[09:40:19] Kaylee says: hi [09:40:26] Michael says: Hi... [09:40:37] Michael says: What's your Youtube name again? [09:40:43] Kaylee says: bubblesXdelight [09:40:47] Michael says: Ah ha... [09:40:51] Kaylee says: tho I havent been on youtube in a while [09:40:52] Kaylee says: how come? [09:41:08] Michael says: I know about Darkchan [09:41:18] Kaylee says: who's that [09:41:30] Michael says: http://www.darkchan.com/parse.php?site=789chan&board=cwc&thread=164920 [09:42:24] Michael says: And this too... [09:42:27] Michael says: Krapple 12/02/14(Tue)07:38 No. 169635 >>169579 oh almost forgot, this is my youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/bubblesXdelight?feature=mhee [09:42:34] Michael says: *Tapping foot* [09:42:40] Michael says: Somebody has some explaining to do... [09:43:21] Kaylee says: alright just give me a minute [09:46:26] Michael joins conversation [09:46:26] Michael says: . [09:47:45] Michael joins conversation [09:47:46] Kaylee says: alright [09:47:48] Kaylee says: well [09:48:07] Kaylee says: I guess there's no point in denying that I have been trolling at this point [09:48:21] Michael says: And plotting to hack me out it seems... [09:48:31] Michael says: and give me back my account in at least a week?! [09:49:05] Michael says: ... and people wonder why I say they're trying to kill me [09:49:19] Kaylee says: no one's trying to kill you [09:49:31] Michael says: Taking away my fiction and vids... will do JUST that [09:49:40] Michael says: it's all I know... all I have... and my only mean sof survival [09:50:22] Kaylee says: well... no one's goal was to kill you, is what I'm saying [09:50:37] Kaylee says: and really that doesn't sound like it would [09:50:54] Michael says: It will... [09:50:56] Michael says: especially... [09:51:00] Michael says: if I diliberatly do it... [09:51:44] Kaylee says: I know you're not going to be convinced but you really shouldn't treat these things like matters of life and death [09:52:03] Michael says: Really... [09:52:11] Michael says: That's what I rea din Darkchan [09:52:39] Michael says: Question: You people want me to be a productive member of society? [09:52:58] Kaylee says: yes, that would be nice I guess [09:53:09] Michael says: Question two [09:53:11] Michael says: .... [09:53:12] Michael says: ..... [09:53:18] Michael says: ....... ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!?!? [09:53:27] Kaylee says: yes [09:53:33] Michael says: *Panting* [09:53:35] Kaylee says: but that is a whole different can of worms [09:53:51] Michael says: I wouldn't eat a can of worms if I was an inch form starvation [09:53:58] Michael says: Society is not only dying... [09:54:15] Michael says: But a new part of me would gladly be the one to burry it so I can dance on it's grave and mock it [09:54:40] Michael says: There is nothing in society for me to gain... [09:54:46] Michael says: My dream is gone... [09:54:50] Michael says: Destroyed... [09:54:54] Michael says: Never to come back... [09:55:16] Michael says: All I can do now is continue to fight for Teen Titans and other badly ended shows... [09:56:08] Kaylee says: I guess that's how it's gonna be [09:56:19] Michael says: Well I don't have another choice... [09:56:29] Michael says: I read in your posts you were trying to get my password... [09:56:38] Michael says: And block me from entering my things... [09:56:47] Michael says: I'll let you know now... that wouldn't work [09:57:09] Michael says: I'd just stay in or on bed the whole day... [09:57:14] Michael says: Or most of it [09:58:14] Michael joins conversation [09:58:24] Kaylee says: I guess there's not much I can say at this point [09:58:54] Michael says: What exactly did you hope would come out of your blocking me out? [09:59:22] Kaylee says: a reaction basically [09:59:33] Michael says: So you're just like the rest [09:59:39] Michael says: You see me nothing as a tool... [10:00:06] Michael says: An old ratty ragdoll for you to pound ont he floor for your own amusement [10:00:42] Kaylee says: well we can't exactly do that anymore can we [10:00:46] Kaylee says: now that you've found the thread [10:00:54] Kaylee says: so, you win [10:00:59] Michael says: ... and you have succeeded in one thing... [10:01:15] Michael says: You Proved me more right! [10:02:31] Michael joins conversation [10:02:34] Kaylee says: well look on the bright side [10:02:39] Kaylee says: now no one can trick you again [10:02:46] Michael says: Wrong! [10:03:02] Michael says: DEAD... wrong! [10:04:01] Kaylee says: well they can try but I can't imagine you'd fall for it after this [10:04:36] Michael says: You... are the 4th person to LIE TO ME this year... [10:05:04] Michael says: You prooved me right as in... [10:05:08] Michael says: I can trust... NO ONE [10:05:14] Michael says: And Friendship is a game for fools! [10:05:24] Kaylee says: no one on the internet anyway [10:05:36] Michael says: Not the internet... [10:05:38] Michael says: EVERYWHERE [10:05:48] Michael says: There is no just a little... [10:05:54] Michael says: There is no most of it... [10:05:59] Michael says: There is no half and half [10:06:16] Michael says: It's ALL... or Nothing [10:06:19] Michael says: You understand? [10:06:30] Kaylee says: yeah I think so [10:06:37] Michael says: You really hit a new low [10:07:17] Michael says: IT's bad enough you trolls and mockers are are already low down... but you constantly keep trying to force other people UNDER you [10:07:34] Kaylee says: yup, you got us [10:08:30] Kaylee says: anyways... I guess there's no use arguing or whatever at this point [10:08:35] Kaylee says: so I guess this is goodbye [10:08:45] Michael says: Just tell me why? [10:08:49] Michael says: Why do you mock? [10:08:52] Michael says: Why do you try and kill? [10:09:05] Kaylee says: no one's trying to kill anyone [10:09:10] Michael says: But you are... [10:09:15] Michael says: Think about it... [10:09:20] Michael says: you're not killing a body... [10:09:26] Michael says: But you are killing... [10:09:38] Michael says: Dreams... self confidence... hope... and various other means [10:09:46] Michael says: All... [10:09:49] Kaylee says: I thought you gave up on those a long time ago anyway [10:09:51] Michael says: for the WRONG... reasons [10:09:55] Michael says: Because of you [10:10:13] Michael says: The main reason I gave up on these things are because of people like you! [10:11:02] Kaylee says: we mostly do it because of your reaction, tbh [10:11:06] Kaylee says: anyways I gtg