[03/04/12 13:45:03 ] Kaylee : hey [03/04/12 13:45:09 ] Michael : hey [03/04/12 13:46:10 ] Kaylee : I'm not sure if it's been a week yet [03/04/12 13:46:38 ] Kaylee : so far maniak has just been making fun of me, not making demands [03/04/12 13:46:43 ] Kaylee : but [03/04/12 13:46:45 ] Michael : Pft [03/04/12 13:46:50 ] Michael : Doesn't mean anythin differnt [03/04/12 13:47:03 ] Kaylee : I'm worried he's going to ask for... you know, nudes [03/04/12 13:47:20 ] Michael : don't [03/04/12 13:47:23 ] Michael : whatever you do [03/04/12 13:47:24 ] Michael : do [03/04/12 13:47:26 ] Michael : dont*** [03/04/12 13:48:32 ] Kaylee : I'm not planning to [03/04/12 13:48:42 ] Kaylee : just worried he's going to put me between a rock and a hard place :/ [03/04/12 13:48:52 ] Michael : He wont [03/04/12 13:48:54 ] Michael : he can't [03/04/12 13:49:27 ] Kaylee : well he can because he has those chatlogs from when he tricked me >.> [03/04/12 13:49:37 ] Kaylee : it seems he still hasn't made them public [03/04/12 13:49:42 ] Kaylee : I mean I know he's going to eventually but [03/04/12 13:49:42 ] Michael : he willl [03/04/12 13:49:44 ] Michael : trust me [03/04/12 13:49:50 ] Michael : he never sticks to deals [03/04/12 13:50:13 ] Kaylee : really my only hope is he'll forget about it.. but I doubt that will happen [03/04/12 13:51:27 ] Michael : he never forgets any mock [03/04/12 13:52:40 ] Kaylee : brb [03/04/12 13:53:45 ] Kaylee : back [03/04/12 13:54:38 ] Michael : Just excersicing [03/04/12 13:54:49 ] Kaylee : ? [03/04/12 13:55:10 ] Michael : Every day or so I practice my dancing in fron tof the com [03/04/12 13:55:31 ] Kaylee : what style of dance [03/04/12 13:56:07 ] Michael : The hopslocth dance [03/04/12 13:56:12 ] Michael : Coreaography [03/04/12 13:56:16 ] Kaylee : oh I remember that video [03/04/12 13:56:19 ] Kaylee : sounds like fun :) [03/04/12 13:56:30 ] Michael : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1exlldCDfk [03/04/12 13:56:33 ] Michael : Try it yourself... [03/04/12 13:56:38 ] Michael : Try to follow Jeff's moves [03/04/12 13:56:42 ] Michael : 8:45 [03/04/12 13:56:56 ] Kaylee : ok I will [03/04/12 13:57:30 ] Michael : When he jumps across the third time is the easiest [03/04/12 13:58:16 ] Kaylee : still pretty tricky though [03/04/12 13:58:34 ] Kaylee : also it would help if I had a hopscotch thing [03/04/12 13:58:41 ] Michael : No... [03/04/12 13:58:47 ] Michael : You don't need one... [03/04/12 13:58:55 ] Michael : Just jump in place [03/04/12 13:58:59 ] Kaylee : ohhhhhhhh ok [03/04/12 13:59:06 ] Kaylee : that makes it easier [03/04/12 13:59:09 ] Michael : 9:08 [03/04/12 13:59:12 ] Michael : With both feet [03/04/12 13:59:23 ] Michael : Jump Jump Jump... Spread... [03/04/12 13:59:27 ] Michael : Jump [03/04/12 13:59:28 ] Michael : Spread [03/04/12 13:59:31 ] Michael : Jump [03/04/12 13:59:37 ] Michael : Jump spin the other way [03/04/12 13:59:51 ] Kaylee : ok [03/04/12 14:00:48 ] Michael : And careful when you're trying to twirl on 1 foot [03/04/12 14:00:53 ] Michael : Need special floor/shoes for that [03/04/12 14:01:04 ] Kaylee : lol yeah [03/04/12 14:01:10 ] Kaylee : don't have enough room [03/04/12 14:01:19 ] Michael : That's why I'm in athe basement [03/04/12 14:01:35 ] Michael : Plenty of room and I can't shake the house with my stomping [03/04/12 14:03:49 ] Kaylee : cool [03/04/12 14:03:55 ] Kaylee : yeah that kinda reminds me of DDR [03/04/12 14:05:06 ] Michael : There ya go [03/04/12 14:05:14 ] Michael : combine some of your DDR moves [03/04/12 14:05:17 ] Michael : or better yet [03/04/12 14:05:21 ] Michael : PRETEND your performing [03/04/12 14:05:24 ] Michael : and doing the best [03/04/12 14:07:40 ] Kaylee : it's getting a little easier I guess [03/04/12 14:09:16 ] Michael : Keep practicing [03/04/12 14:09:24 ] Michael : Int he meantime I almost got BB's family done [03/04/12 14:10:01 ] Kaylee : ? [03/04/12 14:10:17 ] Michael : Gah... it won't send 03/04/12 14:10:56 Michael wants to send you the file ''Family real Final.bmp'' (900K bytes). It will be saved in directory C:/Program Files (x86)/aMSN/scripts/amsn_received. Do you want to receive this file? [03/04/12 14:10:58 ] Michael : There 03/04/12 14:11:28 File transfer accepted [03/04/12 14:13:58 ] Kaylee : I can't seem to get to it [03/04/12 14:13:59 ] Michael : When he was 35... [03/04/12 14:14:16 ] Michael : It was a very good year [03/04/12 14:14:32 ] Michael : OH yeah... [03/04/12 14:14:34 ] Michael : that's the next song [03/04/12 14:14:38 ] Michael : good old Frankie [03/04/12 14:14:57 ] Kaylee : so those kids are the same ones that were babies in some of your videos, right? [03/04/12 14:15:09 ] Michael : That's right... [03/04/12 14:15:14 ] Michael : Their teenagers [03/04/12 14:15:29 ] Michael : When BB was 17... he dated Terra [03/04/12 14:15:36 ] Michael : When he was 21 he married her and they had the kids [03/04/12 14:15:44 ] Michael : When he was 35 he and his family couldn't be stopped... [03/04/12 14:15:52 ] Michael : But now... the Days are short! [03/04/12 14:16:10 ] Michael : BB is a dried and withiering old man... his wife is dead... and his kids are gone and he's not long for this world [03/04/12 14:16:46 ] Kaylee : so does the story just follow his kids from there or what [03/04/12 14:16:56 ] Michael : Sorta... [03/04/12 14:17:07 ] Michael : Frank Sinatra's "It was a very good year" [03/04/12 14:17:11 ] Kaylee : ah [03/04/12 14:17:16 ] Michael : You know songs tell stoies right [03/04/12 14:17:19 ] Kaylee : yes [03/04/12 14:17:24 ] Michael : Well so does that one [03/04/12 14:17:57 ] Michael : IT contimplats a man remembering the good old days... when he was 17/21/35... and all the wonderful things he did and all the beautiful women he met and the relationships he had [03/04/12 14:18:02 ] Michael : "But now the Days are short..." [03/04/12 14:18:24 ] Michael : Now he contimplats that he's MUCH older now... and not long for this world... and he can only think of his life as vintage wine [03/04/12 14:19:21 ] Kaylee : that's a pretty poignant story [03/04/12 14:19:39 ] Michael : Well that's just what BB is dreaming [03/04/12 14:19:43 ] Michael : That he's an old man... [03/04/12 14:19:56 ] Michael : But when he wakes up... Terra's asleep beside him... and the kids are sleeping [03/04/12 14:21:07 ] Kaylee : I guess it's easy to forget how you don't usually see cartoon characters aging [03/04/12 14:21:14 ] Kaylee : if the show runs long enough, they stay the same way for years [03/04/12 14:22:10 ] Michael : That's because they don't Physcially Age [03/04/12 14:22:15 ] Michael : HEll... look at the Simpsons [03/04/12 14:22:25 ] Michael : 25 years... TWENTY... FIVE... YEARS...! [03/04/12 14:22:27 ] Michael : Nadda! [03/04/12 14:22:52 ] Kaylee : guess that's just how the status quo works [03/04/12 14:23:12 ] Michael : Even 6teen didn't age [03/04/12 14:23:17 ] Michael : They had THREE Xmas specials [03/04/12 14:23:26 ] Michael : And once Jen even admitted Workign there for a year [03/04/12 14:23:30 ] Kaylee : lol [03/04/12 14:23:41 ] Kaylee : yeah it's more noticeable when the characters are younger [03/04/12 14:24:26 ] Michael : Still doesn't make me any less angry [03/04/12 14:25:07 ] Kaylee : well cartoons are always going to be that way I think [03/04/12 14:25:10 ] Kaylee : it's how the medium works [03/04/12 14:25:55 ] Michael : Well it's time to take the Medium up to HARD [03/04/12 14:26:07 ] Kaylee : lol [03/04/12 14:26:18 ] Kaylee : viewers' attention spans aren't going to get longer [03/04/12 14:26:22 ] Kaylee : well maybe they are [03/04/12 14:26:47 ] Kaylee : are there more or fewer shows with hour-long episodes than there used to be? [03/04/12 14:27:11 ] Michael : That means... [03/04/12 14:27:16 ] Michael : I'm gonna get tought [03/04/12 14:28:05 ] Michael : Starr dumped Jude... becuase she wanted to be a Goth [03/04/12 14:28:09 ] Michael : So what did I do...? [03/04/12 14:28:13 ] Michael : I punished her... [03/04/12 14:28:40 ] Michael : Jude joined THE ZOMBITES [03/04/12 14:29:40 ] Kaylee : is that a full fic or something you're working on or what [03/04/12 14:30:05 ] Michael : It was the first 6teen fic I ever made [03/04/12 14:30:11 ] Michael : What are the Zombites? [03/04/12 14:30:14 ] Michael : Their goths [03/04/12 14:30:25 ] Michael : But their no ordinary goths... [03/04/12 14:30:50 ] Michael : Ever heard of Hitler... Bin Laden... Kin Jong Ill [03/04/12 14:30:51 ] Michael : ? [03/04/12 14:31:01 ] Michael : Kim** [03/04/12 14:31:10 ] Kaylee : yeah [03/04/12 14:31:26 ] Michael : These Zombites are just like them... [03/04/12 14:31:38 ] Michael : Their Terrorists... Criminals... Master Minds in spreading pain... [03/04/12 14:31:50 ] Michael : Teens and PReteens... [03/04/12 14:32:26 ] Michael : In the five years the originated... they caused major traffic accidents... destroyed private property... terroized citizens... and ran people out of their homes [03/04/12 14:33:31 ] Kaylee : that's pretty gothick [03/04/12 14:33:58 ] Michael : And Jude's one of them... [03/04/12 14:34:02 ] Michael : by an enforced drug [03/04/12 14:34:13 ] Michael : Even Caitlin's crush... [03/04/12 14:34:49 ] Michael : Zombite girl: "No'ho 0ei joo?" [03/04/12 14:35:13 ] Michael : Zombite guy: "De... A homomroh kxo mujkoh'j ehtohj" [03/04/12 14:35:13 ] Michael : ... [03/04/12 14:35:33 ] Kaylee : did they make up the language or is it ancient [03/04/12 14:35:42 ] Michael : They supposedly made it up [03/04/12 14:35:53 ] Michael : This way they can talk in public and no one can decihper it [03/04/12 14:35:58 ] Michael : But what I'm speaking in Saurian [03/04/12 14:36:20 ] Michael : That Language from Star Forc Adventures [03/04/12 14:36:25 ] Michael : Fox** [03/04/12 14:36:48 ] Kaylee : ah [03/04/12 14:37:03 ] Michael : U R S T O V W X A Z B C M D E F G H J K I L N P 0 Q [03/04/12 14:37:16 ] Michael : There... the Alphabet in Saurian [03/04/12 14:37:20 ] Michael : a to z... [03/04/12 14:37:24 ] Michael : try spelling words [03/04/12 14:39:11 ] Kaylee : Eb a nacc [03/04/12 14:39:41 ] Kaylee : neftj [03/04/12 14:39:43 ] Michael : Ok I will [03/04/12 14:40:03 ] Michael : Loh0 weet [03/04/12 14:40:08 ] Michael : "Very Good" [03/04/12 14:40:14 ] Kaylee : a jeoccot "neftj" [03/04/12 14:40:21 ] Michael : This iwll make it easier [03/04/12 14:40:24 ] Michael : http://saurian.krystalarchive.com/ [03/04/12 14:40:45 ] Michael : i soelled "wopds [03/04/12 14:40:51 ] Michael : ahaha... not there you didn;t [03/04/12 14:40:54 ] Kaylee : oops [03/04/12 14:41:37 ] Kaylee : jxeict ro "A jfoccot 'nehtj'" [03/04/12 14:42:01 ] Michael : Now you got it... [03/04/12 14:42:06 ] Michael : BUT,,, [03/04/12 14:42:09 ] Michael : Don't get any ideas [03/04/12 14:42:12 ] Michael : Maniak knows this [03/04/12 14:42:22 ] Kaylee : rb [03/04/12 14:42:23 ] Kaylee : eb [03/04/12 14:42:24 ] Kaylee : * [03/04/12 14:45:54 ] Kaylee : speaking of maniak [03/04/12 14:46:14 ] Kaylee : he hinted that some of his demands might have to do with your fics in the future [03/04/12 14:46:55 ] Kaylee : didn't say anything definite though [03/04/12 14:47:02 ] Michael : Well guess what... I'm not stopping! [03/04/12 14:47:25 ] Kaylee : I know [03/04/12 14:47:35 ] Kaylee : he was talking about your old fics though [03/04/12 14:47:53 ] Kaylee : not by name but he mentioned sailor moon 6teen etc [03/04/12 14:48:24 ] Kaylee : but it's not like he can take them off your computer... or have any way of knowing if you do [03/04/12 14:48:49 ] Michael : I don't have a Sailor Moon 6teen [03/04/12 14:48:54 ] Michael : That's Sailro Moon Zelda [03/04/12 14:49:06 ] Michael : that's where your wrong [03/04/12 14:49:10 ] Michael : he copys and pastes allt he time [03/04/12 14:49:20 ] Kaylee : ? [03/04/12 14:49:35 ] Michael : Project after Copys and Pastes other works and posts their own SHIT into it [03/04/12 14:49:52 ] Michael : "Once upon a time..." (Another Mother BLEEP retard was born) [03/04/12 14:50:07 ] Kaylee : I think he wants PA's copies to be the only ones [03/04/12 14:50:11 ] Kaylee : that's just speculation though [03/04/12 14:51:37 ] Michael : No... [03/04/12 14:51:44 ] Michael : He wants fanfiction to cease [03/04/12 14:51:54 ] Kaylee : oh [03/04/12 14:51:59 ] Kaylee : :( [03/04/12 14:54:29 ] Michael : He can't stand the changes [03/04/12 14:56:33 ] Kaylee : sigh... if only he had something better to do [03/04/12 14:56:39 ] Kaylee : :/ [03/04/12 14:59:22 ] Kaylee : anyways... I gotta go out soon [03/04/12 14:59:30 ] Kaylee : I'll just try not to worry about maniak too much