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1218 No. 1218
Why is it so fucking hard for people over their 20's to be responsible, show initiative or not be a stupid fuck when they live with roommates?

I shared my place with people by renting rooms in a big apartment close downtown and it seems to me that I almost have to babysit those fuckers cause they can't do anything on their own. For example, if the trash bag is full in the kitchen, instead of taking it out and install a new one in the garbage, they'd rather put their trash either on top or next to it. They never clean around the kitchen either. If they make a huge fucking mess on the stove, they don't care to clean it no matter how much I bitch to them to clean around the place. Unless I clean it, nobody else ever does. They barely ever pass the broom and mop the floors. They always back up to me accusing them of being lazy fucks about how they have to work and shit... Guess what? I do too, fucker!

Nobody ever cleans the toilet either. However, cleaning around is not their only flaw. I have seen girls move in with us at some point and they didn't took 45 fucking minutes showering alone. I live with 2 other guys right now and they take fucking forever in the shower. More often than not, when I wake up, I need to take a piss or shit. It seems they go out of their way to extend their shower cause they somehow know I just woke up. The best I can do instead of shouting at the door to get out is to run all the hot water in the kitchen sink so they leave sooner.

I have this guy who I have been living with for years now who is a complete junkie of his beloved internet. He can't live without it or else he just goes apeshit. If it is down, he continiously knocks at my door since I have the router and modem to ask if the internet is fixed. He can do this several times a night. Once, we had a 300$ bill to pay since we rented a room to a guy who never shown up and the management wanted their jewgolds. I was not going to fucking pay this all by myself especially when that guy lives with me. I asked him to help me out and he said in a broken english ''I'll talk to the owner about this'' before pathetically hiding in his room. I then knocked at his door and told him it's his responsibilty to help me out cause it was said as soon as he moved in here that everything from rent to bills and bullshit like the 300$ thing that everyone splits equally. This little fucknut refused to help out at first so I casually informed him that since we were only two guys in the apartment since the guy who rented the room fucked us over by not showing up that if I have to pay this all by my own then he will be banned from internet until he does. I am pretty sure he just shat his pants right then and there. At first, he said he didn't care and wanted to move out one month earlier from the apartment since he couldn't have internet anymore. This is how desperate this fucker was. He'd rather move shit by himself and go through the process of looking for another place which compared to others around town, I charge barely nothing. He'd rather moan and cry about how he suddenly wants to be above the rules that were set for years around the place even though he lives with us because ''he doesn't want to help out and it's not his fault''. What this little prick didn't think about is that it was not mine either. Yet again, according to his logic, I should still pay for him anyway cause he does not want to. Finally, he ended up paying his part possibly because of the idea of living without internet was unbearable for him.

The most stupid shit I ever seen from a guy living with us was how he wanted to dry a white shirt of his but didn't knew where to hang it. Nevermind the doors or windows nearby. Instead, hang it on the water sprinkler system in the living room. Guess what the fuck happenned? Water fucking everywhere. He shortly moved after to avoid the cleaning fees.

This is fucking why I am moving on my own in July. Fuck roommates, seriously...
>> No. 1219
>Why is it so fucking hard for people over their 20's to be responsible, show initiative or not be a stupid fuck when they live with roommates?

If you're in your twenties and can't afford to support yourself fully/live alone, odds are that you're irresponsible, lack initiative and that you're a stupid fuck. The question answers itself.
>> No. 1221
>This is fucking why I am moving on my own in July. Fuck roommates, seriously...

You either didn't read the post in full, you are a stupid ADD fuck or both.
>> No. 1222
I just answered the question you asked, without any deliberate judgment of you.
In fact, I assumed that you were asking the question regarding the people who were renting a room from you, but I guess if you really feel that buttmurdered and insecure about it, that's something you should work on.

Also, it's worth noting that in the English language, the word 'you' doesn't always mean something is being addressed specifically at you. I'm not saying that you're a stupid ADD fuck, but you may want to brush up on your sixth grade reading comprehension. I bet you won't even be able to pull your shit together by July and you'll end up sharing living space with degenerates and losers for the rest of your life.
>> No. 1589
I've always wondered about this.

This is a question that can be answered by anyone who has ever rented out their apartment to share with roommates.

I live with a married couple right now and I rent their spare bedroom. I pretty much never see them or go out of my way to talk to them. I've had only one full conversation with them in the year that I've lived with them and I've probably interacted with them directly less than a dozen times. I usually only come out at night and otherwise try to avoid them.

Is this annoying or worrisome to the person that owns the place? I'm really just trying to be polite and respectful and quiet, but I worry that they think I'm weird.
>> No. 1602
fudge that crap, i like living with my mom's like a 30 year old manbaby playing vidya and getting free food and crap

lol they prolly think ur a weirdo
>> No. 1615
No, I never or ever barely spoke to my roommates. Trying to hard to talk to them WILL get them to think you are weird. Unless they are fucking paranoid, they probably just think you are going on with your every day life just like anyone else would.
>> No. 1679
What's the proper protocol for a roommate situation in terms of longterm living?

I've been renting a room from these people for over a year now and don't have plans to leave any time soon, but when I first moved in I was only expecting to be here for a few months. Things have changed for me since then, so this is where I want to stay, but I'm neurotic and paranoid enough that I always feel like they want me to leave. Granted, they haven't really done or said anything to give me a good reason to think I should move out, but I can't help feeling the way I do.
>> No. 1680
For one thing, if they really want you to leave, they will probably tell you. If they haven't said anything and you are still worried, ask yourself what you will do if they say yes. Are you ready and willing to leave? If not, maybe better not to ask and wait for them to initiate. If you are willing and able to leave, just explain that you would like to continue living there for awhile longer and ask them if that is OK. I do think that most people would say something if they were bothered by you continuing to live there.
>> No. 1689
Any time I talk to them, they ask me how I'm doing and that's about it. I rarely ever talk to them, though.

I guess one thing I'm worried about is the fact that they told me they wanted to have a baby last year when I moved in. I feel like I'm possibly preventing them from having a baby, which would actually be an okay thing since they'd be awful parents.
>> No. 1917
so does your roomie have a sweet creamy ass???
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