[02/14/12 15:03:05 ] Kaylee : hi [02/14/12 15:07:24 ] Michael : Sorry [02/14/12 15:07:26 ] Michael : just got back [02/14/12 15:07:30 ] Kaylee : it k [02/14/12 15:07:40 ] Michael : I'm havin a baaaaaaaaad night [02/14/12 15:08:09 ] Kaylee : ? [02/14/12 15:08:31 ] Michael : Nothing's going right [02/14/12 15:08:40 ] Kaylee : ?? [02/14/12 15:08:56 ] Michael : First my dad mocks at me just liek the FREAKS [02/14/12 15:09:08 ] Michael : After that... I keep crashing and banging myself into everything [02/14/12 15:09:19 ] Michael : Then I exploded soup in the microwave [02/14/12 15:09:24 ] Michael : The soup tasted HORRIBLE [02/14/12 15:09:32 ] Michael : My mom comes home and she's no prize pig [02/14/12 15:09:41 ] Michael : My sister's just as snarky and sarcastic as ever [02/14/12 15:09:50 ] Michael : And my brother is... as argumentitive as can be. [02/14/12 15:09:52 ] Michael : UGH!! [02/14/12 15:09:59 ] Kaylee : :( what did your dad say? [02/14/12 15:10:18 ] Michael : That I was lazy! [02/14/12 15:10:25 ] Michael : Just becuase I brought up steaks to thaw [02/14/12 15:10:59 ] Kaylee : that's not fair how can he call you lazy when he doesn't even let you answer the phone/get jobs [02/14/12 15:11:07 ] Kaylee : or put up fliers [02/14/12 15:11:24 ] Michael : He doens't liek the fact that I'm so negative... [02/14/12 15:11:32 ] Michael : And that I don't try new things... [02/14/12 15:11:44 ] Michael : Or prefer fast and easier meals BECUASE I'M STARVING!!! [02/14/12 15:12:17 ] Kaylee : sounds like he's being pretty ridiculous [02/14/12 15:12:51 ] Michael : He was... [02/14/12 15:13:54 ] Kaylee : well [02/14/12 15:14:04 ] Kaylee : at least the fim thread seems to have reached a standstill [02/14/12 15:14:31 ] Michael : Nope [02/14/12 15:14:57 ] Kaylee : ? [02/14/12 15:15:03 ] Kaylee : there have barely been any posts today [02/14/12 15:15:12 ] Michael : You haven'ts checked every day... [02/14/12 15:15:26 ] Kaylee : well I'm checking now [02/14/12 15:15:37 ] Kaylee : they don't really have much to talk about when you're not posting there [02/14/12 15:16:04 ] Kaylee : I don't think they have any plans [02/14/12 15:16:05 ] Kaylee : and [02/14/12 15:16:10 ] Michael : They do... [02/14/12 15:16:21 ] Michael : The minute I post the new FIM [02/14/12 15:16:23 ] Michael : they'll hit it [02/14/12 15:16:27 ] Kaylee : hmm [02/14/12 15:16:41 ] Kaylee : maybe there's some way I can sabotage them [02/14/12 15:16:53 ] Kaylee : y'know, slip into their ranks and find some way to compromise maniak [02/14/12 15:18:40 ] Michael : Tried... [02/14/12 15:18:42 ] Michael : failed... [02/14/12 15:18:48 ] Kaylee : well what was your strategy? [02/14/12 15:19:35 ] Michael : Send a fan in pretending to be a mocker [02/14/12 15:19:43 ] Michael : Like how I triecked them being Johnny [02/14/12 15:20:31 ] Kaylee : maybe if I can figure out Maniak's weakness [02/14/12 15:20:42 ] Kaylee : I mean maybe he has a weakness for girls lol [02/14/12 15:21:13 ] Michael : I doubt it... [02/14/12 15:21:25 ] Kaylee : well only one way to find out [02/14/12 15:21:40 ] Kaylee : if I can just learn something compromising about him it'll give you an edge [02/14/12 15:28:39 ] Kaylee : brb [02/14/12 15:28:45 ] Michael : ok [02/14/12 15:39:57 ] Kaylee : back [02/14/12 15:40:17 ] Kaylee : so yeah what happened with your family? [02/14/12 15:40:31 ] Michael : I told you up there a while ago... [02/14/12 15:40:37 ] Kaylee : well I mean specifically [02/14/12 15:40:48 ] Michael : My whole family is built of mockers... [02/14/12 15:40:52 ] Michael : We've grown so bad apart [02/14/12 15:41:24 ] Kaylee : too bad they won't let you do anything that would help you move out [02/14/12 15:41:38 ] Michael : Even if I moved out [02/14/12 15:41:42 ] Michael : that won't change thigns either [02/14/12 15:41:59 ] Michael : if anything it'll make it worse [02/14/12 15:42:31 ] Kaylee : well you wouldn't have to deal with them at least [02/14/12 15:42:47 ] Michael : Perhaps... [02/14/12 15:43:08 ] Michael : Still... it won't help [02/14/12 15:43:39 ] Kaylee : well you don't know till you try [02/14/12 15:45:03 ] Michael : If I moved out and got a place of my own and a job... [02/14/12 15:45:05 ] Michael : oh boy... [02/14/12 15:45:09 ] Michael : Even you'd be gone [02/14/12 15:45:14 ] Kaylee : I would? [02/14/12 15:45:21 ] Michael : I'd get up... [02/14/12 15:45:26 ] Michael : Eat and wash [02/14/12 15:45:30 ] Michael : Go to work [02/14/12 15:45:33 ] Michael : Go home then [02/14/12 15:45:40 ] Michael : Go shopping only for necessities [02/14/12 15:45:44 ] Michael : Do my bills [02/14/12 15:45:46 ] Michael : Then dinner [02/14/12 15:45:51 ] Michael : and bed (Even if it's ealyr) [02/14/12 15:45:58 ] Michael : Then repeat all agianst the next day even Saturday [02/14/12 15:46:07 ] Kaylee : I think you're overestimating the time commitment [02/14/12 15:46:15 ] Michael : There are... [02/14/12 15:46:21 ] Michael : No books on the shelves [02/14/12 15:46:27 ] Michael : No pictures ont he walls [02/14/12 15:46:33 ] Michael : No potted plants [02/14/12 15:46:38 ] Michael : No TV set [02/14/12 15:46:42 ] Michael : No computer [02/14/12 15:46:46 ] Kaylee : why no computer [02/14/12 15:46:49 ] Michael : Keep the blinds closed [02/14/12 15:46:53 ] Michael : No music [02/14/12 15:47:05 ] Michael : No writing or drawing (Unless for work) [02/14/12 15:47:18 ] Michael : Do not answer the phone (Unless it's work or an important issue) [02/14/12 15:47:25 ] Michael : Do not hangout [02/14/12 15:47:31 ] Michael : Do not socialize [02/14/12 15:47:46 ] Michael : Do not engage in super activites [02/14/12 15:47:58 ] Michael : Do not accept invites [02/14/12 15:48:05 ] Michael : ...and many many more [02/14/12 15:48:07 ] Michael : ... [02/14/12 15:48:22 ] Kaylee : see I think you're overestimating how much time you'd have to spend working [02/14/12 15:48:40 ] Kaylee : some industries have like 60-hour workweeks but I don't think that's really necessary to make a living wage [02/14/12 15:48:42 ] Michael : Oh [02/14/12 15:48:45 ] Michael : and one thign about work [02/14/12 15:48:48 ] Michael : ...No Lunch [02/14/12 15:48:52 ] Kaylee : why not? [02/14/12 15:49:01 ] Michael : When you have a job you work... [02/14/12 15:49:15 ] Kaylee : pretty sure most jobs have to give lunch breaks [02/14/12 15:49:26 ] Michael : And No compute... [02/14/12 15:49:34 ] Michael : The same reason as ever [02/14/12 15:49:36 ] Michael : Teen Titans [02/14/12 15:49:48 ] Michael : I won't be able ot fight things change anymore... [02/14/12 15:50:09 ] Michael : So the only way to stop thinking about it is to give up everythign goes with it... which makes up 97.7% of everything [02/14/12 15:50:26 ] Kaylee : I think you're highballing that percentage [02/14/12 15:50:34 ] Kaylee : why couldn't you have a home computer or laptop? [02/14/12 15:50:55 ] Michael : No... [02/14/12 15:51:12 ] Michael : Giving up EVERYTHING that might trigger it off [02/14/12 15:51:17 ] Michael : That INCLUDES the computer [02/14/12 15:51:35 ] Kaylee : I still don't get why you can fight things change now, but couldn't if you were moved out [02/14/12 15:51:46 ] Michael : Nope... [02/14/12 15:51:57 ] Michael : I can't fight it anywhere [02/14/12 15:52:04 ] Michael : or any time... it's always there [02/14/12 15:52:09 ] Michael : One time... [02/14/12 15:52:16 ] Michael : The TV morphed into Thing schange right before my eyes [02/14/12 15:52:37 ] Kaylee : that sounds pretty serious [02/14/12 15:52:43 ] Michael : ...it wasn't even turned on [02/14/12 15:52:48 ] Kaylee : o.o [02/14/12 15:53:04 ] Michael : When I wake up... first thoughts into my head [02/14/12 15:53:14 ] Michael : "Things Change Beast Boy. The girl you wnat me to be is just a memory" [02/14/12 15:53:21 ] Michael : ... [02/14/12 15:54:05 ] Kaylee : but you make it sound like you're exposed to triggers nowadays, due to being on the computer [02/14/12 15:54:48 ] Michael : That's not all... [02/14/12 15:54:58 ] Michael : It happens when I play video games... go on walks... [02/14/12 15:55:12 ] Michael : Even this pack of toilet paper rolls [02/14/12 15:55:25 ] Kaylee : wow [02/14/12 15:55:47 ] Kaylee : I guess you've never gotten counselling about it? [02/14/12 15:56:10 ] Michael : No... and even if I did... [02/14/12 15:56:14 ] Michael : That TOO would do no good... [02/14/12 15:56:39 ] Kaylee : well it might [02/14/12 15:56:52 ] Kaylee : you keep saying nothing will make things better, but maybe something will and you don't know it yet [02/14/12 15:57:41 ] Michael : That's just it... [02/14/12 15:57:44 ] Michael : I'm trying to... [02/14/12 15:57:53 ] Michael : Fight Romance and offline friendship... [02/14/12 15:58:13 ] Kaylee : why fight that? what does that have to do with things change? [02/14/12 15:58:24 ] Michael : Things Change helps fuel me justa little... [02/14/12 15:58:32 ] Michael : But it also gives me somethign to do [02/14/12 15:58:49 ] Michael : see if I gave up fic writing... I STILL would not go for things I don't want [02/14/12 15:59:37 ] Kaylee : I'm still confused about how the two are connected [02/14/12 15:59:48 ] Kaylee : fighitng real romance and writing fics [02/14/12 16:00:15 ] Michael : Well I do things to stay focussed... [02/14/12 16:00:24 ] Michael : Develop a clock work ticker in my head [02/14/12 16:00:39 ] Michael : I've never ONCE looked at a girl and said "Whoa... she's hot" [02/14/12 16:00:54 ] Michael : The minute I think I see one I just turn away [02/14/12 16:01:09 ] Kaylee : maybe you just have high standards? [02/14/12 16:01:14 ] Michael : No... [02/14/12 16:01:17 ] Michael : No Romance... [02/14/12 16:01:19 ] Michael : Nadda [02/14/12 16:01:20 ] Michael : Zip! [02/14/12 16:01:38 ] Michael : *Girl* "Hi... I'm (Her name) And you're pretty cute" [02/14/12 16:01:51 ] Michael : Me: "People also call me... NOT... interested" [02/14/12 16:01:55 ] Michael : *Walks off* [02/14/12 16:02:23 ] Michael : Cupids arrows won't work on me [02/14/12 16:02:33 ] Kaylee : well that is some strong willpower [02/14/12 16:02:38 ] Michael : Yep... [02/14/12 16:02:47 ] Michael : I've done great up to now... [02/14/12 16:03:02 ] Michael : That's one reason I thought of being a Wedding Crasher [02/14/12 16:03:11 ] Michael : *Devils Quote* [02/14/12 16:03:22 ] Michael : Find all the people in love... root them out and kill them [02/14/12 16:03:30 ] Michael : Find anyone who is cappable of love and destroy them [02/14/12 16:03:47 ] Michael : And above all... find couples about to be married and wipe them off the face of the Earth FOREVER [02/14/12 16:03:51 ] Michael : Hate the love in this world [02/14/12 16:04:06 ] Michael : For as long as there is love in this world... those of us with hateful hearts will know no peace! [02/14/12 16:04:07 ] Michael : ... [02/14/12 16:04:27 ] Michael : *Looks at the cake where the bomb is* [02/14/12 16:04:33 ] Michael : *Looks at the remote in my hand* [02/14/12 16:04:47 ] Michael : MMM... HMM MM MM MM AH AH AH AH AH!! [02/14/12 16:04:47 ] Michael : ... [02/14/12 16:05:09 ] Michael : Still I'd never do that [02/14/12 16:05:24 ] Kaylee : yeah... don't a huge percentage of marraiges end in divorce anyway [02/14/12 16:05:29 ] Kaylee : (and the other % end in death) [02/14/12 16:05:44 ] Michael : Meh I prefer if they just sorta... NOT happened at all [02/14/12 16:05:57 ] Kaylee : why though? [02/14/12 16:06:03 ] Michael : I hate weddings [02/14/12 16:06:10 ] Michael : I refused to attend my Cosuins Wedding [02/14/12 16:06:25 ] Michael : And tried to white my forged name on a card [02/14/12 16:06:52 ] Kaylee : but... you like cartoon couples right? [02/14/12 16:06:58 ] Kaylee : why not real life ones [02/14/12 16:07:30 ] Michael : IT's a complicated thing... [02/14/12 16:07:35 ] Michael : and Some cartoon couples I don't like [02/14/12 16:08:09 ] Michael : I guess it's sorta of a reminder of what I am [02/14/12 16:08:14 ] Michael : and what I'm supposed to do [02/14/12 16:08:43 ] Kaylee : how do you know that's what you're supposed to do though? [02/14/12 16:08:53 ] Kaylee : (personally I don't believe in "supposed to" or destiny) [02/14/12 16:09:39 ] Michael : Because I said... no romance [02/14/12 16:09:47 ] Michael : No matter how tempted one day I may be... [02/14/12 16:09:50 ] Michael : The answer is NO [02/14/12 16:09:57 ] Michael : No oggling girls... [02/14/12 16:10:11 ] Michael : No thinking super romantic thoughts outside of fiction [02/14/12 16:10:16 ] Michael : I sitll never had my first kiss [02/14/12 16:10:27 ] Michael : And DEFINTLY... no... SSSSSSSSSTUFF!! [02/14/12 16:10:42 ] Michael : Show your body who's boss... you're stronger [02/14/12 16:10:45 ] Michael : you don't need it [02/14/12 16:10:59 ] Kaylee : well you can't totally separate the mind from the body [02/14/12 16:11:06 ] Kaylee : or the conscious from the subconscious etc [02/14/12 16:11:17 ] Michael : Well technically you can with surgery [02/14/12 16:11:29 ] Kaylee : well you know what I mean [02/14/12 16:11:37 ] Kaylee : if you repress your natural feelings it messes with your head [02/14/12 16:11:45 ] Michael : I know that [02/14/12 16:11:49 ] Michael : but I have better control... [02/14/12 16:12:01 ] Michael : I'll never go on rampages or serial kills or even suicide [02/14/12 16:12:03 ] Michael : Uh uhn [02/14/12 16:12:09 ] Kaylee : well I know you won't [02/14/12 16:12:17 ] Kaylee : usually the effects are more minor than that I think [02/14/12 16:12:28 ] Michael : Besides... [02/14/12 16:12:34 ] Michael : Several of my Mykans are dead [02/14/12 16:12:52 ] Michael : Some of which were killed by friendship and love [02/14/12 16:13:18 ] Michael : Mykan Sutamatsu (Wedding Peach) Died age 16 when his brother got married [02/14/12 16:13:31 ] Kaylee : well isn't that because you wrote the story that way [02/14/12 16:13:44 ] Michael : Yes... but also he was the promary antagonist [02/14/12 16:13:51 ] Michael : Primary** [02/14/12 16:14:10 ] Kaylee : well my point is the moral was one that you were trying to express [02/14/12 16:14:16 ] Kaylee : so it was already your own idea [02/14/12 16:14:19 ] Kaylee : to begin with [02/14/12 16:14:21 ] Michael : Yep... [02/14/12 16:14:23 ] Michael : And Ben Ten [02/14/12 16:14:30 ] Michael : I was proud of that one... [02/14/12 16:14:50 ] Michael : I not only got to harm part of Tara Strong (Ben's voice) I got to hurt the Entire Tennyson Family becuase of Joel [02/14/12 16:15:25 ] Michael : You uh... haven't ever watched Ben Ten have you? [02/14/12 16:15:28 ] Kaylee : no... [02/14/12 16:15:40 ] Michael : And you don't know a thing about it other than what I just said? [02/14/12 16:15:46 ] Kaylee : I know he can turn into 10 aliens [02/14/12 16:15:50 ] Kaylee : that's about it [02/14/12 16:15:57 ] Michael : Well... I saw a wedding ep [02/14/12 16:16:01 ] Michael : and it burned my blood [02/14/12 16:16:07 ] Michael : So... I used it to my advantage [02/14/12 16:16:22 ] Michael : "A Dark and evil Alien force has decended upon the planet." [02/14/12 16:16:28 ] Michael : Is it Vilgax? [02/14/12 16:16:40 ] Michael : Is it the forever knights? [02/14/12 16:17:11 ] Michael : "I wish it were that simple. I'm afraid this new threat is far more treacherous than any of those forces could ever have hoped to be... [02/14/12 16:17:41 ] Michael : "Prepare yourselves ot face the evil Machalien Empire. It is the one force that could prove to be unstopabble" [02/14/12 16:17:41 ] Michael : ... [02/14/12 16:18:11 ] Kaylee : I'm guessing the wedding was ruined [02/14/12 16:18:14 ] Kaylee : just a shot in the dark [02/14/12 16:18:14 ] Michael : No... [02/14/12 16:18:17 ] Michael : this happens long after [02/14/12 16:18:21 ] Michael : About a year [02/14/12 16:18:39 ] Michael : Joel... Grandpa Maxes Nephew... and hsi wife cammile an Alien [02/14/12 16:18:58 ] Michael : Poor Joel is having nightmares about his friend... [02/14/12 16:19:18 ] Michael : But first... what are the Machaliens you may ask? [02/14/12 16:19:25 ] Kaylee : what are they [02/14/12 16:19:33 ] Michael : Well look at the name... [02/14/12 16:19:38 ] Michael : Machalien [02/14/12 16:19:41 ] Kaylee : robot aliens? [02/14/12 16:19:45 ] Michael : Correct [02/14/12 16:20:02 ] Michael : Aliens with Machine and Cybernetics built into their tissue which makes them stronger [02/14/12 16:20:10 ] Michael : Machine Aliens... The Machaliens [02/14/12 16:20:33 ] Michael : Their Leader... Count Dread [02/14/12 16:20:48 ] Michael : Joel HATES HIM [02/14/12 16:21:01 ] Michael : And really REALLY wants at him [02/14/12 16:21:07 ] Michael : ... [02/14/12 16:21:23 ] Michael : The last time Joel saw his friend alive (Mykan Farix) They had a fight [02/14/12 16:21:47 ] Michael : Unoticed by all... a canister fell over... [02/14/12 16:21:52 ] Michael : And when Joel left the lab... [02/14/12 16:21:55 ] Michael : BOOM!!! [02/14/12 16:22:24 ] Michael : And from the ashes... emerged Dread... Drenched in Mykan's blood [02/14/12 16:22:34 ] Michael : ... [02/14/12 16:23:14 ] Kaylee : so wait how does that connect to the wedding [02/14/12 16:23:17 ] Kaylee : I missed that part [02/14/12 16:23:36 ] Michael : IT doesn't [02/14/12 16:23:41 ] Michael : Not entriely... but... [02/14/12 16:23:50 ] Michael : I wnated Joel and Camile to be the victims [02/14/12 16:24:04 ] Michael : Since they were the bride and Groom [02/14/12 16:24:09 ] Kaylee : ohhhhhhhh ok [02/14/12 16:24:14 ] Michael : And also... [02/14/12 16:24:22 ] Michael : Dread didn't Kill Mykan at all [02/14/12 16:24:37 ] Michael : *Flutters eyebrows* [02/14/12 16:24:44 ] Kaylee : oooh [02/14/12 16:24:50 ] Michael : "Yes...!" [02/14/12 16:24:57 ] Michael : "I am what remains of Mykan Farix!!" [02/14/12 16:25:20 ] Michael : He and joel were like brothers... [02/14/12 16:25:35 ] Michael : they grew up together and became Plumber agents (Alien policemen) [02/14/12 16:25:57 ] Michael : Mykan was a scintist with a big heart, and had a dream that one day Humans aliens and machines could build peace together [02/14/12 16:26:38 ] Michael : But one day... his projects were all shut down, and all his research was confiscated, as it was deemed too dangerous. When he turned to Joel... it turned out that Joel and his Uncle Mx were behind it [02/14/12 16:26:45 ] Michael : THEY were forcing him out of job... [02/14/12 16:26:55 ] Michael : "How could you betray me like this" [02/14/12 16:27:07 ] Michael : They had a fight... Joel PUNCHED him... (The can fell over) [02/14/12 16:27:16 ] Michael : The lab epxloded [02/14/12 16:27:29 ] Michael : Mykan thinks Joel was responisble... [02/14/12 16:27:36 ] Michael : ... [02/14/12 16:27:55 ] Michael : "You thought you destroy me when you destroyed my labroatory. Well you almost did, but I survived" [02/14/12 16:28:15 ] Michael : I was injured beyond hope... barely alive... with my life fading fast... there was only one way I knew to survive" [02/14/12 16:28:49 ] Michael : "Had I remained in my human form, Iwould have perished for sure. So I rebuilt myself using what was left of the technology I had pinoneered" [02/14/12 16:29:15 ] Michael : I turned myself into the part human part alien part machine you see before you now, and I made a vow to one day GET REVENGE!!" [02/14/12 16:29:21 ] Michael : (GEH HEH HEH AH AH AH AH) [02/14/12 16:29:23 ] Michael : ... [02/14/12 16:29:26 ] Kaylee : wow that's dark [02/14/12 16:29:42 ] Michael : "Mmm! I waited long for this day" [02/14/12 16:29:51 ] Michael : All those years I showed you kindness... [02/14/12 16:30:12 ] Michael : "And then you turned on me when I needed you most. Well... today... the Doctor is going to give you some of your OWN medicine" [02/14/12 16:30:35 ] Michael : "I am going to slowly kill every single member of your entire family... including inlaws and close friends... and nayone else who gets in my way!" [02/14/12 16:30:36 ] Michael : ... [02/14/12 16:30:58 ] Kaylee : wow that is pretty harsh [02/14/12 16:31:04 ] Michael : And in the end... [02/14/12 16:31:20 ] Michael : While hanign onto him over a vortex... not letting him go Mykan doesn't care... [02/14/12 16:31:36 ] Michael : and DETACHED his mechanicl arm... falling int he votrex... Destroying him [02/14/12 16:31:54 ] Michael : HE chose to destroy himself instead of give Joel another chance and forgive him [02/14/12 16:31:57 ] Michael : He REALLY hated you [02/14/12 16:31:58 ] Michael : ... [02/14/12 16:32:13 ] Kaylee : brb [02/14/12 16:34:11 ] Kaylee : back [02/14/12 16:34:20 ] Michael : Sorry I got carried away again [02/14/12 16:34:23 ] Michael : I can't help myself [02/14/12 16:34:31 ] Kaylee : it's ok, now I know how the story goes [02/14/12 16:34:44 ] Kaylee : sounds pretty intense [02/14/12 16:34:58 ] Michael : That's how I like it... [02/14/12 16:35:08 ] Michael : It even gave me ideas for a Scooby Doo villian [02/14/12 16:35:19 ] Michael : So I can get at yet another of Tara Strongs characters... [02/14/12 16:35:26 ] Michael : Who actually happens to be mor elike me than ever [02/14/12 16:36:05 ] Michael : Meet one of my top crushes [02/14/12 16:36:08 ] Michael : http://scoobydoo.wikia.com/wiki/Trudy [02/14/12 16:36:09 ] Michael : Trudy [02/14/12 16:36:47 ] Kaylee : oh nice [02/14/12 16:36:54 ] Michael : She looks like Raven [02/14/12 16:37:08 ] Michael : Talks like her a little (As she is voiced by Tara Strong) [02/14/12 16:37:12 ] Kaylee : ah [02/14/12 16:37:18 ] Michael : She acts like her too [02/14/12 16:37:23 ] Michael : And the best part... [02/14/12 16:37:27 ] Michael : This really turned me on [02/14/12 16:37:44 ] Michael : "My parents tell me I should get out more. They say I spend too much time inside in front of the computer" [02/14/12 16:37:51 ] Michael : -Pretty [02/14/12 16:37:54 ] Michael : -Smart [02/14/12 16:37:55 ] Michael : -Dark [02/14/12 16:37:57 ] Michael : -Gothic [02/14/12 16:38:02 ] Michael : -Loves the computer [02/14/12 16:38:08 ] Michael : ..."I think I am in love" [02/14/12 16:38:14 ] Michael : ... [02/14/12 16:38:20 ] Michael : heheheh [02/14/12 16:38:28 ] Kaylee : your attitude towards love is confusing [02/14/12 16:38:33 ] Michael : Very! [02/14/12 16:39:01 ] Kaylee : well [02/14/12 16:39:05 ] Kaylee : I gotta go pretty soon [02/14/12 16:39:10 ] Kaylee : see you tomorrow tho [02/14/12 16:39:13 ] Kaylee : :P [02/14/12 16:39:27 ] Michael : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUNarjjzARA [02/14/12 16:39:27 ] Michael : okay