[2011-09-13 20:35:23] let's start this bitch. I'm going to be a typing medium for Angelo since he's old. Let's get the questions started!!! Moniker has joined #adf SchmoopieCake has joined #adf wow. no one cares we have ADF's father on tap. start asking the questions or i will Not too impressed with ADF? "Phillip has said all over facebook that you raped him. Did you?" Angelo hinted that ADF's doing great by living by himself. Phillip took a lot of work to be socialabe and independent. ANGELO's words not mine Don't mind me. I'm mostly here to watch. really? weird Eddie Olmos, Angelo is dismissing the rape allegations by ADF. He's saying that Jackie lied to phillip and Phillip having his disability made him believe that. Moniker has left irc.lostsig.net (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) Jackie being the mother? How often do you get to see ADF? And do you fully support the choices he's made E.G. transitioning etc. Valen, Ang says yes. Angelo see's ADF once a year at the most. Also, Ang thinks this is just a phase in ADF's life. Stating that him being a queen means he dresses up as cartoons. Angelo pretty much called ADF a homosexual Queen who dresses weird but in a nice subtle way. So what he's saying is that ADF believes what he does because themother put the idea in him? lol Sounds like a fierce divorce Yes, and the fact that phillip has a mental disorder Moniker has joined #adf hnng What did your son want to be as a kid? exactly what's he doing now? there was some talk that Angelo's homeless or something Trey has joined #adf Full House . . . Angelo honestly doesn't remeber what phillip wanted as a kid. Trey! :D Yah, not often that we get so many people Hey, Eddie Olmos! Hey hey trey < Hey man! Angelo is not homeless. He has a new family . ADF doesn't like the fact that Angelo hands around minorities. His dad? yep Hey Trey Hey! So the son is a bit of a biggot? In softer terms Holy shit! Was his father contacted? Angelo does confirm that Phillip does have some prejudices in him lol maaaaaybe just a little racist, going on what we've learned from da wiki Does Angelo have any fond memories of ADF? Whether it be growing up or in more recent times? Angelo had a hard time raising phillip becuase of his disorder. He also remembers Phillips most recent house arrival. Introman(Angelo still has trouble acknowleding the ahuviya alter ego. tried to explain it to him, but he still thinks ADF is a homosexual crossdresser.) OK guys. going to take a 5 minute break and log on to Maria Pupo's account to show angelo ADF's facebook. be back soon well he wouldn't be entirelywrong kk smoke break lol, okay logged on and hit adf's facebook. Angelo actually thought ADF's facebook profile picture is of a nazi and is slightly mad oh damn had to explain to him that it's a russian cosplay or something Oh damn!! http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-ash2/276338_100000778373584_553608870_n.jpg here it is while i talk to the old man XD oh dear OH thank god, no closeup of the face. SchmoopieCake has left irc.lostsig.net (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) ok. I scrolled down adf's page and ADF put his education as Moscow University of Engineering. Gelo doesn't understand how ADF could do both Moscow and GCCC and is talking about how ADF's mother is bad with money. to be able to send ADF to a school like that and be on Social Security understandably so does ADF have any connection to Russia at all? has he ever left the US? Like mother, like son. introman speaking . Not at all unless you counting having a russian email provider SchmoopieCake has joined #adf I pried out of my homie Jello. that he and Jacky use to drink heavy till the second trimester. which explains a lot So Ahuviya does have FAS Seriously? Holy crap ok. so I showed Gelo some of ADF's friends. I don't want to give this crazy bitch any publicity. lets just say she writes really horrendously and is a communist. Gelo saw her profile and is wondering why the FBI hasn't arrested her for being a traitor Which crazy bitch? Oh you know TREY ;) fine. Kia Njoun or something Oh, that girl! xD When the seldom time you've met Phillip the last few years, what would he be like? All drama and whining, or present himself in a respectful manner I showed the blue color pencil sentence about being raped on 7.4.1997 . Angelo actually said he spanked ADF for trying to abuse a 8 year old at a gathering. Wait...... abuse an eight year old? ADF tried to raped someone? sexual or physical? at eight? what kind of abuse we talking? woah. push around the 8 year old nothing sexual lol *wipes sweat from brow* phew that's... a relief with adf, you never know? Yeah, it's a relief. We were jumping to conclusions. actually as one of my hermanas(Maria) can tell you. ADF likes the underage bishies I told angelo that ADF is dating a 16 year old online and this is the maddest i've seen of him I noticed . . . what does Angelo think of that? does he know? He knows and he is honestly pissed off. He wants to the trolls to call the 16 year old parents house and tell them the news thisis the maddest i've seen of him We would if we could! I have the parents phone number It's definitely understandable just to lazy to buy skype creidts i don't blame him, it is pretty disgusting well if he disciplined Phillip for pushing a kid around, he doesn't seem the kinda guy to tolerate messing with the youth yup Trey has left #adf ("") Angelo sounds like a younger, less paranoid and crazed lumberjack Trey has joined #adf is Angelo alright? considering he just found out his son is dating a 16 year old He's telling me funny stories of Jackie Hijinks. like trying to make Phillip even more retarded on paper, so she could get more benefits out of him. Or letting him stay in high school 2 years longer than usual. Angelo is still pissed but i told him . we will take care of this Commie's got some questions copypasting actually I wanna posit two: 1) What does his father think of his political stances? and 2) Are the stories of him hitting his mother true, and has this happened more than once? mib_y2az4b has joined #adf mib_y2az4b has left irc.lostsig.net (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) Wait, adf spent 6 years in high school? yes trey. he didn't graduate till he was 19 and like 3/4 quarters God, this just keeps getting interesting. deeper down the rabbit hole~ 1. He thinks that his son's stances are temporary and they will change over time. ADF use to be a republican in high school 2. Actually Angelo says that ADF used physical violence when she tried to abuse his disability diagnosis. so he hit his mother? >>Republican >xD Yes because she was exploiting his disabilities for monetary gain? yes any other conflicts transpire between Phillip and Jackie? Just minor teenage drama. like spending ADF's SSI check and stuff of that nature I've got a couple of questions if they haven't been asked: Did ADF crossdress or show any behavior that was out of the ordinary? Moniker has left irc.lostsig.net (Connection closed) Moniker has joined #adf Yes, ADF is highly autistic He said that ADF was a normal straight male until he noticed that his relationship with kourine failed and his son came out. Angelo doesn't know that Kourine wasn't his girlfriend Oh! That would explain a lot. What about ADF's previous girlfriends he didn't have any. It took ADF a long time to get down conversation, hygiene and confidence down. I see. So no signs of feminine behavior or girly leanings very strange lol Angelo didn't detect anything Ah, so its still a possibility. But highly unlikely since phillip makes shit upsomuch Has he seen the screenshot of the "Ahuyiva Abuse Rememberence Day" event he deleted? ^^^ I told him about that event and he just shrugged it off. he implicitly said that it's more offensive not to him but survivors of Abuse. Does he know how Phil made the event one day after the 9/11 anniverary, after calling it the result of capitalism? The event just has been deleted from adf's page. It's still going Yup me n Trey still fight the good fight Trey has left #adf ("") Trey has joined #adf it's still there? well i'll be damned... ok. angelo has got to go home so he says thank you for asking him these questions and to watch phillip. he wouldn't want his son to go to jail. angelo just shrugs off ADF's delusions