rika kick that son of a bitch out please 17:00 rika tell him to go watch kirby or something 17:00 vivivi I'm the only one whos supporting you. Why, Rika? Why? 17:00 rika vivivi or whatever the fuck his name is 17:01 introman this is our chat 17:01 rika introman, i'll have you know first and foremost, i am never showing my face to public again 17:01 rika whenever i go out, it will be secretly 17:02 Zyklon So if you've abandoned both Robb and Rika identities, what will you be disguised as? 17:02 rika this is because of how you've wired up transway to report on every thing you've done 17:04 rika like i said to introman, i am only calling myself rika on this board to humor all you sick fucks 17:04 Zyklon So you're back to Robert, these days? 17:05 rika im not back to robert, NOBODY knows my name 17:05 introman ashley? 17:05 rika i don't have a name anymore 17:05 Zyklon So you're just "nobody"? 17:05 Zyklon Mr. X? 17:05 rika i'm like a spy who got a burn notice 17:06 introman no. you're not from burn notice 17:06 introman you don't have the intellect or looks to be anybody from that show 17:06 rika I'M NOT FROM BURN NOTICE 17:06 rika jesus christ, it was just a fucking metaphor 17:07 rika now i know rachel saw me so no doubt she was the one who reported me on how i look now 17:07 rika is that not correct 17:07 introman I don't know officer. unlike you I don't snitch. 17:07 rika but then again, mikhail has never gained my confidence 17:08 rika dont you realize your killing me, introman 17:08 *** mib_qgo4wn joined #rika 17:08 *** mib_qgo4wn quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 17:08 *** Trey joined #rika 17:08 rika stuffing me up in my appartment and just permanantly deforming me 17:08 rika kick him too 17:08 introman That's all you. I released you from the transgender genjutsu 17:08 rika he only wants to laugh at how far this has gone 17:08 +++ introman set the channel to mode +i 17:08 Zyklon Ah, Trey. The more the merrier 17:09 Trey Yep. Hi Rika! 17:09 rika I can't fucking take this anymore, just as soon as my parents commit me the better 17:09 rika I'VE begged them now 17:09 Trey Why don't you commit yourself? 17:09 rika because i always leave because i was a once normal person 17:10 rika they think i'm too fucking normal 17:10 Zyklon No one is born insane. 17:10 Zyklon I think most people were sane once. 17:10 rika i was sane once, i was once sane, heterosexual, content with my pathetic naive life BUT i had to ask for more 17:10 introman I took out the genjutsu Rika implanted by the LGBT community . You can finally be the normal cisgender person, that wayne and virginia knew before this genderqueer monstrosity. 17:11 rika the first cut is the deepest introman 17:11 rika YOUR CUT 17:12 rika and i don't even want to mention the fucking razor incident if you dont even know 17:12 rika i'm not even blaming you for that 17:12 Zyklon But you've mentioned it about five times already. 17:12 rika i'm blaming my own fucking bath salt usage 17:12 Zyklon But the salts don't force you to use them 17:12 introman I don't know officer. I don't talk about all the things I know. Unlike you at your house back in 2008 17:12 Trey You cut yourself using meth and now you're missing one of your eyebrows. Correct? 17:13 rika no, fuck no, a psychotic rage flared up inside of me and who could blame me 17:13 Zyklon I could. 17:14 Trey Me too 17:14 Zyklon Shitting your pants and cutting your eyebrows is not a normal reaction to trolling 17:14 Trey ^ 17:14 rika i nearly through a table out the window 17:14 rika i didnt cut my eyebrows those were singed off when i had a hobby starting campfires 17:14 Zyklon Do you mean you smashed yourself through your table and attempted to defenestrate yourself, or do you mean you attempted to throw your table? 17:15 Trey I think he meant that he tried to lift up a table, but was too weak to 17:15 rika that was when the whole transgender thing truly started 17:15 Zyklon Ah. 17:15 introman Rika. i know what happened when you got raided. You did a lot of harm when you talked to the popo. I could never snitch 17:16 Zyklon So it'll be difficult to blame us. 17:16 rika so what. jordman did that too 17:16 Trey Did what? 17:16 rika and he gets away with it, he turned me onto the whole thing. and thats how i lost my eyebrows 17:17 Zyklon Babies shit their diapers as well, but that's a bad reason to shit your own pants. You know what I'm talking about? 17:17 rika thats when i used pencil lining to draw them back 17:18 rika but thats NOT even the point, this most recent attack cost me my hair 17:19 Zyklon It is quite sad you've come to the point in which if you tried to follow Chris's example, it'd actually improve your situation. At least Chris doesn't risk becoming krokodil addict with AIDS 17:19 introman Rika. i know what happened when you got raided. You did a lot of harm when you talked to the popo. I could never snitch 17:19 introman why di you talk to the popo at the raid? 17:19 introman you hurt a lot of people 17:19 rika so what, i was pursing a dream back than 17:20 rika back before you crushed it 17:20 Trey To be a number one troll? 17:20 introman wraithlord? 17:20 Zyklon Yes, what would that dream be? 17:20 Zyklon to be Clyde Cash like no one ever was? 17:20 rika why do you think i worked so hard. i wanted to have my own organization of trolls JUST LIKE YOU DO NOW 17:21 rika but unlike us we would be vigilante justice when something we didnt like came our way 17:21 Zyklon That's the saddest thing I've read in a while. 17:21 rika so what, why do you think this website interested me for so long 17:21 Trey Nobody really wants that as a long term goal 17:21 rika it was like bounty hunters but for free 17:22 Zyklon And now, you're threatening to murder people. How the mighty have fallen 17:22 Zyklon Robb, do you use drugs iv? 17:22 rika and that dumb whore jordman would finally get whats coming to it 17:22 introman Is that what you told your special ed advisor at the yearly 504/IEP meeting in your high school? to become a master troll/web vigilante? 17:22 Zyklon So basically, you just wanted a personal army like every internet kiddie who got in a bitch fight 17:22 rika can you fucking stop stalking me introman 17:23 rika people bullied me, bitches teased me mercilessly 17:23 Trey Rika: "I want to be an internet Batman!" 17:23 rika its very hard to stand around when justice never happens 17:23 Zyklon And ever wondered, why that happened? You never provocated them in any way? 17:23 rika but than JORDMAN came along 17:23 Zyklon I find that hard to believe. 17:23 rika Do you really want to know why i hate him? 17:23 Zyklon Because you see yourself in him? 17:23 introman tell us 17:23 Trey Is that why you punched a girl out in high school? 17:24 Trey Because you wanted to be like him? 17:24 rika he turned me from a conflicted vigilante to a firestarter 17:24 Trey BURNING FIRE! BURNING FIRE! 17:24 Zyklon So, what "e-vigilantism" did you ever do, in the first place? 17:25 Trey What did you set fires to? 17:25 rika SHUT THE FUCK UP. 17:25 Zyklon And how did he do that, forced you at gunpoint to start fires? Don't you see a certain pattern here. Under Da Stress you start doing horrible, horrible things and blame everyone else 17:25 rika william way LGBT center has luckily stood for only one reason 17:25 rika ONE fucking reason, introman 17:25 Trey Hugbox? 17:26 rika i hope that one day they will see it my way 17:26 rika i PREY for their sake or all their fucking make-up will melt off in a big drippy puddle 17:26 Trey More than likely, they'll just see you as a mentally ill individual 17:26 introman so why were you in special education? do i have to dig up the records? wasn't it for bi polar and dyslexia? did you get an aid to write the test answers for you? did you get time and a half? 17:27 introman did they put you in study skills? 17:27 rika can you stop. that ME is fucking dead 17:27 rika Robb stiles was a retarded gender confused queer 17:27 introman well tell me the dead dudes school records. since you knew him best 17:28 Zyklon And what is your current -sona, then? 17:28 Zyklon Raging soon-to-be krokodil addict with bowel controlling problems? 17:28 Trey His is the Red Dragon 17:28 rika why do you think i would tell you. zyklon let me tell you this 17:28 Zyklon ok 17:28 rika a baby will never drink from your mamory glands zyklon, for only SHEER POISON flows through your veins 17:29 introman so did you ever have your mom as a school teacher? 17:29 introman being that she teaches special ed? 17:29 Trey What makes you so sure that Zyklon won't have one in the future? 17:29 rika who the FUCK did you contact? 17:30 Trey Introman, he has his ways 17:30 rika you stay away from my family and friends introman 17:30 introman they're not your family and friends anymore. their son/daughter/friend is long dead 17:30 Zyklon As you a couple of minutes ago pointed out 17:30 Trey The thing that replaced them now is a master of disguise 17:31 rika im cutting my fucking contacts with everyone, your right 17:31 Trey Even your guard dog? 17:32 rika why are you beating me up for being special ed and using what was necesary 17:32 rika to accomplish what i needed in life 17:32 introman I was genuinely curios 17:32 introman about the special ed. 17:32 Zyklon And Robert, I heard you accused Introman of domestic violence. I assure you, you may be violent towards women, but that's luckily only a small percent of distubed men that do that 17:32 rika if you can take advantage of the short bus why not 17:32 introman i'm not mad. it sounded like you need it 17:32 introman back as a shorty. 17:33 rika gang up on me, see you do the same exact thing I would have done RIGHT 17:33 Zyklon Because it's not good to follow the path of least resistance 17:33 rika zyklon, i dont like women or men, I have GID, idk why i have to hammer that into your lesioned mind again and again 17:34 Trey What about Penelope? 17:34 rika thats sexual preferences 17:34 Zyklon Yeah, was she some sort of genderless mutant? 17:34 Trey She drooled all over him 17:34 Zyklon ...sssooo, you don't like her but you like her? 17:34 introman wasn't penelope a stripper? i saw some photos on the internet . 17:34 introman that looked a lot like her 17:34 rika that has nothing to do with it. and she was the only creature in the world that showed legitly interest in me 17:35 Zyklon Oh, let me assure you, we all are very interested in you. 17:35 rika but seriously, introman, my sped records are a low fucking blow 17:35 Trey Very much so 17:35 introman i was curious. like geniunely 17:35 rika taking something personal and holding it against me, i have FAR worse issues than that 17:35 introman and anyway. that person is dead. so they don't give a shit 17:35 rika AKA YOU 17:35 introman Am I your arch nemesis? 17:36 rika if i had a gun i'd shoot you in the crotch followed by all your body parts 17:36 rika does that answer the question 17:36 introman That's a yes. 17:36 introman I just want whats best for you. 17:36 Zyklon Sadly, no, not really. You'd do that to all 789chan browsers, wouldn't you? 17:36 introman you can't make those decisions because of mental ilness and drug abuse. 17:36 Trey Robb, you're so sexually frustrated 17:37 rika seriously if i had control over the 789chan browser I would do things right 17:37 rika i had envisioned that from the start 17:37 Zyklon Do go on 17:37 rika we would literally campeign against the true problem in this world 17:37 Zyklon let us hear your trolling fantasy 17:37 Trey Like what? Banning all of the women and gay boys like myself from posting? 17:38 rika no, we'd troll true lolcows 17:38 Zyklon Robb 17:38 Zyklon Please, do define lolcow 17:38 rika not ones who are victims but the true scum 17:38 Zyklon I see you understand it as something like "reincarnation of Hitler" 17:38 Trey Like who? 17:38 Trey Anonymous? 17:39 rika Jordman, Pam, Chris Chan, A-Log, Tim Buckley Chrissy Moran etc 17:39 introman probably introman, Trey. I am the most evil person person rika has ever met ever. 17:39 Zyklon Well, you've still got ED, you can finish that page about us... 17:39 rika people who truly deserve to be punished and the way you act you'd be instantly banned 17:39 Zyklon And you see absolutely no irony in wanting to troll A-Log? 17:40 rika hes a meglomaniac 17:40 Trey Yeah, Robb. I've been waiting for you to make that ED page on us. 17:40 Trey So. Are. You. 17:40 rika how about braindead b-list celebrities that everyone worships but contribute nothing to society 17:40 Zyklon And lolcows don't deserve to get "punished", they are to be laughed at. Sending "HURR I HATE U" is not very entertaining...unless you're Tranny with Rage, it seems 17:41 Trey Robb is the true definition of a trollshielder 17:41 Zyklon If it makes you feel better, you've got my permission to troll us. 17:41 rika seriously all those brain dead people who worship twilight and bronies you don't think they deserve to trolled into oblivion 17:41 introman does that mean I don't have to hold back anymore zyklon? 17:41 rika seanieb doesnt even like you introman, he thinks your concieted 17:41 Zyklon Yes. 17:42 rika hows that hitler doesnt even like mussolini 17:42 Trey Yes, Introman. You can make fun of all of those men I sleep with at night 17:42 rika i dont fucking care about gay men posting unless their liquid rika or just immense retards that dont know the meaning of queer 17:43 Trey What about me? 17:43 introman i don't think seanie was being completely honest with you rika. 17:43 introman 17:44 Trey Yeah, Introman is right. Seanie loves us 17:44 introman we don't wish for him to have aids. 17:44 rika i wish for you to have aids 17:44 Zyklon That's how we evil neo-nazis are, we get along with everyone. 17:44 introman rika, thats not a joking matter. 17:44 Trey AIDS is never a joking matter 17:45 rika seriously willaim way is just down the street. im surprised its stil standing. im looking at it now 17:45 rika fucking drags, im a hundred years smarter 17:45 Trey That's because you haven't attempted to burn it down yet 17:45 Zyklon And yet you have 25 archived threads. 17:45 Zyklon And never understood to stop coming here. 17:46 Zyklon Funny how it works. 17:46 rika because i want justice, i want you to realize transway is manipulating you 17:46 Trey How so? 17:46 rika primarily jordman, rachel, pam and that black thing 17:46 Zyklon And...even if we realized that, you'd still come back. 17:47 Zyklon Nothing would change. 17:47 rika and daniel 17:47 rika what are you going to do now introman? 17:47 rika i knew madara was a fake to start with 17:47 introman What i've been doing 23 hours of the day. living my life. 17:47 Trey Madara was me. 17:47 rika fucking knew it 17:48 rika you really think im that shallow 17:48 Trey Yes, I truly do 17:48 rika i know of thousands of psychological tactics 17:48 Zyklon Like that time you manipulated ponies and trannies to form a personal army for you? 17:49 Zyklon oh right 17:49 rika i've literally seen all kinds of mental warfare 17:49 Trey Like throwing shit on the walls and causing people to laugh for an hour straight 17:49 introman >Know thousands of psychological tactics. > Get trolled by this epic weenster. 17:49 introman ROFL 17:49 rika oh and this goes back to me being special ed? 17:49 Zyklon Trey No doubt it would've been very effective if the cops had stepped in. 17:49 introman nah. im the epic weenster 17:49 rika well maybe i am a bit slow but i compensate endlessly 17:49 introman whats your disability? 17:49 introman aspergersm bi polar? 17:50 rika im like david bryne if he was fucking drag queen 17:50 Zyklon Yes you do compensate very well, no one can quite match you in producing cocks 17:50 Zyklon So you're a crossdresser again? 17:50 rika shut up, we cant even negotiate here. its just a shitfest 17:50 Zyklon Oh, sure we can. 17:50 introman I'm down for negotiations 17:50 Zyklon One apology video, thank you. 17:50 Trey Produce video 17:51 Trey Ropeman 17:51 rika in fact, i only promise you one think. i'll get that fucking apology video down by thanksgiving I SWEAR IT 17:51 *** Seanie joined #rika 17:51 Zyklon When's thanksgiving? 17:51 rika derp 17:51 rika retard 17:51 rika fucking retard 17:51 Zyklon Do Robert tell us when the Orthodox celebrate Christ's recurrection 17:51 Trey In a month. Robb, Europeans don't celebrate Thanksgiving 17:51 introman we give you two days. 17:52 introman for the apology video 17:52 rika easter 17:52 Zyklon :3 17:52 introman 2 days or no deals 17:52 Seanie Fuckin 17:52 Seanie I am in a hospital on wifi 17:52 Trey 2 DAYS 17:52 rika there are no deals, i make the deal. im cutting contact, i'll make the video when i feel like it 17:52 Seanie This network is prolly monitored watch your tongue 17:53 rika are you trying to report me again? these people are still pulling the same randsom 17:53 Seanie Um no 17:54 Seanie I'm on a public network in a hospital 17:54 rika thanksgiving introman, take it or leave it 17:54 Seanie Using a touchscreen to type 17:54 Zyklon Robert, could you please try to write proper English, I hate having to have a dictionary next to me when I talk to you, just to find out you're making up words 17:54 Trey 11/22/12 17:54 rika oh really, maybe your just an illiterate emigrant 17:54 rika Yeah post that on the fucking site 17:54 Seanie Um 17:54 introman look rika. you've fucked me long enough with this shit. 2 days 17:54 rika thats when i'll get it done by 17:54 introman i've been saying this for months 17:54 introman you have a camera and a tripod 17:55 Seanie Different countries have thanksgivings on different days Robb 17:55 Seanie Like Canadians 17:55 Zyklon rika odd, no dictionary knows "ganga" or "obliverate" 17:55 Seanie Lol iPad capitalized your name 17:55 rika 11/22/12. That is it. Take it or leave it 17:55 Trey 2 days or I'll release the picture of your bald head, Rika! 17:55 Seanie re y really going for the video shit still? 17:56 rika trey, you dont have it, i know 17:56 Seanie Bald ass rika head 17:56 introman we can just release the special stories trannay gossip gives us. 17:56 rika honest to god, you'd think im smart enough not to leave myself in the open 17:56 Trey I do. You were right not to trust your friends 17:56 introman compromise. 4 days 17:56 introman gives you enough time for tripod and camera work. 17:56 rika nope. thanksgiving. Macys day parade 17:57 introman you can be reassured that any troll assassins wont be in philly. 17:57 rika i'll even appear on tv 17:57 Zyklon What happened to "disappearing from the public"? 17:57 rika that was one event where i'll go out with a bang 17:57 Seanie I thought the macys parade was NYC 17:57 rika nope there is one in philly too 17:57 Seanie Are you gonna do 17:58 Seanie Are you gonna roll yourself up in a balloon animal and jump off a float? 17:58 Seanie :3 17:58 rika i will wave a big fucking sign directed at introman 17:58 Trey He's probably going to cover himself with shit too 17:58 rika and expose him to everyone 17:58 Zyklon We've created a village idiot. 17:59 Trey :3 17:59 introman you know what. make a smaller video with ropeman, just saying shit like a minute to make sure you're not fucking us around and the apology video can come out on thanksgiving? 17:59 Trey Or I'll release the picture 17:59 rika nope. 17:59 Trey Yes 17:59 rika thanksgiving your ass with be roast 18:00 Seanie Lol 18:00 rika thats my promise. im going to release everything while the whole world is watching 18:00 introman just any video to make sure your not jerking us around. it could be filming the cwc board and making fun of me 18:00 rika its a large televised event in america, how can you NOT fucking see this 18:00 Seanie Gtg 18:00 *** Seanie quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 18:00 introman later seanie 18:00 Zyklon You promise? You're probably not the only village idiot in Philly wanting to expose jew/nazi/reptilian conspiracy to keep the little man down 18:01 Trey Philly has a lot of them 18:02 Zyklon Quite telling I live on the other side of the world and know three. 18:02 rika you could actually see it im going to be with the panic hour 18:02 Trey I thought they were ADF's friends 18:02 introman ropeman mask, camera on computer monitor at cwc board. talking about the big event and how you're going to roast me on live TV. 18:02 rika you dont think i've considered going on that station 18:03 rika well introman, you'll just have to wait and see. 18:03 Trey If not, bald head :3 18:03 rika you seem angry and demanding, like i've trolled you 18:03 introman you're lazy 18:03 Zyklon Eh 18:03 rika no I trolled you 18:03 introman you were supposed to film an anti a log video with ahuviya 18:04 introman and you never did 18:04 rika your getting angry and demanding content left and right 18:04 Zyklon I recall it was you begging for us to accept something from you to make the trolling stop 18:04 rika we KNOW you wanted the a-log thing 18:04 rika so we didnt do it LOL 18:04 Trey Rika's laziness is why he was kicked out of college after four yearsa 18:04 Zyklon Both are fine by me! 18:04 rika no I have the upper hand now 18:04 introman yea. a log was going to do a harel roast but let his friends do it. 18:04 introman that was me being legit. 18:04 rika introman is demanding mother fucking content 18:04 Zyklon Robb, name three things you've achieved in your life 18:05 introman i am just making sure your camera works. 18:05 introman you said you broke it 18:05 Trey 1: Internet Lolcow 18:05 Trey 2:Bathsalts addict 18:05 Zyklon 3. One of the top ED pages 18:05 Trey 3: Shit flinging monkey 18:05 rika well, guess what, i've destroyed a whole heap of things and i havent been truly concious for days 18:05 rika im going to have to look for my camera 18:06 Zyklon Why would you do that? 18:06 rika i still have bits of broken glass all over the floor tho 18:06 Trey Doesn't matter 18:06 rika if not, i'll but a camera but only a cheap ass 18:07 rika ok thanksgiving. remember now i've trolled you 18:07 Zyklon Wait 18:07 rika I'VE FINALLY FUCKING TROLLED YOU 18:07 Zyklon before you go 18:07 Zyklon I must tell you 18:07 Zyklon when the orthodox celebrate Easter 18:07 Zyklon ... 18:07 Zyklon According to the JUUULLLAAAYYYAAN celendar 18:07 rika yeah cunt JUULLLLAAAAAY 18:07 rika JULAY bitch 18:08 Trey Misogyny 18:08 Zyklon JULAY be with you 18:08 rika go back to your poverty stricken black death country 18:08 introman don't you like black metal anyway? 18:08 rika LOL fucking retard. it means the plague. like you are 18:08 Trey Hey, Rika. How's your shit covered apartment? 18:08 Zyklon And we don't have niggers, don't say you don't hate them. I know u jelly 18:09 rika well niggers are still better than yugoslavian whores 18:09 rika who whore themselves out to white trash from joisy 18:09 Zyklon I don't live in the Balkans...? 18:09 rika fucking joisy, introman is a guido lol 18:09 Zyklon Do you even know where Russia is. 18:09 Zyklon Not next to Bosnia, I can tell you 18:10 rika or at least a fake one 18:10 Trey Me next, me next. You already know where I live 18:10 rika your gay. thats it. die of hiv 18:10 introman at least vladi wears high heels and doesn't do coke/meth. 18:10 introman 18:10 introman thats a real woman 18:11 Zyklon :3 18:11 rika wow, misogynist 18:11 introman i didn't beat up women in high school. 18:11 Zyklon ^ 18:11 Trey You're the one who wants to rape Zyklon 18:11 Trey Robb 18:11 rika hah even i know your all stupid as fuck, introman is some fat numa numa from joisy 18:11 Trey I'm from Illinois. What now? 18:11 rika it would be more of pity sex trey 18:11 Zyklon >your 18:12 Zyklon Well, how come you have pitied no one enough to lose your virginity? 18:12 rika oh SPED too fucking bad I cant spell oh so sorry what kind of nazi are you? 18:12 Trey Zyklon giving you pity sex? 18:12 rika grammer nazi 18:12 Zyklon Grammar and corporatist nazi 18:12 rika me giving zyklon some in her sex starved life 18:12 Zyklon :') 18:13 rika but i wouldnt even do that 18:13 Zyklon Comedy gold 18:13 Trey She already gets it from Introman 18:13 Zyklon Yes, you wouldn't, because that's called rape and it's against the law. 18:13 rika your comedy gold. all of you. your all posers and worthless trolls 18:13 rika you think sexual frusturation is a way to attack someone 18:13 Zyklon ....just like...certain unnamed internet vigilante? 18:13 Zyklon Well, obviously it does bother you 18:13 Trey The pottle and the kettle, Robb 18:14 Zyklon I mean, if it didn't, you wouldn't have made up losing the virginity story 18:14 Zyklon Dear god, that was pathetic 18:14 rika you know what, i'm done here. 11/22/12