[19:54:11] rika (Mibbit@lsn-ges.p3b.206.167.IP) joined the channel. [19:54:11] boat sets mode +v rika [19:54:15] <+protoautist> Hey again rika [19:54:17] <+MacduffsSon> wb rika [19:54:18] <+RandomAnon> lol [19:54:23] <@codemonster> wb [19:54:24] <+Homor2> hi Rika [19:54:30] <+protoautist> you gonna actually talk to me now? [19:54:32] <~SeanieB> rika [19:54:33] <+rika> why are you doing this to me sean? [19:54:33] <+protoautist> I'd like to talk [19:54:35] <~SeanieB> turn on your cell phone [19:54:42] <+RandomAnon> Oh [19:54:44] <+RandomAnon> Sheeeit [19:54:53] <+MacduffsSon> rika, what is introman planning? [19:54:54] <~SeanieB> I didnt do it [19:54:55] <+rika> i'm not handing out my number [19:55:01] <~SeanieB> I already have it you dipshit [19:55:01] <+RandomAnon> >SeanieB confirmed for turning Rika's phone into a bomb [19:55:03] <+JEWS> i'm pretty sure i did it [19:55:06] <+protoautist> Rika, why are you ignoring me? [19:55:07] <~SeanieB> turn it on so I can call you [19:55:08] <+protoautist> That's rude [19:55:19] <+rika> no i'm a troll [19:55:22] <+RandomAnon> Record call [19:55:23] <+rika> OBVIOUSLY [19:55:27] WhoreosNMilf (no@body.home) left IRC. (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [19:55:29] <+RandomAnon> You're drunk [19:55:30] <~SeanieB> rly [19:55:33] <~SeanieB> you want me to stop intro [19:55:35] <~SeanieB> but you're a troll [19:55:35] <~SeanieB> ok [19:55:45] <+MacduffsSon> >bath salts [19:55:46] <+Homor2> Fuck, Rika's drunk. [19:55:48] <+protoautist> So rika, how's the lady? Get any lately? [19:55:51] <+JEWS> authenticate yourself [19:55:59] <+rika> im not real jews [19:56:01] <+Homor2> Rika, you gotta quit drinking and doing bath salts, it's fucking up your head. [19:56:04] <~SeanieB> >suddenly the phone rings more than once [19:56:13] <+RandomAnon> Oh man [19:56:19] <+Homor2> Oh [19:56:21] <+Homor2> Ohhhh [19:56:22] <+MacduffsSon> WHO WAS PHONE [19:56:27] <+RandomAnon> RIKA [19:56:37] <+RandomAnon> RIKA WAS PHONE THE WHOLE TIME [19:56:42] <+protoautist> Rika, seriously, brother, I want to help you [19:56:53] <+RandomAnon> >brother [19:57:01] <+RandomAnon> Protoautist confrimed for Hulk Hogan [19:57:02] <+protoautist> Rika's not trans anymore, remember [19:57:07] <+protoautist> I am, hulk hogan [19:57:09] <+protoautist> yes [19:57:12] <+protoautist> this is true [19:57:13] <+MacduffsSon> he's gender queer [19:57:21] Homor2 is now known as RandySavage [19:57:23] <+JEWS> sure is silence from seanie and rika [19:57:24] <+protoautist> I'm also part of the no cussing club, because I'm hulk hogan [19:57:30] <~SeanieB> I didnt get an asnwer [19:57:34] RandomAnon is now known as Bonesaw [19:57:38] <+RandySavage> YOU READY FOR THE MACHO MAN, HULKSTER? [19:57:42] <+Bonesaw> BONESAW IS READY [19:57:43] <+rika> i told you this, sean. no. who gave you that [19:57:47] protoautist is now known as Hulk_Hogan [19:57:53] <~SeanieB> the internet [19:58:03] Candy (Mibbit@lsn-t4e6ul.res.rr.com) left IRC. (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [19:58:08] <+Bonesaw> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=691qO96VRVw [19:58:10] Candy (Mibbit@lsn-t4e6ul.res.rr.com) joined the channel. [19:58:10] boat sets mode +v Candy [19:58:11] <+Hulk_Hogan> Rika, ignore seanie [19:58:14] <+Hulk_Hogan> talk to me [19:58:23] <+Candy> I thought Rika quit? [19:58:28] <+Bonesaw> NO [19:58:30] <+Bonesaw> No* [19:58:31] <+MacduffsSon> tell us about introman's diabolical plot [19:58:33] <+Bonesaw> Rejoined [19:58:36] <+MacduffsSon> we'll stop him for you [19:58:39] <+RandySavage> Rika, let's face the facts here: you ain't getting jack shit until you fork over he cash. [19:58:43] <+rika> stop doing this. i had to skip something important to get here [19:58:45] son1 (Mibbit@lsn-m0o.uqi.7.184.IP) left IRC. (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [19:58:51] <+RandySavage> Either shit or get off the pot, and it's time to shit. [19:58:58] <+Bonesaw> RIKA CAN YOU LAST THREE MINUTES IN THE RING WITH BOOONESAAAWWWWW????? [19:59:14] <+Hulk_Hogan> Rika, come on, man, talk to me [19:59:25] <+rika> sean if you post it here, im fucking throwing it out the window [19:59:25] <~SeanieB> rika if you are true and honest you can make it worth my while [19:59:25] <+Hulk_Hogan> I'm helping moleman, I can help you too [19:59:29] <~SeanieB> if you are real [19:59:33] <~SeanieB> you've been here 4 times [19:59:37] <~SeanieB> and I havent changed my mind [19:59:41] <~SeanieB> what do I owe you? [19:59:43] <~SeanieB> nothing [19:59:50] Candy (Mibbit@lsn-t4e6ul.res.rr.com) left IRC. (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [19:59:55] <+Hulk_Hogan> RIKA [19:59:56] <+rika> you owe me everything for my fucking torment [20:00:00] Candy (Mibbit@lsn-t4e6ul.res.rr.com) joined the channel. [20:00:00] boat sets mode +v Candy [20:00:04] <+Hulk_Hogan> RIKA [20:00:10] <+Hulk_Hogan> COME ON [20:00:12] <+rika> every cruel word  i said in line [20:00:13] <+RandySavage> Read my lips rika: [20:00:14] <+RandySavage> He [20:00:14] <+RandySavage> ows [20:00:16] <+RandySavage> you [20:00:16] <+Hulk_Hogan> LET ME HELP YOU [20:00:18] <+RandySavage> nothing. [20:00:20] <+RandySavage> NOTHING. [20:00:24] <+MacduffsSon> rika what do you want [20:00:33] <+Bonesaw> RIKA [20:00:37] <+Bonesaw> I'M YOUR FRIEEEEND [20:00:44] <+rika> i want introman to stop coming after me [20:00:52] <+rika> that is it. so i can go back home [20:00:56] <+Bonesaw> Hulk_Hogan fights for the rights of every man! [20:00:57] <+Candy> Wait [20:00:58] <+Bonesaw> No [20:01:03] <+MacduffsSon> what does that have to do with seanie [20:01:03] <+Candy> You are avoiding going to philly [20:01:09] <+Candy> because you are scared of introman? [20:01:10] <+Hulk_Hogan> Is he actually coming after you, or are you imagining this? [20:01:15] <+Bonesaw> Comedy [20:01:17] <+Bonesaw> Gold [20:01:18] <+Candy> holy fuck thats pathetic [20:01:20] <+Hulk_Hogan> Like, physically? [20:01:24] <+rika> he is taking zyklon there [20:01:25] <+MacduffsSon> my sides [20:01:29] <+rika> and who knows what else [20:01:30] <+Bonesaw> OH MAN [20:01:31] <~SeanieB> rika: you can at least you know [20:01:31] <+Hulk_Hogan> Introman's a scrawny fuck, rika [20:01:34] <~SeanieB> get me on your side [20:01:34] <+Bonesaw> SIDES, MEET ORBIT [20:01:37] <~SeanieB> with a bitta dosh [20:01:39] <~SeanieB> y'know? [20:01:45] <+Hulk_Hogan> I could bench three of him [20:01:50] <+Bonesaw> Wop your wod on the counter, Rika. [20:01:53] <+rika> i only said cruel words because i was angry seanie [20:01:57] <+Hulk_Hogan> LODSEMONE [20:02:01] SWEJ (JEWS@lsn-libo7i.sub-70-192-67.myvzw.com) joined the channel. [20:02:01] boat sets mode +v SWEJ [20:02:04] <+rika> because you host my daily dorment [20:02:06] Hulk_Hogan is now known as Harry_Enfield [20:02:09] <+rika> torment [20:02:10] JEWS (JEWS@JEWS.JEWS) left IRC. (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [20:02:10] <+Bonesaw> L O D S OF E M O N E [20:02:17] <+Bonesaw> WHOSSAT SPELL? [20:02:21] <+Bonesaw> LOADSAMONEY [20:02:21] <~SeanieB> SHUT YOUR MOOUTH. [20:02:24] SWEJ is now known as JEWS [20:02:29] <+RandySavage> PROBABLY [20:02:30] <+Bonesaw> <3 [20:02:43] JEWS (JEWS@lsn-libo7i.sub-70-192-67.myvzw.com) left IRC. (Changing host) [20:02:43] JEWS (JEWS@JEWS.JEWS) joined the channel. [20:02:43] coconut.lostsig.net sets mode +v JEWS [20:02:47] <+RandySavage> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ON-7v4qnHP8 [20:02:56] <+Candy> Seanie isn't Introman's master [20:02:57] <+Candy> he can't call him off like a hit [20:03:07] <+rika> that is the reason you owe me sean [20:03:17] <+Bonesaw> How? [20:03:21] <~SeanieB> I host your torment because you make me resent you [20:03:21] <+rika> because you are provoking my pain and torment [20:03:25] <+RandySavage> Rika, have you been doing bath salts today? [20:03:30] <~SeanieB> and I dont plan to change that unless you scratch my back [20:03:41] <~SeanieB> I'm not your father, daddy please does not work for me [20:03:44] <+BernieMac2> rika why did you come back? [20:03:48] <+rika> and i only said the things i did because you allowed this to go on for HALF A YEAR [20:03:55] <+Bonesaw> You heard that Rika. Drive west and scratsh Seanie's back. [20:04:09] <+Bonesaw> And what a beautiful half a year it's been [20:04:23] <+rika> and now you're endorsing a madman to do who knows fucking WHAT [20:04:32] <+Candy> Its okay Rika [20:04:33] <+Bonesaw> Rika, we've said this before [20:04:34] <+MacduffsSon> it's not up to us [20:04:38] <+Candy> nobody is going to RAPE you [20:04:43] <+Bonesaw> THE RANSOM DEMAND IS ONE MILIONS DOLLAAARRRRSSS! [20:04:44] <+rika> im going to have to LIVE in the fucking poconos because of you [20:04:44] <+MacduffsSon> in a cave [20:04:52] <~SeanieB> lol. [20:04:55] <+Candy> Introman and Zyklon aint attracted to vultures [20:05:05] <+rika> but they want payback [20:05:11] <+rika> they want to laugh at my paiin [20:05:13] <+Bonesaw> Exactly [20:05:15] <+RandySavage> Oh yeah man, Introman is a serial killer ala Jeffery Dahmer and he's totally coming to skin you. [20:05:17] <+Candy> they dont want payback because you have done shit to them [20:05:17] <+Bonesaw> Payback [20:05:18] <+Harry_Enfield> Don't you have a girlfriend there, rika? [20:05:19] <+MacduffsSon> we all do [20:05:24] <+rika> jordman hired them exactly for that purpose [20:05:30] <+Bonesaw> HAHAHA [20:05:32] <+Bonesaw> faghsjtdky [20:05:32] <+Bonesaw> rsgh [20:05:35] <+BernieMac2> nice [20:05:39] <+rika> i know hes behind this that fat fuck [20:05:47] <+Bonesaw> TEARS [20:05:53] <+Bonesaw> LITERAL TEARS [20:05:53] <~SeanieB> wat [20:05:55] <+rika> he literally paid them after i wrote his article [20:05:56] <~SeanieB> someone picked up [20:05:59] <~SeanieB> said "poo" [20:06:02] <~SeanieB> and hung up [20:06:08] <+Bonesaw> Rob for sure [20:06:10] <+MacduffsSon> MY FUCKING SIDES [20:06:10] <+Candy> Oh lol [20:06:12] <+rika> yeah just go away [20:06:17] <+Candy> RIKA HAS A SCAT FETISH [20:06:29] <+RandySavage> Rika's intoxicated, eh? [20:06:30] <+Harry_Enfield> god dammit, rika, just talk to me [20:06:35] <+Bonesaw> High as a kite. [20:06:36] <+rika> FUCK YOU [20:06:44] <+BernieMac2> FUCK YOU POO [20:06:48] <+Candy> >begs for mercy [20:06:49] <+rika> sean, stop calling me or i'll fucking block you [20:06:53] <+Bonesaw> HAAH WAAW [20:06:58] <+Candy> You can't do shit to Seanie [20:07:04] <+MacduffsSon> rika [20:07:05] <+Bonesaw> Answer the fucking phone, baby [20:07:05] Harry_Enfield (Mibbit@lsn-iho7b5.ca.charter.com) left IRC. (Connection reset by tryhard) [20:07:08] <+Candy> You should be apologizing and doing whatever he wants [20:07:09] <+rika> i'll have him reported to the operator [20:07:10] JEWS (JEWS@JEWS.JEWS) left IRC. (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [20:07:17] <+MacduffsSon> send in everything in your power [20:07:20] <+rika> i'll call them right now [20:07:20] protoautist (Mibbit@lsn-iho7b5.ca.charter.com) joined the channel. [20:07:21] boat sets mode +v protoautist [20:07:23] <+RandySavage> You're the one who called Sean, not the other way around. [20:07:26] <+Bonesaw> Do it [20:07:31] <+protoautist> What the fuck happened there [20:07:32] <+Candy> Go ahead, trannyvulture [20:07:43] <+Bonesaw> 23:07 *** Harry_Enfield quit (Connection reset by tryhard) [20:07:44] <~SeanieB> are you gonna pick up the phone and spin the magneto and complain to the operator? [20:07:51] <+rika> candy you're some fat deviantart whore i wouldn't be talking [20:08:01] <+Bonesaw> Lel [20:08:22] <+BernieMac2> woah there rika [20:08:28] <+BernieMac2> no need to be mean [20:08:34] <+rika> when i go back home tomorrow there better not be anything different [20:08:34] <+klichka> I'm back [20:08:35] <+Candy> OH GOD [20:08:36] <+Candy> NO [20:08:37] <+Candy> NO [20:08:39] <+protoautist> rika, you really shouldn't be insulting us if you want something from us [20:08:47] <+klichka> is that rika? [20:08:48] <+Candy> A VULTURE WHO KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT ME [20:08:50] <+BernieMac2> there won't rika [20:08:52] <+Candy> HAS JUST CALLED ME FAT [20:08:54] <+Candy> FUCK [20:08:57] <+Candy> IM CALLING THE COPS [20:08:59] <+Candy> THE NAVY [20:09:00] <+BernieMac2> execpt all your furniture will be gone [20:09:00] <+Candy> THE ARMY [20:09:03] <+Candy> EVERYTHING IN MAH POWAH [20:09:09] <+RandySavage> You don't bite the hand that feeds, Rika. [20:09:14] <+Candy> yep klichka its good old Rika [20:09:19] <+klichka> oooo [20:09:21] <+Bonesaw> SeanieB, is rob picking up? [20:09:23] <+rika> you trolls dont feed me anything but shit [20:09:24] <+BernieMac2> I took the liberty of stealing your furniture rika [20:09:33] <+Candy> Even after I told you Introman's plans, you still insult me Rika [20:09:35] <+klichka> so rika is at the vacation home eh? [20:09:40] <+Candy> also [20:09:45] <+rika> yes i am [20:09:51] <+protoautist> Rika, how's that pussy train going? [20:09:55] <+RandySavage> We have the power to feed you freedom, but all you do is insult us. [20:09:59] JEWS (JEWS@JEWS.JEWS) joined the channel. [20:09:59] boat sets mode +v JEWS [20:10:06] <+BernieMac2> How was it like dating a hooker rob? [20:10:11] Candy (Mibbit@lsn-t4e6ul.res.rr.com) left IRC. (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [20:10:16] montezuma (Mibbit@lsn-28g7fo.zen.co.uk) joined the channel. [20:10:16] boat sets mode +v montezuma [20:10:17] <+protoautist> You talked to her lately? [20:10:24] <+rika> i'll explain the fucking harem maps only if introman is banned from irc, 789chan and any of its affliates [20:10:25] <+Bonesaw> Who's logging this? [20:10:32] Candy (Mibbit@lsn-t4e6ul.res.rr.com) joined the channel. [20:10:32] boat sets mode +v Candy [20:10:32] <~SeanieB> I dont care about the harem maps [20:10:40] <+protoautist> What the fuck are the harem maps? [20:10:46] <+protoautist> What are you talking about? [20:10:47] <+Candy> you dont wanna know [20:10:50] <+rika> the wraith dance than. know everyone wants to know [20:10:51] <+Bonesaw> Rob, I played JKA too. I can get then easily. [20:10:56] <+protoautist> What's that? [20:10:57] <+Bonesaw> them* [20:11:05] <+protoautist> What's the wraith dance? [20:11:10] <+protoautist> I'm new to you, rika [20:11:17] montezuma is now known as Donalbain [20:11:25] <+Bonesaw> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3WXslucWco [20:11:29] <+Donalbain> >wraith dance [20:11:31] <+rika> ok sean just fuck off with calling me ok [20:11:44] <+Candy> If im correct, the harem maps are some kind of mmo shit that Rika used to try and e-rape girls in mmos [20:11:48] <~SeanieB> lol. [20:11:48] <+rika> im not complying to your ransom [20:11:52] <~SeanieB> that time you knew without my saying anything [20:11:57] <~SeanieB> so you are robert [20:12:04] <~SeanieB> you truely can not stay away [20:12:11] <+Candy> >I'll do everything to appease you Seanie just call introman off! [20:12:15] <+rika> please stop [20:12:20] <+BernieMac2> IS SOMEONE LOGGING THIS [20:12:21] <+Donalbain> no [20:12:33] MacduffsSon (Mibbit@lsn-28g7fo.zen.co.uk) left IRC. (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [20:12:38] <+Donalbain> seanie are you logging this [20:12:48] <~SeanieB> I can only get teh last half after the nick change [20:13:02] <+BernieMac2> I hope moleman comes in [20:13:05] <+JEWS> i am but my connection is isn't great all the sudden [20:13:07] <+rika> introman and liquidrika are going to fucking do something to me so get them to stop [20:13:12] Candy (Mibbit@lsn-t4e6ul.res.rr.com) left IRC. (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [20:13:13] <+Bonesaw> Rob, I have the Acidmoon map [20:13:22] <+rika> sean, listen, just have sympathy for me [20:13:30] <~SeanieB> really [20:13:30] <+Bonesaw> I'm releasing it tomorrow [20:13:33] <+Bonesaw> Watch for it [20:13:34] <~SeanieB> would you have sympathy [20:13:34] <+rika> for once in your life. i take back all the shit that i said [20:13:43] <+Donalbain> what they do isn't up to us [20:13:44] <~SeanieB> with someone who constantly implies has HIV [20:13:47] Candy (Mibbit@lsn-t4e6ul.res.rr.com) joined the channel. [20:13:48] boat sets mode +v Candy [20:13:52] <+rika> you have nothing to do with the troll that happened initially [20:14:05] <~SeanieB> so? [20:14:10] <+RandySavage> Nobody is gonna have fucking sympathy for you jsut because you ask for it. [20:14:14] <+rika> i take EVERYTHING back [20:14:14] <+Candy> Btw Rika, why do you hate the poconos so much [20:14:14] <+Candy> I would love living there [20:14:32] <+Candy> You can't do that Rika [20:14:33] <+RandySavage> There is literally NOTHING wrong with your fucking life, you are rich, in a relationship, and have a shitload of friends. [20:14:35] <~SeanieB> real talk [20:14:41] <+RandySavage> You have fucking NOTHING to complain about. [20:14:42] <~SeanieB> I felt bad for you in the beginning [20:14:45] <+Donalbain> >in a relationship [20:14:45] <~SeanieB> I knew how you felt [20:14:49] <~SeanieB> until you did that shit to me [20:15:13] <+Donalbain> test [20:15:15] <+Candy> Rika has the amazing power of evaporating all possible sympathy for him [20:15:23] <+rika> fine sean, but endorsing robbery, public humiliation or even murder. is that ok for you to do [20:15:29] <+protoautist> He doesn't [20:15:33] <~SeanieB> who robbed you [20:15:34] <+Candy> No one is going to murder you [20:15:42] <~SeanieB> who the fuck murdered anyone [20:15:43] <+Donalbain> is anyone talking right now [20:15:44] <+Candy> You arent worth the jail time [20:15:49] <+Candy> Yeah Donalbain [20:15:49] <+protoautist> The internet isn't considered public humiliation [20:15:53] <+RandySavage> The closest you've ever come to any kind of hardship is getting made fun of on the internet and facing the consequences of your own dumbass actions. [20:16:07] <+Donalbain> my connection sucks lol [20:16:14] <+rika> whatever introman, liqiudrika, zyklon, moniker, and trey are doing. they are going to forwardly attack my personal existence SOMEHOW [20:16:18] <+RandySavage> Your parents fucking ruined you, Rika. Fuck's sake. [20:16:21] <+Candy> Nope [20:16:21] <+protoautist> no they won't [20:16:22] <+Candy> they arent [20:16:24] <+rika> they are coming to philly [20:16:30] <+protoautist> nope [20:16:33] <+Candy> You want to know the truth Rika? [20:16:37] <~SeanieB> http://789chan.org/cwc/res/262084.html#265783 [20:16:37] <+protoautist> why would they? [20:16:38] <+Candy> The real honest to god truth? [20:16:45] <+Candy> The real fucking truth Rika? [20:16:46] Donalbain (Mibbit@lsn-28g7fo.zen.co.uk) left IRC. (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [20:16:50] <+rika> just end it for me please [20:16:53] <+Candy> I'll explain in words you can understand [20:16:54] <+Bonesaw> no [20:17:01] <~SeanieB> give me money [20:17:01] <+Candy> THEY ARE [20:17:02] <+Candy> FUCKING [20:17:04] <+Candy> WITH YOUR HREAD [20:17:06] <+Candy> HEAD [20:17:07] Bonesaw is now known as Kenshiro [20:17:09] leaper (Mibbit@lsn-28g7fo.zen.co.uk) joined the channel. [20:17:09] boat sets mode +v leaper [20:17:18] <+Kenshiro> Rika, you are already dead. [20:17:21] <+rika> BUT THAT DOESNT EXPLAIN WHAT THEY WILL DO [20:17:23] <+Candy> You acting paranoid and shit is exactly what they want [20:17:28] <+protoautist> they won't do shit, rika [20:17:37] <+Candy> they won't do anything you fucking moron [20:17:39] <+leaper> rika [20:17:45] <+rika> but i'm not going to make a fucking video because i'm NOT CHRIS CHAN. end of story [20:17:47] <+protoautist> brb [20:17:48] <+Candy> they just love watching you squirm like a retard [20:17:56] <+Kenshiro> Candy please, the art of Hokuto Shin Ken has a 2000 year loong tradition, Rika could never begin to comprehend. [20:18:14] <+RandySavage> You'd have to go up a few pegs to be Chris Chan, Rika. [20:18:20] <+RandySavage> At least Chris is sober. [20:18:20] WhoreosNMilf (no@body.home) joined the channel. [20:18:20] <&boat> [WhoreosNMilf] YOU'RE BANNED FROM LIFE [20:18:20] boat sets mode +ao WhoreosNMilf WhoreosNMilf [20:18:23] <+Candy> I....i actually never watched fist of the north star...I feel ashamed [20:18:30] <+Candy> Whoreoos! [20:18:34] <+Candy> The Wraith is here1 [20:18:38] <+RandySavage> First episode was pretty shitty. [20:18:43] <+RandySavage> I assume it gets better. [20:18:47] <+rika> sean, get introman and liquidrika on here [20:18:55] <+Kenshiro> http://authspot.com/short-stories/the-wraith-hackers-group/ HEY LOOK AT THIS! [20:18:56] <+Candy> For the last fucking time Rika [20:18:57] <+rika> i know you play some role in this charade of evil [20:19:02] <+Candy> Seanie isnt a crime boss [20:19:05] dhssdssa (hatman@lsn-28g7fo.zen.co.uk) joined the channel. [20:19:05] boat sets mode +v dhssdssa [20:19:11] <+Candy> He can't order introman and liquidrika around [20:19:21] <+RandySavage> You know what, Rika? I really hate this phrase but right now it's totally appropriate: [20:19:23] <+Kenshiro> Seanie isn't a new wraith [20:19:23] <+rika> he has fucking connections to everyone [20:19:24] <+Candy> Fuck liquidrika is just some retard who latched on to you [20:19:24] <+Kenshiro> you tard [20:19:26] <~SeanieB> they're not online atm [20:19:32] <+RandySavage> Check your fucking privilege, Rika. [20:19:53] <+rika> liquidrika is an angry fucking tranny who pollutes your boards with tranny drama [20:20:03] <+rika> he would have something against me and everyone else [20:20:08] dhssdssa is now known as MacduffsSon [20:20:10] <+Candy> Oh yeah Rika, Seanie has a special red phone he uses to order the Troll Troops [20:20:12] <+Candy> duh [20:20:17] <+rika> why do you want him on here [20:20:22] <+Candy> So why would Seanie be able to control liquidrika [20:20:38] <+rika> he probly wants to wear my fucking skin. why else is he "liquid" [20:20:48] <+Candy> Nobody wants to wear your skin rob [20:20:50] <+MacduffsSon> lol [20:20:56] <+RandySavage> I can only stay awake for ten more minutes, so here are some parting words: [20:20:57] <+Candy> They would rub shit over themselves before wearing your skin [20:21:04] <~SeanieB> rika: http://i.imgur.com/N9imv.png [20:21:09] <+RandySavage> Ur a faget, Rika. [20:21:24] Candy (Mibbit@lsn-t4e6ul.res.rr.com) left IRC. (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [20:22:00] Candy (Mibbit@lsn-t4e6ul.res.rr.com) joined the channel. [20:22:00] boat sets mode +v Candy [20:22:16] leaper (Mibbit@lsn-28g7fo.zen.co.uk) left IRC. (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [20:22:19] <+rika> but hes a complete psychopath why does he feel the need to steal my name [20:22:21] <+BernieMac2> http://789chan.org/cwc/src/wat.mp3 [20:22:28] <+BernieMac2> that was very rude mr.stiles [20:22:32] <+rika> my LEGAL name may i add [20:22:54] <+MacduffsSon> what the hell did he say [20:23:15] <+BernieMac2> poo [20:23:31] <~SeanieB> rika [20:23:32] <+MacduffsSon> wat [20:23:41] <+Kenshiro> Dat echo. [20:23:52] <~SeanieB> what you've done is like hitting someone with a car and then wanting them to just forgive you and give YOU compassion [20:24:00] <~SeanieB> thats the way I feel [20:24:04] fabiorosi (Mibbit@lsn-7vj.9n3.46.50.IP) left IRC. (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [20:24:11] <~SeanieB> all this hatred and humiliation was brought on by you on you [20:24:33] <+MacduffsSon> rika why did you say poo to seanie [20:24:50] <+rika> no you provided maniacs with a place to plot their sins against me [20:25:06] <&WhoreosNMilf> >sins against you * 2 minutes were lost * [20:27:10] <~SeanieB> you kept assaulting me after I showed you how much of a piece of shit you were after you called me aids ridden [20:27:10] <&WhoreosNMilf> or anyone, really [20:27:12] <~SeanieB> and kept at it [20:27:13] BernieMac2 is now known as Jordman [20:27:21] <+rika> fine, you suffer aids from anal sex. I AM A GENDER QUEER who is HATED BY THE WHOLE FUCKING INTERNET [20:27:31] <+rika> you have it easy [20:27:46] <+MacduffsSon> haha oh wow [20:27:46] <+klichka> rika:why are you hated by the whole internet? [20:27:48] <~SeanieB> I don't even [20:27:52] <+Kenshiro> You [20:27:53] <+JEWS> but doesn't that make you the coolest person in the gay bar rika [20:27:53] <~SeanieB> are you for real? [20:27:53] <+Kenshiro> Dumb [20:27:54] <+Kenshiro> cunt [20:27:55] <~SeanieB> you can't be real [20:27:56] <+rika> i can't even here my name without hearing about my internet reputation [20:28:01] <&WhoreosNMilf> you must have really devastated those stargate forums [20:28:06] <+MacduffsSon> AND WHOSE FAULT IS THAT [20:28:07] <+klichka> rika:Aren't you a hero though? don't you have that? [20:28:07] <+Kenshiro> Hey Rika [20:28:14] Jordman is now known as BernieMac2 [20:28:15] <+Kenshiro> I'm talking to Rasei and Zaion right now [20:28:17] <+JEWS> you should be thanking us you giant fag [20:28:25] <+BernieMac2> you should smoke more weed rika [20:28:27] <+JEWS> we got you laid [20:28:30] <+rika> just ban liquid rika from being on here please sean [20:28:32] <+BernieMac2> 420 blunts nigga [20:28:34] <+JEWS> you owe us [20:28:34] <+Kenshiro> no [20:28:42] <+rika> i'll pay you 50 dollars max [20:28:52] <~SeanieB> psh [20:28:53] <+MacduffsSon> 50 dollars? come on [20:28:59] <+JEWS> oh fuck he has leverage [20:29:01] <+rika> 100 for Introman and 150 for Zyklon [20:29:09] Candy (Mibbit@lsn-t4e6ul.res.rr.com) left IRC. (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [20:29:16] <+rika> 300 dollars in total [20:29:18] <+klichka> rika there is one question I wanted to always ask you [20:29:27] <+klichka> what is the correct pronoun for gender queer? [20:29:35] <&WhoreosNMilf> congratulations, you've successfully managed to turn the most hated shitposter on /cwc/ into a hero [20:30:01] <~SeanieB> to ban them? [20:30:08] <+rika> how is he a fucking hero. he's just fucking with my skin [20:30:10] MacduffsSon (hatman@lsn-28g7fo.zen.co.uk) left the channel. [20:30:12] <+JEWS> waifukiller has always been my hero WhoreosNMilf [20:30:13] <+Kenshiro> >100 + 150 = 300 [20:30:15] MacduffsSon (hatman@lsn-28g7fo.zen.co.uk) joined the channel. [20:30:15] boat sets mode +v MacduffsSon [20:30:31] <+klichka> Kenshiro:You forgot the 50 [20:30:33] <+klichka> come on son [20:30:45] <+rika> he pretended to be me to reestablish the previous hate mongering [20:30:51] <+rika> 50 dollars for trey than [20:31:09] <+Kenshiro> Oh ok [20:31:22] <+Kenshiro> Didn't see the bounty for trey [20:31:23] <+rika> so that is four evil scumbags removed from their soap boxes for 300 [20:31:23] <&WhoreosNMilf> because you want him banned for using your name and anything that pisses you off is a golden ticket to lulzville as far as /cwc/ goes [20:31:43] <~SeanieB> I'll do it but you have to pay me over the internet [20:31:49] <+rika> whoreos he startd this WHOLE FUCKING THING [20:31:51] <+Kenshiro> SeanieB, you loggin this? Codemonster maybe? [20:31:52] <~SeanieB> none of this "LOCAL" and throw a tantrum [20:31:57] <~SeanieB> I am [20:32:03] <+Kenshiro> Solid. [20:32:04] <+protoautist> seanieb is whoring out [20:32:11] <+protoautist> selling out [20:32:14] <~SeanieB> you send me examples of their posts and I ban them [20:32:16] <@codemonster> unfortunately no [20:32:21] <&WhoreosNMilf> these people love mad, and you give it to them by the truckload [20:32:35] <+Kenshiro> It's true [20:32:38] <+Kenshiro> I fucking LOVE mad. [20:32:52] <+rika> i thought he was jordman but now he's just some retarded poser on the internet [20:33:11] <+Kenshiro> HE IS JORDAMN [20:33:15] <+Kenshiro> MAN* [20:33:16] <&WhoreosNMilf> anyone who can get a reaction will have a line of people waiting to suck the e-penis [20:33:29] <&WhoreosNMilf> *their [20:33:29] <+Kenshiro> Whoreos please, I am not that dirty. [20:33:32] <+JEWS> Kenshiro, i'm logging but my logs have small gaps from my disconnects [20:33:39] <+Kenshiro> SeanieB's go tit [20:33:41] <+rika> stop promoting him you fucking retard [20:33:45] <+Kenshiro> got it* [20:34:00] <+Kenshiro> >retard [20:34:07] <+Kenshiro> Rika I'm talking to Rasei right now [20:34:15] <+Kenshiro> I could ask som personal shit [20:34:15] <~SeanieB> show me where they've posted [20:34:39] <+MacduffsSon> who is rasei [20:34:52] <+rika> sean are you excepting this deal [20:34:54] <+Kenshiro> An old Wraith Clan member of Rika's from his Jedi Academy days [20:35:01] <+JEWS> >/cwc/ - <+rika> fine, you suffer aids from anal sex. I AM A GENDER QUEER who is HAT [20:35:12] <+Kenshiro> ED [20:35:16] <+rika> there is nothing they all valued me greatly [20:35:21] <~SeanieB> you show me posts of hte people to ban [20:35:22] <+Kenshiro> Ha [20:35:22] <~SeanieB> I ban them [20:35:24] <+rika> and they have to follow the code [20:35:24] <~SeanieB> you pay me [20:35:26] <~SeanieB> right? [20:35:29] <+Kenshiro> That's not what Zaion is saying [20:35:34] <+Kenshiro> You broke the code [20:35:42] <&WhoreosNMilf> for the record, tell ADF that he could actually pull off the edgy grandma look if he emptied the pockets on those cargo pants [20:35:43] <+Kenshiro> And the wraith are gone Rika [20:35:51] <+Kenshiro> Rasei moved on [20:35:57] <+rika> you know what zyklon, introman, trey and liquidrikas posts all look like sean [20:36:02] <+Kenshiro> Did you know he's in the airforce? [20:36:17] <+Kenshiro> Or was, judging by his Myspace [20:36:36] <+protoautist> No he doesn't rika [20:36:40] RandySavage (Mibbit@lsn-g4atc3.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net) left IRC. (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [20:36:45] <+Kenshiro> Poor Homor [20:37:00] <+rika> im am not robert anymore so the code is nonetheless broken [20:37:01] <+klichka> oh fuck [20:37:02] <+Kenshiro> BRB rika, making some calls. [20:37:04] <+klichka> rika found it out [20:37:11] <+klichka> rika now konws the secret [20:37:15] <+klichka> knows rather [20:37:24] codemonster (Code@lsn-43c21s.or.comcast.net) left IRC. (Quit: Leaving) [20:37:44] <+protoautist> Rika, changing your name doesn't change who you are, not even changing your gender identity does that [20:37:46] <+klichka> SeanieB is actually Zyklon/intro/Trey/Liquid [20:37:56] <+rika> did rasei just give out personal phone numbers [20:37:59] <+MacduffsSon> shh [20:38:15] <+rika> because i know shit about him too [20:38:24] <+klichka> I'm also SeanieB [20:38:28] <+protoautist> Rika, why do you think you're not the same person you were when you were robert? [20:38:36] Candy (Mibbit@lsn-t4e6ul.res.rr.com) joined the channel. [20:38:36] boat sets mode +v Candy [20:38:38] klichka rips off his face like a mask and screams as he dies [20:38:47] <+Candy> WELP [20:39:31] <&WhoreosNMilf> we would've gotten away with it too! if it weren't for those MEDDLING KIDS! [20:40:22] JEWS (JEWS@JEWS.JEWS) left IRC. (Connection closed) [20:40:28] <+Candy> Is Rika dead? [20:40:28] JEWS (JEWS@JEWS.JEWS) joined the channel. [20:40:28] boat sets mode +v JEWS [20:40:30] <+protoautist> Rika, seriously, give me an answer [20:40:51] <+rika> i wish i were dead you fatty [20:40:59] <~SeanieB> do you want to do something or not [20:41:00] <+Candy> >fatty [20:41:03] <+rika> i know you're a fat deviant art fuck [20:41:07] <+Candy> Are we in grade school? [20:41:09] <+MacduffsSon> wat [20:41:14] <+rika> ban someone to show me your power sean [20:41:20] <+Candy> >deviant art [20:41:26] <~SeanieB> are you serious? [20:41:26] <+rika> ban one who i listed and i'll send you the first amount [20:41:28] <+Candy> Thats no mans land kiddo [20:41:42] <+protoautist> rika, why are you ignoring me, you cunt? [20:41:45] <+MacduffsSon> how much $$ are we talking about here? [20:41:48] <+rika> i will make the paypal and transfer it [20:41:56] <&WhoreosNMilf> he owns the server the entire site is on. are you seriously questioning his authority? [20:42:08] <+Kenshiro> Sean [20:42:09] <+Kenshiro> ban me [20:42:11] <+Kenshiro> It's cool [20:42:16] <+rika> wipe liquid rika off the grid [20:42:27] <~SeanieB> http://789chan.org/cwc/res/262084.html#262335 [20:42:27] <+rika> tell him never to show his phony ass here again [20:42:30] <~SeanieB> lol [20:42:30] <+Kenshiro> G-Line me nigga [20:42:49] <+Kenshiro> He [20:42:52] <+Kenshiro> He banned intro [20:42:54] <+MacduffsSon> kenshiro are you a stonecutter [20:42:57] Candy (Mibbit@lsn-t4e6ul.res.rr.com) left IRC. (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [20:42:59] WhoreosNMilf kicked Kenshiro from the channel. (g-line) [20:43:08] <+MacduffsSon> oh damn [20:43:18] <&WhoreosNMilf> he asked for it [20:43:22] <~SeanieB> rika, http://789chan.org/cwc/res/262084.html#262335 [20:43:23] <&WhoreosNMilf> :P [20:43:40] <+rika> i want proof he will never come back. screen cap his banned address [20:43:41] <+protoautist> Give up that dolla, rika [20:43:56] <+MacduffsSon> stop stalling and do what you agreed [20:43:57] <+rika> i aint negi springfield and I want LEGIT PROOF [20:44:10] <+MacduffsSon> (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) [20:44:10] <&WhoreosNMilf> you know negi? [20:44:14] <+rika> i aint gonna pay him so he just reverts everything [20:44:15] <+MacduffsSon> see that? he's banned [20:44:28] <~SeanieB> http://i.imgur.com/TDP1H.png [20:45:00] <+rika> you know what. unban him [20:45:06] <+MacduffsSon> wat [20:45:08] <+rika> he'll still fucking find me [20:45:13] Candy (Mibbit@lsn-t4e6ul.res.rr.com) joined the channel. [20:45:13] boat sets mode +v Candy [20:45:20] <+protoautist> You made a promise, rika [20:45:23] <~SeanieB> so now you're fucking with me [20:45:26] <+rika> he wants me to suffer. [20:45:28] <+MacduffsSon> send the money you fucker [20:45:30] <+Candy> btw if you're an adult Rika, why are your insults so childish? [20:45:30] <&WhoreosNMilf> come to think of it, Negi is from PA somewhere... [20:45:48] <+rika> just unban him. i dont care [20:46:02] <~SeanieB> that whole [20:46:08] <+rika> he'll worm his way through the net until you but a cap in his head [20:46:13] <+protoautist> Your deal wasn't so they never came back, [20:46:15] <+protoautist> Oh, threats [20:46:18] <+protoautist> that's great [20:46:22] <+Candy> >put a cap in his head [20:46:24] <&WhoreosNMilf> you're just realizing this? [20:46:25] <+Candy> Oh man [20:46:31] <+MacduffsSon> your PO will be pleased to see this [20:46:34] <&WhoreosNMilf> good work sherlock [20:46:34] <+rika> pen cap [20:46:39] <+rika> bottle cap [20:46:40] <+protoautist> Ha, sure [20:46:43] <+MacduffsSon> lol [20:46:48] <+rika> he's allergic [20:46:59] <&WhoreosNMilf> nickel? [20:47:04] <+Candy> I would hate to be the parole officer of such a vicious and hateful vulture [20:47:06] <~SeanieB> I sure hope you weren't planning compassion after that whole thing [20:47:10] <+protoautist> except putting an object inside someone's head would kill them [20:47:24] <&WhoreosNMilf> brain surgeons do it all the time [20:47:38] <&WhoreosNMilf> and sometimes they get away with it too [20:47:42] <+protoautist> robbays not a brain surgeon [20:47:49] <&WhoreosNMilf> >implying [20:47:52] <+Candy> Robbay aint no surgeon [20:47:54] <&WhoreosNMilf> lol [20:48:02] <+Candy> Hes a hyenadactyl [20:48:03] <+protoautist> it's not rocket surgery to kknow that [20:48:11] <+rika> fine. keep burning my nerves. desperate measures bitches [20:48:23] <+Candy> >burning your nerves [20:48:23] <+rika> if he shows up in my city, i'll just make my stand [20:48:26] <+protoautist> rika, you made a promise to seanieb [20:48:28] <+Candy> YOU'RE REALLY GRINDING MY GEARS [20:48:34] <+protoautist> you should pay him like you said [20:48:41] Donalbain (Mibbit@lsn-28g7fo.zen.co.uk) joined the channel. [20:48:41] boat sets mode +v Donalbain [20:48:43] <+rika> no unban introman and let him rein on the internet [20:48:50] <+Candy> Rika if Introman came to "your city' you'd shit your pants and cry [20:48:51] <&WhoreosNMilf> MY GARY GEARS [20:48:57] <~SeanieB> so are you gonna give me $50 for partial service on intro [20:49:00] <+rika> for all i care i was the one who helped people before [20:49:02] <+Donalbain> i thought you wanted the torment to end [20:49:14] <+protoautist> Fuck that, charge him the whole $100 [20:49:16] <~SeanieB> lol [20:49:18] <+protoautist> You did what he asked [20:49:34] <+rika> sean UNBAN HIM this isnt going to work. im not in my right mind [20:49:40] <~SeanieB> I unbanned him already [20:49:40] <+Candy> >right mind [20:49:42] <+protoautist> "for all you care" you helped people? [20:49:47] <+Candy> >my right mind [20:49:48] <+Candy> >Rika [20:49:49] <~SeanieB> but I am not amused by your shenanigans [20:49:49] <+protoautist> Are you making shit up? [20:49:51] <+Candy> >Right mind [20:49:52] <+Donalbain> >bath salts [20:49:58] <+protoautist> To yourself? [20:49:59] <+rika> NO [20:50:06] <&WhoreosNMilf> booze? [20:50:08] <+protoautist> Who have you helped? Legitimately curious [20:50:08] <+Candy> BATH SALTS ALL DAY EVERYDAY [20:50:17] <+rika> what is completely and always legal [20:50:23] <+protoautist> heroin [20:50:24] <+Candy> Rika helped a fat goth girl get laid [20:50:25] <+rika> i am an adult [20:50:32] <+Candy> She probably cried after words [20:50:32] <&WhoreosNMilf> so booze [20:50:43] <+Candy> "It--it---it was so small!" [20:50:50] <+rika> im not filling your fantasies [20:50:52] <+protoautist> How's she doing, rika? [20:50:59] <+Candy> If she exists [20:51:03] <+protoautist> Your virgin? [20:51:07] <+rika> penelope doesnt like me anymore. no thanks to you [20:51:07] <+Candy> Rika you don't exist in my fantasies [20:51:13] <+Candy> You exist in my nightmares [20:51:15] <+protoautist> Oh, that's too bad [20:51:18] <+Donalbain> i fap to rika every day [20:51:22] <+protoautist> What happened? [20:51:25] <+Candy> Nightmares of goblins and human deformities [20:51:33] <+Candy> Like a crazy Circus show [20:51:40] <+protoautist> You also realize you said it wasn't our fault with that sentence, right? [20:51:45] <+Candy> Fuck Rika you could make a living off of that [20:51:46] <+rika> im just done. [20:51:47] <+protoautist> But what happened? [20:51:50] <+rika> i cant take it [20:51:51] <+klichka> [23:51] <+rika> penelope doesnt like me anymore. no thanks to you [20:51:52] <+klichka> what did I do? [20:51:53] <+klichka> :( [20:52:05] <+protoautist> "No thanks to you" means we didn't do anything [20:52:06] <+rika> I CANT FUCKING TAKE IT [20:52:08] <&WhoreosNMilf> we're internet murderers [20:52:11] <+protoautist> Rika, calm down [20:52:14] <+protoautist> breathe [20:52:15] <+rika> NOT ANYMORE [20:52:19] <+Donalbain> so her name is penelope [20:52:25] <+Candy> CRAWWWWLING IN MY SKIIIN [20:52:26] <+protoautist> rika, calm the fuck down, seriously [20:52:30] <+rika> you have stepped on my fucking lungs [20:52:39] <+rika> you bait me with yoour stupid schemes [20:52:41] <+protoautist> It's not that bad [20:52:41] <~SeanieB> and you tried to rip me off [20:52:41] <+Candy> Air sacs you mean [20:52:44] <+BernieMac2> HAHAHAHA [20:52:49] <+BernieMac2> FUCK OFF YOU TRANNY FUCK [20:52:50] <+rika> you want fucking money from me [20:52:51] <+Candy> Birds have air sacs [20:52:57] <+Donalbain> rika what the fuck do you actually want? [20:53:03] <+protoautist> Life will go on, rika.Life will go on, rika. [20:53:06] <&WhoreosNMilf> not really, I couldn't care less about money [20:53:10] <+rika> you ruin me, my deams EVERYTHING [20:53:20] <+Candy> You had no dreams [20:53:20] <~SeanieB> I want money because I know you have it [20:53:22] <+rika> JUST BECAUSE OF JORDMAN [20:53:23] <~SeanieB> you entitled little fuck [20:53:30] <+protoautist> Rika, nothing's stopping you from doing anything [20:53:38] <+Candy> I mean literally you had no aspirations aside from raping girls on Warcraft [20:53:40] <&WhoreosNMilf> or doing nothing [20:53:42] <+Candy> and trolling Christians [20:53:44] <+rika> oh apologia for my suicide huh? [20:53:57] <+protoautist> Rika, you didn't commit suicide [20:53:59] RandomAnon (Mibbit@lsn-269pen.dyn.optonline.net) joined the channel. [20:53:59] boat sets mode +v RandomAnon [20:54:00] <+Candy> You're too much of a coward to try suicide [20:54:00] <+protoautist> you're right here [20:54:05] <+Donalbain> hi randomanon [20:54:10] <+protoautist> Rika, calm down, okay? [20:54:11] <+RandomAnon> hey donalbain [20:54:25] <+rika> oh so you wish for revenge because if things that have been undone [20:54:36] <+Candy> What [20:54:37] <+Candy> the fuck [20:54:37] <+protoautist> What are you talking about, rika? [20:54:40] <+Candy> are you on [20:54:40] <&WhoreosNMilf> we're having a fireside chat with rika [20:54:43] <+Candy> TrannyVulture/ [20:54:51] <+rika> just stop hurting me you monsters [20:54:54] <+protoautist> Rika, you're not making sense, are you okay, physically? [20:55:05] <+rika> stop getting them to plot. it is destroying me mentally [20:55:16] <+rika> i have driven everywhere to escape [20:55:18] <+Donalbain> we're not getting them to do anything [20:55:19] <+Candy> You were already mentally unstable before then [20:55:27] <+protoautist> No one's plotting anything against you [20:55:30] <+Candy> Skip the country Rika [20:55:31] <&WhoreosNMilf> we're probably nearing the passout point [20:55:32] <+rika> no, i was clean. i was a brand new person [20:55:34] <+Candy> its the only way lol [20:55:43] <~SeanieB> clean as a gutter in new york? [20:55:43] <+rika> i was a happy go lucky photographer [20:55:45] <+Candy> >brand new person [20:55:50] <+rika> i had a god damn future [20:55:54] <+protoautist> Rika, you've got to take responsibility for robert [20:56:00] <~SeanieB> the most homophobic and vitriolic happy go lucky photographer [20:56:01] <+protoautist> You're still robert in some way [20:56:04] <~SeanieB> my sister is a photographer [20:56:08] <+klichka> rika:What's your method then? [20:56:13] <~SeanieB> she isn't homophobic and vitriolic [20:56:23] <+rika> i had found a new life [20:56:30] <+Donalbain> then what happened [20:56:34] <+RandomAnon> DA TROLLS [20:56:43] <&WhoreosNMilf> the internet became real [20:56:44] <+rika> are you GODDAMN retarded [20:56:53] <+Candy> You went from a nerdy Dr. Crane lookalike to an awful hateful homophobic deformed hyena crossbred with a down syndrome suffering vulture [20:56:55] <+RandomAnon> Also TY for G-Lining me whoreos. Hope that showed Rob the mod power here. [20:56:56] <&WhoreosNMilf> depends who you ask [20:57:20] <+rika> i couldnt be a heterosexual [20:57:26] <+RandomAnon> Why not? [20:57:29] <+Candy> Yes you could [20:57:29] <+rika> i couldn't be a homosexual [20:57:30] <+protoautist> Rika, you gotta take some responsibility, you can't just say "I'm a new person" [20:57:34] <+RandomAnon> WHat [20:57:39] <+RandomAnon> Why not? [20:57:45] <+rika> i became a person from both genders [20:57:46] <~SeanieB> rika: did you see that I admitted you looked cute before you went crazy [20:57:48] <+Candy> Are you asexual Robert? [20:57:48] <&WhoreosNMilf> neither could the Ann who would be queen [20:57:52] <~SeanieB> you reminded me of someone [20:57:54] <+Candy> No you didnt Rika [20:57:56] <~SeanieB> but now you're just [20:57:57] <~SeanieB> a freak [20:57:57] <+protoautist> Gender has nothing to do with sexuality [20:57:59] <+Candy> You just became an ugly guy [20:58:17] <+rika> i have gender dysphoria sean [20:58:25] <+protoautist> Rika, I thought you said you didn't [20:58:26] <+Candy> Oh [20:58:26] <+rika> i wasnt happy being that ugly nerd person [20:58:27] <+Donalbain> no you don't [20:58:31] <+Candy> >Gender Dysphoria [20:58:34] <+Donalbain> you just did it to get laid [20:58:39] <+klichka> if you have gender dysphoria then why are you genderqueer? [20:58:41] <+rika> well i had gender dsyforia [20:58:43] <+Candy> THE SAME THING YOU TAUNTED OMEGA FOR HAVING? [20:58:53] <+rika> until i discovered the cure was reality [20:58:58] <+Candy> Why should we have sympathy for you, hypocrite? [20:59:00] <+RandomAnon> I [20:59:03] <+RandomAnon> AM LOLING [20:59:04] <+Donalbain> >reality [20:59:06] <+RandomAnon> SO HARD [20:59:08] <+protoautist> No, you didn't. [20:59:08] <~SeanieB> you are seriously [20:59:09] <+Donalbain> my sides [20:59:11] <+protoautist> You thought you did [20:59:12] <&WhoreosNMilf> he's drinking, don't expect coherency [20:59:16] <~SeanieB> a complete snake of a person [20:59:19] <~SeanieB> I hope you know that [20:59:21] <+Candy> Rika you are so far from reality [20:59:31] <+rika> sean i WANT you to hate me [20:59:39] <+RandomAnon> WHY [20:59:40] <~SeanieB> if you kill yourself I will fly to Boston, get omega and we will piss on your grave [20:59:41] <+rika> because you hosted my downfall [20:59:42] <+RandomAnon> YOU WANT HIS HELP [20:59:44] <+Candy> Well he hates you alright [20:59:57] <+rika> you'll be arrest for violating someones tombstone [21:00:02] <+Candy> SEANIEB [21:00:05] <+Candy> IS THE NEXT [21:00:06] <+protoautist> rika, he wasn't serious [21:00:08] <+Candy> CLYDE CASH [21:00:10] <+RandomAnon> It'd be an improvement [21:00:11] <+JEWS> <- [21:00:13] <+JEWS> check em [21:00:15] <+Candy> Rika you arent a person [21:00:17] <+RandomAnon> OH [21:00:18] <+RandomAnon> SHIT [21:00:21] <+RandomAnon> QUADS NIGGA [21:00:30] <&WhoreosNMilf> 22:54 check em [21:00:32] <+protoautist> Who got quads? [21:00:33] <+Donalbain> niice :DDD [21:00:34] <&WhoreosNMilf> hmmmm [21:00:36] <+rika> sean you made me your enemy [21:00:42] <+rika> i hope you know that [21:00:49] <+protoautist> Rika, he doesn't really care [21:00:52] <+Candy> He knows [21:00:53] <+JEWS> >[00:00] check em [21:00:57] <~SeanieB> do you think I give a single fuck? [21:00:58] <+Candy> and he is laughing his ass off [21:00:59] <+rika> and i'll gladly piss on your grave and deal with any law [21:00:59] <+Donalbain> you could have ignored the site [21:01:05] <&WhoreosNMilf> fucking timezones [21:01:10] <+RandomAnon> >ALWAYS ONE OFF GENERAL [21:01:13] <+Candy> You have no idea where he lives, Rika [21:01:17] <+JEWS> are you on your archos thing [21:01:26] <&WhoreosNMilf> no [21:01:28] <~SeanieB> but if you kill yourself [21:01:30] <+protoautist> Rika, calm your ass down [21:01:31] <&WhoreosNMilf> my actual computer [21:01:32] <~SeanieB> ghosts cant piss [21:01:33] <+protoautist> right the fuck now [21:01:33] <+rika> not when people come to philly and know me as an internet FREAJ [21:01:34] <+RandomAnon> Your clock is fucke dup Whoreos [21:01:36] <+rika> FREAJ [21:01:39] <+rika> FREAK [21:01:46] <~SeanieB> GUESS WHO FUCKING DID THAT, ROBERT [21:01:47] <~SeanieB> GUESS [21:01:50] <+RandomAnon> lol@ rob trying to type [21:01:53] <~SeanieB> IT WAS FUCKING ROBERT [21:01:57] <+JEWS> rika [21:02:00] <~SeanieB> THE INTERNET FREAK [21:02:04] <+JEWS> we got you laid [21:02:06] <+Candy> EVERYBODY [21:02:06] <+RandomAnon> LOL [21:02:08] <+Candy> LOOK AT ROBERT [21:02:09] <&WhoreosNMilf> mila did it [21:02:10] <+Donalbain> rika [21:02:12] <+Candy> LOOK AT HIM AND LAUGH [21:02:12] <~SeanieB> YOU WILL ALWAYS BE ROBERT; THE INTERNET FREAK [21:02:16] <+Donalbain> i thought of a solution [21:02:17] <+BernieMac2> HAHAHAHAHA [21:02:20] <+Donalbain> just change your name again [21:02:21] <+rika> MILA DID NOT DO ANYTHING TO ME [21:02:21] <+RandomAnon> REALITY [21:02:26] <+klichka> There is no robert only zuul! [21:02:27] <~SeanieB> UNTIL YOU SNORT BATH SALTS AND THROW YOURSELF OUT A WINDOW [21:02:28] <+rika> SHE HAS TALKED TO ME IN DREAMS [21:02:29] <+Donalbain> you'll be a new person! [21:02:35] <+JEWS> UNTIL YOUR HEART IS COCKS [21:02:36] <+Donalbain> oh my god [21:02:40] <+protoautist> Oh. This isn't rika [21:02:42] <+RandomAnon> 00:02 rika SHE HAS TALKED TO ME IN DREAMS [21:02:43] <+protoautist> fuck [21:02:44] <+Candy> FREAK! FREAK! FREAK! BURN HIM WITH A TORCH! HANG HIM BY THE GALLOWS! [21:02:45] <+RandomAnon> oh [21:02:47] <+RandomAnon> my [21:02:47] <+RandomAnon> lord [21:02:53] <+Candy> seriously Rika [21:02:56] <+protoautist> god dammit, good troll, whoever you are [21:02:58] <+Candy> stop being so fucking melodramatic [21:03:01] <+rika> im done with you people [21:03:02] klichka slaps proto [21:03:04] <+rika> so much [21:03:04] <+Donalbain> nah it's rika [21:03:05] <+JEWS> SEIZE HIM [21:03:07] <+RandomAnon> 10/10 nigga [21:03:09] <+RandomAnon> holy shit [21:03:11] <+RandomAnon> Ya got me [21:03:11] <&WhoreosNMilf> oh wow, you're way past a few beers if you're talking about dreams [21:03:31] <~SeanieB> it's most likely him [21:03:34] <+RandomAnon> >Implying robert's not a one beer queer [21:03:34] <+rika> i could have touched her and we would have been one together [21:03:35] <+Donalbain> rika how much have you drunk [21:03:36] <~SeanieB> I wated 15 and called his phone [21:03:43] <+RandomAnon> HHAHA [21:03:44] <+RandomAnon> sfagdhfdjg [21:03:44] <~SeanieB> and he complained about the phone unprompted [21:03:59] <+RandomAnon> 00:03 rika i could have touched her and we would have been one together [21:03:59] <+RandomAnon> 00:03 rika i could have touched her and we would have been one together [21:04:00] <+RandomAnon> 00:03 rika i could have touched her and we would have been one together [21:04:00] <+RandomAnon> 00:03 rika i could have touched her and we would have been one together [21:04:06] <+Donalbain> rika i could have touched her and we would have been one together [21:04:11] <+rika> you are doing this to me. my friends have what can help me [21:04:13] <+Candy> Robert the only way she would have touched you is to kick you in the balls and say "GET AWAY FROM YOU YOU FREAK" [21:04:16] <+protoautist> Rika, you're talking crazy [21:04:23] <+rika> she is me [21:04:27] <+JEWS> what [21:04:27] <+rika> that is all she is [21:04:28] <+RandomAnon> OH [21:04:30] <+RandomAnon> GOD [21:04:35] <&WhoreosNMilf> why aren't you with your friends right now? [21:04:37] <+JEWS> did you pop your own cherry rika [21:04:39] <+RandomAnon> THIS IS GOLD [21:04:47] <+klichka> wait rika didn't fuck penelope? [21:04:53] <+protoautist> You know, Rika, my mother met Milla (that's how you spell it, by the way) [21:04:59] <+rika> this is my eight you motherfu cker [21:05:04] <+Donalbain> she doesn't like him anymore :( [21:05:11] <+Donalbain> and it's our fault :( [21:05:19] <+rika> im not doing to remember any of this so FUCK YOU [21:05:20] <+klichka> rika:Was ADF in 1-7? [21:05:31] <+Donalbain> we'll make sure you remember it [21:05:33] <&WhoreosNMilf> but the internet will... [21:05:37] <+protoautist> Rikay, are you drinking? [21:05:38] <+JEWS> that's why we have /L/. rika [21:05:40] <+rika> im going home tomorrow and it will all be normal [21:05:44] <~SeanieB> you will when you sign on to 789' [21:05:46] <+BernieMac2> NOPE [21:05:48] <~SeanieB> because you can't resist it [21:05:56] <+BernieMac2> YOUR LIFE WILL NEVER BE NORMAL AGAIN [21:05:57] <&WhoreosNMilf> moth->flame [21:05:59] <+RandomAnon> >normal [21:06:04] <+Donalbain> >rika [21:06:06] <+Donalbain> >normal [21:06:10] <+protoautist> Rika, I seriously have some concerns about your health right now [21:06:10] Candy (Mibbit@lsn-t4e6ul.res.rr.com) left IRC. (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [21:06:15] <+rika> so what. you just leave milla out of this [21:06:24] <+rika> and it will all be fucking awesom [21:06:30] <+protoautist> I just thought you would be interested [21:06:31] <+RandomAnon> Nope [21:06:35] <+RandomAnon> Calling Milla right now [21:06:38] <+RandomAnon> tweeting her [21:06:40] <+RandomAnon> Everything [21:06:47] Candy (Mibbit@lsn-t4e6ul.res.rr.com) joined the channel. [21:06:47] boat sets mode +v Candy [21:06:54] <+protoautist> Rika, chill out, okay> [21:06:54] <+protoautist> Rika, chill out, okay> [21:06:58] <+rika> yea youur a wannebe troll fucker thats what you are [21:07:02] <+Candy> holy fuck [21:07:04] <+Candy> my sides [21:07:06] <+JEWS> oh man [21:07:06] <+Candy> my sides [21:07:08] <+Candy> fuck [21:07:12] <+Candy> guys im dying over here [21:07:12] <+JEWS> you sure got told RandomAnon [21:07:16] <+rika> just leave this off the internet and deal with me [21:07:21] <+rika> RIGHT NOW BITCHES * ~30 minutes pass. Rika basically leaves after this point and rants about waiting for my to call him~ * [21:35:36] <+joolayelawg> julay [21:35:42] <+JEWS> JULAAAY [21:35:42] <+RSDuke> ROBAAAAAAYYYYYY! [21:35:48] <+RandomAnon> !0/HULLAY [21:35:50] <~SeanieB> soon. [21:35:51] <+Donalbain> HUULLAAAAAYYY [21:35:52] <&WhoreosNMilf> I like how every person who's even been trolled thinks it's a completely reasonable request to remove someone from the internet entirely [21:35:54] <+joolayelawg> HULLLLAAAYYYY [21:35:58] <+Donalbain> ./cwc/ - HULLAY [21:36:05] <+RSDuke> What Whoreos said. [21:36:18] <+Donalbain> because autism [21:36:21] <+RSDuke> They can't seem to understand cause and effect. [21:36:26] <+RandomAnon> So Seanie, Has he picked up? [21:36:35] <+JEWS> /cwc/ - [rika's cell number here] [21:36:35] <+RSDuke> Wait for it..... [21:36:35] <~SeanieB> I dunno [21:36:45] <~SeanieB> but I know I'm sending robbay 100 julay texts at a time [21:36:48] <+RandomAnon> He must be out. [21:36:52] <+JEWS> holy shit [21:36:53] <+RandomAnon> LMAO [21:36:58] <+RandomAnon> You gonna get wayne SO MAD. [21:37:00] <~SeanieB> at&t doesnt give a shit apparently. [21:37:01] <+RSDuke> Fuckin A! [21:37:01] <+joolayelawg> it's reasonable for other people to leave but not the person [21:37:09] <&WhoreosNMilf> oh jesus that phone is gonna burn [21:37:19] <~SeanieB> although he might not be at&t [21:37:20] <+joolayelawg> hes gonna go over his minute [21:37:21] <~SeanieB> idk [21:37:22] <+RandomAnon> Rob's freaking out right now trying to delete them [21:37:30] <~SeanieB> they have yet to be refused [21:37:31] <+RSDuke> Just imagine what tomorrow morning's gonna be like for him..... [21:37:37] <+klichka> I'm kinda tired and wondering if it would be a good idea to get one of those shitty 3d sex games that you read about and throw rika's face into it [21:37:38] <+JEWS> you can edit sms.php to add a random amount of A's to the JULAY just in case [21:37:53] <+klichka> like if it would be worth the lulz to get past the creep factor [21:37:54] <+JEWS> oh maybe dot [21:37:58] <~SeanieB> I've sent about 300 now [21:38:02] <+Donalbain> lol [21:38:06] <~SeanieB> I remember one time I sent 2-3000 to newfag [21:38:09] <+RandomAnon> >THREE HUNDRED JULAY TEXTS [21:38:12] <~SeanieB> he was on cricket so it was unlimited [21:38:15] <+Donalbain> what if he's actually dead [21:38:15] <+RandomAnon> Oh god [21:38:17] <~SeanieB> and his phone beeped for two weeks [21:38:21] <+RandomAnon> >WHAT IF [21:38:23] <+RandomAnon> NOPE [21:38:26] <+Donalbain> cops find his phone next to him with 1000 JULAY texts [21:38:32] <~SeanieB> sms bombs are evil on cheap phones [21:38:35] <+klichka> if you did that to me I'd kill you seanie since I get only 250 texts a month [21:38:45] <~SeanieB> the phone company doesnt give a shit [21:38:48] <~SeanieB> there goes another 100 [21:38:48] <+klichka> and my phone would deactivate [21:38:48] <+RSDuke> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDgcc5Sif3k [21:38:58] <+RandomAnon> 00:38 SeanieB there goes another 100 [21:38:59] <+RandomAnon> MY SIDES [21:39:07] <~SeanieB> AT&T HAS YET TO BLOCK ANY OF THESE [21:39:08] <~SeanieB> WTF [21:39:08] <+klichka> how are you sending so fast? [21:39:19] <+RSDuke> ? [21:39:19] <~SeanieB> having a web server [21:39:20] <+joolayelawg> HUUULLLLLLLAAAAAYYYYYYYY [21:39:29] <~SeanieB> you can put the phone number @txt.att.com and send a text [21:39:38] <+faggot> what's rika's number [21:39:40] <+klichka> you can email texts to people? [21:39:40] <~SeanieB> I want to make this shit start blocking me [21:39:49] <+joolayelawg> You ognna crash att [21:39:51] <~SeanieB> there we go [21:39:51] <+Donalbain> yeah post the number [21:39:56] <~SeanieB> now it's sitting on them [21:39:59] <+RandomAnon> Nice [21:40:01] <~SeanieB> I just put another 500 in all at once [21:40:01] <+RSDuke> lol [21:40:04] <+RSDuke> lol [21:40:05] <+RandomAnon> It thinks it's haxxorz [21:40:11] <~SeanieB> Completed 100 requests [21:40:11] <~SeanieB> Completed 200 requests [21:40:11] <~SeanieB> Completed 300 requests [21:40:11] <~SeanieB> Completed 400 requests [21:40:11] <~SeanieB> Completed 500 requests [21:40:11] <~SeanieB> Finished 500 requests [21:40:11] <+RandomAnon> >500 at one [21:40:16] <+Donalbain> lol [21:40:18] <+RandomAnon> Holy hell [21:40:25] <+supernigger> what's the number [21:40:27] <+RSDuke> Robert's gonna be pissed! I love it. [21:40:32] <&WhoreosNMilf> inb4 9000 [21:40:32] <+joolayelawg> dizzam [21:40:35] <~SeanieB> >mfw they all send [21:40:41] <+RSDuke> lol [21:40:41] <+RandomAnon> >9001 just to be gay [21:40:47] <~SeanieB> that's what [21:40:48] <~SeanieB> 900? [21:40:58] <+RandomAnon> About yeah [21:41:14] <~SeanieB> Completed 200 requests [21:41:14] <~SeanieB> Completed 400 requests [21:41:14] <~SeanieB> Completed 600 requests [21:41:14] <~SeanieB> Completed 800 requests [21:41:14] <~SeanieB> Completed 1000 requests [21:41:14] <~SeanieB> Completed 1200 requests [21:41:14] <~SeanieB> Completed 1400 requests [21:41:14] <~SeanieB> Completed 1600 requests [21:41:14] <~SeanieB> Completed 1800 requests [21:41:14] <~SeanieB> Completed 2000 requests [21:41:14] <~SeanieB> Finished 2000 requests [21:41:14] <&WhoreosNMilf> 1500 actually [21:41:16] <~SeanieB> THIS IS HOW WE LIVE [21:41:17] <+RandomAnon> OH [21:41:17] <~SeanieB> NO FUCKS TO GIVE [21:41:19] <+RandomAnon> GOD [21:41:21] <+Donalbain> lol [21:41:28] <+faggot> do you plan on revealing the number at some point in the future? [21:41:29] <+klichka> http://i.imgur.com/xg8PW.jpg [21:41:33] <~SeanieB> Mail [21:41:36] <+JEWS> text for the text god [21:41:44] <~SeanieB> Mail Queue: 1,383 messages [21:41:54] <+RSDuke> lol [21:41:55] <+klichka> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhPvXHjpOkg [21:41:58] <~SeanieB> Mail Queue: 1,065 messages [21:41:58] <+klichka> is this any good? [21:42:02] <+Donalbain> rika [21:42:05] <+RandomAnon> http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lngqjlBXYp1qzwec4.jpg Seanie's face when [21:42:08] <+Donalbain> r u there [21:42:18] <+Donalbain> julay [21:42:19] <+faggot> what are you using to send this? skype or something? [21:42:21] <~SeanieB> Mail Queue: 564 messages [21:42:26] <+RandomAnon> holy shit [21:42:27] <~SeanieB> WTF [21:42:34] <~SeanieB> AT&T has no protection on this system [21:42:38] <+RandomAnon> He got dat Wayne plan [21:42:47] <~SeanieB> Mail queue: 134 messages [21:42:55] <+RSDuke> Holy shit [21:43:00] <+Donalbain> how do you know they're going through [21:43:02] <&WhoreosNMilf> oh wow, I just posted a really long post on /g/ and didn't put any double linebreaks [21:43:03] <&WhoreosNMilf> shit [21:43:04] <+RandomAnon> It says [21:43:15] <+RandomAnon> Fuckin Whoreos [21:43:21] <~SeanieB> that's all, foks [21:43:30] <~SeanieB> it took all 2000 without a single complaint [21:43:35] <+RSDuke> Damn [21:43:50] <+RSDuke> He must have really thought no one would get his number.... [21:43:53] <&WhoreosNMilf> lol at&t [21:44:00] <+RSDuke> Stupid Robert.... [21:44:08] <+supernigger> julllaaaaaaaaaaaaaay [21:44:11] <~SeanieB> http://lostsig.net/mail.php if you want to send robbay an extra julay [21:44:13] <~SeanieB> load this page [21:44:14] <+joolayelawg> hullay [21:44:24] <+Donalbain> Message successfully sent! [21:44:26] <+klichka> jesus if rika pays for texts seanie [21:44:27] <+JEWS> millay [21:44:27] <+klichka> :( [21:44:32] <+RandomAnon> >open page [21:44:32] <+klichka> I hope rika gets free texting [21:44:35] <+klichka> does ze? [21:44:35] <+RandomAnon> >spam f5 [21:44:39] <+Donalbain> i feel so ween right now [21:44:42] <~SeanieB> I hope so [21:44:42] <~SeanieB> lol [21:44:43] <+joolayelawg> if i refresh des it do again [21:44:45] <+klichka> does sie get free text on AT&T? [21:44:47] <~SeanieB> incoming texts dont cost anything [21:44:47] <+RandomAnon> yes [21:44:52] <+klichka> ahh they don't? [21:44:53] <~SeanieB> afaik [21:44:55] <~SeanieB> yeah [21:44:58] <+klichka> incoming costs on sprint [21:45:01] <&WhoreosNMilf> >embed it as an iframe on /cwc/ [21:45:06] <+klichka> err not sprint virgin [21:45:07] <+RSDuke> If it's unlimited, it won't cost. [21:45:09] <&WhoreosNMilf> JUUUUULLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY [21:45:11] <~SeanieB> >every cwc browse sends a julay [21:45:17] <+klichka> I'm on assurance so I incoming and outgoing cost texts [21:45:18] <+Donalbain> HUUULLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY [21:45:25] <+RSDuke> Likely Wayne's gotten him an unlimited plan. [21:45:34] <+faggot> what kind of phone he got? [21:45:35] <+joolayelawg> his phone gonna be full [21:45:38] <+klichka> and its 10 cents a text [21:45:40] <+RandomAnon> >The requested URL /mail.php was not found on this server. [21:45:44] <+RSDuke> 404 [21:45:45] <~SeanieB> joolayelawg: I did this t o someone [21:45:47] <+Donalbain> :( [21:45:47] <+RandomAnon> awwww [21:45:48] <+klichka> if they are not my anytime texts [21:45:49] <~SeanieB> they said they got texts for weeks [21:45:54] <+klichka> or whatever they call them [21:45:55] <~SeanieB> yeah I removed it [21:46:07] <+RandomAnon> I was holding F5 [21:46:15] <+Donalbain> lol [21:46:16] <+RandomAnon> He's got a solid hundred form me [21:46:24] <+RSDuke> Yeah, I slapped F5 about 100 or so, too. [21:46:25] <+joolayelawg> i did 3 [21:46:27] <+supernigger> 20 from me [21:46:30] <+joolayelawg> lol [21:46:31] <+klichka> I couldn't even try it :( [21:46:35] <+klichka> what did it say when you hit it? [21:46:35] <~SeanieB> wow [21:46:40] <~SeanieB> at&t is pretty shit [21:46:43] <+RandomAnon> lol [21:46:43] <~SeanieB> but I should have expected it [21:46:47] <+klichka> ofc [21:46:55] <+klichka> who the fuck puts protection on text messaging? :3 [21:47:05] <+klichka> fuck'em let them pay for it - at&rt [21:47:06] <+klichka> fuck'em let them pay for it - at&t [21:47:11] <+supernigger> rob's still logged in [21:47:11] <+RSDuke> inb4 Robb's phone self-destructs. [21:47:14] <+RandomAnon> Imagine [21:47:22] <+Donalbain> robbay [21:47:29] <+faggot> if we sent him enough messages, his phone's HDD would be full, right? [21:47:30] <+RandomAnon> >seanie puts the mail.php on /cwc/ [21:47:32] <+RandomAnon> Da spam [21:47:33] <+klichka> shit though if it was 10 cents a message [21:47:35] <+klichka> robby is so fucked [21:47:43] Candy (Mibbit@lsn-t4e6ul.res.rr.com) joined the channel. [21:47:43] boat sets mode +v Candy [21:47:49] <+RandomAnon> Candy you missed it [21:47:59] <~SeanieB> You are charged for both sent and received text messages. The cost of text messages is based on your Text Messaging package. [21:47:59] <~SeanieB> If you do not have a package that includes a text messaging allowance, the default rate for text messages is $0.20 per text message. [21:47:59] <~SeanieB> The default rate for international text messages is $0.25 per message sent from the United States, and $0.50 per message if sent from outside the United States. [21:47:59] <+Candy> OH GOD [21:48:01] <~SeanieB> OH FUCK [21:48:03] <+Candy> ROBBAY'S DEAD [21:48:12] <+RandomAnon> RIP [21:48:14] <+RandomAnon> RIP [21:48:18] <+Donalbain> lol [21:48:18] <+klichka> :( [21:48:19] <+klichka> shiiit [21:48:24] <+Candy> What did i miss random? [21:48:34] <+klichka> that's fucking $500 you sent seanieb [21:48:41] <+RandomAnon> We spammed Rob's phone with over 2000 Julay texts [21:48:44] <+Donalbain> hahaha [21:48:44] <+klichka> you're making AT&T rich [21:48:45] <~SeanieB> $780 actually [21:48:48] <+Candy> WELP [21:48:49] <+Candy> WELP [21:48:54] <+klichka> holy shit [21:48:57] <+RSDuke> lol [21:48:58] <+RandomAnon> No wonder these niggas don't have protection [21:49:03] <~SeanieB> XD [21:49:05] <+supernigger> his parents will pay for it [21:49:10] <~SeanieB> they assume if you get flooded you deserve it? [21:49:17] <+Donalbain> wayne ain't gonna be happy [21:49:28] <+RandomAnon> They don't care, just hand over the cash [21:49:29] <+Candy> oh man [21:49:33] <+klichka> seanie:They assume if you get flooded fuck you MONEY MONEY MONEY [21:49:38] <+RandomAnon> Yep [21:49:39] <+Candy> thats delicious [21:49:44] <+Candy> "ROBBBBAAY IM CUTTING DOWN YOUR PHONE [21:49:51] <+RSDuke> Robert loses again...... [21:49:52] <+RandomAnon> >ROB'S DEAD [21:49:57] <+RandomAnon> >THE POLICE FINS HIS PHONE [21:49:59] <+RSDuke> He's dead, Jim [21:50:07] <+RandomAnon> OH MAM [21:50:08] <+RandomAnon> MAN* [21:50:10] <+Donalbain> JULAAAAAYYYYY [21:50:15] <+RandomAnon> I'll get to watch it on my local news! [21:50:24] <+supernigger> JULLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY [21:50:27] <+Candy> Robbay gonnna get a SPANKAAAAY [21:50:35] <+RandomAnon> I'll dvr the local news tomorrow [21:50:42] <+RandomAnon> If rob's dead, you'll know [21:50:43] <+JEWS> phillay [21:50:49] <+RSDuke> So how long ago did he show up, anyway? [21:50:56] <+Donalbain> he's been dead for 23 minutes now [21:51:08] <+RandomAnon> three hours? [21:51:24] <+Candy> WE'VE BROKEN THE BAT [21:51:58] <+RSDuke> We broke him a long time ago..... [21:52:09] <+RSDuke> We've just been watching the slow crash... [21:52:19] <+joolayelawg> ebin [21:52:22] <+Donalbain> >implying he was ever not broken [21:52:24] joolayelawg (Mibbit@lsn-9ejoo9.ca.comcast.net) left IRC. (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [21:52:42] <+Candy> guys [21:52:49] <+Candy> we need to capitalize on this quick [21:52:55] <+RSDuke> Well, compared to last August, anyway.... [21:52:59] <+Candy> WE NEED FIELD AGENTS GETTING HIS STUFF [21:53:05] <+RandomAnon> I just read this and I'm dying: http://gyazo.com/942187bada61ea1dc89c524d0f7a1fa1.png?1347251784 [21:53:07] <+Candy> SO WE CAN SELL IT ON EBIN-AY [21:53:22] <+Candy> OH GOD [21:53:30] <+RSDuke> LMAO [21:53:47] <+Donalbain> >mfw robbay is actually milla [21:53:51] <+Candy> As Milla takes flight [21:53:56] <+Candy> So too does Robert's spirit [21:54:03] <+Candy> into the heavens.... [21:54:07] <+Donalbain> lol [21:54:12] <+RandomAnon> This was a great night. [21:54:13] <+klichka> yeah AT&T is p shit for a phone company [21:54:15] <+RandomAnon> G'night asll. [21:54:18] <+klichka> their text policy is horrendously bad [21:54:22] <+RandomAnon> And a hearty Julay to you, Rob. [21:54:25] <+klichka> they give no fucks about spam [21:54:35] <+JEWS> their everything policy is horrendously bad [21:54:45] <+klichka> and tell you they can't block shit [21:54:52] <+klichka> and give bullshit reasons as to why [21:55:02] <+klichka> yet they can block calls from numbers [21:55:13] <+klichka> but cannot block a fucking text from certain addresses or numbers [21:55:29] <+Candy> is...is....AT and T the lolcow equivalent of a phone company? [21:55:37] <+RSDuke> Sounds like it. [21:55:57] <+klichka> oooh they did add something [21:56:00] <+Candy> What does Chris have? [21:56:15] <+klichka> lol fuck virgin [21:56:17] <+klichka> Virgin Mobile: Check the Messaging Settings page on Virgin Mobile’s website (http://www.virginmobile.com) to block text messages from up to ten telephone numbers or email addresses; you can also change preferences on your handset (VirginXL or VirginXtras > Messaging > Messaging Management). [21:56:19] <+RSDuke> I think Chris is with Verizon. [21:56:22] <+faggot> he's got an iphone, right? [21:56:22] <+JEWS> more like a shuddercow candy [21:56:39] <+RSDuke> I think it's an iphone. [21:59:06] rika (Mibbit@lsn-ges.p3b.206.167.IP) left IRC. (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [21:59:12] <+RSDuke> Awwww. [21:59:20] <+Donalbain> RIP [21:59:25] <+RSDuke> HE LIVES!!!!! [21:59:42] <+Donalbain> i wonder if he saw my messages [21:59:49] <+RSDuke> And mine. [22:00:08] <+RSDuke> I spammed WAKE UP RIKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a couple hundred times or so.