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File 130578992083.png - (46.80KB , 551x605 , SKF_Bio_1_Nick_Bate_by_Hagurumon.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
7425 No. 7425
New thread.

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>> No. 7426
Here is the irc channel:

>> No. 7427
>Not Nick's sister
>He don't swing that way

Apparently he does.
>> No. 7428
You know, I honestly think this fuck is too fucking stupid to know that grooming a nine year old girl to engage in disgusting fetishist sex acts counts as "child molestation". He makes CWC look like a college education world scholar from what we've heard of him so far.

Oh by the way Nick - you're fucking human garbage. Just wanted to repost that so you could read it.
>> No. 7429
Nick, if you're reading this, talking to a 9 year old girl about anal sex, analingus, and fellatio, and then licking her butt and having her lick yours as well as suck your dick is molestation and grooming.

If you did ANY of that, then you are a child molester.
>> No. 7430
He is to stupid to know what grooming is. He just naturally did it cause he is a sick fuck. If he goes to prison we have to make sure the other inmates know what he did.
>> No. 7431
>Why does everyone think I molested my half-sister? This clearly isn't true or I'd be in jail by now...

We know all about your game of truth or dare with Amber and your cousin.
>> No. 7432
Nick, if there is any way that you can convince us otherwise, please argue your case now before it's too late.
>> No. 7433
File 130579097851.png - (43.17KB , 511x786 , evidence.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's why everyone thinks that you molested your sister.
>> No. 7434
Let's start this thread off right.
Nick Bate is the "sweet times" of lolcows - unworthy, forced, unfunny.

Maybe I'm getting too old for this game, but I'm really just not interested in this guy. Creeps on the internet are a dime a dozen and they're becoming increasingly ubiquitous as the use of the internet becomes more widespread.

This guy doesn't even have internet access. So far, it's just been an opportunity for attention whores to be attention whores - on both sides of the story. The trolls trolling Nick, the people being trolled by Nick and Nick himself are all in it for the recognition and dubious e-glory. It's become a circlejerk of people seeking an identity and looking for a way to fit into the Nick Bates saga.

As long as you people want to troll and hound him, he'll continue to give you things to dig up and discuss. He obviously craves the attention and validation of his belief that he's a nutty and random pervert. He isn't like Chris - Chris wants to be left alone and doesn't take any pride in being seen as a freak or creepy. Nick, on the other hand, revels in malingering and giving people reasons to be shocked.

I realize that there isn't much else going on here anymore and I realize that we're all looking for the next great lolcow sensation. Those of you who are following what goes on in these threads have misguidedly zeroed in on someone who lacks the charm and naivete that Chris had. Maybe I'm having a hard time letting go of Chris. Maybe you're all just faggots.

Having said all that, I actually think the sweet times meme is pretty funny.
>> No. 7435
>> No. 7436
I haven't been online in a while, so could you please clue me it on this "sweet times" thing?
>> No. 7437
believe me Tubular Monkey, if you knew him like i know him, and like a few of these people know him, you would get him in on this. no doubt about it. he is so much better than chris-chan.
>> No. 7438

Why are you such an enemy of the lulz? You're just as bad as every other obsessed troll who says, "This lolcow isn't as good as Chris!". There will never be another Chris, so just suck it up.
>> No. 7439

Yeah, lets all listen to Cousin Wesley Oliver nee Scrappy-Doo on what's cool.
>> No. 7440
>if you knew him like i know him
That's pretty much the point I was making. I don't know him like you know him, so I don't give a shit about anything he says or does. /cwc/ is not your personal army.

And, for the record, he is not better than Chris. He isn't funny, he isn't sympathetic, he isn't interesting. He's just gross.
>> No. 7441

Isn't he the best lolcow because he'll never dry up? That, and many people are clamoring to expose his stupidity.
>> No. 7442

Isn't this really just your personal opinion? Everyone else here is enjoying this lolcow, and you're just being a grumpy gus because he's not Chris. You need to deal with it.
>> No. 7443
Personally I don't see why it's worth arguing over. Some people enjoy this shit and some people don't give a fuck on fire. It's up to personal taste in lolcows.
>> No. 7444

if you don't give a shit, why do you keep bawwwwing in the thread about him?
>> No. 7445
Way to derail another thread, Tuberculosis.
>> No. 7446
>ps guys, Nanny's last name isn't Stoutzenberger; she's my MATERNAL grandmother, not PATERNAL

What? I'm sure that we read his autobiography, and know her last name.
>> No. 7447
tubular monkey, tl;dr: I DON'T CARE SO NO ONE ELSE SHOULD
>> No. 7448
He's more like a cringecow than anything. A lot of what he says and does is embarrassing, but it's not just him. The people who have come out of the wordwork to support this campaign against him are just as annoying and retarded.

Do you people actually find all of this content funny or are you just getting wet at the prospect of unearthing a previously undiscovered lolcow? Because I don't see anyone really getting that excited over this stuff, they're just going through the motions.

I mean, look at the website. There are some comments on the front page and it's basically the same four or five people sucking each other's dicks over their epic win trollololol success.

>> No. 7449

Did you send Nick to the thread?
>> No. 7450

Nobody cares. Go cry somewhere.
>> No. 7451
he's looking over the original like "duuuude why'd you say those things aboot me D:"
>> No. 7452
in "why are you lying" or in a "that was secret" kinda way?
>> No. 7453

Chris was trolled by only a few people initially before everyone started that "Jullay1!21!" crap. You need to go to bed or take a salt tablet to deal with your butthurt.
>> No. 7454
Is he actually going to post in here, or is he going to respond through twitter?
>> No. 7455
I believe you Nick, you just need to tell these faggots what's what. I'll back you up bro.
>> No. 7456
I've only been following him here in /cwc/, I have no interest in supporting him by following him on Twitter or YouTube.

Last night, I was talking to my girlfriend through skype, and she mentioned how two her knuckled were smaller than the others. Immediately I was reminded of Nick's retarded post where he says "I have these bumps on the ends of my fingers and halfway down, and I don't know what they are" "Oh, nevermind, I was just told they're called knuckles, and apparently everyone has them." We started laughing, and then I told her about Anna's story about how he thought Lungs were singular, and everyone only had one.

Then we started talking about his obsession with ass, how he wheezes all through his tour through his room, how he refuses to bathe, and we got to where he posted that he tried to make Jenkem. I didn't know what it was at that point, and I said I thought the post said something about him trying to bake it in an oven. We spent like the next 15 minutes laughing about how pathetic he was either way, trying to get high off his own shit. And then how retarded he was trying to make drugs out of sugar on the logic that "sugar cane and cocaine both end in cane".

He's not retarded, he's just fucking stupid. He's completely unsympathetic, and wants so badly to fail. He's horrible, and I'm fascinated, and really want to see his pathetic ass thrown in jail. I could go on for hours about all the hilariously pathetic things he's done and believes, but with you it's a waste of time.

>> No. 7457
If he can regain his balls from that hit, he'll post.
>> No. 7458
Nick, let me put this in very simple terms (if he isn't reading this thread yet, one of you talking to him, post it to him.)

All you have to do to prove it's you talking is to post in this thread with a tripcode. Simply post with a name like Nickbate# and then whatever words or numbers you like.

Entering # will turn it into a random string of characters, and in this way it works as a password on this anonymous board. We'll know by the tripcode it's you.

Once you've made a post here, with the tripcode, simply copy the name in the format it shows up in the thread (the # becomes an exclamation point "!") and post that on your twitter and say "This is really me."

It's that simple. Then we can have a live discussion.
>> No. 7459

Do it Nick, it's the only way to save your reputation. What these trolls are doing to your reputation is so unfair.
>> No. 7460
File 13057933046.jpg - (40.37KB , 357x500 , doompart1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 7461
oh my god that neckbeard
>> No. 7462
Guys it's me, Nick. I'll confirm on Twitter in a sec. I'm aboot to be kicked off the computer though, but I'll be back once Dad's girlfriend is done so I can try and present my side of the story. Go ahead and ask shit or whatever, I'll get to it then
>> No. 7463
>> No. 7464
If that is really you....
Did you have genital interactions of any kind with Amber? Or was it just a fantasy?
>> No. 7465

All right man, put those trolls in their place.
>> No. 7466
>> No. 7467
File 130579385349.jpg - (2.08KB , 104x126 , 1301454072386s.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That better not be a serious question.
>> No. 7468
>I never molested her though. That was shit I made up for my friends to make me sound more fucked-up than I really am.

Which is pretty much what I've been saying about him from the beginning. It's really obvious that the people who have a personal vendetta against him have just latched onto all of the self-incriminating but false claims he's made about this sort of thing.

You're all free to go on believing that he's actually a child molester who doesn't know what knuckles are. I'll just be over here, you know, not being a gullible retard.
>> No. 7469
nick you're not gonna rape me when you get out of jail right
>> No. 7470
Nick your teeth be looking like a toxic waste dump
>> No. 7471
I made that shit aboot her up for my friends because I like to sound more fucked-up than I really am. Not for attention, as most of you are saying, it's just kind of this shtick I do for my friends. I never intended for it to get out to other people. :/
>> No. 7472
Notice now nobody here likes you?
>> No. 7473

Do you realize you could go to jail admitting to it?
>> No. 7474
Hey Nick, Anna lost her virginity to someone who's not you. She got fucked long and hard, her cunt's like a trailer park babyspitter now
>> No. 7475
Why the fuck would you or anyone think its funny?
>> No. 7476
I didn't ADMIT to it. I just said several times I made it up. It didn't actually happen. Dude, do you not remember the tweet I made long ago aboot my sister being gross? Someone posted it in one of the old threads.
>> No. 7477
schticks are generally for attention, and you aren't doing it right if they don't know you're joking.
personally you are already so fucked up i wouldn't be surprised if any of it were actually true and you were lying to get out of this. i know you've done it before.
>> No. 7478
>it's just kind of this shtick I do for my friends.

...again, I have used the word "schtick" to describe this guy's internet antics repeatedly. I'm sorry that you've all been let down by your trolldar. You should have listened to me.
>> No. 7479

He could be lying so that he won't get in trouble. Why would he repeat a specific incident of molestation multiple times just for the hell of it?
>> No. 7480

Quit saying 'aboot' you fucking retard.
>> No. 7481

>> No. 7482
Let's talk "aboot" your teeth, they look like a hurricane hit a fence, what the hell happened?
>> No. 7484

It's called 'lying to get out of trouble'. People do this a lot.
>> No. 7485
Tubular's the biggest aspie here. Forget him.
>> No. 7486
Guys, I think that Nick is telling the truth. Maybe he didn't stalk Anna and didn't molest his cousin. I think that we need to let him tell his side of the story.
>> No. 7487
Nick, as I recall the justification for you calling her gross was saying she didn't wipe well, and her anus was full of shit so you could only lick her butt cheeks.

How much of what you've posted is made up then? Did you not know what knuckles were? Are you really that obsessed with anus? Why do you think it's funny people think you're screwed up and retarded? Do you really refuse to ever bathe? Do you really refuse to get a job, and wish you hadn't graduated high school?

Most importantly, do you understand that this Anna girl will never have feelings for you, has a boyfriend where she lives, and has had sex?

Do you admit that if you've cybered, or done anything sexual with other people, it would be pretty hypocritical for you to expect her not to have sex?
>> No. 7488

Nick, that's obviously you.
>> No. 7489
i have personally known him for about four years. he did and does stalk anna, and no he didn't molest his cousin - he molested his half-sister. i don't know where you guys're getting this cousin crap.
>> No. 7490
It's different because he's a guy and only women can be sluts. Hurf durf. Also aboot.
>> No. 7491

Or extreme sarcasm.
>> No. 7492

I accidentally wrote cousin on the site probably. :B
>> No. 7493
well, balls.
>> No. 7494
Hey Nick, do you require your partner to be a virgin because otherwise your 3 needle inch dick would be like a hotdog in a bucket?
>> No. 7495


I'll try and get around to it before falling asleep.
>> No. 7496
We mean Amber, the little blonde girl he "larped" with until his mother took his sticks away and he bitched about it in the video description.

We don't care how she's related to him, we care that she's a little girl and he seems to have molested her.

Nick, if a cop asked Amber if you'd done that stuff, what would she say, do you think?
>> No. 7497
Nick, I sent a tip about you. You may be getting a visit. ;)
>> No. 7498
>Why would he repeat a specific incident of molestation multiple times just for the hell of it?

Because he thinks it's funny. He thinks it makes him seem edgy and plays into his "stupid and mentally ill" persona. There's some guy named Thom involved too, which no one seems to mention. I don't know much about who this person is or what role he plays/played in Nick's life, but it's probably an older male that has groomed and influenced Nick to a point where he says these things for the approval of this man. The whole not-having-a-loving-father thing can do a lot of damage to the emotional stability of an adolescent male.

The only indication you people have that he's done anything illegal is an ancient chatlog of questionable worth. The same fingers that supposedly "admitted" to molesting his sister are also now claiming that he did not. It seems much, much more fitting that he's been making things up for a long time because of how it makes others perceive him. It's a much greater stretch to assume that he actually did molest a child, based solely on a few lines of text from someone who is pretty open about saying things for the sake of being shocking and controversial.

He's also "admitted" to enjoying sucking dicks in a chat before. He also claims to not know what knuckles are. He made a video where he pretended to burn his mouth on hot coffee and intentionally stumbles over his speech. He's a chronic liar and malingerer. You can't pick and choose what is and is not real here. You especially can't assume that the most extreme thing is also the one that's true. That's just stupid and irresponsible.

I agree that this guy is a trainwreck. Watching him make an ass of himself is mildly amusing. Going around like your the judge and jury of the internet, however, is just stupid.
>> No. 7499
>The whole not-having-a-loving-father thing can do a lot of damage to the emotional stability of an adolescent male.

You were sounding reasonable to me until you came up with this conservative nonsense.
>> No. 7500
Nick. Why does your stepfather Steve not want you around Amber? Be specific.
>> No. 7501
>Going around like your the judge and jury of the internet, however, is just stupid.

yes I agree
>> No. 7502
A: tubular is a total faggot, and I hope that somehow he gets buried alive.

B: Hey Nick, how do you live with yourself? I mean, the vast majority of people, if not everyone, consider you to be human garbage. Seriously, is there anyone in the world who values you at all? Do you even have the potential to be anything other than a dumb fat sack of shit? Really, I'd say you'd be doing the world a favor by sucking the business end of a shotgun. But the truth is that no one even cares about you enough to want you to kill yourself. You're just a disgusting nobody, who will live out an exceptionally pathetic and perpetually virginal existence. Honestly, I don't know how you stand it.
>> No. 7503
Nick when the men in prison found out you were sent to Prison for child molestation, they wont bother raping you. They will kill you.
They will kill you.
>> No. 7504
Would you just shut the fuck up? There's more to it than that. He has stated his parents don't want him near Amber, which means they're suspicious. He also said he wanted to play strip-monopoly with her.

Why the fuck haven't you been banned, by the way? You never contribute anything, you're not remotely funny, you seem to post only to disagree with whatever anyone else is saying, and the only threads you post have nothing to do with anything else. You're walking, living fail. Shut the fuck up. Just shut your stupid, fucking mouth already.
>> No. 7505
Maybe one after the other.
Maybe one, then the other, then the first again.
>> No. 7506
>Watching him make an ass of himself is mildly amusing. Going around like your the judge and jury of the internet, however, is just stupid.
>Watching him make an ass of himself is mildly amusing. Going around like your the judge and jury of the internet, however, is just stupid.
>Watching him make an ass of himself is mildly amusing. Going around like your the judge and jury of the internet, however, is just stupid.

Take it to heart.
>> No. 7507
You people enjoy trolling Nick and documenting his reactions because you think he's stupid, scummy and despicable.

That's how I feel about you. So, the next time you find yourself wondering why I won't just go away or why I bother posting at all - just remember that you are my lolcows.
Thanks for giving me so much to work with. In the light of the ongoing Chris dry spell, I've kept myself busy with you idiots.
>> No. 7508
that's wonderful darling
>> No. 7509
I ... I guess.... you were the puppet-master....... all along.........
>> No. 7510
Oh wow, you're trolling Anonymous. Way to go!

>> No. 7511

You're insulting us for documenting him when people did the same thing with Chris, an lolcow that you enjoyed?
>> No. 7512

He's old enough to know the effects of his words, so why does he deserve sympathy? He's also obviously lying because he's too ashamed to answer people's questions or even post in this thread.
>> No. 7513
Tubular Monkey has just been banned.

Anyone who attempts to continue the argument he started will be banned too.

That is all.
>> No. 7514

If you're going to samefag Tubular Monkey, then at least try to do it right.
>> No. 7515

So everything we've been doing here is entertainment for you, yet you've spent this entire thread telling us that we've got it wrong and shouldn't be bothering with it. Makes perfect sense.

As for getting this thread back on track - remember the chatlogs people, Nick is magically immune to basic logic, from the looks of things even more so than Chris, arguing this shit with him isn't going to go anywhere.

>> No. 7516

>I never molested her though. That was shit I made up for my friends to make me sound more fucked-up than I really am.

>Which is pretty much what I've been saying about him from the beginning.

Yes, that is exactly what you've been saying about him, in the other thread, that he just read looking for any possible way out of this shit. You gave him a way out, dumb ass.
>> No. 7517
You're not very smart, are you?

Anyway, where did Nick go?
>> No. 7518
On his twitter, It says he got kicked off the internet, but should be able to get back on soon.
>> No. 7519
File 13057966802.jpg - (14.64KB , 267x200 , 1133172661[1].jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I used to be a nazi
Nick, explain. Seriously, I'm intrigued. What did national socialism mean to you? Apparently you weren't very dedicated as you were ready to sacrifice your views to get sum sweet china.

inb4 "o hai Torture88"
>> No. 7520
File 130579678517.jpg - (94.41KB , 667x396 , amber.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Yeah, he was talking with another friend of his and telling him not to say too much else or he'll blow it. Pic related.
>> No. 7521

Explain that Nick.
>> No. 7522
Same thing as "I used to be a communist" or "I used to be a Satanist", to KIDS like Nick all these scary, foreign words mean is something "other" than what is accepted in their environment.
>> No. 7523
Okay, I'm back. I'll get to all your shit in a second, I just wanted to elaborate more first.

You may have noticed that the shows/movies I like are based around stupid people. I don't know how to explain. Like... Joel from Bonus Stage, Michael from The Office, and most recently I've gotten into Scrubs. Anyway, my friends (and by this I mean EX-friends. Anna, Jessa, etc. I dunno if Simon still likes me or not. I think he's trying to stay out of it) have the same sense of humor. That's how we met, actually. On the Bonus Stage Wiki, Simon invited me and Anna to do a fanfiction thing. But I digress.

Basically I find the stupid characters on my favourite shows hilarious and try to become stupid as well. I tried lots of things to kill brain cells (like smashing my head into doors every time I passed through one in high school) but nothing worked so I just kinda fake it. Which is no secret. In the past I've openly admitted to making shit up. Like half of my tweets are fake. Don't get me wrong, I AM an idiot, just not quite as much as I would appear. I'm sure you can find inconsistencies with some of my stories if you really investigate, like maybe I used the term "knuckles" before that knuckles tweet. Don't know if I did or not, just an example.

As for the molestation thing, in retrospect I realize that's not so much stupid as, I dunno what but yeah. Not sure why I said that. I don't really think before I do shit.
>> No. 7524
What do you find attractive in feces? Nick, have you eaten shit? Have you gotten laid? How would education make you a worse father? Or is it a way to force yourself to become a home father because you think you'd otherwise lack the motivation to be one? This would be rather contradictory though, seeing how obsessed you are with the fantasy.
>> No. 7525
yeah bro, that's just him telling me not to say anything illegal. I never actually DID anything illegal anyway, so it's p much moot
>> No. 7527
The stupid characters on those shows you mentioned were stupid, but they were sympathetic. If a character is stupid and disgusting, then everyone just hates their character. People only like stupid characters when they're stupid in an endearing way. Compare "But I like my arms! There's where my hands live!" to "lolololol I got a 9 year old to suck my dick and lick my ass, and then I was gonna lick hers but it was dirty so I just licked the cheeks." That just makes you disgusting, and inhuman, frankly.
>> No. 7528
You are stupid. But the bigger thing is you're probably mentally ill.

What's this then, Nick?
>> No. 7529
That's...not how it works. Real life isn't TV. People just can't see you (or anyone) like "Haha, it's that silly guy we all love, let's laugh together with him.".
>> No. 7530

But they said that they know about everything, even Amber. That implies that they know about a particular incident. What do you think that Amber will say when she's questioned by the police officers that are about to contact your family?
>> No. 7531
I'm actually not sure if I'm a coprophiliac or not. I experiment and visualize it sometimes, but the problem is I have a weak stomach so most of the time it agitates my gag reflex. So I dunno.

Nah, probably gonna save myself for Anna. It's not a religious thing, even though I AM religious, it's just... I dunno, what's the point doing someone you're not gonna marry anyway?

The not graduating thing is unrelated to me being a hoosehusband. Most of the stuff on my list of goals is unrelated, actually. Except for the Anna stuff, obviously. But why didn't I want to graduate? I just don't want to be forever known as a high school graduate, that's all. Once you've graduated, there's no going back. It's there forever. I don't like irreversible things.
>> No. 7532
IIRC, they said that before I told them I lied. Except I just spoke with Thom not long ago and he said he knew all along. So I dunno what's going on there.
>> No. 7533
explain more about thom who and what is he to you?
>> No. 7534

You do realize that someone from this thread reported you right?
>> No. 7535
Well, big part of the whole fetish is that it's disgusting and a taboo, a bit like vomiting fetish.
>> No. 7536
File 130579799532.jpg - (75.55KB , 453x604 , 145871996.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 7537
I just don't want to be forever known as a high school graduate, that's all. Once you've graduated, there's no going back. It's there forever. I don't like irreversible things.

So you would rather be known as that guy who dropped out of high school? That doesn't make sense. You know what else is irreversible? Molesting Amber. She's gonna regret that when she grows up.
>> No. 7538
> Nah, probably gonna save myself for Anna. It's not a religious thing, even though I AM religious, it's just... I dunno, what's the point doing someone you're not gonna marry anyway?

This is retarded. Why play innocent when you cybered with that other Anna and are generally a fucking creep?

Anna doesn't want anything to do with you. What you are doing is called stalking. She has "ruined her life" already, so move on
>> No. 7539
Okay. The Nazi thing came at a time when I was obsessed with this other girl who was doing a series parodying Nazis. Obviously the Holocaust was bad, I just liked the idea of a group of people with matching uniforms and all doing the same shit.

inb4 someone compares my other people-obsessions with Anna. They were long before I fell in love with her, during a time when I thought every crush was love. I'm p sure all children go through that, don't they? I dunno. But anyway, once the real deal happened with Anna it clicked and I was like "oh shit what was I doing all those other times".
>> No. 7540
>>Nah, probably gonna save myself for Anna.

Okay, so you've just confirmed this part of the madness is true.

She's not into you, she's told you that repeatedly. She's with someone else. She has had sex with him (did you read where she specifically stated it in one of the other threads?) You have no relationship with Anna, Anna isn't into you, Anna will NEVER be into you.

Find someone actually into you. While I'm talking to you, what was with those nude videos? Who did you make those for?

Oh, here's a big one, why the fuck were you wheezing so much in your room tour video? Why do you have shrines to her? She says you haven't spoken in like two years. Why can't you move on?
>> No. 7541
> I just don't want to be forever known as a high school graduate, that's all. Once you've graduated, there's no going back. It's there forever.

Ah yes... the ultimate taboo...
>> No. 7542
Having uniform fetish hardly qualifies you as a nazi.
>> No. 7543
Judas Priest, you mean that NAZI band?
>> No. 7544
>What you are doing is called stalking.
arent we all kind of stalking him now? shit's getting ridiculous
>> No. 7545
...Did you just compare cybering to real sex? I-I don't even think I need to say anything for this one...

And no, I'm not stalking her. I really am in love with her. Obviously I made some bad calls in texting her and shit (except the other day, I thought her boyfriend left me that voicemail so that one wasn't my fault), but I really don't have too many options when she blocked me from everything. All I wanna do is work things out with her, and she's being really stubborn and not even making an attempt. Quite the contrary, really. I know LEGALLY she has every right to stop talking to someone for no good reason, but MORALLY that's pretty fucked up. We were extremely close for three years and then she just decided to throw it all away. I tried lots of other things besides contacting her directly, like getting friends to relay shit and whatnot, but STILL nothing's working. Also, I haven't done any of that in quite a while. Recently I've just been playing the waiting game.
>> No. 7546
welcome to /cwc/
>> No. 7547
When we swear to make him love us, and create shrines to him in our rooms, and write sex stories about him and swear he must be ours forever or his life will be ruined, then we will be stalkers.
>> No. 7548
If you had a girlfriend, you'd still cyber with people? You'd be ok with her cybering with others?

You seriously have the emotional maturity of a sock.
>> No. 7549
It's hard to let go if you're in love. If you don't do it because of the law, do it for Anna. Your relationship won't work if she doesn't love or even like you. Just...let it go man. You have done some freaky shit, but people have gone through much more worse and still have been able to become somewhat normal human beings. Just let it go.
>> No. 7550
I'm hoping she lied aboot the sex.

The videos were for my friends. Not intended for public release, obviously, but I don't really care that it happened anyway.

The wheezing was me exaggerating how out-of-shape I am. I AM p badly out-of-shape, though.
>> No. 7551
> I'm hoping she lied aboot the sex.

>> No. 7552
>...Did you just compare cybering to real sex? I-I don't even think I need to say anything for this one...

Of course it's not similar, dipshit.
But if I was serious about someone, I wouldn't cyber with anyone cause it still counts as cheating.
>> No. 7553
NIIIICK. Please answer this. Do you really wipe your feces and cum on the walls? Genuine question. If so, why? What do you use to clean it off with?
>> No. 7554
If someone seriously reported you to the police about Amber, what do you think will happen?
>> No. 7555
I can't, though. I believe in soul mates, and the only way to find true happiness is to actually end up with your soul mate. I don't mean this next statement to be as conceited as it sounds, but I'm the only way Anna can be happy. I know I'm not good at anything and probably can't provide financially (unless by some miracle the Coffee Crew takes off but no, it won't) but I love her and I know I can take care of her and help her with her problems and stuff...
>> No. 7556
If you want a girl who's into you and is a virgin, find someone like that. It's not Anna.
>> No. 7557
did you really try to smoke sugar?
>> No. 7558
Nothing, because it didn't actually happen. Most likely my family would be pissed at me but you can't arrest someone for something they didn't do. Well, you CAN, if you're in the U.S. government, but... still kinda rare.
>> No. 7560
>but I'm the only way Anna can be happy.

This doesn't sound conceited, it sounds like you're mentally ill. I am serious. Pedo or not, you are dangerous. Get. help.
>> No. 7561
Why is it sooo bad that she had sex?
And don't fall back on that HURRDURR PREMARITAL SEX IS BAD shit.
Having sex before you are married does not ruin your life. You're just mad that her first wasn't you. Admit it.
>> No. 7562
Nick, and what do you think "aboot" Chris Chan?
>> No. 7563
fuck it i'm starting to sympathize with you. its becoming obvious that youre just a naive idiot rather than a malicious one.
>> No. 7564
Look up "madonna/whore complex". Nick has that.
>> No. 7565
Yeah, I do. Back when I was using baby oil and Vaseline as lube I couldn't get it to wash off my hands (water resistant) so I wiped my hands on walls, furniture, clothes, etc. But someone told me to use vegetable oil now, which is coming off easily. So my walls will probably remain clean now.

I used a paper towel, water and some sorta dish soap or something to clean the walls off. Which didn't really work. It got the most of it but there's still smudges and stuff.
>> No. 7566
>>...Did you just compare cybering to real sex?

No, they're saying if you're so obsessively in love with Anna, why are you having sexual conversations with other people? That's inconsistent.

>>And no, I'm not stalking her. I really am in love with her.

See this guy in this video? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAq5aZSnf1k He thought he was really in love with Bjork. This is how you look and sound.

>>but I really don't have too many options when she blocked me from everything. All I wanna do is work things out with her, and she's being really stubborn and not even making an attempt. Quite the contrary, really. I know LEGALLY she has every right to stop talking to someone for no good reason, but MORALLY that's pretty fucked up. We were extremely close for three years and then she just decided to throw it all away. I tried lots of other things besides contacting her directly, like getting friends to relay shit and whatnot, but STILL nothing's working. Also, I haven't done any of that in quite a while. Recently I've just been playing the waiting game.


You have no chance with her, just fucking deal with it. You can't make someone love you, that's psychotic.
>> No. 7567

It's delusional and selfish to think that Anna will actually like you. There is no such thing as soul mates, you only end up with the person that you make an effort to treat well and talk to. By constantly harassing Anna, you've ruined any chance of being with her. She will never like you, she has said it herself.
>> No. 7568
Nono, it's not a religious thing. Believe me, I'm the most liberal Christian there is (aside from abortion). I just think people should wait for their soul mate, that's all.
>> No. 7569
There must be a woman, even if she lived on another continent and spoke another language that is able to love you despite all the odds. There are billions of women. There are actually more women on the world than men. There must be more than one soul mate for you. Even if you didn't give up her, have you ever considered talking to other women? It won't hurt you (except the mace), and if Anna one day miraculously awakes and realizes you're The One, you can always work out some polygamic relationship or just dump her.

Seriously, if you think she can learn to love you, you can learn to love other people as well.
>> No. 7571
File 13057991653.jpg - (60.40KB , 500x500 , skeleton.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Guess what, you can play the waiting game all you want, Nick, but that wont change the fact that she hates the fuck out of you, and you will die alone. She is never going to choose to stay with you. Here is a picture of your future.
>> No. 7572
>Nono, it's not a religious thing. Believe me, I'm the most liberal Christian there is (aside from abortion).

Please go on. I'd like to hear more about how you're such a liberal (who doesn't believe women should be able to control their dirty slut bodies)
>> No. 7573
Why didn't you just have toilet paper close by, or at least a towel you could throw into the wash right afterwards? Also, have you ever ate your own poop? What did it taste like?
>> No. 7574
Welp, I just like cybering, that's all. It's not real sex, bro. It's not cheating because I'm not actually WITH Anna yet. I mean, yeah, I'll stop cybering when I actually AM with her, but...

Well dude, the thing is, I'm hoping she changes her mind aboot the whole hating me thing. Wouldn't be the first time she did a complete 180. I mean, we were the closest of friends for three years before THIS happened.
>> No. 7575
How would Anna be happy with you?
If by some miracle, you actually did marry her,
she would be doing all the work, paying all the bills, ect. While you would be staying at home all day, spending all her hard earned money on shit you don't need and wiping your shit all over the walls.
>> No. 7576

Not to mention fucking the shit out of their mutant spawn.
>> No. 7577
Our point is it's stupid to pretend you're "saving yourself for Anna" when you reach into that grey area. And when she's not a virgin. Face it, your fantasy isn't coming to life.
>> No. 7578
No, of course women can do whatever their want with their bodies. Abortion isn't an issue of the woman's body, though. It's an issue of the fetus' right to be alive.
>> No. 7579
>> No. 7580
The thing is you KNOW she has a boyfriend, she's told you she never wants to talk to you again, see this picture? >>60166

She's happy there. Is that you? No, that's someone else. Someone who likely actually has a future, and undoubtedly doesn't wipe his shit on walls or have an obsession with asses, and most likely wouldn't think his friends would like him more if he told stories about molesting children.
>> No. 7581
Hahaha you are so fucking dumb.

better stop masturbating, you're KILLING BABIES
>> No. 7582
I can care for her emotionally though. And I'm not going to make her handle the finances by herself; I just don't know how I'm gonna make money yet. We'll have to figure it out when the time comes.
>> No. 7583
File 130579961023.jpg - (58.25KB , 650x800 , 1301663964858.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>abortion debate
>> No. 7584
Nick, do you really want to watch your sister pee?
>> No. 7585
Nick, Anna's guy has a bigger neckbeard than you. And he's still getting some.

Jesus dude, I wouldn't wanna be you.
>> No. 7586
"I can't stand people with different opinions, why can't everyone be open minded like me?!"

Let's not turn this into a liberal vs conservative shitstorm.
>> No. 7587
Nick, you said you had to not graduate high school, never get a job, and Anna had to remain a virgin.

You graduated high school, you technically worked a job for a while, and Anna is not a virgin. That's three out of three.

You know, if a certain few hadn't chased Anna off the board in the last thread she could be prodded to post here again and state that she's had sex with her boyfriend again. Maybe post a picture of the two of 'em kissing or something?
>> No. 7588
That's just a boyfriend. She had one before, and she cheated on him. Honestly, I don't think Anna even really understands loves. Just like I used to before she came along, she mistakes every intense crush for love. He's not the one meant for her.
>> No. 7589
>"I can't stand people with different opinions, why can't everyone be open minded like me?!"

Yeah, that's exactly what I said.

People who are anti-abortion hate women. Fact.
>> No. 7590
We don't have proof she had sex. How do you know she's not lying because she knew I'd see it and get upset?
>> No. 7591
I'm sensing irony here.
>> No. 7592
>She had one before, and she cheated on him.

Good thing your soulmate is such a innocent vision of purity and.... hahahahskjsd
>> No. 7593
She didn't do a "complete 180"
she was your friend and you kept trying to force your love(love of asses. amirite, fellas?) on her.
She then didn't want anything to do with you cause you didn't listen.
>> No. 7594
Again, abortion has nothing to do with the woman. It's about the fetus. Everyone agrees that murder is bad, so how the hell can people possibly be pro-abortion?
>> No. 7595

I have proof enough she'a no longer a virgin.

I fucked her.
>> No. 7596
Because she doesn't CARE about you. She told us she had sex here, when you had no internet. She did.
>> No. 7597
I DID listen. She scolded me sometimes and then I toned it down. For whatever reason she didn't seem to notice and did all this anyway.
>> No. 7599
It has everything to do with the living woman it is inside. It has everything to do with her future, too.
>> No. 7600
>Nono, it's not a religious thing.

Nick, allow me to copy and paste from Wikipedia:
>According to Freudian psychology, [a Madonna-whore] complex often develops when the sufferer is raised by a cold and distant mother. Such a man will often court someone with qualities of his mother, hoping to fulfill a need for intimacy unmet in childhood. Often, the wife begins to be seen as mother to the husband�a "Madonna" figure�and thus not a possible object of sexual attraction. For this reason, in the mind of the sufferer, love and sex cannot be mixed, and the man is reluctant to have sexual relations with his wife, for that, he thinks subconsciously, would be incest. He will reserve sexuality for "bad" or "dirty" women, and will not develop "normal" feelings of love in these sexual relationships. This introduces a dilemma where a man may feel unable to love any woman who can satisfy him sexually and is unable to be sexually satisfied by any woman whom he can love.

It's nothing to do with religion.
>> No. 7601
Ew, no. Vaginas gross me out, dude.
>> No. 7602
Nick. Do you know what denial is?

Anna isn't your naive virgin you need to educate in the matter of love.
>> No. 7603
File 130580002217.jpg - (19.09KB , 294x294 , Oh-boy-here-we-go[1].jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>People who are anti-abortion hate women. Fact.
I'm pro-death and even I think you're a retard. Now, this is Nick Bates thread, not "Omg KKK controlled gubberment plays kick da leftie"-thread.
>> No. 7604
Girls don't pee out of their vagina.
>> No. 7605
Yeah I've heard of that, but I DO wanna have sex with Anna someday, so. :/

I'll admit though, she is kinda like my mom, when she yells at me and stuff. But still. No. Ew.
>> No. 7606
No, but the urethra is still in the vaginal region. In order to see the urethra I'd have to see the vagina.
>> No. 7607
How are you going to have sex with her if you don't like vaginas and she doesn't like anal?
>> No. 7608
If abortion concerned just men, there would be no debate. Opposition would be tiny.

Sorry you're such a pseudo-liberal.
>> No. 7609
How did you find out, again?
>> No. 7610
File 130580017979.jpg - (25.36KB , 460x276 , 43898439839843.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What is this thread?
>> No. 7611

Nick, would you watch your sister or any woman pee? I heard you and Simon talking about it from an mp3 file that one of your friends uploaded.
>> No. 7612
I hate being rude but seriously, abortionfags, please don't talk about that here

unless it's about how nick should have been aborted.
>> No. 7613
> I'll admit though, she is kinda like my mom, when she yells at me and stuff. But still. No. Ew.

Yeah, I'm a textbook Freud case, but...
>> No. 7614
apparently you didn't tone it down...You know, with the Anna poop fic and all that stalking.
>> No. 7615
You don't even have to look at someone's urethra to watch them piss.
>> No. 7616
Well yes, in THAT sense the mother IS involved, but see, there're alternatives to murdering a baby. Adoption, for one. I know, it's completely unfair that the mother's life is going to be ruined. It is. But two wrongs don't make a right.
>> No. 7617
To actually see it coming out you do.
>> No. 7618

We've all heard the arguments of both sides, save it for another time.
>> No. 7619
Ok, no more abortion talk, you're an idiot, we get it.

You're a psychotic stalker. This is the issue here.
>> No. 7620
Fuck! Stop talking about abortion and stay on topic!
>> No. 7621
The fanfic came way later, after she already blocked me. Once that happened I was pretty much like "well fuck it, if it didn't work no point doing it anymore". In reference to toning it down, that is.
>> No. 7622

Ok darlings, we get it. You're derailing just as much.
>> No. 7623
I'm just gonna jump in here since you seem determined to turn this into an abortion debate on account of you're a fucking idiot.

The abortion debate has nothing to do with choice, the same people who claim to be "pro-choice" push for imposed abortion because the world is overpopulated. If it was really about choice, you would care about people's decision to keep the baby as well.

Beyond that, she already decided to get pregnant. Let me cut you off before you make the rape argument. According to hospital statistics, rape accounts for LESS THAN 1% of all abortions. The most commonly given reason is "I'm not ready yet." Even in the exceedingly rare case it was rape, why should the child be punished for the sins of their father?

Now that that's out of the way, the remaining 99.8% of the time, the following happened: She chose to have sex, she chose not to have her partner wear a condom, she chose not to be on birth control, she chose that the sex would be coitus, she chose to let him ejaculate inside of her, and after all that she chose not to get a morning after pill. Again and again she chose to get pregnant. What you're really saying is that she shouldn't have to take responsibility for her actions, and should be able to CHANGE HER MIND, because she already decided repeatedly she was willing to get pregnant.

Now, if you're the typical abortion troll, this is around where you claim that a human fetus isn't human, or call it a parasite, or some other scientifically unsound bullshit that alienates you even from other pro-choice people. Please, go ahead.

Also, child support. Why do men have to pay child support if women can choose whether or not they have the child? As long as abortion is legal, there's no logical reason it should be the male's responsibility, since she could choose to get rid of the "burden" at any time. If however she can't kill her offspring, then it only makes sense he should help her care for it. If she can though, then it was her decision.
>> No. 7624
Okay okay, geez. I was just responding to other people.
>> No. 7625
Every time you make a post about abortion, I will shoot a pregnant woman. Now shut the fuck up, nobody gives a fuck. If you have to save all the women in the world, arguing with aspies in the internet isn't gonna aid your valian cause.
>> No. 7626
>"well fuck it, if it didn't work no point doing it anymore"

Apply this to other aspects of your relation with Anna.
>> No. 7627
Cool story bro!

Stop posting
>> No. 7628
I'll still do vaginal anyway, since she wants to and all. I just probably won't like it.
>> No. 7629
oh and plus we want kids
>> No. 7630
That makes two of you
>> No. 7631
Yeah, except she doesn't want kids with you. She wants them with ginger neckbeard you.
>> No. 7632
Touch�! But yes, as I said, recently I've just been playing the waiting game, since I don't really have many new ideas to win her back right now.
>> No. 7633
for christ's sake i just want to know whether or not you actually tried to smoke sugar
>> No. 7634
Again, she doesn't love him. So yeah. :/
>> No. 7635
Nick, have you ever considered a life outside the states? More potential soul mates, lower age of consent, cheap houses, fetish clubs...
>> No. 7636

You know you're gay right? That's a serious question.
>> No. 7637
Red text for emphasis.

Study this, Nick.

>Anna will never love you.
>She is not a virgin.
>Anna will never love you.
>She is not a virgin.
>Anna will never love you.
>She is not a virgin.
>Anna will never love you.
>She is not a virgin.
>Anna will never love you.
>She is not a virgin.
>Anna will never love you.
>She is not a virgin.
>Anna will never love you.
>She is not a virgin.
>Anna will never love you.
>She is not a virgin.
>> No. 7638
>>we want kids


Let's go over the facts:

You insult her at every turn.
She has cut off all contact with you.
You responded to her telling you to stop being a pervert by becoming MORE perverted.
You haven't spoken in two years, minimum.
She has an actual boyfriend who she says she has sex with.
You have cybersex with other people.

There is no future for you and Anna. Get it the fuck through your head.

Also, you're not Canadian, knock off all that "aboot" bullshit.

Oh oh, and if you're not molesting Amber, why'd you write that tweet about how your parents don't trust you with her?
>> No. 7639
She fucked a guy she doesn't love, then, FYI
>> No. 7640
Again, she certainly doesn't love you.
>> No. 7641
See, when you posted that, it shows that you have no respect whatsoever for Anna.
>> No. 7642
Ah, sorry! Must've missed it the first time you posted. Yeah, I tried smoking sugar. I kinda figured I wouldn't get high, I just thought maybe it'd have the same effect as eating it. I just wanted to experiment and stuff. So I took a clump of sugar and loaded it into a bowl I made from a soda can and smoked it. Tried to, anyway. It hardened upon ignition for some reason.
>> No. 7643
Oh oh, and if you're not molesting Amber, why'd you write that tweet about how your parents don't trust you with her? [2]
>> No. 7644
He's obsessed with anuses.
He finds vaginas disgusting.
Puts objects in his ass.

Yeah, pretty obvious closetcase. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
>> No. 7645
Hah, you're so silly and funny, just like those guys in the telly.
>> No. 7646
You'd better answer my shit or you're not getting your accounts back, you little cunt.
>> No. 7647
No, of course I have respect for her! I don't think talking aboot her is disrespectful...
>> No. 7648
And how the fuck would you know? You don't.
You just jelly.
>> No. 7649
What did you ask? Everyone's posting faster than I can answer and it's making me miss a lot.
>> No. 7650
Don't give them back period.

Nick. Answer why your parents don't trust you with Amber.
>> No. 7652
You didnt just talk about her! You posted a fanfic about fucking her in the ass, and using poop for lube. Thats VERY disrespectful.
>> No. 7653

Actually, I'll talk to you on IRC if you ever join. More personal.
>> No. 7654
>> No. 7655
I dunno, they're all fucking bigots. They don't want me to do any of my weird shit like larping or crossdressing or whatever.
>> No. 7656
But everyone only has one soul mate.

And I did try. I had a girlfriend not long ago. Didn't work. I still love Anna.
>> No. 7657
ugggh I don't know how to work IRC things... Can't you just ask here?
>> No. 7658
You realize that doesn't make them bigots, right?
>> No. 7659
There's no getting through double standards this thick. He's the VIRILE MAN and Anna is the future bride who will come around! Just like in the motion pictures!
>> No. 7660
Well, I didn't know that at the time! Now I do! I still don't get WHY it's disrespectful, but...
>> No. 7661
That's not bigotry, it's more like "Holy shit you're an adult, for the love of God please act like one".
>> No. 7662
Yeah, keep it here anyway, "S"
>> No. 7663
Nick, if she was your soulmate, wouldn't she love you?

Would you agree she is smarter than you? That she is certainly more intelligent, and you're an idiot and often wrong about everything?

So why can't you be wrong about this when everyone including complete strangers can see that you are?
>> No. 7664

You want your shit back?
>> No. 7665
You know that every person has like 11 people in the world that could be their soul mate, right?
>> No. 7666
Nick, I don't hate you, but consider the things why /cwc/ doesn't like you. The main thing is stalking. You have explained why you do that, but it doesn't kinda justify it.

Think about it. It's not like she's your only change to find True and Honest Love.
>> No. 7667
I know what you're implying, but real life isn't like TV and movies. In fact they're kinda the reason so many people idealize everything and toss the word "love" around too casually, etc.
>> No. 7668
>Also, I STILL don't know who this Chris-Chan guy everyone compares me to is. :/

http://www.sonichu.com/cwcki/Christian_Weston_Chandler just read the intro if it's too long for you.
>> No. 7669
I'm not stalking, though. Stalking is, like, following them around irl hiding behind bushes and shit. All I'm trying to do is talk to her so we can repair our relationship. What's so wrong with that?
>> No. 7670
Jesus you are dumb. oh my god.
>> No. 7671
Most people have had multiple relationships. Some worked, some didn't. But if you want to have a working relationship, you have to find a woman who can love you. Anna clearly isn't her.
>> No. 7672
You never had a real relationship with her and you never will. Every total stranger here can plainly see that.
>> No. 7673
Do you see yourself as Dante from Clerks 2 and Anna as the lead female character?
>> No. 7674
Yeah, kinda. I don't care that people are seeing my shit, it'd just be nice if I could see my shit too. I assume I probably have hundred of emails stacked in my inbox.
>> No. 7675
Because she has stated that she doesn't like you. The end of story. She has commented multiple times in the previous threads, maybe some control+f'ing could explain you why, and maybe help you to work on it?
>> No. 7676
Make Nick swear to god he'll give up on Anna, and he can get his shit back.
>> No. 7677
How do you not get it! No one thinks it's flattering when someone thinks of them that way!
It's fucking CREEPY! Anna does not want you because you are a disrespectful creepy ass loser!
>> No. 7678
Who do you consider the lead? His fianc� or the chick he actually ends up with? Either way, no. Real life =/= movies. I mean, my life would make a good movie what with all this ridiculous bullshit going on, but no.
>> No. 7679
Your right, real life =/= movies. So stop trying to live in the latter and move on.
>> No. 7680
It'd make for a good Dateline MSNBC special, at least.
>> No. 7681
If someone wrote an erotica aboot ME, I'D certainly find it flattering.
>> No. 7682
Following someone around online ESPECIALLY after they've blocked you, is STALKING!
>> No. 7683
Anna isn't you. You despicable child.
>> No. 7684
I'm not living in a movie. I'm well aware that movies aren't real. This is REAL, ACTUAL love. IRL.
>> No. 7685

You must identity with Randall then.
>> No. 7686
Think yourself in your position with complete objectivity. Some obese hairy basement dweller heavily implies he wants to have shit sex with you. Are you turned on and just wishing to marry him Y/N? Remember, she's not into scat.
>> No. 7687
I still don't get who wouldn't find it flattering. I personally would be THRILLED if someone actually thought aboot me that way.
>> No. 7688
Did you watch the video with the Bjork stalker? He never even met her. You don't have to be near someone to stalk them. Stalking someone is obsessing over them, and harassing them, and pretending you have a relationship with them when you don't, and having shrines to them, walls covered with pictures of them, and binders filled with everything related to them.

What you're doing is textbook stalking, right down to how everything you say about her is insulting and demeaning.
>> No. 7689
I think that's just something you're going to have to take our word for, if you honestly can't understand why no one would find that flattering. Accept it and use it as a learning experience to enhance your interactions within normal society.
>> No. 7690
I never said I wanted to do scat with her. I want to marry her and spend my life with her, that's all. My fetishes are irrelevant to love.

But yeah, I'd be really flaterred if someone thought of me that way. I just had a girlfriend who seemed to, although now I think she may have been trolling me. But still, AT THE TIME I was flattered.
>> No. 7691
I wrote several guro fapfics of my friends They found them absolutely hilarious. The difference? They were trollfics and I didn't want to fuck them in the ass in real life.
>> No. 7692
You're enamored with her. She doesn't love you and will never love you.

I don't know how else to explain it. It's like you're wired wrong.
>> No. 7693
She has different boundaries to you. What's so hard to understand?
>> No. 7694
Wut. I'm not insulting/demeaning her...
>> No. 7695
You would because your a shit eating freak.
Normal people wouldn't however.
Protip: Anna is one of the normal people.
>> No. 7696
But your fic implied you wanted to. That's the problem. You imply you wanted to have fetish sex with her. Can you not see it?
>> No. 7697
You treat her like an object.
>> No. 7698
>>I personally would be THRILLED if someone actually thought aboot me that way.

So you admit no one does, including Anna.

>> No. 7699
Well like I said, I like the stupid characters. Randal isn't really stupid, just a slacker, but he's still the closest you can get in that movie. Well, except for Jay.
>> No. 7700
Nick, I hope a car going aboot 100 mph hits you.
>> No. 7701
No, I don't! :o
>> No. 7702
That was just a work of fiction. We're probably not going to actually do that stuff irl. She's not into that. Hell, I don't even know if /I/ am.
>> No. 7703
Nick. Think about this. Do you have a plan how to get her back? How likely is it to work? Or do you just hope his boyfriend suddenly dies with all the other men in the world and you're the only one left for her?

Let it go.
>> No. 7704
That made me lol irl
>> No. 7705
She has made it clear she's not interested in you and you handwave it and act like she'll come around. If she's not an object to you, listen to her
>> No. 7706
Then you should have posted it to gurochan, and not to her.
>> No. 7707
Nick, do you have understanding people's wants and needs? Do you think that your friends find you funny or enjoy your company?
>> No. 7708
File 130580226696.png - (1.74MB , 1301x957 , flowchart.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
uhhhhh hey
i dont want to finish the flowchart i started, but i started one. its kinda pointless now. but here it is.
>> No. 7709
I don't really have a plan right now. I'm just waiting. Hopefully something will happen. I don't know what, but something
>> No. 7710
Nick, do you know what theory of mind is? Do you have one?
>> No. 7711
You're replying selectively. Do you acknowledge now what you're doing is stalking?

Writing sexual fiction about someone who has stated they want NOTHING to do with you is demeaning.

You've spoken condescendingly about her repeatedly, stated she just "doesn't know what love is" and blamed her for your misfortune in life. You've stated her doing what makes her happy is ruining her own life.

All of those things are insulting and demeaning. You can't just state you're right and she's wrong, and she just doesn't understand. You're an idiot, by choice. It's your chosen role. Idiots are idiots because they're wrong, you fucking idiot.
>> No. 7712
How about looking around and trying to find another soul mate? Even if just till you come up with a plan?
>> No. 7713
I didn't post it to her. I showed it to friends and I guess THEY leaked it to her.
>> No. 7714
I don't think anyone in this white trash soap opera should be depicted as a cute anime.
>> No. 7715
That's cute, and you draw well and all but uh, you're not trying to turn this whole thing into a webcomic or something are you?
>> No. 7716
no lollololl, i just sort of wanted to like, draw it sort of to explain it better to noobs? like uhm... in the last thread people were making flowcharts like this and i was like "oh well this makes no sense maybe i should explain it better"
admittedly it turned out bad but w/e
>> No. 7717
Ah. Well. That must have been awkward.
>> No. 7718
If Anna never learned to like you, would you wait forever?
>> No. 7719
Yes, yes he would.
>> No. 7720
Sometimes text works better.

>Fat nerd stalk girl. Maybe molest little girl?

>> No. 7721
/cwc/ loves to look gift horses in the mouth, so don't take it personally. As someone who only browses the Nick threads occasionally, having something to bring me up to speed about what's going on is very helpful, so thanks.
>> No. 7722
true. i'm giving up on it anyway, i'm just posting because i said i would.
>> No. 7723
Yeah, of course. Atheists are probablly gonna give me shit aboot this, but even if one of us dies before we get together, we can still do so in Heaven. You could say we'll... *shades* ...meet at The End of The Tour.
>> No. 7724
lol. no, it's adorable. wow
>> No. 7725

I hope that you're not using your real identity. Normal people don't approve of anything that goes on in here. People love to laugh at what a troll uncovers, but then often don't approve of what a troll does.
>> No. 7726
That's exacly what the Bjork stalker said before shooting himself. Kinda scary, when you think about it.

Does somebody have the link to the Megavideos with the guys diaries? It could help Nick, honestly.
>> No. 7727
It doesn't work like that. Even if we prove there is a Heaven and a Hell, you're obviously on the path to Hell.

Remember the story of Sodom & Gammorah? You do realize what the big sin of Sodom was? You know, Sodomy? ANAL SEX? According to the Bible, your anal obsession is grounds enough not just for you to go to Hell, but for everyone in your city to be burned out of existence and anyone who even looks at you to be turned to a pillar of salt.

On top of the incest stories, the potential child molestation, the pedophilia, and so on.
>> No. 7728
She'd still block you in heaven.
Also, I'm pretty sure pedos don't go to heaven.
>> No. 7729
He'd probably find it inspirational.
>> No. 7730

This, I think.
>> No. 7731
>Remember the story of Sodom & Gammorah? You do realize what the big sin of Sodom was? You know, Sodomy? ANAL SEX? According to the Bible, your anal obsession is grounds enough not just for you to go to Hell, but for everyone in your city to be burned out of existence and anyone who even looks at you to be turned to a pillar of salt.

>Remember the story of Sodom & Gammorah? You do realize what the big sin of Sodom was? You know, Sodomy? ANAL SEX? According to the Bible, your anal obsession is grounds enough not just for you to go to Hell, but for everyone in your city to be burned out of existence and anyone who even looks at you to be turned to a pillar of salt.

>Remember the story of Sodom & Gammorah? You do realize what the big sin of Sodom was? You know, Sodomy? ANAL SEX? According to the Bible, your anal obsession is grounds enough not just for you to go to Hell, but for everyone in your city to be burned out of existence and anyone who even looks at you to be turned to a pillar of salt.

>Remember the story of Sodom & Gammorah? You do realize what the big sin of Sodom was? You know, Sodomy? ANAL SEX? According to the Bible, your anal obsession is grounds enough not just for you to go to Hell, but for everyone in your city to be burned out of existence and anyone who even looks at you to be turned to a pillar of salt.

Nick, have you even given any deeper thought to Christianity? Or were you just raised that way?

The Christian god would despise you.
>> No. 7732
It was never stated exactly what was going on in them cities. Plus, I think God got more lenient later on, because I mean... used to be eating meat on a Friday was a sin, but it's fine now
>> No. 7733
Dude, seriously, go look at the videos of the Bjork stalker. Let me explain.

He never met her but he thought she was beautiful and perfect. He was a fat, lonely loser. Since they had no real relationship he grew to hate who she was. He came up with a plan to send her a letter bomb filled with acid to kill her, as a psychologist explains "by killing her he felt he could recreate her as he wants her to be." He then killed himself with the hopes that he could catch her on the way to Heaven and make her love him.

You're fucking textbook, seriously. You are a stalker. YOU ARE A FUCKING STALKER.
>> No. 7734
No, there's no sadness in Heaven. Most likely God/Jesus would come up to her and be like "dude marry Nick" or something. I'd rather marry her while I'm alive though, so we can have kids. On Earth. To carry on the family.
>> No. 7735
Yeah, god softened up. All those guys burning in eternal damnation just got unlucky.
>> No. 7736
Which is God's word, the bible or what your pastor says?

We know how well Rocky did her job.
>> No. 7737

>> No. 7738

Here's the video where he kills himself, my favorite part is the "BEST OF ME" sign. He seriously needed help.
>> No. 7739
>>It was never stated exactly what was going on in them cities.


That's exactly what the sin was.
>> No. 7740
Yeah obviously HE was a stalker, but I'm not. I'd never do anything to harm Anna. The whole point of being with her is so I can TAKE CARE of her. Killing her would be quite detrimental to that.
>> No. 7741
You mean there's no sadness for you? She doesn't want to marry you.
>> No. 7742
uururujdhffffffffffff the bjork stalker videos always give me the worst kind of chills ):
none of my irl people see anything i use under those names so i'm ok
the only difference is that nick doesn't wanna kill her...
>> No. 7743
No, that won't help anyone. But the hour long ramblind that shows how he becomes more and more deluded until he eventually shoots himself and attempts to kill Bj�rk with a bomb so they can reunite in Heaven. That could show Nick what he'll slowly become if he doesn't let go and find another soul mate.
>> No. 7744
Yeah I highly doubt God was the one who named sodomy. P sure mankind did that because they just ASSUMED buttsecks was happening at Sodom.
>> No. 7745
Nick's right for once. The gay association was added later. The Sodomites wanted to rape Lot's angel guests, but God wanted to destroy the city before that.
>> No. 7746
>>Most likely God/Jesus would come up to her and be like "dude marry Nick" or something.

But then she would be sad. Also, can you even hear how fucking delusional you are? You think the creator of the universe would force this girl you're obsessed with to give up what she wants so you can do something to her he has stated is a sin?

There are so many things wrong with you, god damn it.
>> No. 7747
Not YET, obviously. I'm hoping she changes her mind soon.
>> No. 7748
I don't think the anal sex is the reason we are discussing with Nick here. It's his Love Quest.
>> No. 7749
If there is no sadness in heaven, wouldn't it make her SAD that she has to spend eternity with you?
>> No. 7750
spoiler: she won't
>> No. 7751
She wouldn't be sad. We're soul mates. Marrying me is the only way she can be truly happy.
>> No. 7752
spoiler: she's not
>> No. 7753
You keep telling you wait her to change. What makes you think she'll change? She's only become more and more distant and has grown to hate you, when originally you were just a lonely nerd, a minor nuisance.

She won't change. If you keep on going like this, you'll come up with a plan to change her to love you. Much like the Bj�rk stalker.
>> No. 7754
She doesn't agree. How do you know you're right and she's wrong?
>> No. 7755
The term sodomy doesn't just encompass anal though, it encompasses all deviant sex. Anal is just seen as the most deviant for some reason.
>> No. 7756

What if you met another girl who was as attractive as you find Anna and you both seem to like each other? Would you abandon your love quest then?
>> No. 7757
Audio Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues - (4.00MB - 192 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 07 Kind Hearted Woman Blues.mp3 ) Length: 2:55 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Nick's just a misunderstood modern bluesman.

Who also stalks a girl.
>> No. 7758
Because, if it's meant to be, it'll happen. I don't know why everyone's so pessimistic. Just because she hates me RIGHT NOW doesn't mean that won't change.
>> No. 7759
he would. he did when i pity-dated him, he did with the heather thing, and i'm sure he'd do it for someone else. -.-;
>> No. 7760
If she hates you at all, ever, the only kind of relationship you can have with her is an unhealthy one.

You say it's the only way she can be happy, but you're projecting. It's the only way YOU can be happy.

But it won't happen.
>> No. 7761
How you use the term "soul mates"
Nick: Youre gonna love me! >:D
Anna: Nope. Not in a million years.
Nick: We're soul mates! so HA!
>> No. 7762
...Once more, I had a girlfriend not long ago. After Anna blocked me. She was really awesome and on the surface would appear to be perfect for me because she liked anal and TMBG and Bonus Stage and all my other favourite things, but I love ANNA. Love goes beyond things you have in common or personality traits or whatever. I didn't CHOOSE to love Anna. Love isn't a choice. But I do love her.
>> No. 7763
>> No. 7764

Explain why you think that love isn't a choice?
>> No. 7765
inb4 insulting/demeaning comment based on a delusion of superiority
>> No. 7766

Its not pessimism. It's realism.
>> No. 7767
Not even Bonus Stage exceeds true love..........
>> No. 7768
You're too focused on how things are RIGHT NOW. In the future, when we're married, everything'll be a lot different. I can take care of her and make her happy. I don't really know how to explain the specifics, unfortunately. I assume you're not going to take my word for it either. :(
>> No. 7769
Unrequited love exists. You're not the star of your own wacky sitcom, Nick.
>> No. 7770
>I assume you're not going to take my word for it either. :(

No shit dude. I deeply believe you have brain problems.
>> No. 7771
* The simple obsessional is an individual who has had a previous relationship with the victim and tries to keep him/her, that is, one who refuses to accept that a relationship is over. It is possible that during the course of the relationship that existed, this type of individual had been emotionally abusive to his/her partner. In Geberth research [2], this group of bullies is the largest, at 47%, and poses the greatest threat to the victim.
* The second type shows an obsessive love, with little easier to establish personal relationships, and in some cases may suffer mental illnesses such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. It is the stalker who pursues a famous person and has no contact with the victim beyond the limits of his/her own mind. Is the second largest group, according to Geberth,[2] with 43% of those bullies.
* The third, Erotomania, differs in the sense that he/her believes it is the victim who is in love, and chases the victim.
* The fourth group consists of subjects with so-called false victim syndrome (Hickey [3]), which is characterized by harassing the victim.[4]

The psychological stalker is said to be driven by feelings of inferiority and guilt, which the stalker feels for not having attributes he considers to be ideal.[5] Physical, intellectual, or emotional defects generate a feeling of inferiority, for which the stalker attempts to compensate by developing a superiority complex. This makes the stalker live within the fiction that he possesses values, attributes and qualities that he truly lacks, denying them to others defensively. In defense of his own sense of superiority, he denies that others may possess these positive qualities, but when an individual who really does have these characteristics enters the stalker's environment, it clashes with, and poses a danger to, his inflated sense of self. The reaction to that painful reality often involves denial and attempts to eliminate the source of cognitive dissonance, sometimes through physical aggression. The aim is to remove the victim from the psychological horizon because his or her skills pose to the stalker the risk of psychological destabilization.[5]

According to I�aki Zabala Pi�uel[5] the bullies are "people who have a profound personality change. They are individuals who have no internal moral standard, that does not hesitate to eliminate a competitor. The harasser may also be a narcissistic individual, with a deep inferiority complex, but, to others, always saying how much it is worth. These subjects tend to be surrounded by mediocre people or submissive to confirm this idea they have of themselves. In fact, often low- bright, but very clever at manipulating others, both to get their cooperation anonymous and silent, as to abuse. They are experts in human weakness. They are true psychopaths, lack the capacity to take the place of others. His mind also works in reverse. The tears produced compassion on them will not. Signs of weakness are pivotal in emphasizing his aggressive behavior. These psychopaths trying to humiliate, annul, and destroy its victim. To do this, do not hesitate to attack verbally or physically and invent all sorts of rumors and slander. It manipulates others and support their public lynching. Mobbing causes one in five suicides in Europe."

According to Rodriguez Lopez in his book "Mobbing at work" [6], he defines these people as "bitter, frustrated, envious, jealous or selfish, taking one or several or all of these traits to a greater or lesser degree. They are needed admiration, recognition and prominence, and they want to appear, or appear to rise even when you simply want to hurt another person or void."
>> No. 7772
If love isn't a choice, then why have I deliberately chosen to spurn it, recognizing that it's not for me? Are you suggesting I'm screwing over my soulmate? That I can't ever be truly happy? I am. What about all those surplus women flying around, since there aren't enough male soulmates for them? Must they all turn lesbian? (Yes I know lots of people are already gay which makes numbers fuzzier shut up)
>> No. 7773
The Stalker;

* possesses a grand idea of his or her own importance.
* has unlimited fantasies of success and power.
* would like to think that they are considered special and unique.
* has an excessive need to be admired.
* may be greatly enamored with the stalking victim or their attributes.
* "Explodes" in their relationships.
* lacks in Emotional maturity and empathy, does not feel guilty easily.
* has an arrogant attitude and behavior.
* is self-conscious about the stalking victim.
>> No. 7774
You should join the Love Shy forum: http://www.love-shy.com/lsbb/index.php
>> No. 7775
The only way to engage nick is in his own fantasy land logic, which can brush off. There's no hope.
>> No. 7776
it just means you haven't found your soul mate. when you do your opinion will change
>> No. 7777
According to Maria Jos� Edreira, in "Phenomenology of mobbing",[8] most experts in personality speak psychopathic or antisocial personality (Adams and Crawford [9]), narcissistic personality (Hirigoyen, Wyatt and Hare [10] ) active irrelevant mediocrity (Gonz�lez de Rivera [10]), organizational psychopath (Pi�uel and I�aki Zabala). There is talk of paranoid traits in fact a perverse narcissist is very close to paranoid, are closely related and get along well, but is only part of their personality characteristics. His psychological profile has the following characteristics:

* Lack of empathy: they are unable to take the place of another, focus on themselves but seek support from others. Insensitive, unable to be depressed and to experience true feelings of grief or sadness. In their interpersonal relationships are the other as a threat, we need humility to enrich and learn from others. Live in fear of the capabilities of the people around them.
* Irresponsible and lacking in guilt: they have difficulty making decisions in their daily lives and require others to assume that responsibility. They defend themselves by mechanisms of projection and denial, we allocated the blame on the other. Is aware that it has feelings and pretends to disguise before others. It has no sense of guilt but is a master of manipulating this feeling in others.
* Lie compulsively and systematically: at its most competitive. Often lead double lives and remade his private life easily because they pose as victims. Pretend the appropriation of the features that crossing the trust of others both in his private life, as in professional and social. They are impostors who pretend to give the impression of a good person. To see clearly that they lie, but his lies are so big and so blatant in public that the victims are often left awestruck, paralyzed and unable to respond.
* Messianic Megalomania and discourse: are placed in the reference position of right and wrong, have moralizing discourse, exhibit irreproachable moral values are presented as religious people or civic. Thus get a good image of themselves, while denouncing human perversion. They usually have rhetorical skill but his speech is very abstract, can not be concrete and when I try to go to the end of the insignificant details.
* House staff, enter into relationships with others to seduce. They are often described as charming, hence the reaction of awe of their surroundings when they are discovered in the crime. This ability is closely related seductive form of lying, often use the stories of others in which they place themselves as actors shamelessly.
* Vampirism and parasitic lifestyle, feels an intense jealousy toward those who seem to have things they do not have, especially to those who enjoy life. They are very pessimistic and vitality of the other points you their own shortcomings. To assert is to destroy. Compensates for its lack of self-esteem with the lowering of its victims and the exaltation of its supposed qualities. In private life partners are often very optimistic and marry people they can live. Always try to find a high social status but not succeed. When they talk often refer to people of high social rank who have sex with, usually these people only exist in your imagination. At work I get others to do the job. They are unable to perform tasks that others would do without any difficulty.
* Paranoia: the perverse narcissist takes power through seduction, paranoid force. The perverse narcissistic resort to physical force only when the lure stops being effective. The phase of physical violence, bullying process is itself an imbalance paranoid. When the wicked attack designed to protect, attack before being attacked. It also has the type of mechanism of paranoid projective own: it is located and is perceived by others as a victim of the people who assaulted, allegedly betrayed him.
* Handling premeditated: it randomly manipulated as would a criminal psychopath. The organizational psychopath has a thoughtful and deliberate goal: power. The tactics of the psychopath is usually always follow the same pattern of study and evaluation phase, phase and phase manipulation of confrontation.
>> No. 7778
I have a fiancee I connect with in ways too intimate to explain here, but I think you're a fucking lunatic. You're a textbook stalker, everyone is explaining why, just look above.
>> No. 7779
How can you say that? Outside of theoreticals like "what may happen in the future" and "who we're destined to be with", there exist practical problems, such as, "how to change the situation".

You don't really have an answer. You're a lot like the Underpants Gnomes from South Park.

Step 1: Approach Anna in some fashion
Step 2: ???
Step 3: She's in love with you forever and everything is perfect forever and you have no future personal struggles.
>> No. 7780
tl;dr so I kinda just skimmed it but that doesn't apply to me. I get depressed all the time for one thing
>> No. 7781
Okay, so how did people find soulmates before the internet? What does one person do when their soulmate dies and they're left alone on Earth? When are two people chosen as soulmates? At birth? What if one soulmate dies at birth? What if one soul goes to heaven, and the other to hell?

Beyond all that, you realize that there is no concept of a soulmate mentioned anywhere within the Bible, so -as further demonstrated with your denial of the Sodom & Gamorrah story- you're basically just making up your own religion which you've cobbled together from whichever bits you like and fit your own beliefs?
>> No. 7782
Well, I don't know HOW it'll happen, I just know it will. So basically, yeah. But there's nothing wrong with that, IMO.
>> No. 7783
I disagree wholeheartedly and time will tell that I'm right (lol I sound like you), but please answer the other part of my post and we're square.
>> No. 7784
Someone in this thread reported you.
>> No. 7785
If they don't use the Internet, then they meet irl. Most people who DO use the Internet do too.

...I'm not making up a religion. The Bible actually does discuss love a lot
>> No. 7786
If you're so sure it'll work out with Anna, why did you date other girls?

I read at some point you had a similar obsession with a girl named Tara, what ended that?
>> No. 7787
The Bible never mentions a soulmate concept. Not once.

And you only answered like half of those questions.
>> No. 7788
I wish Christians knew half as much about the bible as they know about webcomics and South Park.
>> No. 7789
IIRC she asked me out. I kinda figured it wouldn't end well because I love Anna, but she said she didn't mind. I suspect she actually DID mind though.

Yeah Tara came before Anna, in my younger days before I really understood love. Really she was just a crush. It ended because she wanted to date someone else so she dumped me. Lol, Internet relationships~
>> No. 7790
I don't really understand the other questions
>> No. 7791
>Lol, Internet relationships~

Ridiculous, right? lol! Good thing you're wiser now.
>> No. 7792
I can't tell if this is sarcastic or not. Mind you, I intend for Anna to be an IRL relationship, not just Internet. I mean, we have to live together and have kids and such.
>> No. 7793
Not sarcastic at allllllllll.
>> No. 7794
Jeez... Try to look at it in Anna's point of view:
there is a weird fat, pedophiliac, corophiliac obsessed man trying to woo her on the internet.
She is DISGUSTED at everything this man does, and so tired of him stalking her, that she wants to kill him.
...do you honestly think this man has a chance with her?
>> No. 7795
Mine is simple. There are an uneven amount of men and women in the world. If you assume that the gay-straight ratio is roughly equal in males and females, and that each gay person also has a gay soulmate, and every straight man has a female soulmate, what about the women who are left over after all that? Must they turn lesbian?
>> No. 7796
I do look at it from her point of view. I'd be flattered if someone said/did that kinda stuff for me
>> No. 7797
You might as well be trying to convince a homeless crazy guy that he's not Thor. This is Nick's personal reality, it's what lets him sleep at night. Just hope he never tries anything sexually aggressive.
>> No. 7798
I would assume either that or the leftovers die before they meet their soul mate
>> No. 7799
You might be a leftover.
>> No. 7800
Look at it from her point of view with her views. She thinks you're disgusting and you're doing nothing to change her mind.
>> No. 7801
No you're not! She is not you! She doesn't and will never find any of the gross things you do NORMAL!
>> No. 7802
>> No. 7803
I'm not disgusting, though. That's what I'm trying to tell her!
>> No. 7804
No, I'm not a leftover.
>> No. 7805

>I used a paper towel, water and some sorta dish soap or something to clean the walls off. Which didn't really work. It got the most of it but there's still smudges and stuff.

Here you are talking about (ABOUT, YOU FUCKING DICK) cleaning shit and cum off your walls that you smeared on there. This is jsut one of the many examples of how you are disgusting.
>> No. 7806
guys, thom, kate, me, everybody that has come in contact with nick has explained this to him. everyone. from any possible viewpoint in every possible way. it's like explaining things to chris-chan; fighting a wall.
>> No. 7807
File 130580571066.jpg - (34.16KB , 640x480 , lol.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I'm not disgusting, though.
>> No. 7808
But you are! To HER! It doesn't matter what you think!
>> No. 7809
Yes you are, my deluded friend, you are life's afterbirth.
>> No. 7810
Well, I want her to not think I'm disgusting anymore. I'm really not.
>> No. 7811
Dude...you post the most disgusting shit on your twitter...you have not changed at all.
You just want her cause she has been closest friend you have ever had. (which is not very close I may add.)
>> No. 7812
>> No. 7813
Writing fiction about having anal sex with someone who has blocked you is disgusting.

Telling your friends stories about molesting your 9 year old syster is disgusting.

"pseudo-showering" is disgusting.

Smearing shit and cum on your walls is DISGUSTING.

Trying to get high off of the fumes from your own shit and urine is disgusting.

Obsessing over some bullshit fantasy of being together forever with someone from the internet who has never met you and has specifically told you they never want to is disgusting.

Everything about you is disgusting. Everything you say that you think is funny, to everyone around you, it's fucking repulsive.
>> No. 7814
You guys are arguing with a brick wall.
>> No. 7815
There's nothin' wrong with that stuff, just because the majority of people don't do it.
>> No. 7816
>> No. 7817
>>There's nothin' wrong with that stuff, just because the majority of people don't do it.


That's the fucking point, just because it's not disgusting to YOU doesn't make it socially acceptable, or normal to EVERYONE ELSE ON THE FUCKING PLANET.
>> No. 7818
Nick, are you worried that somebody in this thread reported you for being a pedophile?
>> No. 7819

>There's nothin' wrong with that stuff, just because the majority of people don't do it.

What? Smearing shit and cum on your walls isn't disgusting? Are you fucking retarded? If the vast majority of people (read - EVERYONE APART FROM YOU) say it is disgusting, then it is disgusting, by definition, on account of IT DISGUSTS PEOPLE. Stop making up your own special rules and then getting frustrated when everyone else doesn't follow them, this isn't how life works, Nick.
>> No. 7820
You see, officer, just because THE MAJORITY of people don't post about molesting their sister, ...
>> No. 7821
Not really. They won't find any evidence because there was no actual crime.
>> No. 7823
If they read what you've posted online, and ask your sister about it, what do you think will happen? You didn't answer this earlier, will she say it didn't happen? Will she tell them you never talk to her about fellatio or analingus?
>> No. 7824
Fuck...this isn't working guys.
Did any of you really report him to the feds?
Cause id like to see him get in an argument with his cell mate about why theres cum/shit on the wall.
>> No. 7825
sane people don't want to be associated with an investigation like that. but ok
>> No. 7826
If this thread has proved anything so far it's that you're unable to listen or change your mind about anything that you've set your mind on. However I still hope that you read this.

I can completely sympathize with your Anna situation Nick, I've felt exactly the way you have before. About a year or so ago I fell in love with a long time friend of mine and she seemed to reciprocate that same love I had for her to at least a certain extent. Just like you and Anna we would constantly argue then make up and I always felt extremely lucky that someone like her could love someone like me.

But anyway, eventually my negative attitude towards her at times put her off to the extent where she wanted to break off all contact with me, just like your constant attitude towards Anna made her do the same. I refused to accept this however, believing our relationship was still the same and started attempting to win back her love exactly like what you've been doing with Anna. All this did however, was put her off me more and more until she was terrified of me and genuinely scared off me, just like what your actions have done to Anna.

The point is that I may have FELT like we were soulmates who were supposed to be together but she DIDN'T and all attempts to convince her of otherwise simply made things worse. This is exactly like what's happening between you and Anna.

Anyway, after about a month of creepiness I realised the error of my ways and I left her alone, despite the fact I was extremely attracted to who she was I was able to accept that if our love wasn't mutual then there was no point chasing her love.

A few months ago, after about eight months with minimal contact she started messaging me again and we're now firm friends. This girl seen that I had learned from my mistakes and was willing to change into a better person and was able to forgive my creepiness but it took a lot of time were I didn't act like I still cared about her in the slightest.

This is what we're trying to make you see on here Nick. Loving someone isn't wrong (well at worst it could be technically wrong because you're confusing it for other feelings) but the way you try to bring back her love is. If you truly love her you'll leave her alone and stop even talking about her. If she ends up forgiving you (I don't think it's likely but I didn't expect to be forgiven myself) then that's great but if she doesn't you're still doing the right thing.
>> No. 7827

Doesn't matter, actual evidence will only be brought up after you are arrested. Even if you don't get found guilty, wait until news of you getting arrested for this shit makes it's way around your neighborhood, you'll regret all the time you spent trying to make yourself out as a weirdo nick. Enjoy your lynching.
>> No. 7828
There is something wrong with that stuff.

>Writing fiction about having anal sex with someone who has blocked you is disgusting.
This is bad because it's upsetting and privacy invading.

>Telling your friends stories about molesting your 9 year old syster is disgusting.
This is bad because child molestation is incredibly traumatic to the victim and not something to joke about, especially if you joke about molesting a real child.

>"pseudo-showering" is disgusting.
This is bad because it's unhygienic and may cause you or others to get sick.

>Smearing shit and cum on your walls is DISGUSTING.
See above. It's unpleasant to have to clean off as well.

>Trying to get high off of the fumes from your own shit and urine is disgusting.
This is disgusting from social convention.

>Obsessing over some bullshit fantasy of being together forever with someone from the internet who has never met you and has specifically told you they never want to is disgusting.
This is bad because it's invasive and makes them feel uncomfortable.
>> No. 7829

What will Amber say?
>> No. 7830
Wow, I seriously believed that Chris was as stubborn and deluded as a person could get. This is next level shit right here.
>> No. 7831
I must have missed something, but what does "pseudo-showering" mean?
>> No. 7832
Maybe it's like a whore's bath?
>> No. 7833
Oops. I meant trying to get high off of shit fumes is unhygienic as well.
>> No. 7834
Answer the man's question.
>> No. 7835
oh gee good thing you clarified *puts feces away*
>> No. 7836

I'm guessing he just stands under the shower for a moment to get wet and doesn't actually clean himself.
>> No. 7837
Sorry if it's taking me even LONGER to respond now. I'm dealing with a thing in some chat room.
>> No. 7838
It's Nick. He probably doesn't know.
>> No. 7839
letting water run over him for 10 minutes and then getting out. no actual soap or anything. -.-
>> No. 7840
In his tweets he says he's afraid of showering, and at most does it twice a year. Joyce refused to take him out unless he showered though, so he said he was going to fake taking a shower. He described this as a "pseudo-shower" and finally stated that he smelled like some perfume.

The impression I got was that he sprayed perfume on instead of taking a shower, to mask his horrible smell.
>> No. 7841
So what you're telling me is that he hasn't had a proper shower in years possibly?
>> No. 7842
from twitter
>> No. 7843
Thanks nick, I have a new MSN handle. Pseudo-shower
>> No. 7844
No, I use soap and shampoo and stuff. The thing that makes it PSEUDO is that I don't actually get IN the tub. I keep my pants on and crouch down, leaned OVER the tub so that when I wash my hair the water and shampoo drain into it.
>> No. 7845
I wonder what posts he questions the honesty of.
>> No. 7846
We call that a whore bath, son.
>> No. 7847
You know whats funny, guys?
He'll probably keep arguing with us cause he thinks he's in the right.
Unlike someone I know who will quit at the tiniest hint of stress.
>> No. 7848
...So what you're saying is, all you do is wash your hair, but you don't clean all the other smelly parts of your body such as your armpits, crotch, ass or feet?

You filthy, filthy fuck.
>> No. 7849

God dammit man, don't you ever clean your crotch or your ass?
>> No. 7850
Some dude's trying to tell me he had a one-night-stand with Anna, but it's clear he's lying. I know Anna and she'd never do a one-night-stand. Plus he said they did anal, and Anna doesn't even like anal (yet). So yeah. It's frustrating. I wouldn't be surprised if the "Anna" in the old thread wasn't even the real Anna. I'm sure hoping it wasn't!
>> No. 7851
You're ignoring a bunch of stuff you clearly don't want to deal with now.

The majority finds all of those things you do disgusting, so by definition they are disgusting. Your personal definition doesn't matter, what YOU would like doesn't matter because what you like IS FUCKING DISGUSTING.

>> No. 7852
File 130580749778.jpg - (14.66KB , 154x115 , 130152124771.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
so you haven't washed your ass properly in years and you let your sister lick your ass.
>> No. 7853

Okay, well now you're back how about you readdress the issues of you being fucking disgusting? We've pointed out exactly why the things we've brought up about you are disgusting, I either want a good argument for why we are wrong, or you admitting to this shit for once, not just ignoring it and moving on to something else like you always do.
>> No. 7854
She has had sex. Just so you know
>> No. 7855
File 130580754829.jpg - (13.92KB , 300x150 , cutoffs.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I keep my pants on

There are dozens of us
>> No. 7856
It was her. She mentioned it on Facebook.
>> No. 7857
I use a washrag with soap on my body, yes. I'm just afraid of actually getting IN the tub for some reason. My pseudo-showers aren't quite AS bad, but I'd still rather just get hosed off in the yard or something.
>> No. 7858

As soon as things got slightly insulting towards her in the other thread she threw a bitch fit and left, that shit wasn't faked, it was her.
>> No. 7859
I almost wish Tubular didn't get banned, so he could see that he was completely wrong, and that Amber is the only part of this freakshow Nick is denying, and is confirming everything else to a more horrible extent than any of us imagined.

Plus he won't give a straight answer about Amber.
>> No. 7860
/cwc/ - I'm just afraid of actually getting IN the tub for some reason. My pseudo-showers aren't quite AS bad
>> No. 7861
>> No. 7862
I did give a straight answer. I made the Amber thing up.
>> No. 7863
But she didn't lie. She's attracted to other men that she doesn't necessarily want to marry. She has a boyfriend and they have sex.
>> No. 7864
You haven't given a straight answer to this:
>> No. 7865
Theres no point in denying it now.
we already reported your ass.
What would your mom and Steve do if they found out about that shit?
>> No. 7866
So you love Anna, but instead of trusting her you just think she lies about everything. I see.
She's 18, she's definitely had sex. I bet his beard hairs felt nice on her cunt.
>> No. 7867
Are you saying she lied about having sex to piss you off?
>> No. 7868

Nick, why would she be holding on to her virginity for you when as far as she's concerned she fucking hates your guts and has no intention of ever being with you, and in fact is seeing other people despite your insistence that she should be with you?
>> No. 7869

Even if she doesn't say that you molested her, she will tell them that you showed her porn.
>> No. 7870
Yeah, he's saying that.

But she told us, when he had no internet.
>> No. 7871
Missed those. Yeah, Amber won't have anything to tell because NOTHING HAPPENED.
>> No. 7872
Hey Nick, did you get banned from Something Awful a few months back?
>> No. 7873
File 130580807135.jpg - (49.74KB , 400x237 , taco-hamburger-meatloaf-special.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nick, if you look at this picture and feel grossed out, I'm sorry to tell you, but you're a homosexual.
>> No. 7874

see >>60641
>> No. 7875
So you're saying you have never discussed those topics with her?
>> No. 7876
I've never been there, so no.
>> No. 7877
I talked about Anna but I don't think I said anything SEXUAL...
>> No. 7878
What would her motivation be to lie when at the time you had no internet access?
>> No. 7879
too many lies, too many lies
>> No. 7880
Well, Maddi read me her post. Maybe Anna anticipated this, or even told her to do it.
>> No. 7881

Nick, you're in denial. If you're really that in love with her, accept that she fucked a dude. If you can't, move on.
>> No. 7882
But I didn't show her porn either.
>> No. 7883

Okay, now answer this you selective cunt
>> No. 7884
Why would she do that? That would just make you more inclined to think about her. I assure you, she wants you to forget about her, as unlikely as that seems.
>> No. 7885
I only asked because someone got called out in the webcomics thread for being a stalker and then kicked up a fuss about in fact SHE was stalking HIM. You can see the parallels right, but I guess it was just goons being goons.
>> No. 7886
Well no, she's not saving it specifically for ME, she just... isn't the kind to rush into sex
>> No. 7887
SA is basically a hive of liberal hipster versions of Nick
>> No. 7888
>> No. 7889
SA is the absolute worst website I've ever been aware of. Why would you spend enough time there to remember such an incident?
>> No. 7890
If she wants to forget me and vice versa, why does she and her friends keep reading my tweets and posting in Nick threads
>> No. 7891
She didn't "rush" into sex. She had it because she wanted it. She's not the pure ideal you have of her.
>> No. 7892

>but I don't think I said

Why aren't you certain you didn't? If all this weirdo shit is just an act you put on then surely it shouldn't be that easy to get lost in your own fucking lies.
>> No. 7893
File 13058085505.png - (88.63KB , 256x256 , 1282504771359.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 7894
maybe they're tired of dealing with you, so they passed the torch to us.
>> No. 7895
No, no, I'm not getting lost in lies, I just don't remember everything. I generally only remember online conversations, not irl ones. But I don't see why I WOULD'VE said anything sexual. That would be bad. So probably no.
>> No. 7896

I had no idea that it got so bad. A few years ago, it didn't seem bad because I found a copy of The Hornio Brothers on there.
>> No. 7897

>her friends

Her friends aren't her, and aren't an indication of whether she wants anything to fucking do with you Nick. As for her posting in these threads, she's only been doing that since people have been talking about her and wanted to set people straight. about HER, not YOU, get it?
>> No. 7898
Nick, she's an emotionally immature nerd. She gets a kick out of the attention of having a freak like you on her tail, but what you're doing is still wrong.
>> No. 7899
File 130580877251.jpg - (346.85KB , 550x743 , NickBateTheMovie.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 7900
Ahhh, gotcha. Okay, I'll give you that. But still, her friends report stuff I say to her. She could tell them not to if she didn't want it.
>> No. 7901

>So probably no.

Once again you're unsure. If you're not the pedophilic pervert you've made yourself out to be then you would be certain that you wouldn't have discussed pornography with her, whether you specifically remember it or not, because you'd know that it isn't the sort of thing you would do as a person. That you are unsure means you still think that you could've actually done it.
>> No. 7902
She doesn't read your tweets. The others follow you for the same reason we follow Chris-chan. Do you think we love him and want to have children with him? No, he's pathetic, and it's fascinating looking into the mind of a twisted, stupid, retard. In other words, you.

All of these people you talk to, who humor you have contributed here, have given us so much information about you.

It's hilarious that you come on here swearing to refute all of it and it turns out it's all true, you just don't think any of it is weird, wrong, or disgusting.

Which is irrelevant you psycho.
>> No. 7903
What are some of your top sexual fantasies Nick?
>> No. 7904
Finally a question we'll get answered properly
>> No. 7905
File 130580902070.jpg - (19.82KB , 321x250 , gonnagetyou.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
we gonna get you in jail, Nick

we gonna get you real good
>> No. 7906
Dude, you told your parents that you wanted porn that didn't contain vaginas. For CHRISTMAS.

It's obvious you have no social skills, no internal filter, no moral compass, and are quite likely a sociopath who can't see beyond "IF I LIKE IT IT'S RIGHT AND GOOD, IF I DON'T LIKE IT IT'S WRONG AND BAD."
>> No. 7907
If you're not a stalker then why have you told people that you planned on travelling cross country to her fucking house uninvited and holding her fucking door open so she can't keep you out of her house? And then rationalising these actions as her "bringing it on herself"? Does this not come across like the actions of a fucking massive stalker to you?
>> No. 7908
Hey Nick! How does it feel that all your friends keep you around just to hear all your disgusting shit you say so they can post it elsewhere for people to laugh at?
>> No. 7909
Do you mean sex acts or storyline? For sex acts: fellatio, anilingus, ass-to-mouth, anal. For storylines? Hm. Well shit, there's TONS of 'em. I try to be realistic with them when I can, so it's usually, like, me and one of my friends decide to be friends with benefits, or I'm married to Anna and the kids are out of the house (not sure exactly where, maybe her parents'?), or I'm on an island full of nekkid feral chicks, or I have a robot maid who I command to do sexual things to me... the list goes on
>> No. 7910
They're concerned for her safety, maybe?
>> No. 7911

Just share some of your story lines, I'm just curious.
>> No. 7912
Good lord, you really are a stupid fucking sociopath.
>> No. 7913
/cwc/ = I'm on an island full of nekkid feral chicks, or I have a robot maid who I command to do sexual things to me
>> No. 7914
>I try to be realistic with them when I can, so it's usually, like, me and one of my friends decide to be friends with benefits, or I'm married to Anna and the kids are out of the house (not sure exactly where, maybe her parents'?)
No goddamnit that is not...
>I try to be realistic with them when I can, so it's usually, like, me and one of my friends decide to be friends with benefits, or I'm married to Anna and the kids are out of the house (not sure exactly where, maybe her parents'?)
...oh. Christ, it's weird seeing you make jokes that aren't about asses.
>> No. 7915

What is the appeal of feral chicks?
>> No. 7916

This right here. If you see a dog that looks like it might bite you don't turn your back on it, you keep an eye on it and get ready to run.
>> No. 7917
Feral isn't really the right word. I dunno how to explain it... like... they don't have a language or government or anything... They're kinda just... running around nekkid, killing animals and forraging for food... unaware of any knowledge... Idk
>> No. 7918
they're more likely to fuck a guy who takes "pseudo-showers"
>> No. 7919
...I wasn't joking. ;_;
>> No. 7920

What is ideal sexual scenario, or what do you fap to the most? If it's a porn, then post it here.
>> No. 7921
You just shut the fuck up, you have the most agressive case of aspergers the internet has ever seen and your presence on this board is wearing thin. You're a retard if you can't see the truth in all this unsurmountable evidence, no one would put in years of preparation just to troll a bunch of retards on 789. Seriously fuck off Tubular
>> No. 7922

Nobody really cares about your fetishes Nick, we're still just taking the piss out you. Get your hand off your dick and answer some real questions.
>> No. 7923
What if Anna gets pregnant with another mans child? How would this affect your love for her?
>> No. 7924
Well basically the premise is that I'm a new thing to them because they're all female and they make me their king and we have sex
>> No. 7925
Fantasy 1: Reinforcing his delusion that a girl who hates him and wants nothing to do with him will marry him and have kids.

Fantasy 2: Hypocritically fantasizing about having no-strings sex with other women.

Fantasy 3: Being the only option of a group of horny, unintelligent women who don't smell and can't get away from him.

Fantasy 4: Having access to an unemotional slave who has no choice but to sexually satisfy him.

You are a sociopath.
>> No. 7926
I'd still love her, of course. It's just that it would ruin our existences forever.
>> No. 7927
If you're not a stalker then why have you told people that you planned on travelling cross country to her fucking house uninvited and holding her fucking door open so she can't keep you out? And then rationalising these actions as her "bringing it on herself"? Does this not come across like the actions of a fucking massive stalker to you?
>> No. 7928
It's not hypocritical because I'm not REALLY gonna do it. It's Just A Fantasy; that's the POINT.
>> No. 7929
Don't worry, he was tarding up a bunch of threads, and he got banned a little later (after someone made a thread requesting his ban.) We've hopefully seen the last of him.
>> No. 7930
I think he got banned, bro.
stay on topic plz
>> No. 7931
>You just shut the fuck up, you have the most agressive case of aspergers the internet has ever seen and your presence on this board is wearing thin. You're a retard if you can't see the truth in all this unsurmountable evidence, no one would put in years of preparation just to troll a bunch of retards on 789. Seriously fuck off Tubular

Hahaha, I wish he could see that.
>> No. 7932
ITT: A retard defends himself by ignoring questions
>> No. 7933
>> No. 7934
Dude, she blocked me from several forms of contact. How am I SUPPOSED to talk to her?

Also yeah I'm not actually going to her house until she says I can
>> No. 7935
Me! :) You're welcome
>> No. 7936
Haha, thread well summed up.
>> No. 7937

The fact that she's cut you off is irrelevant to the question, you were talking about going to her house and forcing your way in uninvited, these are the actions of a stalker, are they not? Just answer the question, stop trying to rationalise shit in order to deflect it.
>> No. 7938
Me again. This is a question I'd love you to answer Chris. Why can't you do what I've suggested? Why can't you firstly honestly and maturely apologise to Anna for all the stress and aggravation you've caused her then tell her you're going to never obsess over her again then actually do so?

At the worst you'll still be as far away from being with her as you are now and at best she might actually (after seeing you've changed for a long time) be able to forgive you and maybe be friends with you.

You claim you guys are soulmates. That means you're destined to be with each other. By that logic if it's supposed to happen it will happen. So why can't you at least try what I've suggested? I'm extremely curious, I'd love you to answer that question
>> No. 7939
I told you I'm missing them because they're being posted faster than I can respond and I have other shit going on too. What questions did I miss?
>> No. 7940
The point Nick, is those are the things you fantasize about.

You don't fantasize about being on equal terms with a woman, you don't fantasize about committing to a woman who WANTS you, you fantasize about controlling women. That's the bottom line in every fantasy. You fantasize about women who are stupid and can't get away from you, and women who have to obey your every command.

You don't want a girlfriend, you want a custom realdoll with a second anus instead of a vagina.
>> No. 7941
I did try apologizing to her several times. She doesn't accept and instead posts it to her friends on LJ, and then they all mock me.

And yeah bro, like I've said, I haven't done anything in a loooong time. I'm just playing the waiting game, letting things happen. Except for now, obviously, but I mean... I didn't start this, so.
>> No. 7942
File 130581017089.jpg - (30.12KB , 427x640 , ChrisHansenUSE011411.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey, Nick, how funny would it be to have a registered sex offender status? That'd be so hilarious, right? Coming soon to a Nick Stoutzenberger near you!
>> No. 7943
What? No I don't. In the Anna fantasies we're married and clearly an equal relationship. Yeah, the OTHERS are sort of a power thing, but for God's sake, they're FANTASIES. They're not real and in no way reflect how I feel about women. I'm not sexist in the least.
>> No. 7944
how many times must i explain i made it up holy fuck
>> No. 7945
Are people even reading through all my posts? Seems like everyone's making me repeat the same thing a lot.
>> No. 7946

How do you feel about women?
>> No. 7947

The fact that she's cut you off is irrelevant to the question, you were talking about going to her house and forcing your way in uninvited, these are the actions of a stalker, are they not? Just answer the question, stop trying to rationalise shit in order to deflect it.
>> No. 7948
>> No. 7949
Uhhh... the same way I feel about men? o_O
>> No. 7950

>> No. 7951
Dude, I said I'm not gonna actually do it.
>> No. 7952
You're awfully defensive about it.
>> No. 7953
So let's recap...

You do a bunch of things and tell a girl, she finds you creepy and tells you to back off. You obsess over her which creeps her out more so she tells her friends.

Her friends make fun of you and also all say you're creepy. Every single person you meet says you're a creepy weirdo. You've previously stated you TRY to sound like a disgusting weirdo (despite later claiming none of it is actually weird or disgusting, backpeddle much?)

These people get together and laugh about how fucking sick you are. They post about you on another forum, where hundreds more people all laugh about how disgusting and warped you are.

Meanwhile, you've openly stated your entire goal is to be an idiot, and you didn't want to finish school, and didn't want to retain knowledge, and you think all the other smart people who actually want to succeed and be functional members of society are wrong?

Also, you've stated now that talking to Amber about sexual things would be "bad". Why is that exactly? You've previously stated you're into pedophilia, and you don't think there's anything wrong with it, and that children should be taught about sex (read: grooming) so by the moral code you've previously said, the molestation stories are perfectly in line with everything you've said about your beliefs, and now saying they're bad is inconsistent.
>> No. 7954
Nick, what do you think you can offer women as a househusband?
>> No. 7955

>> No. 7956
You know what all the predators on the show say after they've been caught?

"I wasn't going to actually do it."

"I was going to tell her it's a bad idea."

"It was just playing around. It was just a joke."

We all know you didn't make it up. The only question now is how many of your former and current friends and relatives will be any more disgusted with you once you're not allowed to live x feet within a school. Or kids.
>> No. 7957
Because you aren't answering the questions properly. You're just trying to rationalize your bullshit.
>> No. 7958

Yes, now you are saying you aren't going to do it, but at the time you said you would do it, and that it wasn't the actions of a stalker. Even if you think differently about it now, do you not see how you thinking this shit at the time is how a stalker would approach the situation?
>> No. 7959
I remember he named four things at one point. I only remember two.

Wisdom - Which he doesn't have.
Analingus - Which most women, and specifically the woman he's obsessed with don't want.

When told she's not into it he replied "She might be in the future" which is kind of like buying someone with arachnophobia a pet tarantula on the basis that they "might stop being afraid of them in the future".
>> No. 7960
They're NOT weird/disgusting, but for some reason OTHER people think they are. Thus, I say I do them.

Having low intelligence doesn't make someone wrong.

It would be bad because it's illegal. But yes, it should be LEGALIZED. Teaching kids about sex early isn't fucking grooming. It's more precautionary, if anything, because then if someone tries to molest them, they'll actually UNDERSTAND what's going on and not fall for it.
>> No. 7961
>thread made today
>521 posts and 20 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

now what the fuck
>> No. 7962
He named them here http://legendofanna.blogspot.com/2010/06/sms-titanic.html
>> No. 7963
How does it feel knowing a huge population of people hate you and think you're a disgusting fuck with a three inch kiddy diddler?
>> No. 7964
You're not SUPPOSED to marry for benefits. You marry for love. Regardless, I can take care of her emotionally. She has a lot of self-esteem problems and such that I can help her with, among other things.

The anilingus was a joke. Although yeah I hope she agrees to it
>> No. 7965
>fall for it
What? You realize that most cases of molestation aren't cases where a child has to 'fall' for any sort of thing, right? That stranger danger bullshit they taught you in elementary school happens, but usually children are molested by someone close and are threatened by their molester. They don't 'fall' for anything.
>> No. 7966
>They're NOT weird/disgusting, but for some reason OTHER people think they are.

Change "other" to "most"

>Teaching kids about sex early isn't fucking grooming.

They way YOU would teach a child is by telling telling them all the positions and how good it feels, making them think they want it...THATS GROOMING!
>> No. 7967
>>They're NOT weird/disgusting, but for some reason OTHER people think they are. Thus, I say I do them.

What is or isn't disgusting is determined by popular belief. You think vagina is disgusting for example. The vast majority of people do not. Simply because you believe it is doesn't make it so, because you like so much disgusting shit that the vast majority find repulsive. You're simply wired wrong.

>>Having low intelligence doesn't make someone wrong.

It does however increase the likelyhood. If two people are arguing about the position of a star, and one is literally retarded and the other is an astronomer, it's far more likely the astronomer will be correct.

>>It would be bad because it's illegal. But yes, it should be LEGALIZED.

Holy shit you're fucking retarded. WHY DO YOU THINK IT'S ILLEGAL YOU FUCKING MORON?

>>Teaching kids about sex early isn't fucking grooming. It's more precautionary, if anything, because then if someone tries to molest them, they'll actually UNDERSTAND what's going on and not fall for it.


Read it. That's EXACTLY what grooming is. Make the child familiar with it, make them believe your demands are normal, even expected of them.
>> No. 7968
Annoying, but it's not really a big deal. Someday when everything I predicted comes true I'll be able to say "I told you so" to literally hundreds of people at once, which I imagine will feel great
>> No. 7969
Okay, let's pretend God's real for a second here. If he descended down from heaven, and smacked you upside your stupid fucking head and said something along the lines of "SHE'S NOT INTO YOU, GET OVER IT SODOMITE!" Would that be enough to convince you of how fucking wrong you were you worthless shitstain?
>> No. 7970
But you won't. Because you're delusional.
>> No. 7971
You'll have to tell it from behind bars, then. Might be hard for anyone who cares to hear you
>> No. 7972
What makes you so sure that you're right? Isn't she just as sure that you'll never get together?
>> No. 7973
Just because I'm the Minority doesn't mean I'm wrong. We have different opinions, that's all. A bit off-topic, why does everyone keep using the exact phrase "wired wrong"? Are you the same person or is this a common saying? I've never heard it before and now suddenly it's everywhere.

Yeah, but in your example OF COURSE the astronomer is right because it's his specialty to know astronomy. In this case, you guys probably aren't... like... love experts or something.

It shouldn't be illegal.

You missed the rest of my post. It's not to get them to DO it, it's to make them AWARE of it so they don't fall for it. You see, pedophiles generally don't explain what they're doing, so the child doesn't know it's bad. If you educate them, they will know what's going on and will know to get the fuck away from pedophiles. Unless of course they're okay with it, in which case they should be allowed to do whatever they want.
>> No. 7974
If there's a god, then obviously making Nick so hideous with fucked up teeth and a tiny penis, as well as disgusting and completely socially retarded, and actually afraid of vaginas was all to assure his flawed, worthless genes couldn't be passed on.
>> No. 7975
well yeah I mean if it was GOD saying it then of course. God's never wrong about anything, so.
>> No. 7976
You don't qualify why it shouldn't be illegal with anything, at all. You just state it is. I think you realize you can't back up your backwards beliefs with a fucking thing.
>> No. 7977
>know to get the fuck away from pedophiles

Except some children can't get away from their abusers. Especially when their abuser is a close family member.
>> No. 7978
And then what you would do? In this post-Anna world. Imagine for a moment God has confirmed this to you. That your obsession with shit and ass is disgusting, and Anna will never be yours.

What will you do?
>> No. 7979
"Unless of course they're okay with it, in which case they should be allowed to do whatever they want."

Consistent with all those "made up" opinions and little factoids about your sex acts with Amber. An 8-year-old at the time. Nobody buys into your bullshit.
>> No. 7980
>You missed the rest of my post. It's not to get them to DO it, it's to make them AWARE of it so they don't fall for it. You see, pedophiles generally don't explain what they're doing, so the child doesn't know it's bad. If you educate them, they will know what's going on and will know to get the fuck away from pedophiles. Unless of course they're okay with it, in which case they should be allowed to do whatever they want.

Don't rationalize this. You just want the laws changed so you can fuck kids(cause they are the only ones who don't understand how retarded you are.) I also saw in one of your logs that you want incest legalized. Possibly so you could fuck Amber and get away with it, you sick fuck.
>> No. 7981
Nick, when did you take those nude videos of yourself?
>> No. 7982
guys, you're all forgetting something
this chick is fucking nasty
>> No. 7983
I hope he crashes into slumber from the stuh-ress
>> No. 7984
>>You missed the rest of my post. It's not to get them to DO it, it's to make them AWARE of it so they don't fall for it. You see, pedophiles generally don't explain what they're doing, so the child doesn't know it's bad. If you educate them, they will know what's going on and will know to get the fuck away from pedophiles. Unless of course they're okay with it, in which case they should be allowed to do whatever they want.

You're so fucking ignorant, god damn it. Of course pedophiles explain what it is. Your entire arguments work only on your own internal logic which doesn't apply to reality at all. They instruct them specifically what to do.

I can't remember her name, but there's a girl, her child porn videos are the most widespread on the internet. Missy or vicky or something, I don't know. In the videos she's all smiles and giggles and she's doing gymnastics and performing various sex acts on her father.

In interviews as an adult she explains how he raped her again and again and told her all about the various sex acts, and she explains how disgusting and worthless it all made her feel. A child simply lacks the intelligence, or judgment to KNOW whether or not they want it, regardless of whether or not the specific acts are explained to them you stupid fucking pervert.

She went on to say she feels like she's being raped again every time she thinks about the sickos out there watching the videos of her violation.
>> No. 7985
I'm not going to fuck kids. I'm loyal to Anna. I want it legalized so OTHER people can fuck kids. I keep reading in the newspaper that innocent pedophiles keep getting arrested and it really upsets me. This one guy was banned from having any kind of computer, even a gaming console for some reason. I can't even begin to imagine what my life would be like without that shit. I'd be bored out of my mind and have no contact with my friends. I wouldn't wish that kind of living hell on anyone.
>> No. 7986

When did you take those nude videos?
>> No. 7987
THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING! Yes, of course they instruct them what to do, but they don't tell them what it MEANS.
>> No. 7988

Look at how fucked up this guy's priorities are.
>> No. 7989



>> No. 7990
There were two sets, IIRC. The later were really recent, maybe last year? I'm not sure, my perception of time is off. The earlier ones I have no idea when they were.
>> No. 7991
What's the point in living if you have nothing to DO with your life?
>> No. 7992
Awww the poor pedos are going to jail for diddling kids! GUIZE! We need to start a petition
>> No. 7993
>legalized so OTHER people can fuck kids

You want other people to be allowed to fuck kids? What if they fucked your kids? What if it had been legalized when you were growing up and you were the one being fucked? Fucking kids will ruin their lives, even if you think they want it at that age.

Read some of this. Seriously.
>> No. 7994
They tell them EXACTLY what it means. That's grooming you fucking twat, you can't worm your way out of this. Any sex with a child is child rape.
>> No. 7995
They WOULD be able to consent if people would educate them about sex!
>> No. 7996
Oh, bullshit. They don't explain about LOVE. If they did, the kids would know not to do it because they don't love the guy.
>> No. 7997
...You think if you don't have access to the internet, or sex with children you have nothing to do with your life....?

You haven't had access to the internet for months, why haven't you killed yourself you stupid fuck?
>> No. 7998
If you educate them, they can decide for themselves what they want to do. They have mouths. They have vocal cords. They can say "yes" or "no".
>> No. 7999
I can guarantee you right now that never mentioning her or appearing obsessed about her in public again will benefit you in some kind of way. Her opinion of you genuinely can't get any worse at this stage. All of this soulmate stuff is only going to put her off you even more trust me on that.

I also agree with Tubular Monkey's doppelg�nger that you most likely didn't molest your half-sister however your own words put you into the situation you're currently in right now with most people on /cwc/ and that's just something you're going to have to deal with.
>> No. 8000

Which set are you talking about? The nekkid_nick set?
>> No. 8001
I contact my friends through Twitter on my phone when I'm not at Dad's house.
>> No. 8002
Uhhh... no, I think nekkid_nick was the earlier set. I'm not sure.
>> No. 8003
That's not how it works you stupid fuck.

You can convince a kid the best thing for them is to jump off a roof. You can convince them Satan will murder their whole family unless they suck your dick. A child cannot fucking consent, PERIOD. Get it through your head you fucking retard. YOU CANNOT TEACH A CHILD TO CONSENT.

Pedophile conversation.
"Susie, do you love me?"
"Of course I do uncle! I love everybody!"
"Well, when people love eachother, they have sex."
"What's sex?"
"Well see, I'm gonna put my penis into parts of your body..."
"Oh no! That would hurt!"
"But you love me, don't you? That's what people who love eachother do!"
"I guess..."
>> No. 8004

If you recorded those under the age of 18, and still possess them then you have child porn.
>> No. 8005
No. A child can not say yes to sex, even if you 'educate' them. Even if they said no, do you think that an abuser would just go "oh okay" and walk away? No. They'd be very likely to force it on the child.
>> No. 8006
Yeah, I don't really mind the situation. My only concern is the post she made about having sex. Literally, when Maddi read it to me I cried sporadically for hours. Even when I tried watching TV and shit to take my mind off it, I'd just randomly burst into tears. Which is weird because I don't really cry very often despite being CONSTANTLY depressed.
>> No. 8007
  Also, this song doesn't have anything to do with your obsession with Anna does it? I'd never heard about They Might Be Giants until I started reading about your life here on /cwc/ and while some of their stuff is terrible they seem to have a couple of decent songs.
>> No. 8008
WEll in that scenario the kid would flee from the scene.
>> No. 8009
Hahahaha! I love how he's so smug while defending pedophilia. He wont be smug for long when his parents find out about this shit and kick him out.
>> No. 8010
No, it's not really really. It just happens to be both our favourite band. I referenced one of their songs, "The End of the Tour" earlier. Nobody picked up on it. It sucks how obscure they are... :(
>> No. 8011
*really relevant
>> No. 8012
Not if they couldn't. Not if they had an abuser holding them down. Not if there was more than one abuser. Not if they were in the perceived safety of their home.
>> No. 8013

They're not that obscure, my brother listened to them in High School.
>> No. 8014
That's ridiculous. You're making children sound stupid, which is agism.
>> No. 8015

you can also teach a dog to attack, it doesn't mean they understand the implication of their actions

that's the problem with pedophilia, even if the child says "yes" it doesn't mean they understand and can comprehend what sex is
>> No. 8016
Yes, because no one is ever raped right?

Christ, you are a sexist. Obviously if they don't run away they WANT it to happen. If they let it happen then they wanted it. They couldn't have been tricked, they couldn't have been coerced, or frightened.

Pedophiles target children because they're weak and powerless, and can't hope to manipulate someone their own age. Pedophiles are pathetic.
>> No. 8017
I like to call them the most obscure of all mainstream bands. That's probably closer to the truth.

P.S. their new album "Join Us" drops July 19th. There's a four-track sampler EP out now, which I want. Someone should find it and send it to me
>> No. 8018
Okay, obviously RAPE is bad. I'm not saying legalize rape. I'm saying legalize consentual pedophilia. CONSENTUAL.
>> No. 8019

children are stupid, stupid means they aren't educated and don't understand, it is a part of being a child and immature
>> No. 8020
which is why you should educate them so they do understand
>> No. 8021
Some children are stupid, all of them are naive.
They don't know whats going on or what to do because they have never experienced it.
>> No. 8022

>> No. 8023
that is extremely agist
>> No. 8024
>>That's ridiculous. You're making children sound stupid, which is agism.


Their brain hasn't finished developing you fucking moron. Do you even know what puberty is? How can you think someone should be having sex before their body has even developed the capacity for it? Before they're producing the hormones that makes them want to have it?

It's not "agism" to say a child is gullible, children ARE gullible. Children can't distinguish reality from fantasy as well as adults, this is just a fact.

If you put a bunch of children in a room and tell them there is a little gremlin in a cardboard box at one end of the room, within minutes they will have convinced themselves there truly is a gremlin in that box. That's not agism, that's been documented with scientific studies. A child cannot consent. Consent isn't something you can teach. CONSENT ISN'T SOMETHING YOU CAN FUCKING TEACH YOU STUPID FUCK.
>> No. 8025
I'm actually very mature, so clearly maturity has nothing to do with being able to function in society.
>> No. 8026

You cannot educate a child to understand what sex is. You just can't. This is why pedophilia is bad. Children are not capable of making their own decisions because their brains are not evolved and mature like an adult's.
>> No. 8027

Do you really think someone who was mature would lie about sexually touching their sister?
>> No. 8028
First off, the word is spelled consensual. Which you would know if you weren't the kind of fucking idiot who went out of your way not to be educated.


Screeching that scientific facts are agism just further demonstrates how completely divorced from reality you are.
>> No. 8029
My mother taught me about sex when i was young.
I thought I knew everything about it.
but I still could not tell when someone was lying to me. If someone had said "oh its okay. I love you" i Would have belived it.
>> No. 8030

Dude, it's not ageism. It's fucking science. Your brain as a child is not developed and you are uneducated.
>> No. 8031
There's NOTHING mature about you. You're an unemployed pedophile who is afraid of showers and smears your shit on the walls.

Mature people function in society. You don't function in society. You're a joke. A really bad joke.
>> No. 8032
600 posts in one day? How the fuck?
>> No. 8033

"children cannot consent to sexual activity with adults."

Science says children can't consent, bro.
>> No. 8034
File 130581338952.jpg - (48.26KB , 975x723 , thumbnail.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
When did you take this video? Were you at least 18?
>> No. 8035
What do you think maturity is? It has nothing to do with your sense of humor or things you say, etc.
>> No. 8037
this is the THIRD THREAD too
>> No. 8038
>ITT we met a monster and he was us
>> No. 8039
But being honest is part of emotional maturity.
>> No. 8040
File 130581361442.jpg - (233.73KB , 954x897 , man bat destroying the batcave.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Fuck, I cannot stand you, Nick.

You don't listen. Someone wants to help you and you keep thinking "hurr durr no that's wrong and I'm right Anna loves me because I love her"

NO. She doesn't love you! She HATES you. Think of the person you hate the most. That's how she feels toward you. That's what she thinks when she see you texted her again. She will ALWAYS feel this way because you are so. fucking. creepy.

Ugh, I know this has been said a million times but you're so fucking retarded you won't absorb it. Just think about it for 2.5 seconds. THINK for once in your life.
>> No. 8041
>ITT /cwc/ finally got to fresh meat
>> No. 8042
Guys. Arguing with him isn't making any progress.
He's living in his little fantasy land filled with 10 year old Annas with 2 anuses.
Where do we go from here?
>> No. 8043
I don't remember, man
>> No. 8044
Well, for instance, it's pretty immature that you don't realize "mature" and "child" are literally antonyms of one another. I wouldn't put it passed you not to know what an antonym was, so to put it in terms the kind of person who takes pseudo-showers would understand, the two words are defined as being the opposite of each other.

For something to be mature it has to be fully developed physically, mentally and emotionally. When someone says "act your age" that's a reference to maturity. Think of behaviors typically associated with immaturity.

Children may on occasion not like taking baths, but they tend to grow out of it somewhere before or during their teen years, so in that respect you're immature. A mature person can care for themselves. They have a job, and don't depend on others to survive. A mature person can let go and doesn't throw tantrums like a child and hold on to fantasies that have been confirmed not to be real. Intelligence is another quality typically associated with maturity, and it's something you've gone out of your way not to have.

You are in no way mature. How many adults do you know of that smear their shit on the walls? Normal people plan ahead. They would jerk off into a sink, the toilet, the tub, a cup, a condom or paper towels. You though, you just smear it on your fucking walls. It's disgusting and retarded.
>> No. 8045
>> No. 8046

If you weren't 18, then you shouldn't have it in your google account because it's illegal.
>> No. 8047
wow, it gets normal red again at the bottom
>> No. 8050
He may not admit it, but we're definitely getting through to him. Every time he outright ignores information fed to him, that says to me he has nothing to say to it.

I mean, he's not spewing any more bullshit about children being taught to consent since it's been hammered into him that's just not fucking possible. He knows on some level that pedophilia is wrong, or he wouldn't be denying what he's previously claimed to have done with Amber.
>> No. 8051
So...previously Nick said Anna liked anal, now he said she doesn't. Are you confusing imagination with reality again?
>> No. 8052
Oh, so the real Nick posted here? Sweet. I might actually have to read all this crap.
>> No. 8053

So what is it in your mind then, what makes a person mature?
>> No. 8054
Constant exposure to CWC made us assume that ALL lolcows cannot be taught a damn thing.
>> No. 8055
Doing weird things and being socially inept is irrelevant to maturity. It just means I'm a nerd and have mental illnesses.
>> No. 8056
No, I just don't feel like repeating the same things again. It's just going in a circle.
>> No. 8057

Exactly. To me, just because a person doesn't admit they're wrong doesn't mean you aren't getting through to them. In a lot of debates I've seen, the idiot will get more and more desperate, and that says to me that deep down, they realize they're wrong. Maybe they aren't fully aware of it, but some part of them knows it.
>> No. 8058
I never said she liked it... I'm hoping that she will in the FUTURE so we can do it, but I'm well aware that right now she does not.
>> No. 8059
It's a difficult thing to define, being intangible and all. Responsibility is part of it, I guess.
>> No. 8060
question: what do you like about anna
because it seems like you're always insulting and saying fucked up shit about her
>> No. 8061
No, I know I'm right, it's just I'm not making any progress with y'all and it's just going in circles. I'm also busy doing a few things at once, so it's taking me a while to reply.
>> No. 8062
And you're a real responsible, take-care-of-business type?
>> No. 8063
well, you're not responsible at all.
you have terrible hygiene and you live with your parents.
>> No. 8064
Wha? No, I don't. o.O

Well anyway, there're many qualities I like about her. Note that I said LIKE, not LOVE, because love is not determined by characteristics or anything. It just... happens. Anyway, we have basically the same taste in music, shows, etc., she's usually nice (back when we were friends), she's cute, she seems rather fun-loving, she's hot (not the same thing as cute)...
>> No. 8065
Every expert child developmental psychologist on the planet agrees that children are emotional and psychologically incapable of giving consent to sex. You disagree. Who do you honestly believe is more likely to be correct about this Nick? Seriously.
>> No. 8066
File 130581496981.jpg - (7.25KB , 139x170 , gonzo.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
�They nailed this guy for child molesting, but he swears he didn't do it. 'Why should I fuck with children?' he says; 'They're too small!'�
>> No. 8067

What the fuck do you think love is determined by if it's got nothing to do with the actual person you're in love with?
>> No. 8068
That has nothing to do with responsibility. It's true there's many things I can't do, but it doesn't make me irresponsible. The things I CAN do, I'm responsible about.
>> No. 8069
what the hell are you responsible about, you did everything you could to fuck up your education, never want a job, live with your parents. you aren't in the slightest bit responsible for anything.
>> No. 8070
File 130581510144.jpg - (53.13KB , 600x450 , vintage chris.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>she's usually nice (back when we were friends), she's cute, she seems rather fun-loving, she's hot (not the same thing as cute)
>> No. 8071
No, it IS the person you're in love with, just not their appearance, personality, etc. Love is predetermined by fate/destiny. I didn't CHOOSE to love Anna, but I do.
>> No. 8072
responsible mature people at least have a job to pay for their own shit, instead of begging their parents/aunt to buy them shit. You fucking leech.
>> No. 8073

>and have mental illnesses.

Okay, now we're getting somewhere, if you're aware that there may be things wrong with your mind and how you perceive things, can you grasp the possibility that you may be wrong about some of this shit when everybody else disagrees with you on something?
>> No. 8074
Dude, I CHOSE to do those things.
>> No. 8075
Bullshit. love is all about personality and how much someone can tolerate your ass.(no one can tolerate you)
>> No. 8076
Well, no. I know I'm right about this stuff
>> No. 8077
This is so damn twisted

It's like she's an accomplishment instead of a person. She doesn't matter except for what she represents.
>> No. 8078

>> No. 8079
that doesn't make you responsible.
A child can choose to run around with scissors but does that make it a responsible choice? nope
>> No. 8080
No, it's the PERSON I'm in love with. What on earth would she possibly be representing?
>> No. 8081

Read this and explain to me how you can possibly be right when everybody else in the world is wrong. Apply some fucking logic to it.

>> No. 8082
I AM being responsible for my life, by DOING those things. I don't want my life to be fucked up by graduating high school!
>> No. 8083
>No, it's the PERSON I'm in love with. What on earth would she possibly be representing?


Someone, take this.
>> No. 8084
Nick, you are a fucking idiot. Listen to someone who is in the middle of a MSc in Developmental Psychology (in other words, smarter than you).

Kids brains are not fully mature. You can tell them sex with adults is OK and they'll believe it. You can also tell them santa claus is real and they'll believe it. Do you fucking see? K

Kids do not possess the ability to think for themselves, assess a situation, decide the best course of action and consider the consequences of said action. Kids CAN NOT consent!
>> No. 8085
>> No. 8086
fate/destiny is your scapegoat when everyone throws the fact that ANNA WILL NEVER LOVE YOU EVER in your face.
>> No. 8087
That isn't a fact that can be proven. It's a bunch of people's opinions. In fact, it sounds really fucked up and bigot-y, like saying white people can't swim or whatever the hell the stereotype is
>> No. 8088
How would that fuck up your life? Graduating is something everyone does. It's a rite of passage into becoming a responsible adult rather than a leeching child.
>> No. 8089

A resposible person does what they can to look after themselves to others won't have to. You've chosen to make yourself unemployable and live with your parents., This means that they are responsible for your survival, which means you aren't. You aren't responsible for yourself, you retard.
>> No. 8090
No, fate/destiny is the ANSWER to the questions. But for some reason nobody accepts this and they take it full circle
>> No. 8091
>Someone should find it and send it to me
What is up with you and your sense of fucking entitlement? Why should someone buy it and send it to you? If you want it then work for it you lazy entitled piece of shit.
>> No. 8092

Yes, it's everybody's opinion apart from yours, people who study this shit their entire lives, you on the other hand know nothing about the subject and admit you have mental problems, which is something that could seriously impair your judgement. Do you see the difference?
>> No. 8093
I'm being responsible by NOT taking care of myself. It's something I can't and don't want to do, and I'm taking charge of my life by sticking to my damn convictions.
>> No. 8094
>can't be proven
>has been studied for decades and proven

I know you don't know shit about academia, but goddamn.
>> No. 8095
Again, you can't STUDY something that's an opinion.
>> No. 8096
But it's not an opinion.
Do you know absolutely nothing about developmental growth? Or even the brain?
>> No. 8097
No. You made the choice to sit back while your parents take care of your ass for the rest of your life. That does not make you responsible.
Also I heard you tweet that your mom wanted to put you in a homeless shelter (sounds like she's responsible for you) I wonder how much closer she will be to this decision when she finds out that her waste of life son that she regrets birthing, molested her little girl.
>> No. 8098
I can't because I don't have a bank account or money with which to do so. And I wasn't acting entitled, I was ASKING. It was mostly aimed to my friends. I ask them to buy me shit all the time. Hell, I made a hashtag for it.
>> No. 8099

A mature person is responsible by looking after themselves, that's how this shit called LIFE works. What you are describing is someone choosing to not look after themselves. This is by definition irresponsible. I've already told you that you need to stop making up your own fucking rules and expecting the whole world to fall in line with it, that's not how shit works Nick.
>> No. 8100
>> No. 8101
No, Nick, you ignorant faggot, that is called being "irresponsible." If you make someone else take care of you, you are not responsible for yourself. You could do it if you wanted to but you refuse because you're afraid to grow up and take responsibility for yourself.
>> No. 8102
>I ask them to buy me shit all the time

Do you understand why this is not acceptable?
>> No. 8103
I AM looking after myself. I know what I want to do with my life and I'm doing it. It's not the way "normal" people live THEIR lives, but I'm not wrong for being different.
>> No. 8104
I said "ask", not "demand"
>> No. 8105

You can study developmental psychology. It's an actual fucking thing Nick, just because you don't like what it says doesn't mean you can just completely dismiss with nothing to back your shit up.
>> No. 8106

No you're not, your parents are looking after you Nick.
>> No. 8107
You also treat them like shit. The only reason you're even visiting your father right now is because you want to use his internet.
>> No. 8108
No they're not. That's not even what I'm referring to. I only live in their house. Other than that they are of no use to me.
>> No. 8109
It's my only choice until I can somehow get an ISP myself.
>> No. 8110
Apart from the food they give you, the clothes you wear, the heating, the water you don't use to bathe, the electricity and internet access you use...
>> No. 8111

What would you do if they left you in a homeless shelter?
>> No. 8112
There may be a small (microscopic actually) chance that you made it up but from your other tweets, it sounds like they already think youre a freak and try to keep Amber away from you.
so if someone were to tell your parents all the shit we know, theyd kick your ass out regardless if they knew it was true or not.
Even chris chan's parents love him. hahaha
>> No. 8113
File 130581627784.jpg - (78.85KB , 380x280 , brick wall.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You know how you could get one?

Wait for it...
You get a job and become responsible.
>> No. 8114


>> No. 8115

Where the fuck do you get your money from then Nick? You already said you don't have a bank account, how do you pay for shit like food? Who's fucking internet connection are you using right now?
>> No. 8116
Nick, science isn't opinion. Facts are not opinion.

You're basically defining being responsible as the exact opposite of the definition of being responsible. You are literally 100% backwards about everything.
>> No. 8117

>I only live in their house.

Which means you are dependent on them for somewhere to live, which means you aren't responsible for your own housing.
>> No. 8118
Hey Nick, what the fuck were you doing when you were 9? Think about, if you can remember it from all the sugar and jenkem huffing.

I was obsessed with Pokemon and shit and my biggest worry was running out of legos. I wasn't thinking "MMMM I WANNA EAT OUT OF A FAT MAN'S UNCLEANED ASS". Were you?
>> No. 8119
Son I CAN'T get a job because of the social phobia thing
>> No. 8120
I don't remember much from before 2004
>> No. 8121



Experts have actually studied this, you're a retard who thinks smearing shit on walls is responsible, and graduating high school would in some way hurt you.

You've justified your failure by saying that you want to fail, which is like someone claiming to have won the olympics because they WANTED to come in last place.
>> No. 8122
did you really try to smoke sugar
>> No. 8123
I don't really NEED housing. I can survive being outside. Animals do it all the time. I basically just need the house to store my stuff
>> No. 8124
Yeah, I answered that earlier. I tried to smoke sugar but for some reason it hardened
>> No. 8125
You have no social phobia. You use disease as an excuse for everything you can't do because you have no other reason to why you cannot do it except laziness, which you don't want to admit to.
>> No. 8126
fuck you nick. fuck you. i have social anxieties too and i work full time. why? because you HAVE to work in order to LIVE. but you know what? you just have to grow a pair and get on with life. get a fucking job and make a name for yourself. earn some money and start your own fucking life.
you're just a little pussy. get off your fat arse and get a job. if you wanted one that much, your social 'issues' wouldn't be a problem.
>> No. 8127
Oh I had that same exact thing. I was very scared of talking to people an shopping by myself. but that was when i was 12, and I grew out of it. I GREW out of it. apparently you havent grown out of it because you're not mature.
>> No. 8128

Response to these two please you sickening shitstain excuse of a human being.
>> No. 8129
>>I don't really NEED housing.

>>I basically just need the house to store my stuff

Pick one. Either you can survive outside and don't need your shit, or you need the housing.

Go sleep in a fucking gutter where you belong. Back your words up. Either roam the streets, or admit you're completely fucking dependent on others.
>> No. 8130
You can't base a "fact" around an entire group. That's called bigotry. Every individual is different, so while I'm sure some children CAN'T give consent, others are totally capable of it.
>> No. 8131

So you have no grasp on how a child's mind works, correct?

And all you know about child psychology is shit you read on NAMBLA propaganda sites, correct?
>> No. 8132
This post confirms it for me, you�re a fucking waste of oxigen.

>innocent pedophiles

Chris made me laugh and cringe, but you....
>> No. 8133
God damn...when my daughter is born, I'm not letting her outside the house until she's 80. Fucking terrifying to know that people like this exist
>> No. 8134
It's BOTH. Exactly what I said. I don't need to LIVE in a house, I just need it to store things
>> No. 8135
No you fucking moron, this is science. Just screeching that any factual information that disagrees with your worthless, uneducated opinion is bigotry is fucking retarded.

That is how the human brain develops. There's nothing bigoted about that statement. Human brains develop a certain way, dog brains develop a certain way. That's just how the brain develops for every child on the fucking planet. This has been documented again and again. You simply cannot fucking call it an opinion you fucking pedophile fuck.
>> No. 8136

Okay then Nick, you can't tell me that every 3 day old baby isn't completely fluent in English, because that's bigotry, right? Or is it an issue with basic physical development?
>> No. 8137
So you don't NEED the house, but you NEED the house to store things.

It's the same word retard. You either need the house or you don't, it can't be both you fucking idiot.
>> No. 8138
File 130581698270.jpg - (125.68KB , 450x373 , fullretard.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
awww shit. now we're bigots for defending children against pedophilia.
>> No. 8139
I get my money by doing random things for my aunt, and I have Internet at my Dad's house
>> No. 8140

You're so fucking dependent on people who waste their time and energy on you, its silly
>> No. 8141
up until 20 minutes ago, Nick thought that you can tell if a woman is pregnant like 10 minutes after sex or something, he doesn't even know how the reproductive system works. he is as ignorant as a child. this is why he's sticking up for pedos because if no one can have sex with 12 year olds because they can't comprehend it, they can't have sex with nick either because he's mentally/emotionally 12
>> No. 8142
what things? your lubricants? your DS? the shit you got given for christmas and birthdays that you were never fucking thankful for? get to fuck, nick. Seriously.
>> No. 8143

Then you are dependent on their house to store things, therefore you are dependent on them. You aren't even responsible for keeping your own possessions, which is irresponsible.
>> No. 8144
>my aunt
>my Dad's

Yeah, still completely not dependent on your family then?
>> No. 8145

Well I do know for a fact, when I was about ten years old, I was smarter than this waste of skin Nick by a long shot.

However, I wasn't going up to people asking for sex, wanna know why? I HADN'T HIT PUBERTY YET, SO I HAD NO BIOLOGICAL URGE TO.
>> No. 8146

Once again, answer please.
>> No. 8147
>>I get my money by doing random things for my aunt,

So, your aunt's money.

>>and I have Internet at my Dad's house

So, your dad's internet.

You're completely dependent you fucking waste.
>> No. 8148
DINGDINGDING! We have a winner. Sure, you can bribe a child into doing it by promising them things and what not, but a child never fully understands the concept and consequences of sex. Children aren't sexual beings. Sure, there is a general age in which a kid might start to get curious, but that by no means suggests they're going to start roaming the streets looking for someone to fuck, or that they're ripe for the picking by fucked up pieces of shit like Nick. They're children. Non-consenting children.
>> No. 8149
Anna learned to read and shit really early, so yeah bro it happens
>> No. 8150
>> No. 8151
When I was in elementary school I did sexual larps at recess, so right there's a big hole in your theory.
>> No. 8152
yo I've been at this for over six hours

can I stop soon
>> No. 8153
This dude can't be real. This is too much I'm gonna have to crash into slumber
>> No. 8154

Kids do sexual things at really young ages, but that does not equate to being prepared to sex with other people. C'mon, Nick, use your fucking head
>> No. 8155
One case =/= All cases
>> No. 8156
It's not a theory. And I did say in GENERAL. Sexual LARPs? What? Seriously, what the fuck. Explain. That could mean a multitude of things to me.
>> No. 8157

I hate to say this, but that's probably because you were groomed yourself by someone and you're just projecting what they did on your sister because you think it's right.

If that's the case, than get therapy; don't revel in your fucked up ness.



There are no fucking words for how many things wrong in this sentence.
>> No. 8158

....You think it's possible for 3 day old babies to be completely fluent in English? I...okay, I'm done, there are no words for just how fucking deluded you are, and it's clear that you will never consider the possiblility that you are wrong, ever in life.

Nick, congratulations, you are, without a doubt, the lowest piece of shit I have ever had the displeasure of speaking to.
>> No. 8159
I had a posse of friends and at recess, we larped that we were having sex with people.
>> No. 8160
Nope. You dug your own grave, and now you have to lie in it. Carry on.
>> No. 8161
Go for it champ, but lemme tell ya, u did a piss poor job of defending yourself. People hate you even more now. Enjoy being trolled off the fucking internet
>> No. 8162
No. It's not like you have anything better to do.
>> No. 8163
You can stop. But all your accounts would get deleted.
>> No. 8164
>I don't really NEED housing. I can survive being outside. Animals do it all the time.
Oh my fucking god, this is possibly the most retarded thing you have ever said.

YOU ARE MORE NAIVE THAN CHRIS-CHAN. I didn't think it was possible, but somehow you managed it. You clearly have no idea how the world works and you're blatantly not street wise. You'd be dead within a week.
>> No. 8165
What, so you'd just hump each other in the playground and pretend to suck each other off? That's seriously fucked in the head. Whatever happened to kids running around pretending to be cops and robbers, or am I just seriously old fashioned? Disgusting. How old were you when you did this?
>> No. 8166
My point was that everyone develops at different rates. Anna's extremely intelligent, so she could read mad early. So could I, IIRC. According to my b-family I used to read books to them before I even started kindergarten.
>> No. 8167
By the way Nick, some words of advice before you leave. I just want you to know that child molesters are like rock stars in prison, because the other prisoners love so much their gift of sexual freedom they give to others.

So just in case you do go to the po-po, be sure to tell everyone about it! They'll love you.
>> No. 8169
I bet he came here thinking that he could convince us that Anna is delusional and that he is cool guy.
>> No. 8170
Nono, not with EACHOTHER. We pretended other people were there who really weren't, and had sex with THEM.
>> No. 8171
Were you molested Nick? Did mommy or daddy make you do something with their downstairs place? Oh, let me put it another way, did you "consent" to what they did to you?

Curiosity is not the same thing as desire, you being a retarded sick fuck doesn't deter scientific fact. You literally cannot argue this.

A child's brain is not developed, by definition. That's what it MEANS to be a child.

child (t?a?ld) [Click for IPA pronunciation guide]

� n , pl children
1. a. a boy or girl between birth and puberty
b. ( as modifier ): child labour
2. a baby or infant
3. an unborn babyRelated: paedo-
4. with child another term for pregnant
5. a human offspring; a son or daughterRelated: filial
6. a childish or immature person

A child can be convinced to do any number of things. A child will believe that Big Bird and the Power Rangers are real.

A child's body physically is not developed for sex, they're literally not ready to have it yet. They also haven't started producing the hormones that make one desire sex.

You're just fucking wrong, and you know it.
>> No. 8172
I'm not a child molester though. -_-
>> No. 8173
Looks like someone needs some therapy.
>> No. 8174
So you pretended to have sex with the air? Imaginary people? I daren't dig deeper but I can't help myself. Can you not see how fucked up this looks?
>> No. 8175
I can't until your parents have finally had enough of your bullshit and kick you out on the streets. At some point in the future you have a very hard lesson coming your way Nick.
>> No. 8176
My sex larps came way before I hit puberty, bro
>> No. 8177

Nick... lemme ask you something.

You know kid geniuses you see on the news from time to time? The ten year olds who to college and rival Einstein and stuff?

Do you ever see them talking about sex?

Do you ever see them talking about girls other than just platonic (non sexual) crushes?

It's because they haven't hit PUBERTY, so they have no URGES to do it.
>> No. 8178
That's all you got out of his post?

Fuck it. You're the next this guy: http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/archive/ldn/2006/aug/06080304
>> No. 8179
Yes, we pretended people were there. So yeah, basically the air except we thrusted into real object like the playground equipment. We just imagined the equipment to be further back and that the imaginary people were in its place
>> No. 8180
>>We pretended other people were there who really weren't, and had sex with THEM.

A few things. First off, you're admitting right there, you pretended there were people there, imaginary people, and you interacted with these imaginary people. Only a child would do that.

Second, where did this come from? Where did you learn to "larp"? Where did you learn about sex?
>> No. 8181
Were you exposed to sex at an early age or something?
>> No. 8182
I dunno, I've never seen them. But like I said, /I/ did sexual things before puberty, soooo
>> No. 8183


Children still pretend to be army men and Power Rangers, but they obviously would make shitty army men/Power Rangers.

And they'd be fucking traumatized by having sex.
>> No. 8184
And because you did it, everyone else should be able to?
>> No. 8185
I dunno. I don't remember much from before 2004. Just a few scattered unimportant things like the afforementioned larps. I doubt it though.
>> No. 8186
Yes, if they WANT to.
>> No. 8187

No you didn't, you pretended to do sexual things, you didn't have sex with full grown men.
>> No. 8188
Nick, I'm going to help you out.

I think you should make a video to Anna SHOWING her that you're not creepy. You've waited long enough and now, I think its at a point where you can try and reach out to her. Clean your room, take a shower (TRUST ME ON THIS ONE), shave, cut your hair, wear something nice and SHOW her that you can be loved by her.

Girls dig confidence and ambition. Show her that you have changed and you can change more for her.
>> No. 8189
That's what kids do, they mimic what they see. Which is why we asked if you had been exposed to sex at an early age. Did you ever get off on doing it? I highly doubt it. In your mind at that age, you probably just did it because you thought it was the 'cool' thing to do.
>> No. 8190
But they don't want to. Sexual abuse has the word abuse in it for a reason.
>> No. 8191

I'm not seeing how his level of delusion is worse than Chris. Yes, he's clearly a worse person than Chris, but I recall Chris having the same "nuh uh" style of arguing.

Then again, at least Chris was willing to say "I don't know", even if he didn't think that was evidence that he was wrong. So maybe you're right.
>> No. 8192

What about kids who are obsessed with the army and LARP army stuff all day? Should 9 year olds be shipped straight to Afghanistan because they "want it"?
>> No. 8193
God damn it you fucking idiot.


When you said Anna learned to read "early" you didn't specify an age. Also, what was she reading, exactly? How exactly does being able to read correlate to being able to have sex? Why are you pretending being able to read is the same thing as "speaking FLUENT English" as stated in the post you were replying to?

There's nothing bigoted about pointing out scientific facts. It's not bigoted to say a child's brain hasn't finished developing anymore than it is to say they haven't finished growing or finished puberty. It's just scientific fact, it's just how it works.

"Childish" and "immature" are synonyms because that's what the words mean, you fucking idiot.
>> No. 8194
Okay. How many of you guys have actually reported him? The only way he's gonna learn being a pedo is bad is when his parents disown him or prison.
>> No. 8195
Nick the reason everyone thinks you're fucked up despite your insistence otherwise is because you lack empathy.

You clearly lack the ability to place yourself in someone else's shoes. Your whole line of logic through everything has been "Because I did this/think it's OK, so must everyone else".

The world does not work like this and your inability to empathise is one of the criteria for diagnosis as a sociopath. Except you lack the charm and charisma that is also indicative of sociopathy. You don't even have the 'benefits' of sociopathy, you're just incredibly naive and really fucking stupid.
>> No. 8196
Well, if that's what they want, then sure. Although the war is wrong, but that's beside the point.
>> No. 8197
You think it's okay to send little children out to war? Where they can be killed fighting for a cause that they know nothing about?
>> No. 8198
Chris seemed at least slightly more capable of shame than this guy, at least sometimes. Chris shit his pants, but he didn't smear his shit all over the fucking walls, and at least he came in a cup, so obviously he has more common sense than this douche.

He also at least on paper is completely aware of the boundaries age presents, and that he shouldn't pursue underage girls, and once a girl completely rejected them he did hate and despise them, but he'd pretty quickly move on to someone else, often pretending the girl didn't even exist.

He's also finished college, and is quite proud of that. He's stupid, but he doesn't take pride in it and believes he's smart. However poorly, he's actually held down jobs as well. Chris fails at life yes, but failing isn't his goal.

This guy makes Chris look like a functioning member of society, god damn.
>> No. 8199
I can't go to prison if I didn't do anything illegal.
>> No. 8200
You seriously just said "hey, it's okay to send kids to war because they like to pretend to play army men."

I cannot believe this shit. Oh my god I want to laugh but I can't because you're serious
>> No. 8201
You've mentioned in IM chats with others that you fantasise about children. And that you wish you had child pornography. That's more than enough for the cops to come and check you out.
>> No. 8202
You've mentioned in IM chats with others that you fantasise about children. And that you wish you had child pornography. That's more than enough for the cops to come and check you out.
>> No. 8203
The point is that everyone should be allowed to do whatever they want.
>> No. 8204
File 130581880427.jpg - (27.08KB , 58x128 , BonerAlert.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 8205
Fantasizing isn't illegal. I haven't actually ACTED on any of my fantasies.
>> No. 8206

I have no words. No fucking words. I posted that just to let you see how fucking stupid you are, but no.

I'd laugh if it wasn't for the fact that you can freely live with a nine year old girl.

Sick fucking piece of garbage, people like you are the reason genocides happen.
>> No. 8207
So you think children should be able to drink, and smoke, and vote in elections, and have sex, join military service, and there shouldn't be child labor laws?
>> No. 8208
>allowed to do whatever they want.
Okay, so if I want to come to your house and kick your teeth in, I'm allowed to?
>> No. 8209
I placed myself in Anna's shoes earlier, and I would be extremely flattered if I was her and I was in love with me.
>> No. 8210
Gentlemen, we've finally found someone who actually makes Chris look good by comparison.

I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing.
>> No. 8211
>>The point is that everyone should be allowed to do whatever they want.

So I should be allowed to torture and murder you, right?
>> No. 8212
But that's not how she feels, so you didn't put yourself in her shoes at all.
>> No. 8213
People should be allowed to do anything they want AS LONG AS THEY'RE NOT HURTING OTHERS. Smartass.

additional stipulation: if the other person WANTS to be hurt, like if they're into BDSM then that's okay too
>> No. 8214
I did put myself in her shoes. That's how I would feel if I were her.
>> No. 8215
So what? The fact you have hinted you would act on it if the opportunity arose is more than enough for them to take this seriously. You have said you have masturbated to the thoughts of children. That you want to watch them pee. You've claimed your little sister tried to give you a blow job, and that you licked her rear. Joking or not, it's a serious matter to joke about.
So, if a child came up to you and asked you to have sex with them or watch them pee, would you?
>> No. 8216
>if I was her and I was [were, go back to school] in love with me
You clearly haven't placed yourself in her shoes because you fail to recognise she's not in love with you. You're just projecting your own thoughts and feelings onto her. That's not empathy.
>> No. 8217

She's not into that shit, you're saying *you* would be flattered. SHE IS NOT YOU. How can you not get this you fucking sociopath?

Putting yourself in her shoes would be asking yourself whether or not SHE would like it. Would SHE like having a story written about her having a type of sex she's not into with someone she's not attracted to? THINK YOU FUCKING IDIOT.
>> No. 8218
So having sex with children isn't hurting them, especially when they have no idea what sex really is?
>> No. 8219

>> No. 8220
But you'd be hurting children.
You do know that vaginas/anuses are entirely incapable of taking a penis at that age, right?
You could cause anal fissures which could lead to death. Even with precautions.
>> No. 8221
>> No. 8222

No, that's still you in your shoes, because it's what you want to happen. You wrote a fucking creepy poopsex fic about her, she was really creeped out by this. You are putting yourself in her shoes and you feel flattered by the creepy poopsex fic, which isn't how she felt, so you failed at putting yourself in her shoes. This is the root of your problem with empathy.
>> No. 8223

Nick, what if some friendly man from Nigeria asked you for your social security number to help him buy some cows, and then when you gave it to him to help, he stole your idenity and bought millions of dollars in useless shit for himself?

What would you do? What would you think? You gave consent for him to get your social securiy number, remember?
>> No. 8224
A child's brain has not developed enough to know what is and isn't good for them, what will and will not hurt them. That's just scientific fact.
>> No. 8225
File 130581917518.jpg - (52.83KB , 407x405 , HowToTroll.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

So I should be allowed to come over to your (mom's) house and kill you, right?

Nice anarchy, naive one. I know you kids think the government and corporations are evil, but life as we know it wouldn't function without them.
>> No. 8226
You're supposed to use lots of lube for anal anyway. At least at first until you get used to it...
>> No. 8227
did you not read my addition
>> No. 8228
Right, but he lied about what he was going to do. I didn't actually agree to the REAL thing he did.
>> No. 8229
Even with lube, you will hurt a child. They aren't made for sex.
>> No. 8230
File 130581930091.gif - (481.81KB , 320x240 , suicide_hanging1.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Argued with retard for six hours.
Didn't do a goddamned thing
>> No. 8231

Okay, so if kids want to run away from home and live on the streets, should their parents just let that happen?
>> No. 8232

When you have sex with a nine year old, you're ruining their entire life, and traumatizing them forever without expensive therapy.

You're just like that Nigerian scammer, Nick.
>> No. 8233
Society doesn't function on "everyone doing what they want" because everyone wants to do different things, and doing what they want can hurt countless others in ways they haven't forseen, and hurt themselves in ways they hadn't thought of.

And again, a child has not developed the ability to differentiate between what they do and do not want, what is and is not real, or what will or will not harm them.
>> No. 8234
then you obviously aren't capable of emphasizing with her, because you felt something completely different to what she did.
>> No. 8235
Nick, answer my question.

>> No. 8236
No, see, this is only if they give consent. If they actually WANT to do it, they won't be traumatized
>> No. 8237
And you would be lying to a child by claiming it's okay for them to do something that will physically, psychologically, emotionally, and socially damage them for the rest of their lives.

You don't think ANNA should be having sex, and she's an adult. How the fuck can you justify thinking children should if she shouldn't?

Oh, because you don't want her to, you fucking sociopath.
>> No. 8238

Nick, have you ever done stupid shit in the past you're embarrassed about, and keep trying to forget, but it won't work?

It's that... but on a massive fucking scale.
>> No. 8239
They'll be traumatized if their anus is ripped open.
>> No. 8240
No man, I only fantasize. I'm not actually gonna do anything because I'm loyal to Anna.
>> No. 8241


>> No. 8242
Nick, I'm not even going to bother trying to get an answer out of whether you want to molest children because I know you'll deny it - but doesn't it worry you how this is going to come across to the police? Sure, you say that you only meant the stuff you say as jokes, that you haven't molested Amber etc, but people have had their lives ruined over less than the shit you've got yourself into. Someone tells the cops you're a kiddy-fiddler and it doesn't matter whether or not you've been telling the truth this whole time, your life is going to fucking end once they see the stuff you've been saying here and elsewhere. Do you honestly think they're going to take your word that all you've been doing is making yourself out to be a crazy wacky joke-pedo when they see you sincerely defending child molestation?
>> No. 8243
hahaha I totally forgot about that fact.
>> No. 8244
>>I'm not actually gonna do anything because I'm loyal to Anna.

Yeah, so loyal you have cyber sex with other people you stupid hypocrite.

Oh, oh, I know, tell me "that's different". Is it okay if she's having cyber sex with other people? God you're fucking retarded.
>> No. 8245

Anna hates you, talked shit about you here, and blocked you on MSN... plus she lost her virginity to another guy.

Why the fuck would you think she did that other than she doesn't love you?
>> No. 8246
What's right for whom depends on the person. Premarital sex isn't right for me, Anna and a lot of other people. On the other hand, a lot of people have casual sex, apparently. Depends on the individual.
>> No. 8247
File 130581960992.gif - (1.12MB , 315x190 , ohwow.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yes they will because they cannot understand sex. They don't understand what you will be doing. They don't understand that it hurts. There are some things children cannot understand, Nick and this is one of them.
>> No. 8248
What if Anna wasn't around? What if there was no Anna and a child or your half sister asked you to have sex with them, what then?
>> No. 8249

Ok, you say you wouldn't want me to come to your house to kill you, so I'll put myself in your shoes....

"I'm a fat and useless sack of shit, I sure wish someone would come along and put me out of my misery!"

So, this means you actually want someone to come and beat the crap out of you. Its following your same (lack of) logic.
>> No. 8250

Kids can want to do something before they have the mental wherewithal to know if they should do it. Nick, plenty of kids have had sex thinking they wanted it, only for the full realization of the situation to hit them later in life, leaving them traumatised by it. Even if you actually believe that some won't, how the fuck are you supposed to know at the time? Can you tell me which kids would be traumatised and which wouldn't?
>> No. 8251
Cybersex isn't real sex. Of course it's not the same thing.
>> No. 8252
>>Premarital sex isn't right for me, Anna and a lot of other people.

You don't get to decide what's right for Anna you stupid sociopath.
>> No. 8253

What's right for Anna isn't your decision you psychotic fuck, stop telling yourself that it is.
>> No. 8254
That's not at all what it means to put yourself in someone else's shoes.
>> No. 8255
Cybersex is cheating. Doesn't matter if it's real or not.
>> No. 8256
It's still cheating and disloyal. As is dating other people. You're a complete hypocrite and a douchebag.
>> No. 8257
It's not ME who decided this. It just IS what's right for her.
>> No. 8258
It's not cheating because I'm not with her YET. And I'll stop when I AM with her.
>> No. 8259
>You don't think ANNA should be having sex, and she's an adult. How the fuck can you justify thinking children should if she shouldn't?

Oh, because you don't want her to, you fucking sociopath.

Nick! This guy just tore a hole in your flawed logic! what do you have to say about it?
>> No. 8260

Take a video and upload it to your Youtube channel. Trust me, Anna will see it.
>> No. 8261

>> No. 8262

Well it's ME who decides what's right for YOU.

And YOU are a useless sack of shit who needs to be gruesomely killed in the most painful way possible.
>> No. 8263
Then who decided it? Because she says she had sex. I don't know whether or not she's married, but she said she had sex, and obviously she's better suited to decide what's right for her than a fat worthless stalker who has never met her, or some abstract concept shat out by said fat worthless stalker.
>> No. 8264
Why do you think it's right for her? Just answer it.
>> No. 8265
Lancaster county sheriffs office has already received multiple complaints.
>> No. 8266

Responses for these please Nick. You fucking dick.
>> No. 8267
Then why would it be disloyal to be having sex with children? See, you said that would be disloyal, but you're not dating Anna.
>> No. 8268
Good. How did you find this out, good sir/ma'am?
>> No. 8269
it depends on the individual, son. It's hard to tell what each person should do
>> No. 8270
REAL sex is much different from cybersex.
>> No. 8271
How IS it right for her?
>> No. 8272
well dude I put myself in her shoes! I don't understand why she feels differently than I would
>> No. 8273

Nick, answer this.

If I decided it was right for you to be killed for being a retarded pedophile, would it be okay for me to do it?
>> No. 8274
because it just IS. if she has sex with someone else her life'd be ruined
>> No. 8275
How would you know? You've never had real sex. Child molesting doesn't count.
>> No. 8276
You wouldn't know about that.
>> No. 8277
Answer me again.

>> No. 8278
>this argument is still going
>nick is still retarded

>> No. 8279

Right, but how are pedohiles supposed to tell the difference, Nick? You're saying that pedophiles should be allowed to have sex with kids, but some of these kids are later going to grow up traumatised by this shit, are you saying that it's worth the risk just so pedohiles can have sex?
>> No. 8280
no son, because you're wrong about that. I on the other hand KNOW what's best for Anna
>> No. 8281

You'd think if it's that hard to tell whether or not something is going to be horrifically traumatising, you SHOULDN'T FUCKING DO IT, SON.
>> No. 8282
Lets say two people were married, and the husband goes out on a date with a different woman multiple times but doesn't have sex. Is that cheating, Nick?
>> No. 8283
Nick, how does it feel to be even more of a smelly piece of shit than Chris Chan?
>> No. 8284

I think I KNOW what's best for Anna more than you do, and that's you dying a slow, gruesome death.
>> No. 8285
It depends on the individual. The child has to decide for themself what they wanna do, and if they give consent they won't be traumatized. Inversely it's totally okay for them to NOT want to do it too
>> No. 8286
yeah that's cheating
>> No. 8287

Getting married to you wouldn't be best for anyone Nick. You have absolutely nothing to offer anybody.
>> No. 8288
but then that ruins it for the ones who DO want to do it, because then they can't
>> No. 8289
Then how is cybering any different?
>> No. 8290
marriage isn't about getting something out of it, even though she WILL. it's about love
>> No. 8291
Every single behavioral scientist in the world will tell you this.
>> No. 8292
Lets just get this sucker locked up. He's fucked in the head to the highest degree. I hope he rots in hell.
>> No. 8293
You do realize that you're going to end up in prison, right? It will happen. And you will be raped every day.
>> No. 8294
No child wants to have sex.
>> No. 8295
because I'm not WITH her right now
>> No. 8296
I did when I was a child.
>> No. 8297
That's because you don't understand empathy. Here's a scenario to help you. First, there are two characters.

Nick: Likes anal, shit and believes Anna to be his soulmate who he loves.

Anna: Does not like anal or shit and does not want to be with Nick.

Now we have this sentence: "If someone I loved wrote a scat porn/anal fic I'd be flattered".

Which of the above characters does it sound like it's coming from?
>> No. 8298
oh, so having cybersecks isn't cheating? It might as well be. seeing how no girl would want to be with you in real life. OL dating is the best you can do.
>> No. 8299
But she doesn't love you, so your marriage would be more about locking her up in your basement and chaining her to the wall.
>> No. 8300

>and if they give consent they won't be traumatized.

God dammit, you need to reread what I wrote. Nick, there have been children who have had sex with pedophiles who gave their consent, and only later after they grew up became traumatised. There is no distinction with consent, some would still end up traumatised. That being the case, should pedophiles still be allowed to have sex with children when there is no way of telling whether or not they will grow up traumatised.
>> No. 8301
I didn't do anything illegal. :/
>> No. 8302
No Nick, you know nothing. You're an uneducated, lazy, worthless sack of shit. You delight in your lack of knowledge.

You back up your claims with all of JACK and SHIT.

What you do and believe is gross and disgusting.

Children cannot consent to sex.

Anna hates you and that will never change. She will always despise you.

Simply stating "I'm right" or "I know" isn't an argument you tub of shit, and if you can't provide an actual argument then you're admitting you're wrong.
>> No. 8303
No child could love you, the Beast of the East. You horrible monster.
>> No. 8304
the marriage comes AFTER she falls in love with me
>> No. 8305
File 13058205537.png - (52.30KB , 400x300 , indekso.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 8306
You didn't want it for the same reasons adults want it. You wanted it because it looked cool, right? You didn't understand that was how to reproduce, did you? Adults want it because they are ready and want to reproduce. Children cannot reproduce thus do not want sex.
>> No. 8307
I've provided arguments to EVERY post
>> No. 8308

>I don't understand why she feels differently than I would

YES! That's exactly it Nick, this is why you can't empathize with other people, because you don't physically understand why they don't feel how you think they should, this is what being unable to empathize with people means, do you understand?
>> No. 8309


and that you dont rape kids (but thats a lie)
>> No. 8310
Did you want to have sex with sweaty, stinky, fat, neckbearded, morons? Didn't think so. Think of the children! Or... wait... Don't.
>> No. 8311
nah, I knew about reproduction early. my parents never told me that stork bullshit. Dad was straight-up with me
>> No. 8312
Let us talk to your dad. Is he awake?
>> No. 8313
it's not a lie. And how would a video be any different from text, which so far still hasn't worked?
>> No. 8314
no they sleep in a lot
>> No. 8315
You've provided your arguments. They didn't work.
>> No. 8316

Response plz.
>> No. 8317
ahhhh, then yeah I probably have some sort of mental illness
>> No. 8318
Does your dad know you like to think about children's butts?
>> No. 8319

Everyone: "Children can't consent, science tells us this, facts tell us this, the law tells us this. They simply cannot consent."

Nick Bate: "Yes they can, and it's bigoted to say otherwise, I KNOW I'm right, everyone else is just wrong.

Everyone: "Anna says she wants nothing to do with you, she knows better than you what's best for her."

Nick Bate: "No, I know what's best with her. Her life will be ruined if she isn't with me. I KNOW despite not being able to quantify in any way HOW I know."

Everyone: "The majority finds what you are into gross, immature, and disgusting."

Nick Bate: "Just because everyone else thinks it's disgusting doesn't make it disgusting! I know I'm right!"

These aren't arguments Nick, they're statements. The closest to an argument you've made this entire thread was to say that you wanted to have sex as a child. Even THAT statement is conflicted by the fact that you NOW say you shouldn't have sex until you're married, which means when you wanted sex as a child you were wrong and you would have been making a "terrible mistake". So the closest to an argument you've actually provided actually shits all over everything else you've said, you fucking idiot.
>> No. 8320
this one's actually quite a conundrum. I don't know how to answer that'n.
>> No. 8321


Trust me on this one. I think she would appreciate actually SEEING you talk about your guys' future together.
>> No. 8322
>> No. 8323
well yeah bro I WANTED to have sex but it would've been dumb
>> No. 8324

So you agree that even if you DID consent as a child, you'd end up regretting it?
>> No. 8325
I guess I can try but first I need to upload the other video I have on my camcorder because it's taking up all the storage space
>> No. 8326

Then do it, fuck, your future awaits
>> No. 8327

If you can recognise this then for the love of God, Nick, find yourself some serious help.
>> No. 8328
>> No. 8329

Holy fucking shit, finally. At least you're willing to admit that SOME children COULD be traumatised even after they've given their full consent, I'm calling that fucking progress. This shit is getting screen capped.
>> No. 8330
So there you go. You were a child, you didn't know what was best for you, you would have been making a mistake and it would have haunted you the rest of your life.

Your own experience outright disproves your claim that children can consent in terms even you should be able to understand given that even facts and science are beyond your grasp.

>> No. 8331
I want to but nobody'll pay the damn psychiatrist bill
>> No. 8332
Nick, why do you find vaginas disgusting, yet fap over kid assholes?
>> No. 8333
But again, just because it's a mistake for some people doesn't mean it has to be ruined for those who it ISN'T a mistake for...
>> No. 8334

More than likely yes, just as long as you can understand that and admit it then we've actually moved on somewhat from however many fucking hours ago this started.
>> No. 8335
I dunno. Vaginas just look gross, with the skin folds or whatever you'd call 'em. Anuses look different and are hot.
>> No. 8336
> I don't understand what's not to get about it... I'm backing everything up with proof...

>> No. 8337
Just kill yourself. You're hopeless.
>> No. 8338
well I already knew I have mental illnesses, I just don't know what. I'm assuming Asperger's, OCD and autism and I've actually been diagnosed with major depression and ADD for REAL
>> No. 8339
Don't get angry about that, this douche is clearly mentally ill. Him accepting that is a good thing.
>> No. 8340
ffffff I don't get it, why do you think my proof isn't real proof
>> No. 8341
One thing I cannot understand...why me? What's wrong with what I do? I'm not that important. There are real criminals out there. Go after them instead!

Get over yourselves!
>> No. 8342
Do you realize that your penis, balls, and anus would be absolutely horrifying to a child?
>> No. 8343
Your proof isn't peer-reviewed.
>> No. 8344
If you acknowledge that you have mental illnesses, can you acknowledge that they may be affecting your judgement? That maybe some of these things you're thinking about - that children can consent to sex - may be a result of them?
>> No. 8345
You could...if you were responsible.
>> No. 8346
Time to change your trip.

Also, because you're a disgrace to humanity.
>> No. 8347
Wrong field, lol.
>> No. 8348
I AM responsible, I just can't get a job because of the social phobia thing. Which can't be cured without a psychiatrist. Do you see the problem?
>> No. 8349
You imbecile. Your entire justification that it's okay for children to have sex was that you wanted to have sex as a child, but you've now admitted had you done it you would now regret it and it would have been wrong. This is because you were a child, and your judgment was (in your case only slightly) less mature.

This has scientifically been proven to be the case with ALL children. Children simply lack the intelligence and maturity to make those kinds of decisions, period. Someone who can't distinguish between whether or not the characters on their television is real is not mature enough to make life-changing decisions like that.

Do you think it should be legal to have sex with a mentally retarded person? What about a person in a coma?
>> No. 8350
Unless he just takes that and runs with it in his child raping escapades. He just continues to rape and molest and blames it on autism/mental illnesses so it's okay. Like fucking Christians that go to confession but keep doing the same shit.
>> No. 8351
wait what the hell
>> No. 8352

That's okay, you obviously didn't understand the lack of empathy thing, Just keep it in mind because it should make a lot of other situations in you life make more sense when you apply this knowledge of yourself.
>> No. 8353
Change your trip (the #whatever) to something else, you put it in the email field accidentally so now everyone knows what it is.
>> No. 8354
a coma would be different because they clearly can't give consent. the mentally handicapped still can though because they're conscious
>> No. 8355
Everything about you is disgusting and repulsive. Everything you do and believe is wrong. You're a walking nexus of fail, and you literally have no excuse.
>> No. 8356
You should be afraid. If you start talking around the water cooler about how you'd like to tap the boss' 11-year-old daughter's ass, you're done.
>> No. 8357
what do I apply it to? o.O
>> No. 8358
Because you're not giving us proof! The people you are arguing with have stated SCIENTIFIC FACTS that have been studied for years and you just say "nope you a bigot"

>not allowing someone to do something because of their AGE, race, creed, etc. is bigotry. this is in dictionaries

>> No. 8359
Severely mentally handicapped people can't consent. People get thrown in jail for that all the time.
>> No. 8360

>the mentally handicapped still can though because they're conscious

Dude. They are mentally handicapped. They can't understand. If you physically can't understand, how can you give consent?
>> No. 8361
okay new password thingy, I'll confirm on twitter
>> No. 8362
Dear Nick,

This is going no where. Go ahead and upload your video and take a nap or something.



PS Leave Amber alone
>> No. 8363
First of all, these things are treated, not cured. You never really "cure" a mental illness, you just learn to manage it.

Second, there are plenty of people with social phobias who are still functioning, contributing members of society. I myself have obsessive compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder, and agoraphobia. Yet I have no problem holding a job or bathing, I've never stalked or obsessed over a girl, and I have no desire to have sex with children.
>> No. 8364
Over 900 posts in a few hours over this asshat. Is there gonna be a new thread made at some point?
>> No. 8365
no idea how that happened, the thing stays in the name field by default so I don't touch anything but the message field
>> No. 8366
nick, one last question since this is getting boring.

have the police contacted you at all?
>> No. 8367
File 130582178677.jpg - (28.49KB , 300x300 , downschild2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Does this turn you on?
>> No. 8368

Any situation where people act differently to how you think they should. When they are telling you something you have done is wrong, but you think it isn't. For example, when people are disgusted by something you've done that you don't think is disgusting. Telling them that it isn't disgusting because you feel it isn't won't change how they feel about it, understand?
>> No. 8369
bro I DO leave her alone. I didn't do anything to her, why does nobody get this
>> No. 8370
I pray to God you are the troll who just learned his tripcode
>> No. 8371
No Nick, no. A child cannot give consent, a mentally retarded person cannot give consent, and a person in a coma cannot give consent.

None of these people can consent, they lack the basic ability to do so.
>> No. 8372
But she did something to you because you forced her? Isn't that right?
>> No. 8373
...I don't get it. If everyone sticks to their original belief anyway, how the hell do arguments get resolved?
>> No. 8374
no, I said I made all that Amber stuff up like several times
>> No. 8375
Okay, here's a biggie Nick, keep in mind the whole empathy thing. Now, if you and Anna are soulmates, and you love each other because you are destined to love each other, why does she not feel exactly the same way you do? If she is destined to love you, why does she not feel it, like you do? How can that even be possible under your perception of love?
>> No. 8376
Objectivity and reasoning. You are capable of neither of those things.
>> No. 8377
no that was me
>> No. 8378
File 130582198361.jpg - (37.96KB , 359x450 , no one will ever believe you.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No one believes you haven't done anything. You brag about it, even if it didn't happen it means you've thought about it before. Also, guy on twitter told you to be quiet about it which is suspicious as fuck, as if he knows something worse we don't.
>> No. 8379
This whole thing kicked off because you contacted her again a couple of weeks ago. That was DOING SOMETHING to her. She will never be into her. Obsessing over her with this delusional bullshit soulmate garbage, and claiming she can't possibly be happy without you are DOING SOMETHING to her.

Until you accept this, you are harassing and stalking her.
>> No. 8380
You're saying that now... because you'll for sure end up in prison if it's true.
>> No. 8381
Simple question, Nick. Why isn't Amber allowed near you?
>> No. 8382
she doesn't love me YET, but something'll apparently happen and she'll change her mind because it's meant to be
>> No. 8383
because my b-family is a bunch of bigots who hate all the weird things I do
>> No. 8384
He believes she doesn't know yet. He spewed some bullshit earlier about her not knowing what love is and blah blah blah.

Because obviously the guy who has gone out of his way not to be educated about ANYTHING and is completely unable to empathize, and is all around detestable, perverse and disgusting by everyone else's standards is better suited to know what love is.

He's just insane.
>> No. 8385
Here's a cool fact:

in 30 minutes, Nick will still be arguing with you; nothing will have substantially changed.

In 72 hours, Nick will have forgotten everything about this conversation, and your time will have been ill-spent.
>> No. 8386
It's NOT true. I even said that on Twitter a couple days ago, before I got Internet
>> No. 8387

He was talking about Amber, not Anna.
>> No. 8388

Elaborate on that. What are they worried about you doing with her?
>> No. 8389
Answer this, Nick.
>> No. 8390
They're not bigots for hating the things you do idiot. They keep her away from you because they know you're a dangerous retard who wants to do her harm.
>> No. 8391
empathy has nothing to do with love, son
>> No. 8392
How is it meant to be? Do you believe in God? If God exists, then he certainly wouldn't force a free willed child of his into a slavish relationship with Jabba the Hutt aka you.
>> No. 8393
I DON'T want to do her harm! ><
>> No. 8394

But Nick, you are saying you love Anna not because of what she looks like, think, does or because of anything event or anything happening to make you love her, you love her because your her soul mate and it's meant to be. This being the case, why are the rules different for her? If you're her soul mate and it's destined to be then there shouldn't be anything you do that makes her love you, it just should be, right?
>> No. 8395
Fucking stop that right now. You're 19. Stop talking like you're 50 and in a western.
>> No. 8396
fate doesn't really mess with your free will, it just determines the end result
>> No. 8397
Being around her would do her harm, dumbass.
>> No. 8398


If you ever did that -and you've obviously at least thought about it- you would be destroying her fucking life.
>> No. 8399
What are you going to do when Anna gets married in a few years?
>> No. 8400
yes, exactly. it'll just HAPPEN
>> No. 8401
What are your family worried about you doing with Amber?
>> No. 8402
What's wrong with pursuing a girl of a slightly younger age? TELL ME!
>> No. 8403

Of course it fucking does you emotional cripple.
>> No. 8404
Fate does mess with free will. Predestination implies that no matter what you do you can't change it, thus there is no free will.

Let her have her free will.
>> No. 8405
Calling the poster son is incredibly demeaning for a start and also laughable considering your naivete.

Empathy has everything to do with love. If you can't even imagine how the other person feels, then you can't love them. You're simply infatuated and stubborn.
>> No. 8406
I never DID that though :/
>> No. 8407

No dude, what I'm saying is that by your rules she should already love you, there shouldn't be any event that will make her love you later on, because love isn't based on any factor like looks, personality or actions, by your own rules she should already love you.
>> No. 8408
Ten years isn't "slightly", when she's pre-pubescent, and physically can't have sex without being damaged, sicko.
>> No. 8409
Good point.
Hey guys, how about we send this guys info to an /I/nsugency board? (also Im not entirely sure what they do, but im sure they do raids or some shit, right? ) And they'll actually report him.
>> No. 8410
>empathy has nothing to do with love

That's the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard anyone say ever.

There is not even the slightest bit of truth in that statement.
>> No. 8411
it's not meant to be demeaning. it's just a title like "dawg" or "dude".

and I DO know how Anna feels, so
>> No. 8412
>What's wrong with stalking, breaking and entering, and raping? TELL ME!
>> No. 8413

>> No. 8414
But I didn't do anything wrong. Why the fuck does it seem like everyone keeps missing it every time I explain this?
>> No. 8415
Empathy has everything to do with love. It's why Anna doesn't love you right now, because you can't feel how she does when you write fapfics about her or have a shrine dedicated to her when she likes another guy and has fucked him already.
>> No. 8416

>> No. 8417
But you told people you did, and have written extensive other sexualized statements about her (like the strip-monopoly thing) and have been trying to defend in warped and retarded ways that it would somehow be okay for you to do so.
>> No. 8418

Look, one of the few things you've said you can actually offer Anna in a relationship is helping her emotionally, if you are incapable of empathising with her (as we've already established), then you'll never really know how she feels about anything. You can't possibly emotionally support her if you can't understand her emotions.
>> No. 8419
Answer his question.
>> No. 8420
Yeah this got boring a while ago. It's in hands of law enforcement anyway, fuck along now, nick
>> No. 8421
Nick, if you think love has nothing to do with empathy, you are truly beyond hope.
>> No. 8422
They'd probably just send him pizza.
>> No. 8423
oh son of a bitch how did it happen AGAIN
>> No. 8424
You've at least thought about it. That's for sure. That's enough to make you a sick fuck for life.
>> No. 8425
changed the thing again because lol

apparently someone remembered the significance of 6051
>> No. 8426
Nobody believes you.
>> No. 8427

>and I DO know how Anna feels, so

>> No. 8428
>>and I DO know how Anna feels, so

She wants you to leave her alone, forever. She wants you to burn ever picture and every letter you have from her. She wants you to forget about her and move on with your life. THAT is how she feels. Any course of action other than that demonstrates you do NOT know how she feels.
>> No. 8429
no, I never even THOUGHT about it
>> No. 8430
Your trips are too easy to figure out, apparently. Probably how your email and everything else got broken into.
>> No. 8431
no, I totally understand this. but she'll change her mind
>> No. 8432
Law enforcement? Can we confirm this?
>> No. 8433
>> No. 8434
Since when did everybody on /cwc/ become moralfags?
>> No. 8435

spoiler: she won't
>> No. 8436

Response please.
>> No. 8437
>> No. 8438
If you're telling people about it then you've at least thought about it.

Right now you're lying, which means you've most likely been lying about everything else.
>> No. 8439
Since when is it okay to think about fucking a 9 year old girl?
>> No. 8440

you could be lying to save your ass.
>> No. 8441
no, she'll change her mind someone and realize she loves me
>> No. 8442
Everything you THINK is wrong, everything you WANT to do is wrong.

Let me draw you a picture.

Person A tells people online they've been torturing B. Person A says it should be legal to torture and kill people online.

Person A complains that people are keeping Person B away from him, and says he was just making up all the stuff about torturing person B and would never actually torture or kill them.

Person A then goes on to continue simultaneously defending torturing and murdering people, and wonder why they're being kept from the person they previously claimed to have done it to, while expressing a desire to do it.
>> No. 8443
Nick. What if Anna marries someone else?
>> No. 8444
>> No. 8445
she won't. WE'RE meant to be together
>> No. 8446
I'm sure when I come back to this thread in a few hours Nick will still be arguing his wrong retarded points.
>> No. 8447
I'm sure she'll be married to ginger neckbeard in a few years. She seems like the type.
>> No. 8448
Just call the sheriffs office and ask them if theyve heard anything about nick stoutzenberger
>> No. 8449
says you and no one else
>> No. 8450
Sure. She'll totally wake up one morning and think "WOW I WANTED TO KILL NICK BEFORE, BUT NOW I LOVE HIM AND WANT HIM TO PENETRATE MY ASSHOLE"(note the extreme sarcasm.)
>> No. 8451
Anna will get married and move to another country. You are pushing her away. She wants nothing to do with you.
>> No. 8452
I never claimed a desire to do it, and AGAIN, I saw it on Twitter before I saw the thread
>> No. 8453
>>no, I never even THOUGHT about it


You told the story to people on the internet. What, did you close your eyes and randomly hit keys on your keyboard? You thought up an entire scenario about her sucking your dick and licking your ass, and you trying to lick her ass but only licking the cheeks because there was poop in there.

That all came from your mind. Would you want to live with someone who wrote a story online about stabbing you to death while you were being suffocated by a giant novelty vagina, even with them complaining they never would, and never thought about it?
>> No. 8454

No, Nick, by your rules of love and soul mates, the reason that you and Anna are meant to be together, she should already love you.
>> No. 8455
Yeah obviously I used thought to make it up, but I don't want to actually DO it
>> No. 8456
I'm just interested in seeing/reading the outcome of the police coming to this dipshit's house.

Also someone should get the number to his dad's house and call it, hopefully his dad will answer and questions can be asked.
>> No. 8457
no son she'll change her mind ><
>> No. 8458
>That all came from your mind. Would you want to live with someone who wrote a story online about stabbing you to death while you were being suffocated by a giant novelty vagina, even with them complaining they never would, and never thought about it?

I lol'd so hard at the mental image.
>> No. 8459

Look, one of the few things you've said you can actually offer Anna in a relationship is helping her emotionally, if you are incapable of empathising with her (as we've already established), then you'll never really know how she feels about anything. You can't possibly emotionally support her if you can't understand her emotions.
>> No. 8460

You claimed to have done it. THAT is why they don't want her near you. The issue isn't whether or not you did it SO STOP FUCKING REPEATING THAT YOU HAVEN'T, the issue is that you have such poor judgment that you CLAIMED to have done it. That you thought people would think BETTER of you for claiming to have SEX WITH YOUR NINE YEAR OLD SISTER.
>> No. 8461
dude I didn't even do anything illegal wtf
>> No. 8462
Who wants to pay $1.95 to get his dad's phone number?
>> No. 8463
it was intended for my friends; it wasn't supposed to go public like this
>> No. 8464
File 130582337222.jpg - (3.44KB , 219x93 , 129372264121.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
i don't even
>> No. 8465
You exist. That's illegal.
>> No. 8466

Nick, the point is that she shouldn't have to change her mind. You say love isn't dependant on looks, personality or what someone does, you just love someone because you are meant to. If she is meant to love you then she should just love you.
>> No. 8467
>@NickBate do you have proof to back this up? please note, proof cannot be a) your opinion, b) a story about someone else, c) "I just know"

>@orthodexy but those ARE proof. o_O

Thats his definition of proof, folks...really.
>> No. 8468
I will LEARN to understand her feelings and then help her with things
>> No. 8469
i lol'd
>> No. 8470
She won't just change her mind you fucking retard. She doesn't love you now, and she never will. There's nothing about you TO love, you're disgusting. You're walking human waste.

Just stating that she'll change her mind doesn't make it so, you literally have NOTHING to justify your obsession with her, your soulmate bullshit, or even why you're attracted to her.
>> No. 8471
no, fate doesn't mean it's always there from the beginning, that's just how it ends up. the road to getting there is ambiguous
>> No. 8472
Unless your friends are all kiddy fiddlers too then the point remains.
>> No. 8473
Nick. Would you beat up Anna's boyfriend?
>> No. 8474

>> No. 8475
no the point of it was so they'd get lulz
>> No. 8476
Nick, her feelings are that she fucking hates you. The end.
>> No. 8477
I wish I had the money right now.
If I did, I would gladly pay fifty dollars just to have this retard knocked down a peg.
>> No. 8478
dude I already know she hates me but that'll change. she'll change her mind and stop hating ,e
>> No. 8479
That's not how proof works Nick. Opinions are not proof, simply stating "I know" or "I'm right" is not proof. Telling a story about someone is anecdotal evidence, and anecdotal evidence is by definition worthless.
>> No. 8480
We really need to hear what, exactly, his dad/dad's girlfriend/mom thinks about all of this shit.

I mean why did they want Dickle Little here to stop being around his sister?
>> No. 8481

No, Nick, this isn't something you can learn, this lack of empathy is part of your mental condition.
>> No. 8482
calling him human waste is probably a compliment to him, y'know, what with the shit-loving and all. call him a vagina instead.
>> No. 8483

proof (plural proofs)

1 Any effort, process, or operation designed to establish or discover a fact or truth; an act of testing; a test; a trial.

2 The degree of evidence which convinces the mind of any truth or fact, and produces belief; a test by facts or arguments which induce, or tend to induce, certainty of the judgment; conclusive evidence; demonstration.
>> No. 8484
well I dunno then, I'll take medication or whatever it is that gives you empathy
>> No. 8485
His face does kinda look like a vagina.
>> No. 8486

You didn't do anything illegal, except for that list of all the illegal things you've done.
>> No. 8487
I already told you, they're bigots and hate everything I do
>> No. 8488
You still thought your friends would be impressed by you telling a story about you having sex with your nine year old sister.

Which is just so unbelievably warped and pathetic being you, you can't see a problem with it.
>> No. 8489
>> No. 8490
dude those are exaggeration. assault was self-defense from the several times my mom picked fights with me, etc.
>> No. 8491
File 130582382987.jpg - (28.58KB , 300x300 , tori_laugh.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 8492
An ugly one mind you. They're not all that bad to look at. If Nick's face was a vagina, it would look like a gaping axe wound
>> No. 8493
it wasn't supposed to be impressive, it was supposed to be LULZY. which it was, they found it hilarious how someone could be so fucked up. I mean damn listen to the skype calls
>> No. 8494
Do you hate murderers? If so, I say you are a bigot by your logic.
>> No. 8495
I wish he would answer that. people posted that question hours ago.


HOLY FUCKING SHIT! There is no such thing as magical pills that give you empathy.
>> No. 8496

There isn't any, this is likely an effect of Aspergers, you may as well be asking for the cure for autism. Sorry dude, but there's no getting around this.
>> No. 8497
Awww... Look at you trying to use 4chan words to convince people. Nice try.
>> No. 8498
omg EPIC LULZ yo!
>> No. 8499
I hate tomatoes, therefore I am bigoted towards them. OH NO.
>> No. 8500

We have, well at least the one where you admit to being a pedo and think having sex with kids is ok. Oh hey, someone did forward that to the police right?
>> No. 8501
my family doesn't know I made up the Amber thing

also my dad's side is completely separate from moms side. dad is cool, mom hates me
>> No. 8502

It was apparently because of his LARPing. Not the shit smearing on walls.
>> No. 8503
The closest you'll get to 'empathy pills' is probably MDMA.
>> No. 8504
it's not illegal to want to legalize something. it's not proof I actually DID anything
>> No. 8505

Not how the police are gonna see it, son.
>> No. 8506
File 130582411962.jpg - (35.50KB , 537x389 , Shower.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey Nick, serious question:

What is it with you and not showering? Did a shower shoot your legs off as a child or something?

Just get in the fucking tub, you stinky bastard.
>> No. 8507
that's a possibility; they don't know about the walls

but I dunno I try to only larp when nobody's around

it's probably just because I'm a nerd and they're these uptight right-wing nutcases
>> No. 8508
"They're bigots" is not an answer. You think everyone in this thread is a bigot for not agreeing with your warped logic.
What event took place to make your parents not want you around Amber?
>> No. 8509
What specific things do you do that they hate?

Wait, what the fuck. Are you saying you hit your MOM?
>> No. 8510

They will once the Po Po come to your house.
>> No. 8511
I don't know, I just get all panicky in bathrooms

ps nice pic
>> No. 8512

He doesn't agree with what we say and thus he is a BIGOT
>> No. 8513
So, now we've established that you can't empathise with Anna and so can't emotionally support her (and there's no magic cure), what do you have left to offer the girl? Anilingus?
>> No. 8514
It's not exactly pot, dumbfuck. It's raping children who can't give consent.
>> No. 8515
yeah well I don't care if they find out. it's not true. It may be hard to convince them that though but meh
>> No. 8516

Answer this please. Did you hit your mother?
>> No. 8517
Nick, considering there's so many things that other people find disgusting that you think they shouldn't, can I ask you what you find disgusting?
>> No. 8518
it's not rape if they give consent
>> No. 8519
He hit her with a board of some kind. It's in his LJ somewhere, I am sure.
>> No. 8520

Children can't give consent. This is the entire fucking world against you here Nick, either one person's wrong, or everyone is. Considering how fucking abnormal you already know you are, do you really think that you're the only one who's right here?
>> No. 8521

Jesus Christ. His own MOTHER. With a BOARD.

I don't even know what to say to that.
>> No. 8522
I bet she told you to grow up and take a shower and you tard rage'd on her.
>> No. 8523

Even if they say, "Hey, rape me now please," that isn't consent, you dumb fucking child raper.
>> No. 8524
I'm not sure the specifics. I mean, they always yell at me for random shit. Standing around without saying anything, making faces at Amber (even though she's a child and this is what you do with children), etc.

oh god the mom thing is a long story. there were several different incidents. basically she yells at me for something stupid, I'm like "i'm not even doing anything", she starts getting physical, I defend myself, she calls the cops, somehow /I/ get arrested for it
>> No. 8525
What the fuck do you think "Age of Consent" means? Look it the fuck up right fucking now.
>> No. 8526
I found his mom's number on an Avon site but I dunno if we can post numbers?
>> No. 8527
She's your mum. She carried you for 9 months, fed you, clothed you, bathed you. Cared for you when you were a baby. She's allowed to discipline you.
>> No. 8528

I bet that's the last time he got a proper bath, too.
>> No. 8529
I didn't do anything wrong to be disciplined for. Also, as far as I know choking, punching, etc. can't legally be used as discipline or else it's child abuse
>> No. 8530

You're living under her roof, fucktard, her rules. And stop letting her walk in on you jerking off you idiot, either wait until everyone is out of the house or asleep, what the fuck is wrong with you.
>> No. 8531
More than likely. Of course, we don't know the full story with his mum, she might be a bitch, but still... You NEVER hit your parents. EVER.
>> No. 8532
Please, for Ambers sake, Post it.
>> No. 8533
>> No. 8534

You're not a child any more Nick, you fucking take that choke hold like a man.
>> No. 8535
You're not a child though. All you do is sit around on your fat arse all day, fapping, watching shitty web toons, stalking anna and shoveling greasy burgers down your gullet. You're a leech. I'm not surprised she dislikes you. You wipe shit and semen on the walls, you don't shower or look after yourself. If I was her, I'd be so fucking embarrassed.
>> No. 8536
not even in self defense? wtf, that's what the cops said too. am I supposed to just ALLOW her to abuse me?
>> No. 8537
Shit, If I was your mother, I'd beat the shit out of you too.
>> No. 8538
I was still a minor when that happened though
>> No. 8539
If I disrespected my parents like you do, they'd belt me into oblivion and have every right to.
>> No. 8540
It's not abuse if she's hitting you for being a fat sack of shit.
>> No. 8541

Oh boo hoo. I highly, HIGHLY doubt you were 'abused'. And even if you were hit, hitting her back WITH A BOARD NO LESS was not the right thing to do.
>> No. 8542
If this is real. You will go down in internet Valhalla.
>> No. 8543
I'm NOT though. :/
>> No. 8544
You're a 19 year old man, Nick. Unless your mother is burly as fuck you're going to be able to hurt her a lot more than she can hurt you.

Were you never taught that hitting women is wrong? Please tell me your thoughts on men hitting women. Can it ever be justified?
>> No. 8545

Someone do it. She needs to know the kind of shit he's been saying about having sex with kids.
>> No. 8546
How did you find it anyway?
>> No. 8547
It's not abuse and she also gets bonus points if she's hitting you for being a pedo fat sack of shit.
>> No. 8548
Googled his mom's married name and the city they live in. It was the first result.
>> No. 8549
>> No. 8550
I love how this thread started out as Nick saying he acted like a massive retard/pervert for the lulz, and then proceeds to show himself to be a massive retard/pervert anyway. You literally have no redeeming qualities, it's as if someone made a sack of shit sentient
>> No. 8551

What difference does that make, according to you there's no difference between them.
>> No. 8552
You're fat.
You smell like shit.
The End.
>> No. 8553
who cares if I SAID it as long as I didn't actually DO it?
>> No. 8554
Nick, we're about to tell on you to your mother... Respond. How does this make you feel?
>> No. 8555
Yes you are. You don't have a job to contribute towards paying bills. You're 'afraid' of everything (and trust me, I know about anxiety and phobias). You make up weird shit about licking your baby sister's arse. You are fat (we've all seen the video of you rubbing your cocktail sausage. your gut is hideous. It looks like you're wearing a life saver). You are just a leech on everyone you live with. A drain on their resources.
>> No. 8556
oh, really? have you ever smelled me irl?
>> No. 8557
Nigga, we can smell you from all the way over here.
>> No. 8558
The thought is the seed that sprouts into a sapling. The sapling then starts downloading CP. The sapling then grows into a towering oak. the oak grooms kids over the internet. This could be you.
>> No. 8559

Nick, you wipe your own shit on the walls and barely shower, I think we can hazard a guess at this.
>> No. 8560
*shrug* I 'unno. I assume she's probably going to believe you automatically and yell at me until I get to explain everything but unfortunately I don't go home until Saturday so fffff
>> No. 8561
Everyone! Call his mom now and tell her (In a respectful, professional tone.) all the shit Nick did to his sister. Tell her we have audio and chat logs too!
>> No. 8562
Perfume and manscent don't cover up sweat and nasty unwashed body smells.
>> No. 8563
You refuse to shower. It's a bit obvious that you smell like a sweaty ass crack. But then again, that's probably a smell of heaven to you.
>> No. 8564

CORRECTION: He smells like ~perfumed~ shit.
>> No. 8565

> Implying she will let you come home.
>> No. 8566
File 130582560657.jpg - (69.46KB , 600x450 , peace.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yes. As you can see/smell, this is a photo of you in such a stinky state that affects the molecular structure of a computer screen to give off shit fumes.
>> No. 8567
Nick, your mother hates you because you're a massive disappointment to her, you're 19 and she still has to walk in on you masturbating, you fucking loser. You have no ambition or drive, want her to take care of you for the rest of your life and play with your own shit. What the fuck do you think goes through her head when she sees all her friend's children with careers and their own homes and families? Getting college degrees and actually contributing to the world? You may as well not fucking exist.
>> No. 8568
Don't forget to point out the toilet in the upper right.
>> No. 8569

Fuck, I thought that was his bed.
>> No. 8570
she doesn't even know about any of that
>> No. 8571
N or S or whoever, don't forget to archive this thread and post it on the website.
>> No. 8572
We have videos too. He apparently gave the fap videos to minors. Again, very illegal.
>> No. 8573
Nick can't you understand that even writing fucked up shit like that about your sister is enough to make your mum disown you? You think she's going to go crazy until you explain ''I didn't actually do it! Its just fiction jesus'', No. She's going to see you writing this shit as almost as much of a fucked up thing to do as physically acting out on your fantasies. Have fun living in the park/begging for money for texts to update your twitter
>> No. 8574
We have the perfect organization to delegate that task to.
The PCAssassins.
>> No. 8575
...I'm okay with this. As long as someone does it.
>> No. 8576

I would love to save this thread, if only the mods would delete the child porn posted earlier.
>> No. 8577
>>making faces at Amber (even though she's a child and this is what you do with children), etc.

So here you're acknowledging children are different than adults.

>>I was still a minor when that happened though

Here again you justify that something is not okay to be done to you because you were underage.

You basically have no argument for anything you say. Children can't give consent. Unless you admit the posts you just made are bigoted, then there's no way you can pretend that's a bigoted statement. That wanting to protect children from sick fucks like you is somehow bigoted.
>> No. 8578

She doesn't know what? That you walked in on her masturbating? That you fucked up your education, can't get any job AT ALL, and are still living under her roof for the forseeable future? She knows all of that shit Nick, how could she not? Here's a quick test though Nick - Does your mother beat you over the head for no apparent reason? Yes? Right, then it's clearly because you a fucking massive disappointment to her.
>> No. 8579
This is possibly the best thread on 789chan

Would they be okay with that? I thought we scared them away from here.
>> No. 8580
I don't live with her, I live with my grandmother

and no she doesn't know things. I try to hide all my hobbies/interests from my b-family because I know they'll freak out. my damn aunt stole a lot of my crossdressing equipment already
>> No. 8581
They're probably lurking around.
>> No. 8582

Hahaha then someone really needs to call his mother and inform her as to what her son has been up to.
>> No. 8583
'Equipment'? You mean your grandma dress, granny knickers and whatever else you had hidden away in your stash? I bet your room is full of it. How did you even get hold of that stuff?
>> No. 8584
none of that stuff makes me a disappointment, and even if it did that doesn't justify child abuse
>> No. 8585

I might call her later and play the clip where he talks about wanting to watch Amber pee. I still have a few minutes left on my Spoofcard.
>> No. 8586

Nick, what have we talked about with empathy? Having a child that strives to achieve precisely fuck all with their life is a disappointment to any parent. Just because you don't think you'd find it a disappointment, doesn't mean that other people don't feel differently. I guarantee you that you mother finds what you've chosen to do with your life disappointing.
>> No. 8587
So that kind of child abuse is bad but sexual child abuse isn't?
>> No. 8588
no mostly just panties. can't really find any dresses that fit. I mean the panties don't really fit either but I generally just, like, hold them as opposed to wearing them
>> No. 8589

Or maybe I'll play the audio from one of his "nekkid" videos where he talks about jackin' it.
>> No. 8590
sexual abuse isn't abuse if it's consentual
>> No. 8591
That would be hilarious.
>> No. 8592
Please do <3
>> No. 8593
If any of my children were like that, I would consider them a disappointment.
inb4 no its not. its right cause i say so.
>> No. 8594

It can't be consentual, you had no answer whatsoever to >>61104 so don't you fucking dare
continue to say that all pedophiles need is for kids to give consent.
>> No. 8595
Whoever calls Nick's mother, if you can record it, please do so.

P.S Anyone know when the police are due round Nick's house for grooming a minor?
>> No. 8596
I wish to know this too. Someone said earlier the local police force had received several complaints about it. I don't know how they found this out. Can anyone clarify?
>> No. 8597
dude I didn't groom a minor stop saying I did
>> No. 8598
Stop selectively replying to things and answer questions.
>> No. 8599
You sent minors videos of you masturbating. That could be considered grooming in the court of law.
>> No. 8600
I'm trying to but I keep missing things because there's too much going on at once
>> No. 8601
Bullshit. The thread has quietened down.
>> No. 8602
So, is this really just an example of "/cwc/ IS your personal army"?
>> No. 8603

Nick's idea of proof is "I'm right, you're wrong."

Nick's mom AVON info is on here http://cosborne.avonrepresentative.com/

that's it.

1000 posts of nick saying "NUH UH ME AND ANNA ARE GOING TO BE TEH MARRIED!!!11"
>> No. 8604

The thing is, petal, you SAID that you did. You said it all over the internet and you said it out loud in a recorded conversation. The police aren't going to believe you. Frankly, I don't believe you.

They're going to think that you did. Then you will be arrested. They will talk to Amber. Your family will disown you. You won't have a place to store your stuff, because no one in their right mind would continue to let you live with them.

Even if you don't go to jail, for the rest of your life, people will say that they just didn't have enough evidence to convict you, but everyone will KNOW you did it. Just like you KNOW Anna will love you some how some day.
>> No. 8605
Oh man, i wish my leg was not in a cast... i totaly would drive to his house and beat the living shit out of this sick fuck.
>> No. 8606
As much as you might protest you never did anything to Amber (none of us are stupid enough to believe a word you're saying by the way) the videos you sent and cybering you did with other minors would easily be seen as grooming. And that is stone cold evidence, there in black and white. Why don't you take a seat over there Mr. Bate?
>> No. 8607
just saying I did something isn't enough evidence to convict. people lie all the time, they should be open to it as a possibility at least
>> No. 8608

>just saying I did something isn't enough evidence to convict.

uh. its called a confession. you're kiiiind of screwed.
>> No. 8609
Nick, you sent videos to underage teens.
>> No. 8610

Um, yes it is. It's called a confession. They convict people based solely on confessions all the time. confessions are worth more to a court than finger prints.
>> No. 8611
that's not grooming. I sent those to adults, not minors
>> No. 8612

maddi's only 13.
>> No. 8613

I will as soon as I cut that bit out from the original recording to make things easier.
>> No. 8614
I didn't CONFESS though. I lied to my friends, not to a cop. They also need to be recording your confession too.
>> No. 8615
Doesn't matter.
>> No. 8616
Nick, has fate ever worked out for you before? What is your reasoning for this blind faith?
>> No. 8617
  ''It's time the tale were told
Of how you took a child
And you made them old.
It's time that the tale were told. Of how you took a child.
And you made them old.
You made them old.''

Nick's song.
>> No. 8618
Nick, we've gone over this over and over and over again.

Every time we talk about having sex with children you just repeat "It's not abuse if they consent" but we've demolished this claim again and again by pointing out CHILDREN CAN'T CONSENT. THEY CAN NEVER CONSENT.


Simply repeating over and over again that you think they can despite all the facts outright proving you're fucking wrong won't change that you ignorant, fat fuck. A CHILD CANNOT GIVE CONSENT.
>> No. 8619
File 130582788879.png - (238.12KB , 379x312 , 128251843877.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 8620

THERE IS A RECORDING OF IT, YOU JACKASS. You do not have to confess to a cop at all and you can say that you were lying till the world starts turning backwards, but no one will believe that.
>> No. 8621
I didn't send those to Maddi. IIRC I sent them to Thom, who has always been like three years older than me. I'm p sure he was at least 18 at the time
>> No. 8622
What's Nick's number? I need a convincing caller ID number to display.
>> No. 8623

Doesn't matter, what you said to your friends is enough for a criminal investigation, even if you don't get convicted, rumor of the investigation will be enough for you to chased out of town on a fucking rail.
>> No. 8624
Maddi's underage Nick, way underage. She said she was 14, repeatedly in this and the last thread.
>> No. 8625
Use a 717 area code.
>> No. 8626
Nick, you better start running, everyone's in on you.
>> No. 8628
Guess what the cops will do? They'll take in Amber, who will be asked to corroborate the evidence presented. Don't think cops are bad at getting what they need to hear -- Amber will eventually lose desire to hide what you've done, even if she looks up to you now. You will be arrested, and you will be thrown in prison once she confesses. And I hope you rot in there.
>> No. 8629
You don't need to disguise your number.
Your warning a woman that her child's getting molested. Im sure she'll appreciate the tip.
>> No. 8630
but I lied in the recording. for something to be considered a confession it has to be recorded BY a trained professional
>> No. 8631
No it doesn't.
>> No. 8632
How does it feel to have all your friends turn on you?
>> No. 8633
I DIDN'T molest anyone though. How many times must I tell you I lied back then? It was a thing I made up, so clearly there can't be any evidence. There's no crime there at all! ><
>> No. 8634

Again, no one is going to believe you were lying. We don't believe you were lying. The cops certainly won't.
>> No. 8635
No, everything you said, no mather how trivial or pointless, WILL be used.
>> No. 8636
LOL where are you pulling these ''facts'' from? The same place you got amber to lick you? Sure seems like that to me. You haven't a clue about how the legal system works and you bullheadedness isn't going to save you now
>> No. 8637

Look up the number for Nick's old school. That might get her attention.
>> No. 8638
Haha, Nick, you're gonna have a fun time in jail buddy. You think you're afraid of showers now?
>> No. 8639
How does nobody believe I was lying when I fucking announced it on Twitter before I even saw this thread?!
>> No. 8640

Today I learned saying anything on Twitter makes it true.
>> No. 8641
>> No. 8642
I feel like writing a song to commemorate Nick being arrested for molesting his 8 year old sister. What rhymes with gangbanged?
>> No. 8643
File 130582847115.png - (347.50KB , 640x480 , JapanGuyInterview.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
i went to school to professionally record confessions

this is my recording face
>> No. 8644
If you made it up, then you certainly won't have to worry about Amber ever telling the police anything, because there wasn't anything.

But you and I both know that there was.

It doesn't matter if it's now, it doesn't matter if it's in a month. Amber will eventually lose her predisposition to defend you and admit it to someone, somewhere. Maybe even to the police. And we'll be there to catch it. Life is grand.
>> No. 8645
Nick, you're saying we should believe you because you're a liar. Now, either way you're lying. Either you lied and pretended to be a child molester, or you're lying to get out of getting in trouble for being a child molester.

Given that you came up with the story all your own, and have openly admitted to being a pedophile, and believing it should be legal (but repeatedly failing to provide ANYTHING to argue this) combined with your online stalking, and dating an underage girl... it's not looking good.

Also you justify your beliefs by making up rules on the fly, and just expect everyone to go by the rules you pulled out of your ass. "She has to love me because we're soulmates." No you're not, and no she doesn't. "The rapists don't explain what sex is to the child." Yes they do. "A confession only counts if it was recorded by a trained professional." Trained professional what? There's no court-appointed "confession taker" the only requirement for a confession to be applicable is that you knew you were being recorded.
>> No. 8646
I'm NOT worried about her saying anything, because there's nothing to say
>> No. 8647
File 130582857648.gif - (238.44KB , 500x500 , derp_mander_by_zeurel-d2yj4eg.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
mfw all the friends he's had on the internet were trolling him.
>> No. 8648
Bahahaha, he's gonna be picking up a lot of soap.
>> No. 8649
dude, I never stalked anyone either.

I'm not just making up these rules, they're really THERE. They existed long before I found out about them

and IIRC it has to be a cop and it has to be in one of those interrogation rooms
>> No. 8650
No it doesn't. Prisoners get in trouble all the time after telling their cell mates shit.
>> No. 8651
I'm sure the police could trouble you for a polygraph test. The results won't be used in court, but, well, it might spur them to *ahem* investigate further.
>> No. 8652

No it doesn't. Not at all. Seriously look it up. You're going to jail, kiddie winkle, then you're going to have your dreams come true because there's a lot of anal to be had in the US jail system.
>> No. 8653
Nick just makes rules up as he goes. Cops won't put up with this bullshit when they're questioning you buddy.
>> No. 8654
I'd pay so much money to see the interrogation tapes if he gets hauled in.
>> No. 8655
You're obviously not familiar with evidence. If a witness can testify it's your voice, it's admissible.
>> No. 8656
No Nick, your rules are completely made up bullshit. Every single one is wrong.

There are no trained professional confession takers, if you knew you were being recorded, that's all that's required by law.

There's nothing anywhere that validates your belief in soulmates, or proves you're Anna's.

Pedophiles DO explicitly explain to their victims what they want them to do and what sex is, and it's still fucking rape.

Children can NEVER consent.

And thanks for reminding me about your claim that you never stalked anyone. Earlier you tried to claim that to stalk someone you had to "follow them around hiding in the bushes" but as was pointed out with the Bjork stalker, he never even met his victim, all you have to do to be a stalker is obsess over them, and imagine a relationship with them that doesn't exist, and insist on contact with them when they've specifically told you they want nothing to do with you. You are stalking Anna.
>> No. 8657
File 130582918070.jpg - (65.57KB , 640x637 , 1301186808716.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you."

Sound familiar? Have fun getting buttfucked by the justice system of the America you hate so much, you poser.

You might as well dump whatever CP you got, since you're gonna be licking Bubba's asshole in the slammer.
>> No. 8658
theres chat logs or something of you trying to get your "friends" to see what Anna was posting on Livejournal after she blocked you.
Thats stalking, dumbass.
>> No. 8659
dude I'm not making this shit up, I've said these things so many times before in the past
>> No. 8660
by that logic people with celebrity crushes are stalkers then too, like anna having a crush on john linnell -_-
>> No. 8661
It's fucking over for you, Nick Stoutzenberger. You're going to wish you made a lot of choices differently.
>> No. 8662

>> No. 8663
you guys have all my chatlogs, go through them again damn
>> No. 8664
Penn Manor School District
2950 Charlestown Road
Lancaster, PA 17603
>> No. 8665
717-872-9520 is the number for his high school, I think
>> No. 8666
why is everyone so hell bent on worrying about this shit he probably didn't do to his sister instead of talking about how he likes to cross dress, wants to use a bunch of pregnancy tests every day, and doesn't shower
>> No. 8667

May be useful too.
>> No. 8668

I'm talking about the rules you keep making up. Find actual data that backs up what you say about pedophilia, police confessions and stuff.
>> No. 8669
Hi Nick.
>> No. 8670
I have to admit, I feel kind of sorry for Nick right now. Yes he did say several times to his online "friends" that he had been molesting Amber but it seems to me like it's only something he has genuinely said in an attempt to sound edgy and creepy to all his "friends."

But yeah, I do definitely pity the guy. He's obviously fucked up but just like Chris I think he's genuinely harmless. As we've all discussed previously, minors (especially minors under the age of 10) are impressionable but someone like Nick (someone who's not as stupid as he would like to pretend to be) would probably be terrified of Amber who if you remember doesn't know right or wrong and blab about her latest sexual adventure with Nick to a responsible adult. I'm sure even the small possibility of someone finding out would be enough to deter this guy.

Despite what I believe however it seems now that something's definitely going to come of this and there's nothing Nick can do about it really, although he definitely hasn't helped his case with the horrible, unlistening attitude he's generally adopted on this thread. I still have to pity the guy though. He's just some leeching loser whose mouth (or should I say fingers) have got him into a lot of real life trouble.
>> No. 8671

nice try nick.
>> No. 8672
we did, if you look through the thread. all of this has been questioned.
>> No. 8673
Because he's a fucking sick guy, what you are mentioning is just small talk.
This guy is a stalker AND a child molester!
>> No. 8674
I love you.

Also, I was right. I came back and he's still arguing nonsense. I'm sure I'll be okay for another few hours, then.

Why don't you ask him?
>> No. 8675
I think it'd be kinda fun to stalk you, just so you can experience how great it is. Send you letters, texts. Magazines. Boxes. Put up your information on pedophile watchdog sites. Post up some flyers around your area. How bout that, huh /cwc/? I don't think our buddy here's parents would enjoy that too much. They might even consider throwing him out!
>> No. 8676
>I'm sure even the small possibility of someone finding out would be enough to deter this guy.

No, it's not. Everything he says is truth remember? He isn't afraid because he knows that people should just believe him.

He's so far up his own ass he doesn't realize how much trouble he's really in.
>> No. 8677
I still don't understand why talking about molesting your sister makes you cool and edgy. It's just disgusting.
>> No. 8678
Audio - (377.47KB - 64 kbps - 8 kHz ) Length: 0:48 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
I made the call, but it only went to voicemail. I still left her a message.
>> No. 8679
that wasn't me btw
>> No. 8680
Oh my fucking god ahahahahaha
>> No. 8681
She's going to be so confused.
>> No. 8682
no, it wasn't supposed to be cool/edgy. my friends are trolls, I was giving them lulz
>> No. 8683
Nick, if you're still reading this, just hear me out for a sec. You need to be really worried about the whole being reported and prison thing. Even if you might not be taken in, you need to start making a MUCH, MUCH better case for yourself, and I mean fucking fast, dude. I don't think you understand. If you do go to prison over this, you WILL die. I don't know if you have any understanding of what prisons are like, but long story short, the other inmates WILL beat and rape you to death for being a child molester. Even if you try saying you're not, prisons are all about hearing shit through the grapevine. You WILL be destroyed by the other prisoners for being a pedo.
>> No. 8684

i'm not nick, you fuck, he signs his name to shit. i just don't think he did this shit but he did REAL shit like write fanfic about the girl he's stalking and cum all over his walls
>> No. 8685
but I didn't actually do it... how the fuck am I supposed to prove that
>> No. 8686

Due to past trolling ideas that went no where, I was still skeptical that anyone here would actually do anything. I love you bastards, but you don't have a good track record of being pro active.

Gold star, anon. Gold star.
>> No. 8687
You can't son, your idiotic little "jokes" are gonna wreck your shit.
>> No. 8688
You can't. Because all the evidence available leads to the contrary. That's why the jury's going to say "guilty" and not "innocent"
>> No. 8689

I hope that your mom has a good sense of humor.

>> No. 8690
Understandably talking about molesting your sister is disgusting but using the same logic we would apply to someone like CWC he probably believes this makes him look like some sort of horrible, evil, super villain.

Showering twice every year isn't edgy or cool, it's disgusting. Yet I can bet you Nick believes he's being rebellious when he brags about his lack of hygiene. Or not knowing what knuckles were doesn't make him look endearing, it makes him look retarded. The guy's obviously not mentally wired right like many other people have said on here but I think it's only to an extent where he doesn't know what's right or wrong. I'd ask you to back me up with these sentiments Nick but I know for a fact that if you genuinely did do something to Amber you're going to be willing to say whatever you can to appear whiter than white right now.

I'm glad I'm not dumb enough to say shit like Nick has said. I would be shitting it right now if I was him.
>> No. 8691

You, sir, get 10 internets for making that call. Though I do suggest trying again later, if at all possible.

Now, who can confirm the police have received information about Nick's child molesting activities and who can confirm they are investigating?

I propose we call this Operation: Amber alert.
>> No. 8692
but there's no evidence.
>> No. 8693

>> No. 8694
We've been over this dipshit, there's loads of evidence and just because you say "BUT I WAS LYING - WAH" doesn't change that.

>> No. 8695
ugh it's not MEANT to be edgy or cool or whatever, I want to be a stupid person dammit
>> No. 8696

>> No. 8697
This. If this goes to a jury, they'll pronounce you guilty within ten minutes.
>> No. 8698
me saying I did it isn't evidence, it was a lie dude
>> No. 8699
Of course there's fucking evidence. You've been consistent in your description of the events. You endorse pedophilia. You may think other people are just as retarded as you, and that there's no circumstantial evidence involved (recordings and transcripts), but hey - guess what that pretty little confession from Amber's going to do? Seal the deal. You're "aboot" to go away for a long time, pal.
>> No. 8700

there's a confession from amber?
>> No. 8701

Nick, believe me, you are a fucking very stupid person. Actually doing the shit you said you did to your sister wouldn't be stupid, it would just be sick, however telling people that you did that shit is most definitely very stupid.
>> No. 8702
That's what a confession is dude.
But don't be sad, you've proven what you want to be; retarded.
>> No. 8703
File 130583106490.jpg - (4.33KB , 150x177 , 1298452382582.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> So they played a reocrding of me saying my lifes on Mom's answering machine. How do I inform her I was lying when I'm at Dad's house?
>> No. 8704
Nick how do you defend the fact your dad found a shopped sexual picture of Amber on a computer? How the fuck does he even look at you after something like that?
>> No. 8705

What, it was a picture of Amber?
>> No. 8706

Nick, lying or not, how do you think your family is gonna react to hearing you "joke" about that?
>> No. 8707

The typical prison experience looks like a pleasant vacation to a relaxing spa compared to what convicted child molester's face. For that reason, a lot of them are housed seperately from the rest of the gen pop. Oh, and by the way, punishments against inmates who beat pedophiles to death are usually extremely minimal. Guards turn a blind eye.
>> No. 8708
but she's NOT gonna confess because I didn't DO it
>> No. 8709
Not yet. But if the police and investigators nudge her to tell the truth - or if she does it of her own accord once she's become disillusioned - there will be one. And that seals the deal.
>> No. 8710
You did not do what? :3
>> No. 8711
what? that was a photo of ANNA, it was posted in an older thread, I think
>> No. 8712
If Nick suddenly disappears without word, can we assume his mother came round and shot him in the face for touching up her little girl?
>> No. 8713
She is, you piece of shit. You pitiful, pathetic human garbage. If I encountered you offline, I'd beat the rest of your teeth in.
>> No. 8714

You could scrub as hard as you can for months and the stench still wouldn't come off. So I suggest the use of a lead pipe.
>> No. 8715
Should I make one more call?
>> No. 8716
Oh! I just realized another thing. How would I have had time to do the alleged shit when Mom and Steve don't let her near me alone? Hell, go ahead and ask them if she's ever around me without anyone else around. I see her in the morning when she goes to school and in the afternoon when she gets back. Mom and Nanny are always there at the bus stop too.
>> No. 8717
A simple voicemail message isn't gonna cut it. Somebody needs to have a long chat aboot how fucked up her son is
>> No. 8718
New thread time?
>> No. 8719
New thread time?
>> No. 8720
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Don't worry Nick, you're going to get all the assplay you could ever want in prison. Off this guy.
>> No. 8721

You sneaky git, making up new information on the spot. Took over seven hours for you to say that, I don't believe you a bit!
>> No. 8722
Yes please.
>> No. 8723
>> No. 8724

Dude, if they're so paranoid about what you might do to her that they won't let her anywhere near you even for a second then I think they'll believe it with only a little pushing. They are that scared of you raping her that they'll believe it anyway.
>> No. 8725
This thread has almost 1300 posts. My god, we've found a goldmine.
>> No. 8726
Nick, you don't fucking get it. Your entire damned defense is that you're lying. That's like saying "I couldn't have killed this person, I was killing someone else across town!"

Now, we know you're clearly mentally ill, and everything is backwards with you, but to normal people, no sane person would lie to make people believe they WERE a child molester, they would only lie to convince people they WEREN'T.

It doesn't help your case that you support pedophilia, and have numerous logs expressing sexual interest in children, child porn, and Amber (strip-monopoly.)

All it's going to take to get you put away is her knowing what analingus is, frankly.

And yes, we all know you don't THINK what you've done to Anna is stalking, but it clearly is. You have shrines with poopfiction about a girl who has told you over and over to fuck off. You're a stalker.

Oh, and to your earlier "celebrity crush" argument, once the person starts writing fiction about having sex with said celebrity, has binders, walls, and shrines to them, and swears that even though you've never met you're soulmates and they will love you, then yes, they too are stalkers.
>> No. 8727
WAIT one request for the next call. I loved the last one but I have a feeling she might get wtf'd at the first few seconds of the british dude and delete the message. So I think for the next one you should use his quote from the first part of the call where he says he doesnt think anything is wrong with pedophilia.
>> No. 8728
That's a shitload of posts! An assload! Nick are you getting off to this comment?
>> No. 8729
You can confirm easily by ASKING Mom or Steve or one of my other b-family members. :/
>> No. 8730
New thread.
>> No. 8731
blah getting kicked off again
>> No. 8733
Regardless of whether you did this or not Nick, you've had a whole day almost to present your case in a mature, understanding, non-idiotic way and you've definitely failed to do so. You're beginning to sound like a desperate man, someone who knows he's in trouble now (whether with your parents or the law) and you're doing your best to weasel out of it.

I'd seriously consider you take my advice concerning Anna. All of us and even her I'm sure would respect you deciding to renounce your creepy obsession with her and it certainly wouldn't make your chances of getting with her any lower than they are right now.
>> No. 8734
Nick, if you come back here, here is where the new thread is.

>> No. 8735
Why do you say "b-family" instead of just family? You have no other family, and it's not like the two halves would be separate. You have one family.

Also, why do you intentionally spell and pronounce it "aboot"? ACTUAL Canadians don't even do that. I've seen several Canadians post quite annoyed that you pull that stupid shit.
>> No. 8736
Hi, Nick! I just need to have something answered.
If Anna is destined to fall in love with you, why do you keep stalking/harrassing (or whatever you call it) her? If it is all destiny, she WILL fall in love with you despite you not doing anything or even having any form of contact with each other.
It�s hypocrisy to try to make her love you, when destiny will do that anyway. Do you not yourself believe in destiny?
>> No. 8738
You are enjoying this attention, don�t you? Fat fuck.

And here�s a tip: The second you go to a psychologist in order to "renew your life", he/she will see behind your bullshit in a jiffy and will tell you to stop being such a faggot. Then comes the bill..
>> No. 8739
I'm obviously not Nick but I've seen several times on his older live journal references to his family as being his "biological family" which pretty much confirms what we thought.

What other real family he's supposed to possess is beyond me though
>> No. 8740

Autists frequently use idiosyncratic terminology from their head and expect people to understand without explaining it.

So yeah, just saying.
>> No. 8741
I remember how many people here are fatter than Chris. And Nick is a lot less fat than Chris.
>> No. 8742
You dense motherfucker....
>no, it wasn't supposed to be cool/edgy. my friends are trolls, I was giving them lulz

>> No. 8743
He considers his "future in laws" to be his TRUE and HONEST family, even though they hate him.

He even used to go by "Nick Nickels" .
>> No. 8744
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