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File 129728852239.jpg - (103.67KB , 640x480 , hambestihm.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
959 No. 959
Hey Atlus/Van Kruse/SeanieB/any other legi0n or 789chan people: I know you hosted the site that this file was linked to from ED, and I'd like to know if any of you still have it/any other lulzly stuff related to this fat whore.

>"Basically in March of 2009 a PN member named Soviet trolled her into believing that he doxed the PN's leader and was going to take over the Patriotic Nigras with that information. Soviet giggled as IHM cried over her spammed chan that Soviet dropped some lulzy images that promoted the Soviet Union. IHM cried for an hour and twenty minutes on SKYPE to some person about how she loved Frizzle, Soviet went too far, Aush0k, how calling her a troll is a disgrace to trolls everywhere, and among other things, threatening to come back as a new IHM, hopefully with a diminished hundredtons of fat"

The Skype recording was linked to: http://lulz-enterprises.789chan.org/ihm.mp3 which is no longer up. I checked lulzenterprises.org and it looks like it's still under construction. So could I get a link or an upload of that recording an any other stuff you guys have of note?
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>> No. 981
Sorry, but I'm not touching that with a ten foot pole.
>> No. 987
Ah, come on why? I just want to hear that recording. I read her ED article and it was pretty damn funny but I figure that would make it even better. You guys were the original ones who had it up right? I don't really care about anything else, I just wanted to hear that.
>> No. 988
I got the recording from the troll who originally recorded it/trolled her and stuck it up on the site, yes. However, rocking the boat with her at this point could lead to horrible things.
>> No. 990
Well I mean, does she even browse this forum? I've never even been to her *chan or whatever. From the impression I got from the ED page, it seemed like this bitch had been thoroughly ruined already. It also seemed to convey that she can do fuck-all when it comes to doxing/trolling, so I'm kind of confused when you say it could lead to horrible things.

Anyway yeah, I just wanted to hear it to laugh at. If you wanted to up it and then take it down and delete your post or something that would be cool. If not I guess that's cool too.
>> No. 997
Are we afraid of upsetting lulzcows now? Is that what this community has come to?
>> No. 1025
File 129810094939.jpg - (21.47KB , 473x353 , Uncle3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You want 789chan to stay DDoS free? YESS? Then do not provoke the beast.
>> No. 1026
Van Krause is scared of IHM because she fucking dox'd him. Yes, you read that right. He's fucking scared... OF IHM. You can't get much more pussy or fail than that. You sure are epic ween, Mark.
>> No. 1027
I thought you were done for the night, Sagechu?
What's the matter, couldn't get enough of us?

Oh, and before you say "that's not me lol," bear in mind that I can see what IP is posting where, and that particular IP has only one post on 789chan. Meaning it's a proxy. And the only person who would bother is you, Sagechu. Might as well give up while you're behind.
>> No. 1028
What, are you fucking stalking me, Atlus? I can't enjoy the rest of your fine boards here at 789chan? Oh wait... the only board that gets any traffic at all is /cwc/. How's n0chan going for you? I bet you get a whole whopping 2 posts a week, huh?
>> No. 1029
well, you're probably the guy who was sending me anonymous emails from "Free Email Service..."
I laughed at them.

i liek your delusions. can u teach me?
>> No. 1044
I don't know who "she" is but if pic related I don't want to troll her 'cause she's pretty.

Yeah... I know...
>> No. 1047
File 129816779947.jpg - (43.34KB , 450x600 , Brittany_and_josef.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ugh, IHm pretty? god no. Plus shes trying use fat girl angle shot method there.


As you can see on there, that is the way she usually does pics of herself, with her hair down over her fat face or using angles to be

Pic related. one of the few that shows off her real girth. Also, note the asexual faggot. That is her boyfriend. Yes, that is a male. (supposedly) She also fucked Ickeriss69.
>> No. 1048
Not so much on the attractive thing.
>> No. 1055
File 129820271291.png - (52.00KB , 500x468 , 1297761704618.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You seem mad.
>> No. 1058
Maybe they have a fat fetish.
>> No. 1475
mebbe its just me but it seems that ihm has chilled out a bit. so i'm just going to say that any trolling done to her is at your own risk and that we ( that is 789chan, n0chan, ect.) are in no way associated with it.
>> No. 1493
Honestly I bet there are plenty of (probably fairly goth) guys that would be willing to get it on with a chick that looks the way she does in that pic. However I understand that it may not give a TRUE and HONEST idea of what she really looks like.
>> No. 1494
Hey, I'd hit it. Make her take all that crap out of her lip, first, though. Looks like it'd be kind of uncomfortable on the ol' pecker.
>> No. 1502
Yes, but would you hit this >>1047 ?
>> No. 1536
I've had worse.

I know I'm gonna get flamed up and down for this, but I think IHM's actually pretty nice looking. I've got kind of a fetish for thick goth girls. Her personality, on the other hand...
>> No. 1570
May Godjesusbear have mercy on your soul, sir.
>> No. 1612
you and me both bud.

but sadly most goth broads are like that. Thick or thin.
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