03[22:36] * Rika (Mibbit@lsn-ges.p3b.206.167.IP) has joined #789 03[22:36] * boat sets mode: +v Rika [22:36] <+Ryfagalla> robert is a hamster on a wheel....and too retarded to jump off [22:36] <+Matches> its rly rika, same host [22:36] <+mr_bibble> rika come back again [22:36] <+MacduffsSon> hi rika [22:36] <+klichka> omg [22:36] <+klichka> rika :D 06[22:36] * +klichka hugs rika [22:36] <+Rika> so what. you people are sick [22:36] <+Matches> 4 times in one night [22:36] <+mr_bibble> god you never learn do you [22:36] <+MacduffsSon> you'll never guess who was just in here, rika! [22:36] <+Matches> you are the one who hates homos [22:37] <+Rika> i like sean and omega [22:37] <+Ryfagalla> rika why did you apologize to seanie for your gay bashing [22:37] <+Rika> so SHUT UP [22:37] <+Matches> lol, no you dont [22:37] <+Ryfagalla> and then proceed to use homo as an insult [22:37] <+klichka> and yeah that troll asshole liquid was here [22:37] <+Rika> NOT IN RELATION TO THEM [22:37] <+MacduffsSon> you're only saying that because he took the pic down [22:37] <+mr_bibble> when you went and became a homopobe again [22:37] <+Matches> what do you even want? why are you here? [22:37] <+Ryfagalla> you cant pick the relation Robb you tard [22:37] <+Ryfagalla> homo is homo [22:37] <+Rika> he still humored me regardless of what i said [22:37] <+MacduffsSon> he can't stay away [22:37] <+MacduffsSon> THE DANG DIRTY TROLLS ARE PLOTTING SOMETHING [22:37] <+Rika> I'm just saying. I'm going back to being a woman again [22:37] <+Rika> and you can [22:38] <+Ryfagalla> oh god lol [22:38] <+klichka> I can be a woman? [22:38] <+Rika> you cannot stop me [22:38] <+klichka> I'm quite hairy Rika [22:38] <+Ryfagalla> cant be a woman if you have a penis bud [22:38] <+mr_bibble> you amaze me rika you really do. a-Log and Chris have more common sense then you do [22:38] <+Matches> what [22:38] <+MacduffsSon> my sides [22:38] <+Matches> is this reverse psychology [22:38] <+klichka> I don't think I can be a good woman, you seen me? It will look like a gorilla in a tutu [22:38] <~SeanieB> rika [22:38] <~SeanieB> srsly [22:38] <+Rika> I'm going back to my old life style back when things were normal [22:38] <+RSDuke> That was pretty pathetic, Robb. Even by your standards. [22:38] <+MacduffsSon> >normal [22:38] <+Ryfagalla> dont try and reason with him seanie...hes high as a kite right now [22:38] <+Matches> >normal [22:38] <+mr_bibble> then why are you here rob why [22:38] <+Rika> sean, i can't help it this IS my heroin [22:38] <&whoreos> good idea [22:38] <+Matches> LOLOL [22:38] <+MacduffsSon> lmao [22:39] <+Ryfagalla> hahahahah [22:39] <~SeanieB> the is the last time I'm gonna give you sympathy, if you want shit to back to normla [22:39] <+RSDuke> I'm going back to my old life style back when things were normal What, backstabbing your friends and causing drama? [22:39] <+mr_bibble> OH GOD REALLY RIKIA REALLY [22:39] <~SeanieB> you have to stop coming on irc [22:39] <~SeanieB> lol [22:39] <&whoreos> let us know how that works out for you [22:39] <~SeanieB> log out and move on [22:39] <+Matches> rika , you are incapable of learning [22:39] <+Ryfagalla> hahahh this is amazing so many thigns to use as a banner tonight [22:39] <+MacduffsSon> Rika sean, i can't help it this IS my heroin [22:39] <+Rika> sean i can't help it anymore. i just start feeling anger in my esophogus [22:39] <+RSDuke> lol [22:39] <+Rika> it's like heat [22:39] <+RSDuke> Sucks to be you, then. [22:40] <+Ryfagalla> anger in my esophagus....oh my god [22:40] <+Rika> it rise and I get completely sick [22:40] <+Matches> OK IS THIS RLY RIKA? [22:40] <+plasmarika> Oh, hey rika [22:40] <+MacduffsSon> yes [22:40] <+Ryfagalla> rika thats you inhaling too much you dumbass [22:40] <+Rika> I feel like puking FUCKING PUKING [22:40] <+RSDuke> Maybe you should try Prilosec. [22:40] <&whoreos> that's called vomit, man [22:40] <+Matches> this is like, pardody of rika this is so dumb [22:40] <+RSDuke> Or Zantac. [22:40] <~SeanieB> see a therapist [22:40] <+Rika> I've already tried prozac [22:40] <&whoreos> find a toilet [22:40] <+klichka> no don't [22:40] <+RSDuke> It's the real Robb. [22:40] <+klichka> you know what therapist is? [22:40] <+Ryfagalla> hahah Rika has acid reflux and thinks its a mental troll thing [22:40] <+klichka> therapist is a sexual predator [22:40] <+RSDuke> lol [22:40] <+klichka> therapist, the rapist [22:40] <+klichka> coincidence? I think not [22:40] <+Matches> lol [22:40] <+RSDuke> Sean Connery doesn't think so. [22:40] <&whoreos> oh shit [22:40] <+MacduffsSon> dang dirty trolls are making me throw up!!! [22:40] <+Rika> Sean, just ban me. i want to go to sleep [22:41] <+JEWS> [22:40] <Rika> sean i can't help it anymore. i just start feeling anger in my esophogus [22:41] <+Matches> Rika , we will always accept you, not like that penelope whore [22:41] <+BernieMac> I think you need trazadone rika [22:41] <+Ryfagalla> hahah sean just ban me [22:41] <+Matches> so you can dream about ED? [22:41] <+JEWS> allow me to be ween and suggest that's someone hatefucking your mouth [22:41] <+Rika> BAN ME, it'll be a mercy killing [22:41] <+Matches> you will just dream about us robbay, there is NO ESCAPE [22:41] <+Ryfagalla> hahahaha [22:41] <+MacduffsSon> just stop coming here you fucking retard [22:41] <+RSDuke> Like that'll happen Robb. [22:41] <+Ryfagalla> keep the quotes coming robbay [22:41] <+BernieMac> you'll never leave this nightmare rika [22:41] <+Rika> I will go back to life tomorrow [22:41] <+mr_bibble> no you know what we wont just to spite you rob we wont [22:41] <+Ryfagalla> Rika all you have to do is take a large object [22:41] <+Matches> no you wont [22:41] <+JEWS> >i will go back to IRC tomorrow [22:41] <+RSDuke> Robb, you said that last night. [22:41] <+Ryfagalla> and smack your computer [22:41] <+RSDuke> And look at you now. [22:41] <+Rika> right now I'm stuck in the past. anger consumes [22:42] <+Rika> anger consumes everything [22:42] <+BernieMac> >stuck in the past [22:42] <+RSDuke> You'll always be like that, Robert. [22:42] <+Ryfagalla> Robb you just said you wanted to go back to being a woman [22:42] <+BernieMac> theres your problem [22:42] <+klichka> [22:42] <+Rika> anger consumes everything [22:42] <+RSDuke> It's not our fault you've got issues. [22:42] <+klichka> Darth Nihilius Rika [22:42] <+Ryfagalla> stuck in the past? you wnat to go back to it! [22:42] <+Matches> Rika, have you tried turning to religion? [22:42] <+MacduffsSon> CRAWLING IN MY SKIN [22:42] <+Matches> I think a priest would help you [22:42] <+Rika> Whoreos, you hear me? BAN THE FUCKING HELL OUT OF ME [22:42] <+Ryfagalla> hahhahaha [22:42] <+RSDuke> If we weren't here, you'd just find something else to point your finger at, Robb. [22:42] <+Ryfagalla> never change ROBBBAAAAYYY [22:42] <+BernieMac> No rika [22:42] <+mr_bibble> stop it now rika just stop it now [22:42] <+JEWS> /mode #789 +e Rika!*@* [22:43] <+Ryfagalla> yah robb..before us it was the wraith trolling [22:43] <+Matches> oh robbay , you so funny [22:43] <+Rika> I can't take this anymroe. I'm just locked in an eternal battle with scum [22:43] <+Ryfagalla> then it was the fbi and chrissy [22:43] <+Matches> >eternal [22:43] <+MacduffsSon> lawl [22:43] <+BernieMac> >scum [22:43] <+Matches> >not just fucking leaving [22:43] <+Ryfagalla> youve always had a problme to point at rather than lookin in the mirror [22:43] <+RSDuke> Robb calling anyone else scum. [22:43] <+RSDuke> That's rich. [22:43] <+Rika> stop with that. I TRIED to get away from that all [22:43] <+JEWS> whoreos, ban him [22:43] <+JEWS> /mode #789 +e Rika!*@* [22:43] <+JEWS> e for extra ban [22:43] <+mr_bibble> we are not the scum rika you are [22:43] <+Matches> no you didnt lol [22:43] <+Rika> BAN ME JUST BAN ME GODDAMN IT [22:43] <+RSDuke> Rika> stop with that. I TRIED to get away from that all You did not. [22:43] <+Matches> WE WILL NEVER BAN YOU [22:43] <+RSDuke> Stop lying, Robb. [22:43] <+MacduffsSon> no [22:43] <+Ryfagalla> MYFUCINSIDE 03[22:43] * Candy (Mibbit@lsn-t4e6ul.res.rr.com) has joined #789 03[22:43] * boat sets mode: +v Candy [22:43] <+Ryfagalla> candy [22:43] <+MacduffsSon> CANDY [22:43] <+Matches> CANDAY [22:43] <+Ryfagalla> rika is here [22:43] <+MacduffsSon> YOU CAME IN TIME [22:43] <+Matches> rika is here [22:43] <+RSDuke> All you ever do is lie, Robert. [22:43] <+MacduffsSon> THE COCKS [22:43] <+Ryfagalla> demanding to get banned from IRC [22:43] <+mr_bibble> candy nice of you to join us [22:44] <+Rika> I miss my job, I miss my happiness [22:44] <+RSDuke> Bullshit. [22:44] <+Rika> I just want to be free [22:44] <+BernieMac> RIKA LEAVE THIS PLACE [22:44] <+Matches> you will never know happiness [22:44] <+Ryfagalla> well say goodbye to that job [22:44] <+klichka> rika:why not post your nudes if you wanna be banned [22:44] <+MacduffsSon> then type /quit [22:44] <+RSDuke> More lies. [22:44] <+Matches> because you are a helpless idiot [22:44] <+Ryfagalla> we are calling your boss and telling him about your drug problems [22:44] <+Rika> I will always come back. I have always done it [22:44] <+klichka> I remember homor saying a while back if anyone posts nudes of rika they are banned [22:44] <+Ryfagalla> current drug problems..no less [22:44] <+RSDuke> You said last night you were going back today, Robert. What happened? [22:44] <+Rika> YOU know that [22:44] <+Matches> RIKA : " I HAVE ALWAYS DEPENDED ON THE KINDNESS OF STRANGERS" [22:44] <+Candy> YAAAAAAAAAAY! [22:44] <+Candy> Klichka am I innocent now? [22:44] <+Candy> ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED? [22:44] <+BernieMac> Rika why would we ban you? [22:44] <+plasmarika> Rika, I'm currently uploading some pictures I took to fb, I almost want to show them to you [22:44] <+mr_bibble> nah candy u aright [22:44] <+Homor> Did Rika post nudes? [22:44] <+BernieMac> you keep coming back [22:44] <+klichka> Candy:There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt [22:45] <+plasmarika> From a feature I was on [22:45] <+RSDuke> I will always come back. I have always done it You know that's your fault.... [22:45] <+Rika> Because you are making me suffer [22:45] <+Matches> Rika wants to be banned [22:45] <+Ryfagalla> dammit homor [22:45] <+BernieMac> >suffer [22:45] <+Rika> Homor just ban me [22:45] <+Matches> RIKA, LEARN SELF CONTROL , FOR FUCKS SAKE [22:45] <+BernieMac> dat victum complex [22:45] <+RSDuke> We aren't making you do shit, Robert. [22:45] <+MacduffsSon> holy shit you have zero self control [22:45] <+Rika> BAN ME FUCKING BAN ME [22:45] <+RSDuke> You're just feeling sorry for yourself. [22:45] <+Homor> Nope [22:45] <+Ryfagalla> haha keep talkin in caps Rika that will get you banned for sure [22:45] <+BernieMac> again, NO RIKA [22:45] <+Rika> I WILL ALWAYS COME BACK REGARDLESS [22:45] <+plasmarika> Rika, chill the fuck out [22:45] <+mr_bibble> no rika we will not [22:45] <+MacduffsSon> we want you to [22:45] <+Ryfagalla> im fuckin dying over here [22:45] <+plasmarika> Hey, you used that word right [22:45] <+Candy> You were never happy Rika [22:45] <+Candy> You've always been vengeful (the stargate forums) [22:45] <+Matches> is Rika overdosing? [22:45] <+plasmarika> good for you [22:45] <+Rika> THE PAINS IN MY STOMACH ARE GREAT [22:45] <@codemonster> i cant stup laughing [22:45] <+RSDuke> Robert, it's your fault you keep coming back. [22:45] <+Ryfagalla> HAHAHHA [22:45] <+Matches> CALL THE AMBER LAMPS RIKA [22:45] <+MacduffsSon> its the fucking ganga man [22:45] <+RSDuke> You have no self-control. [22:45] <+Ryfagalla> call the wambulance [22:45] <+Rika> JUST I'M DYING HERE [22:45] <+Candy> You've always been angry and racist (the apartment video) [22:46] <+RSDuke> FFS, you are not. [22:46] <+Rika> AND I CAN'T THIS IS MY FRIENDS FUCKING DORM [22:46] <+MacduffsSon> we're all dying here [22:46] <+Ryfagalla> ITS CALLED TOLERANCE HOMO [22:46] <+Rika> I CANT CALL THE HOSPITAL [22:46] <+RSDuke> You've said that countless times before. [22:46] <+MacduffsSon> Rika sean, i can't help it this IS my heroin [22:46] <+Matches> You are overdosing on some laced weed rika ! get the amber lamps ! [22:46] <+BernieMac> CALL 911 RIKA [22:46] <+RSDuke> Stop with the emo shit already. [22:46] <+Ryfagalla> yah seriously robb either cut your wrists already or just stfu [22:46] <+Rika> I had to hide in his fucking dorm I'm so afraid [22:46] <+Homor> Ok Rika I'll ban you on one condition: [22:46] <+Matches> AFRAID OF WHAT? [22:46] <+Ryfagalla> well thats a good thing [22:46] <+RSDuke> Be a man.. [22:46] <+Homor> You make a video. [22:46] <+Rika> seriously, they don't even know I'm here [22:46] <+plasmarika> Rika, just chill out [22:46] <+Ryfagalla> dont go back to your apartment thats for sure [22:47] <+RSDuke> Face up to your fears, Robert. [22:47] <+Ryfagalla> Jordman is looking for you [22:47] <+Rika> He wants to MURDER ME [22:47] <+MacduffsSon> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gd9OhYroLN0 [22:47] <+Ryfagalla> wow Robb.....breaking and entering [22:47] <+Rika> he takes his anger out on the weak [22:47] <+Ryfagalla> your PO wont like that one bit [22:47] <+Matches> unlike you of course [22:47] <+MacduffsSon> who wants to murder you? [22:47] <+Ryfagalla> Robb your body is a freaking weapon..cant you handle him [22:47] <+Rika> Jordman and he hired Introman to do it [22:47] <+RSDuke> Rika> he takes his anger out on the weak But I thought you had a name with power.... [22:47] <+MacduffsSon> hahahahah [22:47] <+RSDuke> Your body is a weapon, Robb. [22:47] <+BernieMac> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y983TDjoglQ [22:47] <+MacduffsSon> oh my sides [22:47] <+Rika> ITS ALL FALLING APART [22:47] <+Ryfagalla> hahahha [22:48] <+RSDuke> It already has, robert. [22:48] <+BernieMac> HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN TO ME [22:48] <+Matches> CRAWLING IN MY SKIIIINNN [22:48] <+Ryfagalla> my fuckin sides are cross dimensional right now [22:48] <+klichka> oh god I can't help it I laughed now [22:48] <+RSDuke> It fell apart a long time ago. [22:48] <+Rika> my drug abuse, it was all premeditated by introman [22:48] <+mr_bibble> OH ME ME ME [22:48] <+BernieMac> HAHAHA [22:48] <+Matches> PREMEDITATED?! [22:48] <+MacduffsSon> Rika my drug abuse, it was all premeditated by introman [22:48] <@codemonster> LOL [22:48] <+Rika> he hates me. he wanted to take me into oblivion [22:48] <+Homor> Make a video, upload it, leave it up for at least six hours, and I'll ban you. [22:48] <+MacduffsSon> Rika my drug abuse, it was all premeditated by introman [22:48] <+Ryfagalla> dammit hes getting to close to the truth [22:48] <+Matches> DO YOU KNOW WHAT WORDS MEAN?! [22:48] <+RSDuke> Wrong, dumbass. You made the decision. Buy the ticket, take the ride. [22:48] <+Matches> OH GOD I AM LAUGHING SO HARD [22:48] <+mr_bibble> just stop rika okay just stop nimrod [22:48] <+Ryfagalla> if he discovers what introman has waiting with Jordman in philly... [22:48] <+Rika> i'm not i'm going home tomorrow i'm just so afraid he'll actually do something [22:48] <+BernieMac> Rika make a video showing your face and you will be banned [22:49] <+MacduffsSon> jesus [22:49] <+RSDuke> You said that last night, Robb. [22:49] <+MacduffsSon> sorry i mean HESUS [22:49] <+Matches> Oblivion is a cool game, being in it is not so bad, join the mages guild [22:49] <+Rika> I'm having goddamn panic attack [22:49] <+MacduffsSon> we can tell that [22:49] <+BernieMac> If we have no use for you on 789chan then this will stop [22:49] <+Matches> why?! [22:49] <+JEWS> rika, if you suck the realdoll's dick at mosex, i'll ban you [22:49] <+mr_bibble> you brought on yourself rika [22:49] <+Candy> Fuck how can you really exist [22:49] <+Candy> I mean [22:49] <+Ryfagalla> hahahha [22:49] <+RSDuke> I'm having goddamn panic attack You've said that shit before too, Robert. [22:50] <+JEWS> or if you put your face in the bonobos' asses and take a pic [22:50] <+Ryfagalla> anyway so Robb...breaking and entering...i cant wait to let your PO know about this [22:50] <+RSDuke> Like I said, buy the ticket, take the ride. [22:50] <+Matches> better call the WAAAAAMBALANCE [22:50] <+Rika> MY HANDS TWITCH, MY FACE IS ON FIRE [22:50] <+MacduffsSon> rika you only come here cause you have nothing better to do [22:50] <+Rika> I JUST WANT TO DIE [22:50] <+Ryfagalla> so do it [22:50] <+RSDuke> No you don't [22:50] <+MacduffsSon> lol [22:50] <+Matches> so do it ? [22:50] <+Homor> Rika, you're the most synthetic person who ever lived. [22:50] <+Ryfagalla> become the an hero you were always meant to be [22:50] <+RSDuke> Stop lying to us. [22:50] <+MacduffsSon> >synthetic [22:50] <+klichka> SyntheticRika [22:50] <+Matches> homor [22:50] <+RSDuke> You're too much of an egotist to want to die, Robert. 02[22:50] * +Candy (Mibbit@lsn-t4e6ul.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [22:50] <+Homor> Everything about you just screams "fake!" [22:50] <+Matches> RIKA IS AN ANDROID [22:50] <+Rika> stop. if only fucking legal justice actually helped me [22:51] <+mr_bibble> oh Homor Rika leave boy leave [22:51] <+Matches> made by Dr.Gero to kill Seanieb [22:51] <+Ryfagalla> Robb what about your aspie lawyer friend [22:51] <+BernieMac> Rika confirmed for robot built by ADF [22:51] <+Rika> instead of screw me fucking over [22:51] <+JEWS> don't you have that sympathetic sperg attorney [22:51] <+RSDuke> stop. if only fucking legal justice actually helped me Instead of helping the woman you stalked? [22:51] <+mr_bibble> hey rob you got aid or suptin take us home erock [22:51] <+Ryfagalla> dont worry [22:51] <+Rika> i was so comfidant [22:51] <+RSDuke> Or the FBI agent you threatened. [22:51] <+Matches> Why dont you go ask some Bronies for help rika? [22:51] <+Homor> That was Robert Wayne Stiles, Rsduke. [22:51] <+Rika> now i just come CRAWLING BACK [22:51] <+Rika> haegir]-09grabn [22:51] <+Ryfagalla> come April 2013 if you hold out that long...youll be in jail [22:51] <+Rika> agihjk [22:51] <+Homor> Two completely different people. [22:51] <+RSDuke> lol [22:51] <+Rika> CHRIST goddamn [22:51] <+Ryfagalla> you wont have to worry about us at all [22:51] <+Rika> ugh [22:51] <+BernieMac> rika ask social justice for help [22:51] <+MacduffsSon> ASK TUMBLR [22:51] <+Matches> Rika is gonna blow [22:51] <+RSDuke> Robb's so emo.... [22:52] <+Rika> all I ask is for the sweet taste of cynide [22:52] <+MacduffsSon> lol [22:52] <+RSDuke> Bullsit [22:52] <+Ryfagalla> ahhahahhaha [22:52] <+BernieMac> Good do it [22:52] <+Ryfagalla> my god [22:52] <+RSDuke> shit [22:52] <+BernieMac> DO IT FAGGOT [22:52] <+Matches> hahahahahahhahaha [22:52] <+mr_bibble> hey robbay you gay or sumptin fucking home run [22:52] <+klichka> lol where you gonna get cyanide? [22:52] <@codemonster> sides.exe has stopped working [22:52] <+BernieMac> Or how about some zyklon Rika? [22:52] <+Ryfagalla> Robb just slit the god damn wrists [22:52] <+RSDuke> Once again, Robert, we don't believe you. Your ego is too big to want to off yourself. [22:52] <+Homor> Rika, you are full of shit. [22:52] <+klichka> wait a minute [22:52] <+klichka> wait a minute [22:52] <+klichka> [22:52] <+Rika> all I ask is for the sweet taste of cynide [22:52] <+klichka> then confront Jordman [22:52] <+Rika> ugh [22:52] <+JEWS> cyanide isn't that sweet [22:53] <+JEWS> go with propylene glycol [22:53] <+Ryfagalla> he doesnt have too klickha [22:53] <+MacduffsSon> you're far more pathetic than chris ever was [22:53] <+plasmarika> Rika, why don't you go have some water [22:53] <+klichka> cyanide is bitter iirc [22:53] <+RSDuke> It's like bitter almonds, Robb,. [22:53] <+Ryfagalla> Jordman has been supplied and will be coming for Robb soon enough [22:53] <+mr_bibble> rob seriously just fuck off and die now [22:53] <+Rika> you know, what i'll punish jordman [22:53] <+Rika> he's the one who did this [22:53] <+plasmarika> you should probably hydrate, I can sense you're crying, you're probably losing a lot of whater [22:53] <+plasmarika> water [22:53] <+MacduffsSon> lol ok [22:53] <+JEWS> but antifreeze is green [22:53] <+RSDuke> You did this, Robert. YOU did. [22:53] <+Rika> HE controlled all of you to do this [22:53] <+Ryfagalla> Kick his ass Robb [22:53] <+JEWS> don't you like green [22:53] <+Rika> You're just his pawns [22:53] <+RSDuke> Nope. [22:53] <+Matches> you are paranoid [22:53] <+Rika> his GODDAMN PAWNS [22:53] <+MacduffsSon> fuck [22:53] <+Homor> Rika, you couldn't punish a dog. [22:53] <+RSDuke> We did it on our own. [22:53] <+MacduffsSon> you figured it out [22:53] <+Ryfagalla> Dammit...how did Robb discover Jordman was in charge [22:53] <+Ryfagalla> dammit [22:53] <+klichka> did I just set something into motion that will end up on the news? [22:53] <+Rika> YOU FELL INTO HIS MITS AND HE COMMANDED YOU SO YOU DID IT [22:53] <+RSDuke> nope [22:54] <+Rika> HE TOOK IT AND RAN WTH T [22:54] <+plasmarika> No we didn't [22:54] <+Matches> lol ok [22:54] <+MacduffsSon> oh lawd [22:54] <+plasmarika> I don't know who the fuck jordman is rika [22:54] <+Rika> I'M GOING TO [22:54] <+RSDuke> Robert, you were the cause of all your misery. [22:54] <+Ryfagalla> they are hunting you down as you speak rika [22:54] <+Rika> I'M JUST GOING [22:54] <+Matches> holy shit i hate ice cream with splenda in it ...ew [22:54] <+Ryfagalla> hahahhahha [22:54] <+plasmarika> Rika, seriously, calm the fuck down [22:54] <+MacduffsSon> what? [22:54] <+RSDuke> Breathe Robert, breathe. [22:54] <+Rika> I'M GOING TO DO WHAT I'VE NEVER DONE BEFORE [22:54] <+RSDuke> Oh FFS [22:54] <+Ryfagalla> have sex? [22:54] <@codemonster> OH BOY [22:54] <+plasmarika> what [22:54] <+MacduffsSon> leave? [22:54] <+RSDuke> Be a man? [22:54] <+Matches> control yourself/ [22:54] <+plasmarika> take responsibility? [22:55] <+Ryfagalla> hahhahahha [22:55] <+RSDuke> ^ [22:55] <+Ryfagalla> its like one of those fill in the blanks [22:55] <+plasmarika> apologize? [22:55] <+JEWS> why not drop his cocks / dox then Rika [22:55] <+RSDuke> Look in a mirror and realize what's there? [22:55] <+MacduffsSon> post nudes? [22:55] <+JEWS> you've been promising to drop them for months [22:55] <+Matches> make a video? [22:55] <+Ryfagalla> not be a total dick wipe? [22:55] <+Rika> JUSTICE WILL BE ON MY PLATE [22:55] <+Ryfagalla> oh here we go [22:55] <+JEWS> if jordman caused this then why are you protecting him [22:55] <+plasmarika> fucks sake, rika [22:55] <+Ryfagalla> Robb you jsut said justice was against you [22:55] <+RSDuke> Nah Robb, that's not happening til April. 02[22:55] * +Rika (Mibbit@lsn-ges.p3b.206.167.IP) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [22:55] <+mr_bibble> oh rob stop it now you have surpassed chris on so many levels [22:55] <+Ryfagalla> ahahahahhahahhahaahha [22:55] <+Matches> I KNOW ! I WILL BECOME A BAT! TROLLS ARE A SUPERSTITIOUS AND COWARDLY LOT [22:55] <+MacduffsSon> hahaha [22:55] <@codemonster> i dont even [22:55] <+Matches> lololol [22:55] <+Ryfagalla> omg that was great [22:56] <@codemonster> hahahah [22:56] <+Matches> is he going to go kill jordman? [22:56] <+Ryfagalla> somebody has tonights log right [22:56] <+RSDuke> Fuck me running. [22:56] <+klichka> yup [22:56] <+MacduffsSon> yes [22:56] <+RSDuke> He couldn't pull it off. [22:56] <+Ryfagalla> hahah i dont hink hes ever gonna return to philly [22:56] <+Matches> I laughed harder than i have ever laughed before [22:56] <+RSDuke> He'd fail miserably. [22:56] <+Ryfagalla> even tho when he was in here before he said he was working tomorrow [22:56] <+MacduffsSon> whose dorm is he hiding in [22:56] <+RSDuke> Some "friend" from LIU. [22:56] <+klichka> mine [22:56] <+Ryfagalla> according to him...the owners dont know hes there [22:56] <+MacduffsSon> to escape the clutches of introman [22:56] <+Matches> shit , he is running around high as fuck right now, he will probably attack an innocent person [22:56] <+Ryfagalla> and get beat up [22:56] <+Ryfagalla> so no worries [22:56] <+RSDuke> It'll be his own fault. 03[22:57] * mib_500czn (Mibbit@lsn-ges.p3b.206.167.IP) has joined #789 03[22:57] * boat sets mode: +v mib_500czn [22:57] <+RSDuke> Hi Robb. [22:57] <+JEWS> welcme back rika [22:57] <+MacduffsSon> HI RIKAA [22:57] <+Matches> HI RIKA 06[22:57] * +klichka takes off his glasses [22:57] <+mib_500czn> JUST BAN THE FUCKING IP ADDRESS [22:57] <+Ryfagalla> hahha no way [22:57] <+mib_500czn> BAN IT [22:57] <+RSDuke> Nope [22:57] <+mib_500czn> BAN IT [22:57] <+Ryfagalla> HAHAHHAHAHa [22:57] <+RSDuke> Not happening [22:57] <+Matches> NEVER [22:57] <+mib_500czn> BAN IT [22:57] <+mib_500czn> BAN [22:57] <+Matches> NO [22:57] <@codemonster> NOPE [22:57] <+klichka> BAN [22:57] <+klichka> KAI [22:57] <+mr_bibble> my god again and again [22:57] <+plasmarika> Hey, rika [22:57] <+MacduffsSon> MY SIDES [22:57] <+plasmarika> How you doing? [22:57] <+Ryfagalla> hhahha this is great [22:57] <+mib_500czn> BAN THIS FUCKING IP ADDRESS [22:57] <+mib_500czn> BAN THIS FUCKING IP ADDRESS [22:57] <+plasmarika> never [22:57] <+mib_500czn> BAN THIS FUCKING IP ADDRESS [22:57] <+plasmarika> we don't ban people here [22:57] <+MacduffsSon> rika you just went full retard nigga [22:57] <+mib_500czn> BAN THIS FUCKING IP ADDRESS [22:57] <+Ryfagalla> JORDMAN IS COMING ROBB [22:57] <+plasmarika> no [22:57] <+mib_500czn> BAN THIS FUCKING IP ADDRESS [22:57] <+JEWS> /mode #789 +e *!*@*.206.167.IP [22:57] <+Matches> like the energizer bunny he just keeps GOING AND GOING AND GOING [22:57] <+mib_500czn> BAN THIS FUCKING IP ADDRESS [22:57] <+klichka> mib:I'll do you a favor and ban it [22:58] <+JEWS> /mode #789 +e *!*@*.206.167.IP [22:58] <+Ryfagalla> HE INTRO AND ZYKLON WILL FINISH THIS [22:58] <+mib_500czn> BAN THIS FUCKING IP ADDRESS [22:58] <+JEWS> /mode #789 +e *!*@*.206.167.IP [22:58] <+mib_500czn> BAN THIS FUCKING IP ADDRESS [22:58] <+RSDuke> Nope [22:58] <+MacduffsSon> WE WILL NEVER BAN YOU [22:58] <+mib_500czn> BAN THIS FUCKING IP ADDRESS [22:58] <+mib_500czn> BAN THIS FUCKING IP ADDRESS 06[22:58] * +klichka sets mode +b *!*@*206.167.IP [22:58] <+mib_500czn> BAN THIS FUCKING IP ADDRESS [22:58] <+mib_500czn> BAN THIS FUCKING IP ADDRESS [22:58] <+mr_bibble> rob you are fucking amazing i love you you sill bastard [22:58] <+Ryfagalla> hahahhahhaha [22:58] <+mib_500czn> BAN THIS FUCKING IP ADDRESS [22:58] <+plasmarika> never, rob [22:58] <+Matches> so is this that thing you have never done before? spamming??>? [22:58] <+mib_500czn> BAN THIS FUCKING IP ADDRESS [22:58] <+mib_500czn> BAN THIS FUCKING IP ADDRESS [22:58] <@codemonster> NEVER [22:58] <+Ryfagalla> somebody edit the ED stat [22:58] <~SeanieB> http://i.imgur.com/ly76h.png [22:58] <~SeanieB> wat [22:58] <+mib_500czn> BAN THIS FUCKING IP ADDRESS 06[22:58] * +JEWS sets mode +e *!*@*.206.167.IP 06[22:58] * +klichka sets mode: +b *!*@*206.167.IP [22:58] <+mib_500czn> BAN THIS FUCKING IP ADDRESS [22:58] <+plasmarika> rika, seriously, cut it out 03[22:58] * not_rikaMAN (Mibbit@lsn-4b8eri.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #789 03[22:58] * boat sets mode: +v not_rikaMAN 03[22:58] * SeanieB sets mode: -vvvvvvvvvv tm512 Ryfagalla ryanstiles RSDuke plasmarika phogg not_rikaMAN mr_bibble mib_500czn Matches 03[22:58] * SeanieB sets mode: -vvvvvv MacduffsSon klichka JEWS Homor Donalbain BernieMac 03[22:58] * SeanieB sets mode: -v vivivi [22:58] <~SeanieB> !set LEVELS AUTOVOICE 1 [22:59] <~SeanieB> I'm taking a break