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No. 1232
I don't like the new layout, it makes my eyes extremely sore.
Your's sincerely,
Christina Weston Chandler.
>> No. 1233
so change the theme, autist
>> No. 1234
Only works for the one thread, click a link and it reverts to an eyesore that was as bad as that summerfag song.
>> No. 1235
When I saw the color my first thought was that the mods had inexplicably gone pony on us.
>> No. 1236
Everything is ruined! I do NOT love that bitch! I will not be SLANDERED like this! This is OVER THE LINE! My Lawyer will be in Touch.
>> No. 1237
Moving this to /bitch/
>> No. 1290
I really don't like this text layout right now. It's like I'm actually using a Commodore 64 or some old shit like that.

All that blocky text...It's giving me a CWCheadache.
>> No. 1291
OK this layout shit is starting to get ridiculous
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