The Adventures of Gary Gears - Pilot - Fast Times at Asimov High [Scene: City, daytime, we see a skyline with a bunch of buildings in it, pretty generic stuff, nothing too exciting.] [Action: We pan in from a peaceful sunrise to see these buildings, soft music is playing. All the music in this show is computerized midi stuff you can make on a computer. With that dubstep stuff the target audience likes.] Narrator: Ah, the city of Circut Falls, the most peaceful place on earth. [Action: A giant robotic crab claw comes smashing down on a building. We pan out to see the evil DR. TESLA in a GIANT ENEMY CRABBOT destroying buildings and shooting lasers.] Narrator: Unless it's being attacked by the evil Dr. Tesla!! [Scene: Zoom in on Dr. Tesla in the Crabbot's cockpit, he's working levers and pushing buttons.] Dr. Tesla: HAHAHA! For too long, the people of this pathetic city have underminded my work and persecuted my beautiful creations, but NOW, Circut Falls shall truly pay for it's crimes! HAHAHA! [Note: Dr. Tesla talks with a thick german accent] [Scene: We switch to a view of the sky.] [Action: A small speck can be seen flying in from the distance.] Narrator: But what's this here, flying in from the vista? [Action: The little speck flys in closer, it's GARY GEARS] Narrator: it's GARY GEARS! Automechanical superkid and protector of Circut Falls! Gary Gears: You've gone too far this time, Dr. Tesla! Dr. Tesla: Ah, but i am only getting started my little Plagegeist, for you see, not only will i destroy the city, but i shall also destroy YOU! You and that nefarious Abschreiber Dr. Edison have stood in the way of mein plans for too long! [Action: Dr. Tesla pushes a button in the cockpit, relasing a barrage of missles at Gary Gears, he manages to dodge almost all of them, smacking the last one back at Dr. Tesla's Crabbot. His Crabbot recoils and shakes itself off.] Dr. Tesla: Argh! You acursed little Wandale! No matter, time to be destroyed! [Action: Dr. Tesla swings the Crabbots claws at Gary Gears, he dodges every time while shooting LASERS from his ARM CANNONS! eventually the Crabbot gets a lucky hit and manages to smack Gary away.] Dr. Tesla: Ha! You puny lasers won't help you know you pathetic wurst mit käse! The Crabbot is completely invunerable to any lightning or energy based attacks! Gary Gears: Hmm... [Action: Gary looks around and notices a weak spot on the bottom of the Crabbot. It's a big white underbelly.] Gary Gears: Gotcha! [Action: Gary flies under the Crabbot and shoots a stream of dual lasers at it's vile underbelly, causing it to smoke and shake.] Dr. Tesla: Vhut's this? Crabbot: -BZZT- CORE MELTDOWN IN 10 SECONDS! TEN, NINE, EIGHT... [Action: The Crabbot explodes, but Dr. Tesla manages to save himself by ejecting the cockpit, which doubles as a flying device.] Dr. Tesla: Curses! Another brilliant plan foiled! I'll be back, Gary Gears! Just you wait! [Action: Dr. Tesla flies off.] Gary Gears: Yeah, and I'll be waiting! [Action/Scene: Gary Gears flies off, we pan down to see a bunch of people cheering, the crowd is filled with people and robots.] Crowd: [ad-libbed] Yay!/You saved us, Gary/You're the best/I haven't eaten in three months. [Scene: We pan out to see the entire thing was playing on a TV monitor, we're in a newsroom where a crazy news reporting robot in a bad bow-tie and tacky plaid shirt is delivering the news.] News-Bot: WOWZER ZOWZERS! That was the ELECTRIFYING scene two days ago in Circut Falls town square when the EVIIIIL Dr. Tesla attacked City Hall! But thanks to Gary Gears, we can all sleep peacfully at night. [Mock Ominous-tone] Or can we? [Normal Tone] to truly understand Dr. Tesla's evil schemes, we have to back, BACK TO THE PAST! and see how his bitter rivalry with Gary Gears and Dr. Edison started! [Scene: Cut to a sepia-tone picture of Dr. Edison and Dr. Tesla, they're both in graduation robes and hats, Tesla is holding up his hands like rabbit ears behind Edison's head.] News-Bot: It all started fifty years ago, when Dr. Edison and Dr. Tesla were best friends and business partners, on their way to the top! YIKZER ZIKERS! [Scene: We see a different picture, this time Edison and Tesla are stand outside a building shaking hands, with shifty eyes, Edison is picking a piece of paper that says "PATENT" out of Tesla's pocket.] News-Bot: Together, they opened up an invention company and began designing and building some of the first ever ROBOTIC AUTOMATONS! Or "robots" for short. [Scene: Another picture, Tesla and Edison are sitting at a table, Edison is cuddling two big bags of money while Tesla rolls a quarter around, looking sad.] News-Bot: But for some reason that we may never know, Tesla grew bitter and jealous of Edison, and began to plot against him! [Scene: Yet another picture, we see Tesla mixing chemicals with an electrical current behind him, he looks sinister.] News-Bot: Tesla swore he would get his revenge, and began building an army of evil robots to conquer the city and destroy Edison's work! [Scene: One last picture, Edison is standing in the background, Gary Gears is standing in the foreground, he's making that typical triumphant pose you always see adventurers make.] News-Bot: Luckily, Dr. Edison built Gary Gears! A super-fighting robot protector of the city! Together they've protected Circut Falls from all sorts of evil schemes and disasters! [Scene: We switch to a close-up of News-Bot's face, he is freaking out.] News-Bot: Although Dr. Tesla has been defeated this time, he still lurks, eager to inflict pain and misery upon all those who stand in his way! Who know what his next evil scheme could be? I don't! So you'd better be careful, 'cause the next time he strikes could happen at any moment, at any day, AT ANY TIME! AHHHHHHHH! [News-Bot's head explodes.] [Scene: Cut to a black screen, a white caption in the center informs us that six months have passed.] [Scene: We see Gary Gears, laying on his bed eating lugnuts from a potato chip bag that says "Quality Lugnuts!" on it. There's a robot dog sleeping at the foot of his bed, Gary is listening to the radio.] Radio: and with Dr. Tesla nowhere to be found, it seems that unlike most children, who have to return to school this week, Gary Gears will get an even longer break. Gary Gears: [talking with his mouth full] Heh, you got that right! Radio: In other news, the mutant clown virus has claimed yet another victim [as the narrator says this, Gary's eyes get big and his pupils get small.] researchers say the virus is spreading out through most of the mid-west, and is soon heading towards -- [Action: Gary switches off the radio, then his eyes return to normal.] Gary: [To his dog] The news is getting kinda weird, huh Rex? [A voice blasts over an intercom, it's the voice of Dr. Edison.] Dr. Edison: Gary? Gary Gears? May i speak with you for a moment? Gary Gears: Sure thing, Doc! [Action: Gary gets up off the bed, tosses the lugnuts aside and walks offscreen. Rex follows him.] [Scene: We cut to the hallway, Gary walks up and sees three doors. He presses the button next to the one in the middle, it opens up to reveal a bunch of buzzsaws spinning around.] [Action: Gary pulls his arm up to his face, it apparently has a two-way communicator in it.] Gary: Hey, Doc, which door isn't filled with deadly saws? Dr. Edison: The one on the left. [Scene: We cut to Dr. Edison, who we're seeing for the first time, sitting at a computer, typing.] [Action: After a few seconds of silence, we hear the sound of saws buzzing as Gary screams.] [Action: Gary walks up to Dr. Edison's side, he's covered in scratches and marks. Nothing looks espacially serious except a big gash on his arm. This will be important for later. Dr. Edison turns to Gary and looks concerned, but Gary just flashes him the stink eye.] Dr. Edison: Oh, i'm so sorry, i meant to say the right. [Action: Gary shakes himself off, the scratches and marks disappear, but the big gash stays.] Gary: So what's the problem, Doc? Dr. Edison: I'm afraid it's Dr. Tesla, Gary. Gary: [lifting up his fists like he's getting ready for a fight.] Is that old fart at it again? What's his plan this time? Dr. Edison: No, no, Gary. It's not so much what Dr. Tesla is doing, it's what he *isn't* doing. He hasn't hatched or evil scheme or revealed himself for months. Gary: Aw, he's just hiding 'cause he knows I'll kick his butt again. Dr. Edison: That's the problem, Gary. Dr. Tesla has layed low before, but never for this long. Even after the ill-fated butterscotch ogre attack -- Gary: [Gary's face controts like he's going through a PTSD flashback] It was so horrible. Dr. Edison: He's only remain unseen for a couple weeks. I truly believe that this time, Dr. Tesla is gone for good. [Scene: Dr. Edison gets up and starts walking, Gary and Rex follow him. The hallway they walk through is filled with sight gags.] Gary: How can you know for sure Tesla's defeated this time? Maybe he's just waiting to spring out his biggest plan yet or something. Dr. Edison: No, Gary. There's only so much failure a man can take before he finally quits. Me and Tesla were partners for years, and i know for a fact that he knows when too give up. Gary: Alright, well i guess it's time to retire then, i had a good run. Hey, maybe i can duke it out with regular criminals from now on, purse-snatchers, biker gangs, mutant clowns -- [Suddenly, Gary, Dr. Edison and Rex stop walking.] Dr. Edison: But see, that's the exact thing i wanted to talk to you about, Gary. You really don't need to deal with things like that, the police can handle those things on their own. Besides, i'm concerned all this adventuring and fighting is having an adverse effect on you. Gary: What are you driving at, doc? [Action: Dr. Edison takes a deep breath.] Dr. Edison: Gary, to make myself perfectly clear, and i don't think this type of lifestyle is healthy for you. Whenever you're not out fighting robots, you're cooped up in here all day eating lugnuts. Gary: They keep my tounge firm. Dr. Edison: Robots don't have tounges, Gary. Gary: ...Oh. [Action: Dr. Edison starts to reach into his coat pocket.] Dr. Edison: My point is, you need to get out of this lab, live a normal life and make friends. So I've decided on something. [Action: Dr. Edison hands Gary a pamphlet.] Gary: [Looking through the pamphlet] What's this thing? Dr. Edison: It's a pamphlet for Asimov High, the city's finest robot boarding school. I've decided to enroll you Gary: [Completely outraged] WHAT?