[03/04/12 14:59:46] : MMMMMMMMMMMM [03/04/12 14:59:54] : Chocolate Cake Al A Mode! [03/04/12 15:00:30] : I wonder if this is how BB and Terra feel when eating Pie Al A Mode [03/05/12 09:25:07 ] Kaylee : huh? [03/05/12 09:25:24 ] Kaylee : oh a la mode [03/05/12 09:25:25 ] Michael : what? [03/05/12 09:25:30 ] Kaylee : I read that as "AI a mode" [03/05/12 09:25:34 ] Kaylee : like artificial intelligence [03/05/12 09:25:53 ] Michael : No... [03/05/12 09:26:03 ] Michael : I meant Al A mode (Served with Ice cream) [03/05/12 09:26:13 ] Kaylee : ya I figured that out after being confused at first [03/05/12 09:27:26 ] Kaylee : I'm looking at the fim thread [03/05/12 09:27:37 ] Kaylee : it's gonna be as long as the last one... [03/05/12 09:28:06 ] Michael : yes [03/05/12 09:28:08 ] Michael : I saw it [03/05/12 09:28:47 ] Kaylee : why does everyone think discord turning everything into food is so great [03/05/12 09:28:59 ] Kaylee : they keep saying that [03/05/12 09:32:08 ] Kaylee : still no word from maniak [03/05/12 09:32:20 ] Kaylee : at least not to me [03/05/12 09:32:44 ] Michael : Well he hate sbeing called Faggot [03/05/12 09:32:47 ] Michael : That much is clear [03/05/12 09:32:51 ] Kaylee : ll [03/05/12 09:32:52 ] Kaylee : lol [03/05/12 09:32:55 ] Michael : and their only doing it to kill my unicorns!!! [03/05/12 09:32:58 ] Michael : UGh! [03/05/12 09:33:02 ] Michael : sorry I'm so frustrated [03/05/12 09:33:06 ] Kaylee : it's ok [03/05/12 09:33:09 ] Kaylee : they are very frustrating [03/05/12 09:33:10 ] Michael : I've been trying to song hunt all morning [03/05/12 09:33:17 ] Michael : but every single chance I geta new email!! [03/05/12 09:33:47 ] Kaylee : where are you getting emails from [03/05/12 09:34:18 ] Michael : Fans and people who are constantly talking to me [03/05/12 09:34:26 ] Michael : I'm trying to start a new TT idol [03/05/12 09:34:31 ] Michael : butI have no idea for a theme [03/05/12 09:34:33 ] Michael : I have no songs... [03/05/12 09:34:43 ] Kaylee : hmmm [03/05/12 09:34:56 ] Kaylee : I don't listen to a whole lot of music so idk if I can help [03/05/12 09:35:04 ] Michael : You won't be able to [03/05/12 09:35:10 ] Michael : Seaon 1: anything goes [03/05/12 09:35:17 ] Michael : Season 2: The Seaside/Beach [03/05/12 09:35:22 ] Michael : Season 3: Space [03/05/12 09:35:25 ] Michael : ... [03/05/12 09:35:37 ] Kaylee : didn't elton john write a song about space [03/05/12 09:35:40 ] Kaylee : rocket man [03/05/12 09:35:45 ] Kaylee : that was him right [03/05/12 09:35:51 ] Kaylee : (unless you've used it) [03/05/12 09:35:53 ] Michael : This... [03/05/12 09:36:12 ] Michael : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4Bwe8WgaSg&feature=fvst [03/05/12 09:36:18 ] Michael : Now it's time to do a 4th season [03/05/12 09:36:21 ] Michael : and I got nothing [03/05/12 09:38:21 ] Michael : I have no theme [03/05/12 09:38:24 ] Michael : No songs... [03/05/12 09:38:28 ] Michael : I got nothing [03/05/12 09:38:38 ] Kaylee : do songs about nature [03/05/12 09:38:40 ] Kaylee : (nature is cool) [03/05/12 09:38:44 ] Michael : Can't... [03/05/12 09:38:50 ] Michael : There's harldy any songs about Nature [03/05/12 09:38:58 ] Michael : I need 10 songs [03/05/12 09:39:25 ] Michael : Also... No Emo/romantic songs [03/05/12 09:39:33 ] Kaylee : that rules out a lot [03/05/12 09:39:34 ] Michael : That's ot fair [03/05/12 09:39:46 ] Michael : Everyone goes for the tragic and romantic [03/05/12 09:40:00 ] Kaylee : do songs from musicals? [03/05/12 09:40:07 ] Michael : People would think I'm sabatoging the Titans [03/05/12 09:40:11 ] Michael : Can't... [03/05/12 09:40:20 ] Michael : The songs also have ti fit the Titans Personalities [03/05/12 09:40:26 ] Michael : Like Rocket man fits BBs [03/05/12 09:40:32 ] Michael : See... in Space Star [03/05/12 09:40:44 ] Michael : BB has to sing a song that relates to him... but also is something to do with Space [03/05/12 09:41:39 ] Kaylee : well I'm sure there are lots of musicals with songs the titans can relate to [03/05/12 09:41:51 ] Michael : Nope [03/05/12 09:41:56 ] Michael : People don't like those... [03/05/12 09:42:00 ] Michael : Nothing Tragic [03/05/12 09:42:03 ] Michael : Nothing angry [03/05/12 09:42:09 ] Michael : Nothing too mushy [03/05/12 09:42:23 ] Kaylee : hm [03/05/12 09:42:37 ] Kaylee : well you could think of some songs you like and haven't used yet [03/05/12 09:42:45 ] Kaylee : and look for a common theme between two or three of them [03/05/12 09:42:48 ] Kaylee : then build from there [03/05/12 09:43:00 ] Michael : There are 6 titans [03/05/12 09:43:37 ] Kaylee : ? [03/05/12 09:44:31 ] Michael : ALL the Titans perform [03/05/12 09:44:43 ] Michael : Robin... Starfire... Cyborg...Raven... BB... and Terra [03/05/12 09:44:48 ] Michael : That's 6 songs [03/05/12 09:44:59 ] Michael : Then three Titans go and three stay so we need three more [03/05/12 09:45:08 ] Michael : Then BB sings a bonus song which can break the rules [03/05/12 09:45:11 ] Michael : that's 10 songs [03/05/12 09:45:15 ] Kaylee : ok [03/05/12 09:45:30 ] Kaylee : I meant two or three with something and common, use that as your theme, and get seven or eight more [03/05/12 09:45:54 ] Michael : I tried... [03/05/12 09:45:57 ] Michael : That also is not easy [03/05/12 09:46:15 ] Michael : Cyborg... sorry to say.. I prefer if he sang like a black person [03/05/12 09:46:20 ] Michael : Like Fly like Egale [03/05/12 09:46:32 ] Michael : But I have no idea what to make with that [03/05/12 09:46:34 ] Michael : Sky...? [03/05/12 09:46:37 ] Michael : Flying...? [03/05/12 09:46:41 ] Michael : Travel...? [03/05/12 09:46:46 ] Michael : None of those worked [03/05/12 09:46:57 ] Kaylee : well look for a different song to build off of [03/05/12 09:47:16 ] Michael : But all the songs must be the same [03/05/12 09:47:26 ] Michael : Deals witht he titans personality... and also the theme [03/05/12 09:47:51 ] Kaylee : well if you have to find a set eventually just go through a lot of different songs you like and find one with a good theme that works [03/05/12 09:48:16 ] Michael : Yes but... once I start... [03/05/12 09:48:23 ] Michael : I expect to be finished within 9 weeks [03/05/12 09:48:38 ] Kaylee : ? what does that have to do with it [03/05/12 09:48:55 ] Michael : Gotta finish fast... [03/05/12 09:49:10 ] Michael : Can't take too much time [03/05/12 09:49:56 ] Kaylee : well then look through a bunch of songs really fast [03/05/12 09:50:44 ] Michael : I do... [03/05/12 09:50:47 ] Michael : that also has setbacks [03/05/12 09:51:02 ] Michael : Then you actully have to PLAY the song and see if it's good enough [03/05/12 09:51:19 ] Kaylee : well you can skip bits and pieces, especially where it repeats [03/05/12 09:52:09 ] Michael : Not that... [03/05/12 09:52:16 ] Michael : I mean if the song doens't sound Dorky [03/05/12 09:52:27 ] Kaylee : well you should be able to tell that pretty quickly [03/05/12 09:52:36 ] Michael : here's a good one for nature [03/05/12 09:52:41 ] Michael : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRM-9tQZB1E [03/05/12 09:53:11 ] Kaylee : yeah [03/05/12 09:53:30 ] Kaylee : also isn't there some song like "put up a parking lot" that's about nature [03/05/12 09:53:33 ] Kaylee : or is that too sad [03/05/12 09:53:40 ] Michael : But... that song is pretty sad [03/05/12 09:53:43 ] Michael : So it won't do [03/05/12 09:54:02 ] Michael : I would doa romantic or emo show but... [03/05/12 09:54:10 ] Michael : The other Titans... Robin Starfire Cyborg and Raven... [03/05/12 09:54:13 ] Michael : I just... [03/05/12 09:54:15 ] Michael : I hate them [03/05/12 09:54:28 ] Michael : I don't want to give them songs that are RIGHTLY for BB [03/05/12 09:54:56 ] Kaylee : you might be setting too many limitations on yourself [03/05/12 09:55:03 ] Kaylee : aren't some of the songs you've already used kind of sad [03/05/12 09:55:16 ] Michael : Nope... [03/05/12 09:55:20 ] Michael : Not that much... [03/05/12 09:55:26 ] Michael : have you actually gone thorugh my TT idols? [03/05/12 09:55:29 ] Kaylee : a few [03/05/12 09:55:39 ] Kaylee : was "when I was 17" one of them? [03/05/12 09:55:44 ] Kaylee : or was that just you singing [03/05/12 09:56:10 ] Michael : Uh... that's not TT idol [03/05/12 09:56:22 ] Kaylee : oh ok [03/05/12 09:56:35 ] Kaylee : well you could argue that piano man is kind of sad in a way [03/05/12 09:56:42 ] Michael : Nope [03/05/12 09:56:45 ] Michael : IT's a humours song [03/05/12 09:56:52 ] Michael : And that too is not TT idol [03/05/12 09:56:58 ] Michael : See BBMV are different... [03/05/12 09:57:06 ] Michael : They haven't got as many rules [03/05/12 09:57:15 ] Michael : But even it has to follow rules for TT idol [03/05/12 09:57:51 ] Kaylee : what if you did one that was all songs by the same singer or group? [03/05/12 09:58:09 ] Kaylee : it would be a lot faster to decide if you did or didn't want to use one band at a time than one song at a time [03/05/12 09:58:24 ] Michael : Defainlkty NOT gonna happen [03/05/12 09:58:44 ] Michael : Most bands are comprised of men [03/05/12 09:58:50 ] Michael : Not fair to the girls [03/05/12 09:59:01 ] Michael : And they usuallys ing powerful songs about anger or emotion... [03/05/12 09:59:19 ] Michael : Each Titan gets their own voice [03/05/12 09:59:44 ] Kaylee : could you do one with kids' songs? or would you consider that too silly [03/05/12 10:00:18 ] Michael : What do you think? [03/05/12 10:00:23 ] Michael : Much too silly [03/05/12 10:00:33 ] Michael : I thought of fantasy/imagination [03/05/12 10:00:36 ] Michael : Hardly any songs [03/05/12 10:00:39 ] Michael : and I researched [03/05/12 10:00:49 ] Kaylee : hmmm [03/05/12 10:00:53 ] Kaylee : brb [03/05/12 10:04:58 ] Kaylee : back [03/05/12 10:05:01 ] Kaylee : I thought of a theme [03/05/12 10:05:03 ] Kaylee : colors [03/05/12 10:05:15 ] Michael : Colors...? [03/05/12 10:05:19 ] Kaylee : like heart of gold [03/05/12 10:05:21 ] Kaylee : yellow submarine [03/05/12 10:05:22 ] Kaylee : etc [03/05/12 10:05:31 ] Michael : Well maybe... I research that later [03/05/12 10:05:39 ] Michael : I just hope I can find all the songs [03/05/12 10:05:46 ] Michael : I also thought of Heros [03/05/12 10:05:54 ] Michael : Cuz... why else... the Titans are heroes [03/05/12 10:06:08 ] Kaylee : there's a good one too [03/05/12 10:06:29 ] Michael : Nope' [03/05/12 10:06:31 ] Kaylee : if you aren't already, you should probably make a list of themes that might work later [03/05/12 10:06:36 ] Michael : Researched [03/05/12 10:06:41 ] Michael : Not many hero songs [03/05/12 10:07:02 ] Kaylee : aw [03/05/12 10:07:40 ] Michael : And all the songs I find are only ones that suit BB's bonus song [03/05/12 10:10:10 ] Kaylee : montage songs? idk [03/05/12 10:10:27 ] Michael : Hmm... [03/05/12 10:10:33 ] Michael : You're still in school right? [03/05/12 10:10:38 ] Kaylee : yes [03/05/12 10:10:51 ] Michael : Well maybe tonight you should look at my TT idols... and you'll get the idea... [03/05/12 10:10:56 ] Kaylee : ok [03/05/12 10:11:06 ] Michael : *Sighs* [03/05/12 10:11:11 ] Michael : It's gonna be a long week! [03/05/12 10:11:25 ] Kaylee : :( [03/05/12 10:13:43 ] Michael : Yeah the color idea is bust [03/05/12 10:13:52 ] Kaylee : already? [03/05/12 10:13:55 ] Michael : Nothing but kiddy songs [03/05/12 10:14:20 ] Kaylee : probably because they're literally just about the color [03/05/12 10:14:27 ] Kaylee : and not using the color in the title or something [03/05/12 10:14:39 ] Michael : Sighs... no [03/05/12 10:14:42 ] Michael : this won't do [03/05/12 10:14:49 ] Michael : I really hope I don't have to break my rules [03/05/12 10:14:58 ] Michael : And give those 4 other CREEPS what they don't deserve [03/05/12 10:14:59 ] Michael : but... [03/05/12 10:15:02 ] Michael : ...Oh gosh! [03/05/12 10:15:36 ] Kaylee : well if none of these themes work then maybe you have too many rules [03/05/12 10:15:48 ] Michael : Well rules wer emade to be broken [03/05/12 10:15:55 ] Michael : It's just [03/05/12 10:16:00 ] Michael : I really hate the other Titans [03/05/12 10:16:02 ] Michael : SO MUCH! [03/05/12 10:16:34 ] Kaylee : then why do you have to let them sing [03/05/12 10:17:20 ] Michael : Because it's the rules [03/05/12 10:17:34 ] Michael : I don't like them but they deserve an equal chance [03/05/12 10:17:42 ] Michael : See I don't mind them singing itse just [03/05/12 10:17:58 ] Michael : I don't want them singing emo songs or romantis that rightfully should ONLY be sung by BB or Terra [03/05/12 10:18:36 ] Kaylee : I think you might be defining emo songs too broadly though [03/05/12 10:18:50 ] Kaylee : you could give them sad songs without it being that bad I think [03/05/12 10:19:35 ] Michael : Like I said... [03/05/12 10:19:45 ] Michael : wait until tonight and look at my TT idols [03/05/12 10:19:49 ] Michael : then you'll understandd [03/05/12 10:19:53 ] Kaylee : ok [03/05/12 10:20:02 ] Michael : I think I'll take a break [03/05/12 10:20:09 ] Michael : Something's bound to turn up [03/05/12 10:20:27 ] Kaylee : that's the spirit [03/05/12 10:29:17 ] Kaylee : ok well I gtg [03/05/12 10:29:25 ] The following message could not be delivered : (Unexpected Error) [03/05/12 10:29:26 ] Kaylee : talk to you later [03/05/12 10:29:29 ] The following message could not be delivered : (Unexpected Error)