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File 130597226238.jpg - (41.89KB , 664x520 , 1270271803586-1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
9681 No. 9681
New Nick Thread, my apologies.
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>> No. 9682
nick, describe what it is about vaginas that you don't like. it's not as if penises are glorious to look at.
>> No. 9683
they just look gross
>> No. 9684

What about pre-pubescent vaginas?
>> No. 9685
what about them looks gross? what specific parts?
>> No. 9686
not AS bad because they haven't, like, "opened up"? is that a good term? idk. anyway yeah you can't really see the pinkness inside but they're still gross nonetheless
>> No. 9687
[03:09] <@SeanieB> http://i.imgur.com/Pvylb.png
[03:10] <@SeanieB> quite a change in demeanor
[03:11] <@SeanieB> http://i.imgur.com/sqz1D.png same with this piece of shit

*yawn* Don't even care about protecting these guys' ip's really.
>> No. 9688
...Vaginas don't 'open up' when you hit puberty. Where did you get that idea?
>> No. 9689

Are you disgusted by the growth of the labia?
>> No. 9690
Nick, you seemed to have missed my last message so I'll say this again.
You are NOT Anna's soulmate, I am. It is important that you know this so that complications can be avoided
>> No. 9691
Does that mean that you would ignore the pussy ONLY have anal sex with Anna?

What if her ass looks gross/not likable? I bet even you have some ass standards
>> No. 9692
comparing porn to medical images of human development
>> No. 9693
basically the entire vagina region disgusts me
>> No. 9694
Vaginas don't open up. They're not like some magical flower in bloom. They look the same, but with hair on them and the inner lips get a little bit darker. That's the only change. What kind of vaginas have you been looking at?
>> No. 9695
i don't know who you are but no you're not. i am.
>> No. 9696
no i'll still do it because SHE wants to have vaginal and also we want kids
>> No. 9697
...but... i've seen vaginas that're closed...
>> No. 9698
File 130597329916.png - (89.86KB , 96x420 , cooch.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 9699
LMAO, that was totally unintentional. Honestly. I tried to post "forever alone" but I got a duplicate image warning. :(
>> No. 9700
I know you want to hope that this doesn't happen, but if Anna couldn't have kids, what would you do? And don't just say that it would be horrible/hope it doesn't. Would you be okay with adoption then?
>> No. 9701
Nick, how do you feel about prolapsed anuses? Or, goatse? That's a pulled open ass.
>> No. 9702
I lol'd so hard.
>> No. 9703
i'd rather avoid this because i don't think i'd be capable of loving a child that isn't from both mine and anna's dna. i know it's horrible but i mean shit how would i go about changing something like that
>> No. 9704
They why are you saying they 'open up'? they don't do that. They don't expand open to form a massive cavern for you to play in. Anuses are worse. They're full of human waste. They can prolapse. Shit comes out... Just... what.
>> No. 9705
Look, I know this can't be easy for you to hear, but you've made a mistake. I am positive that Anna is my soulmate, I can feel it in every part of my being. Every second you waste thinking of Anna is a second you could be using to find your REAL soulmate.
>> No. 9706
neutral, i guess. they're not as good as normal anuses but they're not really gross or anything
>> No. 9707
About kids....What are your ideas about parenting?

Will you let them ramble loose and turn into little "fucked-up, random crazy for the lulz" spawns just like you? Will you stop them from going to school?

Will you teach them the benefits and wonders of ass and disown them if they dare get near a vagina?

Will your biggest lesson at your deathbed be: "Son, you must achieve to be stupid and fail in everything. Look for your soulmate and never, NEVER let her go! Also be sure that those other kiddies CONSENT when you fiddle them. I did all of that and ended with your mother Anna, so it really works, I KNOW!"
>> No. 9708
i... i need to draw what i'm talking about. hang on
>> No. 9709
File 130597394580.gif - (385.10KB , 125x87 , 13007481805s.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 9710

Do it.
>> No. 9711

It had better be finished by the time I come back from getting coffee.
>> No. 9712
File 130597448013.jpg - (77.86KB , 640x480 , AK000017.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
okay here's what i mean aboot open and closed vaginas. i suck at drawing, but can you make any sense of it?
>> No. 9713

I don't get it.
>> No. 9714
That's...no. No.
>> No. 9715
Nick, please explain something to me

how is it that you can think the way you do? How is it possible for a human being to be so detached from reality?
>> No. 9716
an innie and an outie.

>> No. 9717
I don't think I'm detached from reality...
>> No. 9718
Nick. Vaginas NEVER look like that. EVER.
>> No. 9719
Wow, oh WOW.
>> No. 9720
I think he's been looking at vaginas from different angles and thinking they're two different things.
>> No. 9721
That's perspective you jackass, one looks like the girl is standing up and the other lying down.
>> No. 9722
File 13059749064.png - (26.34KB , 400x400 , 12834556164.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 9723
Nick Bate
getting kicked off. be back later maybe. if not, i'll tweet from my phone when i get more minutes. might take a week or two though

Well, shit.
>> No. 9724
File 130597504688.jpg - (58.91KB , 663x538 , george.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wait. What?
>> No. 9725
File 13059750894.jpg - (23.11KB , 1079x133 , are you fucking kidding me.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
God fucking dammit Nick, you obsessive creep.
>> No. 9726
I had a pretty long conversation with him on AIM, should I post it? Not like I gathered much in the way of new information, or got through to him at all.
>> No. 9727
Go for it, bro.
>> No. 9728
Anyone here know what pushes Nicks buttons?
You know, like how Chris Chan raged over something as simple as someone copying him.
>> No. 9729
Okay, this is too long to post all in one message so it'll take a few posts to get it all out. Also at some points I'm actually trying to give him advice, and I wanted him to feel like I kind of understood how he felt so I realize I'll probably sound sorta lame:

hagurumon31 is available 3:52 am
ololJokerlolo 4:15 am
Hi, Nick?

hagurumon31 4:15 am

ololJokerlolo 4:15 am
So, this is your last day at your dad's house? In how long will you go back home?
Or to your aunt, or whatever.

hagurumon31 4:16 am
probably this afternoon or this evening
it's not for at least a few hours still because at 10 dad's gonna have me do yardwork or something

ololJokerlolo 4:16 am
So, what are you hoping to accomplish by posting in and replying to that thread, anyway?
Like, what would you like to see come out of all this?

hagurumon31 4:17 am
I dunno, just trying to defend myself I guess

ololJokerlolo 4:18 am
So, do you feel now Anna has ruined her life or whatever? I mean, with that new information that she did sexual stuff with that girl with the weird name? I mean if she was ready for sex then, with a girl, it would stand to reason she probably did do stuff with her boyfriend, like she says.

hagurumon31 4:19 am
i don't think even THAT was true
i suspect anna and her friends are purposely trying to make me miserable

ololJokerlolo 4:19 am
What if she took a lie detector test?

hagurumon31 4:20 am
then yeah that would work

ololJokerlolo 4:20 am
Dude, if she was your soulmate, she wouldn't be trying to make you miserable.

hagurumon31 4:20 am
no, 'cause she hates me RIGHT NOW, but she's change her mind somewhere down the line

ololJokerlolo 4:20 am
Well, polygraph tests are kind of expensive but I know there are like, cheap voice analyzers. They don't have as high a success rate though.
Why will she change her mind?

hagurumon31 4:21 am
well, because it's fated

ololJokerlolo 4:22 am
But how do you know it's fated?

hagurumon31 4:22 am
instinct i guess

ololJokerlolo 4:22 am
Instincts can be wrong though.

hagurumon31 4:22 am
not this one

ololJokerlolo 4:22 am
Why not?

hagurumon31 4:23 am
i dunno, just isn't

ololJokerlolo 4:23 am
Will you at least admit that without any actual proof, you cannot in fact say you KNOW for sure you are right?
I mean, it's perfectly sensible to say you believe it, no one would dispute that with you.
It's when you're so final and definitive about it that people begin to take issue.
I mean you can believe whatever you want, but it's another matter to say you know for a fact.

hagurumon31 4:24 am
yeah i recently figured out they're not gonna believe me

ololJokerlolo 4:25 am
Well can you blame them?

hagurumon31 4:25 am
I...I dunno

ololJokerlolo 4:26 am
So, you say your mom hates you, and doesn't trust you or like what you do or whatever. Wouldn't that mean she would be more likely to believe the worst about you and take the things you've said at face value?

hagurumon31 4:26 am
well no because she would know i'm never alone with amber

ololJokerlolo 4:27 am
You were alone when you were larping.
For all she knows you did it then.
I mean she wasn't watching, she could believe you snuck her behind some bushes or some crap.

hagurumon31 4:28 am
outside, though? some passerby would have seen

ololJokerlolo 4:28 am
You could have taken her anywhere at that point though, were you only outside larping for the length of that video? What about when you were playing monopoly with her? Were the others playing with you?

hagurumon31 4:29 am
nanny was there when we were playing the monopoly
as for the larping nanny was there too, just in the house. but she looks out at us through the window

ololJokerlolo 4:30 am
Your mom wasn't though, and she doesn't trust you you say. Even if you truly did nothing, she's more likely to think the worst of you from what you've said of her.
Anyway, let me ask you. Do you not want to ever have a job, or do you just believe you can't do one?

hagurumon31 4:32 am
both, actually

ololJokerlolo 4:33 am
Why did you do the Avon stuff with your mom then?
Did you feel you were any good as a salesman?

hagurumon31 4:34 am
i don't do any selling, i just ride in the car with her and toss books out the window into driveways

ololJokerlolo 4:34 am
Oh. Okay, well you can do that right? Maybe that would be a good job for you. Paperboy.
No social interaction there.

hagurumon31 4:34 am
i would have to talk to my boss

ololJokerlolo 4:34 am
You just drive to the address, throw the shit on the porch and drive away. You do it at like 4am too.
That's just one person though. And all he'd be telling you is instructions. You function fine as long as you're being told exactly what to do, right?

ololJokerlolo 4:37 am
No pressure, just a suggestion I thought might appeal to you since you've already done it, it's easy, and there's very little in the way of social interaction.

hagurumon31 4:37 am
i still have panic attacks when i'm around people though
>> No. 9730
why do I have the feeling that we are kind of being leeched by him?

This is the third thread with more than 900 posts, he has posted throughly in everyone of them and says he will be back for more (although he keeps being such a stubborn prick and his "defense" hasn´t made any progress, but worse)

We aren´t getting through him, he found instead another comfort zone where he is the point of (negative) attention and everyone interacts with him. Just the thing he desires.

I think he will stay here for a looooooong time. Congratulations /cwc/, you just won a retarded Tripfag.
>> No. 9731
ololJokerlolo 4:39 am
I don't want to sound condescending it's just, I have social phobias too Nick. I have agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder, and obsessive compulsive disorder. I've been diagnosed and all that jazz. Used to take Paxil until I could manage it myself. I can't claim to know exactly what you're feeling or what you're going through, but I do know the pain of social interaction. I used to have a panic attack every morning on the way to school. If I came into class late, I'd hide into the bell rang and miss a period just so I wouldn't have to walk into class with everybody sat down, and face that moment where everyone turns and looks at me.
*until the bell rang

hagurumon31 4:40 am
yeah that's basically what I would do if that situation happened to me too
except luckily it didn't because I was in special ed all day so it was just the two rooms, right next to eachother, and I just went straight to class and not hang out in the halls

ololJokerlolo 4:41 am
Why were you in special ed? Do you have a learning disability?

hagurumon31 4:42 am
probably, but I was put in there in third grade but I'm not entirely sure why
iirc back then i used to attack people for no reason so maybe that's why

ololJokerlolo 4:43 am
Hm, that kind of sounds like autism. Not to be insulting, just a lot of autistic kids early in development lash out and attack people because they can't understand what's happening around them.

ololJokerlolo 4:44 am
Can I ask you a few more questions about your anxiety you know, from my perspective? There's all sorts of things I do and tell myself to make coping easier, I just wonder if they might help you as well.

hagurumon31 4:44 am
yeah I figured I have something like autism or asperger's
oh, sure

ololJokerlolo 4:46 am
Well, autism would explain the inability to empathize, though there's different levels of severity. I mean, you seem self aware. I used to work with autistic adults who were really low-functioning, and they were in an entirely different world. Some couldn't talk at all.

hagurumon31 4:47 am
huh. I have another friend who definitely DOES have autism and he seems perfectly normal
i'm not really sure what the symptoms even are

ololJokerlolo 4:48 am
Anyway, when I was first diagnosed they told me what I had was anticipatory anxiety. I feared all the negative possible consequences of anything I did, so I put it off and procrastinated as much as possible. I took 40 hour showers, I spent hours pacing around trying to think of what I might forget to take with me, and going over my flaws in the mirror to try and see what people might mock me for, and prepare for it. Would you say your anxiety is anticipatory?
Meaning, you anticipate bad things happening, so you just avoid the situation altogether?

hagurumon31 4:49 am
possibly... i'm always afraid i'm going to do/say something stupid and embarrass myself because i don't know what to do/say in most situations

ololJokerlolo 4:53 am
Okay well, one of the things I do to make it easier is prepare ahead of time for what I'm going to need to say and do. Once you've done that a few times you'll already know what to do because you've prepared. Sometimes I would write it down if I had to. Just picture where you're going, and what all you might have to do, and work out ahead of time how you'll respond to it.

hagurumon31 4:53 am
right but I don't know ahead of time what situation I'm going to be in... :( h

ololJokerlolo 4:54 am
I know, you don't always know, but that's why you have to plan outings so you'll have experience for when you're thrust into a situation you weren't prepared for. I still sometimes have panic attacks when I'm in a social situation I didn't plan to be in, but it's not as severe for me as it used to be because I've forced myself to get used to it.

hagurumon31 4:55 am

ololJokerlolo 4:55 am
Like, can you drive? Do you have access to a car? If not, don't let that stop you, just go outside and explore. I still do that, it's good exercise. Just walk a few blocks in one direction, and turn around and go back. Stimulates the mind too, and you find all sorts of local business right next to you you may not have even noticed otherwise.

hagurumon31 4:56 am
no, I don't drive.
lol no there's no buisnesses at all in my village

ololJokerlolo 4:57 am
Like, you like RPGs right? I mean, I saw you had FF7 on your tv in that room tour video. That was my first RPG incidentally, back in '97. I use that as a coping mechanism too. In an RPG you have to talk to all sorts of people, figure out what to say to them, and go through quests. So what I do to make going out fun, is I think of it in that context. I'm going on a quest. I set up rewards for myself as well, loot from the quest. Be it the experience gained from going there, whatever I plan to buy where I'm going, or simply the food I'll be eating or bringing home with me.

hagurumon31 4:58 am
yeah I do larps and stuff but it doesn't work in actual social situations for me
wait, I uploaded the FF7 video? it's still on my camcorder, I thought i didn't upload it yet

ololJokerlolo 4:59 am
Um, not a video just about FF7, but it was on your tv in the room tour video.

hagurumon31 5:00 am
checking this now, maybe it's a different video i forgot about
oh, yeah that was different. okay then yes i still need to upload this one when they give me my accounts back

ololJokerlolo 5:03 am
Was there something they told you that you had to do in order to get your stuff back?

hagurumon31 5:03 am
not that I know of
i think they told me NOT to do something or they'd NEVER give it back though
>> No. 9732
ololJokerlolo 5:04 am
Okay so in one of the last threads someone did send your mom messages with audio of you saying you were a pedophile, and claiming to have molested Amber, regardless of whether or not you did it, how do you think she's going to respond when she hears that?
To her Avon number or whatever.

hagurumon31 5:05 am
she'll probably be pissed, I'll have to explain what happened when I get home

ololJokerlolo 5:06 am
Wait, you said in the thread she's on facebook pretty much all day? So, she has a computer? She doesn't give you access to it though?

hagurumon31 5:07 am
no, she doesn't let me on it. especially now that I moved in with my grandmother instead, but she still didn't even when i lived with her

ololJokerlolo 5:07 am
Oh oh, sorry I'm a bit confused about that. So you live with your grandmother and aunt, or just your grandmother?

hagurumon31 5:08 am
just my grandmother

ololJokerlolo 5:10 am
So, if Anna does take some kind of lie detector test, and it says she did do some or all of the sexual stuff she says she did, what would you do then? Would you give up on her at that point? Would it make any difference whether it was with the guy or the girl? I mean I don't know all the details, but with the girl it sounded like they didn't actually have sex, but I could have read it wrong.

hagurumon31 5:11 am
i wouldn't give up on her, i'd still marry her but our lives would be ruined. she can't do anything sexual with EITHER gender.
well i don't believe in that "technical virginty" thing. imo anything sexual counts as sex, oral, anal, fingering, mutual masturbation, etc

ololJokerlolo 5:13 am
Oh I agree on that, but Jessa said "heavy petting" which is kind of vague, and means the only genital contact was over clothes. Unless you're counting the boobs as sex organs or something.

hagurumon31 5:14 am
yeah i count boobs
she did say they licked eachother's boobs but i'm p sure it's a lie
when it happened anna only told me they made out and COMPARED boobs

ololJokerlolo 5:16 am
Do you think that you might be pressuring her into having sex with someone else just to prove your claims incorrect?

hagurumon31 5:16 am
and her story about anna wanting to spare my feelings doesn't check out either because how would she have known what would upset me and what wouldn't before i told her
nah, it would be ridiculous to have sex you normally wouldn't want to have just to mess with someone

ololJokerlolo 5:17 am
It wouldn't be to mess with you though, it would be in the hopes you'd leave her alone. You're so positive she'll love you later, but even you will admit right now she hates you.

hagurumon31 5:18 am

ololJokerlolo 5:18 am
So, right now she's capable of anything to get you away from her.

hagurumon31 5:19 am
no, nothing that drastic i'm sure

ololJokerlolo 5:21 am
And you are aware that regardless of what may happen in the future, right now pursuing her is hurting her, because she doesn't want you to right now?

hagurumon31 5:22 am
unfortunately yeah but in the end she's going to be really happy

ololJokerlolo 5:24 am
Why? What do you have that could make her happy?

hagurumon31 5:24 am
i'm going to take care of her, help her with her problems, etc
emotional stuff

ololJokerlolo 5:25 am
But you can't take care of yourself, and you don't understand empathy.
Any other guy can take care of her and help her with problems.
Those things don't even have to be done by someone in a relationship in fact.
Her friends can offer her those things too.

hagurumon31 5:26 am
no, i've seen her friends try to. it doesn't work, they're only like "aw hope you feel better", they don't provide anything that's actually useful

ololJokerlolo 5:27 am
Do you?
Every conversation I've seen seems to consist of her asking you to leave her alone.

hagurumon31 5:28 am
yeah i dunno why she did that
but it'd be much easier for me to help her with things irl rather than online

ololJokerlolo 5:29 am
She wants her friends help though, she doesn't seem to want yours.
And you can't help someone unless they want your help.

hagurumon31 5:30 am
right but when she loves me then she will want my help

ololJokerlolo 5:31 am
Can you think of any specific instances in history where someone has absolutely hated someone, and everything about them, and then suddenly fallen in love with them out of the blue?

hagurumon31 5:32 am
i haven't HEARD of any but with 6 billion people it's got to have happened before many times

ololJokerlolo 5:33 am
If Anna is your soulmate and she shouldn't date other people, why did you date Maddi?

hagurumon31 5:34 am
she asked me out, so i accepted

ololJokerlolo 5:34 am
That's it?

hagurumon31 5:34 am
well no i don't really mind if she DATES other people, just as long as nothing sexual happens
basically yeah

ololJokerlolo 5:35 am
That's still cheating though, and hurting Maddi since you don't believe she is your soulmate, so you basically lead her on.

hagurumon31 5:36 am
no she knew about anna, she said she didn't mind

ololJokerlolo 5:38 am
But it's still cheating on Anna, do you think Anna dating other people is unfair to you?

hagurumon31 5:39 am
no, as long as sexual things don't happen

ololJokerlolo 5:43 am
So, you said in one of the threads you larped sexually when you were little, or something?

hagurumon31 5:44 am
yeah in elementary school at recess i did sexual larps

ololJokerlolo 5:44 am
So you see larping as like, a sexual thing? It's something that turns you on or whatever? You related it to semi-sexual experiences?

hagurumon31 5:45 am
nono, I do nonsexual larps too
like the video with amber

hagurumon31 5:47 am
so hey i have to go

ololJokerlolo 5:47 am
Okay, no problem. Feel free to message me when you get back if you'd like.

hagurumon31 5:47 am

hagurumon31 is offline
>> No. 9733
I'm about to make a new facebook account just to message his mother about the Amber thing.
What do you guys think I should include in this message?
>> No. 9734
I don't see why you have to create a separate account to do it, but just give her the facts. Tell her you're concerned, and to ask Amber if Nick has discussed anything sexual with her.

Explain about Nick being a self-declared pedophile, how he claimed to have comitted sex acts with Amber, and how he's stalking Anna.

Don't just say it though, link to the audio logs of him saying what he did to Amber, and explaining that he believes sex with children should be legal, and the text where he said incest should be legal. And link to all that "legend of Anna" stuff, particularly the sex story, and also the tour of his room where he mentions the shrine, and putting things in his butt, and has the binder of letters from Anna.
>> No. 9735
Convincing evidence. Screencaps, whatever.
>> No. 9736
Do you have any of the links to these logs, videos ect? I know they're around here somewhere.
>> No. 9737
Also, I need a little help writing it.
Writing was not a strong subject of mine,
cause I tend to focus on one detail alot.
>> No. 9738
I thought I should bring it to your attention that Nick has admitted some bad things concerning Amber, among others. etc, etc...
>> No. 9739
This is what i have so far...

Hello Mrs. Osborne

I do not know you personally, but this is a matter that I feel you must know about.

It involves your daughter Amber. I fear she may have been molested by your son, Nick.
I am not making this assumption lightly, for there is several chat logs spanning over the course of 3 or 4 years, in which, he goes into great detail about the things he has done to Amber
>> No. 9740
File 130597957344.png - (39.33KB , 231x212 , no2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>there is several chat logs

>there is several
>> No. 9741
Oh. So is there only that one? or does that not even count as a chat log?
>> No. 9742

Grammar, dude. "There ARE several".
>> No. 9743
Point made about writing not being your strong suit...
>> No. 9744
Ah. sorry about that. fix'd
>> No. 9745
It looks ok. Be sure to post her reply, if she sends one.
>> No. 9746
What about telling colleagues/close of friends of her mom? They would without a doubt act to prevent Nick´s pedofaggotry
>> No. 9747
http://legendofanna.blogspot.com/ - His blog about Anna.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnh-iAsTcLQ - The tour of his room, including his Anna shrine, wall of Anna, and binder of Anna.

http://editthis.info/nick_bate_wiki/A_List_of_Crimes_Nick_Has_Committed - His "list of crimes".

http://hagurukagi.livejournal.com/56389.html#cutid1 - This is one of the places where he expresses his belief that pedophilia should be legal, specifically:

"Nick" There's nothing wrong with pedophilia, coprophilia, any kind of -philia, or crossdressing. Whatever my fetishes are is my own damn business as long as I'm not hurting anyone, which I'm not. And all you people who are prejudiced against crossdressers, pedophiles, and the like are being extremely intolerant. Having fetishes is no different from being a different race or religion or whatever. People are individuals who are all different. There's no reason at all to discriminate against anyone who is different in such ways, and THAT, sir, means you're a bigot, and so is Anna.

"Anna": "There's nothing wrong with pedophilia..."

So you're saying that having sex with children is totally fine?

You are SO going to hell.

"Nick": As long as the kid gives consent, yes. It's fine.

"Anna": Kids that young usually don't even UNDERSTAND sex, idiot.

"Nick": Which is why parents need to stop being idiots and teach their kids about sex at an early age.

"Anna": Also, how young? Like, toddler age?

"Nick": Also, I dunno. Whenever they're old enough to understand things. So I guess it's not so much a certain age as it is when they're speaking in sentences and stuff like that. My half-sister's only seven and she's known a little about sex for a few years already.

"Anna": So when they're, like, four? You'd FUCK A FOUR-YEAR-OLD? God, that's fucking SICK.

"Nick": No, I jack off to them, but I wouldn't actually have sex with one.

However, I'll defend to the injury other people's rights to have sex with kids. There is no reason pedophiles should be discriminated against. Pedophilia is just another fetish like bondage or albinos or whatever.

"Anna": You DO realize that child pornography is illegal to make OR possess, right? B|

"Nick": Well, it shouldn't be. It's yet another of those really stupid laws. Oh wait are you implying that I have child porn?

Because I just go by the stuff in my head.

Wish I DID have some though.

http://789chan.org/cwc/src/130551170491.jpg - Saying he wanted to play strip poker with Amber.

http://789chan.org/cwc/src/130551463229.jpg - Saying he wants to make Jenkem.

http://789chan.org/cwc/src/130553438989.jpg - Just, blegh.

http://789chan.org/cwc/src/130557610945.jpg - I'm just throwing this on because going over this stuff again, I'm still shocked at his pitiful grasp of math.

http://789chan.org/cwc/src/130558736069.jpg - A lot of their breakdown in communication on LiveJournal, her telling him repeatedly to leave her alone, him refusing and denying everything he's accused of. It's funny, part way through that he denies having a shrine to her in his room, when it's clearly there in his room tour video.

- These are the audio logs where he says he's a pedophile, there's nothing wrong with pedophilia, and that he's watched Amber pee

http://789chan.org/cwc/src/Gomez_Five_%5Bspeech%5D_-_NICK_FANTASY_EXTRAVAGANZA.mp3 - I can't find the original link where he wrote out his sex story about Anna, but this is a dramatic reading of it. Anyone have the original link?

http://789chan.org/cwc/src/130570118950.png - This is where he told the other Anna about molesting Amber.

http://www.mediafire.com/?wydducq15u5s2r5 - This is the set of his nude videos. Be sure to mention one of those he sent them to was a 14 year old girl, who he was also dating online at one point.
>> No. 9748
We ought to lay our cards on the table about Nick denying it, and our reasons for disbelieving him. Might as well pre-empt his inevitable whining.

"It has come to the attention of many people via the Internet that Nick has been claiming to have molested his sister Amber. When called up on this he says he only said it as a joke, but has also separately argued in favour of legalising paedophilia. In light of these views that he continues to defend we are extremely anxious for Amber, and it's safe to say that nobody has believed him when he claimed to have been joking."
Needs to be longer than that, and would benefit from an introduction as to how we came to be aware of Nick, but it's a start.
>> No. 9749
The best thing is Nick has no mental filter. This isn't going to be disbelieved, it will probably confirm some building suspicions about his character.
>> No. 9750
Also, we should mention how he's been treating Anna. She's not going to be his mother's primary concern, but Christ if it doesn't make him look even worse.
>> No. 9751
Mrs Osborne,

I am afraid that I have some worrying news for you. Your son, Nick, has recently been making public claims about the abuse of your young daughter, Amber.

I am an online acquaintance of your son. Wanting to confirm the veracity of his claims, I have both unearthed and been supplied with years' worth of chatlogs and written statements that your son has made in reference to the periodic molestation of his half-sister.

I can and will supply you with this evidence if need be, but I wanted to contact you as soon as possible with information about these disgusting claims, so that the child may be kept away from harm as soon as possible.

I am very sorry to be the bearer of such news, and can only imagine what you must feel, but this cannot be allowed to continue.

Yours truly,

>> No. 9752
I'm thinking of sending one to his stepdad.
I'm sure he thinks he's a sick fuck already.
>> No. 9753
I like this one. I just kinda wanted to tell her about Amber and if she responded, I would tell her about the other things.
>> No. 9754
File 130598112884.png - (24.29KB , 180x107 , (.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Yeah, it's probably best not to overload the poor woman with stuff. She's being told her daughter has been molested. That's pretty fucking terrible without anything else to worry about on top...
>> No. 9755
I offer this up for anyone's usage:

Dear Mrs. Osborne,

Please read this entire message. It is important.

It is with the greatest urgency that I message you, on behalf of a group of concerned citizens, about your son, Nick, who has been going by the alias of "NickBate" online. Your son was brought to our attention by a 13 year old girl that he "dated" over the Internet, "maddi", who requested our assistance in getting rid of him. During the course of our investigation about your son, we discovered a disturbing fact: it is quite likely that Nick has sexually molested his 9 year old half-sister, Amber. While you have been contacted about this issue by us before (including having had messages left on the phone line you maintain as part of your service as an AVON representative), it is our hope in messaging you via this medium that we may present to you all of the evidence against Nick clearly and concisely. The evidence that leads us to the suspicion that Nick has molested Amber is as follows:

[insert evidence here]

As you can see, Nick claims to have engaged in inappropriate sexual contact with Amber many times, both in his own voice over Skype and in text via instant messaging. He has also indicated that he believes that children are capable of consenting to sexual activities, and has made a variety of other inappropriate sexual comments about Amber, privately and publicly (such as via his Twitter account).

After being called out on these activities, Nick claimed that he was merely lying about it to "impress his friends" (one has to wonder why molesting a 9 year old girl would impress anybody). Nick also claims that it is impossible for him to have molested Amber because he is "never alone" with her, but we have pointed out that there are many times that he was or could have been alone with her, such as at night when everyone else in the house was asleep or when he was "LARPing" (playing with sticks) with her. We advise you to not believe him when he claims his innocence, and to have Amber thoroughly interviewed by a psychiatrist and/or trained law enforcement officer to confirm whether or not she was sexually abused. While Nick may be your son, it is imperative that he brought to justice if he has sexually molested a child.

If it does turn out, by some unlikely chance, that Nick has not sexually molested Amber, then we still advise you to keep the two separate. In many ways, lying about sexually molesting a child to "impress your friends" shows as much questionable judgment as actually molesting one, and thus we do not feel that she is safe around him.

Allow me, on behalf of our entire group, to offer you our condolences for the facts that are presented in this message. We know it must be emotional for you to find this out about your son, but we hope that you will make the right decision.

A concerned citizen
>> No. 9756
They all hate him, there's not a person in his life who doesn't. The only one I haven't seen him write something negative about is his grandmother.
>> No. 9757
I just sent it. Now we wait.
>> No. 9758
I kind of think at least some strong evidence should be sent with the first message, less likely for her to ignore evidence. If she only reads one message, I hope that message contains some information he'll have a hard time explaining.
>> No. 9759
Somebody's gonna wish he stayed more anonymous~
>> No. 9760
er...kinda wish I sent that one.
not that >>63007 is bad or anything, it's just that the other one is more informal. :/
Someone else should send it though.
>> No. 9761
Better than the one I just spent ten minutes writing out. Send this one as well, I think it impress on her our sincerity if she gets several messages.
>> No. 9762
i just want to know why amber's parents are so terrified of leaving her alone with nick. has something happened between them before, when she was a baby or a toddler? did he explore his pedophilia with her then?

sorry if this was already answered lol i'm only about a third of the ways done with reading this thread
>> No. 9763
This one's less easy to penetrate anyway. Remember we're sending this to someone not as "in the know" as we are.
>> No. 9764
Yeah...but it seemed like nobody else was gonna do it.
>> No. 9765
Well, Nick, actually.
>> No. 9766
When did it come to light that Nick has been JOKING LOLOLOL about touching Amber? We've only been aware of Nick for a short time, but I hardly think his mother's going to be pleased that people have been sitting on this.
>> No. 9767
He said they don't know about his being into pedophilia, or anal or Anna, but repeatedly says "they're all stupid bigots" and says they don't like his crossdressing and larping.

I think it's funny how at one point he wanted to get a sex change, but changed his mind because he thought it meant he'd have to deal with periods and pregnancy.
>> No. 9768
Three threads ago, when he first posted here on /cwc/ his first posts stated he was joking about it because he "wanted to sound more fucked up" and "impress" his friends.
>> No. 9769
you forgot the " " in friends.
>> No. 9770
I could almost believe it considering how fucked in the head he is... but if he has a seven year-old sister around it's better to be safe. Besides, saying "no guys it was all a joke!" seems like the kind of half-baked escape route such a person would come up with.
>> No. 9771
What if it turns out he never touched Amber? Would any of you feel bad about him getting into water this hot? Not defending him, he's a piece of shit, just curious.
>> No. 9772
No he would and should get fucked over for writing any of this shit in the first place. If he did it he's a monster who deserves punishment, if he just wrote it, he's a moron who deserves punishment
>> No. 9773
I really wished he answered this one: >>62944

Chris´s view about children is hilarious enough, I wonder what Nick thinks about child raising (besides grooming)
>> No. 9774
If we told her about anna and the anna shrine,
would they make him throw it away?
Remember when they took the anna pillow? he got pretty mad. Id like to see him bitch on twitter about that.
>> No. 9775
ah, ok. that's kind of bullshit, though, IMO.
>> No. 9776
He still wrote extensive sexual scenarios about his 9 year old sister, and posted them online, and he still argued passionately and repeatedly that children could and should consent to sex with adults.

Even if he hasn't touched her yet, those are definite warning signs he's thought about it, and may eventually go through with it. His behavior with Anna just reinforces him being dangerous.
>> No. 9777

If a guy constantly claiming it's totally okay for kids to have sex also claims to have bad-touched his sister, I'm inclined not to give him the slightest fucking shadow of doubt.
Seriously. If he hadn't gone on and on at length about how children can so totally understand sex and should have sex and it's not fair to deny them sex if they want sex, I might have believed him, particularly since he claims to want to seem stupid. As it stands, we have some pretty sincere arguments coming from him that kiddy-fiddling is super, all of which perfectly fit the profile of somebody secretly molesting a little child.
>> No. 9778

Well, thanks for trying.

Though to be honest, I think I'd rather look at Nick's teeth than that dog.
>> No. 9779
someone should send his stepdad this info.
I really think he would beat the shit out of him
for even thinking of amber in that way.
>> No. 9780
>> No. 9781

Naw dude, Haiku's go 5 syllables, 7 syllables, then 5 syllables again, you're using way too many.
>> No. 9782
I really don't think Nick realizes the gravity of the situation right now. He could literally be thrown into prison and he just doesn't seem to give a fuck.

I'd been worried in the original thread that he might get so overwhelmed he'd try to kill himself or something but he really doesn't seem to be reacting that much (considering the circumstances) to everything thats going on.

If not prison, this guy definitely needs to be removed from society into a mental institution or something. It's like nothing can penetrate that block head of his and therapy would probably get nowhere. Its crazy seeing somebody so beyond repair.
>> No. 9783

I don't think that he's going to be thrown into prison. At the worst, his parents will treat him differently, which isn't a bad thing.
>> No. 9784
File 130598560972.jpg - (97.72KB , 803x600 , 1299330248150.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>or something
>It´s just is
>> No. 9785
I think if his mom goes over all the evidence, she will ask Amber whether or not he did anything with her.

If Amber confirms, he will end up in jail. If she denies it, they still won't trust him around her at all. I mean they already didn't when all they knew was he crossdressed, now that they know he thinks pedophilia and incest should be legal, and has had extensive sexual fantasies about Amber?

Most that could happen: Nick goes to jail.

Least that could happen: Nick never sees Amber again and all his Anna shit is taken out of his room.

Given that he's assaulted his mother before, he'll probably attack them when they try take them down, which would lead to the police being called again. When they're told everything, and given his prior arrest record...
>> No. 9786

I love how everyone here is trying to get recordings of him admitting he's a pedophile to his family and police, and Nick's biggest concern is 'No, vaginas ARE gross, lemme draw it out...'

Fucking brilliant
>> No. 9787
Does anyone know Nick's number? I'm thinking about getting his arrest record.
>> No. 9788

But he didn't DO anything... :/
>> No. 9789

That's irrelevant. There's still serious accusations, and Nick still has his head jammed in his colon about it.
>> No. 9790
I think he was just doing an impression of Nick, seeing as that's the exact phrase Nick has used dozens of times.
>> No. 9791

Yeah, I was. No harm done.
>> No. 9792
It doesn't seem like anything does. Even stating "Anna hates you" doesn't do anything. The only time he got mad while we were talking to him was when people kept saying he molested Amber and that was only because he answered the same question a million times...
>> No. 9793
Was thinking it'd be interesting if Nick's Twitter goes abruptly quiet (given that he posts from his phone he can do it whenever he wants), but he says he may not be back for "a week or two" - sheesh, how long is it going to be before we can tell if something serious has gone down for Nick?
>> No. 9794
watched the nick naked videos. he said he doesn't sit on toilet seats, he just sits on the bowl. this is the worst reverse logic i've heard in a long time: i can't touch the part where no one sits because it's the lid, but i can sit on the part that is near the pee and poop that sometimes gets peed on.
>> No. 9795
Okay. So Nick is gone. No more stupid threads of "you molest kids/anna isnt your soulmate/why are you gross" "But I didn't DO anything... :\ and yes we are"

What's next?
>> No. 9796

Yeah, Nick is locked down in ways Chris never was. I can't believe it, but Chris is actually more socially capable than Nick - Chris behaves with very childish logic, but he knows that some things will count against him and shows concern for his reputation, even if he doesn't always understand what hurts it. He's taken down videos and seems to worry about his nudes, but the most damage control Nick has done is "but I DIDN'T MOLEST AMBER, son."

I wonder if all along we felt an affection for Chris. We loved watching his childishness but Nick, though, who the fuck would want him, even as a lolcow?
>> No. 9797
Well, on AIM he said his dad was going to pull him off the computer to do yard work at 10, but he disappeared a lot earlier than that.

He said he'd be back once he finishes, and that he would go back to his grandmother's either "in the afternoon or in the evening". So, unless his mother rushed over after hearing her messages, he should be back on in a bit.
>> No. 9798
NickBate Nick Bate
oh fuck I just realized that because they hacked my Gmail I also can't use YouTube. Shit, guess I can't upload any videos now. ><

Is he trying to blackmail us? Why can't he just set up a new account? Someone do it for him and give him the details, lets get us some more panicked ''I did not molest her!'' videos
>> No. 9799
chris also thinks that vaginas are up on the girl's stomach. this is what happens when men don't actually see real women naked
>> No. 9800
They weren't going to be anything good, when I was talking to him on AIM he mentioned that he was going to upload a video where he talked about Final Fantasy 7, like he apparently recorded himself playing it, with a digital camera.

Clips he hadn't uploaded yet, not stuff he's making now.
>> No. 9801
I don't think he's panicking as much as he should. He put more thought and effort into explaining how vaginas open like flowers.
>> No. 9802

Oh no. Not at all. Trust me, a good video is coming.

It'll be fucking fantastic, believe you me.
>> No. 9803
I don't know, I like the idea that this guy is getting accused to his family of pedophilia and crushing on his nine year-old sister, complete with records of him admitting to all that, and all he's thinking about right now is Final Fantasy 7.
>> No. 9804
NickBate Nick Bate
oh, yeah, yesterday I learned that I have panic attacks.
8 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

>> No. 9805
So he's a pervert, an idiot, and some kind of hypochondriac?
>> No. 9806
hagurumon31 4:58 am
yeah I do larps and stuff but it doesn't work in actual social situations for me
wait, I uploaded the FF7 video? it's still on my camcorder, I thought i didn't upload it yet

ololJokerlolo 4:59 am
Um, not a video just about FF7, but it was on your tv in the room tour video.

hagurumon31 5:00 am
checking this now, maybe it's a different video i forgot about
oh, yeah that was different. okay then yes i still need to upload this one when they give me my accounts back
>> No. 9807
WHEN we give him his accounts back? Who the fuck does he think he is? If he's under the impression we're going to help him in any way he's pretty mistaken, especially if its just to see some shitty half brained breathless commentary on Final Fantasy. Jesus christ he's delusional
>> No. 9808
if he was a hypochondriac he would be interpreting those as heart attacks.

His physical health is abysmal, I don't know how he survives
>> No. 9809
Since when did we care about his videos? A few were posted, but most forgot about them quickly.
>> No. 9810

We were under the impression it was going to be something big, but it turned out to just be a shitty FF7 Lets-Play, so everyone stopped giving a shit. The only person who cares is Nick himself.
>> No. 9811
He needs to upload it though. He'll never erase his camera storage otherwise, and then you'd never get any new vi- wait no

maybe this is for the best
>> No. 9812
Nick has left his father's house and is out of minutes.
>> No. 9813
Anyone worried that nothing will come of this? Sometimes you tell a parent their spawn is horrible, and nothing happens.
>> No. 9814
It could really go either way. I know that parents don't like to believe their child is a monster but from his point of view his mom is very suspicious of him. This could be the tipping point for her.
>> No. 9815

This, his mother already hates him from the sounds of things. Fair play to her, If I had a 19 year old son like this I'd probably beat the shit out of him every day.
>> No. 9816
I suppose a "Son, I´m dissapoint" won´t do nothing on Nick. The playstation, Iphone and Anna Shrine must go.
>> No. 9817
Nick has a criminal record for assaulting his parents, claiming to be the victim of child abuse, I guess he sees himself as a child.

He's already said his parents do not trust him, and there are several posts on his twitter with him complaining about them not letting him near Amber. He said all they knew about him doing that they didn't like was the larping and crossdressing, however it's pretty much a given based on how he smears shit on his walls, and his complete lack of any filter mechanism and how he goes on and on about all his sexual fetishes that they know quite a bit about them. In one of the posts on his site he said he asked his family for anal porn for Christmas.
>> No. 9818
I just love his defense allegation against the Amber abuse, you can take it in so many ways:

>I didn´t fiddle Amber, my parents are always there.
>(they are ALWAYS there, those damn bigots...but someday son, SOMEDAY...POW! right in the pooper!)
>> No. 9819
I'm sure he's not 19. There's no way he's this young.
>> No. 9820
I think he's 20, actually... he was 17 in 2008, according to his LJ
>> No. 9821
>> No. 9822
"he said he asked his family for anal porn for Christmas."

That is goddamn hilarious.
>> No. 9823

He is 19, at the moment.

I talked to him on da AIM and managed to find that out.
>> No. 9824
you're a pro at this

you used the AOL Instant Messenger to BEAM a query to his very computer screen, whereupon he answered it. In the same way, you saw the answer, and brought it to us.

This is potent magic investigation
>> No. 9825
File 130602637179.jpg - (94.26KB , 458x522 , cbpinka.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I had to use an orb of scrying to do it too. It was quite a journey.
>> No. 9826
This. I was thinking mid 30's-early 40's. How the hell did that happen?
>> No. 9827
That dog is seriously fucking my shit.
>> No. 9828
I imagine that he's just fat and doesn't shave as often as he should. Staying fit and shaving makes you look 10 times younger, especially if you're a guy. At least in my opinion anyway
>> No. 9829

So that's something it has in common with Nick, huh?
>> No. 9830
>> No. 9831
File 130604283175.jpg - (39.72KB , 150x150 , oddworldSmall.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, This Nick guy. Cant belive this is the first I actually looked into this guy and, assuming that anything involving this guy isnt finished (Seriously, I hope Nicks mom reads the letter) theres some part of me that just wants to see this fucker on an FBI child molester list.

On anouther note, broke out in a cold sweat when I reconized the name of someone on his livejournal page. Woah.
>> No. 9832
He said in one of the last threads he doesn't know how to shave, and when questioned further, said the times that his face has been shaved, his aunt did it for him.
>> No. 9833
So... Are we just going to white knight or we going to actually fuck with this guy, give him a good ol' CWC style trolling.
>> No. 9834
His parents and apparently even authorities have been notified of some of the things he said. I assume we're awaiting results.
>> No. 9835
I assume if he gets arrested, something will be posted about it on this website: http://lancasteronline.com/
>> No. 9836
Haha, i played that game.
>> No. 9837
Heres the big thing that strikes me about this guy though. Like all good lolcows, this guys an attention whore. But, what sets HIM appart is instead of clamoring for positive attention (Like say, Chris) he instead clamors for negitive attention like hell.

One armchair-psychology thing about little children I know is that if they dont think they are getting enough positive attention, they will indeed opt for negitive attention. And clearly, someoneones mom didnt pay much attention to them. Obviously.
>> No. 9838
>...instead of clamoring for positive attention (Like say, Chris) he instead clamors for negative attention like hell.

And /cwc/ delivers. In Chris´s eyes, this whole board is his new forum where he meets his online friends and "interacts" with them .
>> No. 9839
You mean Nick?

Also he seemed to me to be getting pretty annoyed whenever holes in his logic were pointed out, or his own words were used against him.
>> No. 9840
Yeah, I actually meant Nick, my bad.

I think he was getting a bit annoyed with the Amber thing. Or at least he tried to change subjects and answer other questions (about asses, shit fetish, social anxiety and such)
>> No. 9841
I don't know if I was more amused or annoyed by how he kept doing that.

"We're contacting your parents as we speak."
"but i didn't DO anything! :\"

"Tell us about your sexual fantasies."
"Well, I have this one where Anna's my wife, and others where I'm having casual sex with friends. I try to keep it realistic. Then also I have one where I'm the only male on an island of horny, feral women, and one where I have a robotic sex butler who has to obey my commands and-"

"How do you know you're Anna's soulmate."
"I just am."

"Why do you find vaginas gross?"
"They like, open up and it's all gross and stuff, and it's just ew and here I'll draw you a picture-"

"Do you not want to get a job, or are you unable to?"
"Both. Hey wait, did you say FF7? Did I already upload my FF7 video? I thought I hadn't posted that yet. Oh man, I better post that right away when they give me all my accounts back!"
>> No. 9842
Of course he had to run out of minutes right as all this went down.

The waiting game sucks.
>> No. 9843
what, does this guy use a cellphone or something? the fuck is running out of minutes
>> No. 9844

He uses a cell phone to update his twitter.

While you're here, I have to ask. Patrick and Kronk. What's up with that? It screws with my mind.
>> No. 9845
Old ass 789chan thing, where kronk used to be a kinda meme, there was a huge thread, it might still be buried on /b/ where kronk's head was photoshoped on to random shit. The one with patrick on the phone was my favorite.
>> No. 9847
[20:45] hagurumon41: Uhh...well, actually, I open the top few buttons of my shirts to show off a little cleavage.
[20:46] xmyrrh: Yeah, Iiiiiiiiiii... think I'm gonna go puke.
[20:46] hagurumon41: Naw.
[20:46] hagurumon41: But here's something you CAN do: SEND ME NEKKID PICTURES DAMMIT.
[20:46] xmyrrh: Illegal, disturbing, bf/gf only, etc.
[20:46] hagurumon41: Nuh-uh!
[20:47] xmyrrh: Don't even try to disagree.
[20:47] hagurumon41: I would show people nekkid pictures of me, it's just that they don't let me./
[20:47] xmyrrh: There is a reason for that.
[20:48] hagurumon41: Then what is it?
[20:48] xmyrrh: "Illegal, disturbing, bf/gf only, etc."
[20:49] hagurumon41: That's not cool, man. I WANT PEOPLE TO SEE ME NEKKID.
[20:49] xmyrrh: Then get a girlfriend. A ridiculously slutty one.
[20:50] hagurumon41: Nah, Anna'll see me nekkid when she comes over.
[20:51] xmyrrh: I strongly doubt that. Strongly.
[20:51] xmyrrh: Unless you tie her down and strip.
[20:51] hagurumon41: No, she already agreed to it.
[20:51] xmyrrh: Right.
[20:51] hagurumon41: She did.
[20:51] xmyrrh: Right.
[20:51] hagurumon41: Every time I asked.
[20:51] xmyrrh: Right.
[20:51] hagurumon41: : /
[20:52] hagurumon41: I still need nekkid pictures.
[20:52] xmyrrh: Download porn.
[20:52] hagurumon41: I can't. Mom and Steve are in teh next room.
[20:54] hagurumon41: NEKKIDNESS PLZ
[20:55] hagurumon41: >_> ........you're making me sad.
[20:57] hagurumon41: Hey, are you even there?!
[21:03] hagurumon41: >_> Okay, well I have to go. So...see ya later.
[21:03] Meebo Message: Network interruption detected.

Smooth. (from 07, btw)
>> No. 9848
[13:11] Nick: We can like, play video games and stuff with our kids
[13:11] Nick: And like, teach them how to have hot anal and also oral sex.

Can I stop now?
>> No. 9849
Is this on AIM?
>> No. 9850

gmail. He sends himself I think every log of every convos hes had.
>> No. 9851
Also it seems I found the reason why anna threw a bitch fit and disappeared.
>> No. 9852
he either hasnt added me or my gtalk isnt working
>> No. 9853
On gmail?
>> No. 9854
Do tell.
>> No. 9855

She used to have sex rps with him, eventually told him FYI I DONT LOVE YOU, yelled at him, and continued the rps.
>> No. 9856
Ha. Figures.
>> No. 9857
I'm actually a bit sickened by how much fucking info and photos she throws all over the internet. She posts her name, age, date of birth, EVERYTHING everywhere. Including her emails.

So far she has 10 I know of.
>> No. 9858
^She's young and idiotic, what do you expect?

Anyway, fascinating that she did sex RPs with him. I believe I know how he feels now. I've been in a position similar to him realtionship wise (prior to the hate thing), except the girl I did that stuff with was older than me. I honestly believed I was in love with her and nothing could tear us apart.

Then she got a boyfriend. I turned into a retard for about 2 months until I got over it and decided to step off my high horse and be her friend since luckily for me she tolerated my bullshit until she was almost at a breaking point.

Now we're not so close, but eh... C'est la vie.
>> No. 9859
I'm a bit confused, are you sure that's the same Anna?

I know there was another Anna from Britain who cybered with him to troll him.
>> No. 9860
Suuure, "to troll"

Also yeah, this two Anna shit makes things complicated. Let's just focus on Nick.
>> No. 9861
Is it possible that he thought this Anna was the origional Anna and that strengthened his unhealthy obsession with him?
>> No. 9862
He was only able to get online until Saturday because he asked his dad if he could stay with him for a few days so he could use his internet.

Saturday came, and his dad had him do some yardwork and he said he'd be there till evening, but then he just disappeared.

So either he just left early, or his mom showed up after reading all the stuff, and he got in trouble.
>> No. 9863
If Nick didn't come here and make a million retarded posts I get the idea nobody would have bothered contacting his mother.
>> No. 9864
Like I said Im going through 2007 chatlogs- meaning it's the original anna. Same email and last name etc.

Anna P is the slutty brit one.
>> No. 9865
Totally not grooming you guys. My children need to be educated in the importance of my sexual fetishes.
>> No. 9866
A couple people had already sent messages to her cell phone, but nobody wanted to actually talk to her it seems, as the messages shown were pre-recorded.

Then her facebook was posted again, and the links to all the evidence was compiled in a single post, and after that it became too easy not too.

And yeah, just reading his twitter posts, it's easy to be a little skeptical, but it's a lot harder when he comes back and confirms all of it.
>> No. 9867
No one has the balls to talk to his mom?

We need to get the PC Assassins in on this, they'd know what to do
>> No. 9868
It's amazing how he says this stuff, like it isn't even a thing. If the police interviewed him he'd probably incriminate himself in under five minutes.
>> No. 9869
fandom rps or full on cybering?
>> No. 9870
File 130616354791.jpg - (62.65KB , 927x447 , assburgers.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I've been reading Anna's diary from her teenage years. (http://shippehmandy.livejournal.com/) Apparently she has "mild autism".
>> No. 9871

Each time that I called, it went straight to voicemail. If you want someone to talk to her, then do it yourself.
>> No. 9872
File 130616395627.jpg - (31.50KB , 942x216 , famous.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Apparently, she wanted fame at one point. Well, she now has it to some degree.
>> No. 9874
File 130616448265.jpg - (41.10KB , 1542x102 , interests.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I also noticed that Nick's interests are exactly the same as Anna's. There isn't really anything else notable in her journal. She grows up as a typical "alternative" type girl who shops at Hot Topic. I've noticed that she seems pretty ungrateful for her life, which seems pretty cushy- she goes to vacation at Rome at one point with her family. She's pretty annoying, I don't see why Nick would like her.
>> No. 9875

Does she have the same interests as him, or did he just emulate her interests?
>> No. 9876
So if Nick comes back, should we start asking him CWCpedia Mailbag type questions? I understand the urge to just keep yelling at him, but he's got no filter so it could potentially lead to some hilarious (or rage-inducing) tidbits.
>> No. 9877
He's desperate...?
>> No. 9878
Now you're getting it, instead of just raging at this guy, we should be fucking with him.
>> No. 9879

He probably started out liking a few things that she liked, but later started to emulate her interests.
>> No. 9880

Cybering in character.
>> No. 9881
So, what kind of things should we ask?
>> No. 9882
File 130616950461.jpg - (45.93KB , 924x285 , paul.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Would Nick be upset to know that Anna was briefly with a guy named Paul?
>> No. 9883

I don't have any specific ideas myself, but I was wondering whether we should avoid politics. While it could be enlightening (remember his comments on Osama?), any response he makes will likely derail the thread as people argue how right or wrong he is.

Any thoughts? Should we avoid political subjects, or risk the consequences?
>> No. 9884

Nick insists that Anna will eventually love him, so he considers anyone she's dating to be unimportant.
>> No. 9885
He was aware of Paul. He followed that lj of hers.
>> No. 9886

We could ask him some of the questions from the "Dirty Talk with Invisible Crane" video. It's marked as private right now, but I'm sure that I downloaded it onto my desktop.
>> No. 9887

He doesn't have any hidden youtube videos. Unless we're talking about somewhere else.
>> No. 9888

The video was an interview with invisible Crane where they asked him questions, to which he responded stupidly. It's mentioned on his ED page in the "moar videos" section.
>> No. 9889
Invisible crane as in.... Anna?
>> No. 9890

I am a terrible person because I got a 90%.

Also >>63687 what ED page?
>> No. 9891


It's NSFW, because there's a picture of his penis at the top of the article. In the "MOAR VIDEOS" section, there's a video called "Dirty talk with Invisible Crane". That's the video that I'm referring to.


No, he's just some weird guy that faded out before he become a full blown lolcow. If you read the article, you'll see what I mean.
>> No. 9892

>Dear Strong Bad-san,
Hi Strong Bad, I'm in need of some of your sage wisdom. Maybe some
parsley wisdom, too! There is this girl that I love but she thinks I'm
stalking her for some reason. How do I prove I'm not a stalker?
Your viewer,
Dr. Nickalaus Bate, Ph.D. of Washington Boro, Pennsylvania

Haha, he emailed Strong Bad about Anna
>> No. 9893

>What was the reason his mom once sent him to a psychiatric hospital?
>She wanted him to wear a t-shirt, but he refused because t-shirts burn his skin.
>She had her husband steal all of Nick's posessions, and Nick tried to defend himself with a bat.
>He ate a french fry off of the floor, so she slapped him and chased him upstairs. Then he threw a weight sleeve at her head.
>She found out he was talking to his friends on the phone. HAND CRUSH'd!
>She found out he was talking to a friend online, and when she stole the mouse and closed his browser window, he pushed her away.

I'm guessing that all of these are true.
>> No. 9894
heh his favorite character is couch z. that explains alot
>> No. 9895
>> No. 9896

Ah, I thought you ment an interview with nick by whoever and an ed article with nick lol
>> No. 9897
oh hey
if you guys are looking at anna's old livejournal account she has changed a LOT since then... she's much more mature now. so don't like, base your opinion of her now on posts from back then.
>> No. 9898

basing it off her immaturity in newer accounts that are very active such as her DeviantArt.
>> No. 9899
oh, can you give me an example? i only saw livejournal examples, sorry
>> No. 9900
Lol, I didn't bother reading any of her old posts, but she exudes immaturity.
>> No. 9901
He was aware of Paul and requested his assassination, somehow.
>> No. 9902
File 130618010194.png - (39.32KB , 620x536 , Coach_z_butt.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>As Coach Z himself is not afraid to admit, he's got more than two problems. Despite being a coach, he doesn't know what a basketball is, as indicated in secret recipes. It has been strongly implied that he has a crush on Marzipan, and he has occasionally made inappropriate comments about her; one occasion on her answering machine when he was drunk, and another during the commercial break of the 4Tst annual Fall Float Parade. In diorama, Coach Z even refers to Marzipan as his "gorgeous girlfriend". He also has difficulty pronouncing certain words, such as "job" (as shown in the "A Jorb Well Done" cartoon), instead pronouncing it as "jorb", "jaerb", or "jorearb". In addition to his frequent mispronunciations, Coach Z also seems to have mental and gender confusion problems, as evidenced by the time he spent "talking to his parents" on a disconnected telephone, and claiming to be a mother in garage sale. He has even stated on one occasion that he sometimes "forgets what's real, and what's just in [his] head". He has an apparent fixation with butts, and he seems to have a habit of butt-patting. Many characters see him as a nuisance. Even Homestar treated Coach Z with contempt in Decemberween Short Shorts, quickly refusing to allow Coach Z to come to his house for Decemberween.
>> No. 9903
I didn't read ANY of her lj, and I agree. I kind of don't want to read it if that's her immaturity's peak.
>> No. 9904
File 130618030861.jpg - (14.50KB , 162x209 , 33988_1498756555755_1439377835_31339455_1654764_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Cute Boys, Cute Girls, Dressing Like a Slut, Stirring Up Controversy, Fanfiction, Bad Erotic Fanfiction, Bad Fanfiction, Making Out, Mudkipz, Robot Mudkip-
>> No. 9905
that was a while ago, and some of what was listed were injokes
>> No. 9906
if Anna was sex rping with him, wasn't she sort of asking for it?
Nick sucks, and all of his ideas are retarded. But the idea of Anna loving him didn't came out of nowhere as they were trying to make it.
He was just very stupid and dare I say, naive, and didn't realize Anna was a whore...
>> No. 9907
i don't think she did it to be a whore, just for fun. it was stated earlier that she has "mild autism"... autistic people are very sexual!
plus one of the main things about autism/aspergers is not really understanding the concept of cause and effect. i'm sure she didn't realize at the time that one thing would be related to another.
and, remember, she was only fourteen...
>> No. 9908
I don't know, they've tried throwing other skanky women at him, and he doesn't seem to bite. Maybe it's harder pretending to want to be his sweetheart? I mean Chris is so comparatively innocent. I don't think I'd be able to read Nick's messages about wanting to lick kid's assholes for very long before I gave up.

I mean, I would suggest trying for the old sweetheart deal, because this guy could be milked for some genuinely disturbing videos, but I'm pretty sure that's kind of what they were already trying with the other Anna, and he completely has a madonna-whore complex going. He seems to see all other women as girls simply to cyber with.

What if Anna became the opposite of everything he likes about her? Like she posted that she was burning all her TMBG cds on her LJ or something, assuming she still uses that. I could see him rationalizing that she wasn't "his" Anna anymore, and that his Anna had died, so it was okay for him to move on and focus exclusively on casual sex with children or whatever.
>> No. 9909
>>autistic people are very sexual!

Only the lolcow ones. Most of the ones I've interacted with in real life are completely asexual.

For an internet example, Ulillillia comes to mind. He can't even comprehend it. There's this sad post he made on some forum expressing confusion and frustration at his male dog's refusal to get off his female dog's back.
>> No. 9910

is she cured now? because if she is, it wasn't autism/aspergers....
I think it was mostly immaturity, she was fourteen, as you said. She did lead him on, knowing he liked her. That was a mistake she must be regretting every day.

It doesn't excuse Nick, don't get me wrong, he is very sick individual and most people would react by just moving on after a while.
How was she supposed to know that guy was an obsessed little freak? she couldn't.

But it was, and it's partly her fault.

I'm trying to make this point: Nick is disgusting and he does need some sort of mental help.
BUT Anna wasn't a sweet little angel that became Nick's victim at random, which was the way it was presented at first.
>> No. 9911
>autistic people are very sexual!

...except for the ones who never fully develop sexually or are asexual.
>> No. 9912
She isn't autistic, she's a dipshit. Please don't try and pretend you know shit about autism, jessa.

If she wanted to have nothing to do with him and truly didn't like it, why wouldn't she just completely ignore him/stop posting every email she has everywhere/still obsess over what he loves like shes still 13/post tons of self images on public fliker/have her friends stop spying on him and keeping her updated/etc.

She lives on the other side of the country and never met him irl.

Also yeah, this doesn't change how bad Nick is. It just means annas not so much a victim.

And no, her 'bisexuality' (even says on her facebook lolol) and her bad porno literature were not jokes.
>> No. 9913
maybe because he talked about having children and getting married without having met and she let it go until she decided he was stalking her. thats normally a hint that someones a fucking psychopath.
>> No. 9914
>is she cured now?
no, people have helped her become more aware of things and she's been working on self-improvement.

your post doesn't make sense. i'm not even going to try and respond to this.
>> No. 9915
> i don't think she did it to be a whore, just for fun.

Oh ok, for a second there I thought she was trashy and immature. Thanks for clearing up she didn't do that to be a whore.

>> No. 9916
um, i explained myself in the next sentence.

people with aspergers are very sexual. they find it interesting, it doesn't mean they are trashy. her rping with him was for fun, not for sluttiness.
>> No. 9917
>people with aspergers are very sexual.
[citation needed]
>> No. 9918
>>people with aspergers are very sexual.

This is the second time you've said this. Do you just KNOW they are, by any chance?

Maybe you could try a third rephrasing? Anna is very sexual?
>> No. 9919
she is
>> No. 9920
I think she's trying to say annas a whore and she's autistic like all the other attention whores on the internet.

But she's totally not a whore.
>> No. 9921
it's sort of just common knowledge. a lot of them are asexual, yeah, but very rarely are they between "high sex drive/interest in sex" or "not interested/completely confounded by the idea of it".
>> No. 9922
and i know that diagnoses aren't always the best way to go, but she was diagnosed with aspergers when she was twelve. like, legit. so yes she is autistic.
>> No. 9923
So does anyone have any idea as to whether Nick's mother or the police are going to do anything about Nick?
>> No. 9924

I was diagnosed with bipolar, autism, schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder. im legit.
>> No. 9925
look you guys, all i am trying to say here is this:
anna may not be completely innocent or a complete victim, but at the time all of this happened she was a fourteen year old aspie. she only knew she had it for two years, and while she was somewhat self-aware she still did not know how to cope with things like she does today. she did not understand "cause and effect", and while some things she did may have given nick mixed messages she did not lead him on on purpose.
>> No. 9926
Still not believing it.
>> No. 9927
>>it's sort of just common knowledge.

Of course.

Just like kids being able to consent.

And Anna being Nick's soulmate.

And vaginas being gross.

You just KNOW they're all sexual except for the ones that are asexual. We understand.
>> No. 9928
okay, you guys clearly don't know anything about autism/aspergers outside of what lolcows have shown you. there is no point in trying to have a real conversation here. i'll continue lurking.
>> No. 9929
One of the symptoms of PDD-NOS is promiscuity, so I could believe what Jessa is saying in regards to that. But even so, why would Anna do those things with Nick of all people??
>> No. 9930
so it's okay she cybered him.
>> No. 9931
oh hey, somebody believes me!

she did it with nick because they used to be best friends. and as i said before, it was just for fun... she was never actually attracted to him.
>> No. 9932
My little sister is -actually- autistic, and I volunteer at her middle school as an aid for the special class. I've BEEN working with autistic children and teenagers since I was 15.

Your friend told you she's autistic and was 'diagnosed' but she lacks any signs of autism. The closest thing she has is not being very self aware. But that's because she's too involved with her fanfics and internet popularity.
>> No. 9933
I think that makes it WORSE.
>> No. 9934

>it was stated earlier that she has "mild autism"

>> No. 9935
she is like textbook aspergers, dude. i mean yeah she's made improvements but a few years ago? yes. she has aspergers.

maybe it's a good thing i have to explain to you that she is autistic. maybe it shows how much she has improved.
>> No. 9936
Im going by her 07 chatloags.
>> No. 9937
not really. sex is supposed to be fun. and cybering is kind of a joke anyway, like really, who takes that seriously

nick, i guess, but come on, they were just friends having a good time
>> No. 9939
File 130618491076.jpg - (77.93KB , 407x405 , I_can_count_to_potato.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hahaha, you are not making a good case for yourself. But do go on.
>> No. 9940
nahh. i'll come back when you guys are ready to be "grown-ups".
>> No. 9941

Yeah, I cyber with my friends all the time, WUTS THE BIG DEEL?
>> No. 9942
Oh look jessa chatlogs
>> No. 9943
I don't see how anyone here isn't acting 'grown-up'.
>> No. 9944
because we're not obsessing over internet fads and cybering fat guys I guess?
>> No. 9945

Oh yeah I know, I cyber all of my buddies ALL THE TIME. It's cool!
>> No. 9946
ur'e all just victim blamerers..... blindwashed by ameriKKKa's moralsz....
>> No. 9947

I love it when inmature teens try to tell me to act grown up.
I said she was a whore, maybe it was to strong of a word, she is inmature... and blaming inmaturiry on mental illnesses is even more childish.
Kinda like Nick, oh wait....

Stop defending Anna, Jessa, you're not making yourself sound any more inteligent.
>> No. 9948
Oh man. Layers and layers of trolling
>> No. 9949
god jessa just because one person you know with a mild form of autism is sexual doesn't mean ALL autistics are sexual

some autistics can't even comprehend what sex is, as in they can't cyber and they can't make sexual comments. it doesn't make sense to them.
>> No. 9950
Shut your whore mouth, nothing's sexier than autism. Now stick your Sonic figurines up my ass and tell me I've been bad.
>> No. 9951

Yup. This 100%. The autistics I know irl think 'penis' is hilarious and will probably never comprehend sex. Let alone be able to cyber or keep up a conversation on AIM about relevant interests.
>> No. 9952
Hey I'm kind of new to reading about this guy, can someone give me a quick summary so I can get up to date?
>> No. 9953
I'm going to be honest, you're really starting to sound like Nick. Do you all do this? Everyone in your little circle I mean.

You're not really presenting a case at all, you just assert that all those with autism are very sexual. When that's disputed you say all those with asperger's. That's disputed and rather than presenting an argument, you just say everyone's immature for disagreeing with you.

What are you basing your claim on, exactly? Do you just know a bunch of internet attention whores who claim to have asperger's and are obsessed with sex?

And then you do it again when you say "Come on guys, obviously she has asperger's." Normally this would be when you site examples, name specific instances, demonstrate some knowledge on the subject you're talking about, but no. You just get pissy when everyone doesn't agree with you right away.
>> No. 9954
This. All we asked for was something to prove her claim. But she JUST KNOWS.
>> No. 9955
19 year old, lives with his grandmother, his parents hate him.

Stalking a girl he's never met, has a shrine to her, has written erotic fiction about her, claims she WILL love him even though she hates him now, and if she doesn't accept him in life, god will force her to marry him in Heaven.

Is obsessed with anuses to a disgusting extent, and thinks vaginas are disgusting. Writes endlessly about his desire to lick ass, fuck ass, and get head. He puts stuff in his butt, when he gets shit and semen on his hands, he just smears it all over his walls.

Admitted pedophile, says he likes little girls because "their vaginas haven't opened up and become all gross, and they're cute and energetic". Believes pedophilia and incest should be legal. Says they're "stupid laws" and believes children can consent. Says a newborn baby has the exact same brain as an adult. Thinks children can be taught about sex and then it's okay to fuck them, this includes his own children were he able to have any. Also he's a crossdresser and he's into larping.

He told a disgusting story about molesting his real life 9 year old (8 at the time) sister, having her lick his ass and suck him off, then licking her butt cheeks. He now denies this story and claims he was just telling it to his friends to sound cool. However he's also stated he likes to watch his sister go to the bathroom.

He actively seeks failure. He takes pride in being stupid, and claims he's a responsible adult because he WANTS to live as he currently is. He has this stupid prophecy of marrying Anna and being her "househusband" that has three conditions. He can't graduate high school (he did, and wants to get it revoked) he can't get a job (technically had one, for a bit) and Anna has to stay a virgin (she's had sex.)

He idolizes stupid characters in tv shows, finding them funny, and wishes to be like the. Essentially he sees himself as the star of a tv show.

He's completely immune to logic, and responds to any questioning of his claims with "I just KNOW." "It just is." "It's destiny." and so on. For example when it was pointed out that it's a scientific fact children have less developed brains than adults, he claimed this fact was bigoted and ageist, and children were apparently being harmed by being prevented from being raped. When asked about the soulmate the conversation ends up more or less "Why does she have to end up with you?" "Because we're soulmates." "But she hates you." "She hates me now, but she'll love me in the future." "Why?" "Because we're soulmates." "How do you know?" "Instinct." "Instincts can be wrong." "Not this one." "Why not?" "Because we're soulmates." "How do you know you're soulmates?" "I just do."
>> No. 9957
Ah ok, thanks. So he actually posts here, though?
>> No. 9958
>He told a disgusting story about molesting his real life 9 year old (8 at the time) sister, having her lick his ass and suck him off, then licking her butt cheeks.
Post it.
Also this should be some kind of reference for a quick summary of his character should there ever be an ED article about him.
>> No. 9959
He had no internet access for quite a while, limited only to posting on his twitter account with his cell phone. Then a couple weeks ago he tried to contact Anna again, and eventually some of them mentioned him here, and found and read a bunch of stuff about him and various contact information, and it got back to him that he was being discussed, and that Anna had posted in one of the previous threads that she had sex with her boyfriend, so Nick asked his father if he could come to his place and use his computer for a while so he could "Set the record straight and defend himself" and for three or four days he posted here, proving it was in fact him by posting his tripcoded name on his twitter. Rather than defend himself though, he basically proved everything said about him was true, except for molesting Amber, which he claimed was just a joke, but he still argued at length that children should have the legal right to have sex with adults if they want to.

All the evidence was supposedly sent to his mother's facebook account, and he disappeared abruptly, and his phone has run out of minutes. He's completely cut off now. He could have just gone home to keep playing FF7, or he could be in jail at the moment.
>> No. 9960
Yes. There have been several threads where he has defended himself. In this thread he drew some vaginas. Pre-pubescent vaginas.
>> No. 9961
Hey, i'm back.
I thought about how I reacted and I have some actual examples for you now.

> "5 Things You Should Know About Sexual Behaviour and Asperger's Syndrome"
"There is very little research into sexual behavior and people with Asperger's. However, most people who suffer with the syndrome show interest in sex. Society's norms on sexuality will not be intuitive to the person with Asperger's."
"Obsessive behavior is a symptom of Asperger's and may carry over to sexual relations. Also, some medications used to treat symptoms of the syndrome may also impact sexual desire."

> "Porn As the Special Interest"
I know this may not be the best example because it is making fun of the guy but it is an example of a person with Aspergers who shows an extreme interest in sexual things.

> "Aspergers and Sexual Restraint"
This kid is not asexual.
>> No. 9962
And is Jessa Nick?
>> No. 9963
Wow, three examples proving your point! I sure was wrong! It's not like you just Googled this or anything. Surely you based your opinion on research and involvement with people suffering from this disorder, and by "people" I don't mean "one person that you happen to know suffering from the same thing". No siree, you did some damn good research, I'm proud! You're certainly putting your degree in psychology to good use, Jessa.
>> No. 9964
Jessa is Anna's best friend.
>> No. 9965
These aren't peer-reviewed articles by professionals.
>> No. 9966
Oh fuck, internet articles. I may as well just throw away my psychology books right now.
>> No. 9967
... How else am I supposed to prove my point over the internet?
I could tell you that I know and talk to a man whose profession is to work with and diagnose Autistic/Asperger people but you would just call me a liar.
I could tell you I myself have Aspergers and I know several people who do, and I am speaking from experience, but you would say my opinion is invalid because I'm just a dumb Aspie.

Holy double standards you guys
>> No. 9968
There isn't any "omg guize double standards" thing going on here. It just takes a lot more than a ten-minute Google search to prove your point, okay? And of course I'm not going to take your point seriously. You've already shown that you really know very little about what you claim to know all about.
>> No. 9969
Until you can provide actual peer-reviewed studies about this shit, I won't believe a word of it. Anecdotes and internet articles aren't going to prove anything.
>> No. 9970
What double-standards? For the expected outcomes you provided?

Are you saying you are promiscuous and blaming it on your asperger's?

You presented three links. The first one says there's very little research on the subject, but most show interest. Most people in general show interest in sex, that doesn't say anything about increased interest.
>> No. 9971
I searched for like half an hour for these three examples. These were the best I could find... the rest I was a bit skeptical about.
These examples are people speaking from experience. And I do know about Autism and Aspergers, I told you I have it. A family member suggested I may have it, so I researched it and asked people ( including the doctor mentioned earlier ) so I could finally understand myself and improve on my flaws.
>> No. 9972
I honestly don't see how this is such a hard thing to grasp...
>> No. 9973
> And I do know about Autism and Aspergers, I told you I have it.
>A family member suggested I may have it, so I researched it and asked people ( including the doctor mentioned earlier ) so I could finally understand myself and improve on my flaws.
Unless you have been properly diagnosed with Aspberger's by a psychiatrist who you regularly visit, you are just a hypochondriac.
>> No. 9974
Jesus Christ Jenna, who cares? Quit while you're ahead.
>> No. 9975
Wow this thread sure is about Nick Bate.
>> No. 9976
So is this family member a Doctor? If not then i think you should see one.
>> No. 9977
File 130619305776.jpg - (99.43KB , 250x350 , KILL_IT_WITH_FIRE.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What I want to know is why are you bothering to argue with this creature? You really think it will be fazed by rationality? It's not even human.

There's only one way to deal with such beasts. Pic related.
>> No. 9978
Don't suppose a mod could confirm whether or not the Jessa posting now is the same one that's been posting in the thread from the beginning? I'm starting to smell troll.
>> No. 9979
>"I could tell you I myself have Aspergers and I know several people who do, and I am speaking from experience, but you would say my opinion is invalid because I'm just a dumb Aspie."
Yes I did.

And while every doctor I know is on my side I do not have an official diagnosis because here in Canada, no matter the circumstances, those are $1500. Nice try, though.
>> No. 9980
Pretty sure it's the same Jessa. She's done this sort of thing before.
>> No. 9981

>I searched for like half an hour for these three examples. These were the best I could find

So shouldn't that tell you that you're probably wrong about it? Three articles based on anecdotal evidence, not peer reviewed, if you can't find anything better than that then there's no real basis for your original assertion. As for these examples they seem to be portraying any autistic interest in sex as obsessive and deviant, I can certainly see this in Nick, but Anna's interest in sex just seems to be that of any slightly slutty teenager, there's nothing particularly odd or deviant about her actions.

>And I do know about Autism and Aspergers, I told you I have it.

Oh ffs, has everyone involved in this shit on the autistic spectrum or something? Being a dick isn't a mental disorder, it's just being a dick, stop making excuses for yourselves.
>> No. 9982
File 130619409064.jpg - (16.62KB , 356x338 , the hilarity.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Apparently everyone involved in this affair has some form of autism. This does not surprise me in the least.
>> No. 9983
I'm not being a dick, I'm trying to explain my opinion because you guys don't seem to get what I'm saying.

All of this started out as me defending Anna what the hell
>> No. 9984
What? Where?
>> No. 9985
We've lost sympathy for Anna, but we haven't lost bile for Nick. That's as good as it's gonna get.
>> No. 9986

Wow, that went completely over your head didn't it? I wasn't saying you were being a dick right here, I was saying you are just a dick in general and blame it aspergers so you have an excuse, same with Anna and he "mild autism". Jessa, we get what you are saying, we just disagree with it, there's a difference.
>> No. 9987
File 130619452714.jpg - (51.15KB , 650x507 , 1306147366095.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>And while every doctor I know is on my side I do not have an official diagnosis because here in Canada, no matter the circumstances, those are $1500. Nice try, though.

So in other words you don't have an official diagnosis. Wait, I thought healthcare was free in Canada? Wouldn't psychiatric care be covered?

Seriously, you sound exactly like Nick now. No evidence to back your claims, ignorance of the subject, acting as if anyone who disagrees must be a fool.

The very first article you posted specifically said there's very little research on the subject, so even if a doctor told you that, he'd be basing it on his own opinion, not on any study.

Asperger's is notoriously over-diagnosed for kids with social problems on the internet.

Also, if you're in Canada, and Anna's in the states... You're just online friends too?
>> No. 9988
I'm not a dick. You are making judgements based on one conversation we have had.

You disagree. I respect your opinion. I don't respect how you guys have been handling this though, and I have been trying to clear some things up.
>> No. 9989

All of Nick's little circle are insane.
>> No. 9990
health care is free except for psychiatric/psychological things, dental and optometry.

I realize Aspergers is way over-diagnosed. I think that's why a lot of people don't take it seriously. And although you may not believe I or Anna have it, we know we have it. You did not watch us grow up.

And yes we are online friends. We hang out a lot irl though.
>> No. 9991
Also more photoshop curtsy of nick.
>> No. 9992
File 130619495075.jpg - (38.83KB , 473x527 , bitchesdontknow.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 9993

>And while every doctor I know is on my side I do not have an official diagnosis because here in Canada, no matter the circumstances, those are $1500.

A doctor is not a psychiatrist, they generally have little actual knowledge about psychiatry beyond common sense and pop psychology, until you see someone who specialises in it you really have no basis to say you have Aspergers, you doing very little more than self diagnosis, which nearly always turns out to be wrong.
>> No. 9994
Okay, dude, I meant psychiatrist. Stop nitpicking.
>> No. 9995

"Trying to clear some things up" seems to consist of blaming Anna's and your own mistakes on self diagnosed mental conditions.
>> No. 9996
Hey, just looked at some web articles. I think i have a mild form of autism.

see how fucking easy it is to just say you have something.
>> No. 9997
Anna is not self-diagnosed, she has a real diagnosis that has been in place since she was 12. I have mentioned this.

I haven't been self-diagnosed but I do not have a real diagnosis on paper because of how much it costs.
>> No. 9998

I wasn't nitpicking, you made it sound as if you were talking about general practitioners, not anybody in the psychiatric field.
>> No. 9999
>"I could tell you that I know and talk to a man whose profession is to work with and diagnose Autistic/Asperger people but you would just call me a liar."

I was referring to people like him. I brainfarted and couldn't think of the actual term so I generalized them under "doctor"
>> No. 10000
So, for the medical care you have an average wait time of 18 weeks, but it's free* (*except for that it's the opposite of free in that it's paid through taxes, which everyone has to pay whether they see a doctor or not) but the US has better survival rates for most forms of cancer, and better care for optical, dental, and mental health?

I can't speak for every state, but I know in every one I've lived in there has been some kind of free or low cost mental health care provided. Then again, after that lifeofagreatmommy thread maybe I shouldn't have so much confidence in your system.
>> No. 10001

I do believe we happened upon a colony of spergs.
>> No. 10002
File 130619550855.jpg - (62.17KB , 704x480 , 0107132.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
jesus what happened to this thread
>> No. 10003
>>I could tell you that I know and talk to a man whose profession is to work with and diagnose Autistic/Asperger people

And? I'm a 26 year old slacker who posts on /cwc/ and I used to have that job -minus the diagnosis part.

None of the clients I worked with were remotely sexual (I've actually posted about this a couple times before, so if you've been here a while you may recognize what I'm about to say.)

Closest to them being sexual was one guy in his 50's who carried around a wallet with a picture of every woman he'd ever met in it, and when he introduced himself he would pull out a random photo and claim she was his wife, as well as claim to be an astronaut or to work for the FBI. The other was a girl we believed was molested who was mostly non-verbal beyond "Uh-oh." "What's happening!" and "Katie bad."
>> No. 10004
File 130619584580.jpg - (78.45KB , 450x334 , bender cigar.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I don't know but I'm enjoying myself.
>> No. 10005
File 130619603462.jpg - (21.07KB , 300x240 , GreatScott_April27_300110427100210.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Grab the spray, guys.
>> No. 10006
File 130619625638.jpg - (44.51KB , 918x294 , high.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Should I post more of Anna's stupidity? She tried to get high off of caffeine, this is from 2008. She was 15.
>> No. 10007
Guys I just had a spoonful of cough syrup and I'm SOOOO DRUNKKK
>> No. 10008
File 130619644655.jpg - (48.76KB , 675x552 , cybering.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
She mentions cybering with people from the Homestar Runner forum, non jokingly. Do you think that Nick was a part of this bunch? She's 12 at this age.
>> No. 10009
File 13061965382.jpg - (42.89KB , 900x321 , attentionwhore.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
At the age of 13, her attention whoring skills began to blossom.
>> No. 10010
File 130619655429.jpg - (6.80KB , 201x126 , Herbie+Hancock+hancock_jackrobinson.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 10011
File 130619668993.jpg - (48.95KB , 942x279 , tsundere.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I thought that this was amusing because she bombed socially in front of a "pretty boy".
>> No. 10012
*holds up spork* doooooooooom
>> No. 10013
File 130619683411.jpg - (42.82KB , 918x282 , ungrateful.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Her life is so mediocre.
>> No. 10014
File 130619691244.jpg - (33.02KB , 915x228 , internetdanger.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's ironic how her parents were right.
>> No. 10015
You realize in an attempt to validate why Anna behaved the way she did, you validate Nick's behavior? You should do yourself and Anna a favor and stop.

Anna was a fourteen year old girl. She was young, made mistakes and, hey, maybe she actually liked Nick at one point. However, what she did and said at fourteen does not justify following someone for three years over the internet. She has outright said she hated him and wants him dead, to stop and to leave her alone. I don't think cybering with someone or telling someone you love them at fourteen, warrants being stalked nearly a half decade later. So can we leave this dead horse alone?
>> No. 10016
It really depresses me that someone like Nick exists, and he worships/stalks someone like this.
>> No. 10017
I don't like Anna but the majority of 12/13 year olds are usually this stupid so it's not really good evidence. I had a Xanga (lol) when I was 12 and when I looked back on it I was deeply ashamed for being such a faggot, so it's not like people are always like they are at 12.
>> No. 10018

I'm not warranting Nick's behavior, I just think that her immature behavior at that age is funny. It's a bit cliche. It's not like she's like that now, am I not allowed to laugh at the past?
>> No. 10019
My point was not addressed towards people thinking a fourteen year old cybering is funny. It was addressed to Jessa and to people think she was "asking for" this creep to follow her around the internet
>> No. 10020
File 130619764890.jpg - (49.98KB , 903x270 , sexydress.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It's a bit worrisome to me because she talks about sex and wanting to attract the attention of men at an early age. She talks about wanting to buy sexy dresses at the age of 13. Maybe it's because I'm old-fashioned, but I think that she was too young to be doing that.
>> No. 10021

that was me, and that was not the point, if you read my reply from later my point was that at first it was presented as Anna being stalked for no reason.
There was a reason,

as someone else posted:
"We've lost sympathy for Anna, but we haven't lost bile for Nick."

and maybe Anna can learn from her mistakes, instead of trying to be a martyr and make us her personal army when she made this mess.

Anna is not Nick's little sister. The sister needs to be protected, Anna just needs to stay out of it.
>> No. 10022

I think that her parents probably didn't monitor her internet usage, and since she wasn't popular in real life (it was mentioned in her diary sometimes.) she turned to the internet. She would never have met Nick if people were friendly to her. It's tragic.
>> No. 10023
Nick disagrees
>> No. 10024
I feel like an ass for posting the diary, but it's interesting because you get a glimpse into the emotional development of a troubled young girl. It spans from her age of 12 to 15 I think.
>> No. 10025
Because I can't be bothered to read all this painfully boring shit and am basing my opinions on what little I did read, perhaps I'm entirely off-base.

Anyway, I'm getting the feeling that CWC has been turned into this whiny Jessa bitch's personal army? Is that right?

If so, this is fucking stupider than it was to begin with. I mean really.
>> No. 10026
.../cwc/, of course...
>> No. 10027
>Anyway, I'm getting the feeling that CWC has been turned into this whiny Jessa bitch's personal army? Is that right?

Umm, not really? People have only been arguing with her the whole damn thread.
>> No. 10028
File 130619871199.jpg - (304.95KB , 897x759 , nick4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nick never saw this? She clearly states that she doesn't want him.
>> No. 10029

Tubular Monkey? Is that your spergy ass?
>> No. 10030
OK. I just got the feeling that somebody who knows him personally (Anna or Jessa apparently) was the one to post about him on this board and incite the trolling. Doing piss work for and falling for tricks of some whiny teenage bitches seems like something that /cwc/ would be above, so I guess I am wrong in thinking that is what happened.
>> No. 10031
> sees autistic 12 year old girls using internet slang like "AMIRITE"

> feels old
>> No. 10032
File 130619900789.jpg - (38.32KB , 918x267 , nick.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here, she tells Nick to stop talking to her.
>> No. 10033
File 130619914673.jpg - (71.19KB , 921x294 , high9.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Sniffing markers in class.
>> No. 10034
File 130619929869.jpg - (74.02KB , 903x402 , dennys.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's not like Denny's was busy, and messing up the order was a minor mistake.
>> No. 10035
My free breakfast at Denny's was less than satisfactory, DUCKING DISASTER
>> No. 10036

She will never like him 'again'?
>> No. 10037

That was a year after she kept letting him tell her he loves her, had their fan characters fall in love, and cybered a bunch. I guess something happened between where I am in the logs and 08.
>> No. 10038
File 130620170126.jpg - (40.80KB , 585x357 , stalker1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Here's when he started being called a stalker.
>> No. 10039
The other Anna that cybered with Nick who we thought was this Anna sorta absorbed the "twist" impact. Pity
>> No. 10040
File 130620191227.jpg - (33.17KB , 600x279 , killedmomjackedoff.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I almost forgot this, here he drew a picture of him killing his mom. Afterwards, he feels the need to tell us that he jacked off. He was also able to jack off after drawing such a disturbing picture.
>> No. 10041

Yeah, nick getting e-action was pretty surprising. I do like how she flipped because we found the WRONG cyber logs.


Kind of sad how stupid he is lol
>> No. 10042
ALSO for the wiki, use this link


The co.nr doesn't work correctly (can't login etc).
>> No. 10043

Is it all right if I upload his journal entries?
>> No. 10044

Please do lol. Also thanks for getting all of that. At this rate I won't even be at the 2008 logs for another month.
>> No. 10045
>> No. 10046
Which is fine and good except Anna was not the one who posted Nick here. Maddi was. Anna came in to clarify a few things and, ultimately, left when people turned against her. I really don't care about how you feel about a teenaged aspie, it's just irritating that you'd use something that occurred years ago to justify Nick's current attitude and behavior towards her, especially since Anna's behavior and opinion of Nick has obviously taken a complete 180. So, no, because she changed her mind about how she felt about him, she isn't asking for it, even if she told him she loved him and would marry him when she was fourteen.

I wasn't really contending the idea that it didn't come out of nowhere or that Amber's safety shouldn't be top priority so idk where that came from
>> No. 10047
Nobody's saying Nick's justified in the least
>> No. 10048

this is already more than I wanted to get into it, so, meh.

Has Maddi stopped posting completely? And has Nick stopped trusting her?
>> No. 10049
Also, it's worth noting the board didn't "turn against [Anna]", she sperged out because she couldn't take a little heat, started accusing everyone, then left. Doesn't really matter, but this board isn't the vicious hivemind you make it out to be.
>> No. 10050
Fair and true enough.
>> No. 10051

She left when we got his email because she knew we'd find the stuff we did lol
>> No. 10052

The fact is, someone shook the hornet's nest, so now everyone's wang is in the grinder. Considering the amount of autism flying around, trying to be a nice troll is pretty pointless.
>> No. 10053

thank you for actually reading anon, instead of just beating a dead horse like Edith.
Because I actually said that Nick is discusting, I said he is retarded, I said most of us would have gotten the hint and he didn't.

My point still stands...
Anna isn't as innocent.
Blaming immaturity on "supposed aspergers" made it worse.

I hate people that lead on others, knowing they have feelings for them. Anna did that.
Anna has none of my sympathy, if she has yours, good for you.
>> No. 10054
We aren't even arguing the same point. So dumb :(
>> No. 10055
so where's nick, at home or in jail?
>> No. 10056

>> No. 10058
Yeah :((
>> No. 10059

brb, *in the corner...
>> No. 10060
where did my awesome post go
>> No. 10061
I saw it though
Part of me hopes jail, because that would be just. The other part of me hopes not because he's been the reason for a large majority of the activity on the board these past few days. It sucks that he can't even tweet about being forced to take showers, let alone tell us if hell was bought down on him when he got home to his mom's
>> No. 10062
The original thread was created by Maddi, the (currently 14 year old) girl Nick was most recently e-dating (because it's okay when he does it.) She was apparently dating him out of pity, and then later simply to troll him. Eventually Anna and all Nick's "friends" (read: people who despise and mock him) popped in with more information. He had thoroughly doxed himself, has no shame and so documented every horrible thing he'd said or done, and had very obvious passwords (like, some variation of Anna and such) so it wasn't long before we had everything on him.

The tone shifted after people were less than complimentary towards Anna and she took offense and swore not to browse the board anymore (she continued to, and was in the irc channel as well.) However she chose never to speak directly to Nick within any of the threads, possibly her only smart decision.

Jessa's role was relatively minor until this thread when she just started posting to defend Anna after her livejournal posts and chat logs with Nick started to make it look like she completely brought this on herself.
>> No. 10063

My intention wasn't to make it seem like she deserved it, I just happened upon her journal after looking for more information about Nick. I read some of it, and I thought that she was equally amusing.
>> No. 10064
File 130620642428.gif - (423.89KB , 259x169 , tumblr_lhx4h66YO91qar70f.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

What? Seriously, WHAT? This woman is just finding out that her daughter may very well have been raped by her bastard of a son, and you want to get two attention seeking jackasses over to scream "julayy" and make jokes about shit fetishes to her over the phone?
Pardon my french, but fuck you.
>> No. 10065
lol victim blaming
>> No. 10066
I do feel Nick is less their personal lolcow than they wish he was. They seem kinda tightly-knit, more willing to watch him swim with the sharks than to actually call for his blood.
>> No. 10067
Try to work in buzzwords like "slut-shaming" and "cisgender" too while you're at it ;)
>> No. 10068
only if you keep saying "sperging" and "lolcow".
>> No. 10069
Far out, dude. Did you get your sociology101 grades back yet
>> No. 10070
girls, girls, calm down. You're both faggots.
>> No. 10071
never went to college :)
>> No. 10072
Can we all agree that Anna is an attention whore and made a retard out of herself, but Nick's still out of line to decide she's his soulmate? lol

Granted she DID let him say he loves her and shit for a while, but he's just really fucked up. I don't know why she suddenly changed her tone, but I'm not making any accusations until I find out.
>> No. 10073
File 130620813420.jpg - (75.32KB , 570x330 , LA-Noire-Images-Cole-Phelps.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Looks like we need to find the truth.
>> No. 10074
Lets just agree that everyone involved in this whole thing is a socially inept retard.
Self-diagnosed disorders
Online friends/dating/RP/etc... due to lack of IRL social skills
They're all either in highschool or have the mental capacity of a highschooler
And they find that shitty Bonus Stage cartoon not only funny, but cosplay and write fanfics about it.

Stop giving these stupid whores the attention they want. Fucking with Nick is fine and dandy because he's a pervert. All the girls involved are just feeding off the publicity.
>> No. 10075

and nick isn't? ;D
>> No. 10076

No he is, be he wants all the negative attention he can get, which will in turn land him in a federal prison.

So it's all gravy.
>> No. 10077

But he RUINED my life! You don't understand the horror he's putting me through. He CALLS me ONCE IN A WHILE! Don't you see? I can't just simply ignore him; how else would I be able to feel good enough to warrant attention?
>> No. 10078
Wait, where are we getting "Anna & co are attention whores" from?
>> No. 10079
So it WAS basically a personal army thing.

lol fags
>> No. 10080
File 130621909338.jpg - (60.47KB , 1581x558 , perpetuallyhorny.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Also picture related.
>> No. 10081
Anna, why don't you file a restraining order? I'm pretty sure that it would prevent him from contacting you in any way. Perhaps your parent can help you set it up.
>> No. 10082
got anything less than 5 years old?
>> No. 10084

When I referenced the links, I was only showing you the posts that made people think that she was an attention whore. I jokingly implied it with the picture taken from her live journal profile. Besides, we're laughing at things that Nick did more than five years ago. We can't joke about things that Anna has done years ago?
>> No. 10085
>that autobiography

I raged.
>> No. 10086

I doubt they'd give out restraining orders for someone who lives on the opposite coast and never met you. >___>

Probably because that situation is very avoidable and easily fixed.
>> No. 10087
I want to punch her so hard.
>> No. 10088
dude, she was fifteen. That was years ago. I think she sort of learned by now that her actions brought attention she found she didnt actually want. She grew up.
>> No. 10089
>grew up
>> No. 10090
LOL Yup, it's even funnier when you put it that way!

LOL She's posting about it all HERE now. Do you really think she has?
>> No. 10091
While Anna is coming off as less sympathetic the more we learn about her, let's clear a couple things up.

This isn't Anna. Anna posted under a slightly different screen name, and she swore never to directly post on the board again (though she was still in IRC long after that declaration.)

Not unless you think ADF is a personal army thing, seeing as that's primarily promoted and bumped up by people who talk to him on facebook and deviantart.

Anna didn't bring this to our attention, Maddi did, another girl who just seemed to want us all to have a laugh at his expense. (Then she drew some pictures that made it look like she wanted a webcomic out of all this.) She stopped taking part in this like three threads ago. This is all /cwc/ now.

She didn't. She first showed up halfway through like the second thread just to answer a bunch of questions. One of Nick's conditions for his bizarre "legend of Anna" bullshit was that she must remain a virgin or "both our lives are ruined forever."

Anna basically made a post that more or less read "Yes, I think he's creepy. Yes, he really says stuff like that. No, I never dated him. Yes, I have a boyfriend. Yes, we've had sex."

That was then shown to Nick who for a few minutes launched into a horrible depression about how his world had come to an end and posted numerous tweets claiming he was going to kill himself (including a post expressing how much difficulty he was having in trying to slit his wrists.) However, being backwards in everything else he went from acceptance into denial, and firmly believes she was lying, and she just wanted to hurt him, despite him not being able to get online at the time.
>> No. 10092
Can we please have someone who can at least write in proper English and spell words correctly writing the articles for the wiki, please? Looks like it's been written by a toddler.
>> No. 10093
Dear gentlemen of /cwc/,

It seems likely to me that Nick is going to be arrested and, as such, likely won't be back on the Internet for quite some time. Therefore, though he is the most fucked up one of the lot, he is of little utility to us as a lolcow.

Thus, since we've done our civic duty in getting a pedophile arrested, I suggest that we, instead of Nick, make Anna, Jess, and the rest of her sperg friends into the lolcows of this group. Perhaps we could make maddi into one too, but she seems like the only sane one of the bunch (although she likely has a bunch of lolcowish traits too).

>> No. 10094
Maddi's like 14 or something, right? That's thin ice, but if anyone wants to troll the rest, go right ahead.
>> No. 10095
Meh. They're your basic internet losers and the only really shocking thing about anna is that she tolerated Nick in the slightest.
>> No. 10096
What makes you think he will get arrested?
>> No. 10097
Well, his mother was contacted through her facebook account by several people in one of the other threads, with links to all the stuff he said and did. All the audio of him saying he wants to have sex with Amber, pedophilia should be legal, and his stalking of Anna.

Even if all she does is confront him about it, Nick has a criminal record. In the past when they've told him off, he has attacked his mother and step-father. (He claims they assaulted him first, but he also claimed his arms were permanently damaged by a boy at his school "punching me repeatedly with one finger.")

I can only imagine what would happen if after reading his exchanges with Anna they tried to take away his Anna shrines. Even moreso considering how angry he was when his mother threw away a filthy pillow she didn't even know he pretended was Anna.

If all the pedophilia and such is brought up in front of cops, they will ask Nick about it, and having no shame or internal filter he would likely tell the cops he thinks it's a stupid law and children can be taught to consent.
>> No. 10098

>Also, Internet Explorer won't display Twitter and /cwc/
>so I think cops might've blocked me from sties or
>something, which is dumb because now how the hell
>can I defend myself against the accusations?
>> No. 10099
Haha, what a retard.
I guess jail was too good to be true.
>> No. 10100
That was from the 19th before he started posting here.
>> No. 10101

>> No. 10102
File 130625035177.png - (85.67KB , 861x889 , 125671834857.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
/cwc/ - Easily manipulated by teenage girls
>> No. 10103
File 130625045989.jpg - (28.58KB , 400x287 , 6a0120a85dcdae970b0128777028fb970c.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Internet Explorer won't display
is this nigger for real?
>> No. 10104
>cops blocked me from sites
how the fuck can you think using IE is stupid compared to this
>> No. 10105
I haven't been following this guy; at first glance I find it funny that he assumes cops are involved because Internet Explorer doesn't work
>> No. 10106
ah then we're at the same point. God, could even Chris believe cops detached /cwc/? I mean, a trolling site? This guy surprises me every day.
>> No. 10107

I don't think that it matters where the person lives. I was watching a documentary about stalking behavior, and a women was being stalked by her husband's ex wife. She never saw her in person, but the fact that she sent letters to her was enough to get a restraining order.

It's worth a shot anyway. It's a little stupid to expect us to fix it, when he's clearly retarded. The most that we can do is make fun of him, but he's practically immune to that.
>> No. 10108

It's cool to laugh at Nick for being stupid years ago, but not cool to laugh at Anna for being stupid years ago?

Also for someone who supposedly became smarter, bringing this to the attention of trolls was her worst decision. Our job isn't to be internet vigilantes, we just document and laugh at stupid behavior.


Do it then. I spent most of my night last night uploading pictures. I originally wanted to use >>63866 as the "meat" of the article, but somebody edited it before I could.
>> No. 10109
Somebody tell Anna that if she really wants something to be done about this, to go and see if she can get a restraining order. We can't do shit but harass him.
>> No. 10110

I think it probably depends on the judge. If they aren't quite up with the time's they'll probably laugh and dismiss it immediately.
>> No. 10111
What has Nick ever done - in terms of stalking - that Anna & her crew hasn't also done?
Don't they harass and follow him online non-stop? I mean, ffs, they're the ones who brought him to our attention so we'd be their personal army.
>> No. 10112

She's upset because he 'tweets' about her- as far as I know (I'm still only in the 07s of this). BUT, as YOU said, she does the SAME THING. He tweets/blogs "I love anna I wanna lick her anus" and she tweets/blogs "OMG I FUCKING HATE NICK HES A STALKER I HATE HIM".

I don't know why she has her friends update her on him though. Like, if it's that upsetting you'd think she would just disappear from his sight completely and not want to remember him.
>> No. 10113

I don't think they've written any poop fiction about him.
>> No. 10114
Exactly. At least Nick didn't go whining anonymously to image boards in an effort to get them to help him with his gay problems. Have fun being used by stupid little girls, guys.
>> No. 10115

... that was actually kind of funny.

I'll be honest, if someone wrote poop fiction about me, I'd be like WOW thats CREEPY AS SHIT but I'd move on with my life.
>> No. 10116

It's only the one guy that's been defending her lol.
>> No. 10117
If someone wrote any kind of sexual fiction about me I have to say I'd be incredibly creeped out. Even if I was dating that person.

I think people just have different tolerances for things.

As far as the thread goes, I think Nick is totally worthy of trolling, and the people surrounding him are merely secondary. Most people who get trolled are just idiots too stupid to put the keyboard down- this guy is actually a horrible person. Assuming he doesn't get arrested, he deserves all the hell it's possible to give someone.
>> No. 10118
If Nick has molested Amber, he'd at least know what a vagina looks like. God damn it people, logic.
>> No. 10119
Not all molestation involves the vagina, hope that helps
>> No. 10120

The vagina and anus are quite close together. In order to lick someone's ass you need to pull their pants down, and if he had done that he would have seen that even children's vaginas "open up to see the gross parts". Hope that helps.
>> No. 10121
I'm talking a little bit higher, physically speaking, but feel free to draw more charts and diagrams about molesting underage girls
>> No. 10122

If you're talking about how she supposedly blew him, think for a second. If his claims of licking her ass don't quite add up, meaning he lied, wouldn't it make sense that he lied about everything else as well?

>> No. 10123
Yeah, people should have not done something about a professed pedophile who claims to have molested his sister

>> No. 10124
i personally dont think nick is a sperg, i think he's just an attention whore. i have friends who DO have aspergers and nick is actually more aware of social things than they are, he's just "shy".
>> No. 10125
He's terrified of vaginas, and if you actually read his claims, he didn't go near her vagina. He hates them.

He had her lick his ass and suck him off, then he tried to lick her ass but only licked the cheeks because "she doesn't wipe well".
>> No. 10126
He was in special ed throughout most of his schooling. He calls it "larping" but his "larping" in school basically amounted to playing make believe. There's a post further up the thread from his livejournal where he describes how by highschool it was just him "punching and kicking the air" and "firing energy blasts" and that after a few days a crowd would gather to watch when he did this.

Pretty sure he's retarded.
>> No. 10127
He's obsessed with anus, and hates vaginas, obviously he'd focus completely on one and ignore the other.
>> No. 10128
Don´t forget the "air sex". He literally fucked the air, imagining there´s an invisible, hot sexual target.
>> No. 10129

He should ask him to elaborate on what "sexual roleplaying" is. He said that he did it in elementary school.
>> No. 10130

I should mention that Annas claimed to do 'larping' at school. Id that's what larping is, IM LAUGHING MY FUCKING ASS OFF.
>> No. 10131
File 130627566389.jpg - (158.74KB , 750x600 , larping_cs_0605.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It stands for Live Action Role Play. Basically it's people who play D&D by dressing up in costumes and running around outside bopping each other with toy swords.
>> No. 10132
  Obligatory larping classic.
>> No. 10133

at least they were getting a form of exercise.
>> No. 10134

>He calls it "larping" but his "larping" in school basically amounted to playing make believe.

That's what larping is.
>> No. 10135

Anna and her friends dont keep a WALL OF PICTURES OF HIM in their rooms, and they dont keep a pillow by their bed and hug it every night pretending its him.
>> No. 10136

And these pictures were sent to him directly. :T Including her boobs.

Yes it's creepy, but it shouldn't effect her.
>> No. 10137
It seems like the solution is to harass everyone, just to be safe.

After all, it's the only way to be sure we get the right person.
>> No. 10138
I've stepped into this lolcow so late, I don't even know where to start reading.
>> No. 10139
What she did as a stupid 14 year old (and come on, everyone was an idiot at 14) shouldn't matter. This guy is literally 20 years old and is STILL being creepy and obsessive? And possibly making his half sister perform sex acts on him?

I really think the focus should be away from Anna and more toward how we can bring this guy down.
>> No. 10140
She's 19 and still being a creepy attention whore.
>> No. 10141
They are both morons from what I'm reading. She's a dumbass, just not as perverse and creepy.
>> No. 10142

She doesn't seem to have changed all that much tbh.
>> No. 10143

Nobody was saying that Nick isn't terrible, we were just having a joke at Anna's expense. I sort of doubt that we can bring him down at this point, so why not just try to warn his parents of his pedophile ways?


Check out the wiki posted earlier: http://nickbate.webege.com/index.php/Nick

It's still in it's early stages.
>> No. 10144

How has she been an attention whore to us? She showed up after the threads were started because her friends told her we had questions about Nick. She answered them and openly admitted she acted like an idiot in the past and regretted it. Then people started picking on her because of the initial confusion with Anna P and she left the board.
>> No. 10145
People are just making value judgments about past posts elsewhere, justified or not.
>> No. 10146

For the last time I'm going by her current lj, twitter, and deviantart. Not the act she put on for you guys.
>> No. 10147
>It seems like the solution is to harass everyone, just to be safe.

>After all, it's the only way to be sure we get the right person.

>> No. 10148
She didn't. She first showed up halfway through like the second thread just to answer a bunch of questions.

Oh yeah, she's totally grown up and mature then. She just came to a forum dedicated to trolling an austitic manchild to tell us all about her ex E-boyfriend and explain about how they only cybersex together and clarify details of her virginity for us anonymous internet trolls. And here I thought she was still doing silly, immature things. What was I thinking?
>> No. 10149
In fairness, even Nick admits they were never dating. They cybered yes, but she never told him she loved him or anything.

And she didn't bring him to /cwc/'s attention, Maddi did. She found out about it later.

And she said she wasn't a virgin because there was some speculation on it given that Nick had already failed his other two "quest conditions" and I think she was hoping if he saw that he'd stop obsessing over her as his plan would have completely failed.
>> No. 10150
You don't know that. I wouldn't be surprised if she has got a wall of "I hate Nick" images on her wall, actually.
>> No. 10151
Keep going, and I'll tell you when you get to the point where these things don't demonstrate that she is a completely retarded attention whore lulcow. Seriously, you ARE getting closer.
>> No. 10152
Fuck off already, Jeremy. This is getting old.
>> No. 10153
Jeremy? Is there another autist in the party?
>> No. 10154
So this REALLY is just a circle jerk between stupid teen girls and them bitching about boys they don't like? Who the fuck is Jeremy? Why the fuck are these threads still allowed?
>> No. 10156
So we're going to let go of a good lolcow because of Anna? Let's not do it for her, let's just do it to amuse ourselves. If she wants somebody to punish Nick for stalking, then she can do it herself.
>> No. 10157

He's the ginger neckbeard supposed Anna virgin breaker. Makes sense I guess, it's got to be one of this lot who's defending her so ravenously.
>> No. 10158
Jeremy is Anna's boyfriend.
>> No. 10159
Would you just shut the fuck up? You've been going on and on about "personal armies" and "being manipulated by teenage girls" for quite a few posts now. Maddi didn't reveal her gender or anything for quite a while, the others just chimed in an commented.

And before you screech that I'm "defending her honor" or some bullshit, I'm actually just pointing out that your claims that we're being manipulated by teenage girls are complete and utter fucking horse shit. Especially considering she swore off involvement like three threads ago because she felt we were insulting her.

Nick has spawned several threads with around 4,000 posts total because he's a disgusting fucking retard who does things that are mind-bogglingly stupid. Anna and her friends did little to keep this going.

Every few posts you repeat your bullshit.
>> No. 10160
maaaan, shit like this is why i was reluctant to post here. oh well.
anna isn't really an attention whore, and anna p isn't actually a whore. i think anna had a lot of guts posting here. whatever though.
think of it this way, guys: even if he didn't lick amber's ass, or vice versa, if you call the police on him, something legitimate may come of it because he did claim to, and if they look around in his shit, they'll find he jacks off to 4-year-olds, that he's crazy, et cetera, and maybe watch him. i know nnothing about the police or law or anything, but i'm sure he's said/admitted to something really illegal at some point.
>> No. 10161
>anna isn't really an attention whore, and anna p isn't actually a whore. i think anna had a lot of guts posting here. whatever though.

we are in disagreement :)
>> No. 10162
it would appear so :> and that's just fine.
idk, maybe i have a bias 'cause i know all these people personally.
my point remains the same, though; report him anyway.
>> No. 10163
>>anna isn't really an attention whore, and anna p isn't actually a whore.

So, why exactly did they "cyber" with a disgusting retard they weren't attracted to?

Why did Anna write all that stuff on all her profiles over and over about dressing like a slut, being bisexual, being perpetually horny, stirring controversy, and so on? Who the fuck goes looking for cyber sex on the Homestar Runner forums?
>> No. 10164

sup maddi, just a quick question: if your point was to report him to the cops why didn't you did that yourselves?
You had had that info for; months, years?
why didn't you guys do something before?

This isn't to create any more derailing or to attack, this comes from your last two posts.

I mean, thanks for introducing us to Nick, but godammit, you've been watching this pedo for years and done nothing.... It took us what? a week?
>> No. 10165
>Why did Anna write all that stuff on all her profiles over and over about dressing like a slut, being bisexual, being perpetually horny, stirring controversy, and so on?
Remind me how those things make someone an attention whore, excepting "stirring controversy?"

>Who the fuck goes looking for cyber sex on the Homestar Runner forums?
I dunno about hrwiki.org, but I've never seen someone looking for cybersex on a fandom forum. Most likely they just met through the forum.
>> No. 10166
Found the hrwiki.org rules. They don't even allow swearing or talking about sex.
http://forum.hrwiki.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=15 (See rules 6 and 7)
>> No. 10167
Posting them all publicly on the internet, particularly on profiles that have nothing to do with sex is attention-whoring. And intentionally "dressing like a slut"? Of course that's to draw attention.

And it's funny you say "What of those is attention-whoring aside from this one that is very obviously attention-whoring."

>>Most likely they just met through the forum.

She says in one of the livejournal bits posted further up the thread she cybered with a lot of people from that forum.
>> No. 10168
...This was actually meant to be a reply to: >>64405
>> No. 10169
Who is this nick person?
>> No. 10170
We all need to stop talking about trolling Anna, Maddi, Jeremy, Little Jimmy and whoever the fuck else we're all claiming we're going to troll. The only one we will gain anything from trolling is Nick.

Yes Anna is a stupid, obese, pathetic, attention whoring, fucking waste of oxygen but Deviantards like her are a dime a dozen, there are hundreds of spastics out there who are exactly like Anna. She obviously isn't as innocent in the whole situation as she claims to be and all of her pathetic fellow oxygen-wasters aren't going to accomplish or make us believe anything different. Even IF Anna was to actually be a decent human being, none of us give a fuck. We didn't even start suggesting that Anna be trolled until you all started riding in like white knights to defend her honour. If you all just shut the fuck up no one would have paid any attention to your "friend" in the first place. You're clearly doing her no favours at all.

But yeah, Nick unlike these other losers is unique and only Nick should be trolled. Let's look at Anna, Maddi, Jessi and whoever else as components in Nick's life in a similar way to Megan or Kacey are viewed. People who may be bitches, but assistants to trolling all the same.
>> No. 10171
Fuck that shit, Nick has whipped up a might froth and anyone who puts themselves in its path deserves whatever they get.
>> No. 10172

This is a troll forum. We're not internet superheros. We've already told his Mom, so there isn't anything else that we can do. If there's something that you want done, then do it yourself.
>> No. 10175
Goddamn it when are we going to get an update on what happened to Nick? I don't give a shit about Anna and her attention whore friends.
>> No. 10178

As soon as he gets minutes for his phones. He gets paid $80 every month for some reason.
>> No. 10179
>I'm actually just pointing out that your claims that we're being manipulated by teenage girls are complete and utter fucking horse shit

A teenage girl used you to troll somebody she doesn't like on a personal level because she can't do anything about it herself. She was using you as her personal army to solve one of her omg icky problems. That's manipulation. Thread hidden, keep doing whatever these fuckbags want you to do (even if they're gone - they aren't, obviously- you are still merely doing their bidding), be my guest. Just realize what you're doing.

>> No. 10180

Yes, because obviously no one would have any interest in trolling an obsessive pedophile who wants to eat the shit of some girl he met online without the cunning deception put forth by other spergs. This target is totally outside our usual scope of interest, we were duped.

On a side note, you're an idiot.
>> No. 10181

>> No. 10182
We didn't even know it was a "teenage girl" that posted it until the second thread you fucking idiot. She hasn't self-posted any pictures of herself or anything. These threads kept going because Nick is a disgusting tard, and the limits of his stupidity are hilarious. He tried to seduce the girl he's obsessed with by telling her about how he'd teach their children to suck his dick and eat his ass.

And thank you for hiding the thread, we're glad to be rid of your bullshit.
>> No. 10183
Anonymous, I'm going to go do anything my 14 year old sister tells me to right now, just to piss you off, you fucking speglord
>> No. 10184

Anna P farted on Nicks dick. ):
>> No. 10185

Also, this. Why are we even discussing these retards when there's KING retard to deal with?
>> No. 10186

Because king retard is away.
>> No. 10187

why troll one retard, when you can troll 5 retards.... really
>> No. 10188

i can totally see nick wearing a crown with the word 'retard' engraved on it.

oh drawfags, please make it happen
>> No. 10189
Guys, I just read the entire saga and am now caught up.

/cwc/ needs to re-learn what true trolling entails. Too many of you are fixated on an END GOAL, and not on exactly how you'd continually milk this lolcow. And no, insulting him to his face only goes so far.

Has anyone in IRC tried to concoct a scheme based on befriending him?
>> No. 10190

>Too many of you are fixated on an END GOAL, and not on exactly how you'd continually milk this lolcow.

Because other people want different things than you. Many see Nick as a person who does genuinely deserve to be in prison, not just someone whose antics you laugh at.
>> No. 10191
Aside from checking the Lancasteronline website and waiting to see if Nick's mother responds to the message she was sent, is there any other avenue we can explore to see if Nick has been arrested yet?
>> No. 10192

Ask one of his irl friendsohwait
>> No. 10193

The end goals seem to be getting him kicked out of his house, or arrested. At the least, I hope that he quits being a retard and tries become a functioning member of society. (Not likely at this point.)
>> No. 10194
>>And no, insulting him to his face only goes so far.

The wonderful/horrible thing about Nick is that insulting him has no effect, because he WANTS you to see him as stupid and he WANTS you to see him as "fucked up" as he put it. It's fine to call him a disgusting, worthless sack of shit because he claims that's exactly what he wants.

Although, personally I believe he's just a complete sociopath, and claims whatever suits him continuing to be lazy and disgusting is what he wants. He doesn't want to get a job or go outside, he says he can't, and it's part of his destiny. He doesn't want to have to spend the time showering because he's so damned lazy, so he claims to be afraid of the shower (yet, he didn't freak out when he sat on the tub to jack off in his stupid nude videos.) He just asserts that what he wants to do -or not do- is his destiny. Such as claiming he's not irresponsible, because he wants to be in the situation he's in. Despite complaining about how much he hates his "b-family".

>>Has anyone in IRC tried to concoct a scheme based on befriending him?

What do you think Anna P was? What do you think everyone who talks to him is? They were all people who tried to humor him to get through to him. If you go through some of their logs, they presented him another girl who shared all his interests and fetishes so he would go to her and leave Anna alone. It didn't work. He cybered with other girls, and then justified that as not being hypocritical or cheating because "cyber isn't sex, duh." So he just got what he wanted out of it, and continued to obsess with Anna.

He came to our attention to begin with because those "friends" got sick of him. Let's not make their same mistakes.
>> No. 10195
it was mostly just the concern of going to court. you may notice in the first thread i was terrified of going to court. i have the rest of my life ahead of me and i don't think getting involved with a pedophile online would go very well with any resumes or college things so i just. didn't want to. i also know nothing about the police or reporting things or how it'd go over.
i realize that it was a really selfish reason to not report stuff though, i hope one day amber can forgive me and everyone else because we knew and did nothing
>> No. 10196
Can we just go back to laughing at nick and forget all the drama. It was fun just laughing at all the crazy shit that got dug up.
>> No. 10197

Testifying in court isn't the same as having a criminal record.
>> No. 10199
>The wonderful/horrible thing about Nick is that insulting him has no effect, because he WANTS you to see him as stupid and he WANTS you to see him as "fucked up" as he put it. It's fine to call him a disgusting, worthless sack of shit because he claims that's exactly what he wants.

It occurs to me that the best way to troll the guy might be to convince him that we actually have faith in him as a human being. We could insist that he's nowhere as stupid as he wants to be because he has to make a conscious effort to be that way. In stead of telling him that he's worthless, we should claim that we no longer buy the story about Amber and that we want to redeem him as a human being. Insist that he's nowhere as fucked up as he claims, but rather that he just needs some attention and some friends and he could soon be a functioning member of society. Maybe even set up some set up a profile on a dating website because it will help him get over Anna. Accuse him of saying all that shit about pedophilia for shock value. Whenever he insists that we're wrong, we just shake our heads and explain that we "understand" his need for attention and that we've decided to help him because we honestly believe it's what's best for him, his family, and society.

Post this stuff on all of sites and forums he frequents. If we can strip him of his genuinely stupid/fucked up/pedophile image, people will stop paying attention to him. Best case scenario, this might prompt him to prove himself, which could be hilarious.

Just an idea.
>> No. 10201
File 13063753986.jpg - (16.45KB , 331x350 , clerks hmm.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, it certainly is a different approach to what we've been doing. I like it.
>> No. 10202

You forgot the fact that we spent two threads arguing with him that he'll never be with Anna. Just when we thought that we got through to him, he just backtracked. He's too stubborn to change, it's clear. You can still give it a shot, but I'm sure that you'll be disappointed just like his former "friends".

He also doesn't want a job because of his plan to be with Anna. If we can pry that from him, then maybe your idea will work.
>> No. 10203
Nobody can be so stupid as to believe getting a restraining order or reporting a suspected pedophile will give you a 'record' or affect you in a negative way.
You're either coming up with shitty fucking excuses or you're dumber than Nick.
>> No. 10204

>> No. 10205

Love it. Absolutely love it.
>> No. 10206
This instance is just like you've done with Chris. Even if you tear apart the world around him, sex, ambition, destiny, etc., it may come down to the same thing as it did with Chris: He just doesn't want to do anything with his life but sit and eat.
>> No. 10207
No it isn't at all, Chris never wanted negative attention and Nick loves it, apart from being disgusting morons they're pretty different in terms of motivation
>> No. 10208
i know next to nothing about the law. plus it's like, if they find chatlogs and DMs and things, because i KNOW nick archives them, they'll see that i was just like "oh okay then" when nick got all IMMA PUT MY PENIS IN UR BUTT and i don't know. maybe i am making up dumb excuses.
>> No. 10209
You really are. You think you're going to get in trouble because of this? You were a child at the time, he's the one in the wrong, you might be more in the know, but in the laws eyes you're in the same ''grooming'' situation as Amber.
You seem to be giving all these excuses as to not get involved, either you want Nick to get in trouble or don't, but you can't have your cake and eat it.
>> No. 10210
true. sdasafssdffassaffff okay. i think i'd rather see nick get in trouble.
plus the lancaster police people probably haven't done anything yet and won't for awhile
>> No. 10211
The fact that you're 14 pretty much exempts you from any supposed 'punishment' you think might come up. You're underage and he's grooming you; you're 100% the victim and even if you acted like you were gagging for it, it would reflect poorly on Nick once again for grooming you.
>> No. 10212

Maddi, don't listen to the people chastising you. You're right, you're young and you have too much else going on to get seriously involved with dealing with the Nick character. It's not your battle to fight, and even if you wouldn't get in trouble with the law per say, you'd probably have to testify and do all that garbage. Which you really shouldn't have to do.

Frankly I think you shouldn't talk to him ever again, and probably avoid this whack pack online altogether. It's probably best if you avoid the /cwc/ stuff too, just so you're not involved/insulted any more than you already are.
>> No. 10213
What the fuck? Look she either wants him to get in trouble or she doesn't, but personally I'm getting pretty fucking bored of seeing this flip flopping attention whoring going on in this thread
''omg he's a bad person get him arrested''
''I want nothing to do with it though...''
Its one or the other. If you don't want to do shit, sit back and stop asking for help then, /cwc/ is essentially a board for trolling, not perverted justice, we don't have a Chris Hanson jnr waiting in the wings
>> No. 10214
File 130642445017.jpg - (9.10KB , 114x250 , jbh.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 10215
you guise should do what you want, i am a teenaged girl after all.
it would be nice to see him behind bars but trolling him would wield better results, i think. >>64710 has a good idea.
>> No. 10216
Don't be stupid. He's made claims that he molested his little sister. Having that be investigated is much more important than trolling him.
>> No. 10217
The best result that could come from this would be his life in some way drastically changing in a way that forces him to deal with reality. Getting his Anna shit taken away, having to go into counseling, getting thrown out of his grandma's house.
>> No. 10218
i still can't believe this kind of person even exist.
>> No. 10219
BTW Maddi, you and your circle of friends should also stop paying attention to Nick and cease all contact with him. Anna, Jessa, Rhys, Thom, everyone. Either he'll raise a lulzy shitstorm, or he'll change himself. It's a win/win situation.
>> No. 10220
>it would be nice to see him behind bars but trolling him would wield better results

lol whut?
>> No. 10221
I think she meant 'yield'.
>> No. 10222
In any case, bringing Nick to justice can be set aside for the time being. His mother and the police have already been notified of his behavior, so whatever moral obligations (if any) we might have can now take a back seat to trolling Nick and milking him for information.
>> No. 10223
Yeah, but fixing "wield" to "yield" doesn't make that statement any less "lol whut?" worthy.
>> No. 10224
So, did anything happen to Nick? He hasn't been here or on Twitter for the last 6 days or so.
>> No. 10225
he's at The Other House where there is no internet. He has not been arrested, because he knows where to call when that happens
>> No. 10226
>>he knows where to call when that happens

Where is that?

Also I thought he was out of minutes for his phone, and so couldn't update his twitter until he gained money to buy more.
>> No. 10227
anyone consider that his parents have sent him to an asylum for observation?
>> No. 10228
They have done that before, and it lasted for a month before they refused to pay for any further stay.

I could see them doing it now in preparation for getting him on social security
>> No. 10229
...THAT would be an interesting file to get ahold of...
>> No. 10231
File 130663175663.jpg - (141.90KB , 724x511 , Imperial_Guard_Crazy_Eyed.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Why is it that every time someone is blamed for something they have to play the autism card?
>> No. 10232
File 130663656319.jpg - (208.12KB , 808x1029 , z.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Because we're all self diagnosed autistics/bipolars in this town.
>> No. 10233

Autism is the root of all evil. Hitler, Attila the Hun, and George W. Bush were all autistic.
>> No. 10234
Karl Marx, Ayn Rand, Lenin, Stalin, Osama, Glenn Beck, Seth Macfarlane were all Autistic too. So was Mao, Woodrow Wilson, Mussolini, Josef Fritzl, Tim Buckley... basically everyone who has ever done something evil
>> No. 10235

I'm autistic too.
>> No. 10236
And when everyone's autistic, no one will be.
>> No. 10237

Well I was a problem when I was a kid, my dad punched me in the face once and broke one of my teeth because I was so annoying.
>> No. 10238
>Get punched in face.

>Acquire autism.
>> No. 10239

No, that's OCD.
>> No. 10240
>nick tried to light his hand on fire.
>> No. 10241

oh look, you're a tiny child who's never heard of Karl Marx and legitimately believes Das Kapital is a weird anti-capitalist screed.

It is the definitive analysis on capitalism and most economists have to read it as part of their studies.

Do you think he invented communism too?
>> No. 10242
He listed an unoriginal but successful cartoonist, a mormon political shock jock, and the creator of Objectivism, and the one you took issue with him calling evil was Karl Marx?
>> No. 10243
Oh look, it's a high school kid who just found out about communism and wants to seem edgy.
>> No. 10244
Dude is right though, pretty much anyone who's not insane thinks that Marx was right about a lot of shit.
>> No. 10245
Are you kidding?

Dude is wrong man, pretty much anyone who's not insane thinks that Marx was wrong about everything.
>> No. 10246
Oh boy, we've got some kids on here that think they know anything about economics, history, and political science.
>> No. 10247
File 130681452778.gif - (423.23KB , 218x145 , SnapeWalkAway.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
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