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File 130583191381.png - (15.08KB , 128x128 , wat.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
8745 No. 8745
New Nick Bate thread go.
Expand all images
>> No. 8746
Nick, get in here you fucking slime.
>> No. 8747

Whoever plans on calling his mom again should read that post from the last thread. It's a good idea.
>> No. 8748

lol'd hard. Okay, DUDE. My post from the last thread, guy who's doing the calls: WAIT one request for the next call. I loved the last one but I have a feeling she might get wtf'd at the first few seconds of the british dude and delete the message. So I think for the next one you should use his quote from the first part of the call where he says he doesnt think anything is wrong with pedophilia.
>> No. 8749
He got kicked off by his dad so he can blow all his money on poker btw

Expect him back in like 5 hours max
>> No. 8750
Alright, what do we do now that Nick has been kicked off the internet?
>> No. 8751
Is there any way to get in contact with his father?
>> No. 8752
Nick you better stop saying "aboot". I just showed you to an IRL Canuckistani friend and she now wants to bomb the shit out of your ass. And not in the way that you would enjoy.
>> No. 8753
The first breach:

>> No. 8754

Coordinate so we know who's actually going to call his mom versus who just talks about it. You don't want the phone line tied up.
>> No. 8755
My Christ, I was never of the school of thought that Chris was the worst a human being could get, but even so, God damn, this guy.
>> No. 8756

All right, here it goes. I also want to call her, and play a clip from his nekkid video where he goes, "huhhhh jacking off is fun! jacking off is fun!"
>> No. 8757
You can get his number for $1.95 on some website.
I tried looking for it for free for about an hour but no luck.
>> No. 8758

nah hahahha dont do that just do the shit thats incriminating.
>> No. 8759
New thread sucks, we need the info up top.
>> No. 8760

This is going to take a bit, but I'm going to compile all of the sick things that he says in those pedo audio files and just let it play out.
>> No. 8761
i just talked through IM with nick for about two hours straight. he said some amazing shit to me about how babies have the same brains as adults and that he hates vaginas because "after puberty vaginas, like, open up and you can
see the gross insides"

nick strives to be stupid because he thinks stupid people are funny, i did get him to understand that children can't consent though, but i don't know how long he'll remember what i said and my logic
>> No. 8762
Really? The info that's at the top of the other thread which is still on the front page?
Are you as lazy as Nick?
>> No. 8763
Post the logs on pastebin or something? I'm interested.
>> No. 8764
What website?

>babies have the same brains as adults
No way. I know he's stupid but what the fuck
>> No. 8765

someone needs to go through the last thread and archive some of the gems + new info
>> No. 8766
Anyone still want to give him an ED article? We have quite a bit to go on now.
>> No. 8767
I think an ED article might be a bad idea in that newfags would end up harassing Maddi.
>> No. 8768

Even before the last gigantic thread I think the general populus decided an ED article would be too big. I believe a wiki is in order.
>> No. 8769

fuck it, where do we get a wiki?
>> No. 8770

actually. you know who has a wiki? nick bate.

>> No. 8771

This time, make sure to give responsibility of it to someone who'll actually show up if something goes wrong.
>> No. 8772
Playing the pedo clips is one thing but I think someone genuinely needs to talk to his mother and say, look I'm calling cos your son has been saying stuff all over the internet for years that he supports paedophilia, wants child porn and molested his 8 year old sister, we just found all this shit and thought you needed to know for Ambers protection. I'm going to play you the clip where he admits to touching Amber.

We know she's happy to have Nick arrested. If the police have been called already, they might be a bit more pro-active if she calls them. Who knows, Nick could be in jail by tomorrow.
>> No. 8773
I think I got to it by using yellowpages.com but I'd have to look and be sure.
>> No. 8774

What county is Baters in, anyway? If it's Lancaster this site may be helpful.
>> No. 8775
>> No. 8776

here's our conversation:

>> No. 8777

Do you guys want his site to be a wiki then? lol
>> No. 8778
Alright, I'm going through the old thread and capping some of the stuff I find more ridiculous (so basically everything he posted).

Should I keep going? I'm hoping the thread will go to /L/ but I don't know.
>> No. 8779
I think (pretty sure) this is his dad's girlfriend.
>> No. 8780

>> No. 8781
The whole site as a wiki or a directory within the site as a wiki?
>> No. 8782
Jup. Though you all do realize an ED page can be summarized, then link to his wiki? I'd figure it'd garner more attention that way.
>> No. 8783

THAT whole site as a wiki. We still have nickbate.co.nr, right?
>> No. 8784
Media wiki or is there a better one?

Also yeah it leads to the site.
>> No. 8785

Furthest I got was him not being able to answer how pedophiles would differentiate between consenting children who would be traumatised and ones who wouldn't. I was pretty pleased with that tbh. Got logs of the chat?
>> No. 8786

Yes, keep going because once it goes to /L/ it gets new post numbers and all the replies stop making sense.

Once the wiki is actually up I think we need to make a combined effort to archive everything. If anyone has a livejournal, start adding every post to memories so they stay in tact if he deletes it.
>> No. 8787

Just ctrl S >:[
>> No. 8788

>> No. 8789
I'm going to make a livejournal now and start adding everything to memory, it might take a while.
>> No. 8790
Yeah, here's where Nick lives with his grandmother.

>> No. 8792
Yes. But you should definitely explain to her.
>> No. 8793

he actually lives pretty close to a river. which would be good if he wasn't afraid of washing away dirt
>> No. 8794
Fuck this webs.com shit. In the middle of getting a host where I wont have to upload one file at a fucking time and cloaking the nickbate.co.nr
>> No. 8795

>[12:01] Nick: I don't think they're ALL being assholes though,
the ones explaining the empathy thing seem alright

Excellent, that was also me, I'm glad that shit sunk in too.
>> No. 8796
even though i, personally, never participated in the trolling of chris, i genuinely thought he was the scum of the earth. i thought he was despicable, disgusting, crude, and a legitimate threat to people around him. i hated him. but now i see that there is someone more disgusting, shameless, disgraceful, obsessive, pedophilic, socially awkward, and just fucking horrible than chris will ever be, no matter how hard he tries. nick bate is the personification of "terribad". and i feel absolutely terrible for making fun of chris. he looks like such a fucking saint. i can't look at his wiki without thinking, "this is pretty bad but what about that guy who licked his sister's anus and smears shit on his walls?"

nick bate has ruined my perception of what a truly horrible human being is.
>> No. 8797
even though i, personally, never participated in the trolling of chris, i genuinely thought he was the scum of the earth. i thought he was despicable, disgusting, crude, and a legitimate threat to people around him. i hated him. but now i see that there is someone more disgusting, shameless, disgraceful, obsessive, pedophilic, socially awkward, and just fucking horrible than chris will ever be, no matter how hard he tries. nick bate is the personification of "terribad". and i feel absolutely terrible for making fun of chris. he looks like such a fucking saint. i can't look at his wiki without thinking, "this is pretty bad but what about that guy who licked his sister's anus and smears shit on his walls?"

nick bate has ruined my perception of what a truly horrible human being is.
>> No. 8798

Only a little ways through this and I really like how you approached it, seems to really follow on from what little I got out of him with this >>61615. Looks like you might have actually gotten shit through his head that nobody else ever has.
>> No. 8799

like i said, i think i may have helped him realize something or two things even, but i don't know how long he'll realize what i said or how quickly he'll go back to 'boo hoo poor pedos'
>> No. 8801

same here. chris doesn't even compare to how fucked up nick is.
>> No. 8802
I giggled.
>> No. 8803

I lold. Maybe we need to actually say at the start of any message to her that these are recordings of Nick, playing this down a phone will degrade it, possibly to the point where she can't tell if it's him or not.
>> No. 8804

Probably, still nicely done though. You ever work in mental health?
>> No. 8805
I think you did an excellent job explaining to him why he's wrong, but as you've said, I don't know if any of it will stick. He seemed several times to be acknowledging that children can't consent to sex, and that what he was doing with Anna was stalking, but a few posts later he went right back to denying it.
>> No. 8806
Audio - (235.72KB - 64 kbps - 8 kHz , 2011-05-19_+17176847872 (1).mp3 ) Length: 0:30 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Here's the second call. I'm thinking about calling her back later to explain what the calls about about.
>> No. 8807

Nicely done, fellow anon. And that's a good idea. This call, if she didn't understand/is in a state of shock over the first call, will likely throw her into a murderous rampage.
>> No. 8808
You guys might want to know, I've raised the thread bump limit from 550 posts to 1500.
>> No. 8809
hell yeah, you are the matrix
>> No. 8810

Thank you, SeanieB. You're a prince among men.
>> No. 8811
I'm not gonna raise it any higher, the higher threads go, the more CPU it takes to take them out of the DB.
>> No. 8812

Good job, anon!
>> No. 8813
File 130584010955.jpg - (161.77KB , 480x646 , 1305254320931.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nick, your "I-was-lying" defense isn't going to work.

Regardless of whether or not you molested Amber, law enforcement takes these kinds of accusations VERY seriously and they don't trust people who admit to being pedophiles. And there's also the fact that lying pisses off cops.

You fucked yourself over, once again.
>> No. 8814

no I just have extensive debate knowledge. Nick's not an idiot, he just doesn't really have knowledge about shit and it's really sad to see that he's the kind of guy who values being stupid. talking to people like Nick is really easy if you know how to argue semantics because you have to get them to define the words they are using (i.e. what is "proof") and show them how the definitions do not work

I mean, also he has serious, serious mental problems.

does anyone know if he has any older siblings
>> No. 8815
>I mean, also he has serious, serious mental problems.

p obvious
>> No. 8816
Okay, I condensed the other thread into screencaps and zipped it. It's a lot shorter, removing the posts he didn't reply or say anything to and putting conversations together. I think I got most of what is interesting but if you decide to go through both it and the original thread and think I missed something let me know.

>> No. 8817
A ton of these anonymouses are me. Geez, I laid into this guy this morning
>> No. 8818
File 13058437623.jpg - (9.88KB , 96x81 , whome.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Dare to be stupid
>> No. 8819
His Facebook says (or said, i can't access it) he's friends with a Ryan Stoutzenberger. Maybe.
>> No. 8820

Ryan's phone number

>> No. 8821

Exactly this right here. Calling and spamming her random clips without context isn't going to do much but possibly degrade any credibility that the accusations have. Someone needs to actually talk to her and explain in detail all the horrible things he's done/said, and THEN send proof.
>> No. 8822

>Nick's not an idiot, he just doesn't really have knowledge about shit

That's what an idiot is.
>> No. 8823
Looks like somebody doesn't know their word definitions:
idiot (n): a person of the lowest order in a former classification of mental retardation, having a mental age of less than three years old and an intelligence quotient under 25.

Considering Nick Bate, he isn't too far from the classification.
>> No. 8824

>Looks like somebody doesn't know their word definitions

Find me 10 people who use the word as anything other than a shorthand for "stupid person", and you might have something.
>> No. 8825
Looks like somebody doesn't know how to read a dictionary.

an utterly foolish or senseless person.
Psychology . a person of the lowest order in a former classification of mental retardation, having a mental age of less than three years old and an intelligence quotient under 25.

That is a psychological definition, not a general use definition.
>> No. 8826
Girls, girls, you're both pretty.
>> No. 8827
Watch as this thread dissolves into a 50 post argument on how to use a dictionary.
>> No. 8828

How about I send his grandmother select chat logs? I really don't have the balls to talk to his mom in person, and she most likely won't believe me unless she sees it for herself. I would just have to stop by fedex(lol) tomorrow to print them out.
>> No. 8829
Chat logs? Why are we not cutting off this guy's balls and fedexing them?
>> No. 8830

I wish that I was that hardcore. I just think that the voice mails will leaver her curious, and the chat logs with quench her curiosity.
>> No. 8831
I highly doubt her grandmother would bother reading that huge amount of text.

And has anybody actually bothered to buy the Intelius report for Nick?
>> No. 8832

Don't you mean for Nick's dad?
>> No. 8833

I meant idiot in the sense that he cannot learn, he's just uneducated. they obviously are two different things
>> No. 8834
If there isn't a report for Nick, then why bother?
>> No. 8835
To get numbers and inform his parents?
>> No. 8836
Why is this new nick bate thread so slow?
>> No. 8837
I have no idea. He's back online according to twitter.
>> No. 8838
Nick Bate
Yes, I'm aware of the new thread but uggh, nobody believes me anyway and I wanna do other stuff
>> No. 8839
>Yes, I'm aware of the new thread but uggh, nobody believes me anyway and I wanna do other stuff

Oh. He's avoiding us now.
>> No. 8840
>Nick Bate
oh fuck I just realized that because they hacked my Gmail I also can't use YouTube. Shit, guess I can't upload any videos now. ><

It takes like two minutes to make a new account. Stop being a lazy fuck, Nick.
>> No. 8841
no I'm not AVOIDING you I just have other things to do than argue with people for hours on end

plus I have a fucking deadline because I go home saturday so I'm in a major race against time
>> No. 8842
i don't want a new account son. i'd like to keep all my shit on one single account
>> No. 8843
>> No. 8844
Deadline? All you want to do is fuck around with your Ipod. If I were you, I would be more worried by the fact that people are calling my mom, making her think I'm a pedophile.
>> No. 8845
So Nick, you never answered before, how does it feel to have the majority of your friends backstab you like this?
>> No. 8846
why should I be worried? I know I didn't do anything wrong

and I have a lot of other shit I need to get done too. fixing my iPod is important because it's not compatible with my laptop back home, so I can only do it here. and I don't come here that often, so whatever I put on it, I'm stuck with for a long-ass time and can't make changes
>> No. 8847

Did you Mom contact you yet?
>> No. 8848
nothing new since jessa did it too a while back but yeah it sucks
>> No. 8849
she kinda can't since we have no phone and my email was hacked
>> No. 8850

If you had a job, then you wouldn't have to rely on your parents. You could have a laptop, and the internet.
>> No. 8851
What you know and what people are gonna think are completely different things, son.
>> No. 8852
i CAN'T get a job because of whatever the mental illness is
>> No. 8853
Admit it, we're the only people who are actually honest with you.
>> No. 8854
Expand on this, please. What keeps you from doing any sort of work?
>> No. 8855
You can't get a job because you're a lazy sack of shit.
>> No. 8856
You should know by now that nobody puts up with your bullshit not even your mother. doesnt matter how "innocent" you think you are, your parents are gonna see this shit, and they will think you are a pedo.
>> No. 8857

You need to work at it. I could barley look people in the eye, and now I can manage a casual conversation with people. It took determination, and the ability to just relax. You should read this link, it helped me a bit: http://www.succeedsocially.com/

That, and I self medicated where it helped. This probably isn't a wise idea, if you have addiction problems.
>> No. 8858
>>61773 Bullshit. I know a downie who holds down a good job. If he can do it so can you. Also, doesn't the idea of no longer living with your family that you don't like sound appealing?
Btw, google "the human camera".
>> No. 8859
i can't be around people, and afaik there's no job that don't involve being around people
>> No. 8860
i AM a pedo, but that's not illegal. as long as you don't actually do any children
>> No. 8861
Why can't you be around people? What keeps you from it? I read posts where you were fine riding in cars with people and trying to hug some girl, how is that having problems with being around people?
>> No. 8862
irrelevant because whatever i have is much worse than down's syndrome

and yeah of course i want to get the hell away from my b-family but i have no way of doing so right now so i have no choice, i have to live here but i try to avoid them
>> No. 8863
You can get in trouble for grooming, people have been over this with you earlier.
>> No. 8864
i get all panicky and lose my motor skills
>> No. 8865
but i didn't groom either
>> No. 8866

Glomming on people isn't a sign of fine social etiquette, it's usually something that people do because they can't converse well.
>> No. 8867
Dude what the hell. My Uncle has Down's Syndrome, he can't even talk or do anything by himself. How is what he has worse than what you supposedly have?
>> No. 8868
Thats true, but you have touched Amber. Nobody in this thread or in IRL is gonna belive you when you say I DID IT TO BE COOL GUIZE!!
>> No. 8869
Sorry if this has been asked already, but why do you type out "aboot"? It's been established that you aren't Canadian, and even so, I can assure you that no actual Canadians ever do that.
>> No. 8870

That's just the symptoms of a panic attack. Why don't you start small? Start with smiling at the cashier and engaging in small talk. It doesn't matter if it doesn't feel right, eventually with enough practice it will feel natural. After that, try talking to random people that you see in the store. A smile opens people up and makes them really friendly. If you don't smile when you greet someone, they typically don't respond as well or appear distant.
>> No. 8871
File 130586764849.jpg - (32.33KB , 500x500 , fuckthisthread.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
OH MY GOD...Did you just say you have it worse then a downie?
>> No. 8872
i never touched amber :/
>> No. 8873
i'm aware they don't. i just like the word
>> No. 8874
And another thing:Shave and trim your hair more often. You're actually decent looking when you don't look like a caveman. (no homo)
>> No. 8875
Prove it, bucko. You've got chats claiming otherwise. Saying "I was joking" or "I was lying" isn't gonna fool anyone.
>> No. 8876
Nobody believes you.
>> No. 8877
yeah i do have to talk to cashiers when i go to fye but i can't figure out how to smile and so far it hasn't improved any
>> No. 8878
i WAS lying ><
>> No. 8879
i don't know how to shave
>> No. 8880
>>61795 Well no one else does.
>> No. 8881
>> No. 8882
well yeah 'cause being unable to be around people kinda prevents me from having money or anything, so basically i can't live independently
>> No. 8883

You can't be serious. You don't ever get the sensation to smile?
>> No. 8884
Guys, don't be silly. He doesn't know how to wash is ass, how would he know how to shave?
>> No. 8885
Nick. I'm going to level with you here. I don't like you. I really don't like you. But I am gonna give you some advice because why not, I'll give you a chance.

Saying you were lying is not going to help your situation here. If your mom or the police or anybody confront you on this and you pull that they're gonna think you're hiding something. You're gonna have to admit you've made mistakes and realize why they were mistakes. That's your only ticket out of this mess.
>> No. 8886

Just Google it. Have you ever looked up something that you didn't know online?
>> No. 8887
so? /I/ like it. why would other people's opinions affect mine
>> No. 8888

Besides Pokemon...
>> No. 8889

I'll admit it, I'm only being nice because I've had a glass of wine.
>> No. 8890
nothing's specific enough, it's all too general. i know you take the razor and run it down the hair but i don't know how much pressure to apply, what kind of exact motion to use, the speed the motion should be, etc.
>> No. 8891
but i DIDN'T make any mistakes. and if a lie and say i did then they'd arrest me
>> No. 8892

You just try it, and work it out as you go along. You're not going to get it perfect the first time. Don't ever buy super cheap razors.
>> No. 8893
>> No. 8894
only involuntarily, when something's funny and for some reason when people confront me with an angry tone of voice
>> No. 8895
You've never woke up for school one morning as a child, and saw your dad shave? Thats how most people learn.
>> No. 8896
Smiling or laughing when in an uncomfortable position is pretty normal, don't worry about that.
>> No. 8897
yeah obviously saying it was but i didn't actually do that
>> No. 8898
>>61809 And sometimes you gotta respect other peoples' opinions. No one else thinks it's funny. In fact, name a meme you hate right now.
>> No. 8899

That's how you smile when you greet people. You get the sensation of wanting to appear friendly and make a smile. Why must everything be so damn complicated?
>> No. 8900
guys, again, you can just talk to mom/steve/whoever and ask them if i'm ever alone with amber. wouldn't that be proof enough?
>> No. 8901
but when i try to do it intentionally it feels different from when i do it accidentally. i don't think i'm doing it right
>> No. 8902

Just keep doing it until it feels normal. The reason why it doesn't feel normal is because you're thinking about it too much.
>> No. 8903
Nick, it doesn't matter whether or not you did anything at all with Amber.

The fact that you've said those things is the problem. Do you understand this?

Normal people would not say those things.

You are not normal.
>> No. 8904
well i've seen other people shave but i still can't figure out how to do what i'm seeing
>> No. 8905
>> No. 8906
Nope. I'm sure they've left you alone with her before the realized what a creepy fuck you are.
>> No. 8907
no obviously i have mental illness but it's not illegal to just SAY things
>> No. 8908
just fucking ask them, damn
>> No. 8909
i did answer it, just it was a different person asking the same question
>> No. 8910
It's illegal to say things that incite danger. You can't go and yell fire in a movie theater and not get in trouble.

Saying you want to or have done those things with Amber creates a dangerous environment for her if she is around you.
>> No. 8911
it also doesn't LOOK right. i tried smiling in my id photo but it ended up looking like a mona lisa-esque halfsmile
>> No. 8912

If you didn't molest your sister, then stop being an all around weird fuck. You want all of these things in your life, why not just go out and pursue them? Don't give me an excuse, there is no reason why you can't improve your life. Stop being a fucking child, and become a man.

If you did molest your sister, then you're fucked.
>> No. 8913
just because i say it doesn't mean i'm actually going to do it
>> No. 8914

>> No. 8915

Just because I yell fire doesn't mean there is a fire.

It still creates a dangerous environment.
>> No. 8916
i didn't molest her. and i can't accomplish things yet. most require money or being around people or other conditions i can't meet
>> No. 8917
but that was a bullshit answer. I had that same fucking phobia growing up, then I realized it was me just being lazy.
>> No. 8918

Why would you even joke about it? I would never joke about molesting my brother's child because I don't want to frighten him.
>> No. 8919
no it doesn't, it would just mean you lied. lying about there being a fire doesn't magically create an actual fire
>> No. 8920
Shaving completely is simple and easy. Get a razor, apply shaving cream to face, run the razor along the base of the hairline and work downwards, rinsing the razor regularly. Continue until your face is not covered in disgusting hair.
>> No. 8921
it wasn't supposed to be a JOKE, and it wasn't supposed to SCARE her because it was only for my friends, she wouldn't hear it
>> No. 8922
wow...that flew right over his head.
>> No. 8923
No shit sherlock.

You are obviously too dense to understand what I am telling you.
>> No. 8924
dude if i had my id with me i'd take a picture of it and show you, it don't look right
>> No. 8925
You're so full of shit.

There are numerous pictures of you with your face shaved, does someone do it for you?

And I've seen you smiling in several videos and pictures.

And we went over this yesterday, all fucking day.

1. A child cannot consent.

2. What you do with Anna (and I mean the shrine, the pictures on your wall, the binder, and all the soulmate garbage) is stalking.

3. If the majority finds something disgusting, then by definition it is disgusting.

4. If you're obsessed with anus, attracted to those without breasts (children) and disgusted by vaginas, and have previously admitted you would suck a tranny dick, you are definitely gay. (Not to mention the crossdressing.)

5. "I was lying" is a terrible defense, because you're asserting that we should believe you because you're dishonest. And that you were lying to convince people you're something no one would ever want to convince people they are.

6. Whether or not you actually touched her, you still told many people a disgusting sexual story about her, which coincides with your admitted pedophilia.

7. All your "arguments" rely on circular logic. "I know Anna hates me now, but she will love me later." "I know Anna will love me later because we're soulmates." "I know we're soulmates because I love her." "It doesn't matter that she hates me because she will love me later." It's circular logic, which means it's flawed and doesn't work. You would need an external, factual indicator.

8. "I know." "I'm right." "Anyone who disagrees with me is a bigot." "I know someone who did something." etc are not arguments.
>> No. 8926
what ARE you trying to say then?
>> No. 8927
Nick. If your parents/aunt kicked you out for being a sick fuck, where would you go?
>> No. 8929
you guys, there really is no way to change his mind about anything. shortly after anna cut him off two years ago, i and two other guys talked to him for months trying to get him to understand why it was that she did that, and clearly he still doesn't understand. he will not understand what you are saying, especially not after only a day.

give up now, he is not worth the stress.
>> No. 8930
No, it's illegal to yell fire in a crowded building because it frightens and panics the people, and they may trample over eachother and get hurt trying to escape something that doesn't exist. Creating a false threat and scaring people is illegal for this reason.
>> No. 8931

Anna has had sexual intercourse already and her life hasn't been ruined by it.
>> No. 8932

Don't you know that when you say something to a person, that you can't take it back? Anything that you say to a person can be told to anyone.
>> No. 8933
I'm not stressing. This is just too hilarious to pass up.
>> No. 8934
oh that's fine then c:
>> No. 8935
*sigh* If some one screamed in a crowded mall "HE'S GOT A GUN!!" and everybody panicked, people could get trampled by panicked people, making it a dangerous enviroment.
>> No. 8936
I have seen pictures of your teeth; brushing them will lessen the problem a little. After you get a job, one thing to save up for can be braces.
>> No. 8937
Yeah no stress here, it's actually pretty hilarious to find out just how dense this guy is.
>> No. 8938
>> No. 8939
The Italian Hall Disaster is a tragedy that occurred on December 24, 1913 in Calumet, Michigan. Seventy-three people were crushed to death in a stampede when someone falsely yelled "fire" at a crowded Christmas party.
>> No. 8940
File 130586907967.jpg - (1.88MB , 1024x1448 , Areyouhappy_a2_web_1024.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nick, are you familiar with this flowchart?
>> No. 8941
No, but lying about a fire can bring the fire department there, and then get you locked up for lying about there being a fire.

Lying about there being a fire doesn't mean there *is* a fire, but there are still consequences to lying about there being a fire.

And if you start a fire, then put it out, and tell people you were lying about there being a fire, well, then I'm sure Chris Hansen would still want you to have a seat right over there.

Also, there is evidence of there being a fire. A good child shrink talking to Amber would be enough to get her to confess if you did hurt her, and a bad child shrink might be enough to cause false memories accideentally, and make her think you abused her even if you didn't, because KIDS ARE CLUELESS AND EASY TO MANIPULATE, EVEN BY ACCIDENT.
>> No. 8942

WHEN they kick him out, not if.
>> No. 8943
yeah, my aunt does it


skippin this one

no it isn't

a majority having an opinion doesn't matter, it's still just opinion

sexual orientation is about what gender you like, not what genitalia you like

i WAS lying

just BEING a pedo isn't illegal

the soulmate thing IS the factual indicator

yes they are
>> No. 8944
of course. my bad, bro
>> No. 8945
Can someone post Anna's facebook again? I'd like to send her a message and just ask her to confirm again that she has actually had sex with her boyfriend so we can at least put that to bed.
>> No. 8946
Now see how the fire pertains to your situation Nick.

You have been recorded saying you have done/want to do sexual things with Amber (you yelled fire)

Even if you did not do those things (there is no fire) you saying you did (yelling fire) gives people reason to believe you are a danger to her (that there is a fire).
>> No. 8947
she stressed out from this enough as it is. i can vouch for her - she definitely was not lying about it.
>> No. 8948
pedophilia is currently a recognized dangerous mental problem, which can lead to required registration even if you're only diagnosed by a psychologist. If it's taken the wrong way, it can even lead to incarceration to prevent you from hurting a bunch of little girls.
>> No. 8949
they won't. they wouldn't let a family member be homeless. they're complete tools.
>> No. 8950
keep thinking that, and absolutely no one will take you in when you get kicked out.
watch guys, his "morals" will change the second he has to sleep outside/in jail
>> No. 8951
>I'd like to send her a message and just ask her to confirm again that she has actually had sex with her boyfriend
Classy, Anonymous.
>> No. 8952

Prove she's your soulmate WITHOUT saying:
"She just is."
"That's just how it is"
"I know it's true"

Or any variation of the above phrases. Proof requires that you site external sources, meaning what you personally believe is irrelevant. Can you do that?
>> No. 8953
Are you calling them tools for not wanting to throw a family member out no matter what is wrong?

Dude, that's called having a nice family why are you taking them for granted?
>> No. 8954
maybe she lied to YOU too
>> No. 8955
they're tools because i can easily take advantage of them for a place to stay until me and anna get situated in our permanent house
>> No. 8956
we are best friends. she wouldn't lie to me, especially not about something dumb like that.

also, her boyfriend is a really cool guy. thought i'd throw that out there.
>> No. 8957

Or maybe, right this moment, she's taking a huge throbbing cock deep inside her, screaming someone else's name.
>> No. 8958
You're the tool for taking advantage of these people.
>> No. 8959
you can't prove that sort of thing though
>> No. 8960
Just accept that Anna had a large, ginger pubed dick inside of her vagina.
>> No. 8961
>> No. 8962
Well, he Is a self-entitled piece of shit.
Oh! Hey guys! That pic he had saved on his Gmail
where he shooped Anna sucking his dick...does that count as CP?
>> No. 8963
that ginger is probably balls deep in her right now
>> No. 8964
So how does that translate into a "factual indicator" if you can't prove it?
>> No. 8965

If you can't prove something, by definition it is not fact.
>> No. 8966
he's not the one meant for her. /I/ am. there's no point in her dating him when nothing will come of it anyway

yyyeeaaahhh she would lie to her best friend if she had a good reason
>> No. 8967
i have no other choice, i can't get my own house with no money
>> No. 8968
oh, I'll be sure to tell them that when i call them.
>> No. 8969

What reason would that be?
>> No. 8970
they probably already know
>> No. 8971
if you were meant for each other, you would fucking be together. or she at least wouldn't want you dead. they are madly in love with each other and they have had sex and there is nothing you can do about it.
>> No. 8972
>>skippin this one

I think after two days, on this one we've gotten through to him.

>>no it isn't

Yes it is. It meets the definition of a stalker perfectly.

>>a majority having an opinion doesn't matter, it's still just opinion

But majority opinion is what determines whether or not something is considered disgusting. You're an uneducated idiot, your opinion is less valuable than that of anyone else, or in this case EVERYONE else.

>>sexual orientation is about what gender you like, not what genitalia you like

You're disgusted by female sex organs, attracted to male bodies, and would suck a dick. That's pretty much gay.

>>i WAS lying

How many times does this have to be spelled out for you? Your defense is that you're dishonest. Why should we believe one outright telling us they're a liar?

>>just BEING a pedo isn't illegal

That's not the issue. You have stated repeatedly you think sex with children should be legal -despite having your "reasoning" for that demolished repeatedly- and written extensive sexual fantasies about having sex with her.

If someone has a history of writing stories online about murdering people, and says they think murder should be legal, and then they claim to have tried to poison someone, simply saying "Ignore all the other evidence, ignore my previously stated desire to do it, ignore that I've said it should be legal, I WAS TOTALLY LYING ABOUT ACTUALLY DOING THE STUFF I'M INTO"

PS, if you reply to this by saying "BUT I WAS LYING" then you're admitting... Anna is not your soulmate.

>>the soulmate thing IS the factual indicator

No, it's not, because there is no factual way to quantify the concept. There's no proof there actually are soulmates. Additionally, she doesn't agree with you and says you are NOT her soulmate. She's smarter than you. You've said she's smart repeatedly, and that you're stupid. She would know better than you would. You don't understand how to smile, or show empathy, or even how the human brain fucking develops, so some abstract concept that most would say doesn't even exist ISN'T A FACTUAL BASIS.

>>yes they are

Okay then, I know you molested Amber. I'm right about you molesting Amber. I know someone who knows you molested Amber. By your warped, strained logic, since I used those words you keep using, I have just factually proven you molested Amber.
>> No. 8973
who knows, but it's possible she has one
>> No. 8974

She came from it. Vaginally. With a dick inside.
>> No. 8975
Was it CP or not?
>> No. 8976
Probably. Don't really know until someone figures out how old it is.
>> No. 8977
we're not together NOW, but we will be. just be patient, time will tell. and they aren't in love. they're just crushing and they THINK it's love. and we have no proof she's not lying
>> No. 8978
I went through that entire thread and saw nothing explaining his teeth.

I GET that he's a messed up imbecile that deserves to rot in the fires of Hell. You can't correct him, I WANNA KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH HIS TEETH
>> No. 8979
>we have no proof she's not lying
You can't prove a negative, genius.
>> No. 8980
Thumb sucking at an older age than appropriate tends to mess up the teeth at the front of the mouth.
>> No. 8981
>>we're not together NOW, but we will be.

I KNOW you won't be.

>>just be patient, time will tell.

Time has already told that you're wrong. I KNOW it.

>>and they aren't in love. they're just crushing and they THINK it's love.

They are in love. I KNOW it.

>>and we have no proof she's not lying

Yes we do, because I KNOW it.
>> No. 8982
Someone give him his YouTube account back, fuck
>> No. 8983
"time will tell"? it's been two years nick, i'm pretty sure she isn't interested in you.
and you don't know anything about their relationship. you haven't seen how they act around each other or how they are exactly the same. they are in love. denial only makes things worse for yourself, nick.
>> No. 8984
Yeah. You would know, cause you have had SO MANY IRL relationships that you must be a fucking master.
>> No. 8985
no, no it doesn't

it still doesn't make it a fact

not if it's on a female

i've already admitted it was a lie many times before

how do you think the two are related? the amber thing was a lie but the anna thing is the truth

intelligence doesn't necessarily mean you know better, especially on THIS specific subject

no, i DIDN'T
>> No. 8986

You don't understand what love is because you've never felt it. Everything you want from or for Anna is purely based on own desires. You don't care about what SHE wants, and that makes you selfish. Love is not selfish in the least.

SHE wants you leave her alone. SHE wants to continue having sex with someone else. SHE does NOT want to love you. Ever. And if you refuse her any of that, you do not really love her.
>> No. 8987
well obviously it'll take more than just two years. dude there's still like forty years left in our lives for it to happen

and i know they're not in love because i'm the only one meant for her. again, they just have intense crushes on each other. sure they can still seem to be good together but being "good together" doesn't make them in love
>> No. 8988
Nick if you believe you and Anna are gonna get together no matter what why are you trying to contact her?

Shouldn't it just happen if it's fated?
>> No. 8989
i'm doing this FOR anna. i want to make her happy, and this can only happen if i marry her. she just doesn't realize this yet. she thinks she knows what will make her happy, but she doesn't
>> No. 8990
so what you're saying is, they CAN'T be in love, it is IMPOSSIBLE for this to happen, because you are in love with her instead.

that's what you're saying?
>> No. 8991
i'm NOT trying to contact her. i've just been waiting recently
>> No. 8992
me being in love with her isn't the reason, us being soul mates is
>> No. 8993

No, you're doing it for yourself. It will make YOU happy, but not her. She is already happy without you.
>> No. 8994
she's NOT happy. she doesn't know what will make her happy. me marrying her will make her happy
>> No. 8995
Oh I know that, from personal experience actually. But my teeth went into an overbite. His are like... jammed backwards.
>> No. 8996
you know what? i wa sin love with bob for three years.
we broke up, and never married like i thought we would.
now after a few shitty relationships, i am with peter. i am in love with him. i didn't think it oculd happen again, but it did. and THIS is my soulmate. not bob. even though i was in love with bob before, we were not compatible. not at all.

do you see what i'm saying?
>> No. 8997
Such infallible logic.

Truly you are a God among men.
>> No. 8998
Maybe sucking dick at a young age? I dunno.
>> No. 8999
So a child can do whatever he/she wants, but Anna, who is adult (I think) cannot make choices for herself because she doesn't know better?
>> No. 9000
that just means bob wasn't your soul mate, dude
>> No. 9001
What if Anna is your soul mate but you aren't Anna's soul mate? By your logic, this is possible.
>> No. 9002
no, she can make choices. this isn't about choices. i'm just saying, she's going to end up marrying me
>> No. 9003

How do you know whether or not she is happy if;
a.) She hasn't spoken to you in ages
b.) You are unable to empathize with other people (by your own admission)?

Your answer must be fact. No "soulmates" talk, because we have already established that you can't prove that.
>> No. 9004
yes exactly, and i truly believed he was in the beginning. but i was completely wrong. i was looking in all the wrong places because i was blinded by this one person.
>> No. 9005
we're EACHOTHER's soul mates. being soul mates isn't one-way. that would be impossible and nullify it
>> No. 9006
why the hell are we arguing about anna
the guy wanted to diddle his halfsister remember guys?
>> No. 9007
Thats a choice, you kid diddling shit eater.
>> No. 9008
lol no.
>> No. 9009
right, you were wrong about it. but i'm not wrong about ANNA.
>> No. 9010
Does anybody know what school Amber goes to? If you called/emailed the guidance department that could get the ball rolling.
>> No. 9011
I'll see what school is close to their house.
>> No. 9013
what i am saying is.

you are looking in the wrong place. obsessing over anna is a waste of time. she hates you. she is happy with her current boyfriend. they have consummated their love. it's over, man. look elsewhere.
>> No. 9014
I guess that's just gonna be one of life's mysteries until he decides to talk. :|

Sorry for any derailment I may have caused, enjoy guys!
>> No. 9015
i don't know what she's been up to, no, but i know she's not happy. she may APPEAR to be, but she's not TRULY happy. there are different levels and happiness, and the climax of it, which is having lived a full life etc, can only be achieved by being with your soul mate
>> No. 9016
This will not end well...
>> No. 9017
oh yeah. that reminds me, YOU NEVER ANSWERED MY QUESTION NICK!
What would happen if your whole family disowned
over this Amber shit? (and don't say "they wouldn't kick me out." Thats not answering the goddamned question.)
>> No. 9018
Central Manor Elementary School
3717 Blue Rock Road, Washington Boro, PA
(717) 872-1401

This is my best guess. It's the closest school to his mother's house. (2.5 miles away)
>> No. 9019
maybe jeremy is her soulmate.
>> No. 9020
but we're soul mates. it'll happen. her hating me RIGHT NOW is irrelevant because she'll change her mind. it's not permanent. and they're not in love. and she could still be lying about the sex
>> No. 9021
>> No. 9022

That is not an acceptable answer. Try again without thinking about "soulmates".
>> No. 9023
he isn't. I am.
>> No. 9024
>> No. 9025
>i can't be around people, and afaik there's no job that don't involve being around people

There are jobs where the contact with people is minimal (night janitor, security guard in a museum, online support in some sale company, call surveys, etc...)

Why don�t you ask your friends to help you with a job?....oh wait.
>> No. 9026
they still won't, but hypothetically I would just live outside, that's all
>> No. 9027
she is not lying about the sex. i promise you.
>> No. 9028
Where does your food come from then?
>> No. 9029

What's her full name? I know that the whole family tree is a bit twisted so I'm not sure.
>> No. 9030
>>61950 And just how do you know who her soulmate is? Why does she hate you? Why is she getting cock from a guy that isn't you? Do you really think that receiving this scorn is worth it?
>> No. 9031
i'd still have to talk to my boss to know what to do
>> No. 9032
you wouldnt "just live outside"
give a more through answer.
>> No. 9033
Well yeah, usually a boss will tell you what your job is. They're typically gonna have someone to train you.
>> No. 9034
it's instinctual. i have no idea why she hates me. we don't have proof it happened, she could be lying. yeah of course all this scorn is worth it to marry anna
>> No. 9035
Amber Osborne
>> No. 9036
Nick! It's time to face facts: Anna loathes your being. She might change her mind, yes, but the chances of it happening are even less likely than tomorrow being the start of Rapture. There's no logical point in waiting.

And let's face it, with how you've acted, you'll never find someone who loves you if you're fully honest with them. Tolerate you maybe, but not love.

Thus... It's time to get a waifu. What is a waifu you may ask? A waifu is a fictional female character whom you love and adore as if she were real. You share your life's secrets with her, devote yourself to buying all products featuring her to be closer to her, and treat her as if she's real (but only in private unless you want to be thought of as a freak even more). In return, she will always be with you, though not in body, at least in soul...

I suggest Tifa, as I notice you like Final Fantasy 7. She's tolerant, which is frankly something you'd need in a real partner. And hey, if you luck out and DO find someone who likes you, she won't mind if you go to her. Win-win I'd say.
>> No. 9037
Dude. What the fuck.

The best thing to do if you love her so much is to back the fuck off and never talk to her again. You'd be respecting her wish of never talking to you again, and showing that you'd be fucking mature for once in your life.

And you know what? I heavily doubt you'll be going to jail for this. You'll be going to a mental institution for a looooooong while before they decide to lock you up. But I hope you rot in whatever place they send you to.

Also your definition of ageism is very fucked up at best. I don't like ageism, but at least I can draw a line saying 'okay, a person this young WILL have no idea about the immorality of what Uncle Harry is doing to their special area, therefore they cannot be expected to be mature'.
>> No. 9038
hey guys, when I actually DO marry anna and you find out, what are you going to say/think/feel/do?
>> No. 9039
ye syou do know why she hate syou. UGH now i remember why i cut you out of my life too

why am i even here
>> No. 9040
>> No. 9041
I'll backflip to the moon.
>> No. 9042
>>no, no it doesn't

Yes, yes it does. Simply saying they're not doesn't make them stop being signs of stalking Nick.

Do you know of any healthy relationships where someone is writing sexual fiction about someone they're not dating, even if they don't intend to show it to them? Even if you never even intended to show it to your friends, it would still be abnormal. Do you know of any healthy relationships where someone has built a shrine to their intended? No Nick, this is stalking.

Stalkers often assign "magical" properties onto their intended. You're divorced from reality. She has told you no, but you insisted that you're soulmates, and if you don't get together now, you will after you've died. This is textbook stalker behavior.

You also blame your problems on her, and belittle and insult her (by stating she's ruining her life or doesn't know what love is) simply because she refuses to be with you. This is stalking, plain and simple.

>>it still doesn't make it a fact

It does make it disgusting though, by definition, since what is and isn't disgusting is determined BY opinion. To put it another way, if you were to put a group of people in a room and test their responses to the things you do, the vast majority would have a repulsed reaction. Thus it can be scientifically stated that you are disgusting. And again, you WANT to be stupid, so everyone else's words, ideas and opinions are more valuable than yours, so what YOU personally think doesn't fucking matter.

>>not if it's on a female

Females don't have dicks Nick. Trannies are still men.

>>i've already admitted it was a lie many times before

Why do you keep saying this like it makes any fucking difference? You could have claimed it was a lie two years ago, it doesn't change that you're untrustworthy, and your only defense is that you're a liar not to be believed.

>>how do you think the two are related? the amber thing was a lie but the anna thing is the truth

You really don't get it? 1. You stated you're a pedophile. 2. You've stated you don't see anything wrong with incest. 3. You've written stuff unrelated to this story about being attracted to your sister. 4. You've consistently repeated this story about molesting your little sister. 5. You're stating now that you're lying in that specific instance, when your history and beliefs make it more believable that it happened than that it didn't. Note: Do not FUCKING reply by saying "BUT IT WAS A LIE!" you broken fucking record.

>>intelligence doesn't necessarily mean you know better, especially on THIS specific subject

Actually, that's EXACTLY what intelligence means. Remember the astronomer example? She's more experienced in love than you are, she's smarter than you in general, you're mentally ill. She's right, you're wrong.

>>no, i DIDN'T

My point was you said "I know" "I'm right" and "someone I know told me" are factual, valid arguments, so I presented those EXACT arguments back to you. If you can claim those are valid arguments, then my simply saying I KNOW you molested your sister is proof you did. Do you fucking get it?
>> No. 9043

Thanks, I'm going to get right on this.
>> No. 9044
screw the odds, it's meant to be so it WILL happen

i'm not going ANYWHERE because i didn't do anything

i prefer aeris; tifa is ugly
>> No. 9045
If that isn't her school I'm sure they can alert other schools around them! Thanks for your effort!
>> No. 9046
File 13058715023.jpg - (24.54KB , 445x253 , hellfrz.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I will comment on how cold it is in hell.
>> No. 9047
>>61973 Wake up and wonder why I am dreaming about you.
>> No. 9048
But she was in your party........
>> No. 9049
dude I have no idea why either one of you hate me, i never did anything to either of you.
>> No. 9050
Aeris is a skank who was only interested in Cloud because he looked like her ex and cheated on him with Cloud, taking him away from his pre-existing relationship with Tifa. She's also flat and had stupid anime hair.
>> No. 9051
Are you going to an hero or get thrown in jail anytime soon? This is getting boring.
>> No. 9052
hi peeps
one of my OL friends told me that you wanted some questions answerd
i'm new to message boards, so plz go slowly, thanks!!!!!!!!!
>> No. 9053
Isn't it way past her bedtime?
>> No. 9054
How old are you? Do you share Nick's fetishes? Your views of pedophilia? Your favourite writer?
>> No. 9055
Yeah it's 4:30 in the morning. She has school in a few hours.
>> No. 9056
You hold beliefs that the rest of the world finds disgusting, which in itself wouldn't be so bad, but you're completely immune to reason.

It's how sociopathic about it you are that makes you so irritating. Like, there are people who like to play with shit, but they don't force it on others. And I know you'll respond "I DON'T FORCE IT ON OTHERS" but what I mean is you're unable to understand others find everything you like disgusting. You just assume since you like something, everyone else should as well. Why don't you try writing an erotic story about having vaginal sex? Not with Anna, just describe it in an erotic, enjoyable way without referencing the anus at all. Try it. To see if you have any ability at all to see from someone elses perspective.

It's in the way you just insist that everyone else is wrong, and pretend that your believing something is in and of itself an argument. You don't even try to back up what you say, you just repeat "It is." "I know." "I'm right." and pretend those are arguments when they're really just statements.

And that's why you're so fucking easy to hate. Just try saying this phrase: "I understand why you wouldn't like it." "I understand why you wouldn't like me." "I understand you might not enjoy this." Just try saying those phrases a few times.
>> No. 9057
I asked this in the old thread, but it moved over to this one so I guess you didn´t see it.
Nick, if it is destiny that Anna will fall in love with you, despite everything that have and will happen, why do you still stalk/harrass (or whatever you call it) her? If it is destiny she will come to you when the time is right, even if you have no contact with her. Or is it that you doesn´t believe in destiny after all and just pull shit out of your ass? (seems more likley)

And according to your prophecy, she will loose her virginity to you, but she already rode the disco stick of her boyfriend, confirmed by herself on this very same board. You say she lies, and that´s takes me to question number 2.
You believe us to believe that she is still virgin and lying about having sex, but then do the total opposite and believe that you raping your sister is a lie because "you say so".

And I just need to point out that you believe that despise a lot of people here having good education, great jobs and reading lots of research with some even working with it, are stupider than you, who tried to fail high school, doesn´t have a job, leech of your parents, have no social life, is uneducated and even admitted to trying to be dumb by bashing your heads into walls and doors. And you are right just because you say so, even if proof and scientific facts are thrown in your face.

Also, you are going to hell as a Christian anyway. Talking degrading and don´t show respect to your parents is a major sin according to the bible. So yeah... Better check that religion of yours before doing fucked up things.
>> No. 9058
He doesn't care that his beliefs conflict with his supposed faith. Remember in the last thread he claimed if she doesn't get with him now, when they both die and go to heaven God will force Anna to marry him? I actually shuddered when I read it. That's pretty much exactly what the Bjork stalker thought.

And his response to the Sodom & Gamorrah story was basically "Well, they didn't outright SAY it was anal that they got destroyed for." When the position of the Catholic church has pretty much always been that any non-reproductive sex is wrong, and as if the Bible's going to be that specific with the wordings, when any instance of sex happening is replaced with the phrase "go in unto her".
>> No. 9059
Nick's no different from the average Christian in his selective reading. Better forget religion, it's a red herring.
>> No. 9060
Nick, why do you think that sex before marriage is wrong, but approve of fucking babies? Shouldn´t the babies get married first?
>> No. 9061
I wish Nick's obsession was with some bitch who takes no shit and isn't afraid of kicking a guy in the balls, rather than a passive deviantart nerd girl.
>> No. 9062
It was covered in the last thread. He believes "some people should have casual sex, and some people should wait until marriage" though he seems to somehow think he's both, as he thinks having sex with a child would be "unloyal" to Anna, but seems to think it's okay to date and have cyber sex with other girls.

He also said "probably" when that was brought up. And when he claimed he wanted sex when he was a little kid, and it was pointed out that he *now* says he shouldn't have it until he gets married, so him having it then would have "ruined his life" as he still claims it would Anna, he just says "I guess you're right, but that's just me, and it might not be true for other children."
>> No. 9063
In other words, the answer is because lala land
>> No. 9064
Did anyone call his mom and explain this to her?
I think just sending her a random skype call would confuse her.
>> No. 9065

Bull. People kept telling him that children not being able to consent is scientific fact, and he kept calling it bigotry. People told him why he should leave Anna alone, and he kept saying "I know what's best for her. Not because I say so, but because that's how it is." He's uneducated, and can't learn.
>> No. 9066

I dunno, he seemed to get through to him in this chatlog >>61603 whether it sticks or not is a different matter.
>> No. 9067

You clearly don´t know the meaning of empathy and familiy values, yet you want to make your own sweet family with.... however that ugly bitch you are stalking is called. And you want some children? Oh wow.
>> No. 9068
I'm hoping someone called/e-mailed Amber's school, since the school day just started.
>> No. 9069
Apparently someone phoned and left answer messages on the machine.
>> No. 9070
As far as I know, they didn't explain it, but they did leave voice messages with recordings of Nick talking about being a pedophile, and claiming he molested Amber.
>> No. 9071
can someone post the link of the story he wrote about amber?

im feeling kinda out of the loop here with not being disgusted and all that
>> No. 9072
It's all in the previous two threads.

He claimed both when he started talking to the British Anna, and again in audio logs during conversations with friends that he had his 9 year old (at the time 8) half-sister perform fellatio on him and lick his ass. He was pretty detailed. He said she could only get down on the head of his dick, and that he didn't cum.

He said he then tried to lick her ass, but she doesn't wipe well so it was covered with shit, so he instead only licked her cheeks.

He told this exact story several times. He was then told by seemingly the only person who doesn't want him arrested not to talk about it anymore, and to deny it happened.

Subsequent he posted on his twitter, and then here that he made the story up to make his friends laugh, and to sound more fucked up than he is. Whenever anyone calls him disgusting for saying it, or says they're going to tell the cops he just repeats "I didn't actually do anything though! I was lying! Come on, believe me, I posted it on twitter before I even got here!" like somehow that makes it more believable.

However he's also previously (and even in this and the last thread) argued that pedophilia should be legal, a child (and even babies) have the exact same brain as an adult "because they're human" and so children can consent completely ignoring any factual evidence presented to him. He also stated there were 600 billion people on Earth, so at least SOME of the children must be developed enough to consent. He also referred to pedophiles as "innocent" and explained he's attracted to children because "their vaginas haven't gotten all open and gross yet". He's also stated incest should be legal.
>> No. 9073

So the wiki's up.
>> No. 9074
I never thought I'd see someone so fucked, even online. Holy shit.
>> No. 9075
well OF COURSE i used the same story every time. i had to be consistent because all my friends are also friends with EACH OTHER, and if they passed it around and noticed differences in my story then they'd know I was lying
>> No. 9076
anna and our future kids are my ONLY family as far as i'm concerned. i don't care about my biological family and as soon as i move in with anna i'm cutting off all contact with them
>> No. 9077
Don't bid your biological family adieu any time soon, then. Like ever.
>> No. 9078
dating and cybersex aren't the same as real sex
>> No. 9079
the story was about anna, not amber
>> No. 9080
it's not necessarily wrong, it depends on the individual. it's wrong for some people and not wrong for others. it definitely is wrong for me and anna though
>> No. 9081
Nick, we're not your friends. We hate you. Everything you have said has made us hate you more. Your friends clearly all despise you as well.

Given this information, let's speak frankly for a moment here. Your character isn't working. No one thinks you're funny, no one likes you, so let's get fucking real. Tell me how much of the bullshit you've been spewing is just an act. Tell me how much of it is just your pathetic attempt at a joke.
>> No. 9082
it's not SUPPOSED to be a joke. i LIKE being stupid, so i will continue to be stupid

i dunno about half or so of my tweets are fake, there's too many to explain each one
>> No. 9083
Why is it wrong for Anna?

Again, saying "I just know" isn't an argument, anyone can reply "I just know it isn't". It's just a fucking statement. You do not possess any special knowledge or factual information. Your opinion is much less valuable than those of anyone more intelligent than you, which is pretty much everyone.
>> No. 9084
nice try, amber doesn't use the internet
>> No. 9085
Okay, but give some examples of some of the beliefs you've expressed that are so idiotic they either have to be a warped attempt at a joke, or you being fucking retarded.

Do you really think a child's brain is identical to that of a fully developed adult brain despite everything that's been explained to you?

Do you really think being irresponsible is responsible?

Do you really think it's normal for someone who is disgusted by female genitalia to claim to be attracted to women?

Do you really believe simply stating "we're soulmates" WHILE admitting you can't fucking prove it is an argument?

Do you really believe there are 600 billion people on the Earth?
>> No. 9086
because i'm her soulmate, so she should only have sex with me, not anyone else

also, are you hearing yourself? just because i'm retarded doesn't mean my opinion is less valuable than normal people. i have really strong beliefs and i stick to them
>> No. 9087
Would you be ok if Anna cybered with dudes?
>> No. 9088
yes to all but the last one. i think there's only SIXTY billiob but i don't know it may have increased since someone last told me the headcount
>> No. 9089
yeah, i guess so. i'd be a little disturbed, but as long as it's not REAL sex then we're all good
>> No. 9090
So prove you're her soulmate.
>> No. 9091
He probably wouldn't. It's okay if he does it, but if Anna does IT WOULD RUIN HER LIFE.
>> No. 9092
It's 6 billion Nick.

Someone spent quite a bit of time yesterday explaining to you the difference between a child's brain and an adult's brain. The brain is an organ like any other. Just as a child's muscles aren't as strong as an adults, their bones aren't as big, their brain also has not finished developing. This is just fact. You can't simply disagree with facts, it's childish and asinine.

As is calling anyone who proves you wrong a bigot.
>> No. 9093
it's not the saying i'm wrong that makes them bigots, it's the saying children aren't as developed as adults. that's ageism.
>> No. 9094
Facts are biased against Nick, you see.
>> No. 9095
Nick, don't throw around "ageism" to justify the fact you're a pedophile with horrible opinions.
>> No. 9096
No you fucking moron, it's not ageism, it's a fucking fact. That's just a fucking stupid claim. Facts aren't bigoted you stupid fuck. A child's brain by definition is less developed than that of an adult.
>> No. 9097
Nick, I really don't understand why you didn't want to graduate high school. You said you were afraid of it but why? Is it a fear of growing up?
>> No. 9098
He said he hates "irreversible" things.

Oh the horror of being a high school graduate... how have I managed
>> No. 9099
the kkk claims that black people being evil is fact, too. and the nazis said the same about jews, hitler even proved it by explaining evolution or something. but it's NOT fact, it's still just racism
>> No. 9100
Yes, non-pedophiles are Hitler. Wonderful argument.

>> No. 9101
>hitler even proved it
Wat. No. Do you even know anything about Nazism?
>> No. 9102
>>Adult and child brains perform tasks differently

>>Child Brains Organized Differently Than Adult Brains

>>Child brains wired differently than adult ones

>>At birth, baby's brain is remarkably unfinished. Most of its 100 billion neurons are not yet connected in networks. Some neurons are programmed for specific functions-breathing and heartbeat, but most are not yet designated for tasks and are waiting for the experiences in the environment to determine their function. Connections are created by the sensory experiences-seeing, smelling, touching, and especially tasting, stimulate the growth of neural connections. Forming and reinforcing these connections are the key tasks of early brain development.
>> No. 9103
Nick, you fucking dongwasher. Calling Jews subhumans is BAD SCIENCE. It has no basis in reality. Saying a child's brain isn't as developed as an adult's is a fact.
>> No. 9104
File 13059067952.jpg - (26.80KB , 400x285 , stages-of-brain-development-in-an-infant.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Listen. You know why children cannot talk at 1 month old? Because their brains aren't completely developed. They don't understand the language yet, much like if I handed you a book written in Latin you wouldn't understand.

Look at the picture. This is the stages of when they start to develop certain skills. I'm going to college to be a teacher and I've taken a children's health class where we talked about this. You aren't born knowing everything.
>> No. 9105
A delusional person, by definition, cannot accept that their delusions aren't real because a delusion is seen as real by definition.
>> No. 9106
No Nick, you fucking moron. They claim it as a BELIEF, they don't base it on any science. You're literally just vomiting a guilt by association and straw man fallacy.

There have been no scientific studies proving one race is "evil" because something like evil can't be quantified. That a brain is less developed is simply a scientific fact. Why do you think babies can't talk right when they're born? Their brains have to figure out HOW. You know how you play peekaboo with a baby, and they laugh in surprise because they thought you were really gone? That's because their brains have only just begun to develop.
>> No. 9107
No, I know, but I think it's something deeper. Being afraid of the "irreversible" just makes me think it's a fear of growing up, which is why he also doesn't want to take care of himself, or get a job, or show any responsibility of someone his age.
>> No. 9108
Hey Nick, your bad decisions and warped beliefs have made Anna's opinion of you IRREVERSIBLE.

She will hate you forever. "I know."
>> No. 9109
Well, yeah. If he really just hate irreversible things, why is he irreversibly a fat pedo who thinks children are literally as developed as adults?
>> No. 9110
You know what... yeah, what the fuck, Nick. You don't like irreversible things but you refuse to change your opinion on anything? That's... hypocritical.
>> No. 9111

Nick; do you ever wonder why adults play "peekaboo" with very young children? Because babies cannot yet conceive that objects continue to exist when they cannot see them.

If you hide your face, then the baby legitimately believes you have disappeared. Because it has yet to develop the ability to recognize that you haven't.
>> No. 9112
no i definitely want to have a life, i just can't graduate
>> No. 9113
But you already graduated.
>> No. 9114
Everyone just proved why children can't consent, ethically and legally speaking.

Ignoring it?
>> No. 9115

I know it's wikipedia but the sources look okay

That doesn't make sense. You want to have a life but you don't want to take the first step into having your own life? Nick, if you want to support yourself, you need to have education. You cannot survive without education. I know this is hard to accept, but even if you somehow did marry Anna, she won't be able to support you and the family on one income. You cannot afford a house on one income these days. You need to help out, you can't be a "househusband" these days. You both need to contribute equally to the relationship.
>> No. 9116
Call it a wild guess, but maybe you are afraid of finishing school because you are afraid that that will only be the start of a mountain of pressure by your family and the world?

"Welp, you finally finished highschool....Aren´t you going to find a college? What about the Masters Degree after that? You won´t get a good job if you haven´t done that!"

Fine. Don´t study or read or anything related, be an illiterate fuck that acts stupid for the lulz if that´s what makes you happy. But for the love of God, at least learn to take care of yourself, stopbeing a leech and GET A JOB.

Here´s some motivation for you: Imagine Anna´s face when you arrive to her house riding the car you just bought with all your hard earnt money.

Even if she gives you the finger, you have a car/shelter for your stuff when you get kicked out of home. win/win.
>> No. 9117
File 130590798683.jpg - (38.09KB , 350x250 , short-bus-slow-browsers.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Guys, you're wasting your time. There's a reason why Nick was placed with the rest of the short-bus crowd. His brain is still a child's, he doesn't understand how logic and empirical proof works, or have a theory of mind for that matter. You're just wasting your time in trying to teach him something too complex for him to get.
>> No. 9118
i don't need an education to live. nobody does. yeah you need college to become advanced things like doctors or whatever but those careers are optional.
>> No. 9119
The problem is the ways he's an active threat to others, not the fact he's a leech. Who gives a shit he's unemployed? HE LITERALLY THINKS KIDS CAN CONSENT TO SEX WITH ADULTS.
>> No. 9120
no, they already pressure me to get a job. i just ignore them. nothing to do with pressure.
>> No. 9122
Which is exactly why I'll be so much more successful than you in life. Congrats on being a total and utter failure. You're not even funny and nobody likes you.
>> No. 9123
yeah but i hope to get my graduation evoked someday, somehow
>> No. 9124
Okay Nick, let me ask you. If Anna dies, and all your family dies, and you're all alone, how will you provide for yourself? How will you get money? Where will you put all your things?
>> No. 9125
They don't do that for any kind of degree, high school or otherwise.
>> No. 9126
that's not even true. just because i have different goals than normal people doesn't mean i'm not successful. when i complete my goals, that is success, not what the goals themselves ARE.

also people do like me
>> No. 9127
Nick, someone pointed this out earlier. I'm going to state it again because I want a response.

You said you hate irreversible things, but you also say you refuse to reverse any of your opinions. Therefor everything you believe is an "irreversible thing" understand?
>> No. 9128
nanny's house is fully paid off so i imagine i'd still live there, just alone. which actually would be even better than my current situation, so if someone wants to try to talk her into going to a nursing home or something, please do
>> No. 9129
You'd have to pay the taxes on it. And bills. Even if you don't have bills, you still have taxes.
>> No. 9130
>also people do like me

Your abused half-sister and your cat doesn´t count.
>> No. 9131
i CAN'T reverse an opinion. that wouldn't even be an opinion then. also opinions are different from events anyway
>> No. 9132
i didn't, and i'm referring to my earthhuman friends.
>> No. 9133
they'd just shut down the utilities, that's all. i don't need them. and no i'm p sure if you have no income you don't need to pay taxes
>> No. 9134
Nick, your goals were not to graduate, not to have a job, to become Canadian, to have sex, and Anna NOT to have sex.

You graduated, you technically had a job at one point, it's impossible to "become" Canadian, you have not had sex, and Anna HAS had sex.

By your own goals, you are a complete and utter failure. You are not successful by your standards, and you are not successful by the standards of society. There is nothing successful or responsible about you. You are worthless garbage.

Also, who likes you exactly? Your whole family hates you, Anna hates you, everyone you've claimed as a friend has provided all this information to show how stupid and pathetic you are, no one likes you Nick, NO ONE.
>> No. 9135
No you won't, you piece of shit. Success isn't measured in your own brain. It's measured by the norms set by humanity as a whole. On this scale, you are a total fucking loser, and everybody realizes it. People all over the world hate you because you're an embarrassment to being human.
>> No. 9137
>>i CAN'T reverse an opinion.

Yes you can you fucking idiot. People change their minds all the time. That's part of why an opinion is different from a fact. Opinions can change, facts have been proven.
>> No. 9138
Property tax is different from income tax.
>> No. 9139
i'm going to get my graduation revoked, anna could be lying, and the rest is stuff that is still possible

son just because they posted about me doesn't mean they don't like me. hell they post about me all the time. i'm a lulzcow for them, that's the point. but they still like me and we're friends.
>> No. 9140
i don't know what that is
>> No. 9141
Nick, two questions.

If you were absolutely positive Anna had had sex, what would you do?

What would it take to prove to you Anna had sex?
>> No. 9142

Stop calling people son you retard.
>> No. 9143
Look, stuff changes real easy, you should know that. Unless if you've got something to guarantee your livelihood you won't have a secure future. You'd be doing yourself a favor by growing up and making something out of your life. Maybe getting some meds could help.
Nope, you've still got to pay property taxes. Miss them enough and the city'll just take your home and auction it.
>> No. 9144
yo fags, its not like yelling at nick will change anything, think for a fucking second

secondly, nick i do have several questions to ask you
1-where did you get the idea of you and anna being soulmates?
2-how many friends IRL? i take you dont like socializing or even being outside much, i feel you there
>> No. 9145
If you have a house, you pay property taxes on it every year. This has nothing to do with your income.
>> No. 9146
if someone changes their opinion, then they're sellouts and apparently never believed in their opinions that strongly to begin with.
>> No. 9147
1- it's instinctual. i just KNOW
2 - i have no irl friends anymore (one moved away or something and the other was chased off by my douchebad family). all my friends are online
>> No. 9148
You shouldn't aspire to be a lolcow, Nick, that's just ridiculous. Do you really like people making fun of you and telling you you're going to be a failure your whole life? They're not your friends, they don't even like you and think you're disgusting. They just want another TV show to watch and you happen to be there.
>> No. 9149
So if I was of the "opinion" that 1 + 1 = 3 and someone taught me that 1 + 1 = 2 and I realized my mistake I'm a sell out and didn't believe that 1 + 1 = 3 hard enough?
>> No. 9150
You realize that this board is essentially a global community. We fucking hate you. We want to make your life a fucking hell to live in. Your "friends" don't just view you as a "lulzcow". They think you're a lolcow because you're such an embarrassment. They'd never do anything that friends are supposed to do for you. I doubt they'd even admit to knowing you IRL, you creepy kiddy diddler
>> No. 9151
You have to pay taxes on your land, you would need money to keep the house or the bank would take it from you.

Additionally, unless there's a document proving ownership of it has been given to you, you would be evicted.

Additionally if the utilities were cut there would be no electricity to power your phone or video games, not to mention your phone would be cut off without whoever is paying for it paying for it.
>> No. 9153
yes, that's the point. as i explained in that effortpost in the old thread, i like stupid people and want to be one, so i act stupid and fucked-up so my friends get amusement out of my antics. plus i just plain LIKE being stupid.
>> No. 9154
Also usually if your utilities get cut off for long enough the place won't be seen as fit for living in the city could get on your case about that.
>> No. 9155
my phone's a cell phone, and it's pay as you go. i just buy minute cards whenever i do have any money
>> No. 9156
Nick, respond to this:

>> No. 9157
That's not going to work well for you once you lose all your friends.
>> No. 9158
Nope, they just have enough intelligence to change their stance to match what reality favors. That's pretty much a basic cognitive function most animals have, they can change their behavior to avoid repeating mistakes. You can't even do that.
>> No. 9159
So where would you get money to pay for it?
>> No. 9160
Hey Nick, ever realize that when you think you can't do something, it's not because you can't?

It's because you won't.
>> No. 9161
This right here, son. This right here.
>> No. 9162
Okay, but they're taking advantage of you. I understand you like stupid people, probably because they make people laugh and you like to make people laugh. But the thing is at this point you probably don't even make them laugh anymore. They'll type 'lol' and think "oh god how disgusting, what a pig"

I know that's how I am, anyway. At this point you're not even funny anymore, you're just sad.
>> No. 9163
>>if someone changes their opinion, then they're sellouts

I'm just going to add "sellouts" to the long list of words you don't understand the meaning of.
>> No. 9164
File 130590913511.jpg - (8.77KB , 236x213 , foa.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>i have no irl friends anymore. all my friends are online

That´s so fucking sad yet so reassuring for the rest of Humanity.
>> No. 9165
Nick sure wishes he had some child porn right now.
>> No. 9166
How are you going to get money to pay your property taxes every year, Nick?
>> No. 9167
technically i wouldn't do anything, just both our existences would be ruined forever

good question. a photo of her vagina with her holding up proof of today's date might work. we could see if her hymen's instact, but this isn't exactly foolproof as she could've busted it another way
>> No. 9168
File 130590926559.png - (145.93KB , 493x294 , lanoire.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Uh-oh! They're serious about getting the police involved!
>Hmm... Yeah. About half of my tweets are fake...
>> No. 9169
my friends still get lulz out of me

it's not even SUPPOSED to be for you guys, just them
>> No. 9170
But no vaginas! Yuck!
>> No. 9172
Their LULZ are the same type of LULZ we're getting right now.
>> No. 9173
I doubt she gives half a shit as to whether you think she lost her virginity or not. You'll never get the nudes. How does that feel? It's true, because I KNOW IT. And my life is a TV show so it's going to work out however I hope it does. Because I'm special.
>> No. 9174
And yet they were the ones who handed you over to us.
>> No. 9175
What about her posting a picture of her with her boyfriend, and both her and her boyfriend specifically stating they've had sex? How about her describing the activity? How about a freaking polygraph test?

She's not lying Nick, why would she lie?
>> No. 9176

you just want a picture of her vagina, you sick FUCK STALKER
>> No. 9177
how would that help? they could be lying. and i've seen a photo of them, but that doesn't mean they had sex. they're just dating. they aren't even in love. a polygraph could work though.

i dunno WHY she would be lying, but i have theories. maybe she feels left out because her friends have sex but not her, or maybe she instructed her friends to spread it around so it would eventually get to me thirdhand and make me miserable
>> No. 9178
Hey Nick, isn't it great that your life is going to be ruined and ours are going to stay dandy? You know, since we're anonymous, and you're kinda not. Nick Stoutzenberger. You fucking pedofork.
>> No. 9179
Don't you fucking get it? They were sick of you. You sparked this up again with your stupid decision to try to contact Anna. They're washing their hands of you. They gave us all the information about you they had, and directed you to us. Maddi and Jess at least both stated in previous threads they were washing their hands of you. You have no friends, no friends at all.

Your only social contacts are with people who for all intents and purposes are no more real than the characters in the video games you play. You're alone, because no one wants to hang out with a fat, creepy pedophile who's goal in life is to be a stupid failure who molests children and smears his shit on the walls.
>> No. 9180

You are overusing that word. A liar typically uses key slang words that he thinks the recipient of the lie uses to gain sympathy and trust.
>> No. 9181
You are the most ridiculous person I have ever met. When you get older, you are going to kill yourself by drowning in the toliet after trying to smell your shit. I tried to be patient today after raging so much yesterday, I really did. After I saw that chat log of you and the anon above I knew you needed help and I thought, "Oh, well, I'll be nice today."

But no, you are such a ginormous faggot you deny all help given to you or those who try to help you understand what the fuck is going on. You're worse than Chris. At least Chris didn't try to be retarded and fail at everything, it just happened that way. You're just human scum leeching off of society and you will never try to better yourself. You're a waste of life, you're a waste of food, you're a waste of everything. I hope you do get arrested and ass raped in jail, pedo.
>> No. 9182
think for a second, will your insult make nick change his ways or will it him disregard everything you just said?

holy fuck if i wanted to watch a bunch of retarded faggots yelling at one guy LOL UR WRONG id watch the steve wilkos show
>> No. 9183
Well as we've seen pretty much anything we mention is disregarded by him. He's seriously a lost cause.
>> No. 9184
It's entertaining to us, and some of it is getting through to him. And he needs to be told exactly how worthless he is.
>> No. 9185
Nick, I just licked my boyfriend's anus. How does it feel knowing that a girl(other than Amber) will never do that to you?
>> No. 9186
I don't think literally one person would shed a tear if Nick killed himself. In fact, it might be the first actual favor he's done for the world. His funeral would probably be his extremely immediate family, who might try to salvage his image from the failure it was in reality. I can only see good coming from this.
>> No. 9187
no, it isnt entertaining, and no, you arent changing nicks mind about jack shit

>> No. 9188

>no, it isnt entertaining,

Yeah, because that's entirely objective isn't it?
>> No. 9190
Anon, he REFUSES to change his mind about anything. He views his life like it's a TV show, where only his actions matter and all his hopes and dreams will come true, because he's special. He literally thinks people see him and view him like they would Fry from futurama or Michael from The Office.
>> No. 9191
oh im sorry, i thought the whole point of questions was to get awnsers, not disregard any awnser to force your opinion, example

Anon: hey nick are you and anna soulmates?
Nick: yes

not entertaining if i say so myself
>> No. 9192
i don't care, i like PERFORMING anilingus, not receiving. i'm neutral on receiving. if anna wants to do that, then it's fine and i'll oblige, but i'm not gonna actively seek it out. it doesn't do anything for me.
>> No. 9193
Nick, is that you? You're assuming what's entertaining to you is the same for everyone else.

This is a dangerous stalker (watch him deny being one and pretend not to meet every fucking standard for being one) and admitted child molester.
>> No. 9194
Nick, what made you think talking about doing stuff with Amber would be a joke people find funny?
>> No. 9195
But you'll never have anyone to perform it on.
>> No. 9196
File 130591026258.gif - (1.54MB , 320x240 , steve.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well then, why are you still here?
>> No. 9197
Then ask some questions, I don't see how that's so hard.
>> No. 9198
What the fuck is so fun/special about inserting your tongue into someone's rectum
>> No. 9199
this is nick motherfucking bate, he was sore for three fucking days for wlaking less than hald a mile, stop making him out to be a dangerous pedophile who will rape kids at any given moment
>> No. 9200
Paging Dr. Freud.
>> No. 9201
anna bro
>> No. 9202
i dunno, what makes some people like video games? why do some people like sports? i guess it has something to do with your brain, idk
>> No. 9203
File 130591137444.png - (139.46KB , 384x288 , search_php.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah, and the Bjork stalker was an obese loner with manboobs and no social contacts.
>> No. 9204
everyone right now: Kacey
Nick: CWC

seriously, we all know how much the kacey calls sucked so stop doing it
>> No. 9205
I'm not your bro, pedophile.
>> No. 9206
Anna hates you.

Your soulmate would NOT hate you.

Anna has a boyfriend who she is HAPPY with. Simply stating she isn't when she hasn't spoken to you in TWO FUCKING YEARS doesn't change reality to your whim.

>> No. 9207
But she isn't interested. You can't change her opinion because if you did, she'd totally be a sellout.
>> No. 9208
Actually, it's more like

Everyone on /cwc/ but you: Liquid
Nick: CWC
You: Kacey

We're having dialog with him, we're conversing with him, you're just interjecting to break up the flow and shit things up. You got questions? Ask them. Don't like the thread? Post in another one.
>> No. 9209
Well, I for one will let you find out on your own that it'll never happen. And you can die a miserable, sad, lonely person who accomplished nothing in life
>> No. 9210
it's not supposed to be funny, it's supposed to fucked-up. i like being fucked-up in addition to stupid.
>> No. 9211
Nick please answer this.
>> No. 9212


Do you want Anna to be a sellout Nick? You said if someone changes their opinion they're a sellout. Her opinion is that she HATES you.
>> No. 9213
Is Micheal from The Office fucked up?

Is Fry from Futurama fucked up?
>> No. 9214
and boom, nothing happened and his ass killed himself
>> No. 9215
>> No. 9216
The concept of double-standards is obviously an ageist bias!!!!!!
>> No. 9217
He sent a box full of acid to her. If he hadn't videotaped his whole stupid plan, the police wouldn't have intercepted it.
>> No. 9218
i doubt she'll come around by being persuaded by others. probably she'll come around of her own free will or something
>> No. 9219
What could cause her to change her mind? What could be the big epiphany that she has?
>> No. 9220
a little bit, but not really. the wanting to be fucked-up is separate from wanting to be stupid, i just kinda lump the two together because they have the same general purpose
>> No. 9221
That still means that she will be changing her opinion, son.
>> No. 9222
But then she'd be changing her opinion. You said changing your opinion was bad.

If she stops hating you then she's a sellout, according to you.
>> No. 9223
oh thats funny, no liquid didnt interupt every five seconds to tell chris that hes a fat pathetic manchild, only when it was called for, here it's one back and forth followed by an uncalled for insult he was probably called many times before
>> No. 9224
Okay but, you've previously stated you don't believe any of the things you're into are disgusting, yet now you're saying you want to be fucked up.

It's one or the other, either you're disgusting and fucked up, or not disgusting and not fucked up.
>> No. 9225
You think being fucked up makes people laugh.

Being fucked up gets you thrown on the streets, in jail, into an institution.
>> No. 9226

yeah I knew my explanation of why babies and adults aren't the same wouldn't stick
>> No. 9227
>>uncalled for insult

Yeah, this is Nick.
>> No. 9228
dunno, but it's fate so it'll happen somehow
>> No. 9229
It's fate for Anna to be a sellout?
>> No. 9230
Nick said he doesn't know who CWC is. Why would he know who Liquid is? He doesn't even know what this board is for.
>> No. 9231
Here's the thing.

WHY is it fate?

How do you KNOW she's your soulmate?

How do you KNOW soulmates are even real?

You're using circular logic.
>> No. 9232
no it doesn't. only if you actually DO the things you say you do
>> No. 9234
He was linked to several articles about Chris-chan in the last thread.
>> No. 9235
>>no it doesn't.

Yes it does.
>> No. 9236
He thinks it's like a TV show where the good guy always "wins" and gets what he wants in the end. In his mind, he's the good guy.
>> No. 9237
Only Nick would think any of the insults hurled at him are uncalled for.
>> No. 9238
how is it circular? the soulmate thing is where it stop, there's no REASON for us being soulmates, it just is. it's the most specific i can be.
>> No. 9239
Or if people care enough to act on their suspicions.
>> No. 9240
no it isnt nigger, of course i could mimick posts from here and the last thread by throwing sick fuck and pedophile anywhere in these posts, holy fuck you have far more things to ride on too, theres only one guy here trying to reason, and he's not being stupid about it
>> No. 9241
Is a good point.
>> No. 9242
no, there're people who're on my side.

and yeah I don't know who chris chan is, everyone keeps telling me I'm like him but I still don't get it
>> No. 9243
Hey Nick, I know you and Anna will end up together blahblahblah but...

What will you do if you don't end up with Anna? I mean, don't just say "well she'll come around so it doesn't matter." Seriously consider this question. What will you do?
>> No. 9244

Nick, I talked to you for hours yesterday and you admitted that babies and adults don't have the same brain. why are you taking that back now
>> No. 9245

Good morning, sunshine. What look do you find attractive on a woman?
>> No. 9246
It's the most specific thing you can be, because you don't actually want to think beyond that point.
>> No. 9247
it's not a tv show, it's just fate. it'll happen. and there's no such thing as good or bad, there's just different opinions
>> No. 9248
You're a fat, perverted, stalker-ish, unwashed, lifeless, naive manchild who lives in his own little world. You take Chris's worst traits and you magnify them. Now do you fucking get it?
>> No. 9249
i don't know what they're called, but those lines between your lips and nose. also, the lines flanking your mouth. and acne. and big butts. and glasses. and not too skinny.
>> No. 9250
Nick, you are using this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circular_reasoning

Anna is my soul mate because I know it.
I know it because Anna is my soul mate.

It's a logical fallacy, it's terribly flawed.
>> No. 9251
there's nothing really BEYOND that though... soulmates exist because God's like "okay welp i have a plan for your life, here it is". and nothing created God, He created Himself or something, so there's nothing else past that
>> No. 9252
>>there's no REASON for us being soulmates, it just is.

She says you're not soulmates.

Everyone else says you're not soulmates.

The only one who thinks you're soulmates is you, you can't provide any argument whatsoever. By your own admission, you want to be stupid, you want to be fucked up, and you probably have numerous mentall illnesses.

Anna is not stupid, Anna is not fucked up, and afaik Anna does not have any mental illnesses. Thus her judgment and opinion is more sound and has more worth than yours.

As to how it's circular? Try and follow.

"Anna hates you."
"She hates me NOW, but she'll love me later."
"Because we're soulmates."
"How can you prove you're soulmates?"
"I can't, but I just know she WILL love me later."
"Because we're soulmates."

It all leads back to your claim that you are soulmates, but you can't prove, back up or in any way verify this claim, thus it's worthless and serves as proof of nothing. It would be like someone repeating that you were a unicorn over and over and just saying "He just is."
>> No. 9253
Might want to lower your standards, princess
>> No. 9254
Nick, what would you do once your parents die?
>> No. 9255
God has no desire for us to be ignorant. You disgrace Christianity.
>> No. 9256
no, that's not what i'm saying. i know anna is my soul mate, but me knowing this is not the cause for it. that would be impossible
>> No. 9257
Hey Nick, please respond to this

>> No. 9258
So you like to cross dress, do you feel more like a woman than a man sometimes?
>> No. 9259
No, there is nothing in any religious text describing soulmates. God did not "create soulmates" you're completely pulling that out of your ass. The term isn't mentioned anywhere in the Bible.
>> No. 9261
being stupid or fucked-up doesn't make what i'm saying invalid

also, just fyi she does have mental illnesses. mainly asperger's but she also has social problems and self-esteem issues
>> No. 9262
Nick, God disapproves of crossdressing. Maybe Anna hating you is punishment for your wicked sins.
>> No. 9263

You know it because you know it.
Same deal.
>> No. 9264
the Bible clearly stats that God has a plan for everyone, which includes who they marry, who their friends are, and all kind of shit.
>> No. 9265

know who that reminds me of...
>> No. 9266
>>i know anna is my soul mate,

How? Based on what? What proof do you have? PROOF Nick, saying "I know" isn't proof, I'm going to say this again. I can say that I KNOW you're going to be stabbed to death tomorrow, does that prove you will be? Simply saying you KNOW something doesn't serve as proof.
>> No. 9267
I don't think He does... it wasn't in the Bible and plus He actually TOLD Joan of Arc to crossdress, so
>> No. 9268
The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God. - Deuteronomy 22:5
>> No. 9269
Yeah, and I'm sure God's plan included giving you an analingus toy to fuck around with for being such a good boy. And I'm sure it was God who planned that you'd be a creepy pedophile whose life is defined by sexual perversity and immorality.

That don't sound like God to me, bro. That sounds like the other guy.
>> No. 9270
You know Nick, it's pretty funny that I spent hours talking sympathetically to you yesterday and I got you to see some valid points which you immediately rejected afterward. Like I said earlier in this thread, I knew it wouldn't stick because you need serious mental help that you are not getting. Your parents enable you to be the piece of shit that you are.

For non nick people, I honestly think that Nick is worse than CWC for a bunch of reasons. Everything I hate about Chris is part of nick, plus more. at this point Chris is starting to seem like an innocent guy who just wants to find true love
>> No. 9271
No, it states that God has a plan, but it doesn't specify every person having a specific mate.

There are plenty of stories of people living their lives, dying and going to heaven or hell without ever having a mate.

How does this "perfect plan" account for rape, suicide, torture, mutilation, and every other evil of the world? Oh by the way, the Bible specifically states there IS a good and evil, that's the whole point of the Ten Commandments, and why there's a Hell? So you're basically saying, God's wrong.

This is another way you're like Chris-chan, you claim to be a Christian, but you just cobble together your own beliefs, pretend the religion supports you and then ignore EVERYTHING that disagrees with you.
>> No. 9272
Also, the church had Joan of Arc tried and burned for heresy partly because she crossdressed.
>> No. 9273

The only way that Joan of Arc could get people to respect her authority was to cross dress.
>> No. 9274
Why do you cross dress? Is it for fun, or is there some sexual reason behind it?
>> No. 9275
the bad things happening are part of the plan too. He works in mysterious ways, yo. my guess is they happen so the victims can overcome it and strengthen themselves or something
>> No. 9276
Joan of Arc wasn't in the Bible you fucking retard. There's no verification that God was actually talking to her, hell there's no verification there even IS a god.

On top of that, one of her best friends was Gilles de Rais, one of the most prolific and notorious serial killers in history: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilles_de_Rais

He raped, tortured, and murdered children, hundreds of children, drank their blood, and offered them as sacrifices to Satan. He was one of her closest friends.
>> No. 9277
Not exactly CS Lewis levels of apologetics there.
>> No. 9278
i just like pretty dresses and stuff
>> No. 9279
Nick, what is your response to this?

>> No. 9280

What makes everything you say invalid is that you have admitted to being a liar.
>> No. 9281
Would you say that God endorses pedophilia? Rape? Sodomy? Exhibitionism? I'm just wondering, since the Bible refers to "sexual immorality" more times than you can count, what it actually refers to.
>> No. 9282
Nick, you STILL haven't responded to how you expect Anna to change her opinion that she hates you when you previously stated changing your opinion was bad and made you a sellout.
>> No. 9283
Actually, Nick, have you ever read the Bible? You had a religious class so I assumed you did but then again you were trying to fail so...
>> No. 9284
What if Anna became pregnant? Would that prove that she had sex with her boyfriend? What would you do in that case?
>> No. 9285
If Anna became pregnant with another man's child, what you want her to do with the baby? Would you love it as your own if the two of you were married later on?
>> No. 9286
Nick, has it occured to you that people would be more likely to believe that you didn't touch Amber if you weren't bleating on about how having sex with children is okay? Can you understand that this damages your credibility?
>> No. 9287
well she would have to keep it, but no i don't think i could love something that's not both me AND anna's dna, that's why i don't think i should adopt
>> No. 9288
but it's what i believe. am i supposed to just put up a facade around other people? that would be horrible
>> No. 9290
What if Anna isn't physically able to have children and she wanted to adopt?
>> No. 9291
that would be horrible so i'm hoping this doesn't happen
>> No. 9292
File 130591460690.png - (92.26KB , 504x804 , 1305846958784.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Don't ignore this, Nick.
>> No. 9293
Nick, since the Bible says crossdressing is bad >>62337 are you going to stop doing it?
>> No. 9294
But what if it does happen?
>> No. 9295
a photo of her hymen (or lack thereof) with proof of the day's date, like the newspaper or something, although this is still kinda flawed because she could've busted it another way
>> No. 9297
That's not what I asked at all.
If she became pregnant, she would have had to have had sex. How would you react if she did become pregnant?
>> No. 9298
If Anna got a restraining order against you and kept it for the rest of her life, would you obey it?
>> No. 9299
i already kinda answered that earlier. i imagine her being pregnant wouldn't be any worse than her having sex, because that right there would already have ruined her forever
>> No. 9300
well it wouldn't BE forever, even if she got one she'd drop it once she fell in love with me
>> No. 9301
So if she IS ruined forever, what happens?
That's hardly in line with what you were saying about fate.
>> No. 9302
Don't you realize the fact she had sex (or, in your fantasy land, if she has sex) won't ruin her life, it will just ruin the pure idealized version of her in your caveman head?
>> No. 9303
What would cause her to fall in love with you at that point?
>> No. 9304
Nick, you're ignoring that the Bible specifically states crossdressing is wrong.

You also made no comment on the fact that Joan of Arc was not in the Bible, and her best friend was a child murdering satanist.

You also STILL haven't responded to how you expect Anna to change her opinion that she hates you when you stated changing your opinion was bad and made you a sellout.
>> No. 9305
How do you define love, Nick?
>> No. 9306
So what would happen if she was ruined forever? Does it just mean her life would be terrible?
>> No. 9307

>> No. 9308
He's going to continue to be a tard and say "I don't know but she will."

Nick, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
>> No. 9309
whoever deleted nick's page and all the links and replaced it with a generic wiki, you're a fucktard
>> No. 9310
You can still get to them. Though the only one worth anything is http://batia-studios.webs.com/biography.html
>> No. 9311
>> No. 9312
i think a lot of the things have changed nowadays. especially stuff from deuteronomy, it had tons of really weird strict rules that nobody follows anymore

no of course she wasn't in the bible but she said god spoke to her and iirc the church eventually changed their mind about her being a blasphemer and canonized her

well i dunno, in this case it's not really selling out because it's probably already her opinion, just buried deep down in her subconscious or id or something
>> No. 9313
yes, and her afterlife too.
>> No. 9314
>>i think a lot of the things have changed nowadays.

The Bible is the word of god. You're saying God is wrong. You're saying God changed his opinion. You're saying God is a sellout.

>>she said god spoke to her

So do homeless people and patients in insane asylums. So does Chris-chan. It's not proof of anything.

>>well i dunno, in this case it's not really selling out because it's probably already her opinion, just buried deep down in her subconscious or id or something

She hates you Nick. She has cut off all contact with you, she has a boyfriend. That's her opinion.
>> No. 9315
OK, I'm out of this thread. You're too fucking retarded and it's pissing me off.
>> No. 9316
Just because they made her a saint doesn't mean that they've reversed their opinion on her crossdressing.
>> No. 9317
So are you saying she would go to hell if she got pregnant?
>> No. 9318
Selling out is what happens when a band like Metallica starts writing dad-rock.

Learn what words mean. Changing your opinion based on new evidence doesn't mean a person has no principles.
>> No. 9319
no, it's not a sin, it's just that even when she does and go to heaven it wouldn't change the fact that she had sex with someone other than her soulmate
>> No. 9320
Premarital sex is a sin. Having sex with someone that isn't your 'soul mate' is not.
>> No. 9321


>> No. 9322
having sex with someone other than your soulmate kind of IS premarital sex. i mean you can get married to the wrong person (happens way too much, in fact) but in that event they eventually divorce and eventually find the REAL soulmate
>> No. 9323
Guys, you're engaging Nick in his delusional fantasyland terms. There's no getting through to him if you take 100 horrible, incorrect things for granted.
>> No. 9324
Hey Nick, I had sex with your "soul mate" and she liked it. We're going to live happily ever after. Prove me wrong?
>> No. 9325
Hey Nick, hold down shift and click "no", that's how you get to "no to all"
>> No. 9326
>>having sex with someone other than your soulmate kind of IS premarital sex.

No, it isn't. Premarital simply means prior to a marriage. That's it.

There's no mention of soulmates Nick. Not in the definition of premarital, not in any description of "god's plan" and not in any factual context.
>> No. 9327
You do know that electricity is part of utilities, right? When you were defending a pedophile in another thread, you said something about how awful it would be to live life without internet an video games...just sayin.
>> No. 9328
gasp. a neckbeard familiar with technology? madness
>> No. 9329
Showing him that his world is a broken fantasyland is the only way to interface with him. Otherwise he'll either shut you down with "BUT I JUST KNOW" or think you're on his side.
As a sidenote to Nick, I haven't seen anyone in this thread who's been on your side. Everyone in the last several hundred posts has treated you negatively.
>> No. 9330
Hi I'm Nick Bate and I like to make up definitions for words because I am retarded and proud of it
>> No. 9331

dude I proved to him everything he was saying and he already is choosing to ignore it, while ignoring my posts in this thread
>> No. 9332
Let me pretend to be Nick for a moment here.

"But she will love me later!"
"Because we're soulmates!"
But she hates you, people don't hate their soulmates.
"She will love me later!"
"Because we're soulmates!"

Or to put it another way.
"I will beat this game!"
"Because I am DESTINED to beat it!"
But you just lost the game.
"But I'm gonna beat it eventually!"
"Because I am DESTINED to beat it!"
But you're not beating it, you're losing it.
"But I will win it later!"
"Because I am DESTINED to beat it!"
>> No. 9333
Are there any updates on what's going on with phone calls and archiving?
>> No. 9334
son you're all probably lying about the sex. and you guys aren't even in love, you're silly children who think every intense crush is love. she "loved" myrrh, she "loved" paul, oh wait how did those things end again?
>> No. 9335
File 130591693385.gif - (15.93KB , 202x241 , special_nekobe.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
mfw Nick calls people silly children
>> No. 9336
Hey Nick, remember when she loved you?
How did that work out again?
>> No. 9337
Maybe, maybe not. Unlike certain retards, I'm not going to claim our love was meant to be for all eternity, because that's not something either you or I can know.

The sex was good though.
>> No. 9338
Nick, you can't even define love.
>> No. 9339
she never said she loved me. oh but she will
>> No. 9340
>you're silly children who think every intense crush is love

nigga, you serious? You're in the same goddamn boat. You're not soul mates. You have an obsession, a crush. You don't love her, you have no empathy so you will never truly love her or understand her.
>> No. 9341

>what Nick would be saying if he were a mad scientist, and not a retard.
>> No. 9342
would you stop talking about the sex, you have no way to prove it happened so I will assume you're lying until Anna loves me and will start being truthful with me, then i'll ask her again

also, how do i know you're really him and not just a troll posing as him? use trips and confirm it somewhere like I am
>> No. 9343
>>son you're all probably lying about the sex.

Nick, he's not lying he's making fun of you.

She hasn't told her boyfriend about you Nick, because you're not important in her life. Her boyfriend doesn't know you exist. She doesn't even want to know you exist. Do you think her boyfriend would call himself "Neckbeard"? The point is, the guy with that hilarious beard in the other picture? He fucked her (assuming he's her current boyfriend.)

She has no reason at all to lie about this Nick.

>>and you guys aren't even in love, you're silly children who think every intense crush is love. she "loved" myrrh, she "loved" paul, oh wait how did those things end again?

Wait, what?

>>you're silly children

Come again?

>>silly children

Oh, oh, so you're saying children are LESS MATURE? I thought you claimed this line of thinking was AGEIST you hypocritical retarded bag of shit.

Also, didn't you claim to love Tara and Maddi? You're the immature one Nick.

She's happy, her life is proceeding well, she had sex, her life isn't ruined.

Meanwhile you're following (and failing) your plan, and your life is complete shit by your own admission. If you were right, your life wouldn't be shit, and hers would be.
>> No. 9344
Anyone actually talk to his mom yet?
and didn't one of you guys report him to Ambers school?
>> No. 9345
i USED to be that way. i thought i loved tara and other peeps, but when the real thing happened with anna i realized it was just crushes. no more.
>> No. 9346
That's the most hilarious part, she never did love him.

She never even dated him, not even online. She just chatted with him and he became obsessed because she likes a band he does, and obsessively messaged her with sexual chat. She told him to fuck off and blocked him -after giving him numerous warnings- and he responded by following her around the internet, demanding she date him for retarded fantasy reasons, and wrote sexual fan fiction about her. Sexual fan fiction involving sex acts she specifically told him she didn't like.
>> No. 9347

why are you saying children are silly, that's ageist, aren't you against that
>> No. 9348
Oh snap!
>> No. 9349

What if she doesn't have a hymen because she was an active child?
>> No. 9350
actually I stopped doing the stuff when she told me to. she herself at one point confirmed i was doing a lot better. so i don't know why she suddenly decided to hate me
>> No. 9351
Alright, does anyone still have Nick's mother's phone number? There's no news on that, so if someone can just point out the phone numbers again I'm going to call and talk to her/leave a message outlining and explaining this whole thing.
>> No. 9352
I'm not a tripfag, Mr. Tinycox, and tripcodes are perfectly crackable at that. Maybe I am a troll, maybe I am the bearded spawn Anna is dating... You wouldn't believe we had sex even if I proved my identity, what do I have to gain from it?
>> No. 9353
It was in one of the older threads on an avon representative link.
>> No. 9354
yeah i know, that's why i said my idea for proving it isn't foolproof. for all the years we spoke she never mentioned busting her hymen but i suppose it could have happened between then and now
>> No. 9355
No, it's just a crush. It will forever be a crush because Anna will not love you back, no matter what you do. Nothing you can do will change her opinion because she's not, as you say, a sell-out. She is just like you in that regard.
>> No. 9356
>> No. 9357

nick isn't calling anna a silly child ageist
>> No. 9358
Oh, yeah, and girls break their hymens quite often, playing with themselves, or even on accident. It's quite rare to find a girl with an intact hymen over the age of say, 14.
>> No. 9359
i didn't say children were silly, i called them silly children. it's like calling someone gay, it doesn't mean they're actual homosexuals
>> No. 9360

I don't know if you were in the previous thread, but I left two message that were audio clips of Nick saying terrible things. You probably should call her and explain all of this.
>> No. 9361
In fact, while losing your hymen is kinda freaky, and there's a little blood, it's something you might not tell anyone at all about, let alone someone who might well at that point be an internet stalker.
>> No. 9362

You're wrong. It's not "rare", it's not THAT easy to break a hymen. I lost my virginity at 16 and still had mine, most of my friends did too

you know as much about female anatomy as ni---i can't even say that bc he thought you could check if someone was pregnant 10 times a day
>> No. 9363
You're still using "children" as a derogatory term, which is ageist.
>> No. 9364
But it's still derogatory.
>> No. 9365
Calling someone Gay is an insult because you're calling them a homosexual. No, it doesn't mean they are homosexual, it means you are a homophobe, and believe that calling them homosexual will insult them.
>> No. 9366

calling someone gay is homophobic, calling someone a child is ageist, you were ageist, you're a bigot by your own standards
>> No. 9367
yes, I know this, so her NOT having a hymen isn't necessarily proof she had sex, but her HAVING it is definitely proof she DIDN'T
>> No. 9368
no don't break Nick's illusion of "innocence"

if her hymen's broken HER LIFE IS RUINED
>> No. 9369
You say they are "silly children" because they are ignorant of what love is.
You're saying children are ignorant of things.
>> No. 9370
Not if it was with you.
>> No. 9371

When I lost my virginity, I didn't bleed. I think that I probably broke my hymen sometime before I had sex. It was probably because I rode bikes all of the time when I was younger.
>> No. 9372
If you look in one of the threads on the main page, you'll find that people find it fucking irritating when you say "YOU'RE AS BAD AS X". Just don't.
>> No. 9373

actually, Nick, bro, I actually didn't have my hymen broken until the 2nd time I had sex so it might not be proof still
>> No. 9374
She didn't "suddenly" decide to start hating you, you made her hate you by being yourself.

No one wants to date a guy who's life goal is to be an idiot. No one wants to date someone who smears their shit on the walls. No one wants to date a confessed pedophile who tells people stories about molesting their 9 year old sister.

Nick, let me spell this out for you. A stalker will refuse to accept that they have no relationship with their victim. They will swear they must be together for some intangible reason, such as fate or destiny or them being soulmates. A stalker declares if they don't accept them in life, they will accept them in death. A stalker creates shrines to their victim whom they're not even dating. A stalker will blame their problems on the victim, unable to accept responsibility for their actions. A stalker wants to control their victim, ie claiming they know better than she does what's best for her, belittling her intelligence by claiming not being with them is in some way immature, speaking on their behalf declaring what they should or should not do or what is or is not right for them.

You are a stalker.
>> No. 9375
So then why do you need a picture of her vag, again? If it still won't prove to you that it happened.
>> No. 9376
How do you argue with someone who self-identifies as an idiot?
>> No. 9377
it's not homophobic... it's not even referring to actual gay people. it's a synonym. if people started insulting people by calling them a "cat", does that means they're bigoted against actual felines? naw man. it's the same with the n word, it doesn't necessarily refer to black people, it's used as a greeting between friends nowadays. context is everything.
>> No. 9378
Two examples does not disprove rarity. I've never broken a girl's hymen, but I've fucked a lot of virgins.

That itself doesn't prove rarity either. Unlike Nick, I don't believe my opinions are absolute truth, and I am aware that everything I say is innately only my own opinion, nothing more.
>> No. 9379

did you not read the whole sentence, it was a joke
>> No. 9380
because if she DOES have her hymen it means she's stil a virgin
>> No. 9381
>> No. 9382
How are you so stupid?

Noun: A word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language, for example shut is a synonym of close
>> No. 9383

but calling someone a child, meaning they are ignorant, is ageist, and that is what you said
>> No. 9384
Insulting someone by calling them a "cat" wouldn't work, since there's no implication to the word. Try it, call your mother a cat some time, see how insulted she is.
>> No. 9385

I see the point that you're making, but that's probably not a good example. I think that we should probably just say that there's a 40% chance that a girl will retain her hymen past the age of 14, depending on how active she is, before this thread becomes hymen stories.
>> No. 9386

I'll say this again because idk if you read it:
actually, Nick, bro, I actually didn't have my hymen broken until the 2nd time I had sex so it might not be proof still
>> No. 9387
Fair enough. If you know any hymen-bearing virgins interested in a good time, send some my way. I bet Anna would be cool with a threesome for science.
>> No. 9388

Not every girl retains their hymen, retard. We have already said, some lose it before hand for several reasons other than sex.
>> No. 9389
it's becos you're fat
>> No. 9390
Nick, if you love Anna so much, why don't you trust that she's not lying?
>> No. 9391

>> No. 9392
You're stalking Anna.
You molested your 8 year old sister.
Nobody likes pedophiles.
Forever alone.

You can argue all you like, but everybody will still hate you.
>> No. 9393
i know that. i said if she DOES still have it
>> No. 9394
Do you honestly think any woman is going to show a picture of her hymen to someone she hates to prove her virginity?
>> No. 9395
Hi fatty
>> No. 9396

and I said I still had mine until the SECOND time I had sex, so refute that information, it doesn't always break the first time!!
>> No. 9397

>> No. 9398
Hi fatty
>> No. 9399
no i'm not, no i didn't, and some people do
>> No. 9400
Life isn't an anime. Huge age disparities in sexual relationships aren't "slightly awkward but cute and saucy". In the real world you're a piece of shit.
>> No. 9401
Wow....so this is the master trolling plan? Get him on here and ask him the same 5 questions over and over and get the same 5 responses? That stopped being funny really quick. He's a child. His psychological and emotional development has stopped. Your not gonna turn his life around. Anybody heard anything about this supposed sheriffs office bullshit or from his mom?
>> No. 9402
Nick, do you understand that you're demanding the only way you will leave a girl alone -and even that you're not guaranteeing- is if she sends you pictures of the inside of her vagina?
>> No. 9403
Nick, you don't even like vaginas. Why do you care about Anna's?
>> No. 9404
Why don't you just try to meet another girl? If you start brushing your teeth, cut your hair regularly, get a job, stop acting like a retard then you'd most likely find a girl interested in you. Chris couldn't even do that, I mean look at him.
>> No. 9405
yeah i WAS thinking that but now I realize that wouldn't even be real proof, hymens don't always break from sex
>> No. 9406
Guess what...everybody still hates you.
Enjoy explaining why pedophilia is good to your mother.
>> No. 9407
Nick, if you think your "soulmate" is prone to lots of shallow crushes rather than real love, you understand that even by your crazy logic, she's not true to you in her heart, right?
>> No. 9408

I think that we'll find out when he gets home.
>> No. 9409
soul mate

a person with whom one has a strong affinity.
Use soulmate in a Sentence
See images of soulmate
Search soulmate on the Web
Also, soul·mate.


Two thinks Nick. First off, Anna does not have a strong affinity with you. This proves conclusively you're not her soulmate.

Second, according to this the word first appeared in use in the 1800's, long after the Bible was written. You have no biblical basis for claiming soulmates are real.
>> No. 9410

You missed his point. Can't you understand how fucked up it is to ask for photos of a girl's vagina to prove her virginity?
>> No. 9411
i don't want another girl
>> No. 9412

FFFFFFFFFFFFF That means that even if her hymen breaks, Nick will believe that she's still a virgin.
>> No. 9413
This girl would still have to overlook him telling stories about having sex with his 9 year old sister, being obsessed with anus, being proud of being stupid, being disgusted by vagina, refusing to shower, and smearing his shit and semen on the walls.

So, Chris actually has a better chance of finding a sweetheart.
>> No. 9414
i don't WANT to see it, but i thought it would be proof
>> No. 9415
i don't WANT to see it, but i thought it would be proof
>> No. 9416

Yeah, I could see Chris at least getting pity sex.
>> No. 9417
the biblical basis is that god has a plan for everyone. this would include their spouse.
>> No. 9418
Nick, do you think you are attractive or desirable?
>> No. 9419
Yeah, Chris has autism, and even he at least releases his navy in a cup, and keeps his shit in his Dirty, Crapped Briefs.
>> No. 9420
no, i don't believe in that technical virginity bullshit. ANY sex act imo causes your virginity to be gone. oral, anal, fingering, mutual masturbation, fisting, titsucking, etc.

so she can't do ANYTHING sexual or she's ruined
>> No. 9421

How do you account for people who die unmarried, unloved virgins? It happens.
>> No. 9422
No it wouldn't, because plenty of people go through whole lives without a spouse.

Hell, being a priest or a nun is part of god's plan right? They have to take a vow of celibacy and swear to never take a spouse, so there goes your asspull bullshit right there.
>> No. 9423
not physically, but emotionally
>> No. 9424

Anna is not in your plan, at all. Besides, I don't get why you are attracted to her so much. You act like she's one in a million, but I could go down to Hot Topic right now and find at least three girls that are just like her.
>> No. 9425
She got fucked and she sucked the guy's dick

how's that
>> No. 9426
well that would mean those specific people don't have soulmates in god's plan for them. but me and anna DO
>> No. 9427
Let me ask you this.

If you had done any of that stuff you told your friends you did with Amber, wouldn't that mean YOU were ruined?
>> No. 9428
What parts of you are emotionally attractive, then?
>> No. 9429
How do you know what God's plan is for you, Nick? And you can't say "I just know".
>> No. 9430
>>well that would mean those specific people don't have soulmates in god's plan for them. but me and anna DO

"God's plan" doesn't mention any specifics, and they sure as fuck don't specifically mention you or Anna, you once again are pulling this directly out of your fucking ass. You don't get to decide what's right for Anna, you also don't get to decide what God's plan is.
>> No. 9431


Let's do something more productive for once, god damn
>> No. 9432
Anyone heard from N or S in a while?
>> No. 9433
the part that's attracted to children
the part that's unemployed
the part that loves anuses
the part that
>> No. 9434
Stop arguing with him. We are obviously getting nowhere. Out of curiosity, how many of you have actually called his mom?
>> No. 9435
Every time he deliberately ignores something, we've gotten through to him. He's loathe to admit it, but there's so much hypocrisy and inconsistency in his posts it's not even funny.
>> No. 9436
Hey Nick. If and when the Feds come for you, how will you prove your innocence?
>> No. 9437
I know yesterday people were calling the Sherrif's office, the school nearest to his mom's house and his mom too, any updates on any of that? How did the calls go?
>> No. 9438
I tried getting through earlier but it rang four times and went to voicemail.
>> No. 9439

Nick needs to get his youtube account back so he can upload videos
>> No. 9440
These threads serve as an archive. They're live conversations witnessed by hundreds where he reinforces every batshit insane belief he's promoted elsewhere.

It's evidence, basically.
>> No. 9441
I screamed "JULLLAAAYYY!!!" LOL XD
>> No. 9442

If you don't like it, then get out or ask different questions. This is a Nick Bate thread.
>> No. 9443
My penis is currently in Anna's vagina.

And now it's not.

And now it is.

And now it's not.

Now go back to the top of this post, and keep reading until you get it into your head.
>> No. 9444
File 13059196106.jpg - (12.25KB , 165x135 , frank.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 9445
The idea that we had sex, I mean, not my penis. I'm totally not into earsex.
>> No. 9446

I would be, but wiping the wax on the wall gets annoying.
>> No. 9447
Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.

Anna has has had ginger pubes in her vagina. Afterwards, she sucked his dick.
>> No. 9448
no, it's just people are posting faster than i can respond, especially when i'm busy doing other shit. so i can't answer EVERYTHING
>> No. 9449
File 130591980459.jpg - (133.54KB , 1578x445 , annainquestion.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 9450
Nick. What do your parents think you do with Amber?
>> No. 9451
she could be lying
>> No. 9452

It's the truth. Why would you date a guy and not have sex with him?
>> No. 9453

if you loved Anna so much you wouldn't keep calling her a liar over and over and over
>> No. 9454
Why would Anna lie to you?
>> No. 9455

She thinks that you're a stalker piece of shit. She thinks that you're a stalker piece of shit. She thinks that you're a stalker piece of shit. She thinks that you're a stalker piece of shit. She thinks that you're a stalker piece of shit. She thinks that you're a stalker piece of shit. She thinks that you're a stalker piece of shit. She thinks that you're a stalker piece of shit. She thinks that you're a stalker piece of shit. She thinks that you're a stalker piece of shit.

Get it through your damn dirty skull!
>> No. 9456
Nick, since you had no internet at that time, what would be her incentive to lie?

And don't give me that "it was foresight" bullshit. All you've done is treat her like an idiot an call her an immature child.

Anna. Is not. A virgin.
>> No. 9457
People, stop talking about Anna with him. This Panglossian git is never going to give in.

Talk to him about stuff that is going to be useful to document.
>> No. 9458
How is he supposed to properly defend himself without his youtube?
>> No. 9459
Nick, yesterday I asked you what turns you on. Do you can a specific scenario that you'd like to share?
>> No. 9460
Nick, for Christ's sake, tell us what your parents think you do with Amber.
>> No. 9461
By the way, his friends told me about the plan for Nick to get with Anna. I'm going to personally put a stop to it.

Anna and Nick will NEVER be together. You have my FUCKING word.
>> No. 9462
Have we been over his failure to realize that fiction and reality are different and "idiots" are not endearing in real life?
>> No. 9463
>> No. 9464
Let's go over it again then.

You claimed a child can consent, and that their brain is the same as that of an adult. When scientific proof was pointed out that they in fact were quite different, you either ignored it or declared it bigoted and ageist.

Some time later you insulted someone as being immature by calling them a "silly child" which by your warped logic is ageist.

You said you refused to consider altering any of your opinions because that would make you a sellout who didn't have strong convictions.

It was then pointed out that Anna's opinion is that she hates you, and you want her to change it, which by your terms would make her a sellout.

You've also claimed repeatedly to be a Christian, and believe what you want is part of God's plan.

It was then pointed out that in the Bible sodomy is stated to be a sin in the story of Sodom & Gammorah. In another passage it specifically states crossdressing is a sin. The Catholic church specifically states any non-reproductive sex is a sin. "God's plan" also includes nuns and priests, who have to take a vow of celibacy and never marry.

You also stated there is no right or wrong or good and evil when the Bible specifically states there is and names various sins, going so far to list the most important ones as the Ten Commandments, and states the good go to heaven, and the evil go to hell.

You then essentially tried to claim GOD was a sellout, by claiming his word -which you previously said was infallible and could not be wrong- has changed, simply because you say so, because you don't like that virtually every rule in there directly disagrees with you entire belief system.

You haven't responded to the fact that your activities with Anna fit to the letter the behavior of a stalker.

You also didn't respond to how you would get money to pay for your phone, or how you would keep a house for your shit when you have no money to pay property tax, and how you could live when you said "living without games or internet is hell and a live unworth living" and without electricity -which you have to pay for- you wouldn't have those things.

>> No. 9465

Why the hell are your friends even wasting their time? They must be lulzier than Nick.
>> No. 9466
well I'm only near her the couple minutes a day before she goes to school and after she comes home, and during this time my b-family is there too so they actually KNOW what we do. mainly we just talk about pokemon or I ask her how the kittens are doing. and seriously guys ask them so they can confirm
>> No. 9467
bro i did share a few of my visualizations already
>> No. 9468
What plan?
>> No. 9469
Nick, what is the most shameful thing that you've ever done?
>> No. 9470

All of Nick's friends collaborated to make a plan for Anna to fall in love with Nick. It was fucking good too.

Not anymore. Bye bye, Nick and Anna's future~
>> No. 9471
This is the dumbest freaking thread.
I quit.
>> No. 9472
You have my attention.
>> No. 9473

Tell us the plan.
>> No. 9474
if they had a secret plan why would they tell someone who's against me marrying her about it? i think you're lying.
>> No. 9475
Explain the plan, though.
>> No. 9476

Don't let the door hit you on your boo boo on the way out.
>> No. 9477
Nick, stop ignoring questions.

Assuming you don't end up rotting in a mental hospital or prison, what are you going to do when your family throws your ass out for molesting your sister?

Where will you go? What will you eat?
>> No. 9478

Well, I guess technically, they didn't tell me shit. What's it like to know that after I do what I'm going to do, you and Anna will be ruined forever?
>> No. 9479

You've said in the past that you're not allowed to be with Amber, and that your parents are bigots for disagreeing with the things you do with her. What we want to know is WHAT those things are that they think you do.
>> No. 9480
dunno, I've had a lot of embarrasing moments. in first grade we had this fake newspaper thing where we tell the teacher what we did over the weekend, and mine was that I used shampoo for the first time. She was like "that's not news" and ignored it and everyone lol'd at me

In high school we went on a field trip to a nursing home to play bingo with old people. I couldn't figure out which chair to sit in, and nobody would tell me, they just told me to pick one (I'm unable to make those kinds of decisions though). Eventually I noticed someone walking around and pulling out a chair. I assumed they were picking one for me and began walking over there. She was like "no, this is for ME". everyone lol'd at me.

a few days ago Joyce made me go into a Turkey Hill and get a cappuchino alone. I couldn't figure out how to work the machine well, then had trouble getting the lid on too. I tried squeezing the cup to make it fit on better but that made hot coffee spill out onto my hand, which burned like a motherfucker. Then when I actually got it there were three cashiers. I couldn't figure out which to go to. I think the one realized I my confusion because she was like "hi". I went over to that one. My social phobia caused me to lose my motor skills, so I had trouble grabbing the money from my wallet. I also failed to figure out how much change I needed. I paused to think and she was like "no, you gave me the right amount". So many embarrassments all in one session.

Another time Joyce made me go to K-Mart to drop off Nanny's prescription at the pharmacy alone. A dude standing right inside stopped me and explained to me this thing about if I sign up for a newspaper I get a gift card for K-Mart. I didn't want to do this and didn't even have any money on me anyway. Had no idea what to say to him.

Another time I was left in the checkout line as Weis alone because Nanny and Joyce went to look at candy or something. The line moved faster than they anticipated and it came time to pay but they were the ones with the money, not me. No idea what I was to say.

so many more but there's some example
>> No. 9481
I DIDN'T molest her
>> No. 9482
they just hate my larping, video games, sense of humor, tv shows, music, etc. all the nerdy stuff about me
>> No. 9483
"Shame" and "embarrassment" aren't the same thing.

I think Anonymous was hoping for self-reflection. Like this whole thread the fun is in watching you fail.
>> No. 9484
Even if you didn't molest her, your family might still think you did, and kick you out. Even if you can prove you didn't, they're still going to kick you out for making jokes about it.
>> No. 9485
You ignored this question earlier.

If you HAD done sexual things with Amber, wouldn't you be ruined in the way you say Anna would be if she had sex?
>> No. 9486
I think every child has done that last one at some point. The rest just proves you need mental help more than you need to get laid.
>> No. 9487
Nick, are there any bad things you've done that you feel guilty about? Not even serious things, just ones that you wish you hadn't done.
>> No. 9488
>My teacher didn't like my project
>I tried to sit in the wrong chair
>I spilled my coffee and wasn't sure I counted my change properly
>A guy tried to sell me something
>I was in line to buy stuff but didn't have money on me

You are the poofiest faggot I've ever seen.
>> No. 9489
yeah that's why I don't
>> No. 9490

Please, PLEASE. Stop talking about this fate thing. We will NEVER be together, let alone GET MARRIED. Its been FIVE YEARS. We haven't been on good terms for almost THREE YEARS. Get OVER it, Nick.

By the way, yes. I did have sex with my boyfriend. Yes, I did enjoy it. Now that I'm "ruined" please leave me alone.
>> No. 9491
See? This is insulting because it implies you are a homosexual, Nick. Get it?

>> No. 9492
yeah, being too forward with anna. even though I stopped after she told me to she still blocked me, so I dunno wtf is up with that. but if I'd have been more subtle to begin with she'd still be my friend. probably love me, too
>> No. 9493
What would your ideal wedding be like?
>> No. 9494
No. There had to be a specific incident where they thought you would be a danger to Amber. WHAT WAS IT?
>> No. 9495
hi Anna, we should have sex again. like, all the time. don't you agree?
>> No. 9496

You fucking retard.

Nick, embarrassment and shame are entirely different. Are you seriously not ashamed of how stupid you've continuously made yourself look? I mean, really, is an event in first grade about shampoo more embarrassing than hundreds of people telling you that you're a fucking disgusting, socially inept, perverse manchild?
Btw, your parents aren't ashamed of you for being a nerd. They're ashamed of you because you're a social outcast lazy sack of shit.
>> No. 9497
Confirm this post on your facebook or whatever so he can't claim it's not you saying that.

Also, do you have any more pictures of you and your boyfriend happy together? That would be awesome.
>> No. 9498
NICK, respond to all of this:

>> No. 9499
If you had to hurt somebody or make someone feel unhappy to get something you want, would you do it?
>> No. 9500
God fucking dammit, we have you on tape saying you did, if you're not scared shitless by the implications of that.... What the fuck am I saying, you're a fucking idiot.

Answer the fucking question, how do you plan to survive in prison or on the streets?
>> No. 9501
Jesus Christ, I think you might seriously have autism.

I've actually been diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Agoraphobia and I'm no where near that inept, and certainly wouldn't see that piddly shit as the most shameful trauma in my life.

Also, you stated before you want to be an idiot and you want to be fucked up. Why would you be ashamed of times in real life that you looked stupid and that you fucked up? That's your fucking goal.
>> No. 9502
stupidity is not the same as embarrassment
>> No. 9503

phase 1 initiated, motherfucker
>> No. 9504

What he means is, those were stupid things you did, which is what you want to be. So why were you embarrassed about them?
>> No. 9505
Nick, do you have AIM?

I'd like to talk to you on there.
>> No. 9506
Nick, if you have such a terrible social phobia, how do you think you will ever get together with Anna?
>> No. 9507

>> No. 9508
just the usual, a normal wedding in a church. i'd like to set up webcams so my online friends can watch it live online but I don't know how to go about doing something like that
>> No. 9509

>> No. 9510

Oh shi- it's Anna.
>> No. 9511
Have you ever done anything nice for somebody, that you weren't asked to do and that they were happy for?
>> No. 9512
Start here. Get his criminal history before you talk to the police.

>> No. 9513
I take it that everyone move to AOL. We should make a room or something.
>> No. 9514
the first time Anna went to a TMBG concert I bought her the recording of it from their website and sent it to her. Also one Christmas I sent her Nevermind by Nirvana. She liked both.
>> No. 9515
how did I forget this, the quintessential Nick chatlog. It's really nickintro.txt. It should preface any article about him

[15:16] Gomez: well, well, well
[15:16] Nick: ?
[15:17] Gomez: WE MEET AGAIN
[15:17] Nick: indeed
[15:19] Nick: I was thinking
[15:20] Nick: is it possible to have sex with someone while they're asleep without waking them up?
[15:20] Gomez: well
[15:20] Gomez: 1. they'd have to be naked
[15:20] Gomez: 2. legs must be spread
[15:20] Gomez: then
[15:20] Gomez: probably not
[15:20] Nick: well, she sleeps nekkid anyway
[15:20] Gomez: waitwhat
[15:21] Nick: aaaand I don't think her legs'd have to be spread. just her ass.
[15:21] Gomez: if she's on her back
[15:21] Gomez: now
[15:21] Gomez: who do you plan to rape?
[15:21] Nick: she sleeps on her stomach
[15:21] Nick: NO
[15:22] Gomez: who do plan to have sex with?
[15:22] Nick: Anna. Duh.
[15:22] Gomez: so you plan on having involuntary sex with Anna
[15:22] Gomez: that's rape
[15:22] Nick: No, it will be voluntary.
[15:23] Nick: I shall ask her before she goes to sleep if I can have sex with her while she's asleep.
[15:23] Gomez: uh
[15:23] Gomez: if she agreed to it
[15:23] Gomez: she'd want to be awake
[15:23] Nick: but what if she's too tired?
[15:23] Nick: I could still have sex, and she could go to sleep. WE BOTH WIN!
[15:24] Gomez: nah
[15:24] Gomez: I think you want to rape her
[15:24] Nick: No. I don't.
[15:26] Nick: I'm just thinking up some fun sex stuff we could do when we're married.
[15:26] Gomez: o
[15:26] Gomez: I'd be concentrating on how to get married to her
[15:27] Nick: Well, yeah, that's the priority. But until I can enact my plan, I've started on contemplating the other phases.
[15:27] Nick: I was thinking we could do a domination roleplay... that'd be fun.
[15:27] Gomez: so what's your current marriage plan?
[15:28] Nick: uhhh... we get married to eachother and have kids.
[15:28] Gomez: I mean
[15:28] Gomez: how do you plan to marry her?
[15:29] Nick: well, I need to hang out with her IRL for a while, and she'll just kinda love me on her own.
[15:29] Gomez: o
[15:31] Nick: well... I'm pretty sure I can perform anilingus on her without waking her up.
[15:31] Gomez: uh
[15:31] Nick: ...WHAT
[15:32] Gomez: brb
[15:33] Nick: k....
[15:40] Nick: ARE YOU BACK YET
>> No. 9516
I'm NTRNTH8MCHNE if anyone wants to add me, I'll make a chatroom.
>> No. 9517
thats the sweetest screen name bro you're a righteous old dude
>> No. 9518

IRC you noobs
>> No. 9519
I wish I lived in PA so I could kick your ass
>> No. 9520
there is one already
>> No. 9521
Nick is a retard. The only retards who can get onto IRC are foreign script kiddies who don't speak English.
>> No. 9522
Thank you.
>> No. 9523

What about people who aren't Anna? It doesn't even have to be buying something for them, just doing something for them that they liked.
>> No. 9524
what language are we speaking now then? the invitation still stands.
>> No. 9525
Nick, if you had to hurt someone or make someone unhappy to get something you like, would you do it?
>> No. 9526
>> No. 9527
We are speaking English, and we are not retarded. Nick speaks English and is retarded, but is not a script kiddie. Therefore, we will figure out IRC the day someone leaves an IRC client open, connected, and joined on a computer he uses.
>> No. 9528
Nick, do you even know what a hymen looks like, to be able to tell if Anna is a virgin or not?
>> No. 9529

But you're making Anna unhappy by not leaving her alone, aren't you?
>> No. 9530

Why doesn't someone just show him Mibbit? A child could operate that.
>> No. 9531
Well, if you're not lying, you do have some form of empathy then.
>> No. 9532
>People using AIM

Well I feel nostalgic.
>> No. 9533
Sounds like his niche
>> No. 9534

Or at least awareness that saying "yes" would make him look bad.
>> No. 9535
but it's going to make her happy in the end
>> No. 9536
yeah I looked it up on wikipedia a long time ago. it's gross.
>> No. 9537
/cwc/ is spergy and retarded, anna is annoying and nick is pretty much talking into a windstorm

such is life on /cwc/
>> No. 9538
Or he took medication to give him empathy.
>> No. 9539
Wikipedia does not make you a doctor. There are many types of hymen, after all.
>> No. 9540

So, you *will* make someone unhappy to get what you want?
>> No. 9541
i know this is a really late response, but you said she can't do ANYTHING sexual or she's "ruined".
you know that she made out with myrrh, you know that's not a lie, and they did a helluvalot more than just kissing.

she was ruined a long time ago, buddy
>> No. 9542

Oh god the vowels.
>> No. 9543
Nick, respond to all of this, quit avoiding it:
>> No. 9544
making out isn't sexual. and what's the "hell of a lot more"? only things I heard was they made out and compared boobs
>> No. 9545
Nick, do you think Anna would want you to go to jail?
>> No. 9546
So you've just backtracked and stated you don't care that you're making her unhappy.

She will not "be happy in the end" with you. No one would be happy with you. You have nothing to offer. You have less than nothing to offer, you actually detract from all those around you.

The only way her life could be ruined is if she was burned with your shit-smearing retardation.
>> No. 9547
also this

Please, PLEASE. Stop talking about this fate thing. We will NEVER be together, let alone GET MARRIED. Its been FIVE YEARS. We haven't been on good terms for almost THREE YEARS. Get OVER it, Nick.

By the way, yes. I did have sex with my boyfriend. Yes, I did enjoy it. Now that I'm "ruined" please leave me alone."

Anna would like me to pass along that this wasn't actually her but she does agree with it
>> No. 9548

Here I was thinking that "60" might've been a typo. Guess that's what I get for having hope for you.
>> No. 9549
they did some heavy petting, i'm pretty sure
>> No. 9550
There have been plenty of pictures posted of her in the other threads, are there any pictures of her with her boyfriend on her facebook? I don't mean anything sexual, just pictures of them happy together?

Could you please ask her permission, and post them, or link to them so we can post them?
>> No. 9552
...what kind of petting

as long as it didn't involve any genitalia it might be okay
>> No. 9553
Nick, is there anything Anna could say that would make you leave her alone?
>> No. 9554
There are different definitions of heavy petting.

You mean they touched eachothers genitals over their clothes, or that he fingered her and she jacked him off?
>> No. 9555
who cares about anna she's old enough to care for herself

amber is just a kid and having nick around is a threat to her safety
>> No. 9556
>> No. 9557
>> No. 9558
myrrh is a girl.
they licked each other's boobs and teased each other and stuff. no actual sex, as far as lesbianism goes, but a step down, y'know?
>> No. 9559

Getting the police and his parents involved is the only way to protect Amber, and by the sounds of it that's already in motion.
>> No. 9560

That's called harassment, Nick.
>> No. 9561

That proves that you do not care about Anna, and it also proves how dangerous you are. You don't care for anyone's feelings but your own, do you?
>> No. 9562
DUDE WHAT. she didn't tell me that, she just said they made out and compared boobs.
>> No. 9563
He's just going to respond and claim they're soulmates, so that overrides what she says she wants because he "just knows" despite any logic or reasoning.
>> No. 9564
Fuck's sake, why do you have to act like Anna is your property?
>> No. 9565
>> No. 9566
yeah man, she didn't tell you ALL of it because at the time she cared about your feelings and didn't want you to get upset
she told me though
i'm her best friend remember
>> No. 9567
File 130592638370.jpg - (13.50KB , 178x224 , rocko.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2 Questions for Mr. Bate.

1. If soulmates did exist, don't you think it's funny out of the 6 billion other people on earth that Anna is your soulmate ? It's more likely that your soulmate would be an asian person rather than Anna.

2. Do you think the reasoning why you are so persistent about your ''soulmates'' idea is beacause your mother and father's seperation ? It seems that you were probably emotionally effected during this and to combat this you created the soulmates idea.
>> No. 9568
GET IN HERE: http://cbe001.chat.mibbit.com/?server=irc.lostsig.com&channel=%23BateBait
>> No. 9569
Of course it's true but he'll never acknowledge it
>> No. 9570
she told me the other things, though, and they upset me too, just not as much. i don't think the booblicking really happened.
>> No. 9571
Of course it didn't happen, whenever something you don't like is said or happened you choose to ignore it rather than accept it
>> No. 9572
she tried to censor the worse stuff, so you wouldn't get too upset
>> No. 9573
After arguing with a retarded brick wall for the last hour, the only new (at least I think) thing I've learned is he spent 11 days in a psychiatric ward after being arrested one time.

Which is interested because you have to be crazy as all fuck to have to stay more than 72 hours.
>> No. 9574
Sure he wasn't making it up to sound "more fucked up"?
>> No. 9575
NICK. You're needed elsewhere other than AIM.
>> No. 9576
this one is true, i witnessed it
>> No. 9577
I too wish I could live in a fantasy world where if I don't think something could happen or didn't want something to happen, it didn't
>> No. 9578
but... at the time she didn't know what would upset me and what wouldn't...
>> No. 9579
she did know that you liked her though
>> No. 9580
Are you ever going to respond to:

>> No. 9581

Nick, just click on this link, put in your name as NickBate and hit go, it will be much easier for us all to talk in there.
>> No. 9582
so she's ruined. end of story.

what's next, the ageism thing?
>> No. 9583
right but if she wanted to spare my feelings she wouldn't have told me about even the making out. the fact that she filtered things before I even told her what I don't want her to do tells me it's not true
>> No. 9584
Why are we in the IRC channel anyway? Just seems to be a bunch of people spewing memes and spamming.
>> No. 9585
Hey hi, don't be this huge screaming faggot right here:

[16:15] NTRNTH8MCHNE: yo
[16:15] Nick: hay
[16:15] NTRNTH8MCHNE: you don't seem as freaked out as you probably should be
[16:16] Nick: why should I be freaked out
[16:16] NTRNTH8MCHNE: did you read the thing about Chris Chan?
[16:16] Nick: no, I didn't
[16:16] NTRNTH8MCHNE: you know what "Anonymous" is right?
[16:16] Nick: yeah
[16:16] NTRNTH8MCHNE: And you know how they/we enjoy fucking up people's lives for fun?
[16:17] Nick: yeah
[16:17] NTRNTH8MCHNE: and you know we have ALL of your information, including a taped phone call where you admit to molesting your sister
[16:17] Nick: yeah but that was a lie
[16:19] NTRNTH8MCHNE: you don't think when your fam hears it you're going to be in a shitload of trouble?
[16:21] Nick: no, they know i've never been alone with amber
[16:21] Nick: they're always around when we're together
[16:21] NTRNTH8MCHNE: i see
[16:21] NTRNTH8MCHNE: what about in that video
[16:21] NTRNTH8MCHNE: with the sticks
[16:21] NTRNTH8MCHNE: ...
[16:21] Nick: well that was outside
[16:21] Nick: if i molested someone outside a passerby would have seen
[16:22] NTRNTH8MCHNE: uh huh
[16:22] NTRNTH8MCHNE: so anyway
[16:23] NTRNTH8MCHNE: enough of me being an asshole
[16:23] NTRNTH8MCHNE: do you believe anna had sex?
[16:23] Nick: no, i don't
[16:23] NTRNTH8MCHNE: why not?
[16:23] Nick: it doesn't seem like her
[16:23] NTRNTH8MCHNE: but you haven't talked to her in 2 years
[16:23] NTRNTH8MCHNE: people change
[16:24] Nick: i've known her for three years before she blocked me, she told me EVERYTHING, i know how shy she is
[16:24] NTRNTH8MCHNE: she seemed pretty at ease with the neckbeard in the pictures
[16:25] NTRNTH8MCHNE: people have sex when they date
[16:25] Nick: even so, i can't imagine her being comfortable with sex
[16:26] NTRNTH8MCHNE: but maybe she got comfortable with it
[16:26] Nick: doubtful
[16:26] NTRNTH8MCHNE: it's not hard to talk a shy awkward girl into sex in real life
[16:27] Nick: not anna, she's p strong-willed
[16:27] NTRNTH8MCHNE: yeah but she was also much younger when you talked to her
[16:27] NTRNTH8MCHNE: women have physical needs too
[16:28] Nick: yeah dude but she just jills off, that's all
[16:28] NTRNTH8MCHNE: she was probably making out with neckbeard one day, and her pussy got wet, and she just decided to go with it
[16:28] NTRNTH8MCHNE: it's what happens
[16:28] Meebo Message: Could not IM buddy
[16:29] Nick: yeaaahno
[16:29] NTRNTH8MCHNE: Yes, because you obviously know so much about women
[16:29] NTRNTH8MCHNE: ..
[16:30] Nick: i know a lot about ANNA
[16:31] NTRNTH8MCHNE: no, you've never even MET Anna
[16:32] Meebo Message: Could not IM buddy
[16:32] Nick: but I know her
[16:32] NTRNTH8MCHNE: I used to think you could get to know someone online
[16:32] NTRNTH8MCHNE: but truthfully you can't
[16:32] NTRNTH8MCHNE: people put on their internet face
[16:33] NTRNTH8MCHNE: you can't see body language
[16:33] NTRNTH8MCHNE: you can't interpret vocal changes
[16:33] Nick: well actually we spoke on the phone twice
[16:33] Nick: also skype
[16:34] NTRNTH8MCHNE: and I reiterate, this was several years ago when she was still a kid
[16:34] NTRNTH8MCHNE: people change a lot from 16 to 19 or w/e
[16:37] NTRNTH8MCHNE: i'm just saying
[16:37] NTRNTH8MCHNE: maybe you should look for a new soulmate
[16:37] NTRNTH8MCHNE: not online
[16:37] Nick: that's not how it works
[16:37] NTRNTH8MCHNE: and maybe one who's not fucking 14
[16:37] Nick: the whole point of soulmates is you always end up with them
[16:37] Nick: ...anna's 18
[16:38] NTRNTH8MCHNE: you're comprehension of how anything works is dubious at best
[16:38] NTRNTH8MCHNE: why do you know you're right?
[16:39] NTRNTH8MCHNE: or rather how do you know all this about soulmates?
[16:39] NTRNTH8MCHNE: do you know it or believe it?
[16:41] Nick: i KNOW it
[16:41] NTRNTH8MCHNE: but how do you know it?
[16:42] Meebo Message: Could not IM buddy
[16:42] Nick: instinct
[16:42] NTRNTH8MCHNE: Do you know who the Son of Sam was?
[16:43] NTRNTH8MCHNE: he was a serial killer who believed god was speaking to him through his neighbors dog
[16:43] Nick: yeah a serial killer who thought his dog told him to kill people
[16:43] NTRNTH8MCHNE: yes
[16:43] NTRNTH8MCHNE: does that sound crazy to you?
[16:44] Nick: yeah
[16:44] NTRNTH8MCHNE: but to him it was all perfectly normal and sane, because he was delusional
[16:44] NTRNTH8MCHNE: do you think you might be delusional?
[16:45] Nick: no
[16:45] NTRNTH8MCHNE: but how would you know?
[16:45] NTRNTH8MCHNE: if you were or not?
[16:45] NTRNTH8MCHNE: if you were delusional, you would think you were sane
[16:45] Nick: well, I DO know
[16:46] NTRNTH8MCHNE: but son of sam thought he was fine too
[16:46] Nick: yeeeah but he was not
[16:46] NTRNTH8MCHNE: all while doing horrible things that are frowned upon in civilized society
[16:46] NTRNTH8MCHNE: are you seeing the paralel?
[16:49] NTRNTH8MCHNE: ?
[16:49] Nick: yeah but meh
[16:50] NTRNTH8MCHNE: So you understand that you may in fact be delusional?
[16:50] Nick: I'm not though
[16:51] NTRNTH8MCHNE: Have you ever been to a mental institution?
[16:52] NTRNTH8MCHNE: like i realize in your mind I'm "one of the bad guys"
[16:52] NTRNTH8MCHNE: but as a fellow human being
[16:52] NTRNTH8MCHNE: you really need help
[16:52] Nick: yeah once when my mom had me arrested they sent me to one for eleven days
[16:53] NTRNTH8MCHNE: did you tell them about the anna stuff?
[16:53] NTRNTH8MCHNE: I know how that is man btw
[16:53] Nick: yeah, I did
[16:53] NTRNTH8MCHNE: I've been arrested
[16:54] NTRNTH8MCHNE: as well
[16:54] NTRNTH8MCHNE: shit sucks
[16:54] NTRNTH8MCHNE: what did they say?
[16:55] Nick: nothing really, unlike everyone in the thread they believed it's actual love, not stalking or whatever
[16:56] NTRNTH8MCHNE: but, love is a two way thing
[16:56] Nick: yeah, and she'll reciprocate someday
[16:56] NTRNTH8MCHNE: no, she wont
[16:57] Nick: yeah she will, it's fate
[16:58] NTRNTH8MCHNE: fate isn't real
[16:58] Nick: fate is god's plan for everyone
[16:58] NTRNTH8MCHNE: god isn't real
[16:59] NTRNTH8MCHNE: and if he is
[16:59] NTRNTH8MCHNE: he doesn't give a shit about individual people
[17:00] NTRNTH8MCHNE: god is everywhere right?
[17:01] Nick: yeeeaaah...?
[17:01] NTRNTH8MCHNE: so that means when someone is being brutally tortured and murdered god is in the room watching?
[17:01] Nick: well yeah
[17:01] NTRNTH8MCHNE: and god is all powerful right? He can do anything he wants to
[17:02] NTRNTH8MCHNE: and he loves every person
[17:02] NTRNTH8MCHNE: correct?
[17:02] Nick: yeah but suffering is part of his plans too
[17:03] NTRNTH8MCHNE: so god plans to have people get chopped up by serial killers and dictators?
[17:03] NTRNTH8MCHNE: or is he just in the room watching something he loves get destroyed and not doing anything
[17:04] NTRNTH8MCHNE: even though he's supposedly all-powerful
[17:04] Nick: his plans are mysterious indeed
[17:04] NTRNTH8MCHNE: sounds like he's either weak or uncaring or non-existant

DON'T BE HIM. Look at this. Do you want to be this guy? No.

Let's look at this part again

[16:15] NTRNTH8MCHNE: you don't seem as freaked out as you probably should be

Oh man
>> No. 9586
i think she mentioned it to you by accident because she was telling EVERYBODY
and then she had to continue but left some things out
>> No. 9587
I just went in and it's pretty boring right now but if Nick would just click the link it might get more interesting
>> No. 9588
( aside from me lololol )
>> No. 9589
lolololol go back to Myspace, you dumb little kid
>> No. 9590
yeah but she only TALKS about it, she's not the kind to actually do it until waaaay down the road
>> No. 9592
>16:29 TheIcePrinceAkagi oh hey did someone say I'm needed here?

He was in there for a minute.
>> No. 9593
um no.
for like a year before she had sex she told me how much we wanted to have sex.
you do not know anna at all dude
>> No. 9594
she even wanted to have sex with me and the only reason i turned her down was because i was still with bob at the time
>> No. 9595
whatever i have plans.
i'll be back in a few hours
>> No. 9596
Hey guys, I know it's extremely hard to tell, but does any one have any guess as to what's wrong with Nick? Is there any one disease that could account for how messed up and stupid he is?
>> No. 9597
personally i think he has really severe autism, plus some other thing
>> No. 9598
yeah I heard but I still doubt she would've actually done it even if you had agreed
>> No. 9599
>> No. 9600

Conditional retardation coupled with a McDonalds diet and no exercise?

You've seen what McDonalds does to a person's body, imagine what it can do to a developing person's brain.

I also think that his Mom held his hand for too long, until it was too late. I've seen to many parents treat their kids like children up until they're adults. They don't let them be teenagers at all.
>> No. 9601
ahahaha my mom NEVER held my hand. quite the opposite. she's an abusive dickhead, always has been
>> No. 9602
>You've seen what McDonalds does to a person's body, imagine what it can do to a developing person's brain.

Come on, this is Nick-level understanding of science.
>> No. 9603

This is me being an armchair psychologist, but I think that Christians often have a problem with accepting that their kids can't remain saintly and innocent forever. So, they get upset with their kid's emerging adulthood and try to suppress it, until it's "acceptable" for them to act like an adult. This most likely creates a person that's childish and incapable anything.
>> No. 9604
Hey Nick. You said there that God has mysterious plans, and that he allows people to suffer. Do you think he might have made you think you and Anna are soulmates when you're not, and that you suffering is part of his plan?
>> No. 9605

I don't see how. I just think that eating unhealthy food constantly can effect your health and development later on. He probably didn't get enough vitamins, which may have effected his development in some way.
>> No. 9606

do you even know what the fuck severe autism looks like, jesus christ
>> No. 9607

She does, you can't even go into the store by yourself. I'm assuming that your mom always did it for you.
>> No. 9608
So, are these two from his facebook friendslist his parents?


I mean if they are, why hasn't anyone tried contacting them through there?
>> No. 9609

How fucking young do you think his dad could possibly be?
>> No. 9610

More like aspergers, low autism is nothing like this.
>> No. 9611
It could be an old picture of him, or a picture of another son or an in joke or something.

Well anyway, the last name matches, and the other one has the exact same name as his mother, so...
>> No. 9612
It's Internet Poker time again guys, so Nick is gone until he can sneak back on.
>> No. 9613
File 130592970570.jpg - (67.46KB , 787x609 , When_Nick_Met_Jessa_by_Hagurumon.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So, when he finally gives up on Anna, is he just going to obsess over one of you other girls?

Namely Jessa?

Judging by this picture?

Which is such a loyal display of devotion to Anna?
>> No. 9614
you have to keep up on the Nick Canon. Jessa was unceremoniously KNOCKED DOWN to TIER 5 on the friend ranking.

Maybe even lower now. Damn, who can you trust...
>> No. 9615
File 130593257035.jpg - (10.87KB , 240x190 , quagmire.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>[15:23] Nick: I could still have sex, and she could go to sleep. WE BOTH WIN!

Let me guess....more "wacky pervy humour"?
>> No. 9616
Alright, I've read 2 and a half threads of this shit, stop pissing around and actually troll this guy, he's not going to change his mind because of this.
>> No. 9617
You're getting it! Congratulations!
>> No. 9618
/cwc/ has spent the last two threads mindlessly attacking this guy, which I admit is fun, but we're wasting lolcow potential here, his complete and utter resistance to the truth makes for excellent milking, don't waste it while we still have him.
>> No. 9619
Why is Nick no longer obsessed with Tara?
>> No. 9620

Aspies have their problems, but I've never seen anyone who acts like this guy.
>> No. 9621
We already introduced Nick to his partner in failure and possible (yet ironically still more succesful future-self) Chris.

I think it would be fair to let Chris know about Nick and his antics, ask some opinions from his autistic Majesty.

In the worst case scenario, Chris will develop an incest ass fetish and start using "aboot" every second.
>> No. 9622
File 130593585189.jpg - (45.08KB , 500x375 , Chip-and-Timmy-chip-skylark-13323614-500-375.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The sound of his name makes the little kids cry! AHHHHHHHHHH

Hey Nicky, you're oh so icky
Just the thought of being around you
Makes me oh so sicky
Hey Nicky, won't you please explain
Why you get so much enjoyment out of causing kids pain?
>> No. 9624
File 130594123547.gif - (602.54KB , 200x189 , kramer3.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
i am so pissed i could choke a kitten to death
>> No. 9625
>> No. 9626
File 130594298424.png - (5.15KB , 191x206 , 1270264104093.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>i'm going to get my graduation revoked

Why? This would not make you any stupider that you already are, not to mention that there are plenty of complete morons out there with a high school diploma.

Also, I know that this has been brought up repeatedly, but I can't for the life of me figure out why someone would want to be stupid. Why isn't it enough to simply act stupidly while actually being an intelligent person? It would benefit you immensely to not actually be stupid. Anna might actually have some respect for you (if this weren't already a lost cause) and you would better intellectually equipped to deal with the world around you. I'm not saying you run out and enroll in college or anything like that, just that it's foolish to go about deliberately being stupid without an excuse.
>> No. 9627
Sorry I'm a little late, but I just want to clear something up
Nick, you're not actually Anna's soulmate. I am.
I know the truth must hurt, but don't worry. When I marry her I'll treat her like a goddess.
>> No. 9628
>864 posts
>Not a Chris thread

What the fuck is going on in here?
Who the fuck is this Nick?
>> No. 9629
File 130595000463.gif - (14.83KB , 275x300 , slowpoke.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is the fourth thread, there's been over 3000 posts total on Nick this week.

/cwc/ isn't even about Chris anymore.
>> No. 9630

You know how we always thought Chris was the most pathetic, disgusting thing the human race could produce?
We were wrong.
>> No. 9631
How to get voice in IRC?
>> No. 9632
wat happened to the chat?????
>> No. 9633
>800 posts? time for a new thread.
>> No. 9634
He's a pathetic loser that makes Chris look like a saint. To summarize:

He takes pride in being stupid, he has made every effort to be a total retard, and he also wants to be thought of as "fucked up".

He believes pedophilia should be legal, and that children can consent. That an infant's brain is exactly the same as that of an adult.

He claimed to have molested his 9 year old half-sister, but now that people are threatening to tell the cops he's denying the story he told repeatedly being true. Specifically he claimed to have made her lick his ass and suck his dick. He then tried to lick her ass, but she didn't wipe so he only licked her butt cheeks.

He's afraid of and disgusted by vaginas. This is part of why he explains being a pedophile, because he finds normal vaginas "gross". Thus he's completely and utterly obsessed with ass.

He's afraid of showers, and takes "pseudo-showers" and even that only when forced. A "pseudo-shower" consists of him taking off only his shirt, and leaning over into the tub to wash only his hair.

He likes putting stuff in his ass, but is shocked this makes shit come out, and he sometimes jacks off with the shit. When he finishes, he just wipes off the cum and shit all over his walls.

He claims to be a Christian, but all of his beliefs are in direct opposition to those in the Bible, and he insists the rules have changed to reflect his beliefs.

He's obsessed with a girl named Anna, and is legitimately stalking her. He has a shrine to her in his closet, he has a wall of pictures of her, and a binder filled with her letters. He has written sexual stories about her which he posts online, and they never actually dated. She's never been in love with him. She went from tolerating him to despising him, and he will not accept this. He simply asserts if she doesn't love him now, she will in the future. If not in life, then after they die God will *force* her to marry him. Oh and that sex story was about performing sex acts on her that she's told him she's not into.

He thinks his life is a tv show. He constantly explains his actions by comparing himself to stupid characters on television, apparently seeing himself as a fictional hero in his own universe who can't be wrong, because he thinks he's the main character. Ironically, Fry and Michael (the two examples he most usually brings up) fail and don't get what they want all the time.

He primarily uses circular logic, and is a complete hypocrite about each and every argument he makes.
>> No. 9635
Yeah, you changed, man. It used to be about the pickles.
>> No. 9636
File 130595926554.gif - (280.51KB , 350x263 , 130405135546.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>He takes pride in being stupid, he has made every effort to be a total retard, and he also wants to be thought of as "fucked up".

>> No. 9637
The reason is he sees "stupid" protagonists in movies, and finds them endearing. What he doesn't realize is in real life, being a fucktard just makes you a fucktard.
>> No. 9638
Also, various OPs, we really need to find a middle ground between disgusting pics of Nick's teeth/tits and his "cute" anime self-idealizations
>> No. 9639
I think it's even simpler than that.

All of his "phobias" and beliefs are simply justifications for getting what he wants and being lazy. Like, when he claimed that he was a responsible adult because he *wanted* to be unemployed and living off his parents, and since it was his "decision" then that made him responsible.

I mean, it's all the same thing. "Oh, well if I don't do well in school, it's just because I'm TRYING to fail." "It's not that no one would hire me because of my disgusting personal habits, I WANT to be unemployed." "I'm not just lazy, I'm AFRAID of the shower."

As with everything he says, there are numerous inconsistencies. Like he speaks at length about how his most "shameful" experiences were simple little things like spilling coffee on his hand in public, and he seems to be unable to make the connection from wanting to be an idiot, to actually doing stupid things in public. And he describes himself as having social phobias, but there are numerous tweets where he's upset his mother won't take him to the mall or McDonald's.

In the first thread he showed up in, people told him he had to be mentally ill, and he replied "You're right, I must be." After that he justified not getting a job with "Well I can't because of whatever mental illness I have!" and that's how he responds to everything.

"I can't be a stalker, a stalker has to be in person and hide in bushes and stuff." "You can't show the cops the recordings of me saying I molested Amber because confessions can only be taken by trained professionals." "I know she's my soulmate because soulmates are in God's plan." "A child can consent to sex because it's bigoted and ageist to say that their brains aren't as developed as an adult." "I can't change my opinions because that would make me a sellout." He's literally immune to logic.
>> No. 9640
hey nock your fat
>> No. 9641
Alright, enough of this, we aren't going to change his mind, let's figure out how we can troll him
>> No. 9642
>> No. 9643
Well, our best bet is to contact his parents, the police, or Amber's school, but everyone seems unable or unwilling to do it themselves.

I was going to take a more cowardly approach and message his mother on facebook with the whole story and links to all the logs of the stuff he's said and done, but is this actually his mom?

>> No. 9644
It think might be.
Also, send all that shit to her husband.

>> No. 9645
oh, no, my dad's name is reuben. i don't even know who that ryan guy is, i just add whoever adds me
>> No. 9646
Oh you're back for day three.

Is Carol Osborne http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1656798751 your mom though?
>> No. 9647
yeah that's her
>> No. 9648
does she get on facebook often?
>> No. 9649

plz don't contact my school
nick didn't do anything to me
he just taught me live-action RP, and told me about his GF
but he didn't do any of the stuf you people are saying
>> No. 9650
what are you doing

amber doesn't use the internet
>> No. 9651
yeah p much all day promoting her avon business
>> No. 9652
>> No. 9653

wat do you mean? mom and dad say i can use it for school... but i don't always do, lol (i couldn't sleep because of all the lies about u, so i got up again to get online)

but i'm trying to defendd you
>> No. 9654
Why are you awake so early?
>> No. 9655

Is there any way that you can prove that you're Amber, like with a timestamped picture?
>> No. 9656

my parents won't let me post pictures on the internet, they think everyone on here is going to track me down and do sex with me
>> No. 9657

That's not how pictures work, hon. Besides, Nick already posted a video of you on Youtube.
>> No. 9658

he did?????????????
if my mom knew, she would be soooo mad.

>> No. 9659
i pull all-nighters a lot. back home i do it to watch adult swim, here i do it to be online because if everyone else is asleep i can't get kicked off for a while
>> No. 9660
i jst wanted to say that nick didn't do any of the stuf you ppl are saying he did. about licking his butt or whatever (super gross). all he did was tell me stories about how he wants to have sex with his GF and stuf
>> No. 9661
Nick, would you ever pay for sexual services?
>> No. 9662

Nobody will believe that you're Amber unless you prove it in some way.
>> No. 9663

idk how to prove it
my parents won't let me take pictures
idk what else i can do

i'm only here because one of nick's friends told me to come and tell the truth

so i can just leave if you don't believe me
>> No. 9664
Oh Amber troll, you so silly.
>> No. 9665
as much as I would like to I should probably save myself for Anna
>> No. 9667
I checked this idiot's posting history by IP. Sudden jump from pretty much perfect english to this page seems a bit too sudden imo
>> No. 9668
the other amber is an impostor, i am the real anna, and nick did do all the stuff you sed, plus he fucked a stray cat

>> No. 9669
File 13059713578.jpg - (53.13KB , 375x500 , co.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nick, do yourself a favour and read this book. You will eventually learn to stop being a lolcow for pity attention and learn to "slay" all those cows that don´t let you get through in life (lack of hygiene and social phobias, Anna stalking, soulmate bullshit...)

Those are all self-imposed barriers that don´t let you develop your own potential. Get out of your comfort zone in your trippy "Nick-land" and face reality.
>> No. 9670
Nick, how much do you know about female genital anatomy?
>> No. 9671
Seriously guys, if you're going to do this, at least use a proxy. Fuck you guys are thick.
>> No. 9672
...it's not for attention son, i just like being stupid
>> No. 9673
probably everything, i don't know. i don't wanna think about vaginas because they're gross but sadly i learned about them somehow
>> No. 9674
You "liking to be stupid" is the biggest excuse of them all. Start with something small.
>> No. 9675
so you're both anna and amber? what.
>> No. 9676
it's true, though. i explained this several times.
>> No. 9677

Verifying by post history and IP address, these posts are all fake.
>> No. 9678

Why do you find vaginas gross? Do you think that puberty makes vaginas become disgusting?
>> No. 9679
This thread is too long.. Technical Difficults are requiring me to lower the bump limit. If I want to moderate a thread this big, it rapes the server for about 2 minutes looking up IP addresses and stuff.
>> No. 9680
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