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File 130392554928.jpg - (80.36KB , 600x450 , fuckfuckfuckew.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
6323 No. 6323
this guy is pretty much chris-chan.
he has no job, and leeches off his aunt/nanny. he claims to have various social phobias/disorders/diseases. he's really dumb. he also has an obsession with pokemon.
i don't really know what else to say so here are his things:
http://batia-studios.webs.com/index.html (this has the most stuff)
also he's stalking this girl (http://gleefulcynic.deviantart.com) and has been for 5 years even though she's told him multiple times to leave her alone, had her friends say it, etc.
also he has a lot of creepy fetishes but you'll prolly find that from looking around in his shit (no pun intended) anyway.

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>> No. 6324
>> No. 6325
  Larping with a kid half-sister. Please, tell me he doesn't have the hots for her. I don't think I could take another pedophilic shuddercow.
>> No. 6326
>I larp with my half-sister just days before our sticks were tragically stolen from us by our douchebag mom because I'm "too old to be playing with sticks". Dumb bitch.
>> No. 6327
he does. :I
>> No. 6328
"Kentucky don't exist!" ? I don't even...what?
>> No. 6329
From his Twitter: ''NickBate Nick Bate
Who keeps posting aboot me on the Chris-chan board saying I'm a stalker? I don't stalk... o_O
55 minutes ago''

>> No. 6330
>> No. 6331
The girl he's stalking is really fat and ugly, lol.
>> No. 6332
This has officially become interesting.

>> No. 6333
Obsession for Pokemon. Dumb. He's lurking /cwc/, eh?

>> No. 6334
>Which brings us to the present (again)! Since Anna's blocked me from everything, I have little I can do but wait for an opportunity to arise, in which I can, I dunno,
try something to win her back. That's generally what I do. Do things that try to win her back. Generally they just make things worse, but... welp, I'm out of other options.
So yeah. The end. What will the future hold for Anna and I? Hopefully several children and lots of buttsex.

Not a stalker. Okay
>> No. 6335
A list of things he ''needs'' and we ''should buy him
Fuck this guy seriously
>> No. 6336
i know him personally and he's always trying to get my friend thom to buy him a house. i shit you not.
>> No. 6337
A wild lolcow appears. /cwc/ sends out troll.
>> No. 6338
Hey, Nick. I know you're reading this. Okay, quick question: Could you do your half-sister a huge favor and not rape/molest her? Thanks.
>> No. 6339
actually he already kinda has...
you may notice he has a thing for anilingus and he told me that he got her to lick his butt.
he claims that she asked to do it but still.
i feel so sorry for her ):
>> No. 6340
Also he has ''social'' problems, and ''can't do anything unless he's told how'' (aka fucking learning something derp), but he can manage to get out of the house and buy shit with money he doesn't have somehow.
^This shit with the girl here, really mirrors Chris in alot of ways, they are pretty similar
>> No. 6341
NO. NO. NO. Please be untrue! Gah! Fuck!
>> No. 6342
Is >>53005 actually him?
>> No. 6343

actually he didn't see this thread, someone prolly told him, because, if you notice from his livejournal, he doesn't have internet. all he has is his phone.
>> No. 6344
another chris-chan similarity is that he really wants to have a child--a girl--and he already has a name picked out-- Rya Ondine.
>> No. 6345

He also created a blog around ''Anna''
this guy is fucked up
>> No. 6346
Indeed, it was a blue, blue Christmas without her. I couldn't stop myself from thinking... you're supposed to hang out with loved ones for Christmas, right? So many people take it for granted, thinking "oh hey, that's easy, loved ones are the one thing you always have". But no. Not so easy for some.

Anna is the one thing I really, truly need (not that I'm calling her a thing) but like... I don't have her. It shouldn't be this hard, ya know? If only I could just, like, cuddle with her, and just talk or something simple like that it would be the perfect Christmas in my eyes. But no. I can't even get that much. :(

I guess I'm okay now though. I'ma keep on truckin'. Perseverance! I don't care if it sounds creepy or not, I know I'll get her someday.

>> No. 6347
Smile for the camera, Nick. You're going on ED!
>> No. 6348
''Operation McFly

So. During my two-week absence from the Internet, I devised a new plan. You see, I bought two large coffees (a latt� and a mocha, to be exact) from McDonald's, and upon drinking them, I realized I had traveled one minute back in time.

So I did some math. Assuming one coffee takes me back in time 30 seconds, I would have to drink 13,665,600 coffees to go back in time 13 years. Why would I want to go back 13 years, you ask? The answer is simple. 13 years ago, Anna was 2 (almost 3). This is the approximate time she moved to California.

Once I drink these coffees, I will become a 5-year-old again but will retain all my memories from being 18. Then, I will utilize said memories to do things that would be supernatural for a five-year-old to do, such as predict events and excel in school.

Everyone will think I'm a prophet or something, and I'll use this to command my family to move to California. Preferably right next door to Anna. Then, Anna and I will be able to grow up together IRL. And by hanging out with me IRL, she'll actually get to know me unlike how the past five years of Internet-only friendship went down. Then she'll realize I'm not a stalker and will fall in love with me.

Now, the problem is... how will I afford that many coffees? They're $3.19 a piece IIRC, so that's a grand total of $43,593,264, not even counting tax. Hmm. :s

EDIT: Nevermind. I'm really, really dumb.''
>> No. 6349
but ED doesn't exist anymore...does it?
>> No. 6350

So, I'm reading over my 200+ logs I saved from my conversations with Anna, and I've gotta say... I was pretty annoying back then. Like, in late 2006/early 2007 I was constantly reminding her that she was supposed to call me. (Eventually she finally did. Twice.) And it seems like most of our conversations have at least one instance of me asking her to marry me or play PS2 nekkid while I watch and jack off to it or whatever, and her just saying "maybe", all mundane-like. She probably thought I was annoying, too, but just didn't want to say it.

Then I began wondering. How long did this go on? Was I still like this in August of 2008, when she blocked me? Could this have been the reason?

Of course, I've changed now, but I assume that she still thinks I'm like that. But damn, how can I prove I've changed after being annoying for so long?''

Oh my good lol
>> No. 6351

That shouldn't be down for long. Should it? :(
>> No. 6352
oh omg i never saw that. well still, i hope someone makes an article...i always thought he deserved one .-.
>> No. 6353

Annas old twitter

Someone should get intouch with him as ''Anna'' ....trolling potential surely
>> No. 6354
File 130395358193.jpg - (22.20KB , 387x512 , CoolStoryBro.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Congratulations, Nick Bate!
You really know how to make 140 characters tl;dr!
>> No. 6355
http://twitter.com/OndineDuende this is her new one.

also, his name in real life is Nick Stoutzenberger.
>> No. 6356
File 130395560036.jpg - (5.34KB , 207x251 , trollfaceirl.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, in addition to being super creepy, this guy isn't that funny to me. And I just can't see him producing lulz, now or by being trolled.

>Why would anyone but Nate post this?
>> No. 6357
I think this guy would be fantastic to troll. I'll look forward to seeing him sperg out on youtube.
>> No. 6358
It would be easy too I think. Just create an email adress/youtube/twitter as an alternate for ''Anna'' and say you've changed your mind. String that out for a bit
>> No. 6359
The Fuck? How is someone this dumb?
Yeah, going back in time by driking a lot of coffe to meet the girl you wan't to bang when she was 3. Totally not stalking her.
>> No. 6360
is his two front teeth behind the rest of his teeth? That creeps me out
>> No. 6361
>> No. 6362
me too god damn
>> No. 6363
he probably wouldn't lash/sperg out, but he'd make a blog post or something like "ugh >-<"
but uhh, he's actually really depressed, so maybe he'll go crazy. idk.
>> No. 6364
File 130396551196.gif - (7.81MB , 320x240 , guniwgif1.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
it's because he's...well, super creepy. and sometimes he says stupid things that are unintentionally hilarious. i don't know, i thought it'd be neat to see /cwc/'s reactions to this guy.
>> No. 6365
File 130396564983.gif - (2.05MB , 320x240 , fancypinkgif2.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
it's because he's...well, super creepy. and sometimes he says stupid things that are unintentionally hilarious. i don't know, i thought it'd be neat to see /cwc/'s reactions to this guy.
>> No. 6366
Could we get a direct link to the anal licking story? If it's legit enough, as in it's his clearly his claim (whether true or not)...

1. Post link
2. Send to Perverted Justice
3. ??????
4. Profit!
>> No. 6367
no dude, he told me that over the phone. ): sorry.
>> No. 6369
if he's trolling he's been doing it for 7 years, so.
>> No. 6370
  Christ, I can't stop staring at/thinking about this guy's teeth.

They must be disgusting and painful to live with. You can practically smell him, just by looking at him.
>> No. 6371
yeah he has already done that and he's probably not the only one
>> No. 6372
he's never expressed any problems, so...
>> No. 6373
Not that I'm complaining about having this creep brought to the board's attention, but I'd bet this Anna girl is the OP.

If I had this thing after me, I'd want to tell people about it as well.
>> No. 6374
OK guys, I'm all about non censorship on the internet.....but just this one time.

Can we censor/blur those teeth? Please!!!
>> No. 6375
I want to die reading his website.

He put down "househusband" as occupation on his blogger. *stress sigh*
>> No. 6376
I don't think he's that good for trolling. I don't find his online profiles and stuff that funny. I don't think he's THAT stalkerish... just has weird thoughts and stuff. So lets move on to a better lolcow and close this thread.

>> No. 6377

>Legend of Anna

>One fateful day, on February 18th, 1993, a very sexy baby was born to John Anthony "Tony" Nickel and Audrey Nickel.

oh my god, what
>> No. 6378
>So yeah. The end. What will the future hold for Anna and I? Hopefully several children and lots of buttsex.

>> No. 6379

The faggot admits to being into cross-dressing and defends paedophilia.

He's also into coprophilia.
>> No. 6380
It seems like /cwc/ is less about trolling and more about, "guys, take a look at this fucked up person."

i'm okay with this.
>> No. 6381

holy crap. it gets creepier and creepier as you read the comments. specially the pedophilia stuff. god DAMN, this guy is creeping me right the fuck out
>> No. 6382
actually no, i hate anna, she's a dumb bitch and is almost as spergy as nick himself. but i also believe nick needs to be put in his place because he's creepy as fuck and yeah. he does have other haters, y'know.
and on dA...
clearly you didn't read the legend of anna
he always posts on his twitter defending pedophilia.
>> No. 6383

>> No. 6384
http://twitpic.com/photos/NickBate his twitpic. it's basically his twitter...WITH PICTURES. tl;dr included.
>> No. 6385
...no. and i'm not thom. thom lives in the netherlands.
>> No. 6386
Sick motherfucker!
You reading this, Nick?
Expect us!
>> No. 6387
...Why did he post his tits. Oh god my eyes.
>> No. 6388
File 130401235119.jpg - (39.55KB , 600x450 , 190648388.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 6389
File 130401468688.jpg - (122.64KB , 800x800 , sbCaa.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

i ordinarily never care for this type of shit but can we get the dress pics and maybe his nipple pics printed out and mailed to whatever relatives that he resides with?

this seems mildly amusing because of >>53291

I dont care to do this myself as im too high/too much effort to find his two addresses and print out mail that shit but I cant help but imagine the shit he will get into cause of his absolute dependence on these relatives. op please do this. you probably know these addresses and you know that if they see those images they will probably kick him out or force him into getting serious help.

or wait dont.
>> No. 6390

haha, that would be funny.
>> No. 6391
i do actually. we're not allowed to dox people here, are we?
but they're terrible parents, i think they'd kick him out but that's it. i can't because
1. no printer
2. no stamps
3. like hell i'm gonna get involved with this shit legally.
but if anyone would like to i'll dig through my papers and find his dox :>
>> No. 6392

Five star stuff here. I would not have expected him to argue like he does with this woman he pretends his pillow is every night.
>> No. 6393
Go hunting for addresses yourself with these clues:

Father: Reuben Stoutzenberger, in Marietta (trailer park)
Grandmother: Gladys Stoutzenberger, in Washington Boro

People posting in this thread:

"Scott" (OP)

There are videos of Nick naked and masturbating that he has attempted to send to minors (Anna, Maddi).

Pursue only what you find worthwhile; do not become the personal army of a literal child.
>> No. 6394
I'm never been there since I'm not a fan of IRC but I think most of the trolling plans get discussed there.
>> No. 6395

''apparently they were messing around in my Windows account because Dad found some picture from years ago and was really adamant that I delete it immediately...''

Coincidence...? Nope.

>> No. 6396
This is a good plan. We should archive all of his shit right now before he deletes it. Because he lurks on this board evidently.
>> No. 6397
>Nick Bate
>@NickBate Nick Bate
>Who is "Rain Man"? Someone from high school said I remind her of him.
>10 hours ago via txt
>> No. 6398
File 13040308923.jpg - (47.19KB , 600x450 , 286692600.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He just gave himself a hickie.
>> No. 6399
File 13040314325.jpg - (218.20KB , 1142x876 , cheetofucker.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Apparently my aunt and grandmother thought they were being nice by throwing out my old, "dirty" pillows for new, "clean" ones. See, for the past few years I've had this special pillow that I basically pretend is Anna and cuddle with, you know, just until I can cuddle with the real thing. Plus I roleplay with it and do the voices for both me and her. Of course, I still do the latter even without the pillow, but still. Anyway, dude, throwing out the Anna pillow is MASSIVELY UNCOOL. By doing it you're wiping some of the history of me and Anna's relationship from existence, like the time my aunt changed a letter in one of the letters Anna sent me (I now carry all Anna-related artifacts on me at all times to prevent this from happening again). Needless to say, I cried for hours and am still crying on the inside. And the new pillow isn't helping by being a crappy cuddler. Sigh.
>> No. 6400
jesus christ
>> No. 6401
File 130403177660.png - (697.99KB , 500x1500 , 1273480143175.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's just a regular old pillow. What's the point of cuddling with a faceless lump.
>> No. 6402
hot damn.
scott is not op, maddi is. i'm pretty sure scott hasn't seen this.
so yeah...
>> No. 6403
>me and Anna's relationship
Is he serious?
(I am ignoring the massive creepyness in that text)
>> No. 6404
what if we offer him cheese pizza and report the local authorities on him?
>> No. 6405
The only way I will be satisfied is if this ends up involving Perverted-Justice like >>53202 suggested.
>> No. 6406
> He's also into coprophilia.
So would you say he�s wearing a shit-eating grin?
>> No. 6407
Just in case anyone missed this:

(Commenter):So when they're, like, four? You'd FUCK A FOUR-YEAR-OLD? God, that's fucking SICK.

Nick: No, I jack off to them, but I wouldn't actually have sex with one.

However, I'll defend to the injury other people's rights to have sex with kids. There is no reason pedophiles should be discriminated against. Pedophilia is just another fetish like bondage or albinos or whatever.
>> No. 6408
File 130403499592.png - (14.95KB , 100x100 , Hella Jeff9605.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I just realised the commenter is the girl he is in love with, that makes it so much more hilarious.
>> No. 6409
Pre-pubescence, lack of understanding of human sexuality, and the concept of consensual sex obviously doesn't factor into a man's RIGHT to fuck his child slave.
>> No. 6410
he isn't a sex offender yet and the only evidence of his sister licking his ass is a unrecorded phonecall, as creepy as he is he hasn't *quite* hit illegal yet
>> No. 6411
This guy is so fucking ugly. I'm sad to say that his fetishes wouldn't disturb me as much if he wasn't such a beast.
>> No. 6412
whoops, i meant hasn't hit illegal yet in that he hasn't been caught yet, if the story is indeed true
>> No. 6413
I just now noticed the cat in the original picture. He's so horrible looking I couldn't tear my eyes away.
>> No. 6414
so what's the agenda? do we want to troll him or do we want to send him away for a very very long time?
>> No. 6415
it'd be funnier to get creepy information/acts out of him via an anna troll and send it to anyone of importance, cwcstyle
>> No. 6416

If >>53409 is accurate, all it may take is some digging. There's bound to be something concrete that's incriminating enough for a search warrant. If he's got kiddie porn stashed on his computer, he's toast.
>> No. 6417
he said he doesn't (but he wishes he did) and instead gets off by whacking it to mental images of 4 year olds
>> No. 6418
If trolling's the plan. It all starts with information gathering. Sure there's a good bit of potential stuff Op was generous enough to pass onto us (Thanks again good Sir/madam). We got the reasons why this board wishes to troll him, now it's about finding out all the lil details to his life story. This is just the tip of the iceberg. His disturbing ideals had to come from somewhere afterall.

What made CWC so huge for trolling along with the cwcki is that he'd literally give out all of his information right down to his earliest memories. End result.....a huge dedicated wiki with more than enough information to keep a reader engaged for months on end and a board of people wanting more.

I feel it can happen with this guy as well, just gotta rip his obsession with this "anna" girl away from him.....which is probably gonna be the hardest part of it all.
>> No. 6419
Forgot to add something, when everything's been done and the lols have been milked dry, THEN we can book'em to prison.
>> No. 6420
>that pic
>Cats are fine too.
>> No. 6421
well what makes anna so special? did he meet her IRL or something or does he just have a strange obsession with a girl he never met, because if so we could easily fake a girlfriend (but we need to know why he clinged on to anna so vehemently)
>> No. 6422
It seems that anna is the girl commenting on his livejournal so maybe they have/had some weird kind of codependence thing going.

(From his Livejournal:
You are a sick fuck.

The fact that you act like you'll marry me someday sickens and disturbs me, and it only serves to make me detest you even more.

You also have NO redeeming qualities...your art is, frankly, some of the worst I've ever seen (especially for someone who acts passionate about drawing), you're a complete and utter moron, you're a pervert (and not the cool kind), and you're generally a complete and utter waste of carbon.

And don't even get me started on the whole "fate" thing. How the hell are you supposed to know what your fate is? Maybe your fate is to be attacked by me and all of my friends. Like, physically. And also you die from your injuries.

As for "wiping some of the history of (our) relationship from existence"...um, we don't HAVE a relationship. At all.

Go die in a fire.)
>> No. 6423
>>53431 here
That's what I'm trying to figure out as well. However I feel this is something the OP may be able to enlighten us with. From what I gathered it does come off as if they were once friends like CWC and Megan.

I'm gonna pop a username on here, sorry in advanced it just makes replying to people a lil more convenient.
>> No. 6424
File 130403964796.jpg - (31.09KB , 341x303 , tumblr_ljx0g5b5lq1qd7dym.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Trolling would be so easy I think. I'll say it again create a ''secret'' Anna account on some platform, email or whatever, and just slowly but surely start contacting him again. Start off still angry at him, then gradually come around and get creepy fetish/pedo info from him.
Do it.
>> No. 6425

I swear, she's channeling the Wallflower.
>> No. 6426
File 130404033850.jpg - (65.55KB , 696x522 , whatisdone.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
well her account implies she is an overweight (chubby, looks as though she still has figure) californian resident with varied but overly alternative taste in media, she likes pokemon and cartoons and seems to be one of those "sarcasticly random" types of people OTI, from nicks TL;DR account of her she was a misfit (but a genius according to him, yet she still had bad grades) who apparently tried to kill herself a few times but cartoons saved her, yadda yadda yadda they met through an edit on BSwiki where the two started talking about shit, TMBG and Bonus Stage were their two biggest obsessions apparently, according to nick they developed an intimate relationship (as FRIENDS) and talked daily, but in a chris-like fashion he pestered on about nudes and other creepy shit and she got fed up with it, ending the relationship (and starting his stalker tirade), they never met in person

hopefully this helps you with developing a character similar to anna for trolling purposes
>> No. 6427
I should also note they are both well aware of internet going-ons and nick himself could be watching this thread, be careful with this guys
>> No. 6428
Yeah good point good sir.
Mayhaps an internet meeting place to discuss things away from unwanted eyes?
>> No. 6429
File 130404074455.jpg - (31.76KB , 600x450 , omg kyoot.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
here's a better pic to judge her weight on
(also note the filenames nick uses - freak)
>> No. 6430
i don't know man, if the mods are okay with it I'D gladly move to somwhere else
>> No. 6431
Irc was always good for keeping things on the downlow. If ya need a hand getting this shit setup lemme know. I'll gladly lend a hand.

But it seems this has gotten derailed by the recent cwc update
>> No. 6432
actually the picture was a thing of anna's head photoshopped onto a naked chick's body.
well, like, they were just internet friends with the same shitty interests (they might be giants, bonus stage...yeah) and he just became creepily obsessed with her as the years went by.
he can't, he has no internet.
it'd be pretty nice to have an IRC/chat type environment for this, yeah.

by the way, my name is maddi, i'm nick's apparent "best friend". if you see any mention of me anywhere, this is because i am the only person that is not a dick to him. except i want to see him trolled really hard. so i guess i'm a really bad friend.
i played pokemon with him a few times.
>> No. 6433
also lol

NickBate Nick Bate
So, I was looking at my boobs and apparently there's acne under all the hair. It's awesome! Now I have even more in common with my wife!
>> No. 6434
I'm at a lost for words.....so I did something else.

I tried setting up an irc on melchior.lostsig.net channel #undertroll

This is my first time really messing with irc so hopefully it works
>> No. 6435
i don't really get how to use irc, especially not that one, but ok
>> No. 6436
Yeah same here lol. I have a dud live account I was planning on using for this kinda thing.

I gotta head out the work there in a bit, I'll post it there upon returning.
>> No. 6437

>I alternate about and aboot.

>Also, I dunno. Whenever they're old enough to understand things. So I guess it's not so much a certain age as it is when they're speaking in sentences and stuff like that. My half-sister's only seven and she's known a little about sex for a few years already.

OH GOD. something tells me he's "teaching" her about it.
>> No. 6438
i guess you could say that; he tells her what he's "going do to anna when they get married". btw amber is 9 years old now. i think.
i remember once i was on the phone with him and she asked, "are you gonna lick her butt?", and he said "of course", and she replied, "cool" and continued doing whatever it was she was doing. it was really eerie.
also sometimes she asks him questions, like, "what if you lick the wrong anus?" or something.
(no lie, she really asked that)
>> No. 6439
Dude, isn't that kind of shit called grooming or some shit? I can't imagine that's not illegal in The Netherlands.
>> No. 6440
the netherlands is where thom lives. thom =/= nick. thom is an internet friend of nick's.
nick lives in washington boro, pennsylvania. in the US.
and, of course, that is quite illegal in the us. actually, he's done a lot of illegal shit. but yeah. grooming is up there.
>> No. 6441

Please tell us 100% of what you know about his "relationship" with Amber, and provide any links to any supporting evidence (like actual blog posts he's made about her, etc.).

The greatest trolling of all for this guy could only be for him to have to take responsibility for anything he's done in a US court room, so please let us in on everything you know. If he's done anything improper, I, personally, will report him.
>> No. 6442
If this guy is grooming/molesting little girls, fuck trolling... I want to send his ass to prison. It would be pretty terrible if we had the chance to stop him and were too late.
>> No. 6443
hmm...other than what i've already said, not much. i do know he's not allowed at his mom/stepdad's house, and i suspect that could be a reason why. i'll ask him and try to record it, but failing that...

it'd also help you to know he's hit on me before in an anna-type manner, and i'm underage too (i'd rather not disclose much more info or get involved with the law though, i really just don't). he's said the whole anilingus thing and a bunch of other stuff. at one point we "went out" (i felt really really sorry for him...scariest 3 months of my life) and he'd say these really creepy things to me. i deleted all the chat logs and messages in fear that someone would find it and, again, like hell i'm getting involved with the law/police/courts.
also he's said he wished anna was a little girl a few times
>> No. 6444
also his ENTIRE FUCKING FAMILY knows that he had a girlfriend who was, at the time, 13 fucking years old. and NOBODY called the cops on him. is that any indication of how shitty, stupid, rednecked and just generally HORRIBLE his family is?!
>> No. 6445
Fuck getting the guy help, let's get this poor kid some intensive psychological treatment.
Goddamn, I can only imagine the horror of reading that guy's sexual fantasies, starring... you...
>> No. 6446
Let me show you what that horror is like:


The following takes place in an alternate reality in which Anna and Nick have already gotten married and, needless to say, are madly in love with each other.

They have also stumbled upon a beautiful Meadow, filled with colorful flowers that seemingly outnumber the grass. The Meadow has all the essentials - a neighboring Forest consisting of every plant known to Man, thus producing food; a River endlessly flowing with clean water; and a unique climate which is always just the right temperature: in the Meadow, it is impossible to be too hot or too cold, and precipitation does not exist. The plants in the Forest thrive without water. The Meadow is unknown to both Man and Animal. It has never been discovered by anyone, and will never be discovered again. Nick and Anna have decided to spend their days there alone, forsaking all material possessions. Even their clothing has been discarded, as they are needed neither for warmth nor for modesty, as there is no one around to hide their genitals from. As such, Anna and Nick reside in the Meadow completely naked, save for the crown of flowers he crafted for her.


Our story begins as Nick awoke one morning, lying in the flowers beside his sleeping wife. His arms were wrapped around her, and hers around him. Nick lovingly gazed at his beautiful Meadow princess. She lay on on her side, face buried in his shoulder and buttocks pushed outward as if she were in a semi-fetal position.

It wasn't long before Anna, too, woke from her sleep. While still asleep, she stretched her arms and legs
and, to her horror, passed gas very loudly. Realizing what she had done, she quickly became alert and at the same time, embarrassed. Her face turned bright red, her eyes widened, and she unknowingly held on to Nick tighter.

Nick smiled and stroked her hair. "It's all right. I like it when you fart," he said. Anna, relieved, loosened her grip on him and for no particular reason, began stroking his erect penis. She slowly and sensually massaged it, which aroused them both. Anna sat up, leaned forward, and put her lips on the tip of his penis. She then began sliding up and down his entire penis, again very slowly. She did it very soft and rhythmically, as if it were not simply a meaningless sexual act but a sign of her love for him. With each repetition, she made sure to wet it with her saliva. She knew that Nick liked it wet. The way she leaned forward exposed her anus, and Nick salivated on his finger before beginning to slide it in and out of it. Other than this, Nick lay completely motionless, eyes closed, basking in the love he felt emanating from Anna.

Up, down. In, out. Anna's fellatio and Nick's anal fingering both followed the same rhythm. Eventually they forgot that they were even doing it at all and it continued only due to the repetition. Thier minds became clear and existence seemed to cease. The two had stopped being separate beings and melted together into one nothingness. But not a frightening nothingness. A peaceful nothingness. Anna and Nick continued to involuntarily pleasure each other for an unknown amount of time, and indeed they may have kept going forever had Anna not once again released flatulence quite loudly. They abruptly stopped, snapped back into their minds. Nick's penis and finger were both still inside of Anna, but all motion had stopped. Then, without words, the two agreed to take a break to allow Anna to more properly relieve herself. They walked together into the Forest and found a spot for Anna to defecate in.

She squatted down in front of Nick, who was kneeling and leaning in to get a closer look at her anus. It slowly dilated as the feces pushed its way out. The suspense nearly killed him as the tip entered his view while emerging from her anus. The few seconds seemed like hours as the contents of her bowels slowly slid out from the lower opening of her alimentary canal, her anus widening more and more in the process. Once finally released, the feces dropped to the ground beneath her. Anna let out a sigh of relief and even shivered a bit from how wonderful it felt.

Nick was occupied with staring at the majesty that lay on the grass before him. He made keen observations on the size (quite large for such a slender girl) and consistency of the waste that his sweet angel had just excreted. He clenched it in his fist to examine it better. It was neither too firm nor too soft. No "corn-like chunks" were present. He was able to mold it as if it were silly putty. He was very impressed with what a fine job she had done. So impressed that he began masturbating with it still in his hand, using it as a lubricant. While trying to spread it all over his penis, he noticed his clearly irritated wife, impatiently waiting for him to fulfill his duties. Since they had no material possessions, the two had to come up with an alternative to toilet paper. Anna allowed Nick to cleanse her using his tongue, while Nick generally lets himself air-dry.

Nick remembered this quickly and stopped masturbate so he could spread her cheeks apart with both hands. Anna didn't mind (or even notice) that he had gotten feces on her. Nick held her cheeks apart and placed his tongue on her anus. He licked it thoroughly, following no particular pattern. Up, down. Side-to-side. Around and around. In, out. He was careful to completely cleanse it. When he has finished, not a speck of feces remained. Of course, this wasn't going to last very long.

>> No. 6447
The two stood up. Anna threw her arms around Nick and showered him with kisses on the cheek, followed by the grand finale, a long, passionate kiss on the lips. However, his mind was elsewhere. Although his love for her overpowered his sexual desire, the sight of her anus drove him crazy, and he craved anal sex. He quickly kissed Anna back and requested anal intercourse. "Of course, dear!", she squealed.

She bent over and wrapped her arms around a tree for support. Nick used his still-feces-covered hand to guide his penis into her anus. Once it was in, he began slowly thrusting his pelvis while placing his soiled hand on her shoulder and the other on a buttcheek. "That feels so good, sweetie," she said in a daze. She closed her eyes and relaxed, just as Nick had done when she fellated him. Nick continued thrusting for a few minutes and then suddenly and without warning, slid out of her anus. This caused a great sensation in the nerve endings on her anus that sent a chill down her spine.

She glanced back at Nick, who was sheepishly smiling and laughing silently about what he had done. Anna, very confused, remained speechless. "Sorry," Nick finally said, "Can you suck my dick a little?" Though still in shock from the sudden withdrawal, she complied to his request. She got down on her knees and began fellating him, right after he had pulled out of her anus.

The first time Nick asked her to taste her own anal fluids, she was disgusted and refused. But he continued asking on a regular basis, and she finally agreed to do it one time to shut him up. To her surprise, she actually liked the taste and soon became addicted to it. Ever since, they have gone ass-to-mouth quite frequently. This time was different, however. Normally, during anal sex, feces doesn't collect on the penis, but as Nick had intentionally put it there beforehand, Anna had to taste her own feces for the first time. Once again, she realized she didn't mind. While she didn't necessarily like it, she also didn't dislike it.

After a few minutes, they switched back to having anal sex. Nick thrusted slow and rhythmically at first, but gradually sped up until he felt a tingling in his penis. The sensation quickly grew more and more extreme. It was coming. In his last few secinds, he thrusted even faster and harder while clenching his prostate to prolong the sensation. He pushed himself beyond his limits. Finally, it exploded and he ejaculated inside her anus. At the same exact moment, Anna, too, achieved an orgasm, and came. Her cum ran down Nick's legs, and his trickled out of her anus and down her vagina before dripping onto the ground.

Though weak and breathless, Nick used the last ofhis strength to give a few final slow but powerful thrusts. He then slide his penis out of her anus and flung some semen off while Anna collapsed into the tree she was holding onto. The two rested for a moment, trying to catch their breath. After failing to do so, Nick scooped Anna up in his arms and carried her limp body back to the Meadow as she sleepily stared into his eyes. He lay her softly in the flowers and positioned her for optimal comfort. He then assumed the same position right next to her.

The two proceeded to lay there, motionless, clear-headed, weak, tired, and somehow very relaxed. When their breathing and heart rates finally returned to normal, Anna rolled onto her side and again buried her head in his shoulder. She gripped his penis lightly and let out both a sigh and more gas while stroking it slowly. Nick and Anna both smiled and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
>> No. 6448
When this was written Anna was barely 16
>> No. 6449
Has he written any fantasies about Amber?
>> No. 6450
He has no internet, great, this basically means we can't troll him yet or get him arrested (which would be easy for me to set up)
>> No. 6451
He does not like Amber very much because she bullies him.

A 7 year old is beating him up
>> No. 6452
When I checked his twitter account yesterday, it seems he posts quite often. Although it's said he has no net access, it can imply he does indeed have some access to social networks at the very least. Maybe cell phone or something?
>> No. 6453
he texts. he is on a shitty phone plan that charges him to receive text messages so he burns through minutes very quickly.

he buys more minutes with money he gets for selling Avon products with his mother. He insists this is not work.

You did hear about the "i can't get a job, this would ruin my destiny" part, right?
>> No. 6454
Nick intended to not graduate from high school (he was in remedial classes).

He was unable to flunk. He failed at failing

To this day he is looking for a way to un-graduate, because this is interfering with the Grand Destiny
>> No. 6455
seems like I got more reading to do. Overlooking stuff it seems
>> No. 6456
heather and gomez pretty much have it spot on here so yeah
already read...*shudder*
he may have a decent future in writing if he would write about non-disgusting things, idk
not that i know of
>> No. 6457
This guy is seriously one of the worst people in existence.

He's walking garbage, holy shit.
>> No. 6458
He has phone records, though. And he obviously has internet on his phone.
>> No. 6459
>You did hear about the "i can't get a job, this would ruin my destiny" part, right?

I haven't heard about that, fill me in.
>> No. 6460
phone internet isn't good enough
>> No. 6461
Nick believes it is Destiny that Anna will somehow fall in love with him, so he can marry her and become a househusband. Fulfilling this destiny apparently has a bunch of insane prerequisites:

- Nick must not graduate high school
- Nick must never get a job
- Anna must NEVER have sex

He has failed to assure two of these: he graduated high school (remedial classes, but still) despite his best intentions, and he has done work for money.

But Anna must never have sex before she falls in love with him, because then "her life will be ruined".

Not that he'd be a very good househusband. He refuses to clean things, because "the dust will just come back anyway". He doesn't know how to wash clothes. He doesn't even shower.
>> No. 6462
so true.
no, he just recieves SMS
yeah, he only showers when he's forced to
>> No. 6463
How is that possible if he can do Twitter? You need to have an internet data plan to do that, even if it's an app.
>> No. 6464
he used to go to his dad's house sometimes, and there, they had internet. that is, until his dad kicked him out forever.
>> No. 6465
He's using Twitter now, though.
>> No. 6466
that's where he set up his SMS. so he could use twatter when he got home.
>> No. 6467
Seriously this guy makes chris look like a fucking saint. We shouldn't troll him we should make sure this fucker gets put in prison. He's a threat to society.
>> No. 6468
You can do updates for things like Twitter or a Facebook status update via SMS, you just have to set up your account while you have internet to do so. You send the text to a special number (one of those 000963 types) and then make the text whatever you want your tweet/status to be.
>> No. 6469
part 1 started already
>> No. 6470
Oh wow, what a piece of trash.

He doesn't just fail to succeed in life, he REFUSES to succeed in life because of his creepy, stalker obsession with a woman who has made it painfully clear that she abhors him.

How did his parents even let him get like this? How can you watch your son just deteriorate like this and do nothing?
>> No. 6471
what's part 1? o:
>> No. 6472
Although that one little girl doesn't wanna go to court, there's already evidince of his pedophilia and grooming of Amber. (or at least it seems obvious that he has some sort of involvement of telling her things that relate to things she shouldn't know..wait) He's pretty much on a road to prison.
>> No. 6473
i am the little girl.
but yeah, i'm pretty sure amber would spill all and just be like "yeah that happened, why? is that bad?"
>> No. 6474
i am the little girl.
but yeah, i'm pretty sure amber would spill all and just be like "yeah that happened, why? is that bad?"
he's actually been arrested before, but for self defense against his mom so eh
>> No. 6475
Damn. So, not only does he have a criminal record which wouldn't help should he be arrested for grooming Amber, she would say everything. Well, that's pretty sad.
>> No. 6476
not to mention parents that really hate him so they'd be like "HE TOTALLY DID THAT I ALWAYS KNEW HE WAS A SICK FUCK"
>> No. 6477
That makes it even worse..
>> No. 6478
This guy can't be god damned real. Nothing so putrid and fucking horrible could ever exist.
>> No. 6479
It exists. It has horrible teeth. It doesn't bathe. It's a pedophile. It needs a haircut. It belongs in prison.
>> No. 6480
File 130415762950.gif - (7.03KB , 650x450 , 1281054285289.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>not to mention parents that really hate him

Is that how... THIS happened?

Was it just pure, unfiltered, raw hate and neglect that turned him into the horrific, disgusting monster he is today?

Did this all happen because his parents hate him? Or did they only start to hate him because of the freak he's become?

What the fuck happened to him to make him such a horrible monstrosity? Is this some kind of genetic thing?

How could a horror show like this ever come to exist?
>> No. 6481
This animal doesn't even deserve to be harmlessly trolled. He needs to be fucked with on a level that will really do damage.
>> No. 6482
I too was at disbelief at first, takes some sifting and reading and of course the people's info here.

Something like this ya just can't make up.
>> No. 6483
What evidence is there for the pedophilia? Is it online somewhere I'm new to his shit.

Without something good along those lines, he might still be funny to fuck with a little, but I'd have trouble working up the emotion being expressed here. He already publicly posts about his weird fetishes and obsessive attraction to that girl and that's already funny. He's already damaging his life (making no plans for school and not seeking employment) because of an absurd superstition built around an absurd goal (being a househusband). This man is already trolling himself so hard I don't know how much we could help him.

If the pedophile thing isn't legit (not saying it's not, but I'm not assuming it is without evidence) I don't think there's much more to do here than watch the train wreck.
>> No. 6484

He fully admits he jacks off to FUCKING FOUR YEAR OLDS but claims he'd never molest one, which is what every fucking pedophile says.

He also thinks Pedophilia is perfectly fine and that a child can consent to sex.

He's a horrible piece of trash and he deserves to be set on fire. Fucking piece of shit.
>> No. 6485
Ask the little girl Maddi, ask Amber. That and if you read his "bio", he says things like "sexy preteen" and "a very sexy baby was born to". What the fuck?
>> No. 6486
I hear ya on that good sir.

Suffice to say something needs to be done.
>> No. 6487
How about fuck you? you fucking idiot we can't do anything to him at all, so for the time being, fuck you, I hope his creepy ass still wanks over you OP, also stop samefagging

>> No. 6488
File 130417673191.jpg - (11.15KB , 359x306 , You-Mad-bro.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 6489
File 130417700432.jpg - (18.78KB , 320x240 , 1303718392981.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 6490
Hi, Nick.
>> No. 6491
O hai, Nick 'Bate. U MAD?
>> No. 6492
of course that is to be expected from a bunch of spergs
>> No. 6493
File 130417859020.jpg - (2.30KB , 126x84 , 1301172312315s.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 6494
despite the radiating levels of mad coming from this post he kinds has a point. He doesn't display any symptoms of being an lolcow, he went ahead and blabbered all of the creepy shit he did in great detail, he hasn't proper internet to respond to anything negative (even if there were negative things about him he'd likely disregard it and continue stalking), he was even made aware of this thread (which by the way is accessible on a phone - hi nick) and he didn't throw a shitfit or anything spectacular

TL;DR nothing funny is going to come out of him because he doesn't overeact, better we just arrest him now
>> No. 6495
For all the talk about who is an who isn't worthy of lolcowdom, I don't see any trolling attempts. /cwc/ is all bark and no bite
>> No. 6496
>implying imageboards get anything done ever
and that's why there's an "inner circle" when it comes to chris
>> No. 6497
too bad, it is ):
THIS OMG THIS. i commend you for thinking of that. why don't we screw with him a LOT? he has psychological problems, maybe he'll snap or have an epiphany or shit himself (not that he doesn't already but still).
like i said, he has severe problems. but yeah, he won't sperg out or anything. but we could probably get content out of it (blog posts, drawings, videos, maybe?) i guess.
>> No. 6498
Arrest him? What did he do?
>> No. 6499
molest his kid sister, groom his kid sister, talk about doing things to me, stalk a girl who just recently turned 18, say he'd jerk off to 4 year olds...?
>> No. 6500
Why hasn't anyone reported him to the feds yet?
>> No. 6501
>implying a ban means shit (loldodge)
>implying "fucking with him psychologically" isn't just trolling by definition
>implying we could troll him without any stable form of contact
>implying trolling him is worth it, and this isn't just some ploy to get /cwc/ to become your personal army to pester him
again, anything he did to you is your fault little girl, don't you know not to talk to strangers on the internet?

>> No. 6502
>anything he did to you is your fault little girl, don't you know not to talk to strangers on the internet?

Pedophile logic.
>> No. 6503
File 130418115269.jpg - (38.52KB , 411x334 , 1281981152064.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>(blog posts, drawings, videos, maybe?)
>more detailed descriptions about his retarded ploys to stalk anna with more pictures of him crossdressing
no thank you, i'd rather he get sent to assramming prison, although I must say he has a few humorous qualities (his coffee timewarp plan and his prophecy ala chris's prophecy), maybe with a fake anna we could get him to do embarrassing things? we must revisit this idea later
>> No. 6504
>implying he didn't do anything illegal
>implying that he shouldn't go to prison
>implying that i need a personal army.
it's not even for me though, i didn't really want to even bring my thing into it. i just wanted more people to be aware of this guy i know because he has chris-like tendencies. but everyone brought up the pedophilia thing so i figured, "might as well".
>> No. 6505
yeah, you're right, his crossdressing pictures are pretty grody. there were more awhile back actually, but they weren't on twitpic.
>> No. 6506
Might as well? No. The pedophilia thing is the most important thing, considering he's in close contact with at least one child he's already been abusive to.

Prison all the way. He does hard time or this thread is shitting pointless.
>> No. 6507
Still me... To be clear, this isn't coming from a desire to HAHA LULZ WE TROL U BY PUTTAN U IN PRIZON. There's a child involved. This is serious business.
>> No. 6508
I won't be satisfied until he's a registered sex offender.
>> No. 6509
from what I've read so far, that's the best route for everyone involved. Nobody wants him around.
>> No. 6510
good point. well, i'm all for it as long as i don't have to go to court. somehow i don't believe my parents would take too kindly to me being a witness for this sort of thing, heh.
>> No. 6511
>> No. 6512
Hey, would you wanna be my kids' godmother? It's not guaranteed, but I can totally talk it over with the Annerz...

>> No. 6513
@kotonoid ...oh ok. in that case, imma put my penis in your bum
>> No. 6514
>> No. 6515
  hello i am nick bate.
>> No. 6516
yeah I've been doing a lot of reading.

Trying to find something to actually get his ass hauled.
>> No. 6517
OP, you can start by posting his phone number so at least someone could gather up enough info and send it to authorities (at least http://www.perverted-justice.com/ ) who can then investigate him further and take action.
>> No. 6518
should there ever come a case i'm going to imply the fuck out of you
>> No. 6519
home phone or cell phone?
implying shit is fun man
>> No. 6520
You mean being involved in the takedown of a child predator? You'd be a hero.
>> No. 6521
Both. Everything else you have, too.
>> No. 6522
...wait what
>> No. 6523
oh japan~ you and your random access humor
>> No. 6525
read it twice my child, that means i'm going to tip off your involvement Ms. Maddi (may I assume it's short for madeline?)
>> No. 6526
no omfg please don't
and yeah let's go with that
>> No. 6527
Potenitally. and as for reporting if yer trying t avoid testimony something else incriminating has to be found.

A few explicit tweets and journal postings and deleted chat logs n emails isn't enough to pin'em.
>> No. 6528
no you derp now the retarded masses of /cwc/ will call him up just to harass him/ruin da plan! couldn't you have at least waited for us to establish an inner circle or something?
>> No. 6529
i'll find something.
plus there's amber and nicks parents so yeah
>> No. 6530
yeah i know :I ashfksjdfhskldj
http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000170055863 <this is his facebook
>> No. 6531
okay I won't, I will instead call him up and tell him /cwc/ is plotting to get him arrested (and say it was started by you, btw phone numbers saved, THANK YOU!) slowly gain his trust as a friend, get incriminating evidence and THEN get him jailed

and then tip off your involvement
>> No. 6532
Request sent. If you're serious about getting rid of this guy accept.
>> No. 6533
Getting his trust is literally as easy as talking to him a lot.
>> No. 6534
don't, DONT FUCKING HARASS HIM OR SPOIL EVERYTHING OR EVEN SO MUCH AS IMPLY THERES A PLAN, in fact everyone adding him just to harass him (or just adding him) will obviously lead him back here where he will discover everything, now that we have sources of contact we need to strategize, he's back to being a potential lolcow
>> No. 6535
I didn't send Nick a request. I sent Maddi one.
She's the gateway to this entire thing.
>> No. 6536
I suggest calling him up to claim that we're anna's boyfriend/kidnapper or whatever, and to save her he must go to X location (reasonably far away but close enough to justify driving, like what happened to chris)
>> No. 6537
actually hey, i'll testify, but only if like...i don't have to show up for it. if there's any way i could just do it using audio or email or something, that would probably be best. i'm legitimately scared to be within 100 feet of nick.
>> No. 6538
>30 people call him claiming to be anna's kidnapper
>plan ruined
>> No. 6539
OP, you mentioned you are his best friend. How do you communicate with him? Phone? IRL? Even if normal cwcfag was not able to directly troll him, you apparantly can. How about some sort of recorded calls, just to see how he reacts to certain things, or to convince us of his sickfuckery (>implying we need anything more)? The brightest of lolcows can filter what they say, this guy seems to be that other sort of a lolcow who is happy to tell about his fantasies and is maybe even proud of them.
>> No. 6540
phone call and twitter. also sometimes he wants me to play pokemon with him, over wi-fi, which allows you to talk using the microphones. recording may be a little difficult (see also: extremely) but i'll try.
>> No. 6541
that depends on whether or not you're subpoenad, seeing as you are the witness and victim of his crimes you will most likely be called in to testify, whether or not you may use a phone to testify is up to the court, most courts allow it, especially if you are not in the same state, if you refuse he will be let free (considering we have no damning evidence)
>> No. 6542
Yeah outside of some crap that doesn't sit too well with my stomach. Nothing vital yet of the junk I read.

Closest thing that'll bring attention is a potential restraining order from anna if "she receives a letter from Nick" or something. But that has nothing to do with this particular incident technically.
>> No. 6543
someone please tell me what we are doing
>> No. 6544
i do live in a different state. he lives in pennsylvania, i live in florida
>> No. 6545
Protip: It probably isn't a good idea to discuss trolling plans on a forum that the target is watching.

Also fuck this guy. If he can go outside and buy things with other people's money, he can handle a job at McDonalds.
>> No. 6546
ok, that means if this case is ever bought into fruition (spoiler alert: it won't) you will have to deliver a testimonial via phone, however there is a possibility that you will have to show up in court, if nick decided to lawyer up, and assuming nick was following this very thread nick's lawyer could demand an inperson testimonial, given the pretense that people online are plotting to get him v& and a phone testimony could have been falsified, also to prove your age
>> No. 6547
it would be a really smart move on the lawyer's part given the trip would be unlikely and the court would be forced to declare a mistrial, however this is all assumptions and i'm not factoring in details such as nick's sister ratting him out and such
>> No. 6548
i dont think he'd be able to pay for a lawyer and his family would never hire one so i think...yeah
>> No. 6549
so he'll use a state appointed lawyer, but still that is such an easy move that I, someone with very little legal experience discovered, it all really depends on whether or not nick has been following this thread, and even if he hasn't the move is still legible (under the pretense you've never met/nick had no idea you were underage)
>> No. 6550
File 130418778236.jpg - (17.27KB , 280x267 , flash12988_1299115911927s.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>@kotonoid D: but duude! She's gonna stop hating me and we're gonna get married and I'll take care of her and help her with all her problems

>@kotonoid Nooo, we're working on it! She'll love me! Why do you think she won't? D:

It's like every sarcastic troll post was taken 100% seriously and condensed into one perfectly designed moron. Fuck the whole 'send him to jail'. That'll never work. And I have a feeling he's going to be batshit for a very, very long time.
>> No. 6551
he knew what age she was.
>> No. 6552
and that was...?
>> No. 6553
we can troll him, we have the technology
>> No. 6554
at the time 13, now i'm 14
>> No. 6555

Considering his tastes, does he have a 'maximum age limit,' for potential heartsweets? Like, will he still find Anna attractive once she gets into her twenties?
>> No. 6556
not that i know of.
>> No. 6557
He's been obsessive over her for years. He prolly still thinks she looks the same as she does now.

I'd say he's gonna be enthralled with her for years more.
>> No. 6558
Fucked up first sentence, he most likely still think she looks the same as she did in those pics.
>> No. 6559
until i figure out IRC or we find something better, this can be the chat we shall use for things
>> No. 6560
would this guy be dumb enough to fall into a "to catch a predator" styled trap though?
>> No. 6561
His live journal says he has a girlfriend...what's that all about?
>> No. 6562
he was referring to me
>> No. 6563
This kid is just the embodiment of hate. There are the major reasons to hate him, like being a paedophile and obsessed stalker and there are also minor reasons to hate him which are just as bad.

Things like him aspiring to fail at life, moaning he graduated and refusing to get a job due to him insisting he has an undiagnosed mental disorder (he no doubt has some, but he seems capable enough of holding down a menial job like flipping burgers or being a janitor). Despite this, he seems to genuinely expect people will buy him stuff. His blog is all about 'x should buy me this' and on his site his wishlist uses similar language. Despite being a begsite he shows no humility and acts like he thinks he's charming enough that random people will just buy him gifts.

There is just no redeeming quality to this human being. Every aspect of him is equally bad.
>> No. 6564
I never thought anyone could stoop below cwc.
>> No. 6565
He is a mildly insane human being. If somebody has evidence of him molesting or grooming minors, they should submit said evidence to the police. Child molestation isn't something to handle with trolling.

As for the rest, whatever. His 'begsite' isn't charming, but I don't imagine that anybody is actually buying him anything. He isn't getting money from the government, and his family is already losing faith in him. His behavior is alienating to whatever family and friends he has. In the short term, he will act differently or starve.
>> No. 6566
File 130419588264.jpg - (142.75KB , 520x760 , 130257957377.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
There really isn't anything we can do without evidence. It's basically speculation without recorded phone calls or chat logs... It's kind of frustrating.
>> No. 6567
forgot to post this
>> No. 6568
Bumping. This is more important than the stupid shit going on in the tranny thread.
>> No. 6569
nah, lack of action < thread where things are actively being discussed, also
>bumping a thread
>on 789chan
>> No. 6570
File 130420231195.png - (27.17KB , 425x425 , DoodlePicture.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 6571
From his Twitter on May 3rd
>"Is it weird that I think my mom's butt looks really hot in the jeans she's wearing?"
>> No. 6572

BAHAHAHAHA oh my god why the fuck would you say that on your twitter
>> No. 6573
Does he sign on to any of his IM accounts listed on his website too?

I don't even necessarily want to troll him, but I'd just like to pick his brain a bit.
>> No. 6574
Only twitter.

He's practically talking to himself.
>> No. 6575
Dear Nick,

If you're reading this thread, please sign on to the AIM account listed on your website. I don't want to troll you. I just want to talk. You can block me if I get out of line.

A Random Anon
>> No. 6576
Dear Nick,

If you're reading this thread, please sign on to the AIM account listed on your website. I don't want to troll you. (I'd rather punch you in the face.) You can block me whenever you want, but let me tell you how fat and disgusting you are first.

A Random Anon
>> No. 6577
Confirmed for omega male.
Even a beta wouldn't be that much of a scumbag.
>> No. 6578
He openly defends pedophilia in his LJ and states he "wishes he had kiddy porn" so I'm not surprised.
>> No. 6579
Seriously find a way to get this guy in prison, the fact that he is living with a child just scares me.
>> No. 6580
His twitter enrages me.
May 5:
"And to quite literally add insult to injury, she won't even take me to McDonald's! I "showered" the other day for nothing! DX"
What a useless sack of shit. Things like this combined with all the pedo and creepy stalking stuff make him so much worse then CWC.
>> No. 6581
more than anything else, his teeth just creep me the hell out...

seriously, his fucking teeth. i'm guessing he's never been to a dentist.
>> No. 6582

He has an aversion to showers so I'm gonna guess dentist wasn't high on his list. For real though that is a fucked up mouth. His breath probably smells like death too.
>> No. 6583
File 130473191761.jpg - (282.24KB , 800x769 , dannymarine.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This lump is like Chris-Chan if he really were everything fans/trolls joked about him being.
>> No. 6584
File 130473464580.png - (62.64KB , 251x381 , 1279468923982.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This dude makes Chris look good.

Chris may be a squeaky voiced, autistic, selfish, stupid, crazy, cross dressing faggot, but at least he's not a pedophile stalker trying to groom his baby sister who beats him up everyday and can't even walk to Mcdonalds by himself.
>> No. 6585
Hello, this is the girl he's been stalking. (And yes, it really is stalking at this point. What with calling my fucking house and all.)

Yes, I'm overweight and unattractive, but I'm kind of insecure about that so for the love of God, stop rubbing it in.

Yes, I have a boyfriend. Yes, we have had sex.

Yes, I realize that posting here is probably a bad idea.

To give you guys a little background, this guy has been harassing me for roughly two and a half years now (we were friends prior to that, for reasons that totally escape me besides mutual interests). He started small, but I've had to change my usernames and IM handles and everything, and make my Twitter private.

Trolling him might be a bad idea, because I'm seriously concerned that it might lead to more harassment towards me (though you guys probably don't give a fuck).

I do have some emotional problems, and have been diagnosed as bipolar, but I'm not nearly as bad as he implies I am.

Please realize that he is just as bad as CWC, possibly worse. I'm really not sure trolling him would do any good whatsoever.
>> No. 6586
> Yes, I'm overweight and unattractive, but I'm kind of insecure about that so for the love of God, stop rubbing it in.

Ok Ms. Piggy
>> No. 6587

So.......then what's the point exactly of coming here? If you just rationalized why trolling WOULDN'T WORK, and it would bring more harm to you than good, then why even consider the very notion?

There's many other ways to get rid of someone you know if they are a problem like this dude.

Why live with it? Take initiative and come up with a solution, not a patch over a gaping wound.
>> No. 6588
Me and my boyfriend have SEX. With each other. Like, shirts off and everything. Yeah, I'm bipolar. DEAL WITH IT.
>> No. 6589
Look closely. We don't want to troll him. We want to put him in prison. Do everything you can to help make this happen.

I'm sure he's probably sent you things in the mail. If you weren't a fucking retard you would have known to keep that shit as evidence in case he ever tried to rape you or something. Gather up everything you can.

Also, provide some proof that you're the real Anna.
>> No. 6590
Oh good lord, I just realized the outgoing message on my voicemail probably isn't helping this whole... situation. ><"

Anyone know what the voicemail message in question was before he changed it?
>> No. 6591
Prove you're the real anonymous!

Are you really asking a stalker's *target* to drop her own dox?
>> No. 6592
No, faggot. A simple photo with a piece of paper and "/cwc/" and today's date Sharpied on there.
>> No. 6593
>> The answer is simple. 13 years ago, Anna was 2 (almost 3).

>Anna was just 15 years old
>and at this time she was stalked for a few years already
>Jesus Christ.
>> No. 6594
So, can we get /i/ in on this? This is sickfuckery to a level I am highly uncomfortable with, and I migrated from a certain other chan's /b/
>> No. 6595
hey guys i just told nick that anna and her boyfriend had sex. he's crying.
this is p fucked because he's saying he'd rather see her die than lose her virginity
>> No. 6596

Can you feel the cosmos during your sex time?
>> No. 6597
>> No. 6598
Waiting for twit to hit the fan. Shit to hit twitter? Either way.
>> No. 6599
the real anna linked to this thread from her facebook, and mentioned contributing

im pretty sure that proves thats the real anna
>> No. 6600
Nevermind. Just read his new twitter post. lol
>> No. 6601
OHGODHOGOD two consenting adults had sex! It's the end of the world!
>> No. 6602
just for anon, i recorded 2 snippets from the call so you can hear. i'll figure out how to upload them tomorrow. if anyone knows how to put stuff on the computer from flipnote (dsi. yeah, i know.), that'd be great. i don't know if my computer has an SD card port, so if anyone knows anything about flipnote...yeah
>> No. 6603
>There's no going back until time machines are invented.

So true.
>> No. 6604
>nothing can make it worse that it already is

the inevitable fit he throws causing him to get kicked out of the house onto the streets?
>> No. 6605
>God, I probably could've prevented this... I should've said something back when we were still friends... But I was afraid she'd yell at me like she always did... And now her life is ruined because of my cowardice...

How exactly is her life ruined? I don't get it.
>> No. 6606
lol oh shit guys i think he may be planning to kill himself.
>> No. 6607
Hrm, well, that's one solution. Might one even say, a FINAL solution.
>> No. 6608
Five bucks says he can't kill himself, but he tries.
>> No. 6609
He'll probably just end up showering less and bitching on his twitter more.
>> No. 6610
OP, can you tell Nick Bates to sign on to the AIM account on his website?
>> No. 6611
I sure hope a porch is involved
>> No. 6612
He doesn't have internet access anymore though. He could only get online when he visited his dad's place, buut his dad told him to GTFO until he got a job so all he can do now is tweet on his phone I think.
>> No. 6613
Flipnote..hm. Upload them to Flipnote, and I'll download it and find a way to get it into sound form. Just give me a link online to it, and the code to find it on the DSi.
>> No. 6614
That's bad because...?
>> No. 6615
>Nope, it's over. neither of us can ever be happy now. There's really no point in living anymore.

>Lying in bed, trying to sleep. Forever. I really don't wanna be conscious anymore. But I'm not tired enough for sleep to happen. Sigh...

Next day.

>Ugh... Joyce dropped off a new brush, so I'm trying to paint this stupid porch again. I need to repress last night by doing other things.

>Finally finished, but I still gotta stay out here and make sure the cats don't touch the wet paint.
>> No. 6616
>Am I the only one worried aboot Al Quaeda threatening revenge on the U.S.? The news was nonchalant aboot it... "Oh btw revenge"
>> No. 6617
File 130478475478.jpg - (70.54KB , 1131x707 , ta___wallpaper_by_dm_hs-d36hkbp.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You sound kind of self absorbed, I bet you like the attention.
>> No. 6618
>I'm really not sure trolling him would do any good whatsoever.
Like if we give a fuck. We do it for the lulz.
>> No. 6619
File 130478538948.jpg - (280.74KB , 612x720 , 1288423230835.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 6620
>implying nick hasnt been stalking you for 5 years
nice try faggot
>> No. 6621
You know, I hate Nick and I think he's disgusting.
You're kind of annoying too, though. You deserve each other.
>> No. 6622
File 130478723029.png - (39.43KB , 496x396 , ignoranceofthetimecube.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
read bottom up.
>> No. 6623
File 130478881442.png - (28.27KB , 495x353 , isacurseuponhumanity.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 6624
File 13047888252.png - (33.48KB , 473x399 , youvebeeneducatedstupid.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 6625
File 130478890918.png - (33.83KB , 465x371 , andaretoodumbtoknowit.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 6626
File 130478903763.png - (39.98KB , 524x552 , ormaybejusttooeviltocare.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
for proof that he's being suicidal
>> No. 6627
File 130479000296.jpg - (164.70KB , 1600x1287 , Ben_Huh_44740014_Cropped.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>she can't lose her virginity! she needs it! maybe like, she could take a pic of her hymen?
>> No. 6628
It took awhile, but I think this little seed is finally bearing laughter fruit.

"take a picture of her hymen."

It's like he has zero mental filter.
>> No. 6629
Is his real name "Nick Bate"? Can we get his address, phone number, etc. like how Chris gave up all that information?
>> No. 6630
  Skip to 5:12.
>> No. 6631
no, it's nick stoutzenberger, he just goes by bate as an online alias. i already gave his phone number.
keep in mind this is via DM and he considers me his best friend so he says whatever he thinks.
>> No. 6632
dlkfgn;zdlkg;zlkjad; lfsdf fuck you anon, i watched that once already, never again ):
>> No. 6633
File 130479272314.png - (35.22KB , 483x400 , mindsmustseeatimecubethateyescannotcomprehend.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 6634
File 130479312649.jpg - (14.47KB , 134x186 , 1304521278429.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
i told you
>> No. 6635
He's so God-forsakenly obnoxious and unfunny. It's plain to see why he only lasted two years in high school.
>> No. 6636
File 130479411034.png - (53.13KB , 500x609 , getreadyforarmageddonnnn.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 6637
Dude has no idea how the female anatomy works. This surprises no-one.
>> No. 6638
forgot to read lol

Moar links:

http://www.flickr.com/photos/nickbsn/ (last updated 2009)
http://www.hrwiki.org/wiki/User:Hagurumon (last updated 2009)
http://www.myspace.com/kentuckydontexist (last updated Feb 13?)
>> No. 6639
>> No. 6640
six prospect av-
>> No. 6641
>> No. 6642
hmm...it appears xat has stopped working for me
>> No. 6643
>> No. 6644
four eight seven nine

Mount H.

>> No. 6645
Why are you assholes dropping dox on this asshole's target, and not on him?
>> No. 6646

ask for Steve
>> No. 6647
Is that dox for NickBate?
>> No. 6648

>>56764 is yes


Hermon, CA
>> No. 6649
that's his grandma's house...
>> No. 6650
uh guys, those numbers and that address are for audrey nickel not anna

you did it wrong
>> No. 6651
that is correct
>> No. 6652
>> No. 6653
you will need this for a reason (the reason isn't bothering anna)
>> No. 6654

I sure hope no one bothers her. This thread is about Nick.
>> No. 6655
Anna is completely irrelevant to the thread. She had enough dealing with this guy let alone having Jooolay wannabes.

It's the fact he's soo attached to Anna is the only detailed needed about her. And that doesn't require her getting involved more than she already is.
>> No. 6656
No need to white knight, she's not completely irrelevant since they obviously have some kind of dysfunctional relationship.
>> No. 6657
This sounds heavily ironic given the thread but I love you.

Everyone just focus on Nick and his creepy, stalking pedophilia and molestation, please. He's the one we need to deal with.
>> No. 6658
it has nothing to do with white knighting. one guy makes a phone call not knowing anything about anna and what has transpired. and we get a reaction.

The fact he is enthralled with anna is the most important detail about that kid imo.
>> No. 6659
File 130480189423.jpg - (5.48KB , 494x83 , mouthspaz.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 6660
File 130481531520.jpg - (24.93KB , 261x284 , acheerfultomato.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 6661

Does it qualify as an overbite? I thought overbites like, stuck out. His bite is folded inward.
>> No. 6662

>Oh god, am I a twisted perverted freak of nature?

>> No. 6663
Anna, are you still reading?

What i'm gonna need you to do is file a restraining order against this guy, that way, if he tries to contact you again, we can get him arrested.

This person seriously belongs in jail, he's a danger to himself and the people around him.
>> No. 6664
>> No. 6665
>Confused again. Someone called me, shouted something and hung up. Lol wut

Which of you faggots did this? I don't know whether to slap you or shake your hand.
>> No. 6666
>Y'know, I'm not sure how I feel aboot this Bin Laden thing. It's not clear if he did anything wrong. He didn't even get a trial...

Wait what?
>> No. 6667

Oh that ugly piece of shit.
>> No. 6668
Also, considering Nick is aware of this thread, it seriously bothers me that there is personal information of Anna on here. Can the info be removed before he finds this?
>> No. 6669

Dude, who the fuck are you?
>> No. 6670
File 130486110823.jpg - (162.42KB , 868x651 , WAT.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More Anna links for fake Anna backgrounds:

http://tehmandy.deviantart.com/ (old)


Additional hilarity from Nick's wiki:
My penis is very small. It's only four and a half inches when fully erect. The average size for my age is six inches, meaning I'm an inch and a half too small.
It takes me a very long time to orgasm (somewhere around an hour or more). Rarely I can manage to do it in around twenty minutes, but only if I'm not distracted by anything, and I have to be really, really horny.
>> No. 6671
Get into the IRC on top of the page.

You'll know who I am
>> No. 6672
Or clear your cache phucket and see if that works
>> No. 6673
what kind of great honking faggot are you?
>> No. 6674
Actually sorry >>56959 , this is a greater honking faggot
>> No. 6675
A moralfag
>> No. 6676
File 130487456893.jpg - (78.28KB , 600x450 , 293482578.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Someday if I ever have money and irl friends I should buy them platonic lunches and stuff.
>> No. 6677
File 130487568483.jpg - (11.28KB , 146x146 , 2644947348_d7c6324336_m.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 6678
>The text I used to see in my head just came back, but this time it said something racist against white people. What is wrong with my brain?

>> No. 6679
what are the odds this guy frequents this board (didnt read shit maybe he does)
>> No. 6680
0% he has no internet, just his phone
>> No. 6681
He's amazing.
>> No. 6682
@CelestialBeard nah, just my mom. Maybe Steve. There's one other condition I would kill under but hoping it doesn't come to that
2 hours ago via txt

>> No. 6683
You know... given that he's supposedly suicidal, and he's all obsessed with time travel... it probably wouldn't be too hard to talk him into killing himself, if you gave him a half-assed BS explanation of the "Quantum Immortality" theory.

I don't mean the actual theory, I mean give him an explanation that's only partially true, explaining about string theory and multiple realities for every possible timeline, and how Quantum Immortality kind of assumes when you die, there's always an alternate timeline in which you didn't, which your consciousness passes to.

From there, it would be a simple matter to tell him that if he killed himself, his consciousness would transfer to one of his various other timelines, and eventually he would end up at his desired timeline where he's married to Anna, but it would probably take many tries.

Given his complete ignorance of basically everything, I'll bet you he'd buy it. Especially if he then looked up "string theory" and "quantum immortality" and glanced over it basically just thinking "HOLY SHIT, THEY'RE REAL THEORIES."
>> No. 6684

Yeah, let's troll someone in killing themself, that would be epic ween.
>> No. 6685
File 130488674998.jpg - (61.21KB , 600x450 , 294316206.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 6686
It doesn't matter because he'll never succeed in killing himself. He tried cutting himself with a butterknife because it was serrated, for godsake.
>> No. 6687
He's a dangerous pedophile and a stalker. I'm all for it.

Plus as >>57088 points out, he would more than likely fail miserably.
>> No. 6688
What if we make Chris sell him Cutco Knives.....while shouting JEWLAYY and ramming Patti's bones up his ass?
>> No. 6689

Oh yeah, I forgot, we're bad ass internet avengers sworn to protect the interwebs from super dangerous manchildren, aren't we?
>> No. 6690
thats so funny my sides are so sore, he killed himself LOL!!!!!!

epic ween will be had
>> No. 6691
>I'm clearly not a stalker. Why does everyone believe HER over me?

Wat. You're moaning over the fact that a girl who completely rejected you had sex, and regularly have to be talked out of trying to communicate with her, despite her wanting nothing to do with you. Yeah, totally, you are clearly not a stalker.
>> No. 6692
File 130490738848.jpg - (82.01KB , 853x459 , norman-bates-psycho.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I just realized...

>Nick Bate
>Norman Bates
>> No. 6693
Or how about some of us are human beings that actually have some fucking empathy for the females he's traumatized and want to put an end to his reign of terror?

If you want us to lay off of him, just say so, child molester sympathizer.
>> No. 6694


Anyway, I want to hear him rationalize not stalking. It also sounds like he's tiring of his little beloved; blaming her for his trolls.
>> No. 6695
File 130490777184.png - (341.33KB , 471x361 , 1299159101731.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Or how about some of us are human beings that actually have some fucking empathy for the females he's traumatized and want to put an end to his reign of terror?
>> No. 6696
This guy is an ultra mega creep, but the ones talking about cold-bloodily making him go an hero are even worse - WTF is wrong with you, fucking sociopaths?
>> No. 6697
>> No. 6698
>NickBate Nick Bate
>Stuff's happening. Wish I had Internet so I >could try and sort the true from the false stuff >being said aboot me.

some one is tipping off but he dosen't know whats being said
>> No. 6699
Ugh, this stupid faggot actually writes "aboot" instead of just pronouncing it that way.

How fucking stupid do you have to be to do that? How dumb is this fucking retard?

This guy is really, really dumb.
>> No. 6700

Reality check, anyone who says 'aboot' either in text or in real life is a humongous faggot.
>> No. 6701
>> No. 6702

Wait, am I reading this right? He thinks her life is ruined because she didn't lose her virginity to him?
>> No. 6703

That's my impression so far, yes.
>> No. 6704
told you
>> No. 6705
Well, technically, his life plan was ruined when he failed at failing highschool. There is a list somewhere of the things that would happen to make his life perfect. Failing highschool was one of them.
>> No. 6706
>Also my girlfriend called and sang Happy Birthday, which was the best thing ever. (http://hagurukagi.livejournal.com/)

He has a girlfriend?

Also, why bother trolling when this guy makes an ass of himself on his own. He needs a friend who can encourage this stupid behavior, rather than a fake love interest.
>> No. 6707
Hey guys!!! What if Nick was Sonichu?
>> No. 6708
^^ there's really no point. its been said a lot of times he has no internet.

Even if he does get trolled there's nothing to really show for it. just some stupid twitter feeds.
>> No. 6709
File 130496777862.jpg - (167.62KB , 640x640 , 2mebs08.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 6710
>> No. 6711

I assumed that half of those times were posted by Nick himself.
>> No. 6712
Herp derp, what if Nick didn't already troll himself harder than anyone at CWC could anyway?
>> No. 6713
>Doesn't have internet
>No money to buy internet

Guy is a trolling cul de sac, just enjoy the steady trickle of his Tweets
>> No. 6714
It's just gonna be as simple as
"Some guy called yesterday and screamed JOOLAY or something and hung up"
>> No. 6715
I feel sorry for the fish he has to watch for the next three days. They're probably not going to live much longer. ):
>> No. 6716

He probably forgot already.
>> No. 6717
>"Hey, so... since peeps be trying to get me arrested, I figure I'd better confess I MADE UP that one thing I told certain people."

I don't think so, Nick.
>> No. 6718
Man, this Anna girl like JUST turned 18.
>> No. 6719
when did he make that creepy ass story with him and Anna? Isn't that illegal?
>> No. 6720
File 130499062812.jpg - (23.18KB , 640x480 , CoffeeShot.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not illegal as far as I know.

Even if it was, Anna probably wouldn't do anything about it. It doesn't seem like either girl wants to take any legal action against him.
>> No. 6721
I hate how the fuck he talks, he's the fucking definition of everything unfunny and retarded. He's 19 and talks like a fucking 12 year old /b/tard.
>> No. 6722
File 130503690432.png - (171.59KB , 284x419 , steve-urkel.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nick Bate
Aaaand Mom walked in on me jacking off. I covered up with a pillow when I heard her coming but she still knew.
7 minutes ago via txt
>> No. 6723
Is it me, or is he dumber, or at least as dumb as Chris? I know it's no mean feat, but I think he comes off that way because Chris usually won't offer comments on anything without proding, while Nick just vomits up anything that comes to mind.
>> No. 6724
at least chris was a clown who saw himself as a proud true american

this guy is as dumb and fucked up as chris, but he's also just a straight out scumbag too
>> No. 6725

I think Chris used to be like that before the trolling began. Even in the early days of trolling, he had a bad mental filter (DIRTY CRAPPED BRIEFS anybody?)
>> No. 6726
File 130504226529.jpg - (37.88KB , 268x265 , 1297953732678.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nick Bate
So I guess my b-family hates masturbation, 'cause I heard Mom tell Nanny to send me to a homeless shelter (again). Bitch.
57 minutes ago via txt
>> No. 6727
what the fuck is a b-family?
>> No. 6728
He secretly wishes she stayed to watch.
>> No. 6729

Either "birth family" because he doesn't see them as his true family, or "b family" as in compared to "a family" because it's not his main family.
>> No. 6730
Genuinely repulsive and disturbing individual. If Chris is the village idiot, this is the kind of person who'd be run out of town with pitchforks.
>> No. 6731
You know something that makes this guy worse than Chris? At least Chris had some fucking backbone. Oh, he's wimp in about every way imaginable, but at least he was willing to argue with people. Nick never rages, he just whines.

I guess I now retroactively have a mote of respect for Chris.
>> No. 6732

Ahahaha I just love how he has NO filter NONE at all.


NickBate Nick Bate
Talked to my newest friend for a while, 'til she had to go. Now watchin' TV and playing Pok?mon Emerald.
12 minutes ago

Someone warn that poor girl.
>> No. 6733
File 130506918113.jpg - (44.49KB , 401x508 , squidwardisnotamused.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Oh wait are you implying that I have child porn?

>Because I just go by the stuff in my head.

>Wish I DID have some though.
>> No. 6734
He needs that tatted on his forehead.
>> No. 6735

>> No. 6736

I predict a trolling saga.
>> No. 6738
>Lying in bed half-asleep. Almost fell fully asleep a couple times but my body spazzes out and wakes me.

He can't stop thinking about that girl.
>> No. 6739
>I also had my first shot at love when a >BSWikian, Tara DeVries, befriended me. We IMed >a lot and eventually I developed a crush on >her.
>The same happened to her, and we decided to >start dating. It lasted a couple of months, >and then she dumped me. I was crushed for
>quite a while, seeing as how I planned to >marry her and all. I even made out with >pillows, pretending they were her. An act >which I still
>perform. I'll admit it's kinda weird. Okay, >really weird.
>> No. 6740
i haven't read the entire thread but from what i'veseen this guy needs to be trolled HARD. it would be relatively easy to start a nick bate saga, considering that we have a ton of information on him already (maybe even more than we did on cwc; i wouldn't know for sure though because i JUST found out about cwc at the beginning of the jackie saga). i think that, considering that the majority of /cwc/ is dying for a new lolcow (since chris has pretty much been milked dry), this guy is the perfect candidate for that, even if he DOESN'T go on the internet as often as chris did. he's still somewhat entertaining and, like someone else mentioned, trolling him might do some good because he MIGHT stop stalking underage girls and he MIGHT just change his life for the better when he sees how huge of a failure he is. or not. but we'll never know until we try.

also people who are seriously saying he should be trolled into suicide are fucked up.
>> No. 6741

He doesn't have internet beyond twitter on his phone, there's not much we could squeeze him for.
>> No. 6742

woah slow down there, dickgrabber.
>> No. 6743

>> No. 6744
everytime I see this post I imagine The cat in op's pic saying that.

And everytime it cracks me up
>> No. 6745
File 13050818303.jpg - (90.38KB , 770x1100 , nickbate.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 6746
agreeing with this guy 100% all he has is twitter on his phone
>> No. 6747
We could always send him stuff in the mail or keep a correspondence with him using a fake girlfriend to lure him into getting a computer and internet...
>> No. 6748
You do know Nick has viewed this board from his phone right? You face fucking face fucker.
>> No. 6749

Why the bitching? No one's going to do anything.
>> No. 6750
Somehow, I don't quite think this is the case. Pic related.
>> No. 6751
File 130514058245.jpg - (19.13KB , 413x450 , Motorola%20W377%20Flip%20Mobile%20Phone.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Samefag. Derp'd and forgot the picture.
>> No. 6752
You can pretty much only view ancient WAP sites on that phone... so viewing this thread is out of the question.
>> No. 6753
File 130514836228.jpg - (25.27KB , 485x348 , haha.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
For some reason, this made me laugh

>Gettin' some Subway, yo! Joyce had better tell them no tomatoes. She BETTER.

Ten minutes later...

>> No. 6754
Eww... Healthy food? Yuck! Gimme that bacon ranch sub, Joyce! Bitch...
>> No. 6755
>I don't understand post-partem depression. Wouldn't they be HAPPY to stop having morning sickness and back pain and stuff?

is this nigger serious
>> No. 6756

My dog eats all of my tomatoes for me.
>> No. 6757
>Maaan, even if you take them off the juices are still there... -_-

What a fucking pussy.
>> No. 6758
He doesn't like tomatoes? The fuck? I bet he loves ketchup, though, because of the sugar.

Or is this Chris:Pickles as Nick:Tomatoes?
>> No. 6759
In addition to being a creep, he's really dumb.

Like, cartoon character dumb.

I didn't even think people this dumb could exist, but this guy is exactly that dumb.

Picture Homer Simpson, but dumber and a creep.
>> No. 6760
i thought tomatoes were really bad for dogs? oh well my dog ate grapes and chocolate regularly anyway, i probably wouldn't know.
i honestly could tell
he's so fucking dumb and awkward, i feel bad for him ALMOST but then i see shit like "oh hey my seven year old sister licked my asshole" and i immediately stop feeling bad
>> No. 6761
>So we have to take Nanny to a hospital for some reason. Mom's here bein' a douche telling me to take a shower. She needs to leave. Forever.

Calling it right now. The Stinky Killer. His serial killer alias.
>> No. 6762
"The Stinky Killer" sounds like a third-grade level chapter book.

I love it, seems perfect to me.
>> No. 6763
File 130515232772.jpg - (55.75KB , 576x379 , unknownpuke.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nick Bate
@HorizontalTree Oh sweet, really? cool so why have i been coughing up goo since 2006
>> No. 6764
>Guys, do any of y'all know any other household things that'd make good fappin' lube that won't dry up/soak in?

>Nooooo we're out of baby oil DDDD,:

What the fuck, man.
>> No. 6765
What? Baby oil makes the best lube.
>> No. 6766
File 130516334534.gif - (559.32KB , 400x276 , DAHAHAHAHADAHAHAHAHADAHAHAHAHA.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>he needs lube to fap
>> No. 6767
I'm sure it's all a big misunderstanding. He probably wants to fap to babies.
>> No. 6768
File 130517396868.gif - (298.88KB , 300x220 , fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Oh man, cooking oil is so much better than baby oil. More readily available, easier cleanup, no smell, safe to touch food with my hand...

>Sleep time! Also, how and why are ants on my ceiling?
>> No. 6769

Chris is also capable of (eventually) taking a hint, like in the Megan saga. This Bate fellow's persistence in winning over his "soul mate" is staggeringly unfathomable.
>> No. 6770
File 130518080911.jpg - (76.41KB , 588x594 , 4a.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I was digging around in his live journal account, and apparently he's been obsessing with They Might Be Giants and Kentucky don't exist since 2007. He also was home schooled and wants to become a househusband, and never wants a job.

He had Science/ Bible class. It's no wonder he's an idiot. Pic strongly related.
>> No. 6771
File 130518090012.jpg - (14.33KB , 603x48 , pedo7.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Or prepubescent girls.
>> No. 6772
File 130518112616.jpg - (43.97KB , 588x363 , job.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

He doesn't want a job EVER.
>> No. 6773
>safe to touch food with my hand

The hand that he was just fapping with. There's a mental image for you.
>> No. 6774

>Oh man, cooking oil is so much better than baby oil. More readily available, easier cleanup, no smell, safe to touch food with my hand...

>> No. 6775
File 130521816875.jpg - (21.60KB , 489x407 , 129158881776.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I successfully dropped out of Highschool.

Does this make me more of a success than Nick?
>> No. 6776
>They need to invent a reusable pregnancy test. I don't wanna have to buy a new one ten times a day. :/

>> No. 6777
He has a point that liking to fuck around on the computer /= "good with computers" and that misinterpretation lead to bad advice.

He apparently didn't feel the need to elaborate on his desire to be a bum forever.
>> No. 6778
>Another invention idea: crossbow where the arrow is connected to the gun by a rope so you can reel it back in rather than have to walk to it

>> No. 6779
File 130524057163.jpg - (37.42KB , 300x300 , james_gandolfini--300x300.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What happened to trying to get this sick fuck locked away for molesting his sister? Did people not read the fucking thread?
>> No. 6780
>452 posts and 57 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
For reference, I gave up on the stickied thread at 250-ish posts, and Chris is the reason I came to this board in the first place. If you make a new thread for this and just summarize the key points in the OP, I would be willing to read it, but 500-odd posts is too much (especially considering how people on this board tend to textwall)
>> No. 6781
File 13052422005.png - (6.87KB , 529x78 , amber.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He admitted to showing his sister porn, ew.
>> No. 6782
File 130524221934.png - (5.88KB , 506x69 , amber2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is awful.
>> No. 6783
God, I'm not sure if his sister is 7,8 or 9 but the way he acts around her is extremely strange regardless. It's one thing stalking an internet lover or harassing a girl in real life but actually grooming an impressionable child to do sexual acts is genuinely a step too far.

I wouldn't agree that it's our place to get this guy sent to jail however. Maybe because I'm a little colder to things like this I'd rather we just let things transpire the way they would if we weren't involved in this. I don't get the slightest bit of comedy out of this guy but he's a very interesting person to follow. Him and Timbox are definitely the next big potential "lolcows".
>> No. 6784
No they aren't Timbox isn't even active anymore, an this guy is close to not being active. His twitter is about all there is to him. Just accept it fucking hell
>> No. 6785
Just because it's challenging doesn't mean it's done.
>> No. 6786
Chill out, you crazy faggot.
>> No. 6787
Yeah he posts on it pretty much constantly and with his total lack of filter it's always hilarious.
>> No. 6788
Fuck, this lolwcow is possibly on Chris-chan levels, but we got to him just a little too late. Update, week long dry spell starting now. Now is the time to plot.
>> No. 6789

Hopefully, people can try to get him b& for child grooming. I love the loli too, but you don't mess with the 3d ones.
>> No. 6790
>I'm a sick fuck too
>> No. 6791
>this thread

when a group of grown men are so desperate to see humanity in its most utterly depraved and degraded form that they go searching for someone, anyone as bad as chris chan

and they find something worse
>> No. 6792
File 130527838588.jpg - (11.22KB , 551x102 , gross.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Dear lord...
>> No. 6793
@kotonoid It's because I flirt with you so much! ;D no but seriously, it is
wat? maddi's a kid
>> No. 6794
File 130529587729.jpg - (9.54KB , 270x272 , costanza.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 6795
that's it, I refuse to believe this
>> No. 6796
>So I think I'm getting a bit more open-minded aboot panties. Just the designs though. I still hate thongs and all non-cotton materials.
>> No. 6797
File 130530592021.png - (17.50KB , 432x188 , twitterupdate.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He found the local daycare center...
>> No. 6798
anyway, does anyone outside of /cwc/ read his twitter?
>> No. 6799
All the things we have on Chris. Artwork, phone calls, videos, chatlogs...and this guy manages to top him with just a Twitter. I'm aghast.
>> No. 6800
>Dude, this is so much better than my my room. I have reached a new level of comfort. Maybe I should just LIVE in a car someday.

Be careful what you wish for.
>> No. 6801
This disgusting man has ruined masturbating for me.
>> No. 6802

I don't give a fuck if this dude's in his 20s, hes not a man. Same with Chris chan.
>> No. 6803
so, I got this guy's twitter to go to my phone during school. He has so far, made me cringe in the middle of class more than 4 times.
>> No. 6804
Good luck if a teacher confiscates that phone and it's full of pedo messages.
>> No. 6805
It's like looking for a new Charlie Sheen and getting Ted Bundy.
>> No. 6806
Has someone written up an ED page about this guy yet? If not it needs to be done.
>> No. 6807
Out of curiosity, how many of you started following him on twitter?
>> No. 6808
All the teachers are pedophiles
>> No. 6809
If you ask me, he is too dumb to troll. You call him a pedo, he doesn't see why it's a bad thing.
>> No. 6810
Namecalling isn't trolling, faggot.
>> No. 6811
So.... Anyone wanna help me make a wikia on this faggot?
>> No. 6812
I'm game. I'm not exactly wiki-savvy but eh. I have unlimited free time all summer.
>> No. 6813
I don't know why people are calling this guy untrollable. Granted it's less than ideal only having Twitter to communicate through but he updates it all the fucking time and has shown to have absolutely no filter whatsoever on what he says.

Anyone following him on Twitter sent a message to him yet? Did he respond? Or are there bigger plans in the works (don't spill the beans, simply yes/no is sufficient).
>> No. 6814
yes, there are bigger plans in the works.
>> No. 6815
Please tell me that's shooped.
>> No. 6816
new thread http://789chan.org/cwc/res/58370.html
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