19:18 *** rika joined #789 19:18 +++ boat has given voice to rika 19:18 MacduffsSon ROBBAAAAAYYYYY 19:18 RSDuke Oh shit 19:18 Homor Oh hey Rika 19:18 rika there better be some one other than you people on here 19:19 MacduffsSon wat? 19:19 RSDuke Hi to you too, Robb. 19:19 RSDuke So, you back in Philly yet? 19:19 rika because I just want to inform introman that he is causing me to drop of the face of the earth 19:19 Homor You want a dual ban from /cwc/ and IRC? 19:19 rika and ghost for a while 19:19 MacduffsSon umm 19:19 RSDuke Why's that, Robert? 19:19 CFH666 oh fuck rika is here guyz 19:20 MacduffsSon you still at liu, rob? 19:20 rika i'm going to move else where in NY soon 19:20 MacduffsSon have you been fired yet 19:20 rika somewhere away from transway and /cwc/ 19:20 rika i'm thinking of quiting 19:20 *** WhoreosNMilf quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 19:21 Homor Rika, i just heard ADF is a nazi now, is it true? 19:21 rika i already got a job offering at post but I turned them down 19:21 RSDuke Yeah, that transway group is vicious. 19:21 rika Homor, I have not been responsible for ADF's recent delusions 19:21 *** WhoreosNMilf joined #789 19:21 boat [WhoreosNMilf] YOU'RE BANNED FROM LIFE 19:21 +++ boat has given admin to WhoreosNMilf 19:21 +++ boat has given op to WhoreosNMilf 19:21 rika as you seen i am distancing myself from those introman drones 19:21 MacduffsSon why are you still here then 19:22 Homor I didn't ask you that, Rika. I was just wondering if ADF was really a nazi. 19:22 rika to tell introman it's his fucking fault 19:22 rika he has severely damaged me 19:22 RSDuke OH FFS. 19:22 CFH666 oh fuck you tika 19:22 rika ruined all my happiness I could ever get from life 19:22 RSDuke Once again, you've caused your own misery, Robb. 19:22 CFH666 FUCK YOU RIKA 19:22 MacduffsSon haha 19:23 Homor You're high right now, aren't you Rika? 19:23 rika no, if it wasn't for them wouldn't I be a happier person? 19:23 Homor Fuck no. 19:23 RSDuke No 19:23 RSDuke You always have something to point your finger at. 19:23 rika would you care to ship me a care package, homor? i'd give you the dorm number and everything 19:23 RSDuke If it weren't intro it would be something else. 19:23 CFH666 dud you and moleman should both team up as you both are perfect for each other 19:24 CFH666 one is a pedo sympathiser the other is a pedo 19:24 rika no fucking spergs like him and sammy are bound to turn 19:24 Homor Rika, i don't have money. 19:24 MacduffsSon >implying you're not a sperg 19:24 RSDuke Glass houses, Robb. 19:24 rika i stay true to my ideals 19:24 rika and I always will stick to my guns 19:24 MacduffsSon lol 19:24 Homor Bullshit. 19:24 CFH666 bull shit 19:24 RSDuke Blaming everyone else for your fuckups? Some ideals. 19:25 MacduffsSon you have no principles, the only thing you care about is yourself 19:25 rika ever since someone mocked my ability to hide 19:25 rika I'm going to prove everyone wrong 19:25 rika by starting my life over again 19:25 Homor I'm done, i give up. 19:25 RSDuke You'll never escape yourself, Robb. 19:25 Homor There's no getting through. 19:26 *** WhoreosNMilf quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 19:26 CFH666 'this not the real rika its a fake 19:26 RSDuke IP checks out. 19:26 MacduffsSon he's true and honest 19:26 CFH666 could have fooled me 19:26 rika the only FAKE rika is liquidrika who is a fucking buffalo bill 19:26 MacduffsSon >buffalo bill 19:27 MacduffsSon what 19:27 rika he has a passion to replace me 19:27 RSDuke Goodbye horses.... 19:27 CFH666 oh fuck off rob 19:28 MacduffsSon why would anyone want to replace you 19:28 rika hey fuck your fucking life, harassing innocents 19:28 RSDuke Innocent? The FBI begs to differ, Robert. 19:28 rika if any of you get sick of me it;s your fault, remember that 19:29 RSDuke Nope 19:29 RSDuke Like I said, you orchestrated your own fall. 19:29 MacduffsSon ^ 19:29 RSDuke You'll just never own up to it because of your ego. 19:30 *** WhoreosNMilf joined #789 19:30 boat [WhoreosNMilf] YOU'RE BANNED FROM LIFE 19:30 +++ boat has given admin to WhoreosNMilf 19:30 +++ boat has given op to WhoreosNMilf 19:30 rika now tell who ever posted this, to go fuck himself. 19:30 rika http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDmZ_WkBrfc 19:30 Homor Hahahaha, what? 19:30 MacduffsSon what 19:31 rika because I magnificently camoflaged myself for 2 years 19:31 Homor hahahaha 19:31 rika its a fucking mockery, I mean what the hell is it? some shitty jim carrey movie 19:31 RSDuke Oh please, finding you is as difficult as finding the castle at Disneyland. 19:31 CFH666 oh god rika stop my sides 19:31 Homor HAHAHAHAHAHAHA 19:31 MacduffsSon rika, is that video how you see yourself? 19:32 rika stop 19:32 RSDuke No 19:32 rika jesus christ 19:32 RSDuke You're a failure, Robb. 19:32 rika i never saw myself like that guy 19:32 RSDuke You always have been, you always will be. 19:32 rika because what I was doing was for justice for myself 19:32 RSDuke Nope 19:32 RSDuke Like I said, the FBI thinks differently. 19:33 rika that is like a goddamn PEDOPHILE song 19:33 Homor Yeah, this idiot is high on bath salts. 19:33 MacduffsSon he's high on autismal rage 19:33 Homor Rika, stop fucking doing drugs. 19:33 RSDuke You would never understand justice anyway, Robert. You're too self-serving. 19:33 rika no i'm not. everything i take now is completely legal 19:33 Homor They're just making your life wqorse. 19:33 Homor *worse 19:33 MacduffsSon did someone post that video on /cwc/? i don't even know what the fuck he's talking about 19:33 BernieMac rika YOUR RUINING OUR FAMILY WITH YOUR DRUG ABUSE 19:33 Homor Just because something is legal doesn't mean it's not a drug. 19:33 RSDuke ^ 19:34 Homor You're doing synthetic fucking cocaine. 19:34 rika yes, that faggot thinks he's funny comparing me to that 19:34 RSDuke He is 19:34 rika because I am completely serious when I disapear 19:34 CFH666 oh a homophobe rob really 19:34 RSDuke As always. 19:34 RSDuke Your hypocrisy is astounding, Robert. 19:34 Homor Rika, just when i thought you couldn't get any stupider you find a way to top yourself. 19:34 BernieMac http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crnD2vsQq48 19:34 rika no i'm not. HOW DOES THAT MAKE ME A HOMOPHOBE 19:35 Homor It's like talking to a fucking cartoon character. 19:35 BernieMac Do you fight the phase people rika? 19:35 Homor You're like Eric Cartmen, Rika. 19:35 rika god fucking christ 19:35 RSDuke He fights the voices in his head...and loses. 19:35 RSDuke lol 19:35 BernieMac phase people = 789chan 19:36 RSDuke So Robert, what's going to happen when you move and realize you're just as fucked up as you always were? 19:36 MacduffsSon rob thinks his life is an episode of naruto 19:36 RSDuke Who will you blame then? 19:36 MacduffsSon he'll blame introman 19:36 rika no, because when I disguise myself again there will be no changing 19:36 Homor Master of disguise my dick, dude. 19:36 rika there will be a better life than the one I know 19:36 RSDuke You'll still be miserable. 19:37 rika no I won't, I met a girl in A DAY 19:37 CFH666 exactlly fat ugly misarable pig 19:37 rika and until I mentioned you trolls she liked me 19:37 RSDuke Dude, you were high on victory. 19:37 MacduffsSon and you drove her away in A DAY 19:37 RSDuke Remember the crash afterwards? 19:37 CFH666 BITCH 19:37 BernieMac Rika your 24 and your still a virgin 19:38 MacduffsSon > until I mentioned you trolls 19:38 rika just who posted that master of disguise video 19:38 MacduffsSon anonymous 19:38 Homor I highly doubt a girl left you because of 789. 19:38 rika because I'm going to fucking laugh at his ass 19:38 RSDuke Someone who understands you, Robert. 19:38 Homor She left you because of you awful, awful personality. 19:38 RSDuke ^ 19:38 MacduffsSon ^ 19:38 RSDuke You're deplorable, Robb. 19:39 BernieMac Rika you've stabbed people in the back multiple times 19:39 CFH666 you posted that video rob 19:39 BernieMac she probably felt scared around you 19:39 RSDuke All you do is use everyone around you for your own ends. 19:39 rika NO I didnt 19:39 CFH666 YES YOU DID 19:39 RSDuke Then you kick them to the curb when their usefulness is up. 19:39 *** WhoreosNMilf quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 19:39 RSDuke Just like you kicked ADF out earlier in the year. 19:40 rika JUST ENRAGES ME 19:40 rika christ 19:41 CFH666 oh just shut up rika 19:41 RSDuke Your doing, Robb. 19:41 RSDuke Not ours. 19:41 MacduffsSon and you thew jordman under the bus 19:41 RSDuke ^ 19:41 rika NO THE VIDEO 19:41 RSDuke Good. 19:41 rika how can people think I act like that 19:41 RSDuke I'm glad it enrages you. 19:41 CFH666 really rika really good 19:41 BernieMac tried to throw jordman under the bus. TRIED 19:41 BernieMac and failed 19:41 RSDuke And we all know how that worked out.... 19:41 rika I DON'T ACT LIKE THAT 19:41 CFH666 riak you are the problem not us 19:41 rika UGH 19:41 RSDuke Robert, you do too. 19:41 MacduffsSon yes you do 19:42 RSDuke LMAO 19:42 rika i don't do the evil scheming bullshit 19:42 MacduffsSon you're the ultimate buffoon, rob 19:42 RSDuke 19 threads in /L/ say otherwise. 19:42 rika and homor answer your fucking pms 19:42 CFH666 you fuking do scheme evil schemes rika 19:42 RSDuke i don't do the evil scheming bullshit Uh, yeah you do. 19:42 rika just take that video down ok 19:43 CFH666 no fuck you 19:43 RSDuke Ain't happening. 19:43 CFH666 rika 19:43 MacduffsSon gtfo 19:43 rika i can't stand the look of it 19:43 RSDuke Tough shit. 19:43 MacduffsSon no one cares 19:43 CFH666 good good 19:43 RSDuke Life's a bitch, ain't it? 19:43 BernieMac TAKE IT DOWN NOW NOW NOW NOW 19:43 RSDuke lol 19:43 CFH666 THIS IS MY HOUSE 19:43 BernieMac THIS IS MY APARTMENT 19:43 CFH666 SHUT THE GODAMN THING OFF RIKA 19:43 BernieMac MY FATHER AND MY MOTHER ARE ANGRY AT ME 19:43 MacduffsSon I'LL SEND IN WRAITHS I'LL SEND IN DETECTIVES 19:44 MacduffsSon I'LL SEND EVERYTHING IN MY POWER 19:44 CFH666 DO YOU REALISE DO YOU REALISE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE 19:44 rika dammit i don't mean it like that 19:44 RSDuke You came in the other night trying to impersonate liquid, FFS. That's pretty buffoonish. 19:44 BernieMac yes you do 19:44 rika i just hate to look at the fucking thing 19:44 RSDuke Then don't. 19:44 BernieMac then don't 19:44 MacduffsSon ...then don't look at it 19:44 RSDuke You are responsible for your own actions, Robert. 19:45 MacduffsSon you are such a child 19:45 rika but to think other people think that... 19:45 RSDuke YOU ARE 19:45 rika just makes me completely suck 19:45 RSDuke Other people already think much worse. 19:45 CFH666 my god amazing tou are aren't you rika 19:46 rika i mean sick 19:46 RSDuke You did all this to yourself. 19:46 CFH666 yeah rika you did this not us 19:46 RSDuke All those years of bullying others have finally come back to haunt you, Robb. 19:46 MacduffsSon deleting a post isn't gonna make people respect you 19:47 RSDuke Did intro make you troll those Stargate Forums, Robb? 19:47 RSDuke Did intro make you stalk Crissy Moran? 19:47 CFH666 he probably did 19:47 rika he manipulated me when he was in the wriath 19:47 rika wraith 19:47 RSDuke You're a real piece of work, Robert. 19:47 RSDuke Never owning up to shit. 19:48 BernieMac It takes a real asshole to come here after all this 19:48 RSDuke ^ 19:48 rika any way I'm going to disapear so forget you assholes 19:48 MacduffsSon no you're not 19:48 RSDuke Ain't happening. 19:48 BernieMac see you tommorow faggot! 19:48 RSDuke You can't resist coming back, Robert. 19:49 RSDuke Your ego will keep making you. 19:49 RSDuke Because you can't stand to think about what others may be saying about you. 19:49 rika fuck off, i can and i will 19:49 BernieMac YOU SAID THAT BEFORE 19:49 RSDuke ^ 19:49 BernieMac AND YOU CAME BACK 19:49 rika I CAN AND I WILL 19:49 RSDuke Nope 19:49 BernieMac NO YOU WON'T 19:49 *** poop joined #789 19:49 +++ boat has given voice to poop 19:49 RSDuke You run entirely on emotion, Robert. 19:49 BernieMac YOU ALREADY SAID YOU WOULD LEAVE AND YOU DIDN'T 19:50 BernieMac YOU CAME BACK MULTPLE TIMES 19:50 RSDuke Your emotions and your ego always get the better of you. 19:50 RSDuke That is why you fail. 19:50 poop rikkaay? 19:50 BernieMac rika you can't keep doing this 19:50 RSDuke That's also why you'll never admit what a fuckup you are. 19:50 BernieMac either you leave forever or we do this forever 19:51 BernieMac your choice 19:51 poop YOU SHOULD STOP BEING RETARDED AND RUINING THE INTERNET WE'LL SHOW YOU YOU.. YOU WORSE THAN HITLER 19:52 BernieMac well rika whats your choice? 19:52 MacduffsSon homor is rika talking to you 19:52 poop how long has rika been here? 19:52 CFH666 you'll keep on coming back rika until the day you die 19:53 Homor I know 19:54 RSDuke Homor, is he talking to you via PM? 19:54 CFH666 what's gon homor what's he saying 19:55 *** YaphetS- joined #789 19:55 +++ boat has given voice to YaphetS- 19:55 YaphetS- o hem geeb 19:55 YaphetS- its rika 19:55 Homor Yes. 19:56 YaphetS- and the cocks in the cradle with the irc room 19:56 YaphetS- little wraith rika and adf on the moon 19:56 MacduffsSon lol 19:56 CFH666 oh yaphet you're the best 19:56 CFH666 not homo 19:57 YaphetS- so who is rika engaging in pms with 19:57 YaphetS- i see no introman 19:57 YaphetS- nor zyklon 19:57 RSDuke Homor 19:57 YaphetS- nor trey 19:57 YaphetS- rly. 19:58 CFH666 homor whats going on 19:58 *** introman_flakedon joined #789 19:58 +++ boat has given voice to introman_flakedon 19:58 YaphetS- the entire log will be homor asking rika where he fits in warcraft lore 19:58 RSDuke He intro 19:58 introman_flakedon sup brahs 19:58 YaphetS- hrey intorman 19:58 RSDuke Robb's here. 19:59 CFH666 intro rika's here talking to homor 19:59 introman_flakedon whatever. how are you brahs doing? 19:59 RSDuke Not bad. 19:59 CFH666 doing alright 19:59 introman_flakedon nice to hear. 20:00 introman_flakedon lol at trey pepe mentioning a troll in a really popular song of his. Trey is doing his thing. 20:01 Homor I'm talking to Rika. 20:01 CFH666 so whats going on homor 20:01 introman_flakedon have fun homor. 20:02 MacduffsSon julay 20:03 *** Pleaserapemyface joined #789 20:03 +++ boat has given voice to Pleaserapemyface 20:03 Homor You'll find out when i post the pastebin. 20:04 CFH666 FUCK 20:04 introman_flakedon inb4 rika wants an appearance on gary gears. 20:04 introman_flakedon XD 20:04 MacduffsSon lol 20:04 CFH666 hahaha 20:04 RSDuke LMAO 20:05 RSDuke So intro, I hear it was your manipulation of Robb back in the Wraith days that made him do all those bad things he did before /cwc/ came along. That wasn't very nice... 20:05 CFH666 is it true intro 20:05 introman_flakedon it's just so convenient that when rika is away from philly for a while . that adf is leaving philly when the apartment is going vacant. 20:05 introman_flakedon no comment rsduke 20:05 RSDuke lol 20:05 MacduffsSon 20:05 introman_flakedon rika is a goon. 20:05 CFH666 agreed fucking agreed 20:07 introman_flakedon http://789chan.org/cwc/res/266143.html#i267954 20:07 YaphetS- robby wraith? 20:08 CFH666 oh god rika you are really pathetic 20:09 RSDuke Well now, that's some interesting timing... 20:09 MacduffsSon it's your fault introman!!! 20:09 CFH666 IT WASN'T HIS FAULT 20:10 YaphetS- rika is like 20:10 YaphetS- the most pathetic person i will ever know 20:10 YaphetS- numerous lolcows are better-looking, smarter, more self-aware, and less vile than robb 20:11 YaphetS- infact i think every lolcow might be 20:11 introman_flakedon it's pretty funny that both anthos and a log think very lowly of rika. 20:11 YaphetS- they know he exists? 20:11 introman_flakedon yep. 20:11 YaphetS- im not surprised a-log lurks /cwc/ 20:11 introman_flakedon A-log and Anthos hates ADF and Rika 20:11 YaphetS- but anthos? 20:12 YaphetS- rly. 20:12 introman_flakedon yep. 20:12 Homor I think i actually got through to him. 20:12 YaphetS- the irony is unberable 20:12 YaphetS- unbearable 20:12 MacduffsSon nope, homor 20:12 RSDuke Holy shit, Homor! 20:12 MacduffsSon you didn't 20:12 YaphetS- AT LEAST IM NOT RIKA OR CHRIS CHAN! 20:12 CFH666 stop lying homor 20:12 introman_flakedon A-Log and ADF both hate each other. 20:12 introman_flakedon both have wanted to make videos on each other 20:13 YaphetS- rolf 20:13 YaphetS- what do u think would happen if u put a bunch of lolcows in a steel cage match 20:13 CFH666 you know a-log writes fanfics wanting to fuck his mom and sisters together right intro? 20:13 introman_flakedon oh i know about a log. 20:14 introman_flakedon I've personally been within 15 feet of him. 20:14 YaphetS- rly 20:14 introman_flakedon comic con 20:14 YaphetS- how could u bear the stench 20:14 CFH666 bull shit 20:14 introman_flakedon dealers room. 20:14 CFH666 i was at his house once 20:14 YaphetS- how could u 20:14 YaphetS- bear 20:14 YaphetS- the stench 20:14 --- SchmoopieCake is away (Auto away) 20:14 introman_flakedon it was comic con. 20:14 YaphetS- just looking at him you know he smells like shit 20:14 introman_flakedon mouth breathing. 20:15 introman_flakedon kept me sane. 20:15 YaphetS- i wouldve just 20:15 YaphetS- taken a whole bottle of perfume and dumped it on myself 20:15 YaphetS- cover my nose in my shirt the whole time 20:16 YaphetS- so back on topic 20:16 YaphetS- rika is the lowest lolcow in terms of everything 20:16 YaphetS- brains, looks 20:16 CFH666 agreed just wow 20:17 Pleaserapemyface Has rob said anything? 20:17 YaphetS- even his walking stance 20:17 YaphetS- he hunches down 20:17 YaphetS- like a goblin 20:17 Homor It's been radio silence from my end. 20:17 Pleaserapemyface Or is he just PMing people? 20:17 CFH666 and moleman is following in his footsteps 20:17 introman_flakedon goblin king and gary gears are talking to each other. 20:17 MacduffsSon rika are you still there 20:17 Homor I told him to get some sleep, he might have fallen asleep without logging out. 20:17 introman_flakedon the greatest collab of our generation could be taking it's baby steps. 20:17 RSDuke Robb, you still with us? 20:17 CFH666 Robb 20:17 YaphetS- i think the best part of the whole robbay saga was when we found out he did bath salts 20:18 MacduffsSon give us the cocks, homor 20:18 klichka did rika come in today? 20:18 klichka oh shit 20:18 klichka is rika now just chatting to intro? 20:19 introman_flakedon nope. 20:19 introman_flakedon It's a chore to talk to rika. 20:19 klichka is that the real intro? 20:19 introman_flakedon yep. i was flaked on today 20:19 Pleaserapemyface I should PM him and tell him that he should never get into a fight 20:20 *** rika quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)