[03/14/12 14:12:25 ] Kaylee : hi [03/14/12 14:12:36 ] Michael : *Sighs* [03/14/12 14:12:43 ] Michael : 6teen's at it again [03/14/12 14:13:27 ] Kaylee : ? [03/14/12 14:13:37 ] Michael : Bye Bye Nikki [03/14/12 14:13:51 ] Kaylee : you mean they aired the same episode again? [03/14/12 14:14:07 ] Michael : Well today is part of a March Break thingie [03/14/12 14:14:11 ] Michael : Airing many eps [03/14/12 14:14:15 ] Michael : But of all the eps! [03/14/12 14:15:22 ] Michael : It's still airing [03/14/12 14:15:28 ] Michael : And it won't end for another 45 min [03/14/12 14:15:33 ] Michael : So I'm steering clear of the TV [03/14/12 14:15:50 ] Kaylee : it may be too much to ask for a show that doesn't have a sad final episode [03/14/12 14:16:04 ] Michael : That IS the sad final ep [03/14/12 14:16:08 ] Michael : Bye Bye Nikki! [03/14/12 14:16:21 ] Michael : The 2nd worst ending I've ever seen [03/14/12 14:17:17 ] Michael : Nikki'a gonn REALLY PAY!! [03/14/12 14:17:28 ] Kaylee : didn't you write a fic about her [03/14/12 14:17:38 ] Michael : Remember what I told you before... [03/14/12 14:17:41 ] Michael : ...1's not enough [03/14/12 14:17:44 ] Kaylee : ah [03/14/12 14:17:53 ] Michael : The fics don't destroy the pain [03/14/12 14:17:58 ] Michael : they just ease it up a bit [03/14/12 14:18:04 ] Michael : Then it starts to rise again! [03/14/12 14:18:08 ] Michael : So you gotta make another [03/14/12 14:18:12 ] Michael : The cycle keeps repeating [03/14/12 14:19:16 ] Kaylee : it's too bad the creators can't just leave a few final notes about where the characters end up [03/14/12 14:19:19 ] Kaylee : for situations like this [03/14/12 14:19:58 ] Michael : That's just as bad too [03/14/12 14:22:50 ] Michael : Every single Cartoon I watch [03/14/12 14:22:55 ] Michael : Down the drain [03/14/12 14:23:10 ] Kaylee : :( [03/14/12 14:24:11 ] Michael : That's why I don't want to get into many new shows [03/14/12 14:24:29 ] Kaylee : well eventually stuff just gets rebooted [03/14/12 14:24:33 ] Kaylee : if there's enough demand [03/14/12 14:24:40 ] Kaylee : whatever happened to the teen titans reboot? [03/14/12 14:24:50 ] Michael : The shorts have been airing [03/14/12 14:24:56 ] Michael : Go on yt and look [03/14/12 14:26:53 ] Kaylee : watchin em [03/14/12 14:27:24 ] Kaylee : did you see the top comment on this one [03/14/12 14:27:24 ] Kaylee : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hT-N1ofHV2I&feature=related [03/14/12 14:27:27 ] Kaylee : people want the full show [03/14/12 14:27:31 ] Kaylee : at least 68 people [03/14/12 14:27:38 ] Kaylee : 69 counting you lol [03/14/12 14:29:00 ] Michael : They'll be others... [03/14/12 14:30:12 ] Kaylee : I'm not up to date on this DC nation thing [03/14/12 14:30:22 ] Kaylee : wasn't there going to be a show really similar to teen titans, but not exactly the same [03/14/12 14:30:47 ] Michael : Not yet [03/14/12 14:30:55 ] Michael : First these shorts have to get good rattings [03/14/12 14:30:56 ] Michael : AND... [03/14/12 14:31:10 ] Michael : Word on the Street: The Titans will have their ORIGINAL shapes [03/14/12 14:31:29 ] Kaylee : well that sounds like good news [03/14/12 14:32:42 ] Kaylee : did you ever sort out those music videos? [03/14/12 14:34:06 ] Michael : For TT idol yes [03/14/12 14:34:41 ] Kaylee : nice [03/14/12 14:43:10 ] Michael : There... [03/14/12 14:43:13 ] Michael : Almost done [03/14/12 14:43:57 ] Kaylee : brb [Started an Offline Instant Messaging conversation on 03/15/12 07:44:52] [03/15/12 07:44:52 ] Kaylee : sorry about yesterday, had to leave in a hurry [03/15/12 10:26:19 ] Kaylee : hi [03/15/12 10:26:27 ] Michael : Hiya [03/15/12 10:26:29 ] Michael : just got back [03/15/12 10:27:02 ] Kaylee : from? [03/15/12 10:29:18 ] Michael : walking [03/15/12 10:29:28 ] Kaylee : walking is pretty fun [03/15/12 10:29:58 ] Kaylee : do you walk on trails or through the city or suburbs or what [03/15/12 10:32:44 ] Michael : both [03/15/12 10:33:24 ] Kaylee : cool [03/15/12 10:34:06 ] Michael : Cold is more like it [03/15/12 10:34:09 ] Michael : it's chilly today [03/15/12 10:34:28 ] Kaylee : gotta keep up a good pace then [03/15/12 10:34:32 ] Kaylee : keep your blood moving [03/15/12 10:35:13 ] Michael : Nope... [03/15/12 10:35:20 ] Michael : I can do that easily without leaving the home [03/15/12 10:35:39 ] Kaylee : oh right [03/15/12 10:35:55 ] Kaylee : hopscotch [03/15/12 10:36:02 ] Michael : And weight lifting [03/15/12 10:36:08 ] Kaylee : oh? [03/15/12 10:36:18 ] Kaylee : I didn't know you had weights [03/15/12 10:36:28 ] Michael : I do but not those kinds [03/15/12 10:36:33 ] Michael : Their old and out of date [03/15/12 10:36:46 ] Kaylee : does that mean you have resistance bands? [03/15/12 10:36:51 ] Kaylee : or medicine balls [03/15/12 10:36:58 ] Michael : Neither... [03/15/12 10:37:13 ] Michael : just very old out of dated barbell pieces you put together [03/15/12 10:37:54 ] Kaylee : probably pretty good though [03/15/12 10:38:15 ] Kaylee : people have been working out based on the same decades-old russian stutides for a long time anyway [03/15/12 10:38:34 ] Kaylee : lift every other day, eat several small meals throughout etc [03/15/12 10:38:51 ] Michael : Not me... [03/15/12 10:39:03 ] Michael : And Id on't lift every other day [03/15/12 10:39:15 ] Michael : When I get the nerve I lift 20 times [03/15/12 10:39:21 ] Michael : Then wait ten minutes and do it agian [03/15/12 10:39:23 ] Michael : and again [03/15/12 10:39:33 ] Michael : All to boil my blood and raise the rage [03/15/12 10:39:46 ] Kaylee : those are pretty good sets [03/15/12 10:40:21 ] Kaylee : 20 is good for gettting toned and firm :P [03/15/12 10:40:32 ] Michael : Well no one's gonna notice [03/15/12 10:41:24 ] Kaylee : well you'll notice [03/15/12 10:41:47 ] Michael : Perhaps [03/15/12 10:43:07 ] Kaylee : you should try exercises that works without weights [03/15/12 10:43:16 ] Kaylee : like jacknives or pushups or whatever [03/15/12 10:43:30 ] Michael : NEver hear dof jackknives [03/15/12 10:43:37 ] Michael : And pushups are no good for a tall guy like me [03/15/12 10:44:01 ] Kaylee : well you get the general idea [03/15/12 10:44:11 ] Kaylee : crunches or w/e [03/15/12 10:44:15 ] Kaylee : you can have a gymnast's body [03/15/12 10:44:28 ] Michael : Can't do crunches either [03/15/12 10:44:31 ] Michael : I'm too tall [03/15/12 10:45:01 ] Kaylee : I don't think being tall stops you from doing those exercises [03/15/12 10:45:08 ] Michael : I'm tall... [03/15/12 10:45:09 ] Kaylee : might make it slightly more difficult [03/15/12 10:45:12 ] Michael : AND... underwieght [03/15/12 10:45:16 ] Kaylee : lol eat more [03/15/12 10:45:21 ] Michael : Can't... [03/15/12 10:45:30 ] Michael : That's not healthy either [03/15/12 10:45:38 ] Kaylee : it is if you eat slowly but often [03/15/12 10:45:44 ] Kaylee : just chew your food but spend more time eating [03/15/12 10:45:49 ] Kaylee : and eat healthy sources of fat [03/15/12 10:45:51 ] Kaylee : like avocados [03/15/12 10:45:51 ] Michael : No good [03/15/12 10:45:59 ] Michael : And I don't like Avacados [03/15/12 10:46:05 ] Kaylee : what about eggs? [03/15/12 10:46:08 ] Kaylee : and oatmeal [03/15/12 10:46:17 ] Michael : I only eat 2 eggs once every other day [03/15/12 10:46:22 ] Michael : And Id on't like Oatmeal [03/15/12 10:46:38 ] Kaylee : you should try more foods [03/15/12 10:46:44 ] Michael : I have... [03/15/12 10:46:49 ] Michael : And I don't them [03/15/12 10:46:56 ] Michael : In fact I don't trust the mall's food court anymore [03/15/12 10:47:08 ] Michael : Especially seeing as I never wanted to go back there again int he first place [03/15/12 10:47:18 ] Kaylee : why what happened there [03/15/12 10:47:27 ] Michael : They got rid of my favorite Pizza Place [03/15/12 10:47:34 ] Michael : (Things Change Strikes again) [03/15/12 10:47:51 ] Michael : So I decided I'd never shop at that mall ever again [03/15/12 10:47:58 ] Kaylee : that seems drastic [03/15/12 10:48:08 ] Michael : An eye for an eye [03/15/12 10:48:21 ] Michael : And when I did eat there fore the first time in ages [03/15/12 10:48:24 ] Michael : I almost puked [03/15/12 10:48:38 ] Kaylee : well it sounds like you haven't built up a tolerance for many different foods [03/15/12 10:48:45 ] Michael : No I haven't [03/15/12 10:48:50 ] Kaylee : no one's stomach can handle foods that are totally foreign [03/15/12 10:49:04 ] Kaylee : like you can't go straight from healthy food to junk food or vice versa [03/15/12 10:49:11 ] Kaylee : that's why I eat both healthy food and junk food [03/15/12 10:49:13 ] Michael : Well I wasn't eating foriegn foods [03/15/12 10:49:27 ] Michael : I almost pucked ona burger [03/15/12 10:49:30 ] Michael : puked** [03/15/12 10:49:38 ] Michael : All the food in the mall was poorly prepared [03/15/12 10:49:53 ] Kaylee : oh well if it's bad food that's probably a good reason not to go there [03/15/12 10:50:19 ] Michael : My mother's hotdog was hardly even WARM... that it was still squared [03/15/12 10:50:29 ] Michael : My dad's New York fries were stone cold [03/15/12 10:50:44 ] Michael : And my burger had a GIANT onion in it... after I speficially said NO! [03/15/12 10:50:58 ] Kaylee : I bet they put it there on purpose [03/15/12 10:51:00 ] Kaylee : to anger you [03/15/12 10:51:04 ] Michael : Still... [03/15/12 10:51:06 ] Kaylee : it was a declaration of war [03/15/12 10:51:14 ] Michael : That hlped me with The Force of Hatred fic [03/15/12 10:51:29 ] Michael : BB didn't have to die and found new places [03/15/12 10:51:50 ] Michael : Thoguh I still would prefer if he were destroyed [03/15/12 10:54:32 ] Kaylee : wait what does that have to do with what happened in the mall [03/15/12 10:55:04 ] Michael : The malll triggers off Things Change as well [03/15/12 10:55:07 ] Michael : And 6teen [03/15/12 10:55:17 ] Michael : I get angry and pumped for fics everywhere [03/15/12 10:55:22 ] Michael : even weight lifting and my walks [03/15/12 10:55:51 ] Michael : The mall got rid of my pizza... [03/15/12 10:56:05 ] Michael : just like JC got rid of BB's Candy... videos... fair... and... [03/15/12 10:56:10 ] Michael : ...Terra too [03/15/12 10:56:20 ] Michael : And in the fic I made... he lost the last one [03/15/12 10:56:23 ] Michael : Ben's Cafe [03/15/12 10:56:29 ] Michael : Blown up right before his eyes [03/15/12 10:57:02 ] Michael : ...causing him to yell and SCREAM at everyone in public... even punch Raven's face [03/15/12 10:57:15 ] Kaylee : I think I see how you managed to write such a massive number of fics [03/15/12 10:57:26 ] Michael : That's right... [03/15/12 10:57:28 ] Michael : Rage... [03/15/12 10:57:29 ] Michael : hate... [03/15/12 10:57:31 ] Michael : Darkness [03/15/12 10:57:33 ] Michael : evil [03/15/12 10:57:44 ] Michael : So many ideas you can't keep them all in one basket [03/15/12 11:00:05 ] Kaylee : :< [03/15/12 11:00:12 ] Kaylee : talking about food got me hungry earlier [03/15/12 11:00:17 ] Kaylee : brb I'm gonna go eat