00:26 klichka I think anyone would punch the fuck out of robb wouldn't they? 00:26 klichka I mean I'd think it was a mugging 00:26 Candy biting insects everywhere 00:27 klichka wouldn't you? 00:27 Candy >punch Rob 00:27 *** rika joined #789 00:27 +++ boat has given voice to rika 00:27 Doc people forget when theyre a logging bob 00:27 Candy >wanting to touch Rob 00:27 superthermite just in time 00:27 IrishMacduffFaggot hey rob 00:27 Doc that he fought in the korean war 00:27 pleaserapemyface HERE WE GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 00:27 rika what the fuck are you people talking about 00:27 Doc that he was a working man most of his life 00:27 Codemonster oh god 00:27 IrishMacduffFaggot whats up 00:27 Candy FUCK YES IM FINALLY HERE FOR IT 00:27 Codemonster its happening 00:27 klichka oh hey 00:27 pleaserapemyface You 00:27 Doc OH SHIT 00:27 superthermite we're talking about lazy town 00:27 Doc FUCK BEDTIME 00:27 Candy We are talking about you, vulture 00:27 Doc WORK TOMORROW CAN WAIT 00:27 superthermite because we love it so much 00:27 rika >wanting to touch rob? 00:27 rika candy, why the fuck am i a vulture 00:27 Candy oh, someone asked if we would punch you 00:27 superthermite the deep themes 00:28 pleaserapemyface Look in a mirrir 00:28 Homor1 00:28 --- Homor1 is back 00:28 pleaserapemyface mirror 00:28 Codemonster deep themes 00:28 Doc rika i have been so very crestfallen about missing your antics thanks to timezone differences 00:28 rika if i saw what you looked like and i made some derogatory remark i bet you'd be pissed 00:28 IrishMacduffFaggot Candy You ever seen a vulture eyeying a dying animal 00:28 IrishMacduffFaggot Candy thats what a Robbay ocular patdown is 00:28 Doc i've stayed up just for you 00:28 Homor1 Wait, Rika's here? 00:28 Candy You look like a hairless bird Robert 00:28 RSDuke You're a vulture because you consume rotting flesh, Robert. 00:28 Homor1 Hey, Rika. 00:28 introman you guys heard about the tuesday bombshell? 00:28 Doc rika you can see a pic of old doc if you want 00:28 pleaserapemyface Nah, I know I would laugh 00:28 klichka rika:Something in the article needs rectification tis all 00:28 RSDuke Yeah, we heard hints, intro. 00:28 rika as i imagine you looking like some fat devaintart whore, candy 00:29 Candy >deviant art 00:29 RSDuke You're a cunt 00:29 RSDuke Drink bleach, Robert. 00:29 Homor1 Shut the fuck up you weaselly little subhuman. 00:29 pleaserapemyface I imagine Candy as someone with a shitty router 00:29 Candy Why do you hate that site so much? I don't even go there lol 00:29 klichka Rika:I imagine you looking like a zombie 00:29 rika always drawning those shitty animu pictures of me 00:29 RSDuke animu? 00:29 klichka hahahaha 00:29 Candy >Animu 00:29 klichka bitch don't know shit 00:29 IrishMacduffFaggot i've seen candy. she's hot 00:29 Candy Uh.... 00:29 RSDuke Damn, you're stupid, Robb. 00:29 Doc rika can you fill me in on fifty shades darker? 00:29 rika its like a creepy fucking obssesion 00:29 pleaserapemyface Not kawaii enough 00:29 Homor1 You don't even know what anime looks like. 00:29 Matches OH HI RIKA 00:29 superthermite IT'S CALLED ANIME DAD! 00:29 Doc i got bored with the first book is the second one any better??? 00:30 pleaserapemyface uguuuu 00:30 Doc hahaha 00:30 Matches THOSE OLD CHAPS STOP BUGGING YOU? GOD SAVE THE QUEEN AND ALL THAT ROT? 00:30 superthermite Hola Amigos! Why are you eses cracking on Senor Robert Wayne Stiles? Ella mucha bonita! Omega esta fea! Rik­a's suffered enough, just leave her alone! 00:30 rika and introman, i'm sure you heard about me and rachel ambrose right> 00:30 Homor1 Rika: When are you gonna just check yourself into a rehab clinic or kill yourself, you douche? 00:30 Candy >creepy obsession 00:30 Doc Rika i'm getting a little fucked off that you keep ignoring my advances 00:30 introman i sold rika's cyberbullying contract to a certain group of people. i gave them the tranny contacts and all the info. hope they can do a good job. 00:30 pleaserapemyface TIME FOR A SPOT OF PEE, PIP PIP CHEERIO 00:30 Doc i've stayed up just for you you rude cunt 00:30 introman i stopped caring about you. sold your contract. 00:30 RSDuke lol 00:30 RSDuke Damn, Robb's fucked now. 00:30 *** Candy quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 00:31 rika rachel ambrose is going to lose her fucking high priestess position in the lgbt goverment 00:31 Doc oh no!!! 00:31 IrishMacduffFaggot wat 00:31 *** Candy joined #789 00:31 +++ boat has given voice to Candy 00:31 rika when i've finished this battle 00:31 RSDuke Less than you're going to lose, Rika. 00:31 superthermite >high priestess position 00:31 pleaserapemyface >Lgbt government 00:31 Matches >HIGH PRIESTESS POSITION 00:31 Homor1 What are you talking about, you babbling weirdo? 00:31 introman good. tell that to your new cyberbullies 00:31 Matches A new quote every fucking time 00:31 Candy and too sadly correct you Rob, im sadly almost as skinny a fuck as you 00:31 IrishMacduffFaggot rachel ambrose is going to lose her fucking high priestess position in the lgbt goverment 00:31 Candy >HIGH PRIESTESS 00:31 pleaserapemyface Candy get a better router 00:31 IrishMacduffFaggot dafuq 00:31 c64system What is this fictional govenment that you going on about 00:31 Doc Robbay I am sure you will crush her with the same bravado and success that you've implemented in crushing seanieb and introman. 00:31 *** fart joined #789 00:31 +++ boat has given voice to fart [00:31] <+RSDuke> Robb's high, guys. [00:32] <+rika> yeah im sure your just as skeletal without fucking bathsalts candy [00:32] <+RSDuke> Smokin' them salts. [00:32] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> lol [00:32] <+Homor1> Quit picking on Candy, Rika. [00:32] <+Candy> I know i try :3 [00:32] <+RSDuke> But I though you quit, Rika? [00:32] <+pleaserapemyface> So, rob admits he's a skeleton [00:32] <+Homor1> Seriously, what the fuck is your problem? [00:32] <+superthermite> have you ever been to africa rika? [00:32] <+pleaserapemyface> 2spooky4me [00:32] <+RSDuke> Did you lie to us again? [00:32] <+Doc> rika how has she gone from a fat whore to skeletal in your eyes in under 5 minutes? [00:32] <+Candy> >skeleton [00:32] <+superthermite> there are some people there as skinny as you [00:32] <+Homor1> WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM? [00:32] <+rika> introman, mikhail recieved a message from an anonymous source that told us who is selling us short [00:32] <+Candy> and you wonder why we call you a vulture? [00:32] <+RSDuke> ^ [00:32] <+klichka> rika:I'm the one selling you off [00:32] <+c64system> >LGBT Theocracy. [00:32] <+Doc> rika mikhail is a stonecutter [00:32] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> was it RaCHEL AMBROSE 02[00:33] * +Candy (Mibbit@lsn-t4e6ul.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [00:33] <+pleaserapemyface> Was it Christiankyle7? [00:33] <+rika> good ridance 03[00:33] * Candy (Mibbit@lsn-t4e6ul.res.rr.com) has joined #789 03[00:33] * boat sets mode: +v Candy [00:33] <+Homor1> I know your high right now, but even if you were lucid, i'd doubt you have the self awareness or the modesty to realize you belong in a rehab clinic, you stupid asshole. [00:33] <+Doc> his real name is mick heil, he's been the one pulling the strings from the start [00:33] <+RSDuke> So, looks like the plan's working, guys. [00:33] <+Candy> though i also call you a vulture because of your predatory nature towards mentally ill women [00:33] <+Candy> PENELOPEEEEEE [00:33] <+pleaserapemyface> Rob, do you still fancy yourself a hero? [00:33] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> *an hero [00:34] <+RSDuke> Candy: He only took her exploring when she was on her meds. [00:34] <+rika> candy you are an ugly skeletal virginal man, just shut the fuck up [00:34] <+Homor1> Fucking shit, i feel so sorry for your poor parents. [00:34] <+introman> good luck on your troll hunt. when the new trolls want to reveal themselves. you can tell them. [00:34] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> haha so mad [00:34] <+Doc> rob you don't owe these people anything, you've already given them everything [00:34] <+c64system> Roobie did you drug Penelope? [00:34] <+Candy> >ugly skeletal virginal man [00:34] <+Homor1> All they've ever done is try to help you, and you spit it back at them like acid. [00:34] <+Matches> LOL [00:34] <+Candy> Someone's projecting guys [00:34] <+RSDuke> It's all good, though. [00:34] <+pleaserapemyface> IrishMacduffFaggot, He still has his ipod [00:34] <+Matches> Candy is not a virgin [00:34] <+RSDuke> Bubba's gonna have a new best friend soon. [00:34] <+Matches> He has a great tight ass [00:34] <+Homor1> That's your fucking problem, Rika. [00:34] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> i think he likes your pictures, candy [00:34] <+RSDuke> Isn't that right, Rika? [00:34] <+rika> i just demand an apology and i'll stop talking down yo asses [00:34] <+pleaserapemyface> Draw more [00:35] <+Matches> wat [00:35] <+Homor1> Whenever someone is nice to you, you take the kindness and wipe your ass with it. [00:35] <+RSDuke> Hell, he may even call you his little buddy, Rob. [00:35] <+klichka> rika:Tell you what [00:35] <+Homor1> Fuck off. [00:35] <+Candy> demand an apology? [00:35] <+klichka> I've got an offer for you rika [00:35] <+Matches> you are the one who needs to make an apology video rika [00:35] <+Candy> Really? [00:35] <+Doc> rika what are we apologising for? [00:35] <+klichka> if you make an apology video [00:35] <+Matches> thats your job [00:35] <+RSDuke> Yeah, Candy. [00:35] <+pleaserapemyface> Rob, give us the apology video [00:35] <+Homor1> You aren't getting an apology, ever. [00:35] <+klichka> I'll apologize for every wrong I've done against you [00:35] <+RSDuke> He needs to just OD already. [00:35] <+klichka> deal? [00:35] <+Matches> APOLOGY VIDEO [00:35] <+Homor1> It's no one's fault but your own. [00:35] <+Candy> How long have you been on this site, you idiot vulture? [00:35] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> APOLOGY VIDEO [00:35] <+RSDuke> Or jump. That would work too. [00:35] <+klichka> If you make an apology video, I'll apologize for every wrong I've done against you, deal? [00:35] <+rika> i've considered doing the apology video as an original character: the ropeman [00:35] <+RSDuke> nope [00:35] <+rika> that is the only way i'll do it [00:35] <+pleaserapemyface> >The Ropeman [00:35] <+Matches> uh, ok , go for it [00:35] <+superthermite> ropeman? [00:35] <+Matches> DO IT [00:35] <+Candy> Do you really think you are getting an apology? [00:35] <+introman> thats ok with me [00:35] <+Homor1> What? [00:35] <+Candy> >Ropeman [00:35] <+pleaserapemyface> This is gonna be good [00:35] <+Doc> Rob I am truly sorry from the bottom of my heart that you manhandled and then violated PENELOPAAYYYY [00:35] <+superthermite> is that your original character do not steal? [00:35] <+c64system> Where are the only contact that you have with the outside world [00:35] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> is that when you hang yourslef? [00:35] <+klichka> Candy:Yeah he is [00:35] <+Candy> >Rapeman [00:35] <+Matches> Ropeman is great [00:36] <+Homor1> The ropeman? Is that like the Wicker Man? [00:36] <+Candy> Robert are you into auto asphyixation or some shit [00:36] <+Homor1> I hated that movie. [00:36] <+superthermite> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4MqTCIDKhU [00:36] <+RSDuke> We all know Robb's into bondage. [00:36] <+rika> no, it a character invented for bondage for that video that harel wanted to make [00:36] <+RSDuke> Is the ropeman a gimp? [00:36] <+Candy> ohgod [00:36] <+RSDuke> I bet he is. [00:36] <+Homor1> Nick Cage getting chased by bees or some stupid shit. [00:36] <+Doc> the original was pretty cool i thought, didn't care for the nick cage one though [00:36] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> ROPEMAN http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-JsElOgHdRSI/T_CVrozUZeI/AAAAAAAAA_g/qrlj-pH0ZNg/s1600/noose-1.jpg [00:36] <+pleaserapemyface> If you say "Ropeman" in front of a mirror 3 times, the Goblin king will steal your genitals away [00:36] <+RSDuke> Robb's gonna dress in a gimp suit, guys! [00:36] <+Candy> >talking about the Nick Cage wickerman [00:36] <+Homor1> You ever see it, Rika? It's terrible. [00:36] <+c64system> Is ropeman a Robot master? [00:36] <+Candy> >not the original [00:37] <+Homor1> Never saw the original. [00:37] <+Candy> its way better [00:37] <+Doc> it's worth a watch [00:37] <+rika> just listen, fuck off everyone who's not going to apologize to me [00:37] <+Doc> the ending is pretty iconic [00:37] <+Candy> You came into this chat room [00:37] <+Doc> rika i just apologised [00:37] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> i'll apologise to you rika [00:37] <+rika> because i need some apologies before i go and make this video [00:37] <+Doc> and you IGNORED ME again [00:37] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> if you make da video [00:37] <+pleaserapemyface> If that happened, this place would be empty [00:37] <+RSDuke> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sUOk91PhxQ Here's the Ropeman in action, guys. [00:37] <+Candy> I'll make an apology video for you if you make one for us [00:37] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> ^ [00:37] <+Candy> hell i'll even donate some bath salt money [00:38] <+Homor1> Do you need an apology from me too, Rika? [00:38] <+rika> i dont feel sorry for an of you assholes thats the problem [00:38] <+rika> you dont deserve any sympathy [00:38] <+RSDuke> We know [00:38] <+Doc> an of you [00:38] <+Doc> hahahah [00:38] <+Candy> The feeling is mutual [00:38] <+rika> your all fucking wretched trolls [00:38] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> why would you feel sorry for us [00:38] <+pleaserapemyface> Are you saying we should feel sorry for you? [00:38] <+rika> you prey on ME [00:38] <+Doc> Rika I have already apologised to you [00:38] <+RSDuke> Believe us, Robb. When you die, tears shall not be shed. [00:38] <+Homor1> Rika, are you talking to us, or yourself? [00:38] <+Matches> Rika , I am sorry for saying things that you told us and that somehow made you an addict who throws shit . I apologize. [00:38] <+Doc> where is my apology? [00:38] <+RSDuke> Keep pointing fingers, bitch. [00:38] <+Homor1> We don't prey on you, Rika. You're the one coming here. [00:38] <+introman> lol. calm down with your postings [00:38] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> yeah we force you to come back here again and again [00:38] <+introman> this is becoming epic ween [00:38] <+RSDuke> Your LIU buddy confirmed you've always been like this. [00:38] <+Doc> Rika once again I am truly sorry that you MANhandled penelappaayyy [00:39] <+introman> everybody [00:39] <+introman> slow it down [00:39] <+Homor1> It's like a wolverine climbing into a lion's mouth. [00:39] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> rika's brain can't cope with the rapid postings [00:39] <+pleaserapemyface> should we type s l o w e r ? [00:39] <+Doc> sorry introman, it's just living in britain i don't often get the chance to see rika with my own eyes, can't blame a boy for getting a little carried away [00:40] <+Candy> >fucking wretched trolls [00:40] <+Candy> said the loser who used to brag about trolling on some star gate forums [00:40] <+superthermite> Rika, we are all truely sorry, and never wanted to hurt you WHOOPS JULAAAAY [00:40] <+RSDuke> And destroying Myspace groups. [00:40] <+pleaserapemyface> He was a trolling hero [00:40] <+Doc> posting porn on myspace groups is some pretty edgey shit [00:40] <+RSDuke> ^ [00:41] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> i guess he's talking to intro now 02[00:41] * +Candy (Mibbit@lsn-t4e6ul.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [00:41] <+Homor1> He'll go into your Star Wars room and make a nuisance of himself until he gets kicked! [00:41] <+RSDuke> Harem maps [00:41] <+Doc> i hope he doesn't move onto battlefield, fuck will i do if wraiths hit my server?? [00:41] <+pleaserapemyface> Harem tanks [00:42] <+rika> look i'd be wearing this in the apology video so none ofyou get satisfaction [00:42] <+rika> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7tk5sy5eWk [00:42] <+rika> of seeing the damage you've done [00:42] <+Homor1> HAHAHA [00:42] <+RSDuke> Oh come on, Robb. [00:42] <+Doc> rika is that your apartment? [00:42] <@Codemonster> hahahahahaha [00:42] <+pleaserapemyface> Thank god you're not naked [00:42] <+Doc> i can see a little brown on the wall [00:42] <+superthermite> come on Rob, that's not even a mask [00:42] <+superthermite> you're not fooling anyone [00:42] <+Homor1> Robb, you look like Skeletor. [00:42] <+Matches> fine RIka just make the video [00:42] <+Homor1> Hold on. [00:43] <+klichka> wait [00:43] <+rika> YOU WILL NOT SEE MY FUCKING FACE [00:43] <+Doc> the goblin king in his truest form [00:43] <+klichka> why not? [00:43] <+Doc> good [00:43] <+pleaserapemyface> No face no apology from us [00:43] <+RSDuke> He's afraid, Klichka. [00:43] <+Doc> it's late and i don't want to be having any erotic dreams waking me up [00:43] <+Homor1> http://www.wowpedia.org/images/b/b6/HumanMale_wearing_t5.JPG [00:43] <+Homor1> This is what you look like, Robb. [00:43] <+Homor1> Minus the shoulder pads. [00:43] <+RSDuke> Robb's just a scared little bitch. [00:44] <+superthermite> where's the image homor [00:44] <+Homor1> http://www.wowpedia.org/File:HumanMale_wearing_t5.JPG [00:44] <+pleaserapemyface> click it [00:44] <+superthermite> can't see it for some reason [00:44] <+superthermite> oh well [00:44] <+Homor1> Meh [00:44] <+Doc> http://thepak.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/skull-skeletor.jpg [00:44] <+Homor1> Happens with IRC sometimes. [00:44] <+introman> why not reveal the face and make it an anti troll psa? [00:44] <+RSDuke> ^ [00:44] <+rika> do you want to see the spazzy leader of the manchild trannies [00:44] <+pleaserapemyface> ^ [00:45] <+rika> https://www.facebook.com/rachel.ambrose.9 [00:45] <+Doc> rika you've sent the wrong url? [00:45] <+pleaserapemyface> Show the world the damage trolling has done [00:45] <+Doc> this isn't your fb? [00:45] <+rika> some of the pictures on HIS facebook are really hirlarious [00:45] <+Homor1> I don't even know this chick or how she came up. [00:45] <+RSDuke> Looks like a regular person to me, Robert. [00:45] <+pleaserapemyface> That's a girl though [00:45] <+RSDuke> No signs of stimulant abuse at all. [00:45] <+rika> she is the one whos reporting to introman and who he intends to use as a witness against me [00:45] <+RSDuke> lol [00:45] <+Doc> who is this stunning boyfriend free girl?? [00:45] <+RSDuke> "Witness?" [00:46] <+rika> she kicked me out of transway for my revolutionary thinking [00:46] <+RSDuke> Robb, you're off your rocker. [00:46] <+superthermite> and she can be in the same room as other people without screaming or throwing feces at them [00:46] <@Codemonster> she actually looks like a normal person [00:46] <+RSDuke> ^ [00:46] <@Codemonster> as opposed to you [00:46] <+Homor1> "revolutionary thinking"? [00:46] <+pleaserapemyface> > my revolutionary thinking [00:46] <+RSDuke> lol [00:46] <+Homor1> Oh, fucking Robb. [00:46] <+pleaserapemyface> Were you going to decorate the clubroom with shit? [00:46] <+RSDuke> We know your thinking, robb. [00:46] <+Matches> aka : Kill Cis Scum [00:46] <+RSDuke> You and ADF were just butthurt about not passing. [00:46] <+Doc> rika dressing up as a girl to get some sweet sweet honey/hide from the pornstar you planned to rape isn't revolutionary thinking [00:46] <+rika> aka she promoted jordman's bumbling idocy and harels communist usurping powers [00:47] <+RSDuke> Butthurt [00:47] <+Homor1> >harels communist usurping powers [00:47] <+RSDuke> Damn, Robb's the king of fucking butthurt. [00:47] <+Doc> Rika what happened between you and ADF> [00:47] <+Homor1> Seriously, just when i though you've said the weirdest, most asinine thing you possibly could, you keep going. 03[00:47] * Candy (Mibbit@lsn-t4e6ul.res.rr.com) has joined #789 03[00:47] * boat sets mode: +v Candy [00:47] <+rika> and yet because i want to revolutionize transway and promote a more liberal way of thinking she went nuclear [00:47] <+RSDuke> Yeah, last I knew he was your "guard dog". [00:47] <+Doc> I'm sure if you told us we would be willing to troll him in your place [00:47] <+pleaserapemyface> Robb, I have just the thing for you. [00:47] <+pleaserapemyface> http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3664/3666461881_410660033e.jpg [00:48] <+superthermite> what were these revolutionary ideas rob? [00:48] <+Candy> >revolutionize transway [00:48] <+RSDuke> lol [00:48] <+Candy> tell us more Robet [00:48] <+Homor1> Did you ever think you might've gotten kicked out because you're an asshole, Rika? Not because you're a revolutionary hero? [00:48] <+Candy> You have a tendency to insult other genderqueers [00:48] <+rika> i was going to alot those fake gender queer assholes like jordman [00:48] <+Doc> what he really means is "She was AGAINST me freebasin' and flinging shit at walls she's a right wing nazi!!!" [00:48] <+rika> WASNT [00:48] <+RSDuke> Robb, [00:48] <+Candy> welp [00:48] <+RSDuke> You called yourself a genderqueer until recently. [00:49] <+c64system> by more liberal you mean authoritarian. [00:49] <+Candy> So basically [00:49] <+Candy> you wanted transway to have only things you liked [00:49] <+rika> we were going to rid them of the progressionist views that were mucking up the original constitution [00:49] <+rika> LGBT [00:49] <+RSDuke> Robb, what happened? [00:49] <+pleaserapemyface> Robb, this is what you need, right here lsn-t4e6ul.res.rr.com [00:49] <+superthermite> >transexual constitution [00:49] <+RSDuke> "Screw LGBT" Robert [00:49] <+pleaserapemyface> http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3664/3666461881_410660033e.jpg [00:49] <+Homor1> See, you go through massive leaps in logic and reasoning to try and make yourself the hero in every single situation, Rika. You'd be better off just admitting you're wrong in most cases and trying to learn from your mistakes. [00:49] <+Matches> Robbert you said you hate LGBT [00:49] <+Doc> Rika why did you fall out with ADF> [00:50] <+Doc> What will you do without his 9mm?!?!?! [00:50] <+rika> i hated LGBT when they fucking turned on me [00:50] <+RSDuke> lol [00:50] <+Candy> Robert you admitted you only became a tranny to pick up womn [00:50] <+RSDuke> More like you turned on them [00:50] <+Doc> Rika who do you hate more, /cwc/ or transway? [00:50] <+rika> its like a country and when your country becomes a fucking dictatorship what the hell are you supposed to do [00:50] <+RSDuke> I think you're trying to out-ADF ADF with all the changes. [00:50] <+rika> TRANSWAY USES /CWC/ [00:50] <+RSDuke> nope [00:50] <+Candy> Lol no [00:50] <+RSDuke> You're just paranoid [00:51] <+RSDuke> Too much salts. [00:51] <+Doc> dress up poorly as a woman, do a shitton of bathsalts, defecate over the walls and blame it all on da trolls [00:51] <+RSDuke> Have fun in prison, Robb. [00:51] <+c64system> Become worse then the current regime Robb. [00:51] <+Doc> Rika did you want me to make an apology video for you? [00:51] <+pleaserapemyface> http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3664/3666461881_410660033e.jpg get it rob, you need it [00:51] <+Candy> Lots of people dislike you Rob, stop acting like there is a conspiracy [00:51] <+RSDuke> ^ [00:51] <+Matches> You are just a dick to everyone [00:51] <+Matches> that is why the apology video will stop it all [00:51] <+RSDuke> A butthurt dick at that. [00:51] <+Doc> Rika I for one like you [00:52] <+rika> jordman used you fucking people and i still stand by that. he laughs in his drug cartel of a room while YOU do his bidding [00:52] <+RSDuke> No [00:52] <+Doc> Sorry what [00:52] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> > his drug cartel of a room [00:52] <+klichka> Rika:You have yet to provide evidence [00:52] <+pleaserapemyface> Really, you're just a terrible person Robb [00:52] <+Doc> his drug cartal of a room [00:52] <+RSDuke> I've never spoken to Jordan, Robb. [00:52] <+pleaserapemyface> It's the cause of all of your troubles [00:52] <+Doc> from the goblin king of salts? [00:52] <+Homor1> Slow down, everyone. [00:52] <+c64system> I don't even know jordman. [00:52] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> jordan has nothing to do with us. she's just a sexy woman [00:52] <+pleaserapemyface> you're a terrible person who refuses to take responsibility for his own actions [00:52] <+Candy> Jordman looks like a fucking ape [00:53] <+rika> YES [00:53] <+Homor1> This isn't MST, we don't need your commentary this constantly. [00:53] <+Doc> looks like i'd fucking rape you mean [00:53] <+rika> FUCKING YES CANDY [00:53] <+klichka> I've been here providing you help and advice, and you treat me like hell I'm upset, I've taken you to water but you refuse to drink and look at me with anger that you thirst [00:53] <+Matches> lol [00:53] <+superthermite> you look like a halloween decoration Rob, that's not any better [00:53] <+Matches> but rika looks like a goblin king [00:53] <+Candy> but you have a shittier personality [00:53] <+Homor1> OH SNAP [00:54] <+Matches> has anyone seen Time Bandits, I think that chunk of pure evil that blows up the kids parents is actually Rika's soul [00:54] <+JEWS> http://tosh.comedycentral.com/blog/files/2012/10/ilovecocks.jpg [00:54] <+rika> he has a hideous personality, he kissed up to everyone in transway by pretending to be pro-life and just supporting everyone elses ideas [00:54] <+RSDuke> Robert, you're never going to win. [00:54] <+JEWS> oh hey rika [00:54] <+c64system> Even chris chan is a better tranny [00:54] <+RSDuke> ^ [00:54] <+Homor1> KINDNESS! THE ONE TRUE EVIL IN THE WORLD! [00:54] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> >hideous personality [00:55] <+Homor1> Oh god guys, Jordman was nice to everyone! HOW HORRIBLE! [00:55] <+RSDuke> Yeah [00:55] <+RSDuke> Robb's just jealous, guys. [00:55] <+RSDuke> Fuck him. [00:55] <+Doc> Rob be honest [00:55] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> he hates that jordman passes better than him [00:55] <+Doc> Penelope was Jordan wasn't he? [00:55] <+rika> he only wanted to higher in the tomem pole [00:55] <+rika> totem [00:55] <+klichka> Matches:You know 'seed of evil' on star trek? [00:55] <+Candy> Did he punch out a girl for "teasing" him? did he drain money from his parents like a parasite? did he make death threats towards genderqueers for disagreeing with him? [00:55] <+klichka> that's Robert's soul right there that black pool of tar [00:55] <+RSDuke> Butthurt, Robb. [00:55] <+Homor1> Hey Rika, that isn't "kissing up" it's called "treating people decently." MAYBE YOU SHOULD FUCKING TRY IT. [00:56] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> ^ [00:56] <+RSDuke> ^ [00:56] <+pleaserapemyface> ^ [00:56] <+rika> i'm an angry person, but i have a fucking right to be [00:56] <+Candy> nope [00:56] <+RSDuke> Nope [00:56] <+superthermite> no [00:56] <+pleaserapemyface> No you don't [00:56] <+Doc> yeah girl you tell it how it is [00:56] <+Homor1> IF YOU COULD LEARN TO TREAT PEOPLE GOOD FOR ONCE IN YOUR MISERABLE, TERRIBLE, STUPID FUCKING LIFE YOU WOULDN'T BE A VACANT BATH SALTS SNORTING PILE OF FUCKING MISERY. [00:56] <+Candy> Check your privilege tranny scum [00:56] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> what, because people are being mean to you on the internet? [00:56] <+Doc> i'd be fucking fuming too at myself if i lived the way you do [00:56] <+pleaserapemyface> You're just a bitter asshole who has no reason to be one [00:56] <+klichka> skin of evil it was [00:56] <+klichka> http://opinionsfromtheleftfield.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/evil_armus.jpg [00:57] <+klichka> this is rika's soul [00:57] <+RSDuke> Robb, you're just full of hate, that's all. [00:57] <+superthermite> I GET FREE MONEY FOR RENT AND DRUGS I HAVE A RIGHT 2 B ANGRY U ASSHOLES [00:57] <+Doc> rob you actually remind me of the grinch [00:57] <+RSDuke> ^ [00:57] <+Candy> no [00:57] <+Doc> both physically and as a person [00:57] <+RSDuke> At least the Grinch learned his lesson. [00:57] <+Candy> hes Scrooge from Christmas Carol [00:57] <+RSDuke> No, Scrooge learned, too. [00:57] <+pleaserapemyface> He's the lovechild of scrooge and the grinch [00:57] <+Candy> with the intelligence of a slug [00:57] <+Doc> The grinch lives in a cave, is shunned by locals and hates everyone [00:57] <+RSDuke> Robb's just a hateful goblin. [00:58] <+Doc> you're a mean one, mr stiles [00:58] <+rika> stop with the goblin shit [00:58] <+pleaserapemyface> He's a Grooge [00:58] <+klichka> Rika:Show your face and prove us wrong [00:58] <+Candy> btw wht sort of a classes you took in college btw? [00:58] <+RSDuke> All hail the Golbin King! [00:58] <+Candy> tell us RIka [00:58] <+Homor1> From your perspective,. the only reason to ever be nice to someone is to get free shit from them, you greedy little goblin fuck. [00:58] <+Doc> rika you call us trolls how do you think that makes us feel???? [00:58] <+pleaserapemyface> Tell me King of Goblins, do you have enough salts? [00:58] <+Homor1> That's why you think Jordman was "kissing up" to people. [00:58] <+RSDuke> Besides, Robb, you're not big enough to be an orc. [00:58] <+rika> i give with you people [00:58] <+RSDuke> Goblin King [00:59] <+Candy> no you don't [00:59] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> make the video [00:59] <+RSDuke> ^ [00:59] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> and show your face [00:59] <+Candy> we're your only friends [00:59] <+Doc> Moria is the only place for a goblin of your stature Robb [00:59] <+RSDuke> Just apologize already. [00:59] <+Homor1> YOU give up on us, Rika? [00:59] <+RSDuke> lol [00:59] <+Candy> You say "I give up" everyday [00:59] <+Homor1> Yeah, eat my dick, dude. [00:59] <+Candy> yet you retur [00:59] <+Candy> you can't help yourself [00:59] <+RSDuke> ^ [00:59] <+rika> because i hope it will be fucking different [00:59] <+RSDuke> LMAO [00:59] <+Homor1> Just quit talking shit and actually do something for once in your loathsome, pathetic life. [00:59] <+pleaserapemyface> Why [00:59] <+rika> that one day you'll see my way of thinking isnt evil [00:59] <+Candy> Our love can never be Robert. [00:59] <+RSDuke> sides.exe has stopped responding. [01:00] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> hahah [01:00] <+rika> i [01:00] <+Matches> nope [01:00] <+Homor1> Yeah, whatever, see you tomorrow faggot. [01:00] <+pleaserapemyface> Has anyone ever given you thanks for anything Rob? [01:00] <+Candy> We don't think you are evil Rob. Just a greedy idiot. [01:00] <+Matches> thow moar shit [01:00] <+rika> just trying to make it in my life and prevent these faggots from harboring me [01:00] <+RSDuke> A non-evil goblin? That's a good one! [01:00] <+pleaserapemyface> Have you ever treated anyone with that much decency? [01:00] <+RSDuke> You are not, Robb. [01:00] <+JEWS> did rika ever say why he doesn't respond to me ever [01:00] <+RSDuke> If you really were, you wouldn't be strung out on drugs. [01:00] <+Homor1> By the way, Rika. The next time the cops show up to your house, you aren't gonna have time to hide like last time. [01:01] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> what faggots [01:01] <+Homor1> Go fuck yourself, Goblin fuck. [01:01] <+pleaserapemyface> >just trying to make it in my life [01:01] <+pleaserapemyface> Well what's stopping you? [01:01] <+rika> transway is just a bunch of crossdressing queers [01:01] <+RSDuke> Don't change the subject [01:01] <+Doc> as opposed to you rob? [01:01] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> so are you [01:01] <+rika> they only dress up as women to attact men [01:01] <+RSDuke> Nope [01:01] <+RSDuke> That's you [01:01] <+Candy> and you crossdress to attract women [01:01] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> so much projection [01:01] <+Homor1> Like you, Rika? [01:01] <+RSDuke> ^ [01:01] <+pleaserapemyface> What's stopping you from living your life robb? [01:01] <+rika> because their ass raming homos [01:01] <+RSDuke> Tolerance [01:01] <+Candy> that homophobia [01:01] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> its called tolarance [01:02] <+Doc> Rika I would love to spoon with you [01:02] <+RSDuke> lol [01:02] <+Candy> Rob, you sound like a cheese coney [01:02] <+rika> rachel telling introman everything to post on this chan [01:02] <+RSDuke> no [01:02] <+Doc> running my hard worked hands through your luscious long locks [01:02] <+rika> jordman using /cwc/ as his personal army [01:02] <+introman> rika is bald now [01:02] <+RSDuke> LMAO [01:02] <+Doc> whispering sweet nothings into your ear and holding your shapely figure [01:02] <+klichka> rika's bald? [01:02] <+RSDuke> lol [01:02] <+pleaserapemyface> I can believe it [01:03] <+Candy> We don't give a fuck about Jordman [01:03] <+RSDuke> Did you rip your hair out, Robb? [01:03] <+klichka> holy fuck that's why he's afraid to show his face [01:03] <+pleaserapemyface> dat thining hairline [01:03] <+Candy> we neither hate him or love him [01:03] <+Doc> touching your dainty, scab free, skin [01:03] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> lol [01:03] <+rika> OH MY FUCKING CHRIST [01:03] <+RSDuke> Robb ripped his hair out, guys! [01:03] <+rika> IAEBGJ\ [01:03] <+rika> SDGBRJFN [01:03] <+RSDuke> lol [01:03] <+pleaserapemyface> lol [01:03] <+superthermite> HAHAHA [01:03] <+RSDuke> Baldy! [01:03] <+IrishMacduffFaggot> no plz dont ddos us again [01:03] <+Doc> i see you're as aroused as I am right now Rika [01:03] <+RSDuke> Robb ripped his hair out! [01:03] <+pleaserapemyface> He must look like a goblin now [01:03] <+Candy> WATCH OUT GUYS HES THROWING SHIT LITERALLY 02[01:03] * +rika (Mibbit@lsn-9tobj7.east.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [01:03] <+RSDuke> Too much stress!