16:17 rika screw these guys 16:17 introman haters. 16:17 rika they only are single minded spergs 16:17 introman they hate for a living 16:18 rika and thats it. i had an epipheny when i heard my moms sweet voice not talking me down anymore 16:18 rika she said "robert, my son." and i almost felt like crying 16:18 introman did you use my sentences I gave you or did you come up with the words yourself? 16:18 rika transexuality tears families appart, nuff said 16:19 rika and i just read what you said but my parents love taught me an even meaningful lesson 16:19 introman which is? 16:19 rika what i wrote above that 16:20 rika they love me unconditionally. 16:20 introman they were trying to help but the hormones and psychosis made you angry at them 16:21 rika true, and i will not show my face, but i will gladly crusade against that whole subculture 16:21 introman go to a dermatologist first. you might have to do media appearences in the future. 16:21 rika i suppose are you already in contact with them? 16:21 rika i could just wear a mask 16:22 introman i can contact some of them in my off time 16:22 introman but you first have to have content. 16:22 introman stories written down about your epiphany 16:22 introman and what they tried to do to you 16:22 introman and how they used "transphobia" to hunt the dissenters down 16:23 rika heres the thing, i exagerated some of my claims, i really didnt throw poop or piss on the floor or eat it 16:23 rika i wanted to see if they'd put it on my article and than i'd change who i was 16:23 rika i realized that transexuality made me angry and hateful 16:23 introman honestly, drugs + pyschosis can cause that. howard huges did some weird shit with poo as well. but i don't hold it against you if you did. 16:24 rika the article is now the ULTIMATE argument against transexuality 16:24 rika i honestly didnt throw poop. my face is just hugely fucked up from salts 16:24 rika but i kicked those 16:25 introman you're a good writer. what you will write will impact future youths. 16:25 introman and which decisions not to make. 16:25 rika what is your reason against it? 16:26 rika my was that it made me think irrationally 16:26 introman transgenders need therapy , not hormones and hugboxes 16:26 introman we don't change society because a dude believes that a talking bear is in his head 16:26 introman sorry about the gender shit. we're not going to change society because of a .5 percent occurence at the most 16:27 rika i agree that it enables insanity 16:27 introman all the trannies i have met. destroyed their family lifes on a goal that is impossible. a fools quest 16:27 rika hugboxes fuel you to believe that you are right and not consider anyone elses POV 16:28 rika but it is a fetish 16:28 rika thats all it is. i will be honest i wanted milla. i wasnt thinking clearly 16:28 rika i am a skinny man with a fucking dick 16:28 rika i looked in the mirror today 16:29 introman think all of the damage you witnessed because of transgenderism. 16:29 introman the public should know your side. 16:30 rika NOT one of them was on good terms with their family 16:30 introman since we only hear from the people who's delusions are satisfied. 16:30 rika Look at ADF, he believes that his father is a rapist for not agreeing with his view point 16:31 rika the press aids the transgender movement 16:31 rika without looking at the negatives 16:32 introman so, ever since you kicked transgenderism to the curb. how has your life improved at this short of a time? 16:33 rika my parents like me again. my mom sounded really excited and you could hear the aproval in my dads voice 16:34 introman they might be conservetive but they also do care. you learned the lesson when they're still around and not as a 60 year old transgender prostitute . 16:35 rika what is the plan from here. im willing to peacefully protest, if the stonecutters help me get the online medias attention about this 16:36 introman write articles and upload photos of htem 16:37 rika but we cant use 789chan for this can we? 16:37 introman we can but they will just hate. 16:37 introman we can post the articles up on their 16:37 introman but don't make it as the main source 16:38 rika well thats what i meant, just posting it. 16:38 rika i am using my article and my experiences first and foremost 16:38 introman write it on your blog and they will copy/paste it anyway 16:38 introman you know how they do. 16:39 rika i dont care personally. my future is NOT written on that article, only my past 16:40 rika i can change 16:40 rika i am angry but anger cant last forever 16:40 introman use the failure to prop you up for future success 16:41 introman don't let the trannies bury rob in that hole. 16:43 rika do you think its too late for adf? i was at the cliffs edge and im hanging by a single finger 16:44 rika idk if hes got much hope 16:46 introman let him find his way 16:47 rika mentally, i think hes gone. im barely there. 16:47 rika now talking to paibakku about possibly hosting a blog somewhere 16:49 introman he's a good dude 16:52 introman did he help you rika?