suspicous say you heard there was a mouse problem and that will get them sidetracked as it has been an issue in The last few years.
>> No. 52723
You're a dick but you might be on to something with the abridged versions of robbay's rage.
>> No. 52724
Please see >>280242
>> No. 52725
File 135035029967.jpg - (54.18KB , 450x500 , torch.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Locked and loaded.
Here we come, Mr. Stiles.
>> No. 52726
He is the Waddle Dee of the sperg world.
>> No. 52727
I thought we agreed on Tetrodotoxin and cone snail venom. Make him a real zombie is what you said.

Too late now, I've already dusted his keyboard with the stuff
>> No. 52728
That's a two bagger
>> No. 52729

Looks like someone doesn't appreciate cocks.
>> No. 52730
It was fuckin' Slimz, what do you expect?
>> No. 52731
Hadn't thought of that but you're probably right.
>> No. 52732
File 135035605368.jpg - (23.22KB , 315x400 , Gypsy_fortune_teller.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, I summon thee. Regale us with more internet jests.
>> No. 52733
File 135036165320.jpg - (328.46KB , 2048x829 , 204914_1700357311567_1316948428_31447707_6142520_o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
To think, these two used to be such good friends at one time. Whatever happened with that Robb?
>> No. 52734
That picture is amazing, they would make a great duo in some stoner comedy.
>> No. 52736
File 135036203161.gif - (3.80KB , 452x523 , mystery.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Whatever happened to JE­WS? After the $200 thing, he said something in IRC about "his jesuit­ish field agent sealing the deal."

Who the fuck is the jesuit­ish agent? Introman? Madara? ADF?
>> No. 52737
File 135036228727.jpg - (31.34KB , 500x375 , bettercallsaul.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey Robbay, I've found just the lawyer to aid in your case against 789chan
>> No. 52738
File 135036328370.jpg - (526.87KB , 2048x1531 , 341385_2136725060488_1316948428_31880465_121366059.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
How many of these people still associate with you, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles? Care to guess the reason why they wouldn't?
>> No. 52739
ADF looks like a Star Wars cosplayer.
>> No. 52740

What the fuck is ADF dressed up as
>> No. 52741
Maybe that was during his Pagan phase?
>> No. 52742

>> No. 52743
Is the one in the glasses next to Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles also a tranny? He/she passes better than the others.
>> No. 52744
I was wondering the samea
>> No. 52745

Yea, her name is jen. She's actually normal. Compared to the rest of the philly trannies. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles hated her, than liked her and Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles hates her again.

The reason the philly trannies hate her because of passism, plastic surgery(breast implants) and having a self sufficient job.

Also today is the one year anniversary of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles contacting me through the facebook. Look how time flies. haha
>> No. 52746

Too bad he hates her, I wouldn't mind robbay setting me up with her for some romance and hanky panky
>> No. 52747
Wow it's been a whole year already.
Time flies when you're having fun doesn't it Robb?
>> No. 52748
Can we please can the fake secret troll army conspiracy talk? It's as dumb as Robbay. Hell, I dislike Robbay and ADF precisely because they do the same power fantasy bullshit. And I'm sure Rob isn't falling for it - he's paranoid because he's an insane tranny idiot on bath salts, not because of anything anyone else is doing.
>> No. 52749

Yeah, some of this shit has been getting really fucking retarded recently.
>> No. 52750
File 135039332732.jpg - (46.69KB , 409x350 , look who's assburger.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>takes it seriously
>> No. 52751
File 135039774871.jpg - (320.71KB , 2048x1536 , 171321_1579028318418_1316948428_31292434_3327679_o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Damn, 1 year already. Time does fly. So regarding this image: What happened with Derrek, Robb? We all know what happened with the other individual in this picture (lol), so what's the story with #3?
>> No. 52752
Wasn't she the one he uses racist slurs against for seemingly no reason?
>> No. 52753
And you think it's a fucking joke, Seanie. The one who is attempting to call my fucking parents while others are loitering outside my appartment harassing me.

You are by FAR the most insensitive, uncaring admin on the internet. Can I say you're worse than fucking Nero, laughing while I get reduced to a fucking corpse, losing all of my money, happiness and health ALL AT ONCE.

Do me a fucking favor and at least name the board in honor of me, when you finally push me over the falls. Just for every single time I've asked you to stop, I've pleaded, I've tried EVERY FUCKING THING IN THE WORLD. and you still continued on.
>> No. 52754

robbay is beginning to feed off this

too bad you'll go over those falls quietly and no one will care
>> No. 52755
  So glad we met, Robbay! This is a special day. You had me at first cocks!
>> No. 52756
>I'm sure Rob isn't falling for it
looks like Rob proved you wrong.
>> No. 52757
Why wait? I think we should name the board after Robbay now. He's more entertaining than Chris has been in a long time.
>> No. 52758
Nah we are not naming the board after you. We are going to name the rehab center we are building after you however
>> No. 52759
I dunno I prefer Christian Wraithlord Chandler (CWC).
>> No. 52760
You've tried everything except letting it slide and not coming here anymore. Also it seems you have no idea exactly who Nero was or what he did.
>> No. 52761
>> No. 52762
File 135040790196.jpg - (100.51KB , 750x563 , 134137004761.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robbie i'm gonna be called a white knight or something but look:
Nobody is stalking you ( maybe Introman)
Internet is not serious business so leave it and start to live in real life, where nobody cares about stargate forums or /cwc/.
Dont fucking come here again.

It's that simple. Everything is in your head. I personally think that you were milked dry.
Leave the internet, Rob. Go smell flowers and take pictures. The world is vast enough, even for a ugly philly tranny genderqueered or everything you want to be called.
Or just continue to ride the lulztrain forever, but man, nobody cares about ED, 789 chan or your internet reputation IRL.

Fuck my post is so deviant, i want to kick myself in the nuts.
>> No. 52763
Really? Where's the apology video?
>> No. 52764
How are you getting along with ADF these days?
>> No. 52765
Audio anothertry.mp3 - (610.36KB - 109 kbps - 48 kHz ) Length: 0:46 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Come on, Robb. How about Starbucks, man?
>> No. 52766
Because it's funny. You lost the last of my cares when you personally insulted me and never took responsibility. Haven't we been over this? Oh wait, you don't take responsibility for anything.
>> No. 52767
>Do me a fucking favor and at least name the board in honor of me, when you finally push me over the falls.

Can we please rename /L/ to /rws/. Robbay threads make up a good population of the archived threads now. Even Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles agrees.
>> No. 52772

You tell me who is photographing my appartment than IF THEY DON'T FUCKING CARE. Don't you understand? I haven't been able to leave my fucking appartment this whole week, I've been so physically devastated by whoevers taking these pictures. You don't get it, how fucking paranoid I truly am about these matters because this is fucking troll central, this is where Bluespike was told to get Chandler to rape his fucking ass with clay.

Look, I don't know how fucking far some of you homosexual deviants are willing to go. All I know is that I've been starving for days because I don't want to get chased by some fucking /cwc/ peons saying "CALM DOWN MAN, WE'RE NOT GONNA HURT YOU, WHOOPS JUUUUUUUUUUULAAAAAAY" and they gun me down or beat me or some shit. I only keep Ahuviya around because she is the only one who can protect me because the fucking law has failed me so many times. I need a fucking vigilante of true justice to protect me.

And Sean, an ass rammer like you just personally wanted revenge. You think all LGBT biological men should be like you. Well, unlike you, I am actually part girl so there is no shame in what I have done. Just because I am defying your standards you goddamn baby. You just want me to be a standard queer.
>> No. 52773
Robb, come to Starbucks man.
>> No. 52774
>And Sean, an ass rammer like you just personally wanted revenge. You think all LGBT biological men should be like you. Well, unlike you, I am actually part girl so there is no shame in what I have done. Just because I am defying your standards you goddamn baby. You just want me to be a standard queer.

When did I ever say anything like that to anyone? Damn, your mind is twisted.
>> No. 52775
wait, so that wasn't google images like you said it was?
>> No. 52776
I'd just like to say that I feel fortunate to have witnessed the development of a paranoid lolcow from the first post. Thank you 789chan and thank you especially Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 52777
You've made my day Robb.

Happy Anniversary to us all.
>> No. 52778

>> No. 52779
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles i thought you had the knife skills to take down a gorilla. Yet you are such a chicken shit pussy you wont leave your apartment.

Whats really funny is seanieb is one of the only people who has tried to help but your ego will not let you see that.
>> No. 52780
Moron. Trolls don't actually beat up or gun people down. Even ween fags don't find that shit funny. Making you think it is kinda funny though, but most of your paranoia can be attributed to mental illness and stimulant abuse.
Brb snorting adderall (it's ok, I have a script).
As I was saying, you need to calm the fuck down. Have you tried heroine? It will help you come down from the bath salts and sleep.
>> No. 52781
" And Sean, an ass rammer like you just personally wanted revenge. You think all LGBT biological men should be like you. Well, unlike you, I am actually part girl so there is no shame in what I have done. Just because I am defying your standards you goddamn baby. You just want me to be a standard queer."

"It's called tolerance you homo"
>> No. 52782
Please tell me you aren't just figuring this out. He's beyond our means to help.
The best thing to do is let his parole officer and the judge handle it.
>> No. 52784
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles needs more JUULLLAAYYYS from us on this special day.
>> No. 52785
File 135041084292.jpg - (10.63KB , 150x180 , batman-150x180.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>I need a fucking vigilante of true justice to protect me.

Goblin Kings are a cowardly and superstitious lot.
>> No. 52786
Definately not, but it looks worse to robb
>> No. 52787
File 135041099037.jpg - (36.44KB , 302x375 , h-hughes9_joes.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I haven't been able to leave my fucking appartment this whole week

Pic of Robb's future.
>> No. 52788
Do you think years from now rob will clean up and mature and look back on all of this and laugh and feel some embarrassment about the whole thing
>> No. 52789
>> No. 52790
Either that or be dead. I guess it depends on how well he does in jail.
>> No. 52791
File 135041179793.jpg - (114.84KB , 800x600 , 134186073839.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I hope so. Or shit his pants and shit his pants and do nothing and mumble about them dang dirty trolls who ruined his life.
>> No. 52792
And the smug guy behind him is Seanie.
>> No. 52793
You need protection? I thought you were a toughguy?
>> No. 52794
Even Robbay knows his claims of being a deadly weapon are bullshit.
>> No. 52795
File 135041278963.png - (821.47KB , 902x831 , Naruto_and_Tobi__chapter_460_by_ToMbInO.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Apology video. You will never get your data erased from here unless you appease me.

This is not the place. This is technically the place where Chris's sweetheart IVY came from . Why do you care about some fodder zetsu(mooks for non narutards)? You have chang hai tubby and his illegally gotten gun permit to protect you. I should expect a thank you, but instead I get your standard attitude of "If I don't suck Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's Hindenburg ego down my throat. Expect an angry spoiled brat at my virtual door steps." You should thank the stonecutters for that.
You also need to stop saying your a genderqueer. You're a nerdy effeminate freak who uses LGBT status to pull women.
>> No. 52796
>implying the secret troll army conspiracy is fake
>implying i haven't been outside rob's apartment all day taking pictures
>> No. 52798


oh god

the laughter of a thousand suns
>> No. 52799
File 135041354156.jpg - (139.65KB , 526x382 , fadopub.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robb, you should come down to Fado and have some Guinness with me. I think a pint of stout would do you some good.
>> No. 52800
File 135041370237.jpg - (9.93KB , 300x149 , robbay loses again.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>this is where Bluespike was told to get Chandler to rape his fucking ass with clay.


>I only keep Ahuviya around because she is the only one who can protect me because the fucking law has failed me so many times.

You keep ADF around because he's the only person too stupid to have ditched your ass. The law doesn't care because you're a moron and in no real danger.


...except simply shutting up and leaving or making that apology video.
>> No. 52801
Yes, give him MORE alcohol, because it has worked out in the past
>> No. 52802
>You tell me who is photographing my appartment than IF THEY DON'T FUCKING CARE.

It's a secret troll organization called "Google." They take pictures of you while you sleep.
>> No. 52803
It's called tolerance, you Homo
>> No. 52804
I wonder why Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles hasn't tried to elicit a personal army from Oprah's boards, he might have better luck considering their stance against online bullying.
>> No. 52805
> And you think it's a fucking joke, Seanie. The one who is attempting to call my fucking parents while others are loitering outside my appartment harassing me.
What are you, 12?
>> No. 52806
Well to be fair we did get him cut off
>> No. 52807
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, what do you think is the root cause of all of your problems. Honestly, you don't see anything in common with everything you've been through?
>> No. 52808
It was the straw that broke the camel's back. Long before his parents were ever contacted by the dang dirty (and in Seanie's case benevolent) trolls, Robbay was e-stalking porn stars, sending threats to and FBI agent, changing his gender, unapologetically throwing away tons of his parents' money, and being a generally worthless brat of a human being.
>> No. 52809

>Just for every single time I've asked you to stop, I've pleaded, I've tried EVERY FUCKING THING IN THE WORLD.

You didn't try just leaving and not coming back here, did you? That was pretty much the one thing that would have stopped all this.
>> No. 52810

>You tell me who is photographing my appartment than IF THEY DON'T FUCKING CARE.

Try googling "versailles apartments philadelphia" and see what comes up in images you stupid cunt.
>> No. 52811
Hey, no helping the spaz
>> No. 52812

- On Bath salts
- Doesn't sleep
- Now he doesn't eat

Robb, you are seriously on a crash course for death.
>> No. 52813
>You tell me who is photographing my appartment

Hey you used to photograph buildings all the time in Philadelphia, nothing illegal about that. :3
>> No. 52814
He did. He couldn't even get that right. I guess he was too much for Net Nanny.
>> No. 52815
I thought I saw you outside of that apartment a few days ago though.
>> No. 52816
Getting those pictures onto google was great work. Now the entire world can see them.
>> No. 52817
File 135041854848.jpg - (76.99KB , 460x234 , possibly asian.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 52818
Net Nanny is no match for a WRAITH!
>> No. 52819

Did he install tor? Dam you internet.
>> No. 52820
File 13504226222.jpg - (68.14KB , 590x568 , spyshot1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Alright guys. The first of the spyshots is in. The bad news is, the location we put it in was kind of obscured, and the resolution isn't quite what we'd like. But we were in a bit of a hurry after all. The good news, of course, is the fact that Stiles won't be able to hide for much longer. Here's the first one.
>> No. 52821
File 135042290152.gif - (543.83KB , 120x120 , 1286944177499.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He hasn't sold that tv yet for drug money?

I am disappoint
>> No. 52822
May you be blessed with a thousand JULAYS
>> No. 52823
Gosh, this has gotten so dark. It used to be about Robb getting drunk and high and bitching at the board and him having to go to the hospital for alcohol poisoning, to him going to the Poconos and hooking up Penelope, lying that he had sex with her in a WTF attempt to take down his ED.

Today he is the most paranoid freak in existence. He won't go out, he won't pay his heating, he begs his enemies for money, at this rate, he's gonna die just as the world does on December 21st, 2012.
>> No. 52824
Gosh, this has gotten so dark. It used to be about Robb getting drunk and high and bitching at the board and him having to go to the hospital for alcohol poisoning, to him going to the Poconos and hooking up Penelope, lying that he had sex with her in a WTF attempt to take down his ED.

Today he is the most paranoid freak in existence. He won't go out, he won't pay his heating, he begs his enemies for money, at this rate, he's gonna die just as the world does on December 21st, 2012.
>> No. 52825
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles you should worry so much just go outside and see what happens.

(Nothing, probably.)
>> No. 52826
Oops sorry I meant to say "Shouldn't".
>> No. 52827
The sad thing is, he could end this at any time by just ignoring the trolls and getting on with his life WHOOPS SORRY JUUUUUUUUUUUULAAAAAAAAAAY!
>> No. 52828
File 135042599869.jpg - (441.26KB , 1543x752 , longstrangetrip.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What a long, strange trip it's been.
>> No. 52829
File 135042655735.jpg - (131.92KB , 450x338 , 65386edecee8f1b8a5970e81280db8cb.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's to many more years to come!
>> No. 52830
I'm feeling nostalgic, guys. Oh, those were the days.
>> No. 52831
Audio - (56.36KB - 64 kbps - 22.05 kHz , muh voice.mp3 ) Length: 0:07 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
>> No. 52832
Robb, for fuck sake go to a doctor, get some antidepressants, stop mincing about in ladies underwear in your apartment and hold down a job for more than a goddamn month.

Your life is awful because you're awful and lazy and have the worst case of USI ever, not because the internet is out to get you. Yes, it's that simple.

Now fix the problem as I just suggested or embrace your role as the new chris chan and start making youtube vids.
>> No. 52833
He will pay for internet but not heat.
>> No. 52834
  Hello, troll agents and provocateurs. I have called up the wooden shoes to inform them of harel and his informant ways. The anarchist Kuomintang's were not pleased on our form of revolution of overthrowing chang kai spergy.
>> No. 52835
>>He's not a staff member, he's a customer
>>He just comes in, sits, and reads book.

So far, so typical of ADF.

Who wants to bet that he'll be making an angry journal response sometime later this week?
>> No. 52836
>Anarchist Kuomintang.
>> No. 52837
Me too.It's fortunate because I am not in the states.
Happy 1 one year anniversary /cwc/
>> No. 52838
File 135044206987.png - (47.53KB , 1543x275 , stillthewraithlord.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robb really believes this shit.
>> No. 52839
His spastic capslock is one of his best features IMO.
>> No. 52840
Great idea Robb: do a kickstarter.

We get more cocks and you get more money for bath sa- I mean heat.
>> No. 52841
I'd chip in $5.
>> No. 52842
  Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's life in 46 seconds.
>> No. 52843
File 135044502027.jpg - (47.46KB , 420x483 , A game of pretend.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 52844
Screw you guys who told the truth about the shoving and youll never hear the others or hte cave.
>> No. 52845
Hi Robb!
>> No. 52846
File 135044644030.png - (68.97KB , 250x141 , Robbie brilliant idea.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Can we change Dick to The True Wraithlord or something like that?
>> No. 52847
So much for being in Portland, ADF.
>> No. 52848
So do you just order pizza or whatever to your door now, Rob?

Sorry, I haven't been keeping up with this stuff recently. I know you have no heat, but what -do- you have besides internet? This isn't exactly a sustainable path!
>> No. 52849
There never was a tape of him doing the shoving. So for all we know they just agreed to say he did and didnt. No one cares that you shit yourself in a cave and cried like a little girl, or about the time you kissed adf. No one cares.
>> No. 52850
File 135045117085.jpg - (36.39KB , 398x395 , Frodo.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Why doesn't Robb just stop paying his internet bill and use the money to pay for heating?
>> No. 52851
He's going to wind up in deep credit card debt if he keeps that up. Rob, you already spent the money on speed, you don't know how you are going to pay the rent let alone utilities. Just give up and go out looking for help wanted signs. So what if it's bussing tables with f.o.bs or plunging toilets at the gas station. You need the dough.
>> No. 52852
File 135045141962.jpg - (320.76KB , 947x703 , robbsalts.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I know you have no heat, but what -do- you have besides internet?

Bath Salts
>> No. 52853
It amuses me that Robb fits so many of those symptoms.
>> No. 52854
It's just too bad we don't have visual evidence of the foaming at the mouth.
>> No. 52855
I wonder if Robb gets any disturbing hallucinations, some people see demons and shit.
>> No. 52856
hey Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, if you get any pains in your body and odd red patches on your skin you should probably see a doctor. There has been a case of a woman getting a rare flesh eating bacteria from Bath Salts.
>> No. 52857
He is probably just grabbing an unprotected wifi signal from within his building
>> No. 52858
Usually when someone claims that bath salts caused those, they were on meth or something else illegal and afraid to admit that shit to the police.
Yes bath salts are stimulants and yes they can cause those symptoms, but the amount one would have to take is rather extreme. It would be at least thirty dollars a trip. I can get you a ton of acid for that price.
They are more closely related to ritalin than meth. So Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles must be binging on the shit like mad to get these effects.
>> No. 52859

Do it Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 52860
Bath salts are made in china and its literally just a bunch of chinamen throwing random shit into a pot and then processing it into a powder.
>> No. 52861
Actually they keep shutting down u.s. labs. So no. It's a combination of different legal stimulants and Lidocaine powder.The problem comes from people using way the fuck too much because it's cheaper than cocaine and hasn't been stepped on (cut) too much.
At one point it was a specific family of stimulants, but those are illegal now. So it's pretty much anything goes, including pure caffeine crystals. The shit they use to kill frogs with. That's right, strong enough to be a pesticide.
It's a weird world.
>> No. 52862

where the fuck do you live, acid is like 7 bucks a hit here
>> No. 52863
  I like how in every thread Robb claims innocence and then threatens to kill and torture everyone. When pointed out, Robb claims he can do that because he is innocent/tranny/insane. Dat circular logic.

Robb, couldn't we, by this logic, troll you because you have sent us death threats? How did you put it, "self defence" trolling?
>> No. 52864
File 135047950119.png - (31.75KB , 1550x159 , birthofalegend.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robb identifying himself for the first time. He and ADF were on good terms then. 2 months later, he contacted intro so he could throw ADF under the bus. The rest is history...
>> No. 52865
>No Rob, YOU are the demons
>> No. 52866
Man, i can barely remember how this all happened. It started so fast.
>> No. 52867
File 13504805601.jpg - (3.17KB , 110x160 , amused duck.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Currently Robb's ED page is more popular than "Chris Chan Sonichu". Get mad Robb.
>> No. 52868
File 135048137124.jpg - (344.80KB , 2048x1536 , 329926_2095833878234_1316948428_31849703_145350994.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
In happier times. They never seem to last for this bipolar duo.
>> No. 52869
Fun fact: It's Robb's fault that ADF has a gun. He could have had ADF put in the psych ward awhile back, but was afraid he'd lose his guard dog if he did so. Thus, when ADF eventually snaps and shoots somebody, the blood will be on Robb's hands.
>> No. 52870
...and remember people, these are women!
>> No. 52871
I've only really paid close attention to Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles since the ED article.

What happened between this >>280825 and the article? I remembered something about an imposter. And then Zyklon started posting Nazi images to piss him off?
>> No. 52872
File 135048373041.jpg - (69.35KB , 843x446 , southsurveillance1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
There's a wraith in there somewhere, boys. Probably a fat tub of lard in a beret, too.
>> No. 52873
https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Robert_Wayne_Stiles#Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles_Stiles_or:_How_I_Learned_to_Stop_Worrying_and_Hate_my_Dick

TL;DR Robb created a trollshielding article about another tranny, the tranny made an article about him, Robb flipped and started his personal crusade against the trolls.
>> No. 52874
File 135048908286.jpg - (303.24KB , 720x480 , IMG_3348.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It might be this one.
>> No. 52875
The one in the flannel shirt posts here. I remember however long ago it was, back when ADF first started getting posted here, and this image was posted, and that person pointed out they were here.

IIRC, that was from when ADF went to some paper and claimed he was being discriminated against by transway?
>> No. 52876
File 135049059466.jpg - (88.84KB , 720x480 , groupshot.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Another shot of people who no longer associate with Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. You're such a charmer, Robb.
>> No. 52877
In order to see crap you would have to use up about 30 dollars worth if bath salts in one go. Seven vs thirty. Thats four long lasting guaranteed trips vs maybe you see shit maybe you don't for the same price. Plus that's a lot of shit to rail at once. The inside of his nose must look like a winter crime scene.
>> No. 52878
who's the tranny on the far right? i'd hit it
>> No. 52879
File 135049236734.jpg - (15.05KB , 457x300 , pipe02.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not sure he snorts them.
>> No. 52880
It's a powder. That should be a picture of someone freebasing with a straw in his mouth, I think.
>> No. 52881
Do you even drug?
>> No. 52882
File 135049550355.jpg - (714.73KB , 1868x1428 , robbonthesalts.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 52884
File 135049668558.jpg - (130.72KB , 1024x768 , Dumb-and-Dumber-jim-carrey-141653_1024_768.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 52885
Well people also still use a drug which was developed as a rat poison to thin blood ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warfarin ).

Anyway from the sounds of things he needs to get his parents to pay for rehab or something before the bath salts lose effectiveness (Via http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachyphylaxis ) and he either tries taking more and overdoses or switches to a stronger drug since Rob clearly has no self restraint.
>> No. 52886
File 135049921249.jpg - (58.97KB , 640x480 , IMG_6102.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Update: Our troll operative has arrived outside the community center, and is monitoring the area. We've also dispatched a field agent to keep an eye on the Wooden Shoe.
>> No. 52887
Excellent. Remember, we need to make sure the Chairwomyn is away from The Versailles for the next phase to commence.
>> No. 52888
That dang dirty Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles will finally get his comeuppance. JULAAAAAAAAY!
>> No. 52889

At the wooden shoe. I'm deep undercover and talked with the fatfuck from yesterday's recording. I am staying for the feminist weekly reading. I will be submitting myself to torture to make sure the real wraiths run phila.

LOL. In 40 minutes some ugly ass feminists are going to read this out loud.
Caliban and the Witch: ”The Accumulation of Labor and the Degradation of Women”

I agree. A womans job is to look dolled up and not to disgrace herself with a job besides being a homemaker.
>> No. 52890
The sad thing is the hardcore feminists probably dislike ADF and Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles more anyone here ever could since they find men who claim to be females offensive on a fundamental level.
>> No. 52891

Why the hell do you beat around the bush. You can't make me run from Philly again. If you think can menace me just pretending you're by my appartment, you are seriously fucked in the head. What makes you think I'll meet up with any of your meeting requests just so you can laugh at the damage you've caused to my face and body.

I'm a pale shadow of the happy person I once was. There is not a single piece of happiness remaining left in my soul. My youth has passed me by and so has the once naive sense of freedom. Ignorant assholes will just sneer and say "Get over your first world problems, whiney bitch" but you have reduced me to the state of living of an HIV infeceted ethiopoian.
>> No. 52892

>What makes you think I'll meet up with any of your meeting requests

Because you've told people to meet you face to face for a knife fight to "settle this" multiple times? We didn't suggest meeting you first, that was you.

>My youth has passed me

We didn't make you piss that away either, you've only been involved with the trolls for a year, and they've only been completely focused on you for about half of that.

>but you have reduced me to the state of living of an HIV infeceted ethiopoian.

A HIV infected Ethiopian has real problems, your problem is people being mean to you on the internet and you're doing too much drugs. Shut off the internet, stop taking drugs. That's all you need to do.
>> No. 52893
I'm sure most people struggling in the third world would love to have the lifestyle you have, living in a wonderful, safe city with income and money for rent provided by loving (Alive) parents, no commitments or obligations and are generally in good health.
>> No. 52894
Always the drama queen, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Funny how that accountability thing works, isn't it?
>> No. 52895
Why do you think you're so unhappy Rob? Let us pinpoint the cause of all of your problems.
>> No. 52896
Can you please leave your apartment soon? I've been camped out here for 2 days and I really need a shower.
>> No. 52897
File 135050366953.jpg - (41.31KB , 714x600 , 714px-Rika_65.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Found it. Fuck you, Robb. Oh, and get over your first world problems, you whiny bitch.
>> No. 52898


i hear that mistakes you unaccountable
>> No. 52899
His guard dog left him for Portland, so Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is defenseless in there.
>> No. 52900
>> No. 52901

I'm never leaving again. I have a friend bring McDonalds up when he can and that is the ONLY contacted I allow, other than my watchdog. I have already stockpiled everything I need to live in here for the next year or so, I really don't care.

It's not just the fake troll threats. I've been PERMENTANTLY disfigured and disgraced. I'm half mutant now and am now a fucking pariah too. I can't show my face anymore and that's all that Introman wanted. Introman has torn my fucking social life to shreds all because he wanted to fucking 1-up the Chris Chan trolls and bring an innocent person to the knife's edge.
>> No. 52902
I wonder how skeletal Rob looks now. He was a skinny fuck before but weight loss is also a symptom of bath salt use. He must be freaky as hell.
>> No. 52903
So, how do you feel about your mother?

also >Mcdonalds

Did you even watch Super Size me? ADF will look slim next to you.
>> No. 52904
>I have a friend bring McDonalds up
Thanks for telling us, now all we have to do is grab him next time he delivers, roll him up in a carpet, and throw him off a bridge. Your food supply will be cutoff.
>> No. 52905
>I'm a pale shadow of the happy person I once was.

You are, indeed, a lot like Chris. Except you're a scumbag.
>> No. 52906
You can't fool us, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. ADF's in Portland. He said so himself. He also doesn't give a shit about you anymore.
>> No. 52907
The power went out once and I had no choice but to eat McDonalds for several days straight. Enjoy spending all of next week on the toilet.
>> No. 52908
>I've been PERMENTANTLY disfigured and disgraced.
Can we get a description?
>> No. 52909
>I'm half mutant now

What do you mean now?
>> No. 52910
Holy shit, where did you hide that camera at?
>> No. 52911

he's gradually becoming a ninja turtle
>> No. 52912

>innocent person

This all started because you tried to turn the trolls on Jordman, so no, you're not innocent.

Enjoy your years worth of McDonalds and Bath salts.
>> No. 52913

And what are you going to do after the year's up and you're in an even worse state than you are now Robb? You're going to have to try to fix your shit some time, I know you want everything to be handed to you on a plate but by this point you should be figuring out that won't happen. Just how much longer do you expect your parents to keep sending you money when they already know some of this shit you've gotten yourself into?
>> No. 52914
File 135050443677.jpg - (28.44KB , 479x383 , johnny-depp-fear-loathing-in-las-vegas-2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I have a friend bring McDonalds up when he can and that is the ONLY contacted I allow, other than my watchdog.

MFW Robb discovers the hard way how link and pattern analysis works.
>> No. 52915
I can't wait to JULLLLAAAYY you Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. I'm going to JULLLLLAAYYYY you hard when the time comes.
>> No. 52916
Now we know we just have to look for someone bringing McDonalds into Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's building and then intercept them, maybe rough them up a little, shout our JULAYs. Bam. Starve the beast.
>> No. 52917
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles you do realize nearly everyone in Philly has no idea who you are?
>> No. 52918
> bring an innocent person to the knife's edge.

oh Rob, will you ever learn to take personal responsibility for your own actions?

>It's the trolls' fault my parents hate me for wasting their hard earned money
>It's the trolls' fault I'm constantly drinking and doing drugs
>It's the trolls' fault I was fired after I ran away to the Poconos for over a week
>It's the trolls' fault I'm stuck in my apartment alone when I could of married my dear sweet penelope!
>> No. 52919

All those fucking female hormones I took in the fall fucking did me in. They all had the EXACT opposite effect of what was supposed to happen. And now I have all these fucking sores all over my face and blisters on my gums.

I want to tell you, I wouldn't have looked like this if it wasn't for your CONSTANT TORMENT of me. AND YOU STILL WON'T STOP.
>> No. 52920
I second that.
How do you expect us to understand what you're going through Robb if you leave out important facts which may elicit sympathy.
>> No. 52921
>Acne everywhere!

What is Puberty?

>Blisters on my gums

Brush your fucking teeth you disgusting wretch.
>> No. 52922

>All those fucking female hormones I took in the fall fucking did me in.

>I want to tell you, I wouldn't have looked like this if it wasn't for your CONSTANT TORMENT of me.

Make up your fucking mind you retarded shit.
>> No. 52923
  Innocent? Maybe you shouldn't have stalked all those women and if you didn't constantly harass/ridicule transgendered women then nobody here would have even have heard of you.
>> No. 52924

Yeah, the bath salts and herpes and lack of hygiene have NOTHING to do with that.
>> No. 52925
You did that to yourself, moron, we had nothing to do with that.
>> No. 52926
File 13505048524.gif - (12.90KB , 480x320 , Lollercoaster.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
LMAO! Robb, you're hilarious. Is it our fault you tried to get even with Jordan and started this lollercoaster rolling in the first place?
>> No. 52927

Did you pick up the wrong brand of hormones by mistake? You wanted the ones with Milla Jovovich on the packet, right?
>> No. 52928
How the fuck is it our fault you were abusing hormones? You're an idiot for doing that shit without any sort of professional medical opinion.
>> No. 52929
Pics or it didn't happen.
>> No. 52930
You think the female hormones are also responsible for how irrational you act?
>> No. 52931
Hormones, bath salts, same thing? RIGHT?
>> No. 52932
Hormones? Seriously? Try not doing fucking drugs and drinking and being a schizo who locks himself in the house eating fast food and perhaps you'll look healthier. Y'know, common sense.

Besides, when I asked, "What do you mean now?" it was rhetorical. You've always looked looked a little mutant-like.

But thanks for the mental image.

And, no, I didn't do anything to you. Torment you least of all. So don't lash out at me.
>> No. 52933

NO, don't even get me started about fucking Jordman. HE started this and you're his own private GESTAPO, I NEVER hear anything negative about Jordman on here it's just ME ME ME.
>> No. 52934
>And now I have all these fucking sores all over my face and blisters on my gums.

No, those blisters are from dry mouth caused by stimulant abuse. Your teeth were in bad shape to begin with, Robb. Have fun as they rot out of your head, you dumb cunt.
>> No. 52935
Jordman doesn't come here and make us laugh like clockwork.
>> No. 52936
>It's just ME ME ME

It's always been that way, huh Robert?
>> No. 52937
Jordman isn't as funny and pathetic of a little cockbite as you are, dear Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, so we forgot about him and moved on to greener pastures.
>> No. 52938
>on here it's just ME ME ME.

I can't imagine why. Are you capable of objectivity at all Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 52939
Nope, it's all your fault Robb. We don't say negative shit about Jordan because he doesn't come here to tardrage like you do. Face it Robb, you did all this shit to yourself.
>> No. 52940
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, why do you think we refuse to troll Jordman? Just curious
>> No. 52941
>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
choose one
>> No. 52942
Smile for the camera, Robb!
>> No. 52943

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, can you explain why it's our fault you abused hormones that have fucked your face please?
>> No. 52944
You should've known nobody was interested when all those Jordman threads you started were laughed at.
>> No. 52945
File 135050545998.jpg - (514.91KB , 650x978 , jordanarchive.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 52946
I don't think that is Jordman, that is a cute gal and Jordman is a transsexual?
>> No. 52947
So what did you get at the mcdonalds?

A 10 piece mcpubbit meal or a 20 piece?

Are they going to give you honey for free with it or charge you for it?
>> No. 52948
>18 threads
That image needs updating
>> No. 52949
File 135050589619.jpg - (516.88KB , 650x978 , 23now.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 52950
Just replace the numbers with the infinity symbol.
>> No. 52951
You know Robb, you should really ask ADF what he thinks about your trolls. It might be of interest to you.
>> No. 52952
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles I am glad you are secure in the knowledge that field agents don't work in Mcdonalds, enjoy your cheeseburger. :)
>> No. 52953

>And now I have all these fucking sores all over my face and blisters on my gums.

Uh oh Robb, you got the flesh eating virus! You better get that checked out pronto after all they can't amputate your head.
>> No. 52954
>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has to choose between flesh eating disease killing him or going outside and facing the troll army

I don't know why I find this so hilarious.
>> No. 52955
Where'd you go Rob?
>> No. 52956

But if you can't pay your rent because you spent the money stockpiling drugs (poor dog is going to starve) then what's the point? You will be out on your ass soon enough Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Then we will all point at the homeless idiot and laugh.
"He could have just turned the computer off"
>> No. 52957
File 135050798038.jpg - (24.42KB , 250x166 , premature_bite_collapse.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It's from smoking bath salts.
>> No. 52958
File 135050799545.jpg - (74.59KB , 250x175 , boomer_acid_enamel_erosion.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 52959
Who wants to see stage three?
>> No. 52960
Oh God no...
>> No. 52961
File 135050825572.jpg - (58.49KB , 800x600 , 800px-Rika_49.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 52962
File 13505083273.jpg - (11.11KB , 252x200 , 1322699796578s.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 52963

That k9 is rotting.
>> No. 52964
>All those fucking female hormones I took in the fall fucking did me in.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles did you take them as prescribed by a doctor?
>> No. 52965
Its philly, doctors dont prescibe hormones there, they give them out during halloween
>> No. 52966
How is Rob managing to blame us for the follies of his tranny phase?
>> No. 52967
Robert you should get your lawyer on the person selling you the hormones.
>> No. 52968

No, it's just Jordman, who is an even less convincing cross dressing, bearded man is personally whoring you out as his personal army becuase of how insanely jelous he was of me. Simply because I was skinnier, a hundred times more feminine and happier and more liked in that retarded subculture than he ever could be. This is physchological warfare that he is waging against me with the help of goons he got off the internet for free.
>> No. 52969
>implying that jordman isn't paying us
>> No. 52971
So Jordman persuaded you to take hormones?
>> No. 52972
But how is your drug abuse, hormone abuse, and less than stellar hygiene our faults? We weren't shoving bath salts down your fucking throat, take some responsibility.
>> No. 52973
You're just butthurt because Jordan moved on. You, on the other hand, are just a bitter, drug-addled scarecrow.
>> No. 52974

So... all the dicks?
>> No. 52975

Can you please respect jordan's gender identity? I might have to pull a Mr. Blue and call mazzoni about your transphobia.
>> No. 52976
>becuase of how insanely jelous he was of me.

Whatever you say, Robbay.
>> No. 52977
Oh Rob I really doubt that you've ever been happy or well-liked. Drama whores like you don't do "happy" You jump from one plea for attention to the next. Hell if you never had try to backstab your friends you would have just found some other excuse to tardrage.
>> No. 52978

Jordman is fat, lumbering, homosexual deviant with a fetish for wearing dresses, skinning cats, arson, male giggolo who hardly shaves, constantly mutters to himself like a schizofrentic, makes goddamn messes in whoevers place he's free loading in and he also got kicked out of Rammapo college for being a sexual frusturated retard. He's what you'd call a white nigga, just the absolute largest waste of space of all time. I USED to have a job, respect, a social life, and above all, I actually pass becuase my feminine side desired me to give into some female interests.

Yet, I'm the bad guy who deserves broken glass shoved up my rectum and he's the hero of feminism and transway. He simply chose to be a woman becuase it would bring more attention to his ugly whorish self.
>> No. 52979
>He simply chose to be a woman becuase it would bring more attention to his ugly whorish self.
And you became a tranny to get laid, what's the difference?
>> No. 52980
File 13505122377.jpg - (74.20KB , 654x900 , nazi with a cub.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> he also got kicked out of Rammapo college for being a sexual frusturated retard
>I was victimized by not only the students but THE DEAN HIMSELF of Camden just because of my freakin lifestyle choices
>Robb, 24 years old virgin calling anyone else sexually frustrated
Comedy gold!

>I USED to have a job, respect, a social life, and above all, I actually pass becuase my feminine side desired me to give into some female interests.
Meaning, you don't have a job, respect or social life, and Robert dear, you never, ever passed. Ever. We've seen pictures you've felt are worth sharing with the internet, so no doubt you were even more hideous in real life.

>Yet, I'm the bad guy who deserves broken glass shoved up my rectum and he's the hero of feminism and transway. He simply chose to be a woman becuase it would bring more attention to his ugly whorish self.
And yet, he could handle trolls better and didn't resort to drug usage and didn't get hospitalized, meaning he's better than you. How does that feel?
>> No. 52981
>I actually pass

>>281097 says otherwise, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 52982
>He simply chose to be a woman becuase it would bring more attention to his ugly whorish

Like how you chose to be a tranny to try to get laid?

> he's free loading

Weren't you bitching and moaning about how your mommy and daddy cut you off?


I don't see his youtube video where he's giggling and laughing like a retard over a fire.

Face it, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you're a fucking hypocrite and have far FAR less dignity than that "fat, lumbering, whore" you seem to despise.

I think I know why you hate him, he did the one thing you can't. He stopped getting trolled, because he figured out how to make us stop.
>> No. 52983
>Jordman is fat, lumbering, homosexual deviant with a fetish for wearing dresses, skinning cats, arson, male giggolo who hardly shaves, constantly mutters to himself like a schizofrentic, makes goddamn messes in whoevers place he's free loading in and he also got kicked out of Rammapo college for being a sexual frusturated retard. He's what you'd call a white nigga, just the absolute largest waste of space of all time.

And yet... you're STILL more pathetic than him.
>> No. 52984

I quit college because it was a waste of time and money, you fetal alcohol syndrome faced crack whore. Jordman, on the other hand, was expelled as far as I know. He probably is a bigger criminal than me, YOU just don't bother to dig up any of his personal records because he's using you somehow.
>> No. 52985
>I'm a pale shadow of the happy person I once was. There is not a single piece of happiness remaining left in my soul. My youth has passed me by and so has the once naive sense of freedom.

That was... poetic.
>> No. 52986
You still haven't explained why you're better.
>> No. 52987
That may be true, but why would we turn against Jordman when he's given us so much help in trolling you?
>> No. 52989

Says the bath salts addict.
>> No. 52990
>He probably is a bigger criminal than me

Oh, so you're a criminal now? You just implied that. What illicit things, other than your bath salts binging, have you done, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 52991
File 135051305172.jpg - (25.69KB , 422x500 , nazi smiling.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I quit college because it was a waste of time and money
And totally not because you were stupid, took you four years to realize it isn't "for you", suuure.

>YOU just don't bother to dig up any of his personal records because he's using you somehow
How many times had he threatened to kill/rape me? I don't have any particular reason to hate him more than any other tranny. And if we went and trolled him just because you had a bitchfight with him, wouldn't you benefit from it? That's so basic reverse psychology even a five years old can see right through you. Seriously Robb. Master manipulator at work.
>> No. 52992
>And now I have all these fucking sores all over my face and blisters on my gums.

So THAT's why you wouldn't meet up for the friendly chat. Well how about you guys just arrange to meet on October 31st, then you won't feel so out of place outside. Dick could even put on some zombie makeup so you would match.
>> No. 52993
You really don't get it, Bobby. It's not that we like Jordman. I find him to be disgusting. He's just not lulzy. You, on the other hand, are a riot who keeps supplying cocks.
>> No. 52994
That's what Paul David "Eyebrows" Smith does.
>> No. 52995

>YOU just don't bother to dig up any of his personal records because he's using you somehow.

We're not doing this because we think you're a criminal, we're doing this because you make it so fucking easy. Jordman doesn't come here constantly making an ass of himself, if he did then things would probably be different. We're not doing this for Jordman's sake, we're doing it for our own amusement.
>> No. 52996
File 135051347651.png - (125.06KB , 268x265 , 1315652964468.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, how's Portland?
>> No. 52997

>He simply chose to be a woman becuase it would bring more attention to his ugly whorish self.

You already admitted you did that shit yourself because you thought it would get you laid. It's all in the archives.
>> No. 52998
It's a waste of time for you because you are incapable of learning. This has been demonstrated time and time again. It's like you are regressing. Your linguistic skills are increasingly slipping, you repeat your mistakes, and you are xenophobic to the point of tot wanting to leave your apartment. You are literally that afraid of people.
See a dentist and then check yourself into rehab while there is still a little brain left to salvage
>> No. 52999
>fetal alcohol syndrome
Oh dear someone's projecting...
>> No. 53000
Rob, you caused that damage. Bath salts, no one made you take them. That's a choice. You chose wrong.
>> No. 53001
Stalking, electronic threats, harassment, killing kittens. You name it. He's practically a bond villain.
The master of disguise
>> No. 53002
>>I'm never leaving again...I've been PERMENTANTLY disfigured and disgraced. I'm half mutant now and am now a fucking pariah too. I can't show my face anymore and that's all that Introman wanted.

How many times did I tell you not to use yourself as a test subject in your crazy teleportation experiments?
>> No. 53003
Jordman is a real gangster.
>> No. 53004
Rob I know how you can show these people a thing or two. Go back to school and bury yourself in you schoolwork. You can come back to this place after you graduate and show us that you are not a failure. Or you can continue to come back here and entertain us.
>> No. 53005
Wow, we've never seen a lolcow deteriorate so badly. Chris got fat, but Robbay is just seriously decaying.
>> No. 53006
Chris was always fat.
>> No. 53007
Chris just got older and older. He was followed for a very long time.

Meanwhile, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is very rapidly OBLIVERATEing himself at an unprecedented pace and then blaming it on us as if we're force-feeding him bath salts.
>> No. 53008
File 135051780888.jpg - (1.10MB , 1906x1110 , Versaillesfromcamden.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey Robb, we can see you from Camden! We hope you'll enjoy our upcoming visit as much as we will!
>> No. 53009
Was he in trouble for creeping on girls in the bathroom? Oh no, wait. That was you. The dean didn't discriminate against you, you were being a fucking pervert. I know the real reason you dropped out. Want me to share?.
>> No. 53010
>> No. 53011
He keeps insulting the subculture and insulting the real trannies.
He's such a biggot. Yet they kept giving him chances. Fucking tranny hippies
>> No. 53012
He kept making threats and running his mouth. He was going to be expelled. They gave him the chance to leave so that it wouldn't be on his record. Everyone keeps thinking he's going to sort himself out. The judge, his p.o., his one remaining friend, the ex friend he ran too. It's kinda sad.
He needs to be locked up.
>> No. 53013
Oh, okay. But I was wondering why you were responding to me like I was Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles actually.

If you have cocks though? Please show us.
>> No. 53014
What are the chances that at some point Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles attacks a neighbor or the mail man cause they knocked on his door during one of his paranoid fits?
>> No. 53015
File 135052435848.png - (1.39MB , 1158x2395 , wolverine compound; no intromans allowed.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Huge file dump of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles making his own cwcville's. I don't think I'm invited though. :(
>> No. 53016
File 135052440347.png - (1.25MB , 1306x3181 , zammy tower.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Zammy tower.
>> No. 53017
Even his 3d architecture blows
>> No. 53018
File 135052463292.png - (2.25MB , 1180x3308 , wraith capital.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Can I run for mayor?
>> No. 53019
File 135052469972.png - (1.42MB , 1141x3453 , making a city.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53020
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, if you're going to be retarded, you could at least be consistent.
>> No. 53021
Can't screencap this behemoth. http://xlnation.net/cocks/new-minerva All the towns are named after Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's Nakama. Some members have been excommunicated. :(
>> No. 53022
File 135052650960.jpg - (2.84MB , 3278x2552 , ADF__s_Map_of_Philadelphia_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What's with spasts and obsessing with maps and making up fictional cities? It's almost as widespread symptom of spasm as trains and Sonic.
>> No. 53023
>> No. 53024
I'd assume it's a combination of an imaginary friend and a ready-made hugbox, where everything comes to them with a modicum of effort, nothing deviates from their preset standard routines, and they control every aspect of its being.
>> No. 53025
>I USED to have a job, respect, a social life, and above all, I actually pass becuase my feminine side desired me to give into some female interests.

Also, his penis was straight and larger than previously photographed.
>> No. 53026
Fortunately none of those pictures have been released yet. Yet.
>> No. 53027
So like I said, spasm.
>> No. 53028
>Jordman is fat, lumbering, homosexual deviant with a fetish for wearing dresses, skinning cats, arson, male giggolo who hardly shaves, constantly mutters to himself like a schizofrentic, makes goddamn messes in whoevers place he's free loading in and he also got kicked out of Rammapo college for being a sexual frusturated retard.
Aside from "fat," this pretty much describes you, Robb.

>He's what you'd call a white nigga,
You mean white trash? It's pretty hypocritical to specifically throw around the word niggo, when you're all about tolerance..."you homo."
>> No. 53029

That's the funniest thing I've heard all week
>> No. 53030
>> No. 53031
>> No. 53032
At least Cwcville doesn't look like it's going to be flooded at any second.
>> No. 53033
So does new Orleans,doesn't mean you can't derive some pleasure from it. Though his city planning does seem worse than that of New Orleans, t is at least creative, unlike all his other works. Was this Robert before the drugs?
>> No. 53034
Yesterday, some philly transgenders contacted me on facebook about Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. We talked for a little bit and I learned some new information.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has not been outside of his appartment for like a week.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles avoids almost all transgender events.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is officially on the woman juice.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has gone to the mental hospital 3 times in the past 8 months. All related to stress from dat damn introman.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles publicly use to do impressions of me as a gangsta rapper. Also would say racist stuff about that coon introman. :(

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles doesn't even have a job or at least didn't work at the walgreens. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles lied about the work experience.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles went full sperg at the trans health convention and warned con security about dat evil introman and his gang(789). Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles was furious when he didn't find introman and trey.

More will be posted daily when I get new information.
>> No. 53035
File 135057035718.gif - (950.00KB , 350x191 , 8c6ddd8f_this-is-gonna-be-good.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53036
Also some other stuff , Robbay never went to the Poconos that was a mental hospital trip.

His parents never cut him off he is still on their wallet, he just wants 200$ for some salts I guess.

It is unclear is Penelope did or did not exist, neither LIU guy or any Philly Trannies have seen a shred of evidence she was a real person.
>> No. 53037
>mfw Robbie do not even exists, and Introman is trolling us all.
>> No. 53038
May I speculated that Penelope was in fact an patient at a mental hospital? I would make sense, you cant refuse a kiss if your catatonic.
>> No. 53039
File 13505738962.jpg - (21.13KB , 426x426 , 155192_847736926589_1405773989_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Man, that Jordman is really ugly
>> No. 53040
File 135057396038.jpg - (21.14KB , 418x418 , 304323_847380146579_1253591036_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Is he high or something!!!!!


James Winston

(PS: how's the Chester County Jail treating you)
>> No. 53041

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, no one cares; now i have to go to your apartment and scream WHOOOPS JUULLLLAYYY
>> No. 53042
Hi Rob. What's up?
>> No. 53043
>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is officially on the woman juice.

Hormones and bath salts. How's that cocktail working out for you, Robb?
>> No. 53044

I don't think we talked to the same trannies? Many hate the guts of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.

>>Also some other stuff , Robbay never went to the Poconos that was a mental hospital trip.

That's just speculation. The verfiable shit was that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles wasn't around philly proper. He might of checked himself in to a mental hospital but no one really knows.

>> His parents never cut him off he is still on their wallet, he just wants 200$ for some salts I guess.

That has to be correct. I don't think he has a trust-fund, so the parents are breathing ATM machines. I believe it was more like Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles scamming money out of 789chan. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is a dumbass but a manipulative one.

>>It is unclear is Penelope did or did not exist, neither LIU guy or any Philly Trannies have seen a shred of evidence she was a real person.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has not talked about the girlfriend at all to any philly trannies. I honestly don't know about Penelope. She could exist, but not in the function Rob portrayed her as(love interest). I just don't think bragging to people who were married at his age about a teenage level summer romance would help him.
>> No. 53045
File 135057476829.jpg - (78.40KB , 952x657 , singedeyebrows.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So IOW, Robb is probably even more hideous now. Ponder that for a moment. This image is not the worst Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has looked.
>> No. 53046
I really doubt he bathes anymore
>> No. 53047
The trolls have obviously sabotaged and OBLIVERATED the Versailles plumbing.
>> No. 53048
If you wouldn't tap that ass then you ain't straight homes.
>> No. 53049
Robbay locks himself up with a bucket to poo in and a lifetime supply of MRE's
>> No. 53050

If he was in a mental institution then how come he was constantly round his old school friend's dorm? This all sounds like bullshit to me.
>> No. 53051

>> No. 53052
They would have forced him to bathe in a facility. If he was in the loony bin then he wouldnt have smelt of sewage when he showed up at LIU
>> No. 53053
I guess that would depend on how he escaped the loony bin. I'll let that mental image stew for a while
>> No. 53054
If rob checked his self in then he could check out at any time. It would fit his MO of being a drama queen screaming "help me help me" and than turning on those that helped him
>> No. 53055
Shit ya know, I think Jordman is WAY more interesting, but there's no other info about him.
>> No. 53056
Sooner or later Robert you'll leave that apartment because you know and I know that you will run out of your favorite drug. I don't think you should even be getting the hormones because your insanity and drug use, but Philly Transway is really really shit.
>> No. 53057
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles hayworth and the bathsalts redemption
>> No. 53058
Wouldn't that just get him locked up? Assaulting a mental health care worker, that looks bad in court. Like maybe you need help.
>> No. 53059
File 13505831242.jpg - (59.80KB , 640x358 , sewer1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Someone with some skill needs to shoop him into this
>> No. 53060
File 135058414374.jpg - (55.47KB , 640x358 , rikaredemption.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53062
>a bucket to poo in
So when he inevitably runs out of bath salts, is he going to switch to jenkem?
>> No. 53063
So is Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles unable to cook?

Why does he need someone to bring fast food to him?
>> No. 53064
(*I'm meaning why didn't someone just bring up groceries to his apartment)
>> No. 53065
Can't you order food off of Amazon now?
>> No. 53066

Why are you a hater? Also, I'm not a jail bird like you. Have fun in march 2013! I hope club fed gives you a free six month vacation. I will make sure of it.
>> No. 53067
It's 4 PM Eastern and intro has posted...

I now await the arrival of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 53068
He won't show up.

He's too frightened to face Introman AND the new Wraithlord.
>> No. 53069

He's too scared NOT to show up. Think of all the things we could be saying about him RIGHT NOW!
>> No. 53070
File 135059136757.jpg - (20.07KB , 300x225 , wraith.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Day 8 in Camp Whoops Julay outside Rob's apartment
>> No. 53071
Camp Weenanjulay
>> No. 53072
Wraith's End Base Camp.
>> No. 53073
No idea, I'm from the UK (You can over here but then again the big supermarket chains do too).

I was just wondering if he primarily just eats junk food because he is too lazy to cook.
>> No. 53075
>limited to things he can microwave

Well that narrows it down to thousands of things. Why doesn't he get groceries.

Also those new Green Giant steamers are delicious
>> No. 53076
>implying it is impossible to cook with a microwave.
>> No. 53079
When is he due for a checkup on that, anyway? I forget.
>> No. 53081
Wasn' someone just banned for posting that link?t
>> No. 53082
Anal retentive mods today. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles bath salt zombie wwas kind of a funny coincidence
>> No. 53083
Was it a tinyurl link? I think they might be automatic bans.
>> No. 53084
Nope, and they were banned after being up first. If autobanned that wouldn't be the case.
>> No. 53085
On what? His parole?
>> No. 53086

He can't trust the delivery guys, they could be trolls being paid to do Jordman's bidding.
>> No. 53087

What was it?
>> No. 53088

A link to a Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles zombie killer related t-shirt that with a zombie in a bathtub that said "I love bath salts". It was a childrens shirt too.
>> No. 53089
Hello. My name is Gluglog and I’m going to tell you a story. This happened to me and I hope it never happens to you.

I was in a local hotel’s bar drinking a scotch on the rocks with some friends like I used to do every Friday night. I’m actually 17 but I have a really good Fake ID. We were hanging out, chilling, laughing, etc… It was like every other time we had been there. Then, I saw the most beautiful girl in the world walk past the door. She was absolutely gorgeous! Almost indescribable. I was amazed. She stared at me for like five seconds and then moved on to an empty table at the end of the bar. My friend Klaju encouraged me to go talk with her. I filled myself with courage and walk straight to where she was sitting.

She was looking at me while I was getting near. I was about a meter away when she asked me for my name. She was very serious but she also had a seductive tone in her voice. I told her my name was Gluglog and asked her what was hers. She said her name was Solange. I thought: “Wow that’s an exotic and very attractive name!”. Of course I wouldn’t speak that out loud. Then she asked me about my age! I was terrified and started shaking. Solange stood up, came near to me and whispered “I like young ones”. I had the best mix of feelings ever. Excitement, anxiety, happiness, and many more. It was like a boom in my pants. When I finally recovered from the shock, she asked me how I would like to see her room. Another boom. I was delighted at the offer. Said I’d love to and followed her.

When we arrived to her room she asked me to wait while she got ready. So I waited. I was very anxious, every second went by like an hour. Then, after two minutes and twenty-seven seconds, she finally came out. I felt the biggest boom. She was totally naked and every part of her body was so perfect! Better than all I’d ever seen on the Internet put together. Nothing could match that. Anyway the time had finally come. We jumped into bed and started looking at each other (that was going to be my first time). For twenty-three and a half beautiful minutes, the best of my life, we stared at each other. After that, I hear my mother telling my father off for loosing the key outside the room. I thought my parents had gone on a trip to have a “fun weekend” just the two of them. I realized they had just renter a room and were having fun at the hotel (gross). Then they came in and the mix of feelings I was having turned into just one. SHAME. I was ashamed like I had never been before.

Solange turned out to be a thieve who had stolen my parent’s key and was distracting me while her companions stole everything worth more than $10 off the room. I was grounded for the next 17 years and when I finally was aloud to go out again I… I… made the second biggest mistake of my life. I went to visit Solange in jail and saw her in a bad state. I married her and paid her bail. Then she left me.

Shame is not fun and I have lived a life of shame.

Moral: Get your own room when you’re going to get it in a hotel.

>> No. 53090
Wtf is this?
>> No. 53091
>> No. 53092
The reason we can't have nice things. That's what it is.
>> No. 53093
I thought that was Homor
>> No. 53094
Not actually true. They can keep you indefinitely if you pose a serious threat to yourself or others even if you have yet to act.
>> No. 53096
ADF seems like he is one of the worst people in this situation, from what I can tell he's happy to let Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles take drugs and lock himself in he apartment while he plays pretend security guard.
>> No. 53097
A simple search for bath salts on google results in article after article about people biting cops, and growling like dogs. Even in a maternity ward
http://articles.nydailynews.com/2012-07-05/news/32555327_1_bath-salts-drug-counts-designer-drug so how long before Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles does this?
>> No. 53098

Since he never goes out, I'd imagine all he does is hallucinate that he sees introman and sean breaking into his house and threatening to cock drop their encounter.
>> No. 53099
Pretty soon, he's gonna start eating ADF's face while chanting: "I am not a high drug up. I AM a sommbulist, I am literally immune to the fucking legal justice system that has been corrupted by the internet. I legitly have NO control over my actual thoughts unless I try."
>> No. 53100
It's just so mind blowing.

Honestly, comparing the first and last post, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles actually sounds like a reasonable person in the first post who is just a little misguided about how things really work. Then you look at the last post, and it's just so mind boggling just how much they contrast each other.
>> No. 53101
Bath salts are a hell of a drug.
In this instance I'd say he had a mental break and slid into addiction. This mental break started a long time ago. The judge in his stalking case even alluded to it. One of the terms of his release was that he get help. He chose to seek help in a pipe and in a bottle. This is just the end result of self medicating in the place of actual help.
We should feel bad for laughing at him, we really should, but it's just so fucking funny.

He's a Dave Chappelle character brought to life.
>> No. 53102
File 135063651176.png - (606.06KB , 486x709 , wraithlord witha chinese lady.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Speaking of drugs, and of ADF: obviously Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles first tried ganga with him when they were at hippie / hobo sodomize Philly encampment, but even ADF was smart enough to not try the salts.
>> No. 53103

Did Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles go to that? I thought that was just adf's thing.
>> No. 53105
File 135065380197.jpg - (78.88KB , 640x960 , lolcowtent.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robb was in on the sodomize shit too.
>> No. 53106
File 135065486280.jpg - (30.66KB , 537x533 , 135065380197.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Wow, he looks fucking horrifying there.
>> No. 53107
This is outside ADF's sodomize tent.
>> No. 53108
File 135065685662.jpg - (63.36KB , 537x533 , corneredwolverine.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53109

Cambodia, July 13th, 1971

Dear Grandma, I've been in the jungle for three weeks now and I'm starting to wonder if I made the right decision.

I know that I had to do my part, but maybe I should have just stayed in school, maybe come back as an officer and performed in that capacity. But then I think, why should someone else's son die because I didn't want to leave?

My squad...Jesus, my squad. Harel keeps trying to tell me he's really a woman. I think he wants a Section 8. Stiles refuses to carry a weapon other than his knife. It's only been a few weeks and he has a necklace of tiny ears around his neck. The one in the back just sleeps all the time and asks people for money. I know that they're all a little light in the loafers, Grandma, and I'm a little nervous sleeping around them. At night, the piggish snorts and high-pitched giggles keep me awake more than the mortars and tracer rounds arcing overhead.

Today we found a VC tunnel. Stiles was up, he likes cramped, dark places (kind of like Gollum...remember when you would read to me Grandma? Those days are gone). Anyway, Stiles went in with just his knife, as usual. He was gone for maybe an hour, and we started getting more and more nervous.

It's hard to write about what happened next. Stiles came out, covered in VC blood. When we asked him what had happened, he tied another ear to his necklace and grinned.

"They were OBLIVERATED."

Grandma, I want to go home. I want to go home so bad.

PFC Jordman was KIA outside of Dien Bien Phu three weeks later. Members of his platoon claimed it was friendly fire.
>> No. 53110
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles you didn't have to delete the facebook account because I found it. I just wanted to talk mano e mano. Either make another profile and we can talk or reactivate it and put me as a friend.
The IRC is also another option.
>> No. 53111
Play this while reading.
>> No. 53112
I posted Roberts picture on 4chan last night to see if any unsuspecting people might think he passes. A surprising number thought it was a girl, who was on meth and gross. So he passes, just in a horrible way.
>> No. 53113
File 135066792267.jpg - (293.27KB , 468x490 , 2000YardStare.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53114
File 135066963147.jpg - (26.03KB , 600x477 , rikahardcoregoth.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If I were to run into a cross dressing Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles in the street somewhere, I'd likely assume he was just a very ugly woman. He's really thin, which helps. Were he larger, his lack of feminine characteristics would be more apparent. Although, it may just be that I'm never on the lookout for trannies, so unless they have a beard or something I tend not to second guess the genders people present themselves as.

Chris is still more convincing, though.
>> No. 53115

How about this?
>> No. 53117
Spilling more tea from the chat with the transgender community about Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is so paranoid of Cameras. He will threaten to kick your ass, if you have a visible camera out. He also will threaten to OBLIVERATE the camera as well.

Heresay: Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles does full pat-downs when he invites people over to the apartment. He also holds on to cell phones and cameras until you leave the residence.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has told numerous trannays about Mikhail being a 789chan troll. Ahuviya and Jordan tried to reassure Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles that but Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles still believes that mikhail is an undercover agent.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has annoyed the PPD(Philadelphia Police Department) on multiple occasions about introman. They don't care.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has made real plans about suing ED and myself. Trannies have told him to just block the website and shit will die down. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles just yells at them for not being supportive.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles back in March was doing a troll hunt. The concept stressed him out so much. That he voluntarily committed himself to one.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles actually believes releasing the court documents is an arrestable offense.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles actually thinks I am Jason Bourne hunting him down. He gives an ocular pat down to all passerby's in public. He will also run away and move around, if he thinks I'm there.
>> No. 53118
>Điện Biên Phủ

Pick one.
>> No. 53119
Fuckshitville, July 15th, 1969.

I've been spending the last 2 months holed up in this stinkin' hotel room. My dreams are empty, endless plains of darkness, covering up more effectively than a metal safe, and I'm short on explosives. Every time I wake up, I expect to wake up back in the jungle, I'd wake up and there'd be nothing. Whenever I was here, All I could think of was getting home. When I was home, all I could think of was getting back into the jungle. Oh, those jungles. The leaves are white and wet, covered in some strange mixture of Soda and Semen. It gives me nausea just thinkin' about it.

Every minute I spend in this room, I get weaker. And every minute A-Log squats in the bushes, he gets stronger. I'm just sitting here, waiting for a mission.

Fuckshitville, July 16th, 1969.

I've gotten a new mission. Officers brought it up to me like Room Service. It was a real choice mission. And after this one, I'd never want another.

Last year, Colonel C. Chandler, a decorated army officer, went berserk and fleed into his home with a dozen natives, who worship him like a god. The officers told me that he had gone beyond any human logic and reasoning, and that his methods were unsound. My mission is to infiltrate his base, collect as much information as necessary, and terminate his command. With extreme prejudice. The people escorting me in the Son-Chu are mostly just kids, little spergs with one foot in the toilet cupboard, looking for beach and bath salts. There's Robert Stiles, called Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles by his buddies, if he has any. He was some maniac from Philly, who was drafted to this god-awful place, said it was good for him. Then there's Justin, although he calls himself JustinRPG, dunno why he does that. He's from some southern shithole in North Carolina or somewhere around those parts. Then there's this other guy called Andrew, but he absolutely hates that name. He insists that his name is some god-dang Jap name, "Ahuviya Rotem Harel". Another one from Philly, who is basically Robb, except that he's fat. And then there's Homor, who despite being a fuckin' failure in life, manages to be the most sane of the bunch. It may have been my mission, but it sure was his Son-Chu. I'll be leaving for the mission tomorrow, but I'll probably be spending the night reading the documents. Semper fi.

>> No. 53120

>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is so paranoid of Cameras. He will threaten to kick your ass, if you have a visible camera out. He also will threaten to OBLIVERATE the camera as well.

Is this just recently since he started transitioning into Gollum?
>> No. 53121
intro you need to press your sources to produce a current photo of robb if you're not already doing so. i want to see the after pic of bath salt use so bad.
>> No. 53122

Ever since the ED article. He's gone bonkers with security stuff. Like he will stalk trannies to make sure they aren't cooperating with trolls.

>>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles actually thinks I am Jason Bourne hunting him down. He gives an ocular pat down to all passerby's in public. He will also run away and move around, if he thinks I'm there.

Video related.
>> No. 53123
File 13506779332.jpg - (66.46KB , 356x512 , Douglas Pearce.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I was away from the site for a while, glad to see Rob just keeps getting more insane and amusing.
I wonder when the full psychotic breakdown will lead him to commit homicide.
>> No. 53124
Anyone want to take bets on how long it will be until Robbay has a total psychotic breakdown and has to get sectioned?
>> No. 53125
He's probably already checked into a mental hospital again.
>> No. 53126
Is Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles on the pathway to Hell? Is he at this point beyond redempetion? I'm really curious if it possible to reverse his deplorable status.
>> No. 53127
Sorry: redemption.
>> No. 53128

That's probably why he's afraid of cameras now, he's worried he'll come out like a demon/a demon appears in photograph.

Vid related.
>> No. 53129
It was a dog
>> No. 53130
One of the bigger giveaways for Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles seems to be he never wears casual women's clothes, like at >>281667 he's wearing a black strapped top which I don't think many women would wear when going out camping.
>> No. 53131
File 135068480011.jpg - (66.33KB , 399x599 , 399px-Rika_25.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That and the stuff he makes for himself looks like crap. It's like he somehow puts even less effort into making his clothes than he does into looking feminine.
>> No. 53132
Robb's deteriorating worse and worse as time goes on.

His paranoia and delusion have taken him to a point where he's doing see no normal human being would do.

I think we're at a point where Robb's parents need to get him involuntarily committed.
>> No. 53133
File 135068610118.png - (77.38KB , 500x748 , VERSALLIES SECURITY ADVISORY SYSTEM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Warning: The Versallies security threat level has been raised to SEVERE. A 789chan troll attack is expected imminently. All visitors will be subject to cavity searches by our security staff.
>> No. 53134
>> No. 53135
>I think we're at a point where Robb's parents need to get him involuntarily committed.
Six months ago I would've considered this ween, but at this point, I am convinced it'd be for the best.
>> No. 53136

Rob is the real world Pink from the wall
>> No. 53137
Yeah... I'd rather not see Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles kill himself or someone else because he thinks that trolls implanted microchips in their skulls.
>> No. 53138
Yeah, but even then I have to wonder how successful an institution in straightening him out. Until they can get him off the salts, he's just going to insist that they (both the hospital and his parents, who hate him because they're conservatives) are in on the conspiracy
>> No. 53139
I'm kind of surprised he hasn't been more aggressive toward Jordman, since he seems to think he's the one ordering all the trolling. Not that Jordman would have anything to worry about.
>> No. 53140
If Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles bites him think of the infection n it would cause.
>> No. 53141
You've tried everything except not fucking coming here. You continuing to come here is literally the only reason you continue to be harassed. I'm sure you're aware of this at least to some degree, yet you keep coming.
>> No. 53142

I talked to Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles today. Also, I legitimately don't know the troll hunter.
>> No. 53143
File 135069182426.jpg - (286.94KB , 1600x1200 , zombie-teeth.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pink eye.

Seriously. His teeth are that bad
>> No. 53144
And surprisingly enough, he joined the rest of us, too. He's gone completely around the bend at this point.
>> No. 53145
  Robb's current state.
>> No. 53146
>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is going to jump
>> No. 53147
Hey Rikk. It's all a. them. They are all in on it. You should move back home. Your parents just want to help. Jesus will save you.
>> No. 53148
Play this while reading these logs.
>> No. 53149

i wish homors trip was something like !rb0c4cK now
>> No. 53150
File 135069342534.jpg - (144.62KB , 779x538 , scarecrowcomputer.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That arm says it all.
>> No. 53151
File 135069377295.gif - (2.89MB , 350x185 , 1339790586470.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 53152
Those guys have a lot of experience, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles might be uncooperative at first but I'm sure they have dealt with way worse cases.

Just keeping him in a safe, drug free place till he gets off the bath salts would probably be the initial goal, I had a google search and found http://www.addictionrecoveryguide.org/message_board/index.php?s=64b269db39f18b7c14b22134709988a3&act=ST&f=14&t=68016 which seems to suggest that most addicts find it much easier to get off bath salts with support inside a treatment center, other people stories sound pretty similar to Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's.
>> No. 53153

<Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> 100% proof, you fucking wusses

<Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> oh and one thing INTROMAN, COME HERE AND I'LL LIGHT MY FECES ON FIRE
<Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> AND THROW IT AT YOUR CAR

<Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> FUCKING CALL THE COPS ON ADF
<Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> OR MIKHAIL
<Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> THEY SEE ME JUST DRINKING
<Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> AND GETTING ANGRY
<Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> JUST FUCKING HELP


Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is getting more paranoid by the second.
>> No. 53154
Just wow. Hope we get a heads up that you haven't jumped or gotten arrested, Rob. Nothing on the public scanners but I didn't listen long.
Not sure if master of disguise trying to troll or bath salts PSA but just.. wow. You truly are a legend of our times, Rob. Go to detox and get on a reality show, they love histrionic addicts and you can even put ED on your resume.
>> No. 53156
Seanie since you are the only one who knows his parents number maybe you should give them another phone call to inform them of the worsening addiction problem with their son?

I guess it's not your problem though if you don't feel like it.
>> No. 53157
Holy shit, he's gonna drop trou, shit in his hand, light on fire, and throw it at some poor innocent's car.

Enjoy your next mental hospital visit, Robb
>> No. 53158
  Okay, now who's up for an intervention? We all meet up at the Liberty Bell, and storm the Versailles. There will be six of us, and one skinny 60lb Goblin King. He'll try resist as much as he could, but he'll never overpower us. We strap him in a straight jacket and fly him straight to Sandallins.

He has hit rock bottom.
>> No. 53159
Not sure if real. It's not in the log.
>> No. 53160
This was a piece of creative writing Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles wrote btw. You guys were kind enough to report me before I dropped more goblin king cocks. Because I still love you guys, here's the wraithlord's guide to hiding yourself on the internet:

A guide on how to hide yourself on the internet. The use of proxys.
Hiding Yourself on the Internet
This is a guide on how to use web proxies.
What’s a web proxy?
A web proxy is a site that allows use to browse sites you may not have access to for many reasons: IP bans, sites blocking software, etc.
A web proxy hides your identity, you access the site throught the proxy site instead of your computer.
Computer -> Proxy -> Site
How do you use a web proxy?
Well that’s very easy.
You simply go to a proxy site (if you’re using it because of sites blocking software you might have to search for non commonly used proxy sites because common proxies are most likely going to be blocked too). Here’s some sites for both cases:
http://proxy.org (lots of popular proxy sites)
http://zammyslave.com/secure (my own proxy site, not at all well known but not blocked)
Have fun browsing through sites you aren’t supposed to access

Very educational Robb.
>> No. 53161
File 135069882299.jpg - (23.02KB , 600x450 , Rika2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He is dead.

Good night, sweet, beautiful princess.
>> No. 53162
It's at 18:44:51
>> No. 53163

Why do you think Robbay wrote that?
>> No. 53165
Audio - (1.09MB - 128 kbps - 32 kHz , Blue Snowball 20120913 0715_01.mp3 ) Length: 1:11 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
They literally denied his existance and asked I never called again. It'd be grounds for harassment if I did

I don't think I ever released this recording, because I considered it a failure, but robb's roommate confirmed it sounded like Robb's mom as far as he remembered.
>> No. 53166
>19:16 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles and to top it all off, MY EYEBROWS ARENT FUCKING GROWING BACK

Did Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles shave/pluck his eyebrows or is this some bath salts-related side effect I was unaware of?
>> No. 53167
It could always be some drug addicted, drama queen making something up.
>> No. 53168
File 135070211830.jpg - (17.81KB , 204x245 , nazi pink.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

And the Pink Floyd References keep coming
>> No. 53169
He singed off his eyebrows. It happens when you freebase.
Seen that before.
>> No. 53170
You can' be a Hunter S character. He wrote autobiographical pieces and opinion. tt
>> No. 53171
File 135071014621.jpg - (201.12KB , 806x1069 , innocent.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53172
The horror...the horror...
>> No. 53173
Did Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles use his wraith powers to take down the site? Spilled some of his wraith blood on the server perhaps by blowing his nose in it's general direction? A drawfag should animate that. It could be the goblin kings strongest attack.
>> No. 53174
>Oct 19 18:54:29 <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> hes not they said i need help i dont need fucking help

He's going to keep this up until he's in the ground.
>> No. 53175
File 135076570915.png - (53.18KB , 270x350 , Rum-Bacardi-151-Proof.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robb has no idea what "proof" actually is, does he?
>> No. 53176
He's always crying for help. He wanted us to call the cops on his friends because they were calling the cops. He's that kind of special snowflake. So now that they have busted him for parole violations, will we ever hear from him again?
>> No. 53177
File 135076643715.jpg - (12.54KB , 200x300 , vh1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It's sad that the parents are enabling Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. I guess they don't want to be in the same category as the columbine shooters parent's. Today was very eventful for those in Philly. Our plan to help Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has been realized and going through the final motions. Let's see if we can do it and stop this person.

We even got some help from some of the heads of Mazzoni for this. We can finally end this charade. Sorry for keeping this under wraps.
>> No. 53178
Update: https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Robert_Wayne_Stiles#Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles_vs._Troll
>> No. 53179
Well, hopefully he's being forced to get help then. No way he'll listen to any kind of rational thought at this point.
>> No. 53180
I'm going to run if I fucking have to Introman. Now, my friends are lying to me. That fucking bitch, Mikhail said she'd call the cops but she was only trying to get me to freak out. And THIS is why I hate women.

Introman, I am going to run. I am going to run so far away, to and throw this fucking i-phone in the trash so I can no longer contact you. If you find me when I'm on the run, I'll KILL who I have to, so leave me be.

>> No. 53181
>> No. 53182
Get help, Robb. Seriously, you need it.
>> No. 53183
File 135076898742.jpg - (32.30KB , 340x205 , 340x_sunny.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Run to a rehab center cricket. You'll never hear from me again as long as you're sober.
>> No. 53184

Sean, never have I met someone who despises their fellow bretheren as much as you. LGBT, DO THOSE WORDS RING ANY FUCKING BELLS FOR YOU? OH, WAIT, YOU'RE JUST GAY BECAUSE YOU WANT FUCKING ATTENTION
>> No. 53185
um, aren't you the one who said "screw LGBT"?
>> No. 53186
Um, hi, I post with a name you fuckhead. I didn't post that video. There's more than one admin.
>> No. 53187
Hey? Can I have that iphone?
>> No. 53188
>> No. 53189
File 135076939088.png - (25.98KB , 1496x150 , screwlgbt.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53190
Brotherhood of Da Homos
>> No. 53191

You said that, not me, asshole. That was a directly manipulated post posted under MY name. Fuck off.
>> No. 53192
You're a fucking idiot, Robert.
>> No. 53193

>> No. 53194

Hey Robb. What's up with you assuming that any gay person who makes fun of you is not actually gay? First you assume that I'm a false gay for whatever reason. Now Seanie. Kind of odd coming from a guy who became a tranny to get laid.
>> No. 53195
I excommunicated you, remember?
>> No. 53196
Wraith blood will always be in the server.
>> No. 53197
I despise you because you're a horrible wretched wreck of a person, not because you want to change your sex. Find me one example of me bashing someone only for being LGBT and I will delete your threads
>> No. 53198
Congrats, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Your personal accountability is now even lower than it was before.
>> No. 53199
Get in IRC, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 53201
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, LGBT isn't a club you numbnuts.
>> No. 53202

In Robb's own words. He became a tranny to hide from our good old pal madara. He's the typical submissive beta nerd with autogynephalia. He doesn't want to become just a woman, but he wants to be fucking "hot". I apparently ruined that for him, because the stress of my existence made him abuse drugs.

This whole thing was never gender dysphoria. It was cloaking his true intentions. He wants to be a hot piece of ass.

I'll discuss this further with anyone in IRC. I unfortunately, know the most about Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 53203
>> No. 53204
What's the matter, Robb? Are you afraid of what's going to happen if ADF sees that?
>> No. 53205
Oh look! Rob says he's never coming back again. I'm sure he really really means it this time.

Ha ha, fuck off Rob.
>> No. 53206
Are you projecting because you say you are a bisexual for attention?
>> No. 53207
He'll never leave, he's too big of an attention whore, and his too goddamned hideous to get attention anywhere else, even from his own parents.
>> No. 53208
File 135077184624.jpg - (49.68KB , 390x779 , La-Crepuscule-large.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, get off the Internet. This isn't a threat or any attempt at trolling. I am sincere in telling you that the time and energy you spend on the Internet is unhealthy. Your attempts to defeat trolls and protect your perceived reputation will not work. If anything, it's keeping you a regressed and stunted person unable to grow or enjoy life at any level.

Please don't take my criticism as a personal attack as I really want to see you become a happier and healthier person. I know the aggravation and frustration you're going through and blaming it on other people and lashing out isn't going to help you or end it. Your first step is to leave the Internet. Do it for yourself and, if you can't do it for yourself, do it for the family and people who want to see you healthy and happy.

There is nothing online that the real world can't offer you. Getting into flame wars and blasting your enemies on a message board is no way to spend your time.

The only thing you can control in your life is you. That may seem like a trite adage and limiting but, really, once you realize this you will be freed of so much pain.

Thank you for reading this and I hope you can become a happy person one day.
>> No. 53209
sean told me to post this
>> No. 53211
> sean told me to post this
OMG! That's the most interesting thing I've EVER seen!
>> No. 53213
Chile please Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.

I ga tell you one wibe, I know fa-sure your #1 Fan will be out drinking Peter Whackers till 'bout 11PM. You though, you is ga be strung up on those bath salts you gon' be dead by Thanksgiving.

Chile Please.
>> No. 53214
Yeah, like someone with the attention span of a fucking swampbat is going to have the patience to read it through. And it's not like it's the first time anyone has tried. He's an ADD ladyman high on cocaine(bathsalt if you want to be literal) with an extra doseage of ADD just in case he'd think normal things.
>> No. 53215

>> No. 53216
Glad to see Robb is alive at least.
>> No. 53217

>19:16 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles and to top it all off, MY EYEBROWS ARENT FUCKING GROWING BACK

Oh god, my sides.
>> No. 53218
File 135077479783.jpg - (2.47KB , 275x183 , images.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53219

Can't wait till his parents die from the stress, so we can dig them up and roll them in carpets.
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