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File 133468786437.png - (13.27KB , 426x364 , 1334682885762.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1155 No. 1155
I just wanted to make a post about Yasmin outside of /cwc/.

The truth is that I am incredibly attracted to Yasmin. Even if Yasmin is just a guy trolling by pretending to be this girl, I still find myself helplessly attracted to the character being portrayed.

All of you ween legion faggots who demand that everyone be anonymous and claim that someone is no longer anonymous when they start posting with a name are mistaken. If her "identity" is so apparent and accessible, why don't we actually know anything about her? Why doesn't she know anything about me? Why, if she's decidedly not anonymous, do I still feel so compelled by this charming and mysterious individual without feeling like I have any idea who they actually are?

Yasmin, if you're reading this, consider this my proclamation of affection for you. I've kept quiet and played down my presence on these boards for quite a while now, but I had to say something.
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>> No. 1157
File 133468978747.jpg - (24.03KB , 500x430 , herp-derp-durr-1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>yasmin is an attention whore!
>proceed to give her attention
>> No. 1158
>implying namefags go away if you don't pay attention to them
>> No. 1159
File 133470183472.jpg - (9.84KB , 251x251 , 1334461608194.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
5/10 you had me going lol
>> No. 1160
danged impostor...
>> No. 1161

Seanieb made me change my tripcode because I was using his for a while
>> No. 1162
>tubular monkey loves yasmin

Its gonna fly over her head, but good show.
>> No. 1163
That makes sense. I had seen some sort of minor dust-up where someone pointed out the identical tripcodes, but I didn't realize you had changed yours.

5/10 is probably all I deserve for this ineffectual gesture, but I assure you that I am not putting you on.
>> No. 1164

>Implying I didn't just catch it in my chest
>> No. 1165
Yasmin is real, she even has a bollywood themed youtube channel.
>> No. 1166
We could be a tripfag power couple. Just think about it.
>> No. 1168
Who cares that Tubular Monkey is about twice as old as our little Indian Diamond. They are a match made in heaven.
>> No. 1170
Prove you are the TRUE & HONEST Tubular Monkey.
>> No. 1171

You scare me
>> No. 1172
>still doesn't get the joke
>> No. 1174
I don't even want to be me, why would anyone else?
>> No. 1177
What is this I don't even...
>> No. 1180
"Tubular Monkey" got bored and decided to make a thread about how much he thinks Yasmin is an attention whore.

Yasmin, unable to recognize when the most EPIC WEEN sperg on the site is giving her shit, responded.
>> No. 1181
I actually am attracted to Yasmin but I knew people would dismiss it as a trolling attempt, so it was easier to confess.
>> No. 1182

Your first mistake was in giving Tubular Spergy a single credit.
>> No. 1183
>i dont know who's trolling who anymore
>> No. 1185
>Long-term gf just broke up with me
>At coffee shop trying to think of how to get my shit together
>notice cute girl is has been looking at me for some time
>smile at her and wave a little
>go back to staring at my coffee
>lock up to see her sitting next to me
>asks me what’s wrong
>little reluctant, think it’s a trick
>It isn’t
>she was dumped recently too
>accidentally stare at her cleavage as she’s talking
>start to get hard
>feel a hand run up my leg
>see her breathing a bit hard
>asks if I like what I see
>guide her hand to my zipper
>she unzips my fanny pack by mistake
>spaghetti falls out
>try to clean it up with my sock
>start to cry
>get embarrassed and fart watery diarrhea all over my man skirt
>smear shit all over the window and ask her to marry me
>mfw she said no
>> No. 1186
I know that feel bro
>> No. 1187
File 133535291393.png - (27.59KB , 385x329 , 1335228192838.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1197
File 133606121591.jpg - (24.07KB , 324x331 , yasminxxxbunker.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1582
My opinion has changed slightly, but not by much.
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