[06.02.2012 23:06:42] Undercover Troll: Hi furyanthewraith! I’d like to add you on Skype. Undercover Troll [06.02.2012 23:06:53] Rika: Rika has shared contact details with Undercover Troll. [06.02.2012 23:15:26] Undercover Troll: Talking with Trey now too, love that guy :D [06.02.2012 23:18:48] Undercover Troll: You two get along at all? [06.02.2012 23:18:55] Rika: Yeah [06.02.2012 23:18:58] Rika: Trey's cool [06.02.2012 23:19:14] Rika: Im just busy atm [06.02.2012 23:19:29] Undercover Troll: Oh that's cool I'll be here a while [06.02.2012 23:27:35] Rika: Im prob gonna crash in a few still wiped after Pitts [06.02.2012 23:28:21] Undercover Troll: Oh man understandable, traveling is extremely taxing on the body [06.02.2012 23:28:39] Rika: Not to mention I went with no hotel [06.02.2012 23:28:46] Rika: and stayed awake for almost 40 hours [06.02.2012 23:28:56] Rika: All to get the skyline panoramas [06.02.2012 23:29:22] Undercover Troll: 0o wow, you must be exhausted [10.02.2012 20:54:03] Undercover Troll: sup?:D [14.02.2012 02:29:41] Undercover Troll: Hi furyanthewraith! I’d like to add you on Skype. Undercover Troll [14.02.2012 02:30:18] Rika: Rika has shared contact details with Undercover Troll. [14.02.2012 02:30:57] Undercover Troll: sweet there it works, hows you doing? [14.02.2012 02:44:00] Rika: Im in a flame war right now lol [14.02.2012 02:44:18] Rika: http://www.facebook.com/groups/161340653953916/238060702948577/?ref=notif¬if_t=group_activity#!/groups/161340653953916/ [14.02.2012 02:50:42] Undercover Troll: hahahahaha :D you go girl [14.02.2012 02:55:26] Undercover Troll: these are like people you hang out with at night and take pictures with? [14.02.2012 02:55:35] Rika: Yeah [14.02.2012 02:55:42] Rika: And we picked up this douche along the way [14.02.2012 02:55:49] Undercover Troll: Ooooh boy [14.02.2012 03:14:39] Undercover Troll: Sweet dreams though and take care. Enjoy fucking with that douche [14.02.2012 03:14:52] Rika: Bad timing lol [14.02.2012 03:14:58] Rika: He fled lol [14.02.2012 03:15:00] Undercover Troll: haha awh [14.02.2012 03:15:02] Rika: and now your going offline lol [14.02.2012 03:15:06] Rika: Awwww [14.02.2012 03:15:08] Undercover Troll: Yap :x see ya tomorrow! [14.02.2012 03:15:13] Rika: Night [14.02.2012 03:15:16] Undercover Troll: or well if you're awake in 8 hours [14.02.2012 03:15:45] Undercover Troll: I just really enjoy our talks, so sort of hope you are! TTYL [14.02.2012 15:03:08] Undercover Troll: There we go! Hows it going? [15.02.2012 00:51:54] Undercover Troll: all good? :D [15.02.2012 00:52:33] Rika: On the toilet atm brb [15.02.2012 01:21:28] Rika: Alrighty Im back [15.02.2012 01:26:44] Undercover Troll: good night though! :D [15.02.2012 01:27:28] Rika: Your going to bed? [15.02.2012 04:07:41] Rika: Alright weird I just got your message [15.02.2012 12:37:54] Undercover Troll: odd =S [16.02.2012 03:24:39] Rika: Did you just send that or did you send that at 5:38am this morning? [16.02.2012 11:30:21] Undercover Troll: 5am yup [16.02.2012 11:30:25] Undercover Troll: GMT+1 etc [16.02.2012 11:30:32] Undercover Troll: (this is sent at 4am ) [16.02.2012 20:42:45] Rika: Guh Im never awake at that hour [16.02.2012 20:48:46] Undercover Troll: Hahahah heyah Rika, nice to see you [16.02.2012 20:50:49] Rika: Heya [16.02.2012 21:04:59] Undercover Troll: hows it going? [16.02.2012 21:05:27] Rika: Good Im planning a trip to Los Angeles [16.02.2012 21:05:36] Undercover Troll: Oooooh that far away from where ya are now? [16.02.2012 21:06:14] Rika: Yeah [16.02.2012 21:06:18] Rika: Philadelphia [16.02.2012 21:06:22] Rika: Its 3000 miles away lol [16.02.2012 21:06:26] Undercover Troll: ooooh snap [16.02.2012 21:29:57] Undercover Troll: Expensive with travels within the Us or? [17.02.2012 00:43:47] Undercover Troll: oooor?:D [17.02.2012 02:08:52] Rika: Yeah it is, Esp if your flying [18.02.2012 05:12:37] Rika: Yellow [18.02.2012 10:48:40] Undercover Troll: hai! [18.02.2012 20:58:22] Undercover Troll: let's try again, hai! [19.02.2012 08:49:31] Rika: Sorry was asleep lmao [19.02.2012 08:49:34] Rika: Hai [19.02.2012 11:32:16] Undercover Troll: haha xP now? [19.02.2012 11:39:52] Rika: Sorta [19.02.2012 11:39:56] Rika: Playing skyrim [19.02.2012 11:40:39] Undercover Troll: 4 am? hahah, sounds like somoene is having a sweet saturday [22.02.2012 17:48:28] Undercover Troll: sup Rika? :D [25.02.2012 23:33:49] Undercover Troll: hi! :D [26.02.2012 00:23:47] Undercover Troll: all good? [26.02.2012 00:30:40] Rika: Yeah its 5pm here and I just woke up lol [26.02.2012 00:31:03] Undercover Troll: o.o [29.02.2012 17:44:52] Undercover Troll: heyah! :D [29.02.2012 17:58:38] Rika: hey [29.02.2012 17:59:52] Undercover Troll: Rika! How're you doing? [29.02.2012 18:00:03] Rika: Today is pretty rotten so far lol [29.02.2012 18:00:13] Undercover Troll: awh :( how come? [29.02.2012 18:00:39] Rika: Eh being trans blows. You got to fight three times as hard for everything. [29.02.2012 18:01:34] Undercover Troll: I sort of figured it has a lot of difficulty attached, but on the other hand adversities makes you a way stronger person than those who sidestep through every challenge - anything recent happened?:( [29.02.2012 18:02:06] Rika: Indeed [29.02.2012 18:02:09] Rika: Nah, Its just nobody takes you seriously, so you gotta prove it [29.02.2012 18:02:23] Rika: I do photography which is REALLY competitive. [29.02.2012 18:02:26] Rika: LUCKILY [29.02.2012 18:02:29] Rika: All of my competition fucking blows [29.02.2012 18:02:42] Rika: And as you said, Adversaity makes you stronger [29.02.2012 18:03:13] Undercover Troll: :D and if you got to try 3x harder to prove yourself you'll also come out 3x better, even though it's not really soothing there and then [29.02.2012 18:03:38] Rika: Some jerk off realestate secratary doubted the photos I showed her were mine [29.02.2012 18:03:42] Rika: And said the two words that I hate. SIR, and Good luck [29.02.2012 18:04:04] Undercover Troll: 0o [29.02.2012 18:04:06] Rika: I utterly HATE it when people doubt my work is my own [29.02.2012 18:04:49] Undercover Troll: The fuck. got a portofolio of stuff that is provably yours + copyright? [29.02.2012 18:05:06] Rika: Yup, Second time its happened [29.02.2012 18:05:11] Rika: the first time it was from a gay rights organization [29.02.2012 18:05:23] Rika: Which is why I dont really associate with the community at all [29.02.2012 18:05:40] Undercover Troll: The fuuuuuuuuuuck, they of all people should take you seriously [29.02.2012 18:05:48] Rika: The funny part was, this organization wanted to use my work anyway lol [29.02.2012 18:06:01] Rika: And Im like "Okay, now you jackasses have to pay for my services" [29.02.2012 18:06:16] Rika: Thats another thing I love about this city [29.02.2012 18:06:24] Rika: Everyone thinks your gonna do shit for free [29.02.2012 18:06:26] Rika: All the jobs are gone [29.02.2012 18:06:36] Rika: The only thing availible is VOLUNTEER WORK [29.02.2012 18:06:36] Rika: Get this [29.02.2012 18:06:40] Rika: This one store I applied for is all VOLUNTEERS [29.02.2012 18:07:05] Rika: And they are like "Are you a volunteer?" And Im like "No Im someone who likes to be PAID for my time" [29.02.2012 18:07:22] Rika: Luckily Im not all that pathetic [29.02.2012 18:07:36] Rika: I got merchandise in almost every god damn Art store in the downtown and greater Phila area [29.02.2012 18:07:52] Undercover Troll: Volunteer work looks great on the CV, but that only goes so far when you need somewhere to work, but in a STORE? :D oh wow [29.02.2012 18:08:35] Rika: But sometimes I do feel like Chris chan and his sonichu abomination, Nobody will ever take him seriously [29.02.2012 18:09:54] Rika: I just dont wanna be an lolcow, or a failure. None of my trans friends do anything with their lives [29.02.2012 18:10:00] Rika: Almost all of them anyway [29.02.2012 18:10:59] Rika: Most of them are completely fucking useless. No offense but they are, no skills, no jobs, They are good people but they arent doing anything except rotting in homeless shelters [29.02.2012 18:11:17] Undercover Troll: for ONE Chris chan tomgirl version looks like an abomination as well, and you look freaking gorgeous (pre-hormones even which is even more impressive) and the thing with cwc is that he sits at home and plays his precious pee ess tripple and -doesn't- want to do anything with his life, doesn't look up work, doesn't do anything progressive or even tangiable whereas you want a job and apply for them and take pictures and sell them, being self-employed/freelancer is pretty damn respectable [29.02.2012 18:11:28] Undercover Troll: thats pretty damn sad :/ [29.02.2012 18:12:32] Rika: Awwww :) [29.02.2012 18:13:07] Rika: I do believe Chris does have gender identity issues [29.02.2012 18:13:17] Rika: But yeah he looks fucking awful [29.02.2012 18:13:23] Rika: But he does show the obvious signs of it lol [29.02.2012 18:13:29] Rika: In a frued way [29.02.2012 18:14:52] Undercover Troll: oh he does, always been into girly things under the veil of "its so i can understand women better" and when he mollests his blowup dolls he has a pretty...girly position [29.02.2012 18:15:40] Rika: I only know of one trans person who has ACTUALLY made it, I know of a few who are sane, but are really struggling, and the rest are all lolcows lol. Im sorry if Im ranting but its a gloomy world [29.02.2012 18:16:10] Undercover Troll: oh its awesome always wanted more insight into sub cultures i know nothing about and the trans community is one of the more interesting ones :D [29.02.2012 18:16:18] Rika: The tranny community here in Phila has more than just ADF and Jordan [29.02.2012 18:16:29] Undercover Troll: can't be easy for you either who sort of shares their shoes but doesn't want to walk the same path [29.02.2012 18:16:39] Rika: Other moving violations are afoot [29.02.2012 18:17:26] Rika: I do like the part where I have to fight 3 times harder [29.02.2012 18:17:42] Rika: All of these faggy hipsters who are in school for photography should change their majors now [29.02.2012 18:17:51] Rika: Cause Im gonna be the effing gate keeper [29.02.2012 18:18:00] Undercover Troll: ;D Awwwww yeah! thats the attitude [29.02.2012 18:18:08] Rika: I dont even see them as threats anyway. For one [29.02.2012 18:18:18] Rika: their work is AWFUL [29.02.2012 18:18:23] Rika: They have no drive [29.02.2012 18:18:29] Rika: They will eventually give up [29.02.2012 18:18:31] Rika: THEY ALL DO [29.02.2012 18:19:01] Rika: I know plenty of people who graduated from THEE "best schools" and arent doing it for a living [29.02.2012 18:19:08] Undercover Troll: "The Macintosh Computer gave me the artistic freedom I needed to apply grain overlays & Helvetica text to photos of trees." also yeah, hipster..ism(?) is just a phase, their desperate need to express themselves through ...the above will fade away [29.02.2012 18:19:15] Rika: What people dont get is, No school can make you good [29.02.2012 18:19:30] Undercover Troll: Oh I took photo classes to, I'm totally shit though :D [29.02.2012 18:19:38] Rika: Alright [29.02.2012 18:19:42] Rika: Heres the secret [29.02.2012 18:19:47] Rika: If your doing landscape photography [29.02.2012 18:19:51] Rika: Its all about the weather, and your timing [29.02.2012 18:19:58] Rika: And your drive [29.02.2012 18:20:25] Undercover Troll: Not really into taking photos anymore, leave it to people like you ;D - landscape i didn't have too much of an issue with, rather animals and closeups [29.02.2012 18:20:58] Rika: http://www.flickr.com/photos/48523101@N06/6823161883/sizes/l/in/photostream/ This is a perfect example. I traveled 300x miles to get there, did it with no hotel. Waited for the sunniest/cloudless day [29.02.2012 18:21:27] Undercover Troll: 0o [29.02.2012 18:21:38] Rika: And did it during the winter when we have early sunsets IE: Buildings are more lit up, no humidity haze, no green shit on trees [29.02.2012 18:21:57] Rika: The water had the PERFECT reflection until a fucking coal barge came by and fucked it up [29.02.2012 18:22:11] Rika: You get the perfect reflection when there are no winds [29.02.2012 18:22:59] Rika: http://www.flickr.com/photos/48523101@N06/6467334461/sizes/l/in/photostream/ [29.02.2012 18:23:11] Undercover Troll: daaaaymn [29.02.2012 18:23:11] Rika: Thats the perfect reflection ^^^ [29.02.2012 18:23:13] Rika: ALMOST had it [29.02.2012 18:24:22] Rika: So thats pretty much it, its all about timing, and willing to make sacrifices [29.02.2012 18:24:35] Rika: Willing to miss dinners, parties, etc [29.02.2012 18:25:07] Undercover Troll: Well that nad having the passion and devotion like that yeah [29.02.2012 18:25:13] Rika: That and its FUN [29.02.2012 18:25:24] Rika: You get to have Indiana Jones style adventures! [29.02.2012 18:25:44] Rika: You get to travel and see things people take for granted [29.02.2012 18:26:03] Rika: If you get it right, you get to see and capture the most amazing sunsets [29.02.2012 18:27:35] Rika: This summer Im gonna try storm chasing [29.02.2012 18:28:02] Undercover Troll: has some huge drawbacks though sadly especially as freelance like no insurance (actual insurance and income insurance), have to be pretty flexible at all times and need to work in extreme conditions [29.02.2012 18:28:06] Rika: Shooting cityscapes is pretty much useless over the summer due to many factors, So Im gonna play with lightning instead [29.02.2012 18:28:11] Rika: Yeah... [29.02.2012 18:28:43] Rika: If you do a long exposure, you can capture lightning bolts. So I already cant wait lol [29.02.2012 18:29:17] Undercover Troll: Ooooooh [29.02.2012 18:29:57] Rika: Im still trying to find a place where I can get a good view of the city from the east, and not risk getting struck. [29.02.2012 18:30:07] Rika: I really want to capture lightning hitting the skyscrapers [29.02.2012 18:30:11] Rika: Which happens here [29.02.2012 18:30:45] Undercover Troll: ever considered journalistic photography of any kind? [29.02.2012 18:31:07] Rika: I have but its not really my thing [29.02.2012 18:31:17] Undercover Troll: Ooooh not even covering wars and stuff? [29.02.2012 18:31:20] Rika: Part of my prob is, Im not a people person lol [29.02.2012 18:31:26] Undercover Troll: HAH [29.02.2012 18:31:44] Rika: Yeah. Wars sound fun, I love the idea of not trying to get shot [29.02.2012 18:31:45] Rika: But, nah not my thing [29.02.2012 18:31:57] Undercover Troll: ;D [29.02.2012 18:33:07] Rika: What Im planning isent smart. But the alternative is a really bad idea [29.02.2012 18:33:29] Rika: All of the logical places to get a good view of the skyline are on roofs, or on the Ben Franklin Bridge [29.02.2012 18:33:37] Rika: really smart place to be during a lightning storm [29.02.2012 18:34:00] Rika: So I want to be in the middle of one of these buildings shooting out of a window [29.02.2012 18:34:11] Rika: Prob is just finding the place willing to let me do it lol [29.02.2012 18:34:25] Rika: (You can still get struck by lightning doing this too, but your less likely) [29.02.2012 18:35:13] Undercover Troll: shooting through glass is tricky, and getting windows open in buildnings like that is..harder I think(?) least here [29.02.2012 18:35:26] Rika: The windows will def have to be open [29.02.2012 18:35:31] Rika: During a thunderstorm there is def rain [29.02.2012 18:35:46] Rika: Dont want to shoot through glass which has rain drops all over it [29.02.2012 18:35:47] Undercover Troll: Mhhh true [29.02.2012 18:36:03] Undercover Troll: getting windows open might be an issue though :D go go research! [29.02.2012 18:36:20] Rika: I already a found a place, My friend is emailing the owner who he is friends with lol [29.02.2012 18:36:27] Rika: She has a balcony which is sheltered [29.02.2012 18:36:28] Rika: which will be perfect [29.02.2012 18:36:37] Rika: Still a dumbass idea as its 24 floors up. But it will work [29.02.2012 18:37:33] Undercover Troll: Ooooooooh, best of luck! [29.02.2012 18:38:55] Rika: None needed it will work [29.02.2012 18:38:57] Rika: Its just the potential of getting shocked that I dont like lol [29.02.2012 18:39:18] Rika: The building is tall and its near the Delaware river lol [29.02.2012 18:39:31] Undercover Troll: ...:') [29.02.2012 18:39:58] Rika: Atleast its better than standing on the fucking Bridge in the open which Fred wanted to do lol [29.02.2012 18:40:00] Rika: Which is both tall and directly OVER the river [29.02.2012 18:40:11] Undercover Troll: That'd be just aweful [29.02.2012 19:00:11] Undercover Troll: Oh how is ADF holding up anyway? [29.02.2012 19:00:21] Rika: No idea actually [29.02.2012 19:00:25] Undercover Troll: Oooohw [29.02.2012 19:00:27] Rika: ADF was a pain in NYC though lol [29.02.2012 19:00:34] Rika: Thats another sad thing [29.02.2012 19:00:34] Undercover Troll: HAH was this recent? [29.02.2012 19:00:39] Rika: ADF used to be FUN to be around [29.02.2012 19:00:46] Rika: Now she just acts like a whiney little girl [29.02.2012 19:00:48] Rika: Yes lol [29.02.2012 19:00:56] Undercover Troll: :D stories! Gief [29.02.2012 19:01:28] Undercover Troll: (also I lost 8 pounds this month, it's beyond me how someone with such poor economics manage to keep that weight) [29.02.2012 19:02:50] Rika: http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/s720x720/419794_2721979971495_1316948428_32106694_1374013485_n.jpg [29.02.2012 19:02:57] Rika: Well me and some Wolverines visited NYC [29.02.2012 19:03:05] Rika: Ahuviya is pretty good at walking [29.02.2012 19:03:11] Rika: Ahuviya has been on long hikes with me [29.02.2012 19:03:16] Rika: But apperantly for some reason now [29.02.2012 19:03:23] Rika: NYC was too much for Ahuviya [29.02.2012 19:03:30] Undercover Troll: 0o [29.02.2012 19:03:35] Undercover Troll: it looks like he's having such an aweful time [29.02.2012 19:03:37] Rika: And compared to the hikes we've been on, NYC isent that big [29.02.2012 19:03:39] Undercover Troll: or she, sorry xP [29.02.2012 19:03:45] Rika: It happens lol [29.02.2012 19:03:57] Rika: She wouldent even scream "WOLVERINES!!!!!!!!!" with the rest of us [29.02.2012 19:04:17] Rika: She threw a fit when we were pretending to be teabagged by the Wall Street Bull statue [29.02.2012 19:04:24] Rika: Saying she wont partake [29.02.2012 19:04:28] Undercover Troll: Guess ADF has a lot of thinking to do to set her life straight....that or she's just being a cunt [29.02.2012 19:05:24] Rika: http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/420619_312691452113573_100001181614086_766031_754254547_n.jpg [29.02.2012 19:05:30] Rika: She got offended when I did that ^^^ [29.02.2012 19:05:50] Undercover Troll: LOL [29.02.2012 19:06:48] Rika: http://youtu.be/vhLFKNLwYlI [29.02.2012 19:06:55] Rika: Ahuviya not yelling Wolverines [29.02.2012 19:08:00] Rika: And heres how its done PROPERLY http://youtu.be/Jkxf8YR7E8M [29.02.2012 19:09:14] Rika: Oh and apperantly Ahuviya has fiber mialga. [29.02.2012 19:09:31] Undercover Troll: apparantly as in self diagnosed her what, 18th condition? [29.02.2012 19:10:07] Rika: I miss the ADF that was FUN to be around [29.02.2012 19:10:29] Rika: Shes all emo now [29.02.2012 19:11:19] Undercover Troll: hope its a sign that she will take her life seriously and figure out all the crap she just shelfed for so many years, like the future, economic situation, reconsiling with her father, place to live, substansiate her own life etc [29.02.2012 19:11:26] Undercover Troll: her whole gender/sexual identity [29.02.2012 19:11:29] Rika: Same [29.02.2012 19:11:31] Rika: But sadly [29.02.2012 19:11:36] Rika: even thats not working! [29.02.2012 19:11:46] Undercover Troll: oh? =/ [29.02.2012 19:11:54] Rika: Yup still resisting the shelter system [29.02.2012 19:12:04] Rika: We went to a shelter once and it was a shithole [29.02.2012 19:12:16] Rika: and Im like "BUT AHUVIYA! ITS A GULAG!!! LOL!!!!!!!!" [29.02.2012 19:12:21] Rika: She dident get the joke [29.02.2012 19:12:51] Undercover Troll: maybe just living with angelo would do her good but problly WAY too stubborn to even consider making up with him [29.02.2012 19:13:14] Rika: She never told me about how exactly he sexually assaulted her [29.02.2012 19:13:24] Rika: But the trolls are saying that he just spanked her lmao [29.02.2012 19:13:28] Rika: which wouldent suprise me [29.02.2012 19:13:39] Rika: Seeing as that word offends her too [29.02.2012 19:14:06] Rika: There is a hilarious scene out of "Escape From LA" that has become a meme with me and my friends [29.02.2012 19:14:48] Rika: Where a latino villian has an EMP device and threatens the president, and he shuts down the capital as a warning shot, but before doing so he says with a latino accent "Bend Over Mr Presidente, Time for a Spanking" [29.02.2012 19:14:57] Rika: That offended Ahuviya [29.02.2012 19:16:02] Rika: Oh get this [29.02.2012 19:16:08] Undercover Troll: Well, my personal beleif is that he held a strict tone towards her sometimes and didn't accept her shit / "hugbox" her as much as she wanted and grew to dislike him which strained their relationship and that grows pretty hard over the years, so making up stuff in order to sort of communicate to the world how much she feels he hurt her without him actually having done that wouldn't surprise me like he feels that he was treated so badly he could just as well have been mollested, and the only way to communicate that idea is to make it up [29.02.2012 19:16:13] Undercover Troll: (fuck pronouns) [29.02.2012 19:16:27] Rika: Apperantly being inspired off of a badass animal such as a Wolverine makes us furries which Ahuviya opposses [29.02.2012 19:16:36] Undercover Troll: HAHA WAT [29.02.2012 19:16:38] Rika: Note: We dont run around in costumes or fuck animals [29.02.2012 19:17:36] Rika: Yeah thats one of the reasons why Ahuviya doesnt want to be a Wolverine anymore. she is afraid she will be seen as a furry LMAO [29.02.2012 19:18:27] Rika: Speaking of [29.02.2012 19:18:38] Rika: http://youtu.be/j5iyWtYA1f0 [29.02.2012 19:18:40] Rika: I love this guy [29.02.2012 19:19:28] Undercover Troll: ...god damn it xD [29.02.2012 19:19:52] Rika: And no were not furries, but the Wolverine is inspiring [29.02.2012 19:20:00] Rika: Its the older brother of the Honey Badger [29.02.2012 19:20:02] Rika: with a hot temper [29.02.2012 19:20:56] Rika: That and they are total survivors [29.02.2012 19:22:40] Undercover Troll: its pretty obvious that you're not furries. Furries are confused people who's confusion made them into total fucktards (most of the time) [29.02.2012 19:23:18] Rika: My only real embarassing trait is I love listening to the Insane Clown Posse :P [29.02.2012 19:23:45] Rika: They're music is fucking hilarious [29.02.2012 19:23:53] Undercover Troll: Rika the juggolo oh snap [29.02.2012 19:24:09] Undercover Troll: if you made ADF into a juggolo i think you'd be the godess of the internet [29.02.2012 19:25:08] Rika: That already happened lol [29.02.2012 19:25:14] Undercover Troll: ...WHAT? [29.02.2012 19:25:15] Undercover Troll: hahahahah [29.02.2012 19:25:23] Rika: The funny part was. ADF LOVES to butcher and steal from their songs [29.02.2012 19:25:39] Undercover Troll: god damn it haha [29.02.2012 19:25:46] Undercover Troll: inb4 facial paint + festivals [29.02.2012 19:25:57] Rika: Ahuviya's butchery of Prom Queen was hysterical [29.02.2012 19:26:13] Undercover Troll: do tell :D [29.02.2012 19:26:43] Rika: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xGK0IEgwO0 She Changed the lyrics too "Won't you be my Prisoner?" [29.02.2012 19:27:32] Rika: Stole the lyrics from "My Axe" to "My AK" [29.02.2012 19:27:43] Undercover Troll: haha typical ADF [29.02.2012 19:27:50] Rika: The most hilarious was when she heard Twiztid's "We don't die" [29.02.2012 19:28:00] Rika: And decided to make her own song called "THEY WILL DIE!" [29.02.2012 19:28:57] Undercover Troll: hahaha its a bit sad that she has such strong desires to be creative but just cant [29.02.2012 19:29:20] Rika: http://youtu.be/-7KXcSn2wBU We both get a kick out of the Alligator Snapping Turtle look at 0:13 [29.02.2012 19:30:17] Undercover Troll: :D listen to hiphop mostly then? [29.02.2012 19:30:25] Rika: Not really [29.02.2012 19:30:39] Rika: I just listen to them because they helped me get through transition [29.02.2012 19:30:44] Undercover Troll: Awwhh [29.02.2012 19:31:33] Rika: When you start living as a girl its a bitch [29.02.2012 19:31:37] Rika: you got ALOT of paranoia [29.02.2012 19:31:43] Rika: your afraid to walk out the door [29.02.2012 19:31:52] Rika: So I would listen to ICP to walk me right out the door [29.02.2012 19:32:11] Rika: Ironically songs about axe murders, pyschos, etc helped me overcome my fear lol [29.02.2012 19:32:49] Rika: Thats the sucky part about being trans, you got a whole community that makes it out to be like everyone is out to kill you [29.02.2012 19:33:16] Rika: Luckily thats not true [29.02.2012 19:33:21] Rika: But at first thats how it feels [29.02.2012 19:36:39] Undercover Troll: 0o thats pretty harsh [29.02.2012 19:36:43] Rika: I listen to all types of music though lol [29.02.2012 19:36:59] Undercover Troll: I listen to german or swedish black/viking metal when i head out of my door :D /fearless [29.02.2012 19:37:08] Rika: Like Amon Amarth? [29.02.2012 19:37:19] Undercover Troll: Yah! Not as often as thyrfing and varg though [29.02.2012 19:37:31] Rika: I love Amon Amarth [29.02.2012 19:37:39] Rika: So much I even have a poster of them [29.02.2012 19:37:56] Undercover Troll: its pretty damn similar [29.02.2012 19:37:57] Rika: My fav band of all time is The Deftones [29.02.2012 19:38:33] Rika: And my fav singer is James Keenan Maynaard (Tool, and A Perfect Circle) [29.02.2012 19:39:24] Undercover Troll: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep6kwHmwp2U http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LP1JEsBY94w pretty good examples :D [29.02.2012 19:39:30] Undercover Troll: Ooooooh [29.02.2012 19:39:52] Rika: HOLY SHIT [29.02.2012 19:39:59] Rika: this sounds almost alot like Amon Amarth [29.02.2012 19:40:03] Undercover Troll: ^^^ [29.02.2012 19:40:13] Rika: I also like Old School Dimmu Borgir [29.02.2012 19:40:15] Undercover Troll: black/viking combo isn't that diverse xD [29.02.2012 19:40:21] Undercover Troll: they're pretty damn cool too :D [29.02.2012 19:40:25] Rika: OLD SCHOOL dimmu, before they became mainstream [29.02.2012 19:41:03] Rika: There new songs are kick ass too [29.02.2012 19:41:12] Rika: But they had a diff style in their early albums [29.02.2012 19:41:15] Undercover Troll: havn't heard too much of their new stuff actually [29.02.2012 19:41:22] Undercover Troll: same with enslaved for that matter [29.02.2012 19:41:36] Rika: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9cqKafnUrk&ob=av3n [29.02.2012 19:41:40] Rika: This song got me into them [29.02.2012 19:42:10] Rika: Its their newer shit [29.02.2012 19:42:57] Undercover Troll: Oh that one aint bad, but the whole christian/satan theme makes me think of LaVey worshipping 11 year olds which makes me want to punch things [29.02.2012 19:43:27] Rika: LaVeYism is suppossed to be philosphical lol [29.02.2012 19:43:29] Rika: Not literal devil worship [29.02.2012 19:44:06] Undercover Troll: have yet to meet anyone who doesn't make him/herself seem obnoxious through it :D [29.02.2012 19:44:30] Rika: One of my best friends from my trolling days is a LaVey Satanist [29.02.2012 19:44:35] Rika: and is pretty rational [29.02.2012 19:44:42] Rika: Nvm. I forgot he became a druggie [29.02.2012 19:44:45] Rika: lol [29.02.2012 19:45:39] Undercover Troll: HAHA [29.02.2012 19:45:55] Rika: And when I mean druggie, I mean LSD and Acid [29.02.2012 19:46:10] Rika: The hardcore shit [29.02.2012 19:46:37] Rika: Oh damn we still had good times though [29.02.2012 19:46:42] Rika: Esp the youtube days [29.02.2012 19:46:49] Rika: We used to troll fundies [29.02.2012 19:56:19] Undercover Troll: HAH fundies can be pretty fun to fuck with [29.02.2012 19:56:24] Undercover Troll: of all kinds [29.02.2012 19:58:59] Rika: We exposed some for the criminals they were. I'll ya more later, Im about to crash [29.02.2012 19:59:13] Undercover Troll: ;D sweet dreams [04.03.2012 21:14:54] Undercover Troll: hi rika! [04.03.2012 21:15:07] Rika: Heya [04.03.2012 21:15:13] Undercover Troll: all good?:D [04.03.2012 21:15:30] Rika: Yeah cept for ahuviya being a dumbass as usual [04.03.2012 21:15:50] Undercover Troll: :/ Do tell. Im reading law atm so could need any source of entertainment / places to give sympathy possible [04.03.2012 21:17:01] Rika: ADF started an un needed war with Trey [04.03.2012 21:17:06] Undercover Troll: again? [04.03.2012 21:17:10] Rika: Yup... [04.03.2012 21:17:57] Undercover Troll: :/ What now? [04.03.2012 21:18:44] Rika: I have no idea, but shes ALREADY at war with Cory again [04.03.2012 21:18:57] Rika: Lol whoever made this is God [04.03.2012 21:18:58] Rika: http://789chan.org/cwc/src/133088051284.jpg [04.03.2012 21:19:05] Undercover Troll: hahahahahahahaha [04.03.2012 21:20:03] Undercover Troll: any photography updates?:D [04.03.2012 21:20:38] Rika: City Hall bought my work. And Im publishing new shit this week :) [04.03.2012 21:21:13] Undercover Troll: SWEEEEET [04.03.2012 21:21:22] Undercover Troll: City hall could be a pretty worthwhile connection too, no? [04.03.2012 21:24:01] Rika: Back [04.03.2012 21:24:05] Rika: It has been [04.03.2012 21:24:14] Rika: I know the person who is the director of tourism there [04.03.2012 21:24:18] Undercover Troll: ooooh [04.03.2012 21:24:20] Rika: I have even done work for them [04.03.2012 21:25:12] Rika: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2588853803424.2112637.1316948428&type=3 [04.03.2012 21:25:17] Rika: This is for a book they are making [04.03.2012 21:25:22] Rika: I gotta finish it this week [04.03.2012 21:25:44] Undercover Troll: ooooh [04.03.2012 21:43:29] Rika: If they held a CWC convention [04.03.2012 21:43:32] Rika: I'd def go [04.03.2012 21:43:42] Undercover Troll: Hahahaha really? How come? [04.03.2012 21:43:58] Undercover Troll: i doubt CWC would make an apperance :D [04.03.2012 21:43:59] Rika: Someone posted a thread on 789chan about one [04.03.2012 21:44:10] Rika: It would just be interesting to see what goes on there [04.03.2012 21:44:21] Undercover Troll: ;D True dat [04.03.2012 21:44:29] Undercover Troll: as long as there arent too many from the cwcki forums [04.03.2012 21:44:36] Rika: So many lives have been touched by this manchild. he is what people aspire NOT to be [04.03.2012 21:45:30] Undercover Troll: oh true a classmate of mine used CWC as motivation to do extra good in school and eat healthy xP [04.03.2012 21:45:36] Undercover Troll: so he'd get a job and not become fat(er) [04.03.2012 21:45:46] Rika: I dont even know why I find this shit entertaining, but there is always some new disturbing fact to learn about this guy from the CWCiki [04.03.2012 21:45:55] Rika: The father call is like a motivational tape to me lol [04.03.2012 21:46:10] Undercover Troll: Oh God Kacey's father got such a hot voice :D [04.03.2012 21:46:16] Rika: OH he does lol [04.03.2012 21:46:21] Rika: He has that perfect radio voice [04.03.2012 21:46:31] Undercover Troll: talked to him before through the interwebs [04.03.2012 21:46:35] Undercover Troll: :D:D:D:D:D [04.03.2012 21:46:55] Rika: The Devoria family must consist of badasses [04.03.2012 21:47:03] Undercover Troll: too bad its fictional:( [04.03.2012 21:47:17] Rika: Which parts are fictional? [04.03.2012 21:47:51] Undercover Troll: that its kacey's father for one :D [04.03.2012 21:48:10] Rika: Then who was it? [04.03.2012 21:48:30] Undercover Troll: A friend of hers with a really hot voice [04.03.2012 21:49:24] Undercover Troll: thats a semi secret tho ;p so shhh døn't tell [04.03.2012 21:49:31] Rika: Her friend sold the part well [04.03.2012 21:49:36] Undercover Troll: :D Mhm [04.03.2012 21:49:36] Rika: And I mean VERY well [04.03.2012 21:49:44] Rika: I was convinced by the Trade towers part [04.03.2012 21:49:56] Undercover Troll: oh hell yeah he did an amazing job [04.03.2012 21:50:04] Rika: Lol this means Kacey was a troll all along too [04.03.2012 21:50:23] Undercover Troll: Oh she was :D [04.03.2012 21:51:39] Rika: http://www.sonichu.com/cwcki/Chris_in_the_media reading this atm [04.03.2012 21:52:17] Undercover Troll: haha never read that one [04.03.2012 21:54:09] Rika: "The Opie & Anthony Show on Sirius XM satellite radio which is broadcasted to 18.5 million units did a commentary segment on Christian's video response to drinking his own cum and shitting his adult diapers. It is unknown whether the man child has realized that his autistic antics have technically been broadcasted to low earth orbit." [04.03.2012 21:54:13] Rika: Thats some crazy shit lol [04.03.2012 21:54:42] Undercover Troll: HAHAHAH dont care for that show but its still pretty wicked that he gained this much attention :D [04.03.2012 21:56:54] Rika: Yeah that is weird. He has so far gotten all he has wanted inadvertandly (except for a boyfriend free girl) [04.03.2012 21:58:51] Undercover Troll: i know of three couples thats been formed upon the basis of their knowledge of chris [04.03.2012 21:58:51] Undercover Troll: ;D [04.03.2012 21:59:06] Undercover Troll: like met through chris forums [04.03.2012 22:01:19] Rika: http://www.heavy.com/comedy/2010/07/the-20-worst-internet-losers/ LMAO [04.03.2012 22:01:36] Rika: Awwww! [04.03.2012 22:01:52] Rika: They must have sonichu on their wedding cakes! [04.03.2012 22:01:57] Rika: :P [04.03.2012 22:02:02] Undercover Troll: FATMAN [04.03.2012 22:02:02] Undercover Troll: :D [04.03.2012 22:03:41] Rika: Ah Casey Serin, ADF showed me this guys wiki once [04.03.2012 22:04:14] Undercover Troll: OH! Him [04.03.2012 22:09:49] Rika: Fatman, now thats a Snorlax [04.03.2012 22:10:04] Undercover Troll: :D know of him? [04.03.2012 22:10:16] Rika: Im watching one of his vids now [04.03.2012 22:10:22] Rika: Ooohh... My... Fucking.... God.... [04.03.2012 22:11:01] Rika: This is more retarded than a Chris chan video [04.03.2012 22:11:18] Undercover Troll: HAHA [04.03.2012 22:11:21] Undercover Troll: AWWUUGHHH YEAH FOKJES [04.03.2012 22:11:26] Undercover Troll: FATMAN HERE EATIN FOR YOUR AMUSEMENT [04.03.2012 22:11:31] Rika: HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THOSE MAN BOOBS [04.03.2012 22:11:53] Undercover Troll: xD [04.03.2012 22:12:04] Undercover Troll: theres a vid of him eating so much that he throws up [04.03.2012 22:12:06] Undercover Troll: and i think he eats his vomit [04.03.2012 22:12:07] Undercover Troll: im not sure [04.03.2012 22:12:10] Undercover Troll: but he baths in it at least [04.03.2012 22:12:31] Rika: Hmmm what did Tila Tequila do to become an lolcow? [04.03.2012 22:12:47] Undercover Troll: twitter + 3 seasons of dating shows i guess :D [04.03.2012 22:13:39] Rika: I do remember her from myspace [04.03.2012 22:13:46] Rika: LMAO [04.03.2012 22:13:47] Rika: she falls off of a fucking chair [04.03.2012 22:14:00] Rika: Daymn she is hot though [04.03.2012 22:14:07] Undercover Troll: haaahahahahaha [04.03.2012 22:14:50] Rika: http://www.heavy.com/comedy/2010/07/the-20-worst-internet-losers/2/ Im reading this [04.03.2012 22:18:30] Rika: LMAO!!!!!!!!!! [04.03.2012 22:18:32] Rika: "Oh, man, where to start with Kevin Havens? Asperger's Syndrome. Has sex with dolls. Writes fan fiction into the hundreds of pages in tribute to the movie Mannequin. Records concept albums about Vicki from Small Wonder. That should be enough, right? Wrong, broheim. Kevin's nadir came when he had a knock-down drag-out fight with his wheelchair-bound girlfriend (and meal ticket) over his dolls, following which she kicked him and his imaginary humpmates out of the house forever. Last heard, Kevin was living on the streets with his sex dolls and claiming to be "happily married and in Seventh Heaven" with one of them." [04.03.2012 22:18:39] Undercover Troll: ...OH MY GOD [04.03.2012 22:18:52] Rika: Thats worse than Chris Chan [04.03.2012 22:19:18] Undercover Troll: http://dollforum.com/forum/index.php ENJOY [04.03.2012 22:19:35] Undercover Troll: http://dollforum.com/forum/search.php?search_id=active_topics [04.03.2012 22:20:48] Rika: LMAO this is fucking mental [04.03.2012 22:21:10] Rika: Scary part is [04.03.2012 22:21:11] Rika: half of these dolls [04.03.2012 22:21:16] Rika: Look like tranny dolls [04.03.2012 22:21:17] Rika: lol [04.03.2012 22:21:20] Undercover Troll: hahahahahaha [04.03.2012 22:27:18] Rika: "Julie Lotus Juggalos: bad people or the worst people? If you thought it wasn't possible for Insane Clown Posse fans to get any more demented, I present to you the case of Julie Lotus, a horrible face-painted hambeast who gave birth to a little girl named Anabelle in 2008. Shocked at being born to juggalo parents, Anabelle promptly died. However, that would not be the last insult perpetrated on the poor innocent baby, as her Mom and Dad painted her face in clown makeup and buried her in a white coffin with ICP logos on it, then tried to call the band and use this atrocity as a way of getting free merchandise. Watch the video." [04.03.2012 22:27:31] Rika: LMAO as a Juggalette I find that rediculous myself [04.03.2012 22:27:49] Undercover Troll: HAH [04.03.2012 22:31:16] Undercover Troll: im pretty sure ADF would be on that list if he had more publicity [04.03.2012 22:31:21] Undercover Troll: or jordan [04.03.2012 22:32:22] Rika: Or both. [04.03.2012 22:32:33] Rika: ADF has gotten in the media though [04.03.2012 22:32:47] Rika: I was cracking up when she got on fucking GLENN BECK and ALEX JONES [04.03.2012 22:33:15] Undercover Troll: HAHAHAHAHAH seriously? [04.03.2012 22:33:18] Undercover Troll: got the clips? [04.03.2012 22:34:11] Rika: I think they are on the ADF wiki [04.03.2012 22:34:21] Rika: It was when Occupy Phila was going on [04.03.2012 22:34:26] Undercover Troll: http://adfki.wikinet.org/wiki/ADF_in_the_media [04.03.2012 22:34:56] Rika: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6eDE_n3-3I [04.03.2012 22:38:02] Rika: http://youtu.be/pR-IdlAKrwc [04.03.2012 22:38:08] Rika: This woman is actually series [04.03.2012 22:38:18] Undercover Troll: Oh I know Gail and somewhat involved with her ;D [04.03.2012 22:38:19] Rika: Serious* [04.03.2012 22:38:30] Undercover Troll: Zack knight is a close friend of mine [04.03.2012 22:38:30] Rika: I just discovered her [04.03.2012 22:38:33] Undercover Troll: :D [04.03.2012 22:38:48] Rika: I LOL'd at her claims of having telepathic sex with Vladimir Putin [04.03.2012 22:38:53] Rika: who is Zack Knight? [04.03.2012 22:39:11] Undercover Troll: her biggest enemy, the leader of the jesuit church [04.03.2012 22:40:00] Rika: LOL the Jesuits are real? [04.03.2012 22:40:08] Undercover Troll: Sorta [04.03.2012 22:40:17] Undercover Troll: the jesuits is a real organisation of trolls [04.03.2012 22:42:12] Undercover Troll: who she thinks is a real organisation of 100 000 000 satan worshippers [04.03.2012 22:45:33] Rika: Shit if I had the time I'd go ask the join lol [04.03.2012 22:45:47] Undercover Troll: hahaha [04.03.2012 22:48:04] Rika: Her vids are fucking hilarious though [04.03.2012 22:48:08] Rika: Esp the seman nuke [04.03.2012 22:48:18] Rika: Is she skitzo? [04.03.2012 22:48:38] Undercover Troll: Yup [04.03.2012 22:48:44] Undercover Troll: but [04.03.2012 22:49:04] Undercover Troll: she was told that ti was all an illusion and she knew it, but she surpressed it and stopped taking her meds because she liked this world better [04.03.2012 22:49:19] Undercover Troll: she also has a child that she cant see because she doesnt take her meds [04.03.2012 22:49:24] Undercover Troll: court order [04.03.2012 22:49:32] Undercover Troll: i.e she'd rather live this life than to see her son.. [04.03.2012 22:49:44] Rika: Thats pretty fucked up and sad at the same time [04.03.2012 22:49:47] Undercover Troll: mhhhm [04.03.2012 22:54:09] Rika: "Jennifer Diane Reitz We're all in favor of people being able to choose just about any ding-dang identity they want here on Heavy. It's a free world, you know? But in the case of Jennifer Diane Reitz, the choice was pure evil. The fact that she's a transgender woman is the least of her worries - more cogent to our discussion is the fact that upon the sale of her website HappyPuppy in 2002, she used the million plus dollars that she raked in to buy a shack and completely fill it with video games, anime and various other weeaboo bullpuckey. Combine that with her refusal to ever work a real job, instead depending on the male unit in her three-way polyamorous marriage, and you've got a real winner. But the cherry on the cupcake is the passive-aggressive wonder above, where she blames the very same dude for not taking all of his free time to program her bananas video game concepts and writes him apologizing to her. Classy." [04.03.2012 22:54:17] Rika: I love it when people like this give us ALL a bad name [04.03.2012 22:54:34] Rika: Thats like a Tranny Chris chan [04.03.2012 22:54:40] Undercover Troll: the...fuck [04.03.2012 22:54:41] Rika: With the shack full of toys [09.03.2012 03:09:56] Rika: I cant believe the amazing atheist is an lolcow, I used to love this guy a few years ago [09.03.2012 10:08:15] Undercover Troll: :D He is sort of on and off, not really a lolcow per ce because he is a bit too confident, ignores most trolls etc [09.03.2012 10:08:20] Undercover Troll: after that banana thing tho.. [09.03.2012 15:31:57] Rika: Ever seen "Thestraightd0pe"'s videos on AA's friends? [09.03.2012 15:32:17] Undercover Troll: :D Ofc, he is so awesome [09.03.2012 15:33:07] Rika: I love this guy [09.03.2012 15:33:18] Rika: I liked his vids on Fake Sagan and Cody Weber [09.03.2012 15:33:51] Undercover Troll: Oh hell yeah love every vid he made on other youtubers, not so much his others, theres a full 2 hour clip of his debate with that..ehhh [09.03.2012 15:33:55] Undercover Troll: brett keen? or osmething [09.03.2012 15:34:08] Rika: I think it was Fake Sagan [09.03.2012 15:34:18] Undercover Troll: might be :D [09.03.2012 15:34:36] Rika: Was it the one where he had the guy fawkes mask? [09.03.2012 15:35:15] Undercover Troll: Cant remember been a while, sorry [09.03.2012 15:38:43] Rika: Nice this guy has new vids up. [09.03.2012 15:39:04] Undercover Troll: Yup! [09.03.2012 15:42:00] Rika: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeiIpHPdgzc&list=UUbfFhetbgsjd08zDYgMoOHA&index=23&feature=plcp [09.03.2012 15:42:01] Rika: LMAO [09.03.2012 15:43:09] Undercover Troll: thats the best one :D [09.03.2012 15:43:11] Undercover Troll: anyhow shower brb [09.03.2012 16:34:33] Undercover Troll: aaand clean! Sup? [09.03.2012 16:34:48] Rika: I love that feeling [09.03.2012 16:35:04] Rika: Still waking up after a busy week [09.03.2012 16:35:05] Undercover Troll: and weekend, awww yeah [10.03.2012 04:38:10] Rika: Know Moniker's skype? [10.03.2012 06:29:36] Rika: Nvm [10.03.2012 06:29:40] Rika: Looks like Im now an ADF troll [10.03.2012 06:29:53] Rika: as ADF has officially declared war on me [10.03.2012 11:20:06] Undercover Troll: Whaaaaaa? [10.03.2012 13:56:42] Rika: If you know Moniker can I have her skype? [10.03.2012 13:57:41] Rika: I don't like the fact someone is doxxing me just to make me troll ADF [10.03.2012 13:58:47] Rika: As for Ahuviya [10.03.2012 13:58:47] Undercover Troll: 0o I got no idea who Moniker is no, I got Introman and Zyklon on skype and thats about it [10.03.2012 13:58:57] Undercover Troll: Sorry Rika wish i could help more [10.03.2012 13:59:00] Rika: He belongs in a fucking MENTAL HOSPITAL [10.03.2012 13:59:05] Undercover Troll: >.< ADFWiki? [10.03.2012 13:59:12] Rika: Yeah [10.03.2012 13:59:23] Rika: I had an agreement with Moniker to keep my legal guy name off the wiki [10.03.2012 13:59:56] Rika: and she ordered introman to break it by Ahuviya's request in order to further esclate the tension between me and Ahuviya [10.03.2012 14:00:02] Undercover Troll: I won't check your article if that helps a little :/ but sucks [10.03.2012 14:00:41] Rika: Ahuviya started this shit because Im distancing myself from that crazy person [10.03.2012 14:01:20] Undercover Troll: Moniker? Or ADF? [10.03.2012 14:01:31] Rika: Ahuviya [10.03.2012 14:02:05] Undercover Troll: also if it helps any, ADF got a -tiny- -tiny- follower base, its like barely anyone and trust me, no one will care if your real name is on that site [10.03.2012 14:02:17] Rika: Really? [10.03.2012 14:02:21] Rika: That wont come up in searches? [10.03.2012 14:02:30] Undercover Troll: Oh THAT it might :/ [10.03.2012 14:02:39] Undercover Troll: try googeling your name and see [10.03.2012 14:02:43] Rika: Yeah, I cant have that being a freelance photographer [10.03.2012 14:03:01] Undercover Troll: Can always change your legal name to Rika? [10.03.2012 14:03:10] Rika: It does at the very bottom [10.03.2012 14:03:26] Rika: Its gonna take months to do that, After I do then then I suppose they must aswell [10.03.2012 14:03:28] Undercover Troll: wik sites usually come up easily in google searches [10.03.2012 14:05:30] Rika: Me and Maria are meeting today to discuss how to get Ahuviya committed [10.03.2012 14:05:42] Rika: Honestly, She needs to be [10.03.2012 14:05:45] Rika: Shes literally out of control [10.03.2012 14:05:48] Undercover Troll: 0o [10.03.2012 14:05:53] Rika: Shes running around with a big ass knife [10.03.2012 14:05:54] Undercover Troll: Done anything tangible as of late? [10.03.2012 14:05:56] Undercover Troll: ... [10.03.2012 14:06:02] Rika: Starting shit with EVERYONE [10.03.2012 14:06:18] Rika: She did assault me in NYC believe it or not, I just kept it underwraps [10.03.2012 14:06:26] Rika: ADF assaulted Maria several times [10.03.2012 14:06:30] Undercover Troll: Woaaaaaaaa [10.03.2012 14:07:54] Rika: Canis actually has a restraining order on Ahuviya [10.03.2012 14:08:05] Rika: INtroman believes the hormones fucked up Ahuviya's mind [10.03.2012 14:08:20] Rika: And seeing how skitzo/paranoid ADF acts [10.03.2012 14:08:24] Rika: Im starting to believe its true [10.03.2012 14:08:41] Undercover Troll: So is ADF on legit hormones now? [10.03.2012 14:08:53] Rika: Has been taking injectables since June [10.03.2012 14:08:57] Undercover Troll: 0o [10.03.2012 14:09:01] Rika: and from there it has been getting worse and worse [10.03.2012 14:09:08] Undercover Troll: Poor girl [10.03.2012 14:10:24] Undercover Troll: Doesnt she have a gun now too? [10.03.2012 14:10:34] Rika: I did troll ADF some last night which was bad on my part [10.03.2012 14:10:38] Rika: No thank god [10.03.2012 14:10:44] Undercover Troll: x) [10.03.2012 14:10:56] Rika: But she has a big ass knife which really could do some damage [10.03.2012 14:11:46] Rika: I was going to hold ADF's shit for ransom since she stored it here, But no, Im not going to let some other asshole with all my personal info manipulate me into making things with Ahuviya worse [10.03.2012 14:11:57] *** Rika sent IMG_4660.JPG *** [10.03.2012 14:12:01] Rika: This was funny though [10.03.2012 14:12:37] Undercover Troll: Well you should think on your own yeah when it comes to what you want to do with ADF [10.03.2012 14:12:46] Undercover Troll: the... [10.03.2012 14:12:47] Undercover Troll: hell [10.03.2012 14:12:52] Undercover Troll: thats some schitzo-esque madness [10.03.2012 14:13:03] Rika: Yeah, I still got his plushie hostage lol [10.03.2012 14:13:25] Rika: I was doing that lol [10.03.2012 14:13:31] Rika: But seeing how ADF is [10.03.2012 14:13:34] Rika: Its really a bad idea [10.03.2012 14:14:38] Undercover Troll: Ooooooh [10.03.2012 14:14:55] Rika: Ahuviya left a good chunk of her shit here [10.03.2012 14:15:11] Rika: And declaring war with me really wasent a good idea, but none the less Im not gonna give in [10.03.2012 14:15:40] Undercover Troll: Whats with "war" anyhow, god damn it and her fixation on anything militant [10.03.2012 14:16:37] Rika: Because ADF is a skitzo tard [10.03.2012 14:16:44] Undercover Troll: ^ [10.03.2012 14:21:08] Undercover Troll: watching ADF's newest vid first now [10.03.2012 14:23:10] Undercover Troll: holy crap she sounds mentally disturbed [10.03.2012 14:30:22] Rika: The one with the roundhouse? [10.03.2012 14:30:44] Undercover Troll: yup [10.03.2012 14:30:52] Undercover Troll: sounds like her voice is changing somewhat too [10.03.2012 14:32:36] Rika: Videos which I secretly leaked to trey [10.03.2012 14:32:53] Rika: Since apperantly me telling ADF not to release them pissed off Moniker [10.03.2012 14:33:08] Undercover Troll: 0o [10.03.2012 14:34:07] Rika: Btw [10.03.2012 14:34:16] Rika: Cory has a restraining order against ADF [10.03.2012 14:34:24] Undercover Troll: understandable [10.03.2012 14:34:25] Undercover Troll: who is it though? [10.03.2012 14:34:30] Rika: Kourine [10.03.2012 14:34:31] Rika: or Canis [10.03.2012 14:34:36] Undercover Troll: No clue who that is :D [10.03.2012 14:34:41] Rika: That weeboo girl with so many names [10.03.2012 14:35:00] Rika: http://adfki.wikinet.org/wiki/Kourine [10.03.2012 14:35:02] Rika: Her [10.03.2012 14:35:39] Undercover Troll: oooooh [10.03.2012 14:35:57] Undercover Troll: hormones changes your voice too right? [10.03.2012 14:36:15] Rika: No [10.03.2012 14:36:22] Rika: Its something you have to work on [10.03.2012 14:36:26] Rika: I still struggle with it [10.03.2012 14:36:32] Undercover Troll: Oooooh, ADFs voice is so different though [10.03.2012 14:36:34] Undercover Troll: maybe just a cold [10.03.2012 14:36:47] Rika: It is [10.03.2012 14:36:55] Rika: Were almost out of winter [10.03.2012 14:37:02] Undercover Troll: Ah [10.03.2012 14:37:20] Rika: Of late Ahuviya has been making death threats to Kourine [10.03.2012 14:37:40] Undercover Troll: thats worrying [10.03.2012 14:41:29] Rika: Btw, I got my own version of a sonichu medallion :P [10.03.2012 14:41:31] Rika: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/430209_2807406467104_1316948428_32138804_1462471428_n.jpg [10.03.2012 14:41:46] Undercover Troll: Hahahahahah [10.03.2012 14:41:48] Undercover Troll: cute [10.03.2012 14:47:04] Rika: I cant believe the matthew tape was fake, Im browsing the CWCki atm [10.03.2012 14:47:12] Undercover Troll: Awwwh [10.03.2012 14:47:24] Undercover Troll: well it is Real just that [10.03.2012 14:47:25] Undercover Troll: ..:D yeah [10.03.2012 14:47:44] Rika: He did have a sexy ass voice though [10.03.2012 14:47:57] Undercover Troll: HEEEEEEELLL yeeaah [10.03.2012 14:48:08] Rika: http://www.sonichu.com/cwcki/File:Md.PNG Chris had alot of fucking audacity [10.03.2012 14:48:19] Undercover Troll: hhadhksdjhakhahahahahahahah [10.03.2012 14:48:26] Undercover Troll: i love that moment in the audibook [10.03.2012 14:48:31] Undercover Troll: because at that point it plays Guile's theme [10.03.2012 14:48:36] Undercover Troll: because he looks just like guile [10.03.2012 14:48:46] Rika: Link me to this [10.03.2012 14:48:56] Undercover Troll: oh god i got nooo idea where it is :( ill try to find it sec [10.03.2012 14:49:28] Rika: http://www.sonichu.com/cwcki/CWC_Cums_for_a_Cat WHAT THE FUCK [10.03.2012 14:49:30] Undercover Troll: found it [10.03.2012 14:49:34] Rika: Ive never seen this one before [10.03.2012 14:49:35] Undercover Troll: http://youtu.be/Sdxn7vR00Rg?t=2m43s [10.03.2012 14:49:50] Undercover Troll: .........:D [10.03.2012 14:50:32] Rika: Im gonna watch this from the beginning [10.03.2012 14:50:33] Rika: WHOA [10.03.2012 14:50:39] Rika: someone narriated all of the fucking comics [10.03.2012 14:50:45] Undercover Troll: :D Yepp! [10.03.2012 14:51:10] Undercover Troll: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVmyW9stnYs&feature=BFa&list=PL4EAA2A54AFDDFBE1&lf=results_main [10.03.2012 14:51:56] Rika: Im gonna watch them all from the beginning [10.03.2012 14:52:10] Undercover Troll: hahahah :D [10.03.2012 14:52:30] Rika: This saves me the "stress" of having to reading the comic [10.03.2012 14:52:54] Undercover Troll: its really good! The 2nd narrator is slightly better though with a better voice but the first aint bad by any means [10.03.2012 14:53:00] Undercover Troll: first apperance of 2nd narrator is the 4th vid [10.03.2012 14:54:04] Rika: Omg even with a narrator this comic is incoherent [10.03.2012 14:54:31] Rika: LMAO [10.03.2012 14:55:14] Rika: I remember someone made a better version of this comic [10.03.2012 14:55:22] Rika: where CWC was depicted as fat [10.03.2012 14:55:31] Rika: and all of the artwork looked great [10.03.2012 14:56:30] Undercover Troll: HAHA yes [10.03.2012 14:57:55] Rika: http://youtu.be/nKW4XLBYYfs Is this the second narrator? [10.03.2012 14:58:05] Undercover Troll: Yap! [10.03.2012 14:58:29] Rika: LOL I love the background music inclusive, including the national anthem [10.03.2012 14:59:25] Rika: LMAO at the girl on the leash [10.03.2012 15:00:47] Rika: LOL a pickle [10.03.2012 15:01:17] Rika: WHAT THE FUCK [10.03.2012 15:01:30] Rika: So you get hit in the head with a pickle [10.03.2012 15:01:36] Rika: and in a fit of rage you strip [10.03.2012 15:01:42] Rika: Yeah women really do that [10.03.2012 15:02:46] Rika: Lmao this is fucking stupid [10.03.2012 15:06:08] Undercover Troll: HAHAHAHAHAH [10.03.2012 15:06:12] Undercover Troll: its sonichu [10.03.2012 15:06:17] Undercover Troll: :D anyways gotta do some driving brb! [10.03.2012 15:06:48] Rika: Laters [10.03.2012 15:07:31] Undercover Troll: or in 10 mins actually nvm [10.03.2012 15:12:37] Undercover Troll: watching from episode 1? :D [10.03.2012 15:12:59] Rika: They arent in order sadly [10.03.2012 15:13:10] Rika: I just finished watching subepisode6 [10.03.2012 15:13:15] Undercover Troll: oh [10.03.2012 15:13:15] Undercover Troll: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Os-nNkWnNpo&feature=autoplay&list=PL4EAA2A54AFDDFBE1&lf=results_main&playnext=1 [10.03.2012 15:13:18] Undercover Troll: that playlist is [10.03.2012 15:13:22] Undercover Troll: that is one video in though [10.03.2012 15:13:52] Rika: Thanks! :) [10.03.2012 15:13:56] Undercover Troll: <3 [10.03.2012 15:13:58] Rika: LOL I love the fable music [10.03.2012 15:14:01] Undercover Troll: hahhahaa [10.03.2012 15:14:13] Undercover Troll: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVmyW9stnYs&feature=BFa&list=PL4EAA2A54AFDDFBE1&lf=results_main there thats from episode 1 [10.03.2012 15:14:14] Undercover Troll: in order [10.03.2012 15:14:33] Rika: LOL [10.03.2012 15:14:41] Rika: "Yes so Sonichu stalked her" [10.03.2012 15:14:45] Rika: I love the commentary [10.03.2012 15:14:49] Undercover Troll: hahahah [10.03.2012 15:16:32] Rika: Laboring over a Microwave [10.03.2012 15:16:37] Undercover Troll: LOL [10.03.2012 15:16:40] Rika: THat is sooo fucking sexist lol [10.03.2012 15:17:15] Undercover Troll: sonichu comics is the pinacle of sexism xD like at the mall chris explains that the reason girls ignores him is because they just have shopping on their minds [10.03.2012 15:18:39] Undercover Troll: also brb [10.03.2012 15:18:57] Rika: Lol the commentary is greaty [10.03.2012 15:19:11] Rika: "IN CWC ALL FEMALES RAPE CREDIT CARDS!" [10.03.2012 18:19:52] Undercover Troll: OFC! xD [10.03.2012 18:39:15] Rika: Holy shit [10.03.2012 18:39:18] Rika: I just woke up [10.03.2012 18:39:24] Rika: I actually FELL ASLEEP watching these [10.03.2012 18:39:38] Rika: Its still playing on Ep 14: part 2 [10.03.2012 18:40:45] Undercover Troll: HAHA they get pretty dull in huge doses yeah [10.03.2012 18:40:49] Undercover Troll: better to take like 1-2 at a time [10.03.2012 18:42:09] Rika: Its pretty insulting that CWC considers himself a proffessional artist [10.03.2012 18:42:29] Undercover Troll: haha :D he is pretty delusional [10.03.2012 18:43:36] Rika: Shit cant believe Im meeting Maria today to discuss Ahuviya getting committed [10.03.2012 18:44:06] Undercover Troll: Be strong (?) I guess? :D just make sure you know what you want going in [10.03.2012 18:44:44] Rika: As sad as this is, Ahuviya needs it, Because someone is gonna get hurt or even worse killed [10.03.2012 18:45:51] Undercover Troll: Yeah probably for the best, with her obsessions for all militant im not really sure if she gets the severity of death/murder [10.03.2012 18:46:47] Rika: Shit how long do these comics go on for. Its on the megan sega now [10.03.2012 18:47:57] Undercover Troll: ehrrrr [10.03.2012 18:48:01] Undercover Troll: 600ish pages? I think [10.03.2012 18:48:07] Undercover Troll: its 78 videos, aprox 10 mins each [10.03.2012 18:48:42] Rika: Before I fell asleep watching this shit [10.03.2012 18:48:50] Rika: I noticed that the plots arent even coherent or in order [10.03.2012 18:48:58] Rika: Its like a Tommy Wisue film [10.03.2012 18:49:04] Rika: You saw "The Room" right? [10.03.2012 18:49:09] Undercover Troll: :D ofc [10.03.2012 18:49:10] Rika: Its like that, but worse [10.03.2012 18:49:12] Undercover Troll: hahahahah [10.03.2012 18:49:34] Undercover Troll: Chris has enough balls not to go back on his principles and call it a comedy now that most people laugh at it tho [10.03.2012 18:49:54] Rika: CWC gets his powers to transform into a mutant hedgehog freak AFTER HE USES IT in a previous episode [10.03.2012 18:50:11] Rika: And characters are easily forgotten about [10.03.2012 18:51:18] Undercover Troll: Fo sho :D [10.03.2012 18:56:20] Rika: ADF is prob pissed that Im holding the cumrag hostage [10.03.2012 18:56:33] Undercover Troll: ...He has a cumrag? [10.03.2012 18:56:44] Undercover Troll: thats just revolting [10.03.2012 18:57:16] Rika: Im talking about the little Nurato Plushie [10.03.2012 18:57:20] Undercover Troll: Oooooooooh [10.03.2012 18:57:21] Rika: thats what all of the trolls call it [10.03.2012 18:57:39] Rika: Cause its believed that he has had sex with it before [10.03.2012 18:57:41] Undercover Troll: xD i really havnt got any in debth knowledge of ADF I just love everything i hear from you 4 people [10.03.2012 18:57:43] Rika: OH [10.03.2012 18:57:44] Undercover Troll: ..oh lawdy [10.03.2012 18:57:47] Rika: Lemme go look for the hole [10.03.2012 18:57:47] Rika: to see if its true [10.03.2012 18:57:49] Undercover Troll: does it like. Smell? [10.03.2012 18:57:50] Rika: BRB [10.03.2012 18:57:51] Undercover Troll: .............................. [10.03.2012 18:57:53] Undercover Troll: xD HAHAHAHAh [10.03.2012 18:58:48] Rika: No self made hole but there is an area that can serve as an orpheous. Lol it looks great chained up in my bathroom [10.03.2012 18:59:12] Undercover Troll: Oh my god, does it like. smell? [10.03.2012 18:59:38] Rika: A bit [10.03.2012 19:01:24] Rika: Am I stoned? [10.03.2012 19:01:37] Rika: How did Beavis and Butthead get into a sonichu comic? [10.03.2012 19:01:45] Undercover Troll: HAHAHAAHAH [10.03.2012 19:02:05] Undercover Troll: basically he rips off everything at any time and calls it a "parody" when people tells him that he cant make money on such blatant copyright fuckups [10.03.2012 19:02:38] Rika: NO [10.03.2012 19:02:39] Rika: NO [10.03.2012 19:02:40] Rika: NO [10.03.2012 19:02:42] Rika: DO NOT [10.03.2012 19:02:43] Rika: BUTCHER [10.03.2012 19:02:48] Rika: THE FINAL COUNTDOWN [10.03.2012 19:02:52] Rika: OMG NO! [10.03.2012 19:02:54] Rika: :( [10.03.2012 19:03:07] Undercover Troll: :D Chris does that. A lot. Butcher stuff [10.03.2012 19:03:26] Rika: Chris fucking RUINED Bonnie Tyler for me [10.03.2012 19:03:48] Rika: I had the misfortune of hearing his version of "Holding out for a hero" before I heard the actual song [10.03.2012 19:04:02] Rika: And anytime I hear the real song [10.03.2012 19:04:09] Undercover Troll: ...ooooooh lawd [10.03.2012 19:04:12] Rika: I see the mental image of that autistic manchild burned into my retna [10.03.2012 19:09:59] Rika: Im gonna go grab this months royalty check. My non taxpayer, HONEST montly tugboat lol [10.03.2012 19:10:19] Undercover Troll: Hahahaha [10.03.2012 19:10:39] Undercover Troll: im gonna work at the tugboat office in 2 years actually :D [10.03.2012 19:11:29] Rika: Your county has SSI income too? [10.03.2012 19:12:32] Undercover Troll: Sort of :D all types of wellfare. Unemployment gets a bit less, those who take coarses/training programs a bit more, adn those who are completly unable to work gets a pretty fat salary consistent with the average income [10.03.2012 19:12:50] Undercover Troll: SSI being the latter, depending on the severity [10.03.2012 19:13:25] Undercover Troll: also have state-owned businesses for mentally challenged people for them to work. It isnt profitable but it gives them something to do and raises their self asteem whilst doing simple manual labor thats optional [10.03.2012 19:14:00] Rika: Interesting discussion, Ill be back later, I gotta run. Laters! [10.03.2012 19:14:13] Undercover Troll: ;D Take care, best of luck [11.03.2012 00:18:12] Rika: Hey ya there? [11.03.2012 00:18:23] Undercover Troll: Yup! [11.03.2012 00:18:26] Undercover Troll: Sup? :D [11.03.2012 00:18:33] Rika: Update time [11.03.2012 00:18:38] Rika: Me, Maria, and Ahuviya met [11.03.2012 00:18:39] Undercover Troll: Oooh? Anything major? [11.03.2012 00:18:43] Undercover Troll: oh god [11.03.2012 00:18:47] Rika: So anyway [11.03.2012 00:19:00] Rika: Ahuviya agreed that were going to check her into a woman's shelter on tuesday [11.03.2012 00:19:21] Rika: Ahuviya has agreed, (And I have too) that were both NOT to even look at 789chan or the ADFwiki [11.03.2012 00:19:32] Undercover Troll: Sounds clever [11.03.2012 00:19:37] Rika: And Ahuviya is banned from using labels [11.03.2012 00:19:46] Rika: Like communist,capitalist, femist, cisgender, etc [11.03.2012 00:19:57] Undercover Troll: oh wow reckon she'll stick to it? [11.03.2012 00:20:02] Rika: Shes gonna try [11.03.2012 00:21:49] Undercover Troll: So she realizes she has issues then? [11.03.2012 00:21:52] Rika: Shes gonna crash my place tonight and help me clean this place up [11.03.2012 00:21:57] Rika: Yes she does thankfully [11.03.2012 00:22:10] Rika: Were gonna watch a HAPPY movie, unlike the usual movie with rape and murder in it [11.03.2012 00:22:11] Undercover Troll: haha :D I'd love to talk to her but no preasure [11.03.2012 00:22:12] Rika: OH FUCKING SHIT [11.03.2012 00:22:16] Undercover Troll: sounds nice [11.03.2012 00:22:24] Rika: this means I cant listen to any Insane Clown Posse tonight [11.03.2012 00:22:31] Rika: GOD DAMNIT [11.03.2012 00:22:31] Rika: :( [11.03.2012 00:23:02] Rika: If your a good influence you can [11.03.2012 00:23:04] Undercover Troll: Haha well sacrefices eh? [11.03.2012 00:23:10] Undercover Troll: Well i wouldnt say anything bad [11.03.2012 00:23:10] Rika: Yeah I girss so XD [11.03.2012 00:23:15] Rika: Guess* [11.03.2012 00:23:17] Undercover Troll: just encouraging things [11.03.2012 00:23:21] Rika: Yeah :) [11.03.2012 00:24:06] Rika: Alright yeah. But just to talk to you. Shes banned from using my internet completely [11.03.2012 00:24:13] Rika: with this being the exception lol [11.03.2012 00:25:03] Undercover Troll: Hahahaha oh sure well its no huge deal really only if its convinient [11.03.2012 00:25:17] Undercover Troll: like if you two would rather just stay offline thats probably better [11.03.2012 00:27:44] Rika: It is. Just need to wait for Ahuviya to finish walking Maria down the street and get back here [11.03.2012 00:27:58] Undercover Troll: :D Ill be around for a few hours, glad its looking brighter for her! [11.03.2012 00:30:30] Rika: She is here now. I will put her on [11.03.2012 00:30:58] Rika: hello [11.03.2012 00:31:36] Undercover Troll: hey ahuviya! How're you doing? :D I'm a friend of Rika, from (socialist) Norway, nice to talk to you! [11.03.2012 00:32:06] Rika: It is nice to connect with people [11.03.2012 00:32:13] Rika: from other nations [11.03.2012 00:32:39] Undercover Troll: Hows America anyway? :D Currently I mean [11.03.2012 00:32:57] Rika: America is going down the toilet [11.03.2012 00:33:03] Rika: still [11.03.2012 00:33:17] Rika: I do not believe the corporate media [11.03.2012 00:34:02] Rika: I watch a lot of RT and BBC [11.03.2012 00:34:24] Undercover Troll: You think so? Thats a shame, heard you were a pretty big activist! (not one of your obsessive followers xP) And I guess the saying "all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" is quite true when it comes to activism especially. [11.03.2012 00:34:33] Undercover Troll: BBC? Really? [11.03.2012 00:34:39] Rika: Exactly [11.03.2012 00:35:13] Undercover Troll: But even great warriors have to sit down and eat their ramen every now and then ;) [11.03.2012 00:35:50] Rika: This country in my opinion - is incapable of peasant revolt, everyone is too sheepleish [11.03.2012 00:36:57] Undercover Troll: Thats a shame if the peasants doesn't even know how much they are truly suffering. At least a lot of them banded together during that whole SOPA thing, then again that was mostly done in front of the computer which is the easiest form of activism [11.03.2012 00:37:23] Rika: Anonymous [11.03.2012 00:37:42] Rika: they are starting to do good things [11.03.2012 00:38:00] Undercover Troll: Yup! Seemingly :D [11.03.2012 00:38:03] Rika: I see it with PIPA and SOPA [11.03.2012 00:38:21] Rika: and ACTA [11.03.2012 00:38:56] Undercover Troll: As long as they manage to defeat them all really. It's a beautiful thing when "peasants" are able to band together and defeat those on top, sadly a bit too rare at times. [11.03.2012 00:39:07] Rika: true [11.03.2012 00:39:56] Undercover Troll: Hows life for YOU currently though? Its pretty impressive that you care so much for your nation whilst you seemingly have a lot to deal with when it comes to your own life [11.03.2012 00:40:56] Rika: it welll....its day by day [11.03.2012 00:41:05] Rika: Ahuviya, We agreed. [11.03.2012 00:41:30] Rika: I know your views, but this is an addiction, remember no labels [11.03.2012 00:41:31] Rika: Rika: Listen to David Harvey [11.03.2012 00:41:55] Rika: Economics aren't labels [11.03.2012 00:42:05] Rika: I dont care about David Henry, I care about your well being [11.03.2012 00:42:12] Rika: HARVEY [11.03.2012 00:42:16] Rika: and you obsess over this stuff way to much [11.03.2012 00:42:24] Undercover Troll: Haha you two are adorable together xD [11.03.2012 00:42:32] Rika: thanks [11.03.2012 00:42:46] Rika: Rika hates my intellect [11.03.2012 00:42:53] Rika: I read too much books [11.03.2012 00:43:02] Rika: Bullsheet [11.03.2012 00:43:10] Undercover Troll: Rika is a really sweet girl though :D [11.03.2012 00:43:11] Rika: I need to be fumbed down [11.03.2012 00:43:24] Rika: R: I hate the fact your in your only little world that its effecting your mentality [11.03.2012 00:43:32] Undercover Troll: Do you just real political books and history and such or fiction too? [11.03.2012 00:43:49] Rika: Political Books and History [11.03.2012 00:43:57] Rika: R: You can't change the current gov, You can't incite a revolution, You can only change yourself. why do you focus on this shit so much? [11.03.2012 00:44:01] Rika: Political Science [11.03.2012 00:44:28] Rika: Communism and Anarcho-Syncalism [11.03.2012 00:44:52] Undercover Troll: I've wanted to read up on east european history and geographics for quite a while actually, feel way too ignorant about it. Thats beside the point though, sounds like pretty heavy reading material! [11.03.2012 00:44:55] Rika: not too much on fiction [11.03.2012 00:45:02] Undercover Troll: Naruto manga ;) [11.03.2012 00:45:20] Rika: I read the NaRUTO Manga online [11.03.2012 00:45:21] Rika: R: Hentai [11.03.2012 00:45:24] Rika: R: lol [11.03.2012 00:46:05] Undercover Troll: I was really really really into naruto some years back, so much so that I got the cursed seal lvl 1 of Ankou and Sasuke (might be more these days, havn't kept up!) tattood where it should be ;p [11.03.2012 00:46:05] Rika: I say the lact major series of manga I bought voluntarily was Rurouni Kenshin [11.03.2012 00:46:13] Undercover Troll: Ooooh [11.03.2012 00:46:47] Rika: I also studied Meiji-era Japan along with reafing Kenshin [11.03.2012 00:46:52] Rika: R: <- Never watched Anime lol [11.03.2012 00:47:17] Undercover Troll: Impressive! [11.03.2012 00:47:40] Rika: I am very selective with my anime [11.03.2012 00:47:51] Rika: very narrow niche [11.03.2012 00:48:07] Rika: if there is no political angle to be found [11.03.2012 00:48:17] Rika: I do not watch it [11.03.2012 00:48:24] Rika: or read it [11.03.2012 00:48:32] Undercover Troll: Have you ever considered taking a political science major at a college? [11.03.2012 00:49:01] Rika: I minored in Polit. Science when I went to GCC [11.03.2012 00:49:10] Rika: R: AHuviya, thats an idea. why not go back to school? [11.03.2012 00:49:23] Undercover Troll: Ohhhhh, I had no idea. I really don't read that wiki dedicated to you all that often so [11.03.2012 00:49:35] Rika: that takes time and long term planning [11.03.2012 00:49:49] Undercover Troll: Maybe its time for long term planning? :D [11.03.2012 00:49:53] Rika: going back to school [11.03.2012 00:50:10] Rika: will be more likely for 2013 [11.03.2012 00:50:27] Rika: Still its a reachable goal! :) [11.03.2012 00:50:34] Rika: R: I said that ^^^ [11.03.2012 00:50:40] Undercover Troll: As long as you'll get a happy end and hopefully a good life within the next few years thanks to a bit of long-term planning [11.03.2012 00:50:41] Rika: I want to go to University of Pennsylvania [11.03.2012 00:50:44] Undercover Troll: Yep! [11.03.2012 00:50:47] Undercover Troll: Thats amazing! [11.03.2012 00:51:01] Rika: R: We need to get Ahuviya her own place. [11.03.2012 00:51:13] Undercover Troll: For sure [11.03.2012 00:51:13] Rika: R: Thats our first goal :) [11.03.2012 00:51:28] Undercover Troll: An own place and a job of some shape to pay the rent and use that as an HQ ;) [11.03.2012 00:51:32] Rika: U Penn is at least one year of advance planning from start [11.03.2012 00:51:59] Rika: housing is priority first [11.03.2012 00:52:16] Rika: retaining independence id first [11.03.2012 00:52:27] Rika: R: Yes Ahuviya with her own Command Center xD [11.03.2012 00:52:30] Undercover Troll: Sounds like a wise choice, I sometimes spend a few minutes thinking about your situation and place myself in your worn shoes and housing would be on my #1 too [11.03.2012 00:52:33] Undercover Troll: Haha :D [11.03.2012 00:52:35] Rika: and kitchen [11.03.2012 00:52:45] Undercover Troll: You like to cook Ahuviya?:D [11.03.2012 00:52:46] Rika: and bedroom [11.03.2012 00:52:52] Rika: sorta [11.03.2012 00:52:55] Rika: depends [11.03.2012 00:52:59] Rika: on what [11.03.2012 00:53:10] Undercover Troll: What do you like to make and not like to make then? [11.03.2012 00:53:44] Rika: I be more on Vegetarian/Vegan stuff with my own space [11.03.2012 00:53:51] Rika: I so not want to continue [11.03.2012 00:54:06] Rika: supporting the meat industry [11.03.2012 00:54:56] Undercover Troll: That is very commendable, there are a lot of atrocities committed every day by said industry all the while using efficiency as an excuse/reason [11.03.2012 00:55:26] Undercover Troll: Although I don't know a whole lot about US meat industry, but I can't imagine it is a lot better than anywhere else [11.03.2012 00:56:46] Undercover Troll: Read any books on the topic or seen documentaries or similar?:) [11.03.2012 00:57:09] Rika: If a tree falls [11.03.2012 00:57:14] Rika: recently [11.03.2012 00:57:23] Rika: with Occupy Philly friends [11.03.2012 00:57:32] Rika: R: Never knew you were a Phil Collins fan Ahuviya [11.03.2012 00:57:53] Rika: and Elton John [11.03.2012 00:58:09] Rika: and Sting [11.03.2012 00:58:15] Undercover Troll: Cool :D ever considered shooting your own documentary or even writing your own book? You seem to do a lot of writing [11.03.2012 00:58:20] Rika: and Beetles [11.03.2012 00:58:20] Rika: Queen [11.03.2012 00:58:42] Rika: I am more videos [11.03.2012 00:58:48] Rika: visual arts [11.03.2012 00:59:10] Rika: anything that can qualify dor a book [11.03.2012 00:59:20] Rika: essays and quotations [11.03.2012 00:59:50] Undercover Troll: You have a lot of topics you could cover though, your own life, being transgender and the transgender community, politics in the US - its past and future etc [11.03.2012 01:00:13] Rika: I know [11.03.2012 01:00:25] Rika: I want to plan out what to write about [11.03.2012 01:01:45] Rika: I have one serious regret - Meeting Kourine should have never happened [11.03.2012 01:02:15] Undercover Troll: sounds like an idea xP i'd definetly buy any product you'd produce. And yeah Rika filled me in, still not -too- sure who it is but it sounds like a painful aspect of your life [11.03.2012 01:04:17] Rika: its an episoce of my history I would rather forget and have erased [11.03.2012 01:04:47] Undercover Troll: hopefully progressing with your life will help you do exactly that [11.03.2012 01:05:28] Rika: I hope so now [11.03.2012 01:06:04] Rika: and I really hope Rika would just give me time and spade to elvole and change [11.03.2012 01:06:23] Rika: situation, political, whatever [11.03.2012 01:06:30] Rika: Gender [11.03.2012 01:07:03] Undercover Troll: Im sure she will, Rika is quite reasonable ;) [11.03.2012 01:07:50] Rika: I do not think faulting a social, economic and political treatise is the way to go about it [11.03.2012 01:09:58] Undercover Troll: Im glad, you sort of have to play with the cards you're given every now and then [11.03.2012 01:10:07] Rika: true [11.03.2012 01:10:15] Rika: R: You need to move on, and you need to learn to exist without labels [11.03.2012 01:10:50] Rika: "Communist, Transgender, femist, nazi, cisgender, homosexual, etc" [11.03.2012 01:11:01] Rika: Labels shouldent matter [11.03.2012 01:11:19] Rika: R: Im on the other computer XD [11.03.2012 01:11:28] Rika: a lot of people think because I am a Trans/Feminist/Maoist, I am close minded. [11.03.2012 01:11:55] Rika: I have studied and experienced other worse realities and idoelogies [11.03.2012 01:12:08] Rika: -ideologies [11.03.2012 01:12:20] Undercover Troll: Rika got a point, maybe you should attempt to be yourself without attempting to lable who you are - like labels are for easy communication and not much more, its a dangerous path to discover your identify through labels or attempt to live up to pre-exsisting ones [11.03.2012 01:12:34] Rika: R: You need to exist without those labels and learn that all humans are equal (Unfortuantly that applies for even the shitty ones) but still [11.03.2012 01:12:35] Undercover Troll: Experienced, really? [11.03.2012 01:13:07] Rika: I am saying - there is worst shit I could believe in [11.03.2012 01:13:12] Undercover Troll: Ooooh [11.03.2012 01:13:14] Undercover Troll: For sure [11.03.2012 01:14:28] Rika: I could go on believing a lie I was taught and socialized by society with: something I am not - Male [11.03.2012 01:14:52] Rika: R: You need to keep your transition seperate from your political ideologies [11.03.2012 01:15:05] Rika: R: Its why if I HAD to pick a label, I would be a moderate [11.03.2012 01:15:21] Rika: My gender identity issues have been ongoing for 10 years [11.03.2012 01:15:27] Undercover Troll: :D How did you realize that you weren't a male anyhow Ahuviya? [11.03.2012 01:15:50] Rika: I was 15-16 [11.03.2012 01:15:59] Undercover Troll: Or was it a gradual process? I know finding my sexual idenity was quite gradual [11.03.2012 01:16:10] Rika: in high school [11.03.2012 01:16:27] Rika: started as a gradual process [11.03.2012 01:16:52] Rika: evolved onb it own over the years [11.03.2012 01:17:03] Rika: from genderqueer to neutrois [11.03.2012 01:17:21] Rika: R: You're trans to Undercover Troll? [11.03.2012 01:17:25] Rika: and by late 2009 - start of 2010 [11.03.2012 01:17:28] Undercover Troll: Oh nope, homosexual :) [11.03.2012 01:17:47] Rika: I made the decision [11.03.2012 01:17:53] Rika: to transition [11.03.2012 01:18:06] Rika: R: No wonder you found Kacey's dad's voice hot :) [11.03.2012 01:18:11] Undercover Troll: ;p [11.03.2012 01:18:13] Rika: R: He did have a hot voice [11.03.2012 01:18:17] Undercover Troll: ^ [11.03.2012 01:18:25] Rika: I cannot another decase without resolve [11.03.2012 01:18:33] Rika: -decase [11.03.2012 01:18:38] Rika: -decde [11.03.2012 01:19:09] Undercover Troll: Isn't it difficult being transgender on top of all your current dealings though Ahuviya? Even though its not something you can chose, it doesn't sound like it makes your life easier [11.03.2012 01:19:25] Rika: another 10 years without fixing this would be the worst thing for me [11.03.2012 01:20:37] Rika: if did not came out - I wopuld virtually destroy myself holding it back [11.03.2012 01:21:01] Rika: hence the violent course this transition took [11.03.2012 01:21:17] Rika: R: Transition doesnt have to be violent [11.03.2012 01:21:42] Rika: this could not be a managed process [11.03.2012 01:22:02] Undercover Troll: You do have quite the ferocious 9tails within you Ahuviya I got to say ;) - do you feel that your wrath is setteling somewhat though or? [11.03.2012 01:22:02] Rika: Rika can't understand [11.03.2012 01:22:16] Rika: It is [11.03.2012 01:22:31] Rika: no one at least alotting it more time to die down [11.03.2012 01:23:18] Undercover Troll: Thats really nice to hear, if I were you I'd be one exhausted person right now due to all the recent troubles with just about anything [11.03.2012 01:23:37] Undercover Troll: like i'd probably just sleep for a week lol [11.03.2012 01:23:56] Rika: I struggle too, its unbearable at times [11.03.2012 01:24:04] Undercover Troll: I can imagine [11.03.2012 01:24:07] Rika: but I duke the shit out [11.03.2012 01:24:38] Rika: R: Ummm, I can understand, I dont understand the sexual assault part. But transition wise hell yeah. I had to fight and give everyone hell to be myself [11.03.2012 01:24:56] Undercover Troll: Oh heard about that between Angelo and you, sad, sad story Ahuviya [11.03.2012 01:25:08] Rika: it happened [11.03.2012 01:25:21] Rika: I have not fully healed from that [11.03.2012 01:25:26] Rika: to this day [11.03.2012 01:25:45] Undercover Troll: Well how could you girl? Thats a scar you'll have to carry for the rest of your life, at least thats how I see it [11.03.2012 01:25:58] Rika: you can't [11.03.2012 01:28:00] Undercover Troll: Its probably painful and you don't have to answer but, how was life growing up sharing the same house with him both prior and after? [11.03.2012 01:31:04] Rika: it was hell [11.03.2012 01:31:10] Rika: just terror [11.03.2012 01:31:41] Undercover Troll: Poor thing :( I also grew up in an abusive household [11.03.2012 01:32:22] Rika: My strong feminist views are rooted from these experiences [11.03.2012 01:32:55] Undercover Troll: So I guess Angelo is a pretty terrible man? [11.03.2012 01:33:00] Rika: Yes [11.03.2012 01:33:32] Undercover Troll: How did he treat you really? Like in general? Thats always been something I've wondered [11.03.2012 01:33:49] Rika: horrible [11.03.2012 01:34:18] Rika: anything good would later attached to a bad thing [11.03.2012 01:34:28] Rika: otherwise pure shit [11.03.2012 01:35:07] Undercover Troll: did he make you do a lot of chores or shout a lot? [11.03.2012 01:35:32] Rika: shouting more [11.03.2012 01:35:47] Rika: chores or no chores [11.03.2012 01:35:58] Rika: it have no bearing [11.03.2012 01:36:24] Undercover Troll: understandable, did he use to drink too or? [11.03.2012 01:38:39] Rika: alcoholic [11.03.2012 01:38:43] Undercover Troll: oh wow [11.03.2012 01:38:57] Undercover Troll: i currently live with two alcoholics too, its a nasty road [11.03.2012 01:38:58] Rika: heavy alcoholic [11.03.2012 01:39:25] Undercover Troll: no wonder you're this scarred Ahuviya, I'm so sorry to hear it. Maybe it contributed to making you into the strong person you are today [11.03.2012 01:39:38] Rika: it does [11.03.2012 01:41:07] Undercover Troll: Have you made any concrete plans as to how to get a place for your own or means to pay it though? [11.03.2012 01:41:27] Rika: no I haven't the means [11.03.2012 01:41:38] Undercover Troll: yet ;D [11.03.2012 01:42:02] Rika: and I am sorta opposed to moving back to Mom and Dale at this time [11.03.2012 01:42:32] Undercover Troll: How come? :) sounds like a nice place to get a new start, like the day before you moved from home [11.03.2012 01:43:41] Rika: I couldn't bear living with mom [11.03.2012 01:43:56] Rika: transition was finanicially in jeopardy [11.03.2012 01:44:03] Rika: if I did not [11.03.2012 01:44:16] Undercover Troll: Oh, is she opposed to your actual gender then? [11.03.2012 01:44:32] Rika: just finanicially supporting it [11.03.2012 01:44:43] Rika: otherwise okay with it [11.03.2012 01:45:27] Undercover Troll: So how is this relevant right now? For you to move back I mean? [11.03.2012 01:46:10] Rika: I fear i would lose to ability to continue hormones [11.03.2012 01:46:39] Undercover Troll: Have you had a meeting with her explaining the importance for you? [11.03.2012 01:46:47] Rika: enough times [11.03.2012 01:46:56] Undercover Troll: sad [11.03.2012 01:46:57] Rika: I stressed to her [11.03.2012 01:47:07] Rika: this is lide or death for Ahuviya [11.03.2012 01:47:16] Rika: -life [11.03.2012 01:47:33] Undercover Troll: its too bad your family isnt more supportive [11.03.2012 01:47:44] Rika: sigh, yeah [11.03.2012 01:48:21] Undercover Troll: its a bit easier for me, my alcoholic parent + alcoholic GF are pretty conservative, but I don't have to let them know that I'm gay, whereas its a bit more...visual for transgenders [11.03.2012 01:49:23] Rika: R: Ahuviya, It took my parents almost a whole fucking year to be proud of me again, and my parents still cant get my new name or pronouns correct yet. [11.03.2012 01:49:36] Rika: R: Just because they slip doesnt mean they dont love you [11.03.2012 01:50:54] Undercover Troll: 1 sec! brb [11.03.2012 01:57:30] Rika: Attention please, all passengers: Due to usuratonkachis on the overhead wires, trains will be running 15 to 45 minutes late. [11.03.2012 01:59:04] Undercover Troll: Back sorry girls! Was adding small pieces of apple and blueberries to vanilla yoghurt, pretty tasty and healthy lunch! [11.03.2012 01:59:06] Rika: ahh [11.03.2012 01:59:15] Undercover Troll: and hmmm? [11.03.2012 01:59:35] Rika: SEPTA Regional Rail announcement hack [11.03.2012 02:00:03] Undercover Troll: Did someone hack the US trains systems or? [11.03.2012 02:00:34] Rika: Humor - I type weird shit in chats when its dead [11.03.2012 02:00:47] Undercover Troll: Ooooh hahaha sorry xP had no idea [11.03.2012 02:01:05] Undercover Troll: Do you have a skype on your own Ahuviya?:D [11.03.2012 02:01:16] Rika: My skype is Ahuviya.Harel [11.03.2012 02:02:09] Undercover Troll: Added! Although I suspect that your connection to the internet these days are somewhat limited [11.03.2012 02:03:00] Rika: its limited [11.03.2012 02:03:08] Rika: yeah [11.03.2012 02:03:16] Rika: cahts are a rarity [11.03.2012 02:05:18] Undercover Troll: Too bad :( I really like chatting with you! [11.03.2012 02:05:33] Rika: hopefully once shit settles [11.03.2012 02:05:53] Rika: I will have my own shit and internet [11.03.2012 02:06:33] Undercover Troll: :D thatd be awesome! [11.03.2012 02:11:59] Rika: playing some 80s [11.03.2012 02:12:05] Rika: right now [11.03.2012 02:12:19] Undercover Troll: Ooooh what song(s)? [11.03.2012 02:12:36] Rika: next to play after rika's song [11.03.2012 02:12:49] Rika: Pet Shop Boys - Opportunities [11.03.2012 02:13:10] Rika: (its a swipe against neoliberal capitalism) [11.03.2012 02:13:36] Undercover Troll: Ooooh, you two almost sounds like best buddies like this, sharing roof and alternating songs [11.03.2012 02:19:14] Rika: R: We pretty much are lol [11.03.2012 02:19:23] Undercover Troll: Awwwwwwh [11.03.2012 02:20:18] Undercover Troll: Regarding friends actually, or well the opposite I suppose; enemies ;p - Any of you had any contact with Jordan as of late? That person just seemed so ..insane [11.03.2012 02:20:51] Rika: Jordan and I kinda are okay with each other [11.03.2012 02:20:57] Rika: these days [11.03.2012 02:20:58] Undercover Troll: Really now? [11.03.2012 02:20:59] Rika: yes [11.03.2012 02:21:06] Undercover Troll: Rika told me some horror stories :D anything changed? [11.03.2012 02:21:35] Rika: R: We got a truce with Jordan, But I still dont think too highly of him lol [11.03.2012 02:21:37] Rika: not really, Jordan gave up hating my guts [11.03.2012 02:21:46] Rika: at this time [11.03.2012 02:22:17] Undercover Troll: Thats nice of him, any other transgender community drama? [11.03.2012 02:24:08] Rika: R: OMG SOMEONE GIVE ME A GUN SO I CAN SHOOT MYSELF. Ahuviya is playing Hansen MMMbop [11.03.2012 02:24:18] Undercover Troll: Hahahahahhahahaha [11.03.2012 02:24:19] Undercover Troll: cute [11.03.2012 02:24:31] Undercover Troll: At least its cheerful;) [11.03.2012 02:24:55] Rika: R: ROFL!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [11.03.2012 02:25:20] Rika: R: Thats WAYYYY too cheerful Undercover Troll lol [11.03.2012 02:25:24] Undercover Troll: hahahaha [11.03.2012 02:25:52] Rika: I will raise Rika a Savage Garden song [11.03.2012 02:26:03] Rika: and maybe NSYNC [11.03.2012 02:26:45] Rika: and Double Down with Placebo [11.03.2012 02:27:06] Undercover Troll: You two sound so happy now :D its nice to see [11.03.2012 02:28:43] Rika: R: N Sync doesn't phase Ahuviya lol. Shame she likes it too [11.03.2012 02:29:39 | Edited 02:29:45] Undercover Troll: What sort of shows do you like to watch btw Ahuviya? When you watch TV I mean [11.03.2012 02:30:09] Rika: Anything RT [11.03.2012 02:30:15] Rika: CrossTalk [11.03.2012 02:30:21] Rika: Keiser Report [11.03.2012 02:30:27] Rika: MSNBC's Hardball [11.03.2012 02:30:48] Rika: Rachel Maddow [11.03.2012 02:31:04] Rika: Korean Dramas [11.03.2012 02:31:19] Rika: (from like Feudal Korea) [11.03.2012 02:31:26] Rika: R: I liked Keenan And Kell [11.03.2012 02:31:36] Rika: R: Since where in the fucking 90s right now [11.03.2012 02:31:41] Rika: The History Cahnnel's Ice Road Truckers [11.03.2012 02:31:59] Rika: Anything on the Military Cahnnel [11.03.2012 02:32:15] Undercover Troll: Theres a Military channel in USA? sweet [11.03.2012 02:34:14] Undercover Troll: Watch fox news at all? haha [11.03.2012 02:35:39] Rika: No. [11.03.2012 02:35:50] Rika: FOX LIES [11.03.2012 02:35:55] Undercover Troll: True dat [11.03.2012 02:36:18] Undercover Troll: Watched Glen beck from the TV at our hotel room in Thailand, hilarious stuff [11.03.2012 02:36:27] Rika: it was [11.03.2012 02:36:37] Rika: hilarious TV [11.03.2012 02:36:42] Undercover Troll: xP [11.03.2012 02:36:46] Rika: I'd watch it to mock him [11.03.2012 02:36:54] Undercover Troll: didn't he get taken off the air for being insane? [11.03.2012 02:37:00] Rika: Yeah [11.03.2012 02:37:06] Undercover Troll: Awh [11.03.2012 02:37:09] Undercover Troll: Theres always billo [11.03.2012 02:38:06] Rika: topic change [11.03.2012 02:38:10] Undercover Troll: Sure! [11.03.2012 02:38:16] Rika: What religion am I? [11.03.2012 02:38:27] Rika: (this is a quiz question) [11.03.2012 02:38:30] Undercover Troll: Neo-pagan jewish something? :D [11.03.2012 02:38:44] Rika: Agnostic / Wiccan [11.03.2012 02:39:01] Undercover Troll: Sweet combo! Altough I doubt you can preform many spells if you only partially believe in it [11.03.2012 02:39:26] Rika: I only cast spells on Maria Pupo [11.03.2012 02:39:50] Undercover Troll: oooh? what sorts? [11.03.2012 02:39:56] Rika: Love [11.03.2012 02:40:01] Rika: obedience [11.03.2012 02:40:01] Undercover Troll: Awwwwwwh [11.03.2012 02:40:29] Undercover Troll: so you're a lesbian then Ahuviya? Never read up on that either [11.03.2012 02:40:46] Rika: Pansexual/Queer [11.03.2012 02:42:19] Undercover Troll: Slash queer? Isn't queer within pansexuality? [11.03.2012 02:43:53] Rika: I am mainly attracted to the following: Transmen, Transwomen, Genderqueers, and cisgender women in order of most attracted to. [11.03.2012 02:45:27] Undercover Troll: Aaaaaah, sometimes I wonder if I could be with a m>f pre surgery or F>M post surgery, not always that easy with genders and sexuality really [11.03.2012 02:46:03] Rika: You know about Mikhail? [11.03.2012 02:46:08] Rika: My Dobe [11.03.2012 02:46:14] Rika: He is FTM [11.03.2012 02:47:31] Undercover Troll: Never heard of! Got a picture?:D [11.03.2012 02:48:39] Rika: http://demonic-chick43.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d39xac1 [11.03.2012 02:48:42] Rika: <-- this [11.03.2012 02:48:45] Rika: is [11.03.2012 02:48:49] Rika: Mikky [11.03.2012 02:49:42] Undercover Troll: Ooooooh [11.03.2012 02:50:00] Undercover Troll: He is your what though? Dobe? [11.03.2012 02:55:21] Rika: boyfriend [11.03.2012 02:55:25] Rika: loved one [11.03.2012 02:55:28] Rika: husband [11.03.2012 02:55:30] Undercover Troll: Nawwwwwwhh<3 [11.03.2012 02:55:51] Undercover Troll: Thats so sweet, ever met up IRL? [11.03.2012 02:56:07] Rika: not yet, its an LDR [11.03.2012 02:56:18] Rika: (Long Distance Relationship) [11.03.2012 02:58:01] Rika: He is in California [11.03.2012 02:58:11] Rika: I am in Pennsylvania [11.03.2012 02:58:28] Undercover Troll: I suck at geographics, especially US ones but I'm guessing thats a bit of distance? [11.03.2012 02:58:43] Rika: I am the East Caost [11.03.2012 02:58:53] Rika: He is the West Coast [11.03.2012 02:58:56] Rika: Like Los Angeles [11.03.2012 02:59:26] Undercover Troll: Awwwwwh [11.03.2012 03:03:54] Undercover Troll: Anyways you girls have fun :) gotta head off, its like 2 am here and gotta work on a project tomorrow! [11.03.2012 03:04:00] Undercover Troll: was really nice talking with you Ahuviya! [11.03.2012 03:04:09] Undercover Troll: good luck with life until next time [11.03.2012 15:14:55] Undercover Troll: hi! [11.03.2012 15:15:25] Rika: Heya [11.03.2012 15:15:31] Undercover Troll: Rika of Ahuviya? :D [11.03.2012 15:15:44] Undercover Troll: and how're you doing? [11.03.2012 15:16:12] Rika: Rika [11.03.2012 15:16:21] Rika: Just woke up from thee most BADASS dream ever [11.03.2012 15:16:43] Rika: It was a mix of Final Destination, Resident Evil, and The Time Machine [11.03.2012 15:16:54] Undercover Troll: HAHA! [11.03.2012 15:17:31] Rika: Ahuviya just woke up too [11.03.2012 15:18:11] Undercover Troll: You two hitting breakfast then? [11.03.2012 15:20:37] Rika: Ya about too [11.03.2012 15:20:54] Rika: I got to write down what I just saw in my head that was sooo fucking awesome [11.03.2012 15:21:13] Undercover Troll: Cool! Writing down dreams is something I wish I did at times [11.03.2012 15:23:07] Rika: I had a dream I was some reason taking a Game Design Class currently, but with all that is going on with my photography and travelling/I paid no attention to it. It was pretty mental, there was a flying woman with big boobs in a swim suit. Anyway, I tell my proffessor that I did nothing cause I was too buisy [11.03.2012 15:23:15] Rika: So one of my friends in the class dies [11.03.2012 15:23:18] Rika: and gives me a will [11.03.2012 15:23:27] Rika: where I have to travel to all of these places and visit them [11.03.2012 15:24:26] Rika: So me and Avril Lavigine jack a car, and visit one of the people near some freeway. Anyway turns out the person already died, but became a zombie, and not one of the hungry ones, just came back brain dead [11.03.2012 15:25:03] Rika: So anyway, one of his friends tried to see if he would walk out into the freeway, of course the zombie friend did, and it caused a massive pile up that looked like something out of a michael bay movie [11.03.2012 15:25:42] Rika: Explosions everywhere, cars crashing flipping over, etc [11.03.2012 15:26:36] Rika: Then I reliezed it was all a premonition and then I saw the idiots daring the zombie to go out on the road,but it was too late. so I run to some time machine and for some reason Im alice from the RE movies and there is a fuckton of explosions going on behind me as the cars pile up. Then I woke up!!!!!!!!!! [11.03.2012 15:27:13] Undercover Troll: ..FUCK xD that sounded awesome until you woke up [11.03.2012 15:27:32] Rika: Thats how ALL of my dreams usually are! [11.03.2012 15:29:57] Undercover Troll: any plans today for the two of you? :D [11.03.2012 15:30:18] Rika: Dunno. IM gonna finish cleaning my apt [11.03.2012 15:30:27] Rika: It used to be a MESS but its looking better already [11.03.2012 15:30:36] Undercover Troll: xP [11.03.2012 15:30:42] Undercover Troll: I got OCD on cleaning luckily [11.03.2012 15:31:14] Rika: Im too lazy to clean lol [11.03.2012 15:31:27] Undercover Troll: xP [11.03.2012 15:51:42] Undercover Troll: so did you two figure anything out? [11.03.2012 15:52:05] Rika: Not really, [11.03.2012 15:52:48] Rika: Ahuviya is going to the wooden shoe in about 2 hrs [11.03.2012 15:53:00] Undercover Troll: "the wooden shoe"? [11.03.2012 15:53:12] Rika: Its an anarchist book store [11.03.2012 15:53:23] Rika: another place where Ahuviya gets internet [11.03.2012 15:53:37] Undercover Troll: Ahhh, thought she'd find means as to how to get a place of her own [11.03.2012 15:56:33] Rika: Shes checking into a structured shelter on tuesday [11.03.2012 15:56:44] Undercover Troll: Cool :) staying with you until then? [11.03.2012 15:56:55] Rika: various places [11.03.2012 20:51:32] Undercover Troll: xD are you uploading stuff to 789? check that site like once a month [11.03.2012 20:51:54] Rika: No [11.03.2012 20:51:58] Undercover Troll: 0o [11.03.2012 20:52:17] Rika: I blocked both 789 and the ADFiki from both my computers [11.03.2012 20:52:24] Undercover Troll: Thats awesome :) [11.03.2012 20:52:36] Rika: how is it awesome? [11.03.2012 20:52:55] Rika: Other than the fact both sites are unhealthy and addicting [11.03.2012 20:53:31] Undercover Troll: Well for Ahuviya it's definetly healthy not to have acess to those sites from your place, and for yourself you don't need to stress over either after that whole doxing stuff, makes you less involved too [11.03.2012 20:54:02] Rika: Yeah Im still paranoid over that shit [11.03.2012 20:54:32] Rika: But I figure [11.03.2012 20:54:37] Rika: if ADF gets her act straight [11.03.2012 20:54:39] Undercover Troll: just dont get involved and no one will care about you :D thats basically it [11.03.2012 20:54:49] Rika: I dont think people will care too much about her anymore [11.03.2012 20:54:55] Undercover Troll: ahuh [11.03.2012 20:55:20] Rika: Although THATS a long shot [11.03.2012 20:55:47] Rika: Ahuviya promised not to visit those two sites, which shes prob breaking right now at the Wooden shoe lol [11.03.2012 20:55:54] Undercover Troll: hah [11.03.2012 20:56:30] Undercover Troll: people will also stop caring if she just vanishes fyi [11.03.2012 20:57:01] Rika: Thats the goal [12.03.2012 03:31:20] Rika: How involved are you in the ADF trolling? [12.03.2012 10:01:43] Undercover Troll: Not at all I just talk to people like Trey because hes a nice guy [12.03.2012 15:30:15] Rika: Well I woill advise you not to get involved anymore if so. Our lawyer ordered me, Ahuviya, maria, and Jordan to block anyone related to the site [12.03.2012 15:30:18] Rika: or the wiki [12.03.2012 15:35:59] Rika: Because were about to press a shitstorm of charges on these guys, we already gathered tons of evidence [12.03.2012 15:36:19] Rika: hacking, stalking, Its even illegal to use someone's name without their consent [12.03.2012 15:36:59] Rika: And the more they do the bigger of a case we get [12.03.2012 16:11:00] Rika: The ones on American soil need to be most worried. [12.03.2012 17:00:03] Rika: I should block you aswell. But I really don't think your involved [12.03.2012 17:24:11] Undercover Troll: Oh, just got home from school. Law school ironicly. And do as you wish Rika, I think you're a sweet girl and it'd be a shame, but whatever you want to or feel that you have to. I've personally not done anything against Ahuviya apart from showing interest by those who sit on the info like the ADFwiki admins and Trey and talked to Intro once :D [12.03.2012 17:24:55] Rika: Well since they are coming after me it leaves me no choice really [12.03.2012 17:25:24] Rika: To go after them legally [12.03.2012 17:25:25] Rika: Also to [12.03.2012 17:25:31] Rika: Everyone here in Phila is fed up [12.03.2012 17:25:35] Rika: Maria, Jordan [12.03.2012 17:26:23] Undercover Troll: Hmmm, I'm pretty comfy here on the sideline but if thats what you guys wanna do then yeah, hope for a good resolve for all involved [12.03.2012 17:27:11] Rika: We had to block all contact with them, and were not allowed to post anything on the chan or wiki [12.03.2012 17:27:28] Rika: We cant even tell them that we are pressing charges [12.03.2012 17:28:36] Undercover Troll: understandable due to damage limitation [12.03.2012 17:30:02] Rika: I hope James Winston and trey pepe are fake names [12.03.2012 17:30:05] Rika: for their sake [12.03.2012 17:31:07] Undercover Troll: Hmmm, well the best talked to me about it the better, cause i sort of got some . Well friendship ties shall we say to those involved [12.03.2012 17:31:22] Undercover Troll: and im not interested in picking sides :D [12.03.2012 17:31:26] Rika: :) [12.03.2012 17:31:29] Undercover Troll: just good luck and best wishes! [12.03.2012 17:31:43] Rika: Hence why Im warning ya to stay on the sidelines [12.03.2012 17:31:47] Rika: It might get nasty [12.03.2012 17:32:27] Undercover Troll: Yaaap will do [12.03.2012 20:33:59] Undercover Troll: any updates at all Rika? [12.03.2012 21:55:00] Undercover Troll: <3? [12.03.2012 22:55:27] Rika: We know who Moniker is [12.03.2012 22:55:30] Rika: Becca Stevens [12.03.2012 22:55:35] Undercover Troll: oh my [12.03.2012 22:55:51] Rika: If the police dont help us, maybe we should just make a wiki where we expose all of these people instead lol [12.03.2012 22:56:11] Undercover Troll: haha that'd be an awesome idea :D [12.03.2012 22:56:14] Rika: But the first step is to identitfy everyone, and were closing on on Introman [12.03.2012 22:56:50] Undercover Troll: Really? Damn heard that guy was pretty pro when it comes to identities and all, would've thought he knew how to guard his own [12.03.2012 22:57:14] Rika: There is several leads. One Ahuviy and me are willing to try [12.03.2012 22:57:17] Rika: Angelo [12.03.2012 22:57:38] Undercover Troll: Oh wow, Ahuviya must be determinded if he wants to go and ask his dad for help [12.03.2012 22:57:55] Rika: Everyone is. We even have Jordan helping lol [12.03.2012 22:58:31] Undercover Troll: Haha oh wow [12.03.2012 22:59:17] Rika: Thats how we figured out Moniker's identity [12.03.2012 22:59:32] Undercover Troll: You two are like detectives at this point xD [12.03.2012 22:59:45] Undercover Troll: anything on any of the ADFwiki admins or not going for those? [12.03.2012 23:01:40] Rika: Anybody involved [12.03.2012 23:02:12] Undercover Troll: Did the lawyer say anything else or? [12.03.2012 23:06:37] Rika: Yup, cant give details though [12.03.2012 23:07:34] Undercover Troll: thats cool Rika :D just good luck [12.03.2012 23:57:45] Undercover Troll: Hey Rika, Trey just messages me and told me that Intro told him to tell me that apparently the trolls are teaming up with PVCC after getting blocked by you guys, they are displeased by the looks of it (worry) [13.03.2012 00:16:34] Undercover Troll: also interesting status of introman: James Winston I wont go to philly and ask my friends. The response would be "Nick hates philly" . Trey how are you taking the break? for 4 minutter siden · Liker Trey Pepe Neither would I, actually. Also, Pepe is the name of my cat ;D [13.03.2012 01:30:46] Rika: Apperantly [13.03.2012 01:30:50] Rika: the Angelo Interview [13.03.2012 01:30:51] Rika: Was a fake [13.03.2012 01:31:00] Rika: Because me and Ahuviya just spoke to Angelo [13.03.2012 01:34:34] Rika: Meaning Intro lied [13.03.2012 01:35:15] Rika: PVCC eh? Looks like that was Moniker after all lol [13.03.2012 01:36:38] Rika: We got all of her info [13.03.2012 01:36:44] Rika: what school she is studying at [13.03.2012 01:36:47] Rika: Even got pictures [13.03.2012 01:54:21] Undercover Troll: 0o The angelo interview was a fake? Stuff is getting interesting now [13.03.2012 01:54:36] Rika: Yep. All this is ending here and now. [13.03.2012 01:55:04] Rika: In the famous words of Picard, the line must be drawn here, this far, no farther lol [13.03.2012 01:55:25] Undercover Troll: xP [13.03.2012 01:55:35] Undercover Troll: so how was Angelo? [13.03.2012 02:00:47] Rika: It was diff seeing Ahuviya and Angelo talk [13.03.2012 02:10:31] *** Rika sent 216744_109092282522812_100002661235426_58328_3865625_n.jpg *** [13.03.2012 02:10:36] Rika: That my friend is Moniker [13.03.2012 02:10:40] Rika: The "Boss Lady" [13.03.2012 17:25:14] Undercover Troll: :D sup? :D [13.03.2012 17:25:21] Undercover Troll: (double colon D!) [13.03.2012 18:30:17] Undercover Troll: Like how're you guys doing? [13.03.2012 18:39:40] Rika: The whole trans community is uniting [13.03.2012 18:39:47] Rika: there is literally no more internal fighting or drama [13.03.2012 18:40:18] Undercover Troll: Really? Wow, too bad it took a gang of cyberterrorist for this to happen :/ [13.03.2012 18:40:28] Rika: Pretty much [13.03.2012 18:40:42] Rika: Today were doing more screencapping and taking it to the library to print it [13.03.2012 18:40:52] Rika: We already got a whole mountain of evidence [13.03.2012 18:40:55] Rika: But the more the better [13.03.2012 18:41:14] Rika: Yesterday was 2 revelations [13.03.2012 18:41:28] Rika: Moniker's identity, and she may still be an American Citizen as she is just studying out of the country [13.03.2012 18:41:40] Rika: And the fact that the whole Angelo chat was a fake [13.03.2012 18:42:11] Undercover Troll: Ace detectives :D! [13.03.2012 18:42:21] Rika: Technically I shouldent even be talking to you, but hell whatever lol [13.03.2012 18:42:32] Rika: I do know Introman is shitting his panties [13.03.2012 18:42:39] Rika: If he needs to recruit more people for this [13.03.2012 18:42:46] Rika: Then he isent as tough as everyone though [13.03.2012 18:42:50] Rika: thought* [13.03.2012 18:43:36] Undercover Troll: I know right?! Glad you guys are getting an end to all this cyberbullying of the trans community :/ you guys got enough to deal with as it is [13.03.2012 18:43:44] Rika: Shame, we can't talk to any of these people. I would love to have a word with Ms Stevens [13.03.2012 18:43:53] *** Rika sent 216744_109092285856145_100002661235426_58329_2898589_n.jpg *** [13.03.2012 18:43:56] Rika: Theres Moniker [13.03.2012 18:43:59] Rika: Not suprising [13.03.2012 18:44:03] Rika: Some fat weebo lol [13.03.2012 18:45:21] Undercover Troll: Snap! Good job finding this stuff :D cant wait for the trial [13.03.2012 18:45:35] Rika: There usually isent a trial until after people are convicted [13.03.2012 18:45:41] Rika: there will be an investigation though [13.03.2012 18:45:46] Rika: Were a few people will get party vanned [13.03.2012 18:45:48] Undercover Troll: Yeah true :/ good luck with conviction and investigations though [13.03.2012 18:45:52] Rika: Then they will await trial lol [13.03.2012 18:46:14] Rika: How is luck needed? What these people are doing is illegal [13.03.2012 18:46:20] Rika: I got two lawyers telling me so [13.03.2012 18:46:21] Undercover Troll: True! True [13.03.2012 18:46:30] Rika: We got a mountain of evidence [13.03.2012 18:47:06] Rika: Its even illegal to use someones name and identity without their consent [13.03.2012 18:47:07] Undercover Troll: Maaan, is the police doing any investigation as of yet or are you dropping this stuff at their office after gathering sufficient evidence? [13.03.2012 18:47:07] Rika: A plaintiff must establish three elements to hold someone liable for unlawful use of name or likeness: 1. Use of a Protected Attribute: The plaintiff must show that the defendant used an aspect of his or her identity that is protected by the law. This ordinarily means a plaintiff's name or likeness, but the law protects certain other personal attributes as well. 2. For an Exploitative Purpose: The plaintiff must show that the defendant used his name, likeness, or other personal attributes for commercial or other exploitative purposes. Use of someone's name or likeness for news reporting and other expressive purposes is not exploitative, so long as there is a reasonable relationship between the use of the plaintiff's identity and a matter of legitimate public interest. 3. No Consent: The plaintiff must establish that he or she did not give permission for the offending use. [13.03.2012 18:47:37] Rika: And I have asked Trey/Winston/Teisto politely SEVERAL times not to use my legal male name [13.03.2012 18:47:42] Rika: And have proof of it! [13.03.2012 18:47:57] Rika: We haven't gone to them yet [13.03.2012 18:48:04] Rika: Were gathering all of the evidence [13.03.2012 18:48:06] Rika: Witnesses [13.03.2012 18:48:17] Rika: were going to have a huge in person meeting next week the day before we do it [13.03.2012 18:48:20] Rika: Lawyer present [13.03.2012 18:48:24] Rika: Talk [13.03.2012 18:48:28] Rika: Watch a movie afterwards [13.03.2012 18:48:34] Rika: then the next day march into the DA office [13.03.2012 18:48:36] Rika: all together [13.03.2012 18:48:37] Undercover Troll: :D Sounds nice really, some real community buildning [13.03.2012 18:48:57] Rika: Oh yeah lol this is great [13.03.2012 18:49:00] Rika: Our mentality is [13.03.2012 18:49:03] Rika: Were all sinners [13.03.2012 18:49:09] Rika: We all did fucked up things to each other [13.03.2012 18:49:23] Rika: But as of now, what we did is irrelavant and this is a completely fresh start [13.03.2012 18:50:14] Undercover Troll: :D No matter what happens, the community will be stronger! [13.03.2012 18:50:50] Rika: And I love the fact more people are joining in who werent effected, but none the less want to testify as witnesses [13.03.2012 18:51:00] Undercover Troll: :D sweeeeeet! [13.03.2012 18:51:04] Undercover Troll: Wheres Ahuviya and jordan right now then? [13.03.2012 18:51:50] Rika: They are on their way to my place for another round of screencapping. [13.03.2012 18:51:58] Rika: Then were off to the library to make some prints [13.03.2012 18:52:25] Rika: Last night big things happened [13.03.2012 18:52:41] Rika: Ahuviya talked to her biological father whom she hates and hasent spoken to in YEARS [13.03.2012 18:52:57] Undercover Troll: Yeah, must've been hard for her [13.03.2012 18:52:57] Rika: Me and Jordan became best friends again [13.03.2012 18:53:29] Rika: Both which I thought wouldent happen for ages [13.03.2012 18:53:37] Undercover Troll: Thats really nice! [13.03.2012 18:54:13] Rika: We just gotta find who else is molling information on Ahuviya's page [13.03.2012 18:54:58] Undercover Troll: Moling information? 0o do you guys got a leak? [13.03.2012 18:55:11] Rika: Yeah we did a test last night [13.03.2012 18:55:24] Rika: We defriended and blocked all of the suspects for one [13.03.2012 18:55:31] Rika: Ahuviya has friend privacy enabled [13.03.2012 18:55:47] Rika: Were no longer accepting unsolicitated friend requests [13.03.2012 18:55:57] Rika: So technically nobody should see her FB [13.03.2012 18:56:04] Rika: Anyway we did a test [13.03.2012 18:56:09] Rika: She wrote a new song last night [13.03.2012 18:56:10] Undercover Troll: I dont even got her on FB lol [13.03.2012 18:56:17] Rika: Mystery Soviet Theater 3000 [13.03.2012 18:56:27] Rika: And posted it [13.03.2012 18:56:31] Rika: dident tag anyone in it [13.03.2012 18:56:33] Rika: And it got leaked [13.03.2012 18:56:37] Undercover Troll: 0o [13.03.2012 18:56:50] Undercover Troll: Might be serious [13.03.2012 18:56:52] Rika: And of course right there is more stalking evidence [13.03.2012 18:56:55] Rika: Oh this is [13.03.2012 18:57:50] Rika: Either there is still someone on that friends list [13.03.2012 18:57:50] Undercover Troll: But man you guys sound so serious about this, thats awesome! REALLY hope for the best [13.03.2012 18:57:55] Rika: Or Ahuviya has got hacked [13.03.2012 18:58:02] Rika: Lol we are [13.03.2012 18:58:08] Rika: Pissed off trannies with LAWYERS [13.03.2012 18:58:16] Rika: Well Im the only one with the lawyer [13.03.2012 18:58:25] Rika: But shes helping us all too [13.03.2012 18:58:37] Rika: Lawyer is also a member of my cuddly little Wolverine pack [13.03.2012 18:58:40] Rika: so that helps! [13.03.2012 18:58:53] Undercover Troll: :O wait what? [13.03.2012 18:59:07] Rika: The lawyer who is helping us is a member of my Wolverine group [13.03.2012 18:59:24] Rika: My urban exploration/adventure group [13.03.2012 18:59:33] Undercover Troll: OH snap!!!! You got some serious connections girl :D [13.03.2012 18:59:46] Rika: Lol yeah, I put this whole thing together [13.03.2012 18:59:51] Rika: the whole idea of uniting [13.03.2012 19:00:05] Rika: They shoulden't have fucked with someone who actually IS resourceful [13.03.2012 19:00:39] Undercover Troll: For sure! Fighting spirit [13.03.2012 19:01:03] Rika: Shame it I can't dox drop Moniker. Its SOOO tempting, but with all of this we have to look like fucking angels [13.03.2012 19:02:31] Rika: But "Boss Lady" isen't so intimidating anymore [13.03.2012 19:02:45] Undercover Troll: Yeah true, considering legal troubles on your end too like ADF's :/ [13.03.2012 19:03:24] Rika: Actually I dont have alot [13.03.2012 19:03:28] Rika: I got a slap on the wrist for mine [13.03.2012 19:03:37] Rika: Even my probation officer is helping in this [13.03.2012 19:03:43] Rika: Well giving advice anyway [13.03.2012 19:04:48] Rika: Did you know that most of the drama WITHIN the trans community was orchestrated by these guys? [13.03.2012 19:05:02] Rika: Everyone finally reliezed that [13.03.2012 19:06:13] Undercover Troll: 0o really? Had no idea they were THAT involved [13.03.2012 19:06:31] Rika: Yeah, were fucking fed up with it lol [13.03.2012 19:06:38] Rika: Everyone is [13.03.2012 19:06:56] Undercover Troll: Understandable, if people from the internet was messing with my communities i'd be pretty pissy too [13.03.2012 19:57:51] Undercover Troll: so anything new? [13.03.2012 23:49:18] Rika: Yes [13.03.2012 23:49:22] Rika: We got a lead on Introman [13.03.2012 23:49:29] Rika: We found out who he stole his mugshot from [13.03.2012 23:49:31] Rika: http://publictransit.wikia.com/wiki/Curtis_Spragion_v._Lamarr_Blocker [13.03.2012 23:49:36] Rika: Or should I say "She" [13.03.2012 23:49:41] Rika: If were right about this [13.03.2012 23:49:47] Rika: Also to, Trey made a HUGE fuck up [13.03.2012 23:49:54] Undercover Troll: Really? :O [13.03.2012 23:50:03] Rika: By calling Ahuviya, We had Ahuviya search the phone for Trey's phone number [13.03.2012 23:50:06] Rika: None the less [13.03.2012 23:50:06] Rika: we found it [13.03.2012 23:50:10] Rika: Came from Rockford IL [13.03.2012 23:50:31] Rika: Were our lead suspect on Introman is also suspected to be [13.03.2012 23:51:07] Undercover Troll: Hmmmm, what about that wall post that Trey and Intro had? [13.03.2012 23:51:21] Rika: Which? [13.03.2012 23:51:31] Rika: Trey Pepe and James Winston are BOTH fake identities [13.03.2012 23:51:40] Undercover Troll: oh i know but the name Nick was on one of their posts [13.03.2012 23:51:42] Rika: They covered their tracks well, but made a few fuck ups in the past [13.03.2012 23:51:51] Rika: And we have been digging through the past for the last 2 days [13.03.2012 23:51:52] Undercover Troll: lemme try to find it [13.03.2012 23:52:48] Undercover Troll: James Winston Hey, facebook family! I'm free today from my trolling obligations. I think it's time to call up some old slavic friends and head out to philly. Should I go to wooden shoe, center city or wissinoming today? Input is needed. Liker · · Del · i går kl. 14:31 · Trey Pepe Sure, go right ahead! i går kl. 15:39 · Liker James Winston Didn't get to go to philly today! The city doesn't feel safe at this moment. for 23 timer siden · Liker Trey Pepe I won't waste time in Philly anyway. Too many people there don't take showers! for 23 timer siden · Liker · 1 James Winston since the play is over. Trey can you call me nick now. Sheesh the whole ADF thing is over. This is for the whole community as well. James is my middle name. for 23 timer siden · Liker James Winston I wont go to philly and ask my friends. The response would be "Nick hates philly" . Trey how are you taking the break? for 23 timer siden · Liker Trey Pepe I'm handling it just fine :P for 22 timer siden · Liker Taisto Teräsvuori I've got Vyacheslav on skype :3 [13.03.2012 23:54:20] Rika: Nick isent her name [13.03.2012 23:54:32] Rika: One of the people who was doxxing Jordan whited out her name [13.03.2012 23:54:44] Rika: I showed that cap to Jordan [13.03.2012 23:54:55] Rika: and we went back on Jordan's facebook post and found the whited out comment [13.03.2012 23:55:06] Rika: This person went to RAMAMPO with Jordan [13.03.2012 23:55:13] Rika: Knew Jordan very well [13.03.2012 23:55:20] Undercover Troll: wait, is Intro a GIRL? 0o [13.03.2012 23:55:26] Rika: Possibly [13.03.2012 23:55:37] Rika: This is the only person who could have leaked all of that info on Jordan [13.03.2012 23:55:43] Rika: Also to [13.03.2012 23:55:49] Rika: Her and Trey live VERY close to each other [13.03.2012 23:55:54] Rika: About an hour and half away [14.03.2012 00:00:11] Rika: Also to [14.03.2012 00:00:17] Rika: this woman uses the same manner of grammar [14.03.2012 00:00:25] Rika: Her profile has all kinds of memes [14.03.2012 00:00:32] Rika: She works at "Self Employed" [14.03.2012 00:00:42] Rika: which would give her all of the time in the world to do this shit. [14.03.2012 00:00:47] Rika: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=34800646&sk=info [14.03.2012 00:00:53] Rika: That could possibly be Introman [14.03.2012 00:00:59] Rika: I need to find a smoking gun though to link it [14.03.2012 00:01:26] Undercover Troll: Right! Wow this is so impressive [14.03.2012 00:14:47] Rika: Even if this isent Introman she DID post a leaked screencap on an ADF thread [14.03.2012 00:15:30] Undercover Troll: You guys are really making wonders when working together ;D [14.03.2012 00:15:46] Rika: Hell yeah [14.03.2012 00:16:08] Rika: Also to. One of the leaked photos of Jordan was taken off the internet in 2005 [14.03.2012 00:16:15] Rika: This is the only person who could have gotten it [14.03.2012 00:16:27] Rika: aswell as known Jordan was a member of the recyling club [14.03.2012 00:16:32] Rika: back at Ramampo [14.03.2012 00:16:38] Rika: both which was leaked on 789chan [14.03.2012 00:16:52] Undercover Troll: interesting, and thats intro or? [14.03.2012 00:17:26] Rika: This might be [14.03.2012 00:17:34] Rika: We already rulled this guy isent Intro [14.03.2012 00:17:35] Rika: http://publictransit.wikia.com/wiki/Curtis_Spragion_v._Lamarr_Blocker [14.03.2012 00:17:36] Rika: lol [14.03.2012 00:17:45] Undercover Troll: hahahaha well yeah :D [14.03.2012 00:18:46] Undercover Troll: still though hope you guys really make a stand against internet terrorism against transgenders once and for all [14.03.2012 01:46:14] Rika: This isent whats thats about [14.03.2012 01:46:29] Rika: And 70% chance this is Introman [14.03.2012 01:46:31] Rika: alot of things are matching up [14.03.2012 01:46:39] Rika: She is bisexual [14.03.2012 01:46:49] Rika: Being one of them [14.03.2012 02:39:57] Rika: I almost forgot, one time I showed Introman an potential lolcow [14.03.2012 02:40:08] Rika: and he mentioned "Lincoln Land" the school was for retards [14.03.2012 02:40:19] Rika: Lincoln Land is in the chicago area where this person is [14.03.2012 02:40:25] Rika: Also to this person travels ALOT [14.03.2012 02:40:50] Rika: if this is Intro, that would explain the vast knowlege of places I had from my conversations with her [14.03.2012 05:44:04] Rika: Also too, Trey lives in IL [14.03.2012 05:44:19] Rika: About an hour and a half from Chicago by car [14.03.2012 17:14:11] Rika: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=34800646 The James Winston Suspect [14.03.2012 17:14:42] Undercover Troll: oh you told me Rika! :D hows it going? With you and the project? [14.03.2012 17:15:01] Rika: Were taking a break today, we can all rest easily now knowing these guys arent untouchable [14.03.2012 17:15:44] Undercover Troll: Nobody are untouchable, its just that some people requires more of your own skin to get down ;D [14.03.2012 17:15:55] Rika: me and Jordan worked 10 hours straight yesterday tracking Intro Down [14.03.2012 17:16:02] Undercover Troll: God damn girl :D impressive [14.03.2012 17:16:31] *** Rika sent 132425850355.png *** [14.03.2012 17:16:42] Rika: The screencap Kristen posted on 789chan [14.03.2012 17:16:48] Rika: A huge fuck up on her part [14.03.2012 17:17:25] Rika: So even if she ISENT intro, we still know she has been leaking. [14.03.2012 17:18:05] Undercover Troll: For sure! [14.03.2012 17:18:21] Rika: The reason were theorizing this is Intro is, this person went to Ramampo with Jordan, and knew her well [14.03.2012 17:18:32] Rika: and only lives an hour and a half from where we tracked Trey's number [14.03.2012 17:19:06] Rika: Im still laughing at were Intro stole the mugshot from [14.03.2012 17:19:09] Rika: A transit mooner [14.03.2012 17:19:22] Undercover Troll: Haha :D maybe he frequents that site, idk [14.03.2012 17:19:57] Undercover Troll: or, she [14.03.2012 17:19:58] Undercover Troll: ;D [14.03.2012 17:20:58] Rika: Not to mention she would have been the only person capible of leaking this picture [14.03.2012 17:21:00] *** Rika sent 131173043931.jpg *** [14.03.2012 17:21:11] Undercover Troll: Ooooh who is this? [14.03.2012 17:21:26] Rika: a VERY old picture of Jordan [14.03.2012 17:21:35] Rika: And I mean VERY old [14.03.2012 17:21:40] Rika: 2004-2005 [14.03.2012 17:21:43] Undercover Troll: 0o Jordan was really attractive back then [14.03.2012 17:21:44] Undercover Troll: for me at least [14.03.2012 17:21:45] Undercover Troll: xP [14.03.2012 17:22:01] Rika: Agreed [14.03.2012 17:22:06] Rika: Male Jordan was pretty cute [14.03.2012 17:22:24] Rika: The Introman suspect is pretty attractive too [14.03.2012 17:22:25] Undercover Troll: Very! [14.03.2012 17:22:29] Undercover Troll: instant laid xP [14.03.2012 17:22:29] Rika: Moniker isen't though lol [14.03.2012 17:22:39] Rika: Can't wait till we uncover Trey's real identity [14.03.2012 17:22:58] Undercover Troll: I thought you liked Trey though [14.03.2012 17:24:30] Rika: I dont [14.03.2012 17:24:39] Undercover Troll: Oh! My mistake [14.03.2012 17:24:39] Rika: Im going after anyone even involved with stalking Ahuviya [14.03.2012 17:25:12] Rika: In the end Trey is a liar just like Intro [14.03.2012 17:25:20] Undercover Troll: True dat [14.03.2012 17:25:29] Undercover Troll: :D did you see my new flat by the way? [14.03.2012 17:25:42] Rika: No [14.03.2012 17:26:16] Undercover Troll: http://imgur.com/a/q3dNt Moving there 30th! Pretty happy and increasingly busy as you can imagine xP that + job applications + exams approaching [14.03.2012 17:26:49] Rika: Beautiful place [14.03.2012 17:26:55] Undercover Troll: Thaaanks! [14.03.2012 17:29:45] Undercover Troll: Ahuviya at your place still or?:D [14.03.2012 17:31:15] Rika: Nobody here atm [14.03.2012 17:31:25] Undercover Troll: Ought to be relaxing! Considering the past few days [14.03.2012 17:43:45] Rika: Im catching up on other work right now lol [14.03.2012 17:51:42] Undercover Troll: ;D [14.03.2012 20:45:41] Undercover Troll: maaan working out, so hard the days you gotta wake up at 6am lol [15.03.2012 19:29:00] Undercover Troll: sup girl? :D [15.03.2012 19:29:14] Rika: Morning [15.03.2012 19:29:26] Undercover Troll: ^^ is it a good one? [15.03.2012 19:30:06] Rika: Decent, handed in another panorama and worked this morning [15.03.2012 19:30:45] Undercover Troll: Cool! And the legal matters? [15.03.2012 19:31:41] Rika: Introman made another fuck up [15.03.2012 19:31:53] Rika: On Feb 19th He/she gave Ahuviya a number she could call [15.03.2012 19:31:56] Undercover Troll: :O! [15.03.2012 19:31:58] Rika: Which is mostly a voice mail box [15.03.2012 19:32:00] Undercover Troll: (brb dinner!) [15.03.2012 19:32:01] Undercover Troll: oh wow [15.03.2012 19:32:04] Rika: But still... [15.03.2012 19:32:08] Rika: That shit can be easily tracked [15.03.2012 19:34:14] Rika: Also to I think we finally cut off the moles from Ahuviya's fb [15.03.2012 19:34:48] Rika: We had everyone do a friends purge [15.03.2012 19:35:06] Rika: And as Ahuviya said. "We are now doing strict boarder control" lol [15.03.2012 19:44:06] Undercover Troll: Sorry Rika! Back now :D [15.03.2012 19:44:29] Undercover Troll: Hahahaha xD im glad its sorting itself out, are you going ot contact the police or your lawyer again soon? [15.03.2012 19:44:48] Rika: Next week is the big meeting, and then we report it to the authorities [15.03.2012 19:45:01] Rika: The lawyer is coming here to Phila from NYC [15.03.2012 19:46:11] Rika: But we pretty much have almost everything we need [15.03.2012 19:46:20] Rika: After the big meeting were taking it to the authorities [15.03.2012 19:47:00] Undercover Troll: Man im so excited :D bet you guys are way more so [15.03.2012 19:47:47] Rika: Whats so exciting about it? [15.03.2012 19:47:55] Rika: Werent you friends with these guys? [15.03.2012 19:48:47] Rika: The only thing exciting about this is its like that Liam Neeson movie taken [15.03.2012 19:48:49] Undercover Troll: Yes and no really. Its complicated, I don't like people getting bullied online no matter who really, and even though Trey is really cool to me, maybe this will open his eyes [15.03.2012 19:49:21] Rika: I have experiance tracking people down, hell if you read the thread, I used to be a notorious troll myself back in 05-09 [15.03.2012 19:49:40] Undercover Troll: :O really? [15.03.2012 19:50:07] Rika: And its like that movie where Liam Neeson tries to get away from that line of work, then some albianian sex traffikers kidnap his daughter [15.03.2012 19:50:18] Rika: And he finds and kills them all [15.03.2012 19:50:40] Undercover Troll: I don't watch a lot of movies :D but i can imagine [15.03.2012 19:50:59] Rika: Its a great movie. Liam Neeson would rape chuck norris [15.03.2012 19:51:13] Undercover Troll: ;D! [15.03.2012 19:52:18] Rika: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-Gr42H2dVM [15.03.2012 19:52:23] Rika: This has been mirrored to no end [15.03.2012 19:52:33] Rika: But Im the person behind this video [15.03.2012 19:52:42] Undercover Troll: :O you narrating? [15.03.2012 19:52:46] Rika: Yeah. [15.03.2012 19:54:27] Undercover Troll: ooooh interesting video [15.03.2012 19:54:53] Rika: I dont know whatever happened to "The Alliance of Christ" But there were two incarnations of it [15.03.2012 19:54:57] Rika: I brought down the first one [15.03.2012 20:03:21] Rika: The only thing that is hard about this is I can't make any contact with the people doing this [15.03.2012 20:03:45] Rika: Having Moniker's real identity its SOOO tempting [15.03.2012 20:03:50] Undercover Troll: :O tempting? [15.03.2012 20:04:13] Rika: Yeah, I'd love to tell this person that she isent so intimidating anymore lol [15.03.2012 20:07:18] Rika: Seeing how this person stalked me for the past few months [15.03.2012 20:09:50] Undercover Troll: Real life stalking? Or e-stalking? [15.03.2012 20:10:01] Rika: E stalking [15.03.2012 20:10:15] Undercover Troll: Just as bad really, at times [15.03.2012 20:10:18] Rika: Never even met this person either [15.03.2012 20:12:44] Rika: This is the person who had my male legal name dropped [15.03.2012 20:12:50] Rika: So that made this personal [15.03.2012 20:15:43] Rika: The funny part is, For someone who did such a great job maintaining such secrecy, she made a few fuck ups. [15.03.2012 20:16:25] Undercover Troll: don't reckon this can backfire on you somehow though? [15.03.2012 20:16:35] Rika: Whats to lose? [15.03.2012 20:17:04] Rika: They already made this war. And if we not do anything to retaliate and keep a paper trail of them. then how can this backfire? [15.03.2012 20:17:49] Undercover Troll: well i dont know really if something goes wrong and they -really- go after you and focus on YOU like dropping a name isnt that bad in comparrison to what people has the potential of doing y'know? [15.03.2012 20:18:09] Rika: Then I have more fucking evidence [15.03.2012 20:18:12] Rika: But either [15.03.2012 20:18:17] Rika: eitherway* [15.03.2012 20:18:23] Rika: I now know WHOS doing it [15.03.2012 20:18:36] Undercover Troll: thats awesome :D just looking out for you! [15.03.2012 20:18:53] Rika: Also to, thats why were keeping this silent and were going to let the authorities deal with it [15.03.2012 20:19:15] Undercover Troll: ahhh yeah, clever [15.03.2012 20:20:35] Rika: We just had to dig up all of that info to make it easier on the authorites [15.03.2012 20:21:22] Undercover Troll: Wheres Ahuviya right now though? [15.03.2012 20:21:37] Rika: Can't say. [15.03.2012 20:22:12] Undercover Troll: Oh thats cool! How is she holding up though? [15.03.2012 20:22:33] Rika: Shes doing fine. She is actually ajusting to the idea of people sticking up for her. [15.03.2012 20:22:40] Rika: adjusting* [15.03.2012 20:22:57] Undercover Troll: thats awesome! No longer a 1-woman army [15.03.2012 20:23:36] Rika: Me and Jordan are now friends again, I invited her to movie night on St Patty's day [15.03.2012 20:23:56] Undercover Troll: cool! [15.03.2012 20:24:01] Undercover Troll: So Jordan is doing better too then? [15.03.2012 20:24:17] Rika: Yeah, Honestly, for all of her flaws, she is VERY resourceful [15.03.2012 20:24:30] Rika: She was the one who uncovered Moniker's identity [15.03.2012 20:24:41] Rika: And helped reveal Kristen Felker [15.03.2012 20:26:06] Undercover Troll: cool! [15.03.2012 20:26:41] Rika: So how are you doing? [15.03.2012 20:27:07] Undercover Troll: ^^ Great, moving out preperations [15.03.2012 20:27:18] Rika: Moving is always fun [15.03.2012 20:27:22] Rika: Esp if the location is excited [15.03.2012 20:27:30] Undercover Troll: oh it SO is [15.03.2012 20:27:32] Undercover Troll: love that appartment [15.03.2012 20:27:38] Rika: I remember how awesome it was when I moved from the sticks to Downtown Philadelphia [15.03.2012 20:27:46] Undercover Troll: :D! [15.03.2012 20:27:54] Undercover Troll: independence will feel nice [15.03.2012 20:28:58] Undercover Troll: but i was thinking, you guys are all on hormones right? Or? [15.03.2012 20:29:17] Rika: Im still not [15.03.2012 20:29:39] Undercover Troll: oh! :D well i was just thinking that maybe some of those who are can get overly passionate with this, especially during a trial? [15.03.2012 20:30:07] Rika: Thats what our lawyer and me are going to try to help prevent [15.03.2012 20:30:23] Rika: And there wont be a trial for awhile, unless they find immediatly find shit after the search warrant [15.03.2012 20:31:45] Rika: The fun part is, if were sucessful, these people will get a visit by the party van [15.03.2012 20:31:47] Rika: lol [15.03.2012 20:33:00] Undercover Troll: hahaha :D [15.03.2012 20:33:07] Undercover Troll: id love to see moniker's face [15.03.2012 20:33:17] Undercover Troll: when the police come knocking for internet crimes [15.03.2012 20:33:48] Rika: Its not a pleasent experiance [15.03.2012 20:33:54] Rika: they always come in the morning [15.03.2012 20:33:59] Rika: They come in with guns drawn [15.03.2012 20:34:10] Rika: If you dont open the door, they kick it down [15.03.2012 20:34:19] Rika: They handcuff and then interview you, aswell as confiscate everything [15.03.2012 20:34:33] Undercover Troll: ...0o wow so different than here [15.03.2012 20:34:36] Rika: Computer, Flash Drives, Xbox, anything used to store data [15.03.2012 20:34:36] Rika: they take [15.03.2012 20:35:06] Rika: They usually leave and will leave you with a copy of the agent's card, and a copy of the search warrant [15.03.2012 20:35:19] Rika: And they have 30 days to find evidence. [15.03.2012 20:35:35] Rika: If they find something within 30 days, They can hold your property indefinantly [15.03.2012 20:35:47] Undercover Troll: Has this happened to you? 0o [15.03.2012 20:36:06] Rika: Yup [15.03.2012 20:36:11] Rika: Know from experiance lol [15.03.2012 20:36:15] Rika: its what helped me change my ways [15.03.2012 20:36:39] Undercover Troll: 0o wow [15.03.2012 20:36:47] Rika: Back in 08 [15.03.2012 20:37:22] Rika: Also to, Say Moniker lives away from her parents [15.03.2012 20:37:34] Rika: they will execute a search warrant at her parent's residence aswell [15.03.2012 20:38:12] Rika: They will also proceed to interview anyone even connected with her [15.03.2012 20:38:14] Undercover Troll: If you want, I could probably arrange conversations with any of your targets btw, if you'd like that [15.03.2012 20:38:17] Rika: Nope [15.03.2012 20:38:30] Rika: Want what were doing completely under wraps [15.03.2012 20:38:35] Undercover Troll: :D Aight! [15.03.2012 20:39:50] Rika: The good part is, Its more than just me and Ahuviya who will be reporting this shit [15.03.2012 20:40:33] Undercover Troll: That always helps, if theres several people, puts community preasure on the local police [15.03.2012 20:41:06] Rika: Only difficult part is our other witnesses are across state lines [15.03.2012 20:41:37] Undercover Troll: Hmmmmmm [15.03.2012 20:41:38] Rika: But it can easily be solved [15.03.2012 20:41:45] Undercover Troll: well this isnt really a federal crime is it? or? [15.03.2012 20:41:48] Rika: It would just be more paperwork for the authorites. [15.03.2012 20:42:25] Undercover Troll: Ahhhh [15.03.2012 20:42:43] Rika: We can get these guys on a number of federal charges [15.03.2012 20:42:45] Rika: Hate crimes [15.03.2012 20:42:47] Rika: Interstate stalking [15.03.2012 20:43:12] Undercover Troll: Hate crimes? Really? [15.03.2012 20:43:44] Rika: Yeah. Gender Identity is protected here in the states [15.03.2012 20:44:00] Rika: Esp here in Phila [15.03.2012 20:44:08] Rika: its even covered on the District Attorney's website [15.03.2012 20:44:35] Undercover Troll: Thats really interesting, what sorts of charges do you guys intend to press and onto whom? [15.03.2012 20:44:38] Rika: http://www.phila.gov/districtattorney/faq_HateCrime.html [15.03.2012 20:45:18] Rika: Were pressing charges against anyone who is editing the wiki, or leaking information from our facebook pages. [15.03.2012 20:45:43] Rika: Also to. Its illegal to use someone's name and picture without their consent [15.03.2012 20:46:18] Rika: A plaintiff must establish three elements to hold someone liable for unlawful use of name or likeness: 1. Use of a Protected Attribute: The plaintiff must show that the defendant used an aspect of his or her identity that is protected by the law. This ordinarily means a plaintiff's name or likeness, but the law protects certain other personal attributes as well. 2. For an Exploitative Purpose: The plaintiff must show that the defendant used his name, likeness, or other personal attributes for commercial or other exploitative purposes. Use of someone's name or likeness for news reporting and other expressive purposes is not exploitative, so long as there is a reasonable relationship between the use of the plaintiff's identity and a matter of legitimate public interest. 3. No Consent: The plaintiff must establish that he or she did not give permission for the offending use. [15.03.2012 20:47:10] Rika: As for Hate crimes [15.03.2012 20:47:12] Rika: It can include [15.03.2012 20:47:37] Rika: Harassment Stalking [15.03.2012 20:48:24] Undercover Troll: oh wow [15.03.2012 20:48:32] Rika: Which we gathered evidence of [15.03.2012 20:48:56] Rika: And I mean tons of it [15.03.2012 20:49:26] Rika: We still gotta take this all to the library to print it but we got some time between now and the meeting next week [15.03.2012 20:49:34] Undercover Troll: For sure! [15.03.2012 20:50:31] Rika: Im not too worried [15.03.2012 20:50:48] Undercover Troll: thats good =) As long as you got a good feeling [15.03.2012 20:50:50] Rika: You wanna know something ironic? [15.03.2012 20:50:53] Undercover Troll: sure! [15.03.2012 20:50:56] Rika: Moniker is an lolcow herself [15.03.2012 20:51:05] Rika: The only people drawn to this kind of BS [15.03.2012 20:51:15] Rika: are usually people with insecurities/issues themselves [15.03.2012 20:51:34] Undercover Troll: You got a point there [15.03.2012 20:52:07] Rika: Really if you think about it, who has the time to run a whole fucking wiki? [15.03.2012 20:52:55] Undercover Troll: unemployed people lol [15.03.2012 20:53:03] Rika: Exactly! lol [15.03.2012 20:55:20] Rika: There isent really a trial involved initiatlly though, The only thing that does go to a magistrate court is the evidence which is used to obtain a search warrant [15.03.2012 20:55:48] Rika: And the trial usually happens behind closed doors [15.03.2012 20:56:05] Undercover Troll: Aaaah [15.03.2012 21:02:49] Rika: I honestly cant wait until this is no longer the subject of every conversation :P [15.03.2012 21:03:53] Undercover Troll: Hahahah xP we can talk about someting else if you'd like [15.03.2012 21:04:13] Rika: I got some time to make a new panorama last night [15.03.2012 21:04:25] Undercover Troll: :D yeah you said, turned out nicely? [15.03.2012 21:04:38] Rika: http://www.flickr.com/photos/48523101@N06/6837692776/sizes/l/in/photostream/ [15.03.2012 21:04:51] Rika: Thats a place that is actually right next to our downtown [15.03.2012 21:05:23] Undercover Troll: Oooooh [15.03.2012 21:05:54] Rika: If you never saw this [15.03.2012 21:05:56] Rika: This is NYC [15.03.2012 21:05:57] Rika: http://www.flickr.com/photos/48523101@N06/6811794146/sizes/l/in/photostream/ [15.03.2012 21:06:00] Rika: I did that last week [15.03.2012 21:07:12] Undercover Troll: oh WOW [15.03.2012 21:07:40] Rika: I hate NYC and at the same time love it [15.03.2012 21:07:48] Rika: I dont know how thats possible [15.03.2012 21:08:39] Rika: Manhattan island which is just ONE part of NYC out of 7 [15.03.2012 21:08:47] Rika: Is literally a 12 mile wall of skyscrapers [15.03.2012 21:08:57] Rika: That panorama is only a small part of it [15.03.2012 21:09:13] Rika: And from a distance it just looks really rediculous lol [15.03.2012 21:11:00] Undercover Troll: 0o well when I go to the US ill probably go there first so that'll be interesting [15.03.2012 21:12:04] Rika: Its horribly overcrowded, dirty, and rediculously huge, but at the same time its impressive [15.03.2012 21:13:56] Rika: Its why I like Philadelphia [15.03.2012 21:14:01] Rika: Philadelphia is freaking huge too [15.03.2012 21:14:12] Rika: But NY is like Phila on steroids lol [15.03.2012 21:14:34] Undercover Troll: ;D! [15.03.2012 22:35:36] Rika: Im prob gonna sleep well tonight, only got 3 hours last night thanks to photo work [15.03.2012 22:37:51] Undercover Troll: :/ ouch, well you've earned it! [15.03.2012 22:41:21] Undercover Troll: eeeeh [15.03.2012 22:41:22] Undercover Troll: rika? [15.03.2012 22:41:33] Undercover Troll: http://789chan.org/cwc/src/133184410575.png looks like they didnt take that you guys blocking them too well [15.03.2012 22:41:57] Rika: Heheheh [15.03.2012 22:42:00] Rika: I told Ahuviya about this [15.03.2012 22:42:19] Undercover Troll: Arent you a tiny bit concerned about the contents of that? 0o [15.03.2012 22:42:24] Rika: They're just trying to spark internal drama [15.03.2012 22:42:35] Undercover Troll: true! [15.03.2012 22:42:42] Rika: Me and Ahuviya had a temp fight [15.03.2012 22:42:53] Rika: Where we instantly made up [15.03.2012 22:44:56] Rika: Is that all they posted? [15.03.2012 22:45:35] Rika: Yeah, they really got nothing. [15.03.2012 22:45:41] Rika: If they are posting old shit [15.03.2012 22:46:01] Undercover Troll: yeah they posted all that :/ [15.03.2012 22:47:36] Rika: Just called Ahuviya, she saw. Were not giving in lol [15.03.2012 22:47:51] Rika: For one [15.03.2012 22:47:52] Rika: this is old [15.03.2012 22:48:07] Rika: From the looks of it they can't get any new content [15.03.2012 22:48:34] Undercover Troll: um [15.03.2012 22:48:37] Rika: Can't wait to see how desperate they get [15.03.2012 22:48:57] Undercover Troll: well i just checked your article out of curiosoty and http://adfki.wikinet.org/wiki/Rika [15.03.2012 22:49:03] Undercover Troll: so are you going to sue yourself now or? [15.03.2012 22:49:34] Rika: We all admitted that we had something to do with the wiki [15.03.2012 22:49:36] Rika: thats what were gonna tell the feds [15.03.2012 22:50:15] Undercover Troll: Ah, well thats good at least :D hope it doesnt make you less credible though like you played along until you got burnt and then went to the police [15.03.2012 22:50:27] Rika: This is why we have ceased contact [15.03.2012 22:50:38] Undercover Troll: :) good one [15.03.2012 22:50:51] Rika: Not to mention, Maria is pissed they did an article about her [15.03.2012 22:50:59] Rika: So shes going to file charges with us [15.03.2012 22:51:26] Rika: Eli May is going to be referanced as a witness [15.03.2012 22:51:28] Rika: who is also pissed [15.03.2012 22:51:49] Rika: Pretty much anyone who has been wronged by this site is banding together [15.03.2012 22:51:59] Rika: Not just me [15.03.2012 22:52:18] Undercover Troll: :D True! But you seem to be the leader of sorts [15.03.2012 22:52:43] Rika: Im a born leader lol [15.03.2012 22:52:54] Rika: I organized this whole thing [15.03.2012 22:53:18] Rika: Lol shit this is pathetic if this is ALL they got [15.03.2012 22:55:49] Undercover Troll: haha true:D lets just hope it wont escalate [15.03.2012 22:55:55] Undercover Troll: if it eve ncan [15.03.2012 22:56:13] Rika: And if it does, we will just have more evidence [15.03.2012 22:57:49] Undercover Troll: ;D [15.03.2012 22:58:04] Rika: And yeah for awhile I was getting a bit fed up with Ahuviya [15.03.2012 22:58:08] Rika: Who doesn't lol? [15.03.2012 23:00:16] Rika: Heres the fun part [15.03.2012 23:00:27] Rika: These guys manipulated 60% of the drama that went on [15.03.2012 23:00:29] Rika: In our community [15.03.2012 23:02:22] Undercover Troll: And now its over, at least I really really hope so for you guys [15.03.2012 23:06:32] Rika: The drama is, But it wont be truly over until the ones responsible face retribution [15.03.2012 23:08:14] Rika: There is good out of this [15.03.2012 23:08:16] Rika: Almost everyone has come together [15.03.2012 23:08:30] Rika: except for Julia, because she is still a douchebag [15.03.2012 23:09:07] Undercover Troll: HAHA! [15.03.2012 23:09:21] Undercover Troll: oh wow [15.03.2012 23:09:30] Undercover Troll: intro is talking to me all of a sudden havnt talked to him in ..like forever [15.03.2012 23:09:41] Rika: Prob cause you know me [15.03.2012 23:09:44] Rika: And Intro wants INFO! [15.03.2012 23:10:13] Undercover Troll: dont think i ever mentioned that i knew you 0o unless he checked my f-.... [15.03.2012 23:10:19] Undercover Troll: yeah probably checked my friendlist on facebook [15.03.2012 23:10:59] Rika: I defriended you this past week, wasent anything personal [15.03.2012 23:11:15] Rika: Just not taking any chances when we were looking for the mole [15.03.2012 23:11:22] Undercover Troll: OH [15.03.2012 23:11:24] Undercover Troll: hmmmmmm [15.03.2012 23:11:32] Undercover Troll: maybe a while ago? Idk that guy seems really obsessive tbh [15.03.2012 23:11:39] Rika: I defriended alot of other people too [15.03.2012 23:11:41] Undercover Troll: or ill just ask him lol [15.03.2012 23:11:45] Rika: So again, wasent personal lol [15.03.2012 23:12:01] Undercover Troll: oh its cool! Its pretty serious stuff we're dealing with and i still got you here:D [15.03.2012 23:13:40] Undercover Troll: [22:04:30] introMAN: hey Undercover Troll. long time no see. we haven't talked in a while [22:05:06] Undercover Troll: yeah true, hows stuff? [22:05:33] introMAN: pretty good. been trying to leave adf and Rika alone. but a source in philly is telling me that they're on a crusade hunt against 789 [22:05:50] introMAN: heard anything about that? [22:06:14] Undercover Troll: eh? i wouldnt know anything about that, where did you hear that? [22:06:40] introMAN: keep my sources anonymous. I mean I don't want this person shot and hurt by rika plus the crew. [22:07:10] Undercover Troll: 0o the hell? Rika is a really sweet woman i dont think she has warranted that sort of shit [22:07:38] introMAN: You do know Rika use to cyber stalk woman on the internet and was an epic ween troll right? she's on probation for doing that stuff. [22:08:59] Undercover Troll: i know she used to troll but shes clean now man [22:10:10] introMAN: not really. but at the end of the day. I want to stop this bullshit at the bud. I will give up trolling completely, if she doesn't start her crusade. [22:10:31] introMAN: she will not stop however. the hatred in her is to much for even her to handle [22:11:14] Undercover Troll: she sounds like a really lovely woman to me really [22:11:35] introMAN: I'm not saying she's a terrible person but when she gets mad. Watch out. [22:12:10] Undercover Troll: Right, gotcha [22:13:00] introMAN: offering an olive branch to rika. if you can send it to her. that would be cool. This shit needs to end before both sides have casualties. [22:13:31] Undercover Troll: ill let her know if i can get a hold of her, not sure if I can [15.03.2012 23:14:28] Rika: Prob Lindsay or you. [15.03.2012 23:15:05] Rika: Okay, tell Intro, if the whole wiki about Ahuviya comes down [15.03.2012 23:15:08] Rika: The WHOLE ADF wiki [15.03.2012 23:15:15] Rika: and the harassment stops [15.03.2012 23:15:22] Rika: Towards everyone including myself [15.03.2012 23:15:35] Rika: We wont, pursue it [15.03.2012 23:15:54] Undercover Troll: 0o again i don't talk to intro so wasnt me unless i made a post that could hint towards that which i really doubt i did, checkin my FB just in case [15.03.2012 23:16:11] Rika: Nvm then [15.03.2012 23:16:27] Undercover Troll: but i told him exactly that [15.03.2012 23:17:16] Rika: Also to. There is no mole here in Phila [15.03.2012 23:17:31] Rika: Because we all gave each other access to each other's FB pages [15.03.2012 23:17:35] Rika: as a trust symbol [15.03.2012 23:18:39] Undercover Troll: [15. mars 2012 23:18] introMAN: <<< I can tell Rika my involvement will stop. I can't take down the wiki because I don't host it. I can only stop my actions rika, since I am not a leader like you guys think. Just an indepedent minded grunt . [15.03.2012 23:20:53] Rika: If he wants out, he will stop his actions on everyone, Jordan, Ahuviya, maria and move on [15.03.2012 23:21:11] Undercover Troll: "out"? from? [15.03.2012 23:22:17] Rika: "Out" as in If he really wants no part in this. [15.03.2012 23:22:54] Undercover Troll: Ah, what will he gain from that though? Like it sounds like he is trying to bargain [15.03.2012 23:24:12] Rika: We'll see. Im contacting Kristen Felker now [15.03.2012 23:24:40] Rika: Even if this chick isent introman which there is a good possibility she is. [15.03.2012 23:24:50] Rika: We still have stuff linking her to the leaking [15.03.2012 23:25:02] Undercover Troll: Ooooh! [15.03.2012 23:25:44] Rika: If he/she wants to strike a "bargin" with me. He/she will do it with a real identity [15.03.2012 23:25:54] Undercover Troll: [15. mars 2012 23:25] introMAN: <<< tell rika that skype works better [15.03.2012 23:26:09] Rika: Nope, it doesnt. [15.03.2012 23:27:04] Rika: Neither does the impersonation of Lahmar Blocker [15.03.2012 23:28:03] Undercover Troll: [15. mars 2012 23:27] introMAN: <<< come on rika. talk over skype. don't be like that. i am on my feet asking for forgiveness. [15.03.2012 23:28:40] Rika: Just sent you a request to your suspected real facebook. [15.03.2012 23:30:20] Undercover Troll: [15. mars 2012 23:29] introMAN: <<< Rika . lets talk now. I'm giving you my head on a platter and you want more [15.03.2012 23:30:52] Rika: If you guys truly want out, Then pack up your little circus, and stop wasting my time. [15.03.2012 23:32:28] Undercover Troll: [15. mars 2012 23:31] introMAN: <<< I want out. i can't control other people Rika. [15.03.2012 23:33:15] Rika: Oh but you can easily tell them that we know who they are. [15.03.2012 23:34:07] Rika: And phone numbers which can be traced, including trey's [15.03.2012 23:35:23] Rika: Boss Lady is no longer anonymous anymore either. [15.03.2012 23:36:20] Rika: By the way, there is no "deadline" Im not making demands, Its either it stops, or were ALL pressing charges, simple as that. [15.03.2012 23:37:12] Undercover Troll: i copied that, but are you sure it was smart to let him know about pressing charges? 0o [15.03.2012 23:37:13] Undercover Troll: or she* [15.03.2012 23:37:27] Rika: if Intro is so smart. he should know what were doing [15.03.2012 23:37:45] Rika: Infact, I only told two people about this! [15.03.2012 23:37:54] Rika: You and Lindsey [15.03.2012 23:38:06] Undercover Troll: well now you told Intro too, meaning you told the whole internet [15.03.2012 23:38:09] Rika: Which one of you most likely relayed to Intro. [15.03.2012 23:38:14] Rika: Sooo? [15.03.2012 23:38:24] Rika: We never did warn them. [15.03.2012 23:38:33] Rika: And besides Im not directly communicating with him [15.03.2012 23:38:38] Rika: Eitherway [15.03.2012 23:38:45] Rika: doesnt change the fact we have names, and a mountain of evidence [15.03.2012 23:38:59] Undercover Troll: True! :D [15.03.2012 23:39:08] Rika: You prob already told him what Ive been updating you with all week. [15.03.2012 23:39:26] Undercover Troll: Ehhh no. You told me that it was important to keep this under wraps which i did [15.03.2012 23:39:52] Rika: Nobody cold have molled that information here [15.03.2012 23:40:42] Rika: Also to. We already found Intro is pretty good at lying [15.03.2012 23:40:51] Undercover Troll: eh? Well i got no idea, believe what you want to Rika, anyways: [15.03.2012 23:40:52] Undercover Troll: [15. mars 2012 23:40] introMAN: <<< I am stopping . A lawsuit WTF. I thought you were just going to harrass trey. rika lets talk and end this If I step down. more members will likely step down [15.03.2012 23:40:52] Rika: Its why Im not buying this BS [15.03.2012 23:41:11] Rika: Tell him I KNOW the Angelo log was a fake BECAUSE I SPOKE TO ANGELO ON THE PHONE [15.03.2012 23:42:45] Rika: Were not going to harass anyone, Were just gathering all the info we can, meeting with our lawyer, then taking it to the authorities. This is going to end eitherway [15.03.2012 23:43:46] Rika: And this isent some shitty Mazooni Lawyer either. [15.03.2012 23:45:59] Undercover Troll: [15. mars 2012 23:45] introMAN: <<< Just stop this madness. I am ending my involvement either way. what if this doesn't go the way you want it? They can charge you with violation of probation. and ahuviya with tons of stuff. This shit is stupid , just end it now and we can live our lives far away from each other. [15.03.2012 23:46:10] Undercover Troll: lol he mad :D [15.03.2012 23:46:22] Rika: I really don't care if they charge me with violation of probation [15.03.2012 23:46:44] Rika: As I haven't done anything to violate my probation. [15.03.2012 23:47:07] Rika: Alright then end it. Pack up your wiki and go [15.03.2012 23:47:26] Rika: Im done talking [15.03.2012 23:48:58] Undercover Troll: [15. mars 2012 23:47] introMAN: <<< it's not my wiki. i don't have full control i can only edit . which I did [15.03.2012 23:49:58] Rika: Oh well then. [15.03.2012 23:52:22] Rika: Undercover Troll, Im done talking. They have now had their warning. I will cease now [15.03.2012 23:52:31] Undercover Troll: [22:51:21] introMAN: Rika trying to delete the articles one by one. [22:51:58] Undercover Troll: eh? [22:52:09] introMAN: i will try to destroy the wiki [22:52:16] introMAN: if it means we can have peace [15.03.2012 23:52:38] Undercover Troll: Thats fine Rika, ill stop copy pasting now :) [15.03.2012 23:52:59] Rika: I honestly doubt hes serious [15.03.2012 23:53:41] Undercover Troll: i got no idea really, then again getting a sudden "You're going down i going to send the police on you" would throw anyone off [15.03.2012 23:54:03] Rika: I doubt he is being serious [15.03.2012 23:54:10] Rika: Because NOBODY takes legal threats seriously [15.03.2012 23:54:13] Rika: Ever [15.03.2012 23:54:32] Undercover Troll: I sure do :D haha, then again i take any threats way too seriously [15.03.2012 23:54:36] Rika: Thats how I got nailed lol [15.03.2012 23:54:41] Rika: Got full of myself back then [15.03.2012 23:54:59] Rika: Thought I was untouchable [15.03.2012 23:55:02] Rika: In the end [15.03.2012 23:55:03] Rika: nobody is [15.03.2012 23:55:27] Undercover Troll: not copy pasting, but intro tells you to check the wiki and the recent changes [15.03.2012 23:55:34] Undercover Troll: or i can do that for you :D curious myself [15.03.2012 23:55:37] Rika: If Intro really wanted to back out, he would have showed his real identity and offered to be a witness [15.03.2012 23:55:52] Undercover Troll: O.O [15.03.2012 23:55:56] Rika: Hmmm [15.03.2012 23:55:58] Undercover Troll: (Deletion log); 21:56 . . IntroMAN (Talk | contribs) deleted "Trey Pepe" (got to go) (Deletion log); 21:55 . . IntroMAN (Talk | contribs) deleted "Introman" (got to go) (Deletion log); 21:55 . . IntroMAN (Talk | contribs) deleted "Introman/Angelo Chat" (got to go) (Deletion log); 21:54 . . IntroMAN (Talk | contribs) deleted "Ahuviya Harel" (needs to go) (Deletion log); 21:54 . . IntroMAN (Talk | contribs) deleted "Jordan" (needs to go) (Deletion log); 21:54 . . IntroMAN (Talk | contribs) deleted "Rika" (need to end this ) [15.03.2012 23:56:00] Undercover Troll: holy crap [15.03.2012 23:56:01] Undercover Troll: thats [15.03.2012 23:56:02] Rika: Yeah I see it lol [15.03.2012 23:56:02] Undercover Troll: huge [15.03.2012 23:56:14] Rika: But it can still be a ruse lol [15.03.2012 23:56:29] Rika: If it stays gone I will leave him out of this [15.03.2012 23:56:42] Rika: :) [15.03.2012 23:57:06] Undercover Troll: ;D sounds reasonable to me, but god damn thats a good start [15.03.2012 23:57:18] Undercover Troll: and he keeps deleting wow [16.03.2012 00:00:01] Rika: Holy shit... [16.03.2012 00:00:05] Rika: I did not expect that [16.03.2012 00:00:11] Rika: seeing how these guys mirror CWC's trolls [16.03.2012 00:04:02] Rika: This still might be some elabrate ruse though [16.03.2012 00:06:25] Undercover Troll: he just told you to keep checking and that he was going to "finish the job" as if to delete it all :/ [16.03.2012 00:06:56] Rika: I noticed lol [16.03.2012 00:07:03] Rika: I think Intro is Kristen Felker [16.03.2012 00:07:17] Rika: or this freak out could just be a ruse [16.03.2012 00:08:26] Undercover Troll: [16. mars 2012 00:08] introMAN: <<< Finsihed . i know rika is sick of hearing from me. but she will like this news [16.03.2012 00:09:22] Rika: Yes? [16.03.2012 00:10:43] Undercover Troll: as in, deleting all of them [16.03.2012 00:11:33] Rika: It better stay that way, and Ahuviya now needs to be left the fuck alone [16.03.2012 00:11:48] Rika: No more leaking peoples status updates of our pages on some web forum [16.03.2012 00:12:04] Rika: And we DO have screencaps of everything [16.03.2012 00:12:16] Rika: So even if he backs out [16.03.2012 00:12:16] Rika: the deletion wont cover up the evidence [16.03.2012 00:12:54] Rika: if Ahuviya or her friends doesnt get harassed anymore, we will leave it as it is [16.03.2012 00:14:29] Rika: Also to, Its not just me, Ahuviya, Jordan, Maria, and Eli still need a say in this. [16.03.2012 00:17:18] Undercover Troll: :) Sent this to Intro and he said that he did his part [16.03.2012 00:17:56] Undercover Troll: http://adfki.wikinet.org/wiki/Main_Page admins seemingly pulled the plug [16.03.2012 00:18:34] Rika: Not really, domain is still there [16.03.2012 00:18:39] Rika: They could easily back up all of those pages [16.03.2012 00:20:34] Rika: And if they cant figure out how to remove it completely [16.03.2012 00:20:36] Rika: http://wikkii.com/forums/index.php?board=3.0 [16.03.2012 00:24:42] Undercover Troll: i let intro know that he fell silent [16.03.2012 00:25:56] Rika: Even if Intro truly is still out of the picture, were still going after Trey and Becca [16.03.2012 00:26:19] Rika: Both can easily recieve stalking charges [16.03.2012 00:35:52] Undercover Troll: [16. mars 2012 00:33] introMAN: <<< I failed in my mission got blocked and called a traitor. now have to deal with rika and the trolls after me. great life I live :( [16.03.2012 00:36:31] Rika: Intro, If you want to do something [16.03.2012 00:36:36] Rika: Reveal your identity and be a witness. [16.03.2012 00:36:46] Rika: Because we know who these other "trolls" are. [16.03.2012 00:39:29] Undercover Troll: [16. mars 2012 00:39] introMAN: <<< if you want i can give you info rika but we are going to have to talk one on one. other than that. i want no part in this fued. [16.03.2012 00:39:54] Rika: I do to. But you have to win my trust first. Reveal yourself please. [16.03.2012 00:40:09] Rika: And this wont be a skype chat log [16.03.2012 00:40:59] Rika: Intro, these guys aren't untouchable, they left a paper trail of evidence linking this shit to them. [16.03.2012 00:41:35] Undercover Troll: [16. mars 2012 00:41] introMAN: <<< pick a service and i will use it rika. tinychat irc stickam [16.03.2012 00:41:43] Rika: Facebook. [16.03.2012 00:41:45] Rika: Real profile. [16.03.2012 00:42:05] Rika: Or, we arent discussing anything [16.03.2012 00:42:53] Undercover Troll: [16. mars 2012 00:42] introMAN: <<< rika stop power tripping. I can confirm or deny your speculation and your treating me like crap i understand you've been hurt. just lets end this cycle [16.03.2012 00:42:55] Rika: Im done talking through here [16.03.2012 00:45:21] Rika: Im honestly done playing around with this person [16.03.2012 00:45:35] Rika: Better yet [16.03.2012 00:45:48] Rika: Not really playing around, But trying to be serious [16.03.2012 00:46:09] Rika: Like I said, prob some elaborate ruse to make me trust this guy/girl again [16.03.2012 00:46:10] Undercover Troll: understandable:D [16.03.2012 00:50:07] Undercover Troll: so uh [16.03.2012 00:50:34] Rika: So Im done "warning" them. Were still pressing charges [16.03.2012 00:51:33] Rika: End of story, end of contact with these people [16.03.2012 00:56:13] Undercover Troll: intro goes on about not having to be friends but he doesnt want to be enemis :/ [16.03.2012 00:56:38] Rika: If this guy really was serious, he wouldent have any probs messaging me on his/her real FB account, Im honestly not buying it. [16.03.2012 00:56:53] Rika: This guy faked the whole Angelo log [16.03.2012 00:56:58] Rika: Put words in some stranger's mouth [16.03.2012 00:57:20] Undercover Troll: Yeah you got a pretty good point [16.03.2012 00:57:34] Rika: Honestly this shit could have just been staged with Zyklon and Moniker [16.03.2012 00:57:40] Rika: And Intro [16.03.2012 00:57:45] Rika: It prob was [16.03.2012 01:00:08] Undercover Troll: [16. mars 2012 00:59] introMAN: <<< have a good day rika. [16.03.2012 01:00:11] Undercover Troll: and thats the end of that :D [16.03.2012 01:01:05] Rika: Whatever [16.03.2012 01:04:27] Undercover Troll: Anyways sorry about all that Rika :/ guess you're arleady stressed due to all of this crap [16.03.2012 01:04:53] Rika: Np. Was fun to watch, but I doubt any of what he said was true [16.03.2012 01:11:48] Undercover Troll: anyways im pretty exhausted, so much moving-related stuff :x [16.03.2012 01:11:51] Undercover Troll: so ill just [16.03.2012 01:11:53] Undercover Troll: sleep i think :D [16.03.2012 01:11:54] Rika: Night [16.03.2012 01:12:09] Undercover Troll: Sweet dreams when you go! And take care, good luck tomororw with whatevs! [16.03.2012 18:39:38] Rika: The plot keeps thicking [16.03.2012 18:39:48] Rika: The person who we suspect to be Introman is a fetish model... [16.03.2012 18:43:39] Rika: This would explain alot... [16.03.2012 18:44:12] Undercover Troll: :O A fetish model?!?!?! Seriously?! Oh snap! [16.03.2012 18:44:38] Rika: http://www.modelmayhem.com/1115726 [16.03.2012 18:44:43] Undercover Troll: I gotta go work out now, and we dont have to talk about this if you wanna talk about something else rika :D whatever is cool with you! [16.03.2012 18:44:47] Rika: Pretty hot too lol [16.03.2012 18:44:54] Rika: Alright [16.03.2012 21:23:01] Undercover Troll: back :D how're you doing? [16.03.2012 21:23:16] Rika: Im about to go play WoW lol [16.03.2012 21:23:35] Rika: This is the dumbest idea ever as this game used to be like crack to me lol [16.03.2012 21:24:21] Undercover Troll: 0o [16.03.2012 21:57:14] Undercover Troll: Tea + WSG here ;) [16.03.2012 21:57:37] Rika: A friend sent me a free scroll of ressurection [16.03.2012 21:57:48] Rika: and Im already bored lol [16.03.2012 21:58:49] Undercover Troll: HAH he gets a free mount then [16.03.2012 21:58:51] Undercover Troll: i got the same mount [16.03.2012 21:59:19] Rika: You get a free level 80 character [16.03.2012 21:59:28] Undercover Troll: Yep! [16.03.2012 21:59:29] Rika: Yup. Im gonna go play SWTOR [16.03.2012 21:59:33] Undercover Troll: Haha [16.03.2012 21:59:45] Rika: Its boring because Ive done it all in WoW pretty much [16.03.2012 22:00:11] Rika: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f3rXALcGdo [16.03.2012 22:00:14] Rika: I want one as a pet! [16.03.2012 22:00:41] Undercover Troll: AAWWWWHHHH [16.03.2012 22:00:44] Undercover Troll: I want a sloth [16.03.2012 22:00:46] Undercover Troll: or a fainting goat [16.03.2012 22:03:08] Rika: They are the african cousin of the Wolverine, and just like Wolverines they have absolutely no fear at all [16.03.2012 22:04:00] Undercover Troll: Oooh [16.03.2012 22:08:13] Rika: I like the fact that they can go into bee nests, get stung a million times and live, there even immune to snake poison [16.03.2012 22:08:28] Undercover Troll: oh snap [16.03.2012 22:09:52] Rika: Ever see that randall video lol? [16.03.2012 22:10:02] Undercover Troll: nope! [16.03.2012 22:10:07] Rika: Lemme get it [16.03.2012 22:11:09] Rika: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r7wHMg5Yjg [16.03.2012 22:11:23] Rika: Honey Badgers and Wolverines are pyschotic weasels pretty much [16.03.2012 22:12:01] Undercover Troll: sounds like you got the same obsession with wolverines as i do with sloths ;D [16.03.2012 22:14:33] Rika: Pretty much :P [16.03.2012 22:14:38] Rika: Sloths look cute [16.03.2012 22:14:48] Undercover Troll: They're AWWWEEEESOMEEEEEe [16.03.2012 22:14:49] Undercover Troll: like [16.03.2012 22:14:51] Undercover Troll: beyond awesome [16.03.2012 22:15:18] Undercover Troll: they're so fucking slow that plants grows on them, and thats a part of their survival system due to camoflague [16.03.2012 22:36:39] Rika: Back was playing SWTOR. thats pretty awesome if they have plants growing OUT of them [16.03.2012 22:37:13] Rika: I also have an obsession with this guy [16.03.2012 22:37:18] Rika: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XYRbMgdhBQ&feature=related [16.03.2012 22:37:43] Undercover Troll: ooh [16.03.2012 22:45:42] Rika: I love it when he freaks out [16.03.2012 22:45:50] Rika: "YOU FUCKING OFFEND MY MALENESS!" LOL [16.03.2012 22:54:37] Undercover Troll: Hahahahahah [17.03.2012 05:16:05] Rika: Wiki shutdown. I'm still just getting warmed up [18.03.2012 17:39:51] Undercover Troll: hi!:D [18.03.2012 17:40:14] Rika: Morning [18.03.2012 17:40:23] Undercover Troll: all good? [18.03.2012 17:40:41] Rika: Yeah [18.03.2012 17:40:50] Undercover Troll: Glad to hear it! [18.03.2012 17:44:56] Rika: Just waking up [18.03.2012 17:45:01] Rika: Was up all night playing SWTOR [18.03.2012 17:45:02] Undercover Troll: Haha ;p up all night playing star wars? [18.03.2012 17:45:04] Undercover Troll: KNEW IT! [18.03.2012 17:45:06] Rika: YES! [18.03.2012 17:45:07] Rika: LOL [18.03.2012 17:46:12] Rika: Another cloudy ass day here in Phila [18.03.2012 17:46:28] Undercover Troll: Sucks, thought Philly was always sunny [18.03.2012 17:47:01] Rika: It usually is, but not when spring roles around [18.03.2012 17:47:38] Undercover Troll: Ahhhh i get ya [18.03.2012 17:47:49] Undercover Troll: excited for tomorrow?:D [18.03.2012 17:48:07] Rika: Yes, I hate sundays [18.03.2012 17:48:14] Rika: Sundays is one when the city is pretty dead [18.03.2012 17:48:16] Rika: Nothing open [18.03.2012 17:48:25] Undercover Troll: Sucks! [18.03.2012 17:57:26] Undercover Troll: Any plans for sunday regardless? xP [18.03.2012 17:58:18] Rika: Hang out with friends lol [18.03.2012 17:58:26] Undercover Troll: ;D [18.03.2012 17:58:53] Rika: http://youtu.be/QHqhFFG6jn4 [18.03.2012 17:59:21] Undercover Troll: xP Already linked, its awesome [18.03.2012 18:10:58] Undercover Troll: do you think the ADFWiki shut down for good btw? that stuff confuses me tbh:/ [18.03.2012 18:38:51] Rika: The person who runs the host wasent fond of it [18.03.2012 18:39:08] Undercover Troll: hm? [18.03.2012 18:39:30] Rika: The admin of wikinet shut it down [18.03.2012 18:39:39] Undercover Troll: HAH :D by request from you? [18.03.2012 18:39:45] Rika: Maybe [18.03.2012 18:39:50] Undercover Troll: ;) awesome job [18.03.2012 18:40:30] Rika: Were still going to press charges none the less. But I think they are getting the message as the ADF thread has been dead too [18.03.2012 18:40:48] Rika: And we still have the contents that were on the wiki screencapped [18.03.2012 18:41:15] Undercover Troll: :D Hah, nice tactical choice there [18.03.2012 18:41:29] Rika: We want to make sure these people back off for good [18.03.2012 18:43:13] Rika: Everybody who had an article made about them is happy right now though [18.03.2012 18:43:14] Rika: Jordan, Eli, Maria [18.03.2012 18:43:17] Rika: Me lol [18.03.2012 18:43:45] Undercover Troll: HAH :D and Ahuviya i bet [18.03.2012 18:44:00] Rika: Ahuviya is at home partying lol [18.03.2012 18:44:29] Rika: Also to this is a new beginning for everyone, esp Ahuviya who has been of late getting on better terms with her family [18.03.2012 18:44:36] Rika: Most of the fighting in the trans community has stopped [18.03.2012 18:44:50] Rika: Except for Julia because shes still a fucking asshole [18.03.2012 18:44:54] Undercover Troll: HAHA! [18.03.2012 18:45:05] Undercover Troll: Still going to pursue Intro, Zyklon or Moniker? [18.03.2012 18:45:20] Undercover Troll: trey obviously ofc [18.03.2012 18:45:40] Rika: Were pressing charges against everyone even INVOLVED in that site. [18.03.2012 18:46:08] Undercover Troll: But how are you going to use US laws against people in Canada and Finland? [18.03.2012 18:46:09] Rika: Our next step is to make a phone call to Moniker's college, get more information on Rebecca Stevens [18.03.2012 18:46:14] Rika: Also to [18.03.2012 18:46:20] Rika: Zyklon may not live in Finland [18.03.2012 18:46:35] Undercover Troll: OH! Point [18.03.2012 18:46:37] Rika: We have a lead on who Zyklon is [18.03.2012 18:46:58] Rika: But Im not going to say who it is, because I dont want this person erasing his extensive paper trail should this convo be leaked [18.03.2012 18:47:25] Undercover Troll: Thats understandable :) but are you going to go international about this? [18.03.2012 18:47:59] Rika: If we have too. Just because they are across country lines doesnt make them immune [18.03.2012 18:48:06] Rika: Moniker technically is an American Citizen [18.03.2012 18:48:11] Rika: just studying out of the country [18.03.2012 18:48:37] Rika: Also to the country our little Zyklon suspect lives in has zero tolerance for fascism [18.03.2012 18:48:58] Undercover Troll: Sweeeet! [18.03.2012 18:49:05] Undercover Troll: Glad you got this covered:D [18.03.2012 18:50:25] Rika: Eitherway the authorities can track all of this shit [18.03.2012 18:50:32] Undercover Troll: Yap! Hope they are willing to too [18.03.2012 18:50:33] Rika: Were just making it easier for them so this can go a bit quicker [18.03.2012 18:51:09] Undercover Troll: They have no obligation to pursue it though do they? [18.03.2012 18:51:55] Rika: They do [18.03.2012 18:52:06] Rika: If there is a paper trail of evidence [18.03.2012 18:52:08] Rika: and a fuckton of witnesses [18.03.2012 18:52:13] Rika: then yeah [18.03.2012 18:52:31] Rika: Sorry on and off, playing SWTOR again lol [18.03.2012 18:53:06] Undercover Troll: Hahahah :D writing a law paper ironicly anyway so its cool [18.03.2012 18:55:11] Rika: Also to. Trans people are a protected minority here in america [18.03.2012 18:55:53] Rika: Remember the whole Tyler Clementi thing? [18.03.2012 18:55:59] Undercover Troll: Nope! [18.03.2012 18:56:07] Rika: google him [18.03.2012 18:57:08] Undercover Troll: he wasnt a tranny though was he? [18.03.2012 19:06:48] Undercover Troll: oh also [18.03.2012 19:06:52] Undercover Troll: i did some googeling [18.03.2012 19:07:20] Undercover Troll: http://lurkmore.to/Deathwisher reckon this might be zyklon? He goes by the name kombat unit and if you check: ?????????? 2 it leads to: http://kombat-unit.deviantart.com/ [18.03.2012 19:08:08] Rika: Seen it [18.03.2012 19:08:20] Rika: No, He was a gay college student [18.03.2012 19:08:35] Rika: 2 of his room mates video taped him having sex with another male [18.03.2012 19:08:42] Rika: And did it to humiliate him [18.03.2012 19:08:50] Rika: He ended up jumping off of a bridge [18.03.2012 19:08:57] Rika: It caused a HUGE uproar here [18.03.2012 19:09:41] Undercover Troll: Ooooh [18.03.2012 19:10:15] Rika: The Authorities pretty much have zero tolerance for hate crimes, stalking, invasion of privacy [18.03.2012 19:10:29] Rika: esp on a minority group [18.03.2012 19:11:03] Undercover Troll: Glad to hear it! Will make for a cleaner case:D [18.03.2012 22:08:52] Rika: IntroMAN closed the james Winston account btw [18.03.2012 22:09:07] Undercover Troll: 0o guess he really wants out then [18.03.2012 22:09:24] Rika: I think at this point they all want out. [18.03.2012 22:09:54] Rika: Im going to have Ahuviya drop off the radar some too. This is going to be a new beginning for her. [18.03.2012 22:10:04] Rika: Were gonna help her rebuild herself into a better person [18.03.2012 22:10:11] Undercover Troll: Thats awesome! [18.03.2012 22:11:24] Rika: One of the things being, no more doing stupid stuff on the internet that makes her a target anymore [18.03.2012 22:13:09] Undercover Troll: Sounds reasonable and like the best solution for her and the community at large [18.03.2012 22:35:50] Undercover Troll: talking to intro now [18.03.2012 22:36:00] Undercover Troll: you're right he is (trying to) shut down his fb [18.03.2012 22:39:02] Undercover Troll: [21:22:08] Undercover Troll: pretty good, heard you shut down your FB account or something by rika [21:23:13] introMAN: trying to. but facebook makes it a god damn pain. [21:23:29] introMAN: i can deactivate but can't delete [21:25:12] Undercover Troll: too bad, wiki is down too, rika sure is happy about all of this [21:26:14] introMAN: it's not a shame. we've outgrown this phase or at least I did. [21:32:00] Undercover Troll: yeah? so no more trolling? [21:32:28] introMAN: ill still post chris chan stuff when it opens up. but yea, not like in the past [21:34:13] Undercover Troll: well looks like what you did to their community didnt leave them too forgiving [21:34:17] Undercover Troll: at least thats what I think [21:34:56] introMAN: this might sound dickish but they will survive. if this is the worst a community has to go throuhg. Than yea, they'll live long and fulfilling lives. [21:35:43] Undercover Troll: probably in the end you brought them together i guess [21:36:20] introMAN: in some sick and twisted way yea. i would of preferred cookies and a movie at mazzoni in uniting them [21:36:25] introMAN: rather than some fuckwit on the internet [21:36:56] Undercover Troll: wiki going down too looks like its all over [21:36:59] Undercover Troll: for everyone [21:37:20] introMAN: I guess the trick I used worked [21:37:27] Undercover Troll: "trick"? [21:37:44] introMAN: I rather not say. [21:37:56] Undercover Troll: so you are setting them up? [21:38:06] introMAN: i helped take the wiki down [21:38:11] introMAN: but no one needs to know that [21:38:45] Undercover Troll: all right [18.03.2012 22:41:33] Rika: The taking the wiki part down is BS lol [18.03.2012 22:42:45] Rika: You want to know the true reason? [18.03.2012 22:42:50] Rika: Because if Intro is who we think she is [18.03.2012 22:43:03] Rika: There is alot more at stake if we were to come after her legally [18.03.2012 22:43:28] Undercover Troll: Wow 0o no wonder she is shivering in her boots and trying her outmost when it comes to damage limitation [18.03.2012 22:43:40] Rika: Shes a fetish model/escort [18.03.2012 22:43:43] Rika: thats why [18.03.2012 22:46:01] Undercover Troll: yeah you told me, makes you think :/ [18.03.2012 22:46:25] Rika: You should see the Live Journal I found [18.03.2012 22:46:38] Undercover Troll: 0.0 [18.03.2012 22:46:41] Undercover Troll: go on [18.03.2012 22:46:55] Rika: http://faerieeyes3.livejournal.com/ [18.03.2012 22:47:02] Rika: Before Kristen became "Ten" [18.03.2012 22:47:11] Rika: She used to be the love shy geek type aswell [18.03.2012 22:48:54] Rika: Shes the prime Intro suspect because she is the only one who could have known all of those things about Jordan. [18.03.2012 22:49:08] Rika: And if she does what she does for a living, that means she has alot of time on her hands [18.03.2012 22:49:38] Undercover Troll: is jordan and her still in contact at all? [18.03.2012 22:49:51] Rika: Nah, Jordan defriended her as soon as we figured out her idenity [18.03.2012 22:50:06] Rika: And even if she isent Intro. she still is responsible for leaking on 789chan [18.03.2012 22:50:12] Rika: we have smoking gun proof of that [18.03.2012 22:51:36] Rika: Im also going to help Jordan [18.03.2012 22:51:43] Rika: her passability has gotten better, but not by much lol [18.03.2012 22:52:26] Rika: Anyways gotta run to church [18.03.2012 22:52:28] Rika: Catch ya later [18.03.2012 23:05:29] Undercover Troll: Take care! [19.03.2012 01:12:22] Rika: Trans person attending church [19.03.2012 01:12:27] Rika: that has to be something new lol [19.03.2012 21:27:09] Undercover Troll: hi!:D [19.03.2012 21:28:09] Undercover Troll: 789 ..:/ [19.03.2012 21:40:19] Rika: We will get whatever site they make next shut down just as easily [19.03.2012 21:40:36] Rika: And like I said, were not making a lawsuit [19.03.2012 21:40:41] Rika: were pressing criminal charges [19.03.2012 21:41:25] Undercover Troll: i thought you blocked 789 :D saves me the time of copy pasting I guess! Glad you got it under control. How are you doing though? [19.03.2012 21:41:37] Rika: Were not doing this for money. And I know Zyklon made that post [19.03.2012 21:41:54] Rika: Better [19.03.2012 21:42:31] Undercover Troll: Awesome! :D any reason? Got an epic in SWOTOR or something? [19.03.2012 21:44:59] Rika: Just less paranoid [19.03.2012 21:46:11] Undercover Troll: 0o what are you paranoid about girl? No one are out to get you [19.03.2012 21:46:21] Undercover Troll: as far as i know at least [19.03.2012 21:47:18] Rika: Some assholes from the internet are [19.03.2012 21:47:42] Undercover Troll: What are they gonna do though? mail you pipebombs lol [19.03.2012 21:47:50] Rika: True. [19.03.2012 21:47:58] Rika: I just dont appreciate some asshole stalking me and my friends [19.03.2012 21:48:06] Rika: digging up personal info [19.03.2012 21:48:54] Undercover Troll: Oh I know the feel, I truly do. Its uncomfy, but at the end of the day what happens on the internet stays at the internet unless you let it elsewere...or is seeking a job :D [21.03.2012 04:33:51] Rika: I haven't made any posts on the thread, I love all of the infighting they are doing [21.03.2012 04:34:01] Rika: I think their all butthurt lol [21.03.2012 04:39:09] Rika: Btw I met Kacey last night [21.03.2012 04:39:15] Rika: had an interesting discussion [21.03.2012 04:39:23] Rika: I also asked for her autograph [21.03.2012 09:53:56] Undercover Troll: Gen? Thought she hated LGBT [22.03.2012 17:28:13] Rika: And its done, reported [22.03.2012 17:30:57] Rika: IM laughing at the fact everyone thinks Im posting on the thread. [22.03.2012 17:56:58] Undercover Troll: :D Im here now, really? What did the police department say? [22.03.2012 17:57:09] Rika: We took it to the feds [22.03.2012 17:57:14] Undercover Troll: oh wow [22.03.2012 17:57:23] Rika: Cant really say much but they are putting 789 under survelliance [22.03.2012 17:57:49] Undercover Troll: Oh thats fine, and thats great. That site is pretty ehh...vile? I guess? Nothing good can come of it thats for sure [22.03.2012 17:59:37] Undercover Troll: feds? That being..FBI right? I dont know too much about american justice system sadly [22.03.2012 17:59:46] Rika: Yeah [22.03.2012 17:59:53] Rika: They are the only real people capible [22.03.2012 17:59:59] Rika: they also too the info we gave them [22.03.2012 18:00:03] Rika: Trey's phone number, etc [22.03.2012 18:00:49] Undercover Troll: Are you sure they didnt just accept all this to get you guys out of their office? Like will they keep in touch or anything like that and keep you guys updated? Itd be a shame if they just pretended they knew how severe this was [22.03.2012 18:01:43] Rika: Nope. they interviewed us individually [22.03.2012 18:02:04] Undercover Troll: oh wow [22.03.2012 18:03:04] Undercover Troll: 0o thats so cool [22.03.2012 18:03:06] Rika: I don't think 789 can trace us anymore. They havent been able to leak any new content for 2 weeks now [22.03.2012 18:04:24] Undercover Troll: Phew thats nice, well I know you don't trust me 100% with all of this and I understand that completly Rika, no offense taken or anything :) be as careful as you see fit, i just think this is really exciting and hope you guys will be able to set an example [22.03.2012 18:04:40] Rika: Even if nothing happens were moving on [22.03.2012 18:05:01] Rika: They cant really dox us anymore [22.03.2012 18:05:03] Undercover Troll: No more 789, no more wikis and no more troll biting? [22.03.2012 18:05:13] Rika: and anything they have will become invalid sooner or later [22.03.2012 18:05:38] Undercover Troll: For sure [22.03.2012 18:05:47] Rika: If they make another wiki we will def have it shut down again, its not that hard, and even if the host doesnt cooperate all it takes is a DMCA [22.03.2012 18:06:23] Undercover Troll: DMCA doesnt cover fair use though [22.03.2012 18:06:50] Rika: It does cover all of the private shit they were leaking off of facebook though [22.03.2012 18:06:54] Rika: this is diff from youtube [22.03.2012 18:07:32] Undercover Troll: ahhh [22.03.2012 18:10:23] Rika: Looks like they are in fighting anyway [22.03.2012 18:10:56] Undercover Troll: What do you mean Rika? [22.03.2012 18:11:10] Rika: Have you seen the thread on 789? [22.03.2012 18:11:20] Rika: They assume any post made in opposition to them was done by me [22.03.2012 18:11:32] Rika: In reality none of us have posted anything on the thread. [22.03.2012 18:11:38] Undercover Troll: I hate that place so much so i rarely check it, will do [22.03.2012 18:12:17] Undercover Troll: 0o so so SO much text, oh wow [22.03.2012 18:12:21] Undercover Troll: and they think this is you? Hahahaha [22.03.2012 18:12:25] Rika: Yep lol [22.03.2012 18:14:37] Undercover Troll: hows photo work going though? [22.03.2012 18:15:39] Rika: getting it back on track [22.03.2012 18:15:54] Undercover Troll: cool :D any new shots or just planning? [22.03.2012 18:16:19] Rika: planning, still waiting for summer storms' [22.03.2012 18:16:52] Undercover Troll: i mean this fed thing is important and all but dont forget photography! like it'd be too selfsacreficing to neglect what you love just to pursuit some retards online [22.03.2012 18:17:14] Rika: Yeah everyone is telling me that [22.03.2012 18:17:16] Rika: fun part is [22.03.2012 18:17:23] Rika: I havent even started transitioning [22.03.2012 18:17:26] Rika: never changed my name [22.03.2012 18:17:30] Rika: Or have started hormones [22.03.2012 18:17:37] Rika: I can easily start a new anytime [22.03.2012 18:19:54] Rika: I got to talk to Kacey too [22.03.2012 18:19:59] Rika: Interesting discussion haha [22.03.2012 18:20:13] Undercover Troll: really?:D Sianna hates transexuals though [22.03.2012 18:24:02] Rika: Sianna? [22.03.2012 18:24:33] Rika: I spoke to "K-gen" [22.03.2012 18:25:06] Undercover Troll: Sianna is her real name. Kacey is her troll name and "Gen" her pvcc name [22.03.2012 18:25:32] Rika: She was pretty respectful to me haha [22.03.2012 18:25:53] Rika: I asked for her autograph lol [22.03.2012 18:26:19] Undercover Troll: cool :D she was at an anti-gay rights ralley with her fiancey so [22.03.2012 18:26:25] Undercover Troll: they're marrying in july btw [22.03.2012 18:26:30] Undercover Troll: her and liquid that is [22.03.2012 18:26:41] Rika: She told me they put it off for awhile [22.03.2012 18:26:57] Rika: And that introMAN was also stalking her [22.03.2012 18:28:48] Undercover Troll: introman is stalking everyone with a name connected to chris and/or 789, its his only hobby and its pathetic, hopefully he stopped now [22.03.2012 18:28:50] Rika: by posting fake marriage docs, etc [22.03.2012 18:29:08] Undercover Troll: oh it was fake? :D ah okay [22.03.2012 18:29:29] Rika: The people behind all of this have way to much fucking time [22.03.2012 18:29:30] Undercover Troll: i mean i got no idea. I talk a lot toa chris troll who talks a lot to Liquid so, but i never asked about that [22.03.2012 18:29:34] Undercover Troll: totally [22.03.2012 18:31:51] Undercover Troll: who is your favorite chris trolls and why btw?:D [22.03.2012 18:32:09] Rika: Clyde Cash [22.03.2012 18:32:13] Rika: hands down [22.03.2012 18:32:24] Undercover Troll: haha :D [22.03.2012 18:32:32] Undercover Troll: Clyde is pretty cute looking ;) [22.03.2012 18:32:45] Rika: Ya the guido lol [22.03.2012 18:32:57] Undercover Troll: xD and the real man but yeah [22.03.2012 18:33:15] Rika: When I talked to Kacey, she told me that PVCC organized everything when it came to Chris [22.03.2012 18:33:22] Rika: pathetic, but at the same time impressive [22.03.2012 18:33:29] Rika: All of that for some manchild [22.03.2012 18:34:38] Undercover Troll: Guess it was like that when she got banned for being a cunt :D [22.03.2012 18:34:54] Rika: Who Kacey? [22.03.2012 18:35:34] Undercover Troll: yeah but i've said too much already i guess xP [22.03.2012 18:36:27] Rika: None of this suprises me [22.03.2012 18:36:34] Rika: Im just sad the father call was a fake [22.03.2012 18:36:53] Rika: I told Kacey it was so well played I thought her whole family was full of Spartans [22.03.2012 18:37:07] Undercover Troll: :D HAHA [22.03.2012 18:37:40] Undercover Troll: well the community at large doesnt like kacey very much, mainly due to the other phone calls because instead of poking fun at chris she kept talking about herself sooo she got a bad repp doing that, i got no opinion of her one way or the other really [22.03.2012 18:42:03] Rika: Now Im gonna grab some sleep [22.03.2012 18:42:05] Rika: chat later [22.03.2012 18:42:27] Undercover Troll: <3 take care Rika [22.03.2012 18:42:33] Undercover Troll: greet the others from me! [22.03.2012 21:35:46] Undercover Troll: :D Morning [22.03.2012 21:55:20] Rika: Its afternoon actually [22.03.2012 21:57:33] Undercover Troll: i know ;p part of the joke [22.03.2012 21:57:35] Undercover Troll: 15:57 [22.03.2012 21:57:57] Rika: haha [22.03.2012 21:58:29] Undercover Troll: :D up to much? [22.03.2012 21:59:03] Rika: I had to get some sleep lol. Dident get alot last night with everyone here, and finally everyone is out of my space so I had some time to myself finally lol [22.03.2012 22:52:20] Undercover Troll: HAH i was wondering Rika! [22.03.2012 22:52:26] Undercover Troll: like whilst you were sleeping [22.03.2012 22:52:44] Undercover Troll: you said that you'd never do surgery, but does that count for never getting breasts too or? [22.03.2012 22:53:27] Rika: Hormones give ya boobs :) [22.03.2012 22:53:41] Undercover Troll: 0o do they got a decent shape though? [22.03.2012 22:54:46] Rika: Yes [22.03.2012 22:54:55] Rika: You even get freaking curves! [22.03.2012 22:55:15] Rika: And with my body type, holy shit I cant wait to see what happens [22.03.2012 22:55:40] Undercover Troll: Sweeeeeet! :D thats awesome, saves you having to go through surgery for that part at least [22.03.2012 22:56:53] Undercover Troll: got any schedule or anything for when you'll begin hormonetherapy or still figuring that stuff out? [22.03.2012 22:57:17] Rika: Soon [22.03.2012 22:57:23] Undercover Troll: :D cool! [22.03.2012 22:59:57] Undercover Troll: http://sonichu.com/cwcki/My_Coke_Rewards no wonder chris and barb are THAT obese holy fucking shit check their cola consumption 0o [22.03.2012 23:02:35] Undercover Troll: 3/6/07 to 9/4/09 : 905 Bottles 3624 Cans [22.03.2012 23:59:53] Rika: Jesus christ [23.03.2012 00:07:00] Rika: Holy shit [23.03.2012 00:07:20] Rika: I hate 789 [23.03.2012 00:07:24] Rika: but the people they find... [23.03.2012 00:07:25] Rika: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swJRgKfzPt4&feature=player_embedded [23.03.2012 00:07:53] Undercover Troll: ..oh my god [23.03.2012 00:08:25] Rika: This isent even the worst of it [23.03.2012 00:08:50] Rika: http://youtu.be/weyHV11kTSo [23.03.2012 00:09:42] Undercover Troll: ..oh wow [23.03.2012 00:10:04] Undercover Troll: i may have both of those btw [23.03.2012 00:10:07] Undercover Troll: CP and aspergers [23.03.2012 00:12:03] Rika: My lawyer has aspergers [23.03.2012 00:14:54] Undercover Troll: :O coool! [23.03.2012 00:14:59] Undercover Troll: must be interesting to work with [23.03.2012 00:15:15] Rika: Shes a really fun person to be around [23.03.2012 11:39:40] Undercover Troll: Morning for reals! xD [23.03.2012 17:18:56] Rika: Morning [23.03.2012 17:19:01] Rika: Oh this keeps getting better lmao [23.03.2012 17:19:14] Rika: they are going off of old information regarding my parents against me going on hormones [23.03.2012 17:19:43] Rika: I'd love to see them try to contact my parents [23.03.2012 17:22:10] Rika: They're overall butthurt about the wiki [23.03.2012 17:33:16] Undercover Troll: 0o the hell [23.03.2012 17:33:18] Undercover Troll: xD ahhahahaahahaha [23.03.2012 17:38:58] Undercover Troll: you in touch with your folks at all rika? [23.03.2012 17:39:10] Rika: Yup [23.03.2012 17:39:17] Rika: We have a really good relationship [23.03.2012 17:39:29] Rika: they are basing their shit off of old information [23.03.2012 17:39:39] Undercover Troll: ahhhh [23.03.2012 17:40:30] Rika: And I already told my folks what is going on, So even if they do manage to get contact with my parents it will just be a dead end [23.03.2012 17:40:38] Rika: of course they can always fake it like they did with Angelo [23.03.2012 17:41:28] Undercover Troll: they probably will really [23.03.2012 17:43:23] Rika: If anything they are chasing a ghost [23.03.2012 17:43:42] Rika: They can no longer dox mine, Ahuviya's, or Jordan's facebooks [23.03.2012 17:44:39] Undercover Troll: probably very frustrated by now xD too bad for them really [23.03.2012 17:45:56] Undercover Troll: btw is your probation officer still helping you guys out? Or is it completly out of your hands now? [23.03.2012 17:46:52] Rika: Can't give those details [23.03.2012 17:47:03] Undercover Troll: thats cool :D [23.03.2012 17:47:40] Rika: Also to, Im wondering if they will actually go as far to pay for a new wiki [23.03.2012 17:49:00] Undercover Troll: xD i got no idea, they're lazy but so frustrated right now they'll do anything i guess [23.03.2012 17:52:16] Undercover Troll: because uh [23.03.2012 17:52:20] Undercover Troll: idk how to say this but [23.03.2012 17:52:41] Undercover Troll: i think the trolls are gonna use your probation officer against you it was somewhat implied [23.03.2012 17:53:15] Rika: Good luck to them figuring out who that is [23.03.2012 17:53:39] Rika: If anything that is a REALLY stupid idea [23.03.2012 17:53:46] Undercover Troll: so you dropped absolutely no info about who it might be anywhere? intro is too good finding this stuff, but if he is to be trusted he gave up [23.03.2012 17:54:03] Rika: lol nope [23.03.2012 17:54:21] Rika: And that would be a really DUMB idea for them [23.03.2012 17:54:34] Undercover Troll: :D True, dont the trolls got like field agents and shit locally though? [23.03.2012 17:55:01] Rika: Not really, All they did was get moles on our facebooks [23.03.2012 17:55:20] Undercover Troll: wha? 0o I thought they had some ukranian guy stalking ahuviya [23.03.2012 17:55:30] Rika: And even if they knew exactly where I live, my place is a friggen fortress. You have to go through a doorman [23.03.2012 17:56:03] Rika: They made that shit up [23.03.2012 17:56:05] Rika: Just like the angelo log [23.03.2012 17:56:16] Rika: If anything I was their biggest link to Ahuviya [23.03.2012 17:56:25] Undercover Troll: Hmmm i thought they had video evidence from those guys again i never followed adf too much [23.03.2012 17:56:29] Rika: Hence why they are pissed [23.03.2012 17:57:35] Undercover Troll: thats understandable but didnt some field agent who was ukranian shot some videos of ADF? [23.03.2012 17:57:39] Undercover Troll: Ahuviya* sorry [23.03.2012 17:57:50] Rika: It was at Occupy Phila which had heavy media coverage [23.03.2012 17:58:35] Rika: Also to, I think I know who was dropping info locally on Ahuviya before the ADFwiki [23.03.2012 17:58:49] Rika: I actually found the thread where ADF doxxed herself before the wiki [23.03.2012 17:58:54] Rika: when they were planning it [23.03.2012 17:59:33] Undercover Troll: Hmmm, as long as there isnt some obsessive stalking group and you guys are safe 0o [23.03.2012 17:59:35] Undercover Troll: like [23.03.2012 17:59:39] Undercover Troll: i'd be so creeped out if I were you [23.03.2012 17:59:51] Rika: If there is, I will find whomever it is locally [23.03.2012 18:00:21] Undercover Troll: Yeah :D you're doing a good job thus far and i got no reason to doubt that you and the feds will find this group if it exsists [23.03.2012 18:00:21] Rika: Not to mention, the Feds are surveying the site. [23.03.2012 18:00:44] Rika: The two people making the posts on 789 about me is Zyklon and Moniker [23.03.2012 18:01:00] Rika: Both of them butthurt their wiki was shut down [23.03.2012 18:01:44] Undercover Troll: understandable lol i think zyklons only hobby was editing that wiki [23.03.2012 18:02:01] Rika: I think Trey might have backed out of all of this too. Just a theory [23.03.2012 18:04:46] Undercover Troll: Really? any grounds to that theory? [23.03.2012 18:05:09] Rika: Because I can usually tell when he leaks something [23.03.2012 18:05:33] Rika: if he heard about what was going on, he would def be a bit afraid [23.03.2012 18:05:44] Rika: seeing how we have his cell [23.03.2012 18:05:53] Rika: And is on American soil [23.03.2012 18:09:41] Undercover Troll: yup, too late for damage limitation now [23.03.2012 18:10:36] Rika: Looks like they're thread is about to die again [23.03.2012 18:10:53] Rika: lol [23.03.2012 18:10:59] Undercover Troll: ;D [23.03.2012 18:11:27] Rika: A majority of the people posting are doing it in the morning, there are no people keeping alive during the afternoon hours, its been a redundant pattern all week [23.03.2012 18:11:58] Rika: Its afternoon in finland atm [23.03.2012 18:12:06] Undercover Troll: Yep :D [23.03.2012 18:12:07] Undercover Troll: 6pm [23.03.2012 18:14:03] Rika: I dont really think anyone on the site actually cares except for those two [23.03.2012 18:14:14] Undercover Troll: isnt that just adorable xD [23.03.2012 18:14:23] Rika: I do think IntroMAN def gave up. [23.03.2012 18:14:45] Undercover Troll: he was so terrified xD [23.03.2012 18:14:45] Rika: He has been active with chris shit, but nothing regarding me or ADF [23.03.2012 18:19:18] Rika: IntroMAN was one of their main field agents [23.03.2012 18:19:31] Rika: and prob their best [23.03.2012 18:19:52] Undercover Troll: no doubt if she was [23.03.2012 18:20:30] Rika: Even if it wasent felker, we still gave the feds the phone number he/she gave Ahuviya [23.03.2012 18:22:24] Undercover Troll: :O you got introWOMAN's phone number? [23.03.2012 18:22:25] Undercover Troll: woow [23.03.2012 18:22:58] Rika: Yeah, he gave it to ahuviya back in Feb [23.03.2012 18:23:05] Rika: I went through everyone's facebook logs [23.03.2012 18:23:13] Rika: Jordan's and Ahuviya's [23.03.2012 18:24:32] Undercover Troll: cool :D time consuming? [23.03.2012 18:26:40] Rika: Not really. Also to I doubt the two idiots posting on 789 have any idea that everyone united. [23.03.2012 18:26:47] Rika: I dont think they ever expected that [23.03.2012 18:27:13] Undercover Troll: 789 are always clueless acting big, always. in every case. Especially with chris [23.03.2012 18:28:37] Rika: That was their mistake, they got close with everyone who was fighting with each other. [23.03.2012 18:28:51] Undercover Troll: hmm [23.03.2012 18:30:11] Rika: It doesnt seem like a majority of 789 cares either [23.03.2012 18:30:20] Rika: as their thread keeps getting pushed to the back [23.03.2012 18:30:27] Undercover Troll: haha nope! Anyways i gotta go work out :D take care and have an awesome day! [23.03.2012 18:30:55] Rika: You too [23.03.2012 22:42:35] Rika: Oh dear lord. I just sent my "probation officer" the little threat they just made, even he thinks they're all full of shit. [23.03.2012 22:43:24] Rika: Because there is no way they can get the info of who actually is my probation officer or even what type of probation Im on [23.03.2012 22:45:54] Undercover Troll: back! But shower and stuff :D and really Rika? Hahahahaha you girls tell em [23.03.2012 22:46:07] Rika: Cant really do that [23.03.2012 22:46:14] Rika: Were forbiddon to post on the site [23.03.2012 22:46:39] Undercover Troll: Oooooh true [23.03.2012 22:46:45] Rika: I have no idea who the krapples are who are posting against them [23.03.2012 22:46:50] Undercover Troll: I can leave a note for you if you want Rika, anything really [23.03.2012 22:46:50] Rika: But its not me [23.03.2012 22:46:56] Rika: Not nessaracy [23.03.2012 22:47:05] Undercover Troll: Aight! Anyways shower time :D see ya in 15 mins! [23.03.2012 22:47:10] Rika: But I do hope they actually try to contact my probation officer [23.03.2012 22:47:23] Rika: they would be violating so many laws by doing that [23.03.2012 23:09:13] Undercover Troll: just by contacting her? Really? also back :D [23.03.2012 23:09:52] Rika: Yeah. [23.03.2012 23:15:11] Rika: Shame I can't make any contact with these people [23.03.2012 23:15:12] Rika: http://torture-device.deviantart.com/art/Hello-my-name-is-Douchebag-208218526 [23.03.2012 23:15:17] Rika: Zyklon looks like a wuss [23.03.2012 23:15:57] Undercover Troll: tryhard much? hahaha [23.03.2012 23:18:05] Undercover Troll: http://torture-device.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=scraps&offset=48#/d2momt7 LOL [23.03.2012 23:18:15] Undercover Troll: http://torture-device.deviantart.com/gallery/?q=id#/d2yhyvm ..okay he looks kinda hot here xD [23.03.2012 23:20:01] Rika: Awww its a little Ahuviya lol [23.03.2012 23:20:09] Rika: I love internet tough guys like this [23.03.2012 23:20:45] Rika: He actually does look kinda hot [23.03.2012 23:20:47] Rika: I love the hair [23.03.2012 23:21:34] Undercover Troll: oh my god that last pic is so droolworthy >.< [23.03.2012 23:21:37] Undercover Troll: but the rest is just LOL [23.03.2012 23:22:57] Rika: The last pic reminds me of the male vocalist from nightwish who is a stud, and has one of the best screams ever [23.03.2012 23:23:42] Undercover Troll: MHM! [23.03.2012 23:23:46] Rika: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marco_Hietala [23.03.2012 23:25:07] Rika: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3ntHpYocc0 8:00 [23.03.2012 23:25:14] Rika: His voice is sex [23.03.2012 23:26:19] Rika: Lol Kombat Unit has issues if he is drawing a tribute to the Oaklahoma bomber [23.03.2012 23:26:49] Undercover Troll: any full time internet troll has issues period :/ [23.03.2012 23:27:06] Undercover Troll: and im more concerned about his ABB art [23.03.2012 23:27:12] Rika: ABB? [23.03.2012 23:28:10] Rika: http://torture-device.deviantart.com/gallery/?offset=120#/d2ezoaa [23.03.2012 23:28:12] Rika: HAHAHA [23.03.2012 23:28:16] Rika: Its like [23.03.2012 23:28:24] Rika: the polar opposite of Ahuviya [23.03.2012 23:28:45] Undercover Troll: ABB, Anders Behring Breivik, the NORWEGIAN who killed 80 teenagers past summer, this guy idolizes him [23.03.2012 23:29:40] Rika: Thats pretty fucked up [23.03.2012 23:29:41] Rika: http://torture-device.deviantart.com/gallery/?offset=192#/d22kjoa [23.03.2012 23:29:49] Rika: Now he is sexy in this pic [23.03.2012 23:30:08] Rika: I dont know why Im actually find him sexy seeing as Im suppossed to hate him [23.03.2012 23:30:47] Undercover Troll: HAha :D [23.03.2012 23:30:52] Undercover Troll: http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs47/f/2009/213/6/f/Shadow_of_Sonichu_concept_art_by_torture_device.jpg [23.03.2012 23:30:57] Undercover Troll: http://torture-device.deviantart.com/art/PICKLE-MAH-BOI-125241248 [23.03.2012 23:32:13] Rika: What on Satan's green earth am I looking at right now? [23.03.2012 23:32:51] Undercover Troll: sonichu FA:D [23.03.2012 23:33:06] Rika: Its almost nonsensical [23.03.2012 23:34:28] Rika: http://torture-device.deviantart.com/gallery/?offset=0#/d4thtio [23.03.2012 23:34:34] Rika: Holy...... shit............ [23.03.2012 23:36:40] Rika: This makes ahuviya's disturbing stories look like fucking telebubbies [23.03.2012 23:38:34] Undercover Troll: mhhm [23.03.2012 23:38:50] Rika: http://torture-device.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d4o4rb3 [23.03.2012 23:38:55] Rika: This guy has some fucking issues [23.03.2012 23:40:03] Undercover Troll: for sure [23.03.2012 23:41:39] Rika: Isent finland and norway two diff countries [23.03.2012 23:42:06] Undercover Troll: Yup [23.03.2012 23:42:15] Rika: I know this is taisto as this is the same person who appeared on webcam with Ahuviya wearing a fucking gas mask [23.03.2012 23:43:01] Undercover Troll: oh I saw that video too, yep thats him, think that norway thing is just a way to piss off norwegians due to ABB though, we're all very sensetive about it :/ [23.03.2012 23:43:07] Undercover Troll: small country you know? Everyone knows someone involved [23.03.2012 23:44:01] Rika: Thats pretty horrible that he is mocking people's deaths [23.03.2012 23:44:20] Undercover Troll: Mhhhhhm, so i barely ever talk to him, dont like the guy at all due to that [23.03.2012 23:44:47] Undercover Troll: still gonna tip off his govorment or what your plan was btw? Id love to see this guy behind bars :/ [23.03.2012 23:45:42] Rika: For one, I tend to keep my real intentions quite these days. And 2, I dont know if this is illegal in finland or not [23.03.2012 23:45:53] Rika: For all I know Finland could have their equiv of the first ammendment [23.03.2012 23:46:27] Undercover Troll: Thats cool, I really hope it is :/ itd make a lot of norwegians on DA releived at least [23.03.2012 23:47:22] Rika: I just find it ironic this guy is trying to make a lolcow out of me when hes an even bigger one! [23.03.2012 23:47:39] Rika: Well not trying to make me out to be one, but paint me as one atleast. [23.03.2012 23:48:22] Undercover Troll: you got a point there :D [23.03.2012 23:48:39] Rika: Actually this guy isent persay an lolcow [23.03.2012 23:48:55] Rika: When I think lolcow I think of someone who is gulliable, and at the same time evil and stupid [23.03.2012 23:49:03] Rika: I think of Chris [23.03.2012 23:49:22] Rika: But I think he is a trollsheilder as you guys like to put it [23.03.2012 23:49:54] Undercover Troll: he might be i got no clue the less i can talk to zyklon the better [23.03.2012 23:49:56] Undercover Troll: he's no good [23.03.2012 23:51:05] Undercover Troll: you've done a lot of research though what other things does zyklon got about him that screams "lolcow!"? [23.03.2012 23:51:30] Rika: Its hard to say lolcow wise. He just has simular qualities to ahuviya [23.03.2012 23:51:41] Rika: Both of them love to write rape stories [23.03.2012 23:51:54] Rika: Both of them like to flaunt their weapons [23.03.2012 23:52:02] Rika: They seem to love genocide and gulags lol [23.03.2012 23:52:21] Rika: Zkylon has more simularities to Ahuviya than he does Chris [23.03.2012 23:52:39] Undercover Troll: 0o there are a lot of similarities in that sense yeah [23.03.2012 23:53:16] Rika: If it werent for all of the racism and swastikas, juggalos would love this guy lol [23.03.2012 23:54:16] Undercover Troll: HAH got any idea what country he is from for real though? Theres just so much :/ swedish, danish, norwegian, finnish, russian, ukranian idk and im so confused about that [23.03.2012 23:54:28] Rika: Finland prob [23.03.2012 23:54:35] Rika: Cause of the pics he posted on his FB [23.03.2012 23:54:44] Rika: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuaI5bxVKi4 [23.03.2012 23:54:50] Rika: Reminds me of this [23.03.2012 23:54:59] Rika: I love this song <3 [23.03.2012 23:55:08] Undercover Troll: Ooooh and awwwh [23.03.2012 23:56:11] Undercover Troll: What sort of pictures does he post on FB anyway? 0o i think him and I are friends idk tbh and i dont check his albums if I am [23.03.2012 23:56:43] Rika: He posted pics of a truck crash near his house and the police investigating it [23.03.2012 23:57:21] Rika: I think the car said POLIS [23.03.2012 23:57:35] Undercover Troll: Oooooooooh [23.03.2012 23:58:29] Rika: Isent POLIS finnish? [23.03.2012 23:58:39] Undercover Troll: lemme check! [23.03.2012 23:58:58] Undercover Troll: basically Danish, swedish and norwegian are one language with variations..Finnish is -completly- different [23.03.2012 23:59:41] Rika: I love having european friends <3 [24.03.2012 00:00:00] Undercover Troll: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7a/Finnish_police_car.jpg [24.03.2012 00:00:14] Undercover Troll: Polis on the cars, but the full name is seemingly Poliisi [24.03.2012 00:00:19] Undercover Troll: :D and i love having americans [24.03.2012 00:01:12] Undercover Troll: http://torture-device.deviantart.com/journal/He-who-throws-the-stone-227210796 also fuck this guy :/ [24.03.2012 00:02:44] Rika: I think he actually believes this shit [24.03.2012 00:02:53] Rika: I dont think he is a troll in this regard [24.03.2012 00:03:22] Rika: This is what makes me less paranoid [24.03.2012 00:03:26] Rika: that I know who these two are [24.03.2012 00:03:34] Rika: Moniker or Becca Stevens isent that impressive either [24.03.2012 00:03:55] Undercover Troll: hmm i dont know anything about Becca Stevens [24.03.2012 00:04:09] Rika: Becca Stevens is possibly Moniker [24.03.2012 00:04:16] Rika: She had everyone as friends on FB [24.03.2012 00:04:31] Rika: and when we defriended her the trolls noticed we were on a "friends purge" [24.03.2012 00:05:01] Undercover Troll: OH I know, but moniker i've never ever even talked to [24.03.2012 00:05:17] Rika: I know its a she because Trey and Intro always told me they got orders from "The Boss Lady" [24.03.2012 00:05:43] Rika: And knowing someone who has that kind of mentality would always keep tabs on who they were stalking themselves [24.03.2012 00:06:03] *** Rika sent 216744_109092285856145_100002661235426_58329_2898589_n.jpg *** [24.03.2012 00:06:07] Rika: Thats Moniker ^^^ [24.03.2012 00:06:24] Undercover Troll: OH LOL her, that ginger girl right [24.03.2012 00:06:32] Rika: Yup, and fatty [24.03.2012 00:06:45] Rika: Atleast Zyklon looks somewhat attractive [24.03.2012 00:07:23] Undercover Troll: and intro is a fetish model hmmm [24.03.2012 00:07:42] Rika: We dont know that, But I dont think Intro was lying when he/she said he was backing out [24.03.2012 00:07:59] Rika: Because what Zyklon and Moniker are doing now is obviously showing desperation [24.03.2012 00:09:04] Undercover Troll: fo sho [24.03.2012 00:09:22] Rika: They are acting on old information, thats why [24.03.2012 00:09:34] Rika: That and even if Intro was involved [24.03.2012 00:09:57] Rika: We have made it impossible for them to leak our status updates now [24.03.2012 00:10:07] Rika: Meaning no new khantent [24.03.2012 00:11:28] Rika: Not to mention the krapples infighting with each other shows it. [24.03.2012 00:11:39] Undercover Troll: xD thats just hilarious [24.03.2012 00:12:17] Rika: Thread is dead again lol [24.03.2012 00:13:03] Rika: I do think A-log is somehow involved [24.03.2012 00:13:32] Rika: Because someone mirrored all of my old youtube vids, and was called out awhile ago in comments by ADFcritic [24.03.2012 00:13:45] Rika: I already know hes pretty pathetic [24.03.2012 00:13:50] Rika: Either Alog or Paul [24.03.2012 00:14:20] Undercover Troll: Alog hahahahahaha [24.03.2012 00:14:22] Undercover Troll: hes the worst [24.03.2012 00:14:37] Rika: I know both of them are pretty pathetic haha [24.03.2012 00:14:45] Rika: Havent read much about them though [24.03.2012 00:15:17] Rika: http://www.facebook.com/people/Anthony-LoGatto/505057216 [24.03.2012 00:15:22] Rika: Ewww hes a NYC resident [24.03.2012 00:15:27] Rika: Gtfo out of my backyard [24.03.2012 00:15:56] Undercover Troll: ewwww [24.03.2012 00:18:02] Undercover Troll: btw :D pretty personal question and feel free to just not answer xP its cool but are you a virgin? so many people on 789 are, you don't come across as one though! [24.03.2012 00:18:20] Rika: yes, but Im asexual [24.03.2012 00:18:29] Rika: which means I have absolutely no desire to lose my virginity lol [24.03.2012 00:18:39] Undercover Troll: OOOOOOH! [24.03.2012 00:18:41] Rika: as sex has never appealed to me lol [24.03.2012 00:19:04] Undercover Troll: sorry! i was wondering about asexuals actually, is it just no wish for sex? or mastrubation and stuff too? [24.03.2012 00:19:18] Rika: It means I just feel no desire for intercourse [24.03.2012 00:19:24] Undercover Troll: oooooooh [24.03.2012 00:19:35] Rika: The stuff that turns everyone else on has no effect on me [24.03.2012 00:19:42] Rika: Like I can watch porn, and I wont feel arousal [24.03.2012 00:20:11] Undercover Troll: Must feel odd! personally i dont have a huge sex drive either, but somethings deffo there xP had a pretty active sex life with ex BF too (Tmi I know!) [24.03.2012 00:20:35] Rika: There is this one boy I would fucking marry [24.03.2012 00:20:41] Rika: Just havent seen him in ages [24.03.2012 00:20:46] Undercover Troll: Awwh [24.03.2012 00:21:06] Rika: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kF0dLdIwVeI [24.03.2012 00:21:12] Rika: Reminds me of this [24.03.2012 00:22:04] Undercover Troll: HAHAHAHAH yeah it was pretty much like that, but it had to be asked xP [24.03.2012 00:22:11] Rika: :P [24.03.2012 00:22:37] Undercover Troll: think TD hates women anyway so probably a virgin too [24.03.2012 00:22:49] Rika: Whos TD? [24.03.2012 00:22:59] Rika: Oh btw, watch Nostalgia Critic? [24.03.2012 00:23:10] Undercover Troll: Torture device, Zyklon, Taisto [24.03.2012 00:23:14] Undercover Troll: oh not anymore no :D [24.03.2012 00:23:48] Rika: I think the whole notion of losing your virginity before 30 is fucking stupid. [24.03.2012 00:24:04] Rika: In America, people try to marry as young as 18 [24.03.2012 00:24:10] Rika: And of course those relationships NEVER last [24.03.2012 00:24:51] Undercover Troll: obviously, way too young [24.03.2012 00:25:00] Undercover Troll: i was like ehhh [24.03.2012 00:25:02] Undercover Troll: 15? When i lost mine [24.03.2012 00:25:24] Rika: People lose it way younger than that here in America lol [24.03.2012 00:25:35] Undercover Troll: Oh true that, which is a bit sad, even 15 is streching it [24.03.2012 00:26:06] Rika: Im assuming you watch Jerry Springer? :D [24.03.2012 00:26:19] Undercover Troll: :( it never aired here, wish i could [24.03.2012 00:27:01] Rika: Lol its awesome even though 80% of it is faked [24.03.2012 00:27:58] Undercover Troll: yeah, thats like where the very concept of: Producer is directing the reality, came from [24.03.2012 00:28:11] Rika: Who is Anthos? [24.03.2012 00:28:23] Rika: I thought he was the same person as A-log [24.03.2012 00:28:36] Undercover Troll: so did a lot of people for a long time [24.03.2012 00:29:19] Undercover Troll: Basically [24.03.2012 00:29:36] Undercover Troll: he obsessed with the troll hunter and tries to do his thing, just that he gets laughed at for it [24.03.2012 00:30:02] Rika: Is Troll Hunter Anthos? [24.03.2012 00:30:09] Rika: Cause Ive seen his rediculous vids lol [24.03.2012 00:30:23] Undercover Troll: Oh nono [24.03.2012 00:30:30] Undercover Troll: Troll hunter is a charismatic and somewhat talented guy [24.03.2012 00:30:36] Undercover Troll: Anthos just want to suck his balls [24.03.2012 00:30:40] Undercover Troll: and then made his own costume [24.03.2012 00:30:44] Undercover Troll: and..gets laughed at [24.03.2012 00:31:02] Rika: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFOX5HSeKO8 [24.03.2012 00:31:27] Undercover Troll: PDK is another pretty special individual [24.03.2012 00:31:33] Undercover Troll: him and mew [24.03.2012 00:31:39] Undercover Troll: I was Mew's only friend for a while [24.03.2012 00:31:51] Rika: Those are the only 3 who could actually be involved in this anymore [24.03.2012 00:32:12] Undercover Troll: Anthos, PDK and Alog? [24.03.2012 00:32:30] Rika: Yeah [24.03.2012 00:33:53] Rika: Other than Zyklon and Moniker [24.03.2012 00:34:37] Undercover Troll: so many names to keep track of lol [24.03.2012 00:34:56] Undercover Troll: your IRL folder must be pretty huge! [24.03.2012 00:35:18] Rika: As in my real life friends? [24.03.2012 00:35:38] Rika: I only add people now who I actually KNOW in real life [24.03.2012 00:35:46] Rika: Same with Ahuviya and Jordan [24.03.2012 00:36:29] Undercover Troll: OH I mean your folder on this whole trolling 789 thing [24.03.2012 00:37:48] Rika: There honestly wasent alot of people involved [24.03.2012 00:37:57] Rika: Anyway gtg [24.03.2012 00:38:02] Rika: me and a friend are about to watch a movie [24.03.2012 00:38:04] Undercover Troll: okay! Take care :D dont party too hard [24.03.2012 00:38:06] Undercover Troll: ahhh [24.03.2012 00:38:11] Rika: Boondock Saints II [24.03.2012 00:38:27] Undercover Troll: good movie if you liked the 1st one! [24.03.2012 00:38:39] Rika: I fucking <3'ed the first one [24.03.2012 00:38:45] Undercover Troll: then you're in for a treat:D [24.03.2012 00:38:52] Rika: Ive seen it :) [24.03.2012 00:38:55] Rika: Friend hasent though [24.03.2012 00:39:00] Undercover Troll: oh ;p [24.03.2012 05:20:52] Rika: You live in Oslo dont you where this ABB bombed? [24.03.2012 11:49:48] Undercover Troll: yeah I do Rika, so I was there sort of [26.03.2012 23:46:32] Undercover Troll: :D afternoon!