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File 134820461318.jpg - (13.62KB , 226x251 , sonic.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
11289 No. 11289
Why do people on /cwc/ get so butthurt over this image? You surely realize that you're being successfully trolled, right?
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>> No. 11290
It's not trolling, it's just doing the same shit again and again in a rigid, autistic manner.
>> No. 11291
Homor your a fag sperg too
>> No. 11293
Don't try to justify getting mad over a stupid picture on the internet. It's PATHETIC (rimshot)

Also, I think that people get mad over it because they ARE alone in their bedrooms on a Friday night
>> No. 11296
its spam and against the rules

inb4 u mad autistic sperglord fag succesfully trolled ween
>> No. 11297
If you changed up the text every week you might get a forced meme, but as it is you're just a boring fag trolling for low-hanging fruit.
>> No. 11298
>but as it is you're just a boring fag trolling for low-hanging fruit

It works, doesn't it?

>This is against da rulez! OP is a faggot! Reported, saged and hidden! I'm sick of this being posted every weekend! I'm reporting this to the mod! >:((((((
>> No. 11299
yes, but what's the point if it's guaranteed replies?
>> No. 11300
deal with it, nerd
>> No. 11301
What's the point of getting angry over it?
>> No. 11302
...You're the guy who's been posting this shit, aren't you?

The real problem isn't the picture, it's the ban evasion.
>> No. 11303
>> No. 11304
Also you seem pretty upset over a silly macro. It appears you can dish out the trolling but you can't seem to take it....
>> No. 11306

I'm annoyed that some faggot thinks it's funny to do stupid shit on a rigid, autistic schedule and then shout "JK GUYS I WAS ONLY PRETENDING TO BE RETARD!" like it means anything.
>> No. 11307
But by admitting you're pissed about it, you're giving the so called "faggot" exactly what he wants. Haven't you learned anything from your experience as a mod of a board dedicated to people who act just like this?
>> No. 11308
apparently he hasn't, but its to be expected from homor's constant 'tism.
>> No. 11309
I learned absolutely nothing except i hate all of you faggots.
>> No. 11313
File 134830613178.png - (23.64KB , 530x513 , frostman.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Are you even trying to hide the fact that you're an autistic potential lolcow anymore?
>> No. 11316
File 134835889492.gif - (2.65MB , 200x164 , 1338224612842.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Visit 789chan for first time
first thread
spastic manchildren arguing over a dumb spam picture and aparently the lamest copy pasta in history
/b/ is the same on all the chans
off to other boards
>> No. 11317
>came from 4chan
Go back to your pedophile-supporting, pony-loving, trollshielder-enabling excuse of a message board.
>> No. 11318
>visiting any chan's /b/ and not expecting disappointment
i lol'd
>> No. 11319
7chan mostly , didn't visit 4chan in ages
I kinda said I expected it cause I said /b/ is the same on any chan
>> No. 11320
>implying anyone but homor gets butthurt at that image
>> No. 11321
He has no social life other than this forum, he doesn't like to be reminded of it.

>> No. 11322
File 134836172256.jpg - (54.92KB , 486x409 , hahahahatman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 11323
I am a faggot rape my face
>> No. 11327
Batman's laughing because he got dubs
>> No. 11328
>act like a faggot
>people call you a faggot
>> No. 11331
File 134861315526.jpg - (15.43KB , 290x290 , lol.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>implying that it is right to freak out over retarded image macros

Also, you sound pretty badass using fightin' words like "faggot". What's next, are you going to call me a "niggerfaggot", press reply, and then knock over your open bottle of Rockstar energy drink, fold your arms and tilt your head upwards like a pretty cool guy?
>> No. 11332


people calling you stupid =/=trolling

sorry to disappoint you >>11331
>> No. 11335
Explain to me why everyone cries like a little bitch to the mods whenever this picture is posted. I mean, really, do people really have to be such babies over a bad post?
>> No. 11336
its spam, dude.
>> No. 11337
"Waaah someone posted a thread about something not lolcows! It's spam because the image pisses me off, not because it's advertising a free penis enlarger or something like that! Seanie, make the bad man go away!"
>> No. 11338
you sound butthurt. if you don't like the rules than go use a different website, sperg.
>> No. 11339
I just think that people overreact to this image to the extent that it can be posted any given Friday and someone would get buttravaged about it.
>> No. 11340
>implying that it is right to freak out over getting called out for being retarded
>implying this is EPIN WEEN!!!111
not even once
>> No. 11343
Watch the reaction if this gets posted on friday. People will get all mad that they've been reminded of their lack of a social life and demand that it be locked.
>> No. 11344
>> No. 11351
  OP's face every time he posts that image.
>> No. 11354
>implying most things that /cwc/ does aren't ween

also you can't really justify getting pissed off/annoyed over an image macro so you have to pull out the "YOU THINK YOU'RE SO WEEN DON'T YOU MISTER COOL GUY" card

finally, I haven't posted it once, hence my not being banned
>> No. 11355
>also you can't really justify getting pissed off/annoyed over an image macro

I don't get pissed off over an image macro, Anon.
You, however, seem to have a large pain in your rectum. Why is that?

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