22:45 *** rika joined #789 22:45 +++ boat has given voice to rika 22:45 cracker i thought he'd be more interested in talking about eggmen or some shit 22:45 *** vivivi joined #789 22:45 +++ boat has given voice to vivivi 22:45 panitaliemom I missed Moleman? Fuuuuuuck. 22:45 lilybet seriously? 22:45 rika why the fuck did you post that zyklon that was confidental 22:45 WhoreosNMilf back so soon? 22:45 lilybet he lasted like 10 minutes 22:46 rika seriously 22:46 RSDuke Hey Rika 22:46 lilybet HAHAHAHA 22:46 rika some people 22:46 Zyklon Oh? 22:46 protoautist Hey rika 22:46 WhoreosNMilf new record 22:46 cracker lol 22:46 RandomAnon Rob it's not 12 yet. This doesn't count as tomorrow. 22:46 *** klichka joined #789 22:46 +++ boat has given voice to klichka 22:46 rika thats just bullying 22:46 lilybet rika why the fuck did you post that zyklon that was confidental 22:46 panitaliemom RIKA!!!! 22:46 lilybet rika why the fuck did you post that zyklon that was confidental 22:46 lilybet rika why the fuck did you post that zyklon that was confidental 22:46 klichka back 22:46 protoautist you aren't the real rika, are you 22:46 cracker >confidential 22:46 cracker yeah no 22:46 lilybet its him 22:46 klichka PC died 22:46 Zyklon You didn't really say much anything "confidential" 22:46 klichka I hate that shit 22:46 RandomAnon Hey klich 22:46 klichka sup 22:46 RandomAnon ORb. 22:46 rika damn it i should have 22:46 RandomAnon Rob too 22:46 Zyklon and you've never had problem (trying) to DOX me so I don't feel /too/ bad 22:46 RSDuke ^ 22:46 RSDuke You reap what you sow, Robert. 22:47 rika oh so now its just revenge 22:47 RandomAnon >feeling bad at all 22:47 Zyklon nah 22:47 vivivi Yes all of it 22:47 RandomAnon Rob put the sticks down. 22:47 Zyklon It's cocks. 22:47 Matches lol 22:47 rika bloody circle, zyklon 22:47 WhoreosNMilf where does zyklon live? I forgot 22:47 protoautist So, rika, do you have any pictures of penelope? 22:47 rika bloody circle 22:47 protoautist That you wanna show us? 22:47 Zyklon I thought you said weed made you cool. 22:47 RSDuke If people wanted revenge, your life would really suck right now. 22:47 Zyklon What's this then. 22:47 lilybet show us penny 22:47 rika i'll only post one to prove penelope wasn't fictional 22:47 lilybet ok 22:47 rika you can take it or leave it 22:47 protoautist Alright, are you in it? 22:48 vivivi Phillyfag here. Rika what pharmacy do you work at? 22:48 Zyklon Robb sure showed us how much he's learned by immediately returning. 22:48 RSDuke ^ 22:48 lilybet walgreens 22:48 vivivi I want to come buy herpex from you. 22:48 vivivi Which one? 22:48 Matches penelope was never real 22:48 protoautist We'll take it, rika 22:48 vivivi Theres multiple 22:48 lilybet dunno 22:48 Zyklon I always thought it was Walmart 22:48 rika how do you post pictures 22:48 Zyklon fucking American shops sounding too similar 22:48 lilybet paste the url 22:48 WhoreosNMilf use the board 22:48 RandomAnon http://www.facebook.com/penelope.briggeman I FOUNT BENELOBE 22:48 RandomAnon : DDDD 22:48 WhoreosNMilf fug 22:48 rika well than i have to go into photobucket or some shit 22:48 klichka Walmart and Walgreens sound alike 22:49 Zyklon WhoreosNMilf , I live in Finland or Turkey or Russia. It's up to you, pretty much. 22:49 protoautist Just upload to 789, rika 22:49 WhoreosNMilf 'k 22:49 klichka wait a minute did Rika show nudes or something? 22:49 Matches just post it on 789chan 22:49 RSDuke Rika, go to timypic.com 22:49 lilybet he's showing us his gf 22:49 protoautist no, he's posting penelope 22:49 klichka oh 22:49 RandomAnon >how do you post pictures 22:49 RandomAnon I lold 22:49 vivivi penelope here rika what did i tell you 22:50 *** weirdo quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 22:50 protoautist vivivi shut up, ween faggot 22:50 Zyklon But seriously, I wanna know how I am a Broadband internet or a brewery. Reveal me your hacker DOXing secrets dammit. 22:50 RSDuke lol 22:50 rika http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=357rqdf&s=6 that is it just because she ditched me 22:50 Matches do robbay , you have been , hetero , homo , trans , and assexual , going for a record rika? 22:50 klichka rika knows you aren't penelope 22:51 RSDuke He's trying to catch up with ADF. 22:51 rika i took it myself so of course its shit 22:51 lilybet is she trans 22:51 protoautist I dunno if I believe you, rika. To be completely honest. 22:51 Zyklon Robb, did your parents buy you a hooker? 22:51 protoautist You aren't in the picture\ 22:51 vivivi in fact shes holding the camera 22:51 Matches lol , if its shit then why do you think you can be a photographer 22:51 Matches yeah 22:51 RandomAnon Thanks google 22:51 lilybet lol 22:51 rika that because i had her pose 22:51 protoautist I can't be sure you're truthful 22:51 rika for the camera at least. shes way better looking than me 22:52 RandomAnon >I had her pose like she'd holding the camera 22:52 RandomAnon Fucking liar 22:52 vivivi You're no photographer rika 22:52 vivivi you didnt ask her to pose 22:52 lilybet lol 22:52 rika take it or leave 22:52 Zyklon Detail of interest: Image completely lacks EXIF data, which means it's been mangled through some site, FB for example 22:52 vivivi I'll take it AND stay 22:52 RandomAnon 22:52 rika take it or leave 22:52 *** RandomAnon quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 22:52 rika know it hasn't. i took it on my iphone 22:52 RSDuke Liar 22:52 *** RandomAnon joined #789 22:52 +++ boat has given voice to RandomAnon 22:52 WhoreosNMilf not bad really 22:52 klichka 22:53 RSDuke iphone's the worst about exif data. 22:53 protoautist I dunno, that's kinda shitty quality for an iphone. 22:53 protoautist I have an iphone, it takes pretty clear pictures 22:53 RSDuke Ergo, you didn't take that picture Robert. 22:53 rika does she look like some fucking model i stole pictures from? 22:53 lilybet it doesn't look like an iphone pic to me 22:53 RSDuke No, she looks like some random girl whose FB you raided. 22:53 lilybet probably some random chick on fb 22:53 protoautist Not formatted right for an iphone 22:53 RandomAnon ^ 22:54 Matches she is probably the sister of the 13 year old boy you raped 22:54 Zyklon No, but you posted that a minute ago and your story is already falling apart 22:54 klichka anyway, I thought you were a photographer Rika 22:54 rika fine, you know what. i have more but 22:54 RandomAnon Repost link pls? 22:54 RandomAnon Post it 22:54 RandomAnon Fag 22:54 WhoreosNMilf http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=357rqdf&s=6 22:54 Zyklon 1. No EXIF data, probably stoles 2. The pose, she took it herself 22:54 protoautist Rika, don't you have a good camera? 22:54 Zyklon 22:54 RandomAnon TY 22:54 protoautist What camera do you own, rika?\ 22:54 klichka yeah what ya got actually 22:54 Zyklon And doesn't look terribly goffik 22:55 rika fine i just asked her for a picture. 22:55 Zyklon Hell, I look more goth. 22:55 rika i didnt get to have sex with her 22:55 rika we just fucking kissed 22:55 rika there? happy 22:55 vivivi could never have sex with her* 22:55 Zyklon Robb, there's no need for you to say that. 22:55 WhoreosNMilf she's a 7 in my book 22:55 Zyklon We already know you didn't have sex. 22:55 RSDuke We alreedy knew that shit. 22:55 RandomAnon I'm glad you did say that though 22:55 rika but she still treated me like a human and that counted more than sex 22:55 lilybet rika can't get laid even in his made up stories 22:55 RandomAnon Because now I'm 100% sure she's imaginary 22:56 Zyklon There you have it Robb. 22:56 RSDuke Which is probably more than can be said for the way you treated her, Robert. 22:56 Zyklon Did lying about not being a virgin make you feel like a big boy? 22:56 RSDuke Face it, your attitude and treatment of people sucks, Robb. 22:56 Matches lol 22:56 Zyklon I would have had a little more respect for you if you had just said "I had good time with a woman, and her company made me feel good about myself" 22:56 RandomAnon Oh wow I just realized 22:56 Zyklon and she already ditched you, SO 22:56 RandomAnon Rob's going to become a wizard 22:57 klichka I don't get it 22:57 Zyklon Robb already said he's pretty much planning to graduate from Hogwarts 22:57 Matches he is only 24 22:57 rika and thats it leave her out of the article now. 22:57 RandomAnon If you're still a virgin when you turn 30, you're a wizard. 22:57 rika she is not my megan 22:57 Matches you know we wont rika 22:57 klichka oh 22:57 klichka well there goes my magic powers 22:57 vivivi you couldnt even get a megan 22:57 vivivi imo 22:57 RandomAnon lol 22:57 klichka I knew I shouldn't have slept around in college 22:57 vivivi worse than chris 22:57 RSDuke rika> she is not my megan lol 22:58 RSDuke Too late, Robert. 22:58 Zyklon She has quite manly jaw though, strong 6 weak 7 22:58 WhoreosNMilf there's a legend on the internet that if can keep your virginity until age 30, you gain wizard power 22:58 cracker robb, there's nothing you can do to keep that slut off the article 22:58 Zyklon If 50, you become a Lich 22:58 rika and she is not trans honest to fucking christ 22:58 cracker nothing 22:58 vivivi but you have to Believe 22:58 Zyklon Why do you care? Are you transphobic? 22:58 cracker i bet she is 22:58 klichka WhoreosNMilf:Maybe that means ulillillia will finish platform masters? 22:58 RSDuke lol 22:58 rika why the hell are you attacking her now 22:58 protoautist How is her current attitude towards you? 22:58 rika i'm the one you fucking want 22:58 WhoreosNMilf that would be cool 22:58 cracker because she's stupid 22:59 cracker and has a vagina 22:59 Zyklon We're not attacking her. 22:59 cracker so she is therefore automatically retarded 22:59 RandomAnon I am. 22:59 RSDuke You said you wanted to get back at her.... 22:59 cracker according to me 22:59 protoautist Do you still talk to her?\ 22:59 RSDuke Make up your mind, Robert. 22:59 Zyklon Don't automatically assume so, you'te terribly sensitive. 22:59 lilybet rika we know she's fake 22:59 rika she is not fake. i'm just not fucking doxxing her 22:59 RandomAnon She IS fake 22:59 rika she lives in the poconos there 22:59 protoautist Rika, do you still talk to this woman? 22:59 rika thats all i'm telling you 22:59 Zyklon also Robb, you can't pop a man's cherry as you implied in your story 22:59 RandomAnon You told us that already 22:59 panitaliemom I believe you, rika! 23:00 lilybet why did you give a picture of her to evil trolls like us 23:00 Zyklon unless you wanted to say you got pegged 23:00 RSDuke lol 23:00 RandomAnon He did 23:00 lilybet >implying that rika knows anything about sex 23:00 Zyklon yuuuup 23:00 protoautist Rika, I'm sensing you still have feelings forr this woman 23:00 RandomAnon Rob got pegged so he can feel like a real woman. 23:00 Zyklon Everyone wants the D from the warlord 23:00 protoautist Also, I'm watching resident evil right now 23:01 rika seriously i'm done with fucking trannies 23:01 WhoreosNMilf itc: RandomAnon makes plans to rape Rika's ex 23:01 RandomAnon It's true 23:01 vivivi who cares 23:01 Zyklon Why are you so transphobic? 23:01 RandomAnon I am a raper 23:01 rika hi pdk 23:01 rika you're fucking PDK 23:01 RSDuke seriously i'm done with fucking trannies Still transphobic, I see. 23:01 lilybet wat 23:01 protoautist PDK's here? 23:01 RSDuke Why the hell would he come here, Robert? 23:01 RandomAnon If I was PDK, i'd be talking abotu Megan instead. 23:01 protoautist Fuck yeah, peeds had some great videos 23:01 RSDuke He learned his lesson. 23:01 Zyklon Robb, I told you you weren't right in the head when you wanted to be a tranny. Who was right, huh? 23:01 rika you want to rape my ex 23:01 RSDuke He even tried to warn you, you moron. 23:02 protoautist I miss peedeekay's videos 23:02 RandomAnon At least PDK's smart enough to not come back, Rob 23:02 Matches yes 23:02 lilybet haha you tried to recruit him and he blew you off 23:02 protoautist Rika, do you think you still have a chance with penelope? 23:02 RandomAnon I don't WANT TO. But it must be done. For /cwc/. 23:02 lilybet still mad i see 23:02 Matches gangrape 23:02 JEWS >implying pdk doesn't lurk 23:02 Zyklon I have to knock PDK up on my Scale of Respect for learning something Robb never did, and trying to help Robb even if it was a lost cause 23:02 vivivi What if Rika admits hes here for the attention, negative or not 23:02 rika so leave her out of this just because you hate me 23:02 RandomAnon It'll be old hat 23:02 JEWS >what if at this point I got disconnected and lost the buffer, but most of it was just seanie fucking around with the wordfilter. 23:06 *** peeves joined #789 #789 MY NAME IS -WHAT MY NAME IS -WHO SLIM HOMOR Topic set by SeanieB on Tue Sep 11 2012 07:23:30 GMT+0100 (GMT Daylight Time) 23:06 +++ boat has given voice to peeves 23:06 RSDuke FFS, Robert. 23:07 JEWS what if julay dug up patti 23:07 protoautist I'm not threatening penelope 23:07 *** peeves is now known as lilybet 23:07 Zyklon How have I threatened her? 23:07 SeanieB !badwords add "what if" 23:07 RSDuke You're using the "it never happened" shit. That gymnastics. 23:07 protoautist I want to help you get back together with her 23:07 SeanieB !badwords add "what if" any 23:07 protoautist what if 23:07 vivivi what if 23:07 SeanieB it's not working lol 23:07 lilybet what if 23:07 SeanieB I dont think I can make a phraise 23:07 protoautist what if badwords worked? 23:07 RSDuke And I'll ask again, what did you say about Zyklon and a shotgun, Robert? 23:07 WhoreosNMilf lol 23:07 RSDuke Inquiring minds want to know. 23:07 Zyklon Also those terribly sexist comments in ED, tut tut 23:08 Zyklon I could get offended 23:08 rika you're taking this to HER 23:08 rika not ME 23:08 RSDuke Do we need to quote you verbatim, rob? 23:08 lilybet i hope someone is logging this 23:08 SeanieB !commands list 23:08 SeanieB !help commands 23:08 protoautist Rika, I'm trying to fucking help you, man 23:08 rika i like this woman so stop. CHRIST JUST STOP 23:08 RandomAnon ROB, I DO *NOT* WANT TO RAPE YOUR EX. Calm down before you blow an artery. 23:08 SeanieB !help all 23:08 RSDuke not ME Stop lying, Robb. It's unbecoming. 23:08 protoautist I want you to get with her 23:08 Matches lol 23:08 Zyklon And I don't have a dick 23:08 rika than stop talking shit about her having a dick 23:08 SeanieB !help badwords 23:09 rika she's a GODDAMN WOMAN 23:09 WhoreosNMilf I'll but Zyklon a shotgun and we can go large bass fishing like rednecks when she visits 23:09 RSDuke Also, more gymnastics. You're using the "Robert said that, I'm Rika" bullshit. 23:09 RandomAnon !help rob is being a retard 23:09 Zyklon I never said she had a dick 23:09 rika you said she was trans 23:09 *** ryanstiles joined #789 23:09 +++ boat has given voice to ryanstiles 23:09 lilybet !help PEOPLE ARE TORMENTING ME ON THE INTRNET 23:09 boat ----- Fantasy Commands Help ----- 23:09 boat No help is available for this command. 23:09 boat --- End of cmd listing --- 23:09 Zyklon I asked if she was 23:09 lilybet >boat No help is available for this command. 23:09 rika inferring she was 23:09 JEWS man woman 23:09 RandomAnon lol 23:09 Zyklon WhoreosNMilf, that was very kind of Robb to suggest healthy outdoor activities 23:10 Zyklon I enjoy ice fishing 23:10 rika i think i took too much fucking ganga because i'm mad 23:10 rika really fucking mad 23:10 RandomAnon >ganga 23:10 lilybet you're always mad 23:10 panitaliemom ganga gangsta 23:10 vivivi >took too much 23:10 Zyklon What is ganga? 23:10 lilybet it's the autism 23:10 RandomAnon ^^ 23:11 protoautist rika, i'm pming you 23:11 rika its just hurting me now and you people arent helping 23:11 Zyklon Overdose of 'tism, yes, sounds plausible 23:11 SeanieB >implying we're supposed to help you 23:11 rika GANGA IS WEED 23:11 RandomAnon >GANGA 23:11 RandomAnon ROIT 23:11 Zyklon Well Robb, I gave you plenty of good advice in our little chat 23:11 panitaliemom No.....it isn't. 23:11 RandomAnon LETS DO UP THE OUSE 23:11 vivivi never heard of ganga 23:11 Zyklon I thought it was ganja? 23:11 WhoreosNMilf have you ever been to 420chan? 23:11 RSDuke its just hurting me now and you people arent helping No, you're hurting yourself. Just admit it, Robert. 23:11 vivivi pretty sure its ganja 23:11 rika GANGA IS SLANG FOR WEED 23:11 RandomAnon I went on 420chan once. 23:11 RandomAnon >GANGA 23:11 vivivi no its not 23:11 lilybet smoke ganga erryday 23:11 RSDuke It's ganja, you fool. 23:12 Zyklon I'm fairly sure it's ganja 23:12 RSDuke Add that to the list of Robbisms. 23:12 vivivi how do you take your weed, rob 23:12 Zyklon obliverate, meet ganga 23:12 RandomAnon SeanieB requesting wordfilter. 420 = Ganga 23:12 Zyklon iv 23:12 RSDuke Don't forget monotov cocktails. 23:12 RandomAnon >Monotov cocktails 23:12 Zyklon Robb iv's ganga, obviously 23:13 RandomAnon Oh god 23:13 vivivi i take my ganga on blotter papers rob 23:13 rika seriously stop making fun of whatever i have. my parents didnt want to label what it was 23:13 rika thats it 23:13 vivivi tism 23:13 *** RandomAnon is now known as StereotovCocktail 23:13 cracker so your parents know of your drug use? 23:13 lilybet lol 23:13 rika look i've give you one more picture of her if you just leave her and me alone 23:13 lilybet please do 23:13 cracker give us cocks 23:13 StereotovCocktail Rob, if your parents didn't want to label you, how did you find out you have autism? 23:13 Zyklon Well, you gotta lighten up the mood, all this talk about murders and rapes... 23:13 RSDuke You keep coming back, Robert... 23:13 StereotovCocktail Sure, post and we'll be cool 23:13 WhoreosNMilf you know that will have the opposite effect? 23:13 rika just don't jerk to it because that's fucking gross 23:14 JEWS jerk to this 23:14 JEWS grabs dick 23:14 StereotovCocktail 2late4that 23:14 vivivi too late 23:14 Zyklon But Robb, you jerk to it, don't you 23:14 lilybet remember, rika thinks we jerk off to pics of him 23:14 rika no, it's way to sacred 23:14 Zyklon I mean, you wrote erotic fanfiction on 789chan about her 23:14 StereotovCocktail lol 23:14 vivivi i do 23:14 panitaliemom Well...I do. 23:14 vivivi jerk off to pics of rika 23:14 StereotovCocktail >way to sacred 23:14 StereotovCocktail what 23:14 vivivi yeah 23:14 cracker lol 23:14 lilybet just post it 23:14 vivivi a lot 23:14 WhoreosNMilf scard? 23:14 Zyklon I could shlick I guess, but that'd be pretty gay. 23:14 JEWS sorry rob i only fap to cisgendered sonic the hedgehog pawfur porn 23:15 RSDuke Come on, Robert, just post it already. 23:15 lilybet no more fucking around 23:15 StereotovCocktail Rob you post it and we'll be cool 23:15 rika unless you give me something i won't even piece of mind 23:15 lilybet wat 23:15 Zyklon what? 23:15 StereotovCocktail You won't what? 23:15 Zyklon Also IRC 23:15 WhoreosNMilf if? 23:15 vivivi drink moar ganga 23:15 Zyklon Is "to die like a baby" some English expression or was that just Robb being Robb 23:15 StereotovCocktail Robb being Robb 23:15 protoautist rob, pm, now 23:15 RSDuke Just Robb being Robb. 23:15 Zyklon I see. 23:16 protoautist seriously 23:16 Zyklon I have some hard time trying to understand Robert's allegories. 23:16 lilybet rika post the fucking picture 23:16 lilybet i wont fap i promise 23:16 StereotovCocktail Like the texas tombstone thing? 23:16 rika so will you leave me be 23:16 lilybet yes 23:16 StereotovCocktail Sure yeah whatever 23:16 vivivi yes 23:16 Zyklon if you stop coming here 23:16 rika i'm censoring her eyes 23:16 StereotovCocktail HAHAHA 23:16 StereotovCocktail .jg 23:16 StereotovCocktail fwHS 23:16 lilybet ffs 23:16 Zyklon will you leave us alone? 23:16 StereotovCocktail shecameforrika.jpg 23:16 *** Liquidwaltergrisby joined #789 23:16 +++ boat has given voice to Liquidwaltergrisby 23:17 Matches lol 23:17 Matches wow 23:17 protoautist wait, but you already posted a picture of her with the eyes 23:17 StereotovCocktail shh 23:17 Zyklon Sean you better have these logs 23:17 lilybet HER EYES ARE TOO SACRED 23:17 StereotovCocktail shhhhh 23:17 WhoreosNMilf >I can't masturbate to black boxes 23:17 cracker i can 23:17 vivivi i am 23:17 StereotovCocktail I watch Jav, i'm good 23:17 lilybet we promise not to 23:17 protoautist Rika, seriously, get on pm 23:18 lilybet gtfo stonecutter 23:18 WhoreosNMilf Chris censored the eyes in SheCameForCWC.jpg 23:18 Zyklon Protoautist isn't a stonecutter 23:18 lilybet he wants to be 23:18 StereotovCocktail lolyep Whoreos 23:18 WhoreosNMilf parallols 23:18 StereotovCocktail Rob? 23:19 lilybet have you uploaded it yet 23:19 rika you know what, nevermind 23:19 StereotovCocktail Is he typing or does he just have a character stuck in the chatbox? 23:19 rika theres no reason 23:19 StereotovCocktail Oh ok/ 23:19 lilybet you never had a picture did you? 23:19 Zyklon I was wondering why you posted pics in the first place 23:19 lilybet liar 23:19 StereotovCocktail Keep bothering Rob then guys? 23:19 rika you'll still torment her 23:19 Zyklon guess Robb will always be Robb 23:19 vivivi No, he doesn't want us to stop bothering him 23:19 Zyklon Robb... 23:19 Zyklon you know what 23:19 WhoreosNMilf wow 23:19 lilybet we don't care about her, you're our target 23:20 RSDuke Robert lies again. New day, same old shit. 23:20 WhoreosNMilf rob gets smarter on weed 23:20 Zyklon you should've learned it after trying to DOX the stonecutters 23:20 Zyklon people don't get trolled for getting DOX'd 23:20 Zyklon they get trolled for being lolcows 23:20 SeanieB 23:20 StereotovCocktail Whoreos how is dancing/boxing going? 23:20 SeanieB best tas 23:20 SeanieB ever 23:20 SeanieB WhoreosNMilf, Homor 23:20 SeanieB 23:20 Zyklon Sean you better have these logs 23:20 rika fine unless any of you have anything to sanction me for. i 23:20 rika i'm not posting it 23:20 Zyklon rephrase 23:20 Matches what? 23:20 rika give to me 23:20 lilybet fine, we'll continue to torment you 23:20 WhoreosNMilf what seanie? 23:21 rika change for me 23:21 Matches give what? 23:21 Matches i dont 23:21 StereotovCocktail If you want, i can post Rasei's myspace and you can ask him what he told me. 23:21 rika i don't fucking know 23:21 Zyklon give what, Robert? 23:21 RSDuke He's trying to bargain again. 23:21 Matches irregardless 23:21 rika fine post that. i want to contact that traitor 23:21 RSDuke Robb, that doesn't work with us because you always reneg. 23:21 StereotovCocktail I 23:21 SeanieB WhoreosNMilf, watch that video 23:21 StereotovCocktail Post the picture first, i have it copied down already 23:22 rika i'll post that one censored pic alright 23:22 StereotovCocktail Sure. 23:22 Zyklon Okay? 23:22 StereotovCocktail I have his myspace copied 23:22 rika but how do i know you won't julay 23:22 RSDuke Inb4 lol itrollu 23:22 StereotovCocktail Want me to take a screenshot? 23:22 *** Liquidwaltergrisby quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 23:22 rika he's going to troll me 23:22 StereotovCocktail No 23:22 rika i just know it 23:22 StereotovCocktail He doesn't know about this 23:22 Zyklon Robb, what did I just say. 23:22 lilybet we want that fucking picture rika 23:22 StereotovCocktail You wanted to talk to him right? 23:22 *** Candy joined #789 23:23 +++ boat has given voice to Candy 23:23 lilybet he's not gonna julay 23:23 Zyklon people don't get trolled for having photos in the internet 23:23 rika fine. 23:23 RSDuke Hey Candy. 23:23 Zyklon hell, I have photos in the internet 23:23 Candy I MISSED IT ALL 23:23 Candy DIDNT I 23:23 StereotovCocktail shh 23:23 Zyklon how many times have I been trolled by 789chan? 23:23 StereotovCocktail Yeah 23:23 StereotovCocktail Rob, just so you know I am $100 serious 23:24 StereotovCocktail 23:24 rika there censored: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2ikabdc&s=6 23:24 klichka back 23:24 StereotovCocktail http://www.myspace.com/lone_killa 23:24 StereotovCocktail There 23:24 klichka holy fuck candy and rika are in the same place 23:24 Zyklon And what do we exactly do with these photos now? 23:24 StereotovCocktail You're welcome rob 23:24 Matches LOL 23:24 lilybet JULAY 23:24 Matches love eyes 23:24 panitaliemom JEW LE 23:24 WhoreosNMilf well, beat black boxes 23:25 rika so where are the corresponding posts 23:25 RSDuke Once again, no exif data. 23:25 StereotovCocktail What? 23:25 Zyklon what? 23:25 lilybet i can't fap to this 23:25 RSDuke Stop lying to us, Robert. 23:25 StereotovCocktail I said: 23:21 StereotovCocktail If you want, i can post Rasei's myspace and you can ask him what he told me. 23:25 StereotovCocktail YOU ask him 23:25 RSDuke That's why we never help you. 23:25 RSDuke You're a fucking liar. 23:25 StereotovCocktail That's the point of the myspace 23:25 rika i'm not. honest to god, there not facebook pics 23:25 *** turkish quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 23:25 Zyklon Who is Rasei? 23:25 rika a fucking traitor 23:25 StereotovCocktail A wraith 23:25 StereotovCocktail That too 23:25 Zyklon I see. 23:25 WhoreosNMilf Batman's nentor 23:26 rika now leave penelope out of any further trolling scheme shit 23:26 rika that is your promise. 23:26 Zyklon Robert, why did you bring her up in the first place? 23:26 *** Candy quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 23:26 rika don't even contact her about anything i confided in her 23:26 lilybet we don't know how to contact her 23:26 RSDuke Again, we haven't threatened her. You brought her up, dude. 23:26 StereotovCocktail The music on Rasei's page is catchy 23:27 RSDuke So answer Zyklon's question, Robert. 23:27 rika its the weed talking alright. i'm not sending you anymore pictures 23:27 *** Candy joined #789 23:27 +++ boat has given voice to Candy 23:27 lilybet what's rika's beef with this rasei guy? 23:27 *** Jeremy_Miller_Love quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 23:27 Candy Anyway, you still raging Rika/ 23:27 Candy ? 23:27 Zyklon Robb, bad excuse. 23:27 panitaliemom It's REEFER MADNESS, I tells ya! 23:27 Candy Rika im starting to feel just pity for you 23:27 RSDuke As always, he blames shit on everything else. 23:27 Candy its been fucking monthes 23:28 Candy and you still are pursuing this "vendetta" against jordman, zyklon, etc 23:28 RSDuke Own up to it, Robert. For once in your life, own up to your own fuckups. 23:28 RSDuke Start acting like an adult for once. 23:28 protoautist You know what, rika, fuck you, then. I can't help you if you aren' 23:28 protoautist t gonna talk to me 23:28 lilybet >rika 23:28 lilybet >adult 23:28 rika so as much as she hurt me i'm not going to do anything to hurt her 23:28 Candy because introman and zyklon REALLY want to enter a filthy tranny's apartment 23:28 lilybet what'd she do to hurt you 23:28 protoautist It's kinda my goal to help lolcows get out of being lolcows 23:28 RSDuke so as much as she hurt me i'm not going to do anything to hurt her If you didn't backstab people all the time, maybe she wouldn't have. 23:28 Candy note i said filthy tranny and not tranny's filthy apartment, Rika. 23:28 Candy take more baths 23:29 WhoreosNMilf less salts 23:29 RSDuke You were trying to use ADF pics as a bargaining chip. 23:29 *** Candy quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 23:29 RSDuke You tried to use ADF's suicide attempt to garner sympathy, then not long afterwards said "screw ahuviya". 23:30 lilybet >SCREW LGBT 23:30 *** Candy joined #789 23:30 +++ boat has given voice to Candy 23:30 RSDuke So even if you were with this chick, which we highly doubt, it was your fault she cut it off, Robert. 23:31 RSDuke You never had to dress up as a woman to get a woman. All you needed was an attitude adjustment. 23:31 RSDuke But WTF....this will all fall on deaf ears anyway. 23:31 WhoreosNMilf or be high whenever you interact witth them 23:32 RSDuke I'm kinda surprised he doesn't have court-mandated screens. 23:32 vivivi rika i am high too 23:32 vivivi why am i not raging all over chat 23:32 RSDuke As part of "proving his good conduct" and whatnot. 23:32 Candy Because you arent a retard, vivivi 23:32 RSDuke ^ 23:32 *** mib_lfdn3k joined #789 23:32 +++ boat has given voice to mib_lfdn3k 23:32 *** liquidwaltergrisby joined #789 23:32 +++ boat has given voice to liquidwaltergrisby 23:32 Candy Rob, I can see why she left you 23:32 RSDuke Yup 23:32 vivivi well thank you 23:32 rika why? 23:33 Candy You sound like the most demanding, whiny, and controlling person I know 23:33 RSDuke ^ 23:33 RSDuke Your attitude, Robert. 23:33 Zyklon And obsessed with sex. 23:33 Matches lol 23:33 *** cracker quit (Quit: If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you) 23:33 Candy You try to bargain and when that fails 23:33 Candy you go into a rage 23:33 lilybet did she really kiss you? groce 23:33 rika how am i fucking obsessed with sex? 23:33 Candy and lash out wildly 23:33 RSDuke Like I said, deaf ears. 23:33 Candy RIKA 23:33 Zyklon Well your threats have been quite sexual 23:33 RSDuke This 23:33 Candy you fucking admitted to crossdressing in order to get sex 23:33 Zyklon after allegedly having a kiss you wrote a fapfic about yourself to /cwc/ 23:33 Candy if thats not fucking desperate 23:34 Zyklon do I go on? 23:34 Candy I dont know what is 23:34 SeanieB HOW THE FUCK DOES THIS EVEN 23:34 WhoreosNMilf >chris shoved a piece of art up his ass to save a girls life 23:34 Candy Yeah what about that whole sodomy with a gun and zyklon, rika? That seems a bit sexually charged 23:34 Zyklon Dressing up like a tomgirl to get china, hmm, sure doesn't remind me of anyone 23:34 rika i did it first 23:35 RSDuke LMAO 23:35 Zyklon and the comments about my thighs on ED 23:35 Candy Rika is like a emaciated and slightly more bitter version of Chris 23:35 rika in any way Chris chan copied me 23:35 Candy Do YOU REALLY WANT TO ADMIT TO SOMETHING LIKE THAT? 23:35 rika thats why i hate him 23:35 Zyklon I thought he was your role model 23:35 RSDuke Chris never knew about you, Robert. 23:35 Zyklon Hi Rika-Log 23:35 WhoreosNMilf chris chan copies everything 23:35 RSDuke He probably still doesn't know about you. 23:35 WhoreosNMilf sonic... pokemon... 23:35 RSDuke Your USI is showing again. 23:35 Candy Rika you are reldnahc? 23:35 panitaliemom Oh, you did it first? Well then, that makes it totally acceptable and not sad at all! 23:36 *** ryanstiles quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 23:36 Zyklon "I had that cross dressing idea first! Dang dirty JERK stole it from me!" 23:36 WhoreosNMilf candy: holy shit that makes sense 23:36 rika stop calling me a fucking furry 23:36 *** ryanstiles joined #789 23:36 +++ boat has given voice to ryanstiles 23:36 lilybet hahahahahaha 23:36 Candy technically you are a reverse furry 23:36 rika chris chan actually is one 23:36 lilybet is someone logging this 23:36 Candy You're a vulture whose interested in human women 23:36 RSDuke lol 23:36 RSDuke That makes so much sense. 23:37 Zyklon Robb's fursona: vulture/hyena hybrid with a vagina 23:37 Candy thats fucked up zyklon lol 23:37 lilybet lol 23:37 WhoreosNMilf candy, show him your latest drawing 23:37 Candy WELP I KNOW WHAT IM GONNA BE DRAWING NEXT 23:37 Candy oh sure hold on a sec Rika 23:37 RSDuke lol 23:37 rika penelope wasn't the best looking but she was still into me. that proves if anything that i;m a decent person 23:37 Zyklon I should contact Bestonian again, he drew so great ADF pics 23:37 RSDuke I thought you said she hated you, Robb? 23:38 Zyklon ...no, it doesn't. 23:38 RSDuke The holes in your story are mounting up. 23:38 lilybet then why did she dump you 23:38 Candy >penelope wasnt the best looking 23:38 Candy Holy shit 23:38 rika she still liked me before i wanted her to come with me 23:38 Candy Talk about bitter 23:38 Zyklon Robb, you think I'm quite a terrible person, but does me fucking a hundred man redeem me as a person in your eyes? 23:38 RSDuke Stop lying, Robert. 23:38 Candy I thought she was HOT?! 23:38 Zyklon "Come with me...TO THE CAVE!" 23:38 Zyklon And I thought she was goffik 23:38 rika in fact, candy you should draw us together because it ACTUALLY FUCKING HAPPENED 23:38 *** mib_lfdn3k quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 23:38 *** liquidwaltergrisby quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 23:38 RSDuke Yeah right. 23:38 Candy you're better about her breaking up with you and know you are calling her ugly? Man Rika, thats weasely 23:39 Zyklon Robert, please, that's sad. 23:39 RSDuke More lies as always. 23:39 Zyklon have some dignity 23:39 rika shes not ugly, i just said shes not perfect. neither am i 23:39 lilybet rika, she's far more attractive than anyone who would even consider kissing you 23:39 Zyklon Nobody cares about how she looks 23:39 rika but i'm still standing by it 100% 23:39 RSDuke Of course 23:39 *** Candy quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 23:39 RSDuke Just like it's all our fault that everything bad happens to you, right? 23:39 lilybet "if i don't admit i was lying, they'll have to believe me!" 23:39 rika yes leave and never fucking return candy 23:40 panitaliemom foolproof logic. 23:40 Zyklon But you saying you fucked crazy and lost your virginity and shit makes you look terrible and desperate, and some woman not being immediately repulsed by you does not make you a good person 23:40 Matches LOL 23:40 JEWS [23:39] <rika> in fact, candy you should draw us together because it ACTUALLY FUCKING HAPPENED 23:40 WhoreosNMilf somebody get candy some decent internet 23:40 JEWS no candy 23:40 RSDuke Damn, robb, you're quite the angry little shit, aren't you? 23:40 JEWS draw me with robb 23:40 lilybet yes 23:40 rika i'm just saying because candy has like a fetish for drawing me 23:40 RSDuke It's not a fetish. 23:40 JEWS that's not how a fetish works 23:40 Zyklon He's drawn you like, once. 23:41 RSDuke It's humor, dumbass. 23:41 rika he's drawn me like a 3 times all that cave wraithlord bullshit 23:41 Zyklon Haha, oh yeah 23:41 Zyklon good times 23:41 vivivi candy did you make the original ms paint drawing of rob as a vulture looking woman on cwc? 23:41 vivivi that made me lol 23:41 JEWS i wish that ralph steadman plagiarist would draw me 23:41 WhoreosNMilf yeah 23:41 Zyklon Candy's not here 23:41 RSDuke Yeah, that was Candy. 23:41 JEWS that's a privilege 23:41 vivivi Oh, sorry 23:42 Zyklon Bestonian/Ryan Slamwheel was decent too 23:42 vivivi Funny drawing though. Why does Rika come back here? Sorry, I'm not in the loop 23:42 vivivi is it just of his own accord? 23:42 rika christ just stop this 23:42 *** Candy joined #789 23:42 +++ boat has given voice to Candy 23:42 RSDuke yes leave and never fucking return candy 23:42 lilybet hey candy 23:42 JEWS haha 23:42 RSDuke You made Robb mad, Candy. 23:42 protoautist rika, are you gonna talk to me now? 23:42 rika why the hell do you keep drawing me 23:42 protoautist I really want to help you 23:42 protoautist Not even trolling 23:43 RSDuke You get drawn because it's funny, Robb. 23:43 lilybet >robb 23:43 RSDuke It doesn't take a genius to figure that out. 23:43 lilybet >learning anything 23:43 vivivi rika PM me I'm an experienced pick up artist and can come up with a foolproof plan to play on your strengths and get you laid TONIGHT 23:43 rika but i'm not that fucking skinny anymore 23:43 RSDuke Pics or it didn't happen 23:43 lilybet pics 23:43 WhoreosNMilf /cwc/-where locows and autists are drawn together 23:43 rika i gave you enough pics 23:43 RSDuke Not of yourself 23:44 Matches we want an apology video 23:44 vivivi Just of other people you backstab 23:44 RSDuke What's wrong, the weed giving you the munchies so you're packing on the pounds? 23:44 *** Candy quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 23:44 rika because i don't want to add to ED I have NIGHTMARES about that. so just stop 23:44 vivivi He doesnt even take GANGA 23:44 RSDuke because i don't want to add to ED I have NIGHTMARES about that. so just stop You're sad, Robert. 23:44 Matches LOL 23:44 vivivi nightmares about the internet wellp 23:44 Zyklon http://i.imgur.com/assUt.jpg 23:44 protoautist God dammit, rika, 23:44 panitaliemom Rika, just give in to all of their demands. Eventually they'll run out of them and leave you alone. 23:44 Zyklon julay 23:45 WhoreosNMilf weed really does increase his IQ 23:45 RSDuke See, Robb lies again. 23:45 *** Candy joined #789 23:45 +++ boat has given voice to Candy 23:45 vivivi who would sell to rob 23:45 lilybet hi candy 23:45 vivivi lets talk to that guy 23:45 RSDuke It was a Brazzers model. 23:45 Matches Candy, robbay told you to never return 23:45 lilybet robb where do you get bath salts 23:45 JEWS >assUt.jpg 23:45 WhoreosNMilf lol 23:45 protoautist fuck, rika, really? 23:45 RSDuke Care to explain, Robert? 23:46 JEWS he gets them from the bath, lilybet 23:46 protoautist You lied about Penelope to me? 23:46 JEWS where else 23:46 rika my hands are twitching 23:46 RSDuke Robb always lies. 23:46 lilybet rika my hands are twitching 23:46 lilybet lol 23:46 protoautist I'm trying to fucking help you, and you fucking lie to me 23:46 vivivi he probably gets bath salts from a local rundown gas station or headshop that sells them, i forget philly law but if anything he has to drive a little out of the city to get it 23:46 protoautist god, rika 23:46 Matches she looks like Mary Jane, which fits considering robbays addiction 23:46 Zyklon Yeah 23:46 vivivi but 23:46 vivivi who would sell pot to rob 23:46 Zyklon Robb's too socially retarded to have real drugs 23:46 RSDuke Seriously, though, if ED gives you nightmares, Robb then you're pretty fucking sad. 23:46 vivivi is what Im asking 23:46 rika i got this weed from her 23:47 Matches lol 23:47 lilybet wow 23:47 Candy hi lily 23:47 vivivi usually I get my drugs through Normal social interaction, but Rika isn't capable of that so 23:47 Matches well now we can get her arrested 23:47 Candy OH LOL 23:47 rika so its like my last shit 23:47 panitaliemom I bet it was oregano. 23:47 WhoreosNMilf rob kind of looks like a crackwhore when in drag 23:47 Candy Well 23:47 rika i've used it all up 23:47 Candy you heard em guys 23:47 Zyklon that's my point, vivivi 23:47 Candy I guess this is my last time on irc 23:47 Candy Rika has said never to return 23:47 JEWS NO 23:47 lilybet bye candy 23:47 rika yeah just leave you fucking runt 23:47 JEWS DRAW ME WITH HIM 23:47 Matches lol 23:47 vivivi candy no 23:47 Zyklon No, draw me 23:47 vivivi rika how could you 23:47 Candy and since he is obiviously in a position of power...I GOTTA OBEY HIM 23:47 WhoreosNMilf show that art! 23:47 rika stop with this fetish shit 23:47 Candy IM SO SORRY GUYS 23:48 Zyklon Robb and I together, BBF 23:48 RSDuke >fucking runt 23:48 Candy OH WAIT 23:48 Zyklon no u Robb 23:48 RSDuke >coming from the Goblin King 23:48 Candy nah Rika, you're a cunt lol 23:48 *** Candy quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 23:48 vivivi what now 23:48 WhoreosNMilf sadface 23:48 WhoreosNMilf 23:48 Zyklon So Robert 23:48 JEWS i want to see rob and zyklon drawn in a setting like that one pic of CWC and that landwhale 23:48 Matches lights a candle in memory of Candy 23:48 vivivi You know who wouldn't be sad if you left, Rika? 23:49 vivivi all of us 23:49 panitaliemom Especially me. 23:49 codemonster 9/11 nvrfrgt 23:49 codemonster rip candy 23:49 *** Candy joined #789 23:49 +++ boat has given voice to Candy 23:49 WhoreosNMilf oh shhit a zombie 23:49 Zyklon JEWS i want to see rob and zyklon drawn in a setting like that one pic of CWC and that landwhale heehhe 23:49 RSDuke lol 23:49 rika candy, i fucking dare you to draw the world as i see it 23:49 rika maybe you'd gain insight 23:49 --- Homor is away (Auto away) 23:50 vivivi do it 23:50 Zyklon Assassins and troll thugs behind every corner? 23:50 rika because i don't think some switches are connecting here 23:50 RSDuke candy, i fucking dare you to draw the world as i see it What, where everyone is oa troll? 23:50 Zyklon Wait, now I realize why Robb is afraid of showers 23:50 codemonster just got dared, son 23:50 Zyklon there're trolls in the bathroom, spying for that dang dirty Introman 23:50 RSDuke Switches are definitely not connecting, Robb. In your head. 23:51 RSDuke So, Robert, care to explain that pic again, since you're avoiding the subject? 23:51 RSDuke http://i.imgur.com/assUt.jpg 23:51 rika what the hell did you do to it 23:51 klichka 23:49] <+rika> candy, i fucking dare you to draw the world as i see it 23:51 Matches lol 23:51 Zyklon teehee 23:51 rika what is this brazzers thing 23:51 panitaliemom Oh shit! Bitch is a porno! 23:51 klichka how does anyone know how you see it? 23:51 RSDuke Yup 23:51 RSDuke Robb's foolproof "right click" method is exposed yet again. 23:52 rika ok that is not fucking true 23:52 Matches LOL 23:52 RSDuke lol 23:52 rika she gave me three pictures 23:52 klichka how Rika sees the world 23:52 klichka 23:52 lilybet lol 23:52 Matches you took her from a porn site Rika? 23:52 Matches wow 23:52 lilybet i thought you took the pictures 23:52 Matches not even facebook 23:52 RSDuke Yeah 23:52 rika the third i am not posting here 23:52 klichka 23:52 klichka is this how you see the world rika? 23:52 lilybet post it 23:52 rika no because everyone beleives shes a porn star 23:52 JEWS 23:53 Zyklon "They Live" except with trolls 23:53 JEWS with rika and zyklon 23:53 Zyklon :333 23:53 RSDuke You do have a thing for porn stars, don't you Robb? 23:53 rika CHRIST 23:53 rika MOTHERFUCKING CHRIST 23:53 panitaliemom Porno is gross, rika... 23:53 *** Homor2 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 23:53 WhoreosNMilf I broke a nail 23:53 RSDuke Crissy Moran, for instance.... 23:53 Zyklon http://messages.movies.yahoo.com/Movies/Actors/threadview?m=tm&bn=54381358-hc1800020300f0&tid=88&mid=89&tof=30&so=E&frt=2 23:53 rika none of these pictures are NUDES 23:53 Matches you stalk her too? 23:53 Zyklon Robb also tried Natalie Portman 23:53 rika SOMEBODY HELP ME GODDAMIT 23:54 klichka it could be worse RSDuke 23:54 Zyklon Okay 23:54 Zyklon How about this 23:54 JEWS >implying rika isn't a formaldehyde face 23:54 JEWS oh klichka 23:54 klichka at least Rika didn't go after Dylan Moran 23:54 *** Matches is now known as Superman 23:54 Superman I AM HERE RIKA 23:54 panitaliemom I'll help you, bro! 23:54 lilybet >Yes Natalie Portman is cool and mega hot but shes a humen being like the rest of us okay no wonder she doesent give out her aim msn yahoo or email 23:54 Zyklon You make a video of yourself singing "Horst Wessel Lied" and all trolling will stop 23:54 lilybet lol 23:54 RSDuke You seriously want help Robert? 23:54 Superman FOR TRUTH JUSTICE AND THE TRANNY WAY 23:55 rika just stop trying to make everything she can from the porn industry 23:55 RSDuke If you want help, look at all the advice that's been given to you over the past year. 23:55 rika just cut the crap 23:55 rika god i should have fucking censored her eyes 23:55 Superman I have x-ray vision, it doesnt matter 23:55 vivivi rika why do you even come here 23:55 vivivi I still dont get that 23:55 panitaliemom Why, everyone has seen her porn videos by now. 23:55 vivivi maybe im a slow in da mind 23:55 RSDuke You've been given all sorts of good advice, Robb. You just don't listen. 23:55 klichka [23:55] <+vivivi> maybe im a slow in da mind 23:55 klichka maybe? 23:55 Zyklon I did, like an hour ago 23:56 *** ryanstiles quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 23:56 RSDuke Lots of people have tried to help you, and you've shat on them and stabbed them in the back. 23:57 Superman You remind me of Lex Luthor Rika 23:57 Zyklon Lex Luthor was smart 23:57 rika but now your trying to trash the reputation of the only girl who has given a shit about me 23:57 RSDuke ^ 23:57 *** Candy quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 23:57 Zyklon and didn't crossdress 23:57 vivivi she didnt give a shit about you 23:57 rika she did 23:57 Zyklon Why did you have to bring her up, then? 23:57 vivivi Besides, you posted her 23:57 vivivi Naw 23:57 Zyklon you only cared about yourself 23:57 Superman why did you dump her? 23:57 RSDuke but now your trying to trash the reputation of the only girl who has given a shit about me Robert, the truth is out. You can drop the charade now. 23:57 panitaliemom She didn't care about you the way I do, rika. 23:57 WhoreosNMilf zyklon: we don't know that for sure 23:58 rika she FUCKING DID YOU BLOODY FUCKHEADS 23:58 Zyklon wanted to "nullify", as you put it, your "status" as a lolcow 23:58 *** ryanstiles joined #789 23:58 +++ boat has given voice to ryanstiles 23:58 vivivi lol nope 23:58 Zyklon Yeah, she'll never love you like we do. 23:58 Superman lol 23:58 WhoreosNMilf they might still pull that out of their magic hat to make him seem more tolerant of homosexual deviantry 23:58 Superman we will never dump your Robert 23:58 rika no other human being other than her has loved me 23:58 Superman YOUR PARENTS?! 23:58 rika and it was only for a few nights 23:58 vivivi lol tough luck for you she didnt either 23:58 Superman WHO GIVE YOU A SHIT TON OF MONEY 23:59 rika not even them. trying to dupe me into a religion i did not yet believe in 23:59 Zyklon Crush = love 23:59 RSDuke Wayne and Virginia loved you, Robert. You just took it for granted. 23:59 lilybet haha oh wow 23:59 Zyklon d'aww, babby's first obsession 23:59 Superman lol stupid fucker 23:59 vivivi ahahaha 23:59 Zyklon no wait, at least fifth 23:59 RSDuke You're too self-centered to see things like that, Robb. 23:59 rika i'm not obssessed with her. i just care about her welfare 23:59 vivivi what an unappreciative jackass. his parents support him and he resents them, and a pornstar ignores him and shes in love 23:59 RSDuke Yup 23:59 Zyklon Robb, become a good christian like I am. It's rewarding. 23:59 lilybet ^ 00:00 RSDuke ^ 00:00 WhoreosNMilf < 00:00 Zyklon If you convert to Orthodoxy you can become a martyr. 00:00 rika she still made me a man and thats what i like 00:00 vivivi Try speaking to a local pastor about the confusion in your life so you can find The Way 00:00 panitaliemom Her welfare? So this is about money then? 00:00 RSDuke Hell, those christians you "trolled" said they'd pray for you. 00:00 Superman Remember to recycle Robert , and drink Fanta 00:00 Zyklon How did she make you a man, really? 00:00 lilybet wat 00:00 Zyklon Tell us, I'm intrigued 00:00 lilybet i thought you wanted to be a woman 00:00 rika she told me that i need to be myself 00:00 RSDuke she still made me a man and thats what i like If you're a man, you should stop using the name Rika, then. 00:00 lilybet or both genders or something 00:01 rika and thats what i did 00:01 Superman lol 00:01 Zyklon That's shit advice 00:01 Zyklon what you need to do is be someone completely else 00:01 rika still better than you've ever given 00:01 lilybet lol 00:01 RSDuke still better than you've ever given Oh FFS. 00:01 WhoreosNMilf kind of cliche 00:01 Superman LOL 00:01 protoautist Rika, I'm trying to give you advice, but you're ignoring me 00:01 Zyklon but you yourself have been telling how shit your life is so 00:01 Superman I fucked Lois and Lana, at the same time 00:01 RSDuke You, Robert Wayne Stiles, are a fucking moron. 00:01 WhoreosNMilf Superman, you lucky bastard 00:02 RSDuke You only listen to advice that suits your wants. 00:02 RSDuke So many Chris parallels, Robb. 00:02 rika she wanted to help me and thats all there is to it 00:02 panitaliemom Rika, we love you and you obviously love us. Why else would you keep coming back. Just admit your feelings... 00:02 *** Candy joined #789 00:02 +++ boat has given voice to Candy 00:02 Zyklon Didn't you go to therapy? 00:02 lilybet hey candy 00:02 Candy What robbay thinks he is http://i1264.photobucket.com/albums/jj494/Basterbine/8a337362.png 00:02 Zyklon If you define becoming a man by having someone else to tell you what to do 00:02 lilybet lol 00:02 Zyklon therapy should've made you a man 00:03 Candy what robbay really is http://i1264.photobucket.com/albums/jj494/Basterbine/85475674.png 00:03 RSDuke lol 00:03 vivivi Rika Penelope never loved you. 00:03 vivivi Candy I love that drawing 00:03 rika penelope helped me realize myself 00:03 RSDuke So why have you ignored so much good advice that's been given to you, Robb? 00:04 Zyklon what have you realized? 00:04 Zyklon Seriously 00:04 Zyklon you do exactly the same shit 00:04 vivivi haha you're so fucking fickle, you havent realized anything 00:04 Zyklon Right-fucking-now 00:04 protoautist Rika, why are you ignoring me? 00:04 WhoreosNMilf >autist 00:04 rika but she at least showed me 00:04 RSDuke Yeah, Robb, what have you realized? 00:04 RSDuke Do tell. 00:04 vivivi what did she do that you think gave you this deep insight into life? 00:04 WhoreosNMilf try proroman instead 00:04 Candy thanks vivivi 00:05 WhoreosNMilf protoman 00:05 Zyklon I still dig that Robbay pic 00:05 Candy inb4 Robbay has retreated into the bathtub 00:05 Candy thanks :3 00:05 WhoreosNMilf I still dig patti 00:05 Candy CARLOOSSSS! 00:05 Zyklon I still roll carpets 00:05 RSDuke Stop ignoring us, Robert. What have you realized? 00:05 Superman Robery 00:05 Superman robbery 00:05 Zyklon Robbery 00:05 Superman of lulz 00:06 Candy He's realized that he hasnt realized anything *ba dum tish* 00:06 *** WhoreosNMilf is now known as TomFappington 00:06 TomFappington I still pack fudge 00:06 klichka Rika what did you realize? 00:06 Candy inb4 Rika says something stupid 00:06 rika you'll just never understand than 00:06 lilybet rikaaaa 00:06 Superman Using my super hearing I can tell that Rika is toking on a blunt this very second 00:06 klichka what did you learn Rika? 00:06 klichka 00:06 vivivi Yeah because you wont explain it 00:06 RSDuke Oh, please. Don't try that copout. Tell us, Robb. 00:07 Zyklon We don't understand? Quite rich, at least I don't have 19 archived threads 00:07 rika a woman can teach me a hundred things just by her embrace 00:07 lilybet hahaha 00:07 Candy OH FUCK 00:07 vivivi lol 00:07 Candy MY SIDES 00:07 klichka 00:07 Superman AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 00:07 Zyklon Reminds me of Chris telling about his first kiss 00:07 Candy SIDES.EXE HAS STOPPED WORKING 00:07 RSDuke Now he's ripping off poetry. Egad. 00:07 Superman GOD FUCKING LOL 00:07 lilybet Candy inb4 Rika says something stupid 00:07 lilybet how did you know?? 00:07 Candy Lol Rika want a hug? 00:07 RSDuke Fucking hell, Robert. Just fucking hell. 00:07 *** codemonster quit (Connection closed) 00:07 rika SHUT UP OH MY FUCKING GOD 00:07 Candy no 00:07 Zyklon "[kiss is] magical and delightful... sweet and melting like ice cream or chocolate" - Chris "a woman can teach me a hundred things just by her embrace" - Robb 00:08 rika THIS IS JUST HESUS 00:08 RSDuke lol 00:08 klichka name some of the things just an embrace taught you? 00:08 Superman HESUS? 00:08 lilybet >hesus 00:08 RSDuke Hullay? 00:08 vivivi HESUS 00:08 vivivi GANGA 00:08 Candy Rika's sounds slightly more creepy 00:08 Zyklon obliverate 00:08 vivivi GANGAAAAAY 00:08 RSDuke Monotov 00:08 Zyklon irregardless obliverate ganga hesus 00:08 RSDuke than 00:08 klichka IESUS 00:08 lilybet SMOKE GANGA ERRDAY 00:08 TomFappington hullay 00:08 RSDuke HUUUULLLAYYYY! 00:08 rika seriously stop i don't talk like this in real life 00:08 Candy bullshit 00:08 TomFappington we hope not 00:08 Zyklon No, we have heard you speak 00:08 Candy "Burrrrninnng fiirrreee" 00:09 panitaliemom So can trannies only teach you 50 things with their embraces? 00:09 lilybet WOLVERIIIIIINES 00:09 Zyklon and frankly you appear more intelligent when you're writing 00:09 Zyklon not much said, but 00:09 Candy at least when you write i can imagine you as a retarded human 00:09 vivivi What are the hundred things a womans embrace teaches you Robert 00:09 Candy when you speak 00:09 vivivi I for one 00:09 lilybet seriously, wtf does "THIS IS JUST HESUS" mean 00:09 Zyklon for those who havent heard Robb 00:09 vivivi appreciate your poetic allegories for life 00:09 Candy you sound like some kind of deformed hyena 00:09 Zyklon for those who havent heard robb 00:09 klichka lilybet:Penelope is the son of man 00:09 Zyklon the other one whining is Robb 00:09 klichka it all makes sense 00:10 RSDuke We know how you talk, Robert: 00:10 rika i don't sound bad, that video is fucking old 00:10 Candy "FUCKING BLACK PEOPLE" 00:10 vivivi You sound terrible 00:10 protoautist Fuck it, rob, if you're not gonna talk to me, I'm gonna wash my hands of this 00:10 RSDuke "Yeah, I'm a slut, I'm workin' it" 00:10 rika thats the problem and taken while we were running 00:10 Superman your voice changed in 2 years? 00:10 lilybet http://www.soundboard.com/sb/robertwaynestiles 00:10 Zyklon You sound like hyena/pterodactyl hybrid 00:10 vivivi squaaaaaaaawk 00:10 panitaliemom pooberty struck really really late for rika apparently. 00:11 Candy dont try to be a saint protoautist, Rika is fucking retarded. 00:11 Zyklon 00:11 Zyklon WWWOOLLLVVEERRRIINNNAAAAYYY 00:11 Candy any advice you give goes out one the next ear 00:11 RSDuke The NYC one is my favorite. 00:11 Candy WAIT 00:11 Candy RIKA 00:11 Candy can we be 00:11 klichka actually candy 00:11 rika i have held every word of penelopes in my hand 00:11 Candy your new wolverines 00:11 protoautist At least moleman fucking listens to me 00:11 klichka goes in one eye comes out the other 00:11 klichka :v 00:11 lilybet i have held every word of penelopes in my hand 00:11 Candy lololol 00:11 lilybet i have held every word of penelopes in my hand 00:11 protoautist Fucking acknowledges me 00:11 rika she 00:11 JEWS http://789chan.org/cwc/res/266143.html#266666 00:11 vivivi she 00:11 Zyklon Really 00:11 RSDuke 00:12 rika actually helped me 00:12 lilybet goddamn 00:12 Zyklon What Robb wishes he held in his hand is her boob 00:12 JEWS i made an original dubs image for it 00:12 Superman you knew her for two days 00:12 rika that is the one where adf didn't even fucking scream 00:12 Candy by putting how much of a failure your life has been in perspective? 00:12 TomFappington she looks petite, so ptobably not much to hold 00:12 lilybet it deserves it 00:12 vivivi Rikaaaay how far did you get with Penelope 00:12 Zyklon Robb, I've known you for like a year, much longer than penelope 00:12 RSDuke that is the one where adf didn't even fucking scream Yeah, but you sure did. Damn.... 00:13 rika further than holding hands 00:13 Zyklon she would've grown to hate you very quick, so it's good it ended this way 00:13 vivivi Did you pop her cherry? 00:13 RSDuke ^ 00:13 Superman Rika, why are you called the Wolverines? 00:13 vivivi I should have heard the sounds she was making 00:13 vivivi damn 00:13 Zyklon Robb dreamt of getting pegged 00:13 lilybet so you didn;t kiss her 00:13 Candy >yfw when robbay was making all the noises 00:13 Candy "PENELOPEEEE PENELOPEEEE OHHHHHH" 00:13 Candy "....." 00:13 Zyklon how did he put it, when she popped his cherry? Something along those lines 00:13 lilybet PENNAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY 00:13 Zyklon PENELOPEAYYY 00:13 klichka Rika:if I named your legs christmas and thanksgiving would you be okay if I saw you between the holidays? 00:14 vivivi zing 00:14 Superman lol 00:14 Zyklon The saddest thing is, if a meteor had hitted the building and knocked her out, and he woulve finally gotten the laid, Robert would have thought of internet and us the whole time 00:14 Candy so what about your bathing habits Rika? 00:14 Superman Rika can I see some more of your art? I loved Obama with a wolverine dick 00:14 Zyklon After allegedly having the most meaningful relationship with a woman, what did Robb do? Come to 789chan 00:14 rika and she still kissed me in fucking drag 00:15 Candy oh god 00:15 rika thats how much she liked me 00:15 vivivi where did she kiss you? 00:15 Candy that sounds fucking hiliarious 00:15 protoautist So, rika, if you're not gonna let me help you with Penelope, can I ask what model camera you have? 00:15 rika my fucking lips 00:15 Zyklon I've kissed ugly babies just trying to be friendly to their mothers 00:15 vivivi lol 00:15 Zyklon doesnt mean I want to fuck them 00:15 RSDuke lol 00:15 Zyklon And kiss = wants to fuck you/loves you 00:15 vivivi So what did that teach you? 00:15 Zyklon laughing_whores.jpg 00:15 lilybet lol 00:15 TomFappington I can't stand babies 00:15 Candy she must have been PLASTERED AS FUCK 00:16 lilybet yep 00:16 RSDuke Robert, if you'd come to this realization that you claim, you wouldn't be here right now, would you? 00:16 rika EOS digital 00:16 lilybet on ganga 00:16 Zyklon TomFappington Babies are alright. When you don't have to take care of them. 00:16 protoautist Oh, nice, what model? 00:16 klichka oooo 00:16 klichka what model? 00:16 vivivi Rikaay do you have a favorite lens? 00:16 protoautist Isn't EOS a series of model? 00:16 rika it's an EOS digital cannon 00:16 protoautist No number? 00:16 klichka which one? 00:16 klichka Rebel T2I? 00:16 vivivi Canon EOS what? 00:16 rika thats the fucking model 00:16 RSDuke Two weeks ago, I recall you saying you were leaving the internet for her. We can all see how that worked out, eh? 00:17 vivivi No its not 00:17 vivivi Thats an entire line 00:17 vivivi Which one? 00:17 rika she could have helped me 00:17 protoautist Is it a 60D? 00:17 TomFappington I my experience they've been whiny and disruptive in public 00:17 Superman you need to help yourself 00:17 vivivi The EOS are Canons cheaper line of SLR 00:17 vivivi Whats your favorite lens? 00:17 lilybet did you really show her your ed article? 00:17 RSDuke she could have helped me A lot of people tried to, but you ignored them. 00:17 rika if she could gave come with me this would have been a hundred times better 00:17 RSDuke You ignore all good advice, Robert. 00:18 protoautist Because my cinematography teacher is really pushing me to get one of those for my first SLR, but I'm looking at a pretty cheap Nikon 5100 00:18 vivivi Rika I want to know about your fucking photography please help 00:18 RSDuke if she could gave come with me this would have been a hundred times better Why, so she could fight your battles for you? 00:18 vivivi I am a filmography student and I am struggling and need genderqueer advice 00:18 klichka proto:If you have the money the Rebel T2i is an awesome cam, my father has it 00:18 klichka takes great photos 00:18 RSDuke Casey Decker style? 00:18 *** SWEJ joined #789 00:18 +++ boat has given voice to SWEJ 00:18 protoautist How much do those usually run? 00:18 rika i;m going to fucking bed. never to return 00:18 klichka you can tell the difference 00:18 klichka let's see 00:18 Superman see you tommorrow 00:18 *** Candy quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 00:18 RSDuke Later, Robert Wayne Stiles. 00:19 rika i dream of the only fucking woman who could have helped 00:19 vivivi Nice to meet you Rika 00:19 Zyklon Never to return? See you tomorrow, Bob. 00:19 protoautist Rika, can I see your favorite picture you've taken? 00:19 SWEJ .seen dubs 00:19 protoautist Before you go? 00:19 TomFappington I miss dreaming 00:19 SWEJ aww 00:19 RSDuke i dream of the only fucking woman who could have helped I thought you dreamed of ED? 00:19 vivivi Rika I'm going to fuck penelope 00:19 klichka Available from 500 00:19 *** Candy joined #789 00:19 +++ boat has given voice to Candy 00:19 lilybet see you in 10 minutes, rob 00:19 rika just leave her out of this 00:19 Superman lol no 00:19 vivivi Nope 00:19 vivivi too late 00:19 rika thats all i'm saying 00:19 RSDuke You brought her up. 00:19 Superman we will destory her 00:19 vivivi I want to talk to her 00:19 vivivi she seems nice 00:19 rika 'if not your fucking PDK 00:19 Superman make an ED page 00:20 vivivi I want to learn the hundred things from her embrace 00:20 klichka http://www.electricsam.com/product.asp?id=25652 00:20 klichka here ya go 00:20 vivivi I want her to kiss my fucking lips 00:20 *** JEWS quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 00:20 RSDuke 'if not your fucking PDK Another person who tried to give you advice. 00:20 klichka it's a bit pricey but the photo quality is pretty good 00:20 rika you can't you only have 2 pictures 00:20 vivivi PDKAAAY 00:20 Zyklon When I come to the states, I am going to shove printed versions of the article to her letterbox 00:20 TomFappington who would fuck PDK? dem eyebrows man 00:20 protoautist Huh, well, I can get the 5100 with the default lens for 500, and it seems to be really fucking good according to snapsort.com 00:20 Superman we will lie and say she is a whore 00:20 Zyklon nice camera autism there 00:20 panitaliemom GOODBYE RIKA I LUV U 00:20 rika there is nothing you can write goddamnit ITS ALL FUCKING LIES 00:20 lilybet lol 00:20 Zyklon Okay Robb, fine 00:21 Superman Lying is what we do best 00:21 rika GOD FUCKING NIGGERS 00:21 protoautist Rika, show me the best picture you've taken 00:21 Zyklon could you point out any inaccuracies in the article 00:21 RSDuke Remember this, Robb? 00:21 vivivi YES 00:21 Superman >niggers 00:21 Zyklon I will fix them. 00:21 Zyklon Go on Robert. 00:21 Superman LOL SO TOLERANT 00:21 lilybet >dat racism 00:21 RSDuke GOD FUCKING NIGGERS Hi Sammy! 00:21 *** Candy quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 00:21 panitaliemom Whoa whoa whoa...watch the racial slurs, pal! 00:21 rika PTJznxojpgoirnjei-wk=jn4 00:21 klichka Zyklon:God forbid I know a cam because my father owns it 00:21 rika eg$wjpo F 00:21 RSDuke lol 00:21 *** Candy joined #789 00:21 +++ boat has given voice to Candy 00:21 vivivi dat bathsalts breakdown 00:21 lilybet rika GOD FUCKING NIGGERS 00:21 RSDuke Remember this, Robb? 00:21 Zyklon klichka wasnt talking to you 00:21 RSDuke Remember this, Robb? 00:21 Candy You'll always come back Rob 00:21 Candy thats your curse 00:21 Zyklon Why couldn't you listen to Unibrow? 00:21 *** rika quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 00:21 RSDuke Funny you mention PDK. 00:21 vivivi Aw 00:21 RSDuke lol 00:22 Zyklon SO 00:22 protoautist Rika, I'd really like to see your pictures 00:22 Superman lol 00:22 Superman fucking idiot 00:22 protoautist Oh 00:22 Zyklon I sure as hell hope you have the logs because I dont