T 1344039730 * Zyklon (Mibbit@lsn-co0fs5.elisa-laajakaista.fi) has joined #rika T 1344039737 * mib_5qfg2n (Mibbit@lsn-np3e46.otecom.net) has joined #rika T 1344039738 cool sajoin lol T 1344039743 * herp (Mibbit@lsn-jok0lg.client.mchsi.com) has joined #rika T 1344039751 did I miss anyone T 1344039751 Ohhh shit T 1344039768 * SeanieB has changed the topic to: Private Channel T 1344039770 Maybe bring Terrance in? T 1344039784 who the fuck is terrance? T 1344039787 ^ T 1344039799 He's a pretty cool dude, I've worked with him on this webcomic we're trying to get off the ground. T 1344039835 the rika one or the gary gears T 1344039837 He does the character designs, i write the scripts. T 1344039846 Gary Gears. I don T 1344039847 who's mib itc? T 1344039853 't make the Rika comic. T 1344039876 mib_5qfg2n: who are you T 1344039886 givin' ya 30 T 1344039889 That's Vladimir who makes the Rika comic. T 1344039893 * mib_5qfg2n (Mibbit@lsn-np3e46.otecom.net) has left #rika T 1344039911 * SeanieB sets mode -i #rika T 1344039914 ...right T 1344039930 can't keep up with all these namefags T 1344039948 Bring Terrance in, i want him to see this shit. T 1344039957 who the fuck is Terrance? T 1344039961 damnit T 1344039966 I got fucked over by the wordfilter T 1344039986 I told you, we're working on a Webcomic together. T 1344039997 http://us7.chatzy.com/82895994745539 made this if his retarded phone cant get in to IRC T 1344039998 lol which filter> T 1344040034 SeanieB, can you do me a solid and let Terrance in? T 1344040051 * Terrance (Mibbit@lsn-0r53lk.sub-174-229-129.myvzw.com) has joined #rika T 1344040075 Aw shit yeah. Hey Terrance. T 1344040085 * ChanServ sets mode +r #rika T 1344040085 * ChanServ sets mode +q #rika SeanieB T 1344040086 * joecracker (Mibbit@lsn-i3raqi.ok.shawcable.net) has joined #rika T 1344040090 * SeanieB sets mode +m #rika T 1344040102 * SeanieB gives voice to Zyklon WhoreosNMilf Terrance joecracker introMAN789 Homor herp T 1344040107 who are you joecracker T 1344040111 hello brothers T 1344040112 do you need to be here? T 1344040122 i'm making a deal with rika T 1344040125 this guy need to be here? T 1344040128 no T 1344040131 * dorminay (Mibbit@lsn-au45m9.vt.comcast.net) has joined #rika T 1344040136 * SeanieB sets ban on *!Mibbit@lsn-i3raqi.ok.shawcable.net T 1344040136 * SeanieB has kicked joecracker from #rika (Your behavior is not conducive to the desired environment.) T 1344040144 dorminay: who you T 1344040154 Shit, this feels like a 4th of July party. T 1344040166 * SeanieB gives voice to dorminay T 1344040167 who you T 1344040168 4th of JULAY indeed T 1344040185 I'm just a guy T 1344040196 this is meant to be private, you can go over to #789 though T 1344040199 we need some balloons to celebrate, mylar balloons, not those fucking latex ones T 1344040202 * SeanieB sets ban on *!Mibbit@lsn-au45m9.vt.comcast.net T 1344040202 * SeanieB has kicked dorminay from #rika (Your behavior is not conducive to the desired environment.) T 1344040211 * quibbit (Mibbit@lsn-vo6t4g.east.verizon.net) has joined #rika T 1344040220 * SeanieB gives voice to quibbit T 1344040223 who you T 1344040229 you may be rika T 1344040230 are you rika T 1344040232 this is rika. honest T 1344040232 did someone post a link to this channel or some shit? T 1344040236 I did T 1344040237 change my name T 1344040241 thus the voice filter T 1344040252 Type "/Nick [name" T 1344040255 and im not posting porn or some time stamp shit T 1344040267 i dont want more ed fodder T 1344040281 take a pic of the apartment than. we need proof T 1344040289 im only talking money. not discracing my rep further T 1344040290 btw, when am I getting my ED article? You promised to write one about me. T 1344040337 introman, im fucking giving you money if you need proof. or whoever. just take it all down T 1344040347 money goes to seanie. T 1344040356 I'm getting fucked over with work right now T 1344040361 so my poverty is your oppurtunity T 1344040379 How much are you willing to offer Mr. B, Rika? T 1344040383 we want free Big Macs Rika , give us coupons T 1344040383 what are you going to do for me and at what cost T 1344040410 i dont work at fucking mcdonalds T 1344040416 we will cease editing the ed article . we will make sure that google cant find the /l/ threads and i promise not to continue my campaign against you. T 1344040420 i dont know who the hell started that T 1344040423 * poopsex (Mibbit@lsn-9hg9fh.bethere.co.uk) has joined #rika T 1344040435 300 to seanies bank account will get you that T 1344040440 than what top corporation are you employed at? T 1344040462 you're not tracking me down through it so no T 1344040483 i dont work at some greasy fast food joint though so stfu T 1344040484 It's Walmart T 1344040489 true and honest info T 1344040506 http://i.imgur.com/NO5XO.jpg T 1344040507 srs T 1344040512 you guys need to do something about ed T 1344040526 slowly syphon out the personal information T 1344040531 * SeanieB sets ban on *!Mibbit@lsn-9hg9fh.bethere.co.uk T 1344040531 * SeanieB has kicked poopsex from #rika (Your behavior is not conducive to the desired environment.) T 1344040533 Do you know how Encyclopedia Dramatica works? T 1344040551 * Omega (Mibbit@lsn-i6m7lv.ri.cox.net) has joined #rika T 1344040557 you wrote it, you can take it down. nobody gives a shit T 1344040558 * SeanieB gives channel operator status to Omega T 1344040566 But that's wrong T 1344040571 40,000 hits is a lot of ad revenue T 1344040571 true and honest omega itc T 1344040584 your hitting a log numbers. T 1344040586 you're T 1344040587 tell me who on the internet cares other than you people? T 1344040594 So, may I ask, are you done with DOXing me? I wanna hear more info about myself. T 1344040601 You, for instance T 1344040602 so /cwc/ people reloaded your ED page 40,000 times? T 1344040606 anyone visiting ED it would seem T 1344040617 you are not only an lolcow but a cashcow. ED sells ads , and some guy made a comic based on you that he sells T 1344040619 so /cwc/ people reloaded your ED page 40,000 times? T 1344040622 oops T 1344040627 * quibbit is now known as rikay T 1344040637 yeah, you bring cash to the ED folks T 1344040645 * rikay is now known as RStiles T 1344040645 there's a bot on LSN called "rika T 1344040647 so T 1344040649 I cant give you rika T 1344040649 lol T 1344040655 based on higuarasi T 1344040657 * krebbit (Mibbit@lsn-5dbaac.ca.charter.com) has joined #rika T 1344040674 * SeanieB sets ban on *!Mibbit@lsn-5dbaac.ca.charter.com T 1344040674 * SeanieB has kicked krebbit from #rika (seriously, private channel) T 1344040684 there is not someobody making a comic of me. that was a fucking troll T 1344040732 tell that to the profits he made T 1344040733 but you realize once I pay you I have to disapear. so delete all logs of me on this site along with my real name T 1344040746 except EncyclopediaDramatica T 1344040750 http://i.imgur.com/NO5XO.jpg you saw this, right? T 1344040765 btw, curiousity T 1344040773 what inspired you to use the name rika? T 1344040783 Rika sounds awfully masculine to me T 1344040794 It's a female Japanese name. T 1344040794 I know a couple of guys named Riku, perhaps that's why T 1344040801 the only rika I know is a homicidal little girl from the anime T 1344040803 was it Riku from the Final Fantasy games? T 1344040807 show me this comic. we're not basing my entire worth on it T 1344040814 I think Riku is a unisex name. T 1344040825 and Rika la rouge. look her up T 1344040826 * mib_8rf60i (Mibbit@lsn-dr7vkt.il.comcast.net) has joined #rika T 1344040839 I thought Riku was the big muscular man from street fighter, or is that Ryu T 1344040851 * mib_8rf60i is now known as derp T 1344040853 that's ryu T 1344040857 * SeanieB sets ban on *!Mibbit@lsn-dr7vkt.il.comcast.net T 1344040857 * SeanieB has kicked derp from #rika (Your behavior is not conducive to the desired environment.) T 1344040865 Yep, that's Ryu alright. T 1344040868 ryu sounds like the street fighter one T 1344040877 gais, 'tism T 1344040878 ryu is the haduken guy T 1344040885 I like that big Sumo Guy because his slap attack is OP. T 1344040890 slow typing more like T 1344040899 but yeah T 1344040901 seriously T 1344040904 oh, oh, Robb T 1344040904 so do you want more in your bank account. this is technically blackmail but im willing to agree to it T 1344040913 RStiles: I'm willing to make a deal because of my shit situation T 1344040919 you brought it back up T 1344040920 It's my birthday, and this is a wonderful present you've given me. The gift of laughter T 1344040922 I'm willing to accept T 1344040927 not blackmail, since we're doing nothing illegal for the money. T 1344040930 it's not blackmail if you offered bro T 1344040932 just assholes. T 1344040938 it isn't black mail T 1344040940 which is a title i'm willing to accept. T 1344040945 you've been throwing money at us for quite a while T 1344040945 you made the offer not us T 1344040954 * SeanieB gives channel operator status to WhoreosNMilf T 1344040970 so you peer pressured me in. it was either this or nudes T 1344040970 WhoreosNMilf: you wanna help kickbanning people that join and shouldnt be T 1344040978 'k T 1344040979 and with the latter i will never be able to work again T 1344040981 * mib_jq25nj (Mibbit@lsn-g2lfoc.tx.comcast.net) has joined #rika T 1344040996 * SeanieB sets ban on *!Mibbit@lsn-g2lfoc.tx.comcast.net T 1344040996 * SeanieB has kicked mib_jq25nj from #rika (Your behavior is not conducive to the desired environment.) T 1344040997 * WhoreosNMilf sets ban on mib_jq25nj!*@* T 1344041000 lol T 1344041003 lol T 1344041014 haven't used that function in forever T 1344041017 Just make sure you're hot so no one can recognize you T 1344041018 So Rika, did daddy and mommy cut off the tugboat? How will you pay us without their cash T 1344041041 i'm paying you with my OWN money T 1344041048 so STFU T 1344041074 I have only asked my parents for money when I really needed it. T 1344041081 you dont know half the story T 1344041081 now now, you're in no position to tell us to shut up T 1344041086 * yaluj (Mibbit@lsn-54t.c5q.115.87.IP) has joined #rika T 1344041089 tell us the story. T 1344041091 like to buy your own troll forum board? T 1344041101 herp shut the fuck up. T 1344041103 like paying thousands of dollars to hack net? T 1344041104 WhoreosNMilf: /kb is faster T 1344041106 * SeanieB sets ban on *!Mibbit@lsn-jok0lg.client.mchsi.com T 1344041107 * SeanieB has kicked herp from #rika (Your behavior is not conducive to the desired environment.) T 1344041115 good point T 1344041126 * SeanieB sets ban on *!Mibbit@lsn-54t.c5q.115.87.IP T 1344041126 * SeanieB has kicked yaluj from #rika (Your behavior is not conducive to the desired environment.) T 1344041134 THAT was a birthday present. like your parents never bought you people anything T 1344041144 * governermarkspitzer (Mibbit@lsn-m8nk2b.fios.verizon.net) has joined #rika T 1344041146 * RobertWayneStiles (Mibbit@lsn-m3qn0k.east.verizon.net) has joined #rika T 1344041147 your such fucking saints T 1344041154 * SeanieB sets ban on *!Mibbit@lsn-m8nk2b.fios.verizon.net T 1344041154 * SeanieB has kicked governermarkspitzer from #rika (Your behavior is not conducive to the desired environment.) T 1344041155 oh, mad burn there bro T 1344041158 Third Street Saints, Mo fo' T 1344041166 compared to somebody who stalked a porn star and harrassed them for years. T 1344041168 yea we are. T 1344041171 ...video game joke. T 1344041173 * SeanieB sets ban on *!Mibbit@lsn-m3qn0k.east.verizon.net T 1344041173 * SeanieB has kicked RobertWayneStiles from #rika (Your behavior is not conducive to the desired environment.) T 1344041191 I also volunteer to help the elderly T 1344041197 hey chauvanist, you just want women to dress skimpily for you T 1344041198 Trolls are pretty nice if you get to know them. T 1344041201 RStiles: I grew up in a single parent home T 1344041204 my father is an alcoholic T 1344041210 maybe we just lock the channel now? kb doesn't work for me and idk why T 1344041213 hey retard. they're more than just xx's. T 1344041216 * SeanieB sets mode +i #rika T 1344041221 they're love interests T 1344041228 RStiles: if you get disconnected T 1344041234 bump the thread so I can unlock the channel T 1344041241 * SeanieB removes ban on *!Mibbit@lsn-i3raqi.ok.shawcable.net T 1344041241 * SeanieB removes ban on *!Mibbit@lsn-au45m9.vt.comcast.net T 1344041241 * SeanieB removes ban on *!Mibbit@lsn-9hg9fh.bethere.co.uk T 1344041241 * SeanieB removes ban on *!Mibbit@lsn-5dbaac.ca.charter.com T 1344041241 * SeanieB removes ban on *!Mibbit@lsn-dr7vkt.il.comcast.net T 1344041241 * SeanieB removes ban on *!Mibbit@lsn-g2lfoc.tx.comcast.net T 1344041241 * SeanieB removes ban on mib_jq25nj!*@* T 1344041241 * SeanieB removes ban on *!Mibbit@lsn-jok0lg.client.mchsi.com T 1344041241 * SeanieB removes ban on *!Mibbit@lsn-54t.c5q.115.87.IP T 1344041241 * SeanieB removes ban on *!Mibbit@lsn-m8nk2b.fios.verizon.net T 1344041242 * SeanieB removes ban on *!Mibbit@lsn-m3qn0k.east.verizon.net T 1344041248 Robbie...you know us national socialists support traditional gender roles, right? T 1344041259 but it's real nice and thoughtful you got mad for me, thanks for that T 1344041263 but I really don't mind T 1344041282 I just wanna make it explicitly clear: I'm not a national socialist. T 1344041283 you're jsut a cunt who thinks of people like me as competition T 1344041293 LOL T 1344041303 you think someone with 2 genders is going to steal your men T 1344041308 and we just might will T 1344041318 Robbie T 1344041318 da fuck T 1344041323 Nice T 1344041324 you are delusional as fuck T 1344041327 You are hideous, no one wants to fuck you T 1344041337 dat delusion T 1344041346 shut up zyklon. you think your edgy and hot but i'm laughing T 1344041348 Two genders? Can't you only have one? T 1344041350 You are a virgin, aren't you? Loveshy, frustrated one T 1344041362 yeah, rite, and you're the one who wanted to kill us all. real edgy brah T 1344041363 oh so alpha arent we? T 1344041371 I mean, unless you're a hermaphrodite. T 1344041384 playing the i'm not a vigin card T 1344041391 but even then you're technically one gender with some extra stuff on it. T 1344041392 I don't think robbays a hermie though T 1344041406 Robbie isn't alright in the head T 1344041413 this is just sexual harrasment to the ninth degree T 1344041414 clearly T 1344041424 oh man T 1344041426 XD T 1344041429 oh man T 1344041431 And Robert, you've told many times how you want the trolls to get raped in prison T 1344041432 so yeah T 1344041434 i mean you break just about every law of tolerance T 1344041438 this just get's funnier T 1344041441 You ever see that one episode of House with that really slutty pop singer, and then it turns out she has a tiny pair of balls inside her? T 1344041447 Robbie, why do you think your laws affect you? T 1344041449 I called so much bullshit on that one. T 1344041460 Homor, at least he was way better looking than Robb T 1344041486 I actually do know that one T 1344041489 Have you seen that episode too? 'Cause it was a female actress. T 1344041497 Yeah T 1344041499 RStiles: so do you subscribe to the model of mental and physical gender or what T 1344041502 I used to be real in to House before i lost my cable. T 1344041508 HOMOR T 1344041511 DO THIS SHIT IN #789 T 1344041512 srs T 1344041514 gonna kick you out T 1344041519 * SeanieB has kicked Homor from #rika (Your behavior is not conducive to the desired environment.) T 1344041525 * SeanieB has kicked Terrance from #rika (Your behavior is not conducive to the desired environment.) T 1344041539 can we just can this shit. i am gender queer, that is final. I don't think I'm a man or a woman T 1344041546 and i go both ways. end of story T 1344041549 It's cool T 1344041554 but the rest of us think you're a man T 1344041559 I apologize for homor's aspergers of hte mouth T 1344041561 cool story bro T 1344041583 lol T 1344041587 oh we're internet trolls. grow the fuck up T 1344041592 Oh yeah, Robb, tell how all your trolls hate women, it was a real cool story T 1344041612 "Grow the fuck up" - coming from Robert "mean internet ruined my life" Stiles T 1344041628 "grow up" T 1344041628 so T 1344041631 I gave you the url T 1344041639 you wanna send me money and I'll do what intro said T 1344041640 said the 24 year old whos parents pay for their rent T 1344041643 and we're done T 1344041656 this is just a firing squad of retardation. give me your paypal email seanieb T 1344041662 admin@lostsignalweb.com T 1344041690 im going to consider putting a larger investment in it. T 1344041694 can you do anything else T 1344041701 like off of 789? T 1344041704 possibly T 1344041706 Like what? T 1344041711 rika you should come on tinychat T 1344041714 I'm the one who got your article promoted T 1344041714 like seriously T 1344041715 on ED T 1344041718 ED and possible troll doxes T 1344041719 via connections T 1344041731 doxes a no-go T 1344041731 What about troll doxes? T 1344041739 what connections? T 1344041743 how's that antifa friend of yours? T 1344041756 can't dox trolls T 1344041760 may be able to work on ed T 1344041764 rika you know antifas a gang of hypocritical losers right? T 1344041766 that's all i can manage T 1344041778 who in the wolverines did things and treys dox as he's a philly troll T 1344041801 and any other scum that lurks around philly trying to stalk me and my friends T 1344041804 so Robb, when are the jerkops gonna drag me to USA? T 1344041825 zyklon im glad social justice pwned you T 1344041832 :3 T 1344041838 we are fast frien because we have a common enemy T 1344041839 go on and tell me how my life was ruined T 1344041848 so T 1344041849 Just like you I cry myself to sleep, obviously T 1344041852 wait, when did sj pwn someone? T 1344041855 do you still think I'm homophobic RStiles T 1344041860 do you think I hate myself T 1344041861 you are look like a 7 year girl trying to be edgy T 1344041876 at least I have a real gun :3 T 1344041881 i have nothing wrong with homos seanie. i am bi T 1344041882 >social justice working on the internet ever T 1344041883 lol T 1344041889 I know... T 1344041896 you kept telling me I was homophobic though T 1344041899 then I came out to /cwc/ T 1344041908 do you still wanna call me a homophobe? T 1344041915 yeah, /cwc/ is mad tolerant T 1344041935 mostly mad T 1344041940 even when someone thought I was a tranny they were cool with it T 1344041954 zyklon just wants to be facist because she thinks its EDGY T 1344041960 /cwc/ loves minorities, not retards T 1344041966 its not. its just pathetic T 1344041973 lol T 1344041982 nobody is a nazi anymore for a reason T 1344041985 * SeanieB sets ban on *!Mibbit@lsn-i6m7lv.ri.cox.net T 1344041985 * SeanieB has kicked Omega from #rika (Your behavior is not conducive to the desired environment.) T 1344041993 I have something for you RStiles T 1344041995 this doesnt leave this room T 1344041996 and you can't become powerful through it anymroe T 1344041998 omega is on thin ice T 1344042003 and he's been doxed T 1344042006 RStiles, you're an American. We have several nazi parties in Russia. T 1344042006 if you're interested T 1344042010 cool ignorance bro T 1344042013 I'd be willing to make a deal T 1344042027 he didnt play a role in anything i just thought he did T 1344042045 you're going to send me fake shit though. T 1344042055 why would I kick him out T 1344042056 Omega riled us up and told us how trannies think. T 1344042065 we were able to use that against you T 1344042066 from all that /tc/ drama T 1344042066 and if not, give me a screen cap and jsut black out his name T 1344042070 this is what happened T 1344042097 what did he say. i dont have any part in your personal shit T 1344042109 im trying to get my life back on track. thank you T 1344042114 he basically fucked up hard as a mod in the middle of drama shit T 1344042122 and if you're interested that's all I can offer you T 1344042130 i want a screen cap at least. T 1344042139 screen cap of what T 1344042185 either his fb with the name taken out or what he said about people like me. T 1344042196 I can give you his FB T 1344042238 but he really didnt engineer anything. T 1344042253 what im doing is trying to help me T 1344042269 I never really fully understood this one T 1344042285 if you want trolling to continue and no threads in /L/, why do you come back and create more threads? T 1344042294 it's...counterproductive, to say the least T 1344042333 this is the only contact with trolls since i destroyed the rest of my webspace. thanks to you T 1344042346 and i admit i have anger issues T 1344042350 But you destroyed it yourself. T 1344042352 so... T 1344042357 hows the fake facebook going ? robert blehh T 1344042364 the one you tried to friend me with T 1344042369 i admit my blood boils over at the thought of everything that had wrong me T 1344042387 Wraith sure is a name with power T 1344042395 I shit my panties every time I hear it T 1344042402 im done with this. im done. T 1344042418 Well, guess, enjoy your threads then, Robert T 1344042428 or... T 1344042432 simply pay Sean. T 1344042441 i feel like a shot of herion goes through my veins everytime i see that fucking page T 1344042442 that's what you wanted, right? T 1344042465 So metaphorically you are addicted to the ED page? T 1344042472 neat T 1344042477 i'm just saying. you wanted this. you wanted to wrong me T 1344042482 makes me really feel I've made all the difference T 1344042495 we just laugh at you, bro T 1344042503 can't stand it, don't come to /cwc/ T 1344042506 you're a special person for sure T 1344042516 but of course I am happy you've returned to entertain us 14 times. T 1344042530 i would murder all of you if i had the chance T 1344042535 :3 T 1344042538 now who's edgy T 1344042552 be thankful you're all yellow T 1344042567 wut T 1344042569 wat T 1344042577 I'm white as a fucking bedsheet T 1344042582 feels aryan man T 1344042593 i mean cowardly you dumpasses T 1344042599 well, cruzetor is yellow T 1344042602 uhu T 1344042602 thank god you cant come in to william way or i would report that to the police. T 1344042610 you told you'll kill us, yet you've done nothing T 1344042620 we've said we laugh at you, and we've kept OUR promise T 1344042625 me and my friends. you'll see T 1344042627 so who's the coward here T 1344042635 also, isn't it funny Robb T 1344042646 we both have been doxed, yet I don't cry myself to sleep T 1344042657 you handle these things very poorly, Robert Wayne Stiles T 1344042664 i'll take a glock and ram it down your cunt, zyklon T 1344042674 At least I have one. T 1344042677 you jelly brah T 1344042700 the fuck is that seanie T 1344042709 you wanted a fb screenshot, right? T 1344042720 i dont want a cunt anymore. T 1344042728 how do i know that's him T 1344042742 and why are you so eager to sell him out? T 1344042763 Robert, normal men don't drool over dicks. T 1344042781 i told you i'm bu T 1344042784 *bi T 1344042802 And judging by your past luck with women, I can tell you they don't either T 1344042804 sean answer my question T 1344042825 omega brought tranny drama to the board T 1344042826 and I am one so here's my true and honest opinion of you: solid 0/10 would not T 1344042827 we don't need that T 1344042839 why do you want me to attack omega. T 1344042847 your kind has ruined our board and way of life T 1344042847 im not your pet doberman T 1344042859 Robert is never happy. T 1344042863 yea. dobermans have better personality and dental hygiene T 1344042871 you have ruined my way of life so we're equal friend T 1344042871 and they are loyal friends T 1344042892 im not going to attack some tranny for you. end of story T 1344042936 zyklon, i'd skin in a second. i'm glad she is never setting foot in the us T 1344042944 actually she is T 1344042963 so come at me bro T 1344042978 you'll continue to hide, as always T 1344042993 because you secretly fear that i will do something T 1344042994 Robert T 1344043010 Robert, Robert, Robert T 1344043013 always so delusional T 1344043023 Vladislava, you are just as delusional T 1344043032 not really. i just dont want my girls perception of americans to be ugly freaks with personality disorders. T 1344043033 you are skinny stick, you don't even own a firearm, you couldn't physically kill anyone T 1344043057 im am so happy you've been doxed. becuuse now i know you're insecure T 1344043063 I have always wanted to visit Novo Deveevo Orthodox Convent in NY T 1344043080 Yes, I am insecure and cry tears of rage... T 1344043085 and have hot flashes T 1344043096 and i've been working out now. all part of my plan T 1344043103 really, the only thing that has changed is you know the name of your troll, which I am okay with T 1344043117 hot flashes suck T 1344043135 and i know your face. so you can't pretend your top shit SS aryan man T 1344043157 Funny thing, I know your face too. T 1344043160 and it ain't pretty : ( T 1344043190 hormones can't get facial structure like yours. rika needs some surgery T 1344043198 your words, butterface. resorting to simple insults T 1344043206 master troll T 1344043213 High Warlord Wraith T 1344043240 you think that someone like me could steal a man from you T 1344043251 thats where the hatred stems from T 1344043258 but Robert, you have admitted you cry because of your ED page, you are depressed, have mental problems. T 1344043266 yes, I think you will steal men from me, uhu T 1344043285 what sort of man wouldn't want you? T 1344043314 so are you. you are spewing bullshit into the internet's cess pool T 1344043327 go on T 1344043331 and sean get back here. tell me why you want me to stalk omega T 1344043333 she has a man you crossdressing freak. T 1344043337 im not. T 1344043346 the internet cesspool is 4chan, everything else is just swamp T 1344043363 And unlike you, not everyone who uses internet is a depressed basement dweller T 1344043375 i could fuckin seduce her man. i've been compared to mila jovovich in terms of looks T 1344043379 i didn't make fun of you when adf and you had that more than friends relationship. T 1344043385 HHAHAHAAAHHAHA T 1344043397 Also Milla is West Slav scum T 1344043412 by who? Your imaginary friend? T 1344043412 he just flirted with me. not the other way around T 1344043432 more like a fashion designer T 1344043441 not what i've heard. some yaoi stuff hapened. T 1344043458 was there paddle? T 1344043474 just shut up. i said im bi T 1344043506 Robert is getting twice less as a bi T 1344043530 RStiles: you still want proof? T 1344043590 alright sean. he's an ugly hippy how is that a crime? T 1344043617 so you dont care then? T 1344043634 i'll pay you for the the stuff on the website but i dont think i can help with your personal probs T 1344043670 Wouldn't it be fun, Robert, we could troll trannies together :3 T 1344043730 no fucking bitch. you set foot in the city limits and i'll dig into your ribs T 1344043742 tut tut T 1344043753 you'll never get a woman if you act like that T 1344043760 (just a protip) T 1344043769 im serious. i'll tie your tubes with a boxcutter T 1344043774 you're acting like a big shot now but you were scared shitless about ADF getting an arsenal. T 1344043774 RStiles: lol are you fucking kidding me T 1344043777 thats how much i hate you T 1344043791 Now who's misogynist? T 1344043833 give me your email one more time, sean. im making an account T 1344043868 im not a misogynist, you act like you're an innocent lamb T 1344043868 Hey Robert, tell me about Wolverinaaaaayy's heinous crimes T 1344043902 they all hate you too. they think you're a laughable cunt T 1344043906 but Intro is, then? T 1344043920 * SeanieB removes ban on *!Mibbit@lsn-i6m7lv.ri.cox.net T 1344043931 d'aww, that made me really insecure, how can I sleep knowing a tranny gang doesn't like me : ( T 1344043932 RStiles: admin@lostsignalweb.com T 1344043941 oh wait T 1344043944 if you do anything stupid T 1344043951 I swear every internet dumbass will see everything T 1344043965 We've actually joined OMON in breaking Gay Prides, so there're plenty of trannies who don't like me T 1344043970 I am okay with this :3 T 1344043974 * omega (Mibbit@lsn-i6m7lv.ri.cox.net) has joined #rika T 1344043975 what are you the internet vigliante, sean? T 1344043987 insurance T 1344043996 insurance against the chargeback button T 1344044031 it will take a bit to consider paying you're ransom because you're a fucking troll T 1344044044 but if you're true and honest...i'll pay T 1344044047 * SeanieB gives voice to omega T 1344044053 shut up furyan. you got yourself in to this shit. get yourself out T 1344044056 Doesn't really bother us if the thread stay up. T 1344044060 I'm honest, but I gotta cover my ass T 1344044069 ugly hippy eh? T 1344044070 lol T 1344044106 as long as you condone any future interactions between me and the stonecutters sean, i will not pull shit on you T 1344044120 omega, i know you're in on this T 1344044139 basically T 1344044140 so i dont care that sean is trying to get me to hack you or some shit T 1344044141 btw, we posted your ED article to hack net, hope you don't mind T 1344044142 I will remain honest T 1344044144 as long as you do T 1344044148 so you're not a complete mongoloid T 1344044150 congrats T 1344044150 a compromise of will T 1344044170 you can't report me to the feds or anything T 1344044179 how would I even be able to do that T 1344044185 wut T 1344044186 not to hard to do. T 1344044191 this is also black label communications T 1344044205 all of this irc is on servers I own and there's no way any weird 3rd parties could listen T 1344044227 fine. but i'm just warning all stonecutters who come into philly. i can't guarentee your safety T 1344044243 Sean, i'm making my decision in three days. goodbye T 1344044247 Robert, that doesn't really work because we've seen your pics and know how you are T 1344044256 a skinny tranny T 1344044261 utterly unthreatening T 1344044266 I think I'll make it out alive. T 1344044277 * RStiles has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) T 1344044287 Well that was fun T 1344044287 * SeanieB sets mode -i #rika T 1344044306 anyone saved the entire chat? T 1344044306 quite T 1344044309 I got it T 1344044315 good job T 1344044316 to bad the trol didn't work T 1344044380 * kek (Mibbit@lsn-1m19lc.eastlink.ca) has joined #rika T 1344044394 so seanie, what are your thoughts on the current state of /cwc/? T 1344044409 lol T 1344044432 so post the chat to /cwc/ or link it, let someone else post it? T 1344044454 my irc client fucked up, I only have back to when homor got kicked out T 1344044454 ffs T 1344044501 well...someone else then? T 1344044504 * squiggy (Mibbit@lsn-au45m9.vt.comcast.net) has joined #rika T 1344044527 shit T 1344044546 I have more than that, but it still got cut off T 1344044558 I have from 3:52 T 1344044560 * squiggy has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) T 1344044574 than what top corporation are you employed at? T 1344044580 that's where mine begins T 1344044593 good enough, almost from the beginning T 1344044621 lemme check my scrollback folder though, I think xchat saves more than it lets you scroll through T 1344044634 neat T 1344044677 sweet, the whole thing is there T 1344044689 yeah T 1344044690 augh yeah fokes T 1344044691 thx T 1344044695 my client fucked up T 1344044699 it's supposed to log everything T 1344044701 but it's just stopped T 1344044804 WhoreosNMilf: upload the chatlog somewhere T 1344044806 so I can edit stuff out T 1344044807 and post it T 1344044811 plz and thank you T 1344044827 * RStiles (Mibbit@lsn-vo6t4g.east.verizon.net) has joined #rika T 1344044872 * mib_o09atz (Mibbit@lsn-i3raqi.ok.shawcable.net) has joined #rika T 1344044877 oh shit T 1344044886 * SeanieB gives voice to RStiles T 1344044892 * mib_nbp6uv (Mibbit@lsn-i3raqi.ok.shawcable.net) has joined #rika T 1344044896 hi rob T 1344044903 hay there rikay T 1344044905 * mib_o09atz has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) T 1344044908 * SeanieB sets ban on *!Mibbit@lsn-1m19lc.eastlink.ca T 1344044908 * SeanieB has kicked kek from #rika (mib_nbp6uv) T 1344044909 sean i forgot to ask. how much do you want T 1344044913 300 T 1344044921 that works for me T 1344044929 and that is for... T 1344044948 making sure that the threads are inaccessible and out of goggle listings T 1344044950 i mean, i dont want to blackmail marina because hes got nothing on me T 1344044960 how about they get deleted T 1344044963 lol T 1344044963 * dr_bibble (Mibbit@lsn-au45m9.vt.comcast.net) has joined #rika T 1344044977 well, whatelse does "inaccessible" mean :P T 1344044979 marina you are dumb T 1344044991 how so? T 1344044994 i hate the way you are wording it T 1344044998 ,sean T 1344045007 You should trust Robert, he is expert on acting smart T 1344045008 they'll be gone and I'll delist them from the cache T 1344045012 what more do you want T 1344045020 i want them gone. none of this fine print shit T 1344045022 hoe am I dumb? T 1344045026 *how T 1344045038 plz elaborate T 1344045051 is that good enough? T 1344045064 because you are given privellages and get the boards admin to dox you to someone he hates T 1344045070 that is for marina T 1344045091 and sean, the threads are being permantly deleted or no T 1344045093 aw fuck what? T 1344045111 yes T 1344045116 * popo (Mibbit@lsn-8ipb1g.no.cox.net) has joined #rika T 1344045124 * SeanieB has kicked popo from #rika (Your behavior is not conducive to the desired environment.) T 1344045125 * SeanieB has kicked dr_bibble from #rika (Your behavior is not conducive to the desired environment.) T 1344045127 * SeanieB has kicked mib_nbp6uv from #rika (Your behavior is not conducive to the desired environment.) T 1344045136 fine. but why the fuck do you want me to dox omega? T 1344045144 I DONT NEED YOU TO T 1344045145 seanie wtf? T 1344045147 YOU WANTED DOX T 1344045152 god are you really that thick T 1344045161 That's our Robert! T 1344045165 Returned 14 times T 1344045166 WHAT THE FUCK SEANIE T 1344045168 FUCK YOU T 1344045170 yeah but he's just a random asshole on the internet T 1344045179 * omega has quit (G-Lined: gtfo) T 1344045190 inb4 JULAAY T 1344045192 so Robert T 1344045200 Now that I have been DOXed, where's my ED article T 1344045205 You promised me one T 1344045209 you guys just staged a fight in a chat board T 1344045219 yeah T 1344045224 Really Robb and I are buddies T 1344045233 D: T 1344045245 I feel played... T 1344045248 RStiles: delete shit and clear cache T 1344045253 take it or leave it T 1344045265 but seriously, I should help Robb with his make up T 1344045279 zyklon, me and my friend from the SJ board are going to make sure that important people know you stalk T 1344045288 also recommend him a plastic surgeon. T 1344045290 Such as T 1344045294 transexuals on the internet and harass them T 1344045296 he needs some work done to his face. T 1344045307 "Important internet people" T 1344045314 Oh Robert, internet sure is serious business T 1344045321 like jimbo wales? T 1344045321 sean, i just dont get the why omega had to be involved in this. T 1344045325 that's the difference between you and I T 1344045330 you asked for troll dox T 1344045333 I offered omega T 1344045337 you think internet is serious business and shit your pants T 1344045341 I think internet is fun T 1344045348 hes an asshole. there must be something deeper T 1344045365 WhoreosNMilf: Yes, and ADL and Vladimir Putin T 1344045365 i've been on deep internet T 1344045372 lol T 1344045381 im sure there is legal issues involved with omega too T 1344045384 I am on TOR at the moment T 1344045395 either that or hes in on it. T 1344045397 RStiles "I'VE BEEN ON DEEP INTERNET" T 1344045399 fuck I lol'd T 1344045415 i was talking to sean, mega cunt T 1344045421 oh! I have an image for this! but I don't remember where T 1344045423 doesnt make it any less funny T 1344045428 * shirley (Mibbit@lsn-i6m7lv.ri.cox.net) has joined #rika T 1344045430 and i know omega is fucking threatning him T 1344045438 or else he wouldnt be doxing him T 1344045444 * WhoreosNMilf gives voice to shirley T 1344045460 either that or omega's doxes are fake T 1344045461 I love how you're using male pronouns T 1344045466 for someone whose T 1344045467 you know T 1344045478 totally doesn't make you a hypocrite T 1344045496 i dont know if hes a tranny or not T 1344045515 * mib_xa6q4s (Mibbit@lsn-au45m9.vt.comcast.net) has joined #rika T 1344045521 * SeanieB sets ban on *!Mibbit@lsn-au45m9.vt.comcast.net T 1344045521 * SeanieB has kicked mib_xa6q4s from #rika (Your behavior is not conducive to the desired environment.) T 1344045524 * SeanieB sets mode +i #rika T 1344045549 do you wanna fight with Zyklon more or what T 1344045571 we have the deal set. i just dont know what is up with you and omega T 1344045585 and i want to know if there is something you're not telling me T 1344045592 drama T 1344045598 on the board T 1344045604 is he your ex or something T 1344045614 LOL WUT T 1344045639 RStiles is just like Chris, manbaby obsessed with sex T 1344045653 fine but you just want be to reveal his dox because of my reputation T 1344045659 um T 1344045661 everyone is after him because they're jealous of his looks, Sean fucks omega, Intro is mad at him because of high school drama... T 1344045665 grow up, you T 1344045669 RStiles: if I wanted to fuck him up T 1344045677 wouldnt I have my ED and 789 connections T 1344045678 to use T 1344045681 lol T 1344045715 fine but he's going to go nuclear if i do it T 1344045729 the adf wiki is not going down. thats staying up unless the boss chick gets 150 T 1344045735 thats seperate T 1344045763 i dont care about that. theres only a few portions i want deleted. T 1344045794 thats a seperate thing though. boss chick has a loathing for you T 1344045807 she started it back then. T 1344045827 she is the one who is truly jealous of me T 1344045840 Robert T 1344045848 What could people possibly be jealous of T 1344045862 you are hideous, you have no sex life, you are mentally unstable, depressed and hated T 1344045895 i've been told by many that i'm fucking gorgeous. T 1344045903 out of the stonecutters, who do you actually hate the most? just a question that i wanted to ask. T 1344045907 and i've had affairs too T 1344045918 But that's tranny circlejerk, it isn't really worth anything T 1344045927 hugbox opinion is unopinion T 1344045928 you do have a large fanbase on /cwc/... T 1344045947 you know who i hate the most introman. T 1344045956 trey? T 1344045975 why ask such an assinine question? trey's just a script kiddie and a faux faggot T 1344045984 genuinely curios. T 1344045988 curious T 1344045993 Robbay why do you hate us : ( T 1344045995 script kiddie? T 1344046007 we don't hate you :3 we just laugh at you, because you are funny T 1344046020 just shut it. there is malice in your words. T 1344046040 that's because you were mean to me and I'm a sensitive woman : ( T 1344046045 fine. i'll be your arch nemesis . T 1344046052 also, regarding your "affairs" T 1344046058 this was just a job but i guess i have to amp shit up. T 1344046070 you got arrested because of one and posted rage chat logs of one to some forum and people called you out T 1344046074 cool affairs bro T 1344046074 this is getting no where. just stay out of philly if you dont want to get hurt. end of story T 1344046091 Robert, describe what you would do to us. T 1344046105 come and find out, bitch T 1344046106 it's sort of incredibly hard to imagine you ever having been in a fight T 1344046112 no ones afraid of you and your wolverine pack. T 1344046118 seriously. T 1344046124 yeah well, it costs a bit to fly to America, but if you pay, I'll come T 1344046126 can you explain the harem maps? T 1344046132 and you're the one who wants to fight, really T 1344046143 Yes, tell us about the harems T 1344046145 they're ready to back me up. you come into my neighborhood you're ego will be the thing most intact T 1344046181 the shit robert wayne stiles did doesnt exist anymore. T 1344046188 he doesnt exist T 1344046198 How are you different from Robbie T 1344046202 you are Robert T 1344046204 but i'll seriously fuck you up. last warning T 1344046213 well . technically she does because you switched genders. the name change hasn't happened right? T 1344046217 How is that even physically possible T 1344046235 you are so skinny you couldn't punch a hole to wet newspaper T 1344046247 go waste more time on the ed that nobody will read bithc T 1344046253 40.000 did T 1344046261 that's quite "nobody" T 1344046266 you're hitting a log numbers. as perviously noted. T 1344046271 yes, your article is actually quite popular T 1344046275 you're in the same league as fucking a-log T 1344046277 there is nothing that anybody discusses T 1344046278 more popular than barack obama article T 1344046289 well, what would you like to discuss? T 1344046296 like i said, i've googled it and nothing else on me shows up T 1344046322 so i'm completely safe. you probably hacked ed and there are only like 100 people who read it T 1344046331 Oh T 1344046341 than why do you want it down? T 1344046342 an hour ago you were crying and having hot flashes T 1344046351 the rule one of lying: stick to the story T 1344046355 THERE IS NOTHING T 1344046357 If you goog;e robert wayne stiles T 1344046369 you get the cwc stuff T 1344046389 if there is nothing and it doesnt bother you, why is there a new thread made by you that will soon be archived and added to the list of your failures T 1344046394 that is it. there are no coatilitions trying to troll me. there is no rikapedia T 1344046405 nobody ever claimed there is T 1344046411 you're just insane, that's all T 1344046431 alright you know my bounderies. dont fuck with me. goodbye T 1344046442 what boundaries? T 1344046449 my city T 1344046462 my appartment. T 1344046464 my friends T 1344046469 my fuckin life T 1344046469 well, you know, that's like saying "IF YOU'LL GO TO FUCKING MOON I'LL STRANGLE YOU" T 1344046472 dont touch it T 1344046488 well, I'll still keep editing the ED page because it's pretty funny T 1344046495 * RStiles has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) T 1344046502 * shirley is now known as omega T 1344046502 dayum he was mad T 1344046504 lol T 1344046509 so mad T 1344046530 hilarious that he thinks those dox are legit T 1344046568 so Whoreos, the chat log, could you share it? T 1344046616 yeah, just cleaning out the garbage characters and adding the second part and I'll send it to Seanie